#Hanna the Valkyrie
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sillyromance · 10 months ago
Good day everyone!
Recently I have come across a beautiful character Time from Tim Burton's "Alice through the Looking glass" and decided to write a small fanfic about him and my OC for this universe. Hope you'll like it!
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A deeper meaning
Time was listening. Chronometers were ticking gently above him, counting seconds of each life in Wonderland. Every day it was a day of someone's death and birth, new grief and new happiness. Tears and laughter, dancing and agonizing, love and loath - so many things, so many emotions contained in a simple monotonous sound: "Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock..." But Time could read it through like an open book. He knew everything - and didn't judge, but watched. Time cherished all living beings lying at will of his hand.
Suddenly his attentive ears caught something different.
Fast little steps. Shallow breath. Harsh heartbeat.
Time turned around. He saw Hannah a few meters away, her cheeks rosy due to running; she was panting, her plump lips opened just slightly. Grey wings were wrapped around her tiny figure not being higher than a quarter of his leg. The girl studied him nervously, as if asking if he was mad at her coming here. Though, it still was a glimpse of hope in her eyes. Time couldn't get angry even if he wanted to; she was small and weak, just a fly comparing to him. Now, when she was that tiny, it was brutally clear that even an originally six feet tall girl was yet nothing but a girl: young, awkward and fragile. A girl who was hard not to fall in love with.
- What is it, Hun? - He lowered down and made a welcoming gesture. - Why did you leave your apartments?
She rushed closer, but stopped right beside his hand, throwing shy glances at it.
- I just came to ask if you need anything. You overworked. - She murmured, opening her wing "shield" a little bit, but didn't come any closer.
Witnessing her hesitation, Time smirked kind-heartedly and leisurely picked the girl up from the ground. Fluffy, tiklish feathers touched his cheek and the man’s smile grew wider.
- I guess you are right, dear. - Time sat her on his shoulder and took his hat off revealing his beautiful brown hair - the same color Hannah had. – And… don't be afraid of me so much. It has been much of me already!
- M... Hm... - She nodded, moving closer to his face and settling in her favorite spot beside his neck. Young valkyrie dared to look in his shiny, sky-hue eyes and saw nothing but kindness and warmth.
- I guess it's a right time for dinner, since the Time is rather hungry!
The man turned on his heels and headed straight to the exit. His passenger giggled at the joke and hid in her thick feathers from the wind. She wasn't always that shy, actually. It was just... Him. They had been living together for two months, however, that uneasy feeling was too stubborn to set her free. Sometimes, he would scare her: with his loud voice, soldier pace, piercing gaze, hot temper – his breathtaking largeness, at the end. Besides, he was a lover of a mad woman who once wanted to force Hanna kill innocent people only because she was a valkyrie. A monster, as they say... She was kind of glad she drank that mixture and became small - at least, she wouldn't be that easy to find...
And, despite all that, Time accepted her. He knew who she was, what plans Red Queen was making about her, but he didn't tell a soul she was here. Why? It was hard to say for sure. Hanna wanted to believe he liked her, though it would be too good to be true...
The pair went through the Time-shaped corridor and took their course to the private quarters of the castle. The huge building was a unique piece of art: high ceilings painted by the best masters of Underland, the walls decorated with gold and black wood, specular floors so clean that, if you looked beneath your feet, you would think you were floating in the air like a balloon... It would be difficult to describe the whole glory of that wonderful place. Hanna never got tired of gracious, harmonious lines, of endless columns and pilasters, complicated patterns and pictures fascinating viewers with their colors and stories. There was a tale of the whole Wonderland written by hundreds of generations and carefully kept by Time itself, remembering each day, each life, each destiny.
At such moments, Hannah always thought about connection between a person who gave her shelter and a huge dial in the main hall. Behind a facade it was an immortal, the most powerful creature in the world, not just a cute man with funny German accent.
Maybe, that was the reason why every time she talked to him her knees shook, despite everything she had gone through.
Finally, they found the right door and Time laid a hand on a door knob, but suddenly a low metallic grumble thundered in the halls. The echo roared:
- Where is this clock head!? Find him immediately you fools! I know she is here, and he won't get away with this now! Oh, how angry I am! And he was telling me he loved me! Liar! Liar! Pathetic, disgusting liar!
Hannah would recognise that crispy, deafing scream from the thousands. She tensed and her eyes got poured with horror.
If they had come for her - and they definitely had - she was dead. She turned to Time – his face darkened. Gears on his neck were moving with abnormal activity.
- Don't worry, she won't hurt you. – He whispered gently, concern and anxiety in his artificially blue eyes. – I'll make sure of that.
Something about his tone wasn’t right, though Hannah didn’t pay much attention to that - and instantly regretted it. She couldn’t possibly imagine what was about to happen. Hanna let him reach her, hold her in his hands, bring her close to his lips and...
To say that she was terrified was to say nothing. She tried to struggle in his grasp, but his grip on her torso and wings was firm - it was impossible to make a move, and if she did, she would hurt herself, cutting her skin with various rings on his fingers. Her legs were squeezed by his throat, and no matter how hard she tried to kick them out of there, they only slid further downwards with each gulp. Very soon she saw a row of white teeth over her chest. The girl shut her eyes and waited for him to cut her head off, but... It didn't happen. Instead, very gently, she was guided to the pharynx and swallowed whole.
It was slick, and humid, and dark, and tight; strong contractions of the flesh – or whatever material it was – quickly overwhelmed her. The girl felt dizzy and nauseous – something between terror and disgust occupied her quivering soul. Time promised to protect her, and instead he did... This...
Why? How it supposed to help?
Was it a trap all along?
What… What if she was going to die?
Everything around her was ticking, scratching, whining, rotating - it was like being thrown in a huge old mechanism which the man actually was. Though she couldn't see, the girl could sense every cog doing its job. There were no organic sounds at all, and that startled the valkyrie even more. Still wiggling in poor attempts to at least slow down her glide, she was travelling along a slimy - or rather oily - tube to the core of Time and trembled, predicting what awaited her when she would reach her destination.
Suddenly, the walls squished the girl more intensively than usual - with a pitiful moan, she was expelled in a bigger room. It was soft and a little stiffy like an old laundry; as she crawled forward, her hands dove in a pool of viscous liquid. Like a mouse from a cat, Hanna jerked from it to the side and pressed her little palms against slippery inner surface of the pouch.
- Time! Time, don't leave me here! Please, let me out! What did I do wrong? Please, I'm scared... Time...
The valkyrie hit that elastic flesh and cried. She didn't get an answer, no matter how much she yelled into the pitch black nowhere. It was pointless - it was all pointless. At least... At least it would save her from the fate of becoming a murderer. There he was right - Red Queen wouldn't get to her here. No one would be able to get to her ever again.
Soon she stopped protesting and pleading, and just laid limp on the soft floor, burring herself in her wet feathers. The stomach was warm, and plushie - not the worst way to pass out. But he abandoned her. He... She thought, he was her friend.
Well, she forgot - time is a friend to no man.
Meanwhile, Time was at a very critical situation himself. Iracebeth came across him at the very second he felt his stomach swell, and that was good - she didn't know where Hanna was. However, the woman was so furious, Time could start worrying about his own well-being. She unceremoniously dragged him to the side and pushed into a living room where two guards stood beside an armchair. He was thrown there, and his "lover" sank him in an ocean of questions which were constantly interrupted by her complaints, threats, lamentations and drizzling of broken items she ran into while restlessly wondering around like a tiger in a cage. Although, it wasn't like Time really listened - his hand was on his middle, and he carefully examined his sensations coming from within.
He had to warn her...
Time heard Hanna's desperate screams, they broke his mechanical heart, but he couldn't reply to them, thought he really wanted to. She must have been very scared in there. She must have thought she was going to die... Poor girl. She suffered so much already, and now, when it seemed he managed to help her, he destroyed everything again. The only good thing was that she would be fine. He really hoped she would - if not mentally, then physically. Though, he couldn't really say he was fine - all that happened left him in pure shock.
Rubbing at the spot where he could feel the valkyrie's little body, Time mutely stared at the pissed off Queen and waited for her hysteria to burn itself out. His long experience with that woman taught him that at such occasions patience was the best tactic.
As he expected, thirty minutes passed and she gave up. After breaking one more vase, Red Queen, breathing heavily, sat on a sofa before him and gave her partner a venomous look. She was exhausted.
- ... And after all of that you don't even try to defend yourself? Fool.
- Why would I need to? - The man replied calmly, his gaze confident and clear. - I'm not in any trouble. You were definitely tricked, your majesty.
- What!? How dare you say such nonsense!
- I do dare because the girl you are talking about is not here and I have never seen her in my life.
- I hardly believe it. - The queen took out a big handkerchief and wiped her teary eyes. – And don’t call her that! She is nothing more than a beast. Ah! Even you deceived me!
Time accumulated all his will not to show sarcasm. He could understand everything - Iracebeth's aggression, her hatred towards sister, her sadness and tears, but sometimes her manipulative habits and cruelty were just too obvious. He would still feel bad about her no matter what since, unlike many others, he could see the whole picture of her bitter fate. But that time he stood on the other side of the barricade.
He had to make her leave. And, which was not less important, to keep their relationships in a safe bay.
- Well, I challenge you to test my devotion, love. Order your guards to look around my castle - I can assure you, you won't find any evidences against me.
- Your assurance doesn't worth anything. - She scoffed, turning away. - But you gave me a good idea. Guards!
The red soldiers immediately straightened up, waiting for her words.
- Search through this palace - look under every stone and on every shelf, shake it from the roof to foundation, but find me that winged freak. Alive! And don't stand like useless statues, go for it, now!
The guards obediently left.
While Red Queen wasn't looking, Time exhaled, relieved – Hannah’s quarters were hid well, only he knew the path. So, the game was already over.
At the meantime, in his stomach, the girl who seemed to settle down, suddenly came to life. Oh, it was pure luck only he could catch her voice out here. She sobbed. Gosh, that pretty tiny bird would give him a heart attack! Time didn't stop secretly stroking his taunt middle through the clothes, feeling how the clock in his chest ached as if someone stabbed it with a knife. He tried to convince himself she would be all right. Just some more minutes. He could afford it.
Hannah heard him speaking to someone, possibly Red Queen. Nothing bad happened yet, and still she felt very helpless, and hopeless. It was unnerving to be stuck in complete darkness, figuratively and literally. The only "entertainment" she had was something touching her back lightly as if in attempt to soothe her, however, the valkyrie couldn’t know for sure – perhaps, it was just her lively imagination. She felt indescribably lonely. And that unchanging, never-ending ticking - cold, indifferent - it drove her crazy! She wanted, no - she demanded to get a sign, to hear a single word meant for her, anything showing that he remembered...
Hannah got up again and dug her fingers into the silk flesh once more, struggling to reach the source of slight sensation. Her lungs burned of crying. Choking and sniffing, she called:
- Time, please!.. Please, say something. I can't bare this anymore... Answer me!..
No respond. The girl pushed harder, but the wall softly sprang under her hands and Hannah slammed over the bouncy floor. Her wings felt numb and sore – lack of space didn’t allow them to stretch even on a half of their capacity. Moreover, they were soaked in that oily liquid and visibly weighted: the valkyrie couldn’t stay straight for long or it would make her back dangerously creak.
Time didn't hear her, or pretended that he didn't. The girl didn't know what was worse. Her love for him had a violent battle with disappointment and sorrow. It wasn't like she hated him, no. She just couldn't understand why. Now, when she thought it was the end, "why?" was the only question lingering in her tired mind.
It was inevitably the last question, every fucking time...
Old memories waltzed before her gaze, rapidly turning darker and uglier as they did.
It was definitely all her fault... They were right - it was her fault!...
Powerless, she gave up on the attempts to squirm. But, hiding her dirty face in her palms, she continued occasionally calling out for him.
She didn’t believe he would answer anymore.
But it was the only thing she could cling on just to stay conscious. To stay alive.
Time closed his eyes. It was almost over - they didn't find anything and soon the queen would be out. Regardless, any moment prolonging her stay gifted him with a new wave of agony.
- I'm scared... Don't do this to me... I... I beg you - don't be so cruel... – He heard a new faint shout from within and clenched his teeth.
Why didn't he come up with anything else? What was the reason he thought that swallowing Hannah was the best - and the only - option? Analysing it now, he saw countless possibilities aside that one. But... Back then it was something Time couldn't control. He had to keep her safe, yet close, because only then he could be certain the girl wouldn't get harmed. He rarely felt such strong emotions, and that made it difficult for him to find any proper explanation of what it was. But undoubtedly, it was something primal, subconscious. Something like... Hunger.
Time wasn't a human, though he looked like one; he didn't need to eat like normal people did. When he made a joke about dinner, in his case the man ment consumption of things that would simply keep him going, like oil, for instance. So, average hunger or starvation were unfamiliar to him.
However, that pang which struck him at the moment of danger tore a hole in him - at least, that what he felt. The man couldn't help himself, he knew - that was the right choice: to take her in, to become her alive armour, a tower no one could conquer where his tiny princess wouldn't fear anything. To satisfy that empty feeling. And his opened his mouth, and swallowed her whole despite protests and cries.
The only goal he achieved was that now, she feared him.
- I guess, I was wrong about you after all, my darling… - It was incredibly difficult to focus on Iracebeth, but Time forced himself to stand up as she jumped off her seat.
No one would expect so many controversial emotions to fight beneath the mask of courtesy on his face.
- See? I wouldn’t go against you, love...
- But I’m still mad at you! - She interrupted him. Her foot in a high-heel shoe gave the floor a capricious tap.
- What did I do to cause your displeasure, your majesty?
- You knew I was looking for that creature all along and didn’t do anything! If you really loved me, you would have already brought her to me!
- My seconds are working days and nights on that… It seems she is quite smart. Although, not smarter than my dearest, isn’t she? She will be yours, my sweet queen...
His smarmy grin made Iracebeth visibly soften – she smiled back and let her partner guide herself and her servants to the exit.
" Ok, act casual - a smile, a kiss, a bow. Don't let her know. They almost departed."
- Time... Please...
Wilkins opened the gates and the guests finally crossed the last border of his territory. He watched impatiently as Red Queen crawled into her carriage and two bright red horses with long black plumes on their heads swept her away.
Wilkins vanished too. Good.
-Say anything...
- Hannah!
He put all the pain he felt into that word. The man leaned to the locked gates and hugged himself - hugged her inside of him.
- I am here. Please, don't cry - I meant no harm. I... You are safe. Trust me, Hannah - you are safe!
He fought the wish to cough her up right then and there - it would spook the girl even more; she could get hurt. He prayed she would listen. Time have never thought that his own seconds could be that intimidating; the valkyrie in his belly went silent. Deadly silent.
- I'm sorry I didn't say it to you earlier. It would be too dangerous! I... I understand how you feel right now - I will understand if you don't want to speak to me ever again, but I'm not kidding, Hun. I meant no harm.
The last phrase turned into a whisper on his pale lips. He was counting.
- T-Time?
Her voice was cracked and high-pitched.
- You didn't leave m-me? Is it really you?
Thank goodness!
- Hannah...
- I thought... I thought you would... - She trembled. - That you would kill me...
- No, no, of course not! I'm very sorry... Forgive me, Hun. If you can...
He slowly sat down on the floor. Strange, but oddly pleasant sensation of another life wiggling around inside him restarted. He could say she still was kinda edgy, though the movement appeared to be rather curious than panicking. Time pressed a hand a bit harder against his waist, tracing the girl’s way. In return the man received a hesitant pat.
-What is that, Time?
- Don’t worry. It’s just my hand.
- Oh… - Hannah flinched. She put two and two together, and late realization came to her. – So… You… You were with me… I… oh, Gosh... I was an idiot... I should have thought!..
Her emotions was so strong that she couldn’t finish – the valkyrie simply buried herself in soft wrinkles of the stomach and rubbed at the spot where she could feel his presence. All her worries disappeared instantly.
- I’m sorry for rumbling – you don’t like that…
Time laughed drily.
-Do whatever you want and don’t even TRY to apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong! It was me who scared you. By the way, I want to tell you: you don’t have to watch your step every moment around me just because I’m “the Time itself”! Sounds ridiculous, I know. However…
He paused, trying to find the words.
– I require honesty, Hannah. You should be honest with me and yourself. I’m honest with you – I care about you! I’m on your side! I won’t hurt you just because I can – there are people like that and you met them often – but I’m not them. I call my seconds stupid. But they are my beloved children I would kill for. It’s as true as the fact that you are my… friend.
Hannah noticed the place heated up. Wait… Was he blushing?
-T-thank you… Time. No one ever said that to me after my parents passed away. – She said quietly. – And, frankly… I couldn’t be happier now. I’m shocked – and glad – that you see me in this way. Because you are my friend too. I like you.
He didn't say anything about that. The space suddenly got even more crumped and the clock above started ticking a little bit off the rhythm – but it was just silence. Not frightening, but rather… fluttering that time.
Mechanical noises coming from here and there lost their flat and unbothered tone – they talked. They sang. A trap turned into a temple; Hannah suddenly thought that she was actually inside of his body. Well, it was obvious. But earlier it sent chills of horror down her spine while now they were the chills of extreme adoration. Before he appeared in her head as an invincible god. In fact, he wasn’t invincible – he could feel pain, he could be broken. She could break him like, right at that moment – or any other moment in the past. Time’s abrupt – almost instinctual – decision to put her under his skin, to give her access to the most vulnerable part of him only to defend her instantly obtained a much deeper meaning she was only about to understand - and deeply appreciate…
She snuggled deeper into the warm flesh, listening to the melodic rhythm of his body. He sat there, curled around her possessively.
They stayed like this for long – it could be an eternity.
Although, everything, good or bad, comes to an end.
-I guess, you want out now. – Time’s voice was slightly tremulous.
-I… I do. No offence. - She admitted shyly. - My wings need some space.
-Sure. – She could feel him straighten up. His palm didn’t let go of her even for a second. – And by the way... After you get ready, we still could have that dinner together. If you still want it, of course…
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train-whistles-at-night · 11 months ago
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When I do another big piece that's not just a sketch it's over for y'all
(please do not tag as ship)
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tomoleary · 11 months ago
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Ron Frenz and Scott Hanna "Ride of the Valkyrie” The Defenders #4 Splash Page 4 and 5 Original Art (Marvel, 2001) Source
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cindydacatpink · 4 months ago
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The Nordics Girls
- Sofie Valkyrie (Norway 🇳🇴)
- Elvi Joa (Finland 🇫🇮)
- Helga Lilja (Sweden 🇸🇪)
- Hanna Jónína (Iceland 🇮🇸)
- Agnes Lena (Denmark 🇩🇰)
- Anna Rannvá (Faroe Islands 🇫🇴)
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tristomisto · 7 months ago
I am Tristo, an enthusiast of gaming, writing, ttrpg’s, and sometimes books/movies/musicals!
A servant of Bliklotep and the Ceaseless Watcher.
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I’m 26 years old & identify as demisexual, though I know I’m plenty along the ace spectrum in a lot of ways. He or They pronouns are cool! I currently work as a librarian. But dream of being a writer/podcaster/streamer one day.
I really like to 100 percent games (within reason) so if you’re looking for someone to game with, discuss ttrpg ideas, or wanna just yap about various shared interests… feel free to DM me!
I write fanfic as well, currently working on the Cat and the Valkyrie which is a Fear and Hunger 2 AU fic. With other fic ideas in the works!! Feel free to ask me questions about that too!
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Favorite Games: Cassette Beasts, Devil May Cry Series, Silent Hill Series, Final Fantasy 14, Destiny 2, Cyberpunk, Souls series, Hades series…
Favorite Shows and Movies: Parks and Rec, Twin Peaks, Blade Runner series, Star Wars series…
Favorite Starkid Musical: Black Friday
Favorite Books: The Long Way to a Small, Angry, Planet series by Becky Chambers; Terry Pratchett’s Death (Discworld) Series, Godkiller series by Hanna Kaner, Clive Barker novels…
Favorite TTRPG podcasts: Critical Role, Dimension 20, Cosmonaut Tabletop
Favorite Tabletop Campaign: Dimension 20’s Starstruck Odyssey
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I have a f/o in the form of Zoe from Monster Prom! I’m writing a fanfic about myself and her called Tentacles & Glasses!
This is her and I, and the art was commissioned from @slowpokegamer if anyone is interested in commissioning something similar!
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pastelbatfandoms · 9 months ago
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Watching C's podcast on YouTube, if you are a shifter you know who she is. I really respect her because she doesn't just follow what everyone else is doing plus her SJ in her Hogwarts dr is insane!
It was Stranger Things late last year. It's still unfinished but I made it on google docs and I did post it on here. Besides my written one.
I think Hanna (the one who made this survey) says it best so I will link her TikTok on it! HahaShifts
I connect with my drs through Pinterest boards, FMVs, watching the shows, movies or reading the books, writing fanfic, music, Chat AI as well as Tarot readings & channeling, scripting.
I don't have one.
Asleep or 5 senses method
Birthdays, christmas or Yule, Anniversaries
I don't know yet. Only holidays I have memories of are with Bruce Wayne during Christmas and Valentines Day with Billy Hargrove.
Renee West Wells is a forensic Anthropologist & Journalist as well as makes the costumes for Team Flash and Team Arrow. Michelle Renee in my Fame drs is an Indie Singer, scriptwriter and has her own makeup brand. Lilianne is a SHIELD agent, Mandy Moorington works at Scoops Ahoy as well as a record store, Isabella in my OUAT dr works at the library and Mr Gold's' shop when he's away.
In my Marvel dr I like collecting things, as well as reading, hanging out and playing board games or drinking games with the team. Peter, Pietro and I also like playing video games together. Renee in my Flash dr prefers having sleepovers with Caitlin & Iris or cuddling and watching a movie or show with HR & Harry. Drawing new costume ideas. Michelle in my Fame dr would probably being hanging out with her Crue drinking, having sex ect...or writing a new script or song lyrics. Also hanging out and playing with her kids. If it was My Fame dr with Sebastian they'd probably either be doing some light D/S play or hanging out watching a movie or having him read to her. Mandy in my ST dr would be cuddling with Billy, Eddie or Chrissy. Writing, reading or dancing. Also her and Chrissy doing each others hair and makeup. Bella in my OUAT dr would mainly be reading or hanging out with Ruby at the diner or with her sister.
I travel back and forth between The Avengers universe and XMen universe alot so if you count that... Also go on missions with SHIELD. She doesn't have a set place but she likes Madripoor kind of and Budapest. Renee would want to go to Italy or France. I also want to visit Greece with Tommy Lee because that's where his family is from and Romania with Seb.
My Marvel dr is partly based on the comics. I do have a Shadow & Bone dr but it's unscripted and I haven't tried shifting there. There are moments in my ST dr that is based around 'Flight of Icarus' Eddie's book.
Of course my Marvel dr takes place in the MCU (except GOTG) My Gotham 89 dr is based on the older Batman movies and the new Flash movie. Motley Crue's life is still like the one portrayed in The Dirt (just including me, they also look like them when younger)
My relationship with Tommy is based Pam & Tommy's in the miniseries. Obviously The Flash dr is from the series as well as LOT. Same with most of the Marvel shows (Loki & Hawkeye especially) My Mod Gotham dr is inspired by The Gotham series, TWD series, OUAT and Wonderland, Stranger Things Series.
Yes I've posted about them but in My Marvel dr I am a Valkyrie in one and a Mutant or super in the other. As Lilianne I have control over both light and shadow, as well as healing abilities and the ability to phase through if someone attacks me. (I have to be actively trying though) In My Flash dr I am a Storm Goddess with control over lightning and the weather. I also have magic in OUAT taught to me by Rumple. Since I am the daughter of The Evil Queen.
I already have when I shifted to My ST dr and saw Billy. I posted it HERE.
They all have very different styles since I'm so eclectic in my cr lol Ok I picked a name randomly and got Renee. So for her I'd say basic, classy, rich looking when going out (she went on a date with Harry once dressed casual and felt so self conscious) or dressing up in what her men like. A bit edgier when she's Obsidian Storm. I have an outfit post HERE.
I only have the idea for my rooms in my ST dr and I know what the rooms in My Fame drs due to memories. My room with Tommy looks like in the series and My room with Seb is also in creams and whites with a raised floor where the bed is which was a canopy bed with white lace curtains.
Mandy's room looks similar to this on the opposite wall is a floor length mirror and pink dresser.
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8. Okay I got Amara who is Loki's girl and a Valkyrie. So that Marvel dr as a whole...
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9. oooh I got Carrie aka The Carrion Crow! I do have a playlist for that Gotham dr.
Bellyache- Billie Eilish
Pretty Little Psycho- Porcelain Black
I'm gonna show you crazy-Bebe Rexah
10. Whiskey and Motor oil (grease) remind me of Merle Dixon. I've literally smelled popcorn while watching the episode of Pam & Tommy where they go to the Barbed Wire premiere. I do have ClairSalience. Billy Hargrove smells like alcohol at times but mainly cologne and mint when I channel him.
11. Yes but I will talk about them in a seperate post.
12. I have tons. I usually write them down and post them on here. I will be posting about my Fame drs soon.
13. I don't make scenarios unless it's to help with writing my fanfictions. (like filling in holes) I find that if you call them scenarios then that causes your subconscious to think that reality shifting isn't real so it's harder to shift. I also find scenarios to seem forced as opposed to an actual memory that comes out of nowhere.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year ago
Die Nibelungen (Fritz Lang, 1924)
Die Nibelungen: Siegfried
Cast: Gertrud Arnold, Margarete Schön, Hanna Ralph, Paul Richter, Theodor Loos, Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Georg John.
Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge
Cast: Margarete Schön, Gertrud Arnold, Theodor Loos, Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Georg John.
Screenplay: Fritz Lang, Thea von Harbou. Cinematography: Carl Hoffmann, Günter Rittau, Walter Ruttmann. Art direction: Otto Hunte, Karl Vollbrecht. Costume design: Paul Gerd Guderian, Aenne Willkomm. Music: Gottfried Huppertz
Fritz Lang's two-part epic, based on the Middle High German Nibelungenlied, will confuse anyone who knows the story only via Richard Wagner's Ring cycle: There are no Rhinemaidens or gods or Valkyries, nothing of Siegfried's parentage, and, since it lacks gods, consequently no Götterdämmerung. It consists of two films, Siegfried and Kriemhild's Revenge, that tell the story -- parts of which will be familiar from the final two operas in Wagner's cycle -- of how Siegfried (Paul Richter) slew the dragon and bathed in its blood, becoming invincible except for one spot on his back that the blood failed to touch, then killed the dwarf Alberich (George John) and took possession of a magic net that renders him invisible. He travels to Burgundy, where he wins the hand of the beautiful Kriemhild (Margarete Schön) by helping her brother, King Gunther (Theodor Loos), subdue the warrior maiden Brunnhild (Hanna Ralph). But Siegfried is killed after Gunther's advisor, Hagen (Hans Adalbert Schlettow), tricks Kriemhild into revealing his vulnerable spot. Brunnhild kills herself and Kriemhild vows revenge on the whole lot, which in the second film she accomplishes by marrying King Etzel (Rudolf Klein-Rogge), aka Attila, and provoking war between his Huns and the Burgundians. Lang tells the story with an eye-filling blend of tableaus, set-pieces, and scenes swarming with bloody action, concluding with a spectacular fire in which the Burgundians are trapped in Etzel's castle. The performances are pretty spectacular, too. Richter plays Siegfried as a muscular young goof ensnared by fate, Ralph is a formidable Brunnhild, and Schön modulates from naïve to terrifying as Kriemhild. But it's the production design by Otto Hunte and the costuming by Paul Gerd Guderian that lingers most in the memory. The production evokes late 19th- and early 20th-century book illustrators like Arthur Rackham and Walter Crane, but also the stark hieratic figures of Byzantine mosaics, especially Kriemhild, who becomes more powerfully static as the film progresses. Much has been written about the way the film fed into the heroic German myth that was co-opted by the Nazis, especially since the screenwriter, Thea von Harbou, Lang's wife at the time, later joined the party. (Lang, whose mother was Jewish, left Germany in 1934.) In fact, the Nazis sanctioned only the first half, Siegfried, after they came to power. Kriemhild's Revenge, with its depiction of the corruption of power and its nihilistic ending, didn't suit their purposes.
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Margarete Schön as Kriemhild of Burgund
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plethodontidae · 6 years ago
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nilesfreeman · 6 years ago
So here’s an Avalkyrie fic that no one asked for
Thunder sounded from outside, sending a rumble through the compound and startling Ava so she jumped and spilt some of her tea onto the blanket draped over her legs.
“Shit!” She cursed, tossing the blanket aside. She parked her book on the couch, leaving it open and face down so she didn’t lose her place.
Her small, sock clad feel padded down the hall of the compound to her and Val’s shared room. When she opened the door she wasn’t expecting to find Val there, drenched and pulling off her armor.
“What happened to you?” Ava asks, leaning against the doorframe, an amused smirk on her lips as she took a sip of her tea.
“I was training with Thor, we got caught in the rain,” Val explains as she dries her long, thick hair with a towel.
“Can’t he control things like that?” Ava asks, dumbfounded.
“He thought it would be funny if he drenched me while he stayed dry,” Val rolls her eyes and tosses the towel onto the back of a chair.
“Hmm, how nice of him,” Ava muses. Val simply hums in response as she pulls on a dry shirt and a pair of sleep shorts. Ava pushes herself off the doorframe and climbs onto the bed, watching as Val puts her hair up in a messy bun. Another crack of thunder, this time accompanied by a flash of lighting. Ava’s heart skipped a beat, her hands beginning to shake.
Val finishes fixing her hair and turns to Ava, crawling onto the bed and pressing a kiss to Ava’s lips.
“You’re shaking terribly, what’s wrong?” Val asks, cupping Ava’s face in her hands.
“It’s nothing,” Ava turns her face in embarrassment.
“Doesn’t seem like nothing,” Val says, raising her eyebrows as she turns Ava’s face to look at her again.
“What is it, sweetheart?”
“It’s embarrassing, you’ll laugh,” Ava shakes her head.
“I could never laugh at you, darling.”
“Alright. I’m...I’m scared of thunderstorms,” Ava admits, turning her face down to hide the blush that was burning on her cheeks.
“See, it’s silly.”
“It’s not silly,” Val argues, wrapping her arms around Ava’s waist and pulling Ava onto her lap.
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re not afraid of anything,” Ava says as she lazily slings her arms around Val’s neck.
“Yeah? How do you know that?” Val challenges, running her hands up and down Ava’s bare thighs.
“Because you’re...you. You’re amazing and fierce. A warrior.”
Val laughs, shakes her head, and looks up into Ava’s sea green eyes.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t be afraid of anything.”
“Alright, tell me, then. What are you afraid of?” Ava asks, her fingers playing with the hairs that had fallen out of Val’s bun.
“Sometimes I still have nightmares about the battle with Hela, when all the Valkyrie died except for me.”
Ava suddenly felt very stupid for being scared of something like thunder.
“Val...” she reaches up, grazing Val’s cheek with her thumb.
“Everyone’s afraid of something, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Val tells her with a reassuring smile and a gentle squeeze to her thigh.
“Now I really feel silly,” Ava blushes. Another rumble of thunder shakes the compound and Ava’s arms tighten around Val’s neck.
“Doesn’t Thor control this? Can’t he make it stop?”
Val shakes her head.
“It’s natural, he can’t really stop it.”
Ava leans down, burying her face in the crook of Val’s neck.
“Do you need anything? More tea, another blanket?” Val asks as she rubs soothing circles on Ava’s back. Ava closes her eyes, humming a quiet ‘no’.
A flash of lightning lit up the room for a brief moment, breaking through the barrier of Ava’s eyelids. On instinct she tensed.
Val sighs and presses a kiss to Ava’s neck before gently guiding Ava off her lap. She stands up, walks to the windows and pulls the drapes shut.
“Much better,” she nods as she climbs back onto the bed.
“Come here,” she holds her arms open and Ava gratefully crawls into her inviting embrace.
“Put your head on my chest, listen to my heart beat. Just focus on it, block out everything else.”
Ava lowers herself and gently placed her head on Val’s chest. She hones in on the steady rhythm of Val’s heart beat, closing her eyes and draping an arm across Val’s torso. Val’s hand came up to her head, combing through her hair gently.
And Ava fell asleep like that. Listening to Val’s heart beat, basking in her warmth, her love. Thunder continued to sound and lightning continued to flash, and Ava just slept. She slept without thinking of the storm, without being plagued by nightmares of her parents death. She just slept, safe in Val’s arms.
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travisellisor · 7 years ago
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pages 4 and 5 from The Defenders (2001) #4 by Ron Frenz, Scott Hanna, Gregory Wright, Kurt Busiek, Erik Larsen and Chris Eliopoulos
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selecthumor · 7 years ago
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The Mystery Bunch based on the latest RWBY Chibi
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
Die Nibelungen (Fritz Lang, 1924)
Die Nibelungen: Siegfried
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Hanna Ralph in Die Nibelungen: Siegfried
Cast: Gertrud Arnold, Margarete Schön,Hanna Ralph, Paul Richter, Theodor Loos, Hans Adalbert Schlettow  Georg John.
Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge
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Margarete Schön in Die Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge
Cast: Margarete Schön, Gertrud Arnold, Theodor Loos, Hans Adalbert Schlettow, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Georg John.
Screenplay: Fritz Lang, Thea von Harbou. Cinematography: Carl Hoffmann, Günter Rittau, Walter Ruttmann. Art direction: Otto Hunte, Karl Vollbrecht. Costume design: Paul Gerd Guderian, Aenne Willkomm. Music: Gottfried Huppertz.
Fritz Lang's two-part epic, based on the Middle High German Nibelungenlied, will confuse anyone who knows the story only via Richard Wagner's Ring cycle: There are no Rhinemaidens or gods or Valkyries, nothing of Siegfried's parentage, and, since it lacks gods, consequently no Götterdämmerung. It consists of two films, Siegfried and Kriemhild's Revenge, that tell the story -- parts of which will be familiar from the final two operas in Wagner's cycle -- of how Siegfried slew the dragon and bathed in its blood, becoming invincible except for one spot on his back that the blood failed to touch, then killed the dwarf Alberich and took possession of a magic net that renders him invisible. He travels to Burgundy, where he wins the hand of the beautiful Kriemhild by helping her brother, King Gunther, subdue the warrior maiden Brunnhild. But Siegfried is killed after Gunther's advisor, Hagen, tricks Kriemhild into revealing his vulnerable spot. Brunnhild kills herself and Kriemhild vows revenge on the whole lot, which in the second film she accomplishes by marrying King Etzel, aka Attila, and provoking war between his Huns and the Burgundians. Lang tells the story with an eye-filling blend of tableaus, set-pieces, and scenes swarming with bloody action, concluding with a spectacular fire in which the Burgundians are trapped in Etzel's castle. The performances are pretty spectacular, too. Paul Richter plays Siegfried as a muscular young goof ensnared by fate, Hanna Ralph is a formidable Brunnhild, and Margarete Schön modulates from naïve to terrifying as Kriemhild. But it's the production design by Otto Hunte and the costuming by Paul Gerd Guderian that lingers most in the memory. The production evokes late 19th- and early 20th-century book illustrators like Arthur Rackham and Walter Crane, but also the stark hieratic figures of Byzantine mosaics, especially Kriemhild, who becomes more powerfully static as the film progresses. Much has been written about the way the film fed into the heroic German myth that was co-opted by the Nazis, especially since the screenwriter, Thea von Harbou, Lang's wife at the time, later joined the party. (Lang, whose mother was Jewish, left Germany in 1934.) In fact, the Nazis sanctioned only the first half, Siegfried, after they came to power. Kriemhild's Revenge, with its depiction of the corruption of power and its nihilistic ending, didn't suit their purposes.
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outoutdamnspark · 3 years ago
Welcome! Please Read!
My name is Spark, and this is my side blog dedicated to housing all of my self indulgent fandom works, separate from my usual fics.
(If you've spotted a ~Spark💥 anon on another blog, that's me~)
(Main blog is ChronicCombustion.)
Head Canon/Requests:
{But always feel free to come vibe in my inbox~}
My ADHD makes it hard for me to focus, and I have a terrible sense of time. Please know I may not be very fast or very consistent. I’m sorry in advance.  
However! I love reading other people’s stuff, and if I get inspired I might try to do something in response! Please never hesitate to send me what's on your mind! 🧡
Minors DNI! This blog WILL have NSFW!
I’m well above the age of 18; please only interact if you are, too!
All posts will be tagged accordingly - please let me know if you need something tagged in a specific way, I want to make sure everyone is comfortable!
NSFW and longer posts will also be hidden under a readmore, with CW where applicable. (If the readmore isn’t working, please message me so I can fix it~)
Smutty posts are tagged as #LEMON ZEST.
Non-smut NSFW posts (violence, gore, etc.) are tagged as #PUMPKIN GUTS.
Rules and Fandoms Below the Cut!
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(Maaayyyyybe other Pokemon characters?? I don’t know many. T.T)
OCs (mine or yours)
Reader Insert
Canon Character x Canon Character*
Other Fandoms
Mystic Messenger
Persona 4
Persona 5
(I can take a crack at Persona 3, but my knowledge is limited.)
Kingdom Hearts
Legend of Dragoon
Valkyrie Profile
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion & Skyrim
Hanna is Not a Boy’s Name
American McGee’s Alice/Madness Returns
Vocaloid (if I know the characters)
Threads of Fate/Dewprism
Angst & Wump
All Body Types and Genders
A/B/O*, Consensual Yandere, Oviposition/Eggpreg, Robophilia and Monsterfucking, Furries and Hyprids, BDSM*, Breeding Kink, Breath Play, Daddy/Mommy Kink, Body Horror*, Mild Violence/Blood, Other*
*At writer’s discretion - please DM me to hash out details. I reserve the right to deny requests the make me uncomfortable.
Pedophilia/Minor x Adult
Pokephilia or Bestiality
Hate sex
Omaroshi, Scat, Spit Kink, Lactation, Feedism/Belly Kink, Inflation, Weight Play, Food Play, Vore, Micro-Macro/Big-Little, Foot Fetish
I reserve the right to pick and chose as I see fit, as well as to reject any subjects for any reason! Please do not badger me if I decide not to accept a prompt.
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katlimeart · 2 years ago
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Made in 2016, 2017 + 2018
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as various girls
1. Princess Mia (The Princess Diaries)  - requested by roseprincessmitia
2. Sheila Kopecky (Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master)  - requested by ladytrisha08
3. Aziza (Edison and Leo)  - requested by danfrandes
4. Hanna  - requested by tommypezmaster
5. James T. Kirk (Star Trek movies)  - requested by peachlover94
6. Princess Pea (The Tale of Despereaux)  - requested by supermarioguy2001
7. Silent Hill Nurse (Silent Hill: Revelation)  - requested by nr18plus
8. Tzipporah (The Prince of Egypt)  - requested by yurifan17
9. Wataru Hori (Star Trigon) - requested by ness122
10. Valkyrie (Project X Zone) - requested by supersonicman9003
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moribundanchor · 4 years ago
The Pelle/Dani Receipts, Post Twelve: Runes
Big, huge Hårga hugs and thanks again to @daydreamers for expertise and editing on this post!
So. Runes. Specifically, the Elder Futhark runes, as Pelle tells Dani in the Director’s Cut, the “special little language” of the Hårgans. Throughout the film, runes are insinuated into basically every surface of Hårga and its people. So many tattoo opportunities, y’all. And it doesn’t even technically start in Sweden. Ari stuck a board featuring the whole Elder Futhark alphabet in Christian and Mark’s apartment. You can see it on the bookcase to Pelle’s right in the couch scenes. So, the film’s usage of the Elder Futhark is a deep, deep rabbit hole full of all the multivalent subtext we crave from this film, but they’re also absolutely blaring evidence for the Dani/Pelle ship. Throughout the film, like many of the background details we’ve discussed, the runes serve as a repetitive chorus of their fatedness for each other, but better still, the runes footnote the film’s ambiguous resolution as their genuine happy ending. So let’s dig in.
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Dani has two main runes associated with her, Raidho and Dagaz, and they are both merkstave versions, that is backwards, lending them a negative reading. Oooooh, scary. Except negative readings aren’t necessarily negative either. All runic readings are subjective and contextual, which is why we decided to talk about these last. Let’s not forget that Dani begins the movie at the bottom of an emotional well.
Raidho, literally ride or wheel, refers to a journey. Yeah, Dani’s on one of those, seems legit. This is the only rune that Ari takes care to point out the meaning of within the film itself, when the elder Arne shows the Rubi Radr to Josh, pointing to Raidho on its side and telling him that that one stands for grief. Grief is a legitimate reading of Raidho merkstave, so let’s just take that interpretation at Arne’s word and combine it with Dagaz, Dani’s second rune. 
Dagaz is the last rune in the Elder Futhark, and it means day, symbolizing accomplishment, fulfillment, and new beginnings. As a symmetrical rune, it’s questionable whether it can be merkstave, but Dani’s Dagaz rune (technically runes, as she also has them on her shoes) does lie in opposition. Its negative reading in that case would be hopelessness, blindness, or cataclysmic change. Not fairytale stuff, right?
But Raidho and Dagaz appear together on Pelle’s drawing and on Dani’s dress. Also note that runic inscriptions are read right to left, and the tapestry of the “little love story” is an in-film clue to that reading order. With that in mind, together Raidho merkstave and Dagaz merkstave tell of a big change, even an ending, yes, but an ending to Dani’s grief, and that is what her journey in this film describes. Here, two “negative” readings equal out to a positive in the sense of Dani’s ultimate growth and transcendence. But wait, there’s more.
You will notice the runes on the Hårgans’ clothing, of course, as though they are their personal cult cutie marks, but the embroidered runes are often surrounded by other symbols, esoteric symbols and more complex runic talismans, which deepen the reading of the central rune, like footnotes. In Dani’s dress example, Raidho and Dagaz are flanked by merkstaved Tiwaz runes, with sun symbols above and below. Tiwaz (literally “the god Tyr,” the god of law and justice) is one of the runes featured on Christian’s robe during the sex ritual, and it describes justice, honor, authority, self-sacrifice. Its merkstave meaning then reads as conflict, imbalance, lack of communication...separation. And so, in the specific context of the dance competition, while Dani’s main runes shown in Pelle’s drawing forecast (or possibly straight-up spellcast, depending on your interpretation) an end to her grief, the more complex version she wears for the dance tells of that happening through a conflict and a break...but the sun will come out tomorrow, tomorrow. It is a new dawn for Dani as the May Queen.
Her shoes, which we only see during the dance, are more complicated. First, the embroidery is done in faded red thread, and we know that red appears very selectively on Hårgan garments. Siv wears a ton of red throughout the festival. Maja and Inga also wear striking red additions to their costumes at the Fire Temple ceremony. Ingemar has a single red button on his waistcoat. So red may convey authority, fertility, sacrifice, or even be a brand of shame, but it always seems to mean something.
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As for the symbols on her shoes, again we see the merkstave-ish Dagaz rune, but it is alone in the center, no Raidho. So we’re looking at a big change or an ending again. Instead of suns, we have snowflakes, recalling the Spoiler Tapestry in the beginning, the way it began in frosty dark death skullhead weather and ends in summer dinner and dancing beneath the scariest sun since Teletubbies. To the right, we have a bind of three Tiwaz runes, and to the left, we have an Ingwaz (seed) rune, combined with a merkstave Kenaz. The triple Tiwaz is a victory rune, taken from an Old Norse poem where a Valkyrie was woken from her slumber. Three is a holy number, and that’s definitely something we know the 9-multiple-loving Hårgans pay attention to. This rune means the sleeper Dani is about to be awoken through a victory. Meanwhile the Ingwaz rune refers to coming into harmony and reaching potential. It’s also a fertility rune. Kenaz (torch) is a rune that normally describes transformation, knowledge, and the harnessing of light; merkstave, it speaks to darkness, lack of illumination and a relationship breakdown. Taken together, reading right to left, Dani’s shoes basically say: there will be a great change where she will be awoken from her slumber through a victory, she will have a breakup and/or her illusions will be shattered, but that will bring her ultimately into harmony, and there is the added implication of her fertility, bolstered by the red thread, being part of this. THAT IS ON HER SHOES. 
For what it’s worth, you will also notice Hanna wearing Dagaz in opposition, like Dani, and the elder Sten wears a merkstave Raidho, in yellow no less. You can peep merkstave Raidho and Dagaz elements on the temple doors, too. So even if you eschew our deep dive here, these runes cannot be looked at superficially, as merkstave = bad = Dani doom. If Dani’s doomed, so is Sten and Hanna and the whole damn Hårga, and you may think that, but it’s not terribly likely they’d write it on themselves, is it? Sten doesn’t look doomed to us. Sten looks quite jolly, actually.
OK, time to obsess on Pelle. Pelle has one rune on his Hårgan tunic that he wears for the majority of the film, Fehu, and this seems more straightforward. Fehu means wealth, specifically mobile wealth, specifically cattle. As we mentioned earlier: moo, Dani; moo, sacrifices. And since Pelle’s the one bringing new blood and their new queen, the association of Pelle with prosperity is quite fitting. Add to that the way Fehu and Raidho tend to pop up all over the village, particularly on the maypole. The maypole combination of Raidho (not merkstave) and Fehu speaks to the way the Hårgans believe the dance around the maypole enacts (and reenacts) a ceremony that brings them prosperity, and having Dani and Pelle as Raidho Barbie and Fehu Ken is just kind of perfect in that light.
Pelle’s Fehu is surrounded by four symbols. Let’s have a crack at those, too. First we have what looks like a closed eye up top. At the bottom, we have a cross. The cross is not actually a cross; it’s a combination of four Isa (ice) runes, and we know this because there are four dots arranged around them, telling us, hey, these are four symbols not one. Then to the right, we have another talisman that looks like a crucified diamond with five dots. Again, the dots mean that these are individual runes drawn as one symbol as a kind of shorthand, so this symbol is actually Ingwaz again, quartered by four Isa runes. Finally, to the left, there is another Isa rune crossing a Tiwaz, and the absence of dots here means that they are a bind, or they are meant to be read as one thing (or are a spell for one thing).
The closed eye symbol is a bit of a guess here; it might represent Pelle’s unclouded intuition or maybe, in view of Dani’s suns and the association of Raidho with the summer solstice, it is meant to symbolize Fehu’s complementary association with the winter solstice. We prefer the association with his intuition given the events of the film. But what about the other symbols? Isa is a rune that describes the self or the ego. On the positive side, it is about will and focus, but on the other side, it is everything bad about ice: rigidity, blindness and self-preoccupation, being frozen. Again, symmetrical runes like Isa don’t merkstave, but they can lie in opposition, and so we have two pairs of Isa indicating, at the right, self-fulfillment, with the added implication of fertility, and coming into unity with the family after the will breaks through the metaphorical ice. At the bottom it is the same reading, only without Ingwaz. Will and self-control overcomes lassitude. And then again, one last time, Tiwaz crossed with Isa, read as one thing, not a series like the previous shorthand symbols, invoking justice and male energy to, again, break through the metaphorical ice. Taken together, it’s a formula for Pelle and the family’s triumph. Governed by his unclouded intuition, Pelle’s will overcomes that of his four differently-blind friends, bringing new blood and justice and unity with the family for the betterment of all, and the two breaks in the rightmost configuration carry the added implication of Pelle bringing into the family Christian’s and Dani’s new blood.
Finally, as discussed briefly in posts 10 and 11, Pelle changes his shirt on the morning of the dance competition, swapping Fehu for Wunjo (joy). There do appear to be a couple flanking symbols on this shirt, too, but we never get close enough to see, so we’ll just have to go with Wunjo’s face value. Again, this is the rune that emphasizes harmony, family, and the art of correct wishing, i.e. wanting (and getting) what is good for you. Pelle wearing Wunjo when he kisses Dani is a sign that he, the anti-Christian if you will, is her wish come true. This choice is not only incredibly positive for his relationship with Dani, but illustrative that there is a difference between Dani/Pelle and Dani/Hårga by virtue of the fact that he changes back into the Fehu shirt for the Fire Temple ceremony. Insofar as Dani is part of the family after the ceremony, the prosperity spelled on his Fehu-emblazoned tunic applies to her, too, but the Wunjo shirt is for her and for her victory...and his victory over Christian for her sake. The implication is that their story will not simply end with Dani assimilated into Hårga. They have special, personal significance for each other. While the ending shots of the film are a little ambiguous, the runes promise the May Queen and her consort are going to be just fine, y’all.
Again, would you like to see our fanfics?
Of course, there’s tons more to explore in the film that doesn’t speak specifically to Dani and Pelle’s love story, and even while we compiled this list, we were continually noticing and discovering the significance of new things. There’s no reason to think that will stop just because we’ve posted the Receipts. Still, we hope that you will enjoy the evidence we have compiled here for not only the legitimacy of the Dani/Pelle ship, but its promise of a happy ending for the OTP because, by Ari’s own admission, for better or worse, Midsommar is a wish fulfillment fantasy.
For more, click on The Pelle/Dani Receipts Masterpost
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yazthebookish · 4 years ago
What style of clothes do you think Gwyn, Nestha and Emerie would wear these days???
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Did you see my commission for the Valkyries in modern day clothing? This is how I pictured their styles to be and Hanna did a fantastic job with it!
Art by hanna.digiart
Link to post here
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