#Harry x marv
bestqprshipbracket · 5 months
Best T4T Ship Group 2 Round 1
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Yamato is canonically trans!
Portgas D. Ace, Harry, and Marv are not canonically trans
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 years
babe wake up new ship dropped
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harry x marv y’all
marry endgame
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taot-sketches · 2 years
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Its Christmas and its my special interest, no one is allowed to be mean to me about this
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favorite-characters · 10 months
ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝔸𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕖
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Daniel Stern as ᴍᴀʀᴠ × Joe Pesci as ʜᴀʀʀʏ (dir. Chris Columbus • 1990)
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There is no Heterosexual explanation for these guys
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148 notes · View notes
avatar-anna · 1 year
Family Vacation
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buckle up, it's a long one!
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader
For reference, here are all the kids' ages:
Simone: 12 Collette: 9 Maeve and Julian: 8 Geneva: 4 Natalia: 3
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“All right, here we go. Simone?”
“She’s helping GiGi put her shoes on upstairs,” Simone replied, standing next to Harry by the front door of the house. She was dressed comfortably in a pair of sweatpants and one of Harry's old crew necks, a pair of leather sneakers on her feet. He'd tried to talk her into a different pair of shoes for the flight, but she was going through a sneaker phase at the moment and wouldn't hear it.
Harry nodded at his oldest child and continued. “Great. Twins?”
There was no answer. Looking up and down the front hall of the house, Harry wondered where two out of his five children were. “Maeve? Jules? Come on, we’re going to be late!”
There was more silence, and Harry silently worried about what his most troublemaking children were up to. But after a minute, he heard the sound of feet running around upstairs, and a few seconds later, the twins bounding down the staircase headed for Harry and Simone. Harry looked them over to make sure they were dressed and ready to go. They were, but had switched shoes again—Julian in his sister’s sparkly pink ones and Marve in his plain black sneakers. Neither Harry nor Y/n knew why they switched their shoes, and sometimes their clothes. It was always a toss up when they came down the stairs dressed for school. Sometimes Jules and Maeve were in their own clothes, sometimes they weren’t, and sometimes they were in some sort of combination. After the first couple times it happened, Harry and Y/n stopped questioning it; as long as they were fully dressed and out the door for school on time, it didn’t really matter to them.
Not even batting an eye at the twins’ shoe switch, he asked them, “Ready?”
“Ready!” they said together, following their older sister out of the house and into the car.
Harry waited for his three remaining children, smiling when Colette and Geneva skipped down the stairs together. GiGi ran over to him and leapt into his arms, and Harry caught her, kissing her cheek and fixing the little hat she was wearing. Five down, one to go.
"Mama! You ready to go?"
"We're gonna be late!"
"Saying that doesn't make me go any faster!" Y/n called back.
Harry shook his head at his wife, but waited for her patiently by the door all the same, double checking in his head that they had everything in the car—suitcases, iPads, sunblock, passports, chargers, etc. GiGi played with his hair and babbled in his ear while Collette ran off to the car with the rest of the family, curly hair bouncing with each step.
After a couple minutes, Y/n came down the stairs with Natalia in her arms, a tiny backpack resembling a giraffe on his youngest daughter's back. Y/n looked a little frazzled as she went out the door, but Harry didn't comment on it, just took the diaper bag from her and locked up the house once everyone was outside.
"I just spent the last twenty minutes trying to get her into the pull-up," Y/n explained.
"Does she really need it? She wears underwear now."
Y/n looked at him. "Do you want to deal with an accident thousands of feet up in the air?"
"Good point."
They got in the car in silence, and Harry did one last headcount before starting the car. "Does everyone have everything?" Y/n asked one more time, which meant Collette was unbuckling and running back into the house for something, Julian not far behind.
"Are we really doing this?" he muttered to her.
"We're really doing this," she murmured back.
"God help us."
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The drive to the airport was full of chatter, the way it always was when Harry drove all six of his children somewhere. Maeve and Julian were off in their own little world, GiGi was singing along to what she thought were the words to the song on the radio, Colette was talking about the science project Y/n helped her finish from the window seat behind him, and Simone was sitting in the backseat with… Daniel, the boy she had asked to invite a couple weeks ago.
Harry remembered the night his daughter came into his and Y/n’s room as the two of them were getting ready for bed with utmost clarity, remembered how Simone switched from foot to foot and didn’t meet either of them in the eye as she asked if she could bring a friend on their family vacation. Of course, Harry told her, not sure why she was acting so nervous. Her friend Melanie was always welcome to join them on their family outings.
But Y/n knew better, as she always did when it came to things like this. She hardly even reacted when Simone clarified that it wasn’t Melanie, but a different friend. Daniel.
Harry immediately wanted to say no once he realized why his daughter was acting so shy about asking if Daniel could come, but his wife subtly pinched his side to keep him quiet while she told Simone yes and that she would call Daniel’s mother in the morning to make sure it was okay. Harry kept his cool while Simone thanked him and Y/n, kissing each of them on the cheek before leaving their bedroom with a wish goodnight over her shoulder. The second Y/n heard the door to her oldest daughter’s room shut with a soft click, she picked up a throw pillow off their bed and whacked him with it.
“Ouch! What the hell was that for?” he asked, giving his wife an incredulous look at her actions.
“You better be on your best behavior,” was all she said, not apologizing for her pillow attack.
Harry rolled his eyes, trying to pretend like he wasn’t freaking out on the inside. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said innocently, getting under the covers of their bed after turning the lamp by their bed off.
Y/n turned it back on, not believing him for a second. “I mean it, Harry,” she said, using the same stern voice she often reserved for their kids. Crawling over to him so that she was perched on top of him with her legs on either side of his waist, she poked him in the chest. “Be-have.”
“I don’t know what you’re on about,” he tried to reason, but he already felt resentment bubbling in the pit of his stomach towards this Daniel person. When his wife gave him a look that told him she still wasn’t convinced, he sighed. “I’m not ready for the boys, or the girls,” he added as an afterthought. Simone never talked about it, but Harry and Y/n always kept an open mind about such things. “She’s too young for dating.”
Y/n raised her eyes heavenward, clearly exasperated by her husband. “Harry, how old were you when you had your first kiss?”
Harry grumbled under his breath, which made Y/n grin just a little. "You're not helping."
“We're so far off from that anyway, love. He's just a friend from school. And a nice boy. I've driven him home from school a few times. He's an only child. He could use a dose of...us.”
Harry kept quiet, crossing his arms and pouting because while he knew his baby was growing up, that didn't mean he had to like it. Knowing he didn’t have any sort of argument for that, Y/n continued. “She needs friends, H. Don’t you notice how she rarely invites anyone over to the house?”
He had noticed, but she was also constantly across the street at her friend Melanie’s house. “I know that, but…She’s my baby.”
Y/n’s eyes softened. She shuffled around on the bed until she had her arms wrapped around him, her fingers as soothing as they always were as they ran through his hair. “She is, and she always will be, so be happy that your baby asked if her friend could come with us on vacation instead of sneaking out of the house to see him.”
That image did nothing to relax Harry’s troubled thoughts in the slightest. He wanted to be comforted by the memories of Simone sleeping between him and Y/n, of when she was so small and only wanted to be in Harry’s arms when they went somewhere, of first steps, first Christmas, first everything. He didn't think they were at the stage of first boy.
“Hey,” Y/n said quietly when Harry remained quiet for a few minutes. She knew her husband had a hard time seeing Simone grow up. He loved all their children equally, but his bond with their oldest daughter was a special one. In a time of uncertainty and chaos, Harry saw their daughter for the first time and she’d become a beacon of light and love. The day he became a father was the best day of his life, and he had been protecting and loving Simone ever since.
"He really is just a friend. You think I would be okay with him joining our vacation if he wasn't? She's twelve, H."
Harry sighed, pouting his lips just a little. "I know. But can you freak out a little with me so I don't feel like the only crazy parent?"
Y/n chuckled and kissed his cheek. "But who would reason with you? Remind you about the beautiful resort we're staying at," she said, planting another kiss, this one closer to his ear. "And the master bedroom that's on a whole separate floor from the other rooms in the suite." Another kiss. "All the alone time we'll have once everyone is asleep."
She continued to whisper in Harry's ear about all the things she wanted to do with him once they were on vacation, one of which made his eyes widen.
"You mean it? We can—"
He didn't even want to say it in case he jinxed it, but it didn't seem like his wife was joking. Y/n nodded, tracing his lips with the tip of her finger. "You know I don't joke about that."
He grinned, the reaction almost involuntary. Kissing her once, twice, three times, Harry responded with, “I love you.”
There was silence as Harry and Y/n continued to kiss, long and lazy ones that made Harry nearly forget about Daniel, especially as Y/n’s leg draped over his middle and his hands moved under her sleep shirt. Nearly. “He better not try anything, or I’ll—”
“Your best behavior,” she intoned, hovering just above him as she used her stern voice again. “Think of the alone time.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Why do I get the feeling you enjoy telling me what to do?”
“It gives me a rush,” Y/n said simply, pecking him on the nose. Harry flipped her over so that her back was against the mattress, his lips were just barely touching hers as he told her it was his turn to make demands.
For the next couple weeks, Harry had removed Daniel from his mind. But the time had come to drive to the address Y/n had given him when they got in the car. He hadn’t paid much attention to where each of his children were sitting until he waved at Daniel, then raised his brows slightly as he climbed into the back row to join Simone. He wasn’t a huge fan of that, but then Geneva accused him of not singing along to the song that was playing, and because he could never turn down singing with his daughter, his mind was temporarily occupied.
That didn’t stop his eyes from flicking to the rearview mirror every few minutes to check up on Simone and her friend. He eyed the blonde hair that came down to the boy’s shoulders, the leather cord necklace that peeked out from under his shirt, the warm tan he had from spending time in the sun. Was this her type? Harry thought. She’s too young to have a type. She’s too young for all of this—
“Daddy, where are we going?”
Harry focused back on the road in front of him, making the proper turns that would take him to a more secluded parking lot of the international airport. Harry waited until he parked the car to answer Maeve’s question, helping Valen out of her car seat and resting her on his hip. “The airport, peanut. We're going on our vacation, remember?”
Harry and Y/n didn't take the kids on proper vacations very often. It was hard for the whole family to be in one public place together without being noticed, and it was even harder now ever since the documentary came out and their family was brought into the limelight. People relentlessly tried to get pictures of Harry with any one of the kids, which only pushed them to go out even less or take even more extreme measures to ensure no one knew where they were.
But they all still deserved a vacation. Y/n and Harry researched and researched until they found the right place—somewhere remote enough that they could be left alone, but big enough to fit their family and had the facilities to ensure privacy. And somewhere fun. Everyone needed to have fun.
So they decided on a fancy island resort. There was plenty of activities for the kids, a big villa that accommodated their big family, and a spa for Y/n to relax. In a lot of ways, Harry wanted this to be the honeymoon he and Y/n never got to have. They would be strapped down with six, now seven, kids for most of the time, but they'd be watching them in a very nice resort.
Harry did another headcount when they got to the airport to make sure he had all of his kids and Daniel, then led them all to where a security guard was waiting to take escort them to the airport lounge where they would wait to take off, with Y/n rounding out the back so no one got left behind. As they came into the airport, in public where everyone could see them, Harry looked behind him for Julian, knowing he didn’t love having so many sets of eyes on him. As was the side effect of being their father, all of the Styles children were used to or at least familiar with being photographed in public places or seeing large crowds of people in the most mundane of places. However, Jules was very shy and sometimes had a hard time with the shouting and the phones pointed in his direction.
Harry turned back with Geneva still in his arms to take Julian’s hand. At only four years old, Harry and Y/n tried to keep her and Natalia from having their picture taken the most. They’d done it with all of their children when they were babies, gradually letting them get used to all of the craziness. The documentary sped things up a bit, but outside of the kids' small appearances, Harry and Y/n made sure they were hardly seen in public. It was why Geneva was wearing her little knit hat with daisies on it, the brim wide enough to shield her face should anyone try to nab a picture of the four year old. Y/n pushed Natalia in a stroller with the hood extended low over her face so all one could really see was her little legs.
To Harry’s surprise, Jules was holding the hand of his oldest sister. It wasn’t shocking that Simone was holding her little brother’s hand in a situation like this, she often did so with one or two of her siblings when they went out together. But today she was with a friend, with Daniel. Harry figured she would want to just hang out with him, but there Jules was, laughing at something Simone’s friend had said, not at all bothered by the people pointing their phones in their direction. Smiling, Harry reached out a hand for Maeve to take, and she happily obliged, Colette falling in line next to her.
When they finally got settled in the lounge, there was still a good amount of time before takeoff. The twins were on one side of him and Colette next to them, Simone and Daniel on his other side, and GiGi bouncing up and down in his lap. Julian and Maeve were off in their own little world again, only this time they took Colette with them as they played with a couple of the toys Harry packed for them in a backpack. Y/n was gone, having taken Natalia for one last bathroom trip before they boarded the plane
Trying to heed his wife’s instructions, Harry did his best not to eavesdrop on Simone and Daniel’s conversation, focusing on Geneva, who was more than happy to have all of her father’s attention. She squished his cheeks with her hands, pushing them up and down into various frowns and smiles.
Y/n came back just as Collette began to bicker with the twins. "Harry can you," she said, gesturing vaguely toward the three kids.
"Yep. On it."
By the time he settled the argument, it was time to board. The whole family was up and shuffling toward the gate, Harry leading everyone so he could hand over boarding passes to the woman waiting for them. "Have a wonderful flight, Mr. Styles," she said warmly, smiling at each child as they walked past.
Thankfully, they boarded before everyone else, which gave Y/n and Harry time to get all their kids settled in their seats. "Alright, change of plans. Maeve, sit with Collette, Jules you're with—"
"O...Kay. JuJu's sitting with Daddy. Simone and Daniel, you'll sit across from me and Natalia. Daddy, you got Geneva?"
"Yep. Come here, peanut."
Snacks and iPads were passed out, and everyone was quietly waiting for takeoff. At first, Harry and Y/n used to feel bad about using technology to get their kids to quiet down, but now that they were six against two they did whatever they could.
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"You have a wonderful family."
Harry was immediately on high alert. He was always hyper aware of strangers around his kids, but especially with Geneva and Natalia. They were so young, they didn't deserve strangers getting in their faces and all that.
But he supposed that having six kids, plus an extra, quietly entertaining themselves on a nonstop flight was something to be proud of. Looking up from where he'd been opening a pouch for Julian, Harry gave a close-lipped smile at the flight attendant who'd spoken. She looked about a few years older than Harry and Y/n, and if she recognized Harry, she didn't let on.
"Thank you. It's our first big vacation."
"That's so fun! It must be hard to travel with all these little ones on your own."
"Um..." Harry wasn't sure what the woman was insinuating. He looked across the aisle, but Y/n was completely occupied with Natalia. Her smile seemed sincere, though, so Harry just politely corrected her. "I'm married, actually."
"Oh! Sorry, I don't know why I—Gosh," she stuttered, a blush on her cheeks. "Sorry. Well, um, can I get you anything?"
"Juice!" Geneva piped in from Harry's left.
Harry gave his daughter a look and said, "How do we ask for things nicely?"
"Can I have some juice please?"
The flight attendant smiled and promised to be back in a moment, then left their section.
"It must be so hard to travel with all these little ones on your own," Y/n said, raising the pitch of her voice. She was still looking at Natalia, but clearly, she'd heard the whole exchange.
"Oh hush. She was just being nice," Harry chided.
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Harry never realized how exhausting vacations could be. Between swimming under the sun all day and keeping an eye on seven kids, he crashed on the bed each night completely wiped out. And even though Harry and Y/n were an entire floor above the kids, they could still hear the giggles as Simone, Collette, the twins, and Daniel stayed up past their bedtime playing games. It was fun, it really was, but it was no honeymoon.
He'd have about a thousand pictures by the end of it all, though.
"Daddy, I want a lemonade!"
"Gi, I just asked you if you wanted anything from the restaurant," Harry said, doing his best to give her a stern look.
They were having a relaxing day at the resort's pool. Yesterday they went on a boat and went all around the island, and before that was water sports, and the day before that was—well, today they were just relaxing. The hotel had reserved a cabana that was pretty well removed from the other ones, giving them a bit of privacy, though other guests had kept their distance for the most part.
“Dad, we can take GiGi to get a lemonade. We wanted snacks anyway,” Simone said. At the word “snacks,” both Geneva up, looking to their father for approval.
Harry wanted to say yes, but he didn’t like any of his kids walking around on their own. At twelve, Simone and her friend were more than capable of going to the restaurant on the other side of the pool and coming right back, but there was always a chance of people following or coming up to her, and she thought the idea of walking around with a security guard was embarrassing, but it was usually the only way Harry and Y/n allowed her to go off on her own when they did things like this.
“Erm…You’d have to take Chris with you,” he finally said, nodding to the security guard who was currently sitting next to Natalia and seemed very interested in the water wings the youngest Styles was showing him. Chris was their family bodyguard and had become part of the family by this point. He was patient with the kids and played with them on occasion, but took his job seriously.
Simone didn’t answer right away. She looked at Daniel first, a question in her eyes. Harry knew it couldn’t be easy having to be tailed by a security guard all the time, especially when she seemed to already have a hard time making friends. So when Daniel just shrugged and said he didn’t mind, Harry actually felt a little relieved and hoped that this friendship would stick. Perhaps Daniel was all right after all.
Fishing out cash from his wallet, Harry passed it off to Simone and told her to come straight back and hold GiGi’s hand the whole time. Simone looked like she wanted to roll her eyes at her father’s grave tone, but she refrained and took the money and her sister’s hand. When they were gone, Harry sat back and sighed. His eyes flitted over the pool for a moment as he searched for his wife.
She was in the pool with Maeve and Julian, tossing them up and letting them splash in the shallower end. Harry cleared his throat and slipped on his sunglasses, trying not to stare too obviously.
Y/n wasn't even doing anything. But she just...she never failed to make his heart pound. And the swimsuit she wore wasn't helping. Her body had changed over the years, the same way his had, but he still thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, and right now was no different.
Harry was debating joining his wife and kids in the pool or staying until Simone and the rest of his kids came back with Chris. But that decision was made for him when he saw her help the twins out of the pool.
"They put umbrellas in our drinks!"
Harry looked the other way and saw Geneva with a kids cup in her hand, a small cocktail umbrella sticking out of it. Simone and Daniel had their own drinks, and funnily enough, Chris had two.
"I want one!"
"Me too!"
Before Harry could say anything, Chris handed the two drinks over to the twins, who had walked up to the cabana with Y/n. Harry stood up and offered his spot up so all the kids could sit with their drinks without the risk of spilling them. He went over to Y/n, careful not to put his hands on her in front of the kids.
"You were staring," she murmured.
"Was not."
"You were."
Harry leaned forward and kissed the back of her head. "You would've had to be staring at me to notice."
"Mom, can Daniel and I go to the kids club? They have a ping pong table, and we wanted to play."
At the mention of the kids club, Simone's siblings voiced their desire to go too, but Harry could see the look on his oldest daughter's face. She'd been really great about hanging out with her younger siblings, but she deserved to play on her own with her friend.
"Sure, bug. Do you have your phone?"
Simone nodded, then squeezed Harry tight before running off with Daniel. His heart clenched as they left, but there were five other kids all vying for his attention. "Let's go to the water slide, shall we?"
Cheers went around the cabana. As they were all putting their cups down, Y/n came up behind Harry and squeezed his hand. "That was nice of you."
"Chris will check on them in a few minutes," was all he said.
"You're a good dad," she said, pinching his hip affectionately.
"You think so?"
"The best. "I wish we could sneak away so you could be the best husband for a little bit," she mumbled, kissing his bare shoulder.
"We'll have our moment," Harry assured.
"It would be even harder with another baby, you know that right?"
"Mm. We've always managed."
Y/n didn't say anything in reply, but Harry couldn't tell if it was because she didn't have an answer or because Geneva was poking her leg to get her attention.
"Can we go now?"
Conversation cut short, Harry and Y/n took the hands of their little ones and walked toward the waterslide.
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"I'm so tired."
"I know."
"And sunburned."
"I know."
"It literally hurts to have my eyes open. I—What are you doing?"
"Shh," Y/n said, her legs on either side of Harry's lower back. "I don't have massage oil or candles, but I have aloe vera. Let me help you."
Harry couldn't have protested even if he wanted to. They'd spent the entire day at the beach, rounding the evening out with a quiet dinner courtesy of room service. All the kids were fast asleep, practically dead to the world, as soon as their pajamas were on, a first since they arrived a few days ago.
Mumbling some kind of assent, he let Y/n give him a massage. The aloe vera was cold on his back, her hands gentle but thorough as she rubbed in the gel and worked on the muscles in his shoulders and worked her way down. Harry groaned, sinking deeper into the bed as she began to apply more pressure.
"You've been such a good Daddy to the kids all week, hm?" she murmured in his ear, thumbs pressing into the muscles in his shoulders. "Planned this whole trip for us, work so hard so we can go to beautiful places like this, been so patient. Thought you deserved something nice."
It wasn't uncommon for Y/n to call Harry "daddy." When they were around the kids, they referred to each other almost exclusively as "mom" or "dad" or something to that effect. They were parents, it was part of their identity, and it certainly wasn't out of the ordinary. Daddy wasn't something that was inherently sexual to them, not when it was a word their children used regularly.
Though the gentle lilt of Y/n's voice and her hands on his back definitely had him turning his head to the side to peek an eye at her.
She nodded, still working out all the knots in his back. "Mmhm. So close your eyes. I'm gonna paint a nice picture for us."
Harry did as she said, focusing on her hands and voice.
"Imagine we're...twenty-two years old," Y/n said. "And...we just came back from the courthouse. The boys have finally left us alone for the evening."
The night they got married. They had to sneak out of their hotel rooms to do it, but Harry would do it all again in a heartbeat. "Mm. That was a good night."
"Yep. But this time, instead of putting Simone down and going to bed, we're packing for a trip. Our honeymoon. You planned the whole thing. Your mom agreed to watch Simone for a few days, there happened to be a break in the tour, and everything just fell into place so we could celebrate. Just you and me."
Y/n knew what Harry wanted this trip to be for them. She knew he always felt guilty about the finer details of their marriage. There was just never enough time for a proper honeymoon, and by the time there was, Y/n was pregnant with Collette. There were moments on the trip where they tried to slip away, but it just wasn't possible. Harry and Y/n were more than happy to spend time with their children, but a moment alone wouldn't have hurt, either.
"So we come to this beautiful resort," she continued, working her way along the broad expanse of Harry's back. "We drink too much champagne and sleep in too late because no one is jumping on the bed before sunrise. We kiss by the infinity pool and on the balcony and on top of a mountain after we've hiked to the top."
"Just kiss?"
"Easy. I'm getting to that. Where was I?"
"The top of a mountain."
"Right. And we make love everywhere. In the infinity pool, on the balcony, in that huge hot tub in our bathroom. For those few days, we don't care about getting caught or what people will see or think or say. We're so happy to finally be married, that the only thing that matters is us," Y/n said, leaving a kiss on the back of his neck, her teeth grazing the shell of his ear. "Flip over, baby."
Harry did as she asked, grinning when his eyes landed on her. Y/n normally wore a t-shirt and shorts to bed, but tonight she was in sheer pink, her breasts practically spilling out of the flimsy material, her hair framing her shoulders. She'd changed a lot over the years, and yet she was exactly the same. She still made him feel the same way she always had.
"We're not twenty-two anymore," he said.
"No, we're not," Y/n agreed. "But I still love you."
"I love you too, Mama."
Y/n leaned down and kissed him then, her body flush against Harry's as his leg slotted between hers. Their lips were chapped from spending the last few days in the sun, but that didn't stop either of them from getting more and more intense. Harry's tongue slipped into Y/n's mouth with ease, his hands rucking up her little pink blouse insistently. She lifted her hips to get her underwear off when his hands ventured there next but was quick to slide back against him, a smile forming on her lips when he groaned.
"I'm not feeling so tired anymore," Harry breathed, one hand dipping between her legs.
They could've been quick. After being together for so long, they knew what made the other get to the finish line faster, and had perfected it when free time came in brief, spontaneous moments. But Harry didn't want quick. All the kids were fast asleep, and he didn't think any of them would be waking up for a long time after the day they had. He wanted to take his time, and it seemed Y/n did too.
"Good. For a second there I thought you were an old man at the ripe age of thirty-one."
"You're gonna regret saying that in a minute."
Harry flipped his wife over so that he was hovering over her. Y/n's grin was full of mischief as she looked him over, her gaze fixated below his waist. She loved the moments where she could just admire her husband, and this trip had been full of them. So often she was stuck in full-mom-mode that she didn't appreciate how Harry still looked like he was cut from marble. His tattoos were faded with time, but they stuck out against his newly-tanned skin, there was a little more meat on his hips than when they were kids, but Y/n honestly loved him that way more. She loved his muscly thighs and broad back and his pointed nose and high cheekbones. She loved the smile lines by his eyes and the way his stomach jutted out just a little despite the muscle. She loved the soft parts and the hard planes. She knew every detail, every secret his body held. There was not one thing she didn't know about her husband or his body, and she was in love with every inch.
Y/n had been patient, she'd been a good mom this whole trip by not dragging Harry by the drawstring of his swim trunks and leaving Chris to watch the kids for an hour, she'd waited and waited for the right moment, for this moment. A few minutes ago, she could tell Harry was in the "make love" kind of mood, but she did away with that with a few choice words. She was usually all for it, but right now she really wanted a reason for them to be exhausted. Now, all she had to do was seal the deal.
Hooking a finger around his necklace and gripping him a little tightly between her fingers, she said, "Do your worst."
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"Okay. It's our last night on vacation. What was everyone's favorite part?" Harry asked from his seat at the dinner table. "Maevie, you go first."
They were having one last dinner at the resort's outdoor restaurant. Their table was on a raised deck that stood in a shallow pool. The bottom of the pool was lit, making the water a blue-green color. There were lanterns in the palm trees, a warm breeze fluttering the leaves. Everyone was in varying states of tanned and sunburned—peeled noses, harsh tan lines, red shoulders and cheeks. The whole family plus Daniel were tired from days spent running around and swimming under relentless sunlight, but they were happy too. Content to go home tomorrow knowing that everything that could be done had been.
"I liked seeing the dolphins," Maeve said.
Each person at the table said their favorite moment or activity. From the hotel water slide to going tubing behind a speedboat to a whole day dedicated to shopping, all the kids enjoyed something different from the vacation.
"I liked when we took the Jeeps all over the mountains and Mrs. Styles drove really fast!" Daniel said.
Y/n smirked at Harry from across the dinner table as she cut up Geneva's food. He always had something to say about her driving—that she was too fast, that she drove like she was in a hurry when there was no reason to, and so on. Whether that was true or not, Y/n got to put her driving skills to the test with one of their activities. She took Simone, Daniel, and Collette in her car while Harry took the younger kids, and raced over the dirt path with them. It was bumpy, dusty, and full of sharp turns, but she and the older kids had a blast.
"You know, Daniel, I can't help but agree," Y/n said.
"What was your favorite part, Dad?" Simone asked.
"I think..." he said, taking his time to answer the question. "I think just getting to spend time with all of you was my favorite part."
"That doesn't count!"
"We all had to say something!"
"Yeah, boo!"
"Y/n, really?"
Y/n shrugged when Harry looked over at her exasperatedly. He knew he gave a lame, sappy answer, but it was the truth. He knew his kids would give him grief about it, but he didn't expect his own wife to boo at him.
The night ended with one final walk on the beach. The kids all skipped ahead of Harry and Y/n, who were content to trail behind them and hold hands.
"We did it," Y/n said, twining her arm around her husband's.
"We did. With no trips to the local hospital, either."
"And," she added. "Daniel was a sweetheart. I think the twins are more trouble than he is."
Harry didn't want to be okay with Daniel when the idea of him joining the family on vacation was first proposed, but he couldn't help but agree with Y/n. He was nice, and hung out with all the kids, not just Simone.
"They're gonna give us hell when they're older aren't they?" he asked, referring to Maeve and Julian, who were currently wrestling in the sand.
"Definitely." They walked a few paces in silence while Y/n rested her cheek on Harry's shoulder. He was a linen shirt that was incredibly soft, and she would definitely be wearing it to sleep tonight. Then, as they got further down the beach, she said, "You were right, you know."
"About what?"
"Spending time with all our little monkeys," she said. "I'm glad we could give this to them. A trip with the whole family that's not just traveling with you on tour, you know?"
"I do," Harry agreed, kissing the top of her head. "I think I might have to give Chris a huge Christmas bonus, though."
Y/n chuckled. "He had fun too."
More silence, more walking and listening to the kids laugh and play by the shore. Then, "Our little monkeys aren't so little anymore."
"No, they're not," Y/n said. "But when they can play together far away, I can do this."
She stopped Harry in his tracks and tipped his head down to kiss him. His lips were light against hers, careful not to get too carried away. But it was nice to kiss out in the open, something neither of them would've ever thought was possible a few years ago. Their lives were so different now.
Harry kissed her a couple more times, his thumb tracing delicate patterns on the small strip of skin where Y/n's knitted sweater didn't quite meet her shorts. She looked and felt so cozy. All he wanted to do was get their kids up to bed and—
"Eeeew!" someone shrieked, it was too dark to tell which one of their kids said it. "No kissing!"
Y/n pulled back, but Harry held her close still. "What? You mean like this?" he asked before nuzzling his wife's cheek.
That got everyone going. Simone claimed Harry and Y/n were embarrassing her, Collette told them to stop because kissing was gross, and Maeve and Julian went straight for the tackle, going for Harry's legs until he playfully fell over. Once he was down, Natalia and Geneva joined their brother and sister.
If someone had told a twenty-two-year-old Harry that not only did he have six happy and healthy kids with the love of his life, but that he could hold his wife's hand and kiss her on the beach and play-wrestle with his kids without worrying who might see, he wouldn't have believed them. Hell, he wouldn't have believed them just a few years ago. But things were different now, things were good. Perfect, some might say.
And Harry definitely had to remind himself of that when one of his kids accidentally had him inhaling a mouthful of sand.
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@comfortfoodcontent and @kylereadscomics did this first, so I thought it would be fun to think about what some of my favorite comics are. Here are some of my favorite single issues, stories, and runs:
Avengers by Kurt Busiek and George Perez - This was my first Avengers run, loved the characters and George Perez's amazing art, plus my favorite Ultron story, Ultron Unlimited.
DC vs. Marvel - I love crossovers like this, and as a kid, because my favorite character is the Flash, I was Team DC. The other fights were fun as well.
Detective Comics #627 - A reprint of Batman's first appearance in Detective Comics #27, plus updates of the story by different creative teams, including Marv Wolfman and Jim Aparo, and Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle, showing how Batman has evolved over the years.
Superman for All Seasons - Possibly my favorite Superman story, showing Clark's early days and my favorite version of Superman, the guy with incredible power who just wants to help.
Green Lantern: Rebirth - The story that made me a Green Lantern fan, loved the big space opera action, the different ways the lanterns use their rings, and made Sinestro my favorite Green Lantern villain.
Incredible Hulk #377 - The first Hulk comic I read as a kid, loved the Peter David run, his examinations of Bruce Banner's character, and Professor Hulk was my favorite version of the Hulk.
Kingdom Come - One of my favorite DC stories, loved the commentary of traditional super heroics versus the grim and gritty 90s, and how those ideologies clash. Plus, Kingdom Come Superman's outfit is still epic.
Flash: The Return of Barry Allen - My favorite Flash story, loved seeing Wally West step out of Barry Allen's shadow, the start of the Flash Family, also solidified Eobard Thawne as my favorite Flash villain.
Starman by James Robinson, Tony Harris, Peter Snejbjerg, and others - A more recent addition for me, as I was always a JSA fan, but never read all of this run until recently. Loved the characters, especially Jack Knight and the Shade, the Golden Age history, the themes of legacy, the villains, and how the story reaches a satisfying conclusion.
Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo, Nick Bradshaw, and others - I'm probably going to get some heat for this pick, but this was the book that got me back into X-Men post Morrison and Whedon. I read every issue as it came out, and it was so much fun, I liked the characters, the action, the villains, and Genesis is one of my favorite characters (love the idea of "what if Apocalypse, but Superman"). Plus, it has Wolverine and Storm as a couple, my OTP.
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shinyasahalo · 8 days
Top 100 AO3 Dua Ships (Sept. 21, 2024)
(F/M) Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) 37,673 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter) 33,236 fics
(F/M) Original Female Character/Original Male Character (All Fandoms) 31,944 fics
(F/M) Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 30,767 fics
(F/M) James Potter/Lily Evans Potter (Marauders/Harry Potter) 29,059 fics
(F/M) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (Iron Man/Marvel) 23,983 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (Harry Potter) 22,908 fics
(F/M) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter) 19,324 fics
(F/M) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) 15,556 fics
(F/M) Fox Mulder/Dana Scully (The X-Files TV) 15,165 fics
(F/M) Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin (The 100 TV) 14,944 fics
(F/M) Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 13,181 fics
(F/M) Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Arrow TV/DCU) 12,733 fics
(F/MGQ) Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler (Doctor Who TV) 12,467 fics
(F/M) Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time TV) 12,350 fics
(F/M) Padme Amidala/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader (Prequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 10,459 fics
(F/M) Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 10,270 fics
(F/M) Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr Gold (Once Upon a Time TV) 10,253 fics
(F/M) Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 10,168 fics
(F/M) Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper (Sherlock TV) 9,713 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Severus Snape (Harry Potter) 9,625 fics
(F/M) Female Inquisitor/Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age) 9,008 fics
(F/M) Hermione Granger/Harry Potter (Harry Potter) 8,839 fics
(F/M) Allison Argent/Scott McCall (Teen Wolf TV) 8,788 fics
(F/M) Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke (Naruto) 8,473 fics
(F/M) Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 8,295 fics
(F/M) Link/Zelda (Legend of Zelda) 8,218 fics
(F/M) Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons (Agents of SHIELD TV/Marvel) 8,118 fics
(F/M) Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV) 8,045 fics
(F/M) Michelle Jones/Peter Parker (Spider-Man/Marvel) 8,032 fics
(F/M) Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games) 7,999 fics
(F&M) Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington (Stranger Things TV) 7,963 fics
(F/M) Katara/Zuko (Avatar Last Airbender) 7,761 fics
(F/M) Alya Cesaire | Rena Rouge/Nino Lahiffe | Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug) 7,625 fics
(F&M) Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) 7,573 fics
(F&M) Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren (Sequel Trilogy/Star Wars) 7,530 fics
(F/M) Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 7,524 fics
(F/M) Olivia Benson/Elliot Stabler (Law and Order SVU TV) 7,435 fics
(F/M) Tim Bradford/Lucy Chen (The Rookie TV) 7,293 fics
(F/M) Female Inquisitor/Solas (Dragon Age) 7,289 fics
(F/M) Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers (Agent Carter TV/Marvel) 7,241 fics
(F/M) Leia Organa/Han Solo (Original Trilogy/Star Wars) 6,957 fics
(F/M) Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy (Harry Potter) 6,868 fics
(F/M) Spike/Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayers TV) 6,854 fics
(F/M) Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill (Stargate SG-1 TV) 6,725 fics
(F&M) Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku (MHA) 6,702 fics
(F/M) Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 6,568 fics
(F/M) Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 6,490 fics
(F/M) Betty Cooper/Jughead Jones (Riverdale TV/Archie Comics) 6,438 fics
(F/M) Chakotay/Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek Voyager TV) 6,431 fics
(F&M) Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 6,403 fics
(F/M) Female Lavellan/Solas (Dragon Age) 6,317 fics
(F/M) James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov (Avengers/Marvel) 6,313 fics
(F/M) Mary Morstan/John Watson (Sherlock TV) 6,279 fics
(F/M) Gendry/Arya Stark (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 6,185 fics
(F/M) Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things TV) 6,165 fics
(F/M) Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) 6,115 fics
(F/M) The Darkling | Aleksander Morozova/Alina Starkov (Shadow and Bone TV/Grishaverse) 6,090 fics
(F/M) Jane Foster/Thor (Thor Movies/Marvel) 6,042 fics
(F/M) Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington (Bridgerton TV) 5,935 fics
(F/M) James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Female Character (Marvel) 5,933 fics
(F/M) Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (House of the Dragon TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 5,918 fics
(F/M) Wanda Maximoff/Vision (WandaVision TV/Marvel) 5,865 fics
(F/M) Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 5,806 fics
(F&M) Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader & Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars/Star Wars) 5,652 fics
(F/M) Loki/Original Female Character (Marvel) 5,456 fics
(F/M) Kaz Brekker/Inef Ghafa (Six of Crows/Grishaverse) 5,393 fics
(F&M) Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker (Spider-Man/Marvel) 5,370 fics
(F/M) Dean Winchester/Original Female Character (Supernatural TV) 5,301 fics
(F/M) Riza Hawkeye/Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) 5,269 fics
(F/M) Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne (Batman/DCU) 5,246 fics
(F/M) Barry Allen/Iris West (The Flash TV/DCU) 5,213 fics
(F/M) Guinevere/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin TV/Arthurian Mythology) 5,166 fics
(F&M) Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako (MHA) 5,162 fics
(F/M) Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes (Teen Wolf TV) 5,128 fics
(F/M) Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) 5,047 fics
(F/M) Edward Cullen/Bella Swan (Twilight) 5,034 fics
(F/M) Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair (Stranger Things TV) 5,026 fics
(F/M) Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan) 5,019 fics
(F/M) Aang/Katara (Avatar Last Airbender) 4,999 fics
(F/M) Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso (Rogue One/Star Wars) 4,988 fics
(F/M) Lydia Martin/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf TV) 4,970 fics
(F/M) Alistair/Female Warden (Dragon Age) 4,956 fics
(F/M) Natsu Dragneel/Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail) 4,922 fics
(F/M) Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things TV) 4,903 fics
(F/M) Caroline Forbes/Klaus Mikaelson (Vampire Diaries TV) 4,899 fics
(F/M) Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper (Stranger Things TV) 4,753 fics
(F/M) Higurashi Kagome/Inuyasha (Inuyasha) 4,711 fics
(F/M) Clark Kent/Lois Lane (Superman/DCU) 4,653 fics
(F/M) Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks (Marauders/Harry Potter) 4,590 fics
(F/M) Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo (MHA) 4,480 fics
(F/M) Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan (Dragon Age) 4,479 fics
(F/M) Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma (Bridgerton TV) 4,465 fics
(F/M) Lydia Martin/Jackson Whitteman (Teen Wolf TV) 4,435 fics
(F/M) Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones TV/Song of Ice and Fire) 4,429 fics
(F/M) Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester (Supernatural TV) 4,411 fics
(F/M) Tartaglia | Childe/Ying | Lumine (Genshin Impact) 4,360 fics
(F/M) Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki (MHA) 4,349 fics
(F/M) Clary Fray/Jace Wayland (Shadowhunters TV) 4,340 fics
(F/M) Josh Lyman/Donna Moss (West Wing TV) 4,333 fics
(F/M) Astarion/Original Female Character (Baldur's Gate) 4,307 fics
Next list Dec. 21, 2024
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outtagum · 2 years
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Halloween 2022: Iconic celebrity costumes (1/?)
Mindy Kaling as Velma Dinkley from SCOOBY-DOO
Janelle Monae as Diva Plavalaguna from THE FIFTH ELEMENT
Lili Reinhart, Madelaide Petsch and Camila Mendes as The Sanderson Sisters from HOCUS POCUS
Paris Hilton as Sailor Moon 
Kim Kardashian as Mystique from X-MEN
Kylie Jenner as The Bride of Frankenstein
Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake as Harry and Marv from HOME ALONE
Jade Thirlwall as Princess Jasmine from ALADDIN
Florence Pugh as Cruella DeVil from 101 DALMATIANS and friend Theo Smith as iconic Florence Pugh at 2022 Venice Film Festival
Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian as Chucky and Tiffany from BRIDE OF CHUCKY
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Tell me which ship that includes my Rebecca Simpson OC, you want to see my best art of.
1. Sideshow Bob X Rebecca
2. Krusty X Rebecca
3. Milhouse X Rebecca
4. Moe X Rebecca
5. Mr. Burns X Rebecca
6. Principal Skinner X Rebecca
7. Sean Bont X Rebecca
8. Apu X Rebecca
9. Barney X Rebecca
10. Blake Black X Rebecca
11. Bode Wright X Rebecca
12. Chief Wiggum X Rebecca
13. Colin X Rebecca
14. Jack DeForest X Rebecca
15. Frank Grimes X Rebecca
16. Superintendent Chalmers X Rebecca
17. Ol' Gil X Rebecca
18. Hank Scorpio X Rebecca
19. Hubert Wong X Rebecca
20. Ralph X Rebecca
21. Jacques Brunswick X Rebecca
22. Jimbo X Rebecca
23. Professor Frink X Rebecca
24. Julio Franco X Rebecca
25. Karl (Simpson and Delilah) X Rebecca
26. Lenny X Rebecca
27. Luke Stetson X Rebecca
28. Sideshow Mel X Rebecca
29. Ned Flanders X Rebecca
30. Nelson X Rebecca
31. Brenden Biederbecke X Rebecca
32. Nick (the Daughter Also Rises) X Rebecca
33. Stonecutter Number One X Rebecca
34. Otto X Rebecca
35. Grady X Rebecca
36. Lucas Porter X Rebecca
37. Snake Jailbird X Rebecca
38. Thelonious (Trilogy of Error) X Rebecca
39. Troy McClure X Rebecca
40. Freddie Scorpio X Rebecca
41. Lionel Hutz X Rebecca
42. Hugh Parkfield X Rebecca
43. Dr. Nick X Rebecca
44. Cecil Terwilliger X Rebecca
45. Fat Tony X Rebecca
46. Edmund (Tweenlight) X Rebecca
47. Reverend Lovejoy X Rebecca
48. Todd Flanders X Rebecca
49. Walt Warren (the Bob Next Door) X Rebecca
50. Willie X Rebecca
51. Bart X Rebecca
52. Herbert Powell X Rebecca
53. Homer X Rebecca
54. Jack Lassen X Rebecca
55. Artie Ziff X Rebecca
56. Jack Crowley X Rebecca
57. Dwight Diddlehopper X Rebecca
58. Mr. Bergstrom X Rebecca
59. Freddy Quimby X Rebecca
60. Comic Book Guy X Rebecca
61. Bleeding Gums Murphy X Rebecca
62. Cletus Spuckler X Rebecca
63. Disco Stu X Rebecca
64. Larry Burns X Rebecca
65. Officer Eddie X Rebecca
66. Hans Moleman X Rebecca
67. Mayor Quimby X Rebecca
68. Michael D'Amico X Rebecca
69. Bartigula the Jerk (I, Carambus) X Rebecca
70. Dr. Marvin Monroe X Rebecca
71. Wayne Slater (The Falcon and the D'ohman) X Rebecca
72. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) (The Simpsons Movie) X Rebecca
73. Kent Brockman X Rebecca
74. Carl Carlson X Rebecca
75. Langdon Alger (Simpsons Comics) X Rebecca
76. Charlie (Oh Brother, Where Bart Thou?) X Rebecca
77. Portuguese Boy (A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again) X Rebecca
78. Peta (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
79. Pita (Dry Hard) X Rebecca
80. Martin Prince X Rebecca
81. Kirk Van Houten X Rebecca
82. Blake (Three Dreams Denied) X Rebecca
83. Corey Masterson X Rebecca
84. Dolph X Rebecca
85. Donny (The deBarted) X Rebecca
86. Digby Diggs (Diggs) X Rebecca
87. Kevin (Stealing First Base) X Rebecca
88. Zachary Vaughn (Bart Gets a Z) X Rebecca
89. The Rich Texan/Richard Texan X Rebecca
90. Rainier Wolfcastle X Rebecca
91. Marv Szyslak X Rebecca
92. Michael De Graaf X Rebecca
93. August Steffan X Rebecca
94. Homer Simpson (Not It) X Rebecca
95. Erik X Rebecca
96. Moe Szyslak (Not It) X Rebecca
97. David (Treehouse of Horror XVI: Bartificial Intelligence) X Rebecca
98. Roger (Treehouse of Horror XXI: Master and Cadaver) X Rebecca
99. Hugo (Treehouse of Horror VII: The Thing and I) X Rebecca
100. Vampire Burns (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
101. John (Homer's Phobia) X Rebecca
102. Mike Wegman (Go Big or Go Homer) X Rebecca
103. Lyle Lanley (Marge vs. the Monorail) X Rebecca
104. Roger (Every Man's Dream) X Rebecca
105. Devil Flanders (Treehouse of Horror IV: The Devil and Homer Simpson) X Rebecca
106. Harry Potter (Treehouse of Horror XII: Wiz Kids) X Rebecca
107. The Fat in the Hat (Treehouse of Horror XXIV: The Fat in the Hat) X Rebecca
108. Reaper Homer (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Reaper Madness) X Rebecca
109. John Frink Sr. Robot (Treehouse of Horror XIV: Frinkenstein) X Rebecca
110. Mutant Burns (Treehouse of Horror VIII: Homega Man) X Rebecca
111. Hansel Bart (Treehouse of Horror XI: Scary Tales Can Come True) X Rebecca
112. Noir Homer (Treehouse of Horror XXXI: Into the Homerverse) X Rebecca
113. Dracula (Treehouse of Horror XX opening & Treehouse of Horror XXI: Tweenlight) X Rebecca
114. Stephen King (Treehouse of Horror XXIV opening) X Rebecca
115. Vampire Bart (Treehouse of Horror IV: Bart Simpson's Dracula) X Rebecca
116. Dr. Bartley (Treehouse of Horror XV: Four Beheadings and a Funeral) X Rebecca
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Ok but what about a National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation x Home Alone AU where Kevin McCallister and Clark Griswold become a psychotic tag team against Harry and Marv trying to steal from Todd and Margo’s luxury home with Cousin Eddie as their accomplice
Also the idea of Cousin Eddie having Marv and Harry bound and gagged in dog chains and Christmas ribbon for the police to arrest the both of them while a startled Margo and Todd see their wrecked house from the remains of Kevin’s booby traps where he apologizes with his “Swaggering Kevin” charm by offering them Christmas cookies
Kevin, to Margo and Todd: ✨😎☺️ I wanna apologize for me and Clark destroying your house with booby traps so I figured I’d make it up to you by bringing you some Christmas cookies *gives a convincing “I did nothing wrong” smile* ☺️😎✨
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whirlwindchick · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Home alone, Christmas ornament newspaper 📰 wanted.
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cosmoseinfeld · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @misterblik - i feel honoured
Three ships: macdennis, jerrykramer, house x wilson
Favorite ship ever: all of them are my favourite... gonna say tommyalfie to give them a mention (peaky blinders). i just love their power dynamics. i haven’t watched peaky in a while but i can always read tommyalfie fic.
First ship ever: mulder x scully (it was called msr for mulder scully romance). ships from before i knew what shipping was, i def shipped timon & pumbaa as a child, as well as balu & bagheera and probably also marv&harry from home alone
Last song: The National - New Order T-Shirt
Last movie: The Intern. Lighthearted comedy starring Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNiro
Currently reading: fan fiction and Maurice
Currently watching: Shrinking (new drama comedy starring Harrison Ford and Jason Segel. it’s from the Ted Lasso guys, so if you like that, I recommend watching it. it has gay people)
Currently consuming: veggie stew
Currently craving: inner peace
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drarreckyninja · 3 years
Marv: I love you. Harry, not paying attention: What was that? Marv: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Harry: I love you, too.
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thewistlingbadger · 3 years
Harry and Marv are a t4t couple. I don't make the rules.
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