#Hero Douglas
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count-alucard-tepes · 5 months ago
Op hotties reaction to their kids reaching their "terrible twos"
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Says, “…this too shall pass…” to himself every ten seconds:
Kizaru ✨
Fujitora 🐅
Sir Crocodile 🐊
Benn Beckman 🔫
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
King 👑
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
Rob Lucci🐆
Sighs softly and looks at his S/O, “…this sounds like a ‘you’ problem…I need to go out for some milk..”
Ryokugyu 🌱
Oven Charlotte 🍞
Douglas Bullet🚅
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹
Gecko Moria🦇
“That’s daddy’s little demon😍”:
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
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boydholbrook-fan · 9 months ago
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Boyd and his characters + hugs ❤️
Also, if you see this post, consider yourself *hugged* and loved ❤️
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nitpickrider · 3 months ago
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I mean, unless you guys are spinning those outfits out of spider silk and sitting around here throwing horse shoes for fun then this isn't just a "human" problem... I get that the whole Krakoa thing set them more apart than ever but I never got on with the idea that it culturally made them not human. Mutants ARE people, for good or ill, was that not the whole point? X Men Unlimited Infinity 5
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buildingcoffins · 5 months ago
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harvlekinkey · 6 months ago
Second part to my PJO rp face claims!
Will Solace
Son of Apollo, Counselor of Cabin #7
FC: Gavin Casalegno
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Douglas Stone
Son of Demeter, nothing else is known not even a last name
FC: Brad Simpson
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Frank Zhang
Son of Mars, Praetor of the Twelfth Legion
FC: Ki Hong Lee
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crackships-and-manips · 2 years ago
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Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and Katie Douglas
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cowbimbo · 6 months ago
I don't care what anyone else says. Douglas Mortimer's sister's name is Evelynn and you can't tell me otherwise
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spacenoirdetective · 1 month ago
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Douglas Klauba, "To Be Continued..."
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mightymarvelsuperheroes · 8 months ago
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“Like any man, he was coward enough to fear great force; but he was not quite coward enough to admire it,” (G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday).
Rachel Summers was created by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and John Romita Jr.
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minminambus · 7 months ago
Something something— Life is Beautiful (The Ninth Hour) describes a hero, who has only known the praise of the people they protect— only the sparkling eyes and the cries of ‘save us!’ — and have grown greedy with the premise of so much awe from others… while Life is Beautiful (The Owl and the Elephant) describes someone who has been trapped in a hole, for a grand portion of their life, and is looking up at the sunlight. They are hand in hand with their dearest companion, both covered in dust and dirt and their own blood but they’re ALIVE to see the world anew! These songs, with the same cascading chorus and mirroring verses— have such different meanings according to the albums and the singer, Kate Douglas versus Shayfer James. And just knowing the effort put into contrasting the elements of the songs— in this essay I will—!
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count-alucard-tepes · 5 months ago
OP hotties from most to least awkward when flirting
Haha let’s gooo😂😂😂
Most awkward to least at flirting…
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
Fujitora 🐅
Oven Charlotte 🍞
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
Gecko Moria🦇
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
Rob Lucci🐆
Douglas Bullet🚅
Ryokugyu 🌱
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
Sir Crocodile 🐊
King 👑
Benn Beckman 🔫
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
Kizaru ✨
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thepastisalreadywritten · 9 months ago
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Ladies and gentlemen, eighty years ago today, Field Marshal Montgomery – Commander in Chief of the Allied Ground Forces – wrote in his message to all soldiers on the eve of D-Day:
‘To us is given the honour of striking a blow for freedom, which will live in history; and, in the better days that lie ahead, men will speak with pride of our doings’.
Today, we come together to honour those nearly one hundred and sixty thousand British, Commonwealth and Allied troops who, on 5th June 1944, assembled here and along these shores to embark on the mission, which would strike that blow for freedom and be recorded as the greatest amphibious operation in history.
Those who gathered here in Portsmouth would never forget the sight. It was by far the largest military fleet the world has ever known.
Yet all knew that both victory and failure were possible, and none could know their fate.
Aircrew flying overhead, sailors manning warships; or troops in assault craft battering their way through the stormy swell to the shore; whether dropping by parachute, landing in a wooden glider, or taking that terrible leap of faith onto the beaches... all must have questioned whether they would survive and how they would respond when faced with such mortal danger.
The poet Keith Douglas, who was killed in action three days later, wrote of the embarkation:
"Actors waiting in the wings of Europe, we already watch the lights on the stage and listen to the colossal overture begin.
For us entering at the height of the din, it will be hard to hear our thoughts, hard to gauge how much our conduct owes to fear or fury."
At this remove, eight decades later, it is a near impossible task to imagine the emotion of that day:
The pride of being part of so great an enterprise, the anxiety of in some way not coming up to scratch, and the fear of that day being their last.
I recently myself spoke to veterans who, to this day, remember with such heartbreaking clarity the sight of those many soldiers lying on the beach, who drowned before they could even engage in combat.
The stories of courage, resilience and solidarity which we have heard today, and throughout our lives, cannot fail to move us, to inspire us, and to remind us of what we owe to that great wartime generation – now, tragically, dwindling to so few.
It is our privilege to hear their testimony, but our role is not purely passive:
It is our duty to ensure that we, and future generations, do not forget their service and their sacrifice in replacing tyranny with freedom.
Our rights, and the liberty won at such terrible cost, bring with them responsibilities to others in the exercise of that liberty.
The Allied actions of that day ensured the forces of freedom secured, first, a toehold in Normandy, then liberated France, and ultimately, the whole of Europe from the stranglehold of a brutal totalitarianism.
And as we remember, with humility, pride and gratitude, let us never forget that the soldiers who fought in the campaign launched from this place came from thirty nations, from across the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and Allied countries; while elsewhere in Europe, Allied forces continued to make vital progress in their successful Italian campaign; and while halfway around the world, at that same moment, the critical battles of Imphal and Kohima raged on in what was then Burma.
The 1944 Victoria Cross roll of honour includes Sikh, Muslim and Hindu soldiers – a reminder that events that year shaped our world then, and the society we share today.
While it was the frontline troops who faced the greatest personal dangers, the privations and sacrifices of war were endured by so many more.
The Allied victory was a truly collective effort, born of the fortitude and hard work of those who remained on the Home Front, toiling in factories, under our land in the mines, out in the fields, or working in secret – men and women alike.
Their collective industry, ingenuity and commitment helped our soldiers, sailors and airmen to prevail.
So, as we give thanks for all those who gave so much to win the victory, whose fruits we still enjoy to this day, let us, once again, commit ourselves always to remember, cherish and honour those who served that day and to live up to the freedom they died for by balancing rights with civic responsibilities to our country. For we are all, eternally, in their debt.
Source: Royal UK
A speech by The King at the UK's National Commemorative Event in Portsmouth to mark #DDay80
5 June 2024
The King addresses veterans, serving forces and and members of the public at the UK's National Commemorative Event in Portsmouth to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
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nitpickrider · 3 months ago
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Oh, so this is Krakoa. This is nice. Also, correct me if I'm wrong. Hasn't Pyro been dead for a WHILE at this point? X Men Unlimited Infinity 5
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womeninfictionandirl · 1 year ago
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Captain Marvel by Douglas Holgate
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theamazingmaddyas · 2 months ago
Made some more dollify characters: this time Demeter/Ceres kids!
My other ones (I hope I linked these right, I had to watch a tutorial)
Apollo Kids
Big Three Kids
Note: I didn't do Zoe, daughter of Midas, cause I wasn't sure if she's also a daughter of Demeter like Lityerses or not. Also, I did Steve and Douglas together, since Steve made a potato grow in Douglas's pants in Tower of Nero and I think that's iconic of him. Also, Leila's the only Roman, rest are Greek!
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Katie Gardner
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Miranda Gardiner
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Meg McCaffrey
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Billie Ng
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Steve and Douglas
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mortallychoppedgalaxy · 2 years ago
Hello! I've decided to start writing fanfics for the public now! Been doing it for a while but never shared/posted, so I figured I'd get some practice in with requests and what-not before I try to fully-fledged fics that I can be happy with enough to post. I may post these on an AO3 account I share with a friend.
Send me an ASK with your request and I'll get to it as soon as I can.
FANDOMS (Please note the characters, as I mostly write fics centred (Meaning from their POV or whoever's POV is focused on them.) around specific ones, but just ask and I'll see what I can do. It's fine if they share the spotlight with another character, as long as they're featured mainly in the prompt. I mainly write angst or hurt/comfort, but fluff is perfectly fine.)
Soul Eater (DTK, Blackstar, Lord Death. Will write Deathstar.)
My Hero Academia (Izuku, Tomura, Katsuki, Shouta, Present Mic. I haven't seen any of season 6.)
For the following, I will do crossovers gladly, preferably Max and Douglas-centered, But again, ask anyways!
The Thundermans (Max, Phoebe, Oyster. Will write Max/Oyster.)
Lab Rats (Douglas, Donald)
Mighty Med (Kaz, Oliver. Not much experience with this fandom.)
Lab Rats: Elite Force (Douglas, Donald, Kaz, Oliver)
If you have a fandom you've been wanting to fanfics for that isn't here, send me a request anyways and I'll see what I can do. If I don't know the source, I'll check it out myself to see if I'm interested in it. If not, I'll likely not write it, but I'm always willing to give it a shot.
If you would like to know any AU's I have for any of my fandoms I would be more than happy to deliver! I love talking about my dumb over-complicated and angsty au's haha. Just send me a fandom or three or I'll deliver!
I lean towards brotherly relationships or fatherly relationships.
/ Reader
Romance / Ship centred fics (Cannon background ships are fine. Some exceptions apply.)
Age Regression, A/B/O, or anything similar to those.
May update at any point in time. I have the right to reject any request given if I want to, but that's unlikely. I'll try to make each one at least 500-1000 words, maybe more if I get into it.
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