#High Priestess Samurai Jack
sociopath-analysis · 2 years
Sociopath Profile: the High Priestess
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From the 2017 fifth season of Samurai Jack Voiced by Grey Delisle
You all are looking at one of the darkest characters in the entire show. Even Aku, a being made of evil, isn’t as terrifying as her. And even he’s surprised at the lengths she’s willing to go. The High Priestess is one of the main villains of season five and she is largely responsible for the dark tone shift in the show. And even worse, she’s only human. (Well, possibly.)
Let’s just start with the fact that she’s the leader of a cult that worships a literal embodiment of evil. She is willing to do anything for Aku and will openly advocate for the destruction of anything good in the world. The members of her cult, her own daughters, are put through nightmarish training that could end up getting them killed and treats it like the most normal thing in the world. She shows no concern for her daughters and abuses them both physically and mentally in order to make them take out Jack.
And she’s not exactly cruel so much as cold and emotionless. Her voice never really has much noticeable emotion when she does terrible things. And she doesn’t abuse her daughters to be sadistic. Not that it makes it any better. All the cruelty she gave them during their training had a purpose. Not a good purpose, but it wasn’t for entertainment. And the most she feels towards the daughters that get left behind to die is a sense of disappointment since they were not strong enough to be worthy fighters for Aku.
This helps the Priestess come off as more refined and cultured even when abusing her daughters. Superficial charm is something that she would need in order to properly brainwash her daughters. She can talk gently to one of them before doing something awful. A good example is when she catches Ashi looking out the window and tells her many motherly things about protecting her from Jack and the “dangers” he will bring. Immediately after, she grabs her by the throat and throws her across the room. She then beats her and berates her for losing focus. Ragyo Kiryuin may be the worst mother in anime, but the Priestess is an even worse mother than her.
Her backward philosophy of thinking that Aku of all beings is a benevolent god and that Jack is the one ruining their land borders on delusional. It seems that she thinks that chaos and evil are good things while the idea of peace is a bad thing. Not surprising considering who she worships. And it drives her to very scary extremes such as the abuse of her children and drinking a cup of Aku’s essence! Even he’s surprised by it. And her view of life is explicitly shown when she crushes a ladybug in front of her daughters. It shows how little even their lives mean to her.
She also has an over-inflated ego as well. It may not seem like this at first since she is devoutly loyal to Aku. However, she believes herself to be the most worthy and important of Aku’s followers, especially since she gave birth to his children. Aku barely remembers her. Though the fact that she’s able to drink his essence and somehow not be driven mad may justify some of that since Jack only had a drop and it drove him insane. (I guess you can’t be driven to a place when you’re already there.)
Female Sociopath List
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eyesofthetrees · 8 months
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2 faces behind the mask
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rayo1-productions · 11 months
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Unrelated to the Silhouette Challenge (because I forgot to include her), here's one I made very quickly 4 months ago: The High Priestess from Season 5 of Samurai Jack
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Mother Gothel (Tangled) vs. The High Priestess (Samurai Jack)
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Having Children With Their Fem! S/O
Characters: Aku, Father, Vilgax and Lord Garmadon Inspired By: Random Thoughts A/N: I know that a couple of these characters either don't like kids or just feel basically nothing for them, but this is just something I had to write! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Operation Zero and the Lego Ninjago Series and mentions of abandonment and divorce ⚠️
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»»—————————————-   Aku  —————————————-««
👹 Aku prided himself on being a heartless being made of consistent darkness. But, when it came to you, his longtime wife who was created by a similar amount of energy, he was fairly fair
👹 He has always been focused on furthering his rule of the pathetic mortals in which he despised to the point where it led to him having seven girls with a woman called the High Priestess, though it was with his magic, he did not do anything disgusting in his opinion with her
👹 Despite knowing he felt nothing towards the woman and only viewed the girls as his personal soldiers, you couldn't help but feel inferior to the Priestess, she has done something that you possibly never could with Aku. Though, you did treat the girls as your own, since their mother seemingly could care less
👹 The one thing that made Aku think of having children with you was seeing you pick up a small group of baby aliens from a clan that wished to be relocated to Earth and begin to tickle them with one of your long claw-shaped fingers
👹 As the aliens left after hearing their conditions of living on his and your planet, Aku looked to you and motioned for you both to return to your personal chambers, which you did willingly and without fear
"My yang, I noticed how you looked at those young Vadaquians with a... warm and wholesome stare. That is completely unlike the lovingly evil woman I married and pledged loyalty too. So, if I may question, what is your issue?"
👹 You sighed and lowered your shoulders before shifting into a tortoise and hiding yourself inside of your shell before announcing it was dumb and he could just not bother himself with your issues
"Y/N, you're my wife of hundreds of years. I decided myself if I wanted to handle your thoughts and worries when I laid that shadow-bonding ring around your finger. Now, what is it your worried about?"
"It's just... you know the girls. I just... I want something like that."
"And that can be arranged with swift ease."
"Wait- really? You'd do that for me?"
"I would do anything for the woman who allows me to feel something other than hatred."
👹 And that he did. Just 9 months after the events of Samurai Jack's return and renewing the top-hunted foe to be the time-traveled man, you welcomed a young boy, whom Aku named Oni
👹 You smiled and lightly ran your hands against the baby's long trio set of horns that matched his fathers as his large pure-white eyes opened with tiny specks of white fire erupting from them. When it came to appearance, he took after his father, though your color scheme popped more than the Shogun of Sorrow's
"Ah, there is my little boy and woman!"
"And there is my stubborn husband."
"Hey now! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be here for the special event, but I needed to get that Samurai fool out of my way again. He almost found the portal back to his time, and if he does..."
"Oni doesn't live..."
"Correct. This is all for him, and us, and I suppose his sisters and their mother."
👹 Chuckling as your baby began to shift his way to his father, the demonic being allow him to sit on his horns, giggling as he acted like the man he has observed for the past few weeks over the small portal that showed him and Jack's fight, but mainly him
"He will be the perfect next generational heir, don't you think?"
"Yes. I do, Aku."
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»»———————- Benedict 'Father' Wigglestein ———————-««
🔥 It was no secret that your husband was far from a child-guy. He constantly provided evidence that he hated kids beyond any kind of recognition. He even hated the children that you two were forced to adopt
🔥 When Benedict married you, he laid it out plain as day that he never planned on having children, and you wholeheartedly accepted that
🔥 But, ever since the Delightful Children from Down the Lane joined your family and therefore home, you began to crave having an actual family. One not bounded by a Delightfulization-Chamber, but by blood and the love you two shared for one another
🔥 And while it was easy to think this all without saying it out-loud, even beginning to wonder about how he would reply was enough to make you want to curl up into a ball and stay there forever
🔥 Thankfully the sound of a five-way synchronized knock allowed you to be free of your thoughts. And you merely sat up from your desk and called to the children to come on inside
"Good afternoon, Mother. Father wishes your presence in his office."
🔥 You smiled at the kids and gave them each a pat on their heads before allowing them to walk to their rooms and get ready for bed. Once each of their doors closed you grabbed your husband's notebook, suspecting that was what he needed
🔥 He has a bad habit of leaving stuff in your room. Honestly he needs a better sleep schedule (not me scolding him when I barely sleep😐)
🔥 While the door to his office opened, you took a deep breath and readied yourself, hoping that his day wasn't filled with a ton of disappointments. You may be his wife, but his anger was something not even you could escape
🔥 You noticed that there was a lack of anything on fire, so, you took the chance to make some small chit-chat while your husband worked away on some papers and beckoned with his hand for you to hand him his notes
"My dear, I've been wondering how your day's been."
"It's been decent, better than normal thankfully."
"Well... there is one thing I've been meaning to speak to you about, if you don't mind-"
"If the children have done something, I swear to-"
"No! No, no! The children have done perfectly well since the last incident. It's just... oh nevermind, it's nothing that important."
🔥 Benedict went from staring intently at his paperwork to looking at your seemingly guilt-ridden face and his yellow eyes narrowed, which was prominent from the darkness of his suit
"Y/N, everything you say is important to me. Well, as long as it has nothing to do with random cravings, because those have been getting worse and worse over the past few days."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I mean, you're acting like how Monty would call and describe his wife when she was pregnant with his boy."
🔥 Oh this was pointless. Reaching into the pocket of your black hoodie that Ben gifted you for your birthday just days prior, you pulled out a small box and laid it down in front of him
"What's this for?"
"Just- open it, please."
"Is this a... pregnancy test? Oh sweet sasperilla, you're pregnant?! But I- we..."
"I understand that you aren't fond of children, so we don't have to have them if you don't want to."
"Do... you want the child?"
"I would prefer to give them a shot at life than to not."
"Then... okay. We can have the child... if you want too. This shouldn't only be my choice, it should also be yours. I may hate children to a degree but, I cannot hate you and your choices."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, if it's a boy, can we name it Benedict Wigglestein III?"
🔥 The sound of the collected family in the hospital's main room rung freely as the members of the Uno Family and the Wigglestein Family all wondered how you were doing in the delivery room. Ever since your screams stopped, Monty couldn't help but fear you were hurt to the point of possible surgery
🔥 All of a sudden, his brother walked out of the doors with a mixture of both traumatized and happiness written on his face, though it was mainly in his eyes
"Ben? How's Y/N and the baby?"
"I... I have twins..."
"Wait- twins?! Aw! A boy and a girl?"
🔥 Monty smiled at his wife before ushering his brother back into your room and patting his shoulder in assurance. And he couldn't help but chuckle as his brother walked into the room where you and your children no doubt were
🔥 He couldn't be anymore proud of him
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»»—————————————- Vilgax —————————————-««
🐙 While living for many years as a Warlord was something that many only viewed your husband as being, it was his closest allies and people that saw who he was outside of his work; a loyal and caring husband
🐙 As a member of the Chimera Sui Generis species, training for battle was a big part of your childhood. And when you first met your future spouse by training to be top-servers of your planet, he was smitten
🐙 Overtime you witnessed the destruction and new colonization of planets. And since you serves as his right-hand, Vilgax and you would see many types of families, the most common being fathers, mothers and their children
🐙 And seeing the male and female members of the army grow and expand with their families adding more members, you couldn't help but wonder; would this ever happen for you and Vilgax?
🐙 Normally he was busy with his work, so getting a decent time to speak one-on-one with your husband was hard. Nonetheless trying to talk about something so important to both you and your lives together
🐙 You were beginning to lose faith in actually talking to him, but when one of Vilgax's best men came inside of the control room you turned around and recognized him to be the one who always guarded the emergency medic and doctor's zone of the ship
"What is it you need, Soldier Axiomar?"
"Doctor Xiliv has requested her for a quick check-up, since she has been complaining of some stomach issues as of late."
"Alright. Would you like me to accompany you, Y/N?"
"I think I'll be alright... really."
🐙 Giving you a kiss on the forehead, Vilgax focused back on the coordinates of their way to Earth. You just nodded to Axiomar as he lead you to the medical room where Xiliv was waiting
🐙 Deep inside as you sat on the frequently cleaned chair, you knew what the Doctor and Medic were going to say
"Your highness, it appears that you- well."
"I know."
"Do you want us to tell Lord Vilgax or not?"
"He'll find out either way, but I'll tell him, it just makes it easier for me."
🐙 As the large alien walked through the halls to his and your shared quarters, he wondered why you had been acting far more nervous and weary throughout the rest of the day. Maybe you had some kind of illness?
🐙 The sound of the doors opening and closing behind your form made you spin around quick. And Vilgax merely chuckled, from calm and composed to having their guard-up in no time. You really were a soldier by heart
"Y/N. What is it you needed to speak about? It better not be something I cannot fix. Because that would be near impossible. I would destroy the galaxy for you."
"It's no illness. Unless you consider a child an illness."
"Pardon, a what?"
🐙 Despite his initial hesitation in being a father and raising a young Chimera Sui Generis, but after gaining advice from some of his closest allies, some would say friends, he gained the extra bravery to face the next step in life with you
🐙 He stood beside your bed as you chuckled at the sight of your baby girl. Long tentacles in the shape of elongated human hair, a small, pink wrap being around her as her tiny red eyes blinked while giggles rang through the room
"She's beautiful."
"Just like you, love."
"What should we name her?" Doctor Xiliv asked.
"How about Shaviv? It means ray of life."
"It's perfect."
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»»——————————-  Lord Garmadon  ——————————-««
🌋 This guy has never seen himself as an ideal parent. I mean, he literally was bitten by a serpent that made him an evil tyrant in the end and he didn't take a part in his son growing up due to his unfortunate incident
🌋 And while he praises himself on not being the man he once was before, there was always a lingering bit in his heart that stayed away from being corrupted. A piece of the old Garmadon in there. Hidden away
🌋 Over time he switched from evil to good, and that was how he met you
🌋 You were the sister of Ray, the previous Master of Fire before Kai took up the mantle. Growing up with Ray meant you were also trained in the art of being a ninja, though it was with the element of light that you controlled and not fire
🌋 Over the time of them being missing, you raised your niece, Nya, and nephew, Kai, and helped Garmadon's brother, Wu, train them and their friends. And as the serpent-bitten male grew into darker habits, you remained a beckon that he couldn't help but admire
🌋 Once he redeemed himself and helped fight against many enemies alongside you and the kids, he began to get close to both you and your old friend/next-door neighbor, Vinny Folson. And let's just say that the closeness evolved beyond simple friendship
🌋 While Misako was reluctant to accept Garmadon had another lover, she noticed just how caring you were and she began to bond with you with her ex-husband and son. In fact, she was the one to ask if you two were planning on taking the next step from just marriage to having children, much to you and his fluster
🌋 After the incident of the question with Misako. Garmadon told Vinny that you two would be out for a few days and that if he needed something, he could call. And as you two began to travel to a remote and well-taken-care-of cabin just outside of Ninjago, he began to let out a small amount of chit-chat
"Hey, Y/N... I have a question."
"What is it?"
"With what Misako said yesterday... at dinner. I was wondering if- you know."
"If I wanted kids?"
"Yeah... and I understand if you wouldn't! I'm not the best guy to have children with, just ask my ex-wife."
🌋 Spinning his head to look at you, Garmadon watched you with observant eyes as you smiled gently and held his hand with one of yours and his face with the other. And he smiled as you nodded, small tears pricking his eyes as you laid your forehead upon one another's
🌋 The sound of cries erupting from a woman's hands made the people sitting in the waiting room look up in surprise and slight glee. Seven of the large group looked at the nurse and she took them all back, warning them that you would probably need some space
"Is that..."
"It is. Everyone, meet Nisshoku."
"Aw! I have a nephew now! Let's go!"
"Shut it, Ray."
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gale-gentlepenguin · 16 days
I don't know if he counts, but what about that one wizard from Samurai Jack who turned Jack into a chicken just because he bumped into him? I feel like someone with a fuse that short has some SERIOUS issues.
"Thats nothing" | "Ehh Slap on the wrist." | "Thats Questionable" | "It was accidental." | "Morally Gray." | "Yea... thats kind of Bad." | "Thats hard to justify." | "Thats Really F***ed up." | "How is this character not a Villain?!" | "Cancelled." | "Cancelled BEYOND Cancelled.
In the Samurai Jack universe, that is hardly anything. Considering what Aku has done. What the high priestess did, and what other characters did
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docgold13 · 1 year
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Profiles in Villainy
The Daughters of Aku
The seven daughters were birthed by The High Priestess of an all-female cult of Aku.  The High Priestess had consumed the essence of Aku, a process that corrupted her soul, bestowed her magical powers and left her pregnant with the seven daughters.  These daughters were given the names Ashi, Ami, Ani, Aki, Avi, Ali and Ari.
From birth the daughters were raised as assassins, honed in the deadly arts of the ninja until they were a fighting force second to none.  They were also indoctrinated into believing that Aku was the true and righteous savior of the planet, a god whose every whim must be obeyed without question.  
When the sisters were finally deemed ready they were dipped into the Pit of Hate and the tar-like substance of the pit covered their bodies with a black, ultra-durable second skin.  They then donned masks and were sent out to hunt and destroy Aku’s greatest foe, the samurai known as Jack.
The Daughters finally tracked down Jack and engaged him in combat.  Jack managed to kill one of the sister and was horrified to discover he had slain a young girl rather than the robots and monsters Aku had previously sent after him.  Jack then fled, not wanting to fight the remaining daughters.  They tracked them further and ultimately Jack had no choice but to face them.  He offered them the chance to turn back, that he would spare their lives if they left him in peace.  Yet the Daughters were too dedicated to their mission and Jack was forced to cut them down.  As skilled as they were the ninja proved no match for Jack and all but one of the Daughters perished.  
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Ashi was the sole survivor of the Daughters.  She continued to track Jack and gradually came to realize that Aku was not the benevolent deity he claimed.  She saw the terrible things Aku had wrought and furthermore came to appreciate Jack’s noble spirit and kindness.  She ended up becoming Jack’s ally and later the two fell in love.  Jack and Ashi were ultimately married and were happy for a brief time.  Tragically, when Jack was finally able to destroy Aku, it had the effect of erasing all of the terrible things the demon had done.  This included the creation of his daughters and Ashi faded into nothingness.  
Actress Tara Strong provided the voice for Ashie and Avi, while actresses Kari Wahlgren and Mae Whitman voiced the other sisters.  The Daughters of Aku first appeared in first episode of the fifth season of Samurai Jack, airing on March 11th, 2017.  
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dragomer · 11 months
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The High Priestess from Samurai Jack is my headcanon voice for The Lady. She has such a beautiful yet powerful voice that’ll suit The Lady perfectly. They also kinda look alike.
(This is just an excuse to have Grey DeLisle be the voice for a character I love)
Damn, I had no idea that Grey DeLisle voiced a character in Samurai Jack.
Thanks for the ask ^^
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Nostalgia for A Cartoon Theory #1
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I felt nostalgia so I watch one of those top 10 craziest cartoon theories and got reminded of this one. I.e. professor utonium and samurai jack being the same person through time shenanigans. I did a drawing of the girls based on this concept.
In this AU jack is approached by this old sorcerer who claims they have a way to defeat who using his own essence against him in the form of a super serum labed something like the "Elixir X". And then this person like tasks him with collecting all these items (the whole sugar spice everything nice). Basically making Jack do the heavy lifting in the process then-BOOM!!
"the three perfect little girls!!"
Nothing like what he was expecting at all. Turns out the sorcerer was the evil High priestess of Aku the whole time ( Ashi's mom). The Powerpuff girls would be Aku's daughters made by Jack's hand. Long story short Jack defeat her and takes the girls to raise them as his own. And they would join him in his fight against Aku filling in that place of student mentor and daughter father figure. I tried to based the girls design on onna-bugeisha(term for female samurai) attire. They came out in a rough sketch that could be better.
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imholtorf · 2 months
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For @indieyuugure
I thought that Karai wouldn't be the only female member of The Foot Clan. Enter: Kuroi Mado.
Kuroi Mado is an African-Asian woman born and raised in Japan. She was discriminated all her life for being black, she became the most feared assassin and joined Shredder's Foot Clan. Kuroi Mado is Shredder's right-hand woman and very loyal to him. She became known as "The Shredder's Bride". The Shredder is the poison of evil, Kuroi is the venom of fear.
She is Karai's sensi and mistress of The Black Widows of the Foot. The Shredder's Bride is a cruel, ruthless, merciless, and remorseless woman, who punishes those who failed in favor of The Shredder in a dangerous and violent manner, her student and daughters. Kuroi Mado is Japanese for Black Widow.
Kuroi Mado is based on The High Priestess from Samurai Jack.
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tonkicyprus · 2 years
Hand of fate 2 high priestess
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Later, before she can finish off an exhausted Jack, Ashi remembers the time her mother squished a ladybug for "distracting" her from a sparring session. In Episode XCV, Ashi has a dream about her mother while unconscious, once again commanding her to kill Jack. The High Priestess drinking Aku's essence After training them, she gives them white female masks and weapons and sends them out into the world to kill Jack. There, she gave birth to seven girls and put them through years of hard and intense training to mold them into deadly, ninja-like assassins who would be able to track down and kill Samurai Jack, Aku's long-time nemesis. The High Priestess first appears in the first episode of season five, at the center of a ceremony being conducted by the Cult of Aku, an all-female cult of devout worshipers of Aku. Her obsession with killing Jack proves to be her ultimate downfall, as she let her guard down long enough for Ashi to impale her with her own arrow while attempting to kill Jack. Moreover, she had no problem with killing her own daughter when Ashi betrays her cause. However, she tried to psychologically manipulate Ashi by reminding her of her dead sisters, and is willing to pardon Ashi if she kills Jack while he is meditating and hands over her dagger, even though her past actions strongly suggest that she does not care for them, a sign of her manipulative personality. The only feelings she had exhibited are those of love for Aku and hatred of Jack. She didn't appear to love her daughters, or bond to the other cultists. Her actions always had a purpose, and were never done for any sort of sadistic enjoyment. The Priestess was more unfeeling than cruel. It's unknown whether she actually believes this or only said it to mislead them into his service. She repeatedly told her daughters that all that is good came from Aku, and that Jack was the reason that the world has problems. She crushed a ladybug in front of Ashi in order to demonstrate her view that life was meaningless unless it is in the service of Aku. When her daughters finally completed their training, she immediately sent them to kill Jack without giving them time to celebrate or even rest. She did not have any regard for life, as demonstrated by not caring about the deaths of any of her daughters or the other cult members. Whereas most women would be too sick and exhausted to even sit up, she is capable of walking around and giving orders. Immediately after giving birth, she is helped into her mask and robe and proceeds like nothing happened. She was single-minded in her devotion, lacked any semblance of sympathy, seemed to be aristocratic, and possesses great self control. It was later revealed that she drank from a ceremonial goblet that contained a portion of Aku's essence when he once appeared to the cult, allowing her to conceive human-demon hybrid septuplets. The Priestess is rather mysterious, as it is currently unknown how she came to be so devoted to Aku, her past and the reasons her worldview is so distorted. At some point, she acquired a magical "darkness" from the Pit of Hate and pushed all her daughters into it so that they may become one with the darkness of Aku to receive supernatural abilities. The Priestess had the personality of a typical, psychotic, merciless, fanatical cult leader, believing that the service of her master was the most important thing in the world. She was shown to be wearing some form of jumpsuit made from the same black, tar-like substance that the rest of her fellow cultists wore. During the flashback when she drank Aku's essence, her facial profile is shown to heavily resemble Ashi and her sisters. Like other members of the cult, she wore a black robe, white mask, and a head covering with horns resembling Aku's, except her head covering had six horns instead of four like the other members (possibly signifying her role as the leader of the cult). She was briefly seen from the back as she is being dressed in her outfit, and it is seen that she is slim and has long black hair. Her true appearance is unknown, but a silhouette of her was shown when she was giving birth to her seven daughters. The High Priestess giving birth to her seven daughters.
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eurotonki · 2 years
Hand of fate 2 high priestess
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Later, before she can finish off an exhausted Jack, Ashi remembers the time her mother squished a ladybug for "distracting" her from a sparring session. In Episode XCV, Ashi has a dream about her mother while unconscious, once again commanding her to kill Jack. The High Priestess drinking Aku's essence After training them, she gives them white female masks and weapons and sends them out into the world to kill Jack. There, she gave birth to seven girls and put them through years of hard and intense training to mold them into deadly, ninja-like assassins who would be able to track down and kill Samurai Jack, Aku's long-time nemesis. The High Priestess first appears in the first episode of season five, at the center of a ceremony being conducted by the Cult of Aku, an all-female cult of devout worshipers of Aku. Her obsession with killing Jack proves to be her ultimate downfall, as she let her guard down long enough for Ashi to impale her with her own arrow while attempting to kill Jack. Moreover, she had no problem with killing her own daughter when Ashi betrays her cause. However, she tried to psychologically manipulate Ashi by reminding her of her dead sisters, and is willing to pardon Ashi if she kills Jack while he is meditating and hands over her dagger, even though her past actions strongly suggest that she does not care for them, a sign of her manipulative personality. The only feelings she had exhibited are those of love for Aku and hatred of Jack. She didn't appear to love her daughters, or bond to the other cultists. Her actions always had a purpose, and were never done for any sort of sadistic enjoyment. The Priestess was more unfeeling than cruel. It's unknown whether she actually believes this or only said it to mislead them into his service. She repeatedly told her daughters that all that is good came from Aku, and that Jack was the reason that the world has problems. She crushed a ladybug in front of Ashi in order to demonstrate her view that life was meaningless unless it is in the service of Aku. When her daughters finally completed their training, she immediately sent them to kill Jack without giving them time to celebrate or even rest. She did not have any regard for life, as demonstrated by not caring about the deaths of any of her daughters or the other cult members. Whereas most women would be too sick and exhausted to even sit up, she is capable of walking around and giving orders. Immediately after giving birth, she is helped into her mask and robe and proceeds like nothing happened. She was single-minded in her devotion, lacked any semblance of sympathy, seemed to be aristocratic, and possesses great self control. It was later revealed that she drank from a ceremonial goblet that contained a portion of Aku's essence when he once appeared to the cult, allowing her to conceive human-demon hybrid septuplets. The Priestess is rather mysterious, as it is currently unknown how she came to be so devoted to Aku, her past and the reasons her worldview is so distorted. At some point, she acquired a magical "darkness" from the Pit of Hate and pushed all her daughters into it so that they may become one with the darkness of Aku to receive supernatural abilities. The Priestess had the personality of a typical, psychotic, merciless, fanatical cult leader, believing that the service of her master was the most important thing in the world. She was shown to be wearing some form of jumpsuit made from the same black, tar-like substance that the rest of her fellow cultists wore. During the flashback when she drank Aku's essence, her facial profile is shown to heavily resemble Ashi and her sisters. Like other members of the cult, she wore a black robe, white mask, and a head covering with horns resembling Aku's, except her head covering had six horns instead of four like the other members (possibly signifying her role as the leader of the cult). She was briefly seen from the back as she is being dressed in her outfit, and it is seen that she is slim and has long black hair. Her true appearance is unknown, but a silhouette of her was shown when she was giving birth to her seven daughters. The High Priestess giving birth to her seven daughters.
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teacupballerina · 2 years
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All of Aku Akamatsu's baby mamas 💀 from @sorrowsdaughter
bonus shitpost in the reblogs because lol image limit
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l00n3ym00n3y · 3 years
Chibi High Priestess with and without mask
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Agnes Skinner (The Simpsons) vs. The High Priestess (Samurai Jack)
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jageshemashftw · 4 years
So, something that really interests me about Ashi is that Aku was legitimately surprised he even had a daughter!
Like, when Aku gave his... essence to his cult, he apparently did not know the High Priestess planned to drink it and impregnate herself. As far as Aku knew, that was not the plan!
So, I have to wonder, what did Aku think his cult was going to do with his essence?
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