#He was so cool and went thru so much development
leronboi · 1 year
Brooooo my favorite character in mha fuckin died
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greenerteacups · 28 days
Hey GT, glad to see you're back! I'm still halfway thru Lionheart (just read the world cup chapter, what a delight) and your notes got me wondering.
I'm sure you've probably answered this before but how do you manage to make the world feel so rich? I'm not that into the fandom so I don't know If there are some things fanon agreed upon or if it is your own musings about the magic world. Like Draco explaining to Hermione about portkeys or how many languages Krum speaks.
How do you decide what's important enough to get a mention? Where do you go when you need answers and Canon is not enough to provide it?
Thanks for the kind words, and for the question! It's a matter of personal taste, like anything. Some writers prefer an athletic, streamlined plot, with only as much worldbuilding as you absolutely need (how does Panem run a command economy of 4.5 million people primarily on fossil fuels when its coal district has a population of less than 10,000? fuck off! who cares! they're Y/A dystopias about a TV show where teens beat each other to death!). Some writers, on the other hand, won't bother to start the story until they know the pH of the soil in every region of the world they're writing about. I'm somewhere on the second half of the scale, in that I'll give details that aren't strictly necessary to the plot, just because I like to feel like I'm writing about a world where real, extraneous things can happen. Some details are foreshadowing; some details are Special Mouseketools that will Help Us Later; and sometimes, you just get to know a cool fact about portkeys.
I guess part of the fun of building out a world is getting to think about Everything, which is what my brain normally does. I have a pretty broad body of literature as a starting gate, so there's plenty of room to play. E.g., when I started writing Krum, I thought about how he's not super fluent in English in canon, and that naturally made me ask why, because he clearly has taken English, so either he only started lessons recently or it hasn't been a priority for him; and then I went "wait, what's his first language? Bulgarian, right? But Durmstrang isn't — hang on—" and then I pulled up an actual map of Europe, which led me to realize that he wouldn't likely be speaking his first language at Durmstrang, which means he already had to become bilingual just to start his wizarding education, and that explains part of why he doesn't have a ton of time/effort to spare for a third language, plus he'd probably have a translator available whenever he traveled with a team because he's a B.F.D. — etc., etc. And then you keep thinking about that until you remember that you're supposed to be writing a fic, and you scramble to get back to doing that. Only now, you have worldbuilding! Congrats.
To try for an even halfway useful answer to your question: worldbuilding becomes most important when it creates limitations, because limitations define your characters and give them chances to develop/reveal themselves. So the details of portkeys become important because they explain the limitations of magical travel, which is a big nebulous ??? in the original series, since the introduction of teleportation via Apparating means that all other forms of transportation become inefficient by comparison. It also means the limitations introduced by travel — that is, not all characters can be in all places at once — also go away, because anyone can be anywhere immediately. From a narrative perspective, this sucks massive horse ass. Hence: I dumped a shit ton of limitations on Apparation (i.e., (1) it requires a ton of energy, (2) it's really fucking hard, (3) it's really fucking dangerous, (4) it's more of both the farther away you're going, (5) it's more of both the more people you take with you, (6) you can't Apparate without a clear destination in mind which means (7) you need to have been there already, and so (8) some people prefer not to do it). Hence, I also put limitations on portkeys (i.e., they have to be set up well in advance, you need to identify out both destinations precisely beforehand, and the calculations are difficult to do). Those limitations, and the Watsonian explanations you create for them, are your worldbuilding. They're what make the world feel real, because they give it grit and character. They give you a more complete sense of what you can and cannot do.
The rest of it is taste and preference, really; it's what interests you, and what parts of the world you want to explore. That's going to be unique to every author, and that's the beauty of worldbuilding — it reflects the parts of the world that you like to think about.
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breathe-2am · 6 months
hey idk how to tell u this but the big cliffhanger in s1 isn’t the crew being separated it’s stede going out to find ed when ed has fallen so deep into heartbreak and self-loathing that he’s destroyed stede’s ship and split up their crew. the cliffhanger is about “how will ed and stede fix their relationship after stede broke ed’s heart and ed went off the deep end?”
bc what’s going on with the crew is not the main storyline. the main storyline is the romance between ed and stede, djenks has said this many times. the main plotline is the development of ed and stede’s relationship. the show didn’t “shove most of the characters into 1 minute scenes between much longer gentlebeard arcs” in 2.04, the crew was just part of the B plot that episode, which is to be expected because they are all side characters who are always in B or C plots if they’re not part of the plot with the main characters (ed and stede). the main A plot of 2.04 is ed and stede making up now that they’ve finally been reunited, and the show develops this storyline in a rewrite/adaptation/homage to the play who’s afraid of virginia woolfe.
it’s fine if u don’t like gentlebeard or if your main enjoyment from the show is izzy/the crew, but if that’s the case for you then unfortunately you’re always have a harder time enjoying ofmd bc the writing in the show is always going to prioritize gentlebeard over the other characters. the crew reuniting was always going to be much less important than ed and stede reuniting and making up. that’s what david jenkins meant when he said “the show is the relationship.”
Heyo! I see my meme has breached the side of ofmd tumblr I usually interact with, which is really cool! Thanks for stopping by haha
I think your response is so emblematic of the shift the show went thru from season 1 to season 2- namely, that season 1 was an ensemble show and season 2 was not. Stede was the main character, yes, and he got more backstory and focus than a lot of the crew, but the story of the show in s1 was that it was a bunch of people with conflicting personalities shoved onto a boat together. Stede’s the center, but every other character gets focus as well. This show, by djenks own admission, was not originally intended to be a rom-com romance between stede and ed. He said that he didn’t commit to actually have them be together until filming season 1 episode 6- more than halfway thru the story of the first season, and that it was mainly due to rhys and taika’s acting that made him change it from an unrequited love to a relationship. So while the story is a lot about gentlebeard, saying that every other character is secondary to them and their romance isnt true.
I think a great example to bring up would be season 1 episode 7, the episode that solidifies (via lucius) that yes, this is happening. This is a very relationship heavy episode, but crucially gb isn’t the only focus.
Here's a breakdown: we start w a 1:00 gb scene, then roach comes in asking about the oranges, which leads to a 2:00 scene w the whole crew that sets up the episodes plot (swede has scurvy, we need to get more oranges). Jim protests going to st augustine, which is followed by a 1:00 scene between jim and olu, including a jim flashback. Stede and lucius return with the treasure map, there’s 1:30 more of the whole crew, then we go into the captains cabin for 1:00 of stede, ed, and lucius. 6 minutes into the ep flashes to the crew on land, a 0:50 conversation between jim and olu, then 2:00 of the whole crew, ending then nana invites them all to eat some cake at 8:15. We then go to stede, lucius, and ed in the marketplace until the 9 minute mark (abt 0:45), then back to the church where olu and jim talk to nana for 1:15, including more jim flashbacks. Back to the adventure w stede ed and lucius, which is 2 scenes back to back, totally about 3:00 (the “oh my god this is happening” scene). Then back to the church for jim olu and nana, a 1:00 jim flashback inside a 3:00 scene. Then back to the captains and lucius for 1:30, then to jim and olu, more jim flashback, then the a and b plots converge at the 2:30 mark when jim sees stede digging up their tree. Stede, ed, and lucius exit the scene after 1:30, jim and olu have a conversation for another 1:00. We see the crew leaving, then olu and nana talk, which all takes 2:00. Back on the boat, ed and stede become co-captains in a 0:45 scene, then the final 1:30 of the ep is izzy at jackie’s with 1:30 credits
Gentlebeard: 9:00, whole crew: 5:30, Jim and Olu: 11:35, Izzy: 1:30, credits: 1:30
I would say that s1e7 is the most overtly gb episode before the kiss in s1e9. But as you can see, it’s not just gb. There’s a lot of focus on jim, who gets multiple filmed flashbacks, there’s scenes w jim, olu, and nana, there’s scenes of the whole crew together, stede and ed are really only oncscreen together for abt 9 minutes- not even 1 third of the episode. And this is the ep that says directly to the audience “yes, they have a romance building”. I’m not trying to say w this that every member of the crew needs to b given equal screentime, bc that didn’t happen here obv, but everyone is doing something, and the plot is moving forward propelled by more than just the gb relationship.
Now this is very much changed in season 2.
S2e4 starts with 0:20 of stede waking ed up, then 0:45 of stede and the crew, 0:30 of ed and buttons, izzy’s w the unicorn for 1:00. The crew kick ed off the boat in a 1:15 scene. Now at the 2:25 mark we get to the plots splitting. Ed has a 1:15 scene on land, 0:45 is spent talking to a bunny. Stede and buttons find anne and mary’s antique store after 0:45 of walking. The scene in the antique porch is 2:15. Back to the revenge where there’s a 1:00 scene where wee john, roach, and pete talk about how the kraken crew, lucius, and izzy are different, and the kraken crew thinks they’re plotting to kill them. Already we go back to anne and mary’s where theres various conversations for 3:00. We go back to the revenge for a 0:45 scene where the revenge crew scare the kraken crew and lucius by trying to surprise them. Back to land, where anne and stede and mary and ed talk for 2:00. Back to the revenge for a 1:45 scene w the crews, izzy enters at the 1:00 mark and then crawls away. Well that’s that, we go back to the dinner on land for 1:00, then ed storms out and he and stede have a conversation on the couch for 2:15. Anne and mary reenter, followed by a 3:00 argument that ends with anne burning down the house and they don’t kiss for some reason. We have a 0:20 scene of the crew preparing the unicorn leg, izzy is in his room and received the leg in a 0:40 scene, and well it’s been a whole minute on the revenge, time to go back to ed and stede for 1:00, ed and buttons talk end when buttons turns into a seagull after 1:30. Ed and stede talk for 0:30, and then we end w izzy the new unicorn for 0:45. Credits are again 1:30.
Gentlebeard: 19:50, whole crew: 5:05, Izzy: 3:10, credits: 1:30
To illustrate my point, i made some graphs
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You don’t even have to think very hard to see the change in distribution of screentime season 1 vs season 2. And i’d argue that this is absolutely to the show’s detriment, because that ensemble cast is given way less time to shine, grow, or even speak. Notice how for the second chart there isn’t a jim and olu section? Yea that’s cause Jim has 10 lines this whole episode, and Olu has 5. Two characters, whose relationship, backstory, and plot takes up more screentime than gentlebeard’s in season 1, have a combined 15 lines between them, only 4 of which are longer than 1 sentence- 2 for jim, 2 for olu, and those lines are two sentences long. god bless us every one.
I get that there’s a large subset of the ofmd fandom that only cares abt ed and stede. I get that that’s how u find enjoyment in the show, and u know what? All the power to u. I’m not saying stop liking the show, stop liking gentlebeard, stop caring abt these characters. I don’t like gentlebeard, but i used to, and i remember really really loving ed and stede and their relationship in season 1. That changed in season 2 because of ed’s abusive actions and stede pivoting from being an independent character to just basically following whatever ed says (but that’s a story for another day).
But let’s be honest with each other, and with ourselves: season 1 was an ensemble show. Season 2 narrowed its focus to gentlebeard, while also making it (for some people) harder to like. That’s why a lot of people (myself included) didn’t like season 2 as much as season 1.
Also, just to focus back in on the original issue, the meme was not about gentlebeard. It was about Anne and Mary. And there is literally no way you can convince me that they were used as well as they could have been, or that they were implemented into the story in a smart, necessary, or even respectful way.
Because i'm a nice person, i made a brand new updated meme just for u, anon!
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roo-brr · 1 month
Alright...the oc 😈 YOU'LL HAVE TO BARE WITH ME CUZ I YAPPED THE PROCESS I WENT THRU 😭 the pic where its sitting while scratching is the most accurate drawing :]
He's but a very nice & silly guy. I made him for a lil side story kinda like a "what if" for "Fear of You" (by @sleepwalkersqueen on Ao3!!!) for her character Shinyo!
I just wanted Shinyo to have a friend yk 😭 seems like he could use one. And so... I got thinking... I was like HMMM what quirk could the guy have? And I'm basic so I googled animals, and I like wolves, but I thought nahhh wolves are probs used too much ykyk so I looked for animals that were similar but different. And I came across maned wolves!!!!! And I thought they were so cool!!!!! (I would later find out that they are particularly enjoyed by the furry fandom lmao, hell yea)
AND SO. With little faith in my drawing skills... I made him on Pony Town. I've posted him with my other ponies before actually!
Here he is:
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The right one was one of the first versions, I fixed his hair to be a more similar shade to maned wolves. And fix his ears and other stuff. He no longer has the lighter eye either I need to update that. BUT ANYWAY!!!
Eventually I DID draw him, and then tried a fuller body version to fit his tail in...
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I forgot to give him life to the eyes. Anyways, my 1st 2 drawings of the lad. AND THEN I STARTED LOOKING AT POSE REFS ON PINTEREST. AND I FOUND ONE I LIKED AND DREW HIM IN IT !!!!!!
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I didn't know what to do for the background alright don't say anything.
I typed stuff about him for artfight but it's helpful again now so .... theres a good bit of his info!!!!!
Again like I said, he was made to be Shinyo's friend. In a world where Shinyo was able to get Keigo away with a proper home and into a school.
I'd happily answer questions about him. He's still like errr under development I suppose? So idk everything, but I know bits and bobs like his job and stuff.
Choosing his name was a whole thing too I won't start on that
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the-gayest-show · 2 months
WOFTFI 2023 Review (+ Arc Thoughts Ish)
as a small intro, ive been getting into smg4. A guilty pleasure almost, but uhhh the smg4 merch looks banger af so uhhhh uhhh (also mr puzzles this was his fault too)
watching the puzzlevision arc is great and im doing it in the order prescribed by the smg4 wiki bc fans know best.
anyways im finished the movie and i want to review this thing because i have Thoughts (spoilers under the cut since idk if anyone in this fandom cares [i dont interact with it at all atm] but i do):
I dont really know much about SMG4’s other arcs and previous versions of this movie (i watched like maybe 3 r64 episodes before this, feel free to flame me for it) but this movie was damn good.
though i havent watched the livestream in which apparently all the decisions were made, i find it so interesting that the fans got to choose how the movie went! I love this idea of experimenting with audience feedback and it’s genuinely made for a fun movie!
Like the few smg4 movies, ive watched prior (western spaghetti and its gotta be perfect), the style of animation is good! Ive read thru yt comments that say this is a step up from what it used to be before and such and im inclined to believe it!
The battles were fun and action packed and the whole “spy rizz” meter was a great aspect! If i were a fan back then and i voted, it wouldve been so fun to see whether i chose right or wrong! Great fun!
i like the relationship development of smg3 and 4. Genuinely i love their dynamic a lot and seeing the development even if its just screentime is like enrichment to me (i ship them too now. Getting gay married would solve their problems /silly /hj)
i like how in the end smg3 DOES care for smg4 and crew and moved in closer to them (one criticism: i may be stupid but it took me wayyyy longer than needed to realize smg3 wasnt actively living in the showgrounds before this ? He appeared so often its like he lived there but he lived in that weird ahh starbucks still? Crazy.)
the notebook had a doodle of smg4 and 3 sharing coffee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
i also like the mr puzzles foreshadowing here (call it foreshadowing when his face gets revealed for real in this movie). Generally, what ive noticed is that every time mr puzzles related shit happens, its got that stupid music attached to it. A motif. (I cant get that shit out of my head) and how the puzzlevision logo appears too. In this movie it made a glitched appearance and the theme is once again burned into my brain.
Knowing exactly what mr puzzles sounds like, the voice distortion on his voice was cool as fuck. So was that wall break. Crazy shit.
Overall 10/10, will continue watching this arc and eventually ill go backwards in continuity and watch the other arcs (feel free to roast me for this decision but mr puzzles brainrot and i was unable to not think about the puzzle vision parts I DID watch.)
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peachpopfizz · 8 months
yk the first couple of episode drops were a bit ehh to me but like.. these two just hit Right. maybe bc i knew what to expect pacing/story wise now? either way, they're def my faves so far, especially ep 5. that's my Favorite favorite :]
spoilers for both eps under the cut, mostly just me blabberin abt what i liked (warning: its alotta alastor)
for ep 5, at first i thought charlastors/radiobelles were winning (and while i don't ship it myself, i was happy for em) but then the realization of 'wait wait wait this isn't romo at all, alastors tryna be a FATHER FIGURE?!' hit instead and i went WILD bc thats 1000% my preferred dynamic for charlie and al. so uh.. yippee dadlastors, sorry charlastors..? gsjahafdaj
also the "Ha! Fuck you." im normal im normal im NORMAL im SOOOO FUCKIN NORMAL (IM CRAZY IM VRAZY I CRAZY IM CRASTY IM FUCKI)
mimzy!! (mimzie??) her intro was abrupt, but she seems like a doll, and her hug with al was real cute. tho i do think she needed that metaphorical kick in the ass abt al's thoughts when it comes to her leeching off his strength for protection. about that..
and one more thing b4 i move onto ep 6, i've already seen some ppl comparing what al did to husk in the hall to angel and val's dynamic, and while i do agree the two are both trapped in unsavory deals (loser, baby literally confirms this) i don't think al's ANYWHERE near as bad as val. was what he did fucked up? oh, yes, definitely. but it really?? shouldn't be surprising??? al's in hell ‘n has all this status for a reason, so i was really just waitin for a moment like that to happen. however, it didn't do any lasting damage. at least i really wouldn't say so. most it did was scare the shit out of husk for a minute, nowhere close to what val does to angel on the daily (see: episode 6). tho im willing to admit i might be lookin thru rose colored glasses bc i love al as a character. my opinion might change when/if the actual conditions of al and husks deal are revealed, but as of rn, i think al acted as he did there bc husk attacked a reeeally sensitive subject. he would've just been the petty bitch he always is if husk said like.. anythin else. oh and uhh yeah im abt 85% sure he and lilith have SOMETHING goin on. idk who the hell else would be powerful enough to have alastor on a leash
..oh yeah, lastly, lucifer was cool :] silly silly guy (with lotsa trauma) that hit me right in the daddy issues. funny tho, i rlly dont have much to say abt the guy despite the ep literally being focused on him. his song with charile was spectacular though, i need to listen to it on its own immediately
okokok, episode 6, finally, hopefully shorter than the mess of text above
first off. vaggie = fallen angel theorists, i would like to bow down and apologize for ever doubting you. i was one of the skeptics, i really was, but the show did it in a way that (albeit rushed, but what hasn't been so far?, thaaanks, 8-episode limit..) made it seem believable, with assdam calling her out for it..
but putting adam aside, uh, lute?? maam?? holy fuck, step on me??? please???? i mean uh. sick character design yk ahah ^^
whats her name.. emily? the younger seraphim girl, i liked her, she was a cutie. she really did just seem like heavens version of charlie. and the older seraphim woman i (expectedly) have mixed feelings abt. i feel like all would've be great it adam got outta her damn ear cause she might've actually be down to try the hotel with em gone.. angel was doing so well
speaking of angel, ANGEL!! oh lookit that character development, charlie's gonna be so fuckn proud!!! also, CHERRI!!!! saw someone else say cherris the devil on angels shoulder while husks the (heh) angel, and i have to say i agree. they both want the best for him, they just have different ways of goin about it.
unsurprisingly, fuck Valentino. although i did notice he was wearing a dress today, so. (through gritted teeth) slay.
thiiink that's all i gotta say for today?? besides the fact that next week is gonna be agonizing, ofc :] buckle up ppl we might get a genuine, emotional chaggie fight come next thursday
..oh yeah!! molly!!! we briefly saw molly!!!! i hope youre absolutely thriving girl, you deserve no less <3
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abimee · 8 months
so tbh i was hard on nier:a while playing it cos i don't really like a lot of the anime tropes BUT i really like tragedies and i was promised some twists, and got some. but i wanted to ask you how you felt about the pacing. basically, did it feel like there was a solid line connecting plot points, or do you feel like certain things happened at random? barring the fact that yoko taro said he literally wrote the story out of order, is that how it felt to you? imo it felt really rushed through super cool parts and like things that were annoying or setpieces ran on for too long. ig i'm still fked up over how much it fell short of my expectations bc even after playing nier:a completely thru and h8ing how absurdly film-student its tone and ideology are, i was hyperfixated enough to read some of the side literature and learn drakengard lore. tl;dr, nier:a is cool and has some fun parts but i wish the android were more mature (or artificial) in physicalilty to avoid weird anime loli baiting in the fans and also they'd asked a writer to help revise and implement the og author's ideas okay bye thx for reading my rant ♡ i'm glad u had fun and ur fanart abt a2 and the indoor grill made me cough
ill gladly listen to people bitch about yoko taro ive had PROBLEMS with this man since a young age ☝️☝️☝️☝️
I was actually thinking about the pacing and insertion of certain scenes/plot points today because admittedly like. okay this might be all over the place but
The start of the game (Route A + B) was like pretty solid pacing I think due to being low risk, and I thought it was cool that the game let you see 9S' side of things --- but it really started to fumble when it got into it's moe complex storylines in C-D-E and went on to deposit a lot of information on it to the point where it felt like we were forgetting entire plots and characters because something new and shiny showed up
Like okay first off. Adam and Eve and the aliens. We never once got any sort of explanation WHY adam + eve killed the aliens, or why the aliens made the machines, but within that general thought we did learn that humans died before going to the moon (and possibly even before the aliens came?), and that YoRHa's only goal was to fight the machines until a specified amount of data was gotten and then they were to explode. Never did we get more elaboration on the aliens or adam/eve, and while we got some YoRHA spotlight stuff it also entirely just decided that explaining the true mission behind making YoRHa and why the androids had to die is beyond it. Which frustrated me because it Brings Up Ideas but doesn't specify if thats the true reason, like we learned that the machines fight purely because that was there sole reason, and so they made an enemy for themselves purely to enact that goal that the aliens gave --- but then it even goes ''haha okay but hear me out'' and introduces Red Girl and this vague idea of the Machine Ego and wanting to defy their masters of the aliens, but then DOESN'T ELABORATE WHY. Like we don't know WHY adam and eve and the machine ego wanted to develop enough to defy their machine logic and purpose because it wraps back around to ''theyre human just like us because they want to defy their masters because.... they're human like us?"
Like it often felt like some concepts or plots brought up walked itself in a circle, dog-chasing-tail style, where it's entirely contained within itself and refuses to expand upon it's existence, which then causes it to get sort of left behind when the plot finds a new fancy idea to latch onto. Like how quickly the story introduced, focused on, then discarded Adam & Eve is almost criminal because of the things it could've done with them literally as the closest approximation to what the Machine Ego/Red Girls wanted, since they defied their creator's orders to be their own selves. Eve especially feels wasted in this regard --- like if the plot spent a little more time focusing on Eve & Adam in a B-plot scenario showing Eve and Adam learning more from humans and even leaning into Eve's wants that we saw in his mind when 9S hacked him (the human home built around him and his brother, and his brother wanting to go somewhere peaceful with him). Like they even could've tied that to when they get on the Ark and leave and Adam is holding Eve, that's literally Adam bringing Eve somewhere peaceful, but because those two instances are so seperated from each other and their own sort of throw-away concepts it becomes hard to Remember the tether between those two thoughts
This is also my biggest problem with A2's writing, I can only assume she's meant to be a Kaine-type character (and boy did my eyes momentarily widen seeing Emil say ''it must be fate that we've met!" to her) where her reserved nature and somewhat limited character blends in with her personality, but they really could've just given us like at least 2 more hours-game to learn about her past rather than just infodump us with her lore in some logs at the Resistance Camp. This is another problem Red Girl had where I feel like the fact you get unit data on them that basically explains away the confusing parts of their involvement in the lore felt cheap because this game has over 40+ hours under it's belt but couldn't be damned to give us information on our main antagonist directly in the game instead of in a post-credit LOG?
Like okay. I love my baby boy emil. He is the most special boy in the world to me and I am so happy seeing him get a pretty decent character arc for himself in the sequel to his original iteration. But why do we learn information about Emil more easily than the Red Girls? No unit data paragraph, no document information to read, no external book needing to be sourced. You learn whats up with him, why his big event out in the desert happens, and how it ends. You even get TWO special areas involving him. Red Girl gets to speak for a little bit and then vanish. It just astonishes me a bit
And it's not like the game doesn't try to expand characters last-minute either, that entire cutscene where Pascal reads Nietszche and then gets surrounded by the baby machines before the events of the Factory/suicide felt so forced in suddenly that it felt rather obvious something was going to happen. And I say this as someone who was in tears seeing Pascal get called ''uncle Pascal'' and see him defend the children in the factory --- it was super obvious that they possibly didn't originally plan that scene but needed something to really show that Village acted just like a human community with children and babysitters and family. Like not to be like ''this couldve been something beautiful'' but i think giving us a little time between A2 and the Village more could've done something beautiful. A2 getting the necessities to build the slide definitely made me drop to my knees but I noticed even the LPer was confused why A2 had a crying child inside of her as her enemy at the end of the hacking (like how 9S had 2B at the end of his destroying his memories), but the game didn't do anything with that besides lightly imply A2 lets down her mean bit for children sometimes (and again. why is this Kaine behavior). And then the fucking laughing children sound at the end of the route where she hacks 9S and she looks to the sky like ? This is all very interesting but it doesnt mean anything.
NOT TO MENTION 2B BEING AN EXECUTIONER TYPE. COOL CONCEPT BUT IT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING IN THE END. It's just another thing to tack onto 9S's migraine of learning everything is a lie but nothing gets DONE with that incredibly interesting though afterwards because we never see 2B after that because she's been dead for a while now. We had a brief hint at it when we heard that transmission of 2B being her new name but the payoff just doesn't work if you just state it and then not do anything with it.
There's many cases of this and I notice it with how much questions I have that simply have no answer in this game despite the fact we have nearly 5 routes worth of time that could've gone into either sticking to like 3 ideas to the end or bridging the gaps, Which the story Does Do Sometimes! Red Girl talking about fucking up its own network to make pacifistic machines that want nothing to do with the war, the lie of YoRHA
OH MY GOD ALSO. SPEAKING OF RANDOMLY PUSHING STUFF IN. OPERATOR 210. The fact that they wanted to pull the whole ''she was curt and distant with 9S but secretly saw him as like a son because she wanted a family :(" could've gone INSANE if they didn't decide they wanted to bring that idea in at the last possible second and make 210 randomly baby 9S (and then make him point out how strange she's acting), and then ignore that until we get to the cutscene that they wanted to make for it. Like they could've had 210 start out as curt and distant, but as 9S operations with 2B got more dangerous she could've started laying on the doting mother thing, but it just came so abruptly in Route.....C? That it felt forced and rather last-minute, like they finished writing A and B and someone walked in and went ''wait I want 210 to see 9S as her son :(" and this is how they crammed it in
oh this post isnt even about the pacing i'm just talking about dead end plot concepts. But I can definitely see where you're coming from there because we spent an awfully long time with the Resistance only to know so little about them, but it defos felt more ''a lot of stuff is getting brought up but we dont have enough time to give it developing room because we want to bring in the next concept asap". A2, the forest king, Red Girl, hell even Pascal and Adam & Eve all suffer this. the only person who really got a steady character Was 2B and 9S but 2B felt like she got cut short and just became a puppet for 9S' plot which is so tiring how often we get dual man/woman protags and the woman's story just becomes part of the man's story and she becomes a nebulous concept. that yoko taro brand Misogyny
I SPENT AN HOUR TYPING THIS? I haven't even gotten to how I feel like 9S' plot feels like it was destined for something more but got bottlenecked for time and cut off at the like 80% mark
I can definitely feel that though of feeling like Nier:a didn't meet expectations, when I finished all the routes and the playlist i was watching just Ended I genuinely sat up and bed and just felt a deep sense of ''THAT'S IT? THATS ALL?"
it's crazy too because I really, REALLY loved what it had going and im going to be thinking about this game forever but it also just left me feeling like i'm missing something so badly that when I try to think about it sometimes my mind just draws blanks like im left speechless at it.
Like that was nier: automata? that was just 40 hours of being asked what it means to be alive
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maizethecorn · 1 year
Transformers fic series called Darkness featuring Jack/Megatron with an overview of Transformers Prime
So, I have followed this fanfic writer the last couple of years. The author’s name is Misgel and delayed writing this amazing, three part series due to the author being in college, author finding a job, author being sick and other life mishaps. Now, I have no idea why the last part of this fantastic, three-part trio logy fanfic has not been completed. (The reason why the fic has not been completed doesn’t matter. I just want this amazing story to be finished.) The third part of the fic has been on a cliffhanger since 2021.
The fanfic revolves around the cartoon Transformers series called Transformers Prime. This cartoon started in 2010 and lasted three seasons. One of the main characters was sixteen year old Jack Darby. Jack went to a high school called Jasper High. The series takes place in Nevada. Jack works a part time job as a drive thru cashier at a restaurant called KO Burgers. He makes mediocore grades, daydreams about having a cool car or motorcycle to impress the popular cheerleader Sierra and goes home to his mom June Darby who is a single nurse working to support herself and her son. By chance, Jack meets a talking motorcycle named Arcee, jumps in the driver’s seat when Arcee transforms and is dragged into the war of the Autobots. Jack meets hyperactive, teenage Miko Nakadai who dyes her hair bright colors and nerdy, bullied Raf Esquivel who both are friends with the Autobots. At first, Jack proclaims way too many times in the series that he just wants to have a normal life but ultimately accepts his role over the course of the series of being an Autobot ally. He keeps his afterschool activities a secret from June but she eventually finds out her son is hanging out with giant robots. June’s not happy with this revelation but she comes to terms with her son’s higher calling to save the world from Decepticons and becomes somewhat involved with the Autobots herself. I did read many fics pairing June off with Ratchet who she is on friendly speaking terms with or government Agent Fowler who involves her in a few missions. In the show, Jack hints he’s not a fan of his mom getting to close to any males but he just needs to accept his mom is allowed to have a love life of her own while he is off with potential love interest Arcee. Jack spent much more time with Arcee than his girlfriend Sierra so I saw the sixteen year old boy and the giant female robot who could be a motorcycle being a more potential couple. I don’t care that the human and transformer characters don’t have certain atomical parts for an intimate relationship since fanfiction has a beautiful way of taking care of those relationship obstacles. Maybe I’ll post some of those fic links for another day if I feel like it. Anyway, back to this fic:
So, the cartoon never addresses what happened to Jack’s dad in the series. This writer Misgel comes up with a backstory that Jack’s dad was in the military and Jack, June and his dad had to move all the time. Misgel mixes in events from the Micheal Bay Transformers movies for this fic. Technically, the fic would be considered a crossover between the live action Transformers movie and the Transformers Prime cartoon. Some of the movie characters do show up in the fic. Jack’s dad dies with some other soldiers when getting caught up in the crossfire of Megatron who is the leader of the Decipticons being engaged in combat with the Autobots. Two officers come to Jack’s house and tell Jack and his mom that Jack’s dad is dead. Numbed with grief, Jack attempts to go through the motions of life going to school and not developing connections with anyone other than his mom. However, he meets Arcee and his life is turned upside down like the cartoon. The fic is cannon until the part where Megatron and Jack meet in a cave. In the cartoon, Jack leaves Megatron trapped by rocks in the cave and returns to the Autobot base with Arcee. In this fic, Jack frees Megatron from the rocks in the cave to show the Decepticon leader kindness and mercy. In return, Megatron decides not to kill Jack and takes him as a prisoner to the Decepticon warship called the Nemesis. The Autobots do attempt to rescue Jack but fail. At the warship, Megatron tortures Jack to find out where the Autobot base is and looks into Jack’s memories with a technological device that invades Jack’s mind. 
Megatron finds himself intrigued by Jack when he realizes Jack is the son of a deceased solider and sees some of the heroic events Jack has performed to save the lives of his human and Autobot friends in Jack’s mind. He decides not to kill Jack since he finds Jack reminds him of how the Autobot leader Optimus Prime used to be as Orion Pax before absorbing the matrix. So this is a rundown of what Megatron does with Jack instead (maybe death would have been better, you decide?): First, after mind raping Jack with a device hooked into his brain and not giving him food and water for several days, Megs notices Jack isn’t looking too good and deduces he has no food or water for Jack on his ship. Instead of raiding a grocery store, Megatron forces Jack to drink the blood of Unicorn by giving him CPR with the dark purple energon. Unicron was regarded by the Autobots to be a giant robot that was the destroyer of worlds and energon is the ore liquid that the Autobots and Decipticons drink to stay alive. In Transformers Prime, the story revealed when Unicorn went into a coma and floated in outerspace, his robot body formed the basis of the planet Earth. Earth is teaming with purple energon steaming from Unicorn’s body at the Earth’s core. Back to my list of what Megatron does with Jack:  Jack wakes up after Megatron gives him CPR. Megatron keeps Jack his prisoner for a long time and tells him his own version of why the Autobots and Decpticons went to the war and why the planet Cybertron was destroyed where the transformers used to live.The purple stuff that Megatron gave Jack has now caused some changes to Jack’s body. 
The purple energon transforms Jack’s human body to where he is now dependent on the purple ore to live. He can still eat human food and drink water but his body isn’t sustained by human nutrients anymore. He also now understands and speaks the Cybertroian language that both the Autobots and Decipticons speak. There is also the mind link Megatron and Jack share since Unicrons blood flows through both their bodies. Both robot and boy feel each others emotions. Other than that, Jack is still human and now mentally scarred. Jack realizes Optimus Prime and the other Autobots left some details out of how the Autobot/ Decipticon conflict started and now he doesn’t know who he can trust. Surprisingly, Megatron does let Jack go free but Jack’s life is a mess. His relationships with his girlfriend Sierra, Arcee, Miko, Raf and the everyone he knows except his mom June fall apart. Mostly throughout the trilogy fic, Jack is struggling to recover from the trauma/manipulation Megatron inflicts on him and from Stockholm Syndrome. Megatron goes from seeing Jack as a human pet/ replacement for Optimus Prime to caring for the teenager as a son of sorts. Megatron actually gets upset when Jack says he hates him. Angry, Megatron scratches the walls of his warship with his claws thinking about how to get Jack to respect him. Throughout all three fics, Megatron and Jack argue because Jack doesn't like how Megatron blatantly kills everyone to get what he wants. Of course, Megatron has no problem with killing all sentient life since he's been killing whoever disobeys him for millions of years, is a insane psychopath and excepts Jack to be fine with whatever murders/killings/crimes he commits. On the cartoon, Megatron and Orion Pax/Optimus Prime were once friends until they disagreed on what to do politically with their planet Cybertron and this fic suggests Megatron is looking for a replacement in the friendship he once had with Optimus in Jack. In return, Jack finds himself horrified that after finding out Megatron killed his dad, that he has grown attached to Megatron and doesn’t want to see Megatron die. His horror deepens when he realizes he acknowledges Megatrons death would be like losing a second dad. What a dilemma: sixteen year old human kid doesn’t want to lose his silver metal robot dictator father figure who killed his human dad since dictator has been spending lots of father/son quality time with kid in a forced relationship without boundaries.  Misgel did say in a comment to a reader that the relationship between Jack and Megatron is a twisted father/son relationship of sorts. It’s not a healthy relationship since Megatron wants to kill everyone close to Jack to make Jack loyal only to him but boy, it’s an intriguing trainwreck of a relationship that you will find yourself wasting a whole day, days, months or weeks on reading or rereading. Also, Jack is missing out on going to highschool in this fic since he’s saving the world so he will probably have to get his GED later. It’s absolute torture Misgel has not updated fic fic in a few years but you should read the story anyway because it’s got drama, action, sci-fil, fantasy, violence, family issues/mental health issues and a coming of age story with a teenager wrapped up in a neat little box with a big bow. Here’s the first link to the first part of this wonderful story:
Here’s the second link to the second part of the story:
Here’s the link to the third part of the story:
Favorite Possible Fanfic Ending : Jack would stop the human government and Autobots from killing Megatron by convincing them to give him a second chance. Jack would confess to Megatron that he sees him as a second dad. Touched by Jack's confession, Megatron would realize he doesn't care about the Decipticon cause anymore and stop being the Decipticon leader. He would discover Jack's safety is the only thing he really cares about anymore. The Decipticons would disband and Megatron would go into exile in outer space. No one would want Megatron to stay on earth since he's killed so many people. Megatron would accept Cybertron is never going to revive and just focus on helping the planets/people he has hurt for the remainder of his life. Jack would finish his high school education and get a job at NASA. He would go up into space and join Megatron in his humanitarian efforts of helping others. The final chapter ending would be Megatron showing Jack where they would be going on a virtual map within a space ship. This ending would be cheesy but I would love it to pieces.
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eolande · 1 month
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MAAHES' ARISEN.... her name is dara.... was rothais' beloved.... pretty blue and white eyes like the sky.... she's 5'9 and Strong.... someone capable to rule by rothais' side.... i know she's a little Modern looking with the haircut but it's what i literally always envisioned her with So whatever. she was his beloved before he became arisen and supported him thru his journey and ruled alongside him as he founded and ruled vermund in the wake of slaying the dragon woohooooo!!!!
so i have been trying to think if becoming seneschal is the same as in dd1. did he jump in a hole and fight the previous god and have his pawn undergo bestowal?? did his pawn return to dara and she could tell something was off? how long before rothais came back down in that case? or did he even leave vermund and the current plane of existence? i can imagine dara putting together like. where is his pawn. and why is he acting so weird. and then going. OMFG.... in my mind she wouldn't be ruling or occupying the castle when rothais returns so maybe she leaves "him" (the bestowed pawn). and he comes back down and slays bestowed pawn and starts ruling again. i am attached to the idea that the world was exactly how we knew it cycle wise before rothais fucked it up, so i think this series of events is how i'll go abt it.
i don't think this would work timeline wise but maybe it still could somehow.... but i was thinking i wanted dara to be aware of rothais' habit of killing arisen which could only happen if there were a couple arisen before her.... maybe following rothais' defecting the pathfinder went crazy trying to make arisen so there were a few in rapid succession that just kept getting killed by rothais LOL. so when she became arisen (in a situation she had no choice but to fight the dragon, likely to protect others) she was just full of so much dread and anxiety. all of her past w/ rothais and his experience as arisen/sovran/seneschal PLUS becoming arisen herself in such a shitty situation planted deep seeds of hatred for the cycle within her. WHICH would end up being her ticket to bitterblack.
maahes kind of didn't help much but provided some kind of small comfort. how cruel for her mind to be so preoccupied with rothais that her pawn is conjured in his image!! as both an idealized version of him but also carrying aspects of her fear of him. there's probably some significance as to why maahes is pure white when rothais has like red hair (and also slimmer face/features than maahes) LOL. i just thought it would look cool is all. they really aren't 1:1 at all in the end but the Idea is there.
SHE herself, in kind of an ironic twist, became anxious and paranoid rothais would hunt her down and kill her. he did know about her becoming arisen, but chose to let her stay away bc part of him was still fond and knew he would become paranoid and want to kill her if they were in proximity. but there was really no way to tell her this esp since she was constantly traveling and was probably too far gone mentally. she would barely speak to anyone, often either fidgety or listless, even maahes, who was sort of forced to learn about the world around him on his own. when they would go into towns or inns out of necessity, he was often times the one doing the talking. luckily he was created to be brave, personable and outgoing but the whole scenario is kind of like when a kid has to become their parent's parent, but with arisen and pawn. they actually spent a LONG time doing this and i think maahes' even started undergoing some bestowal and developing his own will because of the extreme and odd situation (also maybe in the spirit of being based off of someone who had an extremely powerful will himself)
anyway maybe olra kind of senses a personality who's damned the cycle and makes her way to this world to ferry dara and maahes off to bitterblack, or dara finds her own way there somehow. they spend a bit of a while there too before dara dies, and maahes basically fully gets bestowed. only after that happens do tenanye and crew pick him up, as opposed to just hiding and avoiding/ignoring them like they usually do lol. he hangs out and does have some fun with them for like. a Bit. he does take the opportunity to know more about the cycle and the worlds from them all. but eventually him and tenanye find a way to travel back to vermund and ofc have their adventure together there. he really is fond of anye i want to make that clear bc it kind of is a shitty situation. but she's very endearing to him and he's glad to have met her, and he'll miss her and fauna and barroch.... bc even tho getting stranded on bbi and being isolated in that situation SUCKS he knows he's lucky to have found a silver lining and also to have been able to make it out....!! he's always kind of taken everything on the chin anyway....
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appljuiceboxx · 1 year
HI new follower you seem cool! now you're my new mutual yeehaw. anyways i heard u have ocs can i hear about them? :D have a nice day <3
uuummm???? how????????? did someone just ask about my ocs???? thank you sm????? *starts having a seizure and cries* no but seriously these ocs have been sitting in my sketchbook for a month and the only people who know about them are just my close school friends. and then suddenly. a new mutual???? ASKING ABOUT MY OCS????? *dying of joy*
i have so many ocs but i'm just gonna pluck the two gay ones from the book i'm writing.
long post ahead. i'm bad at talking.
so basically there's the first one who i ripped off from jekyll and hyde. he's a drug addict and he also runs an illegal firearms bussiness. eventually he got caught and went to rehab. his name's daniel jackelyn and he's a very gender dumbass who likes starbucks and bothering people. dyes his hair the most craziest colours. you do not want to share a bathroom with him.
and we also have here miles luna who is a trans fbi agent with bad experience in relationships (he's not okay). he has an ex husband (who's probably a sex worker) who he still talks to but that's about it honestly. he likes spotify and listens to it when he does literally anything. legit. take away his spotify you take away his life. he has an organized playlist for literally EVERY FUCKING OCCASION. he has a playlist for showering, for cleaning, for laundry, for driving to work in a good mood, for driving to work on a hangover, for drinking to oblivion, for being stuck in traffic jams, literally everything. he's a bit autism and the spotify thing is, according to reddit, audio stimming.
how are these two connected???? well..........
in this universe, basically a huge fucking compendium of all my ocs i call the loververse (because most of my ocs i develop into a romance story), the government sets out the "redemption program" where they take criminals and make them go thru rehab and therapy, etc etc. and they're assigned to an agent and live with them. sometimes also work with the agent. they're assigned based on what department they work in and the criminal's charges. daniel went thru the same program and got assigned to miles (who works with drug busting and human trafficking. occasionally rip off gucci bags) and they became roommates (oh my god they were roommates).
basically the story i'm planning is a bit slice of life but then they get an assignment in miami cause they discovered a huge underground fentanyl drug cartel and they're gonna bust it. but at the same time. whoops. miles's sister has a wedding also in miami and miles's ex husband is there and its all chaos.
yk the funny thing is that i got the idea for the story thru a science assignment. "assess the image" of a guy running away holding a suitcase. i accidentally made out a whole ass story about the guy (who eventually became daniel) running away from the fbi cause he stole a bunch of mutant organs to make a huge nuclear weapon. and there's an fbi agent (obvs miles) trying to catch him and then being like very valjean/javert about it. and it somehow evolved to this.
was going to start ranting about my frog-obsessed fencing autistic oc who's also a vampire familiar but this post is already pretty long. thanks so much for asking i'm so happy. :,)
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panzershrike-pretz · 9 months
pretz. my friend. do you have any headcanons about sirius/micheal's relationship because i LOVE THEM AND I NEED MORE FLUFF FROM THEM AAAAAAAAAA
I love my babies!! 🥺💕💕 there'll be some Jeremy sprinkled in there sometimes but since you asked for Micah/Sirius, i'll keep it mostly between them :]
(This got so fucking long and all over the place so apologies xD)
- OKEY- so. Michael and Sirius actually met LONG before Blithe, thru Sirius' uncle, Alphard (bless him)
- Basically Alphard found Michael struggling after a Not Good Werewolf Night and brought him home to help and Sirius was living there at the time and the two immediately became friends
- Sirius is wild- but he was even wilder at the time (yk, all the high of wanting to piss off his family as much as possible) and Michael to this day does not have a clue of what the fuck he saw on the Long Boy but oh well
- Sirius was the first to fall, actually (tbh he kind of dropped from a cliff over Micah). This man doesn't have clue on how to be subtle at all. Man was head over heels- his luck is that Micah is fucking blind so they're two oblivious shitheads
- Neither of them had a proper relationship until they met so they had no clue on how it was supposed to work- it was Hard to figure it out (Andy to the rescue!! Best aunt)
- Anyway yeah, they both decided to leave Alphard be and went to spend sometime with Andy, around the same time she developed cancer so they were there to help her and Ted around the farm. It made them grow closer and understand each other better (especially Sirius learning how to deal with Michael's Lycanthropy and loosing his fear)
- Sirius is practically Andy's baby and she was the first to know he wanted to ask Michael out (woman was Tired but ayyyyyyy gotta bake a cake for themmmmmm fuck the disease cake time)
- Their first date was shit. They loved it. They got stuck in the barn because of a fucking storm but heyyy. They spent the whole night talking and by the morning they were together
- Rudy was there mooing away and they spent the whole night awake because of the fucker. Not a fun morning (Blackie and Johnny, the dogs, kept company tho, so that's cool)
- "let's sleep on the hay" "yeah, sounds good"
- Rudy:
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- They're very very open with each other. They comunicate their feelings and wants all the time, to make sure they're on the same page (mostly- )
- Sirius is too protective- he gets really emotional when Micah has troubles with people because of the Lycanthropy
- (yes it means that Sirius went to jail more than once because of thatKAKAKAKAK)
- Michael loves to dance; sometimes he just likes to grab Sirius by the hand to dance (in the rain? In complete silence? Blasting music? He doesn't care. He just loves to dance. Wherever, whenever)
- Micah suffers from chronic pains thanks to Lycanthropy. Tho his injuries and wounds do get better quicker than usual, he has many pains and they just tend to worsen during winter, when is a battle to do the simplest things.
- Sirius doesn't have a winter coat due to his genetics, but he still tries to cuddle around Micah to warm him up. Sirius also brings him tons of chocolate
- Siri has a lactose intolerance and everyone in Blithe gets some chocolate to keep spirits up every now and then, so he just stocks up his share to give them to Micah when he needs it.
- Sirius has tattoos of Michael and Jeremy all over his body, which he completely loves. (When he appeared with the first one Micah wanted to smack him in the face for being so stupid-)
- Sirius was the one to help Micah feel more confortable in his own skin. Michael was always too perfect for his own good so breaking from the mold was very hard for him
- Sirius, on the other hand, was always one of the family's black sheep. He was different - he liked to be different from that royal-ish persona (Andy and Alphard are GREAT inflences). His personality and love for being different inspired Micah to accept his condition more.
- To Michael, Sirius' enormous family is extremely overwhelming. He knows both of them are not welcomed, although some events require them having to interact
- Sirius and Jeremy help Micah with manic attacks during those; he's fully aware that he's a lowlife only allowed between the high people because of his husbands, both from big and poweful families
- Michael has endured a lot of gossip in high society about him only being with Sirius and Jerry because of their families' money, so he can use them to not be just a poor bitch
- (Untrue. But yes, people got punched over this.)
- Ok so- of all the three, the only who has a mom is Jeremy. Sirius' is dead and Micah's doesn't exist, because he was simply ✨️created✨️. Both Sirius and Micah are Euphemia's babies
- Yeah she's very likely to stand by them if they both fight with her son because she knows he's stupid :3
- Euph is one of the official chocolate providers
- (Michael and Sirius were the ones who convinced her that pirates are not that bad) (and that it was okay for her son to love two men)
- Micah does love the good side of Sirius' family tho! Hydra is his best friend, Andy and Ted are like parents for him and Rodion is like a fucked up brother as well (together with his wife and kids?? Lots of people), and Alphard the weird uncle nobody quite knows what's going on with- but he's very helpful
- And then there's Hugh, their adoptive son :] Hugh's mom was their friend back in 1928 when he was born and she had to give him up to adoption so the two took him in
- Hugh did run away from home to fight in the war and was promptly taken in by Miss Seagull after he was wounded, so he spent what? Some 70 years away from his dads, stuck in her time loop? At least Fiona was there
- They did get him back tho- fucked up lil' man. One day he disappeared then came back 70 years later with a girlfriend and one leg less. All good 👍
- Anyway Micah and Sirius just love love love their weird little family very much.
- Sirius is best uncle (ask Olive and Kanna. They'll agree)
- When time rolls around for the Full Moon, Micah's health starts to decline. He gets tired, sensitive to light, snaps more easily, has more pains and all that. Medications and potions don't really have any effect, so he has to just Deal With It(tm)
- Sirius never leaves his side during those times, as dangerous as it is. He was bitten already, more than once, and knows very well the side effects are not cool, but he doesn't care
- No way he'll let Mike feel alone during those times
- He and Jeremy will also spend the night with him in one of Blithe's prisoner cells when he transforms (both in animal form, so he won't mindlessly attack them).
- Michael feels very very scared during those times, so it's very good for him to have company
- Tho he fears A LOT that one day he'll turn back in the morning covered in blood that's not his and with two bodies next to him
- Micha made them both promise they'll fight him off if he ever attacks any of them or somehow goes loose on the ship-
- They agreedand just to be sure Pax is left with them with orders to protect the ship if Micah goes loose
- They have this little inside joke where Sirius will turn into a dog and Michael will act like he's his owner- (yes Sirius uses this for his own gain. He does tricks no dog should do for money)
- But also, Micah loves to see people desperate to understand what is fucking wrong with that fucking dog
- Sirius can't cook for shit. If it all depends on him, they'll starve to death (thank Gods Michael learned)
- Michael loves to play instruments. He got Sirius to teach him piano when they lived with Andy amd he managed to get classes on saxophone as well.
- Sirius rarely get's sick but when he does, Micah play's music for him to feel better.
- The three of them like to sneak off alone when they can, using the Loops, so they can go on dates far from everyone else.
- Sirius favorite places to go are lakes; Michael's are forests, trails and libraries; Jeremy loves to be on the beach. Everytime they want to spend time together, they sort a place and go be happy
Hummmm yeah I think that's it(?)
Again, sorry for it being so long xD I couldn't stop writing after I started KAKAKAKAK
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punishment-slut · 2 years
not sure how to embed prior question. But yes, row was meant to mean entry. And all time.
I'm fond of the early entries for my dom (we've been on hiatus for literally three years but we're starting things back up so look forward to that!), because that was my first experience with serious bdsm and you can see me having all these revelations about what I like and what kink can be. for instance, this is the third entry:
"he started out spanking me w my hairbrush and the wooden spoon, going rly hard (v mildly broke skin). kept telling me to stay still (very difficult). pinned me. he plays a lot of mind games with it, like he'll hold the implement above my ass for a long time or tell me 'i'm gonna hit you again' while i'm waiting for him to hit me. v hot, v mean. slapped my right thigh (holy fuck it's painful w as much bruising as it has rn) and left breast a lot, alternating while pinning me. had me fuck myself w my dildo while he hit me for a while which was hot and made it easier to take.
i noticed myself kind of checking out pretty early, like a very mild subspace maybe? didn't struggle as much, kind of limp, eyes glazed over. went in and out of that. i cycle thru reactions to pain, periods where it really fucking hurts and i struggle a lot and periods where it almost feels good, or at least is easier to take. he also hit my feet and holy shit that SUCKS. at the end i actually got to yellow from him hitting my thigh and breast again, not even that much, it just was so painful bc he had already been hitting it and i was still processing pain from earlier. physical contact is comforting w really intense pain, like putting my head on his chest. he also says good girl sometimes when i'm taking a lot which can make it easier.
i have such a weird relationship to intense pain like that. it sucks and hurts and decontextualized it would be torturous but in the context of sex it's great. also sucks but that's why it's great. also the choking was good, got to a point where my body was tingling a couple times."
they're not the hottest entries to me (i'd be happy to try to find some hot ones if that's what you're after though!), but I just think it's so cool to get to read me essentially developing my sexuality in real time. also the last bit is pretty funny
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FINALLY catching up on rwby!!! Made it to ep8 today. DO NOT REPLY WITH SPOILERS
I know ppl have really wanted to see Torchwick again so the fandom mustve went nuts over that. I forgot how freaking cool watching Pyrrha fight is. Love how they animate the cat so much. He's currently possessing Neo's body and id kill to see him (somehow) march out of the Ever After and start fighting Cinder and/or Salem. That prob wont happen but its refreshing to have a different Big Bad for a bit
Anyways Jaune is living through one of my biggest fears. So shoutout to him. Idk if I want them to Narnia him and have him return to the age he entered when he leaves or i want him to stay a adult bc he went thru some things and i dont want them to be erased (rip to renorarc then tho)
Ruby! Actually liking this regression(?) arc for her! I know a lot of ppl have been waiting for it and tbh i thought that would end up being a single ep thing
SO SO HAPPY the whole season is taking place with RWBYJ. I really did not want to watch RNOWE try to pick up the pieces in Vacuo and the Ops in Atlas because we know RWBYJ arent dead but they dont and i couldnt watch a whole season of that angst. I dont know how this season ends yet so idek if RWBYJ make it out, so the next season could still be that :(
Loving the Penny stuff ("she was the strongest warrior to ever live" "it doesnt matter where i am! I have to live with what i did on that bridge!") and was that axe supposed to be Summer's weapon?!?!
Neo turning into Oscar and dying TOOK ME RIGHT OUT. Freaking amazing turn. The reactions of Ruby's friends illusions was perfect. My only problem is Neo and Ruby didnt know about Clover and Ironwood's death, so why were they there?
Weiss developing a bit of a crush on Jaune now was great. If Snow White gets with Prince Charming after all this time id be shocked. Doubt its going that way tho. Why Jaune is fighting in rusty armor idk but it does add to the fairytale vibe. And the jackelope adds to the absurdity. His hair looks awful tho
Was fairly certain Neo was Alix but now it isnt looking like it. But that mean that whole intro is not foreshadowing?!?! Again, havent seen the end yet so idk
My fav line so far "so it turns out were not in a storybook, were in its sequel!"
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skullrock · 1 year
just ranting in my lil dairy here.
my psychiatrist has like a nurse practitioner who i sometimes see when he’s too busy and i LOVE HERRR. she listens to me unlike him and gives actual real advice and cares about me and does just brush me off or look at me like i’m insane. like i love her!!! and so last appt i told her the truth of me really not feeling good so she helped me change my medicine and told me the bottle of the new stuff would have weening off directions. so i was like cool <3 but the bottle of my new medicine didn’t have the instructions ! nor did the paperwork !
so i called his office to be like “can you have the NP please email me the weening off directions for this medicine so i can start the new one” and the receptionist was like HUH? YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THAT 🤨 which first of all MAAM you are not a doctor you just r married to the pysch! secondly yes you literally are!!!?? and she is very clearly rolling her eyes at me and she’s like “ok i’ll have the doctor call you back” BUT I DONT WANT THE PYSCH I WANT THE NPPPPP I KEEP ASKING TO SPEAK WITH HER AND THEY WONT LET MEEEE
and what’s rly so irritating about this (and also why i need a new doctor) is that this man has sent me into withdrawal before by telling me to stop taking my medicine cold turkey. one time i said i don’t think medicine helps me that much (i’ve been thru at least 8 different antidepressants and developed a tolerance extremely quickly), he told me to stop taking my pills and cancelled the prescription. and i went to the pharmacist at a fucking walmart to be like “i don’t think this makes sense” and she was like “girl you will die this antidepressant isn’t a joke you’ll have insane withdrawals” and SHE gave me weening off instructions AND ALSO free fucking medicine bc he stopped prescribing it!!!!
IM JUST SO!!!!!!!! so now i fear when the cymbalta inevitably stops working that he will do the same fucking thing when it can take upwards of a year for people to safely ween off of it. i hate my life i need a new doctor
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fantrollology · 1 year
🍳 for everyone that hasnt been asked yet. i need 2 know who will cook me a delicious meal
EVERYONE????? ok i will just go thru my select page + a few bonus ones
🍳 - cooking
button - she can make a mean lasagna. outside of that, she's pretty average. she typically likes to make big batch meals as meal prep and eat the same thing for a week. outside of her repertoire of recipes shes pretty useless in the kitchen. i think she could impress someone who didn't cook, though. if she ever cooked for people she might even get a "good lasgana, button!" but, uh, will that ever happen? :/
jc - he can make cereal :)
rilakk - rilakk is pretty good at cooking! they are very thoughtful about the food they intake because of the amount of time they spend asleep. theyre good at cooking very hearty, filling foods! i think their go-to is probably curry and stir-frys, cuz they're flexible but you can build a lot of flavor into them.
spyke - you know how it is with spaghetti
lauren - ehhhh he can get around a kitchen, but he never really cared enough to be really good at cooking. the sort of buy pre-marinated meat and throw it in the oven, but hes more likely to go out. he likes good food! i think hes probably tried to make some recipes at home, like if he found a cool planet-specific ingredient and looked something up, but quickly became demotivated because its never as good as just ordering it out, and lauren likes good food!
ceefor - its a good thing shes rich and people cook for her.
fledge - she could probably follow simple recipes, but not much outside of that. she grew up eating from Fleet cafeterias so she never had a reason to learn. shes picked up some skills since living with arunae but she still wouldnt feel super confident cooking alone.
leathy - he doesnt like cooking enough to do it for himself, but hes very capable of following a recipe. he could make a decent meal for someone if they asked, or if he thought they'd like it :)
gazijo - this man can COOK!!! he can break down fresh meat and make u fucking ANYYYTHINNNGG and it will be so so so so good. he prefers to cook for others rather than eat out or have people cook for him cuz he likes to know where his food comes from and what went into it. since he started hunting fauna less hes gotten more into vegetarian recipes too! catch him finding a cool edible mushroom and incorporating it into something for dinner. dont ask him to bake tho.
ionyll - i think her cooking ability starts and ends at box mac n cheese. anyone want chipotle?
pj - pretty decent! hes got a couple go-to dishes. generally prefers to dress up a bowl of ramen or premade tortellini n stuff like that. nothing super involved but he can develop a decent flavor profile.
alaise - her cooking is mid (can follow recipes). i think for herself, if shes not eating out, she'd default to sandwiches / salads / other raw foods. her baking is more where she shines!!! really likes making muffins and cupcakes in particular.
iggy - he has not touched his stove since he moved in. he is eating canned chickpeas plain. hes eating deli ham. maybe put some cheese in there if he's feeling fancy. if it doesnt come together prepared in a package then its not being eaten together. closet he gets to cooking is microwave meals
palaia - capable of following recipes! she never really needed to learn to cook, but she would prepare something for herself if what her sect was offering didnt interest her that way. she does prefer more raw foods, though. salads and the like.
alaska - capable of following more complex recipes, and has a few good ones memorized. capable of impressing people, honestly. he likes to cook himself nice things, though he does prefer to cook for others.
stasia - i dont think shes ever cooked.
trixis - she can cook!!! i think she prefers things that have some of the prep done but she'll make something if shes really in the mood for it. she prefers to make something simple and hearty at home rather than eat out.
aether - roasted vegetables + pasta my beloved. shes trying her best
mim - he can make a good smoothie :) it'd be easier if he had a blender, though...
m0g0 - she can follow a recipe to the letter. exactly. not beyond that. any kitchen common sense is lost on her.
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sydchan · 9 months
Fragile Dream rambling time cause while I’m sure someone wrote about this in depth at some point like a decade ago, I feel like talking to myself. And I want to talk about Crow since he’s the character I of course hyperfocus on.
So first time I played Fragile Dreams I was going through it spoiler free. Did not know Crow was an android/robot/A.I./whatever you want to call him so missed some of the little things about him in the amusement part. The most interesting one to me is how his writing style changes between each of his secret messages once you have the fancy flashlight (and this is where the translation doesn’t convey it fully since really do need to be able to kinda read Japanese to pick up on this. Although they do try to keep the level of expressiveness in tact with their translation). You seem to find his message in reverse chronological order so presumably the one on the teacup ride where he refers to himself by his serial number is the first one he wrote. His handwriting in this message is “perfect” basically, what letters from a keyboard look like and uses neither kanji or any type of obvious grammar cues. Very basic and “robotic” so to speak. But then if you go back thru the previous message, you can see how his handwriting slowly gets more stylized and uses some kanji here and there. (It also gets sloppier/rougher as it goes. His handwriting is honestly kind of bad once he’s writing the messages to Seto while you chase him around). He gets more expressive as he builds a personality I would presume. The way he writes “I” also changes with each message. My kanji reading ability isn’t quite good enough for me to be able to read what he writes in the final secret message (also his handwritten being sloppier by that point was not helping me) but I could tell it went Watashi (with kana), Watashi (with kanji), Boku (with kanji) and then from listening to his voice in Japanese know he’s using ore-sama (because of course his is) by the time you meet him in-game.
As I mentioned yesterday, the environmental storytelling was what I liked a lot in this game. Cause none of this is pointed out or remarked on by Seto. You just have to infer from all this Crow was slowly building a personality for himself the longer he stayed in the amusement park and this changed both how he thought of himself and the way he spoke.
Other thing I noticed about Crow when you first meet him (and seems to point, to me, that he has the same doll-like body the other robots you fight in the game have) is once he hears Seto is human, he grabs his hand, lifts it up, and inspects it. I took it to mean he was noticing the lack of visible joints on Seto’s hand that his own hands probably have. And thus why he’s the most fully clothed character in the game. To hide how he has a doll body. Only skin you can see on him is neck up.
Like yeah, I know there’s that one interview with the director where he says Crow is technically genderless but thinks of himself as male which pretty much confirms he’s the same as the other doll robots (aka, has barbie-doll anatomy, if nothing else) but still, I prefer in-game information over Word Of God.
The only point against this is in the picture he shows you of him and the scientist guy, his arms are partly visible and there doesn’t appear to be any visible joints. Like his sleeves are just short enough you should probably be able to see the joint at his elbow. But it’s like right on the edge length wise. Could chalk it up to being in shadow or maybe he’s a bit more “complete” than the other dolls you fight so any joints he has are less stark looking and smoother (the truth is I think it was an oversight on the developers part to keep things ambiguous with him, but this does mean I’m cool with headcanons that go with him actually being very “human” under his clothes, so to speak. Game lets you go either way).
But yes, those were the main things I noticed so far about him that I missed the first time I played the game.
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