#Having A Fun And Normal Time on Tumblr Dot Com
simmyfrobby · 11 months
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junipernight · 7 months
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I redesigned Yangchen's outfit!
... I actually designed a lot of outfits for her, because I am Extremely Normal about these books, and also I like costume design and learning about historical clothing.
Short disclaimer: These fantasy clothes aren't culturally or historically accurate, just historically and culturally influenced. I don't have any expertise in East or Central Asian culture or clothing, I've just been clicking around on the internet a lot the last two weeks learning things because that's my idea of fun lol. If you wanted to talk to people who actually know things you should check out @atlaculture or like @ziseviolet, both of whom's blogs I referenced while drawing.
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I only designed two alternates for the outer robes. The first is based loosely off the robes Buddhist monks wear (loosely, because drawing draped fabric is hard ^^') especially the Tibetan zhen robe. This garment is just a long wide rectangle of cloth which can be draped across the body in lots of ways (versatility ftw!).
The other garment I drew is a Chuba, a traditional garment from Tibet and the Himalayas. It's a robe, but it highkey reminds me of kilts and hoodies, in that it a) can be worn over one or both shoulders or just as a skirt and b) it makes a giant pocket over the stomach. The long sleeves can be folded up or tied back btw.
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I spent the most time on the middle layer, because I was thinking it has to be something she could comfortably fight in while also being suitable for diplomatic meetings, meditating, espionage, and possibly sleeping.
And like. You can fight and hike and whatnot in loose skirts, but it's annoying how twisted up they can get while sleeping. ALSO, YC does a lot of flying and leaping, so my girl needs pants. My faves are definitely the Xiaolin monk pants and the yellow wrap pants Aang wears. I tried dhoti (Indian wrap pants) because that kind of looks like what the giant statue of Yangchen meditating might be wearing, but I think it looks odd paired with a highwaisted shirt instead of a long tunic. Maybe I'll do some more drawings with her in a tunic and dhoti or a monk's dhonka and shemdap later, idk.
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As any good historical fashion nerd knows, foundational garments are everything (◡‿◡✿).
But also, there's a scene where Yangchen and Kavik pretend to be lovers, and are "discovered" by a maid sleeping in the same room, with Yangchen in a state of partial undress (gasp!)
I am living for this fake drama; I need to know how scandalized the maid was lmao.
When the maid walks in, Yangchen immediately wraps herself in a bedsheet before ushering the maid back out the door. Maybe all she did was take off her outer robe... but why would she need to wrap herself in a sheet if she was wearing a long-sleeved high-necked gown? I got the sense from both the book and cursory research about buddhist monks that walking around without your outer robes was socially acceptable, at least in casual settings. I think it more likely she was in her underclothes, which historically (in the west anyway) would also double as sleeping clothes.
"The Aang" is censored because this is Tumblr-dot-com. Its mostly a joke, but also, I know other countries are less uptight about bººbies, so like, maybe it's a valid option ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The ~Water Tribe~ look is based off Sokka's swimwear and not Katara's, mostly because chest binding seems antithetical to airbending.
All the other undergarment designs are based on hanfu neiyi, because that's what I could find reference photos and romanized names for.
I'm tired of typing now. Lemme know if you have questions about something, or want me to post a larger version of a specific outfit. I am open to feedback and tentatively open to requests.
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avastrasposts · 9 months
A Baker's Dozen - Seven
Twelve Pedro boys, twelve stand alone short stories, all set in the same bakery.
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Javi P got a lot of attention last week, both his visit to the bakery and for the many Pickled Peña fics he starred in. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments! It really means more than you probably reaslise! It's been a rough week and I feel lucky to have found a great community here and to have found so much fun and enjoyment in writing to keep my mind off things.
This week's Pedro boy is dedicated to my lovely friend @secretelephanttattoo who is not only an amazing writer, but also one of the best people I've meet on Tumblr. Love you ❤
Series Master List
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Working in a bakery almost every day means you pick up on people’s habits, whether they come into the shop or not. You know the bookshop owner across the streets always arrives ten minutes late on Tuesdays. The bodega owner next to your bakery always picks up his dry cleaning on Fridays and the dry cleaning lady always throws out her trash on Thursday evening. And you know that the cute guy with a dimpled smile always walks past your shop at about eight forty-five every weekday morning. 
He hasn’t always walked past, it started just a few weeks ago, but now it’s routine. You’d first noticed him when he stumbled over something on the sidewalk, smacking his hand against your window to keep his balance, and making you jump. He’d given you an apologetic smile, that’s how you know he’s got a deep dimple on his left cheek. And a really, really, great smile. 
The next morning you noticed him again as he glanced in through the window and smiled, a quick wave as he hurried down the street. And the same thing the next morning and then it was a routine. Around eight forty-five, between customers, you’d keep glancing over at the window until you see him walk past in his well fitted business suit, always a tie flapping in the breeze. He has a routine with those too you notice; a blue tartan pattern on Mondays, slate gray on Tuesdays, navy blue with white dots on Wednesday and the then tartan one again on Thursdays before he ditches the ties on Fridays. You wouldn’t go as far as saying that seeing him is the highlight of your day, but when one day he doesn’t pass by, you notice. And when the rest of the week passes and he doesn’t show up at all, you feel a little bit sad, even though you never even spoke with him. 
Monday morning, eight thirty, and you’re working your way through the morning rush, serving coffee and selling croissants and cinnamon rolls, he suddenly appears again. But this time he’s in front of your counter, holding on to a credit card as he smiles down at you. 
“Hi,” he says, the dimple deep in his cheek, “I thought it was about time I stopped by and said hello properly.” 
“Hi,” you say, a little breathless, he’s even cuter, and handsome, up close, and you’re suddenly very aware of your shiny face, straggly hair and stained apron. 
“I’m Marcus, Marcus Pike,” he says, holding out his hand, “I’m the creepy guy who slams into your window and never comes inside.” 
“Hi Marcus,” you reply, taking his hand, hoping yours isn’t too sweaty and clammy, “I’m the creepy baker who stares at you every morning.” 
He laughs at that, a warm sound that makes your spine tingle as his eyes crinkle at the corners, a wide smile making another dimple pop on his cheek. 
“I guess we need to be less creepy then,” he chuckles, “maybe I can start by buying a coffee like a normal customer?” 
“That sounds like a good start,” you smile back at him, “what would you like?” 
“A cappuccino, please,” he glances up at the coffee menu behind you. 
“Coming right up, anything else?” You motion at the fresh croissants and pain au chocolat piled up on the counter and he looks at them with longing. 
“I would love too, really…but my job, we’ve got this fitness test thing in a few weeks and I’ve got to be in shape for that. That’s why I started walking to work, instead of taking the metro.” 
“Come back when the test is done then, if you pass, it’ll be on the house,” you wink at him over your shoulder as you start preparing his cappuccino. 
“Now there’s the motivation I need,” Marcus laughs, stepping back and glancing over the selection inside the display cases, “But you don’t have my favorite I think.” 
“No? What’s your favorite then?” you ask, “No, wait, don’t tell me, let me guess.” 
“Ok,” Marucs smiles as you hand him the cappuccino in a takeaway cup,” what’s my favorite?” 
You look him up and down, and he grins and takes a step back so that you can see all of him, holding out his arms and giving you a little spin. 
“Hmm…business suit, always a tie, well polished shoes and a job that requires fitness tests…” you hum, enjoying the chance he’s given you at properly taking him in. His suit stretches almost  tight over his broad shoulders, hugging his biceps, and when he holds out his arms, the shirt underneath hangs on for dear life. The suit jacket lifts up over his butt as he turns and you’re given the privilege of eyeing it for the first time. It’s just as cute as the rest of him and you have to mentally chastise yourself for ogling. 
“What’s your guess?” he smiles, coming to a stop in front of you again. 
“Carrot cake, but you wipe off the frosting to stay healthy,” you say and he manages to look both cute, amused and offended at the same time. 
“No way, I would never sacrifice the frosting!” he says, pretending to be insulted as he grins, “but nice try, I really like carrot cake, but it’s not my favorite.” 
“No,” he interrupts you with a wave of his hand, “you get only one guess per day, you can guess again tomorrow.” He gives you a warm smile and as he taps his credit card to pay for the coffee.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, keep guessing,” he says, stepping aside to let the man who’s just stepped into the shop approach the counter. With a final wave he disappears out through the door. 
The next morning he turns up again, as the morning rush dies down, and orders another cappuccino. 
“Canéles,” you say, pointing at him. “Fancy, French, just the thing a guy in a smart, well tailored suit would like.” 
Marcus grins and shakes his head, “I don’t even know what they are, but keep guessing!”
“Give me more clues then!” you protest as he takes a sip of the coffee you just handed him. 
“Hmm…I used to play bass in a band in college,” he says and you raise your eyebrows. He does not look like a bass player, or any kind of band member for that matter. 
“Special brownies?” you ask with a wink and Marcus almost spits out his coffee. 
“Definitely not,” he splutters, chuckling as he wipes his chin, “and you only get one guess per day.” 
“Says who?” you ask, but you already know the answer, Marcus’s grin tells you. 
“I do, my game, my rules,” he gives you a wink and heads for the door, “see you tomorrow!” 
Wednesday he comes in a little bit earlier and hands you a travel mug. 
“This looks brand new,” you say and he nods. 
“Decided I should save on the environment, and your takeaway mugs,” he smiles, leaning on the counter while you start preparing his coffee, “What’s your guess today then?” 
“Cinnabons,” you say, glancing over your shoulder, feeling butterflies erupt in your belly when his face splits into a wide grin. But he shakes his head and you give him a mock scowl. 
“You’re impossible to guess!” 
“Keep trying, gives me a reason to come in every morning,” he replies, “Not that I need a reason though,” he adds, a pink flush suddenly creeping up from beneath his shirt collar as he gives you an uncharacteristically shy smile. 
“I’ll keep trying if you promise to keep coming in,” you smile back at him, you can feel heat creeping up your own cheeks as you hand him his travel mug. And of course his fingers touch yours, just a light brush, but enough for both of you to glance down at your hands. You jump a little as his breath catches and when you look up at him again, his lips are parted and you see the tip of his tongue peak out, just for a split second, before he composes himself. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he smiles, “thanks for the coffee again.” 
Thursday he’s a little bit late, and he hurries through the door with his tie hanging around his neck, untied. 
“Sorry, I worked late last night and slept through my alarm this morning,” he huffs as he reaches the counter. 
“You don’t have to apologize to me,” you smile, “I only sell you your coffee,” you hand him the cappuccino you’ve already made him and he gives you a grateful look, “and let me fix your tie while you caffeinate yourself.” 
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver,” he sighs and takes a long sip of the coffee as you walk around the counter and stand in front of him. You look up at him, taking hold of each end of his tie, and you suddenly realize you’ve never been this close to him before. There’s always been a counter between the two of you. Now he’s standing barely a foot away and you can smell his aftershave, warm and woody, as you adjust the tie. 
“Over…under…over again…” you mumble to yourself, trying to remember what your dad taught you, “up through the neck and down…there, got it,” you say, gently tightening the tie up against the collar as Marcus lifts his chin up, “but you might want to adjust it.” 
“No, it feels perfect,” he says, giving you a warm smile, “thank you.” 
“You’re welcome,” you smile back at him, tilting your head up a little to be able to meet his eyes now that he’s standing so close. You should really move back but he smells good and his eyes are so soft looking, the way he just smiles at you. 
“What’s your guess?” he asks, smoothing his hand down over his tie as you drop yours to the side. 
“What?” you mumble, slightly distracted by how his throat bobs just over the knot in the tie where your hands just where. 
“What’s your guess for my favorite baked thing?” Marcus says again and you blink, catching on. 
“Oh, of course! Uhmm…brownies? But real brownies, gooey in the middle and crunchy corners?” 
“Oh….that is definitely high up on my list, but not my absolute favorite, you’re getting close though,” he grins at you, putting down his coffee mug on the counter. 
“I’ve got to run, but….are you free tomorrow, after work?” he asks, his eyebrows knotting together as he waits for your answer. 
“Yeah, I’m free,” you say, you can’t stop the smile breaking out on your face at the question and he smiles back at you. 
“If you want, I’d really like to have dinner with you, maybe we can both drink something this time?” 
“That sounds nice, I’d like that, Marcus,” you reply, butterflies multiplying in your belly as he gently puts his hand on your arm, “and I’ll definitely figure out what your favorite is by then.” 
“It’s a date then,” he grins, “you supply my favorite and I’ll sort the rest, I’ll come by at closing, ok?” 
You nod and before you know it, he’s leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on your cheek, “I’ll see you tomorrow evening.” 
Friday morning Marcus stops by and buys his, by now, regular coffee, “So what’s my favorite?” he asks with a cheeky grin and you stick your tongue out at him. 
“Not telling you,” you smirk at him, “I’ll serve it tonight, I’m pretty sure I’ve got it figured out now.”
“I can’t wait,” he chuckles, winking at you before he grabs his travel mug and hurries off to work. 
Your day drags on and your nerves tingle every time you glance up at the clock at the wall. When the shop quietens down after lunch you prepare what you hope is Marcus’s favorite dessert, putting it in the fridge for baking later. 
Just a few minutes before the clock hits closing time you hear the jingle of the doorbell and look up to see Marcus step through it. He’s changed out of his usual business suit and is wearing a leather jacket over a gray t-shirt and jeans, a bright smile as he gives you a wave. You ring up your final customer, bidding them a nice weekend as Marcus lingers to the side, and then you get a chance to say hello to him as you go to lock the door and flip the sign. 
“Hi Marcus,” you smile at him as he steps forward.
“Hi,” he says, leaning down and brushing his lips against your cheek, leaving the spot tingling and your skin warm. When he straightens up he smiles at you, his eyes soft and crinkling at the corners, “I hope you don’t mind, but I have a slightly unusual plan,” he says, pointing to the duffel bag he’s got hanging from his shoulder, “Dinner’s on me, but in your kitchen.” 
“You’re cooking for me?” you ask and he nods. 
“Seems only fair, you’re making dessert, so I do the rest….well…” he gives a little embarrassed shrug, “with a little bit of help from my favorite restaurant.” 
“Sounds like a nice plan,” you say, putting your hand on his arm and his smile brightens again, “come, let me show you the kitchen then.” 
You lead him past the counter and into the back room, the kitchen clean and ready for tomorrow, except the dessert for Marcus. “What do you need?” you ask, “Help yourself to anything.” 
“First of all, I need you to sit down,” he says with a smile, looking around the kitchen for a chair and spotting only the stool with wheels on, “Not many places to sit in here, huh?” 
“When would I have time to just sit around?,” you laugh, taking your apron off and throwing it in the dirty laundry basket in the back room, “I usually just sit on the counter.” You heave yourself up onto the large workbench as Marcus starts unpacking his duffel bag. He’s hung his jacket on the hook by the door and now he’s crouched down, digging through the content at his feet. The gray t-shirt hugs his shoulders, stretching tight over his back and riding up, exposing a strip of bare skin just above his jeans. It’s so far from the man in the well fitted business suits you’ve been seeing every morning for the past few weeks, a much more relaxed Marcus. 
“Do you wear the suits every day because your job requires you too?” you ask, taking the opportunity to stretch your tired back as you get settled on the counter, baking all day takes a toll on your body. 
“Yeah, I don’t mind them but I prefer the days when I don’t have to wear them,” he answers, standing up and placing a stack of boxes next to you on the counter. “No peeking,” he says in a stern voice, smirking at you and you hold up your hands. 
“I’m not touching anything,” you reply, “But I never asked what you work with?” 
“I work at the FBI, with art theft,” he says and you widen your eyes. 
“Don’t tell me you’re an FBI agent?”
“Yeah,” he furrows his brow as he looks over at you, “do you..is- is that a problem?” 
“No, no, not at all, I’ve just never met an FBI agent. It makes being a baker seem very tame is all.” 
“Maybe tame is good sometimes,” he chuckles and looks around the kitchen and his brow furrows again, “Hhmm…hang on, I’ll be right back,” he says, grabbing the bag and going out into the shop again, “No peeking!”. 
“What are you doing?” you call out to him as you hear tables and chairs being moved around. 
“Nothing, just setting things up, just wait there,” he calls back and a few minutes later he comes back to the kitchen. 
“Now, let’s get dinner ready,” he smiles, “Plates and a small saucepan?” 
You direct him to them and soon he’s arranging food on two smaller plates. 
“Miss,” he says, winking at you and holding out his arm, “Let me show you to your table.” 
“How nice, please lead the way,” you smile at him and slip off the counter, taking his arm. He brings you out into the café part of the bakery and leads you to one of the small round tables by the window. He’s put a white table cloth on it and set two candles in the middle, another few candles arranged around the shop. The sun is setting outside and in the dim light of the shop the candles spread a golden glow, giving it an atmosphere you’ve never seen before. 
“Marcus…this is lovely, I’ve never had my shop look so nice before,” you say, sitting down as he pulls out the chair for you, “It’s so…romantic,” you let it slip out without thinking but Marcus puffs up a little and beams down at you.  
“I’m glad you like it, I really like your shop,” he smiles, “and I really like the shop owner, I wanted to make it special for you.”  
“You might be my very favorite customer, Marcus,” you smile back up at him, your cheeks heating up and he grins. 
“First course is coming right up,” he says with a smile and disappears into the kitchen. 
“You should give food walking tours of the city,” you joke as Marcus smiles at you from across the table. “I’m so full but I still want to go and eat at all your favorite places right now.” 
“I’d take them here first,” he says, “and make sure everyone knows where the best bakery in town is, but…” he leans forwards and grins at you, “Speaking of baking, I want to know if you’ve guessed my favorite dessert yet.” 
You give him a soft laugh and mimic his movement, leaning forward to meet him across the table, “I think I might have, I just need to go and turn on the oven and then they’ll be ready in a few minutes. But I just realized, you never said what my reward would be for guessing correctly.” 
Marcus hums, tapping his long fingers on his chin as he looks at you, a mischievous smile making the corner of his mouth curl up. 
“I don’t think we agreed on anything, but if you go turn on the oven and I’ll come up with something good,” he says, his smile widening, making your skin heat up as his eyes seem to suggest something enticing. 
Thank god for your industrial oven, it turns on and heats up to the right temperature in no time. While you pull out the dessert plates and take the ice cream out to soften, it hums to life and pings. The dessert goes in and you set a timer and go back out to Marcus, sitting down at the table again. 
“It just needs a few minutes,” you tell him, “did you come up with a reward?” 
“Yeah, I did, but what if you guess wrong?” he asks, “I need a reward too.” 
“If I’m wrong…” you say, thinking out loud, “you tell me your favorite, and no matter what it is, I’ll make it for you.” 
“That’s a nice idea,” Marcus smiles, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms, the t-shirt stretching tight over his biceps, you swear you can hear a seam ripping behind him, “but I like my idea better.” 
“What’s your idea then?” you ask, giving him a suspicious look, he’s got a very happy grin as he looks at you. 
“If you guess wrong, I can take you on a second date,” he says and you laugh, that’s probably the easiest reward he could’ve asked for and you see the corners of his eyes crinkle as he sees your laughter.
“Hardly a difficult reward, Marcus,” you smile at him and he gives you a warm smile back, “But what if I guess right, what’s my reward then?” 
“If you guess right, you get to take me on a second date,” he grins and you feel little happy bubbles in your chest as his soft eyes stay locked with yours, you can’t help but smile widely back at him. 
“Deal, Marcus,” you say, holding out your hand to him. He leans forward and takes it, his large hand enveloping yours, thick fingers gently closing around yours as you both shake on it. 
“I can smell chocolate,” he grins, glancing at the kitchen, “I think you’re on the right track.” 
“I know you, Marcus,” you laugh, “all serious business suits on the outside, but a wild child on the inside, bass player and all.” 
“Hardly the definition of a ‘wild child’,” Marcus chuckles, “now, if I’d been lead singer or lead guitar, then maybe.” 
“Well, the dessert is only a little bit of a wild child, the defining factor is that at its heart, it’s very romantic, just like you.” 
Marcus gives you a slightly embarrassed smile, “It’s that obvious, huh?” 
“That you’re a romantic? Of course, but I like it,” you smile softly back at him, turning off the timer that’s just gone off, “Moment of truth. Did I guess right or not?” 
“Doesn’t matter, I’m getting a second date either way,” he says, winking at you as you stand up and head to the kitchen. 
Pulling them out of the oven you quickly plate the dessert and scoop up the vanilla ice cream, finishing with a light dusting of cocoa. Your hip bumps open the door to the shop and Marcus watches you eagerly as you bring the plates over and set them down on the table. 
“If this is what I think it is, you’ve got yourself a second date,” he jokes and grins up at you. 
“That’s not helpful, Marcus,” you laugh, “either way, you’ve got yourself a second date.” 
“I know, that’s the beauty of this deal,” he chuckles, picking up his dessert spoon and looking at you expectantly, “Can I guess?” 
“Sure, go ahead,” you smile and he pokes the dessert lightly. 
“Chocolate fondant?” he asks, looking up at you, raising his eyebrows, before he digs the spoon in and cuts it open. The soft chocolate cake exterior gives way to a thick river of chocolate that pours out of the interior of the little cake. Marcus giggles and scoops up a bite of both cake and sauce and puts the spoon in his mouth, humming at the flavor and closing his eyes. You watch with pride as he tips his head back and moans, the spoon still in his mouth as he sucks it clean. 
“How did you know?” he asks, a bright smile on his face when he’s finally done with his first bite. 
You shrug and smile back at him, “You’re not a health freak, you didn’t recognise the more complicated French pastry, you like gooey brownies and you’re a romantic. Chocolate fondant seemed like the obvious choice. Decadent, sweet and just the right amount of fancy,” you grin at him. 
You take a spoonful from your own fondant and put it in your mouth, watching the chocolate flow out from the inside, just the right amount of undercooked to keep the inside flowing and warm. The chocolate flavor spreads across your tongue, paired with a hint of vanilla and salt, rich and warm and you let an involuntary moan escape. When you glance up you don’t miss the dark look Marcus gives you, his eyes fixed on your mouth as he takes another spoonful. 
“You really guessed right, I love chocolate fondant, but I’ve never had one this good before,” he says, humming around the big piece in his mouth. “How come you don’t have them in the shop? Actually, don’t have them in the shop, I’d buy them all every week.” 
You giggle at his blissed out face as he takes another big bite, dropping his head into the palm of his hand as he sucks the spoon clean, “It’s like hot chocolate, brownie and chocolate sauce all in one fluffy soft shell of cake.” 
“I’m glad I guessed right, seeing your happy face makes me happy,” you smile at him and the tips of his ears go a pink in the dim light as he clears his throat and chuckles. 
“Coming to your bakery makes me happy,” he smiles, scraping the last bit of fondant from the plate while he looks up at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners and it’s your time to feel the heat rise in your face, his grin widens as he sees you shift awkwardly in your chair and glance at him with a smile.  
“Really, getting my morning coffee has become the highlight of my day,” Marcus says, “How sad isn’t that?” 
“Not sad, you coming into the bakery every morning has been the highlight of my day,” you say, finishing off the fondant and putting the spoon down while Marcus watches you with a smile. He suddenly pushes his chair back and stands up, holding his hand out to you. 
“Dance with me,” he says, the warmth of his hand spreading across your palm and down your arm as he pulls you to your feet. 
“There’s no music, Marcus,” you laugh but he just grins and spins you around before catching you in his arms, one around your waist, the other still holding on to your hand as you put your own hand on his shoulder. 
“Who cares about the music,” he says, gently swaying you back and forth while he gives you a soft smile, “it was just a clever ruse to get to hold you.” His hand on the small of your back is lightly stroking the fabric of your shirt and you’re very close to him, pressed up against his chest as he holds you near, moving slowly in a circle. You can smell his aftershave, mixed in with the dark chocolate of the dessert and without thinking, your hand slips into the soft looking curls at the back of his neck. Marcus tilts his head as your fingers play with the silky strands, letting go of your hand and moving it slowly to cup your face, his thumb stroking the soft skin on your cheek as he seems to inhale slightly and dip his head to yours.  
His lips are just as soft as you’ve imagined them, warm, gentle, as he parts them and tastes you. His steady hand holds you close, the curve of his strong nose brushing up against your cheek as he angles his head to better kiss you. You feel your fingers gripping his hair, willing him to press you even closer to him. All of his warm, solid body is pressed up against yours, his hand at the small of your back sliding up to hold you closer to him, your own hand gripping his shoulder, steadying yourself as you feel like melting into his touch.  
He’s still swaying the two of you gently, your lips moving slowly together, tasting the chocolate on each other's tongues. Heat is creeping through your body, wrapping around you, as you feel him tighten his hold on you, his breath skating over your lips as he exhales, a quiet groan leaving his throat. 
“You taste so sweet, even sweeter than the dessert,” he mumbles, his mouth close to yours, “I never want to stop kissing you.” 
You stand on your tiptoes to reach more of him, your hand around his neck, and part your lips for him, letting his tongue lick into your mouth with more fervor. He also tastes sweet and the way he pulls you closer as you steady yourself against his chest makes you moan under his increasingly heated kisses. He’s not swaying you anymore, instead he lets you melt into his body, his arm holding you up, as he bends his head, another groan slipping from him as he feels your tongue slip around his own. 
Marcus’s kisses make you forget the time, where you are, and not until he pulls away with a sigh, do you open your eyes and look up at him. His eyes are dark, filled with lust, and it’s mirrored in the way his body feels against yours, his arousal a clear presence between you. And you can feel your own fill your core with heat, a slow shiver as you touch upon the thought of having him even closer. 
Marcus keeps his eyes locked on you, his warm hand gently stroking your cheek as he seems to take a deep breath, composing himself. Your fingers are still toying with the impossibly soft curls at the back of his neck, letting them slip through your fingers, and you feel like you might drown in his dark brown eyes if he doesn’t release you soon. 
“Is it too soon to ask for a second date tomorrow?” he whispers, his eyes dropping down to your lips again, and then back to your eyes as you shake your head. 
“No, tomorrow sounds like a very good idea,” you mumble, slightly hazy from the way his hands never stop touching you, warming your body and sending shivers to your core. 
“Ok,” he mumbles back, “can I kiss you again?” 
“If you do, we might not get out of here tonight, Marcus,” you smile at him and he chuckles, nodding and pulling back a little. 
“You’re very right, maybe it’s best to save more kisses for tomorrow.” 
“I look forward to them though,” you say, letting your fingers slip from his hair and down over his shoulder, caressing his arm, his wrist, and finally his hand. He takes your hand then, enveloping it in his larger one,  and brings it to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to it. 
“Tomorrow then,” he smiles. 
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Part Eight
@harriedandharassed @inept-the-magnificent @sheepdogchick3  @readingiskeepingmegoing @noisynightmarepoetry @survivingandenduring @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @oberynslady @vabeachazn @amyispxnk @thewiigers
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darcyolsson · 3 months
every time i log into tumblr dot com and i see you tscposting, my day gets a little bit brighter <3 my fixation with this series might be extremely dormant rn but there's something about your specific type of shitposting and understanding of it that scratches a very specific part of my brain. also, its a lot of fun 🫶🏼
i hope you never lose it (the hyperfixation) i hope it never ends 💛
😭😭thank you thats strangely sweet <3 its because ive been here for 10 years I've long moved past regular fangirl activities... im so balls deep in these books I'm now paying attention to things no normal person would ever pay attention to. character analyses dont hit anymore i now have to unpack the hidden implications of the jace/simon vampire yaoi that's been inexplicably drizzled across at least 6 books to feel something
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astradyke · 6 months
💙 cheers, dear 📺
mare (or astra is fine) • they/she/he • 19 • US • arab • muslim
asexual lesbian who would risk it all for phil lester
i follow from violexides <- my main acct is disinteresting so you can follow ofc but i don't follow folks with my main in mind
identify not as a dyke who could fix the phouse, nor as a dyke who can conduct statistical analysis, but rather as a dyke with "aspirations", including chronicling every time phil lester wears the WAD hat or writing thousands of words analyzing 90 seconds of a texting video. we have fun here.
until death do us part web weave | sister daniela web weave
astra.meta is my tag for long analyses/compilations, a bit of a bastardization of the term but they all slot together (wip)
!! im a normal guy engaging w d&p in good faith, they can do whatever they want & be whatever they want & its none of my biz. i am not personally affected by their relationship, i simply hope they r happy & like having a little laugh on tumblr dot com. though they could stand to talk about their freak sex less (<- example of a joke i make)
^ i post 18+ content about dan and phil.
+ d&p are both rich white men that have historically said/perpetuated some microaggressions. i don't discuss this here much, but i implore you to support phannies of color + understand that anything ick they've done does not negate the good; vis versa.
. i try to ID most posts for accessibility, but i do not write alt text. if i miss a post and you would like it ID-ed, please reach out to me. as a general rule, posts made during live-blogging & web weaves are unlikely to have IDs.
` i will reblog my own web weaves and occasionally metas a lot. these are mostly tagged 'srb'. i try not to be annoying with it, but i care a lot about what i create/write and see no shame in recirculating it within reason.
banner // icon
to make this less clunky my personal d&p faves are under the cut :P
list of fave d&/|p videos: making whipped tiktok coffee - easter edition (AP); i try to give dan a hair cut!! (AP); dan is leaving me (AP); what dan and phil text each other 4 (AP); what dan and phil text each other 2 (AP); keeping or yeeting my entire closet with dan (AP); ghost ferret (AP); dan takes quizzes about himself (DH); dan's grandma explains the internet (DH); halloween baking - slime and sadness cinnamon rolls (DAPG); dan and phil are getting divorced - it takes two #1 (DAPG); phantasy mocktails with daniel and philippe (DAPG); dan and phil's DRAGon RACE (DAPG); dan and phil play POPPY PLAYTIME (DAPG)
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Introductions and Important Info
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Fellowship of Sleep Buddy Read, a book club for all the Sleep Token fans on tumblr dot com, created by Misha and Darya (feel free to say hi!)
This space was born out of a mutual desire to both read more, and have an ongoing conversation about our love for books. The objective here is to encourage each other to have a consistent reading schedule, as we often lack the motivation and energy to do so, by setting small weekly goals. Super low-key, super casual, no pressure whatsoever.
What are we reading now?
We are kick-starting this club by reading The Lord Of Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring. This read and all related posts will be tagged as #fos reads lotr
We will start on Sunday 3rd of March, and have our first discussion a week later, on Sunday 10th of March. The goal is to read a chapter a week, but this can be adjusted as we go.
Each week we'll have one post announcing the chapter of the week, and another post that you can use as a discussion thread for the previous chapter. Please keep the discussions on those posts spoiler free for those who haven't read further yet.
You can submit your own posts here.
You're more than welcome to read ahead, but please keep the weekly discussions focused on the current chapter! We are also planning on having occasional zoom calls (without video for now), where we can have some reading time together, talk to each other, and hopefully have a movie session 👀
Please check this post for updates and other questions you may have before sending an ask - we are but two eepie creechurs busy with Adult Life!
FAQs and Important Info (please read):
What is the Fellowship of Sleep? Is it related to Sleep Token?
The Fellowship of Sleep is the name we gave to our little Sleep Token tumblr friend circle, as a result of this post . As most (if not all) of us turned out to be LOTR fans, we should keep that name. It is also why we decided to start with the first book of the trilogy.
That being said, anyone who's here on tumblr and is part of the Sleep Token community, is 100% included in this Fellowship. We are all friends!!!
How does this work? Can anyone participate?
Yes! If you are reading this, and want to be a part of it, please join the conversation! All you need is a copy of the book. If for some reason you don't have it, and purchasing is not an option, check your local libraries! They are most certainly guaranteed to have LOTR available. Plus, it is usually free and you're helping keep them alive!
If you're thinking of acquiring a copy, we encourage you to get it second hand. There are many platforms that sell pre-loved books, in all stages of conservation, at a fraction of the cost. If reading is hard for you, audiobooks are also an option (they are not free normally, but check your local libraries for them). As long as you are keeping up with the chapters, everything is game!
What if I fall behind? What if I want to join in in the middle of the book?
There's absolutely no shame in falling behind. Life is tough, and we know how hard it is to maintain a reading habit - that is why we created this in the first place!
It is perfectly fine to join later, or even to stop reading! This is supposed to be a fun, safe space, so don't feel pressured to continue if you feel you can't keep up. For anyone who's already familiar with whatever book we are reading, please do feel free to join the discussions, even if you are not reading along!
(if you are behind, it is also possible to join the discussion post on the chapter you are currently on at a later point, we won't delete them)
Can we talk about Sleep Token here? How do discussions work?
Although this *is* a project created by and for Sleep Token fans, we want to keep this focused on reading, so there will be no Sleep Token discussions in here. We are more than happy to engage in Eepie conversation on our personal blogs, but this is not the space for it (unless directly related to the current read).
To keep things organised, we are accepting submissions on this blog, and we encourage you to engage with them and each other! Please do keep in mind that we are two very real, very tired individuals, so do have a little patience and grace while we figure this out. We apologise for any delays!
What can we submit?
-> Any and all things related to the current book: memes, fanart, plot discussions, merch and book collections - you name it!
We only ask that you keep *most* discussions relevant to the current place in the book (eg, it's okay if you want to talk about a plot point much further ahead, but we want the main focus to be on whatever chapter we're in. That way those who have never read it, or want to pick it up after we started, can easily join the conversations!)
-> Sleep Token content *if* it's directly related to the book. Example:
You noticed an interesting parallel between [book] and ST lore? Please share! Think a certain character dynamic is similar to the guys? Absolutely!
ST content that isn't relevant to our readings will be deleted. We created this space for a specific purpose and would like to keep it that way!
-> Any questions/thoughts/posts you may have about this book club: tagged under #fos meta or through our Ask Box
Tag List
Here's a comprehensive tutorial post on Asks and Submissions -> please read for submission guidelines and other faqs
We have an active tag list so you don't miss important info posts - if you want to be added to the list shoot us an ask on this blog! Same goes if you are currently on the list and don't want to be anymore :)
If you have any further questions, please leave them in the replies of this post, or send us an ask here. Do not dm us on our personal blogs with questions for this one. The inbox is open so please use that instead!
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technicalthinker · 8 months
No specific spoilers, but some thoughts about Sonic Prime after finishing season 3;
Ok so at the end of the day, I had so much fun with Sonic Prime as a show and I'm so glad I got into it. And it feels kinda sad that it's over.
It's not a flawless show, obviously. Especially s3 I think had certain plot flaws, stuff they could've done better or ideas that could've landed differently. But even then, endings are difficult, and I think a lot of it still worked fine enough (considering how many shows that end terribly...)
And here's the thing, as someone who went into this with zero expectations at the start of s1, I've been so happily surprised. Its focus has always been being a fun action adventure kid's show starring awesome characters, and I feel it delivered consistently on that tone!
At the same time, it managed to accomplish that little extra! So many creative and fun decisions that showed love for the characters! Lots of things that had me surprised, had me giggling, cackling, emotionally invested. The animation was always a joy to look at, and there's lots of characters in the show, some unique to it, that have a permanent place in my heart. It seems to be a bit divisive online but the characterization was also a joy to me, and I think worked well for this format and show.
I won't dismiss anyone for not liking the show/parts of it, but man I'm glad my approach to it from the start was to focus on what it's doing right and appreciating it for what it was instead of picking on its weaknesses. I needed the positivity.
I have gotten so much joy from this show that I'm thankful for 💖. Going to miss having this to look forward to. Now time to go and be very normal about this show while blogging on tumblr dot com.
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valeofpoppies · 4 months
you are very skilled with 3D art and game development, and i am also somewhat trying to get into it as a hobby (blender + godot rn).
can i ask how you learned to make 3D art? i am hoping that knowing how others learned will help me find ways to learn.
i know the basics of blender, but i really do need to learn how to get past the basics.
Hello! I appreciate you taking the time to write this. This is a question that requires some introspection and would be a good topic for future posts. However, here's the best summarization of my experience learning 3D:
I started doing 3D while I was a teenager. I downloaded a free version of 3D Coat so I could sculpt faces for fun. I barely had any idea how to manage topology then, so my workflow was very destructive (I made a lot of meshes with holes, clipping faces, bumps, no edge flow, etc.)
I revisited 3D during my years in college, when I took a couple of free courses on Lynda(dot)com on how to model in Maya (for which I had a student license for). They were really basic tutorials, but they helped me adopt better practices for modeling (like maintaining decent edge flow, how to use modifiers, how to use drivers, etc).
I began to learn how to rig in Maya until the pandemic hit in 2020, which happened to be the same year I would graduate. I wanted to pursue 3D further after college, but I knew my student license for Maya would eventually expire (and I didn't have enough money coming in to pay a monthly subscription) so I decided to switch to using Blender because it is open-source.
I learned to navigate Blender through a whole lot of popular dedicated Youtube channels (like CGCookie, BlenderGuru, Ducky 3D, and many others...) It did indeed help that I had prior experience with modeling software so I could look up what I needed to know then. I didn't get to using Blender for game dev until a year later, when I came across a whole bunch of game artists and mod-makers across various platforms (twitter, tumblr, steam, discord). The point in which I began to join communities dedicated to making game art/modding is where I experienced the most growth because I wasn't interpreting online tutorials by myself anymore, I was communicating back and forth with other people about making art in general. I learned what tools other people were using, I learned how they functioned, I studied unique applications for those tools by studying other people's work, and it also helped me find new leads for study.
A practice I adopted that I found very useful is pastiching models from other games. If I wanted to get better at creating topology, I would import a ripped model from a game that I liked, studied its wireframe, and attempted to recreate that style by creating a unique model. It is derivative, but in the process you learn a lot of unique applications of smoothing, edge sharpening, normal rotation, masking and texturing that could be useful for formulating a style of one's own.
There's a lot that goes into the learning process. For me, it is like undoing a jacket by the threads. The more you pull the threads apart, the more noticeable it becomes how its all woven and stitched together. Once you've taken apart the whole thing, you get an idea as to how it was put together in the first place.
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heartscrypt · 1 year
20 & 22??? you always have based & nuanced takes id be interested in your thoughts on ANY of these questions tbh 🤔
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
OOOH OOHH i have the perfect answer for this one. because fun fact: when i played twst for the first time i nearly quit during the prologue. yeah. in an alternate timeline i would've never finished twst because of the prologue and you'd never see my tumblr blog on tumblr dot com....
i really don't like the prologue, i personally think that as an introduction to the game, it fails to keep the player on the hook because it's just so much badly paced exposition. it's kind of better once you've actually played the game because then you spot your blorbos occasionally and you're like :3 omg but when i played it for the first time, there was just this constant thought in the back of my mind of "WHEN WILL IT BE OVER PLEASE GOD LET IT BE OVER I DON'T CARE ABOUT DIRE CROWLEY"
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
i dunno if people ignore it necessarily but i think the small peeks into what everyday life is at nrc for a student that you see in vignettes and the worldbuilding in twst is something i really appreciate having in canon. it's just nice to think about how my faves go about their day normally without focusing on some big event or story arc. the majority of fandom twst discussion ive seen either centers around the latest event or characters in relation to their books/backstories and like. there's nothing wrong with that i enjoy that. but it's the little details from hedgehog/flamingo maintenance being a regular part of heartslabyul duties to ace putting a plastic bug in jamil's gym bag that really make the world feel alive
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paranormeow7 · 8 months
heads up I’ll be less active around here because this site sucks and so do the people who run it.
also check #vetted fundraisers
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Commissions Currently Open!!!!!
hi. I have many names, but you can call me Shai for now. They/he, plus neos, you want that information, go here -> https://en.pronouns.page/@paranormeow7
I post a lot about internet horror, electronic music, my ocs, zoology, all sorts of things. (please send me asks I crave Interaction) Stick around and maybe you’ll find something you like!! My art tag is #sugar art trash !!
I’m only active on discord, YouTube, cohost and Cara aside from here right now, I go by paranormeow7 on all. Feel free to stop by!!
(I may be afraid to talk to you, but please don’t be afraid to talk to me!! I’m anxious and awkward tho so fair warning but i love making friends :] moots feel free to shoot me dms or ask for my discord id love to get to know y’all more!! I don’t bite :]
English/Français, to a lesser extent Российский/עִברִית
also, no dni list this time. those things annoy me. I’ll just block you if you’re shitty. I’m a minor, please be normal. Im not comfortable with proshippers and I will block freely. I also block those who use typing quirks, they are very hard to read. I’m an inclusionist also rahhh I use SILLY LABELS and FUNKY PRONOUNS RAHH GET SCARED!! also. zionists are not welcome on my blog. this Jew says free palestine!! 🇵🇸 🍉
y’all don’t get a list of all of my disorders and identities or whatever. I’m a firm believer of not putting that kind of personal information on tumblr dot com. just look at my blog and take a wild guess.
other blogs I run:
@sugarstimz7 stimboard and gif collecting blog
@hinaterror1999 pokemon trainer oc blog
have fun and enjoy yourself!!
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courtesy of blinkies.cafe
Like if read, if you please!!
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
About blocked anon. In general i agree with merms. Howevre. Ok im a silent reaer too for the most part. Tried a sideblog, but i get sidetracked and end up not using it. If the writer has an ao3 i try to leave a comment there but i have more trouble reblogging and interacting on tumblr fro some reason. I have been blocked too for not reblogging fics! But honestly I don't feel particularly bad about it cause I feel like I can't really blame a writer for blocking ppl who don't support their fics.
Like, it's not about talking to the writer, it's about reblogging their fics and show appreciation to the work they put in them and posting them for others. If that's important to that particular writer and they don't feel good with ppl who just lurk (like me) then it's their right to deal with it however they see fit.
I still look at their blog thoughthey just don't show on my dash. If anon wants to put the work and reblog and comment fics on a side blog if they don't want to do so on their main, and ask the writer to unblock them i'm sure they will (unless there's a different reason, like maybe the writer saw soemthign on anon's blog and was like "hmm don't like that". Can't do anything about that.)
You’re allowed to disagree with me, Anon, LOL, I promise don’t mind it—a difference of opinion (on inane things, and I would consider anything that happens on tumblr dot com short of harassment to be inane) is good! Healthy. 😌 Mix things up a bit. But—okay, let’s talk about the reblog debate.
I just don’t vibe with it, LOL. I don’t vibe with sniping people for being lurkers. 💅🏽✨ I don’t respect it, actually, if we’re going to get serious—yes, people can (and should!) curate their followings as they need to. If someone decides to deny you access to their online space then, no, you can’t do anything about it. I just also happen to think it’s one of the more stupid reasons you can block someone lmfao.
I know that the general (touted) thought process behind blocking lurkers is generally a parroted, “it’s about supporting writers”. And to be honest, I would respect the push more if people just admitted they wanted more comments LMAO. Because!!! I think that’s perfectly fine!!! It’s okay to be like, “hey I worked hard on this, and I would like to see a big fat number of notes or to have people in my inbox”. We are real people—real people taking the time and effort to create fun things for free, and it can be bitterly disappointing to have that met with silence or entitlement.
The solution to that though isn’t blocking people for being silent readers. Because that’s turning around and doing to them exactly want we don’t want done to us, as writers—it reduces them from being living human beings to numbers who are measured by how they can best serve (or “support”) you.
I can hear the “Merms this isn’t this serious, we just want more people to reblog fics” already but tbh… it is. I think it is because it lets the worst of us get away with treating each other really, really appallingly. You are absolutely allowed to deny someone access to your online space. But if you’re denying them that access and also making them feel bad (“you haven’t reblogged enough fics/you haven’t liked enough of my posts to fill the weekly quota/you’re not doing enough for me to be allowed to see this content I provide online publicly and for free”) then idk… sounds like ur the problem to me.
And look, I don’t say that easily. Tumblr has always been a site where mass hysteria breeds like mould; it tends to happen when online spaces become our Third Place for socialising. We don’t have the normal, social safety-rails that like, actual real-world Places like work or school have for us—we’re unleashed here in our downtime and feel protected by the anonymity of a screen. By the fact that we can’t see each other’s faces when we say things like, “you don’t do enough for me” to random strangers. I don’t like that! So I don’t police it on my own blog. 🫡
Fandom is one of the precious few spaces we have where anything goes. You can create whatever you want, however you want, and it’s all done purely for the love of it. It’s indulgent and silly and fun. So to come into this space and then directly make demands of the other people in it (“reblog x number of fics or else you’re not a real member of the community”) goes against the spirit of why we’re all in this shared space in the first place.
We can absolutely have a conversation about how to support each other—writers and readers—without fear mongering about lurkers being why “omg the community is dying”. I think the community is falling into a lull because people get obsessed with new things; a new show or game. New technology, like ChatGPT for instance, which gives maybe otherwise passive readers a chance to create their own fiction or pocket boyfriend, instantly. Maybe it’s even a generational thing—a change in how people socialise. We are in constant contact with each other, with constant availability—controlling what little we can, what we spend our energy on or how we engage with things in our third space is sometimes only control we have. I’m sure we could even dig digger about like, the consumerist behaviour and entitlements so many of us subconciously take on now—wanting instant updates or reading completed fics only or taking it for granted that we’ll be given an entire season to binge in one go.
I appreciate that writers want to push back against the audience entitlement that can come with creating readily available smut about popular characters. And yeah, reblogging does help showcase art and writing! But it can’t be demanded. It just can’t. Just how no-one has the right to demand you write how they want you to, or upload when they want you to, you don’t have a right to dictate how engage with your work (beyond not being dicks to it!!!!!! underscore!!!!!!).
Should we try and support each other, even through a small act like a reblog? Yes!!! It’s so so so good!!! Despite the essay I’ve just written, I am all for support being shown in whatever small way it can be!!!! But—there’s no entry fee, to being in a fandom. Not for lurkers, not for active readers, not for writers and not for artists. Demanding a fee like that just pushes people away and feeds them into traps like ChatGPT, which, while I understand and emphasise with it’s popularity (especially for younger readers), I will never support it. It’s using it’s current popularity as free training and when it’s learnt enough it will be monetised, but only after it’s stolen so much from all of us. And this is why we should protect the freedom of things like fanfic, and why we should say no to trying to turn each other into numbers or updates—we’re already products that are being sold, in so many other aspects of our lives. We desperately need spaces where we are free to be unhinged about little kissy stories and the characters they’re attached to.
I’m sorry Anon, I know you were just offering a counterpoint to blocked anon lmao, and I didn’t mean to unleash—but I am actually incredibly passionate about this topic, and the broader implications for the community a debate like this brings.
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desceros · 8 months
You get to decided whether you answer this but please take a break and give your wrist a breather we all here at tumblr dot com can be patient and we can remember that you are writing for fun (probably compulsion too but aren’t we all) so time between chapters is normal.
also *hugs* last chapter was delicious I ate way too much fancy popcorn I know I told you this before but I have a great big board titled “Leo’s being fishy” and I’m tacking all the clues to it.
yes, yes thank you!! hugs you so much. i have been trying to take better care of myself by not powering through and taking lots of breaks (even a few days off, to my chagrin!), and my wrist is much happier for it. = v= i've even started watching the 2003 series instead of straight chugging shit out in the evenings. gasp!!
on that note, thank you to everyone for being so patient and kind!! i really don't get many pushy people at all around here, and it means the world to know that y'all encourage me to take care of myself versus demanding me to update. ten thousand purple heart emojis
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shellofhappiness · 1 month
Day 78984 of someone thinking Dylan didn’t give a fuck about eric the same amount as he did for Dylan whatever reason.. I’m tired like genuinely why the hell do people think this. And please don’t say bc Dylan wanted to plan nbk with a bitch because omg that was a blip compared to the planning with eric. It was a fuckin delusion and was not him planning for anything. There was only one nbk plan and that was between Eric and Dylan. Also people use the dumbass point that, “oh Dylan had more friends so he didn’t care about Eric that much” like huh?? None of Dylan’s friends at that point where as close as he was with Eric by senior yet by a landslide, also you can have a shit ton of friends (which Dylan did not) and still have that one mf you fw a lil bit more than the rest and you’re crazy of you don’t think that mf was eric. But I would like to hear why you think Dylan did not give a shit about eric the same amount
I do not see the point in wasting precious time to examine this topic with you when you are embarrassingly incompetent in misinterpreting my words as whatever wall you want to argue with. To make your point, you sent two paragraphs of avoidable aggression to my inbox. While I agree that I overlooked the prospect of Dylan deliberately warping his tie with Eric to exploit the “narrative” to be in his control as you mentioned in your other anon. But, there is no way to provide solidified proof of that other than it being in line with his "disposition," which would be superfluous considering it's psychologically impossible to "define" anyone's self, even mine and your own. Even then, if we put ourselves in Eric's shoes in this scenario, wouldn't it still be hurtful to find out your best friend was purposefully making the effort to make it seem like you two weren't as close as you were when you didn't agree on it and still talked about him as normal? Why would he do that when you two are practically starting a "revolution" together? Did you misinterpret what you two had? What is the reason?? Point being: my post still applies with this hypothetical in mind.
I'm sorry if my post struck a nerve for you and your model fabrication of superficial postmodernist love being an act of murder-suicide. Yet, I am a stranger on Tumblr Dot Com, likely the reason you feel so comfortable being openly hostile on anonymous because you don't know me, and I don't know you. Why can't we all have fun? Why are we not open to believing what we want to believe? If you are so disturbed by how significantly my post intruded on your sentiments because I articulated my own introspections in a way you weren’t personally accommodated to, just block and move on with your day.
I completely acknowledge the assertion that they were real, living people, surviving living emotions, but NEITHER of us knew them. We could both be right, we could both be wrong. Why get up in arms about a scenario we'll never have an in-depth answer to besides the scraps we've been given to form our own bigger picture, subconsciously echoing our mentality and toils with depicting individuality?
If you had come to me with the knowledge you gave, calm and civilized with the intention to apprise me of the details I either disregarded or didn’t even know about in the first place, I would’ve loved nothing more than to sit down and chat, but you make it a bit too apparent you lack the capability to compel heart, even when you reeeeally don’t want to, and communicate so both of us could depart as sounder, more enlightened, individuals. Jeeesus.
EDIT: I realize in retrospect what may have incited this was when I twisted Eric's quote to be about him and Dylan. I'll admit it when looking directly at it, it was a stretch for me to include. I even thought that to myself when writing the passage, but I still decided to keep it there to describe their own personal ideals on the concept of experiencing love in general, rather than it being towards each other. Hence why I emphasized it wasn't about them being gay or anything along the line of that, including their own personal relationship, love coinciding or not. Somewhat unrelated, but I still feel obligated to mention, I remember someone made a post on here forever ago that Eric possibly instead had, even just a little thought, of Dylan in mind when he spoke about people exaggerating their feelings and assuming them to be love. People who obsess tend to have that problem, so we can connect the dots together. Did this clear things up though? Probably not. Bleeeeh!!!
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boltwrites · 1 month
I am a slut for pumpkin pie ofc I want the recipe…
In other news, I ate up that whole fic. I’ve missed you so bad bolts :,]
aw, thank you! and yeah, my life has been crazy in the worst of bad ways but i don't want to trigger the people with that discussion lmao. i'm just glad to be back. anyway recipe and story about recipe under the cut lmao
fun facts about this pumpkin pie recipe: my mom and i found it while cleaning up my grandma's recipe card stack. now, my grandma was a true 1950s housewife, which meant she had a lot of written down recipes that made it look like she cooked, but really she worked a full time job and didn't have time for that shit. so this was my great-grandma's recipe that my mom couldn't remember much about other than that it was good and also a family recipe, so obviously we had to make it because uh. *vin diesel voice* family.
anyway. that first thanksgiving we start to make it. i'm like wow. huh. that seems like a lot of filling. whatever. maybe it makes two pies. i can handle that. and then - somehow i filled two crusts and there was still more. this BITCH'S recipe made THREE PIES. there are THREE PEOPLE in my family. we had pie out our ears, man. anyway:
this recipe is for ONE GODDAMN PIE which is why some of the measurements are FUCKING GODAWFUL. just try your best.
1 2/3 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup sugar
2 eggs (one large and one small, or whatever who cares)
1/3 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/3 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 teaspoon nutmeg
1/3 teaspoon cloves
1/4 cup milk
2/3 tablespoon flour
3 tablespoons whiskey or bourbon (it does NOT have to be the good stuff. also imagine how much i had to pour in to make THREE PIES)
2/3 tablespoon vanilla
for crust: use your favorite plain flour pie crust recipe, but sub about 1/3 of the water content for vodka. or buy that shit at the store.
beat eggs well, then add sugar and spices. mix until very smooth. blend flour and milk, then add to the sugar and spice and everything nice. add "flavoring" (liquor) (and vanilla i fucking guess), mix. lastly add pumpkin and mix. pour into unbaked pie crust. bake 15 minutes at 450, then 35 minutes at 300. pie.
additional fun facts:
"but bolt!" you cry "i don't have a 1/3 teaspoon or tablespoon!" "NO ONE DOES" I shout back, shaking you by the shoulders "I'M WORKING WITH A RECIPE FOR THREE PIES HERE, PEOPLE! EYEBALL IT!"
also. the original recipe had absolutely no fucking baking instructions. no time. no temperature. that was fun!
"why add the vodka to the crust?" you ask. well, i answer, vodka doesn't freeze like water does, so when you put your crust in the fridge to chill, it'll get cold, but it won't be quite so hard to work with. i've found that the vodka makes it easier to roll out. but it also gets warmer quicker, so you gotta fucking MOVE IT when you make that crust. also no the recipe didn't come with how to make a crust. git gud.
"will this pie actually make hugh jackman and/or logan howlett fall in love with me?" you might also ask. and to that i reply FUCK no. it's just a normal pumpkin pie except THIS ONE has a funny backstory. both to me, who had to deal with THREE PIES, and also to you, who can make this for thanksgiving and when your aunt you see maybe two times a year asks you where you found it you can say "oh, a wolverine x reader fic on tumblr dot com." and she will never ask you anything ever again.
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
my number one skill is never shutting the fuck up ever and indeed in many circumstances it's more of a curse than a blessing because i genuinely can't control it for the most part but it does come in handy including throughout the entirety of my academic experience as well as just about every desk job i've ever had because it means i can fill a lot of space with a vast quantity of words that scan with a great deal of clarity and cohesion despite ultimately saying very little over the course of that volume. the result of this is that those who are reviewing my writing, which are usually people with varying degrees of power over my continued success, scan the content i've generated and deem it to be of high quality because everything seems well-thought out and competently composed and so they give it an instant pass, at least as long as they aren't paying too much attention, which - spoiler alert! - pretty much nobody ever is. they've all got their own shit to worry about, things that matter far more to them than whether or not you ended a sentence with a preposition in your 10-page report for a course that they're already sick of. now, what i did just there was a little trick where i actually violated my own natural cadence and patterns of writing in order to include a little gag! in the sentence where i mention the concept of ending a sentence with a preposition, i did just that; the sentence ended with "of." but for me, i normally would have phrased that sentence as follows: "they've all got their own shit to worry about, things that matter far more to them than whether or not you ended a sentence with a preposition in your 10-page report for a course that they're already sick of teaching." if this were actually a report with a word count minimum, obviously i would include that final word at the end of the sentence, because getting all cute and meta with the way i phrase things isn't worth losing that extra word of length. but in projects where the minimum requirements are more lax, i find it's helpful for my motivation to allow myself to have a little bit of genuine fun with it and liven the place up some. of course, that only applies if you're like me and you're a massive nerd who has fun doing that sort of thing, but i would say that there's a pretty decent chance that is true about you, seeing as how you're on tumblr dot com, a website that has an observably quite high population of huge nerds, and also you're presumably following me, which means you've identified with my nerd self enough to choose to see more of my blog. for what it's worth to you, my external keyboard seemingly ran out of battery several sentences ago, which is really kind of funny when you think about it. what an ironic time for that to happen, as i'm discussing and demonstrating my ability to type forever and ever! this is the first time i've had the battery in this keyboard die, so it must have had fresh ones in at the time i got it. i wouldn't know for sure, because i got it secondhand from someone i know who was clearing out some old inventory from their workplace's office building. that's where i got my big external monitor, as well. i really like tech appliances but honestly i really don't know much about them, that was never my area of expertise. as is likely obvious from this post alone, my passions have always remained more with the humanities. good god i have to stop now before i give you my whole fucking autobiography but i think by now i've sufficiently proven my point - i could easily do this until the end of time.
i have to create a new block now because of tumblr's character-per-block limitation. the one last thing i'll tell you is that, since i'm now typing on my laptop's keyboard which is at a somewhat awkward angle from me, my wrists are in danger of mucking with the trackpad, and just a few moments ago i accidentally selected the entire wall of text i've typed here and replaced it with what i was continuing to type. so thank goodness for the tumblr post editor's ability to undo, or else nobody ever would have seen this very intellectual and not at all frivolous and annoying post that i've generated here. if you actually read all of this, you're a huge freak and i'm proposing to you right now.
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c-e-d-dreamer · 3 months
You attended a Starfall ball? That's so awesome and I'm so jealous! They look so fun and I'd give ANYTHING to dress like a princess. Do you have any tips for attending one?
It was pretty fun to dress up for a night and dance in a massive library 🥰
As for tips, I would say my biggest is to go with a friend. Normally, I'm all for doing things alone. Go to the movies alone. Go to a concert alone. Who cares? But in this particular instance? Have a friend.
Because the thing is, the ACOTAR fandom here on Tumblr dot com? Lovely. Some of the nicest people you will ever meet (virtually or in person). And if you're like me and you've perfectly curated your dash and your experience, it's a 10/10 time over here.
But once you step out of that bubble?
Nesta antis in the wild are an experience.... Unfortunately, as much fun as the ball was, having girls make faces at me because I said Nesta was my favorite character was not. Having someone talk about how ACOSF was the worst book because of Nesta was not. Just generally people talking shit and laughing was super duper awkward. And I do not know what I would have done if my bestie wasn't there. We said fuck them and had our own amazing time! And that's what I would recommend anyone thinking of attending a fantasy ball do too 😌
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