#Hestia goddess
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homey-worshiper · 2 months ago
for lady hestia
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ipledgeawaymysanity · 1 year ago
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Not the hearth burning in Olympus🥹🥹
🤎My goddess Hestia🤎
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kindliess · 27 days ago
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E-offering to Lady Hestia
Thank you for your warmth, safety, and comfort.
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honeyandhestia · 2 months ago
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Sigil to bring the warmth of her hearth wherever you go 🧡
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sephospaganplace · 4 months ago
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Lady Hestia, honored first and last at the feast.
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gigizetz · 1 year ago
Have you ever drawn Hestia before? I think she’s pretty interesting :D
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quite simple, but yea
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nyxenthusiast · 8 months ago
Hestia in different media!!
Hades II
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Lore Olympus
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Percy Jackson
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Blood of Zeus
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Gods School
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Tell me if I missed any!
Edit: apparently there’s a Disney Hercules tv show and Hestia is there??
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Edit 2: here’s some Hestia apparences in DC comics through the years (and different universes)
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diana-thyme · 1 year ago
Greek Gods 101: Hestia
Hestia is a goddess of the hearth and home. Excluding the universal offerings, some common offerings include:
Depictions of Fireplaces/Hearts
Depictions of Pigs
Depictions of Fire
Baking Supplies
Cooking Supplies
Spices and Herbs
Homemade Food
For devotional acts, some activities that can be done for her include:
Lighting a Fire
Keeping Up Family Traditions (Or Starting a New One)
Doing Home Repairs
Doing Home Renovations
Taking Care of Others
Practicing Simple or Slow Living
She is celebrated in multiple Athenian holidays:
Plerosia, maybe
Hekate’s Deipnon, maybe
Kallynteria and Plynteria, maybe
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ts-witchy-archive · 1 year ago
Hestia Devotional Activities
I was cleaning my room last night and found this list on a random piece of paper. I've been worshipping/working with Lady Hestia for roughly 2 years now so I have no idea when these ideas are from but I hope you enjoy!
Pick up rubbish in communal areas
Offer the first or last bites/portions of food your to her
Cooking/baking for yourself or others
Having a candle lit whenever possible (electric or real)
Alternatively, playing a video of a fire place. (This is my favourite)
Volunteering at or donating to homeless or DV shelters
Setting healthy boundaries with friends and family
Tea/Coffee magick is always a great devotional opportunity
Get involved with your local community in anyway possible.
Additionally, getting involved in politics! Advocating for policies you believe will better the community is absolutely in alignment with Hestia and her role in ancient Greece.
Allow yourself to rest (this is UPG but i've always found that she just wants you to take care of yourself more than anything).
Do a chore you've been putting off for a long time and dedicate it to her
Organise to hang out with some friends and/or family
Be kind to others AND YOURSELF!!
Veil or bind your hair!
Wear something red or orange (I normally opt for a red hair tie and bind my hair with it. 2 birds, 1 stone)
Make a devotional playlist for her
While we're on the topic of digital witchcraft, make a pinterest board or a mood board for her
Learn about kitchen witchery
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starlight-sage · 5 months ago
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Lying in bed and looking at Hestia’s altar >>>>
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sarnai4 · 9 days ago
[Because @dantsem made me think about love languages.]
Scenario: What if Ares tried to hug his family?
Aphrodite (receptive; kisses him): Aww, love you too, Sweetie!
Athena (flummoxed): Ares, this is not proper form for an attack.
Artemis (surprised; punches him): What are you doing?!
Apollo (drags him around the infirmary all day): I guess you're going to work with me.
Dionysus (too drunk to notice): Hey, Bro...have you been here long?
Hermes (thinks it's a prank and wants to be the prankster first): Ha! Oh. Well, how was I supposed to know what that meant?
Hephaestus (uses a trap): In my defense, I thought you were trying to kill me.
Zeus (never acknowledges him): *thinking* If I don't react, maybe he'll go away.
Hera (conflicted): This is...acceptable, Dear, but maybe we don't need to make a habit of it.
Demeter (moved; hugs him back): Thanks, Nephew. I needed that today.
Poseidon (dodges): I don't know what you're plotting, but keep me out of it!
Hades (stunned; returns with an awkward back pat): Am I doing this right?
Hestia (happy): I hope we can get the others to do this more. (Spoiler alert: They can't)
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homey-worshiper · 5 months ago
i feel like lady hestia enjoys just being around. in the most simple sense. drinking your morning coffee or tea, she's there enjoy it with you. being bored at work, she's there sitting next to you filling you with ideas what can you do when back home. making a quick dish after work, she's there loving all the smells. laying in your bed and looking at the ceiling, she's looking at the same ceiling. she's there, always. and i think this is what makes her so important. she's always there, no matter how small or big the occasion, she's there, with you. her presence is not grand and full of intense emotions, its simple and stable. she's like the air that surrounds us, we know it's there even if we cannot see it, grab it, it's there.
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royal-wren · 8 months ago
Hestia, goddess of the hearth (of flame/fire), of the home, sacrifices, of buildings, of architecture, of festivities/parties/feasts. The Goddess found at the center of every room sadly does not have a lot of remaining epithets to her name, so I will attempt to give her more that ties into her domains.
Aidios - Eternal
Kloomorphos - Verdant
Polymorphos - Multi-Formed
Polyolvos - Rich in Blessings
Potheinotati - Beloved
Prytaneai - Of the Prytaneion/Prytaneis (Prytaneum, Town Hall)
Basileia - Queen
Boulaia - Of the Council
Rheia eukomos thugater - Daughter of rich-haired Rheia
Parthenos - Maiden
Khrysothronos - Golden-Throned (Of the Golden Throne/With Throne of Gold)
Pyribromos - Roaring with Fire
Pyrimarmaros - Sparkling Like Fire
Pyristephēs - Fire-Wreathed/Fire-Crowned Xenia - Hestia of Hospitality, Hestia of the Guest, Hestia of Friendship, Hestia of the Foreigner, Hestia the Protector (of Protection). The goddess that looks after everyone, who is generous, benevolent, she who is epichthonic in nature, closest to man who dwells closest to us and supports us endlessly in all our endeavors, she who gifts and gives without a second thought with much joy. Everyone will find her presence so warm, peaceful, and calming.
Philia - Hestia of Friendship.
Agathe Thea - The Good Goddess.
Arkhitríklinos - Lit. The Superintendent of a Banquet. Governer(Ruler) of the Banquet/Master of the Feast/Director of a Feast/Who Presides at the Table
Panakhaia - Of all the Greeks. Common to, or worshipped by all the Hellenes. While in the modern day we aren't any of the above for a good chunk of worshippers, I think we can all agree to apply the sentiment and use it simply as "Common to all and Worshipped by All."
Hypate (Hupátē)/Hypsistos (Hypsiste) - Supreme, Most High.
Ktêsia - Of the House/Property
Ekkleisíā/Ekklēsíā - Hestia of the Political Assembly. Lit. Gathering of Those Summoned, basically an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating. In place of Guardian of Parliments
Prôtogonê - First Born
Presveira - Oldest/The Oldest
Próti kaì Eskhátēs - First and Last (Chances are that I did butcher this one, I'm just trying my best here)
Mêkhanitis - Skilled in Inventing. As the one who provides a roof over everyone's heads, the gift to make buildings and homes to live in and dwell in. The one who shares the gift Hermes created with so many of us, and the means to avoid the harshest of storms and weather.
Sekos - Of the Courtyard, or Of Sanctuaries. A Sekos (plural: Sekoi) was a sacred enclosure, sanctuary, or cella in a temple.
Lā́ïnon - Made of Stone/Rock
Líthos - A Stone, or a large rock or stone block, used as a seat to a speaker's platform, especially in the Assembly or in the Athenian agora, where archons, arbitrators and certain witnesses swore oaths
Pyrônia - Of the Fire
Pyrphóros - Fire-Bringer or Fire-Bearer
Pyrkaeus - Fire-kindler
Polias - Of the City. Polioukhos - Protector of the City. Poliatis - Keeper of the City.
Anêsidôra - She who Sends Forth Gifts
Thermasia - Of Warmth, of Heat
Pronaia - Of the Fore-temple
Sources/Further Reading:
terpsikeraunos' tumblr
Theoi.com's epithets pages
gone-arai's Hestia info dump
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angrynerdalpaca · 2 months ago
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Digital Offering to Lady Hestia
May Hestia protect our families and our home at the beginning of this week
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honeyandhestia · 4 months ago
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May Lady Hestia be with you and help you to find the light through the darkest times, and comfort when it feels hard to grasp 🧡
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wayfind-er · 3 months ago
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O' divine One, Lady Hestia; Kind, daughter of Great Mother, Rhea; Goddess of the Home herself.
Lady Hestia—who protects our homes from the cold, who resides in the four corners of every house, who reigns over communal feasts and family blessings, over the hearth and the flames: please grace us with your everlasting warmth during this holiday season.
May your presence bring comfort to this home. May you bless us with peaceful family meals and abundant warmth and love for ourselves, our family, and each other.
O' divine One, Lady Hestia; Please join us at our dinner table during our grand meal so we may feel your warmth again. We kindly thank you for all of your blessings.
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