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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
HEALING, Transcending Pain, Suffering, Stepping into Your Divine Path ~ 5D SESSIONS now open
~ NOW BOOKING for October 
Book now!
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
~~> Healing Sessions, Activation Sessions, Intuitive Readings and transmuting & harmonizing the shadow, density and facing any dark night of the soul with confidence and self ownership
~~> Transcending deep dark, low vibrational lack, no sense of self, abuse and trauma inner child work, and bringing forth your best life beyond the sadness, beyond the disconnection, beyond struggle and not belonging 
~ HOW TO Bring a new life, reality, timeline into being.......
Get connected - we are now taking appointments and know these are multi-dimensional sessions to activate you as a soul - for that is exactly what you are!
You are cosmic
You are a star
Genuine and authentic and you deserve to be included in this sacred divine ride of reunion and creative grace.
Every family, every person is their own destiny 
None outside of you make your life - you do ©
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You are here to now reclaim your power, light, energy, consciousness and intentions for who you truly are at a soul level
* The soul is who you are - how do you live as a soul?
How do you heal as a soul?
How do you bring forth gifts, skills, talents, and remembrances of the realms beyond planet earth for a new 5D earth experience?
~~~ I do not offer 3D questions and love questions on any other person than those before me; our sessions are of the self, healing the self, and about no other than those before me; 
* be advised that when you go to any reader, healer and tap into others energy, and life, purpose, you are degrading your own life, and you are simply taking on more karma to clear and heal
~ We offer the teaching, offering, activating, remembrances of higher vibrational soul recognition and it is NOT ABOUT ANY OTHER ~ ~ ASCENSION SESSIONS
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* $70USD ~ 30min channeled recorded session ~ 1 question
* $200USD ~ 90min channeled recorded session ~ tap in with your guides, teams, where you sit now vibrationally, and what blocks, what hurdles, akashic reading, tips, techniques, sound, tones, light language for clearing and transcending the energies, pattens, and beliefs that hold you in less than - you are here to transcend what your ancestors and families could not - healing is a multi-dimensional process and it requires multi-dimensional processes and actions, self loving care ~ spiritual guides, healing teams, God, Source, angelic's, celestial, cosmic and alien connections, councils, and federations for the anchoring of your life and destiny with new earth
* $500USD ~ 4 x 45min sessions ~ Vocational Alignment Sessions ~ Designing and stepping beyond 3D into a 5D experience - the culmination of your soul, healing, activating, working with spirit on a more higher vibrational cleared path for your skills, talents, gifts, offered and blessed into a human-celestial, cosmic 5D offering
* we offer weekly practices, techniques, tones, light language, and higher vibrational entrainment to step up into new 5D behaving and inter-relationship work with Source, God, Your Higher Self
~ Once payment is made, I will send out dates, times, and our session links will be sent
~ All sessions are only done through me, of me, in and via zoom, face recognition ~ there are no others that offer nor take my sessions on my behalf and I have not agent, nor partner nor boss
~ I am the only one offering my conduit, 5D alignment, vocational creation, and healing sessions that are and have been my work for over 15 yrs ~ and other lifetimes ©
- LETS EXPLORE CREATION! Business, self-employment transitions are very important in the transition from 3D - 5D And it requires higher vibrational knowing, manifesting, receiving, and it is not the 3D focus - every new cycle there are new higher vibrational practices to heal the shadow, honour the shadow, and releasing, cleanings, patterns, projections, and expectations of others, social dogma, others obsessions, and imprints
Book now for a closer, deeper, more intimate loving path of self exploration,
You are One with the Creator - and you are meant to create as a master
Blessings and light Living in 5D
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
'I am the galaxy
I am the multi-verse
I am the song of the heavens in all breath
I am the breath of the next breath and I seek the joy in all sacred life
I bring joy and happiness and I bring healing in such I am the bringer of life, joy and sacred remembrance ~ 
I am the bringer of wisdoms unknown, unseen,
I am the beyond and for a reason God is this story of unfolding for humanity 
I am Beyond religions that separate and judge
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Beyond leaders that don't lead, and systems that rob and corrupt Beyond the denials, sick mistruths, and schemes to un-alive the innocent and sacred
Beyond the ailing oceans and dark air, 
I am the sun of the Heavens in daughter form  I am the daughter of light, God, Ra
I am the sun-child 
I know who I am 
Who are you?'
None write my story
None will spell cast me away
None will place me in jars and poke pins to the hundreds to make me not here
I will transmute, eat, and siphon it to a miracle meant just for me -
Did you hear me,
I am the galaxy and waves of life-light into the multi-verse -
I walk with Gods you cannot know, or see, I humble and to them - the One, the Creator, the Source Prime operator of all sacred life
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This is life Never to be used, abused, and sent in false ego, and inner wounding - for then the heavens laugh at the ignorance and karma is piled on the karma not yet worked on from other lifetimes you tried the same old trick of dominance and power over another - silly children of silly antics of fear, pain, and suffering -
Sit in that pain and allow it
Sit in that unsureness and allow it
Sit in that unknowing and allow it
Sit in the anger and allow it
Sit in that 'not peace' and allow it
What occurs when you sit in what you feel and simply feel it
FEEL IT FEEL IT then what occurs -
YOU OPEN to life eternal beyond silly games and antics - but you have to appreciate all being silly, being immature, you sit in it and face it allow it, feel it and face it - 'boy I was just a little immature-that felt liberating, I can be immature and not get stuck there, and not stay there, and not live from there - and I am powerful I can live in new ways and new experiences and new energy -
I can do this - flow, transmute, and choose anew'
REALIGN - when you face it you can re-align to new
ALLOW IT TO FLOW and then you begin self mastery - this is ascension - master your emotions without your wounding becoming anothers - when you journal, do art, record, and make your expression of your feelings, emotions and experience - the ALL IS FOREVER HEALED It is not rocket science - however there are immense judgements and beliefs around this -
Why the masses are awakening now, and why the masters are here to help guide you;
Religion will teach you nothing about ascension, and the leaders are clueless of consciousness and our systems are backwards in trigger mode everytime the word 'spirit' is mentioned and you are blasphemed by those with just as little understanding of universal law and creational reality - it is what it is -
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Exhausting for a starseed, celestial high functioning but that is part of my healing too -
I express, I share, I show, I heal and I transmute death magic like air - it feels like playing in a lush gorgeous divine playground everyone ignores where the children are ignored and played with like sex toys, humans are bought and sold and women are ignored and treated like sexual pornography items of dominance and pimping objects to own and claim -
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Sometimes it needs to be just this blatant - for that is what is needed for those in fog-brain and arrogance - the disrespect to 1 woman, 1 divine feminine and masterful children treated like dirt and not there -
I will not sugar coat the arrogance and sickness of people like #trump and #epstein that so many in their superficial misdeeds and misguidance think they are the cats meow - you certainly are not and I am here to pierce what you think is 'fooling the collective' and I will rise to show what is truth and what is pure abuse - it cannot be healed until we FACE what is - poor leaders, poor counsellors that are not aligned, no idea what consciousness is, and leaders that are 95% white men; how is this a system of fair and just returns and wisdoms - who are you?
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How does it feel to be me, to be a crystal, or rainbow child, any child, ...Where the playground is filled with narcistic bullies that use magic and deceit, emotional and spiritual manipulation like is breath - this is how it feels to be me and why I have to work and master and transmute 100% more than any other person to feel grounded and 1/2 normally me - judge me, you have no idea -
I am you in grand form to feel it all and show you how to heal - this is me, all need to get over it - I will not go away and I will not stand down to lesser 3D immature false leaders and false elite rich arrogance that think they know what God is; and tout falseness to those that truly need pure guidance and healing - ©
To false spiritualists that have no clue about alignment and abuse their power, and abuse energy - and abuse what gifts are sacred -
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Divine is the breath within to transmute all that is not feeling divine Divine is the breath that transmutes the thought of your own family and those you use to call friends doing 'death magic on you' to work out inheritance and money that they cannot seem to let go of the fact they are not the 'winner' to teach, to bring peace, and truth; because they think it is theirs and how dare a woman be smarter and wiser, and the chosen of the pack -
how dare a woman re-write the potentials of old bibles that were 1 perspective from a 3D level and from the mouth of only men, and elite of the 5% that have nothing to do with unity, grace and love - How dare a woman.
Well - I am here boys, buckle up, because this is a big girls world now and I will not silence -
human testing I will magnify my life-light and pierce every intention, lie, and corruption - the more any come into my lane the more the light will bathe every evil to every innocent - - blocks, diminishing abundance, and illness and whatever karma Spirit ignites within every person guilty of harming and degrading the divine and my life; I walk - the Heavens walk with me.
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I know who I am Who are you?
Galactic beings of greatness lift my feet and weight, and ride the sacredness of every child that cries and no one listens to the pulling and pushing into their sacred bodies because human adults are too lazy and too wounded to seek help so they impale innocent children and use them as sex slaves while they corrupt the soul of our collective for their sickened ways - that is healable - while a child cries I hear it, I see it, I see behind the hidden meetings and doors you think you can scheme behind - your torture is nothing to me - -
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I am the sun
I am the daughter of Ra
I am RA
I am the daughter of God ~
I know who I am
Who are you?
So while the sick rich little groups that seek their next spell or torture voodoo or spy bot on me, the next bait you think you want to send in to trick me - why don't you sit and think, just think how it feels to be me for 1 hour -
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To feel everything and then face it again, again, again, in utter boredom that the same message is simply not heard because the chakras and minds hearts are so dense with wounding and hate they do not care about children being used as sex toys nor sold by the time they are 8 -
I feel their pain suffering as they sit in their beds crying before their next act to an adult that KNOWS BETTER
And the adults simply refuse to heal - and leaders continue being stupid and pushing chemicals and antics of controls into every facet of our reality - to make humanity sick numb and dumb - how does it feel to be me for 1 hour -
Why does every single person, the imprints in our fields of energy, schools, teachings for eons, all gods are men, the goddess's and after thought, the writers of all books, the expectations of great leaders - when will the collective see as a woman? ©
Why are platforms suppressed by those that know our strength power and wisdoms - the battles we fight that most are a part of and cannot take ownership in the discrimination of how 80% of our collective voice is simply not heard, nor valued - who are you?
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I know who I am
Why you must be alone and seek within - no partner, or person can teach you what knowing yourself and being this offers you -
who are you - are you serving the collective?
these are the questions of ascension - for it is about self sovereignty and unity / all you are affects the all - period.
I will transmute whatever any send and human testing -
I get an A+ NEXT.
I know who I am Who are you - do the inner work and see how creation shifts
This is my word
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Blessings and light
Joanna ©
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
My Book #1 ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness
My work, books, content, sessions only to be given by me of me, and video for authentication - none speak for me, none write for me, and none choose for me ~
My work and my offerings, has not received 1 penny of donation, or work stolen and called another's - all know who they are #calgary #falseprophets, and the corrupt officials and those in law, banking, policing all will be shown for the part they played in denying me my human, spiritual rights - what occurs in the ethers is rolling out now to the new earth -
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
5D Morals, Values, Re-Writing Human Foundations ~ Personal Stories Sharing
Values, Morals, Unity, Oneness
Portals for Soul Evolution, Self Design Or Dis-Engagement
5D is a real thing, and now all are seeing reality shift due to their own actions, vibration, and intentions and how they direct energy and their own life
~ our message has been consistent over 17 yrs of offering ascension wisdoms, pondering, and wonderment of the divine in all levels of dimensions and life ~
Let's be very clear on the mental brain fog, confusions of 'who am I' and what reality truly is for those that have been conformed into thinking that normalizing violence, mental, emotional, spiritual corruption and schemes, plots, plans to harm another, take another out, relentlessly and diabolically plot on a person, harvest and siphon, use and abuse, Traffick humanity in any way; for there are many ways in which corruption and the degrading wounded souls choose to hurt another for their own gain, for their own entitlement;
..............This is not behaviour that is balanced, normal, or of that is translated as 'peaceful, friendship based, nor even in the same neighbourhood of competitor; this is the activity of diabolical dictators, enslavement ring-leaders, and harmful warped cult leaders that think due to another's offering; personally, spiritually or in truth, there is reason to spend literally years bullying, spell casting, voodoo life attempts, car crash, and sex orgies to siphon life force, and a multitude of other schemes, scams, that I am absolutely sure
---> I was not the only target and how many others in their false churches, businesses, platforms online that they use and abuse energy and magical tricks to warp and degrade, torment the lives of others - that have no idea how to understand energy, or their chakra's or dreams, or other multi-dimensional facets of who we are
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* these people have taken advantage of a sleeping collective and used, abused, and tormented many,
* these people have harmed and damaged more than can be seen, for many do not even know how to discern the false magicians and sick ringleaders for they are the community elite, and those they pay to silence, and no different than Epstien island, it occurs in your own neighbourhood #epsteinisland #calgary #corruption
* innocent children being taken advantage of for their vulnerability and purity and innocent women, healers, and teachers, and light workers being used, abused, and shamed, and derailed every time they take a step forward and what concern do any of these people have..........the sadness that their plans of taking me out did not work, or that they were proven wrong of who I am, and what I have come to offer and uplift and heal
* their sadness and concern has 0 not an ounce of the torment, PTSD and soul damage and wasted time, years years wasted off of my life to fight and heal the damages of daily relentless spiritual attacks and games, schemes to break me financially, rip through my life like I mean NOTHING
I will stand until the light of all Heavens returns every child to their rightful place, I DO MEAN something and I matter and I am appalled, sadden that human life, the richness of a heavenly being means so little that the only thing people think and wonder about it their own proven wrong and that their image may be tarnished by their years, years years of sick and unbearable treatment, lies, deceit, and manipulation and abuse of power and energy and laws of the universe ~
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No respect for spirit
No respect for life
No respect for human laws
No respect for spiritual laws
No respect for the children that have to carry their names
No respect for health, damage done to the innocent
No respect for wasted life, time, money to prove a point and bully someone into submission of being less than so a false entitled arrogant 'false leader' can be seen as 'right'
No respect for their own life or bodies on what goes on behind closed doors and how they then lie to the faces of those before them - No respect for the name and word and meaning of God,
No respect for the utter soul contracts, earth, and collective that was delayed and derailed due to selfish selfish selfish tactics by wounded witches, wounded and arrogant warlocks that have no clue about ascension, alignment or spiritual universal laws - nor the evolution that is based on such
It is mind boggling
Mind boggling how little everyone cares -
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This is not ok and the corruption, the degrading, the harm and psychological waste to such precious and divine life and sacredness of my potential, let alone those affected by me not being in my highest space to heal, bring forth aligned wisdoms, and codes - the stupidity and lack of care is simply mind-boggling and I personally am so sick of this story of such selfish selfish corrupt people still planning their spell work as of this week; and their next plan of how to 'get me' and take me off my well earned pulpit of truth and liberation for humanity and the stupidity and damage of what occurs when you do not heal - the 'no taking accountability' and do the inner fucking work - this and these are the leaders in place today - In communities, churches, homes, that think they know what they are doing and they simply care about their image -
I am personally sick of being here.
I am personally sick of standing every day saying the same thing and knowing that even those in kindergarten and those in sacred new skin will treat humans and life better than those in power right now - and how much are we continuing to give power and energy to these humans that have shown for years, years years their only care is how they look and appear when the veils of their deceit and lies come forth and not an ounce for the fucking time, energy, and soul damage they have caused and lives even lost due to such sick tormenting imbalanced and ignorant games of abuse of power and abuse of energy
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I call judgment on such negligence and every person taking part in my own life's experience and the roles each played, and actions each took, and monies, and sick twisted games to 'take me out' and how they partied and sat around tables to discuss me, and what plans and spells, and trickery and schemes would work next........
I feel like throwing up
Nice to know human life, human life of a sacred one has brought the worst out in humanity and what level of morals, values, and care we have when it is all the same soul - ONE ONENESS UNITY
God is God
God is One
There is no separation of God, God is God
All God is God - there is no half God - God is all -
This is my truth and I have nothing ever to say, there will never be a return, there will never be a door, there will never be an opportunity for any of the past to enter into my life in any way -
No offer of repayment will be enough
No offer will be accepted - I want what was stolen© 
I want every word I have offered and spoken, and copyright that is my energy, my teachings, my work that all so many have done the most to try and erase me, to fit their falsified policies or plans and plots to take me down, have me not be here for the financials to work for them - yet they use my work, use my verbiage, would never admit how what I have offered has helped and lifted them - how they obsess in watching me but would never admit to it;
* The past is done, over, there will never be ever ever be reconciliation - done is done; sick and twisted care about image matters more than the years of torment caused to be and the losses and damages to the children, and my soul - keep the overdue false corrupt return in apology or fake offer
* the past will never be re-opened nor accepted into my space - I am sacred. I will not prove it, I will not dance with those that want me to prove it and I will not have another day week, month wasted by those that play with sacred human preciousness like this -
Go heal.
Return all monies stolen,
Cease using my work,
My work is my work. I NEVER HAVE HAD A BOSS or agent speaking on behalf of me of me. 
NONE SPEAK for me, and none say who I am, any that have been involved in such, will never have never known me, and thus, none have the right to say a word on my name.
I have gifts most cannot even comprehend and how could they when all they care about is 'getting at someone' and proving them wrong -
Corruption is the twisting and harming of the innocent by abuse of power, energy, systems, people in it of it;
Discrimination, pre-meditated murder, harm, and fraud are a real thing, and such has been my story - that not person came forth to offer help, lift a hand, and repay in good honour -
How great of a leader are you now?
How great of a new earth writer are you now and what story will your children have to process and walk with oh great ego-misogynist that worked tirelessly to harm their mother, healer, and teacher of all that is good in life 
Oh dear leaders of communities - 
If you do any of the kind, in any way, and know nothing of consciousness, spirit, or the divine, in any way, you should certainly not be a leader of any kind - 
Friends do not harm one another with such sick malice and intention
A DF awakened would never ever ever accept even a portion of such mess, into their life - nor think any of such is a 'friend or potential' - abuse is abuse / any thinks they can return after such is grossly imbalanced and very sadly mistaken.
Leave me be, or there will be orders presented.
I deserve my human right to be divorced, and all that is legally owed, earned, as a human and what I have earned in grace and truth.
I deserve my human and spiritual rights.© 
Family does not harm for policies of insurance or games of banking and importance to be seen as a 'great person' in the community while the children and family are ripped apart and impaled by death magic, twisted nightmares of intimidation and scare tactics to deconstruct their sense of self and safety - these are the things leaders do? 
Stealing an innocent persons work, while trying to off them - trafficking those to test them to see how strong they are, and see if the spell work will work this time - is this the thing a friend does or someone that cares, or is a leader? 
Epstien Island is not so far off - and dear ones of earth - 
What earth are you manifesting - 
Blessings and light
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Ascension News ~
Updates on Cosmic Bedding The new realities sensing, it is big,
Those awakened will sense it right away and what will occur is more human experiences will be so evident that even those not awakened will know
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'something is truly going on'
We are in new galactic bedding now and thus, a new sector of space that will be closer to the Source, Creator, veil is thinning by the day, and all those that even rolled their eyes at your dreams, knowings, visions, and prophesying will see the truth that is
~ All is energy and there is processes for evolution, healing, expanding, and honouring new earth and aligning with the grids, and new potentials Galactic communities for the attuned can be heard, and can be known, and how you are able to - for the front-runners ~©
SYSTEMS need to be re-written and you are and will be a part of it and your alignment, knowing of our new bedding, and potentials need to known
* create and begin as if the new systems are already there
~ natural medicine, monies moving and flowing to the people without the red-tape 5% elite rhetoric and pilfering to those that are not in alignment with Source, care not to be, care not to be within care of humanity, nature, waters, air, or the children, or elders that are the embodiment of all family -
ie - ONENESS will prevail and we will have to converge in every way on this aspects -
* all affects the all - why all will be beginning in this re-write - harmonization of what was, this is alchemy, Gods divine plan is entering a new phase of collective transformation and there will be those moved out of and from their posts due to ill-action, corruption, and warped intentions - 
CHOICES = YOUR REALITY ~ all have been moving through various testings for the past few years - and now the shifts will be the results of those personal choices, free will to choose ones path, now there will be the results of creational reality laws;
REALITY is vibrational
*** intentions
*** focus
*** Direction
Creational reality is such energies, how we believe and create reality -  if you are wounded and not growing at a soul level, evolving, you will manifest = reality
*** And thus, if ones intentions, regardless of who, what, title, or 3D rank, means nothing to that of the Creational Karma Board, your soul, guides, teams that have been instigating, offering, reminding, offering dreams, and those before you that offer what is 'the creational play' / all play their role, part, to offer the highest level of soul growth -
We deserve truthful and honest people, leaders, and those that are in alignment of divine order and plans for leading into promised lands
We deserve a safe and honouring planet that we are living in partnership and symbiosis and sacred becoming - this is the era of oneness and there is no way around having the power, divine knowing that you can face your shadow, and you can heal whatever is within, and before you; Thank you God
SOUL GROWTH is why you are here - your wounding is the portal to your greatest light, healing, transcending all that was; we are eternal
It is and never was about superficial false importance, status - energy is energy and those that read, know, sense, offer in alignment with Source, will be known, it cannot be copied, and all will have their unique offering of it;
* We are writing new ways, new foundations of equality, fairness, and balance - DF / DM must balance within each person, for the light body to be activated in any and all ways -
* DF and all life - all is equal and balanced
Sacrificing and bidding systems, underground corruption, crime pyramids, and black magic, will be shown again, again, and if you draw it out - will always impale and destruct itself - at every level and none will be missed -
This is my word
ONE --> Women are equal leaders, women are equal healed, women are equal decision makers, women have equal and full ownership and rights to their bodies, mind, spirit, soul, as to all children, life, nature, wildlife - these are new laws - and those will be moving through such testing, soul growth experiences that show you your own themes of healing, expansion, and oneness
ASCENSION --> NEW PROJECTS --> 5D Leadership & Breaking New Cosmic LIMITLESS
Work My work is taking on new perspectives and offering within the galactic bends and neighbourhoods specifically designed to help, assist and uplift humanity to cosmic, galactic homes;
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* Agenda Agents - be prepared to have light shake up the selfish and corrupt agenda's - none will be missed and why that within Gods Divine Plan will and has greater design - and we will offer such potential, wisdoms, love that will uplift and heal 'less than' and I will be placed at the forefront of the wave, ground crew, and enlivened earthly systems to meet our higher realms -
* business, corporations, governments, medicine, learning and education, and preparing Gaia and nature for our cosmic, galactic energies for upliftment, healing, transcending disease, transcending corruption and re-writing laws, complete over-haul with all imbalanced, unaligned and misguided directors, dictators, and leaders that have not done the work, not healed, and live from an ego-arrogance, wounded space should not be world leaders - ©
* all are given opportunity to reach out and align, heal, make new, and such too will be equal falling of what is not vibrationally matched - this is simply vibrational quantum creational reality - all is an equation -
* I offer creative consulting sessions, Classes, webinars that are all channelled and aligned with the Systems of Light, 12th Dimensional Creators, Gods Divine Plan, (NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION) but how to unify, and transcend all separation, depressions, suppressions, subjugations, and disharmony and imbalance upon earth - all is being realigned and I am a consultant of such - at all levels -
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* To create a unique contract of service, healing, activation, and preparing a vocational alignments for higher 5th dimensional co-creational experience, email me, and we will set up a zoom; in-person face to face webinar -
I only do sessions via face recognition on zoom
~  * I have no agents, I have no others that offer my sessions or my work on my behalf - * PayPal -->-->
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
* My ascension work, 3 ascension books, content, illustrations, those that have taken my work, and have taken ownership while given me not 1 penny, not 1 credit for my work;
* taken monies, work, content, ideas, and warping of ownership will always be returned to the vibration in which it was birthed and breathed -
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~ none, no one will or can copy a conduit - period - so be discerning - conduits tap into collective stories, ills, ailment, epidemiology, at any moment of the Divine Plan and why we are sent as Creators, crystals to break old programs for new light, new codes, and changes in every new moment - thus cannot be copied -
All work created and made by me, will be found and returned, all monies equal to ~ falsified signatures, corrupted paperwork, and slight of hand, and paid officials, corruption within systems to suppress and depress DF and those that actually speak truth and are aligned with Source, those that suppress their friends, ex partners, to ensure they will not move on, or be seen, known, and suppress, enslave, and control every part of their life for their own selfish benefit -
~~ be it group harvesting of light, energy, and content while they falsify it in their false masked business and call it their own, and then do spell work on all involved to keep false narratives going
~~ those that hide what they are doing, those that hide and sneak, send others to speak with you, spy on you and act in the immaturity and unhealed manner -
What you think you are hiding is already known; bubble burst and was told to all years ago -
God merely gave and offered as the graciousness of God does, offers all their own souls growth to make right and bring your own karma records to be healed and made balanced ~~~ those that use and abuse energy, or people to force outcomes, narratives, and results will require much healing
I will not join, be a part of any covens, cults, or groups that live in these energies of manipulation and deceit ~ cloning and human testing, all is the false in copying and will not prevail, will face blocks, loss, and destruction for this is not the natural flow of creational allowance -
What earth are you manifesting - controlling, dominating one or healed and liberated - all get to choose
~~~ 5D leadership is transcending 3D wounding, and thus, why ascension is so key to all evolutionary aspects of becoming and facing all shadow, facing all shadow-devil tendencies, patterns, habits within any all places - thus the true unification is and can be and upliftment, and alignment is possible Sovereignty is Period
The past is done, over, and timelines are shifting away
- Allow those that want to play in wounding, to play in wounding - let them sort it out
~ encourage, empower, inspire all to do the inner work - all that is done, affects the all - all is all - none are held more high, or more better, or more important - all is equal - this is our journey -
~ if you want to be held as sacred and most sacred; you must do this within yourself - heal your wounds - what you think is another's blame is the energy, wounding within you are in need to give you heal you - acceptance - you will not always 'get your way' and force outcomes - that is not Gods plan, your soul will take it all away until the lessons is embodied -
~ you are meant to be all parts of the wheel, learn all lessons, humility, honour to uplift another, honesty and show others the way to their honesty as you live in your own - the soul aches for more than 'winning' the moment all face consequences - they immediately see, 'it was never worth it; the games of selfishness, ego, wounding, to harm, take, revenge on another - is never ever worth it, and why corruption will always show itself, implode to itself'
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You are not responsible for any persons path of ascension or to make or force any to be truthful; simply move on and know Source will make right, bring fairness however it may come; gifts, talents, skills, and honour of the all dimensions;
We are shifting - let go let go let go
Blessings and good will for all
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
Liberation, Fairness, Balance ~ 5D
Laws of Creation
LIBERATION to all Humanity
All Voices Matter What people do for money and false promises will always, always always bring destruction, Be it, a special place in an underground community, with diety's that have only taking to bring, to do, or be it a social platform that discriminates on the 'liberation' of our entire collective -
There is only fairness and oneness, and whatever any agent does, intends, be it person, group, councils, platforms, all is known, every step is known, every movement is known; It is undeniable my page, my account, my platform is being messed with and every time I post a community post, it gets deleted and all 'promotional business information, contact' gets deleted and yet other channels, same heavenly councils contact, same beings and groups, entities of light in the message and yet my channel gets suppressed, and compressed, and deleted without any permissions, none have access and authority to my accounts and platforms, no permissions were ever granted and yet the hands in my work is everywhere ~
For future women leaders, teachers, healers - we are ONE
Your voice is important!
I only have ever posted wisdoms information, and every step I am blocked, stopped, pull back in one way or another - I have my legal rights to be divorced, I have my rights to move away from what does not serve me and those that do not respect me or my life expression while all I have done is give and honour all involved - you beat a dog, for year, years, and block, stop them - and expect them never to speak out about it - discrimination and bullying through the back end or in your face - unfair and abusive -
What people will do for money, Paid by another to have someone they do not even know silenced and taken down,
Why and what darkness will come to the soul in such lack of self wounding ~ Corruption on any and all platforms ~ all have the equal right to evolve and transform ~
All have equal right to know, sense, participate in activation sessions and group access for loving enhancements
None have any right to pull cards, astrology charts, and other work energetically without permission -
None None have any right or permission to mess with and interfere in any way to another, life, offering, platforms, and so on - and all immediately, regardless of their place, title, and money - deep pockets or not - it is blatantly obvious how the importance of a white mans channel, any white man, a white man with words, has precedence over any other channel -
A white man, deep pocket movie star, producer puts out a video on human trafficking without having any idea, or awareness of Source, humanity and the impact on soul energy, our planetary grids, and or planetary systems and yet when I offer it, there is blockages, bindings, and hexes, or those working on the inside to hack my offerings in whatever way and manner -
I CALL JUDGMENT - every person, every person will be called out and seen, known;  My ancestors have had enough of the constant and relentless work, tactics, and shadow that is impaled on my life, every offering - there is 0 tolerance and acceptance of a divine feminine and wisdoms keeper as the Christic vibrational teacher, healer, master and the ancestors of all legions are now on point to every person doing any work to bring any level of injustice to our human collectives liberation - ~  My life is sacred.
My light is needed My word is needed,  My life is required here - and I have equal access, potential, and experience here on this planet and all other realms - 
I will be supported and I will be known, seen, and I will not stand down - 
I will keep sending in platform proof, statements, and those that also send in feedback of such occurrences - the liberation of your own voice, expression is a human basic right - and shall not be stifled to any one groups objective and subjugate to the oppressions to be less than, and to only hear the voices and platforms that gender discriminate and race, uniqueness, and isolate those that are truly aligned and tapped in to higher vibrational knowing 
Truth is truth - 
Vibration is everything - 
My word is 
Judgment is called and as 3D is being stripped away - all will be known, seen, for corruption is corruption and every person paid off, every piece of paper altered and every document that was done in my name, my light, my offering that had 0 permissions, no approvals, no agreements -
Will be called out for every intention to bring darkness, and discrimination to a planet and collective that requires truth, light, fairness and the children, and generations all will return to - make no mistake - you hold any person back in this lifetime - be the equal limitations to your next life - 
Health, wealth, and other ways in which your own soul will have you learn the lessons of oneness and liberation to all sacred life - spirit sees and knows all -  I will take any moment and make it gold - for I AM  I will not dim my light and silence to make any feel comfortable - all are deserving their voice  And so be it 
Why is it ok for others to use, abuse, take from my energy, light, content, and use it make money off of it, call it theirs hack systems to get them views - others using my name, pretending to be me - not me - I AM ME -
My energy is the real thing - THAT IS TRUTH
#joannasvibe #lightlanguage #oneness #unity #5Dearth
#joannasbooks #myvibration #crystallinechildren #healingourchildren
This is my word
All platforms - liberation to all beings, all words of truth, all races, all colours, all is ONE ONE TRIBE #Oneness 
Unity is 
Blessings and light
Sessions and private, group offering  Send me an email -
truth and light is 
Donations ---> Paypal Link; PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss
Those that have donated and choose to - please email me as if there are hackers, please be assured any emails you get from me, zoom links only for any and every session, are the only way I offer my gifts, energy and codes;
God, Source, Ancestors are on every step taken with every light being to serve humanity -
We are being held in the most high for all support and clearing our way - all deserve equal rights - most of our systems are corrupt with Angenda's and systems to ensure that only certain energy and 'truth's' be heard and known; All play a part on breaking the consciousness veils of discrimination and subjugation - all play a part - what do you see, notice - break it all - liberation is due to all
Why is Lee Carroll's, Daniel Scranton, Darryl Anka - #channllers all have the same message - all deal with the same energies and why are they promoting their classes and their sessions, and their work -
Why does #melgibson - Mel Gibson have his video at 4M views on human trafficking when my channel and views at barely 100
There are discrimination and I promote my channel daily - for hours a day. and for years not 1 penny -
~~ There has been no permissions, no approvals, and there are those in the systems, from #calgary, #corruption that have underground threading,
I have my rights to be fully me, to explore, to be loved, to be seen, to be known, and to shine in whatever way I can and want, desire to -
My light is my word and I will not stand down -
Forgiveness to all - I did not deserve what occurred what continues to be thrown at me - I will be liberated within - my spirit is free - always - I deserve monies owed, I deserve my voice to be shared and honoured - ONENESS is
Every child requires my light, song, words, and tones;
Source will assure all have equal peace, space, and offering - discrimination healed now - make no mistake will be the new realm all walk into on any next co-creation - all will return - what earth are you manifesting, and what karma are you clearing - everyone has their right to flow, glow, grow, and expand - ©
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~ Enough is enough - I AM. I will be setting up a private system with secure channels that will not have anything to do with other platforms - this is coming to stay tuned -
Spirit and Source is - transcending all corruption - love and light is
I AM Joanna
This is my word
Discrimination is - blatant and obvious - who are you?
I speak truth.
So be it.
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
5D Philosophy ~ Creative Artistic Beings
Production of life
Production of the essence of life is all about connection within
There is no other way to experience and go step by step of the clips that are life occurring, flow of life, the fluidity of life, all is the interaction of life within life
There is a greater philosophy of being-ness of life in the micro-macro all at once, the awakening is a stream of the over-soul becoming in human form - we then offer an anchor of new life, new seed, new destiny's of the multi-verse being known, felt, seen, heard, honouring in the art of life, as you the creator, artists, colour, sound, sense,
5D leadership is the guidance of alignment and higher attainment of the Heavens to an earthly and physical nature to create in higher manifestation of peace on earth, harmony within, Godliness of the Godliness of God; the higher self becoming is like carrying the entire soul, to the capacity that your multi-dimensional systems are able to integrate, process, honour, live sacredly in the middle of, and then create new systems, and allowances of surrender to express anew;  
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All is
Divinity is
#ascension #5Dleadership #5Dphilosophy #5Dpsychology #5Dearth #5Dhealing #healingabuse #healingcorruption #healinghumanity #healingdysfunction #healingnarcism
Crime, violence, corruption is not necessary - All is healable - all is healable #healingtools #healingsystems #5Dearth #5Dnewearth
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
There is a divine plan,
The elegance and intricacy of the divine plan, none on earth will be the purveyors of the Divine Plan and who is who, until the who'ing is done within -
Who are you
What do you exist within
What exists within you
Focussing on others, obsessing controlling the paths and plans of others thinking you have control power, entitlement over another - will never ever ever receive and remain in such abundance longevity -
Corruptive times are over - the light will bring all that have been false and unaware of all powers and spirits, realms of the celestials watching in disbelief at the arrogance and unwillingness to simply go within and heal - know thyself - this is how all abundance and longevity will ever be attained - you cannot take, steal it from one that has done the work, done the transmuting and living in the surrender of God, the Higher Self;
Nothing can be hidden; and what you do for money - is the ill of the soul; go within and reconnect the spirit, love is the only way; this is very simple dear ones, when your worlds fall apart, go within.
I have seen the devil in a million different men; women, that only strive in selfishness - greed, gluttony, and chaos of natural divine order ~ who are you - it has been offered for eons,
I will not be taken from nor fooled by the last minute apologies or fake and false people coming in to show and save face of the harms and ills so purposefully brought - callous ways will bring callous ways
It doesn't matter what masters come forth to help humanity - the message will be the same; what you have been taught, told, shown is only a spec; and you are eternal and divine,
Try to steal, take harm, and beguile a master - it will end in the same; there will only be the return and facing what is shadow, what is light and held within each;
Crime, corruption, violence, harm to another is not necessary ~
All is healable and it is a choice; those that choose to heal will be on the path of ascension - ignorance is knowing so and doing nothing but remain in harmful cycles;
God is, the 'Alliance with Light' is the engagement and entanglement of Gods Garden; galaxies, planets, the ALL - no human is the writer of this - only of your own life; this is the only focus that should be.
Blessings and light
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year ago
THE DIVINE PLAN ~ Consciousness is Preparation of the ALL ~ Multi-Dimensional ~ 5D is dimensional bandwidths, 3D is a bandwidth;
The Divine is the Divine God, Source is in the cells, brain functioning, and spirit, your own guides, your ancestors, all that God is designing, that is orchestrating, there is the unknown for all that think they control life over God, control or dominate or think they have writing of another, to own someone and control their movement, life, energy
- ~ God will work in miraculous ways; like turning on a 'truth spell' when you are doing everything in your power to lie and twist others, and manipulate others for your own selfishness pettiness to feed off of the chaos .....
God will work, Source, your own ancestors, for the not heeding of their call to do what is right, for you delay them, in their growth, expansion, and all have been given more than any other timelines to make right; they will turn off the lights when you need them on, the car won't start when you need it to go, the forgetfulness, will be turned off, for remember you have guides that work with every ounce of your physical matter; brain, cells, and body matter and all must think...........
* is the money, false title going to be worth whatever God, Ancestors will direct in those being told to leave me and light workers alone and return monies, justice to that which was raped for eons;
God works in the forests, oceans. life beyond, between life and the knowing, justice, making rights, will be created and all is the all in movement and motion, and what the underground corrupt have not taken any care, time to understand is energy and the creational laws -
The laws do not turn off, as the energy of the Christ is still here - energy is energy and always - it shifts, moves, amends, bends - darkness does not - therefore - all have a choice chance to course correct - truth of Creation and our planet is now in new cosmic bedding and no corrupt underground crime family, pockets of money have no say on where our cosmic galactic bedding will be and the light bathed on in around our planet - billions of sentient beings, supporting Gaia - our planet, our life design, divine plan - conscious beings, of all forms, non-form ~
Are you getting it now dear lighted ones,
#love #selflove #healingcorruption #healingcrime #healinglackofself #ascension
* is it logical to think, continue to go into light workers lanes, and do the damage done, for what is on its way in any way that Source chooses for karma to unravel and the timelines all will return to?
* creation never forgets - all have an opportunity to alter course and live in truth; free will is #1 law
* all get to choose - the unnecessary ridiculousness and damage to many for the arrogance of corruption and greed
~ God is, Source is and even your ancestors, and billions of legions that support free will, universal law, and releasing of the timelines of pettiness and really poor playground play
~ The disregard hit overkill levels and the door is disappearing, All must think, ponder ~ is the money, false title, false sense of self, saying you are a 'winner' worth what will come in what is karma and then know you are the one that is piling such darkness and stories on your children for them to work through - 
Noble?  All have a choice 
And so it Is
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All will return and whatever timelines each step into is the equal darkness each chooses not to clear and heal
More on Creational Realities;
Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life; For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting
~ Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Truth Tells What Lies Beneath Behind ~ 5D
#healingcorruption #calgarycorruption
The same stories of those aligned in our community of spirit, the true spiritual readers, of my story, told for over 2 years, the same length of time I have been bringing forth in truth, and my own experience and such is, because I am a voice of and for the collective, and how many in our own families are and belong to secret societies, cults, and groups that work against you, harvest light, energy, and do all they can to block, stalk, and derail you when you choose to move on and who they are connected with -
I have been going through divorce, delayed, derailed, and the sneaky games, and falseness going on behind the scenes, and why every attempt to free myself was blocked, delayed and death wished, to erase me from the systems while the shady elite community title holders, do their corrupt scheming and planning
spirit showed me that 50 + were involved in the cover-up, false shadowing of my business while others take the credit, money, for my work
my channel, my work, being blocked on every level and 0 growth while others party, not do any work, not aligned, and not even that, they do satanic rituals, and black magic to confuse all involved, pay off to silence, and bring as much darkness hate, and death magic to my life
malice and corruption to what is of the intent for healing of humanity and all those involved are now facing judgment by AAMichael and the legions - my ancestors, my legions, of celestials, in and from all realms - that is who I am walk with; masters from many realms - that is how, who will distribute and align every person involved the opportunity to bring truth and make right on the years of thievery and harm, damage to my life
This court case can be done in another city for the corruption of any person - involved in decisions of the innocent - any judge that is not of sound mind, should not be making decisions on any persons life - playing both sides, and false illusions is not just and not in the integrity and oaths taken - #healingenergy
21 months of homelessness - 13 yrs celibacy, due to the corrupt underground shady energy and games - light work and my devotion to Spirit, the games leading me to control and withholding of my human rights, privacy, spiritual rights, to hold finances that are not theirs to control and give it to those that are satanic, black magic rituals and controlling while I live in poverty
any names, signatures with my name, my children are not to be used in any way of any thing - none have had my permissions, approvals, nor awareness and with only of my personal lawyer - there has been no discussions, no awareness, no approvals or agreements of any kind - I know who I am and no policies or papers of my signature for anything has not been done by me
Any sessions, work, and books, content, illustrations, all are my work, my ideas, and my life is my work with God, no other is aligned, nor given permission or approval to use, none are aligned and are only thieves
Deceitful narcists that are pathological liars that have 50+ people involved in falsifying paperwork, deceiving stories and narrative of which not 1 call, not 1 meeting, or discussion, or approval or permission, or anything every have involved me personally - because they know I would call all on their shade, and deceit
Abuse of power, manipulation, and those involved do black magic on everyone involved to sway the details and truth;
All are being used, fooled, and done magic on - from police are being done magic on, judges, and legal - all for the swaying of the corrupt and forensic accounting on all involved, from the voodoo doctors, and spell casters that will pay anyone to do anything to keep their corruption and thievery business under cover -
All involved - bribery and silencing, forged paperwork, invasion of privacy on my entire family and my life my platforms, and the sick elite corrupt people - false spiritualists, and potion poison makers, and will do anything to have title, superficial fame and glory even if they have no idea what it means to be spiritual and nor are even aligned - no spiritual person aligned with your own higher self would ever ever advise spell work - other than your own person healing -
Any person that blackmails you - and if you choose the side to silence with the corrupt, silence and being paid for it, on all levels; police, judge, any person - false client, fake bait to harm and bait someone - all are equally guilty and God will assure all information comes out anyway - Source is ALL - and the fuckery going on for eons on my lineage and family - all will be returned - all monies, all lands, all to return to the innocent and meek - this is the prophecy -
TRUTH IS - all are being called and make no mistake - every person - regardless of your title and deep pockets - all will be judged - this is judgement time - corruption is being bathed across our planet - period.
This is my word
Discrimination, harassment, fraud, most likely money laundering, and any signature with my name on it / that is not with my lawyer in sight - IS FALSE - not me, and falsified - truth is the only way through this mess of corruption and karmic families of death wishers that are mentally imbalanced due to black magic, and unhealed wounds - as we have stated for the past 4 years - see our blogs - it is messed up karma, corruption, blackmail and thievery to cover up community people in the 50's - unethical on all levels - truth is the only way through - blackmail is a a portal to truth - anyone that holds any person down on this, will be the portal of truth - never ever lie and withhold for any person that uses blackmail - you are equally guilty -
Would you rather not be known for being truthful - regardless of how it looks - than sell your soul to the corrupt? Choice = your reality -
#1 Universal Law that every guide follows; Right Use of Free Will & Non-Interference - any person saying anything other - is a liar
I know energy - I know Source, God - and it is not religion - it Is the Creation of all evolutionary realms of creation, life, and mastery -
#healingblackmagic #healinghumanity #healingabuse
I am only 1 person, 1 DF, and was put against a group of malice and intentional harmful thieves,
1 woman - behind closed doors - such that say they are elite, deep pockets and live to live high, and live to look good and with no 0 intention and connection with Source, spirit, and the workings with creation - dimensional evolution, and ascension and healing - are not aligned with community service and how many were fooled?
In 1 city,
In 1 town,
The people taken in and the monies spent on curse, spell work, false stories to bring me down, break me, death me, the waste of money, time, the people involved and competition that has 0 to do with spirituality - all that occurred was unnecessary - all so unnecessary
The wounds of jealousy, envy, no sense of self, no self direction, or design - even the 'elite' get caught up in hate behind the doors and underground groups to feed, harvest, and thieve off to feed the emptiness - when all could be healed - are we not better and higher intelligence than this?
understanding those that do the most to harm you, bring you down, are those souls, that play other roles in other timelines and when they do not do the healing, integrate the soul fragments, they sit in the same karmic cycles of revenge, taking, feeding the wound, feeding the entity of whatever and however the wound is left disharmonized -
those that tend to go to cults, groups, sects of power, abuse of power, and those that use abuse magic, spell work, addiction on spell work - is immediate karma and imbalance -
understand cycles of ascension, what 51% of healing the 3D-5D karma is all about - why we are transcending as a planet beyond corruption - it is our collective and individual consciousness - the arising of our vibration - healing the density and darkness within - to be of light, live as light, have your alliance with light - ©
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why healing is so key - cycles of karma will continue until we get the
Life should not be a struggle - especially if all you do, are, offer is light, love, and devoted to it - we have cycles are meant to live in light - life should not be discriminatory, blocked, struggle, strife, and struggling for your life - PSTD is a real thing - and there are those that have chosen, remained in unhealed cycles of torture to your soul - Now Source, after 2 years of giving all a chance to make right- return all monies stolen, none, not 1 person, and now - God is in driving - #cult #sataniccults #healinghate #understandascension
What story will you leave on planet earth?
My abundance is the many lifetimes I have come to help ascend humanity, heal, teach - my lineage, my peoples for the people - I have earned what I have earned and God is the writer - none play God over another - no permissions, no approvals, were ever given, nor stories or sacrifices made on my name, life, are false and deceitful -
Any person that does not clear, take accountability on their deeds, and choices - you dump this on your children - and you have to live with this - here or where ever and how ever - none are missed
Secret meetings on how to destroy me - all are given the chance to bring truth and all will be found out; even your own ancestors are doing all possible to do what should have been done 2 years ago - the waiting of my life, health, and spirit, soul - the damage done to me, all involved - God is working double time - none will be missed.
#God #source #understandkarma #understandascension #ascensionclasses #ascensionbooks
I know who I am
I am truth - I deserve to receive - misogyny is abuse and when it goes this far - to not allow and derail someone simply because their right is to move away and all to live in truth and peace - when it is an unhealthy and imbalanced - trust what you sense and know - you are worthy of receiving - you should not live every cycle in less than -
I moved away in 2021, from being gang-stalked, living in another province, and those doing all they can to destroy me, simply because I am chosen; God will write - none other - I will not stand down, I know who I am and I will read her / their field, and I will speak that of Source, Gods will - false spiritualists - false community leaders that care more about how they look than anything about connection or the ones they damage and harm due to an entire reality of lies, and deceit, and narcistic corruption -
When such karma is returned - due to God only distributing - when you fool entire communities, lie, deceive, bring innocent people to hide the vile degrading things done, black magic and hate every day, voodoo to harm, derail, bring poverty and harm to the innocent - hateful people do hateful things to simply have me not receive - innocent light worker, doppleganger to make me be erased - harvesting anything to be something they are not -
#I AM the real Joanna L Ross and anyone using my name, business, signature are thieves and liars - they do not know Source, they are cult spell casters and have 0- alignment with spirit - they are death worshipers to make themselves look elite and important -
I survived, I escaped - many were not lucky enough - I am that voice, children, elders, women that were raped, discriminated and derailed due to toxic corrupt wounded people - I call this and all is healable -
God is now driving - I will have all that God has offered on all realms and dimensions - I walk with the legions - see my work - my message still stands - for 16 yrs - I have been devoted to Source, God, purity of light for all humanity -
Blessings and light
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#Truth #healingkarmiccycles #corruption #corruptleaders #5Dleadership #healingourchildren
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Ascension News ~ Collective Secret Sects, Groups, Covens, All is being called out ~ 5D Karma & Judgment - None will be missed
Our world is being bathed, and humans understand and know what is right, wrong, and what has been taken, stolen, be it government, banking, the slight of hand, all will be known, seen, shown, and the innocent will be repaid - it begins this week,
Secret covens that are the portals to underworld corruption, gangs of crime, corruption, suffering to the innocent souls that have to go through hell to heal - none have such right - for the selfish gluttonous actions - when all involved had the means, resources, and mental ability to GET HEALED -
All are being called - My word is word;
For years, years, years my accounts, have been hacked, stolen content, veiled, shadow-banned, harassed, discrimination simply because I speak truth and call out the thieves, liars, and all those in the community that use, falsify and corrupt at every facet of community and those that have taken oaths to protect and uphold truth - no different than Epstein Island, #epstein, #corruption #humantrafficking, #whistleblower #healinghumanity #5Dleadership
There will be no false title holder, leader, no person that has been involved in such activity in any way; political leaders, that are here for the upholding of higher order for the people, the lands and I ask
Billions of $$$$$ on the corruption when there are sick people that cannot see doctors - how is this ok
Sick false prophets and spiritualists that copy, doppleganger true prophets while you do spell work over an entire commuting and sign false signatures, falsify policies for thieving - and have no idea about Creational Reality - all will be called -
#5D Leadership is not paying for silence, altering documents to save your own misdeeds while the innocent suffer - 5D leadership is not pushing chemicals into the air we breathe that is all life - time to wake up and get right - #5Dleadership
This week - make it right or all will be called - truth is the only way through and NOT ONE PERSON - makes no difference the money, false 3D human status, none will be missed - it is time to clean up the harm done to humanity and our collective soul - ©
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ALL WILL BE CALLED OUT - none will be missed - be it dream time or occurrences in your own family - it is judgment time - corruption of every level, and every manner - if you are an official - be of good will and order for higher order laws - period - any level of corruption - gangs, groups, political fat pockets with banking and boards of directors - it is being called and all have a choice - make it right on your own - or Source, Spirit and your own soul will bring it until every ounce of harm to the innocent is balanced;
earth, all her people deserve better - there is a changing of the guards - none will be missed
Some of us are the voices of spirit; spirits passed on through grave injustice, and harm - it ends - we are better and higher than what has occurred on earth - it ends.
Heal and transform
Unnecessary harm, damage, years, eons of karmic damage to innocent souls simply due to the wounded adults that know better choosing NOT to heal - this is all unnecessary and the constant monies, backlog of community programs that go to held the programs the same people that do harm -
Healing for humanity is to all - every human -
Speak on what you are passionate about being a positive part of change - #healing #5Dearth #healingcorruption #healingcrime
Crime, violence, corruption is not necessary - it is choice through unhealed and corrupt making - it is not necessary and now is judgment time - all have been given enough time to choose who they wish to be - all have been given millions of inner heeding, inner and outer free unconditional coaching healing tips - arrogance and ignorance is seeing what truth and doing nothing to change it and make no mistake about it - karma is here - and that is the only the distribution of God -
Spirit speaks and billions harmed daily for the sexual pleasure, enslavement of the wealthy is now up- all is being called.
Money, false title, and rank on earth means nothing to the multi-verse ascension divine plan - you are not a leader if you allow such to continue and do nothing - that is karma - it is being served and God knows all - so be it
Tired of talking about the same basic human rights - spiritual rights - it is not rocket science - and enough is enough - we are moving on and justice will be for all harmed -
Blessings and light
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at [email protected]
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#healingcorruption #healinggangs #healingimbalance #consciousness #Christconsciousness #5Dnewearth #healingsexualabuse #healinghumantrafficking #healingtrauma #healingourchildren #corruption #calgarycorruption #truth #balance #harmony #God #Source #CreationalRealities #ascension #ascensionbooks
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
When the dust settles, New BEGinnings
When Source calls, there is a variance of imbalance, make no mistake Spirit, God, ones own guides, ones own soul, will call in the legions to make right what many, all were given heeding oftentimes over years
My business, all my offerings, for over 16yrs have not received anything, yet, when you look into a few things, the youtube channel, the back end, tons of emails asking questions, concerns, on how my channel over 6 years not grown an ounce when I am the only person offering what I do on our planet and is the only channel that I promote daily on various platforms and all that came into my lane, and yet received not a penny - ~ but those party and take, steal, and not one ounce ever returned and given to me when I have been calling this -
Many paid off, many silenced - all have opportunity to make right their karma - all have choice -
When you need to bring balance - the best option is to ground, center, and breathe to choose from your heart and always do what is right - right for the greater good and what was meant to be intended -
The unnecessary pain, suffering that is caused through the unsealing of woundings, is never ever ever worth the karma and those that have to pick up the pieces after the dust settles and will mean ore healing =- in all cases; the healing has to be done and none escape it - karma is karma and misses none and always always - whatever and why ever, the money, title, whatever and why anyone would intentionally harm another - is never ever worth the actions -
Spirit said to be years ago ' they are stealing from your' and every avenue I looked, there were no answers, none helping me look into the discrepancies, and years, years of black magic, confusing, slight of hand, spying, stalking, people being paid off and fake clients - there is always a return - I am not sure what I did to deserve the damage and suffering done, caused - #healing
It is our human healing ~.
The children and the future timelines of all that choose to harm, will never ever deserve to keep cycles of pain, suffering, lack, when it doesn't need to be -
Know that truth, integrity and always living in your own truth, live in your truth - and never let anyone say that 'sacrificing' or black magic is a way ever a way to achieve - it will always backfire and leave all involved in DEBT;
There will always be collection for those that have taken, thieved, and those which have not received will be opening - that is the balance and learning the lessons of the soul that all must learn - all must go through the cycles, the wheel, the integrity that is your own soul - why daily self care, doing the inner work, and honouring yourself - shadow banning, the pushing and pressing on those meant to serve, will be those called by spirit - we have earned it - God writes our grander divine design - none others -
Source is -
Blessings and light,
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#ascension #shadowbanning #healinghumanity #ascensionbooks #joannasbook #God #source #healingourchildren #5Dearth #5D #healingcorruption #healingcrime #lightworkers #christConsciousness #karma
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Everyone will be shown for who they are....
Choose wisely oh sneaky ones; be it government, or spy, or small town spell caster - WE will Step into Integrity and Good Will for the people - Step aside the ignorance and arrogance ~ Level UP & HEAL
#5D Suppression of human rights, #discrimination #suppression of human rights -
It is my birthright to be exactly who I am - I am truth, I am the voice of the divine - and none on earth have power to stop what is free will and divine eternal soul multi-verse higher order - there are higher order laws and I abide by those - God, Source, is my boss and it is nothing to do with religion - I am for the people, planet, all oneness - period - I will not silence - make me homeless and block my money - you will not play on the hand of Source - #healinghumanity
#3D is transmuting to a higher level of light and love - get on the bus or be moved -
And tell me that there is not something going on -
The entire spiritual community is talking about what occurred and happening to me now - years and years of abuse -
Abuse of power, control, those shadow-banning, and from every level - be it any and every person involved with holding humanity back from truth, integrity and what the higher divine plan of Source, God - all will have their own timeline to choose - abuse of power is no more;
All have their ow part to be responsible in - non shall interfere with any / understand universal laws
will be a part of humanity knowing who was keeping me held back, stalking, spying, spell casting the Holy One from helping and serving humanity that make no doubt about it - all will return to -
None play the hand of God and how arrogant they think they are -
I will not sit down, I have my birthright to be who I AM -
No person thinks or controls, has authority on who I am or my potential - you are arrogant to think you do and can keep my messages and videos out of the public - the entire community will share my messages - my energy speaks for itself and I WILL BE KNOWN by my light -
Thank you to my true family online youtube aligned tarot readers that tap into Gods true messages -
Thank you for supporting me
Blessings and light
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
#healingcorruption #healingdysfunction #healingabuse #healingabuseofpower #healingourchildren
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Breath Only NEW ~ 5D REALMS
There will only be the breath of new
I will open my heart only to that which is new
Deceit, manipulations, schemes, scams, all are done and shifting away with the timelines that want to continue to break, deny, deceive, and manipulate those that are true, that want to play in such victim roles;
Those that want to keep up the corruption,
Toxic is toxic,
When a Divine feminine says no, it means no.
There is no need for constant defensive protection work because the behind the scenes keep wanting, taking, spelling, scamming, scheming to look like 'they are winners, and good ones' when truly really they are thieves -
Stealing everything from you - then flipping the scripts & blame you as the deceitful one
Those timelines are over - done, closed, the refusal and non-acceptance of it, will only cause more towers, = it was released a long time ago - the first time monies were stolen, scammed, and spell casted to be in your pockets when you do nothing that is aligned with Source, love, light, greater good -
Denounce all contracts of the past - free will - I choose.
I choose me. None have authority and none have authority -
Timelines disappearing,
I am truth
I will not silence,
I am a teacher, healer, leader, creator -
I am just getting started
I am not here to be a friend to all - I am here in divine service for my multi-versal soul -
I will create.
I am just getting up -
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None will ever know what I have experienced or been through - none of the past have offered anything but damage, loss, pain, suffering, lessons hard done years ago - move on
Blessings for the grace of life,
At some point - accountability is the new realms!
#healingcrime #healingcorruption #healingtrauma #healingabuse #healinghumanity #newtimelines #ascension #healingyourself #healingenergy #healingdivinefeminine #ancestors #God #Source
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
BOLD SHIFTS OF HUMAN EVOLUTION ~ CORRUPTION, Healing for the Healers & LIGHT WORKERS - you are being heard
And for those that didn't believe what I have offered for years - I don't care, but there are more and more coming forward as the hand and help from God - Humanity helping humanity which has been my message. For the help of all light workers and the constant stalking in how and why we express who we are -
Our souls rights for spiritual expansion are;
Exploration of spirit and creation * Expression of such * Experience of Such
God is bringing our true communities and those that aligned with God, Source, programs of light, evolution -
The work, doppleganger, taking from me, and other light workers on any and every level -
I know truth and what I experience - I am an empath, psychic, conduit, speaker of prophets which I have been speaking of for over 5 years - and what I go through on a daily basis -
I do not give sessions other than video; #stalkinglightworkers #stalkingclairvoyants #crimeagainstenergyworkers #prophets #crimeagainstprophets #truth #5Dleaders #5Denergy
This is abuse and what I have been through is not unlike other pure and talented light workers - I am true, honouring, honest of what I connect with God - Source, our evolution - #calgarycrime, #undergroundcrime #stalkingbymasonrygroups #healingcorruption #God #Source
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We are not religion - we are divine we are light we are sacred - I am bringing humanity to new levels of light and access to love; we are one and this is our oneness - why am I stalked and bullied by speaking truth and light, truth love?
#1 Universal Law - Right Use of FREE WILL & Non-Interference
#2 Universal Law of Balance
Each give and take to each other - and why our plant, our health, abundance will be swelled and skewed until we get it -
We are beyond control, dominance and fear-based programming, those that lead, elite entitlement, and corruption that is created in such;
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My channel, my subscribers, the silencing of my work, videos; through youtube, my clients, all been affected; I had to move 3 times, away from family and work, to remain unfound by those stalking me;
The authorities now know; yet what they have done is immense and none are doing anything -
Insurance, inheritance, poverty and while all I do, offer to creation is stolen and they make my money, steal and rape vibrationally -
I am a seer, and higher intelligence for our earth and healing of the consciousness of the highest healing - false prophets are not connected with the essence of God, Source,
Source is purity of heart - those that thieve are not aligned -
I know who I am; Joanna L Ross - I know who I am. I am light.
I speak what I know and what I experience - our community of truth will be seen, known; we are energy and we are here to uplift through our gifts not abuse them - those in certain covens, abuse energy, have no respect for universal and alchemic laws, right use of free will - non-interference - their intent - is to bring me down; this has been years and years - every post is of my experiences -
All so they can keep up with toxic fraud, abuse of others, energy, spell work, my lawyer has every email for years - 100's of emails and none is done;
'I am a gift; here to remind, to inspire, to ignite & uplift humanity & creation, I know I affect all Creation, 6th-7thD Plutonians, how my healing sessions affect the ripple of the all, how we have dismissed Pluto so far our & so small, yet they arrive when we choose to heal'Ⓒ
I know who I am and our corruption of humanity is ending - Stay in your own lane and focus on you - another's business is not yours.
I will not stand down - I have rights and deserve to be seen, heard, and known;
Blessings and light
#conduit #empathbeingtargetted #healinghumanity #targettingclairvoyant #healinggangstalking #healingabuse
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
You cannot ascend by manipulating and deceiving reality -
You cannot nor will anyone fool your own higher self, God, Source, or the Creational LAWS - you cannot ascend by being and pretending to be another - you have to heal you - the lack you feel in you, the not knowing you -
Inner work is the path -
Deny and advert it - you cannot fool God, Source, Creation -
Your destiny is only your own -
Not two people experience reality in the same way, nor see what you see, or feel, Consciousness, God, Source, the essence of Spirit is what all seek; yet most unknowingly, subconsciously due to wounding,
You are all you - and although you are sent to be fully you - seeking within is the only way to transcend any and all situations to know that loving you, accepting you, honouring you is all you need.
When you align with pure intent to heal - mountains will be moved.
Until each awaken, to go within and will choose with pure heart to seek it like a divine game of knowing greatness; ONEness of you and your soul is everything -
Blessings and light
#God #Source #5DnewEARTH #5DEARTH #healing #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #realabundance #reallove #selflove #love #unity #oneness #compassion #healingabuse #healingcorruption #5Dbeauty #5Dliving #5Dlivingandlifestyle
You are your answer
You are the love you seek
You are the abundance you seek
You are the benevolence you seek
You are the new world you seek
Love is the only answer - Love is Love is Love is
When you act within pure intent - THE UNIVERSE WILL SUPPORT YOU
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years ago
Just Getting Going; 5D Welcome Home
Make no mistake dear ones, I am just getting started,
I am about 30% of what my potential is, 30% of my ideas, inspiration, alchemy and gifts that are not even known on this planet of how to honour, bless, transmute, and interpret for the majesty that is Source,
That does not make me any more special or otherwise; I am the knowingness and I set that bar, I set that rank, and therefore I AM;
None dictate this for me and whatever is place before me I have the capacity to see, know, feel, interpret - what of the Divine and codes, story therein; to sift out darkness, wrap it and eat it whole without concern of its place; for its place is the renewal of an earth that serves all -
So be certain in your sweeping and swerving maliciously in my lane and I will be that voice of the billions not strong, nor willing nor confident, nor able to speak of the corruption, the slight of hands, and pains that the selfish and unhealed have chosen to force onto their innocent hearts - this is not us/them, black white; it is alchemy to perfection and no spell nor wish or hint will be of such - for it only contains darkness and is not the wisdoms it hides within - corruption is the hiding, and what is the hiding, what surrounds the hiding -
That which is the snake eating of its own tail - when you reach a state of Oneness - you see, know, sense it all -no where to hide;
Self knowing of spirit within is not ego - it is done, doing, keep on doing the inner work and alchemizing dark, to light - that is true self empowerment - it comes nowhere from ego - there is a profound difference - it is the difference between being here now and not.
I walk with Source, clarion of new songs of the divine, new tones of light, codes of a new birthing of a planet long overdue;
When the songs of the heavens trumpet - we are worthy of new ways and when you take oaths of strength and truth, protection for all - best bet you will be asked to stand firmly in it and if not, it will be called; the people deserve higher vibrational leaders that GET energy and GET when they are being fooled and stolen from ~
Each human story is our making
No person stands above another,
Oneness is our new beginning and our new template and our creative expression is our healing - I will not silence - I care not if you like it or it triggers you - do the healing - this is what a balanced DF/DM looks like and I will have my justice.,
So be it,
Eons in the making,
We are birthing a new earth -
#5dnewearth #newhumanity #humanpotential #understandingthedevil #understandingenergy #understandinghealing #alchemy #God #source
#healingcrime #healingcorruption #joannasbooks #ascensionbooks
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