#Hestia is going to be a big one for the next part
starfanatic · 10 months
Chamber of Reflection pt.1
Relationship: (Platonic) Zeus & Ares
Summary: Zeus thought about it for a moment. He loved Ares, in his own special way. He was disturbed by his violence, but fascinated by the skills it took to execute his aggression. He hated how much Ares looked like him, but loved how much he looked like his mother. His feelings for Ares were complicated.
It wasn’t complicated for Apollo.
Anyone who harmed Apollo would face the wrath of Zeus.
Apollo was kind where Ares was cruel. Apollo’s smile was infectious to many, his rays were warm and gentle. Zeus’ pride never faltered when he thought of Apollo. All the endless victories Apollo achieved were Zeus’ achievements, because he made this wonderful boy and only his mother could say the same. It wasn’t quite the same with Ares. He loved Ares like a father was forced to love a child. Zeus doubts he would care for Ares if he wasn’t his son, but he would love Apollo no matter the circumstances. It’s just not the same.
It never will be.
Ares is more psychologically damaged by the jar incident then in canon, and Zeus has to pick up all the pieces for a son he hardly knows.
Author's Note: IM INTENDING to have 2-3 parts, and I'm also posting this on ao3! I have a feeling this won't get attention, but I'm excited for Poseidon, HESTIA, baby Apollo & Artemis, and... Cronos. Also disclaimer that some of this isn't completely accurate to greek mythology, but if you have any sort of advice to give I'm happy to receive.
Zeus wasn’t sure at first who he was looking at when he entered the healing chamber.
Yes, it was Ares.
But it also wasn’t. Something was horribly wrong.
Zeus swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat, the lingering defeat in the air making him want to vomit. Ares was no stranger to defeat, Zeus even used to find it laughable when Ares tried to challenge someone more powerful and lose terribly. Ares' nature called for losses, but this defeat seemed to change him in a way Zeus didn’t like.
Ares’ chest stuttered as he breathed, like even breathing was an incredible struggle for him. Something that was meant to be natural, especially for a god.
It took a few moments for Ares to notice someone else was in the room, but when he did he stared at Zeus like he hardly believed he was there.
Zeus speaks first because he had a feeling Ares wasn’t going to. “Apollo informed me that you have been… difficult while he’s trying to heal you. Why?”
No response.
“Answer me when I’m speaking to you-” Ares finally looks back up to him, but not with the anger Zeus expected. He wanted Ares to yell in his face, for once. It felt strange to see his eldest son without that passionate fire in his eyes–it was like staring into a blank void. Zeus cut eye contact from Ares, uselessly staring at the wall.
“Why are you here?” Ares asks. His voice is small and quiet, almost like how Zeus would expect a mouse to sound like.
“I want you to accept your medicine. You’re neglecting your duties, your mother is worried about you. This has gone on for long enough” Zeus says. Ares stares at Zeus for a moment, like he was picking him apart in his head.
“Were you not worried?” Ares asks. He speaks as if it hurts him to do so. Now that Zeus thinks of it, it probably does.
Even more awkwardness is pumped in the air the longer Zeus hesitates to answer, because he wasn’t sure if he even felt any genuine concern until now.
“I was worried.” Zeus responds, but he already knows he sounds flat and dishonest.
“Then where in the name of your big brother were you?” Ares sits up with some difficulty, letting out a strong breath when he accidentally puts pressure on one of his injuries. Zeus doesn’t move to help him.
“They used to worry whether one of the Olympians would come down when they first captured me. Didn’t want the wrath of the King of the Gods did they? But after 5 months they realized I wasn’t going to be saved anytime soon, they started to treat me like a playtoy. Wanted to see what ichor looked like splattered on the wall. Or whether a god will stitch itself together after being pulled apart. Simpler experiments, they wanted to see how long I could survive without breath or food. They were a bit upset when Hermes and Artemis came, I believe. They were waiting for me to end my pain of starvation and resort to cannibalism. I used to feel comfort during storms because I thought that meant you were coming to save me… and you never did.” Ares was never shy to violence, but the simple recollection of his torture didn’t feel right to Zeus. It made him feel even more sick that the giants were right.
“We tried to save you as soon as we knew. I would’ve come down myself if it was necessary.”
“And it wasn’t? Would it have been necessary if it was Apollo? If Apollo was stuck in a jar, are you telling me you wouldn’t have demolished the giants with your mighty bolts?” Ares looks curiously at Zeus, wide eyes almost like a child but lacking the innocence that is supposed to come hand in hand.
Zeus thought about it for a moment. He loved Ares, in his own special way. He was disturbed by his violence, but fascinated by the skills it took to execute his aggression. He hated how much Ares looked like him, but loved how much he looked like his mother. His feelings for Ares were complicated.
It wasn’t complicated for Apollo.
Anyone who harmed Apollo would face the wrath of Zeus.
Apollo was kind where Ares was cruel. Apollo’s smile was infectious to many, his rays were warm and gentle. Zeus’ pride never faltered when he thought of Apollo. All the endless victories Apollo achieved were Zeus’ achievements, because he made this wonderful boy and only his mother could say the same. It wasn’t quite the same with Ares. He loved Ares like a father was forced to love a child. Zeus doubts he would care for Ares if he wasn’t his son, but he would love Apollo no matter the circumstances. It’s just not the same.
It never will be.
“No answer? The magnificent Zeus has no answer? Coward. You’re a fucking coward-”
“I didn’t come here to hear you whine about your brother again. At the end of the day, you can point fingers but this is the result of your own foolishness. You decided to fight not one, but two giants and for what? You are not the victim here.” Zeus’ hands tightened in fists as he looked upon his son–his arrogant son who was laughing in his face.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You sound more upset about me mentioning your favoritism to the bastard-”
“Don’t call him that.” Zeus warns.
“-than me being tortured! If you think you care about me, you’re deluding yourself. Maybe you need your ‘god of truth’ son to figure that out.” Ares expected Zeus to grab him and smack him around, or even just simply yell at Ares until his eardrums bleed. What he didn’t expect was for Zeus to start laughing. Ares laughs during arguments, not Zeus.
It wasn’t unsettling for the King of Olympus.
“I tried to be patient with you, but as usual, you tested me. What do you want me to say to you? That I wish you were something I could be proud of? Or that I wish you were a person capable of being liked? All you do is give reasons to make people hate you. You throw insults at your siblings any chance you get, and when you get humbled you throw tantrums that you expect me to handle. Have you ever wondered why hardly anyone on Olympus wants to be around you?”
“Where do you think I learned it from? My anger is your anger. My hatred is your hatred. Everything you hate about me came from you.” Zeus’ face was practically boiling hot at this rate, and without realizing it, he punched at the wall right near Ares’ head. Ares glanced at the damaged wall near his head and back at his father, raising an eyebrow at Zeus.
“Do you see what you do to people? You provoke them to the point of anger, and you like that don’t you? It doesn’t matter, because I’m sick of speaking to you, and I’m definitely sick of babying you. If I find out you’re refusing medicine again, I’ll add more injuries to match the rest of you. Do you understand me?” Ares stubbornly doesn’t respond, lightly tracing the edge of the fist-shaped hole in front of his face. It’s like he was fascinated with the uncontrollable anger Zeus feels around him.
No surprise there.
“I never understand you, Zeus.” Ares admitted. “I don’t think I ever will.”
“I know something you do understand. Violence. That’s what you like?” Zeus snatched Ares’ finger, bending it back at an unnatural angle. Ares stared down Zeus, as he wasn’t expecting to follow through with it.
“You will stop rejecting Apollo’s medicine. You will eat, sleep, do whatever is necessary to get better. I don’t care who or what you’re doing it for, but you will do it. I will not come back in here because next time I will bring the thunderbolt. Is that clear?” Zeus says.
“You wouldn’t do it. Mom would find a way to kill you again.”
“I’ve angered her before. She’ll get over it like she always does.” Zeus knows she will never get over it. She would unleash her fury upon anyone, even the undeserving, if Zeus even attempted to raise his thunderbolt against his son. No matter how much he hated it, Hera loved her son unconditionally.
“What a good husband you are. All the bastards running around Mount Olympus, and you want to smite the only legitimate son you have.” Ares notes.
Zeus hated Ares’ attitude.
He hated how bratty Ares was, how Hera constantly pestered him about Ares.
How Ares would run to Poseidon as a kid, as if Poseidon was somehow better than him.
How Ares continues to hurt innocent people in some misguided attempt of release
About how much he should care about a kid who can hardly respect him.
He hated how confident Ares was that Zeus wouldn’t hurt him.
And with a sickening crunch that made Zeus feel nauseous, Ares’ pointer finger is crushed by the strength of Zeus.
More pain shoots up Ares' finger as Zeus tightens his grip, putting even more intense pressure on the injured finger. Ares of course cries out in pain, but Zeus fails to listen. He completely tuned Ares' voice from his head.
Ares was actually crying now, the first time Zeus saw him cry in years. The tears brought on a sense of nostalgia, back when Ares was a kid. Every injury was life altering, any wrong choice of words would make Ares tremble and sob.
What a sensitive kid he used to be then.
He looked like his mother now more than ever, and Zeus was reminded why he hated seeing Hera cry. Ares’ eyes were like the stars that litter the dark sky, and it was heartbreaking and beautiful all at once.
Ares was used to pain, especially now. Zeus crushing his finger was miniscule to the pain he’s used to receiving.
It wasn’t the pain that brought tears to Ares’ eyes, it was the fact that Zeus was the one inflicting it.
Zeus couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore, and instead looked down at the hand he was holding. They were healed scars all around the palm of his hand, very little faint lines that were hard to see. This must have been from when he was far younger than what he is now. Ares tried ripping his hand out of Zeus’ grip, but Zeus was always stronger than him. Eventually Ares gave up and decided to just close his fist as much as he could, hiding the scars from Zeus’ view. Zeus didn’t really understand why Ares was so adamant on hiding his scars, when he usually shows his scars off like some trophy. Then again, he never really understood Ares.
Zeus pried open Ares’ palm and picked out another finger. “Please just do what I say, don’t argue.” Zeus begged with his eyes for Ares to not be stubborn, so he won’t have to hurt him again.
He didn’t like who he became when he was around Ares.
“Okay.” Ares speaks finally. Zeus can finally breathe again, but he doesn’t feel relieved. What’s been done is done.
Zeus lets go of Ares’ hands, and it drops like deadweight. Ares won’t stop looking at him, and Zeus couldn’t handle it. He walks away from Ares, stopping at the doorway.
A chill fills the room as Zeus pauses, searching through his mind what he could say.
“Feel Better.” He says, before leaving Ares to his own devices.
It felt like a threat.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
another thing with the first series Great Prophecy I think about a lot - “A half-blood of the eldest gods” could be interpreted so many different ways, and actually “A child of the Big 3″ doesn’t make any sense even in the contexts of the series.
To begin with, “A half-blood of” could mean a direct child, a legacy, or even just a chosen hero. As long as they’re presumably a demigod. We’re presuming half-blood means demigod here but honestly even that could be a vague point. “A half-blood of” does not specify direct descendant.
Then, if we’re saying “the eldest gods,” presuming “Gods” meaning the Olympians specifically, is the children of Kronos, then that means any demigod of any of the children of Kronos should count. Which means that Demeter should have been part of the oath too! But she wasn’t and her children weren’t even considered for the prophecy! And neither was there any consideration for adopted children or chosen heroes of Hera or Hestia! Heck, by that logic, Jason is like, potential prophecy kid squared (son of Jupiter and adopted by Hera/Juno - half-blood of two eldest gods! Plus he was turning 15 the year the Second Titanomachy ended. If Percy ended up not being the one to turn 16 then Jason would have been next. (Or well if we want to get technical Frank would have been next, as a descendant of Poseidon, but then Jason.)
But the thing is, even among the Olympians, the children of Kronos aren’t necessarily the oldest gods. Aphrodite is potentially older, depending on how you frame the timeline and her origin story (which in this case is relatively vague in the PJO universe - we don’t know if PJO Aphrodite is older or younger than Kronos’ children). So if Aphrodite is older than Kronos’ children, her children/descendants/chosen heroes could also potentially be children of the prophecy.
And it doesn’t stop there. Because it’s not specified that “gods” here is specifically restricted to the Olympians. “the eldest gods” could mean gods older than the Olympians, of which there are plenty. I mean, primordial gods? Gods of specific concepts? and that’s just the tip of the iceberg and isn’t even getting into defining “god” and if we’re counting like, the Titans or not (because sometimes they are counted! And sometimes they do have demigod children! Hello Dryas of Calydon, occasional son of Iapetus [aka Bob The Titan]).
And that’s all specifically mythological. If we’re talking historically eldest gods, then that’s a whole different ballpark. To begin with, A CHILD OF HADES THEORETICALLY DOES NOT EVEN QUALIFY TO BE THE CHILD OF THE PROPHECY! That’s right! If we’re going strictly historically eldest gods, then Hades even being part of the oath was completely moot because his children could not be the children of the prophecy! Because as far as we know, Hades does not predate the Greek dark ages! So Percy claiming the prophecy to prevent it from falling to Nico was potentially pointless! Percy on the other hand is then a very strong candidate for the prophecy, because it’s heavily implied his dad is specifically Mycenean Poseidon (”Earthshaker”), who does predate the Greek dark ages. But you know who’s potentially even older? HERMES. Which means Luke could be doubly the child of the prophecy for all we know! Cause the prophecy also does not specify that the child of the prophecy turning 16 is when the prophecy ends, just that they’ll reach 16 against all odds. Heck, if Luke’s first quest was when he was 16, then we can interpret that as when the prophecy begins and that it’s all his prophecy.
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maxs-grimoire · 11 months
So I'm a (minor) young witch and I want to learn how to get into hellenism. I'm looking to pray to Aphrodite, Ares, and Dionysus particularly, but also Hestia, Thanatos, and Hera!
I kinda want to be discreet about it, because my mom is very Christian lol.
Thank you for the help!
- Anon Ziggy
Hello! I like your little Anon tag, that's kinda cool! This post will be broken into two parts, the first is about Hellenism and how to get into it, and the second part about broom closet witchcraft.
--=-==-=--What is Hellenic Polytheism?--=-==-=--
Hellenic Polytheism is the modern recreation of Hellenism, the ancient Greek religion. It is an open pantheon/practice, and anyone can get into it.
Hellenic Polytheism is a partially animistic religion, believing in nature spirits and treating all things with respect, including plants and inanimate things found in nature (rocks, the wind, water, etc.). The Hellenic Pantheon is made up of these nature spirits, the Twelve Olympians (link), the cthonic deities, and the lesser gods.
I recommend looking at this webpage to learn about traditional Greek religion. Keep in mind that while it's 100% okay to not do things exactly as they were done in the past, it is important to keep things in mind the cultural context and history of Hellenic Polytheism.
--=-==-=--How do I start?--=-==-=--
"Step one" on becoming a Hellenic Polytheist is to decide how you want to go about worship. Do you want to worship Greek deities, or do you want to work with them (link , link)? What is your view on cleansing yourself before interacting with the gods? Do you want to work with every god and deity from the Greek pantheon, or just a select few? Figuring these things out will give you a place to start.
As I mentioned above, some people decide to cleanse themselves before interacting with the gods. It isn't necessary, but it is a huge sign of respect. You can go about this the traditional way, by making khernips (link), or just by washing your hands and face.
The next big step would be to research the deities you want to work with. Find out what appropriate offerings are (like bay leaves for Apollon), their mythology, festivals for them (Aphrodisia for Aphrodite), associations with them (mint and Hades), and any customs that are common with them (honoring Hestia first and last).
I would also learn or at least read their traditional hymns and media (poems, plays, etc.) created for them. You can even make some for them yourself!
As for praying, here is a great video on praying in Hellenism, here is a great video on altars, and here is a good one on offerings.
--=-==-=--🤫 Secret Witch Tips 🤫--=-==-=--
This post is already a million words long, so we're going to rapid fire some broom closet witch tips.
Travel altars! These can be made in an Altoids tin, a small box, a shoe box, or anything else! Let me know if you need ideas on small things to go into a travel/mini/hidden altar.
Digital worship! Check out this post on virtual worship
Subtle witchcraft. Can be done through glamour magic, art magic, kitchen witchery, affirmations, taking care of nature, or any other small form of magic that makes you feel centered, connected to the earth and universe around you, or honors your guides and deities.
Get plants! Taking care of plants is a great witchy thing to do, and you can dedicate a plant to a deity and take care of the plant as an offering to them
Get e-books, read articles, watch videos, and listen to podcasts on witchcraft.
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The Conflicts of Disney's Hercules (Part 3): Hades vs Zeus
Brother vs brother- talk about a tale as old as time, huh? From Cain and Abel to Hamlet and Claudius to the more modern examples of Mufasa and Scar to Thor and Loki, what's not to hate about about two brothers at odds with one another? Well technically its more of an angsty, brooding guy who's had it up to here with their perfect golden retriever brother getting the throne, daddy's attention, and/or the girl. While our bootiful no-thoughts head empty golden child becomes intimately aware at the last possible second of their brother's treachery as they're falling into your proverbial wildebeest stampede.
That's right y'all.
May I present to the surprise of no one.
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Finally we come to the conflict that sent the proverbial Sisyphean boulder into motion that is Disney's Hercules.
Part I: And now a word from our IV pound sponsor:
Before I begin my analysis on the relationship between Disney's Hades and Zeus, I thought I would provide a bit of background to the established canon Disney presents us. Mind you, dear reader, we have the 1997 film and the Hercules animated TV show (1998) to look towards. However, there are minor conflicting information between the two, but as always, the movie is always more canon than what the TV show gave us.
Zeus is older, Hades is younger. Weird I know.
But I'm gonna go out on a limb here and support Disney on this one. Because while in the grand scheme of things Hades is most definitely NOT the youngest child of the siblings in Greek Myth, there is a small technicality that cements Zeus' authority to rule over his older siblings as if Zeus was the firstborn child this whole time.
That technicality being: Kronos
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Kronos gets the big bag prophecy/curse from Gaia that one of his children will overthrow him like he did with his dad, so Kronos starts baking his cake and eating it too.
Hades was the first male born (hestia is traditionally firstborn but patriarchy or whatevs) so that also made him the first to be swallowed by Kronos. Thus, when Zeus freed the rest of his siblings, Hades was the last son to be up-chucked since he was ingested first - that made Hades the last "born."
And this "second birth" of Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Hades, and Hestia is what cements the order of authority in the 6 siblings hierarchy. Therefore, Zeus was made firstborn and had full authority to claim the sky if he so desired.
But Zeus was a chad in those days and still gave his brothers a chance to draw lots and all that b/c even he saw how unfair the Fates had been to his brothers. Yet still, destiny favored Zeus and Mr. High and Mighty got the kingdom with a view.
Which is a perfect segway to the next set of rules I'm working with here:
2. Zeus is a good guy.
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Okay, I know it hurts to accept this, buttercups, but we have to muscle through it. The version of Zeus that we got in Disney's Hercules is a sanitized, lovable goofball who loves his son, his wife (is that allowed?), and his brother who's going through a phase.
BTW I would like to draw attention to the fact this is the first time in an adaptation of greek myth where Hera is Hercules' bio mother. This is clearly outlining to the audience- hey! Zeus is faithful?
So Zeusy's worst flaw (infidelity, Don Juan, insatiable sexual appetite- pick your poison) has been erased. That's wild, but we have to accept this to better understand the context of Hades vs Zeus. We have to establish who has morality in this equation. Earlier parts of my Hercules Conflicts series had obvious good guys vs Hades, but for this one I have to build it up because of the history of these mythological figures.
However, before I roll into it, I would like to dig on Mr. Thunder Dunder Head once.
This man violated the Geneva Conventions doing this to Danny DeVito:
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Talk about some Zeus ex machina- yeesh.
Part II: And Then Along Came Zeus
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With the introduction out of the way, now we can talk about the central conflict that kickstarted this movie into gear.
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From the get-go, Hades establishes that he doesn't reciprocate his brother's affection. What should've been a good ol' fashioned family reunion turned into a neon flashing sign that Hades is very uncomfy around his brother. Hell, even when Zeus is trying to be friendly he ends up ordering him around.
And I don't think anyone's mentioned this before, but doesn't it seem like Zeus is just as touchy-feely here as Hades is with those beneath them? It makes me wonder if Hades learned this behavior from Zeus.
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Now, we also get the idea that Zeus is clueless. Not just to how Hades is purposefully keeping him at arm's length, but also to how the other party guests, the gods, get very quiet and passive aggressive the second Hades showed up to spoil the party.
And you better believe this three-minute scene is the basis for this entire post. And there is a lot to digest here.
First off, we get Hades' motivation, his goals, and the receipts. You better believe this babe is writing in his little black burn book as soon as he gets back in his chariot.
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From Zeus, to Hercules, to the rest of the gods, home boy has a lot to update after popping in after a long time. And I hate to be that guy, but a show of hands on who felt more sympathetic for Hades here?
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Like I've mentioned in Disney's Most Sympathetic villain post already, but Hades' villain entrance is not intimidating in the slightest. If anything, it quickly establishes that Hades is kind of a loser in these circles.
To recap, while on Mt Olympus for two minutes Hades is:
Manhandled by his older brother
Manhandled by his nephew (ok i get this one, he nearly hurt a baby, those are spikes after all)
Ignored. Nobody but Zeus makes eye contact/or acknowledges him. More than likely this is b/c they can't stand the guy and out of respect for Zeus they've elected to just ignore him and hope he goes away.
Zeus gaslights him - yes, the guy who gave him the underworld job is telling him to slow down and live a little. That's like your boss gives you a crap load of work and comes by to ask you why he never sees you take time off. I will die on this hill that's positively diabolical.
And lastly, Hades gets laughed off the mountain.
Not once in this entire film did Zeus ever check up on Hades after this. Not to apologize, not to make up for lost time, bring up an opportunity for a party you could come to, or perform a wellness check. That would've been so hilarious seeing Zeus pop into the underworld and the entire scene is just Hades shenanigans of trying to cover up evidence of his plot to murder this guy.
Although to be fair, Myth!Zeus had the same issue!
BUT to Myth!Zeus's credit, he made an attempt to improve his brooding brother's mood. And he did it in the worst way possible by immediately fixing him up with Persephone. So you really can't say that Myth!Zeus isn't trying.
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Now since I've bashed Zeus I will give him some credit on his first scene. Hades isn't there to stay and chat, he's on a recon mission. And he evades all his brother's attempts at conversation. He cuts bolt boy off, uses humor as a defense mechanism, and he deflects every time Zeus tries to get cozy. Why?
Homeboy found out a new godling was born.
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And the way the movie presents Baby Hercules- from Zeus being awkward and kind of scared to hold him- I get the vibes that the writers are making Zeus out to be a first time dad.
Yeah, apparently we're ignoring Athena, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Bacchus, Hermes, Hephaestus, etc
Wild I know, but there is a purpose to it.
@persephoneflowerpetals made a very interesting blog post about this particular aspect that deserves a look and got me to thinking.
So not to steal their thunder, but Hades showing up to Hercules' Amphidromia (ancient greek family festival where newborn babies are given their name in front of their family & friends on 5th or 7th day of life) was for him to see who his competition was - whether or not Hercules sided with Zeus or not when Hades' own uprising happens.
And by not siding with Zeus, I'm talking about Hercules having his own type of uprising and usurping his father as all the previous kings had done before him.
Which is really cool! It's taking the Lion King/Hamlet story from a different angle. The nephew is just as much of a threat as his father if not more.
You see age doesn't really factor for Greek gods (Artemis was born minutes before her brother and she helped her mom deliver him & the food of the gods aged baby godlings quickly) so it's a very smart move for Hades to see what he was up against very quickly. Hell at this point in time he had no idea he just needed to wait 18 more years for his uprising.
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And that's why Hades was more concerned about the sunspot than his own brother. It could very well be that he wouldn't be fighting Zeus, but Hercules for the ownership of the Olympian throne.
This puts Hercules on equal footing with Zeus in terms of level and power and establishes why Herc is the main protagonist- not Zeus.
Hell, if anything, Hades knows from experience that posterity can easily overtake the previous generation. He did that once despite the odds being stacked against him and his siblings even though Gospel Truth claims Zeus stopped the Titans on his own.
Part III: Olympus is That Way
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The Titan Jail break will never not be funny to me. We see 5 giant Titans stomping around in the woods, the seas, the fields, cities, etc in what I am assuming is about sunrise?
You mean to tell me there wasn't a single person- or god, we have to remember there are gods in this universe that didn't want to- I don't know- let Zeus know what was coming? I mean it's not like Poseidon would know they were freed from their underwater prison, or Apollo as he's driving his chariot- it is a bit cloudy after all, or any others to notice their cities with mortals actively praying to them are under a massive attack.
Horses were killed, Poseidon. Your descendants. My sibling the horse girl is very disappointed in you.
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Now I know this is touched upon in my series Hercules Conflicts Part II, but it does merit a mention since ultimately it is Zeus' fault / laziness that the Titans were able to show up on their front doorstep without anyone realizing until too late.
And Zeus is absolutely torn apart when he realizes it was his brooding baby brother who gave him the ol' Judas Kiss.
I couldn't find the gif of Zeus' realization face that maybe what his brother was going through was not just a phase. However, just like Mufasa before him, bolt boy realizes too late of his brother's treachery.
And what's the last line, Hades delivers to Zeus:
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Is- is Hades bitter about the job Zeus gave him? Of being ordered around while the rest of the pantheon got to play around and have some fun?
Jokes aside, but Hades' whole plot, all his animosity and antagonism towards Zeus came because of the lot he was given by bolt boy over here. And while Hades does call Zeus his greatest rival it's because Zeus put him in that position in the first place.
Zeus created his worst enemy.
It's like one of my profs commented once in my classes back in my uni days. The oil spill that happened in the Gulf of Mexico didn't happen because of one mistake. It happened because of several mistakes, several oversights, several safety overrides for the sake of not losing money were made over a period of years that eventually lead to a disaster that no longer could be ignored.
And that is ultimately what became Zeus' fatal flaw in this movie.
His negligence.
We can blame the other gods for not being as committed as well, but it's like Hopper says in bug's life:
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Zeus is at fault for his brother's betrayal, his son being turned mortal, and the mess the Titan's left in their wake.
So at the end of the movie when the Muses deliver another absolute banger, the system doesn't change. Things go back to the way they were just minus the one guy at the bottom most rung of the cosmos' ladder.
If change is to happen it starts at the top.
Not to end this on a downer- although we all know how screwed this world is after the credits roll, but I am happy to report, dear reader, that change does happen.
It's small, but it's still resounding.
Hercules chooses not to join his father. Just as Hades predicted in the opening scene if you go along with my theory from earlier in this post in Part II. And this wasn't even with the assistance of prophecy, it was because Hades knew his brother too well.
Zeus has a very exclusive club atop Olympus and he would never let someone like Meg, despite all that she's sacrificed and redeemed herself for. Because Meg is a representation of Hades here. Something I was very vocal about in Part 1 of my Hercules Conflicts Series.
And before you argue, remember, Zeus is the one who told Hercules that only gods can live on Olympus. Bolt boy knew Hercules was about to ask for a freebie for her, but his stance was made very clear on the matter.
So, Hercules refuses. Hades was proven to be correct.
Now, Hades just didn't know why Hercules would defect. And Hercules goes back to being a mortal because of Hades. Because Hades put Meg in the right place at the right time. Sure, it's because of Meg that Hades loses. But Hades got someone to realize Olympus isn't all its cracked up to be.
Through mortality.
The very aspect Hades himself represents as lord of the dead and god of the underworld.
Maybe Hades did win after all.
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If you made it this far, thanks for reading!
Till next time, my dear readers
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evilios · 2 months
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My thoughts on Winter Harvest by Ioanna Papadoupoulou will be under the cut. I have a lot to say about this book, praising and critical alike.
TL;DR: I liked it a lot. The main plotline is interesting, there's enough action sequences and enough dialogue part. It doesn't feel heavy or hard to read. Inclusion of minor mythological entities is a good choice. There are some narrative choices I personally wish were toned down but they worked for the story. I have some critique about certain characterization choices. Overall, solid 8/10.
Anything under the cut will contain spoilers for the plot of the book. I don't think I can spoil the Hymn to Demeter to anyone reading this, but the specific narrative choices are mentioned further.
Click for a detailed review:
This book is written and published in English as the author resides in Scotland, and I have to offer praise to her language. It remains relatively light throughout the narration and doesn't drop in register, allowing you to feel the divinity of her characters. A lot of myth retellings forget that the Gods that speak like modern humans do not create this sense of separation from humanity. In this narration, the Gods speak like the Gods would. Aside from maybe two or three times when we hear Demeter swear out of frustration, her speech remains lifted and mature.
I found the splitting of the book into chapters titled as seasons a very smart choice. We start in Winter, we end in Spring. Not of the same year, not even of consecutive years. I think it creates the cyclical nature of the text that any retelling featuring Demeter requires.
Next are lists of things I liked, felt neutral about, and disliked about specifically the plot of the book.
Things I liked:
All action is set in different parts of Greece that align with the areas of this or that cult of Demeter.
Demeter is the protagonist, at last.
Her motherly grief and rage are shown very explicitly. There are chapters that nearly entirely center around her changing emotions and a lot of the author's commentary is devoted to exploring her feelings.
She has tangible, strong bonds with other characters, a lot of them being women. I loved the bond she has with Hestia a lot, and her distant care for Hera is very sweet.
Demeter has a steady, prominent character growth. A lot of myth retellings go down the path of girl-bossing their main characters or turning them hostile, but she seems to follow a very "leveled" path of development. She learns to care for the children she first left behind, show compassion after being thrust into misery, and more.
But, seriously, the author is very clearly closely familiar with various epithets ascribed to Demeter in Boeotia and Arcadia. All of her main ones and two more rarely seen ones are mentioned, and she acquires them slowly as she goes through changes within herself.
This story closely follows the Homeric Hymn to Demeter and dwells on some local myths, it's very detailed.
There are a lot of "minor" mythological characters that are mentioned in the story. Entities such as Despoina or Arion that I never see mentioned in H&P retellings play a bigger role than just a footnote.
Triptolemus' plotline is very nice, I like when retellings don't forget about him. Their connection with Demeter is very pleasant to witness.
Demeter is Scary just like how I like her.
The establishment of the Eleusinian Mysteries is a big focus.
As for other Olympians, I adore characterization for Hestia. She feels warm and welcoming all throughout the story and even her moments of anger feel more like frustration than wrath.
Hekate is characterized in a very positive manner. Her presence isn't long-lasting but I like that she and Demeter have a positive interaction and part on friendly terms.
Helios is there, he's pretty chill. He feels monumental and revered.
Poseidon, despite his... questionable motivation, is very realistic, if I can say that about a God. His temper, anger, ruthlessness are very palpable. He's well written.
Persephone's marriage is shown as more of an equally beneficial agreement that she personally enjoys despite her inner fear. While the abduction is still criticized, there's a part of Minthe's speech that shows she's more of an equal to Hades.
Persephone's characterization is overall rather sweet. Also I like that she gets to meet her siblings.
Things I felt neutral about that worth noting:
Due to how visceral and raw most of the narration is, we are shown, in rather precise physical detail, the process of swallowing of the children by Kronos as well as multiple instances of childbirth. I wasn't put off by it, I found it necessary for the story, but some readers might want to know.
The author follows the myths where Demeter is repeatedly forced into submission by her brothers, which is something that I personally read as metaphorical but readers might need to be warned that the book contains scenes of sexual assault.
This book follows the... version? that "Kore" is Persephone's first name, and it MAKES SENSE in this book's plot, but it's worth noting that "Kore" just means "girl, young maiden". I'm not sure if it was ever actually meant as a name or as a title of her in a cult.
Hades is not given many lines but there's a "brother I loved the most" thing with him and Demeter, and I found it interesting. I see why she'd be the closest to the God dwelling underground and I like that choice but not enough to focus on it as one of my favorites.
Things I disliked:
The characterization I liked the least across all female Divinities is Hera. While she is definitely a cunning woman who knows what to do to get what she wants, she's also put in the position of the victim. On one hand, I understand this choice. On the other, I'd like to see more happy Hera who loves her husband. Theogamia and all.
Most of the male Deities are more negative than they are positive. I realize that this is Demeter's POV and to her, they might have come off so, but it would be nice to see someone besides Hades show some semblance of positive qualities.
Zeus is mostly arrogant, pushy, and violent. It serves the narrative but I wish there was more of the saving, helpful, caring God he is in cult. His characterization is very one-sided.
Hermes has a very episodic role in the story but for the short time he is present, he kind of acts like a bit of an ass.
There are scenes where Demeter is unnecessarily cruel to certain female characters, namely spring nymphs that didn't see who kidnapped Persephone. I didn't like that scene.
Overall, I liked this book. I recommend it if you're tired of retellings that try to focus on a woman but end up making her resentful towards everyone she meets or turn her into a girlboss that doesn't need anyone's help.
Also. This line:
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xovera-toz · 6 months
OTGW in a world of greek demigods. I have no point to make just brainstorming.
Wirt could have relations to Apollo. I'm not saying they would be father & son, gods no. That boy wouldn't be able to fire an arrow to save his life and you know that just by looking at him. But he's obviously musically gifted and interested in the world of poetry. As for medicine... still a definite no. So maybe grandfather or something? These things are passed on. I could also imagine Athena being present on his father's side, though I'm just going off of vibes here.
As for Greg. Hooo boy, little Greg. He'd obviously be blessed by Hestia. He's home wherever he is, y'know? Brings that warmth with himself. I'm tempted to say he's related to Hermes. Theft? Check. Wandering? Check. Forever bouncing from one task to the next? Check.
Also also. Both boys have incredibly short attention spans. Something to consider.
Beatrice is the type of girl who would worship the ground Artemis walks on. Good for her. She could also easily be an Ares child, what with her fiery temper.
...Now that I'm thinking about it, the "Big Three" must be pretty ticked off at these boys.
Let's start with the obvious; They nearly drowned. Repeatedly. Once at the graveyard, at the mill, on the frozen lake... it's eerie to think about. They were also hit by at least two storms. First at the tavern, then the snowstorm.
And of course, there's all the talk of limbo and death and purgatory. Of nearly becoming a part of the very earth you walk on. (Or walk between, in the trees' case.)
Towards the end, Wirt has to fight the wind to get to Greg. Literally. There's also something about a balloon and crashing it in the comics?? I think they fall... a few hundred feet. Ouch.
So yeah.
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prismaticaurene · 1 year
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The first blighting tree is small and sickly, born far from the depths of the Maguuma Jungle, long before the Dragon wakes. After all, it doesn’t need to be big. Not for what it was made for. Not empowered now as far to the south,  The Glory of Tyria knocks Zhaitan from its perch and the dragon’s magic sinks into the bones of the planet itself.
Caithe makes a mistake, you see, in not burning the body of her fallen sister. She couldn’t have known what would happen next. --- Wynne dies, and for almost twenty years, her soul remained in the Domain of the Lost-- taking the form of the Grove, choked out of life and magic by Mordrem vines. It's not a pleasant place, and she's not in a place where she can pull herself out of it, like the Commander will. Instead, Mordremoth tears her out-- fracturing her identity as he does (the name Wynne no longer fitting comfortably) -- to watch him destroy the world. She's no longer connected to the Dream. Her siblings think her dead. (The Dragon, knowing that she told Caithe the truth, deals one last blow-- and takes from her her voice, so that she can never do that again.) It's by luck that she finds a Priory squad in the Silverwastes. It's by persistence that she makes her way up the ranks, still hoping to find a way to stop Mordremoth. She can't. And when the Call happens, she knows that there's no way she can keep her own mind. The Dragon has its claws in her still. Magister Hestia (self-named after a post-Searing Ascalonian Saint who took up the fire magic that destroyed her people to learn to protect them) locks herself in a High Security vault in the depths of the Priory, so that when she turns-- she cant harm anyone else. (A good thing too -- if she hadn't, the Commander would have found an unfathomably powerful Mordrem Wyvern guarding Trahearne (guarding her brother-- her first friend.)) ...And then the Dragon dies. It takes her ages to regain herself, and longer to start to return to humanoid form. Her co-workers are sympathetic, though they don't know the details of who she was. It's hard for them to help. It ends up being a Lightbringer that helps her-- a Norn named Sigyn with remnants of Jormag's corruption scarring her face that comes to her. She understands, after all, what being corrupted does to you. What others see when they look at you and see that. She's there when it becomes clear that not all of the surviving Mordrem will be accepted back into the Grove. That they can't go home. (That Hestia will never be able to go home.) --
It started with an idea. I never gave any thought to what I would do after Mordremoth fell. I never thought we’d win. But we’re here, and I can’t go home. My connection to the Dream is gone. The world thinks I’m dead. The dragon’s corruption remains part of me. And I’m not the only one. The remnants of the Pact and the up and coming Dragon’s Watch have already turned to look at Primordus and Jormag. We unfortunate many have been left in the lurch. Dragon corruption has never had an After. There’s no support for us here. The Exalted, inspired by Glint’s compassion, have been a blessing. They’ve kept watch over the Auric Basin for centuries. They’ve offered us a place to set up base camp. They call it 'Gilded Hollow'. Taffi thinks it’s perfect–though any chance she has to study magic in new places is perfect. Lightbringer Frostseer agrees with me though. This place, this haven– if we can make a home for those who have been displaced and exiled–
I’m not a historian. I don’t know what I am. But helping people, recording their stories– maybe I can figure out what to do next. 
(Later, she will lead Defiant Heart, the guild that protects the settlement of Gilded Hollow, becoming a champion of Aurene and a world renown blacksmith. It'll take time and therapy to get there first.)
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anxiousfanchild · 7 months
Rosie to the Rescue
Word Count: 789
Content Warnings: mentions of blood, violence, "half-breed" used as a slur.
Requests are open and encouraged!
Donations towards my wedding are accepted: Ko-fi
A/N: Louis being saved by his baby cousin.
Credit for Banner: @cafekitsune
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Louis wasn’t one to brag. He didn’t like the attention on him, much like his father. This lead to small arguments between him and his mother. Fleur wasn’t one to shy away from the spotlight, to easily catch every eye in the room with a soft smile or the flip of her hair. 
Much to Louis’ demise, he held the same power to draw every eye to him. It wasn’t as strong as his mother's ability, but it was enough to have him cowering behind his father every time they walked into public, into a shop, anywhere. 
Even at Hogwarts, Louis was gaining attention he previously didn’t want anything to do with. The other Gryffindors would find some excuse to be near him, to talk to him. He was certainly interesting, yet the difference between him and his peers was simple- He wasn’t fully human. 
While only an eighth Veela, there was a draw to him that his poor, unexpecting classmates didn’t understand until one dreadful night in his fourth year. 
The common room was quiet, a small group of sixth years sat hunched in the corner, going over family trees of the 28 pureblood families. 
“Twenty-seven,” Louis corrected himself silently, eyes wandering the page of his own textbook. Since his father, Bill, married a half human, the Weasley family was no longer considered a Pure Blooded family. Even then, however, many of his friends who came from mostly pureblood families couldn't even be considered pureblood anymore. 
Hera Carrow, the daughter of Hestia Carrow, was half-blood. Her father was a nice Muggle florist, so the Carrows weren’t a part of the Sacred 28 anymore. 
Louis was ripped from his thoughts when he heard his least favorite word, a word that chilled him to his bone. 
“Louis is part Veela?” He heard Nestia Wood hiss, already feeling her eyes drill into the back of his head. His back straightened, terror ripping through his body. 
“Part werewolf too, weren't his pops scratched by one? That’s gotta have some nasty effects on him, yeah?” Edward Parkison chimed in, voice exactly like his mothers. Despite being a Slytherin, his relationship with Nestia was enough to sneak him into the Gryffindor dorms whenever he pleased. “Probably has a craving for meat.”
“With that Veela in him, meat could mean many things.” Nestia taunted, snapping the book closed. 
Louis took a breath and shifted his weight, reading to run if needed. Edward saw the shift and smirked to himself, crossing his arms over his too-big shirt. 
“What? Going to run to your sisters like you always do? Victoire isn’t going to save you this time, Half-Breed.” 
It seemed as if time was slowing down, Louis' heartbeat roaring in his ears. Before he could decide what to do, there was a sickening crack before a low groan and a gasp. The common room was silent once again, but this time in an uncomfortable silence. A silence where everyone’s breath was being held. 
Turning slowly, at first, all Louis saw was the blood on Edward’s face, a small gasp going across his nose and cheek. Next, his eyes drifted to where everyone else was staring. 
The assumed assailant was no other than his baby cousin, Rose. The first year was now nursing her bruising hand, her small ring covered in the blood of Parkinson. In another universe, this scene would have looked all too familiar, a Gryffindor covered in the nose blood of a Slytherin. 
Louis’ jaw dropped before he moved, practically scaling the back of the couch to get to Rose, his hands already cupping her injured one. Tears were on her face, from actually hurting another human over words. 
“Rosie, are you okay? Are you injured?” The slight French-British accent was hard to understand when he talked so fast. “Why did you do that?”
Rose looks up at him, at her older cousin whom she looked up to.
“He was being mean to you. I couldn’t let mon cousin be spoken to in such an ill way.” She defends, using her free hand to wipe her startled tears from her cheeks. Louis gives a relieved chuckle and pulls her into a hug. 
“You didn’t need to do that, Rose. I’ll have to write your mother about this.” He teases, gently walking them away from the growing crowd that was now surrounding Edward, laughing about ‘how he got his shit rocked by a first year.’ 
“Oh, please do. She wouldn’t mind. Dad on the other hand?” She hiccups and gives a dramatic shiver. “I’ll never hear the end of it.” 
Another chuckle leaves Louis' throat as he ruffles her hair and smiled at her. He couldn’t wait to see the things she did with her life.
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Heyyyy based of what we've said, what do you think is the pjo timeline after tlt?
After tlt?? Idk, so like I'm guessing each book takes place in the next year (since Percy is only there in the summer).
So he'll be going to the sea of monsters (whatever that is) next summer at 13. (Also I'm guessing some conection with Grover's search for Pan, since he said he will be going to the sea.)
So the next one is the titans curse (I really want go know which titan!!!! I kinda of hope Helios or Selene, cause I really like those and would like to see them. Also Helios is married to a daughter of Poseidon!! So... ). I'm guessing the titan curses someone when Percy is 14, seeing as someone told me that Artemis and her hunters are very big part of this book, I'm gonna guess that either Artemis or an important member of her hunt is the one that gets cursed.
Then battle of the labyrinth is when Percy is 15, and I'm guessing it's a battle between Luke & Kronos army against the campers (knowing the gods idk if they were involved in said battle, but I'm gonna bet, no.).
Then, the last Olympian, Percy, is 16, which I think involves the prophecy? I'm guessing it's like actual war/ final violent battle between the camp & Luke's army and Titans vs. gods (what does this mean for gods that are half titan like Apollo and Artemis??? 🤔) It makes sense for the biggest confrontation to be in the very end. Although who the actual last Olympian is beats me. Like the last one standing?? If you kill all of the Olympians, who would be the last one to die?? Maybe the one most worshipped? (Apollo or Aphrodite), the one actually connected to Death? (Hades) Although, looking back at the Olympian council room, aside from the thrones there was also Hestia's fire (I'm guessing, since otherwise it would just be a random fire thing on the side), since she is the eldest and doesn't have a throne, maybe her? Yeah, idk... I also have no idea what this means in the context of the final battle. Do the Olympians actually die?? Unlikely since Apollo has a whole book series about him later on....
Those are my guesses. Idk if this is what you meant when you sent that ask (if not, you can send me another one, I'll try to answer properly), but yeah!
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thoughtsbyharu · 1 year
Webtoon Review: Happily Ever Afterwards
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What would you do if you were reborn as a character from your favorite romance novel? For Peony, an avid fan of “The Song of Askar,” the answer is simple: Marry her favorite character, of course! Reincarnated as the princess of the Kingdom of Garten, Peony is determined to marry Richt, the second male lead of “The Song of Askar” and former prince of the Fairspren Empire, who was banished to an inhospitable land after the novel’s happy ending (which didn’t end so well for him). Amidst trials and tribulations, can Peony and Richt make the most of their second chance at life and love?
Status: Completed
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Isekai, Drama, Josei, Comedy
Original Work By: Hwang Do Tol
Adapted by: Jeongseo
Hello Hi Annyeong and welcome to my review blog!
Today I will be reviewing a cute romance manhwa entitled, Happily Ever Afterwards!
This review will be a bit short since I finished it last February and I don't remember ALL the details, just the important ones.
Anyway, this title is another novel isekai.
But the thing is, the MC was not reincarnated as a part of the main cast, instead, she is a background character of the original story, a princess from a rich, neighbouring country.
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The timeline also happened after the ending of the original story which made me interested.
So far, I've only read novel isekais where the MCs are either involved in the story from birth (reincarnated) or they went back in time.
For this one, the original princess died and the MC took over the princess' body. Unlike other isekais, the MC has no idea what will happen next since it's already the after-story. So it's up to the MC to create her own story thus, the title "Happily Ever Afterwards".
In her previous life, the MC, now called Princess Peony, has a favorite character/bias in the novel name Richt. In the novel, Richt is the tragic second lead who was exiled after starting a rebellion against the novel's hero and heroine; his brother and THE crown prince, Mikhail and his first love and brother's fiance, Hestia.
Peony absolutely LOVED Richt and thinks he is misunderstood and deserved to be happy. If only she could bring him happiness right? Then an idea struck her. Since she is at the novel's after story, she could change Richt fate and save him! And how you ask? By marrying him and becoming a great wife of course!
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The premise of the story is totally relatable! Fictional guys are hot but they ain't real. But what if they WERE real? What would you do? Well, Ms. Peony here knows what she wants, she will marry her favorite character no matter what.
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Peony now has a goal but conflicts got in her way. You see, the original Princess Peony is very fragile and sickly (thus why she died). Because of this, her family is overprotective and doted on her so much. The land where Lord Richt was exiled is very cold and almost unhabitable, it's a big red flag for her and her health. But girlie really wanted to make her bias happy so she said fck it, I'm going no matter what. Convincing her family to go and propose to him was challenging but Peony managed to convince them anyways.
Fast forward, Peony was able to travel to Lord Richt's residence and has many plans of winning him over. She proposed to him but was rejected. However, she won't back down without a fight! He is her bias after all so she knows everything about him! She believes that if she makes the right moves, he will eventually warm up to her.
However, making Richt fall for her was harder than expected. Despite knowing the things on how to pull his heart strings (example: giving him sweets), he is still so rude, aloof and cold towards her.
Despite Richt pushing her away, Peony would almost push back and would never leave. She put her foot down and declared that she WOULD marry him. Eventually, the two made a truce that if Peony made him fall for her in 100 days, he would marry her. And thus, begins their love story.
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Their love story is actually cute. I won't spoil anything but I really love the development between the two as well as their chemistry. Sometimes I find myself giggling about how cute they are. I really love Peony as she is so pure, adorable, cheerful and strong. She's strong in the sense that she is very determined, driven and she knows what she wants. She is not afraid to try as she always takes the first step all the time which I admire very much. This attitude of hers really fits well with our male lead, Richt.
Now with Richt, I love him and Peony together but alone, I don't think he is on my favorite characters list. For me, this guy is just a big red flag. I'm not really a fan of tsundere male leads so I might be biased on this but he really gets on my nerves sometimes. He gets angry all so suddenly and he expects Peony to know why the hell is he angry about. And when Peony wants to talk about it, he lashes out like, okay dude chill, she just wants to understand you.
He has his moments sure, he even makes me swoon sometimes, but most of the times he is just a big jerk. I almost dropped this series because of how he treats Peony badly on the first half of the series. As much I love Peony, she sometimes can be so pushy. She has that "I can fix him" mindset so yeah, I kinda get annoyed at her sometimes because it hurts me to see her so determined when her efforts aren't even reciprocated.
Despite that, I kept reading this manhwa because my good friend recommended this to me and she loved it very much so I gave it a chance. I was thinking the whole time that Peony is so perfect for him because she has so much patience dealing with his moodiness. If I were her, I would dump his ass a long time ago :D
Anyways, the story itself was interesting. The main focus is the main couple's romance but the subplots are good too. The story of the rebellion has an unexpected twist and the love story of the second couple is very adorable as well. I really love Andy since he's such a cutie and a green flag! He is one of my favorite characters.
Reading it is entertaining and I was satisfied with the ending.  My only problem is with the male lead at first but I guess it worked out for them both at the end. It was cute and I would recommend it to those peeps who loves the cold guy x cheerful girl dynamic. 
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Overall Rating: 4/5
Status: Finished
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For Tuggoffelees human au (I didn’t know how many to send so I hope this is enough) mainly revolving with the kids but
Who does the school call the parents in for because they were misbehaving?
who (at least when they were younger) needed to sleep in the parent's bedroom cause of a nightmare?
Who's generally the kid's favorite babysitter?
Who gets lost at Disney land or a grocery store? And how are they found?
Idk who asks for McDonalds for dinner at any given opportunity?
Do tugger and misto have any fancy nicknames for their kids?
Who does the school call the parents in for because they were misbehaving?
it honestly depends! if it's just misbehavior, then Tugger and Misto switch off on who goes to get the kids. I do think that at least one of the older kids gets into some kind of actual fight with a classmate who makes a comment about the Deuteronomy-Jones kids not looking alike, usually directed at Fabre, Hestia, and Jubilee, and one of the older kids goes absolutely FERAL
like Sek and Hades just say the truth, that their dad slept around, Calliope, Ares, Apollo, Iris, and Thetis become dramatic and start pointing fingers like "WHICH ONE OF YOU IS ADOPTED" (Calliope always dramatically announces that it's her, which... makes Tugger CACKLE when he finds out), but if someone makes a comment like that to the Littles? to the triplets??? oh they'd better fear for their life
if that does happen, then both Tugger and Misto go in, but they ask for the full story from their kids and their friends (like Cori and Tanto 100% go to the same school and are always ready with the truth), and after deciding on a punishment, usually a grounding, (bc yeah, good on the kids for protecting their siblings, but they really shouldn't have punched the kid), they all go out for ice cream.
who (at least when they were younger) needed to sleep in the parent's bedroom cause of a nightmare?
all of them at some point!
in the month following Serafina's death, Tugger and Misto pretty much did not have the bed to themselves. Hestia's crib was next to Tugger's side, and Hades refused to be parted from his baby sister, so he was in the bed, and Apollo, Iris, and Thetis knew something was off and that their mama wasn't around, and cuddled up with their dads and brother.
I think there was one or two times after Jubilee was adopted that she and Hestia ended up cuddling with their dads (or they cuddled with Hades, because Best Big Brother Award goes to him)
And of Athena's kids... I feel like Persephone was the only one who ever had to do that, but after getting comfortable in the house, Sek and Ares probably approached Tugger and Misto after a bad night and talked about the nightmare with them
Who's generally the kid's favorite babysitter?
oooooo this is SUCH a good question
Bombalurina, because she's basically a surrogate mom for all the kids
Amunet (i feel like Jubilee gets SO excited when Amunet babysits, and she always brings Cori and Tanto with her!)
Who gets lost at Disney land or a grocery store? And how are they found?
the triplets 100% end up wandering off because they spotted one of their favorite characters in Disney. Either Hestia saw Belle, Jubilee saw Alice, or Fabre saw a Haunted Mansion dancer, and the three just go bolting off until they're separated. The good thing is that Tugger and Mistoffelees absolutely predicted what would happen, and attached those little trackers to the backpacks that all the kids are wearing, and after a little frantic searching, they're found, and everything's okay.
like Tugger and Misto don't put their kids on leashes, but they're smart enough to know that with twelve kids in a place like Disney, they're bound to run off, so the trackers are only for those times when they're all together and there's a possibility for separation.
Idk who asks for McDonalds for dinner at any given opportunity?
Apollo, because he's a little shit, and he and Calliope team up to get the babies to give their dads the BIGGEST puppy eyes, and it always works, because Tugger and Misto are absolutely unable to resist Ziggy and Persephone
(they're unable to resist all their kids' puppy eyes, but that's a secret they'll never share)(the kids all know, it's not that much of a secret lmao)
Do tugger and misto have any fancy nicknames for their kids?
they have nicknames for each of their kids!!
Sekhmet: Dragon
Hades: Roo (like from Winnie the Pooh)
Ares: Bear
Apollo: Sunshine
Iris: Rainbow
Thetis: Minnow
Calliope: Muse
Hestia: Princess
Jubilee: Rabbit
Fabre: Shadow
Ziggy: Bubbles
Persephone: Flower
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jude-thedude98 · 2 years
Mr. O'Rion Rippington's Riptide
Don't wanna uncap the pen
The pen be mightier than the words
Sword so fiercely, magically clean it hurts to say the whole name
Rip-tides of water flowin' over my head right
Through the cable car the fray this sword wields still kills
Monsters who tried to befriend and eat me
Another one dead, ph well
This celestial bronze is a percy jackson mom's blue coated anything
A piece of home I keep close, so don't touch my pocketeses or you'll be experiencing
The wrath of God's
Greek chariots barreling down in mustang Sally's
Apollo's 13 year old self still looks older than Artemis and her hunters by their self
Try to set war on me?
I'm tighter than titans teens pulled from Ares magazines
New York times showing things that I thought you heard from the grapevine
Wine God sippin on diet coke
Or calypso
Teachin communication and healing like Hermes ju jitsu
No need to chase the wisdom
Annabeth and Athena already got the blueprints schematics planned out and defeated
Touching blue notes
Come see me in the underground
Math width
Protractor protractin'
Down in the forges Hey Festus!
Happy the dragon by Leo Valdez of Hephaestus
Chest to chest with Aphrodite
Love my valentining
We all, like Piper McLean and Selena Beauregard pineing
Love striking
They say it don't twice
Zeus lightning
Can't fight me
I'm part of the big three
Holy trinity
This my house of hades
And my Mount Olympus
Gay Pride like Nico brown Hazel but I'm still deep though
A lil king of the underworld a lil king of the mainstream
Poseidon with the triton
Seafoam rise up
Pegasi fly up!
Call Blackjack when you need a favor
And he'll pull up
Wait while I tend the fire
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to get next to ya
Come bombarding my city
I'll hit you with the grace of Jason and Thalia
And in case you thank that's not enough
Following ya
Will be two satyrs: one Glees9n, one Grover
A cyclops named Tyson who can AND will roll you over
A wooden plank to short to fuse from my man Zhang Frank
And frankly that should be enough
But my Mrs. O'Leary is teary eyed if I don't take her on the ride
So come try to take a bite out of this crime
Hellhound! Sick em!
Raisin' wild flowers like Demeter
This my pen's call of the wild, Pan
So don't sleep on me hypnosis
Or I promise I'll unleash The Mother Wrath of Hera
I'm half Mr. Alias Nightmare / M.A.N.
And half demisexual demigod
Hm, how kind of odd?
Call me Jude PoetAll
Phillip, Fenix, Felix, or Felipe
A novelist I am, ots obvious
So I guess I'm Jarel with the dot
All alter egos on spot
That's why all I ever need is my Kid Ink
And I promise this imagination station will NEVER stop
So here I go
Until the next time I need to swing MY Riptide
Ima sign it with
The Last Olympian
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Day two of Jeannes Pokemon Scarlet Nuzlocke
Okay here we go with our second day let's hope we actually accomplish something today...
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first order of business today: new Team member Nereus the Nacli (yeah i know it's a stretch but as far as i know there isn't a Greek god of salt)
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Okay let's try one of these Tera-Raids...
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Surprise! the NPC helpers are still useless and stupid...
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Hey Gaia evolved
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And new Team member: Demeter the Smoliv
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Sidenote: I hate that i have to wear a school-uniform why can't i wear something cool like this woman?
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Gym Test done... that was easy...
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Bug Gym Time...
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wait a second... that's not a Bug-Pokemon
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Aaand... done
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next Team member: Athena the Mankey
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YOU CAN JUST FIND MINTS IN THE WILD?!?... If i ever hear anyone complaining about having to breed competitive pokemon again i swear to Arceus...
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So if these are normal Klawf...
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I'm assuming that big one over there is the Titan...
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literally OHKO'd it
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Koraidon is really just a big cat isn't it?
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guess that's what i get for forgetting Ralts is fairy type too
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oh right i kinda forgot to mention it yesterday but i failed to realize that Psyche was apparently caught in the same area as Sana because i thought the other side of the bridge was a different area... so i decided not to catch the Flamigo i later found in the actual next area (in the future before i use a pokemon i’ll check in the summary where it was caught)
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well at least it was a little more challenging than the last one...
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a little grinding session before the gym: Nereus, Themis and Sana evolved
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this dude looks like he hasn't slept in weeks
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okay maybe that was a little to much grinding...
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see this one at least makes sense Sudowoodoo is a fake tree that terastalizes into a grass type but teddiursa has nothing to do with bugs
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i kinda like these photo things whenever you finish one of the story missions
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last team member for today: Hestia the Litleo
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hmm... there are some really useful powers in this list
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WHAT?!? This is not how a bread should look like AFTER you spread butter on it! In fact you shouldn't be able to see the bread anymore... there needs to be at least half a centimeter of butter on there! AND BUTTER IS NOT TRANSPARENT!!!!!!!
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THREE STARS!?! I dropped two pickles, there's like no butter on there, the eggs are barely staying on there because they didn't cut them into slices like a normal person AND I DIDN'T EVEN PUT THE TOP PART OF THE BREAD ON RIGHT! And you still give me three stars... I wouldn't even give this to a dog.
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well it's getting late. I'll do the team star base here and then go to bed
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okay the dialogue suggests this is the director of the academy... i seriously didn't recognize him...
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I like her
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or maybe I actually didn't grind enough...
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really? REALLY? Why is this a thing? Back in X/Y that was fine because it was optional but how am I supposed to keep the friendship level of my Pokemon down just so I can have a “fair” fight?
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Alright Nereus is down and my opponent is at +6 speed. At this point i have several options... none of which are great
-i could try using Gaia and hope that quick attack is enough. But if it isn't Gaia dies to any of Revavrooms fire move
-i could also hope it goes for a fire move and switch in Sana with mud slap but Sana is sitting at 24 HP and gets OHKO'd by anything she isn't immune to
-Themis simply isn't an option because she will not survive anything
-alternatively i could try sending out Athena/ Hestia and hope they survive one hit but they only have neutral hitting moves...
I'll try it with Sana... Let's hope for the best...
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Okay, i seriously underestimated Sanas defense stat... Swift only did 4 HP
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We're getting a flashback?
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What's this photo even supposed to mean? Did she punch me and then shook my hand? Because she does not look like she has the grip strength to hurt someone by shaking their hand.
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ah... yes... the supply unit... you're totally not the hacker yourself...
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And that's were I'll end it for today
RIP Nereus the Naclstack (lvl 10-24) and Psyche the Ralts (lvl 5-15)
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Hestia
This is another eternally virgin goddess, so we're doing another pseudo-demigod by adoption (like we did with Athena).
Demigod MC: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia
Hestia is the goddess of the Hearth, Home, Architecture, Domesticity, Family, and the State. She's high up there (firstborn of Rhea and Cronus), but several factors have led to her falling into the background when compared to the other (flashier) Olympians. She swore to never marry, rejecting proposals from both Poseidon and Apollo, and is something of an antithesis to Aphrodite.
Honestly? He thought they were exactly what they were after. A weak human with no experience in the magical world what-so-ever.
Well… He was half-right.
On the surface, this is a pretty weak human. They don't have super flashy powers or a divine birth from the gods… but they do have a very protective adoptive mother.
The brothers had just settled in for their first dinner with the new human when the goddess herself strolled into their dining room, asked who was in charge, then dragged Lucifer away by the ear!
She's not even his mother, yet he felt the intense urge to apologize and put himself in his own room… Oh, the humiliation… at least she did the same to Diavolo…
The Prince was only able to calm her down by promising absolutely NO harm would come to her child… on their heads...
By the time the goddess finally let him go, Lucifer was about ready to shackle the MC to his wrist so nothing could touch them but he settled on keeping them with him like an assistant of sorts. They were in charge of helping him with the paperwork so he could keep an eye on them. 
What he didn’t expect was for them to be so… good at it? They could keep his offices clean, they managed his daily schedule, fixed up the House, and still have time to bring him tea and sweets every night!
They could even reign in his brothers somehow… They weren't strong or intimidating, but one or two mildly unhappy words out of them and everybody would be on their best behavior.
Was everyone positive they're only human...?
As much as he hated to admit, he may have a slight deep case of falling for the housekeeper… He would make a move, but well…
He has Beel to contend with first.
Okay so, watching Lucifer get dragged out by the ear just like Raphael used to do to him was hilarious!!! The whole room got a good laugh! 🤣
Until Hestia glared at them and suddenly they all felt like they'd disappointed someone important….
And all that fuss over some dumb human??
So what if they made amazing food?
So what if they could clean the entire mansion in a day?
So what if they were the walking equivalent to a warm cup of cocoa on a winter's day??
So what if they were just the kindest, sweetest thing in this godforsaken hellscape and he would throw himself in front of a bus to keep them safe-
-Wait, when did that happen?!?
Seriously, Mammon's attachment to the MC came out of NOWHERE to him. One day, he was threatening to eat their soul and the next he's freaking out when they stub their toe!
He swears they have to have some kind of magic about them! A charm, or a spell, or… their lovable smile and warm, loving hugs...! 😊
Damnit!! They're too cute!! He needs them to go away but also never leave, thanks. 😒
In all seriousness, though their kind nature puts Mammon's tsundere self at a bit of a disadvantage, his protective instincts shoot through the roof whenever they're involved.
Naturally, that means his day is spent running them away from hungry lesser demons or shielding them from Beel and Lucifer's tug-of-war matches… He's a busy guy these days. 😖
They're so… so… MOE!!!
That was his immediate thought when Mammon brought them home. He was expecting a defenseless human, but not one that could have stepped out of one of his slice-of-life manga!
To be honest, his instant thought was try and find a place to sit them on his shelves with the rest of the adorable characters he loves… 😅
And that was before they even opened their mouth! Five words into their introduction and he was ready to get their face on a t-shirt!!
Honestly, combine their natural cuteness with their household skills and they made for perfect waifu/husbando material… 
Not helped by the fact they found one of his maid/butler outfits while doing the laundry one day. Not only did they ask if they could wear it, they actually non-ironically liked it and started wearing it around the House!!
Oh he got cornered by Beel, Lucifer, and Mammon separately that day because they thought he was using them for fetish fuel… But it was their idea, he swears!!
I mean… He didn't discourage them or anything either but still…
If Beel hadn't claimed them on Day One, Levi might have eventually thrown his hat in the ring too... Oh well… he can pine from a distance… What else is new? 😔
He has a video of Hestia dragging Lucifer out of the dining room on his phone and it's one of his most treasured possessions now. 😌
He is perhaps the only person in the House who was not at all impressed with their little human.
So they could cook? So could he. So they can clean? That's not impressive. They could manage a household? Big deal, he's more or less been in charge of the same thing for centuries!
As far as he saw it, there was nothing the MC could do that he couldn't do as proficiently or even better. There was nothing remarkable about this human at all!
… except for one thing.
That maid/butler outfit of Levi's? The one they like to wear around?
It has cat accessories…
Either they don't notice or they don't mind it but they essentially walk around the House cleaning things with little kitty ears attached to their head and a bell on their collar…
Dammit… Why did Levi even buy that?!?
Satan ended up getting in trouble for enchanting their outfit to give them REAL ears and a tail "accidentally..." Lucifer strung him up by his toes, Beel gave him a black-eye, and Mammon still calls him a "perverted cat freak" but it was worth it, he says, worth it!!
Oh Beel…
Asmo saw Beel's feelings for the MC coming from a mile away. He didn't even need to confirm it with a sniff check, he had them scented by the end of their first night!
Lucifer, on the other hand, now that was a surprise... 😏
Ask him a century ago if Lucifer would ever consider a human lover, godly mother or no, and he'd have laughed! Yet here he is, giving gifts and sneaking whiffs of their adorable new housemate!
Of course, that's causing some commotion because they're pitted against each other, but Asmo finds it kind of cute honestly. 
Beel and Lucifer aren't fighting, not for real. The whole house knows Lucifer would win in a real brawl, but neither of them actually want to hurt the other… They're far too close for that.
So Beel tosses Lucifer around with kid gloves and Lucifer holds back considerably against Beel. It's pretty much just two brothers who love each other squabbling over the same toy… 🤭
Honestly, Lucifer might have bowed out by now and just let Beel have them but now his pride's on the line… thus an endless tussle between family and the sweet MC is in the middle, clueless to it all!
Tragic, is it not? But it certainly makes things more entertaining around here! (Good thing too since Beel beat him to the punch… If it's a fight against those two, he'll have to keep any of his own affairs with the MC under the radar... 😏)
He has claimed this one. Full stop.
For a bit of perspective: when Barbatos needs cooking tips, he calls Hestia. Hestia, the Divine Master of All Things Cooking. Hestia, the goddess who raised this MC… 
Needless to say if they have any magic at all, it's in the kitchen.
If food is the way to Beel's heart, this MC has claimed his heart, soul, and probably all of his vital organs. Their food is astounding!! Always perfect every time and so good it brings him to tears!
It started the night of that first dinner, prepared by MC. He was too busy scarfing down the table to even notice a goddess showed up and then he proposed to the MC with their own pig roast by meal's end!
They said no to marriage, but an instant pact agreement suited him just fine.
Beel didn't waste a single moment before he started treating them like a potential mate, territorial aggression and all, but there was a bit of a catch… He kept the MC totally oblivious to it.
Surprisingly, Beel's can turn the "They're MINE" part of his brain on and off pretty well. He's nothing but sweet and cuddly to the MC when they're around and even with his brothers!... as long as they don't try anything.
The moment he caught whiff that Lucifer might be pursuing them too, it was on. Suddenly the two brothers who almost never fight were in competition against each other! But of course, both have an unspoken rule to never do so in front of MC.
And now poor MC believes it's common for demons to "play wrestle" like puppies and hugs are traditionally supposed to be so hard they could snap spines… 
And it doesn’t look like they'll be backing down any time soon… Oh dear...
You know what? For once, everything goes exactly to plan for Belphie!
No really, this MC has no hidden powers, no magic horses, not even Demon Nip. They are a helpless, trusting little human who just wants to help their big teddy bear get his twin back!
So, you know how it goes. The charm, the lies, the treachery and all of that. He even gets to kill them!! Oh, happy days!! 😁
Come to think of it, they did smell an awful lot like Beel… But who cares, as long as Lucifer suffers right?? And this whole "living together in harmony" crap fails, right?!
Beel went ballistic. Lucifer did too, but Beel was what really hurt…
Belphie can safely say that in all of his life, Beel has never physically attacked him. Not once, or at least, not with intent to kill… 
But when the sixthborn's fist went crashing through the wall right by his ear that day, he knew his brother's first instinct was to aim for his head… and his second was to miss, as he still loved him, but only by just a little.
What the hell did he just do??
Thank their father for Barbatos and all the funky time stuff he can do because bringing the MC "back" snapped his angry brothers right out of it. 
Things should have been smoothed over at that point but as everyone was finally settling down for tea, Hestia made another appearance in the House… this time carrying a butcher's knife!
Time fix or no, Diavolo had promised her no harm would come to MC and at least one continuity of them DIED… so punishment was now on Lucifer and the Demon Prince himself!
Belphie, in a rare case of guilt and an expression of brotherly love, offered to take their place since it WAS kind of all his fault. His gesture softened the Goddess of Family juuust enough to lighten his sentence from execution to hard labor.
And thus, the MC had their own housekeeping assistant for a whole year, complete with bitter reluctance and a matching maid outfit! Cat-theme and all!!
He's sending nightmares to anybody who laughs… guaranteed. 😒
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snelbz · 3 years
Tempting the Fates {Chapter 9}
Summary: It’s the final semester of Aelin Galathynius’ collegiate career and she is so beyond ready to be done. Her schedule is packed full of nursing classes and labs designed to test her knowledge and hone her skills for the real world and her “big girl” job. However, she needs one last elective to graduate, so she decides to study a subject she’s always been fascinated by: Mythology. Who would have thought that a class about gods and goddesses living complicated lives would end up complicating her own in such an unexpected way?
A @snelbz X @theladyofdeath collaboration.
Word Count: 3378
Chapters will be posted every Wednesday.
Tempting the Fates Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist 
***Announcement! *** After the completion of I’ll be Seeing You and Tempting the Fates, all of Tara and I’s joint fanfiction will be posted on a separate blog that we run together > @snacmc. Be sure to follow the new blog as we will start posting on there soon!
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– Goddess of the hearth, home and family
Mondays and Wednesdays always seemed to drag.
Thanks to her lack of Rowan in class, Aelin’s classes were boring and she found herself thinking of other things, rather than the notes she was supposed to be taking. Like the way Rowan’s eyes had been on her as she went down on him in the shower earlier than morning.
At his insistence, she’d begun using his shower for more than just sex purposes, as she’d so eloquently explained to him the week before. She was regularly staying over, getting ready for her own classes in the morning, just as he was. But whenever one of them followed the other into the tiled shower, it was used for practical reasons.
As well as sexual ones.
Suppressing a whine as she thought of the way Rowan had pinned her up against the cool tiles that morning, Aelin crossed her legs and checked her watch. Only another twenty minutes and then she had her break between classes. She wasn’t hungry, thanks to the protein bar she’d eaten just before this class started, and she was close to the gen ed building, so she decided she would drop by her mythology professor’s office. She had a few questions about the homework he’d assigned yesterday and face-to-face was always better to her than an email.
Once her anatomy professor was wrapping up, Aelin was tossing her books into a bag and hauling ass across campus. Rowan’s last class was wrapping up, too, and she didn’t want to miss him before he hurried off to do whatever else.
She could’ve texted him to stay put, but she didn’t want to ruin the surprise.
She made it to his building and dodged by those who were hurrying off to their other classes or their beds, and stopped at Rowan’s office door before giving it a halting knock.
It took him a second to answer, but when he did, he was handsome as ever.
His shirt sleeves were rolled up, the button down tucked into his trousers. When he saw it was Aelin at his office door, a silver brow lifted.
“Aelin,” he began, clearing his throat. “How may I help you?”
“I have some questions about the homework,” she began, voice low, even though no one else was around. “Can I come in for a second?”
Rowan moved aside before she had finished her question. With one last glance down the hall he shared with a few other first-year professors, he shut the door, sealing them into his office. The blinds were open, but on the third floor, it wasn’t like anyone could see the private meeting he and his student were about to have.
Even if he didn’t know what kind of meeting it was about to be.
“Are you on your lunch break?” She asked, leaning back against his desk.
He nodded. “Didn’t plan on taking lunch, but I’ve got a couple hours before my next class. Was going to work on some grading. Why?”
He had stepped closer, pausing beside one of the chairs he kept in front of the desk for students to sit in.
Aelin clearly had other ideas of where to sit though. With a smirk, she reached out and lightly gripped his shirt, pulling him towards her.
“You had questions about the homework,” he breathed, leaning away as she tried to kiss him.
It wasn’t that he wouldn’t kiss her. He just wanted to see her squirm.
And squirm, she did. “You know very well that I turned in the homework yesterday afternoon.”
She tried to kiss him again, but he fell away, even though his arms were around her waist.
“I don’t recall that,” he taunted. “Maybe you could remind me.”
“I turned it in just before I did this,” she crooned, and her lips found his.
Aelin kissed him, slowly, her arms snaking around his neck. She swore she would never tire of the feeling of his mouth on hers.
“Oh yeah,” Rowan muttered, against her lips. “Now I remember.”
It only took him a second to grab her hips and set her on top of his desk.
There was a clattering of something tipping over, probably a cup of pens or paper clips from the sound of it, but neither of them cared. Not as he gripped the outside of her thigh where her legs were wrapped around him, or her hand found its way into his hair. He was both frustrated and very glad she’d worn leggings today. While he wished she was wearing something with a bit easier access, it was probably a blessing in disguise that he couldn’t get his hand between her legs.
Or his mouth.
Or any other body parts.
That wasn’t stopping Aelin from rubbing against him, looking for friction, as their tongues battled and teeth occasionally clashed. She let out a quiet moan and he tugged on her hair, pulling her lips from his.
“We’re not fucking in my office,” he breathed, looking her in the eyes. “It is way too dangerous.”
She nodded, knowing and accepting the fact, but it didn’t mean she was done kissing him.
“Was this morning not enough?” He smirked, trailing his lips down her throat instead of returning to hers.
“It’s never enough,” she gasped. “Every time I’m away from you…”
Her words trailed off as their lips met. It was true. It was never enough. She was so fulfilled with Rowan, and the second he was gone, she longed for him.
“Come over tonight,” Aelin begged. “Stay with me tonight.”
Rowan groaned as his tongue slipped between her lips.
They stayed at Rowan’s nearly every night. The only times Aelin stayed at her own apartment was when she had an exam or homework she had to work on, without Rowan distracting her. Lysandra and Aedion had met Rowan over dinner a few nights before, though Aelin had insisted take out was much more her friends’ speed than a fully home cooked meal. However, Aelin had a lab due the following morning, so after dinner, Rowan had gone back home.
“We have class tomorrow,” he replied, lips still on hers.
“So we’ll make sure we get up early.” Dragging her teeth across his jaw, she gripped his shoulders. “Bring over everything you’ll need to come straight to class.”
Rowan hesitated. “I don’t know.”
“We don’t live on campus,” Aelin said, quietly. “It’s not like I live somewhere surrounded by students.”
Rowan pulled back and met her gaze. “It’s important to you?”
Aelin nodded, arms still wrapped around the back of his neck. “I love being cooped up in your apartment. I really do. But, sometimes I wanna be cooped up somewhere else, too.”
Rowan huffed a laugh. “Alright.”
“Yeah?” Aelin asked, a soft smile painted across her light pink lips.
Rowan couldn’t help his own smile forming as he leaned forward and pulled Aelin closer to him as he kissed her, softly. They went on like that, dwelling in those slow, prolonged kisses. There was something personal, something exceptional about a long, slow kiss. Something sensual that made Aelin’s stomach feel like it was going to explode, even though it lacked that animalistic passion they had come to find within one another.
A quick knock at the door had them jumping apart, Rowan dragging a quick hand through his hair, not having a chance to reply before the door opened.
“Hey, Rowan, I was hoping you could— Oh.”
The pretty woman froze in the doorway, taking in the scene in front of her.
It was innocent enough, though Aelin’s lips were swollen from their kisses. That could easily be explained away, especially as her teeth found the bottom lip and gnawed on it.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had an appointment,” she said, eyeing Aelin, who had thankfully gotten off the desk before she’d entered.
“It wasn’t officially booked,” he explained, slightly stepping in front of Aelin to keep her shielded. “Miss Galathynius had a few questions about the homework I assigned in class and about an upcoming project. She stopped by during her lunch break, since her schedule is so busy.”
Silence built in the office, and after a second, Rowan cleared his throat. “Did you need something, Remelle?”
“Maeve sent out an email about a mandatory department meeting for Thursday night,” she said, slowly, still looking at them both suspiciously. “A couple of us in the building were going to get drinks after, wanted to know if you wanted to come.”
Rowan cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah. Sure. I’ll plan on it.”
“Good,” Remelle said, a little too quickly. “And check your mailbox in the office. It’s full.”
With another look at Aelin, then at Rowan, Remelle left and the door fell shut behind her.
Silence enveloped the room.
Rowan slowly turned around to look at Aelin, whose face was pale.
“You couldn’t have locked the door?” she whispered.
Rowan scoffed. “Yeah, because that wouldn’t have been suspicious, being locked in here with a student.”
For some reason, the word student felt like a jab coming from him in that moment. Aelin’s back straightened. “I wasn’t aware that the receptionist randomly barges into your office. If a student found it locked, they probably wouldn’t think it was weird, at all. Offices around here are locked all the damn time.”
Rowan sighed and nodded. He stepped towards her and ran his hands up and down her arms, pressing a soft kiss to Aelin’s forehead. “You should go. There’s only so much we can talk about homework.”
Nodding, Aelin wrapped her arms around his waist, and he wrapped her up in his own. “I’ll see you after class?”
“I’ll run by my place to grab some things and pick up dinner on the way,” he promised, tilting her chin up to look at him. “I’ll see you later.”
She nodded and rose up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips. Grabbing her bag from the chair, she adjusted her messy bun, which was only a little messier than it had been before and slipped out the office door.
Leaning back on the spot Aelin had just been sitting in, Rowan took a quick moment to breathe before setting his desk to rights and heading down to check his community mailbox. It wasn’t full as Remelle had implied, but there were a few things in it, mostly department memos and notes from other professors. He ignored her suspicious look as he made his way back up the stairs to his office and settled behind his desk to work on the grading he’d planned to do during his lunch.
He was halfway through an essay from one of his upperclassmen when his email dinged on his laptop. It had gone off a few times since Aelin had left, but he’d ignored them, assuming they were automatic replies to Maeve’s email about the meeting.
Tapping on the track pad of his laptop to wake it up, he kept reading over the essay as his email came to life, but he waited until he was done to look over at the most recent notifications.
Freezing, Rowan’s eyes flashed over the subject of the email from Maeve three times before he actually had the nerve to open it.
Meeting in my office after your final class of the evening.
We need to have a talk.
Aelin felt as if she had been holding her breath for hours.
Which was exactly how long it had been since she had received her text from Rowan.
As someone who was not nervous or paranoid by nature, she hated the feeling of being so freaked out that she was nearly about to vomit. She had already cleaned her apartment once, and was pouring herself a glass of wine as she was deciding what she could clean next. Maybe she would clean out the fridge.
After downing her glass of wine, she did just that, throwing open the refrigerator door and emptying out what had been in there for over a week.
She didn’t even hear the front door open, nor did she hear her roommate and cousin walk into the kitchen.
Aelin yelped, jumped, and spun around, nearly knocking over her glass of wine on the counter nearby. “What the hell?” she yelled. “You can’t just sneak up on people like that! Doesn’t anyone realize how fucking rude it is to just barge in?!”
Aedion’s brows shot up as Lysandra stepped forward. “Uh, everything okay?”
Aelin’s face fell into her hands as she leaned against the countertop. “Does it look like everything is okay?” she asked, words muffled.
“What happened?” Lysandra asked, gently prying Aelin’s hands from her face.
Her eyes were still shut, as if she could shut out the world. Taking a deep breath, she released it, answering in one, quick burst. “I think Rowan and I got caught.”
She heard something hit the floor, clearly dropped by Aedion, but Lysandra’s hands went slack on her wrist. “What do you mean?”
Letting her head fall to the countertop, she groaned once before standing up straight and looking at them. Aedion had indeed dropped the bag of pretzels he’d pulled from the cabinet.
“We both had long breaks today, so I stopped by his office to see him for a minute. I didn’t mean for anything to happen. I mean… Yeah, I kinda did. I kissed him first.”
“I don’t need to hear about this. Lys can fill me in,” Aedion muttered, scooping the bag of pretzels off the floor and heading for Lysandra’s bedroom.
“We didn’t fuck or anything,” Aelin sighed after he left. “But we did make out on his desk a bit. It was barely even PG-13.”
“So what happened?” Lysandra asked, getting another glass down and refilling Aelin’s glassed wine and filling one for herself. “How did you get caught?”
“The secretary walked in,” Aelin said, staring at a spot on the hardwood. “She didn’t see anything, we broke apart before the door opened, but… I don’t know. She sounded suspicious, looked suspicious.” Aelin took a sip from her glass. “I mean, seriously, who knocks but doesn’t wait for a come in before they open the damn door? It’s rude as hell.”
“I don’t wait before coming into your room,” Lysandra said.
“That’s different, we live together,” Aelin said, unable to control her chuckle.
Lysandra smiled, but it faded as she shook her head. “That man needs to learn how to lock his office.”
“That’s what I said!” Aelin agreed, and topped off her glass before it was even halfway empty.
“So, what?” Lysandra went on. “She came in but didn’t see anything. Maybe she just always looks suspicious. I’m sure nothing will come out of it.”
Without another word, Aelin took her phone out of her pocket and slid it across the counter. Lysandra slowly picked it up and read Rowan’s text.
Got an email from Maeve. I have to go to her office tonight. Says she needs to talk to me. Sounded urgent.
Aelin had texted back. Did she say what it was about?
No, Rowan had replied. But it doesn’t sound good.
“Have you heard from him since he sent these?” Lysandra asked, setting the phone down.
“No, but we’ve both been in class.” Aelin let her head fall to the countertop again. “He’s supposed to come over after he gets out. But now I’m wondering if that’s such a good idea. What if someone sees him getting here?”
“It’s not all students, and we’re not exactly social butterflies. We don’t know any of our neighbors,” Lysandra said, clearly trying to soothe her.
Aelin just shook her head. “I like him, Lys. A lot. I can see a future with this guy, but… What if this is all too much? It’s too dangerous. We’re jeopardizing our futures.”
Lysandra’s eyes softened. “The secretive part of your relationship is only temporary. Besides, he’s head over heels for you, too. Would it really be worth it to give that up?”
“What if Rowan is about to lose his job?” Aelin shot back. “Lys, I would never be able to forgive myself. I have to do something.”
“Always the hero,” Lysandra muttered. “Look, the best thing you can do right now is stay here, drink wine, and let it all play out. Rowan is a big boy. He can handle himself.” Aelin said nothing, so Lysandra went on. “I just want to see you happy. Does he make you happy?”
“Beyond. Happier than I’ve been in a long time,” she sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning against the counter. “I know it’s only been a few weeks, but… I care about him.”
“And it’s pretty damn clear that he cares about you, so sitting and waiting sucks, but that’s what you’ll have to do.” Lysandra crossed the kitchen and wrapped her best friend up in a hug. Aelin’s forehead fell to her shoulder. “I can send Aedion to get more wine if you want.”
Aelin nodded.
Lysandra chuckled and said, “Then that’s what we’ll do. Why don’t you—?”
A knock on the front door had Aelin’s head snapping up and she hurried from the kitchen. Throwing open the door, she found Rowan standing on the other side. Before he could say anything, she pulled him inside and wrapped her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. “Gods, I’ve been so fucking worried.”
To her surprise, he laughed quietly, and it only caused Aelin to lean back, eyes wide. “What could possibly be funny right now?”
“I’m not I’m trouble,” he whispered, arms going around her waist. “We’re safe, we’re fine.”
Aelin blinked, all anxiety fading from her body only to be replaced with confusion. “Why did Maeve call you into her office, then?”
“She just wanted to check how things were going.” He shrugged. “Being new, and her nephew, she just wanted to check in.”
“Gods, Rowan!” She shoved his chest, lightly. “You couldn’t have texted me that? I’ve been a nervous mess!”
“She’s not exaggerating,” Lysandra mumbled from behind them. “Hi, Professor.”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “Hi, Lysandra.”
As Lysandra headed towards her room, he looked down to where Aelin was staring at his chest. He tilted her chin up until she was forced to look at him. His brow furrowed and he was surprised to see silver lining her eyes. “Everything is okay, baby. Why are you crying?”
She shook her head and blinked, but wasn’t able to stop the single tear that spilled over. He wiped it away with his thumb. “I thought we got caught, that I had ruined your life.”
His heart nearly broke. “Aelin…” He wrapped her up in his arms again, holding her as tightly as he dared, as if he could keep her from falling apart. After a second, he leaned back so he could look at her, but didn’t let her go. “Being together isn’t a decision that just one of us has made. We both went into this relationship knowing the consequences. If something were to happen, if someone finds out, you aren’t ruining my life.”
Aelin snorted, and framed his face in her hands. “So we’d both be ruining your life?”
“No one’s life will be ruined,” Rowan promised. “I’m going to be with you, Aelin. Now, and when you graduate, we can have a normal relationship, whatever the hell that means. If you’ll have me, I’m not going anywhere.”
“That’s a big promise to make so early in our relationship,” Aelin breathed, running her thumbs across his cheeks.
“I have a good feeling about us,” Rowan followed, melting into her touch.
Leaning down, he pressed his lips to hers, but pulled back and smirked. “But maybe I’ll start locking my office, just in case you decide to make another unexpected visit.”
Aelin threw her head back and laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck as she rose up on her toes to kiss him again.
The day had stressed them both out, but throughout it all, there was only one thing Rowan could think about: he didn’t know what his future held, but there was one thing for sure.
He wanted Aelin in it.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
So my finger is actually broken and it made me think about the series where Remus took a stick to the face and Sirius took care of him if you’re willing to do another part to that so I can live vicariously that’d be great
Hey lovely! I’m so sorry for the massive delay on this fic--hopefully, your finger feels better soon <3 Coops and O’Knutzy credit goes to @lumosinlove!
This fic also includes Cap and Logan being brothers, O’Knutzy fluff, and my personal favorite ask of all time:
Anon: We have seen protective Leo in action and he is an absolute badass, but what about the other 2/3 of O’Knutzy. Because gods know they would all protect their fairy gay mother if anyone were to mess with him in the slightest
TW for bruising, swelling, injury
Read the rest of the series here!
“Where is he?” Leo demanded as soon as the door opened. His mother would have been appalled by his lack of manners, but he was too worried to bother with pleasantries. “Is he alright?”
Sirius raised his eyebrows. “Hello to you, too, Knut. Harzy, Lo, how’s it going?”
“Depends,” Finn said. “How’s our favorite rookie doing?”
Logan took a more direct approach and kicked Sirius lightly on the shin. “Move, I want to see my future beau-frère.”
“Are they here?” a rough voice called from the living room.
“Don’t get up, Loops!” Leo shouted down the hall, making a beeline for the kitchen. “Are you feeling okay?”
There was a muffled curse from the other room, followed by footsteps; Leo scowled. “I’m not made of glass,” Remus huffed as he shuffled into the room with an ice pack in his hand.
All three of them hissed in sympathy and Leo felt phantom pain in his nose at the wide bruise across Remus’ cheekbones. “You should go lay down again, dude.”
“You made me soup?”
“You can only have it if you promise to rest.”
“I don’t have a concussion.”
“Your face looks like someone biked over it.”
“Rude. I’ll call your mother.”
“You don’t have her number.”
Remus shot him a look and turned to the others, who were watching in clear amusement. “Tremzy, a hand?”
“Can’t tell you. I want soup.” Logan ruffled his hair as he walked past; Remus batted him away, but he was smiling. It was even more crooked than usual with the latent swelling, and Leo felt a pang in his chest when he noticed the missing dimples. He looked so…not Loops. “Où sont les casseroles?”
Finn frowned and glanced in the Tupperware. “That’s not casserole, Lo.”
Sirius reached up and pulled a large pot down from the cupboard. “Pots, Harz. You’ve been dating these two for almost a year and you still don’t know French?”
Finn hopped up on the counter. “Keeps things interesting.”
Leo blew him a kiss and received a wink in return, making them both laugh. “Thanks again for bringing this over,” Remus said as Leo turned the stove on and grabbed a wooden spoon.
“Anything for the rookie, right? You look better than last night.”
“Yeah?” Hope lit in Remus’ less-swollen eye; he was still bruised to hell and back, but the puffiness had gone own significantly and a good night’s sleep seemed to have done him good.
“No thanks to the captain,” Finn snorted, swinging his legs until Sirius whacked him on the thigh with a spoon. “I swear to god he was just fucking with us in the groupchat.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “What did you do?”
“I told the truth!” Sirius protested. “I don’t know why they’re all pissy.”
“You were so vague,” Logan groaned. He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and scrolled through the texts, then cleared his throat. “Home safe. Re is fine—"
“Get over here—”
“—getting lots of cuddles from Hattie,” Logan continued, ducking out of Sirius’ reach as he read aloud. Leo stepped closer to the stove to let them both run past. “Thanks for the messages. Thanks for the messages? Thanks for the fucking messages?”
“That was pretty vague,” Remus agreed, hiding a smile behind his hand when Sirius finally snatched Logan’s phone away.  
“I’m keeping this,” he threatened. “And I sent messages to people who reached out individually with questions, including your boyfriend.”
“Which one?” Logan asked with a smirk.
Sirius shook his head. “Knutty, will you be offended if I kick him out of the house?”
“Eh.” Leo shrugged, still stirring. “He could use some fresh air. Maybe put a bowl of water out with him.”
Logan grabbed a towel and rolled it up, snapping it at Leo’s ass; it connected with a sharp smack and he dodged the second attack by less than an inch. “Hey, cut it out!” Remus laughed. “He’s making me soup!”
“Yeah, Lo, we don’t want to leave the invalid in the hands of Cap’s cooking,” Finn drawled.
Sirius heaved a sigh. “You are all so mean to me.”
“I love you!” Remus said, putting a hand over his heart in mock-offense.
“You don’t trust my cooking either.”
He hesitated for half a second and Sirius spread his hands. “I trust most of your cooking. And all of your baking.”
Leo perked up. “Will you make cookies for us?”
“Come on,” he wheedled as bubbles began forming around the edges of the soup. “You know you want to.”
“He made some for the block party two weeks ago,” Remus said with a grin, leaning over to smell the thick steam. “I’m domesticating him.”
“He’s like a feral cat. Once you let him in and feed him, he starts making cookies and never leaves.” Logan slotted himself between Finn’s knees for a cuddle with a devious glance at Sirius.
“I regret knowing you,” Sirius muttered; the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth gave him away, and Leo smiled to himself as he pulled a few bowls out of the nearest cabinet. “Soup’s ready?”
“Soup’s ready. Where are we eating?”
“Well, Loops is eating on the couch so he can rest,” Logan said, ignoring Remus’ eye roll.
“I’m fine.” All four of them gave him a skeptical look and he threw his hands in the air in exasperation. “Alright, we’ll eat in the living room and pretend I’m on my deathbed. Jesus Christ.”
Leo gave him a playful nudge as he handed him a bowl. “That’s what friends do, right?”
Remus’ face softened and he bumped him back. “This was really sweet of you, Knutty.”
“What was I supposed to do, leave you here alone with only your fiancé and your dog for company?” He looked behind the kitchen island and paused. “Speaking of, where’s my baby?”
“I’ll get her.” Sirius wandered out of the room and they heard the back door open a moment later; after a few seconds of muffled noise, Hattie came barreling into the room in all her long-legged glory. One side of her fur was mussed into bedhead, but Finn dropped down and immediately smoothed it out again as he smothered her with affection.
“Oh, was somebody taking a nap on the deck?” Remus cooed, grabbing a handful of spoons from a drawer.
“I missed you so much!” Finn said, laughing as she licked his face. “So much, precious girl! It’s been too long!”
Hattie wiggled out of his hold and galloped toward Leo—she tripped over her too-big paws and rolled to a stop at his feet with a lolling tongue. “Oh, my munchkin,” he groaned, lifting her into a cradle hold. “Do you think your dads would be sad if I took you home with me?”
“Yes,” Sirius and Remus chorused.
“But I made them soup!” He stuck his lower lip out in a pout and held her closer to his chest. “It’s only fair.”
Logan turned a pleading look on Sirius. “You can’t say no to that face, can you?”
“Someday, you can have a sleepover. For right now, we’re going to eat soup and then make Remus take a nap.”
Leo declined to mention the fact that he had not answered the question and filed that particular information away for later use. For all his bluster and grumbling, Sirius was a softie for puppy eyes of any sort.
They gathered in the living room and carefully balanced their bowls so nobody spilled on the carpet. Remus curled up to make space for Sirius on the couch, while Logan perched on the armrest of Leo’s chair and Finn took the floor; Hattie made the rounds with a roving nose and tried to steal bites wherever possible, to little avail.
“This is really good,” Sirius said after a few minutes of hungry silence, shoving another spoonful of broth in his mouth. “Mon dieu, what is this?”
“Italian wedding soup,” Leo said, breaking a meatball in half. “Mom’s recipe.”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “You’re not Italian.”
“Not even a little.”
“You guys are the best, by the way,” Remus said. “This is exactly what I needed.”
“We would’ve beat the rookie up if you asked,” Finn informed him with a casual bite of soup. “Say the word, it’s done.”
Remus shook his head. “It was an accident. He tripped, I came up too fast, and it snowballed from there. Kid’s lucky he didn’t get a skate to the face when we fell.”
Logan blinked at him for a second. “You’ve seen your face recently, right?”
“No, actually, it’s a bit difficult to see my own face,” Remus said drily. “I’m sure it looks worse than it feels.”
Sirius raised his eyebrows, but made no comment. Leo wasn’t sure whether he wanted to know that story or not; seeing Loops in any amount of pain was hard enough. “Kind of ironic, right?” he said instead. “After all that time spent fixing us, you’re the one we get to take care of.”
Remus snorted. “How the turntables. Hestia did all the heavy lifting.”
“That Tupperware was heavy.”
“Do you want to tape me back together next time?”
“Don’t try me, Loops, I’ll do it and give you a moustache.”
They bickered and teased for the next half hour, long after their bowls were empty and Hattie laid down with a dramatic huff after her unsuccessful quest. Finally, Remus dozed off on Sirius’ shoulder, which they took as their cue to leave.
“Thank you again, guys,” Sirius said as they pulled their coats on. “This really meant a lot to both of us.”
“No problem,” Finn said with a shrug. “We were worried, and bringing over a little soup was easy.”
“It was good to talk to you both outside of practice,” Logan added, giving him a one-armed hug. “Keep us updated?”
“Bien sûr.”
“See you around, Capsicle.” Leo mock-saluted and Sirius laughed under his breath. “Take care of our rookie.”
“Will do, Knutty.”
Leo maneuvered his container around his seatbelt as Finn turned the car on, trying not to lose another lid down the crack between the console. “I’m glad we did that,” he said after a few seconds of comfortable silence.
“Me, too. Loops still looked pretty rough, though,” Logan said quietly.
The side of Finn’s mouth turned down a tick. “Next time we play the Ravens, that rookie is getting checked like he’s never been checked before.”
Leo’s back cracked as he stretched his arms over his head. “Oh, yeah, Kasey and I already have a plan. That kid is never even going to see the net.”
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