#Happy Mid Autumn Moon Festival
heavenboy09 · 1 year
Today marks the 1st day of the Mid Autumn 🎑 🍂 Moon 🌙 Festival. This is a day of celebration and legends of old that started in Asia. In China 🇨🇳 a Legend speaks about a Beautiful and Enchanting woman known as Chang'e, The Moon 🌙 ✨ Goddess.
In Chinese mythology, she is a subject of several legends in China. Referring her as a Beautiful woman who became a Immortal Goddess and wanted to be with her one true love, Houyi The Archer. But for some reason fate kept them separated apart and so with 2 elixirs that would make them Immortal Forever.
Chang'e drank hers but Houyi did not consume his straight away. But let Chang'e keep it with her, as he did not want to gain immortality without his beloved wife.
However, while Houyi went out hunting, his apprentice Fengmeng broke into his house and tried to force Chang'e to give the Elixir to him. She took them instead of giving them to Fengmeng.
Then, Chang'e flew upward past the Heavens, choosing the Moon 🌙 as a residence, as she loved her husband and hoped to live nearby him.
Houyi discovered what had transpired and felt guilty, so he displayed the fruits and cakes that Chang'e had enjoyed 🥮 , and killed himself.
Such a sad story but the Tale of this has inspired many throughout Centuries to Worship the Moon Goddess 🌙 🙏 ✨ on this day to be thankful and honor her Story with her beloved and hoping she will be reunited once again for all eternity.
Happy Mid Autumn Moon 🥮 Festival to all of Asia 🌏 and wherever you are to celebrate it. @autumnmoonfestival #autumnmoonfestival #moongoddess #change #mooncakes
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eled0ra · 1 year
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Happy moon festival 🌝
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iron-sparrow · 2 days
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May your life be full as the moon.
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When Obsidian learned that Selenite had never set eyes upon the moon, they delved into their memory banks to recall images of this celestial body. Once the opportunity arose, the machine took their beloved companion into the wilderness beyond their pristine existence ⸺ the only existence Selenite had ever known. They rode on and on, until the lightning receded into starlight. There, in the darkest reaches of the sky, a miracle waited.
Wishing you a very good and abundant Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, my friends. For many cultures around the world, this is the time we observe the beautiful full moon and give thanks for a bountiful harvest.
For me, the year's bounty can be found in the friends who've embraced me into their lives ⸺ and the new faces I've gotten to know in 2024. They have helped me in my forever-journey for better mental health, whether they know this or not.
Let's go into the new season replenished.
🌕 feat. @ahollowgrave's Selenite
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preciousqiqi · 3 days
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240917 Cheng Yi Studio weibo update (1st, 2nd)
Cheng Yi #MidAutumnMoonViewingDiary# Cheng Yi Mid-Autumn postcard 🎑 Presenting it to everyone with both hands 🥮
Behind-the-scenes postcard drop 📸 ~ Double the happiness ✌🏼
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jiianie · 3 days
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yilian0203 · 1 year
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"Isn't the moon so beautiful tonight?"
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banji-effect · 2 days
Go outside and look at the moon 🌕✨
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falderaletcetera · 2 days
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artistheworld · 2 days
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bihansthot · 1 year
So, I posted this on my RP blog a few years ago and I decided I would share it on my main blog too because it’s cute and we’re getting close to that time of year again. It’s written with non Scorpion Kuai Liang in mind but I suppose it fits the current timeline too so however you want to look at it is fine. It’s just a fun little fluff story about the Mid-Autumn Festival before Bingbing was born. I’d like to maybe, hopefully write a sequel to it but what with MK1 coming out and all the requests I have I don’t know if I’ll be able to be self indulgent, but maybe I should be. I need to find a good balance between writing what others want and what I want or else I’ll get burnt out again and take two years off again and no one wants that. Anyway hopefully you loves will enjoy this little snippet of daily life in the Sub-Zero household. 💙💕
Magic In These Moon Cakes
I make my way back home from the market, hands full of dishes and sweets for tonight, and sigh loudly as my swollen ankles protest my actions. I’m barely through the door when I’m faced with a very cross-looking cryomancer.
“Qīn, where have you been? I’ve been worried about you,” Bi-Han says sternly, grabbing the bags from me with frightening ease. He ushers me into our apartment as he sets the bags down on the kitchen counter, not even bothering to acknowledge his brother sitting on the couch.
“Kuai Liang-Gēgē, I didn’t know you’d be here so soon, my apologies for taking so long at the market, the lines and crowds were crazy,” I greet my brother-in-law and rest my hand on the small of my back to try and give it some more support.
“Sit,” Bi-Han commands as he pushes me gently down onto the couch before pulling my legs up and onto the ottoman, giving them immediate relief. “All this walking and stress of shopping and carrying all those bags aren’t good for the baby, why didn’t you just wait for me to get back home from picking Kuai Liang up?”
“Polar Bear, I’m pregnant, not made of glass, besides you hate shopping when the crowds are this bad,” I try and reason with my stubborn husband, but it’s halfhearted at best since I know he’s right. “Besides I felt so bad for not preparing the meal myself this year I felt like I needed to do something at least,” I sigh and rub my ankles.
“The Mid-Autumn Festival happens every year qīn, who cares if we miss moon cakes one year, your health is more important to me,” he grumbles even though I can see him eyeing the boxes of various moon cakes.
“It’s important for the boys, they love the Mid-Autumn Festival, you know the boys all take turns being Hou Yi and defeating all the demons not to mention stuffing themselves full of as much duck and crab they can. Besides they’re not the only ones who wanted duck,” I mumble and slouch down in the chair.
“Don’t forget brother it’s also an important time for families to gather together and appreciate the beauty of the moon,” Kuai Liang pipes up in an attempt to help defend my insistence at celebrating this year.
“Who exactly invited you again?” Bi-Han shoots his younger brother a look before turning his attention back to the groceries, “which ones need to be refrigerating qīn?”
Kuai Liang sulks at his brother’s playful malice, “your wife invited me thank you very much, and my nephews actually enjoy spending time with me.”
“Someone has to,” Bi-Han scoffs as he starts looking through the bags. “How many boxes of moon cakes did you buy qīn?” Bi-Han exclaims in disbelief as he pulls box after box of moon cakes out of the bags.
“Red bags need to be refrigerated and I six boxes, one of each of us, there are so many different varieties now I wanted to try them out. They have Oreo ones now! Oreos! I can’t wait! Oh! Oh! I can’t forget about the custard-filled ones! I also got some of the traditional ham and nut ones since I know your brother likes those ones, and some sesame paste ones for you, I don’t know I just wanted to go all out for the baby. I know shes’ not here yet but it’s technically her first Mid-Autumn Festival and since I’m too far along to really stand on my feet long enough to bake moon cakes and boil crabs and roast ducks and all the other dishes, I maybe went a little overboard.” I excitedly explain to both Bi-Han and Kuai Liang as I affectionately cradle my round belly.
“Well when you put it that way I guess I can’t be too upset, but I still wish you had just waited for me so I could carry everything for you, or at least you could have taken the twins,” Bi-Han grumps while putting the raw crabs in the fridge and the various containers of roasted duck and vegetables.
“Bi-Han I wasn’t going to make the boys get up early on a rare day off of school, they deserve to sleep in,” I yawn and lean back in the chair before I’m startled by a loud shout.
“Gotcha Shūshu,” my youngest announces as he flings himself in Kuai Liang’s lap with a pitiful handful of snow to the face.
“Shìxuě,” I scold him, and no sooner does his name leave my mouth than Kuai Liang’s hands come up to masterfully deflect a punch from Xiǎo-Hán and a kick from Xiǎo-Bīng, “boys!”
Kuai Liang chuckles as he pulls the twins next to him ruffling their hair, “it’s ok Sol, they’re getting much better! Your father must be doing a good job training you boys.”
Xiǎo-Hán is the first to break free from Kuai Liang’s gasp, “we’ve been working hard in between school lessons and soccer practice, look!” He exclaims excitedly as he begins forming an icicle in his palm.
“Yes, very impressive! I trust you’re putting the same effort into your studies too,” Kuai Liang questions quirking an eyebrow.
Xiǎo-Hán gives him a sheepish grin, “I’m doing a lot better this semester than last, so that’s got to count for something right?”
“Yes,” I smile at him knowing how hard he’s been trying, “it hasn’t gone unnoticed.” I turn to Kuai Liang, “Xiǎo-Hán takes after his Father maybe a little too much in the sense that he cares far more about his cryomancy than he does his studies.”
“Who wants moon cakes?” Bi-Han comes into the living room with a tray piled high with the pastries as the boys clamor for the treats.
I frown at him momentarily, “you boys can have one before dinner, and I mean you and Kuai Liang in that too Bi-Han. I don’t want anyone spoiling their dinner.”
“Deal,” Bi-Han agrees as he sets the tray down on the coffee table as he reaches for one of the sesame-filled ones and stuffs it in his mouth.
The boys all grab theirs before Shìxuě toddles over to me with a custard-filled one, “here mama. I brought it to you so you don’t wake up Mèimei and she doesn’t make you grumpy.”
“Thank you my little pumpkin,” I smile and pull him into my lap before taking a bite of the sweet, flaky pastry. I sit back and enjoy my happy little family as I can’t wait for our newest little one to join in next year’s festivities.
“Mama, will you tell us about Chang’e? I wanna hear the part about Hou Yi again,” Shìxuě asks as he bites into his moon cake and snuggles against my growing stomach.
“Would you rather watch Over the Moon again?” I ask grinning at him and humming the opening tune to the movie knowing full well what my son will choose.
“Yes!” he grins, with Oreo cream already all over his face.
“Boys, do you mind turning on the TV and getting the movie set up? We can watch it together before dinner,” I turn to ask my twins who are still trying to wrestle with their uncle. The boys do as I ask and we all settle in to watch the movie before enjoying dinner and basking in the beautiful glow of the full autumn moon.
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Tarot Assignment: Eva Rosalene
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I thought this picture of her was pretty cute. :)
Two of Cups: This card pertains to a balanced partnership with a strong connection and mutual respect; while Neil may annoy Eva to no end, they work well together and have been friends since childhood - she covers for him and they are a team first and foremost. At the same time, this card also recommends better communication between the parties, something which they... aren't great at when it comes to more serious topics.
Judgement: Judgement is all about reflection, evaluation, purpose, and understanding. Eva keeps track of her day-to-day with her diary, and is forward thinking when it comes to her plans for her future. She also gives a great deal of thought to her chosen career path - she chose it because she believes it to be helpful to their patients, but the criticism from the public can cause her to doubt herself at times. Judgement allows room for doubt so long as it is accompanied by reflection, and requires a blend of intellect and intuition to move forward and either make a change or leave those doubts in the past.
Queen of Swords: This card is all about intellect, rational decision making, and acting on the facts. While stemming from a place of compassion, this card chooses to act primarily with logic and reason, which may make certain decisions appear cold to outsiders. Eva takes her job seriously, and her decision at the ending of To the Moon, while harsh, was based off of a risk she felt, given what they knew, to be worth taking. This card also prefers to set strict boundaries, which is reminiscent of Eva's separation of the personal from the professional.
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brabralover · 1 day
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happywonders · 2 days
Goddess of the Moon (Cháng’é)
Goddess of the Moon (Cháng’é)
“Every year around September in the Gregorian calendar, people across Asia and around the world gather with their families to celebrate the Moon Festival (Mid-Autumn Festival).
The festival involves the serving of mooncakes and, in some places, like Taiwan, often involves barbecue parties with family, friends and neighbors. Central to the folklore of the Moon Festival is the telling of the story of the moon goddess, Cháng’é.
According to this ancient story, a long, long time ago, the heavens was home to ten blazing suns. The ten suns scorched the surface of the earth mercilessly and the earth’s inhabitants – the animals, plants and people – struggled desperately to survive in this fiery world.
One day, a brave and powerful archer decided to take matters into his own hands. His name was Hòu Yì and he took his bow, climbed up the highest peak he could find and challenged the suns.
One by one, Hòu Yì succeeded in downing the fiery orbs. Just as he was about to shoot down the tenth and final sun, however, a beautiful village maiden appeared and begged him to stop.
“If you shoot down the final sun,” she pleaded, “the world will be plunged into icy darkness forever. Spare this last sun and the world will thrive – neither too bright or too dark, too hot or too cold.”
Hòu Yì heeded the maiden’s advice and permitted the last sun to remain in the sky.
The gods rewarded Hòu Yì’s bravery by gifting him with a bottle of elixir which, when imbibed, would turn mortals into immortals and enable them to join the gods.
In addition to the heavenly gift, the village maiden, thankful for Hòu Yì’s bravery, pledged herself to be his wife. The maiden’s name was Cháng’é.
When Hòu Yì received the elixir, he did not immediately consume it. He put away the bottle in what he felt was a safe place in his home and went on a hunt, leaving his dear wife to guard the elixir. The two had decided that, at a later time, they would both take the elixir and be able to live with the gods together, never to be separated.
It was at this time that bandits who knew of the elixir’s existence, intruded upon Hòu Yì’s residence, demanding that Cháng’é give up the elixir.
The maiden, unwilling to hand over her husband’s hard-won prize to bandits, took the decision to consume the substance herself.
This ill-timed and supposed blessing of immortality had become a curse – forever separating Cháng’é from her husband who must remain a mortal man.
Cháng’é felt her body become lighter and lighter. She began to float up towards the sky, eventually landing on the Palace of the Moon, where she took up residence.
Hòu Yì, separated from his beloved wife, could do nothing. But thenceforth, he began, on the anniversary of his wife’s ascent to the moon during mid-autumn, to place fruits and cakes on altars to honor her.
This practice began by Hòu Yì during this time of year is the reason, this story says, behind the mid-autumn festival so popular throughout East Asia.”
Reference: islandfolklore.com/the-bunny-girl/
(Barbie is wearing Over the Moon Chang’e doll’s dress/headpiece) (Moon is a mini moon lamp)
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preciousqiqi · 2 days
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240917 iQIYI weibo update with Cheng Yi
Holding the sword of heaven and earth, enjoying the clear breeze and bright moon. On this beautiful Mid-Autumn Festival, Wangquan Fugui (played by Cheng Yi) and Qing Tong (played by Li Yitong) wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. We look forward to spending the holiday together with Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Sword and Beloved, and hope to meet you soon!
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IT IS THE MOONᵗᵐ DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ranfused4ever · 3 days
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