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realclemhours · 5 months ago
My hot take about the Typhlosion thing because I’m tired of seeing the same take over and over again.
So some things people need to keep in mind:
1. All those stories were SCRAPPED ie. non-cannon. It isn’t “lore”
2. Those stories was likely made decades ago by one or a few employees. It’s not like they were created by higher-ups at game freak themselves. They were likely told or came up with the idea to make folklore to put into the games and those freaky stories are just ideas they came up with
3. Even if they were cannon, it’s likely they didn’t actually happen. They read a lot more like tall tales or folk lore, which can get pretty gross or messed up, but again are things that didn’t happen and are just meant to be stories
Anyways, are these still gross and shocking? Absolutely. Is it valid that any Pokémon in these stories be ruined for people? 100%. Do I condone or like any of the things that were written? Absolutely not
I just think people need to put the recent leaked stories into perspective more. That these were made by at most a few random employees decades ago to act as weird inappropriate folklore that was rightfully scrapped and isn’t and never was cannon. I’m tired of people taking this as officially part of Pokémon lore that Gamefreak themselves were in charge of when that likely isn’t further from the truth
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realclemhours · 8 months ago
Anyways yeah gunna go on a tangent here because I’ve been thinking about this since I started Delicious in Dungeon.
I’m not sure if Laios is my favorite (it’s honestly like a tie between Laios, Marcielle, Senshi, and Falin), but he does mean the most to me.
For context I’m autistic, and like I have struggled with things like showing emotions, showing that I care, or finding the right words to console or tell people I love them. I do care. I know the people close to me know I do. It’s just hard to get across.
And then we have Laios, which oh wow oh my god does that oddly specific thing I mentioned above perfectly. It’s so surreal to have like a character represent such a specific thing I deal with so well. He does care and is a sweet guy. He just says inappropriate things at times not understanding why it’s bad because he’s bad at social cues or he just doesn’t openly express he cares like most people would.
Like at first it kind comes off that he doesn’t care about Falin’s potential death or care for her that much because he really doesn’t freak out about it most of the trip, but we see again and again he does care. He regrets what happened and wishes he was the one who got eaten instead, he strongly tells her to never be so reckless again, he is willing to go on such a risky trip with low party members and no supplies so they can even have a chance of saving her. The thing is he does care a lot. He just isn’t actively panicking 24/7, not because he’s trying to hide his emotions, he’s just the type of guy to not express himself like that and this is just. Damn. So good to me?
I could go on a whole other tangent about how his (potential) autism while getting him into trouble at times, also is a massive help since it not only gives info on how to defeat monsters, but also allows him to do/see things outside of the box most neurotypical people never could, but I’ll save that for another time.
Anyways yeah, thank you Ryoko Kui for one of the most relatable characters to me that represents experiences I’ve had better than a lot of cannonical autistic characters
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realclemhours · 8 months ago
Hey so I finished Dungeon Meishi (manga included) and I wanna have a 3 a.m ramble about some of my thoughts about the ending
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Okay so the ending honestly left me a tad disappointed. Don’t get me wrong there was still a ton of shit I loved and I am willing to hear people out who love this ending and get it more than I do, but first let me get into the things I do like.
The winged lion was such a fantastic final villain. The way it sweet talked genuinely made it sound so supportive that I kept flip-flopping on whether or not he was telling the truth despite FULLY knowing at this point that it was evil.
Laios turning into the beast he had designed since childhood, making one last change so he could eat desires, and using that to consume the wing lion was such an amazing play.
Everyone showing up after Laios ran away, then finding him, and Shuro hugging and showing pride in him was just so oughhhhh made me tear up a bit.
I absolutely LOVED the Itzusumi chapter where she asked all the main characters what they were going to do after the main story and finally came to terms with doing things she didn’t want to do.
I really love that Mithrun and Thistle got closure despite being antagonists and previous dungeon lords. It shows that they were just humans who were corrupted by the dungeon and deserve to recover just like our main protags and that’s really sweet :))
Finally, I’m just happy that the orcs actually get to live on the surface now. They deserve that
Anyways those are all the major things I liked/loved, there’s some other things obviously, but let me get to my issues
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Okay first of all but it feels like in the last like 20 chapters outside of Laios and Marcielle the main cast doesn’t really do much. Like yeah, they’re there and they do talk, but the only time they ever really do things is like as a group? They’re either all acting a parasite or cooking a meal or trying to catch up the winged dragon in Laios’s body or they are just doing nothing while Marcielle or Laios is doing the protag stuff.
It’s kinda disappointing to me to be honest. They’ve build such bonds and built such likeable characters only to go “uhhh actually only Laios can do anything in the final fight against the demon and the others just stand and watch confused”. Which again, while Laios’s plan was really cool I just wish the others in the main cast got to contribute to the final battle. Have them all have their little time to shine you know?
I also personally don’t like that Laios became king and the curse. I just personally kinda prefer when protags give up that sort of thing to live a simplistic life. Honestly kinda wish Kabru became king in Laios’s place, but then again if Laios didn’t step up as king Marcielle would be in jail, the orcs would still be exiled, and the current leaders of the island would still be in charge and continue to be greedy and incompetent.
So uhhhhh yeah maybe best he became king even if I’m not fond of it-
But then we have the curse, which oooooo boy. I get that like Laios has to sacrifice something great to defeat a literal demon, but losing the ability to be around monsters entirely?? I can’t fully explain why but I just really dislike it. It makes me feel just kinda sad. But not sad like it’s a bittersweet sacrifice (Hiccup losing his leg in How to Train Your Dragon comes to mind as a bittersweet sacrifice I love), but just unsatisfying? Like yeah, the protagonist saved the world and his sister is now safe but now is life is kinda miserable since he has to deal with people all the time and can never see monsters again.Hurray 🎉
Don’t get me wrong I feel like Laios should absolutely lose something from fighting the demon. Not sure what exactly (maybe his desires for food or monsters or a limb), but what they ended up going with was just kinda disappointing to me.
Anyways those are just my takeaways from the ending. Let me know if I’m missing anything, I would love to discuss and maybe get my mind changed.
Overall, did the ending ruin Dunmeshi for me? Oh absolutely not. This was such a fantastic story and world that enthralled me till the end (even if it did lose me a bit at the end). Would still genuinely give it a 10/10 despite my complaints. I liked it that much.
If you asked me to summarize how the ending made me feel in relation to the rest of the series, well I would best compare it to a meal. Most of the meal is no joke 5 star best stuff I have ever eaten in my life. Then I get to my last item… some dessert. The dessert tastes amazing- but the texture is a bit odd and it bugs me to the point where I notice and feel how weird it was. Would I still hate the rest of the meal for the one slightly weird dessert? Absolutely not! I would still recommend the meal to everyone I know even with the off dessert at the end because everything else was just that fantastic.
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Anyways yeah maybe the real Dunmeshi was the friends we made along away and then ate as we faced the fear of mortality and ancient gods beyond our comprehension <3
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realclemhours · 7 months ago
Hi alright take another ramble because I watched the newest episode of the Game Grumps Danganronpa V3 playthrough and this is more of just an introspective dive into my feelings about this trial since I read through some comments and I wanna get my feelings out there.
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Idk spoilers for V3 trial one under the cut
Okay so as I said above I both read the comments for the latest episode of the Grumps Playthrough and watched their reactions, and that made me realize that this trial is pretty polarizing and I 100% get why.
The clues leading up to the twist and the murder itself are sloppy and kind of confusing. It’s such a left turn because after you play for this character, who is the first mainline girl Danganronpa protag btw, for only one chapter with seemingly no indication she is now suddenly the murderer you guys have been looking for the whole time. To add insult to injury, the new protagonist is now the guy sidekick, so yeah not great.
However- despite all it’s misses, despite how I know this trial is objectively sloppy, I still really get into Chapter 1 of V3. Even knowing what was coming and seeing Dan and Arin’s rightful confusion in live time, I still felt dread leading up to the reveal. I felt genuine dread and sadness to a sloppy twist I knew was coming, and I think that’s because despite all of V3’s many many many flaws I’m invested in Kaede and Shuichi as characters.
I’m invested in watching a protagonist slowly being lead into the very game she swore against out of desperation to save everyone. I’m invested in Shuichi’s trauma and him slowly picking up on the fact the Kaede did it, but being unable to say anything for the longest time due to how much he cares about her and his trauma. I’m invested in how despite Kaede going into a death march she still has a class trial in one last attempt to save everyone and how she uses her final moments to build up Shuichi’s confidence for his own sake and for the sake of the survival of everyone else. I’m invested in them both breaking down crying blaming themselves. I’m invested in how Kaede in her final moments pushes on her will to save everyone onto Shuichi, not realizing how intense a final wish like that could be and how he struggles with it for the rest of the game. And I’m invested in that final goodbye in Kaede’s lab, with Claire De Lune playing in the back as he mourns the loss of someone who, despite only knowing her for a few days, changed his life.
V3 trial 1 has a very strong emotional core. I think it’s the strongest one out of the whole franchise tbh (that doesn’t equal best btw I think V3 trial 4 or 5 are objectively better), but a lot of that gets muddied with an upsetting twist and a confusing murder, so I get why a lot of people don’t like this trial. However, I really love this trial even after all these years and going through the Danganronpa series again and realizing I find a lot of it mid.
That’s kinda how I feel about V3 as a whole honestly. It’s an objectively bad game with sloppy writing, a lot of filler dialogue, and some gross problematic stuff. I would never recommend this game to anyone in a million years, yet under layers and layers and layers and layers of hot garbage, there’s some moments that really do shine to me. Not for everyone, but for me they do.
That’s why I love V3 Chapter 1 and V3 as a whole so much, despite everything. It made me captivated with a handful of characters and moments even if the overall quality was bad. Growing up is realizing that not everything you like is of good quality and that’s okay. “My Class Trial Our Class Trial”, and by extension V3 as a whole, just so happened to be the media to make me realize that.
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flaminpumpkin · 2 years ago
For the love of whatever the fuck you believe in, REBLOG THE SHIT YOU LIKE. Seriously, this isn't Twitter. People won't see what you liked here. The only way to do so is by reblogging. Support the artists/writers/creators you like AND USE THAT REBLOG BUTTON.
Thanks <3
people moving to tumblr from twitter please fucking reblog art likes literally dont do anything except make the artist upset bc they have 2 reblogs and 55 likes
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realclemhours · 6 months ago
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Been on a SpongeBob kick recently. Shout out to Incidental #70. He’s so silly. He said “Hey SpongeBob’s Back :D” and never had another line again. What a legend.
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Unironically love his design. It screams Goober.
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flaminpumpkin · 9 months ago
Given the state of twitter, I think I'm gonna dust up this account and try and be more active here. Promote my fics here, too, while I'm at it.
Also, glad to announce I am back on my batlantern bullshit. Got 2 wips already for them.
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st4rstudent · 6 months ago
I don't like to post about this stuff publicly but I'm tired of seeing ppl interact with this person while also following me, so I want to let you all know that if you follow/interact with Saturnflower841 then unfollow and block me.
They're very, very vocal about being a prshipper on here, in fact it doesn't even take a lot of scrolling to find the stuff they're talking about. Recently they posted a ship chart saying that they ship parentxchild and siblingxsibling and if you scroll further you can find even more. On top of that, on their twitter (Saturnstuff20), they broke other peoples boundaries by following people who had prship DNI in bio. This is not a callout, do NOT go into their askbox or anything it does literally nothing. This is more of an awareness post for my sake of mind and for anyone who doesn't know. If you do know and keep interacting then block me because I don't want you here.
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st4rstudent · 8 months ago
As a reminder, I want to let everyone know I do NOT want anyone who ships Spruce and Chip following or interacting with me. I thought it was kind of obvious but I suppose writing it out directly is needed.
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st4rstudent · 6 months ago
I want an excuse to draw more toons. rubs my hands together like a fly anyways, not-subtle-point is that if you guys have any toon npcs that you really like (or just want to see) send them to me and I might produce a little doodle of them in return
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st4rstudent · 2 months ago
Sorry for any future inactivity within the next days btw. I got sick yesterday and that practically threw a massive obstacle into my plans.
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st4rstudent · 8 months ago
For any toontown tierlist fans out there. I made a tierlist for toons (mainly from ttcc, some rewritten is included) since I couldn't find any. I'll attach and image below of all the ones I included, but if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.
Link if you want it
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st4rstudent · 9 months ago
Following the release of the latest chapter. I think I will dwell into those little headcanons/thought pieces about the Desk Jockeys (and Brian) that I mentioned a while ago.
So here it is. My long clem ramble.
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NOTE: these are mainly all just headcanons of mine. A sick and twisted look into my mind. Do not consider this as me saying "these are all CANON and if you think differently youre WRONG" because that's not true at all.
I'm going to be doing this in little sections. I'd like to begin by saying that I believe the Desk Jockeys and Brianbots are very different from each other, despite the fact that the Brianbots are just reprogrammed from the Desk Jockeys.
The main points of difference I feel are: design, personalities, and certain equipment. I'll go into the last 2 more, but as a funfact. Did you all know that the Brianbots and Desk Jockeys in the tutorial have different clothes.
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(Desk Jockey vs. Brianbot)
I think it's a fun little touch that the Desk Jockeys get brighter attire, whereas Brian changed the Brianbots to more dull colors. Something something cog #society.
Ok I'm breaking the two into groups now. lalala
Desk Jockeys
Desk Jockeys are created by Professor Pete. As we all know they're just simple training dummies, and I believe that is the entirety of their existence.
They are built out of cheaper, more flimsy material, due to the lack of resources that toons can get ahold of. Luckily, this cheaper material makes them much easier to rebuild after each destruction.
I also believe this cheaper material is obvious when it comes to their voiceboxes. Higher-quality voiceboxes are usually only obtainable through companies like COGS inc (or general cog society. that's like an entire topic that can be dwelled on that I haven't given as much thought as I'd like), so the Desk Jockeys are given a more makeshift-"homemade" voice box, made by Professor Pete. As a result, their voices are usually lower and much more monotone/robotic. They also frequently have pitch shifts and will change after being rebuilt because, well, trying to rebuild something exactly is hard.
Ironically, despite their designs being brighter than the Brianbots, they don't have much of a personality. Being training dummies, they don't develop ones because a.) cheaper materials, like processing functions = no ability to retain "memories" and develop/advance and b.) idk I feel like having them with personalities would lead for some crazy self-purpose issues.
This also is a reflection of COG society and how cogs can't take jokes/are supposed to be super serious. It gives a little insight into new recruits about what cogs are supposedly like (even if it's not 100% true).
In summary: A lot of words for "they're just training dummies and lack the higher quality material to form any amount of sentience". Although this isn't inherently a bad thing.
Reprogrammed/hijacked by Brian. There are four of them (3 normals and an executive). While they still maintain the same attacks as the Desk Jockeys, their purpose is not to be dummies... well in the training dummy sense.
They're basically Brian's henchmen and his only cog-related company for a majority of the time.
Although their outer shells are still the same recycled, flimsy material, their internal workings have been given a bit of an upgrade. Given better processing powers, they're now able to hold memories and are able to analyze/solve situations... to an extent.
In reality, what often happens is that they hear what's being said to them, respond, and then only process about half of what's being said. Despite the updates, their processing power still can only hold so much. Out of all of them, the executive has a higher processing power and is usually given the most responsibility (much to their disappointment).
In addition to this, they did get updated voiceboxes! One's that Brian 'borrowed' from the company (because I think it's funny. And 4 missing voiceboxes can't cause that much harm... right?). They all now share the same voicebox, making it hard to tell which one is actually talking. Unless if you spend a majority of your time with them.
In terms of personality, it takes some time*. They eventually do gain more sentience/personality, however due to their limited processing power, it's not very divided. To describe them simply: They try their best. They're very curious on things, but they never can retain all the answer, leading to repetitive questions. What they do retain, they make sure to share. Unfortunately, if you're trying to keep a secret or super evil plans to overtake Toontown Central, this means they may accidentally share it (not maliciously). They're also very clumsy.
*If you know SW: think about how some droids start off very strict to their programming when they are first created, and then as the years pass and they're surrounded by more influences, they eventually develop a personality.
Basically, they're the exact opposite of a super serious businesscog. Much to the dismay of Brian's various efforts of reprogramming.
Part of this is due to their creator. Professor Pete is a toon and as a result, the Desk Jockeys/Brianbots all have a bit of toony influence. No amount of programming can remove that from them.
Despite this, they still are capable. In battles, they can follow orders well (callback to the training dummy origin) and they do listen to lectures, or at least act like they are.
In summary: They're capable of much higher functions and processes compared to the Desk Jockeys, due to better equipment. In terms of personality, they're the complete opposite of what they were reprogrammed for.
With that out of the way...
Brianbots and Brian
One thing I've noticed is that when a lot of people talk about Brian and the Brianbots, they're described in a family situation (Brian being the parent, the Brianbots being the children). And for clarity, I want to say I have no issues with this interpretation. I think it's fun!! And I think that as long as the people doing it are having fun, then YAY!!!!
With that said, my interpretation of this is a bit different. I don't believe they consciously, or intentionally, would find themself in a family-like format (such as referring to each other by familial names or thinking of each other as such).*
The Brianbots and Brian, to me, are like a Saturday morning cartoon villain and his 4 little henchmen that just keep making things unintentionally worse. Minus all the belittling that those tropes often do.
Shortly after reprogramming them, Brian is incredibly disappointed to find out they are, well, silly. After all of his hard work and skilled genius, they turn out like this? Clearly it can't be an issue on his part, so he must keep trying! (<- imagine im saying the "After ... trying" part in a deep sarcastic tone)
However, even after more reprogramming, they still don't change. They're still silly, they still mess up, and they're still clumsy. They are not cog-material. And Brian is upset by this. He was finally in a leadership position, but his employers are these things.
In short: He wanted to try to reprogram them to be the model cog (serious, listens, follows orders to a T), but he doesn't get that. And he CAN'T get that because of their origins.
However, they are also the only cog company he has.
Brian's in the middle of a Toon Playground, in a basement, a toon's basement no less. He doesn't have the joys of having other employees join his battle, he doesn't get to work in the Sellbot HQ. The most he gets is Sellbot meetings and the "keep them separated" order with Buck. For all intents and purposes, Brian is alone. Except for the Brianbots.
Eventually, he gets used to them. Their antics provide for good lecturing sessions and on the rare occasion, they do prove to be adequately useful.
The Brianbots didn't have a strong opinion of Brian at first, especially when they were still developing personalities. However, as they progressed, they became rather fond of him. In their mind, it's just him and them. There's no outside cog hierarchy structure and even if you explained it, they wouldn't understand.
They often take his words with sincerity, even if he's completely lying. And they speak highly of him, seeing as he's the "most genius cog to ever live". They have no evidence to confirm or deny this claim. It's also debatable if some of this is sincerity or part of their programming.
In reality, it's a bit of both.
However this doesn't mean they don't have their moments. In the times they do catch him in a lie or an obviously-going-to-fail-scheme, they'll shoot each other silent glances. If they're in a real mischievous mood, they can easily catch him off guard by asking him a question that seems quite easy to answer (usually one that would force him to admit he's wrong). He either doesn't answer it or stammers for a few minutes before quickly changing the subject.
After particularly bad battles or major mess ups, Brian will end up scolding them. Although his belittlement and scorns aren't meant to be malicious (tough-love type situation), the Brianbots will still end up taking them to heart or their mechanical equivalent. Luckily, they don't hold grudges and also take apologies very easily (like toons).
The Brianbots can also be kind of overbearing/overwhelming, although it's all in good nature. Brian, a cog who would scurry away on all fours at the thought of anything more than a handshake, vs the 4 Brianbots who are happy to see him after a long day of watching the basement and are now speeding at him with arms wide open.
In the times the Brianbots do have a good idea, Brian will absolutely claim it as his own. This results in either a.) them all nodding in agreement in awe or b.) they shoot looks at each other.
*Going back up to what I said about consciously being in a family-type situation. Some of this may come off as a family-type situation and in some ways, yeah. Some of the henchmen-villain tropes are also like this. But I also think the idea of Brian tucking the Brianbots into their sleeping places, reading a calculus book to them, and then they all just never mention it again and act like it never happened is funny. They would be baffled at the idea if it was ever brought up.
In summary: The Brianbots balance off of Brian. They're the inept henchmen to his comically over-the-top plans. Although they are far from being standard cogs, it works out better for everyone anyways (because who else would go along with whatever Brian tries to do).
Ok that's all I can think of. Collect my 8 rambles.
As a gift for reading (or skimming) through all of this. You can get my Desk Jockey / Brianbot voiceclaims that has notes that are just reiterations of what's above.
I was going to put together a voiceclaim video but I need to find 2 more. So have this in the meantime. you might see it again later. okbye
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st4rstudent · 2 months ago
I almost just posted something by accident instead of sending it to drafts and i would've started laughing because all i wrote at first was "ohh thats gore..." with nothing attached
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st4rstudent · 10 months ago
no before-end-of-update mac dialogue whats the point anymore
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st4rstudent · 10 months ago
Quick question . For anyone who has a sideblog (or an ask blog) is it worth doing the "new blog" option thats linked to you main or is it better just to make an entirely new account
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