#tes: Loke tag
callsignbaphomet · 3 months
TranslucentTB and the Better Matchmaking mod are pissing me the fuck off so I'm gonna talk about cute things.
So when Loke reached Skyrim he barely left the house, he was a mess but above all scared and trying to juggle between processing everything that happened, the fact that he now has a 4 month old and that there are people after said 4 month old and he's injured.
I'll explain what happened in Hammerfell in another post.
For a year Loke didn't interact with anyone and despite his neighbors, a dark elf woman and her Argonian wife, trying to at least introduce themselves he kept them at arm's length. He was paranoid that anyone could be a sell sword working for Iain and trying to kill his baby sibling.
I'm being ambiguous about the gender 'cause Jela was born a girl and had a different name; don't wanna overpack this with semi unrelated stuff. He didn't start switching over to male until he was around 4 or 5. But regardless I'll still refer to him as Jelani even before he was 4.
So like I was saying, for a year Loke just barricaded himself in the house until one night one of the neighbors' kids came down with a bad case of Ataxia and had no potions.
Loke had studied under his mom and by the time he was a teenager he was assisting his mom and as an adult he was a healer working alongside his mother. She also taught him about poisons and venoms (this bit of lore is because of an accident in game on my part lmao). So both women went to Loke and asked for help for their kid and Loke obviously helped. As the kid recovered Loke and the dark elf and Argonian sat down to talk and that's when they learned that it wasn't just Loke living by himself. He got nervous and said that that was his daughter and from there fabricated this whole story about how he and his partner lived in Markarth and they'd died shortly after their daughter was born and Loke moved to start over. He felt shitty about lying but he did it to protect himself and his baby sibling but from then on Lo befriended the two women and they actually helped spread the word that Lo's a healer and given the location it was ideal since most people living in the area were far from towns and cities that had apothecaries making Loke the closest thing.
Several months later Loke is infected with lycanthropy and the day after his first full moon he met Trevor (a fellow werewolf and a Redguard. Ngl Trev made him feel homesick), and the most beautiful orc he'd ever seen. He was instantly smitten and kept coming back to the Lavender Lounge, not only because it was safe but because he befriended Trevor and he was teaching him all there was about being a werewolf and how to navigate life as one too. More importantly he'd get to see and talk to that beautiful orc that owned the lounge. For weeks Uthorim and Loke talked and Uth flirted with him but Loke can't tell when someone's flirting with him...hell, he doesn't even know how to flirt honestly speaking. It wasn't until Trevor outright told him what Uth was doing which caught him by surprise since he didn't think someone like Uthorim would be interested in some scruffy thing like him. Nevertheless some months pass and Loke is pretty much head over heels in love with him.
Here's the thing. Lo had mentioned he had a child and he kind of didn't know what to tell Uthorim, he wanted to tell him the truth but part of him wanted to keep up the lie to protect Jelani. He chose to trust Uth and told him the entire truth but asked him to keep up the lie which he did. At that point Jelani almost 8 months old and Loke had introduced him to Uthorim. Cue adorable shenanigans with Lo raising Jela and Uth helping out too. Also cue Loke losing his absolute shit when Jela said his first word at 8 months. The man turned into a puddle of tears.
So Uth is there to see Jelani's first few things and saw him get a little older and as a toddler (that age that babies just grab whatever's within reach) whenever Uth would carry him around he'd grab onto Uth's tusks and make squeaky sounds. He loved playing with Uthorim and whenever he was in Loke's arms he'd fall asleep while cuddling him.
There's onviously more as Jela gets older but I'll cover that later.
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sernooblington · 6 years
Fairy Tail
So i am currently re-watching Fairy tail, i know its a fan-service heavy anime but i like its plot....as well as its PLOT.
When i like an anime i tend to try to choose and think about points that would make an interesting fan-fiction. For Fairy Tail most (if not all of the "fan-fic AU points" are around Lucy Heartfilia.
Love or hate her you cant argue that she is a catalyst of plot development for the Fairy Tail guild. If she didn't meet Natsu at....at....that fishing town (go easy on me i have had a few sleeps since episode 1)  Then Natsu would still just run around chasing rumors instead of going on a bunch of jobs, remember Natsu hasn't really got a major need for money other than food, where as in cannon its mainly Lucy's need for rent money that sparks the teams need for a mission.
So the first Fan-Fic AU point is simple, what if Natsu and Lucy didn't meet at Hargeon (see i can Google). Just from this point you can go down so many other routes, mainly because there needs to be a reason, one of them didn't make it to the town that day, why? 
Maybe Natsu didn't make it off the train due to his sickness, maybe the guy who told him about the salamander rumour waited an extra day?
Lucy is a bit harder to delay as i belive she was on her way to Fairy tail from the start, so unless she took some time for some sightseeing  you'd have to use some whim or luck thing to delay her.
Lets go down the Natsu doesn't go route, Lucy first meets the fake salamander and falls under the spell, this time without Natsu to snap her out of it at the time she is just mentally aware that something is off and tries to fight the spell, she spots the ring causing the charm and recognises it, breaking the spell's hold on her. Dis-heartened that a fairy Tail wizard would use those things she walks away.
Fake salamander finds Lucy at the same bench and the scene plays out in one 2 ways, she either does goes with him on his party boat like in cannon, or she flat out says no and leaves him.
Knowing that if she goes to fairy tail and mentions what happened he would be found out Fake sally would knock Lucy out and keep her pacified either with magic or drugs.  either way with Natsu not there to get angry and smash things Lucy gets kidnapped and taken to the other country along with the other girls.
As Lucy's keys were knocked away from her into the ocean there is a chance they would be fished up at some point, maybe a sea creature ate them or picked them up but eventually the shopkeeper that Lucy used her...charms to get discount see the keys and recognises who they belonged to, he posts a job with the local Magic Guild that just so happened to be Fairy Tail!
With his many business connections Jude Heartfilia (Lucy's Dad) catches wind of this and adds a much higher reward for her return. Due to a new wave of bills from the beloved magic council the master sends a team out to find out as much as possible about the job while he does to the Magic summit thing. After which he would make a decision on who should take the job.
Natsu seeing that its a Father looking for their child heads out before the master returns as he feels a personal connection to the job. 
With no Lucy to join the team and Natsu missing when Erza returns she sends grey and Loke to bring him back, Grey volunteers to bring him by beating him up, and Loke joins him, outwardly saying its to help a fellow guild member but inwardly he is concerned about the keys (i am imagining that the shopkeeper would have taken a photo of the keys for the flyer, this in turn would cause Loke to worry as his old friends could be mistreated if anyone picked up the keys, or If this Lucy wasn't kind to them). Erza meanwhile would head towards the Guild Master's summit, (perhaps with a couple of other member's). With no Lucy and Virgo there Erza and whoever tagged along are trapped inside the wind spell.
With the masters Makarov either uses his magic words...or magic to defeat the bad guys before the flute could be played. (i refuse to accept the the Guild Masters wouldn't be able to do anything against the thing).
Makarov frees Erza's team from the wind magic where she tells him about Natsu, Grey and Loke. The master explains the job and asks Erza to go and get all three of them to join her and find the missing Girl. (due to the endless possibilities and possible rumours of slave trade he would made it an S class quest i believe, and in turn would have turned to his only sane(ish) s-class wizard), after giving her a copy of the Job details (he shared the job with the other guilds) Erza heads to the port.
I recon that Blue Pegasus would join Fairy Tail in the quest as the play-boy trio would do anything to help a woman i need. Along with Ichya (the short guy who has parfum!) After some high jinks, fights and happenings Erza agrees to work with them  when they Meet in Hargeon.
Im gunna stop there because i didn't plan on this being this long, but i hope you see what i mean when I Talk about AU points, once you have them they write themselves in a way.  The trick is trying to make it so that the changes in the characters happen naturally. Not 'just cause',for example: Lucy decided to train and get stronger as she was tired of being weak.
No, what made her think that throughout the anime we saw that the was aware that she wasn't the best fighter, so what made her want to change, and how did her spirits respond to her desire?
Another thing that bothers me is the zodiac spirits, they are supposedly rare and powerful...but they really aren't that strong,  i mean cancer is a hair dresser....te fek? Another possible fan fic is what if the spirits changed with the times? At one point they were practically Gods but as times moved on and wars stopped they didn't need war spirits, cancer focused on his hobby of fashion and hair dressing, Virgo on maid...things... Its frustrating to see them so weak.
 Yes i know that they are only as strong as the person who summons them but there is no real proof of that, like in the Grand magic games( GMG i will call it) Lucy is able to open two gates at once, it would be cool to see her have to make a choice, either two sprit's at normal power level, or one spirit powered up. Similar to how when Issei  from Highschool DXD ( I know more Plot with PLOT) had to choose when he powered up between either normal boosted gear or balance breaker. He couldn't just activate it anymore. 
But year all that was from one simple change, Natsu not turning up, i like coming up with ideas like this so i may post some more, if anyone wants to make a fan  fic with this idea or any other ideas i may put forward please do, just make sure you give some small credit  and let me know the link.
 Buh bye!
PS: this was supposed to be my opionon on fairy tail and the AU points but the inner writer wannabe took over and this happened soz!
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130cats · 6 years
Tagged by: @deracine sorry for taking so long
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better!
Age: 19
Birthplace: bergen, norway
Current time: 12:19
Drink you last had: can i say chocolate milk?
Easiest person to talk to: my big furry friend @dogblithe
Favourite song: atm it’s “watashi wa kairai, sarugutsuwa no ningyou” by kiryu
Grossest memory: hmmmmmmmmmm don’t wanna answer this
Hogwarts house: slytherin
In love: no
Jealous of people: no
Killed someone: no
Love at first sight or walk by again: FUCKING TALK TO THEM
Middle name: can i say loke?
Number of siblings: 7
One wish: to medically transition
Person you called last: my mum
Question you are asked most: “ka vil du ha te meddag?” “what do you want for dinner?”
Song you last sung: “warui kusuri” by DADAROMA
Time you woke: 10
Underwear color: black
Vacation destination: bergen i miss home
Worst habit: skin picking
X rays: none
Your favourite food: spaghetti bolognese
Zodiac sign: capricorn
I’ll tag: i’m lazy so whoever wants to do it
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callsignbaphomet · 11 months
Dirty A-Z headcanon game
Send a letter for more information on my muse’s likes and dislikes! Inspired by kinks discussed around the internet. The (explanations) are mere guidelines, feel free to elaborate as much as you’d like!
Loke Edition! (Regular, Skyrim & Fallout versions)
I'm just gonna use a read more cut 'cause frankly I don't trust the community label thing.
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?)
He's not into watching porn when jerking off. He is definitely into "head" porn. Either remembering something he and a partner did or literally just thinking about his partner or what he would want to do/be done to next time. He's okay with porn he just doesn't watch it.
B - Bondage (do they like it? do they not? do they prefer to be the one being tied or the one doing the tying?)
First of all it takes a lot of trust for him to agree to this. If he trusts the person he'll happily agree to be tied up or restrained in whatever way his partner wants. He'll also do it to his partner if needed. Just know that the aftercare he gives his partner is glorious!
C - Crying (is it a turn on? a turn off? do they cry during sex? have they cried during sex? what was the reason?)
Tbh I don't think he's ever cried during sex. I legit cannot think of a scenario. He does get emotional when he and a partner he cares very deeply about and loves have sex for the first time but he doesn't cry. Also his brain isn't wired to be turned on by crying. He'd completely stop what he's doing to make sure his partner's okay.
D - Dominance (do they prefer to dominate, or be dominated? do they have experience as a Dom? Do they have a Dom that they trust already? What kind of things do they enjoy as/with their Dominant partner?)
Oh, he very much loves being completely dominated. This is especially true for his Skyrim version, that version loves being bossed around and 1,000% dominated.
No version of him has much if any experience being the dom. He's far too giving for it.
As for a having a dom he trusts it's Uthorim. Just Uthorim.
However, since Uth isn't in Oracle (that's not my call to make, only Arcade can make that choice) he trusts Trevor blindly as his dom. They frequently hook up. But if Uth was there then he's who Loke would blindly trust as his dom. Hell, they'd be married by now.
He likes a (sexually) possessive partner.
E - Extra info (any other fetishes? feet? leather? role playing? blood? fantasies that they might want to experience not on this list?)
Regular version Loke is a little on the vanilla side. He's open to anything (within reason) to be done to him or do if asked that doesn't involve him bleeding. He has mild hemophilia and it's one of his biggest fears. He actually bled to death once but that's a story for another time. So don't do that. It really fucking scares him. Only the regular version has hemophilia so do with that what you will.
If you know how berserkers work in Oracle he'll gladly fuck his partners in that form too. Or fuck each other if his partner's another berserker or be fucked that form by another berserker.
Skyrim version is heavy into being ordered and bossed around. Stern voice, hand on his throat and another hand pulling on his hair and he turns into a blushing puddle. This version will also turn werewolf and fuck his partner in said form but ONLY if his partner wants that.
All versions love to fucking finger their partners. Holy shit is it not one of his favorite things to do to his partners. He'll make you fucking cry and beg.
He also got the tactical gear kink/fetish from Trevor.
F - Food play (do they like using food in the bedroom? are there any foods they prefer to use during sex or foreplay? any they’d like to try?)
Alcohol. Lots of alcohol. He'll drink it off his partner, lick it off his partner, take a swig and kiss his partner as the alcohol goes from his mouth to theirs and vice versa. Food itself? Not unless his partner wants to use any food on/with him.
G - Group sex (would they have a threeway? four? an orgy? do they put on a show for spectators? or do they like to keep it just between them and their partner?)
Ish. It's not something he's very into. IF he does he has to trust everyone involved and has to be 100,00% sure everyone involved is comfortable. He'll totally put on a show tho.
H - Humiliation (does degradation and insults get them hot? do they get off on humiliating someone else? what kind of humiliation is good for them?)
Regular and most AUs? No, he isn't gonna do any humiliating. Don't even bother asking him to do it.
However! Skyrim version likes being slightly humiliated, just don't be cruel about it. Examples being like a partner pointing out how something simple they're doing to him is getting him hard already, pointing out how much pre-cum he's leaking, how much he moans and the like. That shit gets him OFF.
I - Impact play (here’s where talking about things like spanking, paddles, canes, floggers and the like.)
Yes. Very much yes. All versions especially the Skyrim one. Slaps are a favorite.
J - Jelly (what kind of lube are they using? is it flavored? have they tasted it? do they prefer to use something other than real lube during sex?)
Water based, silicone based, oil based, flavored--all of 'em are game. Strawberry is his favorite to taste. So long as they weren't made with any tree nuts, he's very, very allergic to tree nuts. That shit'll kill him. He's already had a few scares.
He's fine with spit too.
Skyrim version isn't allergic to anything. Do with that info what you will.
K - Kissing (what parts of their body do they like having kissed? what parts of their partner do they enjoy kissing? do they like leaving marks/having marks left on them?)
Turns into a puddle a literal puddle if kissed on the throat, shoulders and that little area just above the dick. Just fucking loses his shit.
He loves kissing everywhere and he's very attentive too, he'll make note of what areas really gets his partner going.
Loves leaving marks. To him it's like claiming his partner as his and vice versa. Loves it when his partner leaves marks on him, again as long as it doesn't draw blood.
L - Lighting (are the lights on? off? do they have some kind of mood lighting set up?)
On, off, candles, moonlight, dimmed lights--he doesn't care.
M - Masochism (do they like pain? scratching? biting? being bossed around? spoken down to? choked?)
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes. Again, as long as it doesn't draw blood he's fine with it. Not a fan of choking, he has asthma plus I read somewhere that choking is super bad for hemophilics. So no cutting off air flow or blood flow.
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied/delayed?)
Listen, the man loves being told what to do. If you tell him not to cum he will absolutely obey until he can't hold it anymore and literally cry begs his partner to let him orgasm. Looks forward to being reprimanded for coming when he wasn't supposed to, he'll obey, don't get him wrong, but if he just cannot stop himself he looks forward to what his partner will do.
O - Outdoor sex (have they ever done it in public? would they? where?)
It depends on where. Let's say he and his partner are out on a picnic and it's pretty isolated then fuck yeah he'll go for it. Out in nature at night under the stars? Oh yeah, definitely.
P - Photography (are cameras allowed in the bedroom? do they send nudes? do they ask for nudes? would they ever record themselves having sex / being caught up in a sexual act?)
Abso-fucking-lutely hell yeah! IF his partner has mentioned they like getting nudes and/or clips he will absolutely send 'em. He loves getting them as well.
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
Loke is super vocal and loud. Like...LOUD especially if edging. Moans a lot too. He doesn't mind loud or soft spoken partners.
When he tops he really gets off on hearing his partner. Let me be totally transparent here, he's my biggest OC. He's B I G so his partners are GOING TO FEEL HIM and likes hearing his partners react to him fucking him.
R - Routine (do they have a routine when it comes to picking up one night stands? do they have scheduled sex with their partner? are things spontaneous or planned ahead of time?)
He is 100% spontaneous. He doesn't like planning sex, it's a spur of the moment kind of a thing for him.
S - Sleepy sex (do they give oral to wake their partner up? do they like receiving oral to wake up? do they like fucking their partner awake? being fucked awake? how about being fucked to sleep at night? do they have lazy morning sex?)
Okay so he gives his partner 100% consent to him being fucked awake and receiving oral to wake up. If his partner does too he loves waking them up that way. Honestly all of it is fine.
T - Top or bottom (self explanatory…)
Switch but let's be honest here he really likes to bottom.
U - Underwear (what kind of underwear do they put on in the morning, if any at all… do they own any sexy underwear or lingerie?)
Just boxers.
V - Voyeurism (do they like to watch, or are they more hands on? are they more of an exhibitionist?)
This depends on his mood but he's okay with any of these.
W - Water (pool sex? bath / shower sex? are they into watersports at all?)
Pool, river, lake, beach, shower, bath, jacuzzi any bodies of water? Yes! Absolutely!
Watersports? No. Honey, the only fluids you're getting out of him are spit and semen.
X - X-dressing (do they crossdress as a part of teasing / foreplay? does crossdressing turn them on? turn their partner on? do they prefer to do it or watch their partner crossdress instead? do they use other costumes? cat ears, tails, etc?)
Yeah, he's not into doing crossdressing himself. However, he does enjoy it when his partner crossdresses or dresses up.
Having said that I do recall saying he'll fuck or be fucked while in berserker mode which is pretty much being in armor but to me personally I don't count that as dressing up. If you feel it is then sure but I personally don't see it as such.
Skyrim version really likes wearing fur. 'Nough said.
Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?)
For his partner: he sticks to pet names but if a partner tells him they like being called something specific then he'll very happily oblige. Obviously within reason. Read: no slurs, that'll guarantee you'll never see him again.
For himself: he likes pet names.
Absolutely not no matter what: daddy, it's really fucking weird to him to be called that or be asked to call someone that. It's just plain weird to him.
Master. Don't. No. Absolutely the fuck not. He doesn't feel comfortable calling anyone that. It is so jarring to him. Don't call him master either, that is insanely creepy to him. He's white that has certain connotations attached to it. He will stop immediately and leave.
Z - Zones (what are their erogenous zones? what spots on their body should be touched, bitten, kissed, when someone wants to get them in the mood?)
Neck, thighs, ass, chest. The more subtle it is the more his interest is peaked. Nuzzling his neck or throat ever so gently does it for him.
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callsignbaphomet · 3 months
Okay, I'm gonna compile TES info/lore a little easier.
So we've covered a lot of Loke so let's shift focus for a little bit.
Loke's one and only focus was making sure his kid was happy, healthy and had everything he needed/wanted and he sure as shit did.
When Jelani was around 4 years old he went to his dad and told him he didn't feel right which prompted Loke to have 50 different kinds of heart attacks but after talking it over with him he realized that he meant that he didn't feel right whenever Loke referred to him as his daughter, called him a girl and such. He just didn't know how to express that he wasn't a girl so after talking Loke immediately started using the pronouns he wanted, changed his entire wardrobe and helped him pick a new name.
He didn't know what would fit so Loke suggested his current name. Sanaa was gonna name him that if he was a boy and Jela liked it enough so he agreed and from that moment Subira was now Jelani.
Now, 'member that I said that Loke's a helicopter type of dad? Yeah, so Jelani was a very curious kid and would kind of often be easily persuaded by the other kids. He'd often head off on his own with the other kids to play which made Lo nervous so he setup a parameter that he wasn't allowed to go past unless he was accompanied by either him or Uthorim. Yeah, sure, for the most part he obeyed but once in a while he sort of dared to follow the other kids out. They usually got back safe and sound until one time they ran into a couple of bandits that decided to ransom the kids. Long story short Loke found out where they were keeping the kids and went to get them back. By this time Loke was adept at his status as a werewolf and made short work of the bandits.
At this point Jelani was well aware that Loke is a werewolf and knows what that means but he'd never SEEN him in werewolf form much less seen what he could do. It was a little scary for him. Needless to say but yeah he got in trouble for that. All the kids did.
While grounded he wasn't allowed to go outside and play so he would wander the manor and even braved going down into the basement where he managed to find some books, notes and scrolls hidden away behind some clutter. They were all dedicated to necromancy. Now, he'd already shown interest in illusion and was using a lot of frost magic.
((Loke uses lightning while Jelani uses ice))
He spent those two weeks he was grounded reading all he could about necromancy. Whenever Loke and Uthorim were out he'd take that time to practice on his own on dead bugs at first. He slowly worked his way up to skeevers and other small animals. A year later (6 years old) he was home alone practicing and a small raven crashed through a window and Jela quickly grabbed it and tended to it but the wing looked mangled. He waited for Lo to come back home and when he did he helped fix the little bird's wing. Jela took care of her until she was able to fly. Once she was able to Jela, Lo and Uth tried to set her free but she flew back over to Jela and just wouldn't leave. After a few failed attempts Loke suggested he keep her as long as he was responsible for her and cared for her. Jelani was more than happy to keep her so he named her Dagny and that's how he and Dagny met.
A year later Loke, Uthorim and Trevor began to teach him how to use weapons and he found that he was pretty good at using bows lighter weapons. Shields were...a bit of a mess, he found then clunky. He also kept practicing his illusions, frost magic, necromancy, conjuration, a little bit of healing and sprinkled in a little bit of alteration.
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callsignbaphomet · 3 months
Random thought but (Skyrim) werewolves aren't immortal or conditionally immortal like vampires are.
So as the years pass by Loke is gonna see Jelani still looking like he did when he got bit at 17 but Jelani will see Loke get older and older and older until he won't get to see him anymore.
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callsignbaphomet · 3 months
More TES lore stuff. Focusing on Lo.
So as previously stated Loke was interested in healing magic and alchemy from a very young age. He took to it pretty fast and really enjoyed. Well...he mostly just enjoyed spending a lot of time with his mother but the studying was pretty fun too. When he wasn't busy following his mother around he was learning all he could about weapons from his father.
((in game Loke's my paladin build))
So when he wasn't learning how to treat wounds and the sick he was learning how to create the wounds. On top of that his mother also taught him all she knew about poisons.
((this was totally not part of the plan but I stuck to it mostly because of an accident. One of the many playthroughs I was in the cheat room and leveling up Sanaa's alchemy and I accidentally pressed on the branches dedicated to poisons. I was too lazy to make it legendary so it became part of the lore. Kind of like Jelani becoming a vampire lol. Most things in this AU are in game oopsies.))
So when he reached Skyrim he put what he learned from his mother to good use to help keep his kid as healthy as he could and as a way to earn gold for him and his kid. He's a pretty gifted healer and the basement was full of books, notes, notebooks, scrolls and tomes all dedicated to healing magic and alchemy and every so often he goes down there to refresh his studies even though Loke really hates reading. He haaaaates it with a burning passion.
((There's all sorts of things in that basement but we'll cover that later.))
Like I said in the other post Loke pretty much adopted his younger brother and raised him as his own. His kid's his entire world and to him everything revolves around him. He's kind of a helicopter type of dad, he needs to know where his kid is at all times, doesn't let him out of his sight for too long and is very protective of him.
((This Loke is pretty similar to canon Loke tbh. Only difference is this one is a lot more serious. He can have his fun moments though.))
He did the best he could raising Jelani. He spoiled him when he could, helped him with what he could, taught everything he needed to know in order to survive both among others and on his own, taught him basics, taught him some of the harder things, taught him some healing magic and alchemy though Jelani's interests lied elsewhere (we'll cover that later) but he does know some very basic stuff. Every choice Loke made was for his son. So when he'd been attacked by a couple of werewolves and was bitten and infected he saw it as an opportunity to better protect his son so he let the disease take over.
((I'm fully aware that I like to make these AUs bend to my will for the sake of story telling but I do look up lore and shit just to make it believable within whatever AU I'm sticking my fingers in. Having said that I do like to add things from my own headcanons and even things added in by mods that I like. I'm not too sure exactly how ELSE lycanthropy is spread in TES, I looked this up a few years ago but most of what I found was vague so I'm adding real world folk lore to that aspect.))
So why didn't Loke tell Jelani about his actual parents or what happened to them or why they were in Skyrim instead of Hammerfell?
Like I said in that other post, when Loke was starting to socially integrate himself into the town he lied and said Jela was his kid and that the birth parent had died shortly after he (at the time she) was born. So he moved out there from Markarth to start over. From there the lie kind of snowballed. It was done to protect Jelani in case Iain followed them to Skyrim. As a side note he wanted Jelani to grow up happy and without anything burdening him, he didn't want him to feel like an orphan or scared that some lunatic that was out to kill him would find him. Loke wanted Jelani to have a clean slate and go from there. So instead of mom and dad Sanaa and Ingvarr became grandma and grandpa to Jelani. Loke wasn't about to erase them from their lives completely.
Eventually Jelani finds out something and Loke confesses but we'll cover that in another post.
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callsignbaphomet · 7 months
What are your characters favorite foods? <3
I'm dividing these into settings 💞
1. Jelani: huge fan of sushi and a total slut for cherries. They love cherry flavored slushies. Loves cherry flavored blood lollipops (I may have to explain this lmao).
2. Angelus: it's not a fan of food, it has a pretty bad relationship with food but will never say no to dumplings (both fried or steamed though it prefers steamed) and noodles. Cream soda is his favorite drink followed by energy drinks. Favorite fruits are raspberries. Likes raspberry flavored blood lollipops.
3. Loke: like his brother he likes food. His very favorite is pizza and cheeseburgers. Will happily eat his weight in mangoes. Coffee! Lots of coffee! Coffee! As well as sweet teas his husband makes.
1. Jelani: blood. He's a vampire that's all he can eat and drink now. It used to be beef and ash yam stew and loved honey nut treats because of the crunch. He wasn't into any type of alcohol. Water and juice for him.
2. Angelus: he's a pescatarian that leans more heavily on a vegetarian diet. And no, he's not one of those bleeding heart "oh, please don't kill animals for food, that's abuse" asswipes. He was just raised that way. His absolute favorite dish is potato soup with some lavender dumplings, will eat his weight (lol twink ass motherfucker) in sweets, his favorite is juniper berry crostata and will often be found indulging on expensive wines and other expensive alcoholic drinks (he's a rich little snob, what did you expect?). Ever since he joined the family he's become a huge fan of tea particularly tea made by Uthorim.
3. Loke: beef and ash yam stew. Not too crazy about sweets though he'll happily indulge in berries as a treat. Angelus introduced him to lavender dumplings though and quickly got hooked. Will drink any alcoholic drink and LOVES tea made by his husband.
1. Jelani: his appetite isn't what it used to be, it's a miracle if he takes more than 5 bites out of a meal and food's kind of become a sort of second thought for him. He does like noodles (because of something between him and Angelus) and grilled radstag with veggies. Favorite thing to drink is Nuka-Cherry, used to love drinking alcohol but stopped drinking it all together after he reunited with Loke and Uthorim. Has a serious sentimental attachment to gumdrops. Likes tea because it tastes good and for sentimental reasons that have a lot to do with Uthorim.
2. Angelus: food is his favorite food. He loves food, loves to eat. Think the only reasons he's a skinny ass twink is genetics and moves around a lot. Goes feral for noodles. Hates vegetables. Favorite drink is Nuka-Quantom. Loves any and all sweets and candies and is often seen chewing gum.
3. Loke: Ribeye steak, fried egg (from any critter) and a lot of veggies on the side. Not a fan of seafood. Loves cotton candy bites as well as Slocum's BuzzBites. Will drink any and all alcohol but coffee is his second favorite drink. Sweet teas that his husband makes are his absolute favorite!
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callsignbaphomet · 8 months
I fucking cackled watching this. I Instantly went, "Gods, this is Fallout and Skyrim Loke having a "moment" about being a dad." Especially that part about used to be a chill person before I had kids lol. More so the Fallout version. Skyrim one had a far easier time, like, okay, it's fucked up that his parents were murdered and he had to run away to keep Jelani safe but unlike the Fallout version he wasn't a traumatized 17-year-old kid looking after a toddler.
Skyrim version was already an adult and while that shit was fucked up he was mentally and emotionally more mature than a 17-year-old version of himself would've been when it all went down and adopting his little brother. But still it was an entirely unplanned situation so like I can totally picture Loke just taking a moment to freak out for a minute before going back to normal.
Loke wouldn't change a goddamn thing though. That damn kid is the love of his life and he'll level an entire continent just to make him smile a little.
Uthorim, sir, you are immediately a dad the moment you decided to marry this disaster of a man lol.
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