#Having more simplistic designs are great and I will be using them more as they are easier for me to draw
susivoi · 4 months
Had a tough day so I drew some Five Pebbles to cope.
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A little thing I thought of while making this:
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251 notes · View notes
mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{14} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humour, Smut
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on Seonghwa near the end, Slight Hongjoong)
Words: 16,125
Warnings: Brief mentions of anxiety and PTSD (not OC), mentions of blood, weapons. Smut: Oral (m. rec.), subby!Hwa, minor knife play and begging, I think that's it. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I'm glad I split this into two parts. I knew it was going to be long! And boy oh boy, who's excited for the next chapter? I'm excited for the next chapter! iykyk ;)) As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine - Part Ten - Part Eleven - Part Twelve - Part Thirteen
There’s an eager spring to your step as Yeosang leads you over to a side door, of which he’s just made materialize in front of your eyes. Not even the grumbling of the other seven males behind you can bring down your mood, excitement coursing through your veins as he opens the door, holding it open for you to step through in the next second.
“I’m still not used to you all being able to do that.” You comment, smiling at Yeosang in thanks as you step into the new room.
It’s a bit dark, so you can’t quite see much, but you can feel them all stepping in behind you.
“It’s great for hiding things in plain sight.” San comments, attempting to step in beside you, only for Yeosang to take his place in an instant.
“I can imagine- holy shit!” The moment the lights come on, you’re greeted by a room full of bows and arrows of various shapes and sizes.
Your jaw drops, eyes going wide as you take in the grand space before you. It’s a simple room in all aspects, square in design with mounts and racks to hold all of the various weapons that you can just tell all belong to Yeosang. Not that you would doubt that for even a minute.
Softly, you hear the sound of the door shutting behind you.
Pure excitement thrums through your veins, your body practically vibrating as you take in the space around you. Still, you keep your distance, not wanting to touch anything and risk damaging or breaking any of the various weapons lining the room. The urge to touch everything in sight is quite strong, and you cannot help the way your fingers twitch, almost subconsciously, at your sides.
“Go ahead, Dearest,” Yeosang smiles gently at you, a small nod to his head. “Don’t hold back.”
You do not need to be told twice.
Almost as soon as the words have left his mouth, you’re zipping over to the wall in front of you and inspecting all the different styles of bows. There’s a giddiness to your movements as you look over some more traditional, simplistic bows made of various materials such as metal and wood, to more intricately designed ones. Each weapon varies in colour, some curving in a singular arch, while others curve like stereotypical ‘m’ shaped birds in children’s drawings. Even the strings vary in colour, some being a pure white, while others are a dark red.
One bow in particular catches your eyes, and before you realize what you’re doing, you reach out to it. However, before you can so much as lay a single finger on the intricate carvings, you catch yourself.
Slowly, almost reluctantly, you retract your hand.
A low chuckle sounds right behind you.
“It’s okay, Dearest,” Yeosang steps up to you, pressing himself against your back so that he can lean into you. His breath ghosts over the shell of your ear as his hands settle against your waist. “What’s mine is yours.”
A shiver caresses your spine, and you can practically feel him smirk against the skin of your neck.
“I just don’t want to damage anything,” you mutter, still unsure of if you should reach out and touch the gorgeous bow resting before you.
“Believe us, Darling,” Jongho comments, and you can just hear the affectionate smile that he wears in his voice as he speaks. “You don’t have to worry about damaging anything. Our weapons are made with the strongest materials available to us. You couldn’t put a scratch on them, even if you tried.”
“Not to mention the magic we imbue them with for extra protection,” Yunho hums.
Understanding flashes across your features, nodding your head almost subconsciously. Still, your eyes briefly dart over to Yeosang one last time, who’s head rests just beside your own. As soon as you see him smile and nod, you take that intricately carved bow into your hands.
Vines appear to wrap themselves around the shaft of the bow, leaves branching out in intricate designs over the wood. The string is a solid white, while the colour of the bow itself is an almost faded grey, appearing a misty green in the light. It’s not very heavy by any means, but just from merely looking at the bow, you can tell that it’s strong.
Carefully, your fingers trace over the carvings, nothing but pure wonder shining in your eyes. “Did you carve this yourself?”
You feel Yeosang nod against your shoulder, and your lips part in awe as a low gasp escapes you.
“We make all of our own weapons, My Divine.” Seonghwa makes sure to keep his tone soft as he informs you of this, not wanting to disturb the moment that’s settled around you all. “Have been since the beginning.”
“That’s incredible.” You breathe out, turning to face the other seven males with that bow still in your hands. “You’re all incredible!”
The way they all smile shyly in response says it all.
“Seriously, is there anything you all can’t do?” You turn your attention back to the bow in your hands, heart thundering as you stroke a hand down the shaft of the bow.
Mingi’s lips part in response, but at the quick jab of San’s elbow to his ribs, he’s closing it.
You quirk a brow in amusement, not needing to be able to read his mind to know he was about to remind you all that he can’t cook once again.
Sparing another glance around the room, your eyes catch on another intricately carved bow. Another gasp is escaping your lips as you waddle over to it excitedly, noticing how the two tips seem to be shaped like serpents which appear to intertwine intricately with one another to make the body of the bow.
“Literally, these are so beautiful.” You say, eyes scanning over every detail that you can.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, My Dear,” Yeosang chuckles, his one hand settling onto the small of your back as you walk around the room.
“This is one of the best days of my life,” you reply honestly, walking over to the wall of arrows across from you.
In no time at all, Yeosang launches into an explanation of all the different types of arrows he uses. The majority, he’s made himself, while others have been a collaboration between him and his brothers. Wooyoung more than happily chimes in when the different poison arrows are mentioned, the two of them detailing how each poison is administered depending on the arrow. Some are injected through the shaft, while other arrows are coated in the poison which gets administered through point of contact.
The whole time, you listen intently. Your eyes never lose that shine of wonder, lips pulling upwards in a radiant smile as they all observe you taking this all in. The fact that you appear so interested, and ecstatic to learn about all of this is making their hearts sing, and their souls come alight.
Finally, they can share this with you, too.
“So,” you turn back to Yeosang after he’s finished describing how his shattering arrows work. “Which one is your favourite?”
The way his eyes light up even further at your inquiry says it all.
“Design wise,” immediately, he’s pointing at the bow carved to resemble those two intertwined snakes. “Functionality, though, is a different story.”
Leading you back over to the main wall that you had grabbed the intricately carved bow with the vines from, he’s quick to grab another off of a hook. It’s quite simplistic in design, smooth black edges greeting your vision. The bow appears to be made out of some sort of thin metal, the edges sharp in the light of the room.
Ever so carefully, Yeosang trades the bow in your hand which you have yet to let go of with this new one. He’s quick to place the wooden one back on the wall as you marvel at how light this new bow is, holding it in the air slightly beside your head.
“The edges can cut through steel.” He comments casually.
“More like anything that you can imagine.” San chuckles, crossing his arms lightly.
Anticipation claws at his chest. Really, anticipation claws at all of their chests. If this is how you’re reacting to Yeosang’s weapons, then they each cannot wait for you to see their own collections. The wonder and awe alone is enough to satiate their original burning jealousy that had arisen at the fact that it was Yeosang who managed to both get you to use his weapon with him first, as well as show you his collection.
“What’s it made out of?” You ask, nothing but curiosity to your tone as you inspect the bow. You know better than to run your fingers along the sharp edges, but that does not stop you from turning it over slightly in your hands while gripping the handle.
“It’s a special kind of metal found only in our realm.” Mingi tells you. “Most of our weapons are made out of it, since it’s the lightest material we have, while also being the most durable.”
“So, it’s like vibranium from the marvel universe?” You quirk a brow at all of them, somewhat knowingly.
“You could say that.” Seonghwa chuckles, nodding his head lightly in response to your words.
“We call it Sage Metal,” Hongjoong says. “It’s the only thing strong enough to cut itself.”
“Wow,” you repeat your awe filled exhalation from earlier. “Can it be worked like any other metal, or is there a special process you have to use while forging it?”
“It can be worked like any other metal.” Seonghwa confirms, a sort of pride shining in his eyes as he watches you with a smile. “It’s got an insanely high boiling point though, so San and Mingi have the easiest time out of all of us working with it.”
At this, your brow quirks.
“We each have materials we work best with.” Mingi shrugs. “Just like we have preferred weapons we like to use.”
“That’s really cool!” You say, handing Yeosang back his bow.
“You should have seen the amount of times our workshops caught fire in the early days.” San jokes, the slightest of upturns to the corner of his lips. “Good thing we’re quick learners.”
“Yeah, that, and you didn’t want to singe all of your hair off again.” Wooyoung laughs, leading to him soon being chased around the small space by the elder male.
You laugh, “I take it that that happened more than once?”
“To all of us.” Seonghwa confirms, voice suddenly a bit strained as he seems to be recalling the memories right this very instant. Subconsciously, he runs his fingers through his hair. “Multiple times.”
A snort of laughter escapes you this time, and you quickly slap a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggles.
Amused quirks of their brows greet you in response, and you find yourself waving your free hand in front of yourself. “Sorry, sorry. It’s just really funny to imagine. I like knowing you guys weren’t always this composed.”
This time, it’s Wooyoung’s turn to snort out a laugh, “Angel, when have you ever known us to be composed around you?”
You take a moment to consider his words, even going so far as to lift a finger in protest as your lips part. Then, you’re nodding, eyebrows raising in agreement, “A good point.”
“Speak for yourself,” Jongho rolls his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest as a huff escapes him.
You simply quirk a brow in amusement at him, your one hand coming up to rub almost teasingly at the side of your neck where he bit you all those weeks ago.
Subtly, red begins to creep up his neck.
“Right, well,” he clears his throat, “Shall we move on to the next room?”
A few side-eyed looks are sent the youngest’s way in response, and you swear you see both Mingi’s and Hongjoong’s eyes flash black for the briefest of moments. However, before you can think too much on it, San is practically grabbing your hand and dragging you away from Yeosang. All too eagerly, the younger male leads you back over to the door you entered into the room from. A second later, he’s opening it and guiding you through.
Your eyes immediately light up at seeing all of the different spears, tridents, and javelins lining the walls, amongst other pole based weapons. Again, they’re all made form a range of materials in a variety of colours, and each design manages to take your breath away.
“Go wild,” San leans in to whisper in your ear, just as you hear the door fall shut behind you.
A large, giddy smile pulls onto your lips as you immediately race over to the one wall. There’s a specific spear that’s caught your eye, and the closer you get to the tip, the more detail work you can see carved into it. There seems to be a pattern of sorts etched into the metal, unfamiliar to you with all its swirls and shapes, but beautiful nonetheless.
The entire room is silent as you stand there, observing the intricate detailing of the spear’s tip. Each male watches you fondly, enjoying this moment for as long as they possibly can. Seeing your wonder and marvel at all of the designs makes their hearts race, and knowing that you’re enjoying yourself currently means the world to each and every single one of them.
Finally, you begin to move around the room, San right beside you the whole time.
“I feel like I’m in an art museum or something.” You admit lowly, voice airy and full of awe.
“Well, designing and forging weapons is simply another form of art.” Yunho nods his agreement.
“And you’ve all been making these your whole lives?” You turn to glance at the others from over your shoulder.
Small nods of confirmation greet you in response, subtle smiles pulling at all of their features.
“It’s why we take such great lengths to store them.” Yeosang adds. “Only we can access these rooms, for they are intricately linked, and can only be entered through this one door.”
Nothing but awe shines in your eyes as your lips part. A breathless ‘wow’ escapes you once more, turning lightly in a circle as you take in the whole room.
“Then, there are eight rooms?” You turn back to face them.
“Eight main ones, yes.” San says. “We have many storage rooms, and way too many weapons we no longer use.”
“That’s not to mention each of our own forges which are connected to our storehouses.” Seonghwa comments casually, leaning against the wall right beside the door.
“So, the rooms are almost like a labyrinth of sorts?” You tilt your head slightly in inquiry.
“You could say that.” Hongjoong chuckles. “It’s more of individual blocks of rooms floating in limbo within our domain until we summon the rooms to this door.”
“Ah,” you nod slowly in understanding. “I see.” The corner of your lips quirk upwards. “That’s still really cool.”
Little do you see the small, bashful smiles that tug at their features as you look away for the moment.
Turning back to face the tridents, you take in the various styles lining the wall. Some are placed vertically, while others sit horizontally, displaying the many pikes on each.
Two in particular - one silver with five prongs, and one gold with three prongs - catch your eye. Both are shiny, appearing as if they might be the newest to his collection as they are displayed side by side on a slight angle. It’s as if he purposely hung them like this; to emphasize the set they seem to make together. They’re quite familiar, and as you get closer, you realize why.
The silver one is a perfect replica of Queen Atlanna’s trident from the Aquaman film, while the gold is a perfect replica of Arthur’s own.
The way San is staring at you, his eyes shining with nothing but affection with just a hint of nervousness, says it all.
You smile, grabbing his hand in your own. Softly, you squeeze, warmth flooding your chest as you understand exactly what his intentions are. He made these for you, and him. He means for the two of you to use these together. The set never meant to be separated, or be without the other in battle.
For a brief moment, you allow him passed your void.
My Aquaman. You hum, squeezing his hand once more. Thank you.
My Queen, He mirrors your smile, his shoulders relaxing the slightest bit as he squeezes your hand back. I’m just glad you like them.
Like them? You reply, rather eagerly. Sannie, I love them.
The soft giggle he lets out fills the room, his eyes crinkling in the corners with the weight of his happiness. I’m glad.
Softly, you wiggle your intertwined hands in the space between your bodies. Not even a moment later, you’re turning back to the wall of tridents, lifting your gaze to take in the ones near the top of the wall. That’s when another, near the corner of the room, catches your attention.
A gasp escapes you. “No way.”
Rushing over to the trident, you end up half dragging, half pulling San along with you. You’ve closed your void to him now, so he cannot get a sense of what it truly is that’s caught your attention. That is, until you’re speaking once more.
“So, when were you going to tell me that you have an exact replica of Finnick’s trident from Catching Fire?” You quirk a brow, glancing at him briefly.
San grins, lifting said object off of the wall. “I figured it would be a nice surprise.”
“You seem to be full of nice surprises today, Pretty Boy.” You grin right back, watching as he handles that trident carefully before you.
“So, that’s what you ran off to make that one day,” Jongho mumbles, understanding painting his features. “I was wondering why you were asking me all those questions about her favourite book series.”
“I do love The Hunger Games.” You nod, eyes widening in excitement as San hands you the trident. “Finnick is my favourite character.” Then, a moment’s pause as you look over the weapon in your hands. “Him and Annie deserved better.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jongho nodding solemnly along with your words.
“I thought it was that set he made that day,” Hongjoong motions back to the Aquaman tridents proudly on display.
“I had to start with something easier,” San replies, sparing a look at all of his brothers.
“You count this design as easy?” You voice, incredulously, as the fingers of your one hand come up to trace the pole gently.
San only chuckles in response, offering you a small shrug of his shoulders.
“I don’t blame him.” Mingi hums, glancing from Jongho to Seonghwa. “There seems to be a recurring theme of making replicas of weapons belonging to your favourite characters and series, Starlight.”
“Speaking from experience, Min?” You place the trident back in its spot, moving over to where the others are standing after having your fill of looking around.
“You’ll see.” He chuckles, moving to wrap his arm around your shoulders.
Only, the youngest placing his hand onto the small of your back beats him to it. You nearly shiver from the contact, the tips of his fingers pressing lightly into your bare skin. 
That’s when you remember: you’re still only in your sport’s bra for the moment.
A glare is sent Jongho’s way, not just from Mingi, but from San as well. Your time in his weapon’s hold was far too short for his liking, but at least you enjoyed yourself. A bonus? You’re still beaming as Jongho leads you back through the door.
The moment you step through the threshold to be surrounded by axes of every size, shape, and colour, your lips part in a gasp, “Oh my.”
On one wall, throwing axes and hatchets are displayed. The opposite, everything ranging from a typical fireman’s axe, to the most intricately designed single bladed axes reside. On the final wall, double bladed axes reside, one sticking out more than the rest.
Your eyes widen, practically running out of Jongho’s hold as you see the axe resting in the centre display. It’s dual blades are familiar to you, the metal smooth before giving way to two sets of three triangles hollowed out on either side of the shaft. There, detailed rune work resides, and you find you can only place your hand over your heart in attempts to quell its beating.
“I see what you mean.” You swallow thickly, nearly jumping as you feel Jongho’s hand return to the small of your back.
“It’s quite effective in battle,” Jongho mentions casually, leading you over to the wall of hatches to show you the two other small axes that Gimli has in his arsenal that he’s also taken the liberty to make.
“You’ve already used Gimli’s axe in battle?” There’s nothing but wonder in your voice as you look at him, your whole body practically vibrating in excitement.
“Not yet, technically.” He chuckles at your enthusiasm. “But the simulations have all run smoothly.”
You turn back to the weapons before you, nothing but wonder in your eyes, “Wow.”
You’re starting to notice a slight pattern to the rooms now. All of them seem to be about the same size, with their weapons all lining the walls. Some of them even have a few extra racks to hold certain designs, but for the most part, the main wall houses what you assume to be the favourites, while the other side walls hold the smaller designs. They’re all organized quite well, and from the gleam you can see coming from each polished weapon, you can tell that they are all well taken care of, and maintained regularly.
Something they seem to have in common for all of the things that they care for - a great sense of both responsibility, and attention to detail when looking after them.
“Come, there’s another one I want to show you.” Jongho gently guides you to the opposite wall.
Sticking out his hand, an axe comes flying off of the wall from higher up. It spins in the air as it travels the short distance to his hand, the dark silver of the single edged blade glinting in the light. There seems to be a smaller blade protruding from the opposite side of the handle, acting as a continuation of the main blade on the other side.
The instant it touches Jongho’s hand, your eyes are widening as another gasp escapes you. The veins of gold carved into the blade stand out starkly against the darkness of the silver. The wooden handle is slightly curved, the blade itself covering almost half of the length of the wood.
“No way you made Kratos’ Leviathan Axe.” Your voice holds nothing but awed disbelief as you look over every inch of that axe Jongho holds out for you. “And you can summon it to your hands like he can in the game?”
“We can summon all of our weapons to our hands like that, My Love.” Hongjoong chuckles, eyebrows raising in amusement as he sees the glare Jongho sends him for stealing his thunder.
“How does it work?” You spare a glance at all of them around the room.
“Usually just requires a drop of our blood and a binding spell.” Seonghwa explains.
“So, that’s how you can make your weapons appear out of thin air?” You ask, wonderstruck. “Not cause you’re doing something like reaching through realms, or into a pocket of space?”
Yunho chuckles, along with Wooyoung, Seonghwa, and Mingi.
“No, Petal,” he grins fondly at your curious expression. “Unfortunately we cannot do that, but it is how we are able to summon our weapons to us instantly.”
“Does it work on other things, too?” You inquire, nearly dropping the axe in your excitement as Jongho hands it to you.
“It works on anything we bind ourselves to in that way.” Mingi confirms.
“So, if you wanted to summon each other?” You tilt your head slightly as you finally get a good grip on the handle of the axe. “It’d be different than your transportation thingy?”
“Slightly.” Hongjoong confirms. “Think of it as a mere aspect of our teleportation.”
“But still different than a proper summoning spell.” Yeosang adds.
You nod, spinning that axe slowly in your hands as you look over the detail work.
“Would it work in battle?” You glance upwards. “If you ever needed to save each other from a killing blow? Or if one of you needed back up?”
“Normally, we’d just use our teleportation for that.” Mingi shrugs, leaning against an open part of the wall.
“That’s fair,” you hum, eyes shifting their focus back to the axe in your hands.
Where the gems would normally reside, you’ve noticed two other small jewels in their place. One is an opal, and the other is your own birthstone. A fact of which makes you smile, for you know both are meant to represent you and Jongho.
“With this summoning thing, is it automatic if you think of the item?” You hand Jongho the axe back, not wanting to risk damaging it right now as your curiosity is getting the better of you.
“It’s practically second nature to us now.” Wooyoung confirms with a nod. “The closer the object, the easier it is to summon it.”
“That makes sense.” You nod, eyes catching on another intricately carved axe for the moment. “Oh!”
The blade is hollowed in some areas, giving a sort of skeleton design to the metal. It’s intricately carved, the design looking more for style than functionality. However, you know that it’s more than likely made out of that Sage Metal that they told you about earlier. The axe is more than durable, and certainly functional.
“This is beautiful,” you breathe, tracing the spaces in the metal lightly with your index finger. Of course, you make sure not to touch the edges of the metal, not wanting to cut yourself on accident. Who knows how they would react to that.
“Not as beautiful as you.” Jongho whispers lowly into your ear as he steps up behind you, wrapping you in his arms.
A snort of laughter escapes you, lips parting in disbelief.
“Oh, Baby Bear,” you chuckle lowly, shaking your head. “Please don’t say such cringy things to me. You’re more suave than that.”
You don’t have to look at him to see the giant pout Jongho now wears on his features, only deepened by the laughter of his brothers.
“Oh, can it.” He turns to them, a frown on his features. “You were all thinking it, too.”
Again, you shake your head, lovingly this time. “What am I going to do with all of you?”
Wooyoung slides right up to your side, pulling you out of Jongho’s embrace and into his own. Carefully, he begins leading you back to the door.
“Love us unconditionally for all eternity?” There’s a hint of hope in his eyes, swirling within that all too familiar admiration and adoration you’ve become so used to from him. 
From all of them.
You hum, pretending to think about it for a moment. You stop just before the closed door, sparing a glance around at all of them briefly.
You smile lovingly, “That can be arranged.”
Low hums of content greet your ears as you reach forward to open the door. You do not need to look at them to know that they are gazing at you with nothing but a tender fondness in their eyes right now. You can feel it surrounding you as you step through the door, flooding your veins and comforting you right down to your very core.
Their unspoken response rings loud and clear through your mind, despite your void still being up. There is no doubt in your mind that they will do the same: love you unconditionally for all eternity. They’ve already proven, in more ways than one, that they do.
The moment you refocus in on the room surrounding you, your eyes catch on bottles upon bottles lining the shelves built into every free inch of the walls of this room. Various colourful liquids reside inside, some even appearing to glow with how vibrantly they shine beneath the lights. Small vials rest beside them, and you think you know what rests inside those.
Understanding flashes across your features and you turn to Wooyoung who practically shakes in excitement beside you.
“So, which one is the deadliest?” You quirk a brow, the corner of your lips twitching upwards.
A giddy smile stretches across his features, which then slowly morphs into a sly smirk, “No hesitation, huh, Angel?”
“I’m curious,” You shrug, nonchalantly.
He hums, “It’s just over here.”
Leading you over to a wall with the darkest liquids residing on the shelves, Wooyoung lifts his free hand. Instantly, a bottle of the blackest void comes rushing to his fingers, thick in texture and hardly sloshing around inside its container. Faintly, you swear you can hear hissing coming from his hand.
“There is no toxin more deadly than my own creations.” He tells you. “This one, though, is the worst.”
“Are you immune?” You glance up at him, a curious glint in your eyes.
“I’m immune to every poison you can imagine, and then some.” He hums, that grin still tugging at his features as he hands you the bottle of that thick black liquid. “But I always have antidotes close at hand.”
He motions around him to the small vials resting beside the bottles.
“We’re not as immune as he is to some of his creations.” Jongho grumbles, his arms crossed over his chest.
“But most of them, you are?” You spare a glance at the rest of them standing over by the door.
“That would be correct, My Love.” Hongjoong nods. “His most deadly, he’s made sure we’re immune to.”
“It’s considerate, considering the amount of times he’s used us as guinea pigs for new concoctions.” San grumbles, narrowing his eyes pointedly at Wooyoung.
You turn your head back to the aforementioned male who seemingly shrinks slightly in his spot.
“You guys volunteer.” He mumbles.
“Yeah,” Yunho rolls his eyes playfully. “That’s cause we never actually know what we’re signing up for.”
“It’s not my fault you all have different side effects than what I intend sometimes!” Wooyoung counters, a large pout pulling at his features. “It’s not like it’s intentional.”
“Sometimes, I feel like it is.” Yeosang states, rather pointedly.
“I don’t know,” you hum. “Isn’t the point of vaccines to inject some of the original virus or disease into your body so you know how to fight off the living cells, were they to enter your system?”
“See. At least My Angel understands my methods!” Wooyoung perks back up, tightening the hold of his one arm that rests around your waist. “There’s a whole process! You can’t just be immune. It’s not in your blood!”
“And it’s in yours?” San’s brow quirks knowingly.
“Actually, yes. It is.” Wooyoung states, rather proudly. “Most of my poisons contain some aspect of my blood in them, whether diluted or pure. That’s why they can be so toxic.”
“That’s really cool!” You chime in, having way too much fun watching the thick liquid slide around in the bottle every time you tip it upside down.
“So, there!” Wooyoung sticks his tongue out playfully at his brothers.
“Are there any kinds of toxins you’ve made that have a different effect than just poisoning the victim?” You turn your attention back to Wooyoung. “You know, like paralysis, or something?”
“Do I ever!” Wooyoung practically bounces on his feet as he leads you to the opposite wall. “This one-“ he points to a bright pink liquid, “is similar to a sleeping drought, but too much will cause the heart to stop for any living thing.”
You nod, staring intently at the bottle in front of you.
“This one-“ he points to an almost transparent green liquid, “causes your muscles to seize and inflicts unbearable pain throughout the body. Great for immobilizing people, but not quite paralysis in it’s literal sense.”
“Oh, wow.” You observe said liquid carefully.
“I also have certain tonics that effect emotions, a person’s state of mind or being, as well as ones that can essentially put people into either a comatose state, or loosen their tongue if we need a ‘physical’ way to gather information for assassinations.” He explains.
“So, you have truth telling serums?” Your brow quirks, the corner of your lips twitching upwards.
“I have any and every type of tonic you can think of.” Wooyoung nods, quite proudly at that.
You nod, eyes never leaving that shelf in front of you.
“So, then,” you begin. “Which is a stronger aphrodisiac? Your blood, or one of your tonics?”
The sound of shattering glass sounds behind you, and you turn to see Seonghwa and Mingi both cursing to themselves. Bottles, or what’s left of them, lay broken at their feet, the sound of hissing greeting your ears as liquid seeps over the ground.
“Careful with those,” Wooyoung waves his hand, cleaning the mess in an instant. “Some mixtures are deadly, even to us, if cross contaminated with each other.”
“We’ll just make sure to knock into the non-fragile glass bottles, next time.” Seonghwa grumbles, wiping off the front of his shirt rather harshly.
“Glass bottles are the most effective containers for acidic poisons, especially if reinforced by magic.” Wooyoung states, matter of factly.
“But they can still shatter on impact with the floor.” Jongho quirks a brow, matter of factly.
“You win some, you lose some.” Wooyoung shrugs, before turning his attention back to you for the moment. “To answer your question, Angel, it would be this one right here.” A bottle with a liquid as clear as day is instantly in his one hand. “This is the strongest aphrodisiac we own, besides our blood.”
“Oh?” Your lips twitch upwards in the corner, brow quirking. “So, they’re on par with one another, then?”
“Not quite,” Wooyoung’s eyes begin to swirl with that all too familiar darkness. “This is just a little stronger, since it’s undiluted in that sense.”
You hum, “Interesting.”
“Why?” San’s voice, low and gravelly reaches your ears as his hooded gaze meets your own. “Want to give it a try?”
All eight sets of eyes are on you in an instant, darkness swirling within.
You smirk, “Perhaps some other time.”
Eight low growls reach your ears as you walk back over to the door. You can feel the weight of their heated stares on you, even as you glance towards them from over your shoulder.
“Shall we?” You drawl out, a teasing flick to your brows.
Yunho seems to be the first to recompose himself, quickly moving over to you and placing his hand onto the skin of your upper back. Gently, he guides you through the door, clearing his throat all the while.
“I don’t tend to use many weapons, so my storehouse is a bit of the miscellaneous designs we keep for the occasional use.” He explains. “I do tend to like shredding things, whether physical, or mental, though.”
Again, your eyes light up as you take in the various unconventional designs around you. You can tell they’ve experimented with multiple angles and materials, each weapon given certain liberties over the rest. Everything from large hammers to thin whips with metal spikes attached to them line the walls, allowing you to see the various techniques they all know how to use in battle depending on the weapon.
Serrated blades, tools, saws, and even some scythes and rifles also line the walls.
Your brow quirks at the cage of guns off to the side.
“For our assassinations, mainly.” Yunho is quick to tell you, to which you’re immediately nodding your head in understanding.
“Who’s the best sniper?” You turn to them, looking over each male individually.
“Seonghwa and Hongjoong are amazing.” Wooyoung immediately boasts, a proud smile tugging at his lips.
“Really, we’ve got nothing on Mingi, though.” Hongjoong says, averting his gaze somewhat bashfully as red creeps up his neck.
At Seonghwa’s nod in agreement, you turn to the aforementioned male. Lightly, a grin pulls at the corner of your lips.
You let Mingi in.
I always knew you were way cooler than James Bond. You meet his gaze with an affectionate look of your own. Definitely proves it.
Mingi giggles, brushing tenderly against your mind with his own as his eyes crinkle at the sides.
You turn back to the main wall of weapons. “You all contribute to this stockade, or is it more trial and error?”
“A little bit of both.” San says, the others nodding in agreement. “Sometimes we even get certain materials from our friends that we play around with when creating weapons.”
At this, your brow quirks.
“Well, sometimes we aren’t simply given things.” Wooyoung chuckles. “Like when Jongho used the teeth from the snakes of the last gorgon leader to make a tiny mace.”
Jongho simply glares at Wooyoung in response.
“Not going to lie, that’s pretty cool.” You reply, nonchalantly. “Do you guys have any transforming weapons?”
“Mingi made the Beastcutter from Bloodborne.” Seonghwa comments casually.
Your jaw drops. “You did not.”
The second Mingi sticks his hand out, a weapon flies off of the wall. Sure enough, holding it out to you reveals it to be a life-size replica of the Beastcutter from Bloodborne.
“Holy shit.” There is no hiding the awe in your eyes as he passes it to you, you giggling like a maniac soon after.
“If I recall, Mingi’s made a lot of replicas of From Soft weapons.” Yeosang adds, humming lightly to himself.
“You have?” That awe filled gaze of yours is back on Mingi, who’s neck begins to turn bright red as he nods. “That’s incredible!”
He lifts a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck. “It’s nothing.”
“Moonlight, I wish you wouldn’t downplay your skills sometimes.” You comment, patting his arm affectionately. Then, you’re practically bouncing on your feet as the Beastcutter is returned to its original spot. “Now, show me, show me, show me!”
Mingi chuckles lowly, “Of course, Starlight.” He leads you back to the door, his arm gently finding purchase around your waist. “Right this way.”
Carefully, Mingi guides you through the door and into his own storehouse of weapons, his brothers following closely behind. The sound of the door shutting is synonymous with your gasp, your eyes practically shining as you take in the sets of weapons lining the walls, mainly consisting of dual blades.
At one particular set that is bright red, the edges of the blades artfully chipped, a dramatic gasp escapes you.
“No way!” You point at the blades, scurrying over to them while hopping around on your feet. “You made the Rivers of Blood from Elden Ring into a two sword set?”
“I had to compromise a bit on length, but the design is the same.” He shrugs, plucking them off of the wall and giving them each a spin in his hands.
You practically swoon as a result. “Somebody pinch me, I’m in heaven.”
Low chuckles resound around the room, each male loving how your excitement never seems to cease for even one moment. The fact that Mingi continues to captivate you currently by performing small tricks with the blades has them beaming. Though, a few, such as Hongjoong, Jongho, and Seonghwa, all wish it were them that were impressing you in such a way instead.
Again, Mingi chuckles, placing the Rivers of Blood back in their spot before pulling two other katanas off of the wall. They also seem familiar to you, though you can’t seem to figure out why.
“I dubbed these ones my Deadpool set.” Mingi explains with a grin, giving them each a spin in his hands.
“I was wondering why they looked so familiar,” You hum, nodding slightly. “If you pull out the Blades of Chaos next, I might need to sit down.”
The grin Mingi wears is nothing short of gleeful as he replaces the katanas on the wall. In a blink, he holds out his hands, chains wrapping around his forearms before a dual set of particularly carved blades appear held in his grip.
You physically feel your legs give out beneath you, a hand coming up to press against your forehead as you fall backwards.
Luckily, Yunho appears just in time to catch you.
“I’m dreaming.” You mutter lowly, nothing but awe in your voice. “This is a dream, and I’m in heaven.”
More fond chuckles greet your ears.
“It’s a shame the blades are more for show than anything,” Mingi somewhat pouts. “Still worth seeing every one of your reactions, though, Starlight.”
“Oh, yeah, I heard something about them being impractical in real life cause of the chains or something.” You manage to right yourself on your feet, affectionately patting Yunho’s hands which he keeps wrapped around your waist. “The blades could still be effective on their own, though. Can they not?”
The grin that stretches across Mingi’s face says it all.
“Now, if you go around bathing them in fire as you use them, I might faint for real.” You comment casually.
His eyebrow quirks, “Promise?”
“You want me to faint?” You snort out a laugh.
“If it’s from something cool that I’ve done,” Mingi shrugs, storing the blades back in their place. “Why not?”
“Touché.” You hum, sparing another glance around the room. Your eyes catch briefly on a set of blades, curved to resemble human spines. You smile. “Seriously guys, this is incredible.”
“We’re just glad you’re enjoying yourself, Dearest.” Yeosang smiles, nothing but tender fondness reflected in his eyes.
“Like I said, this is one of the best days of my life.” You breathe out. “I’ve always had a fascination with different types of weapons since I was small. It’s nice not having to hide my excitement about them anymore. Especially about ones that I long since thought could only be used in fictional settings, or for cosplay.”
“Hearing you rant and rave about certain styles of weapons when we watch those…” Jongho grimaces slightly, irritation shining briefly on his features, “Let’s Players, sticks with us, you know.”
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Jacksepticeye, Baby Bear.” You quirk a brow.
At the few grumbles you hear, you begin to laugh.
“You seem to be overtly fond of him.” Hongjoong mutters lowly.
You shrug. “He’s funny.”
Low growls sound from Yeosang, Mingi, San, and Seonghwa.
“Again, just because you don’t like him, doesn’t mean I don’t.” You remind them.
“That’s the problem, Angel.” Wooyoung mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
“The fact I find him entertaining?” You quirk a brow, noticing how they remain quiet for the most part. “Wait, is this why you all started playing God of War and Bloodborne? So, I wouldn’t watch his play-throughs anymore?”
“No.” Jongho answers, much too quickly.
“We also needed to get better insight of the weapons when making them.” Mingi says, matter of factly.
A smack is given to the elder male from the youngest as you stare at them knowingly. Then, your eyes seemingly glaze over, deep in thought.
“You said you make weapons out of materials sometimes gifted to you from others, right?” Your brow is furrowed as you step out of Yunho’s embrace, much to the male’s discontent.
“That’s correct.” Yeosang confirms.
You hum to yourself, beginning to pace back and forth as your mind reels.
“How strong are dragon teeth?” You pause, lifting your head to spare a glance at all of them.
Understanding flashes behind their eyes.
“They are extremely durable and versatile, My Divine.” Seonghwa replies, a knowing glint in his eyes. “Some of the strongest bones in all the realms. Other than their horns, of course.”
“And baby dragon’s teeth?” You quirk a brow.
“Not as durable, but strong all the same.” Yunho confirms.
Again, you hum, shifting to face Hongjoong. “Can I see Mon’s teeth for a moment?”
By the time you’ve extended your hands, Hongjoong has that green cloth placed upon your palms. You turn just in time to see a wooden table appear beside you, the guys all moving in to stand around it as you work.
Carefully, you unwrap the package that is Mon’s baby teeth. Once you have that cloth covering the main portion of the table, you begin arranging them in a particular pattern. Slowly, a triangle begins to form, Mon’s teeth outlining the shape.
“Our conversation just now gave me an idea,” you begin, righting yourself so you’re no longer hunched over the table. “A bit literal for serrated teeth, but I think it works well.”
A gentle hand is placed onto your lower spine curtesy of Mingi. Sparing a glance at him reveals his lips to be tugging upwards into a proud smile.
“I don’t know how the logistics will work, but if you can make the Beastcutter, then I’m sure you can make a Saw Spear,” You meet Mingi’s gaze. “No?”
A pride swirls behind his gaze, his chest puffing out the slightest bit. “I think that can be arranged.”
The smile that takes over your features lights up the entire room, excitement pouring off of you in waves. “Really?”
“Most definitely.” San confirms with a nod. “We can all help with this one.”
“You’d all really do this for me?” You spare a glance at all of them, noticing how tenderly they look at you.
“Of course!” Wooyoung confirms eagerly. “It’s not every day Our Queen asks us to make her her own weapon.”
You share an excited giggle.
“Listen, I want to be able to have something to call my own,” you grin. “Preferably not just a bat. I’m not sure how intimidating our enemies will find me only wielding a weapon like that.”
“Believe me, Baby,” San chuckles. “You’re plenty intimidating with a bat.”
“So I’ve heard.” You smile slyly.
“We could make you a personalized bat, too, Dearest.” Yeosang offers. “Anything and everything your heart desires, know that it’s yours.”
Lifting your head to meet his gaze, your eyes crinkle as your smile morphs into a loving one. 
“How about we start with this for now?” You say softly. “I’m sure I’ll think of more when the time comes. Believe me when I say there’s no shortages of weapon’s designs in my mind. But for now, there’s still two more main storehouses to see, and I’d also love to see a forge if there’s time. I am getting hungry.”
“Well then,” Yunho nods, noticing how his brothers all wear the same look of affection spreading across his face in this moment. “What are we waiting for?”
Leaving Mon’s teeth laid out on the table at their request, you walk back over to the door. This time, it’s Hongjoong that opens it, stepping through to hold it as you follow shortly behind.
If you’re being honest with yourself, his and Seonghwa’s rooms are the ones you’re most anticipating. Long since have you fantasized about what their own blades will look like, and now, you find your whole body shaking with excitement as you step through the threshold.
The instant you see the wall of daggers before you, a loud gasp escapes you. Your hands come up to cover your mouth, eyes flitting all over the weapons on display before you. Everything from ceremonial daggers, to jewelled blades rest before you in an array of designs. There even seems to be a small display case in front of the main wall with a dagger inside, resting upon a cushion. It looks familiar to you, and as you get closer, you realize why.
There seems to be a blade missing from the set, but you say nothing. Still, you cannot help but to zero in on that cushion, noting the slight indent where the second dagger should reside.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Hongjoong stiffen, but you opt to say nothing for now.
Sets of throwing knives line the one wall, some collections housing upwards of twenty blades. You take the time to observe everything, walking slowly around the room and taking it all in. Each blade manages to take your breath away, your heart racing erratically in your chest as excitement courses through your veins.
Hongjoong, you notice, still remains unusually quiet. In fact, if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he looks nervous, especially when you glance towards that display case in front of the main wall every now and again.
Turning to the others, you smile lightly, “Do you mind giving us a minute?”
A few quirked brows are sent your way in response, but they comply, nonetheless.
“We’ll meet you in your storeroom, okay, Mars?” You catch his gaze, noticing how he nods in understanding as soon as the words escape you.
Slowly, you watch as they all step through the door, and only once you see it fall shut, the small click resounding throughout the room, do you turn back to face Hongjoong.
There’s an almost reserved look in his eyes as he avoids your gaze. Slowly, he shifts from foot to foot, his hands clasped in front of himself.
Your expression falls.
Silently, you approach him, gently lifting his hands into your own.
“What’s wrong, My Love?” Your inquiry is soft, giving his hands a small squeeze in order to coax him to meet your eyes.
He’s unusually silent as he shakes his head, staring intently at your intertwined hands.
Normally, this room is a huge sense of pride for him. However, as soon as he saw you glance the display case with only the one dagger inside, his heart plummeted. Selfishly, he kept it there in its spot because he could not bring himself to get rid of it. Now though, he fears he made the wrong call, for that pillar acts as a stark reminder of every misdeed he’s ever performed. That case stands almost mockingly; a tombstone that could have been yours.
“Hongjoong,” Worry pulls at your brow as you lift a hand up to guide his gaze to yours. Tenderly, your thumb brushes against his cheek. “You’re unusually quiet right now, and I’m extremely concerned. I thought you’d be ecstatic to show me your collection today.”
He purses his lips, and you can see a hint of fear flash behind his eyes.
“Is this about the set of daggers in that case?” Your tone is nothing but gentle.
The way he stiffens beneath your touch says it all.
The way that you can tell that this is affecting him negatively has your heart squeezing painfully in your chest. It’s clear to you that Miyeon still has her claws buried deep within his guilt, and all you want to do is reassure him as best you can in this moment. Only, you’re not quite sure how.
“They were-“ he clears his throat of the roughness that resides in his voice, “They were meant to be ours.”
Your gaze shifts to the small display case where that lone blade sits.
“The daggers,” You breathe.
He nods. “I made them for us.”
You squeeze his one hand once more, gently guiding him over to the display case so you can get a closer look.
Still, he refuses to so much as glance at that singular dagger.
“I wanted that one to be yours, and the other to be mine, but she-“ his voice hitches, and he squeezes his eyes shut. “I don’t think I could ever look at my dagger the same way again. Not after what she did to you with it. Yet, I can’t bring myself to destroy the set. It held so much meaning to me when I made them, that I just-”
He doesn’t finish his thought. Instead, his shoulders droop and he turns the slightest bit away from you.
Shame weighs heavy on his shoulders, regret adding its toll.
You take a moment to observe the dagger in the case. It’s certainly familiar, but you notice slight discrepancies to the one you’ve already seen. This dagger’s blade is slightly thinner, the handle carved in the opposite direction to its matching pair. You can tell that they’re meant to be put together. A set, never to be separated.
“I’m glad you didn’t.” You turn to him, and your words finally draw a reaction from him. “Destroy them, I mean.”
“My Love?” There’s clear surprise on his features, not having expected you to say anything along those lines.
If Hongjoong is being honest with himself, he expected you to start cursing him out for not getting rid of the very weapon that caused you such harm. He was certain that you’d be screaming at him, asking him why he would keep such vile weapons around after what they did to you.
To say your tender look of affection shocks him would be a great understatement.
“You still have the other dagger, then?” You ask him softly, rubbing your thumb tenderly over the back of his hand.
Slowly, albeit hesitantly, he nods.
“May I see it?” The question is gentle in all meaning of the sense, making sure to keep your voice low as you look at him with kind eyes.
A moment’s hesitation before he nods. Then, he has the other dagger in his free hand, holding the handle out for you to take.
Meeting his gaze, you smile assuringly at him. Maintaining eye contact, you gently slip that dagger out of his hold, gripping it firmly in your one hand. Only then do you spare a glance down at one of the weapons that had caused you such pain all those long weeks ago.
Just as you thought, this one is slightly bigger, the blade both a little thicker and longer in length.
“This one was meant to be yours?” You lift your gaze to his, noticing how intently he watches you in this very moment.
He nods.
You let your intertwined hands fall to rest in the space between your bodies, letting them sway gently back and forth.
“Will you hold onto mine?” There’s nothing but a hopeful gleam to your eyes as you watch him nod.
Slowly, he unlocks the case. Once the glass is opened, he lifts your dagger out with the utmost of care, holding it delicately in his hand. The way that he’s standing perfectly mirrors you in every way, and you cannot help the small upturn of your lips at that fact.
“Hongjoong, I wish to keep these daggers together,” you begin. At the way you see his lips part in protest, you’re quick to continue, “She was the one who used it to hurt me, not you. I know for a fact that you would rather carve out your own heart than bring me any harm. Your dagger didn’t hurt me. She did.”
The hitch in his breath is audible, even to you.
“I know you may not have intended it this way, but I wish to keep this one as my own.” You lift the dagger in your hand slightly. “And I wish for you to use that one. Let me reclaim the weapon that was used to hurt me, and know that it is meant to symbolize your undying loyalty and protection. Let me wield you in battle, just as you will wield me when the time comes.”
The way your eyes flash over to that dagger held in his hand as you speak those words says it all.
“These daggers are for us, meant to protect each other.” You state, rather firmly. “I think it’s time we allow them the proper use. Don’t you?”
He swallows thickly, his lips parting as tears line his eyes. He squeezes your hand.
“Yes,” he breathes, nodding his head once quite firmly. He blinks, and the first of his tears begin to fall down his cheeks. “Yes, My Queen. Always.”
Softly, you smile at him, guiding him into your embrace as he buries his face into the side of your neck. You can feel his sobs wracking his body as he holds onto you tightly, clinging to you both for dear life, but also in gratitude for what this moment means to the both of you. No longer will you allow Miyeon to control either of you. It’s time to reclaim that which has been stolen. All of it.
Pulling away from him slightly, you stare deeply into his eyes. The corners of your lips tug upwards in a loving smile, and you manage to brush some stray hairs out of his eyes.
“I am so deeply in love with you, My King.” There is no waver in your voice as you say this, pouring every ounce of sincerity that you can into your words. “Know that nothing will ever change that.”
“My Queen,” The words are but a whisper on his lips as he pulls you tighter against him. “Thank you, for believing in me.”
The smile you offer him says it all, nothing but tender love and affection shining within your gaze as you lean forward to kiss him gently. A kiss which he is all too eager to reciprocate, letting the movement of his lips over your own tell you of all the ways in which he loves you. The ways in which he will always love you, and appreciate all that you mean to him.
All too soon, you’re pulling away in order to rest your forehead on his.
“The daggers are beautiful, My Love,” Your words are but a soft caress against his lips. “Thank you for keeping them as one.”
Hongjoong manages a small smile in response. “I am simply happy you like them, My Queen.”
“I love them, Joongie.” Your reply is immediate, pulling the slightest bit back from him to admire the detailing on the handles once more. “It means a lot to me that you made them for us.”
“Of course, My Love,” Gently, he returns them both to their spots on top of the cushion inside the display. He’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again. In a soft voice, he admits, “I made them the day I knew I wanted you to become Our Queen.” He turns to you, eyes holding nothing but love for you swirling within that familiar darkness. “My Queen.”
Your expression softens, “All the more reason to keep them, and use them as you’ve always intended.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” He chuckles lowly, offering you his hand as he steps in beside you.
Without any hesitation, you place your hand in his.
“I am curious, though,” you hum. “Did you keep the other one? The jewelled one from David’s shop?”
A blink, and that familiar dagger is in his free hand.
Your eyes go wide, a thrum of excitement going through you.
“I think it’s time it was given back to the woman who always deserved it,” He grins, a knowing glint in his eyes as he holds out the handle for you to take. “Don’t you?”
Eagerly, you nod your head, reaching out to take that dagger into your free hand.
You take a moment to look it over, twirling that blade in your grip lightly. A small smile rests on your features, eyes sparkling as you finally grasp the handle firmly in your hand.
Little do you see how fondly Hongjoong watches over you in this very moment. Though, from the way you lift your head to meet his gaze, you manage to catch the very look resting on his features.
“Thank you, Joongie,” You lean in to place an affectionate kiss upon his cheek. “This truly means a lot to me.”
“Your happiness means the world to me, My Love.” Hongjoong smiles, giving your one hand still held in his a small squeeze. “I’m simply glad you can finally have everything you’ve always desired.”
“It’s because of you, you know.” You turn to face him just as you reach the door. “I’ve only been able to achieve this because of you. Because of all of you.”
Hongjoong’s heart warms, and he leans in to place a lingering kiss upon your forehead. “Then, how wonderful it will be to spend the rest of eternity with one another.”
Your own heart swells with nothing but happiness, “How wonderful indeed.”
With a final squeeze of your intwined hands, you exit the room.
The moment you step into Seonghwa’s own weapon’s hold, you’re greeted by chaos. Both him and Mingi appear to be sparring with some of his swords, while Yeosang chases both San and Wooyoung around with a sword of his own. Yunho stands off to the side with Jongho, both males shaking their heads with their arms crossed over their chests.
“Did I miss something?” You quirk a brow playfully, successfully drawing their attention to both you and Hongjoong standing just inside the threshold of the door.
“Wooyoung and San were being smartasses, as usual.” Jongho shakes his head once more.
“Hey!” Said males whine at the same time.
“Then, why was Yeosang chasing you with- oh my god, is that Major General Armstrong’s sword?” You practically shove Wooyoung out of the way to take the sword from Yeosang’s grip. 
Unfortunately, you fail to miss the large pout that now pulls onto Hongjoong’s features as you essentially leave him in the dust in order to observe this new sword. Nor do you see the pout that Wooyoung wears as he looks to you with large, pleading eyes.
With your dagger held in your one hand, and the sword in the other, you take in the detailing of the metal. The floral design engraved on the length of the blade takes your breath away, and you begin shaking in excitement once more.
Then, you’re nodding to yourself almost subconsciously, “Very beautiful. Very powerful.”
“I’m glad you like it, My Divine.” Seonghwa chuckles affectionately, coming to stand beside you as the others return to their respective spots near the door. “Come, there’s plenty more where that came from.”
Lifting your gaze, Seonghwa cannot deny the hitch in his breath as he sees your wondrous expression light up your features. The awe alone he can see says it all.
He swallows thickly.
Handing him the sword back, you finally take in the other blades residing on the surrounding walls.
“No way you have a wall full of just katanas- are those Zoro’s?” Another squeal leaves you as you rush over, gazing intently at the multiple swords lined up in a row.
Sure enough, upon closer inspection, the katanas in front of you correspond to the multiple ones Zoro has used throughout the course of One Piece.
“Seriously, I’m in heaven.” You sigh, dreamily.
Low chuckles sound from behind you, and you can feel all of their fond gaze on you as you dart around the room.
“No way!” A dramatic gasp escapes you as a particular blade catches your eye from across the room. “You made Sting?”
Just as you did with Yeosang’s bow in the first room, you go to reach out for it. Only, you hesitate, not sure if you should actually touch these weapons or not.
“Go ahead, My Divine,” Seonghwa chuckles, stepping in right beside you and placing a loving hand onto the skin of your lower back. “Please, don’t hold back.”
Practically shoving the dagger in your hands in his direction, you silently tell him to hold onto the jewelled blade while you lift Sting carefully off its display. Nothing but wonder resides in your gaze as you take in the detail work of the craftsmanship. The blade is unusually light, too, just as described in the book.
“If you tell me that this blade can also glow blue, I can and will faint right now.” You lift your gaze to his own, excitement pouring off of you in waves.
A soft chuckle falls from Seonghwa’s lips, “We’ll have to go visit some orcs, then.”
Your lips part, eyes widening as you visibly begin to shake. Not even a moment later, you’re zooming around the room, muttering to yourself about this being the best day of your life once more.
Hopping around the storehouse, you take in the rest of the swords lining the walls. You cannot keep the smile off of your face, almost subconsciously muttering a tune to yourself as you browse the selection of weapons before you.
“Oh, the wonders of weapons,” you hum, no longer paying any mind to the eight other males in the room, of whom watch you fondly. “The wonders of weapons of Kings.” You giggle. “My Lovely Kings.” 
They smile.
“My lovers are eight powerful, demonic Kings.” Your voice is low, but they still hear you loud and clear. A fact of which sets their hearts racing inside of their chests. “And I’m their One and Only Queen.”
Eight low growls of approval sound from behind you. Sparingly, you glance over your shoulder, offering them each a blissful smile.
“Today is a most wonderful day.” You continue to hum to yourself, bouncing around on the soles of your feet from one spot to another. “Spending it with the people I love.”
Rumbles of content fill the room, and you bound over to the eight of them with a vibrant smile lighting up your face. You take the time to give each one of them a kiss on the cheek, muttering how much you love them each time you do. A sentiment which is immediately echoed by each male as soon as you address them individually.
Still, you cannot prevent yourself from rocking excitedly on your feet as you see the large, dopey grins they offer you in return.
“Thank you.” You take the time to meet all of their gazes. “For today. For everything.” Your heart swells in your chest. “You all seriously don’t know how happy you make me.”
“The feeling is very much mutual, Petal.” Yunho hums, the same warmth that is currently flooding his chest heard clearly in his voice as he addresses you.
“We’re just glad you’re enjoying yourself, Dearest.” Yeosang adds, clasping his hands almost lovingly in front of himself as he gazes at you fondly.
You nod, vigorously at that. “Can I see one of your forges, now?”
“Of course, My Divine.” Seonghwa extends his free hand out to you, your dagger still held tightly in his opposite hand.
“Oh, thanks for holding onto that for me, Mars.” You reach over, taking your dagger back from him as he walks you both over to the door. “I-“
Your words die in your throat as the door opens to reveal a grandiose space. There’s a large wooden table that lines the one wall, the forge worked into the opposite corner. A floor to ceiling window resides near the forge itself, displaying a beautiful field with mountains in the distance. Hardly any clouds line the sky, the sun shining and illuminating the space all around.
Various weapons line the room, stacked on top of each other or resting against the wall where various tools and materials hang. There even seems to be a closet off to the side, which you would bet anything houses even more weapons that are currently being worked on, or have even been finished.
“Wow,” You breathe out, nothing but wonder on your features as you take it all in.
Carefully, you place your dagger onto the top of the wooden table off to the side, spinning around a few times to take in the full room around you. Seonghwa, of course, gives you enough space to do so, watching you with such a tender look in his eyes.
“Do all of your workshops look the same?” You turn to face them.
“More, or less.” Jongho tilts his head slightly from side to side. “Some of our tools vary due to the types of weapons we forge, but the setup is pretty much identical.”
“That’s so cool!” You say, awe clear in your voice.
“If you peek through the window, you can actually see the outlines of all of our forges in the hills.” Yunho motions with his head for you to take a look.
Instantly, you’re at the window, eyes scanning the area to see multiple windows buried seemingly inside the hills just outside.
“Woah,” You turn back around to face them. “That must come in handy when you need to borrow things from each other while welding.”
“It is quite convenient.” Mingi nods in confirmation. “Especially if one of the others has a material you need while crafting.”
“I can imagine.” You hum, eyes flitting over the table and taking in all of the little trinkets scattered about.
There seems to be a whetting stone placed near the corner, some scraps of black leather cut into pieces along the top. Some tools rest here and there, but for the most part, the space is clean.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Hongjoong nudge Seonghwa with his elbow.
You quirk a brow.
Seonghwa clears his throat.,“Actually, I have two things I wish to give you, My Divine.”
“You do?” There’s nothing but wonder in your tone as you watch him move around his workspace.
For a brief moment, Seonghwa enters that little closet at the side of the room. When he comes back, both of his hands are held behind his back.
You blink, curiosity getting the better of you as you attempt to see what he could be hiding.
“This one, we all agreed on a long time ago.” He says, sharing a brief look around the room at his brothers who all smile softly at you in response. “I reinforced it, so it no longer has to be simply decorative. Unless you desire it to be.”
In one swift movement, Seonghwa pulls his right hand out from behind his back. A familiar silver sword rests there, jewels glinting in the light.
The gasp that escapes you is immediate as you see the matching sword to that dagger you had placed on his work table resting in his hand.
Ever so carefully, you reach forward, taking that sword from his grip as your eyes shine with nothing but love.
“My Kings?” You glance around at all of them, noticing how they all stare at you the exact same way you’re looking at them.
“Anything and everything your heart could ever desire, Angel,” Wooyoung whispers. “It’s yours.”
“I-“ you swallow thickly, admiring that sword now held in your hands. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything, My Love,” Hongjoong smiles assuringly at you. “Know that we will always provide for you, in whatever ways that we can.”
“We love spoiling you, Baby,” San adds softly. “Knowing these are things that you’ve always wanted… well… it means a lot to us to see you happy; to make you happy.”
Your lips part, but no words escape you.
“Just let us take care of you.” Yeosang voices lowly, all seven of them nodding along to his words.
Again, you swallow the emotions building in your throat. Your grip tightens on that pommel in your hands, and you manage to blink away your building tears of joy.
“Thank you.” You take your time to meet each of their gazes. “I mean it. You all never fail to go above and beyond for me, and I will always cherish these moments, these gifts, more than you’ll ever know.”
Their smiles widen, hearts beating erratically in their chests.
“We’re just love seeing you happy, Starlight.” Mingi repeats San’s words from only moments ago, nothing but sincerity shining within all of their eyes.
“I still have one more sword to gift you, today, My Divine.” Suddenly, Seonghwa looks the slightest bit more nervous as he stands before you. “That is, if you’ll have it.”
“My Mars,” you hum, affection dripping from your gaze, “You could gift me a wooden sword, and I would cherish it until the end of time.”
Teasingly, Seonghwa’s eyes narrow as he spares a glance around the room. “Alright, who told?”
Almost instantly, Jongho starts whistling inconspicuously while San, Wooyoung, and Mingi all avoid Seonghwa’s gaze.
You giggle, and like every time before, it is music to every single one of their ears.
“It took me quite a few tries,” he begins, keeping his voice low and tone steady, “But I had to make sure it was perfect.”
In the blink of an eye, Seonghwa presents you with the other sword he had been holding behind his back this whole time. He rests it carefully over his palms, holding it out to you with loving eyes as he watches your every reaction carefully.
The sheath is easily recognizable to you, the leather strap wrapped meticulously around it just as it is when the sword gets presented in the movie. The handle is every bit as gorgeous as you remember, the black leather wrapping around the pommel perfectly placed as the worked silver glints in the light.
Without taking your eyes off of that sword, you pass the one currently in your hands to the closest person beside you. Easily, Mingi takes it from you as you step in closer to Seonghwa.
You swallow your building emotions.
With shaking hands, you reach out to grasp that sword. You take one small step back before you’re unsheathing it in one fluid movement, the etchings in the metal bringing tears to your eyes.
Before you, held in your very grip, is an exact replica of Andúril.
“You made this for me?” Your voice comes out small, your overwhelming emotions threatening to choke you out at any second.
Briefly, your gaze flits from the markings on the blade to Seonghwa’s face, noting how he nods softly.
The whole time, his gaze never leaves you for a moment. Never does he want to miss even a single second of the wondrous expression you wear on your face. The fact that he can hear your heart racing says it all.
“Seonghwa, I-“ Your grip tightens around the handle of the sword, meeting his gaze once more. “When?”
He shuffles slightly from foot to foot, the others remaining silent out of respect for the moment being shared between the both of you right now.
“I started that day we got back from the mall.” His honest reply nearly sends you to your knees.
Again, your eyes trail over every inch of that sword before you. Your heart swells with nothing but love, feeling as if it’s close to bursting as you take in every minuscule detail of the blade. You can tell that he put in a tremendous amount of effort into forging this weapon for you, and given its meaning to you in its entirety, you know that he spoke true when he said that he wanted to make it perfect.
For you. 
He made this for you.
Something within your eyes flash, and you’re quick to sheathe that sword. The whole time, you never break eye contact with the male across from you, and despite the pounding of your heart that you can hear in your ears, a sense of complete calm washes over you.
“You seven,” you don’t even spare them so much as a glance of acknowledgement. “Out. Now.”
Words of protest die on Wooyoung’s lips as he gets pushed out of the room by both Jongho and Yeosang. Of course, just before the door closes, Seonghwa does not fail to miss the wink Yunho sends his way.
The sound of the door clicking shut is synonymous with the movement of Seonghwa’s Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.
“You made this for me,” you begin lowly. “After hearing me say once that I have long since desired a replica of my own.”
He nods. Slowly.
“You didn’t hesitate for one moment to make this for me, did you?” Your inquiry is soft, despite the heated stare you wear.
He shakes his head.
You motion for him to come forward with your finger, backing yourself towards that wooden table as he begins stalking towards you. Not once does he break eye contact, obeying your every command without hesitation.
“Of all of the grandiose gesture you could make for me, this is the one that means the most.” You tell him honestly, your voice near breathless as you finally hit that table. Resting the sword against its side, you motion him closer. “There are no words to describe what this means to me; no gift more significant than that which you have just given.”
The moment he steps into you, your arms are around his shoulders, pulling him in closer. Softly, your fingers thread through the hair at the base of his neck, and you notice how his suddenly hooded eyes continuously spare fleeting glances down to your lips. You smirk.
“A simple ‘thank you’ is not enough to convey what this means to me.” You whisper lowly, surprising him by flipping your positions so that he’s the one pressed against the table. “What you mean to me, Seonghwa.”
One of your hands sneaks down his torso, sending a shiver up his spine as he feels you caressing his side. Then, you pull him even closer, hoisting his thigh up so that his leg wraps around your waist.
“How about it, My King?” You hum, voice nothing but sultry as your lips barely ghost over the skin of his own. “Will you allow me to demonstrate my gratitude for you?”
“Yes,” The nod of his head is immediate as he all but whimpers out a response. “Please.”
The corner of your lips twitches faintly upwards before you’re closing the rest of the distance between your two bodies. The way you hold onto him, and he to you, is nothing short of desperate, kissing one another like you are the very air you both need to breathe.
Carefully, you help him sit on top of the table, allowing for him to fully wrap his legs around your waist. Unashamedly, his hands roam over your body, pulling you in closer as his fingers dance across your skin.
The moan he lets out as you take his bottom lip between your teeth sets your heart fluttering inside of your chest.
“You are incredible, Seonghwa,” you mumble out against the skin of his lips. “And so, unbelievably beautiful.”
He moans, legs tightening around your waist as his stomach twists pleasantly.
“Shouldn’t-“ he gasps as you begin trailing your lips over his jaw, soon moving to bite at the skin of his neck, “Shouldn’t I be telling you this.”
“Some other time,” you promise, placing a lingering kiss over his racing pulse. “Right now, I want to worship you.”
The shudder that wracks his entire body does not go unnoticed by you. The fact that you can physically feel his skin heating beneath your touch says it all.
“My Queen-“
“Shhh,” you’re quick to cut him off with a peck to his lips. “Just let me take care of you.”
You pull away only the slightest bit to stare deeply into his eyes. Silently, you check in with him, brushing against that familiar blue string in your mind to make sure that he’s okay.
“Please,” he swallows. “Don’t stop.”
The tender smile that pulls at your lips says it all.
Instantly, you move back in to continue biting and sucking at his neck, your hands sneaking up his shirt and eliciting another moan from his lips. The desperate way he clings to you has a pleasant feeling building within your core, spreading outwards and warming your entire body.
To know that he wants you, that he needs you in this moment means the world to you. 
You wouldn’t have it any any other way.
Bringing your lips back to his, you swallow all of his sounds, enjoying every small whimper and moan he gives you. The way he gasps as your one hand slides up his thigh to pull him flush against you by his ass is like music to your ears.
“My Seonghwa,” you hum, slowly grinding your hips against his own.
A choked moan of your name slips passed his lips, “Yours.”
“That’s right, My Dove,” you nip lightly at his ear, feeling how he shudders once more in your hold. “You’re mine.”
“All yours,” he whimpers, burying his face into the side of your neck.
Slowly, you bring your one hand between your two bodies, beginning to palm his semi-hard cock over his jeans. The fact that he seems to desperately grind against your hand in time with your movements makes you smirk.
“My Beautiful Dove,” you hum, adding the slightest bit more pressure to your palm as you move over his clothed cock. “Do you have any idea what you mean to me?”
Softly, he shakes his head against the skin of your shoulder.
“No?” The corner of your lips tug upwards in a small grin as you pull away to meet his wide eyes. “Then, I guess I’ll have to show you.”
Your lips are back on his in an instant, pulling him flush against you. Carefully, you begin to lean him back, hovering over him as you lay him down on that table. His hands cling desperately to your back, tilting his head to give you better access to his neck every time you move to bite your marks into his skin. Marks which you know he will wear proudly for as long as he can.
“My Divine,” the whimper that escapes him goes straight to your core, feeling yourself clench around nothing.
“My Beautiful Seonghwa,” you rest your forehead gently against his own. “As if you didn’t know that forging me Andúril would be considered the grandest romantic gesture you could ever make for me.”
His chest is heaving, hips desperately seeking your own. Only, you pin him to that table, retracting your hand from over his cock and eliciting the sweetest of whines from his throat.
“As if you wouldn’t have known that I would immediately have to satisfy My King as a reward for always taking such good care of His Queen.” You continue, reaching out slightly to the side to grasp a particular object in your hand. Once you feel that cool metal of the dagger against your palm, you smirk. “Since My King has shown me nothing but a loving patience and dedication to his craft, I shall show him the same.”
Again, you lean over him, pecking his lips tenderly.
“I wish to take my time savouring you right now, Seonghwa,” you tell him gently. “As long as you’ll let me.”
At the vigorous nod of his head, along with the breathless ‘yes’ that falls from his lips, you have your answer.
You smile, eyes crinkling at the sides as your heart warms.
Slowly, carefully, you bring that dagger up his body. Gently, you tug his shirt forward, the tip of the blade kissing the material. Cautiously, you hook the blade beneath the neckline of his shirt, watching him carefully for any signs of discomfort.
You find none.
The sound of tearing fabric reaches your ears, the dagger getting tossed beside you on that table as you help him sit up once more. His lips are on yours as you strip Seonghwa of his now cut shirt, the planes of his chest on full display. The way he shivers beneath your touch as your hands roam down his bare chest has you smiling into the kiss.
Without wasting another moment, you part from him only to begin trailing your lips down his chest. You take your time, biting and sucking marks into his skin as your hands grip his waist firmly. The fact that Seonghwa arches into your touch, eyes fluttering as he feels your tongue come out to lave over his burning skin says it all.
Another moan of your name slips passed his lips.
“That’s it, My Dove,” you coo, sliding him the slightest bit forward, and back onto the edge of the table. “I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.”
Slowly, you begin to sink to your knees, allowing your fingers to trail over his thighs as you do so.
Seonghwa’s head is spinning, and with each breath, his chest heaves. He can hardly believe that this is happening right now, his hands desperately gripping at the side of his work table for dear life. The image alone of you on top of him like that, and now, with you resting on your knees between his legs, is making his cock ache for your touch once more. He needs you, and he’s sure to tell you that.
The smirk that pulls at your lips is nothing short of devious, “Patience, My Dove. I told you that I wish to take my time with you right now.”
A small whimper escapes him.
“You’re not the only one who wants my lips wrapped around you cock right now, Seonghwa.” Your eyes flash dangerously as you look up at him through your lashes. “Be patient, and I will reward you, My King.”
Seonghwa’s breath hitches in his throat, whole body stilling as your words settle over him. He can feel his cock throbbing, becoming almost painful the longer he goes with you no longer touching him.
The second you begin to undo his belt, his thighs begin to shake.
Soothingly, you rub your hands over his upper thighs, staring up at him with wide eyes. As you meet his gaze, your hands still, finger sinking into the material of his jeans as his lips part with another moan.
“Look at you,” you hum, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. “I’ve barely even done anything to you yet, and you’re ready to fall apart.”
“I’m surprised I haven’t come yet from your touches alone,” he admits lowly, voice a little rough as he clears his throat.
Your eyebrow quirks, “Oh?”
“My Divine, the feeling of your hands on me is one of the greatest sensations I’ve ever felt in my entire life.” He breathes, thighs tensing as you begin to undo the zipper of his jeans. “You already know how little self-control I seem to have around you.”
Slowly, you begin to slide the material of his jeans down his thighs as you chuckle once more. A moment later, you help him step out of them, tossing both his jeans and his boxers off to the side.
“That, I do know,” you smile knowingly. “And yet, you’re being such a good boy for me.”
His cock visibly twitches from your words, and you smirk.
“Oh?” Your brow quirks, a devious look shining behind your eyes as you look up at him. “You like it when I call you My Good Boy, don’t you.”
His grip tightens on the edges of the table, and you wonder at how the wood hasn’t cracked beneath the pressure yet.
“Yes,” he moans, eyes fluttering shut for the briefest of moments. “Fuck- I love it, My Queen.”
The giggle you let out is music to his ears.
You meet his gaze through your lashes once more, “Good boy.”
Again, his cock visibly twitches from your words. You can see how desperately he restrains himself from reaching out to you right now, his hands tense as he grips the table for dear life.
Teasingly, you trail your hands back up his thighs. Only, when you get close to his hips, you stop, dragging them back down and ensuring your nails scratch lightly over his skin.
He shudders.
The whole time you rest before him, Seonghwa keeps his gaze locked on you. Not once does he allow his eyes to fall shut, and he swears to himself that he’ll do whatever he can to engrain this memory in his mind for as long as possible. He’ll be damned if he misses even one second of you pleasing him, for you appear just as eager as he does in this moment.
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
Trailing your hands back up his thighs, you give them both another appreciative squeeze. Then, finally, you lean into him, bringing your lips to the skin of his inner thigh as your one hand wraps delicately around his cock.
The moment your fingers close around him, he moans. His lips remain parted, breaths coming in uneven pants as he feels you gently nipping at the skin of his inner thigh. The way your hand begins to move over him has his whole body twitching beneath your touch.
The closer your lips get to his aching cock, the harder it becomes for him to control himself. Desperately, Seonghwa clings onto whatever shreds of his sanity that he has left, taking in the beautiful sight that is you, on your knees, pleasing him right now.
Just when he thinks you’ll free him from your teasing licks and kisses on his one thigh, you move to the other, repeating the same actions over his skin almost lovingly.
At one particularly firm bite against his thigh, his stomach clenches. He can feel himself twitch in your hand, a low groan escaping him as he leans further back on the table for support.
You chuckle, looking up at him innocently from between his spread legs.
“My King?” 
He hums, almost absentmindedly.
“One more thing,” A devious gleam is shining behind your eyes. One which his blissed out state manages to ignore for the moment.
“Anything, My Queen.” He breathes out, breath hitching in his throat as he sees you lick your lips.
“Hands to yourself until I say so.”
As soon as those words escape you, your lips are around him. Gently, you suckle on the tip, tongue flicking over his slit a few times as you maintain eye contact with him.
A choked moan escapes him, his right hand automatically reaching out to you. Only, he catches himself, fingers twitching in midair right by your head. Slowly, reluctantly, he retracts his hand, gripping onto that table desperately for support.
The chuckle you let out reverberates along his cock, sending pleasant shivers up his spine and causing his stomach to clench. The way your tongue feels, beginning to swirl around his head as you take more of him into your mouth is making his head spin. Never before has Seonghwa been this hard in his life, and the fact that it’s all because of you is only adding to the intensity of the pleasure that he’s currently feeling.
Low, guttural groans escape him as he watches you sink further down on his cock. Languidly, your tongue strokes along his shaft, pleasant hums escaping you as you watch his every reaction carefully. The fact that his whole body trembles, fingers digging into the wood of the table has you chuckling lowly once more.
Slowly, you begin bobbing your head. What you can’t fit into your mouth, you use your one hand to stroke over, squeezing at his base a few times as you hollow your cheeks over him.
Seonghwa nearly collapses right then and there. As much as he tries, he cannot prevent the way his eyes flutter closed, tossing his head back as a moan of your name slips passed his lips.
“Just like that, My Divine,” he smiles, blinking his vision open once more to see the glorious sight that is you, on your knees before him, with his cock in your mouth. A low growl escapes him, eyes flashing black. “Fuck- just like that.”
Desperately, he does whatever he can to keep his hips from bucking further into your mouth. The wet heat of your mouth is overwhelming, nothing but pure pleasure coursing through his veins as he feels you suckling at the tip of his cock once more.
Pulling away from him for just a moment, you let your hand pump over his length a few times. Again, you lick your lips, gaze darting up to meet his own as you move in closer.
Another growl escapes him as he watches you suck one of his balls into your mouth. His whole body shudders as you slowly let it pop back out of your mouth only for you to begin placing wet, open mouthed kisses up along the bottom of his shaft. The way your tongue comes out to trace along the path shortly afterwards has him twitching in your hand.
“Oh, fuck-“ His breath catches in his throat, eyes bleeding black once more. “Again. Please, do that again.”
The way your lips are currently pressed against his cock lets Seonghwa feel every inch of the smile that pulls at your features. To his utmost pleasure, you’re almost instantly repeating your actions, taking even more time to caress your tongue along the underside of his shaft, tracing over a prominent vein.
“My Divine, please-“ he chokes out, every breath escaping him now but a mere whimper on his lips.
You spare a glance upwards and into his eyes as you tighten your hold around the base of his cock.
“I love you, My Seonghwa.”
Your lips are around him as soon as the words finish escaping you, moving over him with a newfound vigour. You barely even begin to lave your tongue over his cock when you feel him twitching within your mouth, the sound of shattering wood greeting your ears.
Whimpers and whines escape him, along with desperate cries of your name as his orgasm washes over him. His body hunches the slightest bit forward, releasing down your throat as you help to ride him through his high.
Every last drop he offers you, you swallow, humming contently around him as you lick him clean.
Your name falls like a mantra from his lips, whole body shaking as he leans against the table for support. Two chunks seem to have been torn from the wood where his hands had been gripping the table so firmly, the shattered remains littering the ground around you.
Slowly, you release him from your mouth, hearing as another guttural groan escapes him as you do so. When you spare a glance up, you notice his chest heaving, his lips parted as he stares down at you with nothing but love and pure, unfiltered awe in his gaze.
Tenderly, your hands come up to stroke over his thighs. “Good?”
“Good?” He smiles, voice deep and rough. A soft chuckle falls from his lips as he runs a hand through his disheveled hair. “I’m great. Never been better, in fact.”
You giggle, standing carefully back to your feet with a little help from him. His one hand comes up to cup the side of your face, kissing you deeply as he flips your positions so that he can push you back against his worktable now.
“Seonghwa,” you giggle against his lips. “What are you doing?”
“Returning the favour,” he growls lowly, pressing you a bit firmer into the wood behind you.
Softly, your fingers begin to thread through the hair at the back of his neck. “Some other time, yeah?”
A whine of protest escapes him, pulling away from you to look into your eyes with round, pleading ones of his own.
“Later. I promise.” You bring your hands around to cup his face tenderly in your palms. “For now, let’s go get something to eat.”
The playful quirk of his brow informs you of what it is, exactly, that he intends to eat.
“Next time.” You say, a little more firmly.
He pouts, but listens nonetheless as he begins to pull his pants back on.
“Come on, Mars.” You smile lovingly at him, grabbing his hand in yours after he’s finished putting on his belt. 
You lick your lips, taking the time to admire him for the nth time this day as he stands before you.
“My Divine, if you keep staring at me like that…” He lets his words trail off, but the darkness you see swirling behind his eyes says it all.
“What?” You chuckle, a playful smirk pulling at your lips. “I said I was hungry.”
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kokiriri · 28 days
I really like what you draw, I like how you draw your character.
Looking for an art style, I wanted to ask you. How did you find it?
Hope my question doesn't bother you... 😓
Have a nice day!
First of all, thank you for your kind words! I’m really happy that you enjoy my art :)
Great question! I think there’s always a lot of confusion when individuals are trying to discover their own styles (I’m often confused myself) but hopefully by sharing my experiences, it can make things a little more manageable for you.
I really think that my style now is a conglomeration of everything I’ve so far been interested in. And I’ll try to explain what I mean. When I was really little, I would draw things like “The PowerPuff Girls” or other shows like that because their character designs were simple and easy for me to draw. It wasn’t until I was around 10-11 when I started reading some Pokémon manga/comics (called “Pokémon Special” in English) I found at my local library. I really liked the style of these comics, so I would copy the way they drew eyes and such. My art began to get slightly more complex, and I began to move away from drawing simplistic cartoon bodies to more anatomically founded figures. These Pokémon comics are honestly the major foundation of my style.
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Here’s some examples of what the comics looked like.⬆️
I was also obsessed with the Megaman EXE television show around the same time, along with this one comic featuring Megaman X. You would probably agree with me that the Pokémon comics and Megaman share a very similar style (at least, in terms of character design and structure.)
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For years, I drew exclusively in a style very similar to the images you see above (albeit, I was still pretty young so my drawings weren’t nearly as good.) When I turned 13, I started watching Inuyasha, and again, my style shifted. I was largely inspired by how they drew hair in Inuyasha, especially the poofy bangs Inuyasha and Kagome have (the two characters in the image below.)
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I started meshing those kinds of hairstyles with the Pokémon/Megaman styled bodies. Keep in mind that as I was doing this, I was drawing A LOT. Nearly everyday, during class, whatever. Because of that, I started to grasp a better understanding of what character design features I liked best and so on. However, my major flaw that I wish I realized sooner was that I hardly drew from reference. Please please please use photo references or other artworks you enjoy for poses or expressions because it really does improve your art! (Don’t blatantly copy and claim them as your own though, that will earn you a shadow ban from the art world.😵‍💫)
Fast forward to this year. I recently started getting into manga by Adachi Mitsuru because I fell in love with his retro comic style. Some of my favorite works of his are Touch and Cross Game, feel free to check them out! Anyways, I’ve been studying his art and what makes it appealing to me, and I found that I like the simplicity along with great dynamic poses. So I look at those panels that showcase those aspects the best, and try to redraw them! The first few drawings always look terrible, but after a bit, you begin to understand what you were missing the first time, and slowly you improve. Here are some panels from Cross Game to help you get a taste of what the art is like.
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For me, it took years to develop my own style, and it will probably be the same for you. It doesn’t come easy, and although it sucks to admit, your art will look bad to you for the first few years after starting to draw. But know that each time you draw, your body memorizes the way it moves whenever you draw an arm, a hand, whatever, and it learns. Because of this, be sure to draw referencing styles that YOU like. That way, your body becomes slowly accustomed to a better way to draw hands that you enjoy, rather than getting stuck and not improving. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles! I try to draw out of my comfort zone, and that’s where I feel I learn the most.
I hope this post was helpful and provided good tips. Of course, you shouldn’t feel the need to watch/read all the shows and books I’ve referenced here because at the end of the day, you’re looking to forge your own style, not replicate mine. Find what shows and comics you love, and then ask yourself “Why do I find this appealing? What about the style is speaking to me?” And then draw those aspects/designs you enjoy. Just draw. Things will start to come together after that. :)
Bonne chance!
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aotopmha · 2 months
Being too exhausted to play has made me think about the Dawntrail story again.
I wanted to take a break, but it occupies my brain too much, turns out and I engaged with takes on the internet again.
(Some of it is really dumb and a negativity void with zero substance, which is, in fact, unfun and exhausting, as it is designed to be, so it probably is better to not engage with, but I also do very much enjoy discussing what I love and it offers fantastic springboards for that.)
Spoilers for the Dawntrail story!
You know the complaint that it's "not as good as Shadowbringers or Endwalker"?
Well, I think a lot of people have actually echoed this, but I really like that Dawntrail is not trying to one-up them.
It's really good that it's not only pulling back the scale, but also lightening up the tone.
In particular, there was a complaint I saw that said HW, ShB and EW were these "deep and dark" stories and had issues with DT not being that kind of narrative and I think a story being Endwalker all of the time would become boring in its own right.
If all you see is positivity, eventually it means nothing, but this is also true in the opposite sense.
If all you see is misery all of the time, at one point, it doesn't mean anything anymore.
Eventhough I myself mostly enjoyed it, I can see the argument that it went too far in the other direction and handled some ideas too simplistically, but I think the general idea to do this is a really good, refreshing move.
It's similar thematically (which is actually my biggest issue), but I really like that it mostly focused on new stories with new characters.
I also like that the Scions are taking a backseat.
I saw an opinion that "you can't have your cake and eat it, too" in regards of the Scions being minor roles and you should either write them out completely or entirely focus the story on them, but personally I don't see any issue with this.
They were set up to be support and behaved as such. I don't understand the take that they were "teased" too much when the setup was that it was not their story to begin with.
Now, I do think the friendly rivalry aspect was underutilised. I feel like getting to fight Thancred and Urianger in good fun would've been great, for example.
I love the vibe of adventure we haven't really had for such a long time, and I really think the mystery of the City of Gold might be one of the best ones in the entire narrative because many of the mysteries so far at least have some aspect of retconning to them.
The gate and everything with it is entirely new and didn't need any retconning to fit within the current concepts of the story, whereas you could always tell they had to slightly tweak everything with the Ascians once in a while.
I think the fact that most of the characters that people do like from this expansion are entirely new or characters we knew fairly little about before Dawntrail says it all.
People actually do want new stuff. I think the mostly positive response towards the actual gameplay content says this, too.
So I hope they don't give up on what they've built here despite some of the really loud negative voices.
Don't start trying to do Endwalker or Shadowbringers again before building a new bigger picture.
We've talked about legacy and memory and loss a bunch of times already; evolve from this and do something *entirely* new with new characters and ALSO entirely new theming.
Don't give up on making content just a little more engaging.
That's my worry in light of these very loud complaints.
And the thing is, during the Endwalker patch cycle and even before, these are things so many people wanted.
People wanted a break from the Scions. People wanted the story to reset and relax after Endwalker because it had been within that dark tone for so long.
People wanted us to go back to being an adventurer.
People were tired of the increasingly same-y encounter design (and lack of stuff to do during patch downtime, which you can also see improved in terms of certain rewards; thing is what I've seen is people loving the new content so much they just like playing it and I feel the same way, so it isn't always even more grinds or rewards people actually want).
And that's exactly what they gave us.
Again, I don't know the overlap between audience groups here, but in terms of sentiment, that's the craziest part to me.
They kind of gave us exactly what we asked for.
And I really hope they stick to their guns and get braver from here because new is fun and even if it doesn't always succeed, you can look at what people like and don't like and go from there in a more nuanced way, rather than leaning on overcorrective decisions as they have in terms of certain aspects of the game. It just stops the game from stagnating and getting boring in all aspects.
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marshallpupfan · 6 months
All Good Things...
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We've known about PAW Patrol's upcoming new animation style for a while, and although we only had a taste of it before, more and more leaks have given us an even bigger look at it. From what I've seen, most fans seem to like it so far, and to tell you the truth, I do, too! With one exception, I think all the pups look great, and I'll even go as far to say I like these more than the theatrical designs... and especially what Rubble & Crew gave us. Like most fans, I'm eager to see more!
Still, I can't help but feel a little sad. I know I say this often, but, Marshall's my #1 favorite character, and he's been at the top of my list for over five years now. I'm crazy about him, which is why I started these accounts, why I began the whole "Daily Marshall Pics" thing, why I purchased a crazy amount of his merchandise, among other things. It's all driven by just how much I love this pup. And while there are many reasons why I say this, one in-particular is why I'm making this post; his character design.
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Marshall's appearance in the above pic is one I came to love over the years. It's also involved in practically everything I do here. My avatar and banner is this Marshall. 99% of my daily pics are this Marshall. Nearly my entire merchandise collection is this Marshall. My Ready Race Rescue poster is this Marshall. That $400+ costume I purchased is this Marshall. Basically, I'm saying that, to me, this IS Marshall. Despite his altered look in Rubble & Crew and the theatrical films, this is what always comes to mind whenever I think of the pup.
...and it's about to go away, huh?
Whether it's later this year or the next, one of the things I love about this Dalmatian will no longer be the same. That simplistic yet wonderful design will soon be replaced, and we'll no longer see it in anything official, such as new episodes, commercials, toy packaging, etc. Outside of repeats, it'll just be... no more.
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Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic. Sure, the pups are getting a visual makeover, but they'll still be the same characters, right? And, unless the new season 11 director changes things, no doubt Marshall will still be the same clumsy yet lovable pup that became my favorite way back when. I mean, he looked different in Rubble & Crew, but the other aspects and qualities I love about him were still there! And in the theatrical films... er, never mind that. My point is, I suppose we're technically not losing anything here; just a visual style many of us became so accustom to when we first started watching PAW Patrol, whether it was all the way back in 2013 or later. No doubt some fans might even consider it a bit special to them.
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But hey, change doesn't have to be a bad thing! As I mentioned earlier, I do like what we've seen of the new style so far, and personally, I'm feeling quite optimistic about it! Sure, it might take some time getting used to it, but given how often we have to adjust to the pups getting new voice actors, I'm starting to get used to change with this franchise. Besides, as much as I still enjoy the old style and wouldn't mind it sticking around, I'm not going to shun the new or stand in its way. And you know, when I look at the two designs of Marshall side-by-side, I still see a lot of the old in the new, so maybe we should look at this as an upgrade instead of a replacement? Perhaps it's not as much of a goodbye as I thought?
I'm going to hope this new style works out for everyone in the end. However, I'll still miss the old. It stuck with the franchise and its fans for over ten years, so with great respect, I take my hat off for it.
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...Of course, the old style will live on through its older fans, and I'm certainly not going to let it go. You'll still see it through my dailies and various edits, of course!
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realclemhours · 3 months
Hey so I finished Dungeon Meishi (manga included) and I wanna have a 3 a.m ramble about some of my thoughts about the ending
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Okay so the ending honestly left me a tad disappointed. Don’t get me wrong there was still a ton of shit I loved and I am willing to hear people out who love this ending and get it more than I do, but first let me get into the things I do like.
The winged lion was such a fantastic final villain. The way it sweet talked genuinely made it sound so supportive that I kept flip-flopping on whether or not he was telling the truth despite FULLY knowing at this point that it was evil.
Laios turning into the beast he had designed since childhood, making one last change so he could eat desires, and using that to consume the wing lion was such an amazing play.
Everyone showing up after Laios ran away, then finding him, and Shuro hugging and showing pride in him was just so oughhhhh made me tear up a bit.
I absolutely LOVED the Itzusumi chapter where she asked all the main characters what they were going to do after the main story and finally came to terms with doing things she didn’t want to do.
I really love that Mithrun and Thistle got closure despite being antagonists and previous dungeon lords. It shows that they were just humans who were corrupted by the dungeon and deserve to recover just like our main protags and that’s really sweet :))
Finally, I’m just happy that the orcs actually get to live on the surface now. They deserve that
Anyways those are all the major things I liked/loved, there’s some other things obviously, but let me get to my issues
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Okay first of all but it feels like in the last like 20 chapters outside of Laios and Marcielle the main cast doesn’t really do much. Like yeah, they’re there and they do talk, but the only time they ever really do things is like as a group? They’re either all acting a parasite or cooking a meal or trying to catch up the winged dragon in Laios’s body or they are just doing nothing while Marcielle or Laios is doing the protag stuff.
It’s kinda disappointing to me to be honest. They’ve build such bonds and built such likeable characters only to go “uhhh actually only Laios can do anything in the final fight against the demon and the others just stand and watch confused”. Which again, while Laios’s plan was really cool I just wish the others in the main cast got to contribute to the final battle. Have them all have their little time to shine you know?
I also personally don’t like that Laios became king and the curse. I just personally kinda prefer when protags give up that sort of thing to live a simplistic life. Honestly kinda wish Kabru became king in Laios’s place, but then again if Laios didn’t step up as king Marcielle would be in jail, the orcs would still be exiled, and the current leaders of the island would still be in charge and continue to be greedy and incompetent.
So uhhhhh yeah maybe best he became king even if I’m not fond of it-
But then we have the curse, which oooooo boy. I get that like Laios has to sacrifice something great to defeat a literal demon, but losing the ability to be around monsters entirely?? I can’t fully explain why but I just really dislike it. It makes me feel just kinda sad. But not sad like it’s a bittersweet sacrifice (Hiccup losing his leg in How to Train Your Dragon comes to mind as a bittersweet sacrifice I love), but just unsatisfying? Like yeah, the protagonist saved the world and his sister is now safe but now is life is kinda miserable since he has to deal with people all the time and can never see monsters again.Hurray 🎉
Don’t get me wrong I feel like Laios should absolutely lose something from fighting the demon. Not sure what exactly (maybe his desires for food or monsters or a limb), but what they ended up going with was just kinda disappointing to me.
Anyways those are just my takeaways from the ending. Let me know if I’m missing anything, I would love to discuss and maybe get my mind changed.
Overall, did the ending ruin Dunmeshi for me? Oh absolutely not. This was such a fantastic story and world that enthralled me till the end (even if it did lose me a bit at the end). Would still genuinely give it a 10/10 despite my complaints. I liked it that much.
If you asked me to summarize how the ending made me feel in relation to the rest of the series, well I would best compare it to a meal. Most of the meal is no joke 5 star best stuff I have ever eaten in my life. Then I get to my last item… some dessert. The dessert tastes amazing- but the texture is a bit odd and it bugs me to the point where I notice and feel how weird it was. Would I still hate the rest of the meal for the one slightly weird dessert? Absolutely not! I would still recommend the meal to everyone I know even with the off dessert at the end because everything else was just that fantastic.
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Anyways yeah maybe the real Dunmeshi was the friends we made along away and then ate as we faced the fear of mortality and ancient gods beyond our comprehension <3
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cerastes · 1 year
Thoughts about IS3
I love IS2, and I love IS3. I completed Surging Waves 15 on week 1, and am now trudging to do a 100% completion of IS3, as I did with IS2. I played IS2 a lot, and I will be playing IS3 a lot. With this in mind, I’ve had a lot of thoughts regarding IS3, by itself and as a successor to IS2. I will be sharing these thoughts.
The balancing on IS3 is done very well, because the Surging Waves is a good system. Some may know it as “Intensity” or “Heat”, but Surging Waves is a concept often used in modern Roguelikes to add different modifiers to the base systems and balance of a Roguelike to further increase replay value. The fundamental design of IS3 is easier than IS2, but with Waves, it becomes harder than IS2. This is a good thing: IS3 is more welcoming than IS2 to newcomers both to the game as a whole and to endgame content. You can tackle Waves 0 as a mid-range player, as long as you have basic understanding of building a team, without much difficulty. The clear rates of IS3, visible in the game itself, are pretty high already, and I see a lot of people say they feel IS3 is easier than IS2. I agree with the sentiment, the base balancing of IS3 is much less demanding than IS2, but as you ascend the waves, it becomes significantly harder than IS2 between the slowly ascending stat heft as well as the extra conditions.
Team building flexibility is far more permissible in IS3 than IS2. IS2 had this problem where a Berry pick (Honeyberry or Mulberry) as a Medic was pretty much always the correct choice due to the sheer amount of Nervous Impairment that the game dishes out, with almost every IS2 exclusive enemy and two out of the four bosses inflicting it in heavy quantities. Not only that, but the very nature of Nervous Impairment as a type of Elemental damage is particularly dangerous: Heavy burst damage plus several seconds of Stun compromise your defense and offense significantly! In IS3, on the other hand, there’s more varied types of Elemental Damage, with the main type being Corrosion: Indeed, plenty of enemies inflict Corrosion, but Corrosion as a type of Elemental damage allows for FAR more flexibility in team building: A Berry is suddenly not always the right choice, they remain VERY good choices, but not the Best choices necessarily when gauging where to put your Hope. Likewise, Crowd Control-capable Operators, irregular range Operators, and other such characters are all good choices in IS3 due to deliberate enemy design and tile placement that makes them great to have, as opposed to the fundamentally simplistic, rudimentary style of map design seen in IS2 that, by nature, benefited Marksman (AA) Snipers heavily.
Bosses have a unified design philosophy of “Alternate Bulk”. Instead of making stat sticks in order to deal with burst damage compositions and strategies, they instead give them a range of base stats not far removed from the IS2 final bosses, instead opting to give them different ways to mitigate damage that can be circumvented by the player one way or another in order to gain an advantage: Highmore has high HP but low DEF, however, she also significantly cripples the ASPD of nearby units (-60 phase 1, -80 phase 2) and has multi-target with Corrosion damage in order to prevent just easily being able to absorb her hits with one superbuffed tank (3 targets phase 1, 5 targets phase 2). The Last Knight has a whooping 4000 Defense that can be reduced to a paltry 800 with a special item, much like how you could remove the Big Sad Lock’s regen with an item and he Freezes units that damage him twice in the space of 2 seconds (4 seconds under 25% HP), however, he moves very slowly, has to work through a bunch of Rubble, moves ONLY in a straight line, and is susceptible to every status effect in the game except Silence. Skadi seems straightforward at first, but she necessitates you to place your units in specific tiles to slow down her SP charge, and if it fills, she transforms into Ishar’mla, and He must be defeated to turn Him back, all the while gaining access to a fast triple target 4-tile range True Damage autoattack. This all means that bosses come with their own counters and mechanics to deal with, but not invalidate, burst damage: Burst damage compositions are still very strong! In fact, if you get lucky with items, you can really just burst right through their mechanics all unga bunga style, but even if you don’t win the item lottery, a good burst composition will still pay great dividends, it’s just, the game wants you to sub-build something else alongside your burst composition! It can be bulk, it can be crowd control, it can be global control, it can be sustained damage, anything! This not only incentivizes varied builds, it rewards playing the game in your own desired way instead of always rewarding burst, all without actually weakening or invalidating burst. Coming from a mobile game, this is fantastic game design not usually seen in that sector of the industry, with mobile games usually taking a heavy-handed “completely negate a style of play” approach to ‘balancing’ whether long-term or for gimmicks.
It’s all actually fresh new maps. I’m astounded, because I thought IS3 was going to be Mostly IS2 But With A Couple New Maps And A Creepy And Wet Coat Of Paint, the way IS2 was IS1 But With A Couple New Maps And A Creepy And French Coat Of Paint. Nope, they legit just made a whole slew of new maps. I wouldn’t have minded IS2 2 but I am very very happy that IS3 is its own thing!
The Squads are still kind of lopsided. Not all Squads are made equal, and I don’t think they were meant to be, but I also don’t think they were meant to be this unequal. In IS2, Resource Squad, Leader Squad, and Class-specific Squads blew the other Squads out of the water pretty badly. In IS3, the three new Squads are pretty damn good, and I think it has to do with the fact that you can upgrade them with the all-new talent tree whereas... You Can’t Do That with the other Squads. This is a very weird decision, because the three new Squads are very very strong if played with their strengths in mind, further incentivized by the new systems like Surging Waves, Dice, Light, Caches, and Wish Fulfillment. For instance, one of the few decisions I dislike about Surging Waves is the fact that Waves 4 increases Hope cost of everything 3 Stars and above by 1... This is huge! That single increase in price makes 3 Stars that aren’t Reserves cost 1 Hope! It’s a pretty massive game-changer in terms of building and early run economy! I would’ve made that something like Waves 7 or 8 personally, but it’s very early at Waves 4. However, People-Oriented Squad complete gets rid of it, while still offering its discounted Promotion costs. I’ll be honest, I don’t play Waves 4 and above if it isn’t People-Oriented as of the making of this post, because being able to Not deal with that is simply too strong. And if I wasn’t doing that, I’d definitely grab either of the two new Squads to try and make up for it in other areas, and if not those, the Class-specific Squads, again, for Hope efficiency. I wish they would make the other Squads a bit more appealing or upgradable. They aren’t unplayable by any means, but I think there’s a clear disparity in potency. *I understand part of this is also because my strategy is based on Hope-efficiency, but putting that aside, I do believe there’s a disparity in potency, even with my possible bias.
These are my main thoughts regarding IS3. I’ve been enjoying the game mode a lot and I can’t wait to experiment more with it.
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raygirlramblings · 10 months
I thought I was the only one who liked to relate Rayman to the Moomins. Them and Jeff Smith’s Bone to me are the best aesthetics I think of for Rayman’s design.
Oh absolutely! They are very good comparisons and helpful for people struggling to draw Rayman. While you can use the games and concept art as reference if you want to try and adapt his look to a personal art style that can take some time to figure out how the heck his anatomy works (that nose man...it's all the nose).
Moomin just has that wonderful, soft vibe and aside from his eyes being very small on his head compared to Rayman it does really help simplify the form down into a bean shape.
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Bone is great for the more 'cartoony with a hint of danger' vibe, though his mouth tends to wander around his face anime style compared to Rayman's lower jaw which is locked under his nose. But perfect for a more simplistic goofy style.
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I’d also recommend Yoshi’s design, and the design for the Nerds candy mascot as good examples of similar head shapes. You just have to watch the size between the head and nose and obviously it depends which version of Rayman you’re drawing. I find the Nerds design is perfect if you’re trying to draw Rayman 1 Ray XD
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Also there’s a lot of crossover with anthro characters. If you treat Rayman’s nose more like a muzzle but without the actual ‘nose’ part it helps you figure out how the face fits together, where his cheeks would be, and how his eyes fit in his face. Behold my rushed example where I turn Rayman into a furry XD
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I get the feeling that a lot of new Rayman artists get intimidated by his nose and try to ‘flatten’ it to make him more expressive, and that just isn’t necessary. Like everything else with practice you can get a handle on his unique face shape and have fun with it.
If Rayman in the Phantom Show and Captain Laserhawk have taught us anything it’s to not be afraid of making our bean boy ‘ugly’, because that’s a fascinating core of his design. He’s not a perfect anime boy. He’s a weird little freak guy AND a hero and he’s PERFECT.
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jumpywhumpywriter · 12 days
"The Lost Hero" - Crippled Hero Presumed Dead part 17
Warnings: crippled hero, medical whump/aftermath of operating with no anesthesia, collapsed throat, recovery whump
Noah nodded his agreement, right as the door swung open again and two men approached the table. One of them scooped Hero up in his muscular arms, her head lolling limply back, while the second gestured at Noah and Logan. "Come with us," he demanded, and neither of them argued with it, allowing themselves to be herded out of the medical room.
The henchmen led them through the winding maze of the facility, eventually unlocking a heavily fortified door and roughly shoving them inside. It looked a lot like a prison cell, the entire place devoid of any decoration whatsoever aside from a nightstand and basic lamp setup. It was next to a large raised bed, simplistic in design, and there were two smaller mattresses on the floor. It was clear that great lengths had been taken to ensure nothing that could be used as a weapon was accessible -- even the lamp was made of plastic instead of glass.
"You three will be staying here for the next few days," the henchman carrying Hero growled. "Better make yourselves comfortable while you can." There was an audible sneer in his voice as he stalked over to the raised bed and dumped Hero's limp body rather ungracefully onto it in a heap.
"You two are sleeping on the floor." He pointed at Noah, then Logan, pinning them both with a vicious glare. "Any trouble from either of you, and I get sent in here to teach you a lesson. You don't want that, now, do you?"
Logan kept his head down despite the anger bubbling up inside him. "No, sir," he gritted out. The man seemed satisfied with that answer, and he left with his accomplice, the door sliding shut behind them.
"This is bad. Really bad." Noah started pacing anxiously. "How do we get out of this?!"
"We don't," Logan said simply. "Villain is too smart to give us an opening to escape. We don't have a choice but to play his game and see what prizes we win."
"I for one do not like the sound of that," Noah groaned. "What if he kills us? We aren't exactly useful to him."
"He hasn't so far," Logan pointed out. "As long as we don't tick him off and do whatever he asks us to, I don't think he'll hurt us." He walked absentmindedly over to the raised bed and gently shifted the unconscious Hero into a more comfortable position, stuffing a few soft pillows under her head. He could still see dried flecks of blood on her mouth, and it made him shiver. "We should try to get some sleep," he suggested flatly, flopping down onto one of the floor mattresses. "Whatever tomorrow brings, we'll be more prepared for it if we're well-rested."
Noah nodded, settling down on the mattress opposite to his. The lights were left on, a minor annoyance, but both teens were exhausted after the adrenaline rush from earlier sapped their stretch, and both of them chased the darkness of sleep.
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cloudycasey · 1 year
I noticed a lot, and I mean a LOT of character differences in Striker in this newest episode (not just his voice actor!) so I decided to watch both Striker episodes back to back and write out all of the traits and notes of character that can be seen in both episodes. Let’s begin! Season One Episode Five -Originally inspired by Rattlesnake Jake from Rango -Meant to bring a strong, imposing aura -Design is meant to be a blend of Moxxie and Blitz originally, took on other characteristics to be a hybrid over time during design phase -Can be casual, polite, and charismatic -Good at listening, and highlighting what gives others ego boosts through compliments (can be used for manipulation later on) -Social, but doesn't talk that much. Seems to prefer being in the background to read and observe people and only speaks up to challenge Moxxie -Raspy, dark voice but big range. Can have a higher pitch while being casual and friendly, but gets lower in pitch and tone when he's being threatening -Not afraid to step up and show off, but knows how to balance it with skills to back it up -Athletic, but knows how to restrain himself to keep face (via always being able to keep a smile on his face and only grunting from exertion) -Enjoys attention, but doesn't enjoy his personal space being evaded (interesting considering how he confronts both Moxxie and Blitz later on in the episode) -Isn't afraid to physically assault people to obtain his personal space -Isn't afraid to call people out, even while showing off -Smart and knows how to take steps to do his job silently, but effectively -Sadistic, and enjoys playing the waiting game -Durable, can take multiple stab wounds and smile through it -Enjoys degrading and emotionally putting others down -Morally ambiguous, but great at reading people and using their own morals and thoughts against them -Hates rich people, and likes to favor himself as better then other imps by nature based on his physical strengths and attributes -Not afraid of making alliances, and respects others who show the same level of strength as him -Has the ability to recover quickly, but tends to rely on his words to fight when he can't physically -Much like actual snakes, Striker is slippery and knows when to run away when he loses the upper hand -Knows how to be respectful and polite to rich higher ups, further showing his charisma and ability to put up a front despite his internal beliefs -Is confident in his own abilities, but is fine with staying in the shadows as he waits for his next opportunity to strike (very similar to how a snake hunts in real life)
Season Two Episode Four -Good at waiting for the right opportunity (or just has good timing) -Good at stealth with his poncho -Good aim, good at avoiding shooting the wrong person/people and focuses on his target primarily -Still good at listening, but gets more openly annoyed while listening -Gets impatient, and snaps far more easily -Loves and respects wild west tropes -Doesn't enjoy attention, and possibly doesn't enjoy his own theme song -Seems to live in a old mining cave with old train tracks -Enjoys doing stunts and tricks with his horse, and seems to trust his horse fully to do the jumps needed. Possibly great at training horses -Most likely sees himself as a outlaw (which would explain a lot tbh) -Still enjoys the waiting game like in episode five -Takes time to decorate and use décor for his home, but seems to prefer a more simplistic design. Could possibly be because he can't afford that much furniture, and seems to prioritize getting décor that provides a liking to his own image -Has a train track rock wall of sorts dedicated to killing people on, as referenced by the giant ass sign that he got attached to it -Has a soft spot for old tropes and clichés, and seems to prefer to live under that aesthetic for his own pleasure -Enjoys getting things that can boost his own self image and ego, but still uses them for more practical things, like using his own statue as a coat/hat hanger -Easily annoyed and seemingly hurt by insults and negative comments on his living style -Seems to have a hatred for richer folks because they took something away from him -May feel the need to 'have' to live like he does because of his personal money issues -Still very sadistic -Doesn't seem to enjoy when others either don't react or enjoy when he's trying to be sadisitc -Doesn't seem to enjoy that he's having to work for Stella in order to get money -Seems to genuinely hate Stolas -Also seems to genuinely hate being compared to Blitz -Even when angry, he prefers to slip away instead of actually losing his temper at his captor -Becomes more like himself when he strikes a nerve with Stolas, relishing in his reactions -Recalls and obtains information from listening in on the phone call, much like he was shown doing in episode five, and uses the information against Stolas as a manipulation tactic -Can still easily flip fronts, and can still maintain a polite demeanor when interacting with higher ups -So poor he uses a flip phone (fucking rip) -Seems to be almost ashamed for following Stella's orders, going so far as to avoid eye contact with Stolas as he agrees to her -Still prefers to satisfy his own needs first though (which goes against his more efficient characterization in episode five), and is willing to follow orders but bend the rules a little just to satisfy his own sadism and ego -Even Striker is confused about the music choice, and clearly preferred the country music -Still powerful and durable, using his athleticism and the environment around him to assist in giving him a upper hand against Moxxie and Millie -Was seemingly aiming to decapitate Millie rather than pin her -Genuinely caught off guard from Moxxie appearing to enjoy being choked, and dislikes the change -Even still, Striker was successful in his goals and seemed to have actually gotten under Stolas's skin with his words with his manipulation and sadistic treatment I hope this helps to solidify what we know as a whole for Striker’s character, and bring out all of the differences that we saw! Thank you for reading <3
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magicalheirponsol · 6 months
Continued from: [x] @lured-into-wonderland
[✧・゚ *♚*・゚✧ ]
Ponsol was quite pleased to see that Nunnally enjoyed the bouquet of flowers that he’d prepared for her. The custom of gifting something a month after valentine’s day was simply a custom that his mother had taught him and his brother from early on and it was something that continued into his adult years. Even if it was a custom that most Euro-centric people weren’t aware of, he would still continue the custom. Who didn’t enjoy surprise gifts, after all?
      ❝Excellent, we can decide on a time in the future. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the sight.❞
While he mostly didn’t care for others apart from how useful they could be for networking purposes, he’d always had a great care for plants. If one were to ask him if he thought his plants or humanity was more important, he’d easily answer with his plants. They were his companions and his confidants. They respond well to his care and they gave him a sense of fulfillment to see that they were growing so well under his care. Well, it wasn’t as though he alone tended to them all. He did hire specialists to help him manage all the plants in the greenhouse.
Still, he was the one who planted the seeds, designed their care routine, and also decide where to plant everything to fit his aesthetic vision. On the topic of bringing her painting supplies or drawing his flowers, he nods in response. He too has taken the time to make art of his flowers, so he wouldn’t be surprised if she were to be struck with inspiration upon gazing upon them and wish to draw them for herself. He had a green thumb, he was intelligent, he was charismatic, of good lineage, handsome, artistic, and so much more. Truly, he was that grand of a specimen if he could say so himself.
(Well there was one person who did exceed him in certain aspects, but he wouldn’t dwell on that for long.)
      ❝I do enjoy many flowers, but I do have a strong preference for Jasmines. I also like the cute flowers that bloom from the common spider plant. That one, I raise in my home. Her name is Matilda.❞
It was very rare for anyone to come to ‘meet’ Matilda as Ponsol was quite protective of that plant in particular. Even his elder brother was usually met with a stare of scrutiny if he wished to see the plant.
      ❝Oh? I’m honored by the invitation, I would very much enjoy to see what you’ve created to show in an art exhibition. I do dabble in some art myself.❞
Charity events were also a good way to make more connections with other people, so he would be remiss to miss out on such a chance. Seeing her style of art was also an interesting way of trying to understand her better. Did she have a more simplistic style? Complex? Did she make art more with feeling, or did she prioritize mastery of craft? Perhaps she was abstract? There was much one could extrapolate from how they go about making art.
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hiroshotreplica · 10 months
extremely rough design observations for deep cut
because im really autistic about splatoon and cant stop studying it. despite not knowing much about character design. yeah.
this is written out badly and some of these are stretches im aware. i just like looking at this trio i think. theyre all connected in some kinda way and i like observing.. anyway.
section 1
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basically covers the sort of, flow of their poses? shiver and frye pointing their hands down while big man points his fins up. the way shiver and frye's masks, arms, and legs bend in the opposite direction compared to each other. how their hair is near identical in how it flows off to the viewer's right in the front and to the viewer's left in the back. the use of angles in general. also, a detail about how they all have a translucent element to their design (clothing for shiver+frye, the fins for big man) neat stuff!
section 2
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colors, in relation to each other. they all seem to "borrow" colors from each other and its super neat in my opinion (though big man barely has any yellow in his design unfortunately). im sure he'd have more yellow accents if he were more humanoid like inkfish, though. there's also a lot of red accents on shiver and frye, and the accents by their eyes in general are on the opposite sides of each other. i think shiver and frye having more red accents than they wouldve needed on their own is super neat, sort of lets big man fit in more color pallet wise (i think).
section 3
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image of pure text transcribed: lots (of the shape language differences between shiver and frye) ar edue to differences between octolings and inklings but some are outside of it
shiver and frye are the main subjects of this specific shape language usage. they both have sharp and round elements, but shiver mostly possesses round shapes while frye mostly possesses sharp shapes. using the other sparingly to create contrast in the individual designs and help match them up when put together is great. also, big man has very round shape language, though his design is more simplistic compared to shiver and frye so i didnt look at it as much in that way.
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the typical idol branding. the way its implemented into deep cut's designs is typical but super neat in my opinion. i think you could argue a "m" shape is used to identify big man but im not too sure on that so i left it out.
okay thats all...off to the void i go
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causewayguy · 1 year
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Hi! I am Naomi and I will be taking you around my new house today. Cum on in!
Living Room
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This is where I entertain my guests, usually by seducing them with my ultra short dresses or shorts. Of course, I go commando so I can flash my pussy lips to the guests sitting on the one piece opposite me while those sitting left and right of me can see down my top at my big big mammary glands. Since my 2 darlings, my neh neh become so big I lazy wear bra. So my guests always get to enjoy my boobies jiggling and bouncing in front of them. If you lucky right, you may get to see them pop out of my top also. Ooops 😉
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I guess the main feature of my living room to point out is the lights, where I wanted to incorporate the feeling of ‘cum’ into this living space. All the little crystal pieces symbolize the cum you guys either painted on my face or shot down my throat. So every time you guys look up, you will be remembered of what is cumming later on and hopefully fill up your balls more. Waaaaa, so fast ah you? Just now your penis still medium sized only, but after I explain this to you, now my hands also cannot fit across it. So hard to hold now le….
Dining Room
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This is where I feed my guests delicious food, desserts and me. I would lay on the table like this, food placed all over me for the guys to eat straight from my naked body. Utensils are provided but the guys usually go barehanded to grope every part of my smooth silky body. After the main course, the guys would move to dessert: my lactating double Cs and my juicy pussy. Ahh mmhmmmm…yes…just like how you are licking and parting my lips now. Please please please fasterrrr-ahhh!!! Hmm…I take a lot of vitamin C’s recently, so my juices should be quite sweet, don’t you think so?
Hidden Room
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The whole idea of having a simplistic carpentry is so that I can keep my BJ room hidden. Tada! After the tease in living room and the meal in dining room, a lot of my guests are tired and need some release. Like this lor, I pull you by your boner inside then help you out of those tight tight pants *piaaak* and making sure you see your hard cock bouncing off my face. I am always very horny after getting ‘eaten’ so my guests will benefit from my *gook gook gookkk* deepthroats in here. This is the most common room used by my guests and myself so I prioritize the design and feel if this by putting tiles and mirrors. Like this *slurp slurpp* you can enjoy the surround sound effect *gcckkkk* as I choke on your big cock and you can see me 360 degree enjoying your cum as you unload your first load into my mouth.
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Now let me take you upstairs. The stairs are slightly dangerous because I wanted it to be glass and curving upwards, like what I had in my mouth just awhile ago. So you better stay close to me hmmmm ya like this, so I can lean back on your body for more stability. Lucky sia, you got a hard and long ‘handle’ for me to hold and grip. Thank you….
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Welcome to my study! One of the things I like about this space is the glass doors so it brings in a lot of natural lighting and also let’s me expose my beautiful body when I work naked. Come let me show you how I like to sit at my desk naked while going through my daily works. And guests like you sitting on the 2-sitter sofa can enjoy the unrestricted view of my pussy as I spread my legs like this. And the gap between the glass legs is for you to crawl and – uhhhhh, tease me… Come we go master room.
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Adding to the glass house concept, everything here is see-through. So my neighbours can enjoy my nude, well-fucked body every morning and night. Sometimes I get my guests to line up while I moved from one male to another sucking them dry. But today you will go straight to the master room.
Master Bedroom
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So finally, we are in my bedroom. I put a lot of budget into the bed, beddings, pillows to get a great night rest after my hot, steamy fuck sessions (day or night). My bed is memory foam so please fuck me harder until tonight I also can remember our fucking. I am yours for 1 more hour on this bed, without my top and pants, so faster come to Mummy…. Yes, I give you permission to raw me, baby… Uhhh fuckkk you bigger than yesterday’s guest, filling me up so well. Am I as good as your fantasy hmm? Is my pussy as tight as you imagined? Squeeze my beautiful C cups now! Use it as your love handle and pump me harder baby! Arghhhh, I cannot hold it anymoree, feeling like cumming already baby…just…mmm…let…mmm…me cummmm~
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Eeewww...why you lick my armpit? I already so sweaty le. Hehe your ‘di di’ still so hard and full of cum ah. Fuck me sideways now with my legs closed. Let you feel syiok syiok…. Uh uh uh… your rock-hard cock is spoiling my pussy so gooood. Feel my pussy clamping down on you.
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Noooo why you stop?? Okay, I turn over now, please just put your cock back inside. Yesss, I can feel your hard dick inside me! My pussy so hot now! Ram me, ah ah, ram me harder! Ahhhhh, oh my god! Yes yes yes, so goood! No need, just cum inside meeeee! Haaa haaa hhhhaaaa.
I cummed so hard baby. Just now my whole body was shivering and shaking from your fucking le. One of my better fucks in a looooong time. See?! Fuck me until I stain my bedsheet. All your cum leak out to my pussy liao.
Master Bath
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Bathroom – Eh agains?? Wait wait, let me catch my breath awhile la. Come, I bring you some place more exciting. See my bathtub so big, like someone…. My turn to return the favor, I want to service your ‘da da de xiao di di’. *slurp slurp slurp* Waa now your cock taste so much like me mmm mmm mmmm. Hehe you very naughty ah, hit my face with your hard meat. The sound so disrespectful…
What you doing! Ahhhh , softer softer… I still sensitive baby. Slowly fuck me against the glass. Let my neighbours see my big boobs smashed on the window. Let them see how horny you making me. Uh uhh… you still so strong after so many shots… I like… Yes yes, make me scream louder for my neighbours to hear me! Come come cummmm! You shoot another full load in my pussy, not scared I pregnant ah? Hehe. Don’t worry, another baby means my boobs will up-size again lor… 😉
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Thanks a lot baby, hope you enjoyed my house tour. I sure enjoyed it a lot. I need to go pick my 2 little darlings now. Hopefully no little sister or brother growing in my tummy la right?
Hehe. I think we need another house tour after I replace the toilet light. See ya!
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nogoawaytism · 11 months
I feel like one of the peak aspects of the early RWBY fandom was the excitement for some of the the more minor characters. It seemed that everyone enjoyed looking for emblems and speculating where they would appear in the future. Except. Rooster Teeth makes a bunch of characters they do nothing with, and instead make new ones for every little role they need to fill instead of utilizing preexisting ones. And it's frustrating, because some of them have legitimately good designs. But instead, we just get new characters chugged out like the second Thursday of every month. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think large casts are acceptable as long as you can write every character to be distinct. The Danganronpa and BNHA franchises manage to do this, and they're wildly successful. However, as I said earlier, RWBY does NOTHING with them. A lot of blind fans will be like "Oh why does that bother you? Their only purpose was to fill this infinitesimal role!" Which... isn't an excuse for character bloat? It's like every time a new character is introduced only to be tossed in the trash can later creates this annoying itch in my brain. It took YEARS for us to get something from half of team SSSN (a team which, by the way, was one of the first ones Monty designed, and seemed important to him), and of course Scarlet and Sage are one-dimensional and dickish. Some of them even have more visual appeal than the current designs of the main characters. Hello? Team ABRN? Team FNKI? Even BRNZ? Ciel? It's incredible that we've been loosing memorable designs all across the board in favor of these bland bleak color schemes with so little visual appeal. It feels like it's representative of the creators of said show no longer caring. Not only would utilizing pre-established characters from the Beacon or tournament era add visual diversity, it would add diversity in fighting styles too. It would be so cool to see more international fighting styles represented, as we've gotten a lot in the European and East Asian realms. It would also even be great to see a mix of simple weapons and cool transforming ones. Ironwood is one of the best fighters in-show and his weapons are just a pair of pistols. I personally enjoy the idea of showing both sides of the coin where characters have a more simplistic fighting style, but are good enough to the point where it's still interesting to see, as well as those cool transforming weapons that RWBY originally had as a selling point. Utilizing characters would also provide opportunities for cool merch, and we know Rooster Teeth likes making money. Nah, let's just stick with bi-colored tye-die hoodies and screenshot T-shirts.
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myxomat0s1s · 1 month
Schoolhouse Rankings: Part 1
The Bottom 15
This will be a ranking of all 53 Schoolhouse Rock! segments from 1973-2002. Climate Rock from 2009 will not be included because I don't have access to it, and it's not really considered "the same" series as the run up to 2002. We're taking this very very no foolin' seriously here despite this being a kid's show from the 70's /j. It isn't that deep, but I'll make it that deep. I'm rating based mostly on the music and lyrics themselves; this is weighted towards the sonic aspect rather than visuals. I want strong instrumentation and good vocals, and a premise that keeps me listening. Characters and their interactions/potential to be interesting are also big players, I like the more charater-driven ones. If the premise/concept for how the subject is conveyed is creative, points there too. Lesser aspects they'll be judged on include actual animation quality(This was mostly a series concieved off a shoestring budget in the 70's, so unless the short does something exceptionally good or bad, not a lot of points depend on this) and general wow factor(Doing something standout from most other episodes). I'll also include a few stats if applicable as well as some fun trivia!
Here's a key for some symbols: ⭐"big one" most popular song of the season 🟩highest ranking song of the season 🟥lowest ranking song of the season ⚡seizure warning! prevalent flashing lights 👍i have an interesting fact to share ✖multiplication rock 🇺🇲america 🖥computer💲money 🖋grammar 🧪science
In last place...
53. ✖ The Good Eleven 🟥
I don't have a ton to say on this song; I just find it boring in every way. The delivery doesn't fit Bob Dorough. He just sounds really insincerely chipper and I'm not a fan of the key the song's in. Instrumentation isn't anything to scoff at, but it's also nothing special. And the short really falls flat in its concept. Motifs of angels and general ideas of purity are shown often in the video, but nothing is ever pushed to the point where it becomes interesting. If a good short is a work of art, like a painting, this is a bunch of scattershot ideas that splatter across the wall and do nothing else. It's literally about nothing. "11 is good, multiplying it is easy" is about all there is. No substance. Which I could also say about the animation, because it's really simple and boring. You could make the excuse that this was the first reason, so it wasn't up to snuff with the rest of them, but I wouldn't agree, because the same season has some really great moments like Little Twelvetoes and I Got Six, where you get some really colorful, detailed shots. This as well as the fact that there are some even better, arguably more simplistic animations with songs like Telegraph Line and even Presidential Minute really sours this song for me. If I had to describe this song in a word: Insubstantial. -Lowest placement for Bob Dorough -Lowest placement in Multiplication Rock -Lowest placement of all episodes
52. ✖ Lucky Seven Sampson
I have even less to say on this song. It at least has a concept, following the titular anthro rabbit Lucky Seven Sampson around town, and it's played into by the animation, but it's still not a very interesting one. He sort of just strolls around causing havoc and teaching how to multiply. Something that hinders the songs in multiplication rock is how at times stiff they are lyrically, which isn't really the fault of the writers, as you obviously need to insert the times tables in there somewhere, but it's still a detractor in really barebones cases such as this song, because besides that run of times tables there's not much. I don't even like Sampson's voice or design much. Dorough is pretty pitchy on higher notes, which is unlike him. The color palette with that ugly yellow background is also not stellar. Really boring.
51. 🇺🇲 Three Ring Government 🟥👍
This short used to scare me as a kid. I think it was a mix of the key it was in(I had/have a strange aversion to a few of these songs simply because of the key) and the more exaggerated artstyle that was, at times, a little uncanny. I used to freeze up because the lions on the posters in the backgrounds would scare the shit out of me. My point is that this short did not improve much in my eyes. The artstyle is rough, and in some cases uncanny in a not very charming way. I don’t know what to say because it’s just so… bleh. Luckily I’ve padded this with an early childhood story, so yay! Nobody will ever notice how boring and unimportant this song is! We truly were not missing anything with this one being delayed.
-Fun Fact! This song was held from airing for several months due to the song's entire concept being about comparing the branches of government to a circus. For fears of getting their funding cut because of this, the episode was withheld until 1979, making it the last short to air from America Rock by a long time. -Lowest placement for Lynn Ahrens -Lowest placement in America Rock
50. 🖥 Software/Think Computer! 🟥⭐
Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips is an odd season. It’s the only season to have recurring cast members in the forms of the titular Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips, who benefit this season greatly because I love them both. That being said, this is the worst of their relatively lackluster 4-episode season. Darrel Stern is super pitchy, and Bob Kaliban’s voice has a robot filter that’s grating when he’s trying to sing. The instrumentation is pretty lackluster and it’s my least favorite subject-wise, talking about BASIC and other 80’s computer software features that are severely outdated. I’m not one to bitch about the outdated songs- I will wax poetic about how amazing Telegraph Line is- but this just offers no value to me and probably most others.
-Lowest placement for Darrel Stern and Bob Kaliban -Lowest placement in Computer Rock
49. ✖ Elementary, My Dear
Bleh. Boring. I’ve been trying to shorten my reviews so I don’t yap, because I know I tend to restate my previous opinions a lot sometimes(got this input on a music review once), and this short will be great practice. Besides the fact that the little kid Noah has is cute, it doesn’t do much interesting, and the repetitive melody gets old fast
48. 🇺🇲 Elbow Room
Aged horribly. You'd be totally flamed for making a pro-manifest destiny song today. Besides that, though, Sue Manchester has the same cadence and sound as Lynn Ahrens, one of my least favorite vocalists on the SHR team, which doesn't do her a great service. The rest of it is take-it-or-leave-it.
-Lowest placement for a non-recurring singer(Sue Manchester)
47. 💲Tyrannosaurus Debt🟥👍
The idea of the National Debt being a huge dinosaur that constantly grazes Capitol hill is a pretty fun concept! I really like the creativity there, but besides that there’s not too much to pick apart. Money Rock at times could be very experimental with the SHR artstyle, but this was one that tried emulating the old artstyle, which leaves a lot to be desired as being faithful costed money. Most set pieces and backgrounds were flat white, and the people had a bleak artstyle revisited in Presidential Minute that really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The more I think about it, the more I realize it’s just a bad version of what came before. Dorough’s delivery, though he does get a little more intense in the end, is pretty boring, and, in the same vein as Elementary My Dear, the singsong melody gets old quickly. There are a few songs that, rather than stick to a verse-chorus structure or have more fleshed out segments, just sort of go on and on, and it doesn’t interest me. Not a fan.
-Fun fact! At the end of this video, Bill from I'm Just a Bill makes a cameo! -Lowest placement in Money Rock
46. ✖ The Four-Legged Zoo
The kid's choir is actually really good in this song, and it adds some fun, airy energy to it. It sort of just lists animals and numbers, though, and the animation isn't super out there, so this short doesn't get a lot of points.
45. 💲This For That
With this one, I'll admit, the caveman guy is pretty cool. I like his design, he's a silly little dude. This is another short from Money Rock that harkens back to old SHR, and I must say, they did it far better here. I used to confuse this for one of the older ones when I was little, because I knew some of them were made later on, but I didn't know all of Money Rock was. Character designs are really good, and the steel drum is an interesting instrument a friend caught in the background and got me to pay attention to. Besides that the instrumental isn't all that special, and neither is the rest of the short. Dorough has that sort of bored, going-through-the-motions feel to his voice like he did in Tyrannosaurus Debt. The same pet peeve of a grating repeating melody is here and twice as bad. It's not really something I can describe; I just don't like it, there's nothing going on. That repetition at the "chorus" part of "Coins/barter is smarter" is also unbearable. Neither of them is truly "better" than the other, and the song seems to come to that conclusion through a confusing flip-flopping of that opinion every repetition.
44. 🇺🇲 The Preamble
Literally just the preamble to the Constitution. Like, that's it. Slightly related visuals to go with it. 'Salright.
43. 🖥 Intro 👍
This short doesn't really hold up to the excitement I had knowing it was lost media for some time. The instrumental has an aggressively 80's feel to it, which is cheesy, but in an admittedly very charming way. It's sort of an extended version of the theme song, and that’s cool. Premise is awesome, again, I love Mr. Chips, and this is essentially Scooter introducing him to us, and I love their little friendo dynamic! This just isn’t much in the lyrics or music or voice department. As stated before, the music has some fun 80’s cheese, but it gets old and ignorable quick, and is less memorable compared to later episodes like Hardware. Stern has the same loud, pitchy yell as he did in Software that gets on my nerves. I like it when he sing-talks more than when he actually sings. And the topics covered lyrically are expanded upon in the next three episodes, rendering this one a bit useless since it skims over the ideas on such a surface level. Not a bad episode, but there’s better.
-Fun fact! This song was lost for a very long time. After it's initial 80's airings, the short was lost by the network and declared lost media unil 2013, when Scooter's voice actor, Darrel Stern, uploaded the original tape online.
42. 🇺🇲 Presidential Minute👍
This is the shortest song in the whole lot, lasting, as suggested, just a minute. It’s cool, but there isn’t much to it besides that. Artstyle kinda blows as stared with Tyrannosaurus Debt, the designs and animation are very simple, but I sort of get it since the short is a just prize unlock for winning a dvd bonus game. Sheldon’s delivery isn’t outstanding, and the instrumental is standard.
-Lowest placement for Jack Sheldon -Fun fact! This episode as well as I'm Gonna Send Your Vote to College are exclusive to the 30th anniversary VHS/DVD releases!
41. 🇺🇲No More Kings
Another blase Ahrens America Rock song. Most of hers are very similar here, just recaps/skimmings of historical events, and that’s understandably restrictive for story ideas. Only real standout feature is the animation, which has a nice watercolor aesthetic I’m a big fan of.
40. 🖥Number Cruncher
Poor Scooter. Bro’s bedroom is half filled with papers. Scooter is relegated to statistitian for his baseball team, which he struggles with severely until he’s offered help by Mr. Chips. A fun premise! It’s kind of just Mr. Chips yapping though, but not in a fun way like(spoiler alert!) Hardware. Kaliban isn’t much better than Stern when he has the voice filter on, so in that aspect this is only slightly boosted. Standard Computer Rock faire.
39. ✖Figure Eight
I seriously love the first minute and fifteen seconds of this song. It contains a very delicate oscilating melody that I’m a big fan of. This was Blossom Dearie’s first song with the team, and her fragile voice sounds whispery and eerie, giving the song a creepy doll tone I enjoy. The figureskating animation and concept is also very alluring to me, I really like the establishing shot of the school blanketed in snow. The animation feels very graceful, a great pairing with the vocals and premise. This all comes back to bookend the song about a minute later, but that minute in the middle is such a big pacebreaker. It “transitions”(really just plops you in the middle of a completely different song) to a far cheerier, less elegant section that Dearie’s delivery does not switch up to match. Visuals are only semi-related, either containing the figure skating theme and not the character(whom I do really like), or the character and not the figure skating theme. Kinda just whatever crap they wanted to put in the song is thrown around here, and it damages what would otherwise be a song begging to be put in the top 20.
-Lowest placement for Blossom Dearie
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Lemuria Pottery- Chapter one
Rafayel x y/n, pottery au?
You decide to take some pottery classes at a pottery studio run by Rafayel...
I rushed through the doors of the quaint, small, pottery studio downtown. l had always wanted to take a class here, drawn to the decor I could spot from the outside. The problem was, I had no one to go with. I had tried, and failed, many times to get someone to go with me. So I finally bit the bullet and decided to just take a pottery class alone. How bad could it be? Then I woke up late the day of the class, threw on some clothes and did my makeup on the way there. When I stepped, or really burst, through the doors, I was greeted by many eyes on me, which made me regret even coming in the first place. Even more so when it appeared everyone was there as a couple, or at least friends, but the closeness of many of them told me otherwise. “You must be (y/n)?” a voice asked. I turned to see a man tying on an apron with a smile. I nodded, stunned by his appearance and suddenly regretting my outfit choice. I had no time to really think, just throwing on some sweats and a tee shirt. “Glad you made it, there should be an open seat there,” he pointed to an empty station near the back of the room. I nodded and quickly grabbed an apron, as everyone else already had and sat down as quickly as possible. Off to such a great, embarrassing start.
The class was taught by the same man who had greeted me at the door. He introduced himself as Rafayel, the owner of the studio. We all got started, sketching a design and then learning to throw the clay on the wheel. The class I had signed up for was actually a set of classes, as I wanted to do this right. Today was the first of three. After Rafayel explained the basics of what to do, he let us try it ourselves, reminding us that today was more about getting a feel for the art, rather than completing our entire project in that class. I had decided to play it safe and attempt to make a simplistic vase. But that was more for next week, today I was just focusing on trying to understand what affected the clay and how. Needless to say, I was struggling. I took a peek around the room, watching a couple working together on their piece. Another couple just having fun with the clay. Rafayel walked around, helping those he could. I sighed. This was a terrible idea. I should have known the class would be filled with couples. I sighed, looking down at the clump of clay on my wheel. I couldn’t let my money go to waste though, so I had to make this vase and I wanted it to be good. So I began again, attempting to slowly press down my foot on the pedal and wrapping my hands around the clay to shape it. It thunked against my hands, the wheel beginning to spin too fast before I quickly lifted my foot off the pedal in fear of the clump flying across the room. Unknown to me, Rafayel had watched the scene, a small smirk on his face. “Try adding some more water to it,” he instructed me. I looked up at him, his presence only just being known to me. “Oh, uh, okay,” I answered. I moved my hands to the bowl of water next to me and dipped my hands in, adding water to the clay. I looked up at him and he nodded. So I continued, readying my hands and beginning to add pressure to the pedal to make the wheel spin. And it all went wrong. I miscalculated the pressure my foot was adding, making the wheel spin far faster than it should. The added water made the clay slide around, flinging small clumps of watery clay onto my face and clothes. I yelped, immediately moving my hands away and lifting my foot up. But the clay didn’t like not being held while spinning fast and it jumped off of the wheel straight towards Rafayel. He was quick, catching it before it hit him in the stomach. My jaw dropped in shock. “Oh my God…I am so sorry,” I said, stunned. “I- well, I don't even know what happened. Good God this is the worst. I’m sorry-” I began stuttering, still in utter shock. I heard a gentle laugh and looked to see Rafayel trying hard not to laugh. Failing, and bursting into laughter. 
“Is your foot made of lead? I’ve never seen a wheel spin so fast!” he laughed, causing some of the couples to look over and see what he was laughing at, some hiding their laughter from me. My face heated up and I began to sweat, completely embarrassed and feeling a panic attack approach. I lowered my head, screaming at my brain to calm down and ignore their laughter. Why did I think this was a good idea? Slowly, Rafayel crouched down and met my eyes, tears beginning to well up in them and I avoided eye contact. “Hey,” he softly said, attempting to grab my attention, but failing to grab my eyes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s no big deal, really. I’ve done plenty worse in my days. Why don’t you go wash up and then I can help you when you’re feeling a bit better, yeah?” I nodded, wanting to get away and honestly never come back to this studio again. “Head up the stairs and go in the door to the right. There’s a bathroom down the hall to the left, second door on the left, got it?” I nodded, though was a bit confused on where this supposed bathroom was. I was under the impression this studio only had one floor. Rafayel extended his hand to me and I nervously took it, him pulling me to my feet and nodding his head in the direction of a staircase I had only just now noticed. I quickly made my way to the stairs, not daring to look at anyone in the room. How embarrassing. 
There was only one door when you went up the stairs, so that’s the one I went through and was suddenly confused. I was met with the view of a cluttered, but chic living room. Does Rafayel live above the pottery studio? Why had he told me to go up here for a bathroom? Blinking away some tears that had escaped, I turned to the left to see a hallway and went down it to find a bathroom. It was a standard bathroom, though honestly it was much easier to calm down in than a typical public restroom. I sat on the edge of the bath, steadying my breath. Once I began to feel calmer, the embarrassment slightly less painful, I stood to take in my appearance. I had bits of clay everywhere. I winced at the sight. I turned on the sink and attempted to get off as much as I could, frowning as I realized my makeup would come off with it. It was that or clay all over my face, so I chose no makeup and clay. I took another deep breath before opening the door and heading back through what I assumed was Rafayel’s place. I felt like I was impeding on his space, but I couldn’t help but glance at the artwork spread throughout. There were gorgeous paintings as well as pottery, equally as aesthetic. I shut the door behind me and quickly made my way back downstairs and to my seat. Thankfully, no one seemed to pay attention to it. I knew most people wouldn’t even remember the fiasco, instead remembering how much fun they had with their significant other, but I surely would remember. A few minutes after I sat down, Rafayel came over to me. “I’m sorry again, I really didn’t mean to upset you,” he said, keeping his voice down for only me to hear. I shook my head. 
“You’re fine, really. It’s just a me thing,” I chuckled. He nodded. 
“Better now though? Wanna try again?” he asked. I nodded. He grabbed a nearby chair and sat it down next to mine, sitting in it. I grew nervous at the close proximity. He was close. “I’ll start with the pressure on the wheel, think of it like you’re driving, you don’t want to floor it. I’ll begin and then you join- are you listening?” he suddenly tilted his head, smirking. I snapped out of whatever that was and nodded. “You’re going to use the pedal and then I’ll join,” I repeated his instructions. He nodded and smiled. He pressed down, the wheel beginning to spin. Then nodded at me. I moved my foot next to his, pressing down. “Up a bit, you’re putting more pressure than I am,” he noted. I nodded, doing as he said. “There, just like that, yeah. Perfect. See? Now it’s at a manageable pace.” I nodded. He took his foot off the pedal, just allowing me to get used to it, encouraging me or telling me to let up a bit. “Now that you have that, try doing what you did earlier, but this time it's not spinning quite so fast. Make sure to use a bit more water and make sure you have a good hold on the clay.” I nodded and slowly did as he instructed, finally successfully making the clay move. I felt myself begin to smile, finally getting somewhere as the clay raised with my hands. “Perfect,” I heard Rafayel say, looking to see him smile before standing and placing a hand on my shoulder before going to go help a couple who was struggling. I spent the rest of the class getting used to the feeling of the clay and attempting to shape it in different ways. 
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