#Hana Quizzes
amoreemioo · 1 year
what does your heart look like, hana?
a bird struggling to get loose …
your heart can never hold still. it pounds against your chest frantically, always turning your sights to one thing after the next. when was the last time you were certain? the last time your life was stable? maybe this is how you prefer things. on the move constantly, not tied down to one person or place. you chase one goal after the next. can you ever really feel complete without a place to land? shouldn’t you build yourself a nest?
tagged by: @gcldbrew <3
tagging: all of you pls
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13flowersandfoxes · 2 years
I think this is the most stressful (almost) finals week ever
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Thank you for joining our first Choices Picnic! It was a lovely event!
Here is how our picnic turned out:
10 fandom members contributed to
28 MCs, OCs, and LIs joining the event who brought
15 different types of food
10 different types of drinks
21 different types of desserts
15 different games/activities
[Event prompts and info] [Full list of community prompts, polls, and quizzes]
Who joined the picnic? [x]
Aiden x Evie
Ethan x Oliver
Noah x Devi
Thomas x Avalon
Ethan x Kaycee
Tobias x Casey
@lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt / @storyofmychoices
Bryce x Olivia
Mal x Daenarya
Thomas x Alex
Aislinn x Verity
Hana x Raelyn
Ajay x Matty
Emmett x Brooklyn
Ethan x Sydney
Thomas x Jackie
Ethan x Celia
Trystan x Sophia
Derek x Charlie
Ethan x Claire
Thomas x Brooklyn
Tobias x Adelaide
What will we be eating + drinking? [x]
Banana Chips with light maple syrup
Buttermilk Fruit Scones
Charcuterie Board (2)
Fresh Baked Bread
Fresh Vegetable Quinoa Salad
Grilled Meat Skewers
Ketchup Chips
Korean Fried Chicken
Pasta Salad
Sandwiches (2)
Trail Mix
Alcoholic Drinks
Cabernet Sauvignon
Chocolate Milk
Coconut Custard Pie
Fruit Salad
Nanaimo Bars
Non-Alcoholic Drinks
Orange Infused Cold Brew
Strawberry Lemonade
Sweet Cocktails
Sweet Iced Tea
Wine selection
What are we eating (desserts) [x]
Apple Pie
Berry Pinwheel Pasteries
Coconut Cake
Fresh Fruit Popsicles
Fruit mixed in pudding, yogurt, whipped cream
Golden Griddle milkshakes
Honey Cake
Lemon Cake
Mint Ice Cream Sandwiches
Pup Cups
Red Velvet Brownies
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Rum Cake
Strawberry Cheesecake Parfait
Weed Brownies
What are we playing/doing? [x]
Capture the Flag
Drink Mixing
Enjoying flowers
Frisbee / Disk Golf
Frisbee with pups (2)
Kite Flying
Lawn Chess
Nature Crafts / Flower Crowns
Paint and Sip
Toss + Catch
What's our picnic playlists? [X]
What 3 things are a picnic must? [X]
How will a little rain impact the event? [x]
How did MCs, OCs, and LIs document the event? [X]
What else was submitted?
I was going to make a masterlist, but since most entries were just reblogs to the community posts it seemed silly... especially since all the extra entries were mine 🙈. Felt weird making a masterlist for just me! If more individual works are added, I'll make a separate masterlist.
@lovealexhunt / @theartoflovingthomashunt / @storyofmychoices
Bryce x Olivia picnic (art)
Bryce x Olivia beach picnic (edit)
Mal x Daenarya beach picnic (edit)
A Late Night Picnic (Mal x Daenarya) (writing)
Thomas x Alex Hollywood sign picnic (edit)
@peonierose : Art on the Beach with Bryce x Luna
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dadvans · 6 months
missing language.
if livejournal posts were still real. this would be it.
i started learning japanese when i was 11 years old, around early summer 2000, from my aunt from okinawa. she would practice with me in the gazebo when she and my uncle would come to visit for family reunions in the midwest, and would continue to buy me tapes, movies, CDs to start learning the language.
my school district was one of the lowest in the country growing up. we had a prestigious japanese immersion charter school, and after a disastrous middle school year, i ended up applying and being accepted. grades four to twelve. each year we were in different (sometimes abandoned or condemned) buildings up until halfway through my freshman year. despite occupying abandoned churches and gymnasiums, we had the highest test scores, and most exclusive college acceptance rates in oregon. it was either that good or that bad. we all hated each other the way family hates each other.
i won my division three years running for the oregon japanese speech contest through my ninth grade year.
i moved to japan two days after my sixteenth birthday. the year and a half that followed was not easy. i had a host family for a period of time that constantly kicked me out, starved me, and found other families for me to live with. i had another family where the host dad tried to molest me twice by taking me to remote locations. when i became fluent, really fluent, around the 6 to 8 month mark (long after i passed the JLPT 3 at the time, which is now closer to JLPT 2), after months of isolating myself in the computers at class to speak english to abroad friends for an hour a day, i told my japanese school friends, and they were horrified. they stepped up in ways i never knew. it wasn't usual for someone to be so forthcoming, and yet they all recognized it as an extreme circumstance, invited me into their inner circle. my home room teachers took notice and would take me out for lunch. my host family situation was codename ONI BABA, and even another family that eventually took me in would refer to her as such, when i asked if i could borrow her koto for a public concert (yeah, the one instrument it turns out i'm a prodigy at is okoto. Played my first concert at a local Obon festival within a week of starting. Talk to me about how Hana Kage is a fucking bitch. this version of 回転木馬 was what i was performing after a year. if you can find my old livejournal account, i guarantee there is a really terrible version recorded on my motorola razr still live).
by the time i was seventeen i was allowed to be on payroll to act as a translator for a month-long "jan-term" project with my mom in japan, where we took about 13 students across the main land. back at my american school i was writing all my essays in japanese, in the style i had been taught in japan (it was WILD to relearn how to rewrite english essays when living abroad-- that shit does NOT translate sometimes).
i went to college. i was immediately accepted into the higher ed programs my school provided. they were working toward offering a major, but only had a minor present. i signed on for level 300 with 8 other students.
the professor hated me. that is the nicest word for it. she would have typos on her quizzes. she would make fun of my hokkaido accent. but the worst part was when i was sexually assaulted by one of the other 8 students in the class, went to her during office hours to request that she not pair me with that student out of fear, and then she proceeded to exclusively pair me with that student on projects.
i was also learning i had a learning disability, but the student union health center refused to directly prescribe me medication for my disability, or refer my outwards--what happened instead was i was put on a prescription that had not been recommended outside of extreme epilepsy (carbamezapine), and when i expressed my fear that it was resurfacing suicidal tendencies, the doctor in charge doubled the dosage and encourage me to kill myself.
it was an ordeal. it was an ordeal that i documented. it was an ordeal that by spring 2008, i was accused of cheating on a test i got less than 30% on because i was so fucking out of it by a woman who would only partner me with a man who had sexually abused me. and when i confronted her about it on tape, with a medical transcript of what i had endured for the past year, i have a recording of her saying, "I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that you have problems."
Anyway, she went on sabbatical to adopt a kid the next year. Idiot sex pest remained in my classes, but god, he really sucked. I had to leave through most of my 400-level classes because I was working a lot. Most of my classes were essentially unpaid labor where we were translating books and providing subtitles for movies that were ready for American distribution. Half of my classmates my second year were born in Japan and spoke Japanese better than English but were able to cop out a foreign language credit, and they were honestly my favorite friends in the class, even if that's a steep fucking grading curve. Asshole teacher appeared once my spring semester, but knowing she took the year off, I actually completed my minor degree my sophomore year in early 2009.
And then I never really spoke Japanese again.
And it's hard. Whenever I'm introduced to media, I'm like, god, I forgot that. I remember that. I knew that, once upon a time. I remember conversations in English that weren't in English. And I remember when I was in my senior year of High School, I would be speaking Japanese and forget that I was speaking Japanese, that sometimes no one else except my teacher or friend who were equally fluent understood too. I miss that feeling. I feel shame, sometimes, at letting it go. I know I still have the pronunciation and local dialect, but it's hard to be reminded of how much I forgot.
When I started learning first, very close to when I was still fluent, Indonesian, and more recently, French, my backup language in my head has always been Japanese instead of English. My wife used to tell me I had a Japanese accent when I would try to speak French (fun fact: one of my friends in Japan was learning French and spoke zero English, and only then did I understand the horror of French phonetics), and it took me literally over a month of quietly practicing my R's in my car when I would get home from work for her to be like, oh you sound like a regular Anglo (read: white boy trying so hard and yet).
Whenever I get back into the mindset of becoming fluent in French (mandatory!), and restart the journey from where I left off these past years, I ache something fierce and weird for my Japanese. It is, surface level, a sense of failure. I couldn't hold onto you, I wouldn't have known how to try. There were obstacles. There were so many bad memories. And yet, sometimes I will be in bed with my wife, and she will be watching a Japanese show, and I will be like, "Did he really say that?" and she will say, "Oh God, I forgot that you knew Japanese."
Some things are bone deep and will probably never go away. I guess I'm still in mourning for the language that I lost as I continue to learn a new language. I want to be better, I know I can be better this time! And yet, I'm afraid that every step forward, I'll lose what I have of my second language identity. I have already lost so much.
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eadanga · 7 months
The Royal Romance Chapter 8 Part 1
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The car pulls up to a large estate Riley exits the car as servants come and gets all the luggage inside. Riley’s looks around taking in the view of the Alps
Maxwell stands beside her grinning “Here we are welcome to Lythikos! The Land of ice, snow and mountains”
Riley turns to him “This is where Olivia lives?”
Maxwell nods “Some of time yeah she’s primary at Lythikos Hall which is further south but she’ll host us up here for the social season so we can take advantage if the snowy activities”
Riley sighs “And so she can take advantage of the Prince”
Hana places a hand on her shoulder “She does have an edge here but that’s no reason to admit defeat!”
Maxwell nods “That’s the spirit!”
Drake steps up “Maxwell what happened to your brother? I noticed he’s not around lecturing Brooks I thought he’d hate to miss out on a chance to eat fancy food and rub elbows with the royals”
Maxwell sighs “Bertrand was called away for some business having to do with our estate”
Riley smirks “I already miss his protocol quizzes”
Maxwell grins “If you want I can quiz you on how to best stand behind a chair”
Drake rolls his eyes “Please don’t we’re about to have a nice time”
Riley and Hana giggle as Maxwell playfully pouts
Hana smiles “I agree it’s beautiful out here” She shivers “Even if it’s very cold!”
Drake raises an eyebrow “Didn’t you pack anything warmer?”
Hana sighs “Not exactly I didn’t know it’ll be snowing this much but I’ll survive what say we check the inside of the chateau”
Maxwell nods “Good idea! Riley let’s go I’ll show you where your room is” Riley nods as she follows Maxwell inside and he guides her to a lavish grand bedroom he grins “Come on Riley put your stuff down and let’s go!”
Riley laughs “What’s your rush?”
“We got the entire day in snow planned out! Plus I already see Olivia and Liam on the ice better put on something warm”
Riley sighs as she gets her coat and boots Of course they’re already on the ice we haven’t even been here that long and she’s already sinking her claws into him Riley heads down the stairs and meets Maxwell outside he hands her a pair of ice skates
“You know how to ice skate right?”
Riley smiles “I know the basics of it try to stay upright and don’t fall I used to skate all the time down at Rockefeller center even once for a date”
Maxwell grins “Good enough and you’re gonna have to relay the details of that later”
Riley smiles and she heads out onto the ice with Maxwell out the corner of the of her eye Riley spots Liam and Olivia skating she can hear snippets of their convo
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how well I can skate?”
Liam smiles “Oh I very much remember”
Riley sighs I know he’s tying to be polite but it won’t be long before she starts flirting
Maxwell skates up to her “Remember eyes on the prize now et out there and grab some time with the Prince while I distract Olivia” He grins and waves at Olivia “Olivia! You gotta see me do a spin don’t move!” He winks then hip checks Riley sending her sailing across the ice “Go get them princess!”
“Whoa! Dammit Maxwell why’d you do that!” Riley holds out her arms to keep her balance and she runs into something hard and feels a pair of arms wrap around her she looks up
 “Are you alright?
 Riley feels her face heat up and her face turn bright red and she slowly moves away from him “Just fine thank you for catching me”
He smiles “It’s a pleasure to see you always you’re a vision of grace on those skates”
“After you just saw me flailing around?”
Liam chuckles “No but I did see you skating with Maxwell on the ice you seem to be an expert”
“I’ve had some lessons but it’s been a while”
“They paid off I take it you’ve come to skate with me today”
Riley grins “That was my hope”
“Then please accompany me” He offers his hand
“Gladly” She takes his hand and entwines his fingers with hers
Liam grins “You look very lovely today very warm”
“Yup definitely glad I put on this coat do you and the court come out here regularly”
“Not often but Olivia’s been very generous by having us at our estate but actually I used to come out here frequently when I was younger Olivia and I will play in snow together”
“You and Olivia huh? Tell me more about that”
Liam nods “We’d build snow forts on the banks and catapult snowballs at each other the lake was too dangerous to play on since we were young but sometimes we’d sneak out onto the ice and hope we will see the fish beneath the surface we never did but we had some exciting false finds”
“You two must have been close”
Liam sighs “We were it’s hard watching her become the person she is I know she’s a tough person to get along with”
“She’s basically the opposite of you”
“Olivia had a difficult childhood her parents were killed in a political assassination when she was only 5 years old she was alone without family at her estate for the better part of the year before my family and I officially visited” He frowns “She was supposed to be in the care of her great aunt but that woman left to summer on the Riveria abandoning her Olivia didn’t have anyone she was alone”
“But didn’t she have the servants?”
“The servants were doing their best but they we’re traditionist Nevrakis family trained for decades after a lifetime of holding the nobility up on a pedestal they weren’t prepared to give Olivia what she needed the most…love”
Riley feels her heart break as Liam continues
“The first few days of our visit she was sullen and withdrawn I thought she hated me but one night I heard her sobbing through the walls I actually believed it was a ghost at first but when I got over my fear and investigate there she was little 5 year old Olivia weeping and clutching one of her mother’s gowns saying over and over again come back please come back I knelt beside her and held her until she cried herself to sleep I knew I couldn’t leave her there then I convinced my parents to let her live at the palace with us for almost 2 months she wouldn’t leave my side just about drove Drake crazy but”
Liam stops mid sentence as Olivia skates over
“That Maxwell is a persistent one”
Liam grins “He can be of high energy”
Olivia sighs “Yes I can tell” She turns to Riley with a mocking smile “So Riley I bet you’ve never seen a countryside this spectacular are you impressed?”
Riley smiles “Actually yes it’s gorgeous your home is truly lovely the snow the lake the trees it’s absolutely breathtaking”
Olivia looks at her surprise “Oh well yes it is”
Riley smiles to herself Not gonna be rude not after hearing all that from Liam
“I’m glad even someone like you can appreciate the elegance of splendor and nature”
Riley sighs And there she goes just when I was feeling bad for her
She wraps her arm around Liam’s “Now Prince Liam I believe you owe me a round across the lake”
Liam nods “Excuse me Riley I do owe her I will see you later”
They skate off together
Riley sighs Just because we’re at her place she uses the opportunity to be clingy with him but after hearing her history I can see why
Tags: @mfackenthal @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @gkittylove99 @twinkleallnight @iaminlovewithtrr @princess-geek
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lionessshychai · 6 days
Wildflower Intro:
“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” -Picasso.
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There's nothing quite like the smell of a Spring day when it's raining. I think the scientific term for that smell is "Petrichor".  It's strange how that seems to happen in any given part of the world, but spring in Seoul hits differently and that delicious scent meets the very welcoming perfume of cherry blossoms and everything seasoned with gochujang. It's refreshing, sweet, and then, at the last second, a peppery smoke hits you in the face with a hot burst of red chili to see if you're paying attention.  This is my second trip to South Korea since I got my business and marketing degree two years ago, a feat that even I didn't think I'd pull off in time, much less what everyone in my family expected,  or didn't think I could manage based on a long track record of procrastination and general chaos that my entire college experience proved to be. 
But wasn't I supposed to be a famous artist when I grew up? My many works were for everybody to drink espresso in tiny mugs and stare at in intellectual poses while muttering wise interpretations. " ahh, this one speaks to my subconscious self".  -Big dreams when you're eight and you see the world through a twirly straw.
  I didn't grow up in a wealthy family, neither were we poor.  Just the kind of family that eats tuna casserole a few times a month and never goes on vacation, unless you count the two-hour drive to Kalaloch Beach every summer to play in the tide pools and make a pitstop at Kurt Kobain's hometown on the way (A request always given by my older brother, Oliver.) My younger brother, Tan, was content with playing Gameboy the whole way, and not usually even thrilled to get out of the car to see the shoreline and I sketched everything I possibly could into my ratty old Batz Maru sketchbook that was held together by a hair tie.
Practical vocabulary like "income" and "livelihood" crept into my thoughts during junior year and shattered my creative sparkles. “No one can live on an artist’s income. No matter how good you think you are, Mags” Dad told me. Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, dad. A few spins around the sun, long nights, and a mountain of student debt later,  I somehow wound up with an MBA in business, marketing, and linguistics. Honestly, It's still crazy to see "Maggie Marsden has been awarded the Masters of Business Administration- Marketing and Strategy..." hanging on my wall in its pretty brushed gold frame. And yet, I had a feeling that I still hadn't quite washed all the oil paint out from under my fingernails.
 I still love art, but my sketchbook must be collecting dust somewhere beneath a pile of textbooks and graph paper stained by rings of coffee. My other strengths and interest in language came from just having an ear for it.  I guess I was pretty good in French and Spanish throughout high school. Then, I started on basic Korean about a year ago when my bestie Hana got me hooked on watching K-dramas. Her family is Korean-American and she grew up speaking the language.  She's been spending the last two weeks quizzing me with her homemade “Hana Hangul” cards. I feel lucky that I absorb it well.  I am by no means fluent in anything but English and Spanish, but I'm a quick study.  Long story short, I now work in marketing and advertising and answer to Rob Kelly, Manager of international contracts and Amy Sanchez, director of social media advertising. It just so happens that someone in the uppers at Focus Marketing and Advertising, the company I now work for, needed someone with a fresh, young college mind and a happy tongue to go to Seoul to brainstorm some ads and assist a pretty major record label there with a sort of media/cultural cross-over. <My would-be client is an artist known in Korean culture as an "idol" :
(Korean: 아이돌; RR: Aidol) refers to a type of celebrity working in the field of K-pop music in fandom culture in South Korea, either as a member of a group or as a solo act. K-pop idols are characterized by the highly manufactured star system that they are produced by and debuted under, as well as their tendency to represent a hybridized convergence of visuals, music, fashion, and dance.
This idol is putting out their first solo album in both Korea and the States. Their record label is in need of some PR and to create some good media coverage for promotional sales. So, their people work with my people to create something that works for record sales, merchandise, and various other necessities for the success of both the label and the artist.  This is the first contract we have with a media outlet, so I'm excited at the prospect of working with a one as big as this, though I have a lot of homework to do on how.  According to the financial stats, the K-pop machine is churning out some major success in South Korea and everyone wants a cut. I fully accepted the challenge, but shitting bricks at the prospect. 
I asked my younger brother, Tan to keep an eye on things at my place while I was gone and to occasionally water my Monstera plant "Lizzo" in my front entryway. I've had her since junior year of college and now, she takes up most of the foyer. I called Tan one more time before my plane started taxiing the runway at SEATAC.   
“You have ONE job, Tan! Lizzo needs you!” I reminded him for the zillionth time that the lock on the front door is funny and you have to pull on the knob as you turn the key.  I could hear Tan’s eyes roll through the phone. 
 “ Anything else?” he mumbled sleepily. 
 “Yeah, get your ass up, it’s almost six.”  Bro is a senior in highschool and is aiming high for UCLA, though I don't see him earning that scholarship since he's screwed around so much. and mom and Dad couldn't afford that tuition in a million years.  He'd be lucky to get into Puget Sound Community college at this point.
Tan groaned.  “I’m up. ZzZzzzZZ....hey, can you bring me back a shitload of Shin Black, the ramen that has the fire-breathing rooster on it?” he asked.
 "You know there's an H Mart in Tacoma, don't you?  They have a shit ton.  You can stop by after you visit Gram Saturday and give her those old copies of Vogue I put on the entryway table, it's the glass one with the Chagall vase and the photo of Dad at Pike market."  I could audibly detect his mockery after I spoke the word "vase".
 “vahhhhzzz.” He snickered.
 "Tan, you shit!" I huffed.
  "Yeah, yeah, I know the one.  I'll stop by after the gym." He then wished me a 'good flight, no puke’ and ended our cheerful call.
 Exasperated by his deflection, I opened a playlist named "Chill Cello" on Spotify.  Preparing for take-off and staring blankly at the flight attendant doing the safety spiel while in a basket of nerves. I've flown dozens of flights, why does this never get easier? I always end up white-knuckled with sweaty palms and I must look like death because the flight attendants always ask me how I'm doing in a very concerned manner. They immediately offer premium beverages, and, without fail, I usually get a whiskey highball and konk out 30 minutes into the flight. Off we go.  It's fine.  I'm fine...
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Can I request for any sleepover headcanons for khr girls? Like, what are the things they would do when they spend the night together? They hardly receive love and recognition 🥺
Of course you can, my darling anon! I fully agree - the KHR girls are amazing and deserve more love and recognition! I had a blast thinking of these and imagining their sleepovers! I hope you enjoy!
I’m going to get my least popular opinion out of the way here! Just a reminder that this is just my personal opinion and read on the characters! But I feel that, while they can be respectful and polite to each other and can spend limited amounts of time together, especially for the sake of their mutual friend, Hana and Haru are not friends. They’re friendly enough but they don’t go out of their way or attempt to spend too much time together. They’re both just such different people and their personalities do kind of clash if they’re together for too long. Kyoko’s mature enough to realize that, though she’s friends with both of them, the two girls don’t need to be close to each other and so Kyoko makes sure that she has separate sleepovers with Haru and with Hana so that both can be as enjoyable as possible.
Haru and Kyoko tend to schedule their sleepovers to coincide with Haru and Kyoko appreciation days. They’ll almost always invite I-Pin and Bianchi along, encouraging both girls to have their own appreciation days as well. I-Pin often takes them up on the offer and Bianchi does every now and then. There’s shopping, a trip to the cake shop, supper out before everyone heads back to Kyoko or Haru’s for the sleepover. If Bianchi is there, there’s always quite a bit of boy talk and giggling. These sleepovers, whether it’s just Kyoko and Haru or all four of the girls, tend to be the more stereotypically girly ones, with hair and make-up, boy talk, silly magazine quizzes, dessert aplenty, and lots of silliness and bonding.
With Hana, however, Kyoko tends to have more sleepovers but less eventful ones. It’s nothing for Hana to end up spending the night at Kyoko’s after a study date between the two of them runs late, with Hana often helping Kyoko with math homework and Kyoko helping Hana with her foreign language skills. Hana is a pretty solid main stay around Kyoko’s house and sleepovers for the two girls tend to be relaxed and often spur of the moment.
Chrome slowly warms up to the idea of sleepovers with Haru and Kyoko, but it does take a while. They make her nervous and its baby-steps in getting her to not leave in the middle of them. It’s not often she agrees to a sleepover, though she does enjoy the company of the other girls and is always so appreciative that they want her there. It’s just that it’s out of her comfort zone and she finds she doesn’t sleep well in the quiet of the sleepover, after the others have fallen asleep. There’s always some noise at Kokuyo Land, whether it be Ken snoring or Chikusa wandering around late at night. There’s always something and, at sleepovers, it’s so quiet for Chrome. She might go maybe once every couple of months and Kyoko and Haru are good about always inviting her and never holding it against Chrome when she says no. When she does join them for a sleepover, the two really go out of their way to try to spoil the other girl with attention and snacks and feminine bonding, since they know she lives mostly with males.
Adelheid and Shitt P. don’t have ‘sleepovers’ per se. They do spend a lot of time together and they’ll set aside certain nights to hang out in each other’s rooms and crash together but neither of them really slaps the sleepover label onto them. Adelheid really tries hard to spend quality time with each member of the family and those nights are a large portion of her quality time with Shitt P. On top of that, both girls are really surrounded by men in their family and sometimes, it’s nice for both of them just to have the company of another girl. Those nights together help them really build a bond and the two of them goof around, watch movies, play dress-up or do make-up, eat delicious food, and talk about a lot of things. Secrets get shared, serious and silly topics discussed. It’s just a routine thing for them but time that both girls do treasure.
Bonus headcanon – Lal Mirch has had one sleepover in her entire life, and it was with Luce. Lal accepted Luce’s invitation to have a ‘girl’s night together’ to be polite and out of respect for the other woman’s kindness. While she swore at the time she’d rather have spent the evening getting teeth pulled because she felt so out of her element, it’s now a memory she rather cherishes.
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sap23center · 10 months
SAP HANA Training Course In Nagpur | SAPALOGY
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Enroll in our SAP HANA Training Course in Nagpur for a transformative learning experience. With 120 hours of live instructor-led sessions, you'll delve into the intricacies of SAP HANA. Gain practical skills through 20+ industry projects on the SAP Power User Program and apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios with 30+ case studies and 50+ assignments. Evaluate your understanding with 150+ course-end quizzes and 300+ MCQs, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of SAP HANA concepts. Our certified training is designed to bridge the gap between theory and practical application, preparing you for success in the SAP landscape. Elevate your career prospects in Nagpur with this intensive and industry-focused SAP HANA training Nagpur. Join us for a dynamic, hands-on learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge with real-world application.
To know more-
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vaqro · 2 years
why are you unlovable?
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YOU ARE A GHOST : ㅤㅤ you have fallen from everything you've loved,ㅤ they still love you,ㅤ but you are so unrecognizable these days they don't even know what to do.ㅤㅤ LET THE SUN WARM YOU AGAIN,ㅤ it's not all bad.
tagged by : ㅤno one, i found this quizz .
tagging : ㅤ@femtaile [ amelie ], @vanctua, @tlacehualli, @dpsdiff [ hanzo ], @crem8, @motife [ hana ]
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proexcellencybanglore · 2 months
"Take Your Career to the Next Level with SAP ABAP on HANA Training!"
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Unlock your potential with SAP ABAP on HANA Online Training at Proexcellency! Our course is designed to help you master the advanced capabilities of SAP's high-performance HANA database using ABAP programming. You'll learn from industry experts through interactive lessons, hands-on projects, and flexible study options. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned professionals, this training will equip you with the skills to develop and optimize applications on the HANA platform. Join us at Proexcellency and take the first step towards enhancing your career with SAP ABAP on HANA expertise!
SAP HANA is a powerful in-memory database that’s changing the game for businesses worldwide. It’s super fast and efficient, making it ideal for handling large volumes of data and complex processes. ABAP, SAP's programming language, is used to develop applications on this robust platform.
By combining ABAP with HANA, you’ll learn to create high-performance applications that stand out. This skill set is in high demand, making you a valuable asset to any organization and opening doors to a variety of exciting career opportunities.
What You’ll Learn
Our SAP ABAP on HANA Online Training covers all the essentials and more. Here’s a snapshot of what’s in store:
Introduction to SAP HANA: Get to know the basics of SAP HANA, its architecture, and how it differs from traditional databases.
ABAP Development on HANA: Dive into developing and optimizing ABAP applications specifically for the HANA platform.
Data Modeling: Learn the ins and outs of data modeling in HANA, including creating and managing information models.
Performance Optimization: Discover tips and tricks for optimizing the performance of ABAP applications on HANA.
Real-Time Analytics: Explore how to use SAP HANA for real-time data analytics and reporting.
Hands-On Projects: Work on real-world projects to apply your learning and gain practical experience.
Learn from the Best
Our trainers at Proexcellency are not just teachers—they're industry experts with years of hands-on experience in SAP and HANA. They bring valuable insights and practical knowledge to the table, ensuring you get the most out of your training. You’ll be learning from the best, gaining skills that are highly sought after in the job market.
Flexible Learning at Your Pace
We know you’re busy. That’s why our SAP ABAP on HANA Online Training is designed to be flexible. You can access the course materials anytime, anywhere, and learn at your own pace. Whether you’re studying in the evenings, on weekends, or during your lunch break, our online platform makes it easy to fit learning into your schedule.
Fun and Interactive
Learning doesn’t have to be boring! Our training is designed to be interactive and engaging. With videos, quizzes, and hands-on assignments, we make the material easy to understand and enjoyable to learn. Plus, you’ll be part of a supportive community of fellow learners where you can share insights, ask questions, and get feedback.
We’ve Got Your Back
At Proexcellency, we’re dedicated to your success. That’s why we offer comprehensive career support, including resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance. Our goal is to help you land your dream job and achieve your career goals. We’ll be with you every step of the way, from learning to landing that perfect job.
Real Success Stories
Don’t just take our word for it—hear from our graduates who have successfully transitioned into rewarding careers after completing our SAP ABAP on HANA Online Training. Their stories are proof of the course's value and the impact it can have on your career. Many of our alumni have secured positions at top companies, thanks to the skills and knowledge they gained through our training.
Ready to Get Started?
Why wait? Take the first step towards a brighter future by enrolling in our SAP ABAP on HANA Online Training today. With expert guidance, flexible learning options, and comprehensive career support, you’ll be on your way to unlocking new opportunities and achieving your career goals.
SAP ABAP on HANA Online Training at Proexcellency is more than just a course—it’s a pathway to career growth and success. By gaining expertise in SAP ABAP on HANA, you’ll open doors to new opportunities, enhance your professional skills, and position yourself as a valuable asset in any organization. Our expert-led training, flexible learning options, and comprehensive career support make this course the perfect choice for anyone looking to advance their career.
Reach out to us at +91 9148251978
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edchart · 4 months
Unlocking the Potential: Navigating the World of SAP HANA Framework
You can unlock the potential of HTML0 with Edchart Certification and become an expert today.
With the rapidly evolving job market, staying at the forefront of changes is vital to your career development and achievement. With Edchart Certification, you can unlock your full potential and display the skills you have acquired in online learning.
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Description of Edchart Certification
At Edchart We are the world's leading online certification, and offer a wide range of certified programs that recognize the skills you possess in various fields. By taking our rigorous online tests you will be assessed on your knowledge and skills, helping you make a mark in your field.
Advantages and Benefits of Edchart Certification
World Recognition Edchart Certification has been recognized throughout the world, providing job seekers with a competitive edge in competitive job markets.
Credly Partnership: We've partnered an organization that is Credly Certified SAP HANA Developer to manage global credentials while also ensuring the authenticity and validity of your certificates. Explore our badges and certificates on credly.
Flexible learning: Our online certification programmes offer flexible learning choices for you to learn at your own pace, and at your convenience.
Industry-Relevant Content Our sap Hana Framework certification programs are developed by industry-leading experts to ensure that you gain the most current knowledge and abilities required for your work.
Career Development: Edchart Sap Hana S4 Certification SAP HANA Developer opens new avenues for career advancement and professional growth, enabling you to achieve your full potential.
Scopes & Features of Edchart Certification
Different Certifications Programs Our company offers a wide variety of Sap Sap Hana certification programs that cover many topics, such as technology, healthcare, business, and more.
Interactive Learning Materials: The Sap Hana certifications offer interactive learning materials, such as videos, quizzes and simulations, to enhance the learning process.
Help from Experts: Your access will be to expert advice and support throughout your certification journey to ensure you have the resources you need to succeed.
Real-world Projects The Sap S4 Hana certification programs offer real-world projects and case studies which enable you to apply your knowledge and abilities in practical scenarios.
Why Should One Take Edchart Certification?
Recognition of Professionalism Edchart Sap Cloud Certification demonstrates your expertise and knowledge in your chosen discipline, improving your authority and your marketability.
Career Advancement Edchart Sap and the Fico Certification can open up new opportunities to enhance your career and growth. It can help you attain your career goals.
The Global Recognized: Edchart Sap Hana Hana Certificate is recognized worldwide, providing you with an edge in the world of work.
Continuous learning: We offer Sap Hana Developer certifications promote continuous education, enabling you keep up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends in your field.
Who can benefit from taking Edchart Certification?
Professionals: Individuals looking to enhance their skills and advance their career.
Student: Students seeking to improve their competitiveness in work.
Employers: Employers looking enhance their workforce and stay ahead of the pack.
Entrepreneurs The goal of entrepreneurs is to be able to acquire new knowledge and skills to help grow their business.
Unlocking the Potential: Navigating the World of SAP HANA Framework
Description for SAP HANA:
Sap Hana is a paradigm-shift in the field of data management. It provides unprecedented speed, flexibility, and scalability for enterprises of any size. Through the use of in-memory computing technology, Sap Hana Developer Certification helps speed data processing and analysis, helping organizations extract actionable insights from vast volumes of data in a real-time manner. It doesn't matter if it's improving business processes, enabling predictive analytics, or powering the next generation of applications, the Sap Hana Framework certification acts as an accelerator for digital transformation, driving creativity and improving competitiveness in the current competitive business environment.
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SAP HANA Certification: Empowering Your ExpertiseSap Hana Certification can be a proof of your capability in harnessing power of Sap Sap Hana cutting-edge technologies. Focused on data managing and the development of apps, this certification helps you acquire what you need to succeed in today's fast-paced, data-driven society. Be it aspiring professional or a skilled professional seeking certification, it's a good idea to get one. Credly Certified SAP HANA Developer A certification from a trusted platform such as Edchart is a significant way to advance your career.
SAP HANA Developer Certification: Pinnacle of Proficiency
Among the myriad of certifications that are available, Sap Hana Developer Certification shines as one of the most sought-after qualifications within the world of Sap S4 Hana. A comprehensive and thorough course that is specifically tailored to meet the demands from modern enterprises This certification enhances the status of a knowledgeable developer capable of conceiving as well as implementing and optimizing SAP Sap Cloud solutions. Edchart offers comprehensive resources and test preparation to ensure your success in getting this prestigious certification. Find out more about the advantages of becoming an Edchart Certified Sap 4 Hana Certification.
Exploring the SAP HANA Framework: A Comprehensive Overview
This Sap Hana Framework Certification provides the foundation of SAP's database technology in memory that is revolutionizing how organizations manage and analyse data. Thanks to its lightning fast processing speed as well as advanced analytics features, Sap Hana S4 Certification will enable businesses to gain real-time insights and drive informed decisions. From data warehouses and application developing, this system gives solid foundation for growing and innovating.
Advantages and Benefits of SAP S4 HANA Certification:
The Future of Your Career: With SAP 4 Hana certification will position you as an expert in SAP's newest ERP suite of products, ensuring relevancy as well as employability in the continuously evolving technology industry.
Improved Employability: Sap Hana S4 Certification opens doors to lucrative job opportunities with top-of-the-line organizations looking for professionals to manage their digital transformation efforts.
Competitive Edge by mastering Sap and Fico Fico, the ERP flagship solution You gain an advantage in the employment market which makes you a valuable asset to potential employers.
Recognized as an industry expert: Cloud Certification: Cloud Certification is recognized globally that validates your experience and authority as a skilled Sap SAP Hana consultant or developer.
You can access Premium Resources Professionals who are certified often get access to exclusive training materials, resources, and networking opportunities, further enhancing their skills and future career opportunities.
Scopes & Features for Sap Cloud Certification:
Cloud Infrastructure Management
Cloud Application Development
Cloud Integration Services
Security and Compliance
Sap 4 Hana Certification
Scalability and Performance Optimization
Hybrid Cloud Solutions
Cloud Migration Strategies
DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Credly Certified SAP HANA Developer
Why Should One Take SAP HANA S4 Certification:
SAP Hana S4 Certification ensures that you are proficient in Sap Hana latest-generation ERP suite that allows you to help drive digital transformation as well as unlock new opportunities for your organization. With its advanced capabilities and features, Sap Hana's Developer's Certification can help businesses simplify operations, enhance decision-making, and improve innovation. it a must-have certification for those who want to succeed in the digital age.
Who will Benefit by obtaining SAP HANA certification:
IT Professionals: System administrative staff, database administrator, and developers who want to increase their abilities and grow their careers within SAP technology.
Business Analysts: Experts responsible for the analysis and interpretation of data to support strategic decision making within their organizations.
Consultants: SAP consultants that want to extend their expertise and stay on top of the latest trends in the industry as they better provide their customers.
Students and Graduates aspiring professionals looking to get into the field of SAP technology to secure lucrative career opportunities in a competitive job market.
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examstudyzone · 8 months
Mastering SAP Sales Cloud Certification: A Comprehensive Guide to Exam Success
In the dynamic realm of enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, SAP Sales Cloud stands out as a powerful tool for managing sales processes efficiently. Earning a certification in SAP Sales Cloud demonstrates expertise in leveraging this platform to optimize sales operations. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of sap sales cloud certification questions insights into the types of questions candidates may encounter in the certification exam.
Understanding SAP Sales Cloud Certification:
SAP offers a range of certifications for its various products, including SAP Sales Cloud. These certifications validate the skills and knowledge required to effectively implement and manage the sac planning certification questions solution. Whether you are an experienced SAP professional or aiming to specialize in sales solutions, earning this certification can enhance your career prospects and open doors to new opportunities.
Topics Covered in SAP Sales Cloud Certification:
The SAP Sales Cloud certification exam typically covers a broad spectrum of topics related to the platform. Some key areas that candidates should be well-versed in include:
1. Sales Cloud Overview: Understanding the fundamental features and functionalities of sap s/4 hana pp certification questions, including lead and opportunity management, sales analytics, and integration capabilities.
2. Data Modeling and Analytics: Knowledge of how to create and manipulate data models, as well as proficiency in utilizing analytics tools to derive meaningful insights for sales decision-making.
3. Integration with Other SAP Solutions: Understanding how SAP Sales Cloud integrates with other SAP solutions and third-party applications to streamline business processes and enhance overall efficiency.
4. Implementation and Configuration: Competence in configuring SAP Sales Cloud based on organizational requirements, including setting up workflows, user roles, and security measures.
5. User Adoption and Training: Awareness of strategies for ensuring successful user adoption, including training methodologies and best practices for effectively onboarding sales teams onto the hana system administration questions platform.
SAP Sales Cloud Certification Questions:
While the specific questions in the SAP Sales Cloud certification exam may vary, candidates can expect a mix of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, and hands-on exercises. Sample questions may include:
Multiple Choice:
What is the primary purpose of SAP Sales Cloud? a) Customer Relationship Management b) Enterprise Resource Planning c) Supply Chain Management d) Human Capital Management
Given a sales scenario, outline the steps you would take to create and manage leads in SAP Sales Cloud, ensuring effective lead nurturing and conversion.
Hands-On Exercises:
Configure SAP Sales Cloud to support a custom sales process for a hypothetical organization, considering specific workflow requirements and user roles.
Integration Challenges:
Explain the key considerations and steps involved in integrating SAP Sales Cloud with SAP S/4HANA for seamless data exchange and process optimization.
Preparation Strategies:
To succeed in the SAP Sales Cloud certification exam, candidates should adopt a comprehensive preparation strategy, including:
1. Official SAP Training: Attend SAP-endorsed training courses to gain in-depth knowledge of SAP Sales Cloud functionalities.
2. Practice Labs: Engage in hands-on exercises and practice labs to reinforce theoretical knowledge and build practical skills.
3. Study Guides and Documentation: Utilize official SAP documentation and study guides to deepen understanding of key concepts and topics.
4. Mock Exams: Take practice exams and quizzes to familiarize yourself with the exam format and assess your readiness.
5. Community and Forums: Participate in SAP communities and forums to connect with fellow candidates, share experiences, and seek advice from certified professionals.
Earning a SAP Sales Cloud certification is a valuable investment in your professional development, showcasing your proficiency in leveraging SAP solutions for sales optimization. By understanding the key topics covered in the certification exam and adopting effective preparation strategies, you can confidently navigate the challenges and emerge as a certified SAP Sales Cloud professional, ready to contribute to the success of sales operations within your organization.
Source Url:-https://sites.google.com/view/examstudyzonecom6/home
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Learn SAP FSCM at Your Own Pace with Our Pre-Recorded Video Courses.
Looking to learn SAP FSCM but don't have time to attend a traditional training course? Our pre-recorded video courses are the perfect solution!
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You'll also get access to downloadable resources, such as practice exercises and quizzes.
Whether you're new to SAP FSCM or you're looking to brush up on your skills, our pre-recorded video courses are the perfect way to learn.
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hanagormley · 2 years
The Second Quiz: Results
“My, my! It seems that people did better on this quiz than the last. I’m very proud of everyone~! But prepared, for the next subject will be about the Sengoku Period of Japan. Here’s the general overview of the results.”
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People who got an A: 5
People who got a B: 4
People who got a C: 1
People who got an F: 1
“Perhaps I made the quiz too easy...or you actually studied thoroughly. Although...I did get a duplicate exam that has a bizarre aura about it...like if it was submitted through a rip and space and time. In any case, unless you failed you won’t be need to see me after class. I will give you back the answer key, then go around the class and hand back your paper.”
Answer Key: 
Cat Fugue
Because it could predate Vivaldi's visitation to Mantua's court in 1718/It could’ve been written in 1716 - 1717
Unknown and/or All of the Above
1397/14th Century
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
A commentary of Jesus Christ's life
[slithers from behind her desk and hands back exams]
Rei Sakamaki - 10/10 (A)
Sharon Won - 8/10 (B) “Nice Job!” @strawberry--bride
Ruki Mukami - 8/10 (B) - “Your exam had a bizarre aura to it” @ask-ruki-mukami
Yui Komori - 7/10 (C) “Getting better!” @yui--komori​
Yuriko Tsukino - 8/10 (B) “Most Improved!” @yuriko-tsukino-rp​
Irina Avenel - 8/10 (B) @iricathel​
Josephine Ako - 5/10 (F) “See me after class” @thatonefrenchwitch
Ruki Mukami - 10/10 (A) “There was an another exam with your name on it, but I think I figured out the issue” @ruki--mukami
Scarlett Wakahisa - 9/10 (A) “You have your seat back.” @kindan-no-kanojo
Nunnally Sakamaki - 10/10 (A) “Please don’t put anything more than your name on the name section, ma’am” @lured-into-wonderland
Caria Baris - 10/10 (A) “Good Job!” @cursed--requiem​ 
“Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful summer! This heat wave is quite pleasant, so enjoy it while it lasts! You’re dismissed.”
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playbucky · 2 years
Dead Don’t Return
An old ‘friend’ of Kenny’s is seemingly the suspect in the current case but her bosses have turned against her and set people who were once her friends after her. Characters – Kenny, Reader, Hana, Jesse Word Count – 1.8k.
‘Kenny you look like you’ve saw a ghost.’ Jesse said, everyone turned to look at him as he stepped close to the screen. ‘Can you rewind it please?’ Kenny asked, Hana looked to Jesse who nodded. They watched as everything was placed backwards before Hana pressed play again. Everyone focused on the woman, around about Kenny’s age effortlessly take down five men. ‘Pause it.’ Kenny said, the image froze, the woman had blood staining her top and her face was bruised. ‘That is Y/N.’ Kenny said pointing at the image, clenching his jaw. ‘Y/N?’ Hana quizzed, Kenny looked over his shoulder at them. ‘My best friend growing up we did everything together.’ He said, turning back to the screen. ‘Is she capable of doing this?’ Jesse asked. ‘We did everything together boss,’ Kenny said, ‘School, army, police training and then-‘ ‘Then what?’ Hana asked gently. ‘She disappeared, went on a case and didn’t return.’ He explained. ‘Dead?’ Hana asked, Kenny shrugged his shoulders and turned back to the blurry image of you. ‘Everyone believed that, her body hadn’t been found but-‘ ‘What case was she working?’ Jesse asked, Kenny’s face twisted before shaking his head. ‘I don’t know, she ended up with the UC’s.’ Kenny informed him, he nodded before Hana typed away on her computer. ‘How long ago did she disappear?’ Jesse asked. ‘Close to five years now.’ He said, Jesse nodded before Hana made a noise that made them look at her. ‘What have you found.’ Jesse asked. ‘The report says that Y/N was working a case with the local drug dealers.‘ He said, bringing your old files up.
‘Y/N.’ Kenny said, holding both his hands up. You looked shocked over the edge of gun, you jaw clenching. ‘Kenny, I almost killed you.’ You breathed out, lowering the gun as he slowly lowered his hands. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’ You asked, quickly pulling him in before shutting the door, shoving your shoulder against it before sliding the heavy lock along. ‘You’re wanted.’ He said, you didn’t pay any attention to him as you walked back over to the window, pushing the curtain to the side and looking out. ‘I know.’ You replied, he narrowed his eyes. ‘No, my team and the local cops are after you. They think you killed they five men.’ He informed you, you looked back at him. ‘Killed?’ You asked, letting go of the curtain. ‘The ones at the apartment.’ He said, you titled your head before before pulling your lip between your teeth. ‘I didn’t kill them, when I left they were still breathing.’ You told him, his brows dropped quickly. You pulled the curtain out again before the lights of a car reflected as it pulled into the parking lot. ‘You need to leave now Kenny.’ You told him, watching as they climbed out the car, slamming the doors shut. ‘Why?’ He asked, you continued to watch the men cheek their weapons, looking at each other before they gestured and marched their way open. ‘Because my past is coming back to haunt me, and I can’t have you tangled up in it.’ You informed him, pulling the gun out from your waist and walked over to door. Kenny looked at you before he placed a hand on your shoulder. ‘What are you talking about?’ He asked, you looked between him and the window, the loud stomping filled the corridor. ‘That case I went on? The one where everything assumed that I turned to the other side or died because I didn’t show up?’ You asked him, he nodded again as you took a deep breath. ‘My Captain, he’s behind it all.’ You said, ‘this big bad guys that everyone goes for, is the Captain.’ ‘What are you on about?’ He asked you. ‘El Diablo, isn’t some scum drug dealer, it’s Captain George Foley.’ You said. ‘You’ve been trying to take him down?’ Kenny said, you slowly nodded. ‘Just as much as he’s been trying to take me down.’ You added. ‘I know people that can help you.’ Kenny stated, you shook your head. ‘Do you trust them?’ You quizzed, nodding straight away. ‘Of course I do.’ He stated, then your head whipped around, the makeshift alarm you had set dinged. ‘Do you have a gun on you?’ You asked him, his brows dripped as he looked at you. ‘No.’ He replied. ‘Well hide then.’ You informed him, aiming the gun at the door. ‘What?’ He asked. ‘Kenny in about ninety seconds there will be a group of men barging through that door, guns blazing.’ You warned him. ‘Why?’ He questioned, you rolled your eyes at him. ‘You really do ask a lot of questions, use your brain.’ You told him, tapping the side of your head as you slowly walked to the side of the door.
‘Guys, I would like you to meet Y/N Y/L/N.’ Kenny said, they looked at each other as you raised your bloody hand. ‘Why isn’t she in cuffs?’ Ivan asked, Kenny’s head whipped to him and your went to reach up and touch his arm but then your saw the blood, and clenched your fist before raising your leg and touched the back of his calve. ‘He’s right Kenny.’ ‘No, you just fought for your life I’m no-‘ ‘I’m assuming you’re his boss.’ You said, turning to the older gentlemen that was resting against the make shift kitchen in the van, he looked at you and nodded. ‘Would you like to put me in cuffs, I am spread across your screen.’ You asked him, gesturing to the computer screen sat in front of the woman you age, she gave you an apologetic smile. ‘Why doesn’t Hana take you to get cleaned up, then we can discuss what we’re going to do.’ He said, you nodded. The woman behind the computers, Hana, stood up and your rolled her, keeping your hands close to yourself so you didn’t touch anything. She guided you to the bathroom and pushed the door open, you stepped in and stopped. ‘I’ll need your help.’ You told her, she raised an eyebrow. ‘I can’t get my top off.’ You explained, her face relaxed and she entered quickly and you lifted the shirt off as much as you can before she took over, the gasp that left her when the shirt was up to your head confirmed your suspicions that you were bruising badly. ‘What happened to you?’ She asked, you turned to her. ‘Nothing, and don’t tell Kenny.’ You quickly said, she left her bathroom and reappeared a minute later with a hoodie, handing it to you. ‘Y/N.’ ‘No,’ you winced as your jerked a hand outwards, ‘I need this interview to go as quick as possible and then I’m leaving, I can’t let you get involved with the demons chasing me.’ You told her, she pressed her lips together. ‘Kenny will realises that your hiding something.’ You pulled on the hoodie, the soft fabric felt rough against your multicoloured back. ‘Gentlemen, ladies-‘ you froze when your heard the person speaking, Hana looked at you as your slowly made your way over to the door and cracked it open, looking out to see him. ‘Y/N?’ You quickly raised your finger to your lips, causing her to stop. ’Do you have a pen?’ You asked her, she nodded and pulled it out her back pocket and passed it to you. You pulled the lid off with your teeth, grabbing Hana’s arm, quickly scribbling down an email address and password, before placing the lid back on and handing it to her. Just as there was a knock at the door, your eyes widened as you turned to it before looking Hana in the eyes. ‘Hide this and when he leaves, check this.’ You pointed at the markings, then to the window as she rolled the sleeves down. ‘I’m sorry, I’ll expIain when it’s done.’ You said, her brows dropped, ‘I’m sorry.’ You apologised again before you reached behind your for the soap dispenser and hit it off her head, confusing her enough fro you to move to eh window and use your elbow to smash it. Nothing caring as you placed a hand on the edge, the sharp glass cutting your palm and you landed on the cement and took off running. ‘Hana?’ Ivan called out, breaking the door as she moved over to the window and watched your retreating figure disappear. ‘I’m fine.’ ‘You let her go?’ The man, Hana looked at the older gentlemen that had freaked you out. ‘Who are you?’ She asked, he glared at her before pulling his phone out. ‘This is Captain George Foley.’ Kenny stated, as moved next to her.
‘Put the weapon down.’ They all shouted, Foley looked at you before quickly turning, raising his hands. ‘She did it, I tried to stop her.’ He said, acting his best. ‘George Foley, lower the weapon.’ Jesse said. ‘But-‘ ‘You’re under arrest for the murder of Jessica Smith, Andre Henderson, Hunt Jacobson and Daniel Saleem.’ Jesse said, Foley went to lower the weapon before he quickly turned, placing it under your chin as you titled your head back it resting on his shoulder as he gripped you tightly. ‘Don’t.’ He warned, everyone froze as they watched him press the gun tighter into your chin but you didn’t flinch. ‘It was this bitches fault anyway.’ He snarled in your ear, you swallowed as his nose pressed against your cheek. ‘All she had to do was turn the other way, or take the money.’ He told them, giving him a notice immediately, your eyes flicked open before you looked at Kenny who was already watching you. ‘We saw the files but I think we all know that Y/N, wouldn’t do that.’ Kenny said, holding eye contact with you. ‘Are you sure about that, the media sees her as a cop killer.’ Foley stated, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. ‘Maybe but growing up with her, I know that she doesn’t do anything without having back up.’ Kenny explained, your eyes snapped open again and he gave you a stiff nod. ‘What back up? The –‘ he was cut off when you suddenly dropped to your knees, the weight of you caused him to bend over before you pulled him over your shoulder, with the arm that he had tightly wrapped around you. His back connected with the floor and he let out a grunt before you unwrapped the arm from you and stood up, twisting the gun out of his grip before pointing it at him. ‘You wouldn’t do it.’ He stated, you pursed your lips and nodded, removing the mag from the gun and dropped them. ‘I would but I think I would prefer to see you rot behind bars for the rest of your life.’ You told him, worry crossed his face before he put the brave face on again.
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Leviathan with J , and O and Q please!!!
Fluff Alphabet Masterlist  |  Brothers Masterlist  |  Dateables Masterlist
🧡 Leviathan
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I think the better question is how does he not get jealous?
In all seriousness, he gets jealous whenever MC is with anyone else but him. He just wants to have them all to himself. He feels like other people are trying to take MC away and he feels threatened.
"But why do you have to study with Simeon? I am just as smart as him! I can help you with your potions homework. You don't need to go."
Levi becomes very defensive and clingy when he is jealous. He also goes into his demon form.
I fully expect him to wrap his tail around MC and keep them next to him, or beg them not to leave by tempting them with snacks, games, and anime.
If the person he is jealous of is with MC and him, he would just use his tail to show MC was his and glare at the person. Maybe even through in a snarl or two.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
After he makes a pact with MC, all bets are off. I mean he might still be a little bit shy about his personal life. But MC better be prepared to listen to him talk about anime, games, and Ruri-Chan 24/7.
If MC accepts all of his passions then he will immediately open up about his personal life and share everything.
MC asks him how his day is going and here is how he answers.
"My day was fine. I watched anime and played some games. At one point, I went to the bathroom and slipped on a towel. My head hit the bathtub and I got blood everywhere so I cleaned that up. Lunch was lonely without you. I had to eat all of food by myself-"
His update about his day takes a few hours as he goes through every event in detail.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Levi would remember weird facts about MC. That doesn't mean he would remember everything though.
MC's favorite color? He could tell you that if his life depended on it, but all of their waifus and husbandos in a tier list? Of course he knows that.
"But you said last week that Hana from Sparkle and Shine, Running a Cafe is Hard was your best girl, did it change? Is something wrong?"
He also know all of MC'S little quirks.
Example: they always sneeze three time.
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