#High Quality Audio
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dice-sociation · 8 months ago
AP Review: Reckless Attack - Main Campaign
Listen Here: https://www.recklessattack.com/episodes/
Quick info:
Audio Quality: High Quality and Edited, Effects, Music. Vibes: Lord of the Rings, Ghibli, Never Ending Story, Avatar the Last Airbender, Frogs Extras: Discord and Patreon rewards. System: 5e DnD Average Episode time: 1 hour Uploads 1 Episode per week. Campaign/ Show Length: Long Term Campaign Platforms: Podcast, Audio Only. Accessibility: Content Warnings Language available: English Diversity: AAPI/BIPOC Number of Episodes Review is based on: 100 (This is my first review so I decided to start with a Podcast I’m already caught up on) ** If you want the TLDR, scroll to the bottom of the post **
Why Reckless Attack?
I honestly believe that part of the draw of listening to people play a TTRPG is not just the story telling but an assurance that adults can somehow actually and consistently come together, in person, to pull off a full long term game. Reckless Attack is one such podcast. They are a small indie podcast with excellent audio quality and editing. 
But, why should you listen to another high fantasy podcast? Well, have you ever wanted to see what a post-apocalyptic High Fantasy world would look like? The deeper you delve into Reckless Attack, the deeper the lore gets, and we have barely scratched the surface a hundred episodes in. You’ll join the players as they explore a world recovering from an apocalyptic event, ripe with magic and unstable artifacts, an undead army, and frogs.
Starting The Pod
Right out the gate, the listeners are greeted by a Lord of the Rings style opening monologue, giving relevant history and context to the kind of place the characters live in. I personally get the feeling a lot of the world was established in a previous game or between the DM and players prior to the start of this campaign. If, as a listener, it feels like you're missing something, don't worry; you'll get a lot more context down the road, especially once the players make it to the city of Agmar (Episode 15). The first 15 episodes are a nice slow build up. 
Conveniently, the first recap episode covers Episode 1-14! (Though I really enjoyed the first 14 episodes, I know not everyone has the amount of listening time I have). If you are so inclined to start from the first episode, you'll get nicely eased into the characters and their relationships with one another before a lot of the bigger world building really starts to soar.
(My one caveat is that I listen to this podcast at 1.3-1.4 speed since the players and Nathan speak with a good amount of pauses, and that can be a little too slow for me.)
About the Team
Nathan, the DM for the main campaign, paints some amazing pictures of his homebrew world. He has a real talent for creating larger than life NPCs and Big Baddies for his players to interact with. They all have clear motivations, flaws, and personalities that truly rounds out the overall story. When it comes to plot, Nathan kept me on my toes with plot twists that would literally snap me out of whatever multitasking I was doing. And I must recognize how often Nathan opens the floor for the players to build parts of the story and describe longer stretches of downtime. Those moments are like the equivalent of cinematic montages to represent the passing of time.
The players, Sophie, Steve, David, and Jonathan, deliver wonderful descriptions and leave plenty of space for each other to speak, balanced with just the right amount of crosstalk. Each character has a very unique voice which is helpful for listeners (especially because David and Jonathan are twins and have similar voices).
Sophie plays Valeska Carter, the Human * Cleric. "Valeska is a young woman in search of answers. Like, compulsively."* I quickly fell in love with Val, an exhausted nerd who can never have enough notes and organization. If you're the kind of person who is always rescuing animals, you will love her too. 
Steve plays Selv Asterlin, the Dragonborn Monk. "Selv’s years at his town’s icy mountain monastery has trained not just his body, but also his mind and emotions. The large dragonborn seeks to be a peacemaker in conflicts, exuding strength, calm and serenity while straying away from violence and lethal force when possible."* But don't be fooled, Selv is often one for the occasional good prank, and I always appreciate Steve's references even when the rest of the group don't understand them. (I got you Steve) 
David plays Kascorin "Kass" Brightmane, the Dwarven Warlock. "Tomorrow (Kass leaves) this city for the Golden Tree adventuring guild, and in leaving this city, (He leaves his) friends, (his) family, and (his) comfortable life behind."* Kass is very grounded, serious, and focused, until he runs into tasty dried meats. Kass has all the charm of a warlock and the grit of a soldier. 
Jonathan plays Checkers, the Gung Druid, with his trusty pals Mango and Junior. "Joining the Golden Tree adventuring guild on a dare, Checkers and his frog pal Mango are here to prove that it’s better to find your own path than to follow someone else’s. After all, where’s the fun in looking before you leap?"* Checkers is a lot like the characters I personally play. Someone who doesn't stand around for too much planning and prefers to "leap" into action. In my very humble opinion, every group needs an instigator. 
I have also come to really admire the level of trust and respect the group has for one another. They handle both wonderful whimsical beats as well as solemn moments with great care (Episode 108 was magnificent.)
*Quoted from the official Reckless Attack website. You can find this and more at their website www.recklessattack.com. (Be aware, reading the available character sheets may contain spoilers)
About the World
Ryxia is built on a world where long ago, the Gods walked among mortals, but one day they left. As if in consequence, magic in this world seems to ebb and flow, and monsters roam the wilds. Until, the "second of Ryxia’s twin suns disappeared from the sky, the Ultragiants appeared, and the Pentarchy’s great capital city of Narhasur was turned into a smoldering crater." *
You can think of the Ultra Giants as the Titans of this world, being elemental and colossal. These Ultra Giants terrorized mortals until one day, the mortals managed to kill one " wielding their city’s Object of Focus… The object was destroyed, as was much of the army. But strangely, within days, the Ultragiants no longer stalked Ryxia."*
As the mortals re-emerged, they started to rebuild despite the incredible amount of monsters who now roam the lands. 
*Quoted from the official Reckless Attack website. You can find this and more at their website www.recklessattack.com. (Be aware, reading the available character sheets may contain spoilers)
Aside from the main campaign Nathan has his own series called Reckless A-Talk. This series Nathan or others on the team interview incredible people from all over the TTRPG space. Nathan's style of interviewing is mostly allowing his guest to speak more than he does, followed by the wonderful lightning round questions. I highly recommend listening to these (as a little treat) if you are interested in learning other perspectives and other aspects of the industry. 
Bonus one shots are another part of Reckless Attack, allowing the players to take the reigns.  They serve as fun filler for when you just can't wait for the next episode to drop. 
And if that's still not enough content for you, you can always subscribe to their Patreon for even more content, including the very relaxed Reckless A-Snack.
High Fantasy world rebuilding the world after mortals were nearly wiped out.
Listeners will get a good feel of the world within the first 14 episodes. (IMO, the pacing starts to pick up after Episode 14)
Here are "Tale Til Now," recap episodes for those who want to catch up faster. (Episodes 1-14, 14-42, 42-66, 67-84)
Non Player Characters are larger than life, with clear motives and personalities.
The Dungeon Master and Players share a lot of world building and you can feel the love and trust they have for each other.
Recommended listening at 1.3x-1.5x speed if you are one of those people (you know who you are).
Find more details about the world and characters at www.recklessattack.com.
Lots of extra content for those who just need more, including; interviews, one-shots run by the players, and patreon bonus content. https://www.patreon.com/recklessattack/home
Do you have ideas or suggestions? Please feel free to comment!
Special thanks to Artax of Who's Taking Watch for helping with editing!
No Context Spoilers:
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cricketsrings · 10 months ago
Die Konzerthalle der Grillen
In einer kleinen Stadt in Süddeutschland wurde eine Konzerthalle eröffnet, die speziell für Konzerte zum Zirpen der Grillen gedacht ist. Das Publikum sitzt auf bequemen Holzbänken unter einer offenen Decke, während das Zirpen der Grillen die Luft erfüllt. Diese Konzerte sind eine große Attraktion für Touristen und Einheimische gleichermaßen und locken Menschen aus dem ganzen Land an, um diese einzigartige Naturschönheit zu genießen.
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littledemo0n · 1 year ago
So there's this fic from @whatwooshkai that im really enjoying
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nokmietarchive · 1 year ago
I haven't see the full version of the boards for this lost rottmnt episode anywhere so I'm uploading it here for the sake of preservation!
TMNR078: Spicy Meatball by Andrew Kim
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tani-b-art · 1 month ago
Ava to Janine: What’s it like to date you?
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themarsbar · 10 months ago
high quality unintentional asmr for the anxious girlies (gn) 💕
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sezija · 11 months ago
Pictures of Alcor
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skeletonsonparade · 3 months ago
i made another
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penebui · 3 months ago
Livestream of the Houseki no Kuni Drone Show in Tokyo.
Voiceover by Tomoyo Kurosawa, the VA for Phosphophyllite from the anime.
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skeletalheartattack · 7 months ago
bozo dubbed over dubbed over
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fangjuexias · 4 months ago
Heaven Official's Blessing Audio Drama S2 || Insert Song, "Vice"
原著:墨香铜臭@墨香铜臭MXTX 策划:括号君@战场老军医括号君 作曲/编曲:李大白@李大白k 作词:冥凰 演唱:无面小生 伴唱:ciyo/王韩伊淋 华阴老腔:国家级非物质文化遗产华阴老腔传承人张喜民 唢呐:瓢三爷 吉他:大牛 fales cord(嘶吼):腰子同学 混音:三星堆工作室
幽幽夜沉沉 语悄悄 听 何人行踽踽 登初宵 游魂野客喧嚣 高门重府烛摇 问旦福夕祸 世间知多少
忽而风起 似谁笑 良辰吉时到 几家烹欢宴 肉骨喂邪妖 不足饱 他神色木然 既悲又喜 耳畔道 回头 却是恶言生寒 入髓窍
迷迷雾漫漫 哭渺渺 提 昏灯过长街 天不晓 花腔滚板未消 恶鬼怨伥又告 问天公愚聩 善恶何以报
社鼓阵阵 金铙厉 良辰吉时到 造化如命数 欢恨谁借着 不相饶 他神色木然 似悟非悟 举斧刀 回头 却是青衣扶摇 登仙道
休将奸狡昧神祗,祸福如同逐影随 善有善报,恶有恶报 不是不报,时辰未到
断足折颅 摧魄裂魂 手起刀落 血飞肉滚 剜心剔骨 解我悲忿 易除厄罚 难偿苦恨
断足折颅 摧魄裂魂 有命还命 以待三更 诸罪来受戮 见鬼神
有头者超,无头者升 鬼魅一切,四生沾恩 太上敕令,超汝孤魂 脱离苦海,转世往生
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dice-sociation · 7 months ago
Girls Who Don’t DnD
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Quick Info
Audio Quality: High-Quality Audio, Effects, Music. (Occasional fan-submitted recordings)
Vibes: Throne of Glass, Doctor Who, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Princess and the Pauper
Extras: Patreon rewards, Discord Community with Book Club, and more!
System: 5e DnD
Campaign/ Show Length: Long Term Campaign
Average Episode time: 1.5 Hours (varies a bit)
Uploads 1 episode a month. 
Diversity: Majority Women
Platforms: Podcast, Audio Only. 
Number of Episodes This Review is based on: 30+ 
** If you want the TLDR, scroll to the bottom of the post **
Why Girls Who Don’t DnD?
How often have you said to yourself, “Man, I wish I could experience that for the first time again?” While we can’t reset your brain, you can live vicariously through the Girls Who Don’t D&D podcast. 
If you're looking for a podcast with relaxed gameplay, fantastic humor, great editing, and effects, you should read on to learn more. This wonderful adventure showcases the beautiful experience of watching three girls fall in love with Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). 
Starting the Pod
The podcast starts with Cory, the Dungeon Master (DM), explaining that he has invited three girls, Indy, Alana, and Stacey, who have never played D&D, into his world of Kalee with premade characters. If you, the listener, haven’t played before, you’ll learn a lot just from listening. Cory purposely doesn’t edit out explanations of how to play. I’m confident my experience was better because I was still learning to play the game myself as I started listening.
Right from the start you will hear how much work Cory puts into editing and pre-recording. He recruits people to voice-act for non-player characters (NPCs) or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world. This includes the origin of magical artifacts, gods, and sometimes an NPC’s perspective that the players don’t get to hear.  It feels like listening to an audiobook and honestly, I think “booktok” would love Girls Who Don’t DnD. 
We learn that the three player characters, Freya, Kaa'Riin, and Morrigan, have lost their memories and need to recover them. The story and the discovery of who the player characters are and what happened to them work in tandem with the players themselves learning the game in a beautiful way. 
Power gamers and hardcore strategy? We don’t need that here. (Tosses book over shoulder). This group is made of story-tellers who usually choose to progress the narrative over strategy. At first, it's like watching Without A Recipe or the British Bake Off challenge where they have no clue what they are supposed to be making. This makes it all the more special when the players get more comfortable with the gameplay and more grounded in their characters. 
About the Team
Cory, "(who owns all the books but hasn't read them)"* completely absorbs the chaos the girls bring to the table and somehow also keeps them immersed in the story. He holds onto the rules of D&D loosely, letting his players use their abilities in different and unique ways. You still get full epic fights with no pulled punches, yet they feel more cinematic than the usual D&D grind. Outside of combat, Cory introduces challenging puzzles and encounters that present more opportunities for his players to think outside the mechanics of the game.
I adore Alana, Indy, and Stacy. I have some difficulty with telling their voices apart, but I never felt like that took away from my enjoyment of the show. Over time they develop their characters and have different play styles. They all have so much personality and bring their own flavor to the table. 
Indy, playing Freya the Rogue, has to be the most classic of first-time players, starting a little hack-and-slash happy, but eventually, she gets really into the strategy of the game. Freya is a cheeky scamp of a character and Indy leans naturally into the rogue class.  
Alana, playing Morrigan the Sorcerer, is usually the most sensible of the group. She is a leader in a way. There is so much more I want to say but I can't think of anything that isn't a big spoiler. Playing a sorcerer for your first time playing D&D is never easy, but Cory was able to ease her into the role and she runs with it.
Stacey, playing Kaa'Riin the Bearbarian (Druid with some Barbarian), has some epic combat moments. She can change from one animal to another without reverting to humanoid form, which deviates from traditional Druid rules. This decision, as well as other tweaks of the rules, help the pacing of the overall production. 
And sure, you're probably thinking their whole schtick is that they don't know D&D, so wouldn't it lose its charm after they get better? Absolutely not. Not even a little bit. This table is casual, silly, charming, and gripping. They make me feel like I am with my best friends playing our chaos gremlins together. 
A special shout to Mia Stegner (https://www.miastegner.com/) who composed and performed the opening and closing songs. It’s the cherry on top of this podcast sunday.
*Referenced from the Podcast Description. https://www.girlswhodontdnd.com/ 
About the world
“There is a saying among the good people of Kalee, when you know what is right, do what is right, and then deliver it all into the endless sea” From Episode 1: Throw it Into the Sea, Aug 16, 2021.
Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings. 
There is just something so satisfying about learning the characters' backstories and how their stories are expertly baked in the many-layered cake that makes the world. Flavors include; wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan (the real star of the later episodes).
There are so many Patreon perks! You get behind-the-scenes talks, recipes from Indy, DMing tips, Lana's book reviews, and more! You can also join their Discord server where Cory is pretty active and they encourage community gaming and have a book club.
This podcast is about girls learning to play D&D using premade characters with amnesia. The girls learning to play parallels the story’s progression as they regain memories. 
Reliving the experience of learning to play for the first time all over again. 
Loosely follows the rules of 5e to keep the pacing up.
DM Cory recruits people to voice act for NPCs or to play out memories or scenes. Some additions are just for the listeners, giving us a little extra information about the lore of the world.
It's a little hard to tell the girls apart, but I don’t think it takes away from my enjoyment at all. 
Wild magic, strange and whimsical characters, Evil Queens, “timey-wimey” stuff, super cute plans, snails, Gods, magic crystals, trapped souls, and Alan. 
DM Cory presents a world both complex and informed by the player's choices and features some of the more bizarre parts of typical High Fantasy settings.
Special thanks to Artax of Who's Taking Watch for helping with editing!
No Context Gifs:
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cricketsrings · 10 months ago
Der Cricket-Chor
Ein Chor aus Bewohnern Hamburger Dörfern hat sich gegründet, um Lieder aufzuführen, die vom Zirpen der Grillen inspiriert sind. Mit einzigartigem und natürlichem Gesang kombinieren sie die menschliche Stimme mit natürlicher Harmonie, um erstaunliche musikalische Darbietungen zu schaffen. Ihre erste Show war ein großer Erfolg und erregte die Aufmerksamkeit des lokalen Publikums und der Naturmusikfans.
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deerest-me · 5 months ago
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might-be-tiny-gt · 9 months ago
Listen to the Audio Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Read the Story Index | First Chapter | Current Chapter
OMG THIS FREAKING CHAPTER AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *Deep Breaths* I have been trying to upload this particular chapter for nearly a month JESUS CHRIST IT'S OVER ITS DONE ITS UPLOADED I NEVER NEED TO TOUCH THIS FILE EVER AGAIN! *Falls flat on face*
The Art of Love and War is written by @fireflywritesgt and the audio reading is recorded and posted with permission.
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messenger-of-stupidity · 1 year ago
I'm sorry but I gotta talk about this.
I literally love how Dove reacts when they get visions about the future.
And I'm not talking about the way they act as they're experiencing the vision. I'm talking about how they react with the information they got from the vision.
Like, you mean to say that this bitch had a vision that told them that yes, they will have a lovely relationship wit Cyril. Yes, they will love together. And yes, he does call them a pet name. And then they act super chill about it for who knows how long? They just sit on this info and aren't kicking their feet girlypop style?
And then when he mentions how they're like a dove. And Dove is just like "haha flowery prose nerd. Ha ha." And meanwhile this is pointing towards that lovely vision coming true??
Like, holy shit. What kind of poker face does this bitch have??? CAN I BUY IT AT MY LOCAL WHOLE FOODS STORE?? (Because they shop there, I refuse to believe otherwise.)
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