#tes: Jelani tag
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callsigndreadfrost · 25 days ago
Huh, I just realized, because of the previous reblog, that a theme that follows Jelani is change and the fear of being changed. Not fear of changing yourself but fear of outside forces changing you.
Oracle: his finding out completely changed him and exacerbated a lot of negative feelings he had towards himself.
Fallout: the assault changed him completely. He did a 180. He was no longer that mischievous, rebellious and fun loving kid. He grew into a traumatized, paranoid, cold, depressed, fearful adult completely overtaken by rage.
Skyrim: being attacked and turned into a vampire sure as shit changed how he traverses the world. After that he had to be careful because groups of people would happily hunt him down and kill him just because he's a vampire lord. He's still the same happy-go-lucky and somewhat naive guy he's been his whole life but there's the balance he has to find between his normal self and the vampire lord self.
Even as forcefully changed as life has made him he's still him. Everyone else can see it even if he can't. Everyone else sees the person they've come to love even if what he sees is a monster (Oracle, Skyrim) or a wounded animal (Fallout, Oracle).
I need to go find a corner and go have a cry. I need to get my hands on a ram plushie. I'd hug the fuck out of it right now (I can't hug an OC so getting a plushie to represent an OC is the next best thing).
"Despite everything it's still you" is gonna hit so fucking hard and different from now on.
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callsigndreadfrost · 1 month ago
He's being actively hunted down by a deranged Imperial woman who wants to kill him in front of his dad for revenge.
He'll find out when she finally manages to track him down and tries to kill him. He'll survive but he'll get fucked up.
Also his dad isn't actually his dad but his older brother. He'll find that out some time later.
What do you know about your OC that they don’t know yet? When do they figure these things out?
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chelseafav · 4 years ago
Tagged by precious @cixiglix  
list 10 songs you‘ve been listening to lately:
1.  Masego, Don Toliver - Mystery Lady
2.  Lianne La Havas - He Loves Me (Solo in Paris) 
3. Willow - Wait a Minute! 
4. Santino Le Saint - The Party
5.  Xavier Omar - Afraid 
6. Dua Lipa, Angèle - Fever
7.  Tsew The Kid - Plus d'amour à te donner
8. Squidji - Rose
9.  Jelani Blackman - Hello
10.  ROSALÍA - PIENSO EN TU MIRÁ (Cap.3: Celos)
I am tagging my lovely @victoriassolace and @hvertz
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callsigndreadfrost · 1 month ago
I saw a Tag talking about how you sometimes think about having Jelani heal from their trauma but you'd rather keep them in the space they are in.
I just wanted to say you've done a terrific job showing how slow the healing process is with all your boys! Even if he never fully heals he has had such a fun (thats a word for it) journey and seeing how he and Angelus balance each other out and keep each other grounded is such a great way for the characters to experience the horros but still have a place to go and repair themselves.
Okay first of all, thank you! OMG that is some serious high praise especially when it comes from someone as important to me as you are. Holy shit! Totally flattered right now! I saw this ask way, way earlier but had to get some cleaning done and was on standby due to car problems but I wanted to get this answered and if you don't mind me saying I'm gonna word vomit the heck out of this with so many details.
Read more's there for length.
I'm always worried that I misrepresent some things when it comes to trauma responses and after effects of it. I do so much research and add in my own experiences with stuff. I go over it over and over and over and read so much on the subject that it tends to get to me sometimes but I want this to feel as real as it feels for me.
Also, in the case of their Fallout counterparts, I didn't want a happy-go-lucky AU, I have so many others for that but mainly the Skyrim AU for it. When I revamped it (Fallout AU) I was determined for it to be the AU I come back to when I'm not doing good because as sick as it sounds it's my balm. Those three shorts I wrote are just messed the fuck up but I was going through some shit and I needed to hurt myself in a healthier way if that makes sense.
Also confession time: most of what happened in the Fallout AU is stuff taken from Oracle. Things I've only ever hinted at but was never blatant about. So yeah, long winded way of saying that what happened to Jelani in Fallout happened to him in Oracle, just slightly different and for other reasons. I feel like I downplay his trauma of it in Oracle a lot but in Oracle he was able to get help and he wasn't alone to deal with that trauma. Did it affect him? Yes, very much so, something like that isn't just tossed under the carpet and forgotten. But he had Loke, Angelus and Trevor to help him through it, not to mention actual professional help too in the form of therapy. The worst part was dealing with the guilt because he felt like he'd betrayed Angelus by letting it happen, that took him a long time to come to terms with but Angelus was right there for him. Honestly, who better than his own, at the time, boyfriend who went through years of that shit himself. Literally no one else could understand what he was going through better than him. Not Loke and not Trevor. Then years later when he dealt with Iain who outed what happened to him to everyone else opened up those old wounds if only for a little bit. Then his suicide attempt because of the whole Iain thing and finding out he's the Arch-Maker--She really messed him up emotionally and psychologically, the damage She did to him was massive and from that point on it affected him as a person and would play a part in how he dealt with future problems. Once again Angelus was there to help him through it and he was the best to do so because he understood what it was like to have that kind of self-loathing. Angelus spent almost 2 centuries hating his own existence and during that time he tried to kill himself so many times it's almost obscene to think about. So when Jelani was hurting so much that he wanted to end his own life Angelus was the perfect balance to it. That little puppy picked up the pieces because not only had Jelani done the same thing for him for centuries, he understood what it was like to go through something like that and knew him well enough to know what to do with and for him.
Then years later after the Halo virus caused him to lose control all those feelings of self-loathing came back along with a guilt that was rotting him on the inside. Again, Angelus understood. Angelus was conditioned by his abusers to believe that he's a monster and one that will eventually hurt those that he loves so he was the best one to help his,now husband, through it because Jelani felt the same way.
Both of them have a lot of trauma and they balance each other. When one's injured the other helps him and cares for him. They have such a deep love for one another that they can heal each other. Not to mention Loke, Trevor and Uthorim are there too, can't forget them.
In Fallout it played out a little different. When it happened to Jelani it was more brutal and a lot sicker in my opinion, not only that but he was left for dead and was threatened to not say anything or else they'd find him and Loke, do it again in front of Loke and then kill Loke. Not only did they do that but they threatened him with taking away one of the two people he had left. On top of all of that it happened when he was only a 17-year-old kid. I'm not downplaying severity of traumatic events due to age (Fallout he was 17 and in Oracle he was 1,126). However, like I said, in Oracle he managed to get help and had a support system. In Fallout it happened and in that same month he thought Loke had died so for a year he was completely by himself dealing with crippling trauma that led to him attempting suicide several times. It wasn't until he met Angelus that he found some sort of support.
Angelus was a huge help. Lol now that I think about it, Angelus is the only one in that AU that has zero traumas and pretty much never had anything bad happen to him. I mean, was his childhood ideal? No. Did his grandmother sell him to an ex-raider? Yeah. But if you ask him he had the time of his life and honestly he really doesn't care about any of that. Anyway, he didn't exactly know what to do with Jelani but damn it did he not try his best and I think that was nicely displayed during the second short where he talked Jelani out of shooting himself and the way he talked to him and asked what he was comfortable with. Even at its darkest that AU still has so much fluff in it between them. Even when it comes to sex Angelus is there helping him recover by being someone he can trust. One of his biggest fears is expressing his own desires when it comes to sex because he is TERRIFIED that Angelus or whoever he's having sex with will get angry and hurt 'im. So when it involves Jelani it's always really soft and tender, a lot of loving and reassuring words.
((I'm not sure if you wanna continue the polycule between Uth and the boys in Oracle and other AUs or just the Skyrim AU. That's why I left that last bit ambiguous. But I am game for it on everything but only IF you want to (don't feel pressured to, I so seriously don't wanna limit your options). 'Cause quite honestly I love the chemistry between 'em all. I think that even though sex is a vital part to their relationship it also goes beyond that, like they genuinely care and love each other in ways that are hard to put into words 'cause their actions towards one another speak better and louder.))
Like no matter how dark Oracle or the AUs (again, exception being Skyrim) can get I like to make it fluffy to even it out. And you know what even the Skyrim AU has it's share of not so nice things what with the whole Loke having to run away from home because Iain wanted to kill Jelani (at the time a baby that was less than a year old) out of some delusional sense of revenge. Angelus running away from home because his grandmother wanted to make sure he didn't "sully" the family line like his mother did and basically raising him to think the A.D. were good.
Jelani and Angelus balance each other out in this one pretty well too. Like, Angelus's entire world view is very skewed and wrong because of his upbringing and he's just angry. Deep down, behind all the glamour, the pretty words, the elegant jewels and expensive clothes and that air of superiority he is ANGRY. So meeting Jelani just kinda felt like he cooled down his anger towards everything and everyone. Jelani, Loke, Uthorim and Trevor really turned him around and he learned that his grandmother was completely wrong and to be fair to him he never really bought into the A.D. propaganda, he was just expected to and the only person in his life who was very anti-A.D. died when he was super young so he didn't have a countering point of view to his grandmother's upbringing. The Angelus a year after he moved in with the boys is an entirely different one than when he first got to Skyrim. Well, for the better anyway, he's still a spoiled brat of an elf with a superiority complex about him, it's just that now he's not an asshole about it surrounded by people that love him and he loves back.
But yeah, holy shit, long way of saying that yes, I do take great care in how I try to manage their traumas and the way they deal with 'em. Some get mostly better, like the Oracle version of Angelus and even then I think you can recover from traumatic events but you will never go back to the way you were before it happened. It took Angelus such a long time to get to the point where he had enough of punishing himself and even if Jelani was right there for him every step of the way he was the one that had to make that choice for himself. I wanted to move him past all that and I did. He's so much better now, I'd say since the 1970s. He still has moments and days that are much harder to deal with stuff but he actually wants to move past shit and has an excellent support system like Jelani who would do anything for him.
When it comes to Jelani he mostly recovered from his assault, took a few years but he recovered. The thing that to this day eats at him is guilt. He feels so much guilt for technically everything and to be honest it's all in his head but no matter how much therapy or medication he's given it just doesn't go away which was greatly exacerbated after he found out he's the Arch-Maker. He also has bouts where he feels alienated and lonely even though he isn't and he's aware of it but it just comes on and no amount of logic will pry those feelings from his head. He's torn between two identities, divine and non-divine, and it conflicts him a lot. Oracle Jelani is wounded, he's trying his best and for the most part you can see it but sometimes that wound opens up again and festers for a little bit and he has to balance dealing with it and going on with life.
Fallout version of Jelani is very broken, he went through a horror that a lot of people don't survive either by the person(s) responsible for it or by the victim's own hand. Like I said, I wanna keep him in that space he's in for selfish reasons and to be honest not everyone recovers and I wanna show that side too. Within Oracle you see a Jelani (Angelus as well, credit where credit is due) that managed to recover from surviving such a traumatic event but the Fallout version really didn't and it affects his life pretty heavily and it may be ugly but that's the reality of it.
There is the topic of whether I want him to get some type of closure by killing that ones that...you know...but in all honesty I think it'd be in vain and would only end up hurting him more. He cannot see or smell rum much less drink it because it reminds him of the man that orchestrated the entire thing so seeing him would send him into a panic. Not to mention he's a serious piece of shit, this man is not gonna go down without a fight or without saying and doing things that'll outright trigger him. As much of a capable marksman that he is Jelani would freeze like a baby deer in headlights and that could lead to getting assaulted again because let's face it, that man wouldn't be above doing it again and that's just bad all around.
The idea of revenge is not very realistic. Yes, in Oracle Loke, Angelus and Trevor got to the group that assaulted Jela but that kill was more for Loke if we're being brutally honest. They hurt his brother, they went after his brother. Keyword here being his. True revenge would've been if Jelani himself would've pulled the trigger but he didn't, he really didn't wanna face them again. He wanted to forget it ever happened and put it behind him. Loke, Angelus and Trevor were the ones that wanted recompense for what was done to their brother/boyfriend/friend. Same thing goes for the Fallout version. And to be honest exposing him to that would do more harm than good. To be honest, if I ever do write it it might be that I'm going through something and need to reach into dark content because no matter what the outcome won't land in Jelani's favor.
Honestly I have so much more to say on this topic but it's already really long.
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callsigndreadfrost · 17 days ago
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Okay for real, yeah, I kind of did my own spin on the vampire lord form and yes, it's absolutely like this. Absolutely nothing wrong with the original look, it's fantastic but I wanted something more feral (?), bestial (?) to go along with the bestial look and form of the werewolf. Plus, not to be a dork but @/carthus-flame-arc's girlfriend kinda inspired me to do my own redesign on an established concept.
Also like making it this way feels like a harder contrast to what he looks like in human form. (Skyrim) Jelani is the smallest version so you have this skinny, somewhat fem, mild mannered guy turn into this beast made up of fangs and claws and wings and darker than night fur wreaking havoc.
I need to sketch it...I need to sketch a lot of stuff but I'll get around to it eventually.
By the way, absolutely LOVING the name and theme change!
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callsigndreadfrost · 11 months ago
Thinkin' about these two again.
Just a high elf and his little bat.
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I nuked the old art blog and wanted to have these two on here because I still really like how they turned out.
I miss that old robe mod ;.;
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callsigndreadfrost · 1 month ago
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Jela trying to feed on some bandit he killed and one of the boys not wanting to wait lol
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callsigndreadfrost · 1 month ago
Okay, so the whole Jelani getting bit and then turning thing.
This was when he was 17-years-old and just starting out with the group. He was on his way home (little town I made up, I actually wanna talk about it later) from the direction of Markarth. He was gonna meet up with Trevor in Falkreath. On a crossroad a woman came running at him outta nowhere. She was smeared in blood, in rags and looked absolutely terrified. She grabbed onto Ayo's (Jelani's horse) saddle and begged and cried for help.
This caught Jelani off guard but he got her to calm down and she explained that a trio of vampires had kidnapped her and her sister, she managed to run away but her sister was still in the cave.
Jelani was confident in his abilities but he wasn't stupid. 3 on 1 were some pretty bad odds so he told her he could take her to Rorikstead and they could talk to the guards there. The woman broke out into hysterical crying saying that her sister would be killed before they could get help and bring it back. So against his better judgment he agreed to help the woman. He got off his horse, let her climb up and she led him to Broken Fang cave. He told her to wait and left Dagny on the saddle.
As soon as he walked into the cave he was jumped by two vampires, one was a fledgling and the other was a Blooded vampire. And who walks in? The woman that had asked him for help, another fledgling. He fought 'em off as best as he could and during the fight all three used a spell he'd never seen before, but the leader managed to land a blow to the back of Jelani's head that disoriented him long enough for the vampire to be able to pin him down and bite into his neck. After the Blooded vampire fed on him the woman that flagged him down fed on him and when the other one was gonna feed on him he managed to grab a rock and hit one on the head and kicked the other one off of him. He managed to run but one of them caught up to him and pushed him against the wall hard enough to get him woozy which wasn't that hard given the loss of blood.
The vampire got a better look at him and saw that he was young and she didn't feel right about killing him but the hunger was getting to her. She fed on him but not enough to kill him. He passed out from blood loss and when the other two were sleeping that same fledgling managed to get the bleeding to stop, helped him out of the cave and and onto his horse. He was really weak but he was okay enough to stay on the horse. He rode to Falkreath where Trevor was still waiting for him and managed to cover up his injury.
As the days passed he kept feeling worse and worse as well as weaker with each passing day. The sun bothered him, he felt really weak and he couldn't keep anything down. Whatever he ate he just threw it back up and he felt less and less hungry. He started to suspect it was the vampire attack and that made him nervous because it was around that time that the Vigilants of Stendarr were becoming a huge problem. He didn't tell Loke because he was afraid of what would happen.
Three days after the attack he was near Falkreath where he pretty much dropped on the spot and died. Sanguinare Vampiris had finally killed him. One of the guards found him and brought him over to the Hall of the Dead. However, that same night he came back and driven almost feral over the need to feed on blood he killed a guard, drained him and ran back home where he spent days hiding in his room until Loke managed to get him to open the door.
Loooot of crying later and Jelani finally told him what happened but the damage was done. Jelani actually thought Loke was gonna either kill him or throw him out but Loke was obviously not gonna do either of those two. So a lot of hugging, reassuring and more hugging later Loke confessed that he himself was a werewolf. Safe to say that if Loke was overprotective before Jelani was a vampire it was worse now, especially with the rumors of Dawnguard as well as Vigilants becoming more and more militant.
And that's what happened. He didn't become brooding or moody. After a few days he went back to being the overly sweet and happy little thing he was before the incident. He just had to learn to navigate around hiding in plain sight and an even more unhinged overprotective Loke.
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callsigndreadfrost · 2 months ago
Okay the read more is acting stupid. Hang on.
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Saw this post last night and I instantly remembered that ask I sent you a bit ago about Uth and the boys and I recall Uth's size kink and this post is exactly that.
Like, Jelani is so much smaller than Uthorim is so he'd easily overpower him and tower over his smaller frame. In every sense.
So when he puts his hard cock on his torso it's almost ridiculous and intimidating for Jelani especially since his pussy's pretty small. So when Uthorim does slide inside him he notices he's hitting the cervix before he's all the way in and the more he tries to push in the more Jelani whimpers and cries out. Uthorim cooing at him, telling Jelani he's doing so good for him.
Both of 'em can see how Uthorim's stretching him and causing a bulge on his lower stomach. He'd be really tight around Uthorim and instead of warm he's somewhat cool (he's undead after all).
Cock or pussy Jelani's the type to cum a lot, like freakishly a lot. So he's gonna be cumming and squirting all over Uthorim's cock while Uthorim fucks and breeds him.
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callsigndreadfrost · 8 months ago
Oh, gosh, this is beyond adorable! I love all these little interactions between baby Jelani and Uthorim. Not only just adorable and sweet but a lot of fun too 💞
Just thinking about little Jela filling Uths pockets with the cool rocks he found because "you're bigger, you can hold more rocks. LoLo says I can only take em home as long as I can put them in a place that won't bother anyone. And I know a few tiny rocks wouldn't bother someone like you!"
Uth proceeds to melt and ends up carrying half a quarry back home.
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callsigndreadfrost · 5 months ago
Okay, I'm not too sure how accurate this would be (in regards to Uthorim) but once Jelani was getting a little more comfortable with his newly acquired vampire abilities and learned to change into bat form (smaller than average for a vampire bat) he had a hard time learning to fly.
He'd constantly crash into Loke, Uthorim, the walls or would just fall and would get a little frustrated. Uthorim would turn into this Daedric looking bat and helped him learn how to fly and soon both of them would go for a "stroll" almost every night while Loke watched them from the balcony.
Once Jelani was really comfortable with flying he liked to lie on Loke and Uthorim's heads and sometimes take a nap. He'd do the same with Angelus after he joined them.
During full moons or even when Lo goes into his werewolf form Jela will hang off one of his ears or lie on his snout. Tiny bat with his giant werewolf dad <3.
Even Uth isn't safe. In his Daddric form Jela likes to hang on his horns. He's so comfortable with him and trusts and loves him so much he'll often fall asleep while hanging on his horns. Giant Daedric Lord, imposing, fearsome and terrible with his tiny bat son.
He'll lie flat on Angelus's chest while he sits back and drinks wine while reading occasionally petting his boyfriend gently. Internally freaking out over how small and adorable he is for something as intimidating as a vampire lord.
I like to think Jelani's bat form is really fluffy and soft. Like mink kind of soft. And squeaky too <3.
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callsigndreadfrost · 5 months ago
Jelani as a toddler going up to Loke with random animals he finds in the woods in his little hands and showing them to Loke a lá Lion King.
"Can I keep it, Dad? Pleeeeeeaaaaaase?"
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callsigndreadfrost · 9 months ago
TranslucentTB and the Better Matchmaking mod are pissing me the fuck off so I'm gonna talk about cute things.
So when Loke reached Skyrim he barely left the house, he was a mess but above all scared and trying to juggle between processing everything that happened, the fact that he now has a 4 month old and that there are people after said 4 month old and he's injured.
I'll explain what happened in Hammerfell in another post.
For a year Loke didn't interact with anyone and despite his neighbors, a dark elf woman and her Argonian wife, trying to at least introduce themselves he kept them at arm's length. He was paranoid that anyone could be a sell sword working for Iain and trying to kill his baby sibling.
I'm being ambiguous about the gender 'cause Jela was born a girl and had a different name; don't wanna overpack this with semi unrelated stuff. He didn't start switching over to male until he was around 4 or 5. But regardless I'll still refer to him as Jelani even before he was 4.
So like I was saying, for a year Loke just barricaded himself in the house until one night one of the neighbors' kids came down with a bad case of Ataxia and had no potions.
Loke had studied under his mom and by the time he was a teenager he was assisting his mom and as an adult he was a healer working alongside his mother. She also taught him about poisons and venoms (this bit of lore is because of an accident in game on my part lmao). So both women went to Loke and asked for help for their kid and Loke obviously helped. As the kid recovered Loke and the dark elf and Argonian sat down to talk and that's when they learned that it wasn't just Loke living by himself. He got nervous and said that that was his daughter and from there fabricated this whole story about how he and his partner lived in Markarth and they'd died shortly after their daughter was born and Loke moved to start over. He felt shitty about lying but he did it to protect himself and his baby sibling but from then on Lo befriended the two women and they actually helped spread the word that Lo's a healer and given the location it was ideal since most people living in the area were far from towns and cities that had apothecaries making Loke the closest thing.
Several months later Loke is infected with lycanthropy and the day after his first full moon he met Trevor (a fellow werewolf and a Redguard. Ngl Trev made him feel homesick), and the most beautiful orc he'd ever seen. He was instantly smitten and kept coming back to the Lavender Lounge, not only because it was safe but because he befriended Trevor and he was teaching him all there was about being a werewolf and how to navigate life as one too. More importantly he'd get to see and talk to that beautiful orc that owned the lounge. For weeks Uthorim and Loke talked and Uth flirted with him but Loke can't tell when someone's flirting with him...hell, he doesn't even know how to flirt honestly speaking. It wasn't until Trevor outright told him what Uth was doing which caught him by surprise since he didn't think someone like Uthorim would be interested in some scruffy thing like him. Nevertheless some months pass and Loke is pretty much head over heels in love with him.
Here's the thing. Lo had mentioned he had a child and he kind of didn't know what to tell Uthorim, he wanted to tell him the truth but part of him wanted to keep up the lie to protect Jelani. He chose to trust Uth and told him the entire truth but asked him to keep up the lie which he did. At that point Jelani almost 8 months old and Loke had introduced him to Uthorim. Cue adorable shenanigans with Lo raising Jela and Uth helping out too. Also cue Loke losing his absolute shit when Jela said his first word at 8 months. The man turned into a puddle of tears.
So Uth is there to see Jelani's first few things and saw him get a little older and as a toddler (that age that babies just grab whatever's within reach) whenever Uth would carry him around he'd grab onto Uth's tusks and make squeaky sounds. He loved playing with Uthorim and whenever he was in Loke's arms he'd fall asleep while cuddling him.
There's onviously more as Jela gets older but I'll cover that later.
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callsigndreadfrost · 5 months ago
Heyyy!!! I'm here to gift your inbox with a post work vibe post lol
What skyrim race comes to mind when I think about the boys! (Purely off vibes given i don't 100% know what they actually are)
So with Uthorim we all know he is orc but I also feel there's some redguard in there! Gives some speculation to his ever mysterious parents ;p
LoLo pops up in my head as Nord but with speckles of wood elf. Very strong, agile, and deadly! 💚
Jelani of course comes up as dark elf/redguard. Very mysterious, very stabby stabby, very loveable!
Angelus is high elf or more so snow elf! Big I'll end you and make it look beautiful vibes ✨️
You're the best as always! <3333÷
Lol love that Uth!
Honestly, you are very on point!
Loke and Jelani are both half Nord, half Redguard. Ingvarr is a Nord and Sanaa is a Redguard.
Now, Bethesda handled mixed children rather poorly. See, in Bethesda's terms both Loke and Jelani should have looked like Sanaa since the children will all look and be the race or species of the birth parent. I honestly hate that so it's one of those lore rules I break and throw away because it just does not make sense at all or work in the case of Jelani.
Jelani (in Oracle) is mixed, his dad is a white man and his mom is a black woman. I even designed both parents according to him since I made him first. He has Ingvarr's eye color and hair texture. He has Sanaa's nose, lips and her dark skin. Personality wise he's all Ingvarr lol.
As much as it pains him and he hates it Loke has a different birth mother and he has her red hair and very pale skin, eye color, as well as a bunch of inherited conditions. The freckles he got from Ingvarr.
Now, Loke is kind of a "problem" when it comes to the AUs because Loke is Sanaa's adopted son. Both treat each other and consider each other mother and son. Not once has he ever referred to that woman as his step-mother or Jelani as his step-brother. Sanaa is his mother and Jelani is his brother.
But the birth mother is not present in any of the AUs except for the FO76 AU. So going back to Skyrim, Fallout and any other AU where this is the case we just have to hand wave the fact that Loke looks nothing like his mother 😅🫣
Lol Loki wishes he was agile. That boy is all strength and tanking. Only times he's agile is when he's tossing and turning while asleep, when Jelani was a kid and wandering a little too far from town for his own liking and when he's making Uthorim bounce and jump on--
Actually, the parental thing comes into play in the story. Which I have a document neatly detailing Loke and Jelani's entire (TES) history. It's not finished yet.
As for Angelus...holy shit I don't know if you guessed or what but yes, he's half High Elf, half Snow Elf. His mom's a High Elf and his dad was a Snow Elf. Was, he was part of a tiny little group of Snow Elves that had survived all that time but ultimately all of them were killed. That would be thanks to Angelus's bitch of a grandmother. She's.....a very vile and horrible person, let's just leave it at that. When she found out her one and only daughter "ruined" the bloodline when mixing with a lowly race (to her everything not Altmer is low) she hired some people to hunt them down and kill them all. His mom died of a disease when he was 3 and he was raised by his grandmother. During those years she had no one opposing her teachings unfortunately so Angelus was well on his way to being just like her. Since he doesn't have that (god awful yellow, sorry not sorry, I really hate it) skin tone she told him and everyone else it was a rare defect.
So yeah, he was raised without knowing who his father really was, never knowing of his full heritage and being pro Aldmeri Dominion and just looking down on anyone being a High Elf.
So what happened? His grandmother was trying to get him to marry into a family she chose so he wouldn't do what his mother did. Problem was he didn't want to be forced to marry anyone, much less at 19, and he's gay. His grandmother chose a family with only daughters. So he took the inheritance his mother left him, changed his name to something not Altmer sounding (Angelus) and moved to Skyrim because he knew his grandmother wouldn't follow him there. He spent a few years there and his mentality slowly began to change and when he was 27 he met Jelani (18 at the time), Loke and Uthorim and over the course of a year living with them his attitude about everything drastically changed and it was during that year he slowly fell in love with what he calls "his little bat".
His attitude and mentality may have changed and he denounced everything his grandmother taught him but he's still a spoiled brat who likes to spoil his boyfriend and his two fathers-in-law.
In Skyrim he'll also get a chance to maybe discover and explore his Snow Elf side.
Also omfg you're the best and ilu! 💖
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callsigndreadfrost · 14 days ago
Forever enamoured with "characters that are constantly underestimated but can and will fuck your entire existence up if they want to."
TES: Jelani looks about as threatening as a box full of day old puppies. Then people are forced to be reminded that he's a vampire lord, master necromancer with mastery levels of ice magic and illusions and the equivalent of a green beret sniper on the bow and arrow.
Cut to that elf and the others salivating from watching him tear shit up and waiting til he's done to make him bounce on it while reminding him he's their little bat.
FO: Most of the time Jelani looks somber, lost in thought and like he's one more thought away from crying his eyes out. Then he has to remind people that he has had Enclave and NCR training since he was 4-years-old, started sniper and counter-sniper training at 6-years-old, by 11 was effectively using his mother's anti-material sniper rifle on actual living targets and by 14 was a full fledged mercenary. Not to mention paranoid, distrustful, and very full of unchecked rage. Looks like a puppy, fights like a cornered and trapped grey wolf.
Cut to the others calming that rage while he's face down under them making puppy sounds.
I'm not even touching the Oracle version 'cause that one is a bit nuts lol.
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callsigndreadfrost · 6 months ago
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"Reach for the moon; even if you fall short you'll land among the stars."
Why are you even here? All I do is talk about OCs.
*18+, minors do not interact. I don't censor myself and there's nsft content all over this blog. You've been warned. Also yes, I block people who blaze posts, fuck your posts honestly.
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Some graphics used here are done by @cafekitsune or done by me.
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