extrashortshorts · 1 year
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i called him a caterpillar at least 20 times after seeing this so...
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h0wlcastle · 4 months
squid hatsquid hat squidhat squid hat squidh at squi d hat squid hat Squid Hat
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squid hqat
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
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[Insight]: 神 Saltsong 🎼
Many have tried to conquer me, all have failed. Many have tried to earn my favour, but I am unswayed. The ocean is old, old, old and when you are dust, I will still be here. But those I favour may find themselves blessed, their sails full and winds kind.
Ft. @the-littlest-kojin
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fooltofancy · 1 year
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i dont think there's even anything in that folder idk how it got there but u know what it gets to stay
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thingexplainer · 1 year
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noccolibroccoli · 2 years
I lost one of my favorite hats today and I had a feeling I knew where it was but I was way too tired to go looking for it so I just kinda resigned myself to it being lost but I did put a word out to some of my friends that I'd lost it just in case anyone happened to be in the area (I knew some of them would be over that way tonight)
and one of my friends went to go look, didn't find it. Said she'd check again on her way home to be sure.
And she just texted me 10 minutes ago and, HAT.
I have good friends :)
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prinnay · 28 days
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Jean hat + stars
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jettkuso · 9 months
Real observations since I started wearing a wizard hat daily:
- Brim is so wide that I stay BONE DRY taking walks in the rain
- Brim can be positioned to block the sun from ever getting in my eyes AND keeping it off the back of my neck
- The pointed top part creates an air pocket, keeping my head from getting hot or squishing my hair as it might in a ball cap
- Hat can easily be pulled down over the tips of my ears without looking dumb, protecting them from wind chill
- Strangers say they like my hat, giving me the chance to tell them that I am a wizard
- When you’re wearing a wizard hat, ALL OTHER FASHION CHOICES become secondary, allowing you to branch out with style
Embrace ego death. Stay protected from all elements. Wear a wizard hat.
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hattiestgal · 5 months
Everyone say thank you women with deep low pitched voices
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sully-s · 8 months
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Listen, if I had the time I would just make Justice Leauge the mockumentary, lol.
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wow.... i cant believe they were abandoned and Luffy collected them like treasures.....
the rest of the strawhats/friends that were gonna be in this post but i decided against it
Not all of them were abandoned by individual people like family members and their community, but the government. Specifically Franky and Law.
Vivi was gonna be in there too but i couldnt,,,, really,,,,, fit her in there.
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soaked-doors · 23 days
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pirates and their unconventional weddings (marines crashed it seven times)
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captainkurosolaire · 2 years
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Rain pattered a window leaving streaks of tears unable to get indoors to solace. Desperately seeking but unable to fulfill against that barrier for entry. Envy wasn’t far from this notion. Many associate those of envious characteristics heartless. Although, perhaps it was an undeveloped soul crying out internally. Across a looming battlefield, Captain laid confronted against a blood brother. Unrecognizable memories flash-flooded from street-urchins, to trainees to playing pretend pirates, to becoming their own troublesome pirates! Under their flagship with tutelage of a shared surrogate Captain Father, for two believed unwanted bastards. Even as tension drew, each anticipating the first-to-move a hinted rushing storm-breeze blew through the middle of them. Sol didn’t focus sight intently on Captain, but what he coveted. For him jealousy made excuses for everything and suppressed anyone's achievements. Once as a boy to motivate his depleted aspirations, when he was on the precipice of giving up hope. His Founding Captain sat him down, then told him to aim ambitiously for stars out of reach! He proceeded to put the weight of his Tricorne upon his nestling head, and tell an incredible story. That simple bland seemingly fabric which was common amongst seafarers. Whoever gained this particular one he don under its possession could own Fortune itself, manipulate their own tides. That whoever became Successor aboard who proved themselves in seafaring would be allowed to commune with the mighty Sea itself. Crown of Fortune, Sol perceived it. However this story is false. The Founding Captain fabricated it to uplift his aspiring youth to soar heights! Because the moral was – if you do-not set destinations of unfathomable, you may never claim something of wealth in your limited life. It’s not a sin to own dreams, conquest, to wish a hoist of these! Life is minuscule compared to the infinite potential willpower can overcome. That tremendous blue laid host of unpredictability. Amongst the oceans, waves held habits to be gentle and graceful, kind, calming and inviting. Other times, it could prove rampantly angered and swept the strongest! Impossible tempered with no control against it, a force of wildness.
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To make noise against a space canvas of such trifling and competitive water. You must become a survivor of undeniable, adaptability. Sea bred spirit’s and souls of hosted warriors that all showcased larger than life personas. A requirement! The true students, masters of the sea, even grew to gain powers that were comparable. Almighty and powerful with foreboding disaster, serving them to Conquer or Liberate. Those who became imbued with the sea. Became personifications of the ocean wherever they went commanding Presence. With it, their step’s alone. Picked up noise that could make their own ripples, create their own fortune, by their aura alone, knees quaked, legs shook in horror, hearts opened. Inspiring many seafarers to chase on and brave any unknown, they were called the bold; they followed stories of their predecessors, learning history, becoming it, from Tales, Fables, Myths on their own volition, they gave belief unlike any other! At a moment’s glance when they saw their sea. That peered into endless Freedom. To acquire their versions of it. Sol believed in his heart. That Captain… Betrayed him in a twisted way. That Hat had to be the reason for accomplishments and luck.
[The Truth.] That the Hat didn’t define the Man. Captain Kuro Solaire! Defined it. What was nonsensical fabrication became reality. A massacre of fire, a shipwreck of travesty had left the Seeker mourning over all his comrades. Injured by a historical noble rival yet given proper color and made. When Captain symbolically picked up the Hat believing he was the sole-survivor. He compassionately vowed he’d become a formidable force that stood among the tallest, with a head raised up. He had every reason to not want to live and to give up. Would’ve if not moved by the Sea who was his inspiration since a boy that carried promise beyond abuse, neglect and loneliness. In that company something drew him against the water’s edge, he felt alive, and became determined to make his own wealth, fate, and he’d fight for it. Submitting before it, should a threat arise too impossible to overcome. To hear the unseen. Acknowledge every indifference and ride not from; but to it openly! A ship of their former Goldbrand laid in ruins and with recently attaining the mantle. Challenging himself to brave the sea’s with a small rowboat and an ore. Navigating the entire Five Seas. He didn’t wish to acquire his own pirate ship or crew and proved directionless, experience was required to obtain. Traversing, the boy braved many treacherous storms, waves, but with his heritage of heightened senses those ears became sharper. He began listening and following what his surroundings were attending to do. When nature sang he didn’t misjudge it, instead began singing sea shanties. Flowing and moving, stopping when needed. Trusted instinct and his family heirloom compass. Upon sleeping in the rowboat. He greeted each day with the sea like a companion and talked to it. Shouting, “ Where were they going today?” They charted across Eorzea’s map and globe! Taking-in tremendous sights, encountering peril dangers, evading or contesting against forces that attempted to eat his only life and perseverance with that tiny wood giving float. Across the end of his journey. He was confronted by an all-powerful spirit mentioned, she possessed beauty unrivaled! A fierceness that warped all his senses. Although she appeared frightening and brought down many who neglected and mistreated her presence, and corrupted, who polluted her waters, the pirate saw through the surface and realized that was his companion this entire journey. She offered him a harrowing trial and quest that would forever see him bond eternally to the seas forever until he reached the end of that task. If pledged, and underwent this challenge, She’d offer her boon. From his incredible journey of spirit-discovery, His Founding Captain’s cherish Hat, was brought to tatters. Upon accepting her creed they forged a union between a simplest fabric. Carrying mementos of all he had traversed, sharing the journeys from sea, to land, to spirit’s, sky, turmoil, fear, all burdens, heartbreak, everything was carried between that Hat -- like prying open a treasure chest after finding the 'X' burial spot to a long-chased and sought out hunt. When her Captain returned, that Hat’s knowledge passed on everything by their devoted champion. Whatever condition it served to be under or was tossed into the seas, it returned, rising with rejuvenation like him and fulfilled him to be reborn! Awaiting him at the next port for a new mystical destination to chart. A Hat of a symbolic Promise. The seafarer wasn’t given extra divination or power. He received merely an eternal companion. To prevail over that harrowing journey the spirit offered, there was no mention of a reward. Because within depth, he had it. Freedom.   To become Vast and Wild as the Sea itself.
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[ ♫New World Coming♫ - Reference - Last Chapter
[Special shout-out & credit to the Ft. @the-littlest-kojin for her screenshot and collaborative incredible muse, Saltsong! -- Also to roomie for Sol.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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doodle-list · 4 months
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Happy aromantic visibility day!! Love this aroace king
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time-woods · 1 month
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Thiswas me trying to figure out how to draw Stanley
Istilldont know how
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aimasup · 2 months
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