#Hey uh
foxonrollerskates · 10 days
New follower?
[1 Choccy Milk added to your inventory][Suspicious Meat x3 added to your inventory]
*opens inventory*
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Woah! Choccy milk! I love-
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atherix · 8 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series, Hermitcraft SMP Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: mumscarian Characters: Grian, Mumbo Jumbo, Scar (hermitcraft) Additional Tags: Elf Scar, Vampire Mumbo, Watcher Grian, major character death not shown on screen Series: Part 29 of Midnight Summary:
Things go wrong for the Coven.
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theelmoarchive · 1 year
Hey tumblr you wanna let me post my art so bad haha
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mimirjoo · 2 years
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you see her looking at you across the club. what do you do
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duckduckhjonk · 2 months
Go take this totally fun colour quiz! :D
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scribble-dee-vee · 8 months
The fourteen-year-old that still lives in my brain wants to stay up all night and finish chapter 23. Unfortunately, I have WORK tomorrow. Disgusting homophobic etc
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aphverse-confessions · 7 months
Rewatching jesson's old stardew valley live streams and Jason straight up compares their workers to stray animals Jess used to take in as a kid. 😭
"Yeah and now you take in people! Who work for us!" As Jess was just trying to share a story abt how she had a pet peacock as a kid 😭😭😭😭😭
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: QSMP | Quackity SMP Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Rafael Lange | Cellbit & Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer Characters: Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer, Darryl Noveschosch | BadBoyHalo Additional Tags: Blood and Gore, Gore, Heavy gore, I Cannot Emphasize Enough The Fact That Gore, Trust Issues, Rated For Violence, Vivisection, trepanning, Past Prison Abuse, The Inherently Abusive Nature Of Prisons, Respawn Mechanics (Minecraft), Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane, Consent Issues, No Sex, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Ethical Dilemmas, Medical Torture, Medical Procedures, Medical Trauma, Paranoia, Minecraft Mechanics, Temporary Character Death, Language Barrier, Cannibalistic Thoughts, mentioned but don't play major roles: maxo dapper etoiles tazercraft richas skeppy, Fuga Impossível Summary:
Cellbit returns to Forever after infiltrating the Federation. As little as either of them want to do it, he has to be checked for implanted listening devices before he can be welcomed back into the fold.
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aethling · 1 year
my son has gone emo right under my nose. i don’t remember allowing him to shop at hot topic but now here we are. i’ve got no idea why this is happening, but i do suppose i’ll support him in his endeavors. his new black scales are a surprise, but not unwelcome.
pictured below: left) alfie when i got him. and right) alfie now
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layyvi · 1 year
Woke up to new of extra aot pages coming next year and had a heart attack thinking that isayama got inspired by geges bullshit or smth and did something crazy but thank God it's just side stories fjdjdjfjfjNDFNFNSNDNF
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heartofhubris-a · 2 years
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My discord is an important place
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whorenerdking · 2 years
For the Steddie Ask Game: 4, 7, 9, and 12?
4. Favorite holiday choice for them?
Eddie LOVES Halloween, it may seem like the obvious choice for him, but he doesn’t care. The decorations are fun, coming up with costume ideas, trying to convince Steve to do couples costumes (he succeeds every year), and all the candy and themed treats. It’s fun and free and makes him feel like a little kid again. He convinces the whole party to go to a haunted corn maze one year, and it’s the most fun he’s ever had. There’s themed mazes (and a normal one for those too scared), carnival games, a horrific amount of fried food, and a big ol’ pumpkin patch. Eddie gets Steve and the other older kids to go in one of the haunted mazes with him, and they spend an hour getting scared shitless and laughing and having the time of their lives. Eddie’s really good at spotting scares before they happen, so he’s able to do so if he notices someone getting overwhelmed, but luckily nothing too bad happens. Though if Steve clings to him for the rest of the night, he’d say it was worth it.
Steve’s favorite holiday is Eddie’s birthday 💖 Eddie tells him that doesn’t count, while blushing furiously, so he picked their anniversary. But that doesn’t count either, Harrington! so Steve picks Valentine’s Day because he loves spoiling his boyfriend and taking care of him. He knows that Eddie could take or leave the holiday, so as much as he wants to make a huge deal about it, he doesn’t. After all, Steve wants the love of his life to be happy, so he does little things for him all day. He makes Eddie breakfast in bed, doesn’t complain or tease about his music choices whenever they’re in the car, pays for anything they do that day. Basically, he makes the whole day about Eddie in any way he can without going overboard. And Eddie knows this, knows that Steve loves to do things like this, so he tries to not be too difficult about it. (But Steve doesn’t mind, Eddie being difficult is one of the things he loves about him). Of course, there’s always one big gift that Steve gets him every year. He tries to not get something that’s super expensive, having grown up with money being a replacement for love and affection. So he tries to find something small but meaningful, like a new patch for his vest, a new set of dice, a fantasy book he thought Eddie might like. Sometimes he tries making something, like the one time he made a mixtape that was filled with songs that might not be something Eddie would go out of his way to listen to, but Steve genuinely thinks he would like. (He does, and he listens to it when he’s having a bad day, but no one has to know). The best gift he ever got him (in Eddie’s opinion), is a d20 ring that has ‘You rolled right into my heart’ engraved on the inside. It’s cheesy as hell but neither of them care, Eddie actually starts tearing up at it. And if he starts wearing it on his left ring finger, that’s his business.
7. Which one hogs the covers when they sleep?
Eddie is an absolute menace when it comes to hogging the blankets. He’s always run colder than most people and loves to bundled up in at least five layers of blankets. Steve doesn’t really mind, but he wants to cuddle with his boyfriend! Luckily, Steve is like a portable heater, so Eddie with naturally gravitate towards him in the middle of the night. Their bed is always a mess of tangled up blankets on the left side.
9. Do you imagine they would have been childhood friends?
Oh man I could go ON AND ON about this because there’s so many possibilities. Also I have something in my drafts about this headcanon. I’ll try to be brief cause I could honestly write a whole novel on this topic. Also I’m putting this under a read more cause holy shit did it get away from me.
So I have this AU where they met around 6-7, cause at that point Steve’s parents had started leaving him with a sitter 24/7 and Eddie just recently started living with Wayne after his mom died, and his dad went to prison. They meet at a park one day and start talking about something, and by the end of the day they’re best friends. They pretty much spend all their time together up until right before Steve starts high school. Steve had been feeling extremely confused about his feelings for Eddie, and his parents suddenly deciding to be home wasn’t helping. They didn’t approve of the boy's friendship and basically said that if Steve knew what was good for him, that he’d end it. That, unless he wanted another beating, worse than usual. With no one to save him this time.
To be quite honest, Steve didn’t care what his parents thought of Eddie, they hadn’t been a part of his life in almost a decade at that point, so why should they have a say in it now? And given how they’d treated him so far, self-preservation was never really at the top of Steve’s priorities. But Eddie was. And the more he thought about it, the more worried he got about his parents turning their rage onto Eddie. That they would hurt him. The way they treated Steve was awful, and he was their son. Imagining what they would do to some who wasn’t their son terrified him to the core. Steve would never let them near Eddie, never let them hurt him. Even if it meant that he had to do it himself.
He didn’t know what to do, so he just started pushing him away. Thinking that maybe it’ll piss the other boy off enough that that will be the end of it, easy and painless. Well, as painless as it could be. Unfortunately, that’s not how it worked. Eddie cornered him one day after school and demanded an explanation, and Steve, not understanding the importance of communication yet, told him that,
“Look, Eds, this has been fun and all, but I think it’s time we call it quits, yeah?”
Eddie has no idea what he’s talking about, and he says as much, looking confused and slightly hurt.
“Oh come on, you didn’t really think I could be friends with a freak like you, did you?” Steve scoffs. “God you’re pathetic.”
Eddie just stares at him, not sure whether he wants to cry or scream. “Stevie, what-” It was hard to breathe, he couldn’t get the words out right. “What are you talking about? I, I don’t… I thought we…”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah, that was your first problem. Don’t bother me anymore, alright?” He turned and started walking away, desperately trying to hold it together long enough to get home.
“So that’s it?!” Eddie’s voice wavered, close to breaking. “All these years you were just what, pretending to care about me?! Just some charity work to make yourself feel better?”
If he looked back it would all be over, he had to stay strong.
“Everything you said, everything we did…it didn’t mean anything to you?” His voice cracked a little, feeling tears well up in his eyes. “When you told me that, that you loved me…you were just lying?”
This was so much worse than any beating his parents gave him. Worse than the time his ribs cracked after his mother drunkenly kicked him until he passed out. Worse than when his father punched him so hard that the indent of his wedding ring stayed on him for weeks. Worse than when he almost drowned in their pool and all they did was laugh and call him weak and pathetic.
Worse than when he tried it again.
It’s worse because this time, he’s doing it to Eddie. The one thing he never, ever wanted to do, and he was doing it like it was nothing. Like he was nothing.
He wanted to throw up.
“I grew up.” Steve spat out, trying to keep the bile from rising in his throat. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll do that same.”
Repeating his father’s words made him feel sick. If he didn’t get out of there soon, he was going to lose his composure and all of this would have been for nothing. But then it got worse.
“I hate you.”
Steve stiffened.
“I hate you.”
A tear rolled down his cheek, letting out a shuddering breath.
“I hate you, screw you, I hate you! Screw you and your fake words! Your promises and soft touches and how you made me feel. It’s bullshit. It’s all bullshit!”
There was a snap, and then the sound of something metallic hitting the ground.
“Have a nice life, Harrington, I hope you get everything your sick, twisted little heart desires.”
Then he was gone.
Steve stood there until he couldn’t hear Eddie’s footsteps anymore.
When he was alone, he finally turned around and saw was Eddie threw to the ground. His breath caught in his throat, and the last bit of his heart cracked and crumbled away.
On the ground was the guitar pick necklace Steve had given him as a birthday present. He had a matching one. They never took them off.
Steve slowly made his way over to it, and knelt down to pick it up. With a stuttering breath, he held the necklace tightly in his palm over his heart and started to cry. He had been wrong.
This hurt worst of all.
Later, Eddie went back to retrieve his abandoned necklace, and seeing it gone broken him even more. He screamed and cried, stomped his feet until they hurt, and punched the wall until he couldn’t feel his fists. He went home and trashed his room, destroying everything just to feel something, and sat curled up in his closet until his uncle came home the next morning.
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1wn8ure · 1 year
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archerincombat · 2 years
hey uh. hen trying to save karen 6x06 parallel to buck and eddie 4x14?
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
Bro I miss making moodboards so much oml I used to be the moodboard guy and just get random extremely specific moodboard requests in my inbox and I loved it g-d dammit
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bea-sty · 2 years
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