#He will never leave you nor forsake you
dearjewels22 · 2 years
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christianrbenedict · 2 years
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walkswithmyfather · 2 months
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2 Timothy 2:13 (CEV). “If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful. Christ cannot deny who he is.”
Joshua 21:45 (ERV). “The Lord kept every promise that he made to the Israelites. There were no promises that he failed to keep. Every promise came true.”
Hebrews 13:8 (NIV). “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Matthew 6:8b (NLT). “...your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him!”
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV). “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Amen! 🙏🕊️🙌
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jessamine-rose · 6 months
˖⋆˚♱ଘ Angel’s Tears ଓ♱˚⋆˖
*cries* I thought I was done with Church AU after Priest! Dottore yet here I am with more unholy ideas. Welp, Guardian Angel! Capitano x Nonbeliever! Darling, here we go (;ω;)
Tw:: yandere, psychological trauma, blood, violence, death, religious abuse, MDNI
Note:: fictional depictions of religion
♡ 3.8k words under the cut ♡
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♡ From the moment of their creation, angels are classified into the Nine Orders. This hierarchy determines their roles in Heaven and Earth, with higher ranks assigned greater levels of power and authority. A special exception is The Strongest Angel, an individual who is neither a Seraph nor an angel from the First Sphere. Rather, the moniker belongs to Il Capitano, the leader of the Powers.
♡ The legitimacy of his title has never been questioned. As a warrior angel, Capitano’s purpose is to vanquish evil. He is the chivalrous knight in bloodstained armor, the nigh-invincible being who strikes fear into the hearts of demons, the ever-righteous angel bound by a paradoxical duty to partake in violence for the sake of everlasting peace.
♡ It is in a small town in Mondstadt, following his victory over a legion of demons, that Capitano encounters you. It is the hour of mass yet you are nowhere near the Church; rather, you have taken sanctuary in a secluded meadow. A book sits on your lap, not a religious text but a tale of dark fantasy. There is a saintlike quality to your countenance, an air of melancholy as delicate as the flowers which surround you.
✿ ⚘
The moment Capitano appears before you, all peace leaves the meadow.
No, this isn’t right. It is normal for humans to feel fear in the divine presence of angels, yet he is donning his human guise. Nonetheless, as soon as his shadow touches your form, you look up and suppress a shriek, your face losing its veil of apathy.
So what exactly did he do wrong?
For your benefit, he remains rooted to his spot. Clarity comes in the form of your gaze flitting to your book, its title printed on the cover in conspicuous letters, the whispers which leave trembling lips.
“I…I can explain! This book—it’s just fiction! There are no real curses or spells inscribed in the text; it doesn’t promote any form of blasphemy!”
Ah, now he understands. You weren’t afraid of him.
Carefully, Capitano takes a step forward and raises his hand in a calming gesture. A gentle expression adorns his false face.
“Be not afraid.”
✿ ⚘
♡ It doesn’t take long for him to understand your wariness. A glimpse into your soul, paired with your quiet explanation, tells the story of an orphan raised by the Church. Only, your Church is one of many founded on distorted beliefs, of violence preached in the name of a cruel god. As a result, your upbringing was marked by strict rules, corporal punishments, and sermons which painted the image of a hopeless child with a weakness for temptation.
♡ Knowing this, Capitano can’t fault you for forsaking God and your Church. Still in his human guise, he promises his silence and leaves the meadow. But once he returns to Heaven, his first course of action is to apply for a position as your guardian angel. It is an easy process—while that role is typically reserved for the lower ranks, there is no shortage of humans in need of spiritual guidance and protection. He only questions why an angel wasn’t assigned to you when you were in greatest need of one.
♡ Henceforth, Capitano becomes a recurring character in your life. Every week, he visits you in the meadow. When you ask for his identity, he claims to be a progressive believer from another town. But rather than enlighten you with the true Word of God, he simply keeps you company and indulges your “vices,” leading to hours spent reading together. Beyond those meetings, he also watches over you to ward off any demons or humans seeking to harm you.
♡ From your end, you slowly warm up to your mysterious companion. He is a man of few words, but his actions always convey a sense of kindness. And despite his faith, he genuinely respects your beliefs and accepts you as you are. At one point, he even gives you a special gift, a quill pen of exceptional quality. The feather, pure white with a soft radiance, must have been sourced from a rare bird of prey.
♡ Over time, however, something changes. Capitano can’t deny that the faults lies with him. His visits, his constant thoughts of you, the ever-blurring line between want and duty…nothing of his behavior can be attributed to an angel’s inherent love for humanity. If that were the case, his love wouldn’t beget heartache. His love wouldn’t beget the temptation to harm others, rooted not in the name of justice but for your own safety. His love wouldn’t beget lust, guilt, dishonor, desires so sinfully evocative of his own fallibility.
♡ The truth is, you were never in need of spiritual salvation. From the moment he first laid eyes on you, what Capitano saw was a pure soul—a good person unlikely to commit evil nor fall into true temptation. Moreover, he knows that your sin of disbelief is forgivable unlike your Church’s sins of violence. That so long as you remain as you are, your soul will not be denied paradise, albeit in a realm of Heaven beyond Capitano’s jurisdiction. So why is he incapable of leaving your side?
✿ ⚘
“I had a long, long dream. I dreamed that you and I met again in the pure white world that we created.”
As you read the final line, your gaze leaves the book and returns to Capitano.
“What did you think of the story?”
Your shoulder brushes against his own, a tempting sensation. It is all he can do to remain still, to think against seeking out more of your touch, to remind himself that your close proximity is a mere necessity for your current activity.
The left side of the book, bearing the story’s ending, rests in your left hand. The other side is held in Capitano’s right hand, a blank page devoid of hope for a happy ending. When he turns the page, you seamlessly catch it under your thumb to show the next page.
Who knew of the casual intimacies imbued in the act of reading together?
“It was a well-written novel,” he says simply. “Though her sins tarnished her honor, Rosalyne’s sacrifice was an act of love. Her loss did not hinder her faithfulness to Rostam.”
“I feel the same way,” you muse. “Now I understand why this book was banned centuries ago. Forbidden love between angels and humans…it certainly goes against what the Church taught us about angels. I have to give the author credit for their imagination.”
It’s just the two of you again, this time in the library. At the start of winter, you invited Capitano to your workplace. There, in your greatest show of trust, you brought him to a secret room dedicated to texts banned by the Church for promoting “blasphemy.” Fantasy, erotica, anti-Church publications, first editions of censored books, stories which merely deviated from the Church’s popular depictions of spiritual beings.
Molten Moment belongs to the last category. Little do you know that it was based on a true story, that the author had really formed a pact with a demon called La Signora. Capitano himself is mentioned in the story under his true name.
He was one of the few angels who noticed the changes in Rosalyne’s behavior. She used to be a Throne, an angel with no connection to Earth nor humanity. Yet by some twist of fate, she laid eyes on a brave knight from Mondstadt and began to meet him in her human guise.
He was the first to hear of Rosalyne’s sin, that being she saved Rostam’s life during a battle. It was a direct violation of God’s orders: Angels and demons may influence humans, but they are forbidden from directly altering a human’s lifespan.
He was a silent witness to Rosalyne’s descent. She fell from Heaven, burned by her own flames, yet she had never appeared more ecstatic. In the following years, she married Rostam and lived a happy life with him on Earth.
He was the last to recognize Rostam’s soul at the pearly gates, forever separated from his fallen lover. Such had been Rosalyne’s divine punishment, worsened by her knowledge of this possibility. But what else was she to do? To let Rostam know of her true nature? To drag his soul down to Hell, where he’d be subjected to an eternity of undeserved suffering?
Capitano is no fool. As he read Molten Moment, he began to understand Rosalyne’s sin in a new light. Half the time, he couldn’t even concentrate on the text, his human eyes repeatedly drifting to your intense reading expression.
He closes the book, leaving it in your sole grasp. But before he can stand up from the sofa, you scoot closer and lean your weight on him. The book is placed on a nearby table, forgotten.
“Do you mind?” you whisper. Your right hand, empty since the prologue, traces his left hand.
A moment of silence precedes his response. “You may.”
Wordlessly, you take his hand and intertwine your fingers. A gesture of intimacy, an unspoken confession. Yet as he savors your touch, Capitano wonders if you would harbor the same level of comfort around his true form.
He doubts it. As a Power, he bears an inhuman appearance on par with that of his superiors. It is his true image which has earned him the title of monster by witnessing humans.
Still, he allows himself to indulge in the blessing that is your oblivion. When you look into his two human eyes, there is a soft light in your gaze wholly free of fear.
“Spring is coming soon,” you mutter. “I can’t wait to see the flowers again. Come to think of it, there’s a variety of narcissus which grows only in late spring. It’s very pretty.”
Against his better judgment, Capitano strengthens his grip on your hand. “Shall I take it as an invitation to resume our meetings in the meadow?”
“Sure.” That is when you look up, a small smile adorning your face. “And if you can’t visit for whatever reason, I’ll pick a bouquet and preserve it for you.”
For once, Capitano is rendered speechless.
Rarely do you ever smile. Even to him, you retain your listless disposition—whether it is out of habit or lingering distance, he has yet to discern your reasons. But that is what makes it all the more special, those few instances when he is beholden to your expressions.
He wonders if this is what humans feel in the divine presence of angels, when they are borne witness to all things holy and beautiful.
Your smile is a phenomenon reserved only for the worthiest of souls. And in your grace, he has never felt more undeserving.
✿ ⚘
♡ At the end of winter, a religious war is authorized by the Church of Mondstadt. Shortly after the news reaches your town, Capitano informs you that he will be busy with “work.” He says it during another reading date, featuring Heart of Clear Springs. Before leaving, he kisses your hand and gives you a kind smile. There is a sad look in his eyes, but you don’t inquire further.
♡ In late spring, your town is attacked. With the entire area under fire, from your home to the meadow, you find yourself running back to the sacred building which you’d avoided for years. After all, though the enemy soldiers belong to a different denomination, they still worship the same god as you. In the present, the church is the only place on Earth where you can claim asylum and pray for your survival.
♡ Except every entrance is locked, including the doors to the orphanage. As the army reaches the town square, all you can do is bang on the front doors and beg to be let in. From inside, you can hear the voices of the people that luckily attended mass before the invasion. Some tell you to hide elsewhere, others beg you for forgiveness, a few sound like the nuns and caretakers who tormented you in the past.
♡ Before you can think of another sanctuary, a soldier strikes you. Pain…it has never felt more intense. Through your fading consciousness, you register your body falling and your head hitting the concrete. Blood pools from your forehead and trickles down the steps of the church, tainting it red.
♡ Life flashes before your eyes in a blurry sequence. The static images of God, sermons and bruises, unanswered prayers, people who never believed you or simply didn’t care. A birthday celebrated with your departure from the Church. Sanctuary found in the library followed by the meadow. Yet the numbness remained, each day bleeding into the next in a gloomy haze. In all those years, did you ever feel God’s love?
♡ It doesn’t matter at this point. A small part of you wonders if you should have retained your faith, continued your prayers, sought out salvation in the safety of your solitude. At least then, at the hour of your death, you wouldn’t be confronted with the fact of your humanity. The primal fear of death, the spiritual fear of ending up in Hell no matter Capitano’s reassurances.
♡ Capitano…where is he? Weakly, you call out to him but he doesn’t appear. Of course, why would he? You should feel thankful; it means he is probably safe, wherever he is. Still, you can’t help but wish he were here—if not to save you, as he has done by simply keeping you company, but to comfort you one last time. And those are the thoughts which plague you in your final moments, an unheard prayer on the tip of your tongue.
“I pray that we meet again, myself and the first person who truly loved me.”
♡ ______ died on a cloudy day, one of many people persecuted in the name of God. After the Church was destroyed and its followers slaughtered, their body was buried in a mass grave that once flourished with nature. There was a poignant quality to their countenance, an air of distress as transient as the flowers planted above them.
♡ At least, that is how your story ends from the perspectives of the survivors. But to the angels and demons who witnessed the destruction of your town, your death was only the end of a chapter in your life. In their eyes, Capitano had been present all throughout, an invisible witness to your death, absolute in his refusal to perform an unauthorized miracle.
♡ He remained by your side until the light faded from your eyes. That was when he took notice of the bouquet of narcissus clutched in your hand, tainted with blood despite your feeble efforts to save his gift. A soldier approached your corpse, intending to drag it down the steps for burial; but before they could touch you, Capitano appeared before them.
♡ It was only for a brief second, but the soldier drew back and cowered in fear. In the following days, they were haunted by the memory of the angelic figure who appeared outside the Church of Mondstadt. Or more precisely, the monster who prayed over a bloodstained corpse and took a bouquet of ruined flowers out of their grasp.
✿ ⚘
From the moment you wake up, all peace leaves the meadow.
What happened? Your memory comes back in hazy fragments—death, darkness, blinding light, pearly gates, ethereal figures. Most vivid is the sensation of strong arms and soft feathers, a familiar warmth which accompanied you throughout your journey.
As for your current surroundings, you are in a meadow so beautiful that it brings to mind the Garden of Eden. Flowers of every variety bloom across the scenery, some out of season. The sky is bright, sunless, a canvas of multiple colors. There are no other signs of life.
Internally, too, something feels off. A nearby pond provides a glimpse of your reflection—white garments, gold scars in place of your fatal injuries, your disoriented countenance. If this place is what you think it is…shouldn’t you feel at peace, happy even? And why are you alone?
Your gaze lands on a patch of flowers. Pure white, perianth petals, cup-shaped coronas…the same type of narcissus which grew in your favorite meadow. The flowers point in different directions, as though searching for a sun that does not exist.
“You are awake.”
A shadow touches your form, engulfing you in darkness. It bears a large, unrecognizable shape but such details evade you as you recognize the voice behind you.
“Capitano!” Immediately, you turn around, only to gasp and suppress a scream.
The person before you…can you even call him human? He is incredibly tall, to the point that you must crane your neck to see his face—assuming there is one beneath his iron mask. His body is clad in silver armor, stained blood in some places. A halo, shaped like a crown of thorns, shines behind his head.
But what shocks you are his wings. A single pair covered in radiant white feathers and eerily dark blue eyes. Each eye seems to glow with an uncanny aura.
Dark blue eyes with a striking resemblance to Capitano’s. What more for his long black hair and his solemn manner of speaking?
It doesn’t make your revelation any less unsettling.
“Capitano.” Your voice comes out in a nervous whisper. “Is it really you? You’re a…”
“An angel,” he confesses. He takes a step back, widening the distance between your bodies. “I ask that you pardon my appearance. Such was my sacrifice—for my true form, in all of its monstrosity, to be my sole image.”
His human face comes to mind, along with the kind gaze you fell in love with.
You feel the weight of multiple gazes on you. “What do you mean?”
“Is this realm to your satisfaction?” he asks. “I beseeched God to create a special paradise for you, cut off from the rest of Heaven. The price is that your capacity to feel negative emotions remains in this realm…though that is preferable.”
Preferable? How so? Right now, you can barely process what he is telling you. You are dead. Your companion is an angel. Your soul is in paradise, but not exactly.
After everything you’ve been through, you were still deemed worthy of a place in Heaven.
“I am sorry.”
Capitano’s voice brings you back to reality. He has never sounded more serious, emotional, repentant. And when you look up…
Is he crying?
Most of his eyes remain open, focusing on you with a fervent stare. But others are downcast, as if unable to face you. And a few appear glossy, blinking back iridescent tears.
“I am truly sorry.” He bows his head in shame, wings folded. “What I did to you was cruel, an absolute injustice.”
You don’t know which eyes to make contact with. “You—”
“It must have been painful,” he continues. “Even if I were to justify my actions, the truth lies in the fact that I tolerated your suffering for my own selfish desires. And that is why I ask not for your forgiveness, knowing I am the one at fault.”
Silence. In light of Capitano’s confession, all you can do is stare at him and comprehend the weight of your situation. What exactly are you supposed to feel, knowing his betrayal? Knowing that regardless of your feelings, you have nowhere else to go in the afterlife?
Yet despite it all, your prayer came true. The two of you were able to meet again.
And that is what compels you to take a step forward, to come closer until you are standing in front of him. “Hey, it’s…don’t cry.”
A delicate sensation blesses his wings—your hands carefully tracing his feathers to wipe away his tears. Several eyes widen in surprise, but all he can see in your gaze is sympathy.
“I’ll admit, it was painful,” you tell him. “Dying alone. But maybe it’s…better this way. If I survived, I’d have to deal with the loss of my home. And who knows what kind of living hell the other Church would’ve put me through?”
Above all, Capitano is the only person whose love you can believe in.
Hesitantly, you take his hand and intertwine your fingers. The next words to leave your lips are spoken with certainty, bringing fresh tears to his eyes.
“I’m sure it was an act of love on your part.”
His reaction is sudden, incurring your surprise. But all you can do is surrender to Capitano’s embrace, allow his free arm to hold your waist and pull you closer to him. His wings wrap around you, caging you in soft feathers and eerie blue orbs.
“Capitano?” You can only look up at him, peering into the contents of his mask.
…It’s like staring into an abyss, a night sky dotted with twinkling blue stars. But in the absence of a human likeness, his words express what a face cannot.
“Never again,” he vows, “shall I allow harm to befall you. That is a promise.”
The hand on your waist moves upwards to caress your face. His touch is light, more hesitant than his previous gestures.
“You need not serve God nor partake in fruitful labor like the other souls in Heaven. All I ask is that you rest, indulge yourself, enjoy this paradise to the fullest.”
A flower is pinned to his armor, right above his heart. You recognize it instantly—a narcissus in full bloom, stained with your blood.
“If you desire a flower, it shall grow at once. If there are any books you would like to read, they shall be brought to you shortly.”
What was the name of that variety again? Narcissus triandrus. Angel’s tears.
“If you are in need of my presence, I shall appear before you, so long as I am not in the midst of battle. And should you ever desire the opposite, I can promise my distance.”
When Capitano looks into your eyes, all he can see is his own reflection. Whatever emotion colors your gaze, it casts his true image in a compassionate light.
“I shall do everything in my power to bring you joy for all of eternity. Such will be my penance.”
“...All right.” With that, you close your eyes and lean into his touch. He feels warm, comfortingly familiar. “I’ll trust you on that.”
Rest in peace, ______.
Think not of your mortal body in the beginning stages of decay.
Think not of your tormentors who are paying for their sins in Hell.
Think only of eternity with your beloved savior.
More Church AU here!! Dottore ๑ Arlecchino ๑ Pantalone ๑ Pierro
Note:: Please do not send me any Church AU asks/ requests involving other characters or dynamics who are not listed in my masterlist.
Aahhhh it's done....this idea turned out much heavier than expected, but I'm glad that I was able to write this!! I hope you all cried over enjoyed the story of Angel! Capitano and his damsel. They were truly a delight to write for~
Tag a Capitano enjoyer!! @diodellet @navxry @leftdestiny-posts @beloved-blaiddyd @bye-bye-sunbird @yandere-romanticaa @harmonysanreads @mochinon-yah @oofasleep @micchikari @whispereons @thescribeoflostmemories
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thewordfortheday · 2 months
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Genesis 8:1 'God remembered Noah...'The Lord will not forget you or His promises to you. Noah had faced a great flood, but the Lord did not leave him in the flood.The Lord intervened and the floods and storms came to an end.
No matter how great the flood or how dark the storm, Jesus remembers you! He knows that you are in the midst of a perilous storm. He knows you need His strength and peace. He will sustain you. He will help you. Put your faith and trust in Jesus. He will never fail you.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You have promised never to leave me nor forsake me. You will remember me and bring me through the storms of life because I am Your child. In Jesus' Name, I ask, Amen.
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banishedchildofeve · 2 months
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♡.‧₊˚ Bible verses to remind you of your worth :
౨ৎ Psalm 139:13-14 : “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; yours works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
౨ৎ Hebrews 13:6 : “So we say with confidence, ‘the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’”
౨ৎ Jeremiah 29:11 : “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’”
౨ৎ Proverbs 31:25 : “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”
౨ৎ 1 Timothy 4:12 : “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
౨ৎ Deuteronomy 31:8 : “the Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.”
౨ৎ Jeremiah 17:7 : “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”
౨ৎ Philippians 4:13 : “I can do all through him who gives me strength.”
౨ৎ Philippians 4:6-7 : “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.”
₊⋆·˚ ⁀➴ ༉‧₊˚. ₊ ⊹ 𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✧˚ .
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To: The Discouraged
"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." - Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
Discouragement can often weigh us down, making us feel overwhelmed and helpless in the face of life's challenges. This verse provides inspiration, reminding us that we are never alone in our journey through life. Even in the midst of difficulties and uncertainties, this verse encourages us to trust in the presence of a guiding and caring God. It's a reminder that we can take each step with confidence, knowing that we are accompanied by divine love and protection.
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4him-iwrite · 1 month
You can face ANYTHING, when you face it with God!
Life is messy, complicated, and sometimes just down right hard! But the good thing about the tough times is that we don’t have to go through them alone. Though I wish everyday and every season I went through would be sunshine and rainbows, unfortunately, that’s not how life works. But I know one thing, if I must go through troubles of any kind, I’d rather go through them with a friend, than alone. A lot of times I get so caught up in the “woe is me” mentality, and I wallow in my sorrows mistakenly thinking that no one can save me. BUT! My God has promised to never leave me nor forsake me. I go through NOTHING alone. He alone is my rock and my fortress. He is the one that helps me get up in the morning when all I want to do is stay in bed and cry. He is the one who gets me to take the first step when all I want to do is refuse to move. He is the only way out and through any hardship I go through. Spiritual warfare is real and comes in many different forms...and It absolutely sucks. It is draining and at times almost soul crushing but I know it is for my good, and I know that the battle has already been won. I AM VICTORIUOS through Christ. If I must go through spiritual warfare, I choose to go through it with God, with my head held high knowing that the enemy will not prevail! I'll choose God every time even when my face is stained with tears and my feet feel like stones! Be encouraged friend! The battle has already been won! You can face and go through ANY situation when you face it with God!
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inutargaryen · 1 month
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Brother, stretch your hands
Plot: Jacaerys is haunted by the memories of his brother.
Words:580 Type: One Shot CW: Grief, angst, death
Sleep will not find him. It has not found him since he returned from the North on dragonback, Lucerys' voice and screams echoing him in the wind. It calls out to him and says save me brother, take my hands. He whipped Vermax to the sound, spinning in circles to find the source, to find his brother, to save him from the wet cold water, his final resting place. And now, as he lay in bed the walls scream to him, save me brother, take my hands.  Haunting him, reminding him that his brother is not there.
When sleep does take over, he is awoken by the memory of your smile. He screams into the night, Lucerys---brother, friend. He is the elder, it is his duty to go first, Lucerys to carry on without him. Why couldn’t you follow the natural order of things? Why did the Stranger forsake him, taking his brother’s life first. His brother was not built for war, nor a messenger. Jace remembers his conversation with his brother and holds at his own throat. Luce says, brother I am scared. And like the cunt that he has become he tells you, it is your duty to be man. Leaving you without comfort, without guidance, without the love or embrace of your brother. And now, Jace would never know what it was like to hold you again. 
The wind whispers to him, brother I am scared, I am scared. Jace holds his palms to his ears to block the noise. But the image of you being torn down by the grips of Vhagar’s jaws floods his senses. His babe brother, who cried at the sound of thunder. Who indulged in sweets and preferred the lap of his grandsire to the floor. He can see the shape of  mouth as it forms in an ‘o’, fear and sadness -- and your eyes that search for brother, to save you as he always did. 
But you saved him once, didn’t you? Brought a blade to the eye of the fruit of Alicent’s rotten womb. You showed strength and honor, and still your brother called you a coward in sparring. Still he scoffed as you say, brother lay with me for the thunder brings fear to my heart. Brother, brother, brother. All of your calls unanswered, he will live with a debt he cannot repay. He cannot replace all his scowls with a smile, all his smacks with an embrace. All Jace can do is close his eyes and remember his brother’s face, and hope there never comes a day that he cannot recall. Your button nose, your soft jaw, your smile when you were being mischievous. In  your memory he breaks, he screams and cries and curses the Gods both old and new. His sobs are weak, then powerful, then nothing. Tears don’t form but the screams continue. They ache inside of his soul. 
He is broken, he does not know life without you, how can he go on? And still the wind whispers,  save me brother, take my hands. And he screams brother who am I if I cannot protect you! What am I brother if I did not protect you? What am I, brother? Brother, stretch your hands. And he stretches his hands to your ghost, every time you grow further and further away from his grasp. He has failed his brother, he has betrayed his blood, he lives with your ghost in his heart and in these walls. 
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vole-mon-amour · 6 months
1x09, part 3.
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I'm so sad for him. He would literally forgive her ANYTHING.
He's TERRIFIED at the idea of losing her. And he's so right, Vi can't bring back Powder. It was so obvious when Jinx lit a fire & Vi got a taste of what Jinx is like these days. Vi wouldn't be able to control her, nor would she be able to love her when she's like this. The problem is, it IS her nowadays. There is no Powder anymore. It's such a fucking tragedy that Silco dies.
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Honestly, say it, Silco. V is into Caitlyn now way more than she is into Jinx. Actually, she's not into Jinx at all. Again, there is NO Powder. Every time Vi calls her that, I cringe. I can't stand that name, it's simply not her. Just like Silco says, "that girl does not exist anymore".
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And it's only them, you see? And she's his daughter, you see? ;______; The way he loves her, help. ;___; The look he gives her. It doesn't fucking matter she kidnapped him and tied him up and gagged him, he doesn't fucking care, he only wants her and he wants her to stay with him. ;_____; All the walls around him fall apart for her sake. He's the most vulnerable with her.
"I'll never forsake you." The voice acting. The animation. I feel unwell.
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Gods, he's so scared she will leave him. So confused about her dropping her gun.
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He's like a caged animal when he grabs Jinx's gun. Vi only made it worse for Jinx. But yeah, just like Jinx said, it's up to Vi if she gets Jinx or Powder, and Vi's shouting and SIlco's death sealed the deal.
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She really caresses behind his ear as he's bleeding out. Oh, the fucking tragedy. ;___;
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"Don't cry. You're perfect." FUCK OFFFFF. The pain is real and I am feeling it. Like, no stills or gifs can truly makes you feel the same if you don't remember the tone of his voice, the feelings in his voice.
"I hope you know we had everything, When you broke me and left these pieces."
Honestly, the difference between Jinx getting Vander killed and Jinx getting Silco killed is that Vi means it and she leaves her. Yes, they were kids, full stop. She gave into those emotions, though. For the moment, she hated Jinx & she meant it. She can never love Jinx.
Jinx kills Silco? He tells her not to cry. He tells her JINX is perfect. She kills him and yet, she's his entire word. "I'll never forsake you. <...> I never would have given you to them. Not for anything." and he MEANS it. As he bleeds out while she holds his face, he tells her not to cry and that she's PERFECT.
"'Cause I, I was meant to be yours."
Yeah, they can all burn, indeed.
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V is so confused because how can her sister feel all those feelings for Silco? How can she cry for him? He's a monster, he deserved to die, didn't he? Yeah, she just doesn't understand. Fuck. (breaks down) I love Silco so much.
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"Even though I'm different." That's exactly the problem. Vi can't love her as she is now. Silco could. He did.
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I'm going to miss him so much.
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I hope she doesn't die in s2 (or turns into something that's completely unrecognizable). I really fucking hope so. ;____; And man, Silco is so beautiful. Was? Anyway.
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She's alive! My girl is alive! Maybe she'll take over the undercity without Silco? "What we could've been." right when they focus on her and Silco's empty chair. Gods. I'm hurting. The song at the end is absolutely perfect and I can't stop crying.
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Oh, Ekko found himself a friend. Oh, what could've been, indeed. This is such a great alliance because Ekko is somewhat a scientist himself and he's open-minded and he has nothing to gain, so he gladly shares about his experience with Heimerdinger.
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The animation is incredible. And Vi still chooses Caitlyn over Jinx. Like I said she would. :(
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Even Viktor looks hopeful. Season 2, "Devastating"? "No one is going to be happy after watching it"? Oh, they're going to break me.
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dearjewels22 · 1 year
f a i t h
Trying to hear the voice of God in the midst of a storm is the biggest challenge I’m facing right now. Faith without works is dead. But what if the "work" that I put in is not what He wants/needs me to do? I have discernment for blatant bad decisions, however, what if a good choice to me isn’t what He had planned for me? What if I choose wrong? “Faith,” I know. “Don’t question Him,” I know! But my brain won’t turn off the fear of failure for choosing wrong... moving 10 steps back... in a deeper hole. Disappointing Him...and myself.
“Faith”.... I KNOOOOWWW!
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jesuschristisgod · 6 days
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Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
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wiirocku · 5 months
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Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV) - The LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
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christianchasity · 11 months
Happy Wednesday Everyone!
I hope everyone had a great Halloween! Remember to have faith in the Lord.
Hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
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thewordfortheday · 3 months
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He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart. Isaiah 40:11
It is when we are discouraged and lonely and feel as if the flood waters have overwhelmed us, we must remember He is carrying us. When life's raging seas threaten to drown us and we feel like we are sinking lower and lower, we must never forget that Jesus holds us so close to His heart, we can never slip away from His grasp. 
He is never going to leave you nor forsake you. His nail scarred hand will comfort you and rescue you out of the deep waters. 
Dear Lord, Help me to always know that you are very near, nearer than the air I breathe and that I don't need to fear. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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edenslice · 11 months
aziraphale and crowley share a lot of parallels to jesus and judas, if you think about it real hard.
i mean.
i've talked about this before but crowley shares so many parallels to jesus; serpent of eden, lamb of god. perpetuator of original sin, died for humanity's sins. both having intricate scapegoat symbolism tied to their characters, crowley's affinity for goats (seen during the ark and the job minisode). alpha and omega—crowley with the first woman and being the reason why judgement was cast on humanity, jesus with the last man and being the reason why judgement is lifted. condemned for something they cannot control; crowley's curious nature that got him expelled from the kingdom of heaven and jesus' divine bloodline that marked him for inescapable painful death the moment he was conceived. god forsaking them during the most crucial points of their lives.
and, likewise, aziraphale also shares many parallels to judas. in my honest opinion. judas's betrayal of jesus fully believing his and his beloved's pain will be worth it, that it will save everyone, that rome will leave his people alone if he sacrifice the messiah—aziraphale's betrayal of crowley fully believing his and the demon's pain will be worth it in the end because his sacrifice will change heaven once and for all. both being wrong, and both never having the chance to explain nor articulate how grandiose their love is until it was too late. how judas acted as a foil to jesus and often drove him insane, and how a crucial part of aziraphale's ineffable dance with crowley is his refusal and denial.
jesus had asked judas to kill him, and then demanded more of him by asking him to live, to live despite committing the worst sin, to live despite betraying himself and the truth of his love.
and yet he loves him anyway.
crowley grabbed aziraphale by his lapels and kissed him, asked him to stay, that if he leaves for heaven there will be no crowley. no nightingales. no good wine and good books and simple goodness, something that heaven can't even afford. crowley had asked aziraphale to kill him, then asked him to live despite it—killing what was supposed to be quiet and gentle and romantic in a desperate attempt to prevent aziraphale from doing what was good.
and yet he forgives him anyway.
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