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knockyasocksoff2022 · 1 year ago
Everyone, please read this.
It's about Chuuya getting Hanauso, the Hanahaki variant in which flowers grow out of your neck when your beloved one is lying to you.
Dazai loves Chuuya.
Chuuya loves him.
There’s something square about that statement that soothes Dazai’s raging anxiety.
When they married, it was in spite of their organizations. In spite of his fragile mental health, in spite of Chuuya’s dangerous life. They are soulmates, and their loyalty to each other comes first.
Now that Chuuya might die with a necklace of Loving Memory roses blooming from his neck, choking him with every passing day, they are willing to sacrifice everything to choose each other again.
[Or: Married Soukoku loving each other above all else.]
More info under the cut.
Archive Warning:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Armed Detective Agency Ensemble (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Language: English
Words: 11,518
Chapters: 1/1
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killacharacterbingo · 1 year ago
Hanahaki / Hanakanjo / Hanauso
Is actually three different prompt. Though I expect most to already know of Hanahaki! We've decided to make them one prompt, since they're all similar in nature.
Hanakanjo and Hanauso isn't very common in Westen Fandom. Something that I'm hoping to change. Cause they're kinda cool!
Is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.
The term hanahaki comes from the Japanese words hana (花), which means "flower", and hakimasu (吐きます), which means "to throw up".
The Hanahaki Disease trope was popularized with the Japanese shoujo manga,「花吐き乙女」(Hanahaki Otome), or The Girl Who Spit Flowers by Naoko Matsuda (松田奈緒子), which was released in 2009. The symptoms of the disease are summarized to strong pain, having flowers blooming in the heart and lungs, and then throwing them up.
Hanakanjō is a syndrome in which flowers start growing out of the victim's body because of a strong emotion. Maybe they'll grow when you're happy, feel loved or in peace! In that case (good emotions), the flowers will sprout painlessly. But maybe they'll grow when you're depressed, anxious or deeply missing someone... In that case (bad emotions), the flowers will sprout with a sharp pain.
Hanauso Disease is a fictional disease in which when the victim’s loved one lies or betrays them, flowers will grow out of the victim’s neck. Alongside that, the victim will be unable to talk until their loved one tells the truth.
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caelanglang · 2 years ago
Down to a Sunless Sea……
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40 min-ish painting bc I found another fic that will inevitably destroy me :”D
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aenbyveryverygayperson · 1 year ago
Hanahaki - flowers in the lungs from longing
Hanauso - flowers on the neck from being betrayed or lied to
Hanahoki - flowers in and outside the skull from being abandoned
Hanasosa - flower ivy growing down from the shoulders in the skin from manipulation and unmet expectations from loved ones
Hanayume - flowers growing in open wounds from dreams being intercepted
Hanagoman - flowery moss eats away at every part of the body until it turns to soil from arrogance at the expense of others
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wolfheartsstuff · 2 years ago
Do you know of any fictional diseases around the concept of unrequited love or heartbreak? I need ideas for a sad rp.
I already know about star tear diease and hanaki, but I want a higher amount of love-related diseases so I can make things real sad.
Hanauso it causes flowers to grow out of your neck when your beloved one is lying to you. You are unable to talk until they tell you the truth.
I could only find this one I'm sorry
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pandakyoki · 2 years ago
Twst Prompts
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-> Potion turns you into a mermaid/siren/nymph -> Potion turns you into a child -> cinema date -> Café/Restaurant Date -> Midnight Snack -> Night Walk/Dance -> taking a Bath/Shower together -> learning how to swim/dance/do make up/sing -> Sleep over -> taking care of sick/hurt twst Chara -> Gender bender/Gender swap -> Nightmare/unable to sleep -> cooking/baking together -> Fashion show -> Photo shoot -> Hunting/Fishing -> Camping -> locked up in a box/closes/7 minutes in heaven -> first kiss -> first sex -> meeting partners family -> Jealousy -> s/o is already taken -> Yandere -> Kidnapping -> sold on the Black market -> singing together or for your loved one -> studying together -> Thunderstorm -> Phobia - uses it against you or he will help you overcome it -> drawing your loved one -> Picknick -> Finally some alone time -> Cross dressing -> Cosplay -> Asian Festival -> going to a concert -> taking part in a Drama/Performance -> Cursed House -> Shopping clothes for Lover/yourself -> Valentine's Day -> White Day -> Easter -> Christmas -> enjoying flowers/plants in nature or greenhouse -> First meeting -> you or partner turned into a cute animal -> Your tsum loves your partners tsum/You snuggle your lover tsum and he gets jealous -> watching Horror movies -> Halloween -> surprise Birthday -> looking for the perfect gift/or make the gift yourself -> building a snow man/sand castle -> accidentally breaking something that it's important to him -> your get bullied and lover gets pissed -> he accidentally hit you with a ball during PE -> searching for ingredients together -> getting lost in town or building -> your partner dressed like a Disney princess -> you carry your partner and he's surprised by your strength -> you had a broom accident and he chuckles/laughs about it, but you think he laughs about you and you ignore them -> finding a part-time job -> beauty routine -> moving in together after graduation/apartment search -> Crossover -> becoming part of a child-friendly original Fairy tale, like Red Riding Hood -> reading a book or playing a good game -> building something together -> he wants your attention -> making a potion together -> having a child/Adopting a child -> flirting with your crush -> Roller skating/Ice skating -> Marriage -> Death/Loss -> BDSM -> all alone and no one else is here, you hear scary noises -> getting drunk and doing crazy things -> Love letter/Love confession -> lover finds your hidden Diary -> Break up -> mend a broken heart -> Arguing -> Hanahaki/Hanakanjō/Hanauso disease -> playing a prank on him -> time traveling/he comes into your world -> Beans Day -> Precognitive dreams -> going to the beach -> Reincarnation -> Phone/Webcam sex -> sharing an umbrella -> accidental touches -> bringing them lunch -> ordering dinner -> wearing his shirt -> Goodbye! -> a playlist made for him -> picking up from work -> wearing goofy clothes together -> gifting flowers, which have a special meaning -> taking pictures together/of him and using them as your phone background -> sitting on his lap while learning -> hair brushing -> giving him a gift because you wanted to -> Mental disorders -> Nursing him after he can no longer walk, lost a limb ect. -> dressing him up and doing his make up -> wearing his dorm uniform
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maryantihill-collective · 5 months ago
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i figured it's about time we make an intro.
We are the Mary-Anthill Collective. It's a silly name, I know, but it's what we like.
We are a sisasystem of roughly 3 and a half. The only thing you get to know about our origin is that it was created out of anger and malicious intentions. We are all facets. We collectively use they/xhe/it and sometimes he.
You do not get to know our primary system or anything about it, and if you ask, you will be told to fuck off.
Our sisa consists of Annie (me), also referred to as Anne; Crowell (the host); Lucillia, my partner; and Ferry, Lucillia's sibling. There may be more, but that we don't know and don't care to know.
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That's me. I am what would be the host, if this were a "normal" system. If anything I am more of a cohost, or a mode. I use she/heart/beat and other pronouns, but those are my preferred. I am a balljointed doll, as well as malware. I'm the anger holder here. The host's bottled up energy of rage and hatred channeled into me to keep it separate. I am DesirHanauso.. (link to Hanauso definition) if that's a term. If not, I'll coin it. I do, however, present with hanauso in the layerspace. Sign off is 📙🧅💢
My darling Lu. They use they/she/blank/navy. A small lost spirit. Sign off is 🌬️🖇️
The light and sun of our sisa. He/sol/light/star pronouns. A glorious, handsome phoenix. Sign off is ☀️💫💡
The "host" and creator. They will rarely show up here, as they have their own blog.
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Whenever you see Lucillia or Ferry post, they are echoing through me or Crowell. Nobody "takes control" or properly "switches", only appearing as certain, specific modes or moods. Including me.
Regarding DNI, we have none. We block freely. BYF, however, we are radqueer neutral, pro-endo, proship, and merryqueer. Please follow your own DNI. Hatemail will publicly be made a mockery of.
WARNING: We do not filter ourselves on this blog. By following, you confirm you may be witness to our obsessive thoughts, mental breakdowns, moments of rage, and other unsightly manifestations of our symptoms, including discussions and mentions of sensitive topics. Triggering topics will be tagged, but if you think you may be at risk of being triggered in any way, shape or form, please block us.
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Userboxes by us. they say the following:
This sisasystem has BPD, as well as symptoms of other Cluster B disorders like NPD & HPD. / This sisasystem is angry as hell and is NOT nice. / This sisasystem has upsetting behaviours and is trying to do better, but please keep a safe distance. / This sisasystem has obsessive attachments & will block you if they get too close to you for your safety.
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captainfightingflower · 2 years ago
Hi me! Do you have any AUs in particular you wanna share?
Well i'm glad you mentioned it me, i actually do have a couple of AUs, most of them not actually shown to the public yet. But i got three that i actually consider to be public domain, where anybody can use it without needing credit, instead of originals like the Jackboxling AU.
I have one that's story based and has a lot of plot, one that's a spin-off from an existing AU i've created (yet not shown), and one that surrounds a trope that's an existing variation on a much more popular trope!
These are all Jackbox Games related, as you may have assumed from my constant ramblings, so you may even be able to guess by name alone which AU features which character (yet the tags will most likely reveal them regardless).
In fact, since these AUs are pretty long and complex to explain in a singular post: why not make a poll to let the people decide which one should be talked about first?
Note: picking one does not mean the others will be obsolete, as the results from this poll will simply dictate the order of which each AU will be talked about.
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ferniforest · 10 months ago
Here's some other stuff about Hanakanjo (the disease version)
Traditionally, trying to remove the flowers will result in death! :0 I obviously thought that was a bit extreme so I took it down a notch for the curse haha
Unlike Hanahaki or Hanauso (<- this is another less heard of one, where flowers bloom in and around the throat when the victim's love lies or betrays them) Hanakanjo... has no cure. The other two can be cured by confessing your love/ moving on from the person/ them telling the truth. But Hanakanjo? kinda just has to be lived out.
Now as for Sundae.. she's a naturally very happy kid, so the majority of the time the flowers are just annoying or a hassle. However, because of (backstory oOoo) she has a rough relationship with them. Sundae likes flowers, but she doesn't like her flowers.
When bad emotions do hit, she mostly just makes sure the flowers are covered and rides it out until they wilt off. Luckily whatever causes them to grow, and the actual growing, are pretty much always separated by some period of time.
New flowers growing causes older ones to fall off faster. So Sundae's very grateful when after an event that'll likely make bad blooms, an event that makes good ones grow occurs too.
I meant for this to be like- three paragraphs max XD Sorry, hope my yapping is somewhat fun to read?
This is a self-indulgent explanation of how my version of Hanakanjō works :}
First of all, what is Hanakanjō?  Normally it’s a disease, but my version is a curse. (You've likely heard of its more popular sister, Hanahaki, in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love.)
“Hanakanjō is a (curse) in which flowers start growing out of the victim's body because of a strong emotion. 
Maybe they'll grow when you're happy, feel loved, or at peace! In that case (good emotions), the flowers will sprout painlessly. But maybe they'll grow when you're depressed, anxious, or deeply missing someone... In that case (bad emotions), the flowers will sprout with a sharp pain.” -Urban Dictionary 
✿ In my version, flowers from positive emotions can easily be removed without any pain, but flowers from negative emotions shouldn’t be bothered because they won’t come off harmlessly. 
✿ The type of flowers that grow are based on the language of flowers! Some Examples:foxglove= secrets, snowdrop= consolation/hope, zinnia= friendship, rue= regret, white peonies= bashfulness/shame
✿ The blooms take time to grow, it isn’t instant. Typically a couple of hours pass before flowers reflecting strong emotions fully emerge. (This is why Sundae was able to hide her curse from others for so long.) 
✿ If someone with Hanakanjō suppresses their emotions, good or bad, the effects will pile up, resulting in a sudden bloom burst of the respective flowers aaall over.
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Special thanks to @crowsandturtlesandbatsohmy for help with the floriography!
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 3 years ago
General asks
Oak comforts his S/O (HT Sans)
S/O dresses goth but is a ray of sunshine (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O has a split personality (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Someone stole S/O wallet and got rid of an important photo (UT, US, UF, HT, SF, FT Sans & Papyrus)
S/O has Hanakanjo disease (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O explodes when touched (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is a robot (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is half-monster and transformed to save Skelly (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O plays tag you're it (SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O made a pillow looking like skeleton (OT, DaT, DF, FT, MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
Random child never saw a skeleton before (UT, HT Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly's kid cried when Skelly puts his hand out of a cup (US, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O has Hanauso disease (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is upset about their girlfriend (Babybones)
The kid S/O is babysitting is a demon (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly forgot his S/O because of time and space shenanigans but they don't want to intrude (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is sensitive to loud noises (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is a naga (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is having fun with skeleton (Babybones)
A child is drowning (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly actually respects his promise to protect Frisk.Chara in the Underground (UT Sans, US Papyrus, UF Sans, HT Sans, SF Papyrus)
S/O is rich (SF Sans)
Willow sees Frisk again (HT Papyrus)
S/O rants about things they find interisting (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O loves to nuzzle into skeleton's chest (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly's kid escapes the daycare (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly falls in love with a mafia rival (MT, MF Sans & Papyrus)
The skeletons are doing an escape game (All skeletons)
Horror Undyne/Alphys didn't die and wants revenge (HT, HS, HF Sans & Papyrus)
Thoughts about poly (All skeletons)
S/O is showing off with a boomerang and it goes wrong (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O takes care of magic creatures (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Some triggers (UF, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly broke his phone (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly and S/O accidentally adopts a bear (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Skelly accidentally steal something in a shop (All characters)
A child is lost (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is a master at self defense (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O's dad is an antimonster and wants to force S/O to break with skeleton (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Toriel is a savage (UT Toriel, Asgore, Gaster)
S/O picks Skelly his favorite flowers (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
A child is living all alone next door (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O is hiding in the closet (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
S/O has their period (Ink, Error, D!Papyrus, DuT Sans)
Nox's dream S/O (SF Sans)
Skellies meet their younger selves (UT, US, UF, HT, SF Sans & Papyrus)
Myfanwi talks
Happy easter and wasps
What's my favorite AU ?
Once again : please read Making a monster
Happy birthday to me
Strawberry festival
Myfanwi asks
S/O got stucked under a car trying to rescue a cat
Skelly's children try to tie him up to sneak outside
S/O kisses the wrong brother
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killacharacterbingo · 1 year ago
Prompt Master List
(Updated as prompts are added)
If any prompts don't make sense check this post: A prompt explained and A prompt explained II
Switching Places
Near-Death Experience
Dumb Ways To Die
Blood Loss
Your Worst Fear
Hard Choices
Dead On Their Feet
Hero/Villain Swap
Tomorrow Isn't Promised
Presumed Dead
Canon Compliant
Never Meet Your Heroes
Dictionary Death
Friendly Fire
13th Reasons Why
Musical Death
Survivor's Guilt
Conversation With Death
Collateral Damage
Test Subject
Pulling The Plug
One Punch Can Kill
Medical Malpractice
The Blip
Cast It Into The Fire
"I Have The High Ground"
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Bleeding Blue
To Be Or Not To Be
Car Crash
Mugging Gone Wrong
Into The Woods
Death Of The Soul
Dormammu, I’ve Come To Bargain
The Cake Is A Lie
Even Heroes Die
With Great Power 
Sacrificed To The Gods
“Sometimes Death Is Better”
"I Finally Have Something To Leave Behind"
Natural Disaster
Mistaken Identity
Ten Years Later
Not So Secret Monologues
180 - The Character Doesn't Die
Final Destination
Raped To Death
Chronic Illness
Outed As A Spy
Bulletproof Vest
Sung To Sleep Forever 
A Soft Epilogue 
Wait For Me In Valhalla 
“I Was Saving My ten” - pain scale
“There’s A Boat Jack” 
Married Life Montage 
“You Have Your Mother’s Eyes” 
Russian Roulette
Karma’s A Bitch
Toxic Gas
Famous last words
"Hey, i think we're going to be okay after all!"
"I'll always come back!"
In another's arms
"You can rest now..."
A long time ago
Falls through the Ice
Asthma attack
Pushed to the Limit
Commotio Cordis
Death row
Breaking the 4th wall
Wikihow to Die
Time loop
“If I can’t have you…”
Cardiovascular collapse
Allergic reaction
Erased from existence
Dead all along
Dying alone
Blood from the mouth
Patient zero
Old age
Fatal Weakness
One moment stretched into a thousand
Origin story gone wrong
Area 51 raid
Trapped in a tiny space
Hanahaki / Hanakanjo / Hanauso
Death by ordinary illness
Hit and run
Mercy Killing
Plane crash
Brain death
Death by seduction
Death bed confession
Organ Transplant
Their Legacy Is continued
Bound By Fate
Running out of time
Can’t breathe
Shot down
Saving Throws – DnD
Smoke inhalation
Death by coconut
“Help me!”
Climbing accident
Blood-stained tiles
“You weren’t meant to be there”
“I love you”
“No… not like this”
Dug their own grave
The AO3 Curse
Deathly kiss
Going through hell
Meeting at the gates
Return from Hiatus
"watch out for the flying blades!"
Left for dead
Strapped to a bomb
Hunger games
Order 66
Murder on the dance floor
Come to terms with death
“It’s okay”
Keeps dying
Letting go
Neuromuscular blockade
Unfriendly pet
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy
Faking their own death
Post traumatic amnesia
Schrödinger's paradox
Arbitrary hilarious death
Lack of Oxygen
High altitude
Diving deep
180 - the character becomes the killer
Angel of death
"You're going down with me!”
Never got to say goodbye
Graphic gore
The end of the world
Uploaded to the server
Sheep in wolves' clothing
Adrenaline crash
Alternate universe ending
Acting on instinct
“I miss you…”
Those left behind
Wind phone
Life support
Time Paradox
Temporary character death
Death during childbirth
Life flashing before your eyes
… Needs a hug
Returning home
Internal bleeding
Death of the universe
Last person alive
“Sorry I have already tried and failed at it.”
“I told you so”
Should have seen it coming
Bad Aim
“Kill me instead…”
Warning shot
Canon died a brutal yet Necessary death
On the run
Not guilty
Knocked over by the wind
Killed by a garden gnome
“Did you fall? Or did you let go…?”
Bleeding from the ears
Buried alive
Blue screen of death
Killed by loved one
Big Bang
Intestinal obstruction
Silence is Going Extinct
Experimental treatment
Horseback riding
Short Bowl syndrome
Body snatchers
Conscious decomposition
One Chip Challenge
withered away
Detective AU
cat and mouse
Siren calls
Don’t realize they’re dead
Moments taken for granted
Expired medication
Deal with the Devil
Picking from a different challenge/Event
Heat stroke
Clone farm
Blood clot
ischaemic bowel disease
organ harvesting
necrotizing enterocolitis
Death by unexpected illness
School shooting
Postpartum infection
Insulin shock
Anatomic hemispherectomy
Emergency Surgery
Euthanasia/assisted suicide
Do not resuscitate
Social media challenge
Cotard's syndrome
Total Laryngectomy
Hospice care
Coin locker baby
Safe Haven baby box
A leap of faith
Drawn out death
narcolepsy with cataplexy
Devils breath
The fault in our stars
Five feet apart
What if the bad guy, wasn’t the bad guy?
What if the Hero wasn’t really good?
Miraculous recovery
Plague inc evolved
“You Shall Not Pass!”
stuck in a chimney
fallen in wet cement
the death of a streak
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
Transfusion Reaction
Forest fire
Sims death
Heart attack
Death by ball pit
Brain mass on the celling
Brain worms
Covered in someone else’s blood
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Mirror verse
We are all replaceable
What if this was your last fanfic?
Fleeting Immortality
Stunt Double
Uno Reverse
Death confession
Dying on your own terms
Murder confession
“Can you forgive me?”
"I'll be right here when you return”
Tunnel Vision
Paying your respects
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okaycvpid · 2 years ago
ah :') yeah its. its like the writing is fucking amazing, and i feel like author has stabbed my soul like im fucking julius ceasar
oh, yeah i think i saw fanart of it? hanauso disease right? In Loving Memory? yeah the tags on that fic fucking terrify me but i want to read it so bad.
The ending is reincarnation-related right? i was just thinking about it and idk it irks me, like really? smh. was the fanfic good though? i havent read the comments.
i just really wanted to say hi so
HI GHOSTIE!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ <3
:DDDD!!! HI GHOST !!! <333
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asavt · 4 years ago
may i ask where did the concept of "body gardens" come from? did you make it up, or is it from something i don't know about? either way i love the idea so much!
The thing is inspired from a fictional dissease called hanakanjō! Similar to hanahaki and hanauso, this condition has to do with flowers, in this case, blooming on the person's skin! They bloom from strong emotions, and come right from the heart. If the feeling they grow under is a positive one they will come out painlessly, on the other hand if the feeling is negative their sprouting will come with pain. Is not recomended to try and tear them off.
There wasn't a lot I've seen on this particular one (less of all hanauso). So, let's just say I gave it a bit more of depth with the flower meanings and took away the pain for negative emotions, and made a bit important the place were the flowers decide to sprout.
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marahuyos · 3 years ago
hi hi, i hope you remember me jfhsjsbdb
this is my first ask for you but i saw this fictional disease thingy from a friend and its called hanauso disease and its basically hanahaki disease but the victim grows flowers on the back of their neck, and this only happens when their loved ones lie or betray them, they won't be able to talk at all while they have it and the flowers will only die if and only if the victim's loved one tells the truth and this had me thinking (for once KDBANSND) that good lord this'll match a couple of characters and i just don't remember who so you may have this idea do this with what you may 🤲
you can also tag me if you end up writing out this idea im genuinely curious to what you di w this idea kfbwnbs
you don't have to reply to this i just think you might be interested ;-w-
(hi hello yes i remember u,,,, ty for feeding my many thots in my head)
ooohhh that sounds vv interesting and doesnt sound almost as angsty as hanahaki where the victim dies (or do they die here? or just do they not speak forever until the lover speaks the truth?). this feeds a lot of ideas into me bc i swear i fall for people with red flags AHDASO so this is an enabler >:)
the first that i could think of is childe and his duties as a harbinger. whether he tries to hide it from u because he loves u or he's using u, when you realize that you love him, flowers will just shoot from your neck and you would start crying that how could you fall in love with a liar?
honestly anyone who leads a double life can be a part of this HAHAHAHA
next person is claude, my original bebe lab, my og pathological liar, my barrel chested deer--even so far into your marriage, he has a habit of lying to save his skin. but u know that it isn't major, as shown by the small buds and a hoarse throat that you stare pensively at your husband. he could only let out a nervous laugh as he spilled the beans.
but if you fell in love with claude during ur time at the monastery? lord, the amount of flowers blooming behind you would've been artistic had it not been the fact that claude is hiding something from you.
now for extra angst, im thinking kaeya or albedo hiding their khaenri-ah heritage from you and you dont know why the flowers wouldnt go away even if they told you the truth. Once mondstat burns and they see you lying on your back with the flowers adorning your neck, you never looked more beautiful in your death.
the secret dies with them.
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boredfaneliza · 3 years ago
there are other types of the hanahaki I never knew about
there's hanakanjo where flowers grew out of the body due to strong emotions
and hanauso where if your loved lies to you or betrays you. flowers will grow out of your neck.
I really like this ideas
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blisschi · 4 years ago
Heavy thinking..
Hanakanjō is a syndrome in which flowers start growing out of the victim's body because of a strong emotion.
Maybe they'll grow when you're happy, feel loved or in peace! In that case (good emotions), the flowers will sprout painlessly.
But maybe they'll grow when you're depressed, anxious or deeply missing someone... In that case (bad emotions), the flowers will sprout with a sharp pain.
There’s also Hanauso, the one which flowers grow out of your neck when your beloved one is lying to you. You’re unable to talk until they tell you the truth.
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