#He's not a dick he's just very concerned for Mabel
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kainekillinggod · 7 months ago
Where it All Falls
They all make it to the hospital, Mabel awoke again and her cries filled the emergency room, the doctors trying to stop the bleeding. Dipper sits in the waiting room, tears silently falling onto his shorts with his head in his hands. Stan is standing in the corner, calling their parents. Ford paces across the floor, tense He looks towards Dippers small frame, stopping in his tracks. "What exactly happened out there, Dipper?" His voice was hushed and strained, trying to keep any emotion out of his tone to seem stronger than he felt. Dipper sniffles, drawing his knees up to his chest. "It was an accident," he muttered repeatedly, shaking his head.
Ford took a step closer, kneeling down with a hand on Dippers shoulder. His grip was firm, his suspicion growing. "What happened. Out there in the woods. What did you do, Dipper?"
Dipper let out a choked sob, his nails digging into his arms. "It was an accident Uncle Ford! I swear, I didn't mean to- to-" his voice cracked, covering his eyes. Ford squinted, concern for his niece on his worn features.
He cleared his throat, trying to get some sense of control. "I.. I wanted to show Mabel what you showed me. Back at the UFO cave..." a pang of fear ran down his spine, knowing he couldn't lie about this.Dipper cleared his throat again, making teary-eye contact with Ford. "I went down into the basement. And...." A sense of dread bubbled up into Fords stomach."And I stole your magent gun–" he couldn't listen to this anymore. The mere thought want to make Ford vomit. He stood harshly, any gentleness flushed away.
"You deliberately stole from me? After KNOWING what those instruments can do?" Ford boomed, startling Dipper as he edged back into the seat."They are not TOYS Dipper! What did I tell you, first thing as we went up that hill?" He glowered, a rotten look of disgust on his face.
Fords volume made Stanley pause his call, turning to see what the commotion was. A cornered Dipper and furious brother stood in front of the child."...Stanford? What's goin-" "I told you! The magnet gun can rip the fillings out of a Grown Man's mouth from 100 MILES AWAY! Did you not listen to a word I said?!" Stanford was fuming now, and Stanley went pale.He tried to move to stop this attack on his kid nephew, but some morbid part deep inside of him forced him still. To watch it play out.
Stanford sounded just like their father, when Stanley accidentally punched him in the face and broke his glasses.
Dipper coward further into himself, shaking and crying. Ford continued his verbal assault, but stepped back and began pacing again, lowering his voice when he noticed the looks the nurses around gave him. Stanley went to sit next to Dipper, placing a hesitant hand on his shoulder. "Dipper... what, er, happened after that?" He rasped, glacing between him and his mumbling brother.
Dipper looked up at Stan, and just as he went to speak, his breath hitched and he broke down once more, a blubbering tear filled mess. With a hick and a sob, Dipper tore away and ran.
Part 2
Part 1 here; https://www.tumblr.com/kainekillinggod/757932647684210688/where-it-all-falls?source=share
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eleniyappz · 4 months ago
Farm house Pt 4
“Who would like dessert?” Mabel hums as she walks in front of you holding the chocolate cake she so kindly made for everyone. “I’ll av’ a piece” Gaz nods, the dining room is filled with nods and hums of agreement. You sit down in your chair in between Simon and your best friend and you watch as she cuts the cake. “I think i need a piece of that” Simon mumbles just loud enough for you to hear as he watches Mabel, you whip your head around to glare at Simon and you stamp on his foot under the table which draws out a grunt of surprise from him. “May I remind you Simon we are at the dinner table in my house not a hooters so pull it together” you mutter before smiling and turning back to everyone. “Grumpy witch” Simon grumbles “ya need a cigarette and a good fuckin to set you straight” usually Simon wouldn’t say such a thing but he’s close enough with you to be able to say those things and only earn a glare.
“Cap, where do ya keep yer water cups?” Soap asks and you perk up at the opportunity to piss off your dad and to get Soap alone. “Come on i’ll show ya” you hum as you stand up grabbing Soap’s arm as you walk past and you drag him to the kitchen. “We keep em’ down here in this cabinet” you hum as you reach down to the cabinet under the hot plate and you grab Johnny a cup. As you hand him his cup your fingers brush against each other and for johnny that was enough to chub his dick up so he very quickly walks over to the tap and fills his cup up and drinks it, front pressed up against the bench. “Ya can meet me back at th’ table i won’t get lost i promise” Johnny chuckles and he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding when you leave. Not that he would ever admit it but Johnny is slightly scared of his Captain’s threats as he knows John Price is not a man to leave empty threats. “Soap if ya dont hurry up i’m eatin’ ya fuckin’ cake!” yells Ghost from the dining area his gravely and low voice echoes through the house. “Yeah yeah i’m comin” Soap scoffs. 
“We’re goin’ to th’ pub for some drinks we will be back later” You tell your father as you stand arm in arm with Mabel. Both of you are matching in short denim skirts with a cute little tank top and your hair done in a half up. “Ya sure you girls are gonna be alright by yourselves? Ya know how the men down at the local can get” Price asks his voice thick with fatherly concern. “We will be fine, if we need help we will call you or Simon” You groan even though you appreciate your fathers concern it can get annoying. When Johnny hears the words “or Simon” jealousy sparks in him, why can’t he be the one you call when you are in trouble? Why does it have to be his best mate? Sure he knows Simon doesn’t have eyes for you he can’t help the undeniable jealousy that flickers in his heart and those words are like adding wood to a fire. Does he have any reason to be jealous? No is that going to stop the man? Also no. 
You and Mabel make it to the pub where you settle in a booth near the bar, for easy access to drinks of course. You order a beer and Mabel orders some old fashion fruity drink. “Thats foul i dunno how ya drink that stuff” She giggles as she takes a sip of your beer “You're just soft” you tease with a grin. “Okay now, you have to tell me. What's going on between you and Johnny?” Mabel giggles before she takes a sip of her own drink and you sigh a long and extremely exaggerated sigh. “Well technically there ain’t anthin’ happing between us” you start to explain but Mabel cuts you off. “Bull shit, girl i’ve seen him starin’ right a ya tits love” Mabel giggles in all honesty her words sound quite silly coming from her mouth as she has such a posh and proper accent. You giggle before continuing. “Yes i’m aware but thats besides the point, basically the other night my dad had the audacity to tell me to stay away from Johnny” You groan and put up an extra dramatic flare “okay listen he wasn’t fully on m’ radar until dad told me to steer clear”. Mabel rolls her eyes, this was typical of you as you hate being told what you can and can’t have because if you want something you will have it. 
 “Yeah that makes a lot of sense but he is kinda cute” Mabel smiles and you deadpan at her “i’m not going to steal your future husband” you roll your eyes at your best friend of course she’d say that. “You want another drink?” you hum standing up and she nods and mumbles a quick “yes please” before you wander off to the bar to order more drinks as you watch the bartender mix Mabel's drink you feel two big hands squeeze your side making you jump and squeal a little. You turn around to see Simon standing behind you. “You’re a Melon” you hiss at him and he shrugs. “Ya need to be more aware of ya surroundings witch” is all he says as he follows behind you back to the booth where Mabel waits. “Ya stalkin’ us?” you huff. “Nah don’t like ya mug enough to stalk you, Jonny wanted a drink so ere’ we are” Simon shrugs as he stands at the end of the booth as you slide in the the side opposite Mabel and she looks up from her phone to see Ghost. “Oh.. hey Simon” She says followed by her hopelessly blushing so you roll your eyes. Ghost gives her a nod before looking around the pub for Johnny before spotting him. “I’ll be right back” he gruffs out before disappearing into the croud. “Pull it together oh my God” You chuckle at the sight of your best friend practically drooling over your other friend. “Sorry… he’s just so like rugged in a handsome way” She mumbles which you then proceed to tease her by fake gagging. “Ah hello Ladies” Soap greets loudly as he stands at the end of the booth Ghost lingering behind him. It is now your turn to secretly drool over a man, Johnny to be specific. Okay at first getting Johnny’s attention was purely to piss off your father but now its deeper. You want Johnny for yourself, for your own greedy needs and wants.
“Mind if we join ya lass?” Soap asks with his usual impish grin as he slides onto your booth seat and Ghost slides into Mabel's side and you both shoot each other knowing glances. “As long as he stays away from me” You joke jabbing a finger over at Ghost who rolls his eyes. “Yeah yeah, i don’t enjoy lookin’ at ya mug as much as you hate lookin’ at mine” Simon playfully scoffs. For Johnny it’s weirdly odd seeing his fellow Lieutenant who is famous for being cold and closed off all playful and slightly relaxed. It also sparks jealousy in him, because why does Simon get to bask in your comforting aura? Why can’t he be the one joking and banter with you?
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billcipherbong · 4 months ago
ford was definitely a dick especially to stan but i don't think he saw mabel as an obstacle? when dipper expresses concern for her, he speaks highly of her magnetic personality and ability to easily make friends, a skill he lacks and admires. i think he genuinely thought she would be okay, and that the time apart would help her branch out as a person. part of the reason stan was so reliant on ford was because they were each the other's only friend, so ford's logic was probably wanting to spare mabel of falling into that codependence before it could become a problem. ultimately he was wrong, because the apprenticeship would be bad for dipper's social development at that age, and mabel already had a better support network than the stans did as kids, but i can't believe he ever had a malicious thought towards mabel like he did stan. he loved her dearly from the minute they met.
see. your first mistake is seeing stanley's and ford's relationship as codependent to begin with. you also seem to assume ford wasn't also relying on stan as much as stan relied on him, which he very much did.
stan also had a whole-ass girlfriend, so idk why you're trying to imply their union was unhealthy and prevented them from branching out in building relationships with other people. they were just two awkward kids, one of them with a physical difference even, that made social connection difficult bc OTHER PEOPLE didn't like them to begin with.
their separation wasn't the break up of an unhealthy co-dependence, which i feel you're implying? it was literally a tragedy that destroyed ford's perception of other people, and stan's life. their relationship was never a problem until Filbrick decided it was.
now. onto mabel. yeah, he adores her. but it is a matter of fact that he does not see her as worth as much as dipper. two thoughts can very much co-exist in the same skull - hell, "he adores her, but he doesn't think she's all that smart or capable" is also a sentiment stan had to confront at one point! Ford even phrases leaving Mabel behind as Dipper being meant for something "more," as if having a loving sister and best friend is simply not worth as much as being lonely at the top. he even asks Dipper if he doesn't find her "suffocating."
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goldenchan-fx2thepeacock · 4 years ago
Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 3
Hek. I woke up today and found that my FNP phic has 41 notes and my DGROIDEIID phic is gaining attention and reblogs; holy shit. And I woke up at noon. It’s Saturday. I sleep in on such days. Anyways. Last I checked, Val and Danny were gonna go get Dani, but we need some Dip and Mabs action cause I forgot last night. I will probably develop an uploading schedule later. For now, just have random updates. I might even make a side blog for this shit.
Chapter 3
Dipper stood off in the background as Danny got into an argument with a dracula ghost. By the amount of times he heard Plasmius, this must’ve been Vlad. Danny looked pissed when he finished. He still took Dipper and Mabel to their classes, but when they tried to find him at lunch, he was absent.  “I wonder where he is?” Mabel pondered.  “I’m sure he just had something to do,” Dipper replied. Some guy walked up to their table.  “Hey, you’re the kids Fenton is touring. Listen, he’s Phantom and I have proof!”  “And you are?” Mabel said patiently. “Wes Weston. Listen, you gotta believe me!” “We legit just moved here, we have no clue what you’re talking about. Leave us alone,” Dipper said. Wes looked taken aback.  “Fine! Fenton better worry. I will expose him. I just need more proof,” Wes stalked off. Dipper and Mabel exchanged a look.  “Should we be worried?” He asked Mabel. “He seems to have it under control,” 
Danny stared off into the daylight as they flew. Val set down.  “Come on. She’s fine. Why are you losing it?” “Just a certain Wisconsin Ghost told me about you keeping her,” “Vlad?” “Wait, you know?” “I’ve known since I met Dani,” “Jeez. I’ve known since I met the guy during my parents college reunion. I’m still pissed at him for that whole invisble wall fiasco,” “That was him?” “Yeah. I mean, I started it, but he kept trying to get in my mom’s pants. I needed to put him down a peg,” “You made his wall invisble!?” “Yeah. But it’s not like being naked on camera is going to tell the public any secrets,” “I’m confused. Why do care so much?” “It’s nothing,” Danny grunted. They were headed to the basement. “It seems to be something,” “I have things I’d prefer not to reveal to the entire school,” “No one saw your dick. You managed to catch it in time,” Val was confused. Danny laughed.  “Hey Val. Why would a guy have a female clone? Oh right. I forgot to tell you. Dani is more or less my clone because Vlad was being extra creepy,” “Weird. So she isn’t your cousin. Wait. OH MY GOD! Danny, I understand completely. If Dash knew, you’d be dead meat,” Val caught on quickly. Danny couldn’t but laugh at the dead meat. “Hey! What’s funny?” “I am dead meat Val!” “I’m an idiot. Anyways, we’re here,” She opened the basement door. Dani was sitting on the couch.  “Danny? Val? What’re you guys doing here. Shit, sorry Danny,” “It’s fine. She knows,”  “Who else knows anyways?” Val said.  “You, Jazz, Tucker, Sam and literally all the ghosts,” “Vlad included?” “Vlad included,” “And Amity Park can’t connect the dots?” “No one knows Danny Phantom has a human life. I’d be seriously pissed if someone told the general public,” “That’s fair. Anyways. We’re here because a certain Dracula cosplayer told Danny you were in danger,” Val said. Danny snorted. “Dracula cosplayer? I have to use that on him,” “Why would anyone think that’s a good look?”  “My ‘dad’,” Dani said. Thus causing both her and Danny to break out in laughter. “Where does the whole cousin thing come in?” Val asked. “My ‘Unkie Vlad’. It’s his way of making me family,” “Unkie?” Val looked lost. “I like being a little bitch to him,” “He deserves it! You should expose him,” “If I expose Plasmius, Masters exposes Phantom,” “Oh jeez,” “And there is a very good reason not to expose Phantom. And they wear way too much white,” Dani said quietly.  “I’d prefer not to get dissected,” Danny said haughtily. “They already want to,” Val made a noise of disgust.  “How could anyone with a set of morals do that?” “Heh. I’m a ghost. Not really real to most of the world. I don’t have feelings. Don’t feel pain,” Danny repeated what the ghost hunters had told him way too many times.  “That sounds awful, but we should get back to school. Cya Dani!” Val waved and put on her helmet.  “Hey, wanna leave the quick way?” “What do you mea- AAAAAAAH!” Val screamed as Danny made them both go intangible and up through the roof. “Never. Do that again,” “Hey, at least you didn’t end up going through the table and random floors and get banned from handling anything fragile,” “I’m confused,” “When these powers first came in, I was stuck dropping everything. From my pants to beakers,” “Oh jeez. So, why aren’t nerd and nerdette with you?” “Tucker had to go see a doctor out of town and Sam’s mom took her to this convention thing. They’ll be back tomorrow,”  “No comment on the nicknames?” “They’ve been called worse,” Danny shrugged. “And I’ve been shoved in way too many lockers to care,” “I have one last question. Why on earth would you try to date me when I was trying to kill you? And why did you destroy the suit when I could’ve been inside?” “That’s two questions. But Fenton and Phantom needed a distinction, and I knew you weren’t inside. Technus was controlling the suit,” “You are a mystery,” “I’d like to keep it that way,” “You won’t tell anyone my secret if I don’t tell anyone both of yours?” “That makes it sound like you’re going to tell one of them,” “That’s not what I meant,” “We need to come up with an excuse as to why The Red Huntress suddenly has a truce with Phantom,” “Later. I need coffee,” “I couldn’t agree more,” The plume of blue air showed up. “OH COME ON!” “What,” “I have to deal with something,” Danny sped off. 
Dipper and Mabel looked at the chaos in the caf.  “Students! Hide under tables! Ghost Hunters and/or Phantom will be here soon,” Mr Lancer yelled into a megaphone. “Already here!” Someone yelled. A flash of white said Phantom. There was blue ghost throwing boxes around.  “I am the BOX GHOST!” It yelled. “Yeah, we know. Just say it already,” “I will win this fight with boxes of... spoons! BEWARE!” “Don’t you know not to bring a spoon to a knife fight?” “You do not have a knife!” “No, but I do have a thermos!” Phantom pulled out a green and grey thermos and flipped the lid.  “I will not stay in your cylindrical object!”  “Looks like you’re gonna have to,” Phantom pressed a button and a beam of light came out of the thermos and sucked the Box Ghost inside. “Is everyone okay?” Kids pushed out from under the tables.  “Phantom! Will you sign my book?” Dash said. This must be a cruel joke.  “Ghost boy! The Fenton Peeler is back in action,” “Whoops, gotta go!” Phantom dashed off as Jack and Maddie Fenton came rushing in. “Darn it. Missed him again,” They ran off. Danny walked into the caf and ran over to them. “You guys are lucky that your first ghost attack was the Box Ghost. Harmless,” “Doesn’t look very harmless to me! That’s gotta’ve been at least a level 5,” Dipper opened the journal. “Nah. Box is a solid 2. Hardly a step up from an ectopus. Might get concerned if Desiree shows up. She’s a level 5,” “What’re you?” “We more or less tested it. Pretty sure I’m a 7,” “That means they aren’t a big concern to you most days,” “Mmm. King Pariah was a level 10. That was terrifying. Vlad’s an 8. Convinced he’s a 9,”  “Okay,” “Skulker gets to be a 6 on a technicality. Without the suit, he’s a 1. He can be an 8 on a bad day. I think Frostbite is a 9. He won’t bother you guys though. Dan must’ve been a 9, but I’m not going into that. Technus is an 8, but can be a 10 if he gets his hands on the right tech. Clockwork is an 11, which technically doesn’t exsist, but Clockwork breaks the mold. He won’t bother you unless you end up destroying the world in the future,” Danny shivered.  “Who’s Dan?” Mabel looked confused.  “Nobody. Just a horrible way to learn not to cheat on tests,” Danny shivered again. “But that’s not important. I didn’t cheat on the CAT,” “Your life seems more hectic than Gravity Falls sometimes,” Dipper said. “Where is that? I’ve never heard of it,” “Oregan. Never Mind All That,” He knew the rules. “You know, the way you say that is kinda creepy,” “We’d be breaking the law if we told you why,”  “Jesus. Well, it’s not like we’ll get another Pariah unless an idiot thinks it’s a good idea. He’ll never get his hands on the crown of Fire,”  “Time Out,” Dipper and Mabel looked around.  “Umm, CW, why aren’t they out with everyone else?” “They’ve met Cipher. At this point, I cannot pause time for them,”  “Eh, whatever. Mason, Mabel, this is Clockwork. What’d you need?” “I actually came to speak to you about the Crown of Fire. In defeating Pariah, you gained ownership,” “I, uh, did what now?”  “Gained ownership of the Crown. Though in your case, it would be the Crown of Ice,” Clockwork repeated. Danny looked lost.  “I don’t need to be the King of the Ghost Zone,” “Someone must take the place. It’s your duty,” Danny looked like he was about to have a full on panic attack.  “Can it wait?” “Two years is a long wait as is,” “B-but it went thousands of years before!” “Because they failed to remove the crown and it wasn’t a singular person,”  “What’s two years in the Ghost Zone? As far as I’m concerned, that doesn’t seem like a long time. Walker was gonna give me a thousand year prison sentence,”  “You get some time, but I’ll tell you, if you take the crown, the Ghost Zone enters an era of peace unprecedented,”  “Danny, what’s happening,” Mabel asked. Danny snapped and started hyperventilating.  “I can’t. No. Why? I just wanted to keep the world safe! Is that too much to ask?” “Daniel, you do get time to think about it. Just remember, time can pass however fast or slow I want it too,” “Right, of course. Cya CW,”  “Time In,”
Danny trudged home. Exhaustion and anxiety gripped him. Mason and Mabel had been concerned, but he wasn’t about to explain everything. He’d talk to Sam and Tucker tomorrow. It didn’t help that he’d had gym after lunch. At least there wasn’t any more disappearing walls.  “Danny! How was school?” Mom asked as he walked in the door.  “Great!” Danny said and rushed upstairs. He’d deal with The Box Ghost in a minute. Jazz stood in his doorway. She didn’t know about Dan, but she did know about Pariah. “Danny, is everything okay?” “No, everything is not okay!” “What happened? Is it Dash again? We should report him,” “It’s not just that. You remember the Pariah incident?” “Yeah, you don’t just forget that,” “Well, turns out that by beating him, I ‘gained ownership’ to the crown,” “That doesn’t sound bad exactly,” “It’s horrible!”  “How?” “I just wanna be a kid, ya know? It’s hard enough living a double life, but ruling the Ghost Zone? I’d have no chance to do anything remotely useful in the human world,” “You wouldn’t need to. If you ruled the Ghost Zone, ghosts wouldn’t come here anymore,” “The King can’t enforce rules in the Human World. It’s just scary,” 
Aight, that’s a chapter, I guess. The ideas tend to come from random places, and my brain is running out of ideas. I need to do another “planning session” which is coming up with scenarios in my head to make sure they make sense.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years ago
Love Is The Biggest Spell
A/N : Chapter three is here. Lingering feelings are getting too strong to handle as the dynamic of some relationships starts changing. Hope you like this chapter. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Warlock Tom Holland x half mortal reader
Summary : Witches are forbidden to fall in love with mortals. But what if your long lost love returns to you as a mortal, can you defy your heart? Any spell any magic seems useless in front of the magic of love. Let's join our lovers in their magical conquest beyond life and death as they fight for their love unraveling dark mysteries of the past along their way.
Warnings : 18+,mention of sex, light smut, mature content, language
Mini Playlist : Tick tock by Mabel.
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Next day at your college you and Jane were standing in front of your lockers talking about some stuff whilst Tony dropped in. 
"Hey girls what's the tea?" 
"Jane over here was hit by a truck named Harrison yesterday and since then she has been gushing about his icy blue eyes, golden hair, perfect jawline and most probably on point dick game." You explained with a dramatic voice. 
"How can you not? Have you ever looked into his eyes? I just felt like I could drown in those ocean blue eyes." Jane gushed with dreamy eyes. 
"See?" you said proving your point. 
"I really wish I could meet him again." And as soon as those words rolled out of Jane's tongue your eyes were met with those familiar blue orbs with spects across the hall and right back at him you caught a glimpse of that luscious mop of brown hair and honey brown eyes walking right at your direction. Jane followed your gaze and turned around to look at the guy she was fantasizing about a few seconds ago. She thought she might faint, her legs felt wobbly. 
They walked making heads turn. It looked like one of those slow motion college movie scenes where the hero makes an entry and everyone is gaping at the hot and dashing newcomers, boys getting envious and girls going crazy. 
"Is today make a wish day? Then I would really like to be a billionaire." You joked. 
"Hi Jane nice to see you again." Harrison came up to her. Jane was dumbfounded.
"Jane, honey will you speak up?" you teased. 
"Please don't mind, she is a little out of order today." You joked. 
"What?! you were the one being numb."
"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts."
"Of yours." You chuckled. Jane elbowed you hard. ''Ow!"
"Hi Y/N nice to see you again too." Tom greeted you with that ever adorable smile. Now it was your turn to get the jitters. 
"Yeah Hi" you said timidly. If you weren't to lie you yourself felt your heart flutter seeing Tom. You know it was wrong, so wrong you have a boyfriend who you love dearly but that smile that damned smile did things to you. 
They walked away to the principal’s office.You all went for your history class. After sometime Tom and Harrison walked in your class escorted by Professor Brown. 
"Students I would like to introduce you to our new transfer students. Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield." your jaws dropped seeing your new classmates. Tom and Harrison walked past you and took a seat at the back. The class started as Professor Brown made some announcements.
"So class as per your assignments are concerned you are going to work in pairs. And I'll be making the pairs."
"Boris and Lucy.." Mr Brown continued announcing the pairs. 
"Jane and Harrison." You and Jane exchanged glances amused. 
"Damn, you lucky bitch!!" You punched her arm lightly. Jane giggled, turning her head around shyly to glance at Harrison. He raised his eyes from his book and gave her a subtle wink, her face turning red.
"Next is Y/N.." Cole turned back towards you smiling. 
"And Tom." Mr Brown announced shocking you both. You looked at each other puzzled. 
"What?! but Sir we used to do projects together every time." Cole protested.
"Cole this time you do with Tony. Tom and Harrison have joined in the middle of the semester. It will be better if my best students help them through the assignment. Is it okay with you Y/N?"
"Yes sir it's absolutely fine with me." The class ended after sometime.
"Can't believe professor Brown would do that." Cole muttered.
"It's just an assignment, you will be fine. Tony isn't that bad a partner." You rubbed his shoulder comfortingly and then walked to the back where Tom was sitting. 
"So hello new partner! Let's get to work shall we?" Tom shut his notebook turning his attention to you. 
"Yeah sure." You took a seat in front of him. 
''We need to decide on the topic we will be doing our assignment, any suggestions?" 
"How about the witch trials?"
"You want to do the assignment on witch trials?" You were a little taken aback. 
"No, I was just suggesting we can do whatever you want to do." He said nervously. 
"No it's fine I had always wanted to do an assignment on that but unfortunately Cole never agreed upon doing that. Why do you want to do that?" 
"Umm I just feel that those witch trials were barbaric and many innocent women and men were killed." 
"You think that too?! That’s awesome! So what are we waiting for? C'mon let's get started” You pulled him by his hand and dragged him to the library. The mere touch of your hand on his sent electric impulses through his body he just followed you as if he were in a trance. You went to the history section of the library and pulled out the books you needed to take home for research. 
"Okay then we can go to my house. Oh sorry or you want to go to your house?" 
"Your house is fine."
"Here give me some, they seem heavy." Tom extended his hands to take a few books from you. 
"Yeah thanks." While you were walking to your home you tried have a conversation with him because you knew very little about him.
"As far as I remember you said you were done with your studies then what brings you in our history class?" 
"I said I was done studying in London, not completed, my family needed me back here for our business so I had to return."
"So you guys are brothers or something?"
"Oh no Harrison is my best friend, our fathers are business partners you see."
"Who are there in your family?"
"Mum,dad, three younger brothers and my lovely dog Tessa." 
"You have a dog?! Great! I have a cat!" You chirped. 
"Not to be rude but not a fan of cats."
"That's fine nobody's judging you."
"So what about your family?" he asked.
"Mom and dad. I'm their only daughter. My cousin sister and aunt live with us after their husbands passed away. We were the only ones they had as family."
"Sorry to hear that."
"It's okay we are past it.'' 
Reaching your house you rang the doorbell. Your sister opened the door. 
"You are early today." She remarked as she let you in. 
"Yeah have some research to do for an assignment."
"Oi why are you standing out there? come in!" You called out to Tom. Erica turned to see whom you have brought in with you and as she saw Tom a smirk formed on her face. 
"You finally dumped that dumbass?" She teased. You rolled your eyes. 
"Unfortunately no, Cole is still my boyfriend. This is Tom, he is a transfer student and my project partner." 
"And this is my very nosy cousin Erica." You introduced her to Tom. 
"If being concerned about your well being is nosy I have nothing to say. Nice to meet you by the way." She turned to Tom. 
"The pleasure is all mine." 
"Boy you don't know what you have signed up for she is a bit of a crackhead sometimes."
"I think I can handle a little bit of crazy." he looked at you smiling. 
"That's enough for today, if you would excuse us we need to start working on our assignment." You slipped your hand in Tom's arm dragging him up the stairs. 
"Yeah sure unless the topic of the assignment is jumping on his bones."
"You're seriously unbelievable!" you glared at her ushering Tom to your room. 
"Sorry for my sister, she's a bit outspoken." You apologized. 
"It's okay she seems to be a fun person. And she should be in a happy mood at this time. How far is she by the way?"
"Five months can't wait to be an aunt you know."
"Though I really feel bad for them. That poor baby will never get to see his dad."
"What happened if I may ask." 
"Car accident he was returning from work on a rainy night. The car skidded and toppled on the road near the mystic forests; he was severely injured but couldn't make it to the hospital." there was a moment of silence in between you two. 
Your cat meowed at the doorway startling you both. 
"Madeleine, come here baby!" You cooed as she slowly walked to you and started growling as soon as she looked at Tom
"No bad kitty." You scolded her but she continued to pur at Tom. 
"Strange she never does that to anyone." You frowned picking her in your arms.
"I think she doesn't like me" 
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok the feeling is mutual dear." He brushes her fur and Madeleine jumps off your hands.
"Where did you buy this cat? Black cats with red eyes are really rare to find." 
"Oh no I didn't buy her. I found her toiling alone near the forest on my 21st birthday. She seemed a bit weak and hungry, I really felt bad and brought her home with me. And since then she's part of our family." 
"That was very generous of you. 'As always' he said that in his mind. 
"Thank you"
"Okay I'll just go and quickly freshen up you sit here for a while."
"Yeah sure." 
It was the perfect chance he thought to carry out his plan. The whole assignment thing was an excuse. The sole reason he came to your house was something else. He got up and went near your dressing table and stood in front of the mirror. He sucked in his index finger and then traced it on the edges of the mirror. Then he went downstairs and did the same in all the mirrors of your house casting a scrying spell on them. So that he can watch over you anytime. 
Madeleine was hovering in between his legs. He lifted her and she was still hissing at him. 
"I thought you were dead because familiars cannot stay alive without their masters." Madeleine purred again. Tom arched his brows amused. 
"Why am I here? You know it very well why am I here Madeleine." She purred. 
"You also know she doesn't belong here and I'm going to take her back to where she actually belongs, to her home."
He heard the unlocking of the bathroom door as Madeleine jumped from his arms and ran away. 
"Sorry for keeping you waiting" 
"It's okay." You both worked together doing a case study on various journals, articles and books you brought from the library. Tom left in the evening though he didn’t want to leave you but he had no other choice.
"The power of persuasion always works doesn't it? Was quite easy to get into that Principal and that dumbass Professor's heads." Harrison remarked cockily. 
"Yeah at least now we can be near them and get our work done." Tom agreed.
"So how was your day?" 
"Quite insightful to be honest. Tom exhaled. 
"She has her familiar." 
"What! Madeleine is alive?" 
"Yup, she had been around her all these years protecting her against all possible threats. And keeping her existence hidden from us." 
"That sly cat!" 
"How was your day?"
"It was quite adventurous for me." 
"Don't tell me you did…" 
"No not yet but Jane is totally smitten by me." Harrison stated proudly.
"See Haz we just need Jane to get close to Y/N that's it. Nothing more than that." 
"Yeah, yeah I know and that is what I'm doing, apparently your lady love is having visions from her past life." 
"What?! really??" 
"Yes that is what Jane told me" he shrugged. 
"Now that's a good head start, now she just needs a little push and our work will be done."
"But Harrison please don't get involved with Jane in such a way that she or you have to regret later." he warned.
"I know but if she keeps throwing herself at me how do you expect me to control myself?" he said cockily. 
"Then try to control, you were the one giving me the lecture on that we shouldn't mingle with the mortals then what is this?" 
"Yeah what's the big deal anyways. I don't love her." he replied nonchalantly. 
"But what if she does Haz?"
"Once Jane finds out the truth she will hate me anyways. Let me have some fun dude."
Tom's phone dinged and his eyes lit up seeing the text. 
Y: Hey it's Y/N.. you reached home? 
He replied instantly. 
T: Just did. 
You didn't know what to say next , should you say goodnight? bye? Or just a smiling emoji with heart? no, no, no not heart. You wrote the text and everytime pressed backspace. 
T: You needed something? You were relieved that he texted something back. 
Y: Yeah actually just thinking of if we got something more than the library books I feel they are quite one sided we need to know both sides' stories to come to a conclusion. 
T: I got some books in my house which might be useful. I'll bring them tomorrow at your house. 
Y: Great! See you tomorrow then. Goodnight. 
T: Goodnight love. 
You blushed a little at the last text. 
Your life went through a smooth transition. You got to see more of Tom and Harrison as they became your regular customers at your cafe. You were spending more time with Tom than Cole. Though you both had your reasons Cole was busy training for the upcoming intercollege basketball tournament and you were busy with the project you took up. But you were happy with Tom. How much ever you wanted to go away something pulled you back towards him. He seemed a mystery to you, a mystery you were dying to solve. He intrigued you in many different ways that you couldn't describe. 
"Where did you even get these books? These are just so full of valuable information.'' you turned the pages.
"My mom is an antique curator she bought these from a woman back then."
"Thanks to your mom we are gonna nail this assignment!" You sat next to him at the table. 
''By the way our varsity basketball tryouts are going to happen tomorrow  you and Harrison can totally give it a shot.''
"I don't think I can. Plus your boyfriend seems to have a special dislike for me."
"Cole is just a little bit reserved around new people he will be fine and anyways our team sucks could use some new talents like you"
"Will you come to cheer for us?" 
"Then I may give it a thought." 
"Maybe who knows?" you said cockily. Your faces were so close, his breath fanning your face. You zoned out looking into his eyes as your gaze dropped to his lips, it looked so tempting, you wondered how they would taste, feel in your mouth. Tom cleared his throat and you were snapped out of the daze moving away from him averting your gaze. Your cheeks heating up at the inappropriate thoughts you were having. The tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut through a knife.
"Uhh I must get going, it's already quite late." he said awkwardly breaking the silence.
"Yeah right." you agreed. Tom got up and you followed him to see him off. As you were passing by the fireplace something dropped from Tom's hand making a metal clinking sound and jumped right into the fire. 
"Oh shit! My ring!" Tom exclaimed. 
"Let me bring water to put out the fire." You offered. 
"No the ring is antique it will rust with slightest contact with water." That was the lamest reason you have ever heard. 
"then how do you wash your hands?"
"I take it off." You still weren't satisfied with the answer but decided not to argue. Taking a deep breath you looked at him furrowing your eyebrows. 
"Is it really that important to you?" 
"Yeah it's a family heirloom." 
"Okay I'll get that for you. But whatever you are about to see just don't freak out ok?" You bent down near the fireplace and were about to put your hand in the raging fire. 
"Wait! What are you doing?!" 
"Getting your ring dumbo! As we can't use water." you sassed.
"But that's fire you'll get burned."
"Trust me I'll be fine." You assured him and put your hand in the burning wood and retrieved his ring easily without a single burn on your hand. A wide smile spread across Tom's face, you passed the test unharmed. What more does he want? He is ready to look like an idiot in front of you to make you realize your true identity. When you turned around he quickly changed his facial expression, his mouth forming an 'o' pretending to be shocked at what you just did. 
"I know just don't tell anyone ok you will be the first one to know except my family."
"I have a condition" you shrugged 
"I have no sense towards anything hot that means fire. But actually I don't get burned either, which nobody is aware of, not even my mother because she is already so worried about me and I don't want her to get stressed out more. You'll be the first one to know. So your silence will be appreciated."
"My lips are sealed." Tom assured you, he was about to take the ring from you but you moved it away. 
"I wouldn't touch it if I were you. It's still hot I guess" You were inspecting the ring and frowned.
"Hey it's quite similar to the one I have." 
"You also have one?" 
"Yeah, see?" you extended your hand showing him your ring. He held your hand. 
"Where did you get this?!" he exclaimed, clutching on to your hand.
"Uh my mother gave it to me." You looked at him awkwardly. He let go of your hand. 
"Oh sorry!" 
"She brought it from the church, said that it's blessed and I should not take it off. Will kind of protect me from what I don't know." You rolled your eyes. 
"Your mother loves you."
"Yeah I know that is why I'm wearing this or else I wouldn't if anyone else asked me to." 
"I think you are being late, you should get going now."
''Yeah bye see you tomorrow during class." Tom left saying that.
''I told you Amber would never do anything without any reason and that enchanted ring on Y/N's hand is the proof." 
"Amber was really way ahead of us. But if Y/N's mother gave her that do you think she knows about who Y/N really is?" 
"I believe Y/N's mother knows something that none of us know, she might also know what exactly happened that night before Amber disappeared."
Tom waved his hand across the mirror in his room and your room became clearly visible on it. He smiled like a child glancing at his ring. 
"Can't believe she's actually wearing our engagement ring."
Suddenly you and Cole stumbled into your room. His hands roaming around your body as you kissed frantically, teeth clashing, sloppy and messy kisses. You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt pushing him onto the bed and got up to straddle him around his hips. He sat up propping on his arms, your lips meeting again for a hot kiss, you kept grinding yourself on his crotch. He moaned in the kiss his hands went under your sweatshirt drawing lazy circles on your skin. You took the hint and pulled off your sweatshirt.
"Oh missed this view so much." Cole gasped. 
"Me too." You said biting your lips breathing heavily.
"Thank god your family is out of town."
"Yeah you should actually thank my uncle who got a heart attack so that is why they went to see him." You both giggled sealing your lips together, you couldn't get enough of each other as you grabbed on to each other. 
Tom clenched his jaws while Harrison had a grin plastered on his face as they saw you through the mirror. 
"Damn she really has a crazy sex drive. I don't remember Amber to be so aggressive." Harrison joked. Tom couldn't take it anymore, fuming from inside.
"A little impotence will not harm I guess.'' Tom mumbled something under his breath gazing at the mirror. 
"Mmmph" Cole pulled away from the kiss
"What happened?" You asked with concern. 
"I don't know but I can't get it up." 
"What??" You had a puzzled look in your eyes. 
"I can't get hard" 
"Oh" you got down his lap sitting beside him. 
"Sorry babe." 
"Hey it's okay, it happens sometimes in old age you know, performance issues. It's gonna be fine don't worry." You burst out laughing putting back your sweatshirt on.
"Seriously Y/N it's not funny." He grimaced. 
"Okay I'm sorry, let's cuddle?" You extended your arms pouting . He took them welcomingly. You both laid down. 
"You may be just tired with all the practise. You need rest."You both snuggled close to each other, he ran his fingers through your hair playing with them.
"Are you coming tomorrow?" 
"How can I not? Who else will cheer for my boyfriend huh?" 
"No you are just so busy these days with your project with Tom. I thought.. " You cradled his face in your hands. 
"Hey nothing is more important than you to me, do you understand?" 
"Yes mam." he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You rested your head over his chest, listening to his strong and steady heart beat lulling you to sleep. 
"Man that was savage! Where did your morales go suddenly? " Harrison chuckled.
"We need to severe her bonds with the mortal world." Tom said coldly gritting his teeth
You had come to cheer for your boyfriend but your eyes were practically glued to that curly haired brunette the whole time. You were shamelessly staring at his chiseled body, rippling with muscles as sweat dripped off them. Never in your life have you had this strong urge to run your hand through someone's body. As for Harrison he looked no less than a Greek God. His tousled golden hair and perfectly sculpted body can take anyone's breath away. Both of them probably gave a hormonal outburst to each and every ovary present in the room watching the game. 
"You're staring." Jane smirked. 
"So are you." You quipped. 
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"It's-- it's a healthy kind of staring you know just appreciating the piece of art his body is nothing sexual." You clarified.
They gave a tough competition to the college team scoring goals after goals surprising each one of you with their skills. After the game got over you went to Cole who was a little upset and rubbed his shoulder comforting him, occasionally stealing glances of Tom who was surrounded by a swarm of girls which made you feel jealous for no reason. 
Harrison headed for the shower room to freshen up. 
"I'll be back." Jane said and went away.
Harrison was still in shower, when Jane came into the room. She walked into the shower. Her lips parted as she inhaled deeply, the site was a turn on for her. The water dripped down his hair softly. And the drops slowly made their way to his body and the perfect abs he had. The water defined his well, organized and obviously worked out body.
"Darling don't you think you are at the wrong place?" He turned grinning. 
"I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm at the right place." Jane said with a sultry voice. His eyes darkened with lust as he pushed her inside the shower. Her back hitting the cold wall. His lips brush her. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. In this minty moment, her senses have been seduced and she could no longer think straight. “Jane” he whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. She smiles, her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasps her hands on either side of his face. Never before has her name ever felt so wonderful, she thinks, as she leans in for another… In an instant she pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against my own, before she drew back into his lips. 
"Are you sure about this?" Harrison asked rather breathlessly. Jane hummed in response.
"Words darling."
"Yes Haz I need you."
The next thing she knew, he had slammed his lips to hers and nearly knocked all wind from her lungs.
Jane hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and, at her grant of access, delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss, her arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. As water trickled down their bodies the dress Jane was wearing sticking to her body Harrison bunched up her dress his fingers went down to rubbing her clothed core eliciting a moan out of her, his other hand gently massaging her boobs. Harrison was already naked and Jane could feel his hard on brushing against her thigh. Harrison lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands grasping onto his shoulders. 
Something raw, primal was in that moment as their senses were clouded with lust and desire. Their bodies craving for each other everything just felt so good. For a brief moment of time Tom's words buzzed in his mind but he couldn't care less. He knew it was wrong he had hated mortals all his life but when it comes to your carnal desires you can't think straight and being a satanic witch amplifies these feelings to another level. Her heart was pure filled with love for him but his was sinful full of darkness. He knows he is eventually going to break Jane's heart once Tom gets you back, he doesn't have to though but some things are better to be forbidden. It makes it more thrilling when you can't have something for a lifetime. 
"I love you." Jane said panting whilst Harrison put her down slowly. 
"Me too." he gave a tight lipped smile and then kissed her softly for one last time. 
You were discussing something with Tony and Cole as Jane dropped in after sometime. 
"Hey guys what's up?" 
"Nothing, we are just planning to go clubbing tonight. It has been a long time since we went, need to loosen up a bit." 
"Great! Can Haz  join us?" 
"Haz?" You quirked your eyebrow and suddenly frowned, examining her up and down. 
''Why is your hair wet? And what happened to the dress you were wear…'' Jane gulped, your eyes shifted to Harrison, his hair was wet as well and a cocky grin on his face, you connected the dots immediately as you coughed, clearing your throat awkwardly. 
"Yeah Haz can totally join us, the more the merrier."
“And you too Tom, will be really happy if you come with us.
"Who am I to say no to you, love." Tom quipped.
'Love' never have you ever thought in your life that a single word can be such a turn on for you. Everytime a pet name rolled out of his tongue for you in that ridiculously seductive British accent it sent shivers down your spine. You just wished he keeps on calling you that again and again. Your eyes were fixated at him. You were feeling guilty and annoyed at the current predicament you have got yourself into. One side is your longtime boyfriend whom you were falling out of love slowly on the other side is a man whom you barely know but he has started to live in your mind rent free, he makes your mind go haywire. You felt a certain connection with him. You were startled out of your thoughts when Cole pulled you aside. 
"Why did you invite Tom?" he seethed.
"What is with you and Tom? He's a really good guy Cole, just relax."
"Seriously Y/N how can you be so naive? Don't you see? he's trying to woo you." 
"Am I sensing some male rivalry." You narrowed your eyes mischievously. Cole scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
"You know what life's gotten really boring for me with just one man in my life for the past 15 years. It will be fun to watch two men fighting for me. So best of luck" you joked.
Later in the evening you all met at the local club of the town. As you entered the club Jane pointed out.
"Seriously you have to wear that necklace with everything? It just kills the look girl." Jane remarked pointing to the antique necklace with an amber colored stone pendant on your neck. 
"What choice do I have?" You scoff. "My mom will kill me if I take this off and I've been wearing this since I was 5." You tucked the necklace inside the seam of your dress. 
Harrison and Tom joined in after sometime. 
“Hi darling” Harrison pecked Jane’s cheek.
“Hi babe.” The boys went away to order their drinks.
"Two bourbon neat." You ordered the bartender taking a seat at the bar. 
"So you guys are a thing now?" you quirked your eyebrow. 
"Mind telling me what were two upto today?'' 
"A lady never kisses and tells Y/N."
"Oh I see now things are like that huh?" you smirked.
“Hey no! It’s nothing like that. I’ll tell you everything later.”
"No need I'm not interested in your little sexcapade in the shower rooms anyways" you shrugged having a little sip of your drink. 
“So how’s it been with you and Cole lately?”
“We are good, just a little caught with personal stuff.” your eyes wandered off to Tom checking him out through the rim of the glass.
'' I know you and Cole have been together for all these years but are you really together?"
“What- what makes you say that?!”
“Honey you and Cole claim to be together but you both are so far from each other with no emotional attachment. You really don’t have any problem when he is flirting with other girls.” Jane pointed at his direction.
“Because I’m not a clingy or an over possessive girlfriend we are not engaged or married so let him live his life.” you reasoned.
"Then why aren’t you living yours? You know it's okay if you have started to have feelings for someone else. Y/N the more you try to resist it the more you'll get pulled towards it." you understood whom Jane was referring to and you were baffled at the confrontation. You can’t admit it, not yet because you yourself were confused with your lingering feelings towards Tom.
"You know what you're totally drunk, that is why you are blabbering all this bluff. I'm very happy with Cole and I'm gonna go and dance with my boyfriend." you finished your drink before making your way to the dancefloor. Jane tsked, shaking her head seeing your denial towards your true feelings. You danced to the song playing and smirked when you felt a familiar pair of hands around your waist. Cole turned you around, your hands went on to hold on to his shoulders. You were looking around the club when your eyes went to Tom staring at you. Tom was quite amused at your free spirited nature. You were a totally different person to him right now. A contrasting image of yourself with less inhibitions and raw emotions. Who didn't care much of the world. 
You winked at him, smiling mischievously. He averted his gaze from you flustered. You laughed internally.
Tick Tock starts playing… 
I don't need no other, I'm satisfied
Doing it on my own
Only takes one lover to change your vibe
Ain't that the way it go
"Hey Cole!" Some of his friends called out. 
"Come here man!"
"Yeah coming! Gotta go babe." He pecked your cheeks and left. You huffed on the way he ditched you. 
I don't need nobody, but you on replay
Caught in the memory
When you touch my body and you say my name
Giving me what I need (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)
You felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"You know if you want I can fill in for your boyfriend. I'm not that bad a dancer."
"Wouldn’t be that bad I guess.” you looked at him with flirty eyes.
Every minute, so lost in it
Like you're in my bed
Every hour, give you power
I'm losing mine instead (tick tock, tick tock)
"You sure your boyfriend will not mind?" you looked at him occupied with some other girls annoying you. 
"Screw him." You said and pulled Tom dangerously close taking his hands and placing them on your waist. You rested your palms on his chest lightly holding on to his jacket. 
24/7 got you on my mind
Think about you all the time
My body wants you night and day
But my head is screaming, "go away" (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)
You gazed in his hazel brown eyes the purple lights dancing on his face highlighting his features,the alcohol kicking in as you swayed to the beat. Your hands creeping up to his broad shoulders  as you nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck inhaling the intoxicating smell of his cologne. Your head was reeling as you felt so good a warmth creeping inside your heart. You didn't want to let go of him caring less of the fact that Cole is right there in the club with his friends. You felt like you were under some kind of spell. Tom held you close to him placing his hands on your back. Both of you lovedrunk. 
24/7 got you on my mind
Darling, I don't have the time
My body wants you night and day
I'm losing all control of me 
Song continues………. 
"Good for nothing you all are!" Agatha Layman yelled. Zendaya, Laura and Angourie flinched in fear.
"The only job you had was to keep an eye on Thomas that too you couldn't do!" 
"But mother I did everything you asked me to do." Zendaya stated.
"If you did what I had asked you to do then why am I getting to know now that Amber is alive!" 
"What!? That's not possible." Zendaya frowned in disbelief. 
"Yes my dear. She has returned in the form of a human though she has no recollection of her past life nor she has her powers."
"If she has returned and if Tom knows about her then he will do anything to bring her back here." Laura remarked. 
"No, no, no this can't happen. All these years of planning, plotting can't go to waste!'' Agatha paced across the room panicking. 
"The only dream I had was to see you as the high priestess of the coven. And take over this coven and lead the way according to the Dark lord's wishes." She cupped Zendaya's face. 
"Amber has to die and if you girls can't do that then I'll do it myself!"
"Mother, give us one last  chance we will not disappoint you this time." 
"Go then I want that half breed dead." Agatha ordered with a deep menacing voice.
@sleepybesson​​​ @sophs-library​​ @spideyparkerstark​​​ @itstaskeen​​​ @milli86​​​ @biebsmylife95​​​ @quaksonhehe​​​ @hannahholland1811​​ ​​ @awhollandx​​​ @joyleenl​​​  @greatpizzascissorstaco​​​ @tomhollandsotherpinkytoe​​​ @jjandreidsgirl​​​ @brighterthanthesunx​​​ @adevilallthetime​​ @panicattheeverywherekid​​​ @onewithnomightypowers​​​ @itsnotmeh24  @bitchinwpei @astridcommings​​ @hollandprkr​​​  @hollandsobrien​​​ @timotayswriter​​​ @kiki-hines​​​ @casualprincess77​​​ @spideyth​​​ @perspectiveparker​​​ @thevelvetseries​​​ @tempo-rary-fix​ @onebigolemess​  @itsbqueenthings​ @chingonaconcha​ @yoongi-holland​ @l0lmk​ @itsemohours​ @fanficscuziranout​​  @allthisfortommy​
Taglist:To be added send me an ask or message I’ll be happy to add you in the following chapters.
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thatguywiththefaceog · 5 years ago
Valentine’s Day Smut-Wendy/Dipper/Stan Exhibition
Stan and Dipper try to have a talk about work appropriate attire. Wendy has other plans. Requested by anonymous
this story is rated e for explicit and is for adults only. All characters are over 18. No minors allowed. 
The male staff at the Mystery Shack had a problem. Wendy Corduroy wasn’t wearing a bra. She had also stopped wearing her green shirt. And the white tee did little to hide her assets from everyone. Stan and Dipper had no idea what to do. Neither wanted to be the one and voice their concerns, lest they be called perverts.
Dipper was lost in thought, stacking the bottom shelves of the shack. He was rearranging the snowglobes when a pair of legs stepped in front of him. Wendy had traded her normal jeans for a pair of tight daisy dukes. She still wasn’t wearing a bra.
“Hey Dip.”
“Ah, hey Wendy.” Dipper turned away, face beet red. “H-how are you.”
“Oh I’m doing fine. But I think I’m gonna be much better.”
The red head pulled him up and planted a deep kiss on him.
“What? You grew up hot.”
She continued kissing him, grinding her groin into his.
“Wendy the shop! Someone might see.”
Wendy pushed out her chest, her nipples very visible under the thin cotton fabric. “Dude, does it look like I care?” She undid the bottom to her jean shorts. “Guess what?” She slowly pulled them down. “A bra wasn’t the only thing I didn’t put on this morning.”
She then undid Dipper’s jeans. With one shift motion pulled down his pants and boxers, his erection flopping as the waistband hit it. Licking her lips, Wendy pressed her lower lips against his manhood. Dipper hissed at her warmth.
“Does it feel nice.”
Meanwhile, someone else entered the room. “Doo doo doo. Hey Dipper, are you finished.. Hot Bellgian Waffles!”
“Oh hey Stan.”
“Grunkle Stan! I-We-ah...”
“We are having some fun. Care to join us?”
The redhead blew a raspberry. “Come on boys, let’s live a little!” She walked over to Stan and undid his pants, pulling out his own cock.”Ooo Dipper, you’re as big as him”
She dragged Dipper toward her and Stan. She held a cock in each hand stroking them.
Stan spoke, “Ah Wendy, this is not appropriate workplace behavior.”
“Ah come on Stan, I know how much you’ve been eyeing these.” Wendy released her grip, she pulled off her top. Her breasts bounced a bit when  she freed them from her top. She took each erection back in her hands. When she started pumping, neither Pines protested.
She turned to Stan’s dick and gently licked his tip while stroking him. She then did the same to Dipper. She slid her tongue further down his cock. He felt the warmth of her mouth wrap around his member. Releasing him, she went back to Stan and hungrily sucked him off.  
The two Pines men took turn face fucking the horny redhead. It was Stan who came first. “Ah kid?”
Wendy pulled him out of her mouth. “Here on my face!” The old man fired ropes of his cum all over her face.
“Wendy!” Dipper came next. She aimed him at the breasts he’d been admiring all summer. Erection brown nipples, sitting in the middle of pale mounds, were then covered by Dipper’s milky seed.
“Is that all boys? Because I’m just getting started!”
The hand jobs and cock sucking continued and the Pines boys continued coating the redhead in wave after wave of their cum.
Mabel was wondering where her family went. She also couldn’t find her good friend Wendy ran off to. She was supposed to be in today. Walking into the gift shop, Mabel was greeted to the sight of her brother and her grunkle, with their dicks out, firing cum upon Wendy, whose face and chest was already covered with the stuff.
“Ah, hey pumpkin.”
“Care to join us?”
Mabel turned around and walked out as fast as she could.
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space-whalesharks · 6 years ago
johnnic + 27 ("kiss me.") uwu
Blood Dragon 2 1/2 
Deputy Nic Raylan hears something she’s not thrilled about while working with Guy Marvel and figures out that maybe making a deal with the devil is better than dealing with an asshole. 
“Hey, get back here. I think Guy wants to make out with you.” 
Deputy Nicolette Raylan groaned. She had helped Guy Marvel clear out the angels around that set because back in the day she had loved his movies. They were absolute disasters and therefore cult classics as far as she was concerned. But spending as little as twenty seconds with the man shot all that adoration in the face and buried it. 
He was one of those directors. Arrogant and sleazy and gross. Her film major friends in college had been privy to a few of those jerks in the making. And now she got to deal with them herself. And there was no way in Hell that he was going to leave her alone if she just ignored him. Men didn’t work that way. And now she was within walking distance of the set. And sure, the PAs seemed decent enough considering they wanted to murder the man, but she still didn’t like her chances. She needed somebody, but the Ryes were across town, Sharky and Hurk were off melting angel faces somewhere and probably couldn’t hear a radio over explosions and fire, Jess and Grace had gone hunting that day- there were next to no options if she wanted to deter the creep. 
Until she got an idea. A horrible, no good, stupid, very very bad idea, but it would probably work. And be the fastest option. But also open a brand new can of Yikes worms. Fuck. 
It had taken her ten minutes and three radio calls from Guy in the span of five of those minutes to make her decision. 
Stomach in knots, she switched to a different frequency and leaned in. “John? I need a favor.” 
The response was nearly immediate. “Deputy…” came John’s distinct purr. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
“What are you doing right now?” she asked. Because right, what she was about to suggest wasn’t going to inflate his ego enough, she just had to go with suggestive phrasing. 
“Why repairing all the damage you caused around these parts the last couple of days, my dear. Why do you ask?” 
“I need you to meet me at the Guy Marvel set in ten minutes.” 
“Now why would I-” 
“Because, and I can’t believe I’m about to say this- I need to make a fucking point to this fucker, and you’re the only person around who I could make this work with. And I mean, considering you’re both interested in me, out of the two of you you’re the one I trust not to shove his hand down my pants mid-conversation.” 
“… … … What?” 
“Just get here.” 
She made her way back to the set and waited. Minutes ticked by like hours until she saw the cherry red Pygmalion speeding down the road. She saw him pull up to the lot, she and John made eye contact and she delighted in the confused look he gave her. She coughed obnoxiously loudly so Guy would hear it a few yards away nd hurried over to the car. She yanked the door open and climbed inside. Her stomach lurched one more time before she decided to sell her soul to the devil. “Kiss me.” 
John’s eyebrows shot up, but he recovered quickly enough and smirked. “Lust is a-” 
“Sin. Yeah it is, that’s part of the fucking problem. Kiss me.” 
“Why the-” 
“Jesus,” Nicolette hissed before she leaned over him and yanked the lever to tilt his seat backwards. She tried not to enjoy his yelp of alarm too much before she tossed a leg over his lap, crushed her mouth to his and ground her hips down into his for good measure. 
And of course she felt him respond below the belt within seconds and she almost groaned in disgust- and then annoyance when she felt that he was packing. Of course the guy who, in any other circumstance, she probably would’ve jumped into bed with immediately if not for the whole psychopath thing, was hung. It wasn’t fair. 
“BABY! What the fuck is taking you so long?!” 
And there he was, the asshole of the hour. Showtime. She grimaced internally for a moment before she grabbed John’s headrest in order to scoot higher into his lap, then took his hands and put them on her ass. Well, now she was the hypocrite, considering that ‘hands in my pants’ comment she had made when she was practically assaulting him- except he was hardly complaining.
Still, thankfully John’s brain caught up with what was possibly going on- or caught up with his dick, who really knew- and began to kiss her in earnest, giving as good as she did- and pulled her ass closer to him. 
God, the man could kiss- it really wasn’t fair.
She moaned into his mouth as loudly as possible, giving it an overdramatic touch that would make pornstars roll their eyes. 
“BABE- Oh!” Guy cut himself off from just outside. 
Nicolette tore her mouth from John’s and blinked innocently. “Oh! Guy! Hi!” she perked up. “Uh… sorry…” she stroked John’s chest for a moment. “Got… distracted.” She bit her lip and smiled.
“I’ll fuckin’ say,” Guy agreed with a strange tone. Probably turned on. Asshole. “Who the fuck is this?” 
Nicolette blanched for a moment. Did he seriously not know who John was? She had hoped he would fuck off if he thought she was fucking one of the Heralds of the ‘noisest motherfuckers out there’ but to not know John at all? Well, on second thought he probably didn’t bother getting to know any of the people involved in the cult- his head was up far too deep in his ass to do that. Loving yourself and yourself alone would do that.  “This is my boyfriend. Sorry, we just… haven’t seen each other in so long. Just got carried away.” She looked at John. 
John, to his credit, just went with it. He moved his hand up to her hip and stroked it. “Can’t keep my hands off her. She… slips away from me so easily…” he dug his fingers into her hips pointedly at that, and he contained a cringe when she dug her nails into his chest in retaliation. “Sorry, who are you?” he asked. 
Nicolette nearly sighed out loud. The bastard was playing along. Thank fuck. 
Guy immediately went red in the face. “You’re looking at Guy Marvel, pal. Maker of Dead Living Zombies and Blood Dragon 2 and 3, which I’m making now.” 
“Huh. Never heard of them,” John commented drily. 
Nicolette firmly bit her cheek at the sight of the ghost of a smirk that John got in his face that gave away that he knew exactly who the man was. 
Guy went even more red in the face. “Never heard of…” 
John offered him a polite smile. “So my girlfriend here is helping out?” 
“Keepin’ my production safe and secure from those inbred fuckin’ cultists, Hell yeah,” Guy replied. 
John’s smile widened and something changed in his eyes- it was an absolutely predatory look, not unlike the one he had given her in the bunker during her botched confession. “Fucking cultists…” he agreed. 
“Well, you gonna let her come work for me again?” Guy asked. 
Nicolette sharper at that and went to get off Johns lap to give him a piece of her mind.
John dug his fingers into her sides again to keep her still.
She gave him a puzzled look.
The dark edge came back into John’s eyes. He stroked Nicolette’s hip again and leaned closer to him. “Listen, Mister Mabel-” 
“Whatever. My girlfriend does as she pleases. I don’t let her do anything because it’s not my call. If she wants to do something, I say yes, because I don’t own her. And she makes her own choices, as… … disappointing as some of them are,” he cast her a look, and she arched a challenging eyebrow.  “That said…” he looked back at Guy. “I’m…  very proud of her and her exploits. And I like keeping her all to myself.  I’m not one to share. So if I hear you call her ‘Babe’ or any variation, I will find you, and you will not like the outcome. However, that’s provided that she doesn’t get sick of you first and… take matters into her own hands. She can be quite rough when she wants to be.” He pulled his shirt aside to show the edges of the ‘Sloth’ scar. “Do we have an understanding?” 
Guy paled a fair bit and looked like he wasn’t sure whether to look at Nicolette, the scar, or John. “Yes sir.” 
“Good,” John grinned. He opened the car door. “I’ll see you back at the house, Dear. Go on, do your thing.” 
Nicolette looked from him to Guy, only to see that the spot was vacant- and he was a few feet ahead, already booking it back to the set. She sighed in relief. “Can’t believe I’m saying this either, but thank you, John. Don’t know why I didn’t think of just straight up threatening him in the first place.” 
“Most men need the additional push, unfortunately. Especially when they’re ants who think they’re gods in the greater scheme of things.” 
“Okay, Hypocritical Crazy Person. Think long and hard about that one and think about yourself. See you next time I blow up a couple of silos.” She went to dismount him. 
John caught her wrist. “That wasn’t for free,” he pointed out. 
She sighed. “What, you’re not the ‘seal a deal with a kiss’ type of demon?” 
“No. I’m a confession for a favor kind of guy,” he countered. 
Nicolette searched his face for a moment, but found he looked entirely serious. Again, deal with the devil- out of the frying pan into the fire- you made your bed, lay in it kind of things. Besides, she had escaped one Confession. She could escape another. “Fine. Tomorrow. The Ranch. Noon. No one else is there.” 
“Deal,” John agreed. 
Nicolette got off of him the rest of the way and hurried back towards Guy. She hoped the pay was good. If he even paid her. Well, what was another fucking favor at that point. 
At 12:30 the next day, Nicolette was sitting in the basement of Seed Ranch, strapped to a chair near identical to the last one. She had been ‘fashionably late’ by a few minutes. By some miracle he had allowed it, but made sure to strap her in as he went on about Confession again. He eventually ended his spiel, and then pointed the tattoo again. “So… we know you’re Wrath, but… any other of those delicious little sins left in you, Deputy?” 
“Plenty, Seed.” 
“Do go on then…” 
Nicolette opened her mouth to respond, and then was immediately cut off when her radio gave a crackle, and then- 
“Hey! Baby! Baby! Get your beautiful ass back here! I need you again! All my people left me like the cheap little shits they are, and you’re all I got!” 
Guy. Again. Are you fucking kidding me? She went wide eyed at the intrusion and tried not to laugh at how indignant John looked. John went to take it off her hip and she raised them and scooted back to get it out of his reach. “Uh uh. You break it or turn it off, I can miss any other bullshit that your people or your siblings pulled. I came here willingly, trade or not. We do this on my terms. I keep the radio. Only fair.” 
“Fine,” John hissed. He moved back. “So, what e-” 
“Baby, come on, don’t be like that!” 
John snarled and launched himself at her radio. He unclipped it from her belt before she could protest. “Mister Marvel. I do believe we had a discussion about that name, did we not?”
“Shit. Uh, sorry. Just need that - uh-” 
“Yes, well, the Deputy and I are a  little… busy at the moment,” John reached over to her hip, pinched and twisted the skin there.
Nicolette yelped- then all but slammed her mouth shut when she realized just what sort of sound John had been aiming for with that sound. ‘Dick’ she mouthed. 
John merely smirked at her and then sighed a little too dreamily. “You catch my drift, Madel?” 
“Do. You. Catch. It?” John repeated. 
“Yeah, yeah I catch it.”
“Good. Goodbye, Mister-” 
John groaned. He went to switch the radio off, only for Nicolette to give him a pointed look. He sighed. “What?” 
“Look, I might as well give up the ghost with this thing. It’s doomed from the start. Weak ass location, week ass production staff, weak ass budget. I have to branch out.” 
John and Nicolette exchanged brief looks of morbid confusion. 
“I mean, both of you guys are hot. You clearly don’t mind an audience. Ever consider doing porn? With each other of course, I’m not some cr-” 
“Ooooh my God,” Nicolette concluded, the same time John immediately turned the radio off and all but shoved it back onto her belt. “… That might have actually taken the cake for worst thing I’ve ever heard out of anyone’s mouth here. And that’s saying a lot. That was worse than you guys. But honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t take him up on that because of the way you were the last time with my shirt and that camera there for some reason and-” 
John stared at her for a few seconds, then wordlessly walked over to the chair and unstrapped her. “Get. Out.” 
“Fine. Wonder what Joseph would think about tha-” 
“You got it.” 
John radioed her the next day with the offer of a redo. And for some reason unbeknownst to her common sense, she had accepted. 
John had immediately taken the radio off her hip when she arrived, though. 
To both of their surprise, she had played nicely- as he had. He had gotten her out of a potential bind, even if it was just another part of their cat and mouse game. She had cited Pride, named a few instances of it, and he had just finished tattooing the first line of the ‘P’ in her side when one of his men bustled in and commented that someone ‘was on the Deputy’s frequency, calling and asking for her nonstop.’
“And who is it? Sheriff Whitehorse, all gallant up on his white horse, eager to come to the rescue?” 
“No, sir. Some weird name. Guy something. Marvel, maybe?” 
“… God DAMN IT! Get him off the radio! Cut our own fucking frequency if you have to.” 
The Peggie bustled out quickly. 
There was dead silence for a while. “You know, Johnny Boy. New deal.” 
“Oh?” John hissed. 
“A trade. Hudson for Marvel. Because it’s a win-win for everyone. And a favor to the fucking Universe. And he’s probably got all sins in droves compared to her. He’s gonna take a while.” 
John stared at her, and then got that predatory smile on his face again. “Why Deputy, that might be the smartest thing you’ve said yet.” 
“Thought you might like that. So, deal?” 
Two days later, a very confused Joey Hudson was nudged past the Falls End sign by none other than John Seed. She had asked why, and he had responded that “a little blood dragon” had told him to do it. Whatever that meant. 
It was equally puzzling when Nicolette gave her the exact same answer. 
She wanted to get to the bottom of things, but she had learned not to ask questions as of late in this town. 
After all, sometimes it was best to leave well enough alone. 
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caddyxjellyby · 6 years ago
Alcott Readathon 2018: Jack and Jill (1880)
Chapter One: The Catastrophe
There are three sledding paths in Harmony Village. Joe says to Jill that she wouldn't dare take the biggest one, so she insists that her friend Jack Minot take her down it several times. The final time they crash; Jack breaks his leg and hits his head, and Jill hurts her back. Jack's sled is named Thunderbolt. Jill's real name is Janey Pecq.
Chapter Two: Two Penitents
Jack, an athletic boy, is horrified at the prospect of three weeks in bed. Jill's injury is more concerning. She blames herself for the accident and says she'll be the best girl ever if she ever gets out of her room. We learn that Mrs. Pecq is an Englishwoman and Jill's dead father was French Canadian.
Chapter Three: Ward No. 1
After four days they're getting cabin fever. Jack's older brother Frank, an academic sort, rigs up a clothesline to send things back and forth – oranges, letters, books, guava jelly, and a kitten. Gus, Ed, and Joe visit Jack and eat up the dishes the old ladies of the village sent him. They tease Jack for putting a kiss in his letter to Jill.
Chapter Four: Ward No. 2
Things were not so gay in Ward No. 2, for Mrs. Pecq was very busy, and Jill had nothing to amuse her but flying visits from the girls, and such little plays as she could invent for herself in bed. Fortunately, she had a lively fancy, and so got on pretty well, till keeping still grew unbearable, and the active child ached in every limb to be up and out.
Chapter Five: Secrets
The girls sit in a circle with their backs to each other in order to make their Christmas presents. They know a surprise is in progress at the Minot house, but they don't know what it is. These chapters are short.
Chapter Six: Surprises
Dr. Whiting and Frank move Jill to Jack's house.
The great room was entirely changed; for now it looked like a garden, or one of the fairy scenes children love, where in-doors and out-of-doors are pleasantly combined. The ceiling was pale blue, like the sky; the walls were covered with a paper like a rustic trellis, up which climbed morning-glories so naturally that the many-colored bells seemed dancing in the wind. Birds and butterflies flew among them, and here and there, through arches in the trellis, one seemed to look into a sunny summer world, contrasting curiously with the wintry landscape lying beyond the real windows, festooned with evergreen garlands, and curtained only by stands of living flowers. A green drugget covered the floor like grass, rustic chairs from the garden stood about, and in the middle of the room a handsome hemlock waited for its pretty burden. A Yule-log blazed on the wide hearth, and over the chimney-piece, framed in holly, shone the words that set all hearts to dancing, “Merry Christmas!”
The best part? Jill and Mrs. Pecq are going to stay there.
Jill gives him blue mittens she made. He gives her a turquoise ring. They all stand around the tree and sing.
Chapter Seven: Jill's Mission
The two glue Jack's stamp collection into his new album. Frank scolds him for not doing his Latin and Jack throws the album at Frank. Jill, left alone, sees a note on the floor and thinking it's Frank's to Annette, picks it up. She falls over but is able to get back up. It's from Mrs. Minot to her sister and she mentions the doctor fears Jill's injury is permanent. Mrs. Minot comes home and sees that Jill is guilty of something. She confesses and Mrs. Minot tells her about Lucinda, a bedridden woman she knew.
Chapter Eight: Merry and Molly
Merry is a farmer's daughter with three older brothers literally named Tom, Dick, and Harry, She's fifteen, which makes me wonder even more about Jill's exact age. I did grow up on a cul-de-sac where kids played together regardless of age, but I'm still curious.
Anyway, Merry enjoys dainty things and romantic dreams but seldom gets them. So she finds some old pictures in the garret and puts them on her wall.
She had worked all the afternoon, and only finished at supper time, so the candles had to be lighted that the toilette might look its best, and impress the beholders with an idea of true elegance. Unfortunately, the fire smoked a little, and a window was set ajar to clear the room; an evil-disposed gust blew in, wafting the thin drapery within reach of the light, and when Merry threw open the door proudly thinking to display her success, she was horrified to find the room in a blaze, and half her labor all in vain.
The brothers put it out quickly with only a little harm done to the carpet.
Molly's father's housekeeper, Miss Bathsheba, is old and getting “careless” so she decides to step up. Does the dishes, covers holes in the sofa, and patches some clothes. Miss Bat objects to Boo having a hot bath just after lunch. She gets her father's permission when he comes home, but going to bed with wet hair gives him croup.
Molly is Maria Louisa and he is Napoleon Bonaparte. No wonder they call him Boo.
Chapter Nine: The Debating Club
The boys' club debates whether girls should go to college with them. (I wrote for them at first.) A funny contrast to their last topic, whether summer or winter is more fun.
JOE: Girls belong at home darning stockings. Boys would do better without them.
GRIF: Girls don't have the strength for rowing races and other larks.
NARRATOR: Grif is unaware that college is for studying.
GUS: Why not? Jill is best in her class and Mabel is the best in hers.
ED: Which includes Joe.
Ralph, a 19 year old dude who occasionally indulges the boys with his presence, gives them impressions of several Dickens characters that leave them rolling with laughter.
Chapter Ten: The Dramatic Club
After falling in Chapter 7, Jill has to lie on a board for two hours each day. The club meets at the Minot house to prepare for Sleeping Beauty. They argue over the costumes and who should play the princess until Merry suggests they let Jill have the part.
Chapter Eleven: “Down Brakes”
Well-behaved Frank does an uncharacteristic thing.  He and Gus hang out by the railroad station, admiring engine No. 11. “I’d give ten dollars if I could run her up to the bend and back,” he says. And then Joe appears and lifts the switch, so they take a little joyride, first forward and then in reverse.
Needless to say, the stationmaster is pissed and they get fined $25. Jack is pleased that Frank did something worse than him. Molly teases him by leaving Boo's toy train and two headless dolls on his porch.
Chapter Twelve: The Twenty-Second of February
What's the best way to celebrate Washington's birthday? In California we had a week off school to go skiing or visit our grandparents. In an Alcott novel it's tableaux. First Boo chopping down the tree and Gus as Dad Washington. That's a myth invented by Mason Locke Weems but I don't think LMA could have known it.
Ed found enough musicians to make up an orchestra. They play songs to go with the crossing of the Delaware, the Daughters of Liberty replacing tea with coffee, Cornwallis surrendering with Jack as Lafeyette, the miserable winter at Valley Forge, ball at Trenton with the girls singing, and the family portrait.
“Now I don’t see what more they can have except the death-bed, and that would be rather out of place in this gay company,” says an old man to Gus' dad, who replies that Gus wouldn't be seen in public in a nightshirt. It's Frank as the Minute Man statue and Ralph as Daniel Chester French – the book doesn't name him, just says the sculptor. Everyone loves the piece de resistance, except Grif shouts “All aboard!”
Then Sleeping Beauty with Jill, and Ralph as Mother Goose with a real goose and various kids as Miss Muffet etc.
Chapter Thirteen: Jack has a Mystery
Jack needs money but won't say why. Jill suggests he use his printing press to make cards and they get the $2.75 that way.
Mr. Acton – unlike Teacher in Under the Lilacs he gets a name – punishes Jack for going to a saloon at recess. Joe saw him there, Jack confesses he went to pay Jerry Shannon, one of the wild boys. He won't say why.
Chapter Fourteen: And Jill Finds It Out
Jack mutters in his sleep and Jill hears something about Bob, a boy who moved to the next town over. Aha, she thinks, that's who the money was for. She writes to Bob and he responds that yes, Jack paid his debt to Shannon, and Bob had him promise not to tell. Mrs. Minot is proud that her son stuck to his word, comparing him to Casabianca. Frank, like Sybil in Moods, thinks that boy was a fool.
Chapter Fifteen: Saint Lucy
Mrs. Minot tells Jack, Jill, and Frank a story with thinly-veiled versions of themselves. The good news is that in a few months Jill will be allowed to walk again.
Chapter Sixteen: Up at Merry's
Merry does her cleaning. She's been working on the dining-room, adding flowers and a “pretty shade of pressed autumn leaves.” As much as she wants to get back to Ivanhoe, she has socks to mend. Then her mother sends her to fetch a recipe from Miss Bat.
On her way back she passes Ralph looking very happy. “David German” wants to take him to Rome in fall. He'll write to her and she says she'll write back but her letters must be boring compared to his. “I didn’t know you had any worries,” he says, “for you always seemed like one of the happiest people in the world, with so many to pet and care for you, and plenty of money, and nothing very hard or hateful to do. You’d think you were well off if you knew as much about poverty and work and never getting what you want, as I do.”
She invites him in for supper and gives him a flower to put in plaster. Can you feel the love tonight?
Chapter Seventeen: Down at Molly's
Molly feeds her nine cats and tells them the shocking news that Miss Bat is cleaning! Yet what is the cause? Molly has no idea, but Miss Bat overheard two hard-of-hearing ladies talking about Molly and Boo
Her dad is home for once and sees her making shirts for Boo. He thought Miss Bat did the sewing. Molly has been learning from Mrs. Pecq. He tells her to spend as much as she likes on summer clothes.
“How nice it will seem to have a plenty of new, neat dresses all at once, and be like other girls! Miss Bat always talks about economy, and has no more taste than a— caterpillar.” Molly meant to say “cat,” but remembering her pets, spared them the insult.
LOL, I love her.
He gives her to key to her mother's things and she tears up with joy.
So the little missionaries succeeded better in their second attempt than in their first; for, though still very far from being perfect girls, each was slowly learning, in her own way, one of the three lessons all are the better for knowing— that cheerfulness can change misfortune into love and friends; that in ordering one’s self aright one helps others to do the same; and that the power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.
There are 24 chapters and 4 of them have final sentences that begin with So. Okay, that's not very many, but it's enough that I noticed it.
Chapter Eighteen: May Baskets
The job now in hand was May baskets, for it was the custom of the children to hang them on the doors of their friends the night before May-day; and the girls had agreed to supply baskets if the boys would hunt for flowers, much the harder task of the two. Jill had more leisure as well as taste and skill than the other girls, so she amused herself with making a goodly store of pretty baskets of all shapes, sizes, and colors, quite confident that they would be filled, though not a flower had shown its head except a few hardy dandelions, and here and there a small cluster of saxifrage.
Due to the late spring there aren't enough flowers to be picked so they have to buy some. Jill sends her basket to Mrs. Minot. Molly to Grif with a thorn “to pay for the tack he put in my rubber boot.” Ed gives several to old people and a little Irish girl. Ralph leaves Merry one with a bas-relief of the lily she gave him in her chapter.
Chapter Nineteen: Good Templars
Gus' uncle is giving a haycart ride, but Jack and Frank have to be at their Temperance Club meeting to nominate Bob for membership. Reverend Mr. Chauncey, an old friend of their grandfather, visits the town. He also belongs to a club and gives a public speech on the subject.
Jeez, 90% of this book is boring as hell.
Chapter Twenty: A Sweet Memory
Ed dies of some illness. Jack and Frank both cry, aww.
It is often said that there should be no death or grief in children’s stories. It is not wise to dwell on the dark and sad side of these things; but they have also a bright and lovely side, and since even the youngest, dearest, and most guarded child cannot escape some knowledge of the great mystery, is it not well to teach them in simple, cheerful ways that affection sweetens sorrow, and a lovely life can make death beautiful? I think so, therefore try to tell the last scene in the history of a boy who really lived and really left behind him a memory so precious that it will not be soon forgotten by those who knew and loved him.
The whole town shows up for his funereal. Jill presses the flowers to keep.
Chapter Twenty-One: Pebbly Beach
Vacation at the bay. Frank learns to ride a bicycle. Jack and his new friends fish and play tennis and baseball.
Jill enjoys herself very much. One day the boys forget to moor her boat, she falls asleep, and it floats away. After saying a prayer, she gets rescued by a lobsterman.
Chapter Twenty-Two: A Happy Day
Molly and Boo join them for a week. Frank and “the bicycle boy” win the boat race. Jack runs in the footrace. Molly and Jill watch a girls' archery contest. Then a dance and a firework show. Boo catches a lobster that makes a few people ill. Luckily one of the women boarding at the house is a physician.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Cattle Show
Mrs. Minot announces that her boys won't return to school. But college! says Frank. You'll wait until you're 18. she says. They need to spend more time working on healthy bodies.
Ralph wins a prize at the fair for his bust of Jill, and a woman hires him to make one of her son. Merry gets one for butter and Jill for her quilt.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Down the River
The girls sew while Mrs. Minot reads to them from Mrs. Strickland's Queens of England. Merry used to dream about being a queen, but she's learned to enjoy ruling the home. Molly wants to travel and see the world. Jill wants to be famous, “ambitious in spite of the newly acquired meekness, which was all the more becoming because her natural liveliness often broke out like sunshine through a veil of light clouds.”
However, we're told that Merry marries Ralph and lives in Italy, Molly, a spinster, keeps house and raises Boo, and Jill is happy with her husband Jack.
The next day they have a picnic at the river. Ralph comes late with the news that he's going to Rome.
Here we will say good-by to these girls and boys of ours as they sit together in the sunshine talking over a year that was to be for ever memorable to them, not because of any very remarkable events, but because they were just beginning to look about them as they stepped out of childhood into youth, and some of the experiences of the past months had set them to thinking, taught them to see the use and beauty of the small duties, joys, and sorrows which make up our lives, and inspired them to resolve that the coming year should be braver and brighter than the last. There are many such boys and girls, full of high hopes, lovely possibilities, and earnest plans, pausing a moment before they push their little boats from the safe shore. Let those who launch them see to it that they have good health to man the oars, good education for ballast, and good principles as pilots to guide them as they voyage down an ever-widening river to the sea.
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