synerhealseo · 1 month
Why Diabetic Wounds So Difficult to Heal?
Diabetic wounds can be stubborn due to impaired blood flow and slow healing, Poor circulation, high blood sugar, and infection risks make these wounds challenging.
Case Report of a 45-year-old male with a diabetic wound for over 1.5 years (before Synerheal Treatment)
Healing Solution used for Diabetic Wounds: (Synerzyme, Seeskin AB, Collamycin)
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theartofquirk · 4 months
How a Mild Head Injury Can Cause Long-Term Cognitive Issues
Let's dive into a surprising topic that hardly anyone talks about. You know those memory issues and executive functioning problems you’ve been experiencing? Maybe you’ve even wondered about ADHD... Well, what if I told you they might be linked to a head injury from your past?
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Connecting the Dots: My Unexpected Journey
You might think a head injury big enough to cause such problems would be pretty memorable, right? Well, let me share my story to show how this connection can be missed for years.
Back in the day, I was a bright student, always at the top of my class. But as my exams approached, something strange started happening to my brain. I began experiencing difficulties I couldn't explain. Concentration issues, memory issues, zoning out, depression, severe fatigue, times when my brain just “went offline”. Despite my struggles, I passed most of my exams, but my life became a rollercoaster of success and failure.
Eventually, I was diagnosed with ME, ADHD, and bipolar disorder. I thought I was just genetically unlucky, stuck with a bad hand of cards. But then, last year, I stumbled on some information that changed everything. I discovered that all these conditions can be triggered by even a mild head injury.
Suddenly, it all made sense. I remembered a blow to the head I had right around the time I began struggling. Could that seemingly minor incident have set off a chain reaction that led to my diagnoses? It was a revelation that connected the dots in a way I never imagined.
The Emotional Rollercoaster
The struggles overshadowed my life. Praised for my intelligence and told I would go far, my self-esteem plummeted as I failed to meet expectations. Starting my A-level studies, I was on track to study medicine, but I barely scraped through my exams. It was frustrating because I knew my intelligence was still there; I just couldn't use my brain properly. This worsened my ME and depression, and so chronic pain became a daily burden.
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Realising that all my struggles likely stemmed from that split-second head injury was a lightbulb moment. It gave me an explanation and freed me from the guilt of "not trying hard enough." Not living up to my potential and making my parents proud weighed heavily on me. But now, I see it wasn't a character flaw—it was trauma that had disrupted my neurons enough to change my life.
Unmasking the Hidden Effects of Mild TBI
Did you know that even a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have long-term effects on cognition? It's wild, but even a minor blow to the head can cause significant issues with memory, attention, and executive function. For someone going through this, it might mean forgetting important dates or tasks, struggling to focus on work or studies, and finding it hard to plan or organize daily activities. These cognitive difficulties can stick around for months or even years, leaving people feeling frustrated and confused about their mental fog and reduced efficiency.
Living with the long-term effects of a mild TBI can make everyday life a constant challenge. You might find yourself unable to multitask like you used to or needing more time to complete simple tasks. Social interactions can also become tough, as keeping up with conversations or remembering names and details gets harder. This can lead to feelings of isolation and anxiety since the invisible nature of these cognitive struggles makes it hard for others to grasp what you're going through.
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Looking Back: Could a Childhood Injury Be the Cause?
Think back to your childhood. Do you remember ever having a head injury or a bump, even if it wasn't severe enough to be treated in the hospital? My own injury occurred during cheerleading when I fell off someone's shoulders and hit the floor. But for you it could have been a fall off your bike, a sports injury, or even a playful accident that seemed harmless at the time.
Try to recall if your symptoms have always been present or if, like me, they started around that time. It's important to note that it can take up to 18 months for symptoms of a mild TBI to fully manifest. So, what might have seemed like a small incident could actually be the root cause of ongoing issues you're experiencing now.
Don't Go It Alone: Seeking Professional Help
Lastly, checking in with your doctor is always a good idea. They can help you explore the connection between your symptoms and any past head injuries and may offer further support or treatments. It's never too late to seek help and find ways to improve your quality of life.
Connect with Our Community
If this resonates with you, join our Facebook group! It's a chill space where we share stories, tips, and support each other. Click the link and come hang out with us. We'd love to have you!
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If you think you’re dealing with something similar, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered! I have tons of tips and advice to help ease the long-term effects of TBI. From memory tricks to managing executive function struggles, I’ve been through it all and found ways to make life a bit easier. Stick around, and I’ll share what I’ve learned to help take some of the pain out of your journey.
Did this post give you any "aha" moments? I'd love to hear about it! Leave your thoughts in the comments below. Sharing your experiences and insights can help others on their journey too. Let's get the conversation started!
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hecomesfromthesun · 11 months
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31 October 2023.
I didn't know what to write here. . Today, I woke up at 09:00 am. It was supposed to be a very productive day. I was so tired and filled at the same time with so much energy. I took a public bike in front of my building and just rode at the national mall. The weather was not so good, and I felt the cold in my legs (I was wearing tiny sports shorts and a black hoodie), but I didn't care about it, I rode till I arrived at the Georgetown main campus.
Georgetown's main campus is in the most beautiful area of Washington, D.C. The zone is full of excellent coffees, stores of used books, and gay hipsters: the promised paradise. I bought falafel as my lunch and entered the main campus. There, I wasted some money on two beautiful and warm hoodies. Then, at the Barnes and Noble bookstore, I discovered a fascinating book: "Health Communism." In the beginning, I was not convinced about buying it. I'll be here for just 10 months and want to avoid carrying those books back to my country. But I read the first page, and it was absolutely amazing. After all this time, one book makes great questions on health issues from a philosophical view. So I found it on a strange webpage in "pub" format. I would probably write more about this book and its ideas. Then I returned to my area, on the electric bike this time. It took me about 30 minutes, and I paid about 3 dollars for that ride.
My friend from India, Udbhav, invited me to go to the theatre. I'll meet him outside of McDounagh Hall. The weather was freezing. On our way to the theatre, we stopped at his apartment because he forgot to feed his cat, Cindy. We realize that Cindy is probably sick because she threw up all the food. We watched a French movie named "Anatomy of a Fall," it was terrific, the premise is the murder (?) of the main character's husband. The film shows the complexity of marriages in the writer's life, complex relationships, and power between men and women (in this case, the emphasis was on the side of the woman, in my view). We had the opportunity to watch a complete criminal trial of murder. The lawyer and the prosecutor were fascinating. They connected a lot of isolated facts and made the three hours of the movie interesting. Both of us liked the movie so much. There was a promise about going together to other news movies. I like that guy, who also is a writer.
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Which industries can benefit from voice broadcasting?
Voice broadcasting can benefit various industries in numerous ways, including:
1.Healthcare: Patients receive automated appointment reminders, medication notifications, and health alerts.
2. Education: School-related announcements, emergency notices, and student and parent updates.
3. Retail: Use promotions, sales announcements, and customer surveys to effectively engage with your customers.
4. Telecommunications: Service updates, promotional offers, and customer support alerts.
5. Finance: Fraud warnings, payment reminders, and advertising communications about banking products and services.
6. Travel and hospitality: Booking confirmations, flight updates, and customer feedback requests.
7. Nonprofit organizations: Include fundraising campaigns, event notifications, and volunteer outreach.
8. Real Estate: Property listings, open house notifications, and market updates for potential buyers.
9. Political Campaigns: Voter outreach, campaign updates, and event notifications.
10. Emergency Services: Providing alerts and messages during crises or natural disasters to keep communities informed.
By leveraging voice broadcasting, these industries can enhance communication, improve customer engagement, and streamline their operations.
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rydervaughn · 11 months
Is Public Health Campaigns on Social Media More of a One-Way Communication Than a Conversation
#Week7 #MDA20009
In the digital age, social media platforms have emerged as powerful tools for public health campaigns. Government agencies, nonprofits, and health organizations use these platforms to raise awareness, share crucial information, and influence public behavior. However, a question arises: Are these campaigns truly fostering a two-way dialogue or merely serving as one-way communication channels? In this blog, we delve into the dynamics of public health campaigns on social media to explore whether they facilitate meaningful conversations or primarily disseminate information.
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The Rise of Social Media in Public Health
Social Media's Transformative Role in Public Health
Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become indispensable tools for public health organisations. They allow for mass communication, instant updates, and the ability to reach a diverse audience. These platforms enable health campaigns to engage with the public like never before (Kanchan & Gaidhane 2023).
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Informing the Public
Public health campaigns leverage social media to distribute important information. For example, during COVID-19 pandemic, platforms were used to convey updates on infection rates, vaccine distribution, and safety guidelines. However, the e1fectiveness of these campaigns is not solely dependent on the information they provide but on how they engage the public (Chen & Wang 2021).
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One-Way Communication: The Challenges
Broadcasting Messages
Public health campaigns on social media often resemble traditional advertising. They focus on broadcasting messages to a wide audience, which can be seen as a one-way communication approach. In this model, information flows from the campaign to the public without much room for interaction (Kapur 2018).
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Lack of Engagement
One of the key challenges is the lack of genuine interaction. Many campaigns post content without actively encouraging comments or questions. This creates a sense of passivity, where the public is expected to receive information but not actively engage with it (Ruler 2018).
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The Echo Chamber Effect
Another concern is the echo chamber effect, where campaigns target individuals who already agree with the message. This can reinforce existing or change the minds of those who hpld different views (Ma 2022).
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Transitioning to Two-Way Communication
Interactive Content
To move away from one-way communication, public health campaigns needs to create interactive content. Polls, surveys, and quizzes can encourage users to participate actively. For instance, campaign on smoking cessation could share a quiz that assesses a user's readiness to quit and offers personalized advice (Weheba & Kader 2007).
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Encouraging Questions and Feedback
Campaigns can also actively encourage users to ask questions and provide feedback. They can dedicate time for Q&A sessions or open forums where experts respond to inquiries. This approach not only informs but also fosters engagement
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Incorporating Storytelling
Stories have a unique power to humanize public health issues. Sharing personal experiences, survivor stories, or testimonials can make campaigns relatable and encourage users to share their own stories and concerns.
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Case Studies in Meaningful Conversations
The "Know Your Lemons" Breast Cancer Campaign
The "Know Your Lemons" campaign effectively utilizes two-way communication. It educates women about breast health through a conversation starter: a set of lemons representing different breast abnormalities. This interactive approach empowers women to ask questions, share concerns, and engage with the campaign's message actively (Yen et.al 2021).
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The CDC's COVID-19 Twitter Chats
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted Twitter chats during the pandemic. They provided a platform for experts to address public concerns and answer questions in real-time. These chats transformed their Twitter feed into a place for dialogue and information exchange (Lyu & Luli 2021).
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The Balance: When One-Way Communication Is Appropriate
While striving for two-way communication is crucial, it's important to recognize that not all public health campaigns are suited for extensive conversation.
Emergency information
In crisis situations, such as natural disasters or disease outbreaks, rapid dissemination of information is paramount. During these times, one-way communication may be more appropriate to ensure that the public receives vital instructions without delay (Adu-Oppong 2014).
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Factual information
When sharing straightforward, factual information like vaccination schedules, it may be more efficient to maintain one-way communication. Nevertheless, campaigns can always encourage users to seek more information through resources or helplines.
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Public health campaigns on social media have the potential to be more than just one-way communication. They can foster meaningful conversations, educate the public, and create a sense of shared responsibility. However, to achieve this, campaigns need to actively engage with their audience, encourage questions, and embrace interactive content. By striking a balance between one-way communication and dialogue, public health campaigns can maximize their impact and effectively serve the public interest. In an age where misinformation and fear can spread rapidly, social media can be a powerful force for good when harnessed effectively.
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Adu-Oppong 2014, 'Communication in the workplace: Guidelines for improving effectiveness', Global Institute of Research & Education, vol. 3, no. 5, viewed 24 October 2023, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/304782482_COMMUNICATION_IN_THE_WORKPLACE_GUIDELINES_FOR_IMPROVING_EFFECTIVENESS>.
Chen, J & Wang, Y 2021, 'Social media use for health purposes: Systematic review', Journal of Media Internet Research, vol. 23, no. 6, viewed 23 October 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8156131/>.
Kanchan, S & Gaidhane, A 2023, 'Social media role and its impact on public health: A narrative review', Cureus, vol. 15, no. 1, viewed 23 October 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9925030/>.
Kapur, R 2019, Barriers to effective communication, ResearchGate, viewed 23 October 2023, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323794732_Barriers_to_Effective_Communication>.
Lyu, JC & Luli, GK 2021, 'Understanding the public discussion about the centers for disease control and prevention during the COVID-19 pandemic using Twitter data: Text mining analysis study', J Med Internet Res, 9 February, viewed 24 October 2023, <https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33497351/>.
Ma, Y 2022, 'Role of communication strategies in organizational commitment, mediating role of faculty engagement: Evidence from English language teachers', Frontiers in Psychology, 22 June, viewed 23 October 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9257226/>.
Ruler, BV 2018, 'Communication theory: An underrated pillar on which strategic communication rests', International Journal of Strategic Communication, vol. 12, no. 4, viewed 23 October 2023, <https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1553118X.2018.1452240>.
Weheba, D & Kader, MA 2007, 'The impact of communication in teaching: A two-way communication approach', Tourismos: An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Tourism, vol. 2, no. 1, viewed 23 October 2023, <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/47716235_The_impact_of_communication_in_teaching_A_two-way_communication_approach>.
Yen, MCM, Islam, T, Ellsworth-Beaumont, C, Dhillon, SK, Ganggayah, MD & Taib, NA 2021, 'The "Know your Lemons" tools: A strategy to improve breast cancer warning signs recognition in Malaysia', Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 29 July, viewed 24 October 2023, <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10506761/>.
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seatown123456 · 4 months
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Simple Beauty Tips for Acne Free Skin. Visit us :- www.seatownpharmacy.com
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healthcare2025 · 8 months
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Track 9: #HealthCommunication and Health Information Technology Submit your paper/abstract/research/poster today at the CME/CPD accredited 15th American Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Summit from May 14-16, 2025 in San Francisco, USA WhatsApp us at https://wa.me/442033222718?text= submit your paper/abstract here: https://health.universeconferences.com/health-communication-and-health-information-technology/ #Healthcaremeet #Hospitalmanagementexhibition #Hospitalmanagementsummit #Healthcareconferences #PatientSafety #healthcareproviders #Healthindustryleaders #Medicalevent
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gunjanhospital · 1 year
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Meet Dr. VP Singh, your trusted laser and general surgeon, providing exceptional care and expertise in the world of surgery.
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surveycircle · 1 year
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "The perception of health information on social media platforms" https://t.co/S3Jng7c8OT via @SurveyCircle #UvA_Amsterdam #CommunicationsResearch #HealthCommunication #SocialMedia #HealthInfo https://t.co/SEaeEQKimX
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) May 21, 2023
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moniqueyelias · 4 years
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ibgofoods · 4 years
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Peanut butter contains many nutrients that can improve your Health! #healthyliving #nutritiontips #delicious #holisticnutrition #healthmatters #functionalnutrition #nourishyourself #healthhacks #healthcommunity #immunityboost #diseasefree #minbodysoulspirit # hormonal health @ibgofoods https://www.instagram.com/p/B_t_koCnHtj/?igshid=1flkypmxbvrlh
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800kofshadows-blog · 5 years
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I briefly touched on the aura in an earlier lesson. To recapitulate, the aura is the electrical magnetic energy that emanates from the human body. Our bodies of course, vibrate. Animals and plants do the same. All things vibrate. For all things radiate an energy: a chair, a house, a tree, the flower, a bird, everything is vibration. So, everything gives off an aura, okay. The aura is mostly seen in humans though(possibly due to brain activity). The aura is sometimes referred to as the odic field. In Christian art, from the fifth and sixth centuries, it was often depicted around the heads of people believed to possess great spiritual power. There it was referred to as the halo or gloria. It also appeared as a ring of flames around the heads of Moslem prophets. The headdresses of priests, kings, and queens symbolize the aura. #kingsandqueens👑 #prophets #moslem #yogacommunity #healthcommunity #auras #aura #seeingauras #auracleanse #auramagic #auraenergy #auracolors #divineaura #witchaura #aurawitch #aurawitches #witchyaestetic #witchyaesthetics #aestetic #aestethics #aestheticstyle #aestheticedits #occultreading #literature #readingoftheday #writingcommunity #witchcrafttattoo #traditionalwitchcraft #traditionalpaganism #tarot https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Ud9FlFRAS/?igshid=5o1nky9gg6hj
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kagintonpackage · 2 years
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oneatomicblonde · 2 years
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I’ve been laying in bed recovering from COVID and processing this horrific Roe v. Wade reversal like many others. This is going to hurt and be the direct cause of death of so many people for so many reasons. The reasons are plentiful, you don’t have to look far to find them. What’s baffling to me, however, is to see the radio silence from many female founded, female centric brands, creators, and allies. 👀 If you are keeping silent because you are afraid of losing customers or followers, the fact is that they were never about you or your products or lifestyle in the first place. And if you are keeping silent because you support the mentality behind this ruling then I need to know that because I no longer support you. This is precisely the time we need to show what we are about and let everyone know that peoples’ bodily autonomy is not something that can be taken away. It should not have even been up for discussion in the first place. I certainly do hope that the brands I have chosen to align with and the people that I enjoy interacting with feel the same and agree that we all should be able to do as we please with our own bodies. Feel free to unfollow me if you do not feel the same. ✨ Stay safe out there. Xoxo Hannah - - - #bansoffourbodies #weseeyou #silencespeaks #wellnesscommunity #healthcommunity (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSCDyGv-Ii/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bomweekly · 3 years
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