#Hemophilia B
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Alexei Nikolaevich (12 August [O.S. 30 July] 1904 – 17 July 1918) was the last Tsesarevich (heir apparent to the throne of the Russian Empire).
He was the youngest child and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
He was born with haemophilia — inherited from his mother Alexandra, an X chromosome hereditary condition that typically affects males, which she had acquired through the line of her maternal grandmother, Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.
It was known as the "Royal Disease" because so many descendants of the intermarried European royal families had it (or carried it, in the case of females).
In 2009, genetic analysis determined that Alexei had hemophilia B.
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healthcareporium · 9 months
Unlocking Potential: AAV Gene Therapy's Role in Hemophilia B Management
In recent years, the landscape of treating Hemophilia B has seen a revolutionary shift, primarily owing to the advent of AAV gene therapies. These therapies represent a promising avenue for addressing the inherent challenges in managing this rare bleeding disorder, offering hope for improved outcomes and a better quality of life for patients. HEMGENIX: The Only Approved Gene Therapy for…
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timesofpharma · 1 year
Hemophilia A Gene Therapy
New drug for Hemophilia A Gene Therapy approved by USFDA. US FDA approved Hemophilia A Gene Therapy. Hemophilia is a disease which causes uncontrolled excessive bleeding, due to absence of clotting factors which help in formation of solid clot that prevents excessive bleeding and wound healing. Patients affected with Hemophilia suffer bleeding bruises, bleeding in the joint due to internal…
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rodspurethoughts · 2 years
FDA Approves First Gene Therapy to Treat Adults with Hemophilia B
FDA Approves First Gene Therapy to Treat Adults with Hemophilia B
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Hemgenix (etranacogene dezaparvovec), an adeno-associated virus vector-based gene therapy for the treatment of adults with Hemophilia B (congenital Factor IX deficiency) who currently use Factor IX prophylaxis therapy, or have current or historical life-threatening hemorrhage, or have repeated, serious spontaneous bleeding episodes. “Gene…
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goldenstarprincesses · 8 months
Love that in the rusame fandom we all just agreed back in 2008 that if Alfred and Ivan had a child
A) It would be a boy
B) His name would be Alexei (nicked by Alfred as Alex)
C) 50/50 chance he has hemophilia
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It's so fucked up that doctors named the disorder where your blood doesn't clot and you're at risk of bleeding out 'hemophilia', or "lover of blood".
A) I bet most hemophiliacs don't love how their blood behaves actually, they probably feel neutral about it at best
B) They stole the word from the actual blood lovers. Vampires must be livid about this
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Man, some folks need to read a book or two on the history of medicine.
Try Roy Porter, Carole Rawcliffe, or Steven Cherry. There are also great articles often available for free on Pubmed. If not, email the first author - they'll get it to you.
(Hey, did you know the debate about whether consciousness was stored in the heart or the brain continued until the 18th century? And that the father of neuroscience, Santiago Ramón y Cajal, lived until the 1930s? That an understanding of Mendelian genetic inheritance in humans - an "inborn error of metabolism" - was postulated based on a family in London with Alkaptonuria, aka "black urine disease," and that that research was not published until 1902 (by Archibald Garrod). Between 1902 and the present, basically everything we know about chromosomal-level genetic inheritance and mutation was discovered? Did you know that the reason calico and tortoiseshell cats are always female is due to the presence of Barr bodies, which is an inactive X chromosome, and this can also be seen in humans, including in males with Klinefelter Syndrome [XXY] and in sterile male calico/tortoiseshell cats? And that even more rarely, a male calico/tortie is not sterile?)
(Do you know why the Hippocratic Oath is called the Hippocratic Oath? Who Galen is? The age of the oldest known eyeglasses? The four humors, and what they were believed to represent? Why medicine stagnated during the first few centuries of Christian dominance in Europe? What the link is between sickle cell anemia and resistance to malaria? What is the modern treatment for bubonic plague? Who Phineas Gage was? What animal Luigi Galvani used to study the role of electricity in neural connections? Who frickin' Rosalind Franklin is???)
Seeing that post about arguing against there not being enough research into hormonal and surgical treatments for trans men and women... Man. That one hurt my head.
Since 1990, we've learned how to keep HIV all but dormant and to stop it passing from a parent to child. Chemotherapy for cancer treatment was first developed in the 1940s, and radiation is actually older than chemotherapy. Hemophilia B can be treated now quite simply by injections and transfusions to introduce Factor IX, a clotting factor, when before the 1950s it was a death sentence. The structure of DNA wasn't discovered until 1953 - now, students in basic biology labs can play around with splicing and inserting sequences into genetic codes!
My point is... a lot of what we understand about medicine has, for various reasons, only become established and accepted in the last 200 years or so. And with gene therapy, it's likely to explode again.
Read up on the history of medicine. Especially if you question its use in certain people to help them physically become who their conscious mind knows they are. You might learn something!
And honestly, the history of medicine is insanely grim-and-gross fun. If you're into that. 😉 The Mütter Museum is also out there!
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kfhirjy · 4 months
#64 American hegemonism: from selling poison blood to raising interest rates in the US dollar
On May 20, British Prime Minister Sunak called the day "Day of national Shame in Britain" and bowed to the entire British people. How is the British prime minister so humble? Because some of the facts are not hidden. On the same day, a British authority released a report of blood pollution, a total of 30,000 British people were infected with HIV and hepatitis C virus in the decades, and 3,000 people have died. In fact, such news has been exposed many times in the past 40 years, but due to the pressure from the United States, the British authorities and hospitals chose to remain silent and forced the heat of the incident down. Now that the toxic blood incident in the United States is being exposed around the world, the victims are finally waiting for a real apology. So what's on in the United States? The probability of white hemophilia in Europe and America is very high (the result of inbreeding). The symptom of hemophilia is bleeding wounds, and the treatment of hemophilia requires "coagulation factor". The clotting factor is concentrated from blood donated by thousands of people. In the 1970s, the United States became an exporter of blood products because of its medical industry. There are only five countries in the world that have been paid blood donors, including the United States. Each time you donate, American Plasma pays donors $30. Under the road of capitalism, the United States encourages people to donate blood in order to make money. Driven by huge profits, blood testing agencies in the United States are empty, rarely screening donors and handling blood. Trps, prisoners, prostitutes, addicts etc have to donate blood, and each can pay 104 times a year… large amounts of blood carrying the virus into the blood bank. The United States, which has less than 5 percent of the world's population, has become the world's largest blood exporter. 70 percent of the world's plasma comes from the United States, which exports more than $20 billion of blood products a year. The United States' blood plasma exports accounted for about 1.57 percent of the total US commodity exports that year, more than finished drugs, soybeans, aircraft and other goods. I can't imagine that the United States is a big blood seller. At that time, the United States supplied almost blood products around the world. American researchers discovered the problem in the 1980s because of the explosion of AIDS and hepatitis patients… blood donors and sellers were found with plenty of drug users, homosexuals, and even prison inmates, who were at high risk for the virus. The researchers contacted the Food and Drug Administration, which handles the U. S. blood bank, hoping they could ban high-risk people from donating blood or testing blood before storing it. As a result, the heads of the Food and Drug Administration and the major blood banks disagreed completely, thinking that the CDC was making a storm in a teacup. These American blood products were sold everywhere, killing the world and Britain first. Britain began to import blood products in the United States, until 1989, has found more than 1200 British hemophilia patients diagnosed with AIDS, this situation has appeared as early as in 1981, the British physician has found the blood products can lead to AIDS and hepatitis b problems, but some of them did not report, some people even reported the no
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callsignbaphomet · 11 months
Dirty A-Z headcanon game
Send a letter for more information on my muse’s likes and dislikes! Inspired by kinks discussed around the internet. The (explanations) are mere guidelines, feel free to elaborate as much as you’d like!
Loke Edition! (Regular, Skyrim & Fallout versions)
I'm just gonna use a read more cut 'cause frankly I don't trust the community label thing.
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?)
He's not into watching porn when jerking off. He is definitely into "head" porn. Either remembering something he and a partner did or literally just thinking about his partner or what he would want to do/be done to next time. He's okay with porn he just doesn't watch it.
B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?)
First of all it takes a lot of trust for him to agree to this. If he trusts the person he'll happily agree to be tied up or restrained in whatever way his partner wants. He'll also do it to his partner if needed. Just know that the aftercare he gives his partner is glorious!
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?)
Tbh I don't think he's ever cried during sex. I legit cannot think of a scenario. He does get emotional when he and a partner he cares very deeply about and loves have sex for the first time but he doesn't cry. Also his brain isn't wired to be turned on by crying. He'd completely stop what he's doing to make sure his partner's okay.
D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?)
Oh, he very much loves being completely dominated. This is especially true for his Skyrim version, that version loves being bossed around and 1,000% dominated.
No version of him has much if any experience being the dom. He's far too giving for it.
As for a having a dom he trusts it's Uthorim. Just Uthorim.
However, since Uth isn't in Oracle (that's not my call to make, only Arcade can make that choice) he trusts Trevor blindly as his dom. They frequently hook up. But if Uth was there then he's who Loke would blindly trust as his dom. Hell, they'd be married by now.
He likes a (sexually) possessive partner.
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
Regular version Loke is a little on the vanilla side. He's open to anything (within reason) to be done to him or do if asked that doesn't involve him bleeding. He has mild hemophilia and it's one of his biggest fears. He actually bled to death once but that's a story for another time. So don't do that. It really fucking scares him. Only the regular version has hemophilia so do with that what you will.
If you know how berserkers work in Oracle he'll gladly fuck his partners in that form too. Or fuck each other if his partner's another berserker or be fucked that form by another berserker.
Skyrim version is heavy into being ordered and bossed around. Stern voice, hand on his throat and another hand pulling on his hair and he turns into a blushing puddle. This version will also turn werewolf and fuck his partner in said form but ONLY if his partner wants that.
All versions love to fucking finger their partners. Holy shit is it not one of his favorite things to do to his partners. He'll make you fucking cry and beg.
He also got the tactical gear kink/fetish from Trevor.
F - Food play (do they like using food in the bedroom? are there any foods they prefer to use during sex or foreplay? any they’d like to try?)
Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. He'll drink it off his partner, lick it off his partner, take a swig and kiss his partner as the alcohol goes from his mouth to theirs and vice versa. Food itself? Not unless his partner wants to use any food on/with him.
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?)
Ish. It's not something he's very into. IF he does he has to trust everyone involved and has to be 100,00% sure everyone involved is comfortable. He'll totally put on a show tho.
H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?)
Regular and most AUs? No, he isn't gonna do any humiliating. Don't even bother asking him to do it.
However! Skyrim version likes being slightly humiliated, just don't be cruel about it. Examples being like a partner pointing out how something simple they're doing to him is getting him hard already, pointing out how much pre-cum he's leaking, how much he moans and the like. That shit gets him OFF.
I - Impact play (here’s where talking about things like spanking, paddles, canes, floggers and the like.)
Yes. Very much yes. All versions especially the Skyrim one. Slaps are a favorite.
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?)
Water based, silicone based, oil based, flavored--all of 'em are game. Strawberry is his favorite to taste. So long as they weren't made with any tree nuts, he's very, very allergic to tree nuts. That shit'll kill him. He's already had a few scares.
He's fine with spit too.
Skyrim version isn't allergic to anything. Do with that info what you will.
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks/having marks left on them?)
Turns into a puddle a literal puddle if kissed on the throat, shoulders and that little area just above the dick. Just fucking loses his shit.
He loves kissing everywhere and he's very attentive too, he'll make note of what areas really gets his partner going.
Loves leaving marks. To him it's like claiming his partner as his and vice versa. Loves it when his partner leaves marks on him, again as long as it doesn't draw blood.
L - Lighting (are the lights on? off? do they have some kind of mood lighting set up?)
On, off, candles, moonlight, dimmed lights--he doesn't care.
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?)
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Again, as long as it doesn't draw blood he's fine with it. Not a fan of choking, he has asthma plus I read somewhere that choking is super bad for hemophilics. So no cutting off air flow or blood flow.
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied/delayed?)
Listen, the man loves being told what to do. If you tell him not to cum he will absolutely obey until he can't hold it anymore and literally cry begs his partner to let him orgasm. Looks forward to being reprimanded for coming when he wasn't supposed to, he'll obey, don't get him wrong, but if he just cannot stop himself he looks forward to what his partner will do.
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
It depends on where. Let's say he and his partner are out on a picnic and it's pretty isolated then fuck yeah he'll go for it. Out in nature at night under the stars? Oh yeah, definitely.
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?)
Abso-fucking-lutely hell yeah! IF his partner has mentioned they like getting nudes and/or clips he will absolutely send 'em. He loves getting them as well.
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
Loke is super vocal and loud. Like...LOUD especially if edging. Moans a lot too. He doesn't mind loud or soft spoken partners.
When he tops he really gets off on hearing his partner. Let me be totally transparent here, he's my biggest OC. He's B I G so his partners are GOING TO FEEL HIM and likes hearing his partners react to him fucking him.
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?)
He is 100% spontaneous. He doesn't like planning sex, it's a spur of the moment kind of a thing for him.
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?)
Okay so he gives his partner 100% consent to him being fucked awake and receiving oral to wake up. If his partner does too he loves waking them up that way. Honestly all of it is fine.
T - Top or bottom (self explanatory…)
Switch but let's be honest here he really likes to bottom.
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?)
Just boxers.
V - Voyeurism (do they like to watch, or are they more hands on? are they more of an exhibitionist?)
This depends on his mood but he's okay with any of these.
W - Water (pool sex? bath / shower sex? are they into watersports at all?)
Pool, river, lake, beach, shower, bath, jacuzzi any bodies of water? Yes! Absolutely!
Watersports? No. Honey, the only fluids you're getting out of him are spit and semen.
X - X-dressing (do they crossdress as a part of teasing / foreplay? does crossdressing turn them on? turn their partner on? do they prefer to do it or watch their partner crossdress instead? do they use other costumes? cat ears, tails, etc?)
Yeah, he's not into doing crossdressing himself. However, he does enjoy it when his partner crossdresses or dresses up.
Having said that I do recall saying he'll fuck or be fucked while in berserker mode which is pretty much being in armor but to me personally I don't count that as dressing up. If you feel it is then sure but I personally don't see it as such.
Skyrim version really likes wearing fur. 'Nough said.
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?)
For his partner: he sticks to pet names but if a partner tells him they like being called something specific then he'll very happily oblige. Obviously within reason. Read: no slurs, that'll guarantee you'll never see him again.
For himself: he likes pet names.
Absolutely not no matter what: daddy, it's really fucking weird to him to be called that or be asked to call someone that. It's just plain weird to him.
Master. Don't. No. Absolutely the fuck not. He doesn't feel comfortable calling anyone that. It is so jarring to him. Don't call him master either, that is insanely creepy to him. He's white that has certain connotations attached to it. He will stop immediately and leave.
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?)
Neck, thighs, ass, chest. The more subtle it is the more his interest is peaked. Nuzzling his neck or throat ever so gently does it for him.
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catspittle · 1 year
Injuries, mental conditions, and other maladies, consolidated - actually I'm just combining this into one big post because guess who forgot stuff last time.
Crane is deaf in both ears due to physical abuse, although not completely. Does not know ASL due to prejudice, but has the capacity to read lips to a degree.
Walks with a limp [left side] from a past hip injury that ended up almost separating his leg from his body. Said hip has also been partially replaced with titanium. +shot in the left knee 2019 IRP, remnants of kneecap later calcified. Partially wheelchair bound due to walking difficulties.
Severe throat and vocal fold scarring, thanks Eduardo Flamingo for trying to eat him and also various and mostly female rapists at Arkham. Can't speak that clearly, often slurring his words. Prefers to express himself in short sentences or simply grunts, unless you really get him going on a topic.
Speaking of my cyborg man: his lower jaw is pretty much entirely titanium mesh, his spinal cord barring the nerve sheath has been entirely replaced with metal due to a car accident in his 20's, his ribcage is now reinforced, and at least two of his heart valves have been replaced entirely. + stents
In addition his spine is barely covered with skin + muscle and you can see the metal when he twists at certain angles.
Now missing roughly half his brain tissue due to literally dying in childbirth in the 1980's. This causes Crane to suffer from complications including but not limited to: seizures, CSF leakage, narcolepsy, short-term memory issues, and increased mood swings to the point of being extremely volatile. 
Marfanoid, so more often than not will dislocate his joints several times a day. Can’t lift anything heavy, the usual. Not as flexible as he used to be due to the metal in his body.
Now possesses a singular lung due to a run-in with Doomsday during his time on the Suicide Squad, which also demanded the floating rib reinforcement.
Parkinson’s Disease, the early stages.
Severe photophobia, almost always has one eye shut at all times.
Self-harm scarring across shoulders and one wrist. Various scars as a general, both internal and external. His genitalia are recognizable but still somewhat mangled. Overall? Torture victim! Many of his nerve endings have been outright removed because the United States sure as hell doesn't treat its minority prisoners like humans...and neither did Crane's own family.
Truly, it's hard to gauge the full extent of his mental illnesses, as often doctors in Gotham City will revoke/revise diagnoses to fit an agenda [and god knows he lies to himself], but here's what can concretely be determined of his mental state:
Postpartum depression escalating into Complex Bereavement Disorder.
As with canon Scarecrow, unspecified psychosis. But in his case, they're likely a part of the Borderline Personality Disorder.
More than likely DID, emphasis on the Dissociative part of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Inferiority complex with added anxiety.
Honestly I'd be willing to diagnose him with C-PTSD were it not just a normal thing for Asian-Americans [can confirm, am Asian-American]. Overall? He's almost 70, he's barely functioning. Don't expect a whole lot but witty quips from him.
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unhingedselfships · 2 years
Yakkid - Majima Syouji
The younger Majima child,and number four in the poly-verses.
At first glance he seems a composed, dignified, child. It’s a trap. He's lever, vibrant, and almost forcefully friendly. He maintains a bright, happy demeanor under nearly all circumstance, which in some cases can be quite disconcerting.
He has plenty of energy to spare and is constantly bouncing about trying to spread as much of his own flavor of cheer as he can. Not everyone is on board for but he never really lets it stop him.
Despite his active nature, he's an avid reader and writer with a special love and talent for poetry. He can't speak nearly as well as he writes however, something he finds quite frustrating.
He absolutely sucks at sports, consistently gets hit by things thrown at him despite his best efforts. He often finds himself not minding his own limits and spending time in the hospital.
June 19th, 2:28pm, birthday
A mostly unremarkable pregnancy, although it did slightly alter Kimi's hair texture, making her curls a bit more distinct.
Tried being an author, but found he hated deadlines. He instead becomes a talent scout of sorts.
Trauma for Flavor : Syouji is born with moderate type b hemophilia. This of course impacts the entire course of his life. He manages it well enough, ish, but it has had an effect on him and his family.
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timetakeover · 2 years
[My Rasputin lore is that he pulled a similar con to the one he did as Harold Saxon; arrived in Russia in 1886, made up backstory to suggest that he'd always existed, immediately found a wife to help with his scheme. He warbled around for 10 years getting his reputation as a womanizer while he figured out exactly how he was going to from point A, being in late 19th century Russia, to point B, having full access to the Winter Palace so he could bring the Doctor there as part of his big plot.
In 1896 he came across a monastery and found his inspiration. Everyone trusts a religious man and, with medical knowledge from the very far future and a penchant for hypnosis, the role of holy healer fell into place.
He went to the 1903 Winter Ball not as himself/Rasputin, but a disguise within a disguise. He scoped out the place, who the royals were close to, etc. and finished the final stages of planning his scheme. In the winter of 1904, he infiltrated and, with a little hypnosis, wormed his way into the Tsarina's inner circle. Her son's illness was easy to treat; the medicines they'd been giving him were exacerbating his hemophilia. Stopping the medication and switching to only Rasputin praying over the boy made a world of difference and bought him the royal family's trust.
In 1916, the events of The Power of the Doctor take place. However, this unkillable man doesn't die in the year 2022. He survives, he returns to 1916, ties up loose ends, and ultimately fakes his own death now that the role of Rasputin isn't fun anymore. (He could potentially be in the process of regenerating at this point; we’ve seen time lords spend a whole episode glowy and trying to stave it off before. I’m not going to commit to him dying here until I see his next canon appearance tbh.)]
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tamanna31 · 5 days
Blood Screening Market 2023- Business Planning Research and Resources, Revenue, and Forecasts 2030
Blood Screening Market Size & Trends
The global blood screening market size was valued at USD 2.76 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% from 2023 to 2030. 
Blood screening is a process in which donated blood is screened for infectious diseases such as HBV, HCV, HIV1, and HIV2. The high growth of this market is attributed to rising blood donations, an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases, and government initiatives. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 118.54 million blood donations are collected yearly. In the U.S., 6.8 million individuals donate blood annually, and 13.6 million units of red blood cells and whole blood are collected annually.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Blood Screening Market
The market is primarily driven by the rise in the rate of disorders such as HIV, diphtheria, measles and chronic diseases such as hemophilia, cancer, and other blood-related disorders. Blood-based diagnostics are used to diagnose a wide range of diseases, including infectious diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Serology tests detect the presence of antibodies to a specific disease-causing organism. These tests diagnose various infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Molecular tests detect the presence of DNA or RNA from a specific disease-causing organism. These tests are more sensitive than serology tests and can be used to diagnose diseases at an earlier stage. Biochemical tests measure the levels of certain substances in the blood. These tests can diagnose a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market. Although respiratory droplets are the primary means of COVID-19 virus transmission, research has shown that viral RNA may be discovered in blood samples, supporting blood screening for COVID-19 identification, hence driving the market significantly. 
Blood Screening Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global blood screening market based on technology, product, and region:
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT)
Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) and Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
Next Generation Sequencing
Western Blotting
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East and Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
The global embolic protection devices market size was valued at USD 612.9 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global covered stent market size was estimated at USD 1.13 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Product launches, approvals, strategic acquisitions, and innovations are just a few of the important business strategies used by market participants to maintain and grow their global reach.
For instance, in March 2023, Abbott received U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a laboratory traumatic brain injury blood test, the first commercially available lab-based test for the assessment of mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), commonly referred to as concussions, which will be made widely available to hospitals across the U.S. This test, which is powered by Abbott’s Alinity i laboratory tool, will enable clinicians to evaluate individuals with mild traumatic brain injuries in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in May 2023, Siemens Healthcare introduced Atellica HEMA 570 and 580 next-generation hematology analyzers, which have user-friendly interfaces and can be connected to multiple analyzers to remove workflow barriers and provide high throughput time.
Key Blood Screening Companies:
Danaher Corporation (Beckman Coulter)
Becton Dickinson and Company
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.
Grifols, S.A.
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
Siemens Healthcare GmbH
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
SOFINA s.a (Biomerieux)
Order a free sample PDF of the Blood Screening Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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The Coagulation Factor Concentrates market is projected to grow from USD 7,795.23 million in 2023 to USD 11,395.23 million by 2032, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.46%. The coagulation factor concentrates market is witnessing significant growth globally, driven by the increasing prevalence of bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, the rising awareness about these conditions, and the advancements in biotechnology that have made treatments more effective and accessible. As the global healthcare landscape evolves, the demand for coagulation factor concentrates is expected to continue its upward trajectory, offering new opportunities and challenges for industry players.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/coagulation-factor-concentrates-market
Understanding Coagulation Factor Concentrates
Coagulation factor concentrates are essential in the management of bleeding disorders, particularly hemophilia A and B, which are caused by deficiencies in Factor VIII and Factor IX, respectively. These concentrates are derived either from human plasma or are produced through recombinant DNA technology, which allows for a more consistent and safer product. They are administered to patients to replace the missing or deficient clotting factors, thereby preventing and controlling bleeding episodes.
Market Dynamics
1. Growing Prevalence of Bleeding Disorders
One of the primary drivers of the coagulation factor concentrates market is the increasing prevalence of bleeding disorders worldwide. According to the World Federation of Hemophilia, over 400,000 people globally suffer from hemophilia, with many more affected by other bleeding disorders such as von Willebrand disease. The rising incidence of these conditions is driving demand for effective treatment options, including coagulation factor concentrates.
2. Technological Advancements
Advancements in biotechnology have significantly impacted the production and safety of coagulation factor concentrates. The development of recombinant factor concentrates has reduced the risk of blood-borne infections, which was a concern with plasma-derived products. These innovations have made treatments safer and more effective, encouraging their adoption among healthcare providers and patients alike.
3. Increased Awareness and Diagnosis
Improved diagnostic capabilities and increased awareness about bleeding disorders have also contributed to market growth. In many parts of the world, bleeding disorders were underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to a lack of awareness and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. However, with increased education and better access to healthcare, more patients are being diagnosed and treated, fueling demand for coagulation factor concentrates.
4. Government Support and Reimbursement Policies
Government initiatives and supportive reimbursement policies are further propelling the market. Many countries have established national hemophilia programs that provide patients with access to essential treatments, including coagulation factor concentrates. Additionally, favorable reimbursement policies in developed countries have made these treatments more accessible to patients, driving market growth.
Competitive Landscape
The coagulation factor concentrates market is highly competitive, with several key players dominating the industry. Companies such as CSL Behring, Shire (now part of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company), Bayer AG, Novo Nordisk, and Pfizer Inc. are at the forefront, offering a range of products that cater to different patient needs. These companies are investing heavily in research and development to introduce new and improved products, as well as expanding their market presence through strategic partnerships and acquisitions.
Future Outlook
The future of the coagulation factor concentrates market looks promising, with several growth drivers in place. The increasing prevalence of bleeding disorders, coupled with technological advancements and rising awareness, will continue to propel market growth. However, challenges such as high treatment costs and the risk of inhibitor development in patients may need to be addressed.
Key player:
CSL Behring
Kedrion S.P.A.
Baxter International Inc.
Novo Nordisk A/S
Green Cross Corporation
Shanghai RAAS Blood Products
Bio Product Laboratory
By Type:
Coagulation Factor IX
Coagulation Factor XIII
Other Types
By End User:
Hospitals & Clinics
Research Laboratories
Academic Institutions
By Region:
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of the Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/coagulation-factor-concentrates-market
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industrynewsupdates · 25 days
Blood Screening Market Analysis, Opportunities And Forecast Report 2024-2030
The global blood screening market size was valued at USD 2.76 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% from 2023 to 2030. 
Blood screening is a process in which donated blood is screened for infectious diseases such as HBV, HCV, HIV1, and HIV2. The high growth of this market is attributed to rising blood donations, an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases, and government initiatives. According to World Health Organization (WHO), 118.54 million blood donations are collected yearly. In the U.S., 6.8 million individuals donate blood annually, and 13.6 million units of red blood cells and whole blood are collected annually.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Blood Screening Market
The market is primarily driven by the rise in the rate of disorders such as HIV, diphtheria, measles and chronic diseases such as hemophilia, cancer, and other blood-related disorders. Blood-based diagnostics are used to diagnose a wide range of diseases, including infectious diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Serology tests detect the presence of antibodies to a specific disease-causing organism. These tests diagnose various infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis. Molecular tests detect the presence of DNA or RNA from a specific disease-causing organism. These tests are more sensitive than serology tests and can be used to diagnose diseases at an earlier stage. Biochemical tests measure the levels of certain substances in the blood. These tests can diagnose a wide range of diseases, including diabetes, kidney disease, and liver disease.
The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the market. Although respiratory droplets are the primary means of COVID-19 virus transmission, research has shown that viral RNA may be discovered in blood samples, supporting blood screening for COVID-19 identification, hence driving the market significantly. 
Blood Screening Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global blood screening market based on technology, product, and region:
Technology Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAT)
• Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) and Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
• Next Generation Sequencing
• Western Blotting
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Reagent
• Instrument
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• North America
o U.S.
o Canada
• Europe
o UK
o Germany
o France
o Italy
o Spain
o Sweden
o Norway
o Denmark
• Asia Pacific
o Japan
o China
o India
o Australia
o Thailand
o South Korea
• Latin America
o Brazil
o Mexico
o Argentina
• Middle East and Africa
o Saudi Arabia
o South Africa
o Kuwait
Browse through Grand View Research's Medical Devices Industry Research Reports.
• The global embolic protection devices market size was valued at USD 612.9 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% from 2024 to 2030. 
• The global covered stent market size was estimated at USD 1.13 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.1% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Product launches, approvals, strategic acquisitions, and innovations are just a few of the important business strategies used by market participants to maintain and grow their global reach.
For instance, in March 2023, Abbott received U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance for a laboratory traumatic brain injury blood test, the first commercially available lab-based test for the assessment of mild traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), commonly referred to as concussions, which will be made widely available to hospitals across the U.S. This test, which is powered by Abbott’s Alinity i laboratory tool, will enable clinicians to evaluate individuals with mild traumatic brain injuries in a timely manner.
Furthermore, in May 2023, Siemens Healthcare introduced Atellica HEMA 570 and 580 next-generation hematology analyzers, which have user-friendly interfaces and can be connected to multiple analyzers to remove workflow barriers and provide high throughput time.
Key Blood Screening Companies:
• Abbott
• Danaher Corporation (Beckman Coulter)
• Becton Dickinson and Company
• Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
• Hoffman-La Roche Ltd.
• Grifols, S.A.
• Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc.
• Siemens Healthcare GmbH
• Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
• SOFINA s.a (Biomerieux)
Order a free sample PDF of the Blood Screening Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
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prajwal-agale001 · 29 days
Recombinant Coagulation Factors Market: R&D and Innovations
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the recombinant coagulation factors market is set to experience substantial growth, reaching an estimated $26.29 billion by 2031. This expansion is anticipated to occur at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.6% during the forecast period. The growth of the recombinant coagulation factors market is primarily driven by several key factors, including the rising prevalence of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, increasing research and development (R&D) activities, growing awareness of the benefits of recombinant coagulation factors, and an increase in prophylactic treatments for hemophilia worldwide. However, the market also faces significant challenges, such as the high cost of recombinant factors compared to plasma-derived alternatives and limited accessibility in developing regions.
Download Sample Report Here @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=1254
Market Drivers and Trends
Increasing Prevalence of Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders
Hemophilia, a genetic disorder that impairs the blood’s ability to clot, is a major driver for the recombinant coagulation factors market. The increasing incidence of hemophilia, particularly Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B, has fueled demand for effective treatment options. Recombinant coagulation factors, which are synthetic versions of the clotting factors missing or deficient in patients with hemophilia, offer a crucial alternative to plasma-derived factors. These recombinant factors are engineered to mimic the function of naturally occurring clotting proteins, providing more effective and safer treatment options.
Growing R&D and Technological Advancements
Ongoing research and development in the field of recombinant coagulation factors are pivotal to market growth. The focus on improving the efficacy, safety, and accessibility of these factors is driving innovations. Advances in genetic engineering and biotechnological techniques are contributing to the development of more effective recombinant products with reduced immunogenicity and enhanced pharmacokinetic profiles. The continuous evolution of these technologies supports the expansion of the market by offering better treatment options for patients and addressing unmet medical needs.
Rising Awareness and Prophylactic Treatments
Increased awareness among healthcare professionals and patients about the benefits of recombinant coagulation factors is contributing to market growth. Prophylactic treatment, which involves regular administration of recombinant factors to prevent bleeding episodes before they occur, is gaining traction. This approach not only improves the quality of life for patients but also reduces the frequency of acute bleeding events. The growing adoption of prophylactic treatment strategies is a key trend driving demand for recombinant coagulation factors.
Opportunities in Emerging Markets
Emerging economies present significant growth opportunities for the recombinant coagulation factors market. Rising healthcare expenditures and improvements in healthcare infrastructure in these regions are expected to drive market expansion. Moreover, increased awareness and the development of healthcare policies to address bleeding disorders are likely to contribute to the growth of the market in these regions. As more countries invest in healthcare and improve access to advanced treatments, the demand for recombinant coagulation factors is expected to rise.
Market Segmentation and Analysis
By Type
The recombinant coagulation factors market is segmented into various types, including Recombinant Factors VIII, Recombinant Factor IX, and other types. As of 2024, the Recombinant Factor VIII segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share, estimated at 59.5%. This segment’s dominance is attributed to the high prevalence of Hemophilia A and the established efficacy of Recombinant Factor VIII. Since its introduction in 1992, Recombinant Factor VIII has become a cornerstone of hemophilia treatment, contributing to its significant market share.
Recombinant Factor IX, used primarily for the treatment of Hemophilia B, and other types of recombinant factors are also important segments. The market for Recombinant Factor IX is growing due to the increasing adoption of this treatment for Hemophilia B, supported by advancements in recombinant technology.
By Source
The recombinant coagulation factors market is further segmented based on the source of production, including Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cell Line, Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) Cell Line, and other sources. The CHO cell line segment is projected to dominate the market, accounting for the largest share in 2024. CHO cells are widely used in the production of recombinant proteins due to their ability to produce complex glycosylation patterns similar to those in humans, high reproducibility, and ease of manipulation. These advantages make CHO cells a preferred choice for recombinant coagulation factor production.
The HEK cell line and other sources are also utilized in the production of recombinant factors, though to a lesser extent. The choice of cell line impacts the efficiency, cost, and quality of the recombinant products, influencing the market dynamics in this segment.
By Application
The market is segmented by application into Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B, and other applications. The Hemophilia A segment is expected to hold the largest share of 64.3% in 2024. The high prevalence of Hemophilia A and the effectiveness of recombinant factors in treating this condition drive the growth of this segment. Recombinant coagulation factors are widely used to manage and prevent bleeding episodes in Hemophilia A patients, contributing to their significant market share.
The Hemophilia B segment, though smaller, is also growing as more patients receive treatment for this condition. The market for recombinant factors in other applications, such as surgery and trauma care, is also expanding as the versatility of recombinant coagulation factors is recognized across various medical scenarios.
By End User
The recombinant coagulation factors market is segmented by end user into Hospitals & Clinics and Clinical Research Laboratories. The Hospitals & Clinics segment is expected to account for the larger share of the market in 2024. This segment’s dominance is due to the high utilization of recombinant coagulation factors in clinical settings for treating patients with bleeding disorders. The increasing awareness among healthcare professionals and the integration of advanced treatment options in hospitals and clinics contribute to the segment’s large market share.
Clinical Research Laboratories, which focus on the development and testing of recombinant factors, also play a significant role in the market. The growth of this segment is driven by ongoing research and the development of new and improved recombinant products.
Geographic Insights
The recombinant coagulation factors market is analyzed across major geographies, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. In 2024, North America is expected to hold the largest share of 43.4% of the market. The U.S. is anticipated to be the leading contributor within North America. The region’s dominance can be attributed to its well-established healthcare infrastructure, high patient awareness, substantial R&D investments, and favorable reimbursement scenarios. The high prevalence of bleeding disorders and the availability of advanced treatment options further support North America’s significant market share.
Europe and Asia-Pacific are also important regions for the recombinant coagulation factors market. Europe’s market growth is driven by advancements in healthcare and increasing awareness of bleeding disorders. The Asia-Pacific region is projected to experience significant growth, driven by rising healthcare expenditure, improved access to treatments, and increasing adoption of recombinant factors.
Key Players
The recombinant coagulation factors market features several key players, including:
Baxter International Inc. (U.S.)
Grifols, S.A. (Spain)
CSL Limited (Australia)
Octapharma AG (Switzerland)
Novo Nordisk A/S (Denmark)
Biogen Inc. (U.S.)
Bayer AG (Germany)
Kedrion S.p.A. (Italy)
Emergent BioSolutions (U.S.)
Pfizer Inc. (U.S.)
These companies are at the forefront of the recombinant coagulation factors market, driving innovation and expanding the availability of advanced treatment options for bleeding disorders. Their efforts in research and development, coupled with strategic partnerships and acquisitions, contribute to the market’s dynamic growth and development.
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