gebo4482 · 1 month
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Reveal Trailer
Website / Steam
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endysfrair · 2 days
Gamescom 2024 "The Heart of Gaming" #2 🎮
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P.S: Please help promote
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thspod · 23 days
Disclosure: we received a free review copy of the game.
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savingcontent · 1 month
gamescom 2024: Herdling announced for 2025, from the makers of FAR: Changing Tides
Continue reading gamescom 2024: Herdling announced for 2025, from the makers of FAR: Changing Tides
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g4zdtechtv · 1 month
Cinematech's Trailer Park - Herdling (Multiplatform)
Heard what I Herd?
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crazygamecommunity · 1 month
Panic e lo sviluppatore Okomotive hanno annunciato Herdling, un nuovo gioco d'avventura in arrivo su Console non specificate e PC (Steam) nel 2025.
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joezy27 · 2 months
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HAWKEYE - Clint Barton
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (1992) #16 By Glenn Herdling, Len Kaminski, Peter Sanderson, Murray Ward
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imperiuswrecked · 2 months
So I was browsing through some of your old posts and one of them mentioned that Namor was r*ped? When did that happen? Would you ever consider writing something that deals with the fallout of that? Hope you're doing well btw
Thank you, I am doing fine, and I hope you are too! CW for Heavy/Dark Themes, Rape, Sexual Assault.
(During the 90s Reed Richards was written out of Fantastic Four comics, and presumed dead by literally everyone in the comic world except for Susan who believed he was still alive. In real world time Reed was gone for years, and this was really unheard of for one of Marvel's important characters because the Fantastic Four were Marvel's big team. So it really looked like Reed wasn't going to come back. I say this to let you know why Reed wasn't around in these comics, and to mention that Susan never cheated on Reed.)
So I was browsing through some of your old posts and one of them mentioned that Namor was r*ped? When did that happen?
Yes, Namor was canonically raped in Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #49-50; Empress Llyra (the shapeshifting half Human/Lemurian woman who poisoned Namora, killed Lady Dorma, and helped Tiger Shark kill Namor's father, and tried killing Namor) shapeshifted into Susan (The Invisible Woman) and raped Namor. The next day Namor finds out that Susan never slept with him and that it was Llyra, he snaps and tries to kill her but is stopped by Susan, and the text is very explicit in saying "There's a word for what she did to me, Susan. Had it been committed against you, would you not feel justified?", and this was confirmed by the writer Glenn Herdling in an interview by Twomorrows Back Issue #91.
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Back Issue #91: Namor #50 (May 1994) deals with a touchy subject, as Herdling points out. "My friend Chris Cooper, a former Marvel editor and author of Songs of the Metamythos, recently reminded me that Namor was raped in an issue I wrote. In her attempt to spawn an heir to the throne of Atlantis, Namor's nemesis Llyra seduced him by disguising herself as Sue Richards. Chris asked me if I regretted writing that scene. I told him that I thought it was a powerful story, and if I had to tell it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. People don't think a strong, virile hero like Namor - who represents the essence of masculinity - could ever be a victim of rape. Namor is a attractive, stalwart individual with a magnetic personality who has always been portrayed as having an insatiable appetite for the fairer sex. When a female adversary takes sexual advantage of such a man, a common reaction is, 'So what?' Sue Richards illustrates this double standard when she demands to know why Namor was in a homicidal rage. Namor retorts, 'If the act had been committed upon you, Susan Richards, it would be called something else.' At the time if I had proposed such a story and the victim had been female, it would have never seen the light of day."
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Would you ever consider writing something that deals with the fallout of that?
I have written many scenes that deal with the fallout of Llyra's actions towards Namor, and a have planned a big portion of my fic, Sub-Mariner: Ascension around the 90s and all that happens. Is any of it published on my Ao3 yet? No, but it will be sometime in the future.
Unfortunately I don't have a set date for when I update fics, it depends on my schedule, and my ability/energy to write. I've been struggling a lot with writing lately so I am working on trying to finish my other works before devoting myself back to my Sub-Mariner: Ascension fic as that's really my long time pet project, it's a fic that is more of a novel, or several novels, that chronical Namor's life through the comics but with a more in depth look at his adventures and his character, it's darker at some points than the comics ever go, and deal with a lot of heavy subjects like the above mentioned incident, as well as Namor's time growing up, his time in the war, with each team he's been on, and each loss he's endured. It's supposed to flesh out and connect a lot of threads that the comics never pick up on while including new original elements. I did commission a fanart of for this too, and I hope over time to commission more arts for this story, as well as finish writing it.
I have toyed with several ideas of a stand alone fics that covers what happened to Namor, this time and other instances*, but I was never sure if anyone would be interested in dark fics that has heavy angst/whump as well as dealing with this topic for Namor.
*This also isn't the first time Namor was raped, or sexually assaulted, however it's always played off, never spoken of again, or turned into "well he wanted it".
The first time a shapeshifter seduced and tricked Namor into sexual relations was in The Defenders (1972) #93; The dead Lady Dorma seemingly comes back to life and places a spell/mind control on Namor to do her bidding and attack the surface world. The Defenders figure out something is wrong with Namor and "Dorma" reveals herself as Nebulon, The Celestial Man. He was recurring enemy of The Defenders, and when Namor finds out that "Lady Dorma" was Nebulon he fights him and says, "You have violated my very consciousness, Nebulon -- defiled the memory of the fairest creature I have ever known! You have used me scum -- and The Sub-Mariner is not lightly used!" -- "When I think that I... held you in my arms -- let my lips brush yours... I am sickened."
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(So while Herdling thinks he's written this happening to Namor for the first time, it's not, however Herdling does point out in no uncertain terms what it is. Which is a far better writing than what Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) got stuck with. It's actually so interesting that both Namor & Johnny got a story arc about a green skinned shape-shifter Llyra & Lyja who takes on the shape of other women to trick the men into sleeping with or marrying them only for the truth to come out. In fact Namor in these issues even thinks it's Lyja who raped him before figuring out it's Llyra.
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While Namor got to say what happened to him was rape, Johnny doesn't. Johnny gets made fun of for Lyja. More about this subject in this post by @/ Traincat) )
Marvel Comics Presents (1988) #58 - Just an issue ago Namor was thinking suicidal thoughts over losing his wife, Marrina, and gets roped into helping some humans. Sandra touches and kisses Namor thinking that him being annoyed by her is just a front for unresolved sexual tension between them, but Namor rebuffs her and tells her that his affections are not so easily won. Later a mysterious old man tells Namor he needs to relax and to appreciate the pleasures life offers him.
Basically the comic dismisses Namor being uncomfortable with a strange woman who came onto him, and tells him he needs to enjoy himself. Nothing romantic happens between Namor & Sandra in later comics.
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Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) Annual 3 - Namor is visiting a friend in Tokyo, and the friend's (wife? girlfriend? text just says woman) woman comes to Namor in the middle of the night seeking to sleep with him. He tells her this is improper, and she leaves, she returns more dressed, and seduces Namor again, against his protests, touching, kissing him, before a panel shows Namor giving in. It's later revealed the woman is a cyborg assassin.
The framing of this pretty much shows how uncomfortable Namor is with the whole situation.
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Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #36 - The Neried seek to seduce Namor by shifting their forms to look like Lady Dorma & Marrina, his dead wives, but he rejects him, and just like in The Defenders, he is enraged someone would take on the forms of women he loved so deeply and dearly.
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The Invaders (1975) Annual 1 - The Shark, knocks Namor out, ties him up, changes his clothing to steal his speedos. While it's played for comedic effect, this isn't the first or last time a villain has tied Namor up, but I make special mention of this because of the fact that at one point while unconscious Namor was stripped naked against his will.
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Villains often admire Namor's body, and remark on it. Honestly the amount of times Namor's been tied up, abused, experimented on, etc. happens so many times that it'd need it's own post.
One more I'd like to mention because of the implications is Dark X-Men: The Beginning #1 - Norman wants Namor on his side, and has a talk with Namor while he's in the shower (full comic) and while Namor definitely has the strength to defend himself, this is more of a psychological play by Norman, talking to a person while they are naked is a very vulnerable moment, the hand touch, etc. Norman knows he can't control Namor through brute strength so he positions himself in a way that gives him power over Namor while also offering Namor things he wants, a mention of how he can give Namor a place to belong, with Emma, a home on his team.
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As many Namor fans know, Namor does not like to be touched without consent, even if its a tap on the shoulder, and while the comics have often implied it's because Namor is royal, he's arrogant, he doesn't want peasant hands to touch him, etc. honestly I personally just headcanon that after years of people touching him when he doesn't want to be touched he's just put up a wall of arrogance to defend himself from further molestation. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think so because even as a kid he was (physically & verbally abused) by his grandfather (Namor: The First Mutant (2010) #4), beat up by other Atlantean kids, etc. so why would he want people he doesn't trust touching him. He's unclothed a lot, and people think that means it's ok to touch when it's not. Even when it's just a person he knows, he doesn't like it.
Defenders (2001) #7
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I know this is a long reply, but it's just a subject that I don't think gets discussed enough tbh. Also to make one final point is bringing this back to what Herdling said in his interview: When a female adversary takes sexual advantage of such a man, a common reaction is, 'So what?'
While I'm not a fan of Herdling's writing, his run on Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) had so many issues with plot, etc. I do think he makes an interesting point in this interview (that took place in 2016? I think) about the double standard male characters face when it comes to Rape, Sexual Assault, and on another note Domestic Abuse, or any time of crime that we typically associate with men doing to women, how there's a general lack of care. It's turned into a joke when a woman abuses a man, or how the man is treated as something less if he doesn't perform masculinity to societies standards. Namor + Masculinity is a topic that could be discussed further, because he is one of the characters that many people think has toxic masculinity but they just haven't read his comics. While Namor definitely has some bad qualities, he's also very confident in himself and his masculinity, so by Herdling not shying away from the subject that "yes, Namor was raped, no I don't regret writing it", it's so interesting. A lot of creators often just shy away from confirming anything or try to defend their choice to have a male character raped/sexually assaulted, or excuse it, or ignore it, or make fun of it, or blame the male character. ESPICALLY when a character is, like Namor, a lover, a flirt, probably promiscuous, they are blamed for what women do to them. One example that drives me so insane is Gambit. I'll put the rest under a cut since it's more graphic than what I've shared so far, and further down I analyze Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #49-50 in more depth.
I think the only male character who's depiction of rape (twice) is actually done differently and not brushed off or treated as a joke is Captain Britain. (Of course there's probably other stories out there with other characters but I'm just going off what I know in the big 2, Marvel & DC comics). You can read this post that goes more into Brian's experiences by @/ Thisiswhatwereupagainst.
CW for Heavy/Dark Themes, Rape, Sexual Assault, Incestuous implications.
If you haven't read X-Men (1991) #171-173, then I'd warn you about how bad the writing is; a student, Foxx, propositions Gambit, comes onto him while he's in the shower, he rejects her. He's blamed for taking advantage of a student (why do characters think the worst of Remy, he's not a bad guy!), then he finds out Foxx is actually Mystique who claims to want to sleep with Remy for the sake of her daughter. He rejects her again, but doesn't tell anyone about it, and when it gets out that it's Mystique then Rogue is mad at Remy for keeping it a secret. The sexual assault isn't ever brought up again and is ignored, but again it was framed as "Remy is a sexual dude, he would be ok with it, besides who cares?" Just because a character is promiscuous doesn't mean they want/deserve something like this to happen to them.
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Both Namor and Remy are seen as charming, they get the girls, "so what if they are subject to unwanted attention? They should enjoy it..."
It doesn't help that both Remy & Namor have had moments of queer writing, with Remy & Namor nearly being made Bisexual/Gay, (Namor's was in an AU) but they were barred from being canon lgbtq characters in Marvel by the bosses, even though there are times throughout their 616 comics where you can interpret them as not just cis straight men.
--- At the time if I had proposed such a story and the victim had been female, it would have never seen the light of day."
Nightwing (1996) #93 - Nightwing is raped while in an emotionally compromised state, but if he had been a woman would that issue have seen the light of day?
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Wonder Woman (1987) #214 - The Flash (Wally West) is beaten and sexually assaulted by Cheetah.
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He's a married man, but Cheetah calls him lover as she beats him, and is about to rape him before she's stopped. If it was reversed would this have been allowed to see the light of day?
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Flash brushes off this experience.
I'm not saying that women in comics haven't been raped or assaulted but I'm just pointing to a few examples of how differently male vs female characters are treated, "because it's not acceptable for it to have happened to a woman but it's ok for a man" Herdling basically says.
A more in depth look at Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #48-49.
First off the cover is just Bad. Like really bad, like "What on earth possessed you to make THAT cover?!" The theme of one man with a haram of sexy ladies isn't unheard of, that's not why it's bad though I do side eye it anyways, but the reason it's bad is because of who the women are.
Andromeda - Namor's friend, a proud a fierce Atlantean warrior, the daughter of Attuma, who has Namor's trust and confidence. Namor appointed her as Peacelord, she's basically become the captain of Namor's guard. While Andromeda has/had a crush Namor, nothing ever came of it and Namor never viewed her in a romantic light, only as a friend.
Marrina - Namor's second wife, they were happily married for a short time before Marrina turned into a sea monster, she breifely turns back into herself only to beg Namor to promise to end her life so that she no longer harms anyone else, and Namor honors her wish after she turns back into a sea monster, killing her with a magic sword. It makes sense for her to be on the cover.
Princess Fen - Namor's mother. Yes. His mother. Do I need to say more? Like why the fuck would you put Namor's MOM in a sexy lady Haram group shot with a title card that reads "Haunted by memories of lost love!" we know the writer intended romantic love, not platonic or familial love. Namor & his mom have never had an incestuous relationship ever.
Lady Dorma - Namor's first wife, who was murdered by Empress Llyra. He loved her very much. (I know people will always point out that Dorma was Namor's "cousin" but honestly the comics never state they are blood/close cousins, only a loose term of "cousins", Dorma was a Lady of the Altantean Court, a noble family.) They grew up as friends in court, and she was one of the only people who treated Namor kindly, and he doesn't even realize his true feelings for her until they are both adults. It makes sense for her to be on the cover.
Namorita - Namor's younger cousin. While I know there's people who will point out that Nita had a crush on Namor when she first knew who he was, I will also point out that Nita was like 16 years old, a stupid horny teenager who was raised alone (and probably abused) in the court of Empress Llyra after Llyra poisoned her mother, and Namor was the first person to defend her when she needed it, AND I will also point out her "crush" lasted barely a comic before she found a cute human sailor boy her age to crush on instead. Namor's only ever treated her like a little sister and again not in an incestuous manner. So again, why do we have her in a sexual position here?
Susan Richards - a married woman who long ago told Namor she doesn't love him several times, the Namor/Sue ship was dead in the water, and Namor had moved on from his infatuation, and was married twice. He never had his feelings reciprocated. I understand why she's on the cover but I just don't like it. lol.
The comic promises to dive into Namor's lost romances of the past, but out of all the women featured here the only 2 who loved Namor & he returned their love were Marrina & Dorma. For Andromeda it was a one sided crush on her end, and for Susan it was a unhealthy obsessive infatuation on Namor's end. It really feels like they just wanted to have sexy ladies on the cover and that's why its framed this way. Furthermore Namor is chained to the bed, while his arm is around Lady Dorma, he is staring blankly past everyone.
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Namor is haunted by nightmares of losing his mother, of the Witch-Queen Artys-Gran, and of his dead wives.
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He awakens and learns he's in a decompression chamber to stablize him. Susan and Namor talk about their lost spouses, and rekindle their friendship. However nothing romantic has happened between them. Later in the comic Namor is in bed, reading a book, at Oracle Inc. the company that he owns and runs, he has personal rooms, and a private pool, because he was living there most of the time, when a mysterious shrouded female figure enters in a short robe.
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The comic ends in a cliff hanger, and the next comic it's revealed that it was Susan (Storm) Richards. Or is it?
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The cover shows Namor kissing Susan while Johnny, Ben, and Lyja look on in shock and horror. The tagline on the inner splash page reads "Someone's been sleeping in my bed".
Namor and Susan get dressed for the day while discussing what happened last night. Namor feels uneasy but doesn't know why.
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Namor goes off to his company for a meeting before going to Hydrobase to speak with Andromeda, and the off to see Nita who gives him some advice about dating, a tux, and flowers. Namor's happy but nervous, however when he gets to Fantastic Four and gives the flowers to Susan, Susan is confused and angrily snaps at Namor for touching her.
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Ben punches Namor, everyone thinks Namor is trying to make a sleazy move on Susan for some reason, and while Namor's trying to explain and say it's between him and Susan, still believing that she was with him last night, all four of them battle, in the end Lyja shapeshifts into a monster to join the fight, and Namor seeing her change her form realizes that it wasn't Susan who slept with him last night. Mistakenly he believes that Lyja was the woman who came to him last night and attacks her. However he realizes it's not her, but that it was another shapeshifter. He leaves the Fantastic Four, and they follow.
Phoebe Marrs, an employee who took over running Oracle, and a recurring character from the series (earlier on in the series it was implied that her son's father was her twin brother Desmond, and Desmond died by suicide, however she's been seeing his "ghost") Namor figures out that the "ghost" is real, and it was a shapeshifter, his theory is right and it's revealed that Llyra has been around for ages posing as both Desmond and Phoebe on occasion. Also Llyra (as Phoebe) slept with both Jim Hammond (earlier in the series Jim thought he was sleeping with Phoebe who came onto him, so he was shocked to learn that it was Llyra, so she had raped him as she had Namor), and Leon McKenzie (*sigh* a secret son of Leonard McKenzie/his second wife, who then had a son named Leon, who would be Namor's nephew and works at Oracle, no one cares or remembers him).
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At this reveal and the realization that he slept with his most hated enemy, again the woman who has poisoned his cousin Namora, who killed Lady Dorma, and helped kill his father, a woman he despises. A woman who since day 1 has wanted Namor romantically even though he never wanted her in that way. A woman Namor has vowed to kill in revenge for Dorma's death. Llyra raped him because he would have never slept with her if he knew. He snapped, and tries to kill her, and demands to know "why?", and Llyra spits on him as an answer. Namor tries to kill her, but is stopped by Susan. His hurt, his pain, his abuse, his rape is met with a "so what?" "no matter what she did to you, you can't kill her". Namor can't kill his rapist because Susan says he can't. Llyra then says he can't because she is pregnant with his child (She's not, it's Leon's child) and Namor is shocked, he lets her go, calls her a sick woman, Namor chooses not to press charges against Llyra and let's her go.
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Then Namor loses it, like he starts laughing manically, and it makes the Fantastic Four uncomfortable so they just leave. Namor doesn't tell the rest of the Fantastic Four that he is sterile (this has since been retconned), and he can't have children, so he doesn't believe Llyra is pregnant with his child.
Later Susan shows up to check up on Namor, and he tells her he wanted to be alone with his shame, and they discuss how they could never be.
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Then for some stupid reason Herdling has Susan and Namor kiss. It makes no sense, but Herdling liked the idea of Namor/Sue, but though the writer wanted, he knew he couldn't go further than a kiss. (Back Issue interview) I suppose people could look at it as a "a comfort/pity kiss" but honestly I hate the Namor/Sue ship too much to see it as anything but a writer's ship preference. People point to it to say Susan cheated on Reed by kissing Namor (this is the ONE time this happens) but at this point in the comics Reed is "dead". I hate when people try to say Susan is a cheating slut so it feels so disingenuous to say this was a kiss made of love or lust or whatever, instead of acknowledging that the writer really wanted to get a Namor/Sue kiss in.
Personally I think the issue of what happened to Namor is very overlooked by fans and creators, that Namor is a victim of rape, and how although it is acknowledged in it's moment, people still don't give it the gravitas it deserved, especially for a character like Namor. True this comic didn't brush off or ignore what Llyra did to Namor, but by the end of it, the Namor/Sue kiss, it really does feel like "ok, Namor is a little sad but he's ok once Susan REALLY gave him a kiss" so it does feel like the writer brushed off the effects of his abuse.
What's more, why? why would Namor ever feel comfortable kissing Susan when her likeness was used to hurt him? Why would be ok with any physical touch or sex or kissing when just a day before he was raped? Again, comics do not handle the fall out of rape well at all.
Now with Aaron writing Namor, and underwater politics, and a war for the Atlantean throne, I suppose we'll see if Llyra will ever return to make a play for the throne that she wants so badly, but I won't be surprised if Aaron doesn't ever use Llyra, because then he'd have to actually write about Namor confronting his rapist after Namor left Llyra to die in Fantastic Four Unlimited (1993) #11 (she survived somehow of course, but she hasn't interacted with Namor since.)
Anyways like Namor's canon PTSD, we won't get much depth into heavy subject matter and deeper characterization unless a good writer really wants to write it. And that's the full story of Namor's rape in Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #49-50.
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the-gershomite · 1 year
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What If...Wolverine Battled Conan the Barbarian
Volume 2 #16 -August 1990
"What if Wolverine Had Lived During the Age of Conan the Barbarian?" (22-28 of 28)
written by Glenn Herdling
colors by Daniel Vozzo
pencil art by Gary Kwapisz
inked by Ian Akin and Brian Garvey
lettered by Janice Chiang
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that90ssmshow · 1 year
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Calypso’s Comic History
The full comic history of Calypso, voodoo witch and partner of Kraven. It's a wild, problematic ride.
We recently talked about Calypso in our latest episode of Weird Lore Bullshit Corner, a podcast where we talk about Spider-Man’s strangest stories and characters. You can find that here.
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gebo4482 · 1 month
Herdling Reveal Trailer
Website / Steam
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Thursday Two or More: Teams
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DEEP SIX or The Heroes of Hydropolis
Created by Glenn Herdling and Geoff Isherwood. This was a very very very short lived group that did have potential. I believe they only showed up in Namor the Sub-Mariner #58.
Stingray brought Andromeda, Triton, Tamara Rahn and Tiger Shark together to help Namor against false accusations / charges from the surface world, i.e. The Avengers ... again.
Tamara and Tiger Shark, who were a couple at that time, left after this first appearance, but the rest stuck around to help Namor in other stories that finished out the series.
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samasmith23 · 10 months
Retconning the Retcon: How the High Evolutionary unnecessarily complicated the Spider-Man: Clone Saga
I honestly NEVER understood why Gerry Conway felt the need to retcon his own writing from the Original 1970s Clone Saga by stating in Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) Annual #8 (which was part of a crossover event from the late 80s called The Evolutionary War), wherein a supervillain called the High Evolutionary revealed that the Jackal (aka, Miles Warren) never actually created any clones of Peter Parker or Gwen Stacy, but instead that Professor Warren mutated his old assistant Anthony Serba and a student named Joyce Delayne into near-perfect replicas of Peter & Gwen with some sort of "DNA virus" that he created:
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When I first read what the High Evolutionary said above, my immediate reaction was this:
"Nope! Nuh-Uh! I don't buy it for one minute! DNA does NOT work like that! DNA is NOT Lego Bricks! The idea that a literal college professor created a virus so advanced that can completely alter a person's genetic make-up to resemble a completely different person down to the smallest molecule is somehow even less scientifically plausible than human cloning!"
Needless to say, this retcon created a ton of problems for the writers & editors who worked on The Clone Saga of the 1990s when Ben Reilly was reintroduced into the Spider-Man mythos. Heck, the entire reason the Jackal was controversially resurrected during the Saga as well wasn't simply to provide more misdirections and red-herrings for the characters and readings (poorly I might add...), but also to try and undo Conway's retcons from the Evolutionary War crossover since it would have still been fresh in reader’s minds at the time. At least that's what editor Glenn Greenberg implied in "The Life of Reilly" essay:
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However, both writers Howard Mackie & Terry Kavanagh were unable to satisfyingly address these continuity contradictions in either adjective-less Spider-Man (1990) #56 or Web of Spider-Man (1985) #125 respectively, other than quickly suggesting that the High Evolutionary simply just lied about the DNA virus bullcrap before quickly moving on.
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It took an entire annual issue in the form of Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 by writer Glenn Herdling to finally fully address and correct all the plot holes generated by the Evolutionary War crossover, essentially retconning the retcon. It was now revealed that the Jackal was a former assistant of the High Evolutionary who stole some of his superior's technology for his cloning experiments, but when the High Evolutionary discovered this he lied about the clone's existence by making up the DNA virus bullcrap through forged journals of Professor Warren's.
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While Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 did get pretty goofy in areas, such as revealing that there's an entire group of mutated animal people created by the High Evolutionary which secretly worships the Jackal like a god, the issue did at least finally acknowledge and put the High Evolutionary retcons to rest in a satisfactory manner. At least in my opinion as well as editor Glenn Greenberg's...
I still don't understand why Gerry Conway felt the need to go back and retcon the original 1970s Clone Saga in the first place though, especially since he himself wrote it?
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So I read 11 chapters of a fascinating manga called I reincarnated as the little sister of a death game manga’s murder mastermind and failed and its interesting.
I have some nostalgia since I HAVE read a couple of manga with the plot of students stuck in a school having to face off and situations that can cause their death or fight eachother while trying to solve how to get out and why everything is happening so I instantly related to Mai(the main character and step sister). What fascinating is she notes there ARE differences in personality and little details in the reality she lives in that doesn’t match one for one from the manga and its not like it was some change she hadn’t picked up after she did something after regaining her memories...she seems to have kept her original personality of being rather cheerful. But she also picked up important aspects are the same....such as the box of bugs that she would catch and bring her brother torn up in the same hiding place as the manga said it would be.
I like how because she cares for her brother but this insite she got from reading the manga about him gave her some insight into why he did what he had done and how it escalated...she doesn;t hate him and tries to help her brother by trying to minimize it escalating and trying to give him something else to be interested in because he startes the deathgame in the manga out of boredom.
so she tries to give him ‘surprises’. The thing that peaked my interest the most though is we do end up seeing some chapters from her brother’s perspective...and that her surprises aren’t surprising him at all...he thinks she is acting weird but his interest hasn’t really been peeked..which I thought would dishearten me....but ironically its one fo her first pranks(which was to throw herself off a bridge into the water) which I think sparked a change.
See apparently he woudl often imagine hurting things and he had thought pushing her off would be entertaining and one of the signs of him being horrible in the manga was him actually pushing her off one day....
but by jumping herself she fullfilled his erge of seeing her fall off the bridge AND surprised him in that it had actually bored him and wasn’t as entertaining as he thought..and it took away him giving into a big erge since she had already done it.
This means he will have a few more herdles that he hasn’t jumped yet so his escalation will go slower....and her clinging just a little less means he has less chances of finding her annoying while not suspecting that she has figured out his nature. her actions can seem like they aren’t having the affect she wanted but we do end up seeing she gets his interest in a different way as he notices that she tends to prank him using herself(aside from the weird bentos) and that it might have peeked his interest by using that he is already interested life and death and wounds....she was trying to surprise him...
but what caught his interest was at times she would get hurt by her pranks(like bruises and stuff or could be seen as odd) but that she would enthusastically continue to do more pranks. I like how it used one of teh few things he is interested in to make that connection of his interest in her increasing rather than is just simply being surprised.
Not gonna lie I was worried when we heard that a killer was lurking around and not getting caught..what if it was her brother...but we find out he WASN’T the killer...but that he was obsessed with trying to see a dead body and could predict where the victims might be with him not getting there in time to see it happen...we us seeing signs of slight care for the sister in getting rid of a teacher who kindof assumed stuff and took teh gift she ws going to give her brother...but he someone found a way to get that teacher to be around a area so she could get targetted by the killer...which is chilling even if there was relief she didn’t die and that he wasn;t actually the one attacking anyone.
and then she knows when he sees a cat get run over he is suppoused to get even crazier....so she is able to stop teh cat from getting run over....but SHE gets hit by the car right infront of him...and from her perspective she doesn;t understand why he is acting a bit odd after she comes back from the hospital...but WE get to see from hsi perspective...she had fullfilled part of what he had wanted to see, someone getting hurt right infront of him (he thought she was dead for a bit), but much like that scene where she jumped off the bridge he didn’t feel what he thought he would feel(which was entertainment or a sense of satisfaction he would get from killing bigs).
He felt ‘unpleasant’. his heart hurt and he was so confused as to why becuase its not like her surprises entertained him. heck he had been around her so people would think he was even kinder than he was and be even less likely to notice the signs he isn’t actually caring yet he was flumoxed that he foudn ehr hit by a care unpleasant.
mind you she didn;t die so part of him did wonder fi the issue was maybe that she hadn’t died but he’s clearly more protective afterwards after she was hurt. checking on her phone, going out with her and being close when crossing the road......and he tried killing his bugs again but he seemed upset like somehow it made him feel bad...its like ehr almost dying tainted it becuase maybe he got a sample of what he thought would be satisfying made him feel differently than he wanted.
whats fascinating is he does eventually figure out that he cares about her and that he might love her(it made me laugh because if I was surprised, HE was doubly so, especially since he got one of THOSE~ type of dreams where he stubbed his foot after waking up.
He still doesn’t change as he still has killing temptations and he is smart as he knows he is abnormal yet doesn’t want to change but still wants her and he knows it woudn’t be healthy for her.....
yet its kind of funny to see him come up with plans to see if she could like him like making her jealous by bringing a study group where a beautiful girl he knows tends to get envy and hatred from other girls... likes him. yet our girl obviously supports this crush thinking it could help her brother and teh rest of the class and hersef avoid that bad ending if makoto gets more ranges of emotions...unknown he ha dalready fallen for herself and was getting a slighly wider range of emotions...wth him even getting jealous as one fo teh guys gets a crush on Mai XD his logic didn;t even pick up it was obvious that Mai wasn’t interested in the guy.
the bro being a bit childish and spending more time with her by saying she needs to study more to join his school.
and whats even more fascinating is SHE is technically more aware of his nature than he is of hers....she also has insight into herself as even if she doesn’t have the same attitude as the sister in the manga she read....the other version of her had a brother complex....and her now did use to dream of marrying her brother...like she genuinely was rooting for the bro and the female lead....but WE actually can pick up she isn’t as unaffected as she seems...she isn’t exactly happy at the idea he might hear the female lead’s confession despite her acting like she supports it. she breathes a sigh of relief when the female lead wasn’t hanging around her brother. and honestly if she was nromal...you’d think she’d distance herself consider most would...especially when she KNOWS a different version of him killed a version of her as a fact....but nope...we might be having signs she likes him to...she isn;t quite there yet(thankfully). but it really interesting to knows this and know the brother semi thinks he is failing at grabbing her attention and that she is in the dark of his true nature.
Heck before when he would want to see something die it fet more impersonal...like it wasn’t about the person specifically.......but now it feels very personal...maybe its the plot armour saying she has to be his first victim but he feels like he shouldn’t kill someone who isn’t Mai...or at least Mai should be his first even while he clearly wants her safe.
but he also clearly personally wants to kill the dude who has a crush on Mai from his study group despite and doesn’t really pick up its clear Mai isn’t interested in that guy. we see him genuinely imagining killing the guy in many ways...heck I thought he died somewhere offscreen was what was coded for the school transfer...but he genuinely did choose to transfer the guy...and he did it while being nice and ‘helping’ the guy get the scholarship to cover costs so they would have more for the hospital bills for the crush guy’s mom.
he could have clearly just pushed him onto the train tracks...but what I like is i actually wonder if it was mai’s accident that save the guy from the bro taking that easy way out...because the bro might have some ptsd from her getting hit by that car and associated it with it being unpleasant. AND we know that guy had been destined to die in the original story...so him being transferred means at least one guy is officially saved.
the bro doesn’t quite know how to feel taking this smarter less bloody route to get rid of a rival....but its definitly giving me alot for food for thought about the developents that Mai hasn’t quite caught on to.
These could backfire or work in her favor...mind you since he is touching on Yandere...he is at least semi more selfaware than most...but definitly worried since he could snap at anytime.
mind you I thought I would be more distressed about the potential ship since brother and sister...even if they aren’t actually related and met when they were 9 and 10 years of age...and lets face it all the red flags...but I realized that hey at least they aren’t related IS a successful bar to pass when it comes to some manga and if this can save lives....lets hope she can at least save everyone ad herself from death and if the feelings are mutual its at least way better than if it was onesided.
oddly enough I’m getting weird vibes from the female lead for has a crush on the brother. I think she is aware that Mai could be a rival for the brother(as the bro did mention they weren’t blood related to try to get her to be more active with flirting infront of Mai to try to get Mai jealous)...but if she figured out Mai could have feelings before even Mai knows...female lead could have some redflags of her own.....definily more worried because the brother knows the female lead(who was knows as teh beautiful lonewolf type in the original manga) is actually just a bit socially awkward...so him helping her integrate with the class gives her all the reason to have feelings for him and out him on a pedistal...so if the female lead potentially blames Mai for the bro not being interested...things could get messy.
this is a fascinating manga...since morally the brother is a walking red flag..but technically hasn’t done anything of the murder viarity to anyone yet and was born this way.
I keep thinking of teh conversation the brotehr had with her at teh grandpa’s house where she was defending her friend liking her fashion choices as its not like it hurts anyone..and she actually thought that is someone likes things like killing and the like it must be hard because what they like isn’t socially acceptable as that maybe if they compromised and got the erges out in ways that don’t actually hurt anyone it wouldn’t be too bad...while her bro who we know is tehone who actually wants to kill people or animals raises that those people would be better off dead as it doesn’t change what they could do.
cuz honestly he should get professional help or something...but it does make me wonder about some people just born this way and how both of their views might clash. but also about how people can genuinely love people like this and what happens about those people born like this when it comes to relationships and how they can blend in.
it reminds of cheese in the trap where one of the male leads clearly has some manipulative tendencies and emotion issues but it raises of he can love why can’t he try his best to love people or have a family? and how much you can get better or be motivated and what it can actually mean though this one is one of those ‘he hasn’t done extremely wrong yet’ ,and us knowing for SURE how bad it could get for him as a individual to snap.
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asthecrowrambles · 6 months
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thinking about a new character called the hand maiden.. idk what herdl deal is exactly but i like her
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