#Helena doing what she does best... well one of the things
exhuastedpigeon · 2 days
Part of growing up and being a teenager is that you're sometimes forced by your parents/authority figures to deal with situations that you don't want to. It sucks, but that's life. You have to deal with things you don't want to as a person, you can't avoid hard conversations or uncomfortable feelings forever. It doesn't work like that.
So the fact that Helena and Ramon are seemingly letting Chris avoid talking to his dad. Are seemingly helping Chris put roots down in Texas so he can keep avoiding his dad. Who don't seem to be trying to push Chris to face what he saw and the grief and trauma he's experienced isn't helping him in the long term - it's teaching him to run away from his problems and avoid them. Which is exactly what Eddie did when he was only a few years older than Chris. Which may be what Ramon was doing when he was traveling so much for work. Which is what Helena is doing by not talking to her son about the shit he's been through.
Letting Chris, a thirteen, now fourteen year old child, go with his grandparents to Texas for a few months because that's what he wanted was, in my opinion, a good parenting move from Eddie. It showed Chris that he trusts him and values what Chris thinks is best for him.
But it's been three months now. It's been long enough that Chris isn't just going away because it's what he thinks is best for himself, it's because he's avoiding the hard conversation(s) he's going to have to have with his dad. He's fourteen - while sometimes he does know what's best for himself, there are a lot of times where he doesn't.
Helena saying they're thinking about putting a pool in, that they take him to the pool club all the time and he's made so many friends, all of that is clearly a grandparent spoiling their grandchild. She isn't having hard conversations with him, she's letting him avoid his problems and shove them under the rug - something that has never ended well in the Diaz family but they continue to do anyway because that's just what they do - they move forward even at the cost of growing.
I have a feeling there will be some kind of reckoning between Eddie and his mother. He already kind of had one with his dad (though I'm not sure if that's developed further since Chris left). But I have a feeling it'll be Eddie who, once again, has to take the first step to end generational trauma within his family so that Chris doesn't grow up and run away from is problems too.
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yeleltaan · 2 years
It began with a simple offering, a slice of fruit plucked from her ungloved palm and then pressed gingerly upon his dry mouth. The aroma of citrus heavy in the air, the juice staining his lips.
A gentle offering, a simple action that made but one demand of him:
Let me nurture you.
The Witch Knight urges it carefully past his chapped lips when they part enough to accept her.
"It may be little, but it's what I can offer you."
From @hexenjagd
The dim shelter of her tent has granted his eyes respite from blinding rays, his ears rest from deafening cacophonies. The woven wool wrapped around him shields him from the cold and the many unfamiliar surfaces that have graced his skin, giving him room to come to terms with the shape inside his warm confines, the feel of his limbs as he retreats further into himself.
It's in this mostly motionless surrounding that he can finally direct all his pained focus on her. Where once his finder bore a face of iron plate, same as the rest of the unintelligible figure of animated rock she seemed from the perspective of virgin eyes, now tender sage stares back at him, watching him just as intently. And though the little flesh that no longer waits behind her shell still confounds him, each small gesture upon it beckons the still dormant corners of his ravaged mind. A field of knowledge burnt barren, still the instincts of a being once complete emerge from the ashes. Thoughts run behind that stare, just as his. My self, meet my other.
But before he could recognize her by sight, he knew her by scent. It’s why his heavy eyelids fight to stay open, and his gaze searches aimlessly for her unseen companion. There is a distinct aroma invading his nostrils, and when he feels it press closer alongside her fingers he whines, turns away, because this isn’t her. Only when he feels the moisture on his lips and his mouth parts just enough to inhale more of that new flavor does he understand, this is what, not who.
The piece is pushed inside and his breath hitches, fangs pierce through membrane and the ensuing eruption floods his buds with the rich taste, juice dripping from the corner of his mouth. Dry throat swallows on its own, the effort of untrained muscles vocalized in his low, coarse breathing. He blinks, his eyes lost in the stunning sensation until they seek hers.
You can eat this too. Why else would you think I can? So then, why not have it yourself? Why feed me, why bring me here, why do you look and touch me, and look and hold me, and keep looking just as I look at you.
He can barely move, and nowhere feels safer than here, but he has seen her walk on her two legs and speak the same words as those whispering about him from afar, those who seem much like her but do not join her. Why me? Why you and not them? Why me.
Before she can reach for another piece, his sharp-tipped fingers hook weakly over her arm. Seeing both hands so close, it’s difficult not to see a resemblance. He’s begun to realize he possesses not one eye, but two as well. He has a mouth, he thinks there’s something like her nose at the bottom of his vision, and at times his vision is obscured by ebony strands much like the many on her head. For that reason when he looks at her he wonders: do I look like you? If I saw myself, would I mistake me for you? If the ends of his hands were shorter, maybe. If he wore the same metal caparace she does, possibly.
Using his forearm to support himself the stray leans forward and closes his loose grip, claws curling generously around. Thirsty and hungry, he turns his attention to her side for an instant before he turns his body with just enough strength to flop over her leg and sink his face teeth-first in the handful of fruit with a greedy bite.
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thebramblewood · 2 months
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They're going on a best friend date. 🥰
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Helena: Caleb, get dressed. We’re going out.
Caleb: [mumbling] Oh, but Dru and I were just getting comfortable.
Helena: She looks like she’d rather be elsewhere. And so would I. I’m tired of being a recluse with you. All I can think about when I’m hanging around here is my next meal.
Caleb: But where are we-
Helena: It’s a surprise! Would you rather I ask your sister instead?
Lilith: Where are you two off to? Oh, are you having one of your little mental conversations. You know I hate that. It’s so unfair! Fine, don’t tell me. But at least take your hellcat with you. [to rubber ducky] I guess it’s just you, me, and that… thing. Now, what are we going to do about them keeping secrets from us?
Helena: Why have we never taken this path?
Caleb: Enemy territory.
Helena: Oh my god, is this the way to Vlad’s? You have to show me his place!
Caleb: [weakly] Helena…
Helena: [shudders] Ostentatious and creepy as fuck. It’s strange how little I noticed that first night. And what I do remember is all fragmented and blurry, like a dream.
Caleb: Well, you had an awful lot to drink, and you did technically die. [ruminative pause] Then, of course, there was all the glamouring-
Helena: Glamouring?
Caleb: Vampire party trick. Like hypnosis, but more sophisticated. Once you learn it, you can make yourself as discreet or flashy as you’d like. Most humans have encountered vampires without even realizing it. If they stumble into this place  — and make it out alive — they likely won’t remember how to return. Straud and the other ancients keep it well-shrouded.
Helena: [nervously] Does it work on other vampires? I’ve barely seen any-
Caleb: We can always see our kind for what they are. You’ve just been unobservant.
Helena: Hey! I’ve been distracted. It’s hard not to have tunnel vision when you’re in perpetual survival mode.
Caleb: You’re feeling better now. I can tell.
Helena: I’m full on plasma and ready to party!
Caleb: [chuckles] Seriously?
Helena: Well, not quite. You’ll see.
Caleb: You know, I could just peek into your head and-
Helena: [teasingly] Too bad your morals will never allow it.
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Love Languages
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Aegon: His love language is physical touch. He shows his love to those close to him through physical contact, which is a big part of who he is. When he is in love with someone, he likes to be close to you, to touch and hold you, and to express his affection for you through hugs, kisses, or just being close. He feels most loved when he is physically close to someone, and touch, to him, is the ultimate form of connection.
Aemond: His love language is Acts of Service, and he appreciates it when his partner goes out of your way to show him that he is important to you. He feels most loved when you take care of practical tasks such as running errands, doing household chores, or picking up food for him when he's busy. He also appreciates when you show him your appreciation through words, gifts, and quality time together.
Jacaerys: His love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. He seeks physical intimacy to know that he is cared for and desired, and words of affirmation to reaffirm his value in the eyes of his beloved. But perhaps the most important thing in a relationship for him is quality time, where he can spend time one-on-one with his partner and really get to know each other on a deep level.
Lucerys: His love language is words of affirmation. He appreciates it when someone takes the time to tell him how you feel and what you think about him, as well as giving him compliments and expressing admiration. He likes it when people show that you appreciate and value him.
Rhaenyra: Her love language is physical touch. She loves to cuddle, hug, and kiss her loved ones and show her affection through touch. She enjoys spending quality time with those who matter to her, as well as making you feel seen and appreciated. She's a very passionate person and she loves to express it through touch.
Daemon: His love language is violence. He is not big on flowers or compliments. He does best in situations that require a strong hand and a swift blade. He is always on his guard, and he tends to lash out in anger when he feels threatened. He does, however, have an affinity for animals, and he does appreciate kind gestures from them.
Alicent: Her love language is a combination of physical touch and acts of service. She enjoys receiving hugs, kisses, and other physical forms of affection from her partner. When it comes to offering affection, she often does so through acts of service such as doing chores or tasks for you. She believes that showing someone you care about them through action is a key component of any healthy relationship.
Helena: Her love language is physical touch. She enjoys cuddling and being close to her loved ones. She finds it comforting and soothing to hold you in her arms and give you little kisses on your forehead or cheeks. It helps her express her feelings towards you and convey what you mean to her. It also helps to ease her stress and makes her feel safe and loved.
Harwin: His love language is acts of service. He appreciates it when his partner takes time out of your day to do small favors or complete tasks that benefit both of you. He also values receiving gifts, as they are thoughtful tokens that show him that someone was thinking of him and going out of your way to do something special for him.
Cregan: His love language is acts of service since he's not much for flowery words or romantic gestures. He shows his love through his actions - he does what he can in order to protect and honor you, both in word and in deed. But he's not above a good compliment from time to time. He can also appreciate the art of a good burn or a cutting remark.
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yeetus-feetus · 10 months
Okay but what about Bruce ends up taking all the little kids to a gala with him because none of his kids want to go and they'll only escape anyway if he drags them there.
He's got baby Helena on his hip and Lizzie clinging to his side even dropping on adult conversations. Lian and Mar'i are sucking up to the older ladies so they can con sweet treats and hard candy from them. Jake and Ellie (Stephanie's daughter whom I named Elizabeth way before I knew about Diana's daughter) are colouring at a table together quietly.
And Bruce can't stop talking about his babies and grandbabies. And he's showing all the other rich socialites cute little photos and everyone's just gushing over how cute they are.
And they all look so adorable in their little outfits too!! Dressing them all up and taking photos at the gala and just gloating over how these kids are the best kids, even better than all the other socialites kids/grandkids.
And obviously this won't last long, soon the little ones will be whining about how boring the galas are and Bruce will have to find new people to drag along with him. But I definitely think Lian and Mar'i will keep coming for as long as they can milk the adorable little girl acts to fill their pockets with treats.
Dick is probably a little disappointed at Mar'i but it's not like he didn't do the exact same thing himself so he'd be a hypocrite for telling her off. Jason and Roy just high five Lian with a laugh and ask her to share the goods she collected with them.
Also like Bruce going to their school or sports things whenever he can get the time to do so. He's one of those mom types that are convinced their kids are the best in the play or on the soccer field and he gets really bitchy about other mums who do the exact same thing.
And obviously Bruce pays for all there school fees to get them into good education. He spoils the little ones absolutely rotten.
Like the kids at school will be like "oh yeah my grandparents gave me $500 for Christmas so I could choose whatever I wanted". And Jake is like "yeah well my grandpop got me a real motorbike and a phone!"
Holy hell does Dick parental lock the shit out of that phone btw. He also knows Bruce has a tracker on it because he's paranoid about the little ones getting hurt or something. Which is contradictory to the fact he got the kid an actual kid-sized motorcycle. Dick is not happy. Kori thinks it's awesome.
Also like, of you wanted you can also add Tim's baby clones in here too. A little Bart clone and a little Kon clone causing chaos everywhere they go. Bruce loves his grandbabies despite everything but damn those little boys really wear him out running circles around him.
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Fake Uncle is brilliant! Love it!
Bruce: so the uncle was real?
Tim: yup
Bruce: but he's an evil uncle???
Tim: yup
Bruce: why did you never tell me??
Tim *blinks: it never came up. Duh.
Well, for the Drakes. I was thinking they'd be aliens as well. But even within their culture they were aloof. Like maybe as strategists but not someone with a family circle. They had no clue what to do with a child. But, their king handed them a baby with his final breath. Earth looked safe, so that's where they went.
I'm sure they were baffled by earth human customs. I imagine raising children is different on earth. They were, however, good at negotiations, so they worked their way up the social ladder, hoping to give Tim a better life (not quite princely, but close).
I really like the idea about them searching for artifacts to teach Tim about their home!!! Good idea!! I'll have to use that!
The Drakes tried, but I think they mostly threw money at Tim. New bike? Sure. Want to learn Mandarin? Why not? Want a new nanny cause the last one was rude? Of course, your highness! Immediately!
New nannies happened all the time because timbo was a brat and fired them for petty stuff as a little kid.
Kori would be a fun add-on! Maybe she offers Tim slightly wrong advice culturally.
K: -and do this! It's very important!
T: does it.
Staff: Noooooo! This is WRONG!
T and K: confused.
Tim was trained that he was a prince, but he also was taught that it was very, very unlikely that he would take the throne. (The Drakes died later)
EXACTLY! That's along the lines I was thinking, but I'm not super great at making up funny traditions yet. Lol.
You are CORRECT about Tim "not being able to change rules" and "unstable position". It makes sense for the AU.
Ridiculous subjects are in the plan!
Subject: I have brought you this gift Your Highness. *bows with jar of slime.
Tim*is concerned: it's moving?!
Subject *shocked: Of course, Highness! I would only bring you alive Grummk!
Tim: .....ok....thank you?
Damian would be fascinated and JEALOUS me thinks.
I am so vibing with the Drakes trying their best and being so clueless as well. I'd love to see a scene or two of Janet and Jack just arguing with each other as toddler Tim causes chaos in the background.
Janet: "Is he climbing the tree in the backyard?"
Jack: "Yeah. I saw an article about human kids and trees or something."
Janet: "Is he climbing the tree that the gardener sectioned off for safety?"
Jack: "Yes?"
Janet: ".... I'm sure it'll be fine."
Tim ended up with a broken arm.
I liked the court scene you had! Stuff like that would be hilarious to read ^^
Are there any differences between Tim/the Drakes and humans? It would be funny if it's something small, especially that all humans have (like the ability to taste cinnamon or something). Just traits that Tim is able to get away with by leaning into his "I was neglected by my 'parents' and thus have no clue how to do normal human things like the human I totally am." Any physical traits (like a blue birthmark) could be cool as well.
Tim, if you wanted, could also bond with Kara and Clark about being an alien raised on Earth.
I think Damian could become an advisor for Tim. That would be kind of cute to see. They could also bond about being heirs of empires that they thought they would never actually inherit.
Dick could charm/be a court performer if he wanted to do that. Alfred would definitely get his hands on the kitchen staff to ensure Tim is properly being fed. Barbara would beef up Tim's security.
Cass would probably play pranks on Tim's "army" while Steph gathered blackmail on the planet's high society (and pull pranks on the ones that pissed her off).
I don't know enough about Helena Bertinelli, but maybe she would treat it as a fun vacation to intimidate rich people?
Duke might be interested in learning more about Tim's home world and what it's like to space travel. He would also be the one to accidentally set half the castle on fire.
I don't know if you'd like your AU to have all the Bats, but there's some stuff they could do.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
okay no bc i actually need to see abuela having a meaningful talk with christopher about how shannon wasn’t a good mother and that he’s old enough to know the truth rather than eddie just over-romanticizing the whole thing
christopher does not need to be shamed for being upset at his mom leaving. the whole “she didn’t leave, she died 🥺” argument is just factually untrue when she fully intended to leave again before she had her accident
he does not need to be coddled and told about how hard it was for her when she was actively being just as ableist as ramon and helena. he is 13 years old; if he can make a decision on where he lives, he can hear the truth of how awful his mother was so that maybe he can actually provide sufficient context to the actions his dad has taken
yes, she was very young when christopher was born, and no eddie was not a perfect husband/father in the beginning; but the point is she didn’t even give him a chance to even begin processing his PTSD when he cane back, immediately vilifying him for everything before doing the same exact thing as what… petty revenge? giving him a taste of his own medicine? you’re an adult woman with a son who needed you and you walked out on him because you didn’t want the stress. okay, that’s fine, that’s your choice
but don’t show up once he’s older demanding to see him because “he’s my son too” and then proceeding to shame eddie, the one who HAS been there for him after you left, for something he already has made clear he regrets, and has also atoned for by stepping up and actually taking responsibility rather than shirking them the moment it got ‘too hard’ when his parents would have been more than willing to let him do
and then to try and manipulate him with the whole “he’s my son” “we can be a family again” bullshit as a way to get back into his pants— only to dip as soon as things start to get serious again?
and on top of that, the “she was just a girl” argument doesn’t even hold up because yeah, she WAS just a girl. she’s not just a girl anymore. she’s a grown adult woman shirking her responsibility because she doesn’t want to be a mother. That’s all well and good; she doesn’t have to be a mother. But once you make that decision, don’t go crawling back acting like you weren’t the one to actively decide to leave. You’re an adult, making adult decisions, and you need to handle the adult consequences of those adult decisions.
sorry no one will ever be able to convince me to like shannon and im sick of the writers trying to force rose tinted glasses on her existence bc of tim’s obsession with bringing devin back out of nowhere every two seconds
anyway sorry for the shannon rant i saw thay post i reblogged and it just reminded me how much anger i hold towards her for everything she did and how i hate it when people are like “oh she changed she wanted to try again 🥺” when she quite literally didn’t, as is evident by the way she immediately tried to run away again the moment she had to be an adult.
also there is no way buck would EVER look at the way she treated chris and eddie and then actively be friends with her. friend-ly maybe, civil at best, but he would never look at the lasting hurt she caused those two and actively chose to persue a friendship with her.
anyway getting off my anti-shannon soap box and i just needed to get that off my chest lamo
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vigilskeep · 12 days
What is Bea's perspective on her older brother in the Circle? Does this affect any of her ideas/decisions? For that matter, if he was still at the Conclave, does she even know he's dead?
there’s a big age gap—arthur is the eldest of his four, and then there was a gap after that before their father remarried and had bea—so because he was taken away in sort of his mid teenage years, bea truly doesn’t remember him very well. he remembers her fondly but as like the baby of the family rather than as a person you know
i don’t know how it affects her opinion on mages. (for clarity this would be two of her siblings in the circle, the youngest of arthur’s four is also a mage.) just those fractions of memories that things were nicer when arthur was here probably do encourage her natural open-mindedness. then again the other mage, cat, could sometimes be cruellest. (not a malicious kid exactly, i love cat, but she follows whatever role model she has, eager to be funniest, to impress. needs more parenting than she ever got at home.) i also think that kindly-meaning priests and her mother’s family and even maybe her templar aunt she really looks up to, they tried to be sympathetic to her getting bullied by her older siblings and maybe explained, you know, don’t pay your older siblings any mind, they’ve got the devil in them! of course they act out, they’ve got magic in their line, it makes them hot-blooded and cruel and bitter against the “pure”, don’t mind them, endure them, your father will see which of you he can rely on in the end. i think that’s the kind of andrastian superstition the people around her would have completely felt it was normal to casually say. so there’s a bit on both sides.
she definitely thinks of arthur and cat when she sees the mages in redcliffe and it does make her more sympathetic. she doesn’t have the right bones in her body to be resentful of them because of the connection like she maybe could. (she doesn’t even resent any of her siblings themselves really. open-minded and sympathetic to a fault, it’s not always for the best)
i... hadn’t thought about arthur and helena dying at the conclave in this scenario 😭 i might save them from that fate so i can have them around to play with. it’s only fun to have them both there if one must die and not the other. i’ll figure out where to put them instead
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cartoonicle · 1 month
The Twins’ Shadows
Since the beginning of Summer I have been getting into Persona so and I just love the dynamics and drama between the characters rather it is between friends or family. I just had to make shadows of Mariana and Brandon to express their true feelings rather they want it or not.
This is kind of like a Persona x Cursed Princess Club (Can you imagine) well actually more like Persona x CPC future than the actual series.
I plan to write one shot stories soon I just want to give a drawing and description.
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Shadow Mariana- Mariana the Protector
Persona 4: The darkest part of Mariana formed from the most shameful parts of personality. There are some things she admits and some things she doesn’t. The truth is even though she loves her family the ones that aren’t assholes at least she has a bit of a resentment towards them even though she would never admit it and stuffs those personal opinions deep inside her where she hopes she can never see it again convincing her self that it’s for the best and those feelings aren’t real thus her shadow was born. She feels like she has to do everything for her family, from fighting for them, to seeing which friends are suitable or not, to speaking for them and doing everything to protect them; it’s a lot of pressure for such a young person but she thinks she’s the only one who can because everyone else in her family is either too nice, too trusting, too stupid, or too weak hearted; thus the hardening of the heart evolves.
Persona 5: Some time after Gwen and Frederick died the relationships people had with Mariana seemed to have faded over time whatever chance Blaine, Helena and Jesse had with Mariana had completely went out the window. Blaine did promise his brother to take care of his kids even if it meant enduring more of Mariana’s verbal abuse. Mariana has had a secret agenda to change to world since age nine and her shadow was born from the lack of relationship with others and her hatred towards the world. She believes that becoming powerful in magic and not in empires and respect can change everyone she deems evil in this world, no matter what she will change people’s minds.
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Shadow Brandon- The Silent King
Persona 4: Everyone has a secret part of them that no one knows or won’t admit to, Even Brandon. Brandon has grown up always having everyone do everything for him, his family fights his battles for him, his sister plans his tactics of winning people over, some people talk for him, his cousins; everyone thinks that just because is nice and sweet like his mom and grandma he’s faint hearted and can’t stand up for himself, but in reality that’s not true; he gets annoyed with people like anyone else and the truth is he holds a grudge against some people like his sister does he just doesn’t show it. His shadow was formed from bottling all his emotions in: his annoyance towards his sister for thinking she has to do everything for him, his secret disdain on his mom and grandmother’s weak character, his cousins ignorant and above and beyond attitude and the cursed princesses club’s quick to judge and selfishness.
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apopcornkernel · 5 months
been thinking too hard about my batman mob au. so i would like to share it. this is so long im sorry let me put it under a cut
i want to begin by saying that i think the only way bruce could feasibly become a mob boss is if he was able to be swayed to see that "clean" methods would genuinely do no good and in fact succeed in achieving more harm due to how much corruption and crime permeates the system. i think it would take a LOT to convince bruce of this, so he's kind of the hardest character to put in a mob au. however for the sake of fun we will suspend our disbelief a little bit!
okay, moving on, alfred: he's long been proven to be bruce's biggest enabler. i think he would get over it and end up helping him as he does as batman
as for dick: ooh boy. okay. so first of all i DO think bruce would let him kill zucco. however!! i think as dick grows up within the mob his strong code of morals will also begin to conflict with the lifestyle. but he's stuck there because bruce. insert all those posts about how dick grayson loves freedom and he also loves bruce and those things are at constant war with each other and because he loves bruce he sometimes clips his own wings. etc etc. i think he is the talia al ghul of this whole sitch if you get what i mean
speaking of talia!!! i believe her father would still be at odds with bruce bc yes, bruce is in crime, but bruce refuses to join with the league. so they semi-preserve their canon dynamic, except i think there's more opportunity for cooperation between talia and bruce considering talia's lexcorp era. in fact i do believe that lexcorp and waynecorp would become business allies during talia's time as ceo
but jason isn't dead. what his kidnappers hoped to do was turn him against his benefactor, taunt him about how it's been months and bruce still hasn't been able to save him, had refused to save him. but one night the door's left ajar and the sound of the TV drifts in, talking about how bruce is waging a bloody gang war, the first he's ever instigated, and jason... well. :)
as for jason—i think he would be the most loyal of the bunch. the first thing i actually dreamed up wrt this AU was a reimagining of ditf/utrh! in here, he's kidnapped by a rival gang. they demand bruce an impossible ransom, and bruce has no choice but to refuse. so bruce is sent a video of jason being killed.
"but poppy," you ask. "where's babs? tim? steph? cass? helena? jpv?" ok let's be real people aren't usually asking about the last 2 rip my babygirls BUT ANYWAYS—
the most important figure is HELENA. in the absence of batman, guess who's becoming the foremost protector of gotham??? EXACTLY. HELENA BERTINELLI. her whole backstory is that she wants to bring organized crime down SO WHO BETTER TO BE THE MAIN ENEMY IN A BATMAN MOB AU.
also because i love her.
im not biased i swear.
ALSO HER FIRST "ROBIN" (not necessarily named robin i just mean like. sidekick) IS JAMES COOPER FROM CAVALIERI'S HUNTRESS. CHUCK DIXON I HAVE NOT FORGIVEN YOU FROM ERASING HIM FROM MAIN CONTINUITY. he doesn't go out into the field that much bc he's still baby but he's the oracle before oracle. although when he does go into the field he's like. remember in cavalieri huntress where he was scurrying arohnd in the sewers and planting fucking grenades and shit. yeah.
later on he and babs will be best buddies <3 babs is his favorite aunt
ALSO!!! the rest of james' family will still be alive. idgaf. it's MY au and i can randomly reveal that his family has been alive all along IF I WANT TO. comic writers stop killing black people off for shock value challenge 2k24
also, james is ABSOLUTELY the one who wheedled helena into making a lair
babs does join the fray still! her story arc is mostly the same except that she partners with the huntress instead of batman. their ages are closer together so it's a slightly different dynamic
tim will remain a civilian. he will, however, be a very helpful civilian, in that he's the one who's stalking dick grayson & trying to prove that dick's involved in organized crime. him and dick will have the saddest tragickest "we could've been brothers. but not in this life. not ever." type of relationship. like jaderoy but platonic.
also tim & helena will have the same littlebrothernephew relationship that they have in canon 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
i guess jpv will get roped in in a similar way to canon, but the idea of bane doing what he did to helena makes me so so sad :( however since she is taking batman's narrative space in this story then i think it should still proceed. i will then also insert a little bit of the vichelena agenda here—
in the wake of bane, JPV WILL STILL STEP IN AS HUNTRESS. "but they'll know he's not a woman" COWARDS. just give him a dye job and he'll look like helena. all white people look the same. he can pad the fucking suit or he can get the fuck out.
as for steph, she will absolutely be a vigilante alongside the huntress. her father is still cluemaster, after all, so she'll follow a similar arc to canon except it's helena and not bruce that she'll develop a complex mentor relationship with!!
i think helena can see a little of herself in steph. i think part of helena envies steph's moral compass also. iirc at steph's age, helena still thought her mafia family was okay & that it was just the people who killed them that were bad. yet steph, who's half her age, has no such illusions about her father, and is already fighting to try and bring him down
cass!!!! cass will still come to gotham!!!!! i can't see a way for cass to be on bruce's side in this au simply bc of how strong her morals are. she killed a man and never ever wanted to kill again, even with shiva where it was kill or be killed, she had already made up her mind to let herself be killed in the end. so she is going to be on the vigilante side :]
also, it would be amazing for me personally if cass came to gotham during azbats (...azhuntress?) era. ohhh lord. a situation RIPE for incredible interactions
i still haven't read damian & duke comics properly yet so that's going to have to be added in the future. but that's what's been rattling around in my brain so far!
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chasingthedragons · 5 months
Oh I agree Anon! The green is all Allicent. I don’t think the rest of the family could care less. Except maybe Aemond and that’s because he’d imitate her. Do we ever see Otto in green? Maybe really dark that looks black? Helena as an adult doesnt coat herself in it, beucase as you point out she doesn’t like her family much. She dresses her own children as she chooses too. Allicent just threw a tantrum all those years back at the heir’s wedding and never let it go. She thinks it makes her look better but it’s just head to toe showing her pettiness. Good example of Daemon, the Targaryens wear their colors because they are proud of their house, as they should be. Because they are dragons and it’s their history. He can def be frilly though. Man had rubies on his armor! His Pentos robes truly made a statement. His walk is perfect, so right. Towers only wear the ruling house colors to use them. Like Aegon being ‘crowned’ Lol I see that you did there! I wouldn’t be surprised if Otto was the one to start dressing his daughter in red, to make her seem less wrong actually. But I don’t think he knew what she would do at the wedding. It was a stupid move, so it wasn’t his idea. True that, Daemyra in black/their colors/together, is everything! Season 2 wardrobe I’m sure will be amazing! Here’s hoping the writing follows it!
of course it is Alicent, since ep 4 when she learns of Rhaenyra's lies, Alicent turns her wardrobe into a sword because she has nothing else to express herself or protest with and that she passes it on to her children because they are HER children, aegon, aemond and helaena of green is a declaration that they are Alicent's children and not Viserys', she makes the decisions because they are hers and hers alone.
Otto on the other hand always wears green (and personally he is the best dressed man in the series), a dark green, that is only noticeable when you look closely, as well as Otto himself, he does his things in the shadows and the rest see from him, what he wants them to see, Otto doesn't let anything slip, he is absolutely neat in his every move (as well as his clothes), I think Daemon is the only one who can see him as he really is. Otto doesn't need to say anything with his clothes, in fact I feel Otto uses his clothes to hide things not to say them, plus he also doesn't need his clothes to express himself, he is a man, therefore he has a voice, plus he is the Hand of the King, there is no more power, no more voice, no more influence to take, he has ALMOST everything.
And one last point about gold and black for Targaryen women is curious, Rhaenyra in gold “the realm's delight”, Rhaenyra in black “Maegor with tits”, Helaena in dark colors belong only to mourning, because it is the image that the greens NEED of her.
What I think is coming for the second season, a lot of mourning, a lot of war and a lot of falsehood, I think our two aspirants to the iron throne will use their wardrobes to show the image they need (but not who they really are) Rhaenyra as an angry and vengeful queen, Aegon with the conqueror's crown on his armor. I think if they could see those images of themselves they couldn't stand it.
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buddiewho · 23 hours
I have mixed feelings about 8x01. Not entirely sure what's up with the Christopher storyline?? Okay, so yes, I understand Christopher wanting to run miles away from the situation, I really do. I also understand Eddie's attempts to keep a relationship with his son even if Christopher does not want to build it back up at this time. You know what I mean?
There is something oddly suspicous about the pool thing with Helena…I know that slowly but surely Eddie helped Christopher get back to the beach and near the water. In the water?? I don't know it's got me raising my eyebrows.
Then in the interim, thinking about Eddie kind of sort of "third wheeling" Buck and Tommy. For example, the three of them are probably spending a lot of time together because somehow I do not believe Buck is going to leave Eddie alone for a long amount of time, unless specifically asked to do so. Then of course, I do think it's almost like "sharing" Eddie. Haha. Buck spends time with him. Then Eddie probably still goes to fights with Tommy. So they're all being friends and sharing time with each other??
Where they've asked Bobby to go is kind of odd. This whole meta show within a show thing, well, I've experienced that before (*coughs* SPN). It is an interesting turn of events for 911, if I say so myself, yet maybe it makes sense because LA/Hollywood?? Athena always kicks ass in everything she does. Putting that guy in the trunk…hilarious. On a different note, her amount of strength it takes to even agree to this prisoner transfer...
I do hope Hen and Karen find ways to screw over the politician lady that is screwing them over. Thankfully, we know Mara is in a safe place and still with the entire 118 fam, you know? However, I will say like someone else mentioned here, why the Harry Potter thing? Could've been a million other things? I don't know…an interest in dinosaurs so Mara and Chim run around making weird dino sounds? Yet this is something easily dismissed, when you pull back for the big picture of where season 8 is headed…
Personally, I did love the episode in the way that it showcases Buck. Sure, there have been times Buck has shown insolence and Bobby almost fired him for it. The problem is, Buck is not a disgrace to the uniform. The uniform is frankly, all he knows, and this job is something he is very capable of (which is sometimes not said DIRECTLY to Buck enough).
What I mean to say, Gerrard is insulting who he thinks is an insolent, independent thinking, rule breaker, but Buck has made strides in that regard. Is he sometimes himbo brained, well, yes, of course, but is he also sometimes armed and ready with INSANE facts of niche interest/thing, well, why yes of course he is. Sometimes that knowledge is best put to use; however, Gerrard's power trips are something else.
Hopefully, he comes to seeing an error of his ways kind of thing, or as I postulate- loses his memory? He has no idea who anyone is at the 118 and is barely capable of remembering who he is. Something other than, how it was with Chim and Tommy. Chim saved Tommy's life and so then Tommy understood the error of his ways. I do not want Gerrard there at all you know? I want him to somehow just forget everything long term and then have to navigate life somewhere else. Then the Fire Chief will make Hen or Chim Captain if they will not bring Bobby back. Bringing Bobby back is going to take the whole damn season by the way since they just started this actor shadowing him thing in their meta world.
This post may now take a SHIPPING turn. Fair warning:
Aside from the episode as a whole, I do wonder about Buck and Tommy. Ngl, I slightly agree with a comment I saw about Tommy disregarding things Buck is saying or how he is feeling, but on the one hand I also see how it'd be difficult to assess what exactly Buck wants when he is at the party complaining about Gerrard.
Does Buck just want Tommy to listen? Does Buck want words of endearment? Looks as if he only got a, "That sounds like Gerrard." And honestly, Tommy is probably going to be a straightforward type of man, which will maybe come off as cold. My thing is, in this situation, I'd have no idea what to say, besides listening to my partner rant about someone at their work who I also happened to know and do not want to interact with anymore, because around that person, I was a different person; someone I did not want to be. Would I (as Tommy might) feel bad that my now partner has to experience all that is wrong with Gerrard? Yes, I (he might)would be. But as the script went, all Tommy had to say was something brief, because really, what else is there to say? Now, if Buck had been for some reason mentally broken down to a sobbing fit of some sort then that'd call for some physical reach out from Tommy, right? I do not know why I am over analyzing this interaction, but I do wonder if Tommy's closed off attitude in physicality (at times) and even verbally will become an issue. I do think a relationship can become emotionally one-sided if only one partner is expressing thoughts and feelings, while the other is just kind of meh. You know?
Which leads me to the highs and lows we've already experienced with Buck and Eddie being entirely vulnerable with one another by choice or forced by dangerous life and death situations. What I mean to say is that technically, as always we still see Eddie being emotionally available (something Eddie has actively worked to improve) and supportive towards Buck, you know? Still not entirely sure, Tommy will actually be fleshed out for much longer, because at the end of the day, Buck will need someone who is emotionally available and ready to communicate, plus, listen. This is something we know Eddie can do for Buck and vice versa.
OKay, I digress. If you read this post. Thank you. It's long. I have no idea what any of it means, but I do know that for me, some sort of spark has been reignited when it comes to Buddie.
PS: Anyone out there insulting Eddie Diaz's character in any way is a sack of potatoes. If that man simply ignored Christopher then I frankly, think it'd be worse. Trying even when Christopher is not trying or giving an inch is the best thing Eddie can be doing. If he simply gave up, that is when I'd question something. In this situation, a parent reaching out to their child is ABSOLUTELY needed. I think doing it via video chatting is actually best as well. Christopher moved himself miles away from being physically near his father, so Eddie packing up and GOING to Texas would have been the wrong move, if you ask me. Do I firmly believe Eddie is still doing the right thing? Hell yes I do.
Can the mustache go? Actually, yeah, that thing can disappear please. But hey, this shot does make for a good meme:
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alaffy · 3 months
House of the Dragon, Ep. 2x05 – Regent (spoilers)
…It did not pick up the pace.
To be fair, while the show went back to a bunch of people holding councils, the show did progress more in the story than they usually do.  So it did pick up the pace, but it didn't feel like it.
The episode starts with Sir Bitch coming into King’s Landing with a small amount of men, a dragon’s head, and the King’s body hidden in a crate.  Aegon is alive, but pretty much in a coma (although he does whisper one word towards the end of the episode).  Sir Bitch hopes that the Dragon’s head while rouse the small folk.  Instead, it fills them with dread.   
Alicent isn’t a fool, she knows that there’s no way that Aegon was part of the plan.  And she knows that she cannot trust Aemond.  Which is why, when the council names a Regent, she tries to put herself up as the perfect choice.  However, as they are fighting to keep one woman off the throne…optics.  So, Aemond is named Regent.  And it’s clear he’s going to be a tyrant.  Also, he decides no one in or out of the Kingdom. Yeah, people are going to revolt.
Alicent tries to find out what really happened on the battlefield, but Sir Bitch won’t tell her the truth.  And in…defense of Sir Bitch (God that’s hard to write), after what Aemond just did; it’s probably best to keep his mouth shut.  Helena, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have a problem directly confronting Aemond (although we don’t see the outcome of this).
Meanwhile, Daemon is trying to take control of Herrenhal and the nearby lands.  He basically does so by allowing one group of people to mercilessly attack another, although he should have made it clear not to wave HIS BANNERS because this ends up blowing up in his face. 
Also, he’s having more dreams.  This time about his dead wife and fucking the mother he never met (seriously these “so-called” shocking moments loose their value when they keep happening every episode, they just become wearisome).  Also, it’s clear that Daemon is fighting for himself to be king.  He’s going to have a few problem with this.
First off, Jayce seems to be coming into his own as a planner (maybe, the whole bit with Hearrenhal might come back and bite him).  But he is the one that points out that they do have two riderless dragons and just because the histories say the riders need to be (mostly) of Targaryen blood, does not mean that this is true.  So, they’re going to gather up some distant relatives.
Another boon for Rhenerya is, strangely enough, the death of Meleys; or rather, what the people think of the dragon’s death.  The White Worm, becoming an excellent advisor, knows that the common folk are going to see this as an ill omen.  And when you also consider everything else that happening in King’s Landing.  Well, let’s just say Rheneyra’s maid has been dispatched to cause a little chaos. 
Rheneyra also realizes it’s time to take Daemon in hand, so she sends one of her councilmen to, basically, take over operations at Harrenhal.
And just a couple of things to wrap this all up.  Rheneyra has a talk with Beala about her grandmother and asks her to talk to Vaemond.  It turns out Rheneyra wants Veamond as her Hand, but Vaemond is grieving and really doesn’t want to do it.  That is until Beala basically gives her grandfather a verbal bitch slap that so resonates with him that he says he was Beala to be his heir; but she declines as she’s more fire and air than salt and sea in her vains.  Vaemond considers the position of The Hand.
Meanwhile,   Rhaena settles into her new home and seems to get more solders for Rheneyra. 
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leandra-winchester · 4 months
If 9-1-1 was a slightly more comedic show.
Ramon: Edmundo! Christopher says he can't come with us to Texas because you put Buck in your will as his legal guardian? Eddie: Well I'm not dead, so Christopher can go if he wants to. Not that I want- Helena: Wait, Eddie. Back up. You actually put Buck in your will to take Christopher if you... if you die?? Eddie: Well... yeah. It seemed like a good idea, and I still think... Ramon, a little confused: But we're his family. Why... Helena: Oh my god, are you and Buck...? Eddie: What? No! Ramon: Then wh- Eddie: Buck has a boyfriend. Helena: He does?? Eddie: Yeah. Tommy. He's a firefighter and pilot at- Anyway. So Christopher wants- Helena: But you two were... boyfriends? Eddie: What? Me and Tommy? No, we're just buds. He's pretty cool actually, and- Ramon: You and Buck! She means you and Buck. When you made him legal guardian of our grandson. Eddie: Oh. No, we- No. We- I mean, I'm not gay! Helena: Bisexual? Eddie: Yeah. Ramon: You are? Eddie: What? No. Buck is! Helena: When did that happen, exactly? Ramon: Yeah, wasn't he dating that reporter? Helena: That's right? The pretty red-haired one. T... Taylor, something? Ramon: Kelly. Taylor Kelly. I watched her show a few times. Didn't like her. Helena: Really? She was really pretty, though. Eddie: Can we focus, please? Helena: Sorry. It's just... a bit of a surprise, is all. Eddie: Yeah well, it was to all of us, including Buck. He apparently didn't know he was bi until Tommy kis- Why am I even talking about this? Ramon: She meant the will. Helena: That too, but... So, if Buck never realized he was interested in men- Ramon: Son, I know I've made many mistakes. Made you feel like you couldn't talk to me about things. Eddie: For the last time, dad! I'm not gay! I'm not even bi. Ramon: I'm just saying, mijo, it would be fine if you were. Helena: Yes Eddie, we support you. Eddie: MOM! There's nothing to support. Jesus Christ! Buck is my best friend. Sure, I- I love him, but I don't want to fuck him! Buck, entering the room: Helena: Ramon: Eddie: Buck: Err, um... Tommy just called. He's still with Chim, who got a call from the hospital. Bobby's doing better. We could go see him. Eddie: Oh thank God. Yeah, let's go. Helena: Oh that's wonderful to hear. Ramon: You two go. We'll take care of Christopher in the meantime. Eddie: Okay... thanks. Helena, as Buck has already left the room again: Tommy... Taylor... Huh. We almost named you Theodor. Eddie: MOM!
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doomednarrative · 1 year
one thing i rlly like about your plaga leon au is that you actually give a realistic and in character reason for it to happen. it makes sense and it’s compelling. a lot of those aus don’t have as much thought put into them besides “leon’s basically a verdugo now” which just leaves more annoying questions. like what happened to ashley? did the cult’s plan work? what about ada, or krauser? nobody thinks of that they just want leon to have mandibles and kiss luis. that’s fine in art but when constructing a world you need more than that lol anyway this is half a rant and half praise of you 🩵
One thing about me personally is even if I write au stuff, I Want and Need it to be possible within the realm of canon as far as "Does this logically work within the limitations of the story the canon is trying to tell/work within the lore" and "Does this actually work for a character and match up with their motivations and ideals?" I will never do something Solely for the sake of shipping, even if it might look fun.
The whole point of why I (and Claire and Ethan) went with the plaga au in the first place is because A. It's just fun to see what an impact that would have on the rest of Leon's story and what unique challenges it presents for him in the future, B. It does actually give an explanation as to how he manages to survive so much stuff in 4 because he's got something biological on his side and thus helps him to save Ashley with some more ease, and C. Leon has a track record history of letting himself get hurt or putting himself in more danger if it means keeping other people safe. So writing out the exact plaga we gave him and that motivation for actually taking it on for himself Makes Sense within the realm of sticking to his usual motives and such.
Ever with the au changes we made because of the remake, the biggest part of why Leon takes on the plaga is Because he's trying to save Ashley. It isn't about Him, it's about what will give her the best chance of survival, his own future consequences be damned. If this time can be different, if he can actually manage to save Ashley and get her home safe and remover her parasite in time, then whatever sacrifices he makes are worth it to him, and that's in line with everything we ever see him do. He takes those risks Very frequently, like a good example being the opening of 6 where he tells Helena they're making time to save that one guy's daughter even tho it's in vain in the end. He knows he wouldn't be able to live with more loss on his conscience if he refused to help.
I have seen a few au's that do take this kinda stuff into account, like @polarspaz's stuff has Leon take on a prototype of Luis's work because the stress of fighting has made his Plaga develop faster, and taking the prototype means he'll be mutated but regain control of himself without the hallucinations and the hivemind stuff, so that also increases his chances of getting Ashley home safe and allows him to save Luis later on as well. @alvivaarts also has an au fic, Simulation Swarm, that I've been reading on and off where Leon and Ashley both get their plagas removed but because it was so late stage in the game, they Both still end up with some permanent mutations that Luis is trying to research how to reverse for them, and it basically becomes a group effort kinda thing to look out for each other after the worlds turned on them.
So like, there IS ways to do this au that you can still have your fun while actually making it Work in universe y'know? And without throwing Ashley out with the trash because if there's anythng that infuriates me more is when people just make these au's and then don't include her in it at all. That shit makes me so mad when she's so central to the entire story and would absolutely be tied up in any decisions Leon makes during the course of 4. If it's not to the benefit of trying to get them both to safety then Why would he do it in the first place y'know?? She's important to him, he's not going to discard her like that.
Anyways that's more of a long winded answer than I meant to give but anytime you ask me about this au I will take it as a chance to go off on a tangent ~
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Some of My WTNV/DC AU no one asked for:
Janet Lubelle: Then he goes "Janet we can't keep going like that, there's an ethics code for a reason."
Jonathan Crane: What a coward!
Lubelle: Right?! I tried to make him see reason, I went: "Carlos, the pursue of answers should meet no bounds. That what we call ethics are just arbitrary rules created because people are just too emotional over the truth and it's methods" and the absolute asshole just packed his things and left the university! He got transfered to Gotham because his lil baby fewings got hurt. People die all the time. They should be honored they died for science.
Jonathan: Exactally!
Lubelle: Well I couldn't let he have all the fun while not being totaly driven to understand Gotham. So I'm here.
Jonathan: And you want for us to exchange research pappers and text subjects?
Lubelle: Only some of those. Make it peer reviewed.
Jonathan: It'll be a pleasure.
Kevin: And the family would never ever stop smiling again, not only because of the scars they carved in adoration but because the Smilling God entered their minds and broke them until they were happy even as their house burn with their grandma inside. The end.
Joker: *amazed and a bit spooked* Say what?
Kevin: Oh! You only heard the end part! This is my favorite childhood fairy tale. Is soo heartwarming!
Joker: I like you!
Kevin: *smilling even wilder* Thank you, newcommer. *points to the bloodied spot in Jokers suit* You have a great taste in clothing!
Joker: Why, thank you. I also like yours. I'm Joker!
Kevin: I heard about you! Your smilex killed some of my followers.
Joker: *ready to fight* Oh bummer.
Kevin: No, no, it was great. I never saw them so happy their smilles were so wide. I had to try it for myself. Didn't work unfortunally. *almost drops smille* But not to fret! The Smilling God knows what He does, they were unable to smile by themselfs. I have no such a problem and need no solution.
Joker: And people say I am crazy.
Kevin: *threatning* This is a mean thing to say, don't you think?
Joker: Oh no, my new friend, I consider madness to be a compliment.
Kevin: Friend? Are we friends? I always wanted a friend. The last one gave me a letter and leaved!
Joker: *a bit too much in manipulative mode but also genuinally impressed with this random new crazy rogue* I would love to be your friend. Nay, your best friend. I'm a clown and it's a pleasure to meet other people focused in making everyone smile. What do you think?
Kevin: YES! *jumps excitedly* Best friends, please!
Charles: All I am saying is...
Tim: Look I am impressed you figured out mt secret identy and you're a really nice guy but I don't think Batman needs your help.
Charles: Carlos helps!
Tim: Carlos is a scientist!
Charles: I could help you with cult leaders and mystical stuff.
Tim: How many cult leaders Gotham even has?
Red Hood: Hey, theologist guy, I just found a third evil cult and I might be needing some- Tim?
Tim: Hood?
Charles: Hi. Jason.
Tim: Wait you know Jason's identity as well?
Charles: Yeah. And Robin's.
Tim: And you don't know who Batman is?
Charles: No clue.
Tim: How???
Jason: Can we talk about it after we deal with the new cult leader? We have two of those minor ones with dangerous cults every day in this hellhole and Huntress and I are the only ones dealing with it.
Charles: Is Helena okay? She and Sage were having some relationship problems.
Tim: I give up.
Batman: This is an emergency! There is a weird person following me around. They think they are hidden but they are not, they send minions sometimes, others they are there, they aren't tall nor short and dress with things like furry pants and a bow tie, no shirt; a rocking dress with a poncho and other odd combinations and always always has recording equipament . I still don't know the identity of this individual. But it seems to be a new criminal force studying their target and we should be cautious.
Dick: Furry pants and a bow tie? Recording equipament... Oh you're talking about the radio host.
Bruce: Who?
Dick: Me and Babs always listen to his show.
Barbara: I think I recorded today's show just in case we were unable to watch it on time. I'm sending it to you, B.
Cecil: The man who calls himself Batman striked again. Everyday he walks in the night, beats up people and buys a slice of Big Rico's Pizza. No one does a slice like Big Rico's. No one. As of late he again took out a normal family operation on the nightvalean area because apparently the taming and possession of too many antics is "iligal" and "dangerous". Now at first I was a defender of this new guy, yes it is weird he calls himself Batman and isn't visibly part bat but isn't it worse to define he isn't and has no claim on his heritage just because it isn't obvious? And he has a bunch of armed kids! Has Tamika Flyn not showed us we should trust armed heavilly trained kids? But that was then. Now he is attacking our comunity! Arresting and beating up members of our comunity and friends of our comunity. Shame on this Batman and shame on his heavilly trained kids and a bit less shame on his super cute and sexy scientist guy cause he is new and obviously is being tricked because someone as perfect as Carlos would never.
Cecil: On other news Waylon Jones also known as Killer Croc wants to talk with you. He wants to just talk something as friends and to apologize to your neighboor for potentially eating his grandma but also wants to discuss some more important details of your plans, he is going to do it at... my house? *reading* "nanana uh-hu Cecil please keep this friendly get along private" oh listerners, I'm sorry, it appears I was reading my personal text mensages instead of my notes. I'm so sorry. Silly me. The one who is going to visit you is Victor Zsass, he already has a scar with your name and his knife is ready, you know what you did.
Cecil: Finally the neigboorhood concil wants to inform that there is a Scarecrow attack planned for this friday. They recomend you cancel all your apointments and lock yourselfs at home with the aproved gas masks. This is of course the Gotham tradicional protocol. They do add to the protocol however that if you want to be hitted by Scarecrow's fear toxin do not scream degrading things like "Scarecrow hottie hit me hard with your fumes" nor be disrespectfull of his power by being overly friendly, simply go to public spaces and screem "I'm not afraid of you" or idealy scream "please no have mercy". If you are imnune to the toxin decorum also recomends you should pretend to be scared, you don't wanna hurt his feelings, do you?
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