#Hi score rummy
hiscorelive · 1 year
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creepsopasta · 2 years
playing games with some pastas
includes; eyeless jack, jeff the killer, hoodie, masky, ticci toby, homicidal liu, kagekao
eyeless jack:
- bit of a sore loser. not good with games that make him rage or online games
- voice chat with him is crazy!! he is literally foaming at the mouth yelling and cursing he is so bad at games :(
- “jack it’s gonna be okay” “FUCK you”
- he is not very kind about his losses
- most likely ends up throwing the control at the tv and breaking it (bad ending)
- whenever he ends up winning he’s ecstatic he does not stop talking about it and will brag about it to you exclusively. just go with it okay he needs it for his already shattered ego
- 0/10 experience would not do again.. okay maybe he would if you talked him into it and told him how much of a great player he is
- “i AM awesome aren’t i???” “yes you are <3”
- the more you play together the more he’ll learn to calm the fuck down and just enjoy himself
- still rages a lot tho
jeff the killer:
- plays board games like candyland and twister
- he’s a fucking shark he’s got all this shit down he knows how to win
- anyone who gets paired up with him for game night is 85% guaranteed to win (unfortunately there is someone out there who’s better than him)
- gets PISSED over not winning twister fucking furious he is literally the most flexible guy in this house he can do so much with his body
- monopoly is his favorite game. he esp loves to play with the younger pastas bc they believe anything he says and he thinks it’s hilarious
- “NOOOO PLEASE DON’T TAKE MY HOUSE” “your rent is $500,000, sally… it’s my house now”
- not a very avid video game player. he never really played a lot tbh
- good at everything EXCEPT connect four. do not make him play connect four he hates it he has terrible memories of it
- mastermind strategy planner. it’s a shame he doesn’t think this much at any other time
- boasts about it big time if you lose (you will probably lose) but might even try to let you win on purpose if he feels bad or sees you’re upset
- more of an arcade game guy. if you’re looking for like pinball games or pacman or space invaders or maze games or those weird money machines (that he kind of just. steals from) then he’s like great at all of them
- has spent hours honing his skills in his free time so you’ll be grinding for a while if you wanna beat him
- all the highest scores on the arcade machines are his. no one has topped them bc they’re fucking insane
- “wow you really have nothing better to do huh” [takes out gun] “that’s enough out of you jack can’t even fuckin move the joysticks around”
- tries to act like he isn’t competitive about it but he really super is
- thinks it’s just adorable that you think you can defeat him. no he will not be humbled by his lover of all people… that would make him a weak man
- goddamn merciless. no favors for anyone he revels in the rage he causes (see jack for more)
- if you’re a beginner he’ll take it easy on you until you learn the ropes and will offer tips but as time goes on he’s gonna be looking for a fight
- if he’s ever beaten, he will take it in grace and go straight from denial to acceptance
- does not rage that often. just hardcore practices until he’s like fucking unstoppable
- card player :(
- hates go fish tho he has such bad luck with it and everyone makes fun of him bc it’s like the universe does not want him to win
- good at boring ass stuff like solitaire or blackjack and if you ask him if he can play anything funner he’ll be like “oh so like rummy or spoons :]”
- no masky not like rummy or spoons… like uno or fucking play with some goddamn pokémon cards
- he’s so enthusiastic about it though so cmon just indulge him alright.. he literally has nobody else around him who’s into cards
- “okay so i win” “what… but we just started”
- he plays chess too!!! maybe you’ll find that more interesting?? he’s not very in touch with board games or anything this is the best he’s got
- deadass makes up his own rules if you don’t know anything about the game you’re playing
- “yeah so now you have to eat a rat. sorry babe”
- is never going to make fun of you if you suck at cards it’s not like he can beat jack in video games
ticci toby:
- dnd enjoyer he loves being the dm especially
- he, you, jeff, hoodie, lj, and occasionally masky have game nights and all you guys do is sit around the kitchen table trying not to curse each other out for doing stupid shit
- “c’mon guys this is supposed to be fun :(”
- doesn’t know that most of you have no idea how to play so he makes it super difficult
- has had to REPEATEDLY glue the die back together because jeff cannot stop snapping it in half
- “why does your dumbass partner always win this is fucking favoritism” “and then jeffery fell off a building and into the ocean 🥰”
- teaches you all you need to know about the game he will sit there for hours if he needs to just talking about the complexity of the rules
- he seems to have a lot of fun with it so everyone tries their best to not break the pieces or punch masky or yell at each other or punch masky
- better with snacks and drinks and lots of breaks so everyone can calm down and at least try to find some joy in the game
- 6/10 experience. would only try again without jeff at the table
homicidal liu:
- among us player… pisses everybody off bc he’s unfortunately very good at it and always imposter
- absolutely kills it (pun intended)
- no mercy he kills everyone including his loved ones this is a battle to the death and he is going to win goddamnit
- being imposter with him is some of the easiest shit bc he will carry the team entirely
- nothing to brag about tho since it’s a little space game and it’s really easy
- always knows who the imposter is if it’s not him he’s got some kind of foresight he will go out of his way to sabotage their chances at winning
- “would you love me more… if i killed someone for you 😇😇” “but you killed ME liu” “whoops”
- will stay with you for most of the game so he has an excuse for being innocent. once you are of no use to him he will stab you in the back
- relatively tame over voice chat. unless his brother happens to be there then it’s just jeff getting pissed off bc he can’t activate the reactor
- wakes you up at 2 am, phone in hand, smile on his face, asking “do you wanna play among us?”
- “liu, shut the fuck up and go back to sleep.” “ok.. :((”
- great at those games you play in your yard like frisbee or tag or hide n seek or maybe darts
- since the bitch can fly and run really fast it’s very unfair he pretty much cheats at everything and he thinks it’s funny
- frisbee with him is a literal field day. throws it so far you can’t find it ever again you’ll just have to buy a whole ass new one
- “what the FUCK kagekao” “🤷”
- laughs and makes fun of you for just not being as skilled as him maybe if you could fly you could beat him just get off the ground dumbass
- also likes to race but we all know how that’s gonna go (hint: he wins)
- unless he’s up against candy pop or something no one else really has a chance at beating him
- might help you a little bit if you’re struggling. like that one time he carried you up into the air and then dropped you because he thought it would be funny but then he couldn’t catch you in time so you ended up falling on lj and breaking one of your arms
- wrote you a little heartfelt letter about it later with a very fancy “sorry ❤️” in calligraphy and a few drawings of flowers (it did not help. your arm was still broken)
- really bad sport does NOT like to lose he will completely shut down
- little fuckin bastard
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ohsunnyboy · 1 year
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far from here (part 2) | sung hanbin ˚₊‧⁺˖
you had quite different plans for tonight, but it can't get much better than being snuggled up to sung hanbin
SERIES: a night in monaco — one, two
TAGS: sorta established relationship, gn!reader, kissing, falling in love, only one bed, overall fluff!!!
A/N: i love card games and i also love sung hanbin so here we are with a part 2 after demand. as always, purely self-indulgent and cute as usual.
WORDS: ~600, EXTRA: gin rummy rules!
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Tangled up in the sheets with Sung Hanbin is honestly what you expected after all that happened earlier. You can still taste tiramisu on his lips each time he swoops in for a kiss and it still tastes just as sweet as it did the first time.
It goes without saying that you already knew the boy was trouble wrapped in a tailored suit but were you really expecting this?
"Gin!" The excitement almost launching him tumbling off the bed as he shouts it. "Four kings, three flush spades and three flush hearts!"
Hanbin throws down his meld plus his discard card - a queen of hearts - onto the bed space between you two and looks at you with stars in his eyes. It's easy to forget your own disappointing meld - two queens, and an attempted club flush -  when Hanbin’s eye smile melts all your thoughts away.
“I still win overall though!” you argue, but he just shakes his head and adds another point to his tally.
It's been a long day... or night actually. If you look a little behind Hanbin, you could probably see the clock just hit one in the morning.
After everything at the restaurant, you two ran off into your hotel, all giggly and all the more love drunk. The kiss, turned to two, and maybe into three more, each just as enthusiastic as the last.
May I steal your night? until he's stolen a couple more kisses to boot.
What a gentleman thief, you tease. And all he does is shut you up with another peck on the lips.
It was easy to agree to stick to just kissing; you’ve seen how he looks at you. From the restaurant to now, you know there might be a future far from here, where it’s your wedding bells this time. Only fools rush in, rings true in your mind and it would be remiss to not listen.
As for how you both ended up playing cards? No one really knows. You both crashed into the dresser and the pack of cards just spilled out, asking to be played by the two most competitive people on the planet.
Shouting gin and counting scores quickly sobers up anyone's night in spite of the wine.
Instead of the sounds of shuffling cards for another round, it’s the sound of the sheets, twisting and folding, as Hanbin curls up against you. With you two piled up in this bed for one, it almost an impossible fit: both your limbs careful not to poke and prod. It’s undeniable that the heat is getting to you, the way you melt against him, and how your guard falls away bit by bit.
Maddening is the only way to put it. This sensory overload of Hanbin. From his long worn off expensive cologne, the way he hums from time to time and the fidget of his hands, tapping from here to there. It feels like you’ve found out everything about him, and him with you as well. 
Hanbin's lips press against your neck, teasing at your pulse and nosing behind your ear. "Winner gets a kiss.” It’s said so smugly you can practically hear the smirk. A heat travels up your throat as he whispers it into you.
"Says who?" when you say it, it comes out even more exhausted than you'd ever like to admit. You could never deny him, not with that easy smile and that look in his eyes.
"Says me," trouble murmurs.
Slow and relaxed, he cups your face and drags you in for a kiss. Just as sweet and mischievous as ever.
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turns out i can never follow an upload schedule hehe tysm for reading <33 a like and reblog would be good if you enjoyed ! ⭒ masterlist ⭒ part one <-
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Game Night! Teku Edition!
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde & Karma Eiss)
+Bonus Round
(Brian Kadeem & Banjee Castillo)
Nolo Pasaro - Growing up, Nolo had a pack of Bicycle brand playing cards and a dream. Now, he can run a whole game night with nothing but that same pack of cards. In fact, he does it regularly. Poker, Rummy, War, you name it. He knows the rules like the back of his hand. His all time favorite however, is Spoons. No matter who’s playing, it always gets absurdly intense. He loves watching everyone scramble to snatch a spoon when a suit of four is thrown down. The Teku are definitely intense, but it only gets worse when the rivalry between them and the Metal Maniac turns friendly, and they start getting invited to join. On the other hand, watching Mark practically throw himself over the table in an effort to snatch a spoon before his brother could grab one has got to be one of the funniest things he’s ever witnessed.
Very Wheeler - Skate 3 connoisseur. Vert fucking LOVES Pictionary. Like I don’t know to explain to y’all how hard this dude laughs watching people’s interpretations of what the original prompt was devolve into sometimes completely unrelated or ridiculous. Vert has even taken to throwing in some of his own prompts just to mix the game up a bit. For example- “Worlds Greatest Driver” was a prompt that Kurt got to start with. Obviously, he drew a stick figure version of himself. Mark was right after him, so seeing the shitty stick version of his brother, he just wrote down “bastard.” It devolved further from there. Another fun one was when Banjee got the prompt “Fast & Furious” and forgot that the movies existed, so he just drew Taro under the pretense that he fit description.
Shirako Takamoto - Shirako is a master at Mario Party. It’s gotten to the point where it’s basically everyone vs. Shirako whenever they play. He’s just too good at all the mini games. They will actively try and sabotage him and it doesn’t even matter, he’ll still end the game with the most stars collected. He has the strats!!! On top of that, he’s also unusually good at Scrabble for some reason. People assume it has something to do with all the music he listens to, but really he just plays it online all the time, so when game night rolls around he just destroys everyone. Vert lost his mind when Shirako played the word “quixotic” once. He was convinced Shirako was just making up words for high scores, but lo and behold, they looked it up and it’s a legal word to play!
Kurt Wylde - King of pit maneuvering people off the track ironically enjoys the game Sorry. The joy he feels booting someone back to the start is only matched by the excitement he feels during a race. He literally is such a rude bastard (lovingly). He is 100% the type of player to always boot the same person back to start just to mess with them. In his mind, less competition means a better chance at winning. Uno is a very close second. He will legit sit on those +2 & +4 cards and just wait to ruin someone’s day. “Oh you’re about to call uno? Go ahead and pick up the whole deck.” Like Vert, he also takes some liberties with those ‘make your own rule’ cards. They’re always so targeted too. Stuff like ‘let Monkey drive your car or pick up 25 cards’ and ‘get Taro to talk for more than 5 minutes or swap a hands with who’s losing.”
Karma Eiss - Battleship baby!! She is the queen of strategy games especially when it comes to stuff that involves reading people. Like, by the time someone hits one of her ships, she’s usually got half their fleet wiped out. People have tells. The closer she is to whoever she’s playing with, the faster the game goes. Particularly with people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. Vert and Nolo are the easiest to beat by far. Vert always tries to laugh or talk about something else when Karma hits close to one of his ships and Nolo over compensates. Kurt’s a little harder to beat because he’s got a pretty good poker face, but Shirako is definitely the hardest. Due to him constantly just vibing, he’s nearly impossible to read.
Bonus Round
Brian Kadeem - Kadeem’s a big Jenga guy. It’s so simple, yet so fun. His favorite part is when the tower is getting ridiculous tall and precarious so anytime anyone reachers for a block everyone goes silent and tense, watching to see if they’ll be next person to knock it down. It helps that Kadeem has impressively steady hands too. Like, this dude could have been a doctor if he really wanted to. Twister comes in at a close second. I feel like Kadeem is pretty flexible so the game is more entertaining than it is challenging. He loves being the one to spin the wheel because it gives him time to cackle at his friends getting all twisted up. Seriously, halfway through the game when everyone’s practically stacked on top of each other, Kadeem is usually laughing so hard that he’s on the ground with them.
Banjee Castillo - Banjee is the literal king of Mario Cart. He loves it so much he will unironically put on the Coconut Mall theme song sometimes while he’s driving. He swears it makes him go faster. It definitely doesn’t, but don’t tell him that. Banjee always knows the best cart combos and where all the best short cuts are. He usually finishes WAY ahead of all the other drivers, which always leads to some light hearted banter about how he should be as good as he is in the game on the actual track. Sometimes, he will purposely hang back or false start so that way he can use items to mess with the other players. Red shells are the best but after hours of gameplay, Banjee has gotten deadly accurate with the green shells too. Nobody is safe.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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ceruleanmusings · 1 month
if james and mickey were to have a "thing" to be known for, outside of their emotional vulnerability, it's card games. james was taught a plethora of card games and flashy shuffle tricks by his grandfather and, if idle enough, can be found messing with a deck. mickey knows a good amount of card "magic" to throw out as a party trick if she ever needs to.
one day on tour when they were both the first ones up, they decided to kill time playing gin rummy. after a few games of that, they switch to cribbage, and then to euchre. they were going to then go to poker, which kelly, awake at that point, put a stop to to curb any potential gambling. they settle on slap and then 21.
from then on, any downtime they have, they'll pick up a game of cards, alternating who chooses what game each time. mickey is surprised at the speed of which james plays certain games and how well he keeps the math scores in his head ("math doesn't matter here, it's a game," he explains when she asks, then how he manages to get bad grades on tests.) james is surprised at just how solid her poker face is, until mel lets him in on a secret that it's less about not showing her bluff and more that she's good at reading the other player to make her choices.
knowing this, distractions become an equal and accepted tactics of their games to throw the other one off. james tends to lose because of this.
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heresathreebee · 2 years
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Tom Grant | Make-Up (2019) || Prompt 69 // Dirty Talk
Upscale Trailer Park AU; 3.2k words (long fic, sorry); NO BETA/ SELF EDITED, American Author Writing British Characters, Slav and Lana Are Completely Made Up For This Story, Swearing, Drinking, Mutual Pining, Best Friends to Lovers, Jealousy (minor), Body Shots, Mild Voyuerism, Hair Pulling and Spanking (brief), Oral Sex (male and female receiving), Face Sitting, Messy End
Masterlist | Next: Eddie Munson Floor Sex
Cornwall was celebrating the coming new year with the catastrophic crash of all televisions in the county. It had taken you ages to get Tom to do anything other than sulk about no pubs playing matches tonight, but you still made the best of a short pub crawl and returned to your flat with a few friends. 
Your old mate Slav whispers something in his girlfriend’s ear and smacks her ass as she stands to get him another beer. A spike of jealousy shot through you and your eyes darted to Tom, who noticed nothing and was counting his points again. 
“No bloody way I’m down by 3.” 
You chuckle at his dismay and tease with a pinch to his arm. “Tommy, Tommy, Tommy. How do you expect to win if you can’t even get on the board?” 
“I will twat you, swear to God,” he threatens you with a shake of his finger and you roar in laughter. “Oi, how ‘bout you make yourself useful and get me a beer, eh?” 
“Oh it’s like that, is it?” You slap Slav on his thigh and stand. “Watch the board, make sure this git doesn’t change the score while I’m gone.” 
“A’right…” Slav says, still very distracted by his girlfriend’s tiny skirt. 
“Jesus bruv,” you hear Tom groan. “Pick up your jaw before you drool on the table!” 
“Oi Lana.” you take a few shot glasses from the cupboard and reach to the very back for your stash. "Wanna get absolutely knackered?" 
Slav's girlfriend squealed, snatched the bottle of tequila, and bounced back to the rummy game shouting, "let's do body shots!" 
Both of the boys’ heads perk up with interest and you feel your heart pound against your ribs. Tom orders you to grab limes and you don’t bother to snap at him for bossing you around because you need a second to collect your thoughts. Your thighs unconsciously squeeze together as you cut the lime into wedges, thinking about Tom’s tongue gliding up your stomach. Maybe Lana would take the bullet and everyone would just do shots off her...
As you turned around, she was already laid out on the table with her shirt pulled up and the glittery sparkle over her belly made you certain you did not want to get body spray in your mouth. You pass two lime wedges to Slav and turn to Tom expectantly (ignoring the obvious glance he gave your cleavage). 
“Alright you, ready up.” You sprinkle salt into your hand and hide a grin when he balks. “Come on, I know you’ve been dying to show off Mr. Rugby, so on the table you go!” 
You tried unsuccessfully not to openly admire the way he reaches back and rips his rugby shirt over his head, and musses his curls. You pat the table which has already been cleared of cards. “Chop chop, we’re two shots behind already.” 
Tom looks down his nose at you before obeying. He shivers as you pour tequila into his naval cavity. Mirroring Slav, you wipe some overrun off the table and smear it along the taut length of Tom’s torso before sprinkling the salt on the line. Feeling awkward, you tie up your hair and lean over Tom’s lazy face. 
“You been cleaning the lint out, right?” 
“Fuuuck you,” Tom’s belly shakes from laughter and spills most of the tequila you prepped. “Just fuckin’ do it, mate. Got a game of rummy to win.” 
You laugh together and Slav helps you top off Tom's innie again while you hand Tom the lime wedge to hold in his mouth. After a deep breath, you dive in. You slurp the cheap tequila out of his belly button, lick the line of salt up to his pecks, and steal the lime from Tom’s mouth in record time. The feeling of his warm breath brushing over cheeks causes your nipples to tighten under your shirt. 
Tom laughs at the sour face you pull and sits up. You don’t expect to feel his hand firmly grasp your hip and guide you to stand between him and the table. When you look at his face for an answer, his eyes are mischievous and unusually dark.  
“My turn.” His voice is low, almost a growl and warm instantly pools between your legs. It’s embarrassing the way your eyelids flutter, but you recover quickly and slap his bare chest and make a pathetic noise around the lime wedge you were chewing on. He chuckles at your feeble swat. “Seriously, let me do my shot and get back to the game. Unless… you want me to use Lana, instead?” 
You and Tom are just friends. Tom is teasing you and you two are nothing more than good friends....
And yet, another spike of jealousy slams through you and you rip the lime rind from your mouth before pointedly taking Tom’s place on the table and lifting your shirt to your armpits. Somehow the company decided Lana would also take a shot off of you as well. She went first, suctioning your stomach like she was trying to invert your naval and slurp your guts out. 
Tom and Slav both laughed as you squirmed and by the time Lana took the lime wedge from you, you were laughing too. All humor escaped your body like a breath when you realized Tom was next. He was redressed and tilted his head lightly as he refilled the tequila, Lana sprinkled the salt, and Slav took his seat and began to shuffle the deck for a new round. With Lana distracted by her lighter, it felt like what happened next was just between you and Tom. 
His hand resting on your hip for support. The puff of warm breath as he leaned over your bare flesh. The very indecent way his tongue dipped into your naval and swirled over your flesh. It made your sex throb painfully, and as he flattened his tongue to catch as much salt as he could off your chest, you gasped and inadvertently let the lime slip deeper into your mouth. 
Before you knew it, Tom’s face was hovering over yours expecting easy access to the last step and god, grunting, as his slick lips touched yours. Without ceremony, his fingers were suddenly digging into your cheeks and forcing the lime to peak out of your mouth. You can’t help but whine and lift your head, startled by this unexpectedly rough treatment. Your fingers dug into his shoulders and you almost cried out as you felt his tongue poke into your mouth for just a second to gain more leverage. 
You were panting and dizzy as Tom finally pulled away. Your entire face was boiling hot and your body ablaze, but Tom? Tom chewed the lime and grabbed another like he had no idea of the sparks between you (to be fair, he really hated the taste of tequila). He held out a hand without even looking at you. 
“Come on up, off the table now. I gotta kick your ass in rummy.” 
Somehow you recovered yourself and during the next round threw away an ace to get Tommy to the 30 points he needed to get on the board and actually start keeping his points.
“You suck at this game Tom,” you teased after the fifth time he finished the round with cards in his hand. “You know you wouldn’t have to subtract points if you emptied your hand.” 
“Yes,” he hissed, “I know the rules, thank you. And that’s rich coming from the bottom of the board.” 
You looked at the whiteboard where you were keeping score to find you were at the bottom (for now). You shrugged at Tom and kept playing, on and on until 2 am when Slav declared Lana won 75 points just to push her to the required 500 to end the game. The group laughed and began cleaning up the table. Tom asked Slav and Lana if they were sure they could make it home. 
“We’ll be fine,” Slav said as he tucked his girlfriend under his arm. “Peace, mate.” 
“Yeah, peace er whatever.” 
You finished rinsing the last dish and stuffed it into the washer to start. “I’m gonna watch ‘em, make sure they get in alright.” 
Tom grumbled something but followed you out to nice porch of the trailer. As you looked over the dirt road to spot them, Tom saddled up behind you. His hands gripped the varnished wood railing on either side of you and he very gently rested his chin on your shoulder. A shiver ran through you (you pretend it was the wind picking up). 
"D'see 'em?" He asked, his words a little slurred. 
“Think they went the other way, oh wait,” you leaned back into his shoulder and pointed to a weak lightpost three trailers down. “They’re sucking face over there.” 
“Oh yeah,” Tom sang. “God, he’s eatin’ her!” 
You laugh so hard you snort and double over the railing in embarrassment. It fills Tom with mirthful pride. “I’m serious, look! It’s like watchin’ your toothless grandpa suck a boiled potato.” 
“S-stop!” You wheeze and bury your face in your hands. “I can’t! I can’t...” 
Tom giggled right along with you. You feel one of his hands catch you by your waist as you sway drunkenly before him. You both manage to get a hold of each other and find your friends have escalated their tryst. 
“Are they for real?” 
Slav had one hand up the front of Lana’s skirt and one hand tangled in her messy bun. They were too far away to see the motion but you could imagine what he was doing to her. That's when Tom decided to lean into your ear and whisper, "what do you think he's tellin' her?" 
"Something dirty," you answered back. "Absolute filth." 
"Yeah," came Tom's teasing voice. A gentle laugh tickled the skin of your neck. "Like uh…" 
A hand gripped your hip tightly and his voice dropped an octave. "Can you feel your greedy little cunt grippin' my fingers?" 
It's painful how hard your own throbbed. 
“Too much?,” Tom says, “or maybe you like that kind of thing.”
He was just teasing but there was no hiding the way your body responded. You knew he felt you shiver against him. You watched as his eyes darkened and a sly grin appeared on his face. You should have said something, protested, anything, but you were paralyzed on the spot. 
"Oh, you do like it!," he teased and pressed you harder into the railing. “Shall we have a look and see if your knickers are wet?” 
You grabbed Tom's wrist like it was a lifeline. In an instant, he took a full step back and had to catch you to keep you from falling. You felt… a lot of things in that moment. Lust above all else. It has to be why you said what you said next. 
"Don't start something you can't finish," you said in a low voice. 
All breathing stopped between you. Tom's eyes darted down to your lips several times. You had never been more sure of anything in your life before this that what Tom Grant wanted right now was to kiss you. 
And you watched helplessly as his brow furrowed and a sigh escaped from him, one so woeful his shoulders sagged from it. "...you're drunk, probably. Should let you sleep it off…" 
Disappointment filled your gut like a busted dam. You didn't want him to see you get emotional, so you pushed past him and stormed off to your tiny bed closet. You dumped yourself face first into your pillow and tried to focus on your anger so you wouldn't cry. 
You were half way to falling asleep when there was a soft knock at your door. You grimaced into your pillow and ignored him even when Tom called your name, but you did peek out when he invited himself in anyways. 
Your weak "go away" was completely muffled by the pillow pressed to your mouth and you buried your face harder to hide. Now you were ticked off at him, and growing more so when he decided to straddle your hips and poke your ribs. 
Your name rolls of his tongue in a purr. "I was thinking…" His hands wandered up your back and began to massage your shoulders. "Tequila time was 2 hours ago, and I will admit one thing: you hold yours better than me. And I dunno about you but after that fucking marathon of a game, I'm stone cold sober!" 
Muffled giggling turns into a relieved moan when Tom accidentally works out a knot in your back. You want to respond but you are a tad bit tired and you would hate for him to stop, so you wiggle your hips and bump his crotch with intent. Tom’s hips come down hard against you and are swiftly replaced with his greedy hands grasping handfuls of your cheeks and massaging you there roughly. 
“Fuckin’ hell, babe.” 
Tom’s hands slide under your hips for leverage as he humps your ass like an animal. You can’t take it anymore and lift your head just enough to yell at him, “stop teasing, Tommy, and fuckin’ fuck me already.” 
“Someone’s impatient,” he chuckled and buried his face and his fingers in your hair. “God, you smell good. D’you want a towel? Gonna need one for what I’m thinking about doing to you.” 
You were too busy rolling your eyes in your head to respond and yelped in surprise when he took a fist full of your roots and pulled your head back by them. His chin brushed your forehead, a five o’ clock shadow leaving burns where it touched you. It was mortifying, this vulnerable position… and yet, so rewarding. 
“I asked you a question.” 
“I,” you say with a gulp, “I don’t care! I just want you. On me, in me, I don’t care how or what fucking mess you make, but take my fucking clothes off.”
Tom tutts in your ear but relents. You lift your hips to give him access to your button and fly, and an extra gush of wet soaks into your pants as he works your shorts off (he has to exit the little close where your bed is as theres no floor room here). Once they are free from your ankles, you feel the bed dip again and a fat smack lands on your bare ass. 
"FUCK!" You can feel every inch of his hand leaving a print that stings like a thousand needles. "Tommy!" 
Tom just laughs and slips out of his shirt before going to work on his trousers. He swears when they tangle at his ankles because he hadn’t taken his shoes off beforehand and he sits down on the bed, struggling to free himself. 
You are quicker to undress and as soon as you are free, you slip a hand between your thighs for some much needed attention. Your sigh of relief is cut short when you remember something very important. “You haven’t got a condom, have you?” 
Tom freezes instantly. You can only see his back from your position but the silence that lingers between you is concerning. When he does speak, it’s timid. 
“...I’m sure I have one… somewhere.” 
He starts to search through his pockets (trousers still tangled around his ankles making it even harder) but you are beyond impatient at this point and you huff and crawl over the bed to him. Tom is given another moment to jack about before he is unceremoniously thrown onto his back. 
“No more talking,” you command. “You ready to put that mouth of yours to good use?” 
Tom nodded, his neck flushing red. He glances up and leans his head back as you hover over his face before lightly sitting down. Instantly, you are rewarded with the feeling of Tom’s tongue, flat and wide, licking a stripe over your clit to your hole and his hands settling on your hips lovingly. 
“Fu-u-uck Tommy…” 
He’s a little clumsy starting out but his skill is made up for by his enthusiasm. You have to rest your head on his lower belly and bite down on the soft skin there as he slips a long finger into your channel. His tongue dances a figure 8 over your bud causing your hips to rock against his face. You feel his other hand sneak down your naked chest, taking a moment to grope your boob before continuing down until his fingers graze your throat. 
You’re not sure what his plan is, but you have others. Like making him groan as your hand squeezes the base of his cock. 
“Fuck darlin’, don’t tease me, not now,” came Tom’s slightly muffled voice. 
“Oh now we’re worried about teasing?” You yelp when he nips your thigh. "Ouch, okay okay!"
You collect the pearlescent fluid leaking from his tip on your palm and spread it around on his cock. He grows just a tad thicker as you work him, but it's still not enough lubrication so you spit in your hand and use that. Tom groans from beneath you again and plants his unused hand on your ass like an anchor. 
Now with your hand gliding over the soft, pink skin, you hesitate to put him in your mouth. Tom inserts a second finger and stretches you as he works your sex desparately. You grind your teeth and tug on his cock harder to try and make up for your lack of reciprocation. 
“Fuuuck Tommy,” you purr and immediately bark “HEY” when he spanks you. 
“Hows ‘bout you put your mouth to good use, eh!” 
“Alright, bossy,” you giggle which turns into another moan. 
You push aside thoughts about your mounting pleasure and try to focus on him. You slide back the extra skin of his cock and pop the head between your lips before giving a firm suck. Tom groans against your clit and has to pull away for a second to breathe. He retaliates by adding another finger to his thrusting and pushes faster into you. 
While you are pumping the lower half of his shaft, you bob your head, taking it deeper inch by inch. You feel Tom’s chest rising and falling faster beneath your dangling belly and breasts. It’s intoxicating, the assault of sensations from all around you. Energy thrums in your body, and pressure builds quickly in your gut. You’re getting close to coming way too quickly and have to back off of Tom’s cock when you gag. You use the gallon of saliva and precum to lubricate the movements of your hand. 
“Fuck, darlin’. You gonna come on my fingers?,” Tom asked (can barely hear him with his mouth full). 
“Yes, please Tommy,” you begged.  “Always wanted you like this…”
Tom hums against your clit and his fingers hit that special spot inside you. “‘M never gonna let you leave this fuckin’ bed...” 
All you needed was one more tug on your clit and then you were coming hard, digging your nails into his thighs and screaming. Tom's so worked up and turned on his free standing cock throbs and shoots cum all over your neck dribbling down to your collarbone as he whimpers and writhes beneath you as you ride out your orgasm on his face. You frantically try to catch his tip in your mouth only to take the last shot cum up your nose and sputter and laugh as you come down from your high. 
Tommy laughs too as you roll over, your head resting on his thigh and politely dodging his softening cock. Your both panting like dogs.
"Sorry love. Least I didn't get it in your hair." 
You check. "Yes you did!" 
"Well fuck it!," and you both descend into another fit of giggles.
Masterlist | Next: Eddie Munson Floor Sex
Thank you for reading! Happy Fall and approaching Halloween!
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tokiro07 · 11 months
Cipher Academy ch.47 thoughts
[Cipher of Koizumi]
(Contents: griping about mahjong, minor Iroha/Karigane analysis, speculation
Oh god, mahjong! My mortal enemy!!! It was my worst game in Nintendo's Clubhouse Games, I could never get a firm grasp of how the rules worked. Every time I thought I had a meld the game just wouldn't let me make it! I think there was a rule about how you can't use a tile of the same type as one you've already discarded, but sometimes it seemed like I couldn't use tiles of the same type that the other players had discarded. It made no sense, the scoring system wasn't explained well, and I just don't get it
I will note that I'm also not very good at the Western card game, gin rummy, which uses the same basic rules of creating melds through sequences or like cards, but again that's mostly because the scoring system is a complete mystery to me. If it was just "make a hand" like poker, I'd have no issue, but there's so many more technicalities that just aren't intuitive
I digress. This chapter is not about mahjong, it's about Iroha meeting his match against someone who's able to turn his greatest skill against him in Karigane. We saw on twitter this week that she has a pretty similar hair color to him, so coupled with that shot at the end with the two of them in split screen, it's pretty clear that they're meant to be foils
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Iroha's Glasses Weapon made codes easier on him, Karigane's made them explicitly harder; Iroha wants to elevate those around him, Karigane wants to protect them even if it means holding them back. We'll almost certainly see more ways they compare and contrast with each other in next week's chapter, but it's interesting that we can see the general shape of it so well already
We did get a glimpse of Karigane being the guardian-type when Iroha challenged Yugata to a second lipogram battle, as she told Kogoe she would step in if Iroha was in danger of being traumatized again, but to think that she'd give herself the role of gatekeeper and semi-permanently knock out anyone she doesn't deem up to snuff. Speaking of, of course the "killing floor" is B44, what else could it be? I guess B444 or even just B4, but somehow 44 is more sinister
I'm sad to hear about Mengatasuzume and Aen, but I really wasn't expecting Togenanafushigi to be fodder like this. With the three of them gone, Class D is currently completely out of the metaverse, and Class C is reduced to just Yonakiuguisu just like at the Trilemma. Meanwhile, Class E has one member in Class A and one member from Class A, so technically Kubinashi's the only real Class E rep herself while Hakanage's Class F support is actually Class A's Anonymity! There's only like four non-Class A students in the metaverse right now, and half of them are Class B! It really makes it feel like the competition is all between Class A members, but that's a tide that's bound to change in the near future, it's too much of an advantage for our group with internal struggles like what we're seeing now
I assume that the two Class D members getting knocked out is going to be what prompts Zakuroguchi to join the fray, though it's hard to say how soon or in what capacity. We still don't know if it's the individual user or the Glasses Weapon specifically that gets blocked out after losing at B44, after all, so it's hard to say by what mechanism we'll be getting to see Zakuroguchi become active. Of course, it's also possible that she'll continue to play a role exclusively outside of the metaverse, finding some other way to further her own agenda without entering it directly
The imbalance in class representation is also why I don't imagine that anyone other than Karigane can be knocked out here; obviously Iroha won't be, and Kasuri's hair-cutting character moment was only the beginning of her arc, not the end, so it would be wasteful to get rid of her. Koshibai can't be knocked out unless someone else is first, but Hanagoromo getting knocked out would mean that Class E truly does only have Kubinashi, which would both put her at too much of a disadvantage and make Hanagoromo's very pointed inclusion as a member of Class A seem meaningless. While it would raise the stakes to actually see someone get banned, the present company just has too much weight on them to be our first victims
Speaking of Hanagoromo, I do love that she told Iroha he couldn't use the same cheat as he did in the second lipogram battle. Iroha may not realize it, but the reason that she knew he was going to pull that move was because she was present during said battle, hiding under the table as she always does. I hope that Hanagoromo ends up being a frequent enough cast member that everyone starts looking for her before they even so much as speak near a table
I do think it would be a shame if Karigane gets booted out this early, so I'm not actually so sure that she's going to lose here either. Knowing Iroha, he's going to try to for a tie, making it so that everyone passes and everyone can move on, though who knows, there might be another hidden mechanism in the room for advancing without playing the game
As a final note, I do kind of wish that Nisio hadn't revealed Anonymity last week. I think that Hanagoromo mentioning that Nakigara not having arrived at B44 and also not seeming to exist would have built a bit more intrigue around the character; "is it Anonymity? Did she lose before even reaching B44? What did she lose to?" Those all would have been really fun questions, but instead we know that it's just that Anonymity was cheating, which is fun, I just would have liked more buildup I think
Still, I continue to be endeared to this entire cast, so even without that bit of intrigue, I'm always having fun seeing how different characters interact with each other and the sort of logic they apply to the puzzles. Karigane shot way up in my rankings just from this chapter, so I'm excited to see how much more I'll enjoy her after we get to see her supplying a real challenge to Iroha
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allslotfreebiesgames1 · 7 months
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Gin Rummy Stars Free is an electronic commendable game where you get to play against the best players starting with one side of the planet then onto the next. On the off chance that you've whenever played Gin Rummy eye to eye, you will know how to play Gin Rummy Stars where the players don't set out their sets and runs until they are ready to end the round. Assuming your enemy has critical runs or sets in his hold, they won't think about focuses. You will require many Gin Rummy Stars Free Coins 2022 to score since it is a game. In any case, before let us analyze the unprecedented parts.
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rummynabob22 · 2 years
Get Paid to Have a Blast Playing Teen Patti Fun Online!
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Nowadays, almost everyone with a smartphone may access the internet and spend time playing digital games.
They want a way to gamble and win real money. If you've been waiting for the right moment to play Teen Patti Fun online for cash, that moment is here.
What Is Teen Patti Fun Online Game?
Teen Patti, or flash or flush, is a typical card game in India. Including the ranking of the 52 cards from top to lowest, this game is virtually identical to the famous British card game 3-card Brag.
Playable with as little as two and as many as six people, the fun multiplies with each additional participant. Before the game can begin, the players must agree upon a single starting value or stake.
All participants must put at least the bare minimum into the pot, and whoever comes out on top gets all the money. The dealer will next dish out a set of cards to each player.
Teen Patti Fun is a card game in which players start with three cards and receive two more quickly until they have a hand of three.
You can play "visible," in which you may see your hand and make educated bets, or "blind," in which you must place bets based on the information you do not yet possess.
Teen Patti Fun Hands Chart
Teen Patti's score depends on how well her hand is evaluated, from best to worst. Let's investigate the game's guidelines and determine how to improve our odds of winning.
Three aces put you at the top of the deck, while three twos put you at the bottom.
Female adolescent Patti. It's a lot of fun playing up the hierarchy. Bettors are guaranteed to collect if the hand opens with three aces.
Exposing a sequence of cards starting with an A and finishing with a three will win the game. For teenagers like Teen Patti, games include ranking a deck of cards from best (A, K, Q, J, etc.) to worst (the 2.
Accumulating three certain cards is required for victory. Sequences of 2, 3, 4, J, Q, K, and A, followed by a pause, and then the next three digits are one example of such a pattern. Similarly, you can't use the sequence "A 2 K" to unlock anything.
Possessing a winning hand of three or more identical cards might completely alter the course of the game. Gathering three sets of duplicate claim cards automatically wins.
How To Play Teen Patti Fun Online?
Teen Patti Fun may also be played online, where many people are already waiting to get started as soon as they log in and choose to do so.
Teen Patti Fun is a very well-liked game available on the Rummy Nabob App. You are flexible about the time and place of your games. It also has an extensive library of games, some of which can be profitable.
You may start a game in two ways: seeing the cards beforehand or going in blind. That's fine with the other players so we can start the game. Playing the game without an online connection doesn't diminish the experience.
Guides In Playing Teen Patti Fun
1.) The person to the dealer's left initiates play by placing the initial bet, and the game then progresses clockwise around the table from there.
2.) Second, after putting money into the pot, each player can continue playing or folding with no loss.
3.) Three, when you fold, you lose your whole wager and have no further chance of winning it back.
4.) There are two ways to play this game: with and without the players seeing the cards. Blind betting ups the stakes and improves a player's hand.
5.)  Each participant in the current stake puts the same amount into the pot before the game begins.
6.) Six blind players can enter the game with a single bet, but three times the existing wagers are required of seeing players.
7.) For Rule #7 of Teen Patti, your bet will become the new "current stake" for everyone at the table.
8.) Eight, for double the average wager, the cards can be shown to blind players during their turn if they want.
9.) The last player standing, regardless of his hand, wins if all other players in the hand fold.
10.) The cards are displayed and compared if only two players are left after everyone else has folded, and one bets money for a show.
How To Earn Real Money Now In Teen Patti Fun?
Playing Teen Patti online is like a never-ending party. Expertise and methodical technique are required for success in this card game. If we go with Teen Patti, we can quickly boost our earnings.
Indeed, many people have never played a video game online, but that's starting to change. On Rummy Nabob' website, you can now play this game demonstrating how Earth has shrunk to the size of a village. Making money from this is not wishful thinking if you put in the effort.
To use the app or play on the website, you will need a connection to the internet. Playing blind is the best choice if you want to win real money, as you will have to pay twice as much if you peek at your cards.
In a casino, being reckless might lead to a more significant win. Furthermore, keep a poker face and hide your true feelings when competing against others. This way, your opponent can't exploit your confusion as a show of weakness to have the upper hand over you.
Many non-Indians who speak Hindi or Urdu like playing Teen Patti Fun, a card game popular not just in India but also among Bollywood celebrities and actresses. You need at least three cards to start a hand.
All players make a single, identical stake into the pot simultaneously. Throw this in the pot, and the winner gets everything.
All day long, participants can win and ultimately cash out. Why not give Teen Patti Fun a shot right now if you want a chance at some cold hard cash? You may get started with Rummy Nabob right now by going to their website.
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hiscorelive · 1 year
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fallenfurther · 3 years
Homecoming - Together
Chapter 4 - The boys visit their father
Chapters 1 , 2 and 3.
A short one from Jeff's point of view. Enjoy!
His whole family was relaxing in his private garden. Scott and Virgil sat beside him at the table, a pack of old playing cards between them with a game of rummy pretty much abandoned. It was a good thing they weren't keeping score as almost all their attention was on Alan. It was Alan's turn to share what had happened over the past eight years and he was currently standing before them, full of enthusiasm, as he recounted his mission to Europa. Gordon was perched on a cushion with his legs crossed, occasionally butting in with his own comments. His youngest still radiated energy, just as he’d done as a child, and Jeff could see the joy in Gordon's eyes when talking about the Pendergasts. He was going to have to look them up later to see what all the fuss was about, just as he'd done with Cavern Quest. Alan started to build up as he reached the climax of the rescue. Jeff had yet read the report for this rescue so wasn’t sure how much was being exaggerated, and although he knew they would be okay, his heart still raced at the drama. The sense of relief that washed over him when Alan informed them of their safe landing was immense. Alan really did remind him of himself, and brought back the memories and thrill of his own first trips into space. It hadn’t helped that Alan threw his arm into the air to show off their trajectory as they’d burst through the ice, face full of excitement. He'd hoped the young man would go to college, but with his eyes set on space and with access to a rocket, it might be hard to convince the boy otherwise. There was a round of applause and a bow at the end of the story, before Alan settled into the floor next to Gordon.
"So, Gordon, did you ever get to join WASP or did you go straight into the family business?"
Gordon had once had his eyes set on WASP after finishing his Olympic career. Jeff regretted that he wasn't there to see Gordon take gold, but they had shown him the footage. Gordon had been pulled into a hug as tears of pride fell from Jeff’s eyes. He'd re-watched the footage multiple times since, as well as the other home footage they had supplied over and over when he felt alone in his room. The boys had been his motivation to survive and they were still his biggest motivation now. They had all turned into respectable men despite his disappearance and he was so proud of them all.
"Actually, I did. Only for the training year though. They did say they would welcome me back if I ever got bored of International Rescue. It was definitely the right thing to do. WASP taught me so much when it came to the sea, currents and challenges of being in an underwater craft. That training set me right up for piloting Thunderbird Four, helping me work as a team and focus on learning the best ways to rescue people. They're a really cool bunch of people and I'm still in contact with them."
"That's good to hear, son."
Jeff wanted to place a hand on Gordon's shoulder, but he was on the wrong side of the table. He'd always worried about Gordon, who'd struggled with paying attention at school. Jeff had spent hours trying to convince him to study and do homework. If it didn't line up with his interests, Gordon never wanted to do it. The school teachers always compared him to his brothers, who had all been good studiers and never needed prompting, yet Gordon would always surprise them when given free rein on the topic. If he could make it about the sea, he would, and that was when Gordon would shine. The diorama of the coral reef and pollution levels had surprised his teachers, especially when Jeff had confirmed that Virgil had only helped by giving Gordon verbal painting suggestions. Knowing Gordon had still pursued WASP meant everything to Jeff. He'd only wanted the boys involved with International Rescue out of their own desire, and not pressured by a feeling of duty. Gordon had joined WASP, seen what it would have been like to work for the organisation and decided he wanted to be part of the family business. The man had still stayed true to his own hopes and dreams.
"Hey, Dad, I was…" Scott started before a beep came from John's wrist, who was sitting quietly on the bench in the shade next to their grandmother. The familiar voice of EOS filled the garden.
"Sorry to interrupt, John, but there is an emergency that requires International Rescue for the greatest chance of success."
"What's the situation?"
"A building site explosion has caused some steel framework to collapse against the skyscraper across the road. There is a high probability people are trapped and there is a risk of further explosions as the cause of the first is currently unknown. Further explosions could lead to more damage to the surrounding buildings. I believe Thunderbird One and Two are both required."
"FAB, EOS." John turned to the group, determination on his face. "Ready to go?"
"What are we waiting for?" Alan jumped to his feet, fist in the air. "Thunderbirds are go!"
The scraping of chair legs filled the air and Scott placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Duty calls, Dad. See you soon."
Jeff’s boys were running back into the facility with a wave goodbye over their shoulders. The pounding of their feet slipped away leaving the air still and the garden eerily quiet. Neither occupant spoke, waiting for the rumble that they knew would follow. It did just that. The roar of those great engines had faded in Jeff’s memory over the years, just as various other sounds of Earth had slipped from his mind. They were things he was experiencing again. This was Jeff’s chance to live again. Yet his boys couldn't stand down International Rescue when they visited as a family, so they always landed the craft in the field beside the facility. The downdrafts created by Thunderbird Two swept over the facility and his wind chimes clattered as the ship came into view. The quieter Thunderbird One was beside the green giant. Thunderbird Two picked up speed while Thunderbird One turned and sped away with a bang in the opposite direction. The green craft was soon out of sight, her roar fading away to nothing, and the slowing chimes and empty chairs the only evidence that they had ever been there. The rough scratching of a chair moving closer to him made him turn away from the sky before the space elevator came into view.
"They'll be back, don't you worry."
The smile on his mother's face was warm, familiar and filled him with comfort, even if it didn't chase away his worries. His boys were gone again, barely recovered from their last rescue. They had all been here. It still felt like such a rare treat, just as it had ever since Scott had left for the Air Force.
"It was never meant to be this way." Jeff sighed. His mother placed her hand on his and her cool blue eyes met his.
"This is your dream. Your boys are flying the Thunderbirds and saving people."
"Not like this though. I never planned for International Rescue to be needed as much as it is."
"Well, you couldn't have predicted just how successful and necessary International Rescue would be. They've risen to the challenge amazingly, Jeff."
"I know, Mum, but at what cost?"
Jeff ran his hand through his hair as he leant back and gazed at the sky. There was a small black dot that he believed was the elevator whisking John away. That's what the world did now. They called on International Rescue and snatched his boys away. Before, the rescues had been a few a month, leaving them plenty of time for relaxing and being together, especially when Alan and Gordon were home from school. He could see the exhaustion in his sons, the fact that there never seemed to be enough hours in the day for them to sleep. Alan seemed the least affected and appeared to have the most spare time, but Jeff had heard the yawns when they played Cavern Quest together.
"A cost they are willing to pay. Now, let's see if you've still got it in you to beat the master at Blackjack."
A bag of tokens landed on the table as his mother slid the discarded cards into a pile up and started to shuffle. Jeff smiled, though not entirely happy at the obvious distraction tactics, as he tipped the familiar coloured tokens on the table.
"If I remember correctly, you're in my debt at the moment, sure you want to deepen it further?"
There was a glint in his mother's eye as she met his own and her lip curled up.
"Just put the usual million on the table and we'll end the day with you owing me."
Jeff started stacking the counters into the required piles, happy to accept the challenge though he did wish his mother would let him listen in on the rescue. Hearing their voices would settle him a little, though Mum probably thought their daredevil antics would be too much for his old ticker. His heart worked fine. He'd just wanted his boys.
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kissmeaboutit · 3 years
Request: 19( Are you crying?) and I Found by Amber Run
So I did this song already but this is a different approach! Hopefully it makes sense 😅 and as usual it’s not beta’d!
Buck stared down at the letter in his hands. It was covered in so many stamps that showed that it probably had gotten bounced around before making it’s way back to him months later.
Buck swallowed harshly as he shoved it in his work bag. He closed and relocked his mailbox before heading off to work. It was a letter he had sent to Abby months prior. A letter that she either never received or sent right back without opening it.
Maybe he should have left it in the locker, because the slow shift had him so tempted. Tempted to reach into the bag and open the letter that he poured his heart into.
The blond gave in three hours into their 24 hour shift. He was weak apparently. The letter felt heavy in his hands as he sat at the table, slowly peeling the envelope open.
He could feel it. Eddie’s eyes on him. It’s as if he knew Buck was currently doing something that could possibly by harmful. His boyfriend didn’t say anything though, just observed from his spot on the couch.
It’s been a while since i’ve heard from you. I miss you, more than I thought I would. I guess I didn’t think you’d be gone so long.
He set the letter down and let out a slow breath. It took everything in him to get through the letter. Instead of throwing it away when he was finished , Buck stood to grab a sheet from a notebook and a pen. He got to work.
Dear Abby,
I’m not sure if I’ll actually send you this. For now I just need to write. Write about how I know what to look for now. The warnings. To know who will leave me like I meant nothing. Maybe that’s not fair, but it’s how it felt. I’m over it I really am I just...It’s a lot. I’m happier now than I ever was before. I found someone...something so special. He was right in front of me and I took the chance. Wow it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I used this fantasy version of you to cover up how broken I felt. Now? I’m stitched back together. I’m whole. Not just because of him, but mostly. I needed to love myself first I guess.
That’s all I needed to say.
He paused when he noticed the page had a few wet drops on it. He scrunched his brows in confusion.
“Are you crying?” The soft and familiar voice came from beside him. Buck looked up at Eddie as he processed the words. The younger firefighter touched his cheek, and found them dampened with tears.
“ Oh...I guess I am. I’m okay though, I promise.” Buck stacked all the papers together, standing so he could wrap his arms around Eddie. “I was just reminiscing. I thought about how lucky I am to have you. To of found your love.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow “ Uh huh...” he reached up to wipe off his cheeks even though he was no longer crying. “ Come on, why don’t we go play cards? Give you something to actually cry about.” He teased.
Buck laughed, kissing Eddie’s cheek “ Hey now, our rummy scores are not so far off from each other.” Eddie slid their fingers together, pulling him towards the cards. “ Yeah, but i’m still winning and you still whine every time I do.”
“ Yeah because you cheat!” Buck laughed, knowing fully that Eddie doesn’t. He just loved to rile him up. As he watched Eddie shuffled and deal the cards, Buck couldn’t help but stare. Eddie looked so beautiful. He wasn’t supposed to find this wonderful amazing person. At least that’s what he used to think, and now he knows. He knows that he was always meant to find Eddie.
There was no place he’d rather be.
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madmeridian · 4 years
For Day 4 of Meronia event (@meroniaevent)
Ao3 Link
A/N: I tried to think of a fic following canon (or close to it) for this prompt but everything I wrote, I hated, so I did this dumb little AU of them meeting at an airport. It’s not the best, but I hope you guys like it
Mello despised the airport. Every time he went to one, everything seemed to go wrong. Security held him up, or his baggage got lost, or there was an issue with his ticket. 
This time around, his flight was delayed. Though it was nearly noon, the sky way dark, snow falling in a heavy blanket outside. He couldn’t even see the tarmac out the window past the white cascading down in thick flakes. 
The other people at the gate were scattered about, looking as disgruntled as he felt. At this rate, they might not even get on the plane until tonight. 
The only person sitting near him was a white-haired man, shuffling a deck of cards. He looked bored out of his mind too. 
“This sucks,” Mello started, gesturing towards the window. The man looked up at him, a brief flash of grey eyes meeting his, then staring out the window. “Can I play a game with you?” 
“A card game?” Mello prompted, nodding to the deck of cards. “To pass the time.” 
“I suppose. Do you know how to play Rummy?” 
“Yeah. I can keep score on my phone.” 
The man, who introduced himself as Near, was exceptionally good at playing Rummy. Mello swore as he lost, again. Near raised an eyebrow at him, gathering up the cards. 
“Perhaps we should play a different game,” Near suggested. “War? It’s a game of chance, at least.” 
“I’m not mad,” Mello gritted out, clearly mad. 
“You’re a bad liar.” Near began to shuffle again. “War, then. I would rather you not murder me before we even get on the plane.” 
“If we ever get on the plane,” Mello muttered, watching as Near dealt out the cards with practiced speed. “Why are you going to New York?”
“Family,” Near answered. A small crease formed between his eyebrows as he thought for a second. “Sort of.” 
“Sort of?” Mello prompted, picking up his stack of cards.
 “I would not call us a normal family, but it is family nonetheless. What about you?” 
“Work. I’ve got business there.” They both set down their cards. Mello swiped the two towards him, winning the battle. 
“Have you been before now?” Near asked. 
“Two or three times. I’m not a big fan of travel. Something always goes wrong.” 
“I don’t like to travel much either.” Near didn’t elaborate any further. 
“Hello everyone, apologies for the delay, but we will be boarding soon,” a voice over the intercom chimed out. 
“Thank god,” Mello breathed, getting off the ground. Near packed up his cards, getting up too. “Thanks for humoring me. I think I would’ve gone nuts if I’d just sat here for any longer.” 
“Likewise. It was nice meeting you,” Near said, shoving his cards back into his carry-on. 
The boarding went thankfully fast. Everyone wanted to get on and get off the ground already. The delay had been long enough. 
As Mello walked down the aisle towards his seat, he grinned. The person sitting in the seat next to him was none other than Near, who was already wrapped in a blanket and had headphones around his neck. 
“I guess you aren’t free from me yet,” Mello said, swinging his bag into the overhead. 
“No, I suppose not,” Near said dryly. “Though I’d rather it be you than another new person.” 
Mello sat down in his seat, very aware that there wasn’t a lot of space between him and Near. The thought was stupid. You aren’t going to get a crush on a guy you met an hour ago.
“They’re supposed to be getting snow in New York too,” Mello said idly, looking out the window past Near. “I was at least hoping to get out of the bad weather.”
 Near hummed in agreement, but didn’t bother to humor Mello with small talk. Mello did gather by now that Near wasn’t all that into talking to anyone. It almost reminded him a bit of Matt, who rarely went along with idle conversation like that. 
As soon as it was announced that the plane would take off, Near put his headphones on. Mello waited until they were up in the air to put his own on, drowning out the quiet hum of conversation and snoring from the other passengers. 
After settling in, he’d nearly fallen asleep, but was jolted up again when he felt a weight on his shoulder. Groggily, he glanced down to see Near’s head leaning on him. Near was completely out, drooling a little on Mello’s shirt while he slept.
You aren’t gonna fall for a guy you met like an hour ago. You aren’t. You aren’t. 
Near scooted a little closer to him, wrapping his blanket tighter around himself
At some point, Mello had finally fallen asleep too. When he woke up, Near was awake again, watching the clouds out the window. 
“We’re almost there. They made an announcement,” Near said. 
Mello stretched as best he could in the small space, groaning. “Shit. I’m gonna sleep so much when I get to my hotel.” 
“How long are you staying?” Near asked, eyes still on the window. Mello pretended that he didn’t see how pretty the reflection of the clouds looked in Near’s eyes. 
“A week. Time to do business and some sightseeing. I’ve never actually walked around the city or anything.”
“There’s a lot of cool places to go.” Near turned to him. “My family has taken me around a bit.” 
The topic seemed to strike an interest in Near, who gave him recommendations of places to go. Mello nodded along, almost wanting to ask Near if he’d come along too. He didn’t really want to go alone, but the words seemed to be stuck in his throat. 
The plane finally landed and everyone seemed to give out a shared sigh of relief. Mello stared at the back of Near’s head as they got off the plane, wondering what to say. Hey, I just met you, but do you want to hang out? That’s fucking stupid, he wouldn’t say yes. I wouldn’t say yes if someone asked me. Just ask for his number or something.
Mello had already resigned to the fact it was probably too late, but Near pulled him aside just after they got off the ramp. He stuffed a napkin into Mello’s hand. 
“I could show you around some places if you want,” Near said nervously, shuffling his feet. “That’s my number.” 
“Oh, thanks,” Mello responded, dumbfounded. “I wouldn’t want to take you away from your family.” 
“I might need a break from them.” Near looked over to where two figures were waiting. One looked completely disheveled, messy black hair and crumpled jeans. The other was wearing a full suit, a sharp contrast to the person beside him.
“Yeah, I think I get,” Mello muttered. “In that case, I’ll be sure to take you up on that offer.” 
Near offered him a small, awkward smile. “It was nice meeting you, Mello.” 
“Nice meeting you too,” Mello said. Near nodded and walked, dragging his feet to meet his family members. Whoever the hell they were. 
Mello took another look at the napkin and grinned to himself. Well, not the worst flight I’ve been on.
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virtualfantasysblog · 3 years
New Real Money Pool Games | Best Fantasy Cricket App | Fantasy Cricket App List | Best 11 Fantasy App | Virtual Fantasy
How To Play Fantasy League?
Fantasy Cricket is part of a fictional game, an online game where a visual team of real cricket players are created and points are earned depending on how those players play in real-life matches. To win the tournament the players need to work hard to get high scores and have a high level on the leaderboard. You can enjoy your online game. So check out the best 11 fantasy app.
Here I will post the top free Fantasy Cricket Apps where you can earn money using your knowledge of cricket. We've already posted the Best fantasy Cricket Apps on our blog to play free fantasy games. You can check it out and use those apps to play fantasy cricket and new real money pool games to make money online.
You can enjoy your favorite cricket match as the Daily fantasy cricket in your home. Fantasy Cricket is a sports game where each player can make a team of 11, selecting players from a group of 25 or 30.
The user will receive 100 Coins to select all 11 new players for their Cricket Team and the user will receive points for the selected team of 11 players based on their performance in the actual game and can win Points and Can Go Best in the Level List.
You can win cash rewards and prizes Daily. Create a fantasy app for cricket, Team like a Pro and Get a More Chance for Winning!!
Virtual fantasy The New Fantasy App has been gaining rounds of fun and applause at every corner from Fantasy Players around the world. The New Fantasy App now offers us not only the best feeling in Fantasy Sports but also the best feeling of Online Gaming in general. Virtual fantasy recently introduced BB Arcade which has been featuring Poker, Rummy and Online Quizzes for a long time now and BB awards in the course that give Players additional Reasons to Play in the Virtual fantasy App.
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Why should I play fantasy games?
This is an easy one. Playing Fantasy Sports, or more specifically, Fantasy Cricket gives you a thought-provoking way to create your own team of stars as your legend and detail. It also allows you to use your game knowledge to win prizes. By playing these online games, you can guide your players in such a way that their personal and personal synergies focus on an integrated goal.
What is fantasy cricket?
Fantasy Cricket is just what the word means - it is a visual form of fantasy cricket app list based on the Fantasy-based selection of the best players.
In it, a player selects a visual team of 11 players from 30 or more players from two competing teams. He may choose them on the basis of their record, current form, strengths and weaknesses, playing conditions and sometimes even intuition.
This type of online game also saves space for the understanding of every player and the cricket version. This is because different fantasy players may see a real player of a real game differently and the same vision closely affects the creation of their team.
Once a player has created a fantasy team, he or she should also mark the captain and deputy captain on it. Each player he chooses gets points based on his playing down. The captain and vice-captain received additional cricket app fantasy for the performance of all other players on the team, except for themselves.
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Online fantasy cricket
Virtual fantasy of Online Fantasy Cricket India Games. You are in control of your team and its choices - and you are the one who makes all the choices every day!
Get fully involved in the game: Once you have created your team, you will not easily relax. It's like being in the center and making all your decisions in real time. Best of all, play for real money, you get to know what it takes to be a winner in seemingly impossible situations.
Creating your own game: There is an adrenaline rush that only comes with using personal information and learning more Good every day. With online games, you can always rely on making it better with every single game and one day!
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Know Some Fantasy Cricket Tips here.
Virtual fantasy cricket, as the name suggests, is an online Fantasy game where you can build a visual cricket team & play fantasy cricket and win cash daily. The process of playing league cricket is very simple. Your main goal is to get as many points as possible and gain a place on the leadership board by beating your opponents.
 In this case, you have to choose the top 11 players from the two teams that play the game on a given day. Then select a captain and deputy captain in the team and close the team. Points are earned depending on how the players you choose perform. There are different sets of running points, wickets and catches, among other parameters.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not only watch live cricket but also become a selector, organize your team and win real money with fantasy games? Virtual fantasy is one of the best fantasy cricket app that takes your love of the game to the next level. Get started by downloading the Virtual fantasy app, build your IPL fantasy team or any other fantasy league, and win real money every day.
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lostinsantacarla · 4 years
Devil Went Down to Georgia
(A request by @nyx-daughterofchaos98 A reaction to the song by The Charlie Daniels band. I hope you enjoy it. My apologies for taking so long.)
It was one of those rainy nights when the boys took their patronage to their favorite local bar on the wharf and hung out around a table near the tap, but not far from the old music box. Aside from the arcade, the humans of age liked to gather at this spot in particular, making it quite a loud, but cozy atmosphere as various sports and the like played silently on the overhead TV screens.
The boys blended in very well. Marko and Paul sat across from each other playing a game of Rummy, and Paul was actually winning this hand. Usually it was Marko on top of the lead in scores.  David sat in between them on a stool, putting him a little higher than the two, while Dwayne stood at the bar. The second in command had his eye on a young girl at the other end.
She was pretty, red hair and green eyes and her drink of choice was a cosmopolitan. Very much in her own world, ignoring the bustle around her, the sound of music inside her head surrounded her outside like notes of music on a sheet of paper.
Dwayne knew the song. It had been around awhile, and he knew what it was like not being able to get something like a song on repeat out of your head. Paul understood it too, although when that vampire had a song playing in his head, it was usually on purpose.
He glanced at David, who looked ready to step outside for a smoke, and maneuvered his way to the little music machine that thankfully time hadn’t forgotten. Of course, these days it was free choice, given the fact that everyone had smart phones with the ability to play whatever they wanted to hear. The selections seemed infinite and sure enough, the song was there.  With a slight click of a red button, the dial was flipped and ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’ sprang from the speakers.
No one could deny the catchy tune as a fiddle started it off, and a few of the humans in the room looked up in surprise, making it obvious they hadn’t heard it in a while, but welcomed it back into their lives.
Marko was studying his hand, eyes traveling back and forth between it and the pile in front of them, determined to make his next move count when his leg started to dance absently under the table. If there was a devil in the room, it had to be him, though most always declared it was David.
Paul moved up and down on the balls of his feet, waiting almost impatiently for Marko to decide. It was then he realized that Dwayne had been the one to pick the song and while it didn’t surprise him, the choice was mediocre in his opinion.  All music had a ring to it, but this one in particular made him feel like he should have been at a barn dance. He gave Dwayne the look of, ‘what the hell?’ but didn’t say it out loud.
“How can you call yourself a musician, Paul, if you don’t appreciate music overall?” David asked, his tone as always calm and collected. The type of calm you had to be careful about deciphering just in case there was a storm behind it. In this case, he was only giving his fellow comrade a hard time.
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate,” Paul explained. “Just not something I’d pick for myself. Dude, are you gonna go or what?” He reached out and kicked Marko in the shin.
“The fuck, dude?” Marko asked. He’d been listening to the lyrics while contemplating his winning strategy and gave David a look. They were always looking for the next soul to steal as the song proclaimed.
“What made you pick this one?” David asked Dwayne.
Dwayne remained silent but raised his beer and tipped it towards the young lady, who was blushing behind her cocktail.
‘It was on her mind.’ He told the three of them through their mental means of communication.
More lyrics filtered through as Marko finally made a move.
‘Johnny you resin up your bow and play your fiddle hard 'Cause hell's broke loose in Georgia and the devil deals the cards
And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold But if you lose, the devil gets your soul…’
He threw his hands up, the winner at last and Paul tossed his cards into a disastrous pile on the table.
“Dare me not to jump up on this thing and do a jig,��� Marko chuckled, turning to lock eyes with the ‘winner’ of the song of choice for the night.
Paul turned to her as well, as did David and Dwayne, and while their looks were curious, the predator inside was always lurking under the surface. It made them appear menacing even when they weren’t trying to be, and the girl spit out part of her drink.
‘The devil opened up his case and he said, "I'll start this show" And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow
He dragged the bow across the strings, and it made an evil hiss The band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this’
David smiled and stood to take a bow. Paul nodded and started to tap the top of the table, giving up and giving in to the jam. Marko sat back for a moment, aloof and relaxed, a coy smile on his face before getting up to retrieve a shot of whiskey for all four of them. That left Dwayne wide open. The question was, would the lady take his challenge?
‘When the devil finished johnny said "well you're pretty good, old son But sit down in that chair right there and let me show you how it's done”’
To his surprise, she cleaned away the spilled alcohol, sat up straight and raised a hand to get the bartenders attention. Before he’d even made his way halfway, she said very loud and clear, “Four blowjobs for these boys in front here,” and she pointed at each.
Paul, naturally, was the first to lose his shit, a combustion of laughter that left him sweeping most of the cards off the table with his movement alone. No one needed them anymore anyway. “I’ll take one of those any night, sweet cheeks,” he declared. If this were the song that did it, he couldn’t argue it either anymore.
Marko’s grin turned downright seedy. He applauded her and accepted as well, temporarily leaving behind the whiskey. It was a little sweet for his liking, but how could any of them resist a good blow job?
Dwayne was actually laughing and with David’s approval he waved her down to join them as the shots were prepared and set out in front of them.
Thank goodness for alcohol and its stimulant effect on the young lady, making her deny the fact that these four were monsters. Or perhaps she was just in the mood for a good challenge as the song noted and they were four devils that weren’t going to win this showdown.
David at first was reluctant as always to put himself in such a vulnerable state out in public, but he gathered with his gang. Each of them took a seat at the card table, drink in front of them and with their hands behind their backs, they took the shot, tilted their heads up and drank. Boom. The knock of glasses hitting wood rose, as did their faces, whipped cream on their upper lips.  
The young lady got a good laugh as the song was coming to its close.
‘The devil bowed his head 'cause he knew that he'd been beat And he laid that golden fiddle on the ground at johnny's feet
Johnny said, "devil, just come on back if you ever want to try again I told you once, you son of a bitch I'm the best that's ever been"’
“You boys wanna go again?” she taunted.
“Come sit down on my lap,” Dwayne invited, patting his knee. “Then we’ll talk.”
In that moment she probably thought she’d beaten the devil, or possibly his four demons, but in reality, she had no idea what she was in for.
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allslotfreebiesgames1 · 7 months
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