#Hayato x Ryuuichi
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blackdolphincoffee · 2 months ago
I'll explode
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st0r-fruit · 1 year ago
Hayaryuu as girldads. Yes. You read that right.
Kamitani learning to tie his daughter's hair, learning all the styles so she can have variety of looks. (Akdhslkak imagine the visual of him sitting behind his daughter with his sleeves rolled up as his hands parting hairs into sections while the rubber band is hold by his mouth)
Ryuuichi cooking up her favorite things, packing up cute bentos for her lunch. (you can't tell me this man would NOT wake up earlier just to make bunny shaped rice with seaweed face or swan-carved carrots for his daughter)
Kotaro and Taka becomes best uncle babysitters, both being chaotic. Gaming together, eating together. She said "oh i can't play with my uncles tonight they have homework" and people around her are confused as hell. (Age add by 10 years so the kiddos r 12 years old)
Ryuuichi and Kamitani spoiling the hell out of their girl. Tea parties, picnics, outings, pretty outfits, toys, etc. They won't be adopting another kid because they have their little brothers to take care of as well so the little girl was the perfect addition.
Kamitani teaching her handy things in life like how to change tires, which screw is which, how to drive how to shop smart, baking, etc while Ryuuichi teaches her cooking, soft skills like talking to people and handling them, presentation, life lessons and morals, etc.
Both dads being supportive as heck in whatever their daughter does. They're the loudest cheerleaders and you bet they make motivation banners and props. Kotaro and Taka is there too, being their biggest fan aside from the dads.
Getting side eyed by parents in their daughter's class thinking their daughter should need a mother not two fathers but they're one of the PTA organizers and class representative and they're the cool parents kids love.
Ryuuichi bringing snacks to class events, and every kids love them he starts thinking of selling them in school. Kamitani being the competitive sports dad that argues with the coach when the coach gives a yellow card to his daughter cause what the hell. (He almost got into a fight with the coach)
Being protective girl dads, but not to the point it's toxic. Kamitani being the average dad when his daughter brings a boy to their house, very suspicious but is still polite. (Do no harm but take no shit--Kamitani)
They're definitely emotional in their adult daughter's wedding. Surprise surprise Kamitani's crying, sobbing. Ryuuichi having to have tissues by his lap to wipe it away on Kamitani's face.
I have more but this is it at the moment.
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year ago
Gauken babysitters Headcanons kinda fluff but reality..of being the older sister age 17 of the Kazuma twins..you volunteered to be in the babysitting club so you could look after the twins and the other children and unlike a certain pink haired man who sleeps most of the time..you actually interacted with the children and took interest in their games and whatever they are interested in and even joining in if they asked (if it is appropriate and safe)..you did everything practically by yourself..you sorted out disagreements, you cleaned up tears, you stopped fights, changed Midori's diapers, cleaned up messes and so on..you were often exhausted but it was worth it. You are very protective of the children (no hitting!) and a certain teenage boy learnt that the hard way when you frightened him senseless when he hit his little brother..
You weren't a big fan of fanboys who spied on you because you were the daughter of a famous actor..
The little kids relationships with you especially your little brothers.
The other characters relationships with you. (The people who often came into the daycare..etc).
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Gakuen Babysitter Headcanons.
Female Reader.
Requested by: @the-letter-horror-lover
Request Rules.
The big sister of the Kazuma twins.
That's what you were usually called by your classmates.
You joined the babysitter club when you started high school.
Even though, there was an adult, well, more like a a lazy adult that sleeps all day. It more feels like you were the only person in the club.
Doing everything for the kids, usually Usaida does help, it's everyday, since he sleeps all the time.
You basically became the mother to the kids in the daycare.
Taking care of them, feeding them, changing their diapers, reading stories with them or to them, helping or joining them color.
Though the Kazuma twins do get jealous of how the other children were hoarding your attention, but they learn that they do get all your attention once they are home.
But taking care of the children and schoolwork, doesn't... well... mix well together...
You do get stressed, and Usaida does see that. So, usually he lets you take a day off.
Basically just banning you to go to the club for days if you are extremely busy with school works.
He will not let you back in until you are completely stress-free.
Even though Usaida may seems like he'es leeching off your desire to take care of your children, he does care for you and looks out for you.
He does help out when things get a little overwork for you, and wants to make sure you are not stress or in any pressure.
Usaida is kinda like a big brother to you.
And Inui... oh god, you have to scold that man many times.
Considering his crush towards Midori mother.
You never told him that Mrs. Yukari has a daughter who was in your care.
You don't want him coming to the daycare just to take care of Midori to impress Mrs. Yukari.
But you love him as a friend.
So, when you were a 2nd year, you met Hayato when he brought his brother to the daycare room.
You two were pretty awkward and just gave each other a greeting.
But you did scolded him whenever you saw him hit Taka in the head, which usually would make Taka run off to you and snitch.
But you saw that Hayato care and love his little brother even though he may not show it.
You sometimes have to keep Yagi away from the kids.
You were absolutely were weirded out when he had a nosebleed whenever he was around kids.
You thought he was just some kind of pedophiles, but no. he's just a guy who can't handle cuteness.
Everyday was full of ruckus, especially with the fanboys hanging around the club.
Making excuses to come in and spend time with you.
You, of course, refused their help since you don't want them overwhelming the children.
It was a little hard for you to deal with the children all by yourself especially since Usaida always sleep all the time.
But it became much easier when Ryuuichi came to the club, joining because of his brother and a deal with the headmaster.
You absolutely adore Ryuuichi because of how helpful, caring and kind he is.
And especially his little brother Kotaru.
You and Ryuuichi became friends the moment he stepped into the club.
You were glad you had someone around your age in the club.
And ever since Ryuuichi came into the club, you began to see more of Hayato, and then met Maria and Ushimaru.
It was quite obvious the two girls have a crush on him.
You sometimes help the two since you can't really bring yourself to support one girl to win Ryuuichi heart.
But along with those things, you also began to see more and more of Yagi and Nezu.
And you may or may not have develop a little crush on Nezu.
That's all I can think of right now HAHAHHAHA, I'm sorry I went so long without one single post.
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months ago
Intimidating and serious crush is the complete opposite with the kids
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Ryuuichi, Kamitani, Inomata ]
[ School Babysitters / Gakuen Babysitters ]
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I love this duality in a character, that seems one way and is the another! Specially when is looks scary as hell but is actually really sweet 🩷🩷
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Ryuuichi Kashima
It would be really difficult for Ryuuichi to approach to you on his own, not exactly for being intiminated but because he is too busy with the classes and the babysitters club, also it has to be that you two go in the same class or that you two had bump into each other on the hallwall of the school for him to get to know you, maybe he was startled at first by your intimidating appariance but he isn't going to to judge you for it or get carry away for what others say about you
Even if the babysitters club isn't a secret, he will be really surpised by seeing you interested on the club, either by asking him or directly going to the club room, but it will surprised him even more how by getting on the club your expression immediatly soften and how you even knelt down to talk with the little kids, showing a complety oposite attitude to the one you hold during classes
Ryuuichi is amased by how quickly you win the child's trust and how they almost imediatly were inviting you over to play, but even more by how your were so willing and how much you were smiling with the little kids
Either if is that you become part the babysitters club or just pay a visit Ryuuichi get the opportunity to know more about you and seeing you being caring and even worring over the kids, playing with them and making them company on the little walks is something that quickly make him start to fall in love
And is thanks to this that Ryuuichi will start to spend more time with you outside of the club (specially if you two are in the same class), never missing a good morning or goodbye, talking about the class and the club, small chats or even just enjoying each other company. It becomes so obvious how you two are friend that his others friends ask him about you, being noticible fearful of you but for him is like if they were talking about a completely diferent person, they know the serious and intimidating you while he is thinking in the caring and cheerful you
Is probably that Ryuuichi mention your different attitude while on the classes and the club, he doesn't expect an explanation and will even reasure you that he doesn't need it, but if you insist he will heard you carefuly, if is because you don't like showing that part of you he will try to comfort you, but if is a silly reason like don't liking the classes he will just laugh about it
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Hayato Kamitani
For Hayato to actually fall in love it is a long process since he doesn't fall in love easily, he has to get to know you first so its more likely that you two started by simply being friends, wich only can happen if you two are in the same classes or even in the same club
Hayato can come across as intimidating too but he doesn't really mind, so it can be seen that if you two are friends most people would just find you two an intimidating pair so it would be rare for anyone to mention that two could be a couple, but thats diferent for the kids on the babysitters club
Even if the babysitters club isn't exactly a secret there is a chance that you end up meeting the club because of his own brother, and Hayato is shocked to see the big change on your attitude when you see the kids, passing from being so serious to becoming just as cheerful as those kids. Overall, Hayato doesn't thinks is something bad, he will not judge you nor be weird out by it, what does actually shock him is that knowing how serious you can be you actually get along with his little brother
He is constantly annoyed by his little brother's tantrums and for how disrespectful he can be but seeing you being so kind and handing him so well is surprising and lead him to grow more interested on you, wich ultimetly makes you two grow closer, he doesn't know how or when he started to fall in love but he isn't exactly bothered by those feelings (still it would take him a while to actually notice those feeling since he just takes it like something normal)
What end up bothering him is that his brother end up growing clingy and trying to make you play with him whenever you visit the club or end up making a little hard to attend the others kids too if you are part of the club, or how he constantly tells Hayato that he prefers you over him
Then again, Hayato doesn't see anything bad on your change of attitude, a little surprised but thats all, but he normally doesn't say anything about it to anyone else because he doesn't see a reason to bring it up in the conversation, just a few times when he is talking only with you and ask you about it or simply thank you for taking care of his brother (sometimes is for being forced by his mother but at the end the feeling is sincere)
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Maria Inomata
Inomata can be seen as intimidating and of bad temper due being quite strict and not really being interested on making friends, however when she start to feel lonely and even want to make more friends there is a chance that she end up growing close to you. She is also seeing as intimidating so she may understand a little how you may feel and yet she has a hard time aproaching you, besides since she is socially awkward it would take a long time for her to fall in love
She doesn't admit it but she likes a lot being in the babysitters club and since Kirin likes her a lot she goes once in a while to the club so is more likely that you two would end up being that you two properly meet on the club, one day simply running into each other while hanging out on the club and she will be quite surprised to not only see you there but also see how diferent you act at how you are in class
Even if she has never actually paid attention to you before now that you have saw her actually go with the kids she would be paying more attention to you around the class (mainly because she still feels embarrassed of it) and, honeslty, the more she thinks about it the more shocked she is to see your completely diferent attitude
At first she just tired to avoid you and avoid talking about it but since she somehow always end up envolve with the kids you two end up meeting more and more, and the more she learns about you the more her feelings grow, it happens slowly and goes unoticed for a while but at some point she will start to notice her growing feelings and will be incredibly embarrassed
She doesn't like the idea of her falling in love but whenever she sees you interact so happy with the kids, playing around with them, it just makes her feel somewhat flustered, those moments of pure happiness remind her why is she falling in love, even so she is stuck between denying her feeling and wanting to know more about you, wich ultimetly lead her to be more friendly and actually talk to you even during class (even if you are all serious that won't really stop her)
At the end is more likely that you two start by being friends, wich also make her incredibly happy, but even if she won't admit it, it makes her feel more at ease even at the babysitters club, your precence makes her feel more at easy when it comes to playing with the kids (even if she thinks is a little weird if you act just as childish as them)
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readerscove · 1 year ago
I swoon evertime!!🥰🥰
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no words can encapsulate how much i love these two pictures
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mitsua · 2 months ago
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synopsis: you went in a date at a park with your beloved, then, an idea comes to your mind to make their day (0.56K)
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ryūichi kashima
to say he's flustered would be an understatement, he'll get all happy, timid and *insert nervous laughing*.
will let you put it on his head and won't let it fall for any reason, may even ask you if you know any way to make it survive more time to keep it on his room.
maybe tries to do one as well, under your teaching, he'll get it done and will get even happier now you two are matching! lowkey will ask if you teach him to do one more for kotarō.
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keigo saikawa
now, he knows what you're doing the moment he saw you picking that much flowers and a small smile appears ever since.
when you're done with it, he'll let you place it where it belongs and thanks you. Making sure to remark your ability to do this kind of cute little things that make him so happy even if it doesn't really appears like.
would give you a whole bouquet of your favorite flowers as a thanks later on.
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yoshihito usaida
you really caught him by surprise when he felt something being put on his face while he was napping on your lap. yes, you picked many flowers before you settled down your little picnic, but he never expected a crown made out of them!
but that does not mean he doesn't appreciate it and ask you to help him make one for you too.
with some complications at first, you two finish taking a picture with your lovely crowns made partially by usaida and mostly by you.
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hayato kamitani
his stern glance might put you nervous on the making, but eventually you decided to make a little talk about some random topic while you were still entangling his crown.
when you finish, as you ask him if he wants you to put it on him, he'll simply bow a little as his answer. careful to do not let it fall or mistreat it.
after sometime you'll notice a conflicted look on his face, with a faint pink on his cheeks, so you asked what's wrong. he plainly confessed he didn't quite understand how to make you one even as he watched the whole process and that there is no shop around that sells one for you.
at this you smile kindly, asking in return if he wants you to teach him.
by the end of the day you both have your crowns on display and maybe some five more you did just because you got excited seeing each other so happy.
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maria inomata
she at first thought you only wanted to make a bouquet, but as you got on the first half of your craft, she got surprised at your skill.
just as you finished it, she would immediately ask you to place it on and ask how does she look. blushing shyly when you reply she looks gorgeous.
she'd try and get frustrated as the stems kept on moving and weren't easy to tide at all. you'd firstly help her calm down as you noticed she's nervous under your gaze as well.
after it's over, she'll ask you what your favorite flower is to maybe or maybe not surprise you later on.
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ao3feed-erasermic · 2 months ago
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ao3feed-drstrange · 10 months ago
Marvel vs Capcom: La Colisión de los Mundos
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/UcYRf0P by BRANDON369 La realidad misma está inestable, dos mundos muy distintos están a punto de chocar entre sí. La situación es aprovechada por los seres más temidos de ambos universos, quienes reunirán su propio ejército para apoderarse de todo lo existente. El destino de ambos mundos está en manos de diversos héroes con diferentes habilidades, que tendrán que aprender a trabajar juntos. Words: 6506, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: Marvel vs. Capcom (Video Games), Marvel, Street Fighter, Captain America (Comics), Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Darkstalkers (Video Games), X-Men - All Media Types, 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse), Iron Man (Comics), Dead Rising (Video Games), Fantastic Four (Comicverse), Devil May Cry (Gameverse), Doctor Strange (Movies), Viewtiful Joe (Video Game), Daredevil (Comics), Dino Crisis (Video Games), New Warriors (Marvel Comics), Power Stone (Video Games), Inhumans (Comics), ジャスティス学園 | Rival Schools (Video Games), Moon Knight (Comics), Cyberbots (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Captain Commando (Captain Commando), Steve Rogers, Ryu (Street Fighter), Peter Parker, Rockman | Mega Man (Rockman Classic), Reed Richards, Frank West, Tony Stark, Chun-Li (Street Fighter), Stephen Strange, Morrigan Aensland, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Dante (Devil May Cry), Crystal Amaquelin, Chris Redfield (Resident Evil), Sersi (Marvel), Viewtiful Joe (Viewtiful Joe), Matt Murdock, Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Logan (X-Men), Edward Fokker | Edward Falcon, Richard Rider (Marvel), Jin Saotome, Scott Summers, Ichimonji Batsu, Bruce Banner, Strider Hiryu (Strider), Wanda Maximoff, Knight Arthur | Sir Arthur (Makaimura), Clint Barton, Zero (Rockman Classic Universe), Namor the Sub-Mariner (Marvel Comics), Kanzaki Hayato, Thanos (Marvel) read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/UcYRf0P
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kati-ichigo · 4 years ago
i made a HayaRyuu playlist!
i added a lot of like innocent cute love songs, but if you want anything added put it in the replies or pm me!
I’ll definitely add onto it but this is what I’ve added so far:
Crush - Tessa Violet
Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
Are You Bored Yet? - Wallows ft Clario
Make You Mine - PUBLIC
Looking Out For You - Joy Again
Glued - Melanie Martinez
Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny
Crush Culture - Conan Gray
Falling For U - Peachy! ft mxmtoon
Out Of My League - Fitz and the Tantrums
Riptide - Vance Joy
Dress Down - 秋元薫
Sunkissed - khai dreams
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kiirosenpai · 5 years ago
I watched Gakuen Babysitters to heal my messed up morals and emotions from an anime i just finished.
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And boy did it help.
I even got more than I wanted - I GOT A NEW SHIP i don't care if I'm a couple of years late, I'm welcoming myself aboard!
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coliverxxx · 5 years ago
I know it's Christmas but I had nothing to do this morning and was mindlessly scrolling through prompts from Pinterest and I saw this (picture below) and I literally had no one in mind but I wanted to write and I just sort of wrote it with Hayato and Ryuu and so this happens.
"Unless I screw this up again, I'm going to marry you." Hayato declares, looking at himself in the mirror as he adjusts his tie so he feels less suffocated.
Ryuuichi lets out a small smile as he looks at his best friend, apparently going out to his ultimate blind date. He knows Hayato is only saying that to get a grip of himself, to be less nervous about meeting another wonderful girl only to lose her (again), but still, he lets himself believe that maybe there's a small chance Hayato is serious. He doesn't let himself believe for so long though. After being in love with the same person for so long, he learned to only let himself believe for a while, because it doesn't hurt to let go of the dream that much when it's just for a moment.
Hayato walks towards him, looking all sleek and glamorous in an ironed black pants and white longsleeves, not to mention his green and red tie because it is Christmas after all.
He stops just a foot away from Ryuuichi as the latter hands him his matching coat. "Well, you better not mess this up," Ryuuichi tells him with a warm smile as he hands Hayato his coat.
Hayato wishes him 'Merry Christmas' with a tight but quick hug before closing the door behind him, asking Ryuuichi to 'wish him luck' and saying he hopes 'this is the one.'
Ryuuichi waves his hand at Hayato until the door closes and his smile fades. Time slips and the dream is gone. For now, he no longer allows himself to believe. He wonders how quickly before he lets himself again.
Probably three hours and around twenty-four minutes (not that Ryuuichi's counting), almost an hour after Christmas Eve when Hayato opens the door (not that Ryuuichi's waiting).
Hayato seems surprised that Ryuuichi's still awake but he doesn't say anything until he is pressed closed on the couch to him for comfort, drinking hot chocolate from Ryuuichi's cup for console.
After a couple of minutes, Hayato looks at Ryuichi with an expression that's both telling I-want-to-tell-you-how-bad-it-is and please-don't-ask.
Ryuuichi understands, of course, gives him a sympathetic smile and wraps his arm around Hayato, wondering if he still remembers what he told Ryuuichi before leaving that night, letting himself believe again the same dream he's been constantly holding on and letting go for years already, catching it but never holding it too tightly.
For a second there, Ryuuichi wonders if he should now.
I almost, almost ended it in total angst but it's Christmas and it's Hayato and Ryuuichi and I just can't ;-; end it in total angst, that is. (I hope I ended it in a positive note? Because I love, love, love Hayato and Ryuuichi and I adore them together.)
Merry Christmas everyone! And for those who don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays! 🎄
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st0r-fruit · 1 year ago
You know what time it is
Another Gakuen babysitters crossover!!
Sofia the First x Gakuen Babysitters!!
Okay so let's set things straight first:
Everyone is 6 years older than canon, just so Kotaro can be around the age group class of Sofia.
Youku Morinomiya is by blood related to Ryuuichi and Kotaro, she's their maternal grandmother.
I'm having a hard time deciding if Ryuuichi should be king by now or Morinomiya is still reigning queen.
Which makes Kotaro a prince, of course.
Ryuuichi is engaged to Hayato, which he's a lord in this au.
Saikawa-san is their multi-talented butler (something like Baileywick)
I'm not sure what the kingdom should be called, it's basically a mix of Tokyo and Kyoto.
I imagine their kingdom is way ahead of it's time (but not until there's electronic devices, im trying to figure that out)
Kotaro at 8 years old is a gifted shy boy, kinda like Sheldon Cooper but wayy nicer and like thoughtful/emphatetic.
Instead of pegasus as the royally carriage pullers, it's long dragons you'd see in Asian culture
Plot aligning with Sofia the First
So it's Kotaro's first day of going to Royal Academy Prep, his whole life has been going to his local private prestigious school, Morinomiya Academy. (He goes to school with the toddler gang)
Coincidentally, Kotaro's first day is similar as Sofia's.
So, of course Sofia befriends him cause she understands what it felt like to be the new kid, but, James is actually his first friend, him introducing himself out of the blue and offers to tour him around.
They get along well, and Kotaro slowly becoming popular as well.
I think the first few days he'd be like Vivian, sitting on the back of the class.
BUT that also makes him interact with Vivian as well, being the shy-gifted students together as they fight social anxiety (although Vivian has handled it better.)
Amber is one who gets on Kotaro's nerves, no, not because he hates her and they're enemies whatsoever, because they're so fricking OPPOSITES Kotaro had to handle Amber's dramatic antics (they're great friends though)
Kotaro and Sofia gets along so well!! Like, they both love animals and exploring stuff. They don't like fights, they're peacemakers.
In one of the days Miranda and Roland just kinda-- thinks one of their kids are gonna be dating Kotaro (yes, this includes James, they're allies) because he just hangs out with them SO OFTEN they won't be surprised if he ends up dating one of their kids in the future.
Extra note: so the kingdom Ryuuichi/Morinomiya reigns is like, inside the tri-kingdom area, so it's not tri anymore it's tetra (4) so it's tetra-kingdom.
I have headcanons for them, especially those wiwis :))) let me know if you want to hear them!!
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glirdesoflorien · 6 years ago
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I was rereading Gakubaby again (I am obsessed. I miss them so much.) And I think that in this moment Koutaro/Kotarou(?) felt that his brother wanted to talk to Hayato and not want Hayato to join the babysitter club like what Usa translated. I think that Koutaro/Kotarou(?) felt that Hayato is the person who will make his brother happy so he pulls Hayato into his brother's direction.
Kashima Koutaro the maker of Hayaryuu ship. He literally just cupid match his own brother. #bestwingmanever
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xx---locketdragon---xx · 6 years ago
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Hayaryuu fanart of the first Hayaryuu fic I read called “Evening Hour” by SilverAngel19, here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13754415
I didn’t colour it yet because I wanted to upload a blank piece so that other people can colour it. I wanted to do a soft, sunset glow of light coming into the daycare, but with the traditional tools I have, it is really difficult, so if anyone has any digital tools that can achieve this, you are welcome to try. :) 
Oh, and lines are from a song called “Sleeping Sun” by Nightwish. 
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wickedlemony · 6 years ago
Family Dinner
Taka: Dad?
Hayato/Hebihara/Ryuuichi: Yes?
Taka: Oh shii--
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