#He's trying to show he can be brave but he does worry often about upsetting Claus
pktearsoftazmily · 2 years
// @beinfriends​
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This... This was not his Claus. In fact, he couldn’t even be sure who this was. It looked like Claus, though... There were differences. The younger boy was hesitant, exhaling slowly, deeply through his nose to keep a calm composure. Lucas never made any attempts to harm Claus, not a single time, it just wasn’t in his nature to do such a thing. However, his mind started to race with a ton of thoughts, suddenly thinking about Tanetane Island.
No. No, no. I refuse to allow those memories to cloud my eyes before me now. I am not there, I am here, in the present. I do not have to imagine, I do not have to eat anything to survive right at this moment. If... If he should attack, I will just do as I did before; defend myself.
It took a long whole before Lucas had gained the courage to muster any kind of word.
“H... H-hello.” it was soft, almost meek. The boy looks terrified, yet in his eyes, he held some courage despite his anxiety rising. After all, he pulled the needles of the Dark Dragon, he was one with the dragon, so did he have anything to worry about? Honestly, did he really have anything to worry over?
Yes. Because this was Claus, the image of his own beloved older brother. The one person he could never harm, not even if his life was on the life. Claus meant so much to him, so... So he couldn’t allow himself to attempt to prepare an attack to defend himself. He just couldn’t do it. Not to Claus.
Lucas is unable to maintain eye contact.
“H-hi there... I-I’m sorry, I think I... I...”
Nope, he couldn’t do it. Lucas just prayed Claus wouldn’t harm him.
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hoonnn · 1 year
The new member
scaramouche x female reader 
You are a new member of a fatui and you have been called to the balladeer's office. You dislike him and have no idea as to why everyone is so afraid of him. He's only the sixth of the eleven fatui harbingers, so what makes him so special?
You enter his office and were greeted with an already irritated face of the balladeer. You present yourself as one of the fatui's new members and you could hear him chuckle. “Do you think I care? I don’t speak to mortals like you.” Then why did you called me??
You were so enraged that you wanted to smack him in the face. Is he always this rude? Well, if most of the fatui let his rudeness slide, you certainly won't.
“Really?” you replied arrogantly, as if you were making fun of the man in front of you.
You notice him raise his brow, seemingly surprised by your response to him. “Are you mocking me? Don't you know I get violent when I'm annoyed?”
“Are you annoyed right now?” you see him narrowing his eyes and walking towards you “let's say I am” You observed how his lips formed to smirk “Would that bother you?”
“Why would it bother me?” you replied with a blank face. This man certainly puts your patience to the test.
The man raised his brows in surprise. “y-you don’t mind?” he takes a few steps closer to you, studying you carefully; you look as if you're really confident in yourself. “You’re not terrified of me? Don’t you worry about what I might do when I get upset? Or are you just that confident that you could kick my ass yourself” you can see him smirking, yet it swiftly fades into a more threatening one as he waits for your response.
“I’m not afraid of you.”
For a few long seconds, the balladeer stares at you. But he couldn't find any fear in your eyes. The way you stand, the way you gaze at him. You're not really scared at all. He despises admitting it to himself, but he really finds you interesting.
He’s lips turn into a snarl. He’s not used to being treated like this. He makes another step toward you, leaning in close and narrowing his eyes. “What?” he asks, his voice hissing “what are you trying to say? you don’t feel any fear when I look at you like this?“ he looks at you as if you're some kind of predator.
The balladeer blink in surprise, you said it so casually to him that it appears you don't really care who he is at all. His eyes narrow even further, yet something else lurks beneath the surface of his rage. Something… curious. Something almost… admiration?
“You are either brave… or incredibly stupid.”
He keeps staring at you, sizing you up. “You show no fear, you don’t care that I’m threatening you, you don’t run or cower…” you heard him chuckle, softly. “I am almost amused. Your completely lack of fear is… intriguing to me, It is rare to find someone who is so bold. I’m half impressed by you.”  He took another step towards you, and you were almost face to face. His lips curl into a sinister smile. Not often that he’s confronted with someone like this.
“What are you going to do about it?” you asked as if you were trying to provoke him.
“I could beat you to a pulp right now and it wouldn’t cost me a thing.” his smile widens, an aggressive, violent little smirk.
“You’re really quite irritating with your constant “really?”” The man frowns, yet you can see a glint of admiration in his eyes as he looks at you. You had no idea that the man in front of you was struggling with his own emotions right now as he looks at you. Despite the fact that his words are unpleasant, underneath it all, he feels like his blood is rising and his adrenaline is pounding. He is enthusiastic about you and does not understand why. Perhaps it's because you make him feel alive in some way… but how can mortals do this to him? He tilts his head slightly and smiles widely.
“Why are you smiling like that?” you can't help but wonder what's going on inside this man's mind. His moodiness keeps on surprising you for sure.
He smirk “what’s wrong? don’t you like it?” His eyes flit down to your lips and linger for just a moment. You can feel him getting closer to you. His eyes now shift from your neck, down to your jaw. The tension between you feels thick and heavy.
“And what will you do if I like it?” you have no idea what has happened to you, but you seem to like provoking the balladeer.
Your response seems to caught him off guard but it somehow made his adrenaline rush even stronger. He chuckles… he likes it. “What are you hoping I’m going to do?”
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
Kawi's Problem: Caring Selfishness
I decided it deserves a separate post xD (previous thoughts here) After Pisaeng suddenly and aggressively kisses him, Kawi has to deal with the impression that he did something wrong and messed the timeline. He's still under impression that Pisaeng and Pear were in love and in no way Pisaeng should be kissing Kawi, he messed up. Kawi is only focused on his actions and the 'you fix things by time-travelling' attitude.
He doesn't see that the problem lies somewhere else, he and his low self-esteem never believe Pisaeng was sincere flirting with him. All Pisaeng's flirting ends with a joke, a deflection, the teasing that sometimes is so overboard it makes Kawi upset (Pisaeng is just testing the waters and trying not to push too much but they both can't understand how to communicate with each other properly yet).
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(Ouch, Pisaeng, you've got something to learn as well…)
And it's also heartbreaking how Kawi is improving bit by bit and he's more outgoing and brave now – yet he relapses in old habits so fast. Still hiding from problems under the blanket. Eating in bathroom if you're an outcast – something I saw portrayed often and very telling either in Asian stories or stories about a lonely depressed/bullied kid. Even 30yo returning to the past setting doesn't think he deserves eating with friends or thinks bathroom is more comfortable to him than the cafeteria. Someone take care of Kawi pls.
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I think I'm fascinated how Kawi is both caring and empathetic, yet so self-centered. He regretted not standing up for a random girl for twelve years but he doesn't notice how his words can hurt his friends. But, I guess, he was alone all his life, he just never learnt about how his actions and words affect other people. He fell out of his friendship with Max and didn't dare to fix it until travelling in the past.
And boy, the character development would be very slow! I'm glad that the show doesn't magically fix the flawed character but makes Kawi painfully try to do good things and keep failing to learn. But we'll get there. We'll get there.
I was frustrated too when Kawi decided to mend his friendship – yet he never said that he misses Max. He never said he needs him or wants to be friends again because he regretted their fallout for a long time. He only pushes for 'I have so many problems and I can only talk to you', and Max isn't really having it but he's not about to make a scene at his job so he gives Kawi a chance. I think we'll see in the future scenes that it won't truly go well even if Kawi comes again later (no, Kawi needs to change his attitude and pay more attention to other person first)
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Kawi makes a To-do list of things to change in the past and checks out 'mend friendship with Max' and 'make Pisaeng stay away from me'. He succeeded with those tasks. But did he really? Max probably is still upset with Kawi and doesn't feel like Kawi cares much about him, even if he apologized. And Pisaeng is mad at Kawi, even though Kawi did everything to fix things! He tried to get him friends. He payed the money he owed to Pisaeng. He said they can still be friends, there just should be a distance.
Yet everything is still shitty. Kawi cares, and worries, and he tries to make everything better – and he sucks because he's still self-focused.
Kawi doesn't want Pear to be hurt and left alone (he saw her heartbreaking photo with one ring and all the pitying/cursing comments) – he does his best to fix what went wrong, he is distancing himself from Pisaeng harshly so Pisaeng wouldn't gain feelings for Kawi (haha too late) and ruin their wedding. But Pisaeng never had feelings for Pear and he always wanted to be together with Kawi. Kawi still doesn't realize that.
Kawi doesn't want Pisaeng to get hurt and be lonely (Pear straightforwardly told him Pisaeng almost has no one and he's alone) – so he goes and arranges meeting of Pisaeng, Not and friends and actively tries to mend their relationship (he's a failure in his own friendship but he's trying to help Pisaeng as much as he can) so Pisaeng wouldn't be alone if Kawi keeps his distance. But he didn't ask Pisaeng's opinion and is clueless that Pisaeng doesn't want to be friends with Not at all. Again, he wants to be with Kawi instead, but Kawi hurts him by being honest. By saying that they can be friends but not too close: he actively tries to save Pisaeng from falling in love with him. Yet he can't express himself, his words are hurtful and out of nowhere to Pisaeng who didn't do much to Kawi yet, who didn't scare and confuse him yet.
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Again, Kawi is in the beginning of his journey – he doesn't realize a lot of things, he doesn't realize how socializing and people work. He got shocked by aggressive forced kiss, he both enjoys Pisaeng's company and feels uncomfortable and unsafe. He thinks it's wrong and something he has to fix, yet he focused on completely wrong things. He has his to-do list, his standards and imaginary rules and he tries to fit himself and others in boxes, not realizing he's hurting himself and others in the process.
Kawi cares but hurts Pisaeng because he is just treating him like a task that he must do. He doesn't stop and think about carefully about other people. He doesn't pay enough attention to see that it's not what others want or need from him. 
And Pisaeng is in the beginning too – he's been experiencing one disappointment after another, with Kawi, with Pear, with Not, and he feels lonely and frustrated, and he only felt comfortable and happy with Kawi – who suddenly hurts him out of nowhere (he didn't have the burden of 12 years but Kawi carries it and pushes it onto him in his own way). He even said he didn't like Pisaeng teasing him – so Pisaeng hurt him too. It all makes him rethink and doubt their entire relationship. Which is a nail in the coffin, pretty much a mirror to the drunk, sad and lonely Pisaeng from the future.
It's all so complicated, and the change, the process of growing up and learning for both of them is slow and filled with mistakes but I love it. The characters are flawed, you don't get everything figured out magically by just changing one thing from the past. You actually have to think carefully and change yourself first before you change the past, Kawi! Listen to your heart and get what you need, not what you want. You'll get there.
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
I remember a while back you talked about how Ladybug views Chat Noir as a constant in her life. Like a fairy tale, someone that whose emotions are just playfulness, joy, and bravery. Also, that Marinette never really thinks about him beyond the mask. Can you delve deeper into that? I feel like the point you made a while ago is extremely relevant to the relationship between LB and CN after Wishmaker
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I'm pretty sure the Fae Cat Noir Interpretation is my fandom footprint at this point. I do talk about it pretty often, after all. Mostly I talk about it as a part of other posts, so I'll try to compile the main points here into a single cohesive whole.
When Marinette becomes Ladybug, that role of Ladybug is tied to two of the new friends she gained that day: Tikki and Cat Noir. Tikki, in the first season, is the closest thing Marinette has to a guide and mentor. Tikki tells her how her powers work, supports her in her decisions (usually) and gives her advice in tough situations (to the best of her ability).
Tikki is also literally a fae creature. She's out of touch with human life and is sometimes confused by things, but she also isn't someone Marinette has to take care of simply because she doesn't seem to have any personal worries like a human would. Tikki is always optimistic, seeing different situations as possibilities to Create something new. When Tikki falls ill in 'Princess Fragrance', Marinette panics, because usually Tikki doesn't need Marinette to take care of her. Tikki is also bound to keep Marinette's secret, she literally can't tell it, so Marinette can trust her completely.
Now let's compare Tikki to Cat Noir. Cat Noir is Ladybug's partner. He helps her navigate the duty of a superhero when they're both new to it, supports her in her decisions and gives her advice when he feels like she needs it. In addition to this, Cat Noir offers comfort and jokes to break tense situations. Cat Noir is also the one who calls Marinette out when she's letting her personal feelings affect her judgement and he tries to keep her grounded and focused on the task at hand when she’s in a negative spiral. Cat Noir is also very careful to put up the appearance of not needing to be taken care of. When one of the heroes needs support, the other one will provide it but, when these occasions occur, it's always Cat Noir supporting Ladybug.
A lot of Adrien not showing his need for support is influenced by the secret identity rule, because a lot of the stuff that gets to him is caused by his relationship to his father, a topic he isn't allowed to bring up with Ladybug. However, the reason Adrien is so good at hiding his need for support is his father. His father considers him emotional and dramatic, and punishes him severely for being so. He's been trained to believe that he isn't allowed to be emotionally needy, so he hides his needs. As Cat Noir, he also uses humour to deflect, since being the jokester has become something others expect from him and therefore functions to “prove” that he’s just up to his usual funny business.
Even when Cat Noir can't hold everything back and does show his upset, like in 'Glaciator' or 'Frozer', it only appears as a momentary "glitch" to Marinette, since Adrien deals with his emotions by himself. In 'Glaciator', the conversation takes place after he's calmed himself down, while in 'Frozer', there was no need for a conversation at all. Any upset Cat Noir has seems to last for mere moments and goes away by itself without Marinette needing to offer emotional support, making those moments seem unimportant when looking at them from the outside. Instead, to Marinette, it feels like Cat Noir is always brave, confident and joyful.
Whenever there is a crack in Cat Noir's facade, Marinette is quick to notice. She asks him straight out if he's fine, and every time Cat Noir answers that he is just fine. Being disappointed or hurt emotionally is normal for Adrien, so he most likely is his own definition of "fine". And Marinette takes him at his word and drops the topic. This is because Ladybug’s and Cat Noir’s trust in each other is absolute. When Cat Noir tells her he's fine, Ladybug believes him, without question. The salt side of the fandom loves to call Cat Noir unreliable, but the truth of the matter is that he has been so reliable so consistently that Marinette sometimes forgets he's only human and can have weaknesses or be compromised.
Whenever Marinette has seen her partner go down, it has been physically, because of an Akuma attack. As such, the main threat Marinette perceives to her partner are villains. Cat Blanc was a nightmarish timeline that must be avoided at all costs, and Marinette is 100% convinced that what caused it was her identity being leaked, not some emotional threat to her partner. Therefore Marinette can't perceive a threat to her partner in addition to not knowing when he’s in emotional peril.
So, let's take it from the top. As far as Marinette knows, her ally is a being with magical powers, who helps her fight crime and doesn't need her to take care of them. They seem to be untroubled by things like insecurity like she is and she can absolutely trust them. That describes both Tikki and Cat Noir. The impression Marinette has of Cat Noir is very similar to the one she has of her literal fae partner.
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the type you bring home to mom ~ eddie kaspbrak;it chapter two
word count: 2361
request?: no
description: in which he finally brings his girlfriend home to his over protective mother, and it goes exactly as he thought it would
pairing: teen!eddie kasprak x female!reader
warnings: swearing, overbearing mother, derogatory name calling (i guess?), basically eddie’s mom just sucking
masterlist (one, two)
note: (y/n/p) = your parents’ names
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I played with the hem of my dress as I walked up to the Kaspbrak household. I was regretting my choice in wardrobe, but it was too late to change now. I knew nothing would feel right anyways, I had already changed three times before I came over.
For the first time in our year long relationship, I was meeting Eddie’s mother. We had somehow managed to keep our relationship a secret for so long that I never felt like I had to meet her, and Eddie wasn’t exactly pushing for it either. As much as he loved his mom, he also knew she was manipulative and overbearing, and he often told me how he was afraid of his mom scaring me off because of these facts.
When the news eventually got out and travelled quickly through the small town of Derry, as gossip usually does, it got to Ms. Kaspbrak in no time. She immediately demanded to meet me, and Eddie set up a dinner at his house for the occasion.
Before I could even knock on the door, it swung open to reveal my tall boyfriend smiling down at me. Any tension I had melted away as I looked up at him, into those beautiful eyes that could calm me down whenever they were on me. He took my face in his hands and pulled me to kiss him. It was such a normal action that, at first, I leaned into it happily, until I realized the circumstances of my visit and quickly pushed him away.
“She’s not here,” he said, as if reading my worried thoughts. “She’s gone out to get some stuff for dinner.”
He stepped aside to let me step into the house. It wasn’t unfamiliar territory; Eddie and I had had many rendezvous there during the rare moments when his mom wasn’t home, but it felt wrong to be there on this occasion. I just wanted it to end already, and to go home or go for a long drive with Eddie.
“Come, sit,” he said, leading me to his living room. We sat close to one another on the couch, so close that we were just barley touching. Feeling his arm brush against mine sent sparks through me.
“How worried should I be?” I asked him, trying to remain as light as possible.
He sighed and shuffled in his seat. “I wish I could tell you not at all, but...”
He trailed off so I finished his sentence for him, “But it’s your mom.”
Eddie nodded. “But it’s my mom.”
One of his arms was around my waist. I hadn’t realized that the skirt of my dress had hiked up a little until the hand around my waist started to play with the hem, his fingertips brushing against my ass. His other hand touched my leg, starting lightly on my knee and then slowly travelling up my thigh till it stopped on my inner thigh. I shivered, wanting him to go further.
Most people who knew him would never believe that Eddie Kaspbrak, the hypochondriac, fast talking, former sheltered mama’s boy, would be absolutely mind blowing in bed, and constantly handsy whenever we were alone. I hadn’t even believed it until we got together, but man, Eddie knew how to make me feel absolutely amazing.
He leaned forward to kiss my neck, his fingers tracing circles in my inner thigh. I was shivering with anticipation and whimpers were escaping my lips. I could feel Eddie’s amused smirk against my neck as he placed another kiss there and lifted his head to look at me. He kissed my lips and his hand finally made its way further up my skirt.
Our moment was interrupted by the sound of a car door slamming. I practically jumped to the other side of the couch, touching my neck in hopes that he hadn’t accidentally left hickies there.
“You’re good,” he said, understanding what I had been doing.
The front door opened and I suddenly felt paralyzed. I wasn’t sure if I should stand up or stay sat down, if I should move even further away from Eddie or stay exactly where I was. In the end, I stayed frozen like a deer in headlights as his mom rounded the corner, arms full of grocery bags.
“Oh,” she said when her eyes landed on me. “Is this...her?”
There was a slight leer to the way she said “her”, which made me want to squirm under her intense gaze.
“Mom,” Eddie said, a partial warning tone in his voice, “this is (Y/N), my girlfriend.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Kaspbrak,” I said. “Do you, um, need any help with - ”
“No,” she cut me off. “I have it. You’re early.”
“I told her this is when to get here,” Eddie defended. “You wouldn’t tell me exactly when to invite her over.”
“Well, this is hardly dinner time,” his mother huffed. “It’ll take me a while to get dinner ready.”
“I can help,” I offered again.
“No,” she said, sharply, which told me that was the end of the matter.
I shrunk down in my spot on the couch.
“Mom,” Eddie snapped again.
She glared at me before turning to her son, trying to soften her expression for him. “I’ll let you know when the food is ready. For now...stay here.”
When she disappeared into the kitchen, Eddie immediately moved to sit next to me and took my hand in his.
“I’m okay,” I assured him. “I’ll get through it. It’s just dinner then we’re done, right?”
He nodded, but I could see the worry on his face still.
A while later, Ms. Kaspbrak called to tell us dinner was ready. She had made sure to place everything so that Eddie and I were sat at the heads of the table, far apart from one another, while she was sat between us. Eddie and I shared a look before sitting in our designated spots.
Dinner started with awkward silence besides our cutlery against the plates. I tried to keep my attention on my plate, but every so often I’d glance up at the Kaspbraks to see Eddie nervously glancing between me and his mother, and his mom just glaring daggers at me. The nervousness I was feeling took away my appetite, but I felt like I had to eat everything to make a good impression, if that was even possible.
“So,” Ms. Kaspbrak said, drawing our attention to her, “(Y/N). Your parents are (Y/P/N), right?”
She already knew the answer to this question. I had grown up in Derry, where everyone knew everyone. There was a reason she was asking, and I had a feeling I already knew what that reason was.
“They are, yeah,” I responded.
“And they’re divorced, aren’t they?”
“Mom!” Eddie groaned.
“It’s just a question, Eddie,” his mom said.
“It’s okay,” I said with a shrug. “I don’t mind talking about it. That’s kind of old news anyways. They divorced when I was 10, dad moved to the next town over and mom got full custody of me.”
“That doesn’t seem like a very stable upbringing,” Ms. Kaspbrak commented. “I’m sure it’s taken such a toll on you, you must’ve decided to rebel somehow.”
Eddie put his face in his hands, officially admitting defeat on trying to stop his mother.
“Actually it wasn’t anything like that,” I said. “Mom and dad stayed pretty civil. There wasn’t any big fight or anything, just an agreement that they’re better off not being married. When dad moved he made sure to stay in constant contact, and comes to visit all the time or I’d go to visit him. Mom always made sure I had a roof over my head and food on the table. They both love me unconditionally, even if they’re not together.”
Ms. Kaspbrak sat back in her seat, a sour look on her face. “Well...regardless, it’s just not right to be raised by a single mother.”
Feeling a bit brave, I raised an eyebrow at her. “Eddie was raised by a single mother.”
“That’s different. My husband died, he didn’t decide to abandon me and Eddie.”
“My dad didn’t abandon us, he’s still very much a part of our lives.”
She ignored me and continued to eat. I looked across the table at Eddie to see him avoiding all eye contact with either of us as he pushed his food around on his plate. As if feeling my gaze, he looked up at me. I gave him a small smile to try and indicate that I wasn’t upset with him. I wanted him to know everything was going to be okay, even if I didn’t fully believe it myself.
“How many boys have you had sex with, (Y/N)?”
The question caught me off guard and I nearly choked on the food I had just put in my mouth.
“Jesus Christ, mom!” Eddie snapped.
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vein, Edward,” his mother chastised him.
“You can’t just ask something like that, mom, that’s none of your business.”
“Of course it’s my business. I need to make sure my son isn’t dating a slut. I remember you were friends with Beverly March before she moved away, and trust me, I heard all sorts of stories about her. Anyone who would hang around with her must be somewhat similar.”
The mention of the untrue bullshit that used to be spread about Bev made the anger within me bubble over. I was seeing red as I looked up at Ms. Kaspbrak, and I was ready to pounce.
“Actually, your son took my virginity, and I took his,” I told her. “And we have sex quite a lot, sometimes upstairs in his bedroom when you’re not home. Although, for someone who says he was a virgin I don’t know how much I believe it. Eddie has done things that I don’t even think the most experienced of people could do.”
If he was upset with me for saying all of this, Eddie’s face didn’t show it. He was sipping on his water, trying to hide the smug smile that broke out across his face.
Ms. Kaspbrak’s face turned blood red before she rose from the table. “Get the fuck out of my house!”
“Gladly,” I said, abandoning my dinner to quickly leave the shitty situation.
“And don’t you dare come anywhere near my son again, or else I will have the cops on you!” she threatened.
I stopped and turned back to face her. “For what? For dating your son? For showing him that there’s someone who actually cares about him without manipulating him? For finally cutting the cord that you’ve had wrapped around his neck since he was born? Ms. Kaspbrak, I understand that you’re afraid to lose your son the way you lost your husband, but being a manipulative bitch who forced him to think he had illnesses he didn’t have for years and insulting his girlfriend in front of him is not the way to keep him around. Eddie is 18 years old, he’s an adult. He can do whatever he wants, which includes dating whoever he wants and leaving this hell hole that you have the audacity to call a home. The day that you finally accept that just might be the day that Eddie finally considers you to be an actual mother.”
And with that, I decided not to overstay my welcome and left.
I was only a few feet away from Eddie’s house when I heard him calling after me. I slowed my pace just enough that he could catch up with me, but didn’t completely stop. I wanted to put as much distance between myself and the Kaspbrak house as I could.
“I’m sorry,” I sighed as he fell in step next to me.
“For what?” Eddie asked. “I should be the one apologizing to you.”
“You warned me on how she would be, and I still let her get to me,” I said. “I probably made having to live there a whole lot harder.”
“It was hard to begin with, (Y/N). Nothing could make it harder than what it was,” he told me. “What you said, it was all true. Mom needed to hear that. Doesn’t mean she liked hearing it, or that she’ll actually accept it, but she needed to hear it none the less.”
“I guess I could’ve said it nicer,” I said. “Or at least not included details of our sex life.”
Eddie awkwardly chuckled. “Yeah, could’ve done without mom knowing I’m a sex god.”
I gave him a look and playfully nudged him. “I never said you were a sex god.”
“Eddie has done things that I don’t even think the most experienced of people could do I believe were your exact words.”
“I only said that to make her more upset.”
“So you’re saying I’m bad at sex?”
I pushed him again. “Eddie!”
He laughed and put an arm around my waist. “I appreciate the compliment either way. And I hope you know how much I love you.”
I smiled up at him and leaned into his touch. “I love you, too.”
We walked in silence for a while and, before I knew it, we were at my house. We stopped and turned to face each other.
“Want to stay over tonight?” I asked. “I figure going home isn’t exactly the best option right now.”
“It’s not,” he agreed. “Will your mom be okay with it?”
“Of course she will, she loves you. She’ll probably even cover for you if your mom calls.”
“I take it back, I don’t love you. I love your mom.”
“And I take back my offer. Go sleep on the streets.”
I took off for my front door with Eddie hot on my trail. I tried to open it and lock him out before he caught up to me, but of course his long legs gave him an advantage. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me away from the door, both of our laughs ringing out through the otherwise quiet neighborhood.
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triptuckers · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy - Kaz Brekker
Request: yes! ‘Can I request Kaz/reader where one of them is jealous, maybe an argument occurs but with a happy ending. If you’re okay with that. If not I understand. I love your fics though! You’re an incredible writer’ Pairing:  Kaz Brekker x reader Summary:  You got a member of the Dime Lions talking, and got some valuable information. But Kaz isn’t happy with the method you used to get the information Warnings: mild angst, mentions of alcohol, jealous kaz  Word count:  1.9K A/N: me using an olivia rodrigo song as a title? yea. enjoy reading! :)
On one of her nightly journeys through the city, Inej had found out the Dime Lions were planning on stealing an expensive necklace. It so turned out that Kaz also had his eyes on said necklace. And he didn’t like the thought of it slipping through his fingers. 
He figured out which member knew the most about the job, and needed to get him talking. Kaz only knew the week in which the necklace would arrive, not the exact date, or how heavily it would be guarded.
Kaz had sent Inej to figure it out, but even she came back empty handed. Luckily, you knew the club the Dime Lion member liked to go to. It had gotten you to where you are now.
You, Jesper and Kaz are currently looking at him sitting at the bar in the club. You’d been looking at him for a while, keeping a sharp eye on him. It was already clear Kaz wouldn’t be the one to go up to him. Anyone would recognise that cane, or his limp if he decided to go in without it.
 Jesper wants to go inside and get the Dime Lion talking, but you’re quicker, placing a hand on his arm and pushing him back.
‘This is a job for a lady, Jesper.’ you say.
You reach up and pull the ribbon out of your hair, letting it fall down your back. You then take off you coat and hand it to Kaz. Lastly, you unbutton a few buttons of your shirt and run a hand through your hair.
Before either of them can argue, you’ve waved at them, told them ‘wish me luck!’, and are headed into the club.
You walk up to the bar and take place next to the Dime Lion, careful to keep one seat empty between the two of you. You signal for the barkeeper and order your favorite drink. 
Just as you’re about to reach into your pocket to get some money, your target next to you hands the barkeeper some money.
‘On me.’ he says.
You flash him a warm smile. ‘Why, thank you!’ you say. Sometimes they made it almost too easy for you. 
The Dime Lion smiles at you and lets his eyes wander over your face. You have to physically hold yourself back not to punch him in the jaw. But you’re on a job. All you have to do is get him talking. And if he’s so willing to buy you drinks, it shouldn’t be hard.
‘What’s a pretty girl like you doing out all by herself?’ he says. 
‘Just going for a drink.’ you say. 
‘Care for some company?’ he says, pulling the chair next to him back.
‘Don’t mind if I do.’ you say, and you slide off of your chair to sit down next to him. He smells like alcohol and you guess he’s had a lot of drinks already, celebrating his success too early.
He takes a sip of his drink and you notice the tattoo on his wrist. You plaster a shocked look upon your face and reach out to pull his arm toward you.
‘Are you part of one of those dangerous gangs?’ you say.
‘Dime Lions, yeah.’ he says, signalling to the barkeeper for another drink. 
‘You must be very brave.’ you say, looking up and smiling at him again.
‘I don’t like to brag, but yes, I am.’ he says. ‘Can’t be in a gang if you’re afraid of a little action.’
You fake a look of admiration on your face as you lean your chin on your hand, looking at him. ‘That sound really impressive.’ you say.
‘It’s not without danger, but it pays good money.’ he says, taking a sip of his drink. 
‘Really?’ you say.
‘We got an important job coming up. It should make us rich.’ he says.
‘Wow.’ you say. ‘Like, really rich?’
‘You could say that, yes.’ he says. ‘But I’m not supposed to talk to anyone about it.’
‘Oh.’ you say, letting your chin drop slightly. ‘I see.’ 
You move to get up, but he lays a hand on your arm to stop you. ‘Hey, don’t go.’ he says. ‘I suppose I could tell you a little bit about it, just not the details.’
You smile and sit back down. ‘Well, in that case. Let me order you another drink, and tell me a story.’ you say, signalling to the barkeeper. 
‘So, a promising job?’ you say as the barkeeper sets another drink down in front of him. 
‘Very. It’s an expensive necklace. Worth millions of kruge.’ he says. He reaches out and places his hand on your hip. He’s really testing your patience. You try not to show your annoyance.
You let your jaw drop slightly and lean in closer. ‘Millions?’ you whisper eagerly.
He nods. ‘That’s right. We’re winning big with this one. They’re shipping it all the way from Ravka, and it’s arriving on one of the docks on Wednesday night. That part of the docks belongs to the Dregs, but we have a plan on feeding them the wrong information. That necklace is as good as ours.’ he says.
‘You’re really smart.’ you say. ‘How come you’re not running your own gang?’ 
He laughs at your words and you giggle a bit. 
‘It’s not as easy as it looks.’ he says. ‘It takes skill, and practice, and you have to deal with a whole lot of planning. Not my speciality. But I am climbing up the ranks within the Dime Lions, I have to give you that.’
‘Well if you’re climbing the ranks as fast as you’re ordering drinks, it shouldn’t be a problem.’ you laugh, putting your hand on his arm. 
He laughs as well, then smiles at you. You finish your drink and get up.
‘Well, you have been lovely company.’ you say. ‘Do you come here often?’
‘I do.’ he says. ‘This is my favorite place.’
‘Then I might stumble in here a bit more. Maybe I’ll see a certain Dime Lion.’ you say with a wink. ‘Thanks for the drink.’
‘Thank you for the company.’ he says. ‘And I hope to see you again.’
‘I hope not.’ you mutter under your breath as you head out the bar, back to Kaz and Jesper.
When you reach them, they look like the exact opposites of each other. Jesper looks delighted and proud as you walk toward them. 
Kaz, on the other hand, has his lips pressed together so tightly they almost disappear into a thin line. And he looks ready to hit someone in the head with his cane.
‘Alright.’ you say, ignoring the look on Kaz’ face. ‘The necklace arrives on Wednesday night, on our docks. They’re going to plant wrong information to throw us off, but it’s going to be Wednesday night, that’s for sure. I don’t know how many people they’re going to send though, but it should be an easy job.’
Jesper lets out a low whistle. ‘Way to go, Y/N.’ he says. 
‘Like I said, a job for a lady. Tipsy men are willing to tell women everything if they think it’ll make them look impressive.’ you say, taking your coat from Kaz’ arm and putting it on.
‘I think you deserve another drink back at the Slat.’ says Jesper. ‘After you.’
You smile at him and start to walk back to the Slat. You spend almost half of the journey talking and laughing with Jesper, just messing around a bit. You notice Kaz hasn’t said a word, not even telling you good job for gathering the information. 
You hang back and fall into step next to Kaz. 
‘You okay?’ you ask him. Kaz gives a quick nod. You know he’s not much of a talker, but you expected a thank you for getting the job done. 
You try to get him to talk, but his answers are short, if he even answers at all.
‘Come on, Kaz, we got what we came for, didn’t we? Why are you upset?’ you say, looking at him.
‘I'm not upset that we got the information.’ he says, finally giving you a proper answer. ‘I don’t like the way we got it, though.’ he adds to it.
His answer puts a mischievous smile on your face.
‘Aw, is Kaz Brekker, jealous?’ you say teasingly, but Kaz doesn’t tease you back. He merely keeps on walking, not answering you.
‘Kaz, come on, I just did my job.’ you say.
‘Was it your job to practically sit in his lap?’ snaps Kaz. ‘To lay your hand on his arm, to allow him to put his hand on your hip?’
‘I only let him get close so I could get the information out of him. You know I wouldn’t do something like that, I'm yours, Kaz.’ you say, frowning that he could take it so personally.
‘Well you sure as hell made it look convincing you are his.’ grumbles Kaz.
You hold a hand up and get in front of him to stop him. Jesper curiously looks your way but you motion for him to keep walking. He continues walking, but does look over his shoulder every once in a while. You wait for Jesper to be out of reach when you start talking again.
‘I did my job, Kaz. Nothing more than that. There’s absolutely no reason for you to be jealous.’ you say.
‘I’m not jealous.’ says Kaz.
You raise your eyebrows at him. ‘Really?’ you say. ‘Then what’s all this? Because it looks a lot like jealousy to me.’
‘Did you see the way he looked at you?’ says Kaz.
‘Yes I did, but it’s nothing. He was drunk. He’s probably not gonna remember anything of it in the morning.’ you say.
‘What if he does remember it?’ says Kaz, looking at you.
You plant your hands on your hips. ‘Then I'll show him I'm yours.’ you say. ‘And he’ll think twice before even looking my way next time he sees me.’
You look at Kaz, but he still looks restless. You sigh and step closer to him. You reach out and take his gloved hand in his.
‘Look, Kaz, I need you to know I was friendly to him for the sake of the job. I have been and always will be yours.’ you say. 
Kaz looks from his hand in your to your face. 
‘I’m yours.’ you say. ‘No need to be jealous.’
‘I wasn’t jealous.’ he mumbles, making you laugh.
‘Oh, my dear, you definitely were. You should have seen your face. You looked like all you wanted to do was whack that Dime Lion over the head with your cane.’ you say.
‘I did want to do that.’ he admits, making you laugh again. 
‘No need to worry, Kaz.’ you say. ‘Though I would do it again for a job though, or maybe just for the sake of seeing you jealous.’
His head snaps up at your words. You bite your lip to hold your laughter.
‘You look really hot when you’re jealous.’ you say. You see him relaxing again, softly shaking his head at your words, but with a faint smile on his face.
‘You’re one of a kind, Y/N.’ he says as the two of you continue your way back to the Slat.
‘One of a kind, and all yours.’ you say.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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equizona · 3 years
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Note: Since my ask box is empty, I decided to write this idea. I thought it would be an interesting approach. If you guys would like to see the dateables then tell me! (ALSO MY ASK BOX IS OPEN!)
Scenario: Obey Me! where the MC is a character in an otome game.
Fandom(s): Obey Me!
Character(s): Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor,
Warning(s): Light angst?
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Lucifer[Avatar of Pride]
He probably just passed by Leviathan when he was playing the game, and your design caught his attention.
He refuses to let ANYONE know he plays the game, and his fondness of a fictional character will be taken to his grave.
He has ALL of your cards, no exceptions on the rule, and he's quite proud about it.
He probably has your set outfit be a more formal one? If there is a card where you're dressed in more formal setting that would probably be his favorite too.
Acts like he has no idea who you are whenever any of his brothers talk about you.
Surprisingly, none of his brothers know that he plays the game. Satan is a tiny bit suspicious because of his detective skills, but nothing is confirmed.
He's rich as shit so he has no problem using real money on special items for you, and if there's any items that give special dialog he WILL get his hands on it no matter what it takes, trust me.
Won't be able to answer any calls he gets from you all the time, but whenever he does he'll just relax to the sound if your voice.
Will give donations to whoever is your voice actor don't testhim—
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Mammon[Avatar of Greed]
He likes to pretend that he isn't your fan but everyone can see right through him–
Will never miss any of your phone calls, they are the light of his life, like, seriously.
Will use actual money to get you the items, he just wants you to be happy.
Whenever you give him an item he goes over the moon, giving his phone this super cute giddy smile.
Whenever he gets an action during the surprise guests wrong he wants to cry, he doesn't want you to get angry at him.
Will get lots of items that are themed around you, and will probably grab anything he sees that holds even the slightest resemblance to you.
If you have a theme song then it is 100% his ringtone, no that is not up for debate.
Whenever he gets sad he'll play a phone call and just listen to your voice.
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Leviathan[Avatar of Envy]
Ah yes, the king of being a fictional character simp.
He's the one who found the game, which set in motion the action of everyone adoring you.
You think he likes the lord of shadows? Henry? Ruri-chan? If so, then I don't want to tell you how bad he's got it for you.
He has ALL of your cards, haste highest level of your intimacy, knows all of your dialog by heart by now.
He has all merch that is even remotely related to you, and your theme song would also be his ringtone and alarm.
He cosplays you for sure.
Has a body pillow that he would bring to prom no questions asked.
Is your number 1 fan, and he gets involved with anything that is involved with you.
Will not stands any slander on your name and has only positive things to say about you.
Sometimes gets super sad that you aren't real but he'll get over it the next time he gets a phone call from you.
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Satan[Avatar of Wrath]
Honestly he was not ready to end up liking a dating game so much, but here he is.
He'll just kind of have you on the screen on his phone while he reads aloud wishing that you were real–
Whenever he gets upset or angry he'll take his phone out and see if there's anything related to you that he can do to calm down.
Really likes playing the events and is always super excited to see what the next one will be about.
Get's super angry each time someone other than you is a surprise guest, it just really passes him off for some reason?
Will suck up every single detail about yourself that is given to him, he knows your character better than the writers do at this point.
If your character likes books he's even happier!
Has a suspicion that Lucifer knows and likes your character but he can't confirm anything.. yet.
He's getting there don't worry, and he'll be telling you every step on that plan–
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Asmodeus[Avatar of Lust]
He doesn't have as much as Leviathan does, but he has have some of your merchandise.
Definitely has a keychain of you on his phone. He isn't embarrassed, he likes your character almost as much as he likes himself!
Because of him the game has a way bigger fandom than it used to do, many wanting to know what got the Asmodeus so hooked.
He defiantly paints his nails themed around you, as well as his make-up. coming up with fun designs on both make-up looks and his nails themed around you is his favorite thing ever.
If he sees any outfit of your character that he really likes he will get it!
Bases some of his outfits on you as well!
Likes to make jewelry and other accessories that would fit your aesthetic too!
Whenever he's doing his beauty routine he'll either be talking about random things to his phone with you and the screen, or he'll be listening to a phone call or a theme song.
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Beelzebub[Avatar Gluttony]
Sweet boy probably only downloaded the game when he realized that three of his siblings(Levi, Satan and Asmo, they are the only ones brave enough to show how much they like you) enjoyed the game and he wanted something to talk to them about!
He didn't really know which character his siblings liked but he immediately took a liking to you.
He spends real money to get food for you to eat since he doesn't want you to be hungry.
Listents to your phone-calls while he eats or before a game so that he can hype himself up.
Sometimes likes to play music while he works out and your song is on ALL OF HIS PLAYLISTS–
When he realized that you were his brothers favorite character too, he was super excited, listening to all of Levi's rants about you.
Since Asmo dles everyone's nails he might sometime ask him to make his nails a bit different and theme them around you.
Whenever he can't sleep or has had a nightmare, he'll try and refrain from eating everything in the kitchen and instead opens the app to talk with you.
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Belphegor[Avatar of Sloth]
Remembers Leviathan talking about you and the game, and since he was feeling really fucking lonely in the attic he downloaded it and gave it a try.
Your character was a huge comfort to him, especially since he remembered that Beel liked your character as well.
If your character is human it might have helped him calm down from his hatred a tiny bit. Not a lot, but a bit.
Will talk about the stars with you whenever he can, even if he knows you can't actually hear him.
Will listen to your phonecalls or songs whenever he goes to sleep, which is quite often lmao.
He has really good luck and somehow has all of your really rare cards!
He's super smug about that.
He doesn't level a lot of your cards up though, since he's too lazy to actually focus a lot on the story line. He mainly likes your character from what he's seen in chats.
When content with you starts running low he'll just quickly go through some seasons so that he can have comfort from you–
You made him feel a lot less lonely when he was in the attic
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itssuppertim3 · 3 years
Skyrim Husbandos Showing Affection:
Ulfric Stormcloak: There's nothing he loves more than kissing your shoulder. More often than not, he'll approach you from behind and cradle his head into your neck and plant his lips against your skin.
Ulfric's a fan of lingering touches. When the two of you are near one another, his arm is latched around your waist quite tightly. This is mainly a warning to anyone who requires it as well as the need to keep you closeby in case of any danger. He's protective, controlling, possessive, and pretty much everything in between, but it's adorable nonetheless.
Veezara: For an assassin, he sits a lot. Anytime one of his brethen goes to interact with Veezara, there he is in his little corner. But do you know what's missing? ~You~
That's right. Mr. lizard man can't stand to have you out of his lap. When you happen to be around, he'll throw a pout at you from afar while practically whining, "Come sit with me. I miss you when you're far away like that." It isn't until you finally have your head against his chest and your legs sprawled over his thigh when he has a satisfied grin stretched over his reptillian features.
Argis the Bulwark: He'll sometimes deny it out of pride, but he's crazy about giving hugs. What's better than being snatched up and smothered into a giant hunky man's chest? Argis's strong arms will barricade around you as he lifts you off of your feet with a barking laugh.
Another thing he'll do is hoist you up with one arm and let you sit against his bicep while carrying you. You can try demanding him to let you down, but your words are only falling on deaf ears. Your housecarl will only shoot a smirk your way and continue his business in defiance.
Teldryn Sero: Noogies! He doesn't care how long it took you to pamper your hair, it's going to be ruined. This is more of a platonic way of showing his affection, but Teldryn just can't be the playful mer he is without tucking your head between his arm and grinding his knuckles against your scalp.
He also loves squeezing your knee or thigh when sitting down. Somehow it's become second nature to him. Anytime you both are ready to enjoy some downtime at the Netch, his hand will come flying to your leg. (((imagine the grippppp)))
Ancano: Ancano? Him? Being affectionate?
Yeah, it'll certainly take a lot of time, effort, and patience to so much as receive a single compliment from the bastard. If anything, he's all about hand kisses and surgary words exchanged over expensive wine. And speaking of compliments, he's got plenty locked and loaded.
On your way to class after a long night of studying? Before you can process it, Ancano is already in front of you and pecking your cheek. "I'd say you look most ravishing this morning," he'll smirk before leaving you with nothing but your flustered thoughts to keep you company.
Miraak: Much like Ancano, he's good with compliments, though they aren't always quite as flirtateous. Believe it or not, he's more of the praising type. It's kind of like the sensation of having a teacher or mentor showing approval towards a difficult question you managed to get right. The only difference is he isn't giving you a gold star over algebra. It's dragon slaying. After finishing a battle, Miraak will press his mask against your forehead and say, "you fought most bravely, Dragonborn."
He'll also heal you after every fight, even if you're unscathed. Yeah, yeah, tell him how much magicka he's wasting. He doesn't give a shit.
Savos Aren: The concept of affection startles him a bit, especially when he first realizes his feelings for you. He's cautious at first, careful not to make things awkward or to upset you. Another thing Savos is nervous about is showing an apprentice special treatment. Eh, screw that he's the Arch Mage.
His touches are subtle, yet charming. If he notices a frayed strand of hair shielding your vision as you study, he will gingerly tuck it behind your ear without another thought. He's also a diehard fan of nose kisses. Agh, he loves them! Especially if your nose has a bump. He'll go mad if he can't kiss it at least once to start his day off right.
Romlyn Dreth: This mer's all about caresses. And I'm talking about the kind that melts you into jelly. After a busy day at the meadery, he'll often come home and kiss your temple while cupping his palm over your cheek. It's cute when Romlyn does this, but it's when his calloused thumb brushes your skin in a repeated motion that gets any girl weak in the knees.
And he does this constantly. You could be holding hands and his thumb will stroke your knuckles almost automatically. Kissing is even more swooning. He'll be completely and utterly focused as he tilts your chin and grazes his thumb over your bottom lip before drawing closer and planting a savory kiss.
My parents are concerned that I'm simping for so many fictional characters but I'll just leave them to worry while I continue writing more headcanons.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Leviathan
Levi is my fave of the brothers, so I thought my first (official) post should be about him. And since I’m not good at coming up with prompts on my own, I decided to start with the sfw alphabet. I’ll probably do the other brothers at some point after this (most likely, Belphie will be next). 
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, he’ll be very hesitant with showing affection. Verbal affection will usually be him comparing you to his favorite characters (like Henry) or complimenting you on pretty much anything you do. Physical affection is much harder for him, so you’ll have to initiate most of it, but after a while he’ll become more open. It will start off slow: sitting close together while gaming/watching anime, hand holding, and cheek/forehead kisses. If you manage t break his various walls of insecurity, he’ll become more affectionate and will begin initiating affection on his own. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He is that friend who is constantly hyping you up about everything. You want to cosplay a character? He’ll make you a custom outfit. You wanna sign up for a gaming tournament? He’ll be your partner in crime. The friendship would most likely start with you finally getting it through his head that you are, in fact, not a normie, and you too would then go on to geek out over your favorite series together. Like a romantic relationship, he would be hesitant to really open up, but after some time (and lots of reassurance) he would be super open and honest with you. He will come to you anytime he feels insecure, and he hopes you’ll do the same, cause he wants to be there for you always. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Like anything else, he is very shy when it comes to cuddling. He is touched starved, but he is also very insecure and thinks he doesn’t deserve it. You’d have to be the one to initiate the cuddles, and even then he’d still be unsure. However, once he’s comfy with you, he’ll always be up for cuddles. To him, it’s the perfect way to be intimate without getting too embarrassed. His ideal position would be you spooning him, but that would only really work in your bed. If you two end up in his tub, he’ll lay on his back and you’ll lay on top of him. If he’s in his demon form, he’ll usually wrap his tail around you as well. He also likes it when you talk to him, especially if it is either complimenting him or talking about a game/anime you like. Really, he just loves hearing your voice. Head pats are also encouraged. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He doesn’t really seem like the type to settle down. He wants to live on his own with you for sure, but things like marriage or kids just don’t really do it for him. The closest he’ll get to kids is having a pet (he prefers reptiles, amphibians, or fish, but he could be persuaded if you really wanted a fur baby instead). As for cooking and cleaning, have you met him? The most cooking he’ll do is trying out recipes he finds in anime and games, and even then he’ll ask you to do the brunt of the work. And cleaning is much worse. If you pressure him enough, he might help you, but you’d better like cleaning cause you’ll be doing most (if not all) of it. Don’t worry though, he’ll cheer you on from the comfort of his gaming setup. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he had to break up with a partner, he would probably stress over it for weeks.  Most likely, it’ll be his own insecurity making him believe that he doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you. In this case, he would just tell you that straight up, and it would be your job to convince him that he does deserve you and that you do love him more than anything. However, if it is your fault, he will have a much harder time figuring out how to break it off. He’s not very good at confrontation, so he’ll most likely just text you. He knows that this a cheap move, but it’s the only way he can do it without dying. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As I said before, he’s not too keen on marriage or settling down. If you want to get married, you’d have to talk to him about it, and you’d probably end up being the one to propose as well. However, he doesn’t really care about marriage. In his eyes, he doesn’t need marriage. He loves you, and he (after years of convincing) knows that you love him too, and that’s all he needs. The way you two are right now is perfect to him, so he doesn’t feel the need to change that. But, as I said, if you really wanted to get married to him, he wouldn’t mind because he loves you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
In terms of physicality, he’ll be super gentle. You’re a human and he’s a demon, and the last thing he wants is to hurt his precious Henry. Even as you guys get closer, he’ll still be as gentle as possible, and it might take a while for him to be more physically affectionate for fear of hurting you. Emotionally, he is a bit different. At first, he’ll be super tsundere (calling you normie, constantly friend-zoning you, etc.) but he’ll start to stop once he sees that it genuinely hurts your feelings. As you two learn more about each other, he’ll try and avoid saying or doing anything that could upset you, but there are times that old habits will reappear and he’ll say something mean by mistake. After, he���ll be super apologetic and will constantly ask if he can do anything to make it up to you.  
 H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
At first, he’ll try and push you away anytime you try and hug him. This isn’t because he dislikes hugs, but more so because he knows he’ll get al flustered if you touch him. Eventually, you do manage to hug him, and he melts right into it. It’s clear that he is rather touched starved, so affection like this is very strange, but also very nice. For a while, he won’t be too open to hugs just because he’s nervous about being that close to you, but hugs eventually become one of his main forms of affection. In the beginning, his hugs were very stiff and short-lasting due to his awkwardness, but as he becomes more expressive, his hugs begin to loosen up and they become some of the best hugs ever. As a plus, if you ever hug him while he’s in his demon form, he’ll wrap his tail around you too, and it feels really nice. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He is very hesitant to say it, and, like everything else, you’ll most likely be the one to initiate it. I’d say it’d take a solid year or so for him to even consider bringing up the idea of love, let alone actually say it aloud. However, if you do say it to him, he’ll absolutely say it back with only a little hesitation. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This boy is the literal Avatar of Envy, so you know he’s jealous 24/7. He’ll get jealous at the slightest thing, especially if it involves his brothers. When he is jealous, he’ll do one of two things. The first is he’ll lock himself in his room and sulk until you (or one of his brothers) drags him out of his room and forces him to talk about his feelings. The second, and the one that happens more as you two get closer, is that he’ll steal you away from who/whatever is making him jealous. From there, he’ll bring you to his or your room where you’ll binge watch anime for the rest of the night. If you try and get out of it, his jealousy will only get worse, so prepare for no breaks during this binge. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
At first, his kisses are super hesitant, and he is very slow to actually initiate anything. Over time, he’ll eventually learn how to take the lead every now and then, and he starts becoming more sure of himself. Most of his kisses are fleeting, and you’ll sometimes miss them if you aren’t paying attention. His favorite spot to kiss you is on your cheek. To him, it’s a safe spot that doesn’t make him all that flustered compared to something like lips or neck. His favorite spot to be kissed is on the top of his head. It makes him feel safe and loved, and that is another spot that doesn’t leave him entirely flustered. He particularly likes head kisses during cuddles. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
This boy isn’t very good around people in general, so it’s no surprise that he’s even worse around children. He finds them to be annoying and a waste of time to deal with. The only exceptions he’ll make is if he finds a child character from a game/anime he really likes. If you have any child siblings, he might also make an exception for them, but no promises. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It’s pretty rare that he’ll actually go to sleep, so most morning involve you waking up to him rage-quitting over a game or something. On the occasion that he does join you for the night, you’ll usually wake up first. Most of those times, he’ll have accidentally shifted into demon form, so good luck trying to get out of bed with that tail wrapped around you. He usually prefers to spend the mornings cuddling with you and just basing in each other’s presence.  Maybe he’ll convince you to skip school and stay in bed with him longer if he’s feeling particularly brave that morning (you better say yes). 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most nights are spent playing games and watching anime with each other. It also usually ends with you falling asleep on his shoulder and him getting super flustered by how adorable you look. If you do end up falling asleep, he’ll carry you either to his tub or to your room. He’ll usually go back to playing his game, but there is a rare moment where he’ll lay with you and just enjoy having you with him. And if you do end up staying awake the whole night with him, it’ll usually end with both of you getting yelled at by Lucifer. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s pretty hesitant to reveal much about himself at first. He hates almost everything about himself, and he’s convinced you also hate that stuff about him, so it takes a lot of time and patience to get him to open up. I’d say it would take a few months at the earliest and maybe over a year at the latest for him to start fully expressing himself to you. He’s also very slow, often taking his time with telling you things. Sometimes you’ll have to interpret what he wants based off of signals and your own intuition. However, if you’re open with him, it might make him feel more confident in opening up to you as well. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Despite popular belief, he isn’t actually that quick to anger. He gets jealous really easily, but he usually doesn’t get mad. The only times he might get mad is if someone repeatedly hits on you even if you clearly don’t like it. He also gets mad if you beat him in a game, but he gets over it quickly, especially as time goes on and you two get closer. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He is totally the type to keep a little journal filled with facts about you. From your likes and dislikes, to the smallest little quirks you have, this boy will have them all memorized. He is especially good with remembering characters from games/anime you like, and he’ll often use these as potential cosplay inspirations. It’s rare that he’ll forget anything, but usually it’s only small details he forgets anyway. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment is the first time you cosplayed for him. He had made you a henry cosplay that he worked on for weeks with little breaks. It was one of his proudest creations, and he was so excited when you agreed to try it on. When he saw you in it for the first time, he was absolutely blown away by how amazing you looked. He had never blushed harder, and he was super embarrassed about it, but it was worth it. Seeing you happy with his creation is all that mattered to him in that moment. And the praise you gave him afterwards made the whole moment 10x better in his mind. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He has a natural instinct to protect you since you are weaker than him (and most demons). However, he understands if you don’t like being babied, and will give you space when asked. Though, he will still keep tabs on you since he is the Avatar of Envy and all. He would never admit it, but he loves the idea of being protected by you. He constantly puts himself down and convinces himself you’re too good for him, so seeing you stand up for him makes him fall in love all over again, no matter ho many times it happens. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn’t put much effort into most things unless it involves gaming or anime, but he does really try for you. For important dates, he’ll usually make you something like a game or a cosplay. He’s not one for elaborate dates, but if he knew that’s what you wanted, he would probably go to Asmo for advice on what to do. It may not seem like much at first, but he really wants to make you happy, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to see you smile. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?
His biggest bad habit is constantly putting himself down. At first, it almost seems like he’s just fishing for compliments, but you eventually realize that he really is that self-conscious. He also has a bad habit of staying up for days on end and neglecting self-care, so you’ll usually have to drag him to bed so he doesn’t end up sick. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
The only time he is ever concerned with his looks is if it’s for a cosplay. Other than that, he could care less when he looks like. He’s been a hermit for years, so it’s not like he needs to look presentable anyway. If you want him to change up his look at all, it would take some major convincing on your part. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He would absolutely feel incomplete without you. Even if you are in the next room, he still feels like he’s missing a piece of himself when you aren’t right next to him. At first, he assumes it’s a side-effect of his sin, but he soon realizes that it is just you. After this realization, he refuses to let you out of his sight, and if you do leave his sight, he’ll sulk about it until you come back. Of course, he would never let you know about any of this damn tsundere. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I personally headcanon that Levi is trans (I don’t wanna see any hate in the comments). He’d be super nervous to tell you about it since it’s just another layer of insecurity for him. When he does finally tell you (or you find out on your own) he’ll be a blushing mess the whole time. If you’re also trans, he’d feel super relieved that he finally has someone to relate to, even if you aren’t ftm like he is. It isn’t something he talks about often after that, but you will have to occasionally check in on him to make sure he’s doing okay with his dysphoria. 
 Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, he hates leaving his room unless he absolutely has too. Anytime someone tries to drag him outside, he will be complaining and whining the entire time. In a partner, he hates someone that is overly-extroverted and loud. He also dislikes people who don’t watch anime or play games. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When he does sleep, he has this habit of shifting into his demon form. If he is sleeping with someone and this happens, he will subconsciously wrap his tail around them. This is usually not ideal if you have to get up in the middle of the night for whatever reason. 
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
PLATONIC HEADCANINS !! PLATONIC HEADCANONS !! HOW ABOUT- a doting touchy-feely PLATONC reader with the allies?? Friendship headcanons :3 (do Axis if u can but PLEASE don't do that if you are tired or busy PLEASE don't ♡♡:))
I feel Alfred is also a bit of a touchy-feely kind of friend too
Especially with best friends and whatnot
Is either always at your house or telling you to come to his
He just wants to watch movies or play video games with you
Heck he just wants to exist in the same room with his bestie
Will Alfred wake you up at 3am to do something with him?
Y’all will either be doing mundane things like going on a store run or literally committing a crime
There is N O in between
Since the both of you are both touchy-feely and likely clinging to each other you bet you’ve gotten the same question 1000x
“Are you two dating?”
You both either go for the ewww hell no or a straight faced but sarcastic yes we totally are
But it’s 50/50 if you both actually go for the same response
It’s a game at this point to see if you guys can read each other’s minds
You guys usually make an awkward situation for the person that asked because one will say yes and the other says eww and neither of you will back down and explain that you guys are just sarcastic and teasing jerks lmao
Arthur isn’t the most touchy person so having a friend that is can be tough sometimes
He does appreciate the hugs and physical comfort/support but he just gets kinda awkward
Well at first anyways
When you are certified besties he’s used to it and one can often find him gravitating towards you to just be close
Will never admit he likes it though sorry he’s a hard head
No one dares ask either of y’all that dreaded question though because they don’t want to deal with his sarcasm and the lecture that’s sure to follow
Arthur is a chill bestie though
Often invites you over to just be together
He doesn’t care if it’s just to talk, do something, or simply enjoy the presence of someone else
Help him cook maybe?
Even if you suck at cooking he enjoys attempting to cook with someone else
And that also means having fun in the kitchen and being complete dorks the whole time
And also having to order food or eat a sandwich because unless you can cook it’s going to be inedible
Will make you watch and read Sherlock, even if he has to be there or read it to you it’s happening
Francis is very touchy as a friend unless he knows someone dislikes it
So having a bestie that is like him is perfect
People probably think y’all are glued together at this point
No one would ever think y’all are dating either because Francis acts completely different with his bestie than a love interest
He’s kind of a mean ass ngl
He likes to jokingly bicker and fight with you
And definitely likes to cling and be dramatic with you to the point it’s annoying to others
Francis drags you with him everywhere
His house, the gym, the store, England’s house, etc
He cant just go alone anymore it would feel wrong like he’s forgetting something
If you’re bad at dressing or have no style he’s got your back
Literally shops for you but also constantly says things like you’ll never look as good as him
You are also one fo the few that will ever see Francis get serious or down in the dumps
It’s just something he doesn’t wear on his sleeve and reserves for those closest to him
Matthew is not used to having people cling to him
He’s not really used to having people notice him so having a someone that’s his bestie, that notices him the most, and always clings and talks to him is a strange and wild concept
Doesn’t mind the touchiness and honestly rather prefers it
He’s kinda touch starved :/
Matthew is likely always at your house with Kumajirou
Movie marathon and cuddles yo
Also as his closest friend you come to see his ‘secret’ side of being sarcastic and a complete savage
This boy does not hold back with you either
Maybe at first he did but when he realized y’all are in this friend stuff for life he won’t censor or sugar coat things if it’s not necessary
Makes you play and watch hockey with him
Will teach you everything if you know nothing
Matthew is the type of friend to invite you to his families holidays/vacations and come to yours
He knows and is cool with basically all of your family
I mean who could hate or dislike this polite boy?
Ivan is not used to friendship either as people usually tremble in fear before him
so having a friend that is touchy on top of having a close friend can be a bit much at times
But he’s happy!
He loves the hugs! Loves the contact! Loves having a friend!
Loves cuddles most of all he won’t lie, Ivan loves the feeling of comfort and support when you cuddle him
People do often assume you two are dating because most people assume someone would only put up with him if they were in love with him
Neither of you mind the rumors since y’all know the truth
Ivan is the sweetest friend
He shows up unannounced with food or groceries all the time
Always helping you out without being asked
Like oh your washing machine broke I fixed it/bought you a new one already or oh you suck at this let me explain it and teach it to you
Does this completely unprompted
He’s always over at yours or always inviting you over to his
Wants to do classic friend things?
Like things he sees in movies and shows that friends do a lot or things he’s overheard from others
Late night store runs, hanging out at parks, showing up unannounced to crash at your place, those kind of things
You’re the only person he confides in, you know all his secrets, his sadness, everything
Honestly, Ivan is the person who needs a touchy-feely friend the most out of everyone
Yao is happy about having a touchy friend but will always play like he hates it
Not in like a tsundere “I totally d-don’t need friends baka” kind of way but a really dramatic “omg I can’t believe you’re so obsessed with me haha loser” kind of way
He’s only joking of course and apologizes if you get hurt by his teasing or he crosses a line
Only a brave few would try and ask if y’all are more than friends
They have to listen to a lecture with an angry Yao explaining that people can be close and not want to date and how immature and inappropriate they’re being
Totally the type of friend that mothers you
Constantly says you look skinnier than last time and forces you to eat because he’s worried for you
Will not sugar coat anything for you
If you ask for his advice then I’m sorry but you’re gonna get it even if it makes you cry or get mad
Yao wants you over at his constantly
He’s lonely man ㅠㅠ
And he doesn’t want to leave the comfort of his house
Expect a lot of his gifts for your birthday/holiday to be cute plushies he found
Ludwig act differently depending on when y’all become besties
Like before Italy, he’s nervous, confused, and slightly annoyed by all the touching and notion of being besties
If it’s after Italy he’s used to all the touchiness and has figured out how to show his friendship to you in other ways
Like making you things! Or simply inviting you to hang out!
Ludwigs is always gonna be a bit awkward though
Always shy about hanging out and inviting you over
Many people assume you two to be dating because of his awkwardness but he is the first to start defending your friendship and it’s pure nature
He develops a sixth sense and now answers people’s questions about the two of you without even looking at them
He can just feel the nasty vibes
Asks you to do mundane things with him
Like shopping or even chores
Asks you to come bake with him a lot
It was embarrassing at first since not many people know his love of making sweets but he’s over that now
I know I say this a lot, but please work out with him _(:3 」∠)_
My guy just wants a work out buddy, a spotter, a n y t h i n g just please pick up the smallest dumbbell and pretend you want to work out
If you ask for advice expect him to be straight to the point about it but comfort you afterwards
Feliciano is a god tier bestie if your touchy-feely
Doesn’t matter if that touchy-feely emotionally and/or physically he’s down for both
Like please hold his hand, hug him, give him head pats, cheek kisses or any form affection really
No one even thinks anything of it, it’s just Feliciano being himself
If anyone did ask if you were dating he might get self-conscious of his actions, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or like he was trying to be something more with you
He’s easy to calm down though
Feliciano invites you out all the time
Restaurants, wine tastings, farmers markets, gondola rides, just about anything he can think of that he thinks you would like to do
Always at your house
He eats all of your food too, but he makes you some in return so it’s okay
Gives really good advice
Like for his bestie he’ll get super serious and thoughtful about your issues, even spending days thinking of solutions
Tries not to sugar coat things for you but ends up doing just that
He doesn’t want to make his friend cry or even more anxious
Will comfort you though if you are upset about anything he’s said and apologizes profusely for it too
Kiku is overall one of the ones who needs a touchy bestie but is the most challenging with receiving or giving the touchiness back
He’s a man who enjoys personal space and alone time, so he’s honestly surprised anyone considers him a true best friend
He knows he can get a bit feisty and shut himself away when he gets uncomfortable and that makes it hard to truly befriend him
But he’s really happy you stick around and deal with his awkwardness and rejection of your affection
Tries his hardest to at least accept your friendly affection
No one would dare ask if you two are flirting or together because my god it’s taking so much of his effort to just sit less than 2 feet away from you at the start so they don’t want to ruin his progress by making it awkward
Kiku definitely asks for your opinion on anime and manga
Gets into heated debates with you over certain ones
Is shy but asks you to come over a lot
Likes to have tea and snacks with you while you guys talk
Y’all can talk for literally a whole day
You sleepover a lot, he insists and even got you your own futon with a cool custom cover
Gifts you a kotatsu at some point because he loves them and he thinks you should enjoy them all the time too
When he gets over a lot of shyness he loves when you do simple forms of affection with him
Like ruffling his hair or holding onto his arm or even just leaning against him
He enjoys those the most since they aren’t too physical and mentally taxing on him and it still let you physically express your friendship with him like you love to do
If you ask for advice either get prepared for a harsh wake up call or a stumbling mess of words
It’s 50/50 if Kiku gives you the stone cold truth or tries to spare your feelings
As your friend he thinks you deserve the truth but he doesn’t want his harsh advice to ruin your mood or make you hate him
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
Stormsight and Frankie
I think I mentioned this with @geluatekurama and realized I never actually made a post about this, so I decided to do something about it.
A while ago, I mentioned to my mutual that if Stormsight ever developed a crush, he would most likely fall for Frankie.
When these two meet, he would quickly acknowledge she's smart, but would need to be encouraged by others to get to know Frankie better, I imagine Charlie and Boulder as most likely to suggest the idea.
Doc Greene would be hesitant to let a Decepticon befriend his daughter, but I can see Frankie receptive to the idea, but would make it clear that if he tries anything, she'll make sure he regrets it.
Stormsight would believe her threat.
But after that, He would quickly like her, seeing her as intelligent, brave, and has more common sense than most in Griffin Rock.
And she would see that he isn't so bad, he's smart, polite, can be sweet, if a bit awkward.
She would be curious and fascinated at him being Techno-Organic, but wouldn't question him about it, she would wait until he's comfortable to share details on his own.
Stormsight would greatly appreciate that and would actually be happy to tell her about his physiology.
When Stormsight first begins to fall for Frankie, he would be utterly confused at these feelings and why he's starting to see Frankie differently.
He would wonder why he's thinking about her more, why his spark seems to pulse faster when he sees her or why he enjoys seeing her smile and hearing her talk and laugh more.
Believing this to be a human thing, he would ask Chief Burns about this. And I imagine Charlie being pretty surprised.
This kid is so out of touch with his human side that he kinda needs to be told that he has a crush on someone before he realizes that he does.
Though I don't think anyone else would be surprised, since he's not that subtle or careful. I think even Frankie would know he likes her more than just a friend.
I imagine he would act like this whenever talking to Frankie or about her, basically accidently dropping hints that he likes her.
(Think Amity when she started getting a crush on Luz or Wall-E when he met EVE.)
Frankie would be cooler about it, amused at Stormsight's awkwardness, but nice about it, maybe even finding it cute.
I also see Boulder and Dani trying to play cupid and bring the two closer together, or at least convince Stormsight to actually talk to Frankie about this and make a move.
If Stormsight ever did decided to try to ask Frankie out or show his interest, he wouldn't ask for help, he would research romantic stuff and read romance novels to get ideas on romance.
Results are often strange and/or cliche, but Frankie wouldn't be upset, she would find it a bit endearing.
Frankie would have the Decepticon Prince wrapped around her finger, but don't worry, she knows not to abuse this power and would treat him respect, adoration, and kindness.
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
love is all you need // G.W. (celebration fic)
Request: Okay one more cause I love you're writing. Can you do a George x Reader friends to lovers trope with fluff prompts 5 and 14?? I appreciate you and everything you do! Congratulations, you deserve it!! ❤❤ - @mischi3f-manag3d
Fluff 5: “Take my bed for the night. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
Fluff 14: “How about a kiss?
A/N: Thank you so much! Here is your request! I haven't written for George in so long! This is a load of fluff and a load of comfort. I’m sorry it’s not longer but I hope enjoy anyway!
Pairing: George Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of an argument, mentions of arranged marriages, but it really is a load of fluff.
Word count: 1.8k
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You aren’t sure how often you’ve knocked on his door; raised your fist and brayed it against the fading red paint that George always promises he’ll paint over but never does.
It’s no different now as you stand before his door, knocking three times before taking a step back. You glance on either side of you; biting your lip, second-guessing your decision to come here instead of blowing off steam another way.
“(Y/N)?” George greets; opening the door to your harried state, “What’s wrong?”
You blink away the fresh wave of tears; you thought you had cried yourself dry but the familiar burn in the back of your throat proves otherwise. “Can I come in?” You whisper; pointing into the flat he shares with his twin.
George nods; standing aside to let you enter. He won’t outrightly tell you that he’s worried; he’s sure you already know.
“I’m sorry for just showing up,” You mutter; looking down at your hands, shuffling from side to side.
George waves away your apology after shutting the door, “Don’t be. You’re always welcome here.”
You nod your head; throwing yourself onto his couch dramatically only to sit up immediately when you realise the absence of his twin. “Where’s Fred?” You ask.
“At Angelina’s,” George calls, heading to the small kitchen, “Do you want some tea?”
“Love some.” You shout back over the sound of now heating kettle.
George leaves the kitchen; letting the kettle boil. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed. With a soft expression on his face, he asks, “What’s wrong?”
You raise an eyebrow, “What makes you think something is wrong?”
George scoffs, “Come on now, love. I’ve known you since Third Year, I know when something is bothering you.”
You sigh heavily, “It’s my parents.”
“What happened?”
You go to open your mouth, but you’re interrupted by the kettle beginning to whistle. George holds up a single finger; telling you to hold that thought as he makes the tea. He’s back in no time, however – handing you your mug before settling on the couch next to you.
With a nod of his head, George tells you to continue.
“I know they mean well, and I know they want the best for me but…” You trail off; feeling that all too familiar lump start to form in your throat.
“But?” George prompts after a moment of silence.
“But I just wish they would stop pushing.”
“On what?”
You throw your arms out wide; almost spilling your tea, “On everything! They’ve never been happy with the fact that I chose to become a professor instead of working in the ministry. They never accepted the fact that I was sorted into Gryffindor and not Slytherin like the both of them. To top it all off, they hate the fact they can’t control me.”
George chuckles lightly; placing a hand on your knee, “Love, tell me something I don’t already know.”
You glare at him, “That’s not the worst part.”
“What is?”
Tears build in your eyes; lining them with silver, “They want me to marry,” You rush out in hushed tones.
“Marry?” George asks; voice astounded.
You nod your head; tears slipping, “They’ve got it all fixed apparently. Found a ‘lovely’ suitor; someone I’m sure to love in time,” You frown, “In time? No. I should already be in love with them if I’m to marry them.”
George sighs; taking both your mugs and placing them gently on the coffee table, “You don’t have to marry them.”
“That’s what I told my parents. That’s why I’m here.”
“How bad was it?”
You laugh mirthlessly, “Bad. I’ve never seen them so angry; kept telling me that the betrothal was already arranged and that for me to back out now would be a stain on the family name. After that, I walked out. I didn’t want to see or listen to them.”
“So you came straight to me?”
You nod; slumping against the redhead as the fight leaves your body, leaving you drained and tired. “I didn’t want to see anyone else; I only wanted to see you.”
George’s heart practically sings at your words; sending a shock of electricity through his body. He’s harboured feelings for you for as long as he can remember; he wouldn’t admit this to another soul, but he has spent so long daydreaming what it would be like to the be the one to hold you on a night and then to be the one whispering good morning before kissing you awake.
He tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, asking, “What do you plan to do?”
You shrug your shoulders, “The only thing I’m certain of is not going through with the marriage, but I don’t know what will happen with my parents.”
“They need time to cool off,” George comforts, “You all do.”
You nod wordlessly. George shuffles closer to you; wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “Do you want to stay the night? Talk to them in the morning?”
You peak up at George from under your lashes. Nodding, you answer, “Please.”
George nods, smiling at you reassuringly, “Take my bed for the night. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
You shake your head; holding onto the redhead that little bit tighter, “Stay with me?”
His eyes narrow; unsure, “Are you sure? I don’t mind, it’s quite a comfy couch.”
You roll your eyes at his attempt at humour, standing from said couch and checking the clock, “I’m sure. Let’s go to bed, George.”
George takes your outstretched hand; pulling himself up from the couch. You’re both exceptionally quiet as he leads you to his room; it’s not like you haven’t been in there before, but this meant something more to the both of you.
Dropping your hand, George rifles through his drawers, grabbing some old clothes of his for you to wear through the night.
“Are these okay?” He asks quietly; holding out an old t-shirt and some joggers.
You take them from him; rising up on your tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. Pulling away, you whisper, “Thank you, George.”
Shutting the door to the bathroom, you catch sight of yourself in the mirror. The upset and the anger caused by your parents has dissipated leaving behind only excitement and anticipation alight in your eyes. You didn’t think that George would agree to sharing a bed with you despite having done so in the past, but you didn’t want to be alone, and all you wanted more than anything was to be held by him.
The reflection in the mirror smiles at the hope in your face. The reason for being so adamant with your parents about the arranged marriage was that you had already given your heart to another, and he was just outside the door getting ready for bed. Your heart was never stolen by the Weasley; in fact, you gave it quite willingly, handing it over to him unknowingly through your time with him at Hogwarts.
He’s owned your heart and has been the main character in all of your daydreams since you were a teenager worried about essays and Quidditch try outs.
You put George’s t-shirt on; inhaling the familiar scent of gunpowder and honeysuckle.
Leaving the bathroom, you find that George has already slipped into bed. He’s pressed himself against the wall; giving you the option of wanting to leave the bed should you change your mind through the night.
You share a small laugh as you slide into bed next to him; settling under the covers, feeling more at ease now than you had all night.
“It’s going to be okay,” George whispers.
“I know, I believe you,” You reply, and you did. You believe him wholeheartedly; he may throw pranks and make jokes, but George is well aware when he needs to be serious and is always there with open arms and a patient ear.
You feel his shrug under the covers, “Besides, if not, we’ll run away together.”
Smiling, you answer, “An entirely too tempting idea, Weasley.”
He beams at you and with a flick of a switch, George turns out the light and the room is sent into darkness.
There’s something about the dark that makes men brave; that make it easier to confront truths and feelings. There’s something about the dark that is made for lovers; grazes of fingers and the brushes of lips.
It starts with an outstretch of hands; fingers bumping clumsily in the limited light of the room. Smile grow on both faces as they become tangled; his fingers wrapping around yours tightly.
It follows with him bringing your hand to his lips; placing a gentle kiss on the back of it before letting it drop back down to the space between you both.
In the dark, George finally whispers what’s been on the tip of his tongue since you announced it, “Don’t marry him. Fight it, please.”
You turn onto your side. You can just about make out the outline of his figure in the dark, but you don’t need to see his face to know that those words cost him. Even though can’t see you, you shake your head, “I’ll fight it tooth and nail.”
George releases a long sigh; his hand squeezes yours as he says, “I want a chance.”
“A chance at what?” You ask; throat constricting with the hope rushing up from your stomach.
“A chance to be with you,” He whispers; the words taking shape and filling the room. He runs a hand down his face, “Merlin, (Y/N), I’m mad for you.”
“You are?”
He nods; moving closer to you. You meet him halfway; almost startling when you feel his body align itself with yours.
“I’m mad for you too as it happens,” You comment lightly; your voice filled with emotion.
The thick tension leaves the room upon the uttering of your words leaving behind an atmosphere filled with relief and happiness. George laughs as he turns onto his side, utterly delighted at your words; tangled hands forgotten as he reaches for you. One of his hands slips underneath you as the other wraps around your waist; he holds you to him, pressing kiss after kiss to your hair.
You fist a hand in his t-shirt; the other one slipping underneath, running your nails across the toned expanse of his stomach. He shivers at the feel of your touch, twining your legs together so there isn’t a part of you that isn’t touching.
Tilting your head back, you run your nose up the length of his neck. Humming at the intoxicating scent of his skin – the honeysuckle becoming stronger the closer you are to him.
He hums; arms instinctively tightening around you, “Yes?”
A wicked grin breaks out across your face; all thoughts about parents and marriage disappear as you look into the face of the man you love and ask, “How about a kiss?”
George doesn’t need to be asked twice.
******** General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @birdie-writes @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @msmimimerton @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @acciotwinz @kashishwrites @kylosleftbuttcheek @xfirstfemale-marauderx @dreaming-about-fanfictions @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon
George Weasley taglist: @susceptible-but-siriusexual
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racheloveyunho · 3 years
Till death do us part - 3
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Y/N grew up in a wealthy family, she always was seen as a beautiful and smart kid and was most likely to take her father’s place as the CEO of one of the most important companies in South Korea. However, after the death of her mother, Y/N’s family slowly started to break apart. Her father was always working to forget his uncalled pain while his kids were left alone at home.
She was 17 years old when her life took a sudden turn when she met him in a dark alley. He was a bloody mess, bruises everywhere but behind blood and dirt, she could see his beautiful features and his addictive gaze. Maybe she should have walked away, maybe she shouldn’t have helped him, but the moment his gaze locked with hers, she was already his.
Choi San was his name.
Genre: Mafia AU, smut, angst, fluff, stranger to lovers
Words: 2479
TW series:  Y/N is described as an OC. Please be aware that this story will contain  a lot of triggering content such as smut, blood, death, murder, drug,  kidnapping, etc. Do not read if you are under a legal age!
TW chapter: reader got slapped, reader run away from home, abusive and manipulative father, swearing.
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The beating of my heart quickened. For the past two years I had dreamed about him every night and now, I was finally able to see him again.
"San!" I shouted happily, finally looking back at the handsome boy. He smiled back at me but his expression became cold again as he stared at Jinyoung. My so-called husband let my wrist go and hardly swallowed his spit.
"Y-you! What are you doing here?"
Chapter 3
"What? Do you know each other?" I looked up at San for an answer
"His father is a customer of mine. I worked for him a couple of times, right Mr Hwang?"
Jinyoung stepped back with fear written all over his face. He was afraid of San. I somehow understand his feeling, I knew too well how San could be intimidating.
"I wouldn't ever touch Y/N again if I were you." San said with the most cold voice I ever heard in my life "I get upset pretty easily and I can't think straight when anger come over me. I guess you can understand."
"Why are you protecting her, I don't understand!" My fiancé shouted with fear in his voice.
"Because she's mine."
I blushed madly at San's words. Hana squirmed like a fangirl and clapped her hands while making embarrassing noises. I wished she wasn't there at this moment, I was over embarrassed and she wasn't helping me AT ALL.
I hide my face behind my hands. I wasn't paying attention to the two men's conversation anymore until I felt San's grip lightly tightening around me.
I looked up, Jinyoung was gone without my noticing.
"Are you okay?" San whispered to my ear.
‘Does he have to look at me like that? He’s driving me crazy!’
"He left?" I asked.
San nodded before letting me go. Strangely enough, I felt a wave of sadness and disappointment from the loose of contact even though I couldn't say it out loud, San would probably think I'm crazy since I met him just twice.
Quickly, Hana went to my side, grabbing my arm and shaking it with all her strength.
"Are you THE San?" She asked San with her eyes sparkling.
The moment I saw San's smirk I wished I could have run away from here. I looked at Hana with wide eyes and whispered "Could you stop being obvious for God's sake!"
It was no help, Hana was too happy to finally meet the man I talked about every day and she wasn't paying attention to what I was saying "You are indeed handsome!" she exclaimed "Do you have a girlfriend?"
'Oh God.'
"I don't..." he paused "yet" San looked at me with his sharp eyes.
I turned back and hide my red face the best I could. I was not the kind of girl to turn shy easily but San had this effect on me, he made me feel weak in my knees and made my heart raced.
Meanwhile, Hana was the happiest in the world at this moment, she knew that I never was on a relationship before so she was surely excited to play cupid for the both of us.
After a quick chat, which boiled down to Hana asking questions about everything and nothing, San told us that he was going back to his work and had to leave. 
He walked away, but I followed him and with all the courage I could muster up, I grabbed his wrist to stop him. He looked back at me with a surprise expression.
"Can...Can you give me your phone number? It will be easier to see each other this way..." I looked straight at him, facing his usual strong gaze.
However, I wasn't as brave as I wanted to pretend and San wasn't dumb, my shaking hand grabbing his strong wrist was a clue enough for him to know how I really felt.
He smiled at me with a sincere and warm smile for the first time, his dimples in full display, before he gave me his hand. I looked at it, confused, and put my hand on his own.
"Not your hand, give me your phone. Don't you want my number anymore?" he laughed at my action and again, my face turned red.
"Yeah, sure!" I stuttered, giving him my phone. He quickly entered his number on it before giving it back to me.
"Let's talk more often then, Kim Y/N"
Hearing him saying my whole name was something special, a mysterious feeling grew inside of me but it wasn't an unpleasant one.
I waved my hand at him as he walked away, disappearing from my sight.
"I think I need holy water" Hana breathed out.
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It was already 9 pm, the sun was giving way to the dark night where the moon reigned as a queen.
It had been a long day, a very long one.
I met Jinyoung, my unwanted fiancé, San helped me against him and Hana hadn't let me get home until I admitted that I had a crush on San.
It was weird to say it, I wasn't familiar with this new feeling. Was it love? Was it possible to feel love towards him already or was it just a physical attraction?
I threw my head on my pillow and yelled on it while shaking powerfully my legs on the bed.
Yes, San was handsome, but he wasn't just that. He had something that attracted me and I couldn't explain what. It was like he was the answer of all my doubts and all of my issues. He was strong and intimidating but at the same time soft and reassuring. The last time I’ve felt this safe in someone’s arms was in my mom’s.
Bip Bip.
I looked at the small screen, a small notification indicating me that I had a new message.
I jumped out of my bed and stood up, excited by just some few words.
"Did you get home safely?"
Yes I did! I hope you got home without any issue too :)
No answer.
San didn't seem like the talkative type. I had to choose a topic to continue the conversation or else he wasn’t going to answer.
So...How old are you exactly? Do you still live with your family?
To my surprise, San answered me right away and we both talked for a few hours, totally forgetting about sleep. He talked to me more than I initially thought he would and I was glad for it.
I found out that he lived with his father, mother and older sister in Seoul in a rather affluent neighborhood. He was the same age as me and told me he had always been home schooled so he had a lot of free time.
He was following his father's path and helped him with his work.
I didn't asked him about it but I could easily guess that his dad worked with politicians since he San and Jinyoung knew each other from his dad’s work.
After a three hours long talk, I finally fell asleep while writing a message to San.
Sleep tight Y/N.
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I slowly opened my eyes when the warm morning light hit my face. It had been a long time since I last sleep that well. I stretched my body and directly texted San.
Hello San! Sorry I fell asleep, I slept well, maybe thanks to all the things that happened yesterday lol!
I waited some minutes but he gave me no response. Was he still asleep?
I went downstairs and only found my father, eating alone. The table seemed bigger than usual without Jin there and I couldn’t help but think about my brother, I hadn't see him since the argument between him and my father and it was worrying me.
"Where is Jin?"
"I don't know where he is living now." My mouth opened at his statement. My unstable eyes were reading his face, trying to figure out and hoping that I heard things wrong.
"What do you mean? He lives here!" I shouted, my voice sounded less confident than usual.
My worry was growing at an incredible speed pace. I felt unwell for some reason and was afraid to understand the real meaning behind my father's word.
"Not anymore. He's an adult now, I no longer have any obligation to keep him home."
I couldn't believe what I was listening to. He kicked his own son out? How dared he?
I was about to shout out at him but his phone rang at the same moment. He took the call and started talking with an unknown correspondent.
His face quickly dropped and then glared at me with angry eyes. I gulped, unaware of the situation.
When he hung up, he angrily stood up and harshly slapped me on the face "What have you done!" he yelled.
My eyes were watering. He hurt me. It was the first time he laid a finger on me.
"Mr Hwang called me! His son, Jinyoung, met you yesterday and want now to end your engagement."
"It's for the best, I never wanted this anyways" I replied curtly.
He was about to slap me again but put down his arm and chuckled darkly "Fine, if you want to be a brat then I will treat you as one"
My father strongly grabbed my arm and dragged me to my bedroom, he was so angry and so harsh, he was, without any doubt, going to leave bruises on my body.
He threw me on the bed and took my phone with him.
"You won't be needing your phone anymore, I'm confiscating it. In the meantime, I want you to think about your behavior." he said "If you don't want to listen to me, then I will show you who is in charge here." he walked away "Ah, and just to say, this week you will took a plane and will go abroad to study." He informed me before locking the door and leaving me alone in my room.
"You can't do this! You can't force me to leave!!" I banged on the door fiercely. It was a nightmare, it couldn't be happening. I sat down, my back against the door and my head on my knees, silently crying. 
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It was already late at night, I didn't do anything the whole day. The only thing I could do was crying.
I finally wiped my tears away and stood up, determined to leave this house. I took a small bag and filled it with some clothes, wallet and other essential stuffs. I waited until no more noise could be heard in the house and quietly leave the house through the windows.
It wasn't as hard as I thought it will be, I found myself a new talent that night.
I went to the bus station, it was too late so there was no bus anymore.
I walked to the nearest hotel and went to the reception.
"Excuse me, I broke my phone and I really need to call someone to pick me up to go home. Is it possible to use your phone?" I asked with puppy eyes.
The male receptionist fell right away for my charms and gave me his phone, glad to help a young girl in distress. I thanked him and called my brother.
I silently thanked my good memory and was glad I remembered all the numbers on my phone. "The person you have called is unavailable right now..." the voice announced.
“No way...” my shoulders fell from disappointment. I had no other choice but to let him a message on his phone.
"Hey Jin, it's me... Listen, I had some...problems with dad, he took my phone away so I don't have a lot of way to reach you. I heard that he kicked you out, I hope you did find a place to sleep, hope you're eating well, hope that..." I sniffed, not able to contain myself anymore. "I'm scared Jin, dad wants me to study abroad cause my fiancé brook our engagement. I picked some stuff and now I'm out of the house but I don't know where to go and..." my voice broke because of all the emotions I had inside of me. "I'll call Hana and see if I can sleep at her place or else I'll sleep in a hotel. I love you, I'll call you again tomorrow." I stopped the voicemail message.
This time I tried Hana's number, fortunately she was a phone addict so she would answer to my call. "Yes my love~?" I heard her sleepy voice "Hey Hana" I said, my voice still trembling "What happened? Are you okay?" Her voice suddenly turned serious.
I quickly summarized my situation to her. "Listen, sweetie. Tonight I can't come to you, you have still money right? Sleep in a hotel and tomorrow you will took the first bus and come to my house, okay?" I agreed and hung up before asking a room to the receptionist.
The hotel room was half smaller than mine but it was better than nothing. There was a phone on the side of the bed.
'Should I call San?' I wondered while looking at the phone. Without a second thought, I entered the number of San and waited.
"San! You answered!" I shouted through the phone, happy to hear his voice "I...I'm sorry I..."
"Where are you?" he asked "What?" I answered, surprised.
"You are not fine, are you? You're voice isn't as clear as usual."
I waited a long moment, I couldn't control my tears as they were running down my cheeks.
"Where are you?" He insisted.
"Dongdaemun hotel, room 322"
"I'm coming. Don't move." his voice softened.
My wait didn't last 20 minutes until I heard a knock on the door. I jumped and opened the door as soon as I heard the sound.
Here it was, the silhouette I liked the most
He hugged me tightly as if there was no tomorrow. I noticed how he was sweaty and out of breathe, probably from running to get to me faster.
I breathed in his unique scent, it was woody scent, something fresh but still manly. I felt safer with him, everything was easier when he was by my side. I didn't want to let him go and my feelings seemed mutual as he tightened his grip on my waist.
I was like a piece of metal attracted to a magnet.
We sat down on the bed and he let me cry my heart out, listening every word I had to say. I told him my story, my conflictual relationship with my father, how harsh he was with me and my brother since my mom passed away and my arranged wedding with this Hwang Jinyoung.
We talked for two good hours about my problems but also about the future we both wanted.
As time went on, I started to feel sleepy, my eyelids were heavy and my mind was cloudy. I slowly closed my eyes until I fell into a deep sleep into San's arms. He gently patted my head to help me fall asleep.
"Don't worry Y/N, I will protect you from now on."
San hummed a song before falling asleep by Y/N’s side.
I hope you enjoy this story so far! In the next chapter, Y/N is going to make a choice for her future life so the story will truly start in the chapter 4.
Of course, I’m not encouraging anyone to run away from home, mostly if you are minor.
Thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter~
Tag list:
@hijirikaww @pinkchampagne2 @xduygu-arsx @joongiebug
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bamberry · 3 years
Let the Mayhem Begin || Chapter 1 - Revealing Truths
Adrien Agreste x Marinette Dupain Cheng Pairing
Summary: When Chat Noir reveals his secret identity to Alya, all she can do is painfully watch the two make an absolute mess of themselves. But who said she couldn’t make it worth her while.
The Beginnings of a story are the most important.
It was few weeks after Marinette, her best friend, who couldn’t even get a single word out around a certain blonde, who often fell or bumped into a number of objects and people, told her that she was Ladybug, the hero Alya very much admired.
It had taken a few days and a sleepover to adjust to the fact that Marinette was secretly a renowned super heroine who was fighting every day to protect the city of Paris from a crazy butterfly man.
So when Marinette told her that Chat Noir and Ladybug didn’t know each other’s own identities she was quite surprised.
“But you guys are like the greatest duo in history?”
Marinette then went onto explaining that of the consequences and possibilities of Chat Noir knowing who she was. Alya had to be the one to reassure her that Chat Noir would never do anything to try and hurt Ladybug or Marinette for that matter. Alya fought alongside the guy a few times, if anything it’d be the last thing he’d do.
But nonetheless, Alya too had to respect Marinette’s choice.
“I’m going to have to tell him I told someone about my identity.” She tells Alya.
“Why?” Alya asked.
“He’s deserves to know that I told someone. He’s my partner and in order to protect Paris the best we can he has to know that I told someone else not because I didn’t trust him. But because I did what I knew what best. I have to trust that he’ll understand that.”
Alya really didn’t need Marinette to tell her twice that she was Ladybug. It was clear as day.
“You’re too good for this world Mari.” Alya pulled Marinette into a hug. Of course the blue-pigtailed girl returned the hug.
When they pulled apart Alya could tell something was still on Marinette’s mind.
“What is it?”
“It’s just-does that mean Chat Noir can tell someone who he is too? I mean, it only makes sense. It’d be fair. But what if he tells his identity to the wrong person? What if everyone, including Hawk Moth finds out? I couldn’t stand the fact if Chat Noir had to give up his miraculous because of that.”
“Marinette.” Alya grabbed her shoulders to calm the girl down,”I think Chat Noir is perfectly capable of making that choice for himself. He might be silly sometimes but you know he’s capable of making the right decisions. I’m sure he wouldn’t think about telling someone like Chloe or Lila.”
Speaking of Lila, Alya was quick to apologize to Marinette and is now currently plotting Lila’s demise, however unhero like that may sound.
“What if Chat Noir told you?” The question caused Alya to lose her train of thought,”What?”
“Think about it, you’re the first person to ever resist Hawkmoths power. If anything his secret would be most safest with you. Then there’d be no worry about our identities getting out.”
Alya looked at her completely surprised. As much as Alya would love to know Chat���s identity, it was not their decision to make. Plus Alya didn’t know if she could currently handle knowing another secret identity. Or maybe she just end up exploding with excitement
“Marinette, that’s something Chat Noir has to be able to decide for himself. “
She sighed,”You’re right Alya. But it wouldn’t hurt to give him that option. Regardless, I’m telling him tonight during patrol. “
Alya patted her best friends back,”It’ll be alright. I’m sure.”
“I just hope he doesn’t hate me Alya. Chat Noir has always wanted for us to truly know each other. I won’t lie, a part of me always refuses out of what he might think of my civilian self.”
“Marinette you’re literally one of the most kind hearted souls I’ve ever even met. You’re brave, strong-headed. If anything, Chat Noir would just love you even more.” Alya said with a mischievous smirk.
“Alya!!” Marinette fumed with red.
And so, that’s how Chat Noir ended up at Alya’s window later that night.
“Chat Noir?”
“Hey Alya,” Chat looked around to make sure there was nobody had been watching,”This isn’t a bad time is it?”
“Not at all. So what’s one of paris’s favorite superheroes doing here at this hour?”
Chat Noir sat on the window sill as he watched Alya,”Ladybug told me she told someone her secret identity.”
Alya figured much already. She can see how it seemed a bit upset by it.
“At first I wasn’t really thrilled. I had always wanted mi’lady to be the one to tell me who she was first. I thought it was because she didn’t trusted me.” Chat Noir said still looking rather glumly. Alya didn’t say a word, instead she let him continue.
“I won’t lie and say I really hurt by it. But then she told me she told you.” He said,”Which is kind of ironic because I couldve sworn you were the one who owned the blog that was made to figure out who we were.” He chuckled.
“But I thought about it, and I realized mi’lady is under a lot of pressure for being the new guardian. I get how stressful it must of been for her. But I also understand why she still couldn’t tell me. I don’t hate her for it though.”
“You must really love Ladybug.” Alya said to him.
“I do.” He replied looking back out at the city,”So when she me told that I could tell someone I trusted if I needed to. I wasn’t really sure who I could go to. Or if I even wanted to. I mean sure, I have some friends who come to mind, and they’re great and all but ..” He stopped for a few moments before continuing,”But I don’t really know if I’ve even shown them the real me yet.”
Alya felt heartbroken for the superhero. Did he really have no one who knew about his real self besides Ladybug? Did he really not tell those annoying cat puns with to his friends? Someone he could turn to? A part of her just wanted to hug him and give the reassurance that he wasn’t alone in how he felt. But she withheld.
“So when Ladybug suggested I could tell you. I was conflicted? Not because I don’t like you or anything like that , because you’re a great person. But if I’m being honest, I don’t know how’d you feel about that.”
Was Chat Noir really asking how Alya would feel if she knew his identity too. Would it be too much for her to handle and cause her to meltdown? Would she feel suddenly more burdened with another secret and possibly run away? Was he seriously asking her after all he just shared how she would feel?
“How I felt?” Alya asked dumbfounded.
“Ladybug trusted you with her secret for a reason. I don’t want to be the reason you might feel overwhelmed. You’re currently the reason why Ladybug is doing better and I don’t want to take that from her because I shared my identity with you.” 
For the first time in a while, Alya didn’t know what to say and for a while she remained silent. Even after it all, it was still all for Ladybug.
Alya mentally cursed in her head and made a note to subtlety open Mari’s eyes to the possibility of Chat Noir.
“Alya?” Chat asked. Apparently Alya had been silent for a little too long.
“Sorry. It’s a lot to think about.” Alya said,”But you know what, I’m strong too. I know I can handle whatever you guys throw at me.”
“So you’re saying I can trust you?” Chat Noir’s tail seemed to move excitedly for a moment. It’s almost like he expected to be rejected.
“Of course you can, and to prove that. I’ll let you in on a secret of mine.” Alya said as she put her hands on her hips,”I’m Rena Rogue.”
Chat Noir’s eyes widened as he slowly forms a bright smiles on his face,”I should’ve known Ladybug would’ve chosen you for the fox miraculous. But I’m glad it was you.”
They both laughed and talked about the various battles they fought together in for a while until a comfortable silence fell between them.
“Alya.” Chat said,”I want to tell you who I am. But I want you to know something before I do.” He said,”I know you. In real life I mean. Like I know you in person. As in we’re already mutual friends.”
Alya eyebrows arched a bit, to say that enough to make Alya start thinking of the potential candidates. Ever since LadyBlog took off, Alya did have some fame to her name so she wouldn’t have been surprised if she had met his civilian form during an interview or something of the sort. But to say that they were already friends?
Chat Noir took a deep breath,”Okay I won’t lie I’m a bit nervous.” He laughed hugging his baton protectively.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to do this today if you don’t want to. “
“No I do. It’ll be fine I think.” He said as Alya stared at him intensely.
“Uh alya.. you’re making me a bit more nervous.” He said embarrassingly. Alya shook her head,”Right sorry sorry just continue.” She said letting her unintentional threatening gaze ease.
“Okay.” The air thickened around as the tension increased.
“Okay but if you like hate me after th-“
“Oh my god CHAT NOIR.” Alya said almost laughing at his sudden nervousness.
“Can you? Turn around?” He asked fiddling with his fingers.
Alya did just that. He reminded her of Marinette around Adrien. Except Chat Noir could at least get a few words out instead of none.
She heard a deep breath
“Plagg, claws in.” He said. It was silent before she heard another voice,”You got any cheese on you?”
“Oh Plagg, you and your stinky cheese can wait.” The voice said.
Alya turned around and when she tells you nothing couldve prepared her for this. She means absolutely nothing.
“You-“ Alya choked out. Her mind racing literally everywhere. “But-“
Adrien scratched his neck and chuckled nervously,”Guess the cats out of the bag.”
“Oh my god.” Alya was in complete disbelief. Or was she? It slowly started to come together. He constant sneaking away. The way he had never been akumatized and was never seen together in the same room. The way he looked like Chat Noir when she for fun drew a mask on him that day she showed Marinette.
She froze. Marinette is Ladybug. Chat Noir is Adrien. Chat Noir loves Ladybug. Ladybug is Marinette. Marinette loves Adrien. Adrien is Chat Noir.
These idiots were in fucking love with each other and they didn’t even know. Alya wanted to just scream.
“Alya?”Adrien asked worriedly,”You havent said anything in a while? Are you disappointed?”
Alya’s spiritual form slapped her in the back of the head,”No!” She almost shouted. Adrien stared at her like she had gone mad.
“No! Not at all! Just surprised but not really? Does that make sense?”
“You’re not surprised ?” Adrien asked her curiously.
“It’s complicated.” Alya admits,”But I appreciate you sharing your secret with me Adrien. You can trust me.”
“Thanks Alya, it feels nice to have another friend.”
“Of course.”
And with that, the two spend the next hour or so just talking. About being Adrien and about being Chat Noir. It was clear Adrien was still pretty closed off about his Adrien life but Alya didn’t want to push him to say something he wasn’t ready to say.
When Chat Noir left Alya practically let out small a small screech ,”THEYRE literally GOING TO END UP KILLING ME WHEN THEY FIND OUT.”
“WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT SO DAMN COMPLICATED.” Alya banged her head against wall.
But then a thought occurred. A very dangerous but fun one.
She chuckled evilly to herself in her room as her forehead turned a bright red.
Alya knew these two would never get anywhere and she of course has sworn to secrecy. But no one said that she couldn’t help out the oblivious lovebirds. Of course she’d be discreet.
Her laughing became ridiculous, one full with mischievous intent. She plopped herself at her desk and began typing away at her computer.
Operation Cat-Bug| . . .
Alya saw the sun rise by the time she stepped back from her computer. A sight to behold. Sure, in need of a little proof reading but nonetheless she had it all planned down in her computer. She nodded in approval as she hit save. School was going to start in about an hour.
She proudly stood up from her chair, legs aching and sore but she did not feel an ounce of tiredness. It was the opposite actually. Excitement jittered through her.
Let the Mayhem Begin
omg hi! I’m starting this series. I don’t know exactly how many chapters it will be but I don’t blame on having it be more than 10. Or maybe who knows, I’ll just go where the wind takes me.
ao3 link
I promise they’ll get longer this is the introduction *wink face*
Next Chapter: School Days
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lovelivingmydreams · 4 years
A might have been
Because I needed my @kingcreativityau fix and my brain does not shut up.
So… What if King didn’t split before Instinct formed? Does that lead to a happily ever after for all?
Instinct opened his eyes. He had eyes now. And there were many eyes staring back at him.
There was only one pair that mattered right now though.
“K-king?” he asked, not quite clear on how he knew it. He just did.
The familiar eyes lit up and the figure they belonged to, warm and bright and… good, turned to a cool presence and shook it.
“He recognizes me!!!” he exclaimed. It was loud but familiar, so instinct was able to ignore the initial urge to jump back at the sound. King turned back to him while he blinked away the last bits of disorientation and confusion. Trying to identify more things. King was moving from one foot to the other excitedly, but biting his lip and clenching his fists to give him the time. It made him smile. He was right. King was his friend.
There were two other sides flanking King, and one standing a bit farther to the back.
“Yes, yes…” the cool side grumbled as he straightened himself out before directing his curious bespectacled gaze to Instinct. “It is rather fascinating. Never before has a side shown any indication of retaining any kind of memory of before his manifestation.”
Instinct took note of the tone of voice and found a name to go with it. “Logic?” he asked. This surprised the side. “I… Yes…” he confirmed.
“Oooooh! Me next!!!” the shortest side giggled.
Instinct frowned, it wasn’t as clear in his mind as the other two, but a title eventually came, much to his relief. He didn’t want to disappoint anyone.
The excited squeal told him he was right.
“Perhaps he simply knows more because he formed later in Thomas’ life,” Logic suggested.
“Come now Logic. Why is it so hard to believe that he learned all about us through king?” Morality objected.
Instinct felt very lost right now. Why were they talking about him like that? Could they still not see him?
He thought he manifested right. He wasn’t as tall as most of the others but he was here right? Was he not finished? Maybe he was just a shadow and a voice? Not good enough to be considered one of them yet…
“Don’t mind  them. They still have to get used to you being here. Wanna go play in the imagination with me? I have so much to show you!” King gushed reaching out a hand, but waiting for Instinct to take it. The newly formed side lifted a trembling hand and reached out. Once the appendage came into view Instinct felt a little bit more encouraged, he was visible it seemed and then his fingers touched the offered palm.
And just like that instinct relaxed completely. He was here after all.
The two other sides paused their conversation and Morality looked like he felt very bad, even Logic seemed too embarrassed to meet anyone’s gaze. “Oh I am so sorry instinct! We didn’t mean to ignore you. It’s all just so exciting, we tend to get carried away,” the short, bespectacled side assured him.
“Indeed. My apologies as well. I should have realized that you are now here and more than capable of understanding and answering any questions we may have.”
“After I show him around!” King stated firmly, but then he seemed to catch himself and looked back down at Instinct a little sheepish. “Unless you want to stay here for a bit first?”
Instinct thought about that. He didn’t feel like being around a lot of people right now.
And getting to know the mindscape a bit more sounded like a good idea.
“I’ll come with you,” he stated before turning to Logic and Morality. “We’ll talk later okay?”
The two sides nodded and waved them off, the other side who hadn’t talked to him yet -was that Deceit?- was walking away. Instinct didn’t have time to ask. King pulled him along, pointing things out and telling him all about them, often getting of track until Instinct pointed at something specific and asked about it.
Instinct soon settled into the mindscape.
He kept a close eye on Thomas and ensured they didn’t get in danger, or got anyone mad at them. He was very careful about upsetting the others as well. That didn’t mean he never messed up.
“I’m sorry Morality! Please, don’t cry…” he whispered soothingly as he hugged the slightly smaller boy.
“Instinct what is going on?” Logic asked as he and King appeared in the common space.
“There was a scary shadow and… I thought…I didn’t mean to upset Morality I promise!” Instinct pleaded. He directed his eyes mainly at King.
He was keeping Thomas up with his worries. Meaning he was keeping him from dreaming. King was going to be mad, he just knew it.
“You feared there was an intruder and you went to Morality for comfort yes?” Logic deduced.
Instinct nodded, wringing at the corners of the hooded blanket King gave him when it became clear that soft textures and hiding away his face made Instinct feel more comfortable at times.
“Oh, Instinct. Why didn’t you come to me? You know I’ll gladly get rid of any creeps that lurk in the night?” King wondered.
“I… Yes, but you were hard at work making a dream for Thomas and…”
“Then why not come to me? I could have explained any shadows or sounds like usual…”
Instinct knew all that. He didn’t know why he’d gone to Morality. He knew that wouldn’t end well. It never did. But…
“I already bothered you enough today and…” And now he’d bothered them even more. Instinct tried not to be in the way too much. But everything made him wonder.
How did they know the bike would keep steady? Why was Shea crying? Would the teacher be mad if they asked that question? How could they make Mom smile?
“King will you take care of Instinct? I’ll talk to Morality,” Logic suggested.
King nodded and put a gentle hand on Instinct’s back to lead him away.
“Sorry,” the youngest side muttered one last time.
“It’s no problem Instinct. What did you say to send Morality in such a state though?” King wondered.
“I… I told him about the shadow and I tried to do what Logic does. I tried to ‘reason’ and say that if it was something bad, mom and dad would protect us. But… But then I got afraid something would happen to them and… Morality didn’t like that,” he muttered. Why did he have to bring up those scary things all the time?
“Well… You are right. Something could always happen,” King nodded slowly.
Instinct cringed at the thought. “But… Dad is very brave. I don’t think there is any challenge he couldn’t overcome,” the creative side assured him.
“Really?” Instinct asked hopefully.
“Really. And mother is very smart, I’m sure she can outwit any bad guy.”
King was so certain of it that Instinct couldn’t doubt him.
“Thank you King. I’m sorry I kept Thomas up,” he muttered.
“No worries. Let’s go to the dream room, I’m sure now that you and Morality are calming down, Thomas will be needing a marvelous adventure soon.”
Instincts eyes widened. “You still want me there? What if I mess up again?”
“You won’t. At most you’ll come up with exciting challenges for us to overcome. Logic did say that dreams can help us overcome the worries of the day right? So you have to be there!”
Instinct chuckled as King pulled him to the dream room.
Logic did manage to calm down Morality, who ensured Instinct that he wasn’t mad with him in any way. But they all agreed that it was better that Instinct relied on the two older looking sides when he needed reassurance for the time being. Morality was very comforting and understanding, but he could easily be swept up by his own emotions. Logic predicted that as they got older, this would change.
So instinct stuck to asking Logic his questions. Though he often had to turn to King anyway if he needed to truly be reassured. Logic had a way of… Stating the odds. And while knowing that the chance of getting struck by lightning was really small was enough reassurance for most. In Instinct’s mind any chance was too risky sometimes.
King however could coax him from under his cover and let them all enjoy the way the light danced across the sky as he told silly stories about the thunder.
And as Instinct, and therefore Thomas, started to rely on creativity to soothe his fears some of King’s old power returned.
“So you see, you are actually the bravest of us all! A real royal knight!” King exclaimed with a flourish of his hand. Before Instinct could argue, his soft sweater and hooded blanket changed into a knight costume, baring King’s sigil.
Instincts eyes widened in awe and King was speechless.
“Ah, king I wished to discuss… What is going on?” Logic wondered as he found Instinct staring down at himself and King looking at his hands stunned.
“My powers are back…” he muttered.
“I am sorry. What?” Logic asked confused.
“Not as they were… but…” Then King grabbed Instincts hands and started dancing around with him. “My powers! Oh Instinct! Such joyous day!”
Morality was happy about this development as well. Logic however was slightly concerned. With the strange outbursts King kept having… Was it safe for him to have that power again?
He’d thought Instinct was only helping keep King in check.
He’d noticed a significant increase in Thomas’ ability to concentrate, since Instinct often pleaded with King not to distract Thomas. Fearing sever punishment should they get bad grades. Logic had to admit he didn’t put as much effort in rationalizing those worries as he did others. It was selfish, he knew, but he could finally work in peace.
On occasion King even helped visualize the material in ways that made it easier for Thomas to understand and remember.
In retrospect this might have been a long time coming. Thomas was using his creativity in more daily tasks again, even if it was in more practical ways. To deal with his studies, to deal with his emotions… King might no longer be able to convince Thomas that reality was something different than what it was. But he had once more gained the ability to change the mindscape, change them, to some extent. Which wasn’t too terrible, King seemed to have learned to take others into consideration when making decisions… But those outbursts.
King’s first order of business turned out to be to give Instinct a way to deal with his worries on his own. “It’ll be good for you to conquer Thomas’ fears on your own! Just visualize, and then turn them into something harmless.”
It’d taken a while for Instinct to manage to turn the shadows he could only yell threats at until they dissolved into bunnies, puppies and kittens. But he managed.
Now if King and Logic were busy and couldn’t help him out he could just catch whatever it was and that made him feel in control.
One afternoon, King was helping Thomas with a drawing and Logan was preparing for a math problem after, when Instinct found himself struggling with a rather large ‘stress bunny’ as they’d dubbed them.
“Oh, no you don’t! I won’t let you hurt Thomas!” Instinct insisted as he chased the creature. Determined to succeed, even though it whispered doubts and worries into his ears that made part of him want to run up to king and beg him not to show anyone the drawing.
“If they hate it, it’ll hurt him!” the whisper insisted.
But instinct was focused on catching the bunny. King wouldn’t show anyone anything if he wasn’t completely satisfied. Besides he often asked their opinion on it before showing it off anyway. If it was really a problem, Instinct could handle that later. After he took down this damn Bunny.
“Need a hand?” a smooth, pleasant voice wondered. Instinct froze along with the bunny.
Once he realized that the bunny was distracted, the young side jumped on the bunny grinning in triumph as it dissolved. He had confronted the thoughts and showed them who was boss!
Now, who had helped distract them?
Instinct looked up and took the side in. He looked like a preteen. Older than him and Morality, but younger than King. Maybe more Logic’s age?
Not that that meant anything. If they looked their age, Instinct should still be a baby.
Or they’d all be around six years old like Thomas.
Anyway. Instinct knew who this was, the same way he’d known everyone else. He smiled brightly and waved in greeting. “Hi Deceit. Finally decided to meet me?” he wondered.
Why, he didn’t know but this was the first time he’d seen him up close since he formed. He could sometimes see him hanging at the edge of his peripheral. Sometimes human sometimes as a snake. But never anywhere near any of them.
“Maybe,” Deceit muttered, looking around tensely.
Instinct got up and reached out a hand in greeting. “I’m instinct. I keep Thomas safe,” he greeted.
Deceit hesitated, looking from the hand to his face and back. Slowly he reached out…
“Instinct!” The side in question jumped at his name being called. He looked around and there was king. Oh! Wait until he heard about this!
“King! You should have seen it! It was a stress bunny half my size and it was so fast! But then Deceit distracted it and I got it! I wasn’t even a little afraid!” he exclaimed proudly.
“That’s… Great Instinct. Why don’t you go tell the others. I want you all to check over the drawing Thomas made before we give it to Mother.”
Instinct nodded and waved goodbye to Deceit who waved back. “Until next time, Instinct.”
Once Instinct was out of earshot King turned to Deceit with a glare.
“Forgotten to tell your pet to stay away from the big bad snake did you?” Deceit taunted bitterly.
“Instinct is my friend!” King bellowed. “And you will never speak to him again if you know what’s good for you!” his eyes flared red with his passion.
“Why haven’t you told him to stay away?” Deceit wondered, pretending like the whole conversation didn’t both hurt and terrify him.
“Telling him about you means telling him about Logic. And he needs the nerd to calm down on occasion. If he can’t rely on him… Besides, the nerd has actually tried to be decent. And he never pretended to be my friend.” That got Deceit’s attention.
“I was… I am… Why can’t you see that that day wasn’t about us!?” Deceit pleaded, façade dropping.
“There is no us… Maybe there never was.”
Deceit latched onto the hurt in King’s voice. Twisted as it may be. The fact that it hurt King too meant that it had meant something. Which also made this new normal hurt so much more.
“So what? You’ve replaced me so I can rot away on the sidelines all by myself?” he bit.
“Don’t you dare compare yourself to Instinct. He actually has an opinion. He is shy about sharing it sometimes, but he will tell me when he has doubts about my ideas. Which is what it means to be a true friend! They tell you when you are getting in over your head and stop you from doing something that makes everyone turn against you!”
Deceit staggered back with the force of the outburst.
“This is the last time I’ll let you get away with this. I see you anywhere near him again…”
King’s eyes flashed green and he didn’t finish his threat. He just squeezed his eyes shut and stalked away.
They all knew there were still things they needed to learn about Instinct. And that Instinct would most likely grow into other things over time. Knowing that something was coming sooner or later didn’t mean they were prepared for it though.
“I don’t think they are really friends with Christian,” Instinct muttered.
A group of older kids had approached Thomas as he was playing in the front yard. They said they were friends with his older brother and asked him to go get their ball for them a few houses over.
“Even if they’re not… We should help them though right?” Morality suggested.
“But won’t the old man get mad that we trespassed?” he tried again.
“The plan they proposed is very thoroughly planned out.” If Logic was on board, usually that would calm Instinct down but… This still didn’t feel right.
“But we’ll need their help to get back over the gate. What if they run off?” he insisted.
“That would be dishonorable and cowardly! If they dare, we’ll make our way back over the gate ourselves and get reinforcements!” King declared.
Instinct looked around frantically. No. This was wrong. All wrong he couldn’t let this happen.
“No!” He yelled so loud and forceful that it bypassed all of them and came out of Thomas’ mouth just as commanding. Surprising the boys and alerting mother.
“Thomas? What’s going on?” Mother’s voice called out in alarm.
“Run!” one of the boys shouted and they all fled the scene while Thomas burst into tears.
Instinct was still reeling from his own outburst and looking around at the others, worried he’d overstepped.
“S-s-spider!” Morality whimpered. Instinct looked around in a panic. Spider? Where? The others were scared of spiders. He had to get rid of them if there… Then he saw the arachnid legs in his peripheral. He felt them. He was the spider.
Only now did he notice his senses had sharpened. He could feel so much. He could even feel the other’s breathing.
And they were all frightened. Of him.
He shot off. Running as fast as he could. And with four extra legs he was very fast.
He went farther away from the central consciousness than he ever had in his life.
He collapsed under a gorgeous willow at the edge of the mindscape.
He only registered the willow because he couldn’t not see. He saw and heard and felt… It was almost overwhelming.
He also saw the snake curled up in the tree, but he didn’t care. He collapsed and curled up on himself nestling against the trunk, hidden by the leaves. He sat there shaking. For a second, a minute, a year…
He was so full of doubt and self-loathing. Time was irrelevant.
“Will you at least be quiet? Some sides like to wallow in peace.” The snake, Deceit, hissed.
“S-sorry,” Instinct whispered, trying not to upset the snake even more.
“Oh, my. That’s quite the transformation. A complete 180 from cute ten year old wouldn’t you think?” Instinct looked up. Deceit was curled up in a hole in the tree above his head and looking down on him.
Instinct shivered. “I didn’t… Mean to... I just… Thomas was… Something bad was going to happen and I just had to. Do something.”
“Is he still in danger?” the snake wondered as he made his way down the trunk and righted himself in front of Instinct.
“Well…” Instinct thought about it. Mom was with Thomas. Everything would be okay now.
“No…” he admitted.
“Then why not drop the scary act? We both know you aren’t that tough. Or maybe the cute kid is the act. I don’t know. What do you think?”
“I don’t want anyone to be scared of me. I never did!” Instinct insisted. He wanted everyone to be safe. That was all.
“So, what is this then? Didn’t they listen to sweet little instinct, so you had to be a big bad spider to protect Thomas?” It wasn’t accusatory. And… Maybe a little right.
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Instinct repeated.
“I believe you. You wouldn’t be able to lie to me anyway,” Deceit assured him.
“I… Thanks.” Somehow, someone believing him, helped. And just like that he felt himself going back to normal. And then Deceit was in front of him in his human form.
“Good job,” he praised gently.
“Why don’t the others ever talk to you? You seem nice,” Instinct frowned. He didn’t know how he got so bold, but the question had been plaguing his mind since day one.
“I’m Deceit. I can’t be trusted… They probably have a point not wanting to be friends with me. Not unless they need something.”
Instinct thought about that. “Well…” he sat up straighter.
“Maybe I can talk to them? If they don’t kick me out for earlier that is.”
Deceit gave Instinct a sad smile. “That’s nice, but I’d rather you didn’t. You are alright Instinct. I should be going…”
“Instinct?! Instinct where are you?”
Instinct almost called King over, but then saw Deceit stiffen.
“Hide,” he mouthed instead as he walked out from between the tree branches.
“I’m here,” he announced softly.
King let out a sigh of relieve, hurried over and knelt down to talk more on Instinct’s height.
“I’m so glad you are safe,” he told him. “King! Oh goodness! You found him!”
Morality exclaimed as he and Logic joined them.
“I told you this would be where he’d go,” King pointed out slightly smugly.
“Yes, you did,” Logic nodded as he turned to Instinct.
“Instinct. We wanted you to know that Mom is not upset with Thomas.”
“She said it was brave to say ‘no’!” King exclaimed in excitement.
“I’m so sorry I got scared!” Morality rushed worriedly.
“I think that was the point actually,” Logic suggested.
“I didn’t want to scare you!” Instinct exclaimed, horrified that Logic would suggest that.
“I am sure that was not your conscious intension. But I meant… It has been clear for some time that you are more than just a base instinct. You are fear. In general.”
Fear… That, did sound better.
“Yeah…” He looked at king. “Would it be okay? If I am Fear? Are we still friends?” he asked timidly. He had been rather forceful. Maybe King didn’t like Fear as much as he did instinct.
“I promise I won’t do… I won’t abuse that thing I did back there. I don’t even know how I did it…”
King pulled Fear in for a hug. “Of course we are still friends. No matter how often your name changes, that won’t.”
Fear relaxed at that.
Morality squealed at the sweet display.
“This calls for cookies! Maybe even double servings!” he gushed as he led the way back to the central consciousness. King let go of Fear, who darted out to the front to talk with Logic about what he thought his role was exactly. Of course he wanted to understand as much as possible right away.
King held back a little. His eyes flashing red.
“I know you’re back there,” he growled.
“I didn’t do anything. I was here when he came storming in…” Deceit pleaded.
“You expect me to believe you stayed hidden? That you didn’t say a word?” King growled, not looking back.
“I… I just helped him calm down enough to put his spider form away. Nothing else!” Deceit swore.
“Stay away from him you slimy two faced snake!” King looked back and Deceit could see one eye, looking down at him with pure hatred. Glowing red and then green as a wicked grin split across his face.
“Now that would be funny,” he chuckled cruelly to himself, before he turned fully, eyes wide in horror. Deceit doubled over as he felt his left side burning and itching… What was happening?
King righted himself. “I warned you… You did this to yourself.”
Lie, it was a lie. King tried to act like this was intended, but even as Deceit’s vision twisted and he saw the scales appear on his left hand, he could tell that King was just as shocked as he was. “Please!” he begged, but king turned and started walking away.
“I’ll take it back when you’ve learned your place!” he barked before leaving him behind.
King didn’t tell the others about what happened. Not even Fear. Even if part of him wanted to talk about it. He didn’t have to worry anyone. He just had to get control over these… Thoughts, ideas. What if he’d done that to someone important? To a dream? To Fear?
No he wouldn’t. Fear was his friend. He wouldn’t hurt his friend.
Or so he thought.
There had been slip ups of course. Saying a weird thing, or a suggestion that was dangerous or ‘bad’.
In the moment they seemed brilliant but one look at the incredulous faces of the others made him realize just what he suggested and hurriedly corrected himself.
“I’m kidding! Of course we can’t do that!” he’d laugh.
He was pretty sure Logic didn’t buy his excuses.
He could handle Logic’s suspicions, his attempts at getting King to talk about it and the way he and Morality would look at him like he’d gone insane. But Fear, he looked terrified by those suggestions. He hated that he did that. He was supposed to make things easier on him. Not worse.
And of course, Fear was around when he made a real big mistake.
As good as the young worrier had gotten at conquering fears, he still preferred to find comfort with his friends. Today he was worried about going on their first big bicycling trip with the family.
“We aren’t ready! What if we can’t keep up? What if we fall and cut open our knee?” he fretted. King had thought that this was a case were Logic would be better suited, but he wanted to at least try to comfort his friend. He would come to regret that decision.
The image of bleeding knees stuck with him. Exposed bone, infections…
All kinds of horrid, disgusting thoughts sprung from that and he didn’t realize he was saying them out loud until Fear used his spider voice.
“Stop!” King wasn’t forced to be quiet this time. Fear was holding back his influence it seemed. But the raw emotion was just as effective.
“I don’t like this game King! Please stop!” he cried shakily.
King immediately fell to his knees to comfort his friend. “I am so sorry Fear. I was thinking out loud. I didn’t even realize. I never… I’m sorry,” he chocked. He had upset him. He’d upset Fear. He didn’t have it under control. He needed help.
King looked up. And the last thing he saw was Fear’s pleading eyes overflowing with tears.
“Oh…” Fear breathed as he whipped away the tears and calmed down, relieved his friend was back to himself.
“I get that. My thoughts do that too. It’s okay. Logic has been teaching me to manage it.”
King nodded. Yes. Logic would know what to do. Maybe they could handle these thoughts like Fear’s worries. Push them out and take them down. Just more permanently.
“Good idea, I’ll go talk to him right away.”
“I can help too!” Fear insisted. “I can teach you what I’ve learned.” The younger side was eager to help his friend for once instead of the other way around.
He was brushed aside though, assured that it wouldn’t be long.
Fear didn’t manage to stay away though. A feeling of dread filling his stomach. King wouldn’t do something stupid would he?
Ice filled Fear’s veins. King would absolutely do something stupid.
Fear kept him from jumping from too high. Fear kept him from looking in dark alleys.
Fear started running. He had to stop him. Whatever he was doing, it wasn’t going to be good. “King!” He called out. He was caught by Morality in a normally soothing embrace. But now it was only a restraint. “It’s okay kiddo. We all agree this is best for Thomas,” he heard muttered in his ear. Fear shook his head.
“I didn’t agree! I disagree! Please! Please King don’t!” he begged. But he could see that it was too late. King was buckled over with whatever he was doing to himself, Logic only two steps away trying to talk creativity trough whatever crazy plan they’d come up with.
Time passed and due to a joint effort of the twins Fear forgave himself for losing King, coming out of a self-imposed isolation after a few months. He also forgave the others. Knowing that they truly only wanted to do what King asked. And if the twins weren’t angry with them, he had really no place.
He and the boys got along even when the twins were fighting.
Said fights were often put to an end by him putting his foot down and getting them to talk things out. They were brothers after all. No one understood what it was like to be them like them.
King sort of kept his promise. It didn’t matter that King was now Roman and Remus or that Instinct was Fear, Anxiety or Virgil. The three of them stayed friends.
Bad horror movies with Remus, Disney marathons with Roman… Virgil would always miss his first friend, but he wouldn’t trade the twins for anything.
Thomas still struggled a little with his social anxiety at times, but he had a good relationship with Virgil on the whole. While Virgil told the others his name right away, it took him a while to tell Thomas. Mostly because he just… Well he was nervous. None of the others divulged this information for him, respecting that he had his reasons to wait.
Things got bad though. He ducked out. After months of dealing with Thomas’ issues as a group Virgil came to the conclusion that he was the problem, despite his best efforts.
  Virgil opened his eyes. Something had knocked him back pretty hard. Had he been knocked unconscious? For how long?
That train of thought was put aside by the group immediately collectively breaking down his door and almost begging him to never leave again.
When Janus showed up for the first time there was some tension between him and Roman. Things were always tenser between him and the good creativity than the bad.
And after two rounds of manipulating Roman for his own agenda Virgil is not a fan of him either. Impersonating Patton and Logan was one thing, but upsetting Princey?
Until that moment they’d been friends, even if Virgil spoke out against him a lot on a professional level, they got along great. He even suggested trying to talk to the twins about reversing king’s accidental curse, though Janus had declined.
Now however Virgil felt like he was forced to choose. And he resolutely chose for Roman.
Roman and Remus both at one point swore to Virgil to never leave him after he had a nightmare.
The last thing the twins see is Virgil looking on in horror and betrayal.
He looked up and found two figures in front of him… Patton? Why was he sitting like that? Was he hurt? Who would…?
Virgil looked up and gasped, drawing the attention of the imposing figure that was towering over Patton’s shaking form. No… No… This couldn’t be happening. He’d mourned and put all that behind him! And this… This was a mockery of everything any previous creativity stood for. This had to be a sick nightmare.
“Ah, Fear. How are you doing my old friend?”
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Facts & Trivia || Mikoto Suoh
The following is part of a series of posts made by me. The information listed is official canon provided by GoRa. Sources will go from the anime, to mangas and novels as well as official short stories. These are NOT fanmade headcanons. The purpose of these posts is to provide useful information for fans as well as roleplayers looking for confirmed lore for their muses. Please do not reply to argue with me about what you read here. I did not come up with this stuff myself. GoRa did. I’ll come back to edit these as I find more info.
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Born on August 13, 1988 (The same year as Reisi Munakata and Nagare Hisui).
He goes by the philosophy of life of “Do what you want.”
Became Red King in 2007 at the age of 19 and leader/co-founder of Homra shortly after.
He is nicknamed “King” by Totsuka, and called simply “Mikoto” by Kusanagi and Anna. To everyone else in Homra, he is referred to as “Mikoto-san”. Munakata calls him by his last name without honorifics, and Suoh returns the courtesy.
Also known as the “Red Monster” in Shizume City. A legend spread around town about him says he has demon-like abilities, that incinerate or grant special powers to people worthy.
His Installation ritual consists of taking his hand while engulfed in the flames of his power. Those brave enough to take it are briefly enveloped in flames and will either absorb the aura and receive a mark on their skin, or be scorched by the fire.
Suoh doesn’t care about choosing who joins Homra, and will put to the test anyone who asks to try. He never asks people to become members himself.
A noteworthy exception was when he gave Eric his installation by grabbing his head, making him his final clansman.
Heavy smoker and drinker.
His favorite cigarette brand is Marlboro.
His favorite drink is Bourbon, the Wild Turkey brand (thanks @crmsnking​!)
His aura protects him by burning and melting anything that comes his way, including bullets.
He’s very quiet and doesn’t like long conversations. Most times he’ll respond with single words or even just grunts.
He’s a heavy sleeper, and takes a lot of naps. This might be a reference to his lion image, as lions often spend up to 20 hours a day sleeping. He can sleep pretty much anywhere.
He sleeps with a tanktop and long slacks.
He likes to keep his cigarettes right next to his pillow when sleeping, along with an ashtray.
It’s a bad idea to wake him up abruptly. If caught in a daze, Suoh might accidentally unleash his power and burn anyone nearby.
Kusanagi seems the be the only person Suoh is actually afraid of, going as far as apologizing with his head low when scolded by him for breaking things around the bar.
He often has nightmares involving his power taking over and burning everything. Though if asked he’ll deny it.
He’s often forgetful. It can take him a while for him to remember even some of his own clansmen if they aren’t particularly close to him.
He isn’t good at picking names. When Anna asked to name their new horse, he called it “Basashi” (raw horse meat) just because it made him hungry.
Though he’s obviously fond of Totsuka, he has a habit of hitting him on the head when he does something stupid.
He is actually rather perceptive. Suoh claims he was able to sense Eric’s murderous intent before he joined Homra. He also was able to sense Basashi was a strain just by standing next to it.
He isn’t happy of his status of King and really doesn’t want to be one. Even though the leader of Homra, he prefers to go ahead on his own, letting his clansmen choose whether to follow him or not.
Though Suoh generally does what he wants, he shows to be quite a pushover with people he likes. An example are Kusanagi, Totsuka and Anna, who can get Suoh to comply to their requests most of the time.
As an example, he took Anna on a date even though he disliked the idea, just because she admitted to wanting to go on one.
He has read “Alice in Wonderland” to Anna. Munakata happened to witness this.
He appears to have no real sense of boundaries, grabbing Anna and handling her like a doll without any hesitation.
As a teenager he was pretty dense and reckless, throwing himself off a cliff with a bike and carelessly letting himself be caught peeking on his undressing teacher without any concern.
According to Kusanagi, Suoh was feared by others for his violence as early as middle school.
He doesn’t seem to have much awareness of his own strength, playing violently and putting excessive strength in anything he does. He has broken Totsuka’s camera just by touching it (Suoh was very worried that Totsuka would be upset too).
Because of this he’s always given a big handicap when playing games with other Homra members.
He also has little consideration for social etiquette, attempting to break an arcade machine just because it looked easier to get a prize that way rather than playing.
Speaking of which, Suoh is terrible at any and all games that require more than brutal strength (like the claw machine).
Likes strawberries. In high school he was often seen drinking strawberry milk.
He doesn’t eat with tableware unless forced, because it’s too troublesome.
For the same reason, he will rather cook with his powers, crushing vegetables and frying eggs with his hands, instead of using the kitchen.
Amongst the things he doesn’t care about is what he eats. He has been observed eating a single, whole bread baguette for breakfast. When going to eat out, he often asks other people to choose for him.
Seems to have a rather short attention span for mundane things and even some out of the norm. He never seems to notice Kamamoto losing weight in the summer.
His body temperature is always warm or outright hot. Ice creams will melt in his hand very quickly.
Suoh doesn’t seem to really care for honor. He’s uninterested in Homra or himself gaining a reputation, whether good or bad, and generally doesn’t let insults provoke him.
However he can still show a low patience for other things. For example he will quickly get tired of things such as negotiations or chatter and want to get into battle.
He often looks very scary from the outside to commoners, without him realizing. He has terrified an arcade manager by marching up to him asking about bloody games.
Because of his appearance, he’s often mistaken for a Yakuza member.
Little kids seem to like him however.
Animals are always scared of Mikoto, and will submit to him immediately.
Allegedly, Reisi Munakata is the only one able to make Suoh angry in any way (though Totsuka’s antics have mildly annoyed him at times and it’s safe to say the Colorless King was able to at least upset Suoh by killing Totsuka).
The gangs of Shizume City that have been defeated by Homra treat Suoh with fear and respect, bowing to him whenever they see him.
When Totsuka passed away, Suoh took his ear piercing to wear. The earring was hollow and Suoh filled it with Totsuka’s blood from his wound.
He used his power to burn Totsuka’s casket.
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