#Hamilton Hights
carlele-1021 · 8 months
i better see annabeth putting on the national geographic channel, grover playing a deer shooting game & shooting humans, and percy only realizing something was wrong because he was too happy.
he legit is in everything, pjo, b99, hamilton, in the hights, moana, encanto, mary poppins returns, star wars, the list goes on and on.
but seriously i'm never going to be able to take the percy & hermes angst scenes seriously. i LOVE walker and miranda.
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verlierer-is-lost · 2 years
For everyone saying “How the heck did Lin Manuel Miranda get this role in Percy Jackson” HE IS AN ACTOR. Just because he is known for Hamilton doesn’t mean all his other work doesn’t exist. He has been in multiple shows before and after Hamilton. While yes he probably did get a leg up because of Disney, don’t forget that Lin is qualified to have acting roles like these. He isn’t a bad actor, I mean you can argue that he isn’t the best vocalist, but I highly doubt Hermes is going to have a musical number during this series.
Love him or hate him, Lin Manuel Miranda is talented. You don’t have to like Hamilton, or In The Hights, or Moana, or Encanto, or anything else he’s worked on. But Millions do. So idk why him getting a minor acting role is so strange for people to comprehend.
I will admit… the memes are funny. They always are
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bigmack2go · 1 month
https://www.canva.com/design/DAGE02N5d0w/vBgIXLeQgdlC-HQ9CcpqDg/edit?utm_content=DAGE02N5d0w&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton @whydontyouputyourseatbelton @crystaltreebee @i-got-personality @aaaaaa-musical-trash
Also here are my notes. Not all of them make sense anymore but some do lol.
So we all know i love musicals and thats why i chose this topic. i knew from the beginning that i wanted to do smt with musicals for this but i wasnt sure whT to chose. I was debating doing the portrayal of death in musicals but nit all of you answered in time whether thya would trigger anybody so that was out. The second option was costumes in musical whoch wooild make sense for us as fashion forst graders but then u realised i could include that in this.
Now obviously there isnt one way to make a good musical and its always a matter of opinion. And while i do have an opinion, i tried to form a critical opinion on everything.
Theres a lot of stuff that goes into musicals. When you think of a good one you may think of one with good lyrics or a cool story. But theres also stuff that you don’t think of at first, that alone couldn’t’make’ a good play, but in combination are the most important parts! Like the light design >insert rest of agenda.< (kannst einfach ablesen, was auf der folie steht!)
story wise i think heathers did a great job. Heathers is about a girl who falls in love with a killer. Ups and downs, and just a generally creative and good story with a good and,,more or less sense-making plot. The layout is very good too: a great hook, some happy stuff, scary and then things go down with a bittersweet ending. Im not sure how to explain what makes a good or a bad plot but for reference imma give you cats in comparison as an example of a not so good plot
Talking lyrics, i dont need to think twice to tell you hamilton! Its about alexander the great and his life. There is no way to convince me of anything else. Its a peotic masterpiece which especially brings out alexander hamitons own lyrical genius. Lin Manuel Miranda is a great fan of motifs and mass rhymes, and methaphors. His stylisation is nit only unique but really really good!
but I honestly didn’t like the choreo: it was sloppy and ensemble based. They were just rearranging furniture and stuff. There was only one song, “Satisfied” that was choreographed well. i do however think that westside storry has an awesome choreo! Westside story is about racism and separation between gangs in the 1960’s new york city. It tells storry but it’s still dancing. Good dancing i mean. They mixed elements of ballet with hip hop, flamenco and countles other kinds of dancing and it came out with perfection
and while the tunes are awesome there, there are better ones. Like Rent. But even better: hadestown. A modern retelling of the story of greek mythology god orpheus and his love interest euridacy. The tunes are everything there! It captured the mood and it was,,, seductive to your ears! The orchestra and composer did a great job! Its not easy to make all instruments work with each other so well. Or in the hights! Awesome composition!
yk what else is great about in the hights? The mood! It has ups and downs. An awesome balance thats brought acroos awesomely! Some would argue that SIX is by far the play with the best mood and don’t get me wrong SIX also has a great mood but i dont think they found a good balance for that. The mood is almost exclusively positive for what its worth and it didnt have enough variety
while its not like in the heights had the chance to, they still didn’t have the greatest costumes… however six didn’t have the chance either, but they still did it. They’re original and iconic and make the characters! Six tells the story of the six wives of henry the eighth who were divorced, beheaded, died, divirced, beheaded and survived. Of course there goes a lot into costume making which makes this even better Theres a lot to concidder:
-color psychology
And then of course the require some necessary qualities like
-rechognise characters (especially when one actor plays several) and set the ensemble apart
-makes no noises OR make specific noises
-You need to concidder the period in which the play takes place, and clothes aren’t the only complicated part of costumes: wigs/ hair and makeup or facepaint can make a whole look!
And the kind of musical can also influence the kinds of costumes. Some examples are
Types/ways of costumes (I tried to make this as few categories as possibles possible)
- Normal clothing. Examples: come from away, Illinois, the prom
- Periodically./accurate (unter punkt: seemingly adequate) Examples: newsies, the greatest show, something rotten
- Periodically modernised: Hamilton who had periodical clothes and hair and make up modern,
- Modernised: SIX which was almost robitic, descendants
- Interpretation Starlight express, (where trains and cars wore roler skates), tarzan, and lionking? Possibly? I feel like lionking could be a category of its own though to be honest
- made into outfit:: spongebob, Arielle/the little mermaid, (starlight express)
- Actually just costumes: cats, Shrek, beauty and the beast or wicked
- Inadequate: six
- Portraying: into the woods and parts of starlight express
- Simplified: hamilton
- using the stage: illinois, ride the cyclone
then theres storry telling for which i say cats. cats… which is quite ironic. Cats is about…. Well… cats
They could have done better but i still think it’s the best there is! They TELL their storry. Like in six exept they actually have a present that like,, exists. The lyrics alright i guess but the composing could have had a little more variety, however i did love the stage there as well because it was always the same but still did awesome stuff like the train thingy
talking about stages! I think the stage is such an important part thats often overlooked. There are musicals like dear evan hansen, the prom, be more chill or tuck everlasting that have a variety of different sets with self driving probs but it’s just actually different things and not very creative. There are two versions of good stages. One that take you in the setting, but that only works if your setting is a special place. There are many musicals that made this one very well. My top two are frozen on ice and tarzan they are actually in an icepit with icedanging and stuff and in tarzan they swing around like actual monkeys and spray you with water and stuff. The second type is when there is one element thats used through the whole show and that makes the setting. This is also called a Uni-set. One of the best examples for this is probably the grey cube: Falsettos. It’s about aids and judaism (?)
But whats part of the stage design is the light design which is overlooked even more than the stage itself. I know i said said that i didnt like the stage of dear evan hansen but it does have an awesome light design! In general the technical aspects and also the sound design there is really good! Dear evan hansen is about a boy who pretends to have been friends with a kid that recently passed.
then theres what i call the manipulation aspect which is choices that were purposely made but not pointed out. I think that hamilton did a great job here too. A lot of people talking at once when to much is going on in his life and only him talking when he makes the dumbest decision in his life. Walking in straight lines when thinking simple and good but in circles when it’s complicated and a lot. That sort of stuff.
the last aspect is performance. Its hard to rate this since for stage musicals the actors and therefore the performance changes constantly but i think the original tuck everlasting cast did a great job! Tuck everlasting is about a girl, Winnie, who meets an immortal family
something that i honestly probably shouldnt count but gives bonus points is: every musical should have at least one singer tht seems to not even be able to miss a tune if they tried. Sure all singers should be good i love when theres just this one over the top adelle level person. The greatest showman has one and its epic, like,,, goosbumbs throughout the whole song “never enough” with the swedish nightingale. The greatest showman is about Pineas Barnum- an actual guy- who believed in true happiness and that as long as a smile is real, it doesn’t matter if the ‘cause’ of that smile is. He was the reason for the saying “freakshow”
however those are only the best in their aspects but if you’re asking what the BEST MUSICAL IS I definitely say Newsies! im not saying that because i like it -which i do- but actually critically thinking!
Newsies is a Musical based on the newsboys strike of 1899 where the Newsies working for the World and the Journal held the first ever successful strike in america that was organised by kids in history. The story centres Centers around a Newsboy Jack Kelly and his new friend Davey. They start a strike against the owners of the Newspapers and stop selling because they raised the prices for the papers even tho they have more than enough money, when the Newsboys barely make a living. Davey tries to talk him out of it at first but doesn’t succeed. Eveantually he gives in and actually gets really invested in the strike himself in the end.
Now your prolly thinking: why? Well. This presentation is far from over. (That was a lie. Its almost done dont worry)
Lyrics are honestly great! I have zero complaints about that. If anything, i have complements! Sure, its not as good as Mirandas works but, lets be honest: what is? I think the lyrics were still more than A+! The story is simply great. i personally think its harder to make something that already exists or happened into a storry. It requires much more creativity despite already having a ‘template’ you have to make the whole thing fit and make sense with your own thing and still be accurate and theres a lot about this actually. Newsies did great with that! It’s composed geniusly too. Menken/Ortega outdid himself by far with it. The choreo? Bombastic! Don’t even get me started. Prolly the best I’ve even seen! And I‘m not just saying that. I actually don’t think i’ve ever seen anything choreographed this well before. They have dance breaks in songs, DESPITE DANCING THE WHOLE TIME anyways
Tunes? Through the roof top. (Haha get it— cuz of santa fe— laugh>:()
The mood was great but it had a balance! It was introduced with a good mood, making u invested but still,,, deep and sad.
You just need one picture -and this is gonna sound really bad for my case but- this[bild zeigen] is all you need to know about the show
While the costumes aren’t too original they’re definitely iconic and not too bad.
Story telling is fantastic! There are some talking to yourself/the audience and telling the story! Some telling it WITHIN the plot (which they did a gooood job making it seem natural and not forced info) and some middle grounds. I really liked it. They also blurred the lines there perfectly.
Stages! I love using newsies as an example for a good stage because they have BOTH kinds of a good stage! (sorta) its one element that is rearanged to make a whole different setting. They only needed some little elements that weren’t always the same. Add a few tables and chairs? Diner. Ad fancier chairs? Pulitzers office. Typewriter? Boom! Editors office. I also think that the metall stuff did a really good job reminding u where and when exactly this is taking place and that that combination of time and place: lower manhattan in 1899 wasnt the best mix of time and place to live in so that sorta counts for the first type.
We dont even need to talk about the “manipulation” aspect bc i wouldnt even know where to start. Im not even sure it was all on purpose. What character has what choreo, the double meaning of some things, the reprises, the rhymes and so much more
They have medda and jeremy jordan as jack kelly so they have not one but TWO of those perfect singers!
And Ive honestly never seen a bad performance of newsies . So yes. Chritically, Newsies is the best musical
Anyway my favourite is and always will be
Starlight express
Despite not being on place one in even ine of these
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A "short" crime report.
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"The chief problem in any community cursed with crime is not the punishment of the criminals, but preventing the young from being trained to crime." And if W. E. B. Du Bois is right on that quote, then this place must be the foremost university schooling in theft across the nation considering the crime rate.
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The thief anon.
The most prominent figure lately has been the thief anon, who seems to be running around, well, stealing. I have received a claim that the next break in or theft shall be at the Hamilton-Laurens residence, however if this claim is to be believed is of a matter of discussion. That could be a warning from the thief anon themselves since only the thief anon themselves would know that yes- however it could easily be a hoax made by someone bluffing, however I say it is important enough to note.
Some suspects of the thief anon include Philip Hamilton Laurens, supppsed to be Kelleher however who knows if that will actually happen after what has transpired, stealing money for child support he will have to pay to Odette Clementine.
A criminal often returns to the scene of the crime, so I would play close attention to anyone around the Hamilton-Laurens residence and Timothy Pickering's tavern.
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The shooting of Timothy Pickering.
As you can see from this article, Timothy Pickering has been having a very horrible no good time for the past few days.
No one truly knows what happened, except for Timothy ofcourse, and even he doesn't seem completely sure. I have not managed to find any records of the shooting except the aftermath, however people found such;
Peter III has been pestering Timothy and the sorrounding people for a while, he tried to make Timothy play war with him when Timothy obviously did not want to because of his trauma relating to the topic. Peter III has also taunted Timothy for his hight unprovoked, as well as many other people. For example Nathaniel Kraus who's sculpture was called ugly by Peter III, as well unprovoked, in an attempt to start an altercation.
No one is sure of Peter's exact motives, however the opinion across the board seems to be that everyone should stay clear of him and his explosive temper and uncompromising personality.
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Detective S.
A new detective is on the scene, Sterling Edevane, sniffing around for clues of some criminal underground. He is calling himself "a consulting detective", whatever that would mean.
So expect a knock on your door and a lil questionnaire, for he is very serious about his work. And if you have any information that could help him, he is kindly asking for you to bring it on over to him direct, via postbox or a visit at his address (@sincerely-edevane).
He specifically asks of any sightings of the previously mentioned 'tall goth clad in all black', however also takes any tips concerning the thief anon or anything else.
Also- yes you can put advertisements here now! Just as per usual send in an ask whatever you need to advertise, such as a new job position, services ect. and I shall incorporate it!
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And for a specific one of my readers-
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I am sorry to give you no alcohol! I hope you shall find a new excuse to drink.
However please remember, here I try to never state my own opinions or theories, all of which you have just heard has been sent to my letterbox and I am only putting it into an article.
As it says in my bio, do not kill the messenger♡︎
Tidbits of information and rumors from all around are always appreciated
P. S. About the Elias-Philip-Odette ordeal I shall most likely publish nothing about. Everything that has been revealed seems to have been revealed, not to mention everything about it is coming out so fast that I cannot keep track and anything of which I write vould be out of date hours later. I also just do not feel like writing about it in detail, and if mentioned it will only be mentioned like today in passing. Send in tips about it if you wish- however I cannot guarantee I will use them.
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harlem82themovie · 5 years
@annoyedatfirstsight tagged me for a pic, so here I am taking my walk home from work through Hamilton Hights in Harlem.
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opossum-the-burr · 3 years
lmm wrote the same musical 3 times and we let him get away with it
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vivistown · 4 years
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happy Lin y’all
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rabbit-in-blue · 4 years
Omg you guys! I just find Lin Manuel Miranda YouTube channel and it's hilarious, check it out...
To bad he does not uploaded content anymore...
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ladyvieliasutcliff · 5 years
It sucks being (me) in musical theatre fandom
Im too shy when i have to ask for bootlegs, a gift or something.
It makes me feel anxious and... I ended up doing nothing about it.
(I live in Latin America and, surprise! I'm an unemployed girl)
I was going to work hard and save some money but maybe the coronavirus is going to kill me first.
Well maybe i'm exaggerating. 
I'm going to find a job eventually, but it sucks being me.
At least musicals made me happy during these months.
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coluccim · 4 years
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the-trans-anon · 6 years
Why can’t more musicals record their shows and release them like newsies did.
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bigmack2go · 7 months
We all agree that in the hights devided by newsies equals westside storry right? Or that is little shop of horrors minus the guy who didn’t like musicals is phantom of the opera? Or starlight express plus lionking being cats? Or six minus hamilton, greatest show? Hadestown times tarzan equalling wicked? No?
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laurasstufff1 · 3 years
Mr. almost-eight-times-world-champion (1)
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Credits for the gift to @antogioamoremio​ !!!!!
Summary: YN was Angela’s daughter 👩‍👧, performance coach of Lewis Hamilton 🏋🏽. Let’s just say her relation with the driver wasn’t as good as her mum’s🙃. But there’s nothing a weekend in the mountains 🏔 can’t fix, right?
Warnings: enemies to friends (?) 🙅🏼‍♀️/ 👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏾, memories of Abu Dhabi 💔. YN and Lewis being mean 🙄 but Roscoe being cute 🥰. sorry before hand for the mistakes I might have done!! English is not my first language🙊! Also, this is suppose to be a three part story 3️⃣ !!
Word count: 2.3k
Every year since you were little your mum took you to the house in the mountains during February. Every year since she was the performance coach, some guy named Lewis joined. And every year you hated him a little bit more. As simple as that. It was no different this year. 
You were joining them later than usual, only for the weekend, because 1) you had work and 2) you wanted to spend the less time possible with Lewis now that Luca wasn’t even going to be there. Luca. Your ex. Long story short, he cheated.But everything wasn’t that bad. At least you would see Roscoe. 
As a matter of fact, the dog was the first who greeted you as soon as you got out of the car on Friday morning. You immediately left your bags on the muddy floor of the garden, not even caring about getting them dirty, and kneeled to pet the kind animal. Nothing in common with his owner. The hight pitched voice you always used to talk with that dog made your mum come outside of the house, finally greeting you too. 
You and her were just the same. It was hard at the begging as she had you really young, being almost 21. But thank God you shared a good relation, always teasing each other or making jokes. She was your best friend, she knew it all about your life, you didn’t try to hide it from her neither.
“Here she is!!” Angela, your mum, went running to you with open arms, waiting for a well deserved  hug after not seeing her since Christmas. “It’s so good to see you!! How was the drive?? And work?? Are you hungry?? We have some left over pancakes from breakfast, as soon as we finished I’ll make lunch. Also, you should change before-”
“Mum” you cut her off. She had a lot of energy, even more when she was feeling happy. “I’m okay, the drive was good, I’m not hungry yet and I’ll go change my clothes now and wrapped myself up in a cozy sweatshirt to protect me from the cold, okay?” You smiled placing your hand on her shoulder as she just nodded with a smiley face.
“Good” she talked when you were already walking towards the house. “Lewis is in the gym  downstairs, just in case you want to say hi”
You didn’t even need to answer, you just looked backwards to make eye contact with her again as you furrowed you eyebrows. 
“I’m just saying” your mum kept talking reaching your steps “try it at least, I know you would get along just fine, but neither of you would-“
“I’ll try mum, I’ll try” you rolled your eyes back heading upstairs, she headed downstairs. It was a good metaphor, the both of you were in the same place, but she always went with Lewis and you were just alone, following separate ways.
Walking through the long corridor, you sensed the scent of the house. Wood, flowers, humidity and fire. You wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, it was home. You opened your room door, smiling when you saw Roscoe laying comfortably on your cozy bed. That smile faded when you saw a suitcase on the side of the room, a suitcase that definitely wasn’t yours. There were some shoes on the floor, clothes on the bed and the floor and that scent of men, too peculiar to miss it. 
“Lewis!!!!” You shouted running downstairs. If your mum wanted you to finally get along with him, this wasn’t a good start. Lewis and your mum were looking down at her phone, laughing about God knows what. “Mum” you yelled standing on the door, not even daring to walk into the gym.
“Hi hun” your mum offered you a big smile.
“Hi YN” his smile wasn’t that obvious. Not even a second later, he focused his gaze on the screen again.
“Why are your things in my room?” You asked not even greeting him.
“It’s the bigger one. I could use the space to move there the training bike” he simply said not even caring to look back at you. “Besides, I share room” this time he did look back at you, the face you showed was worth it, thinking that he brought a girl this year “With my dog” he cheekily added knowing what you were already thinking.
“Of course with your dog, no human can bare with you, Mr. almost-eight-times-world-champion. What a last lap that was, huh?”
“Watch it” your mum, who listened silently until now, said.
 “I’m sure you enjoyed it” Lewis smiled at you. “Mrs. my-boyfriend-cheated-on-me-for-a-whole-year” 
“Mum!!” You shouted and ran headed upstairs. You knew there were no secrets between her and Lewis, but that was about you. You couldn’t believe she told him, but you couldn’t stand he used it against you.
You walked upstairs to your room, the one that Lewis made his. Oh, but it surely was yours, it has always been yours even before he joined to do preseasons here. You opened the door grabbed all his things: his clothes, shoes, suitcase. You headed to the ensuite bathroom and dropped all his stupid creams, soaps, gels and perfumes inside his toilet bag, something you regretted instantly thinking you should have just throw it all with his clothes. ‘Who the hell takes perfume to the mountains?? Insects are going to attack him’ you thought laughing and admiring his expensive collection. Once you gathered everything he had in your room, you just placed it in the corridor, next to the guest room, the room that he was supposed to take even if you arrived a week later. Only then you started organizing you stuff. 
Soon, you heard a shout from downstairs, your mum letting you know they were going for a run. You finished taking out the clothes and books you took, you even had time to do some work on your computer before deciding to go downstairs to prepare some lunch before they came back. And so that’s what you did.
You weren’t expecting them back so early, and you definitely weren't  expecting that sign of Lewis with his arm around your mum’s shoulder, supporting his weight on her while walking. 
“What happened?” You asked trying to look concern, thought you couldn’t hold a small giggle out of your mouth thinking Karma had its ways.
“He twisted his ankle. There was a rock in the path” your mum told you as she  helped him sit in the kitchen chair, where you were still cooking.
“Let me guess, you were making one of those stupid instagram videos???? Looking all tired and disgustingly sweaty but smiley???” You asked him but looking down at the food you were cooking. He didn’t say anything, he just groaned and you mum laughed. 
“He was” she simply said, earning a laugh form you. “Hun please, go get some ice for him. I’ll go look for the bandage upstairs” she talked while she was already walking upstairs, leaving Lewis and you alone in the kitchen. 
“You described pretty well the way I like to do my videos. I’m sure you stare at them way too long, huh?” he cheekily smirked while you were looking for ice. You walked towards him smiling, with a bag of frozen veggies in your hand. You didn’t doubt a second in pressing it all at once in his injured ankle. “Careful, YN!” He shouted in pain removing the bag from his skin.
“I think the one who needs to be careful here is you” you warned him before walking away to set the table.
“So” Angela talked when you were all sitting in the table finishing lunch “why is all your stuff in the corridor, Lewis?” She asked looking at him. As soon as she saw the look in his face, both of them looked at you, who were eating a banana. “YN” she called you, already knowing you had something to do with it. 
“I think it’s clear. It’s my room” you shrugged. “If he wants to use the bicycle he could just do it in the gym or use a normal one. We’re in the middle of the mountains, there’s a lot of paths and a couple of bikes in the garage” you mumbled finishing the last bit of the fruit.
“It’s too cold for that” Lewis was the one who talked now, but you shrugged again. 
“Then think twice before coming to the mountains” you got up with your plate and glass and headed back to the kitchen to clean everything up. 
“I’m sorry” you heard your mum talked. “She’s never ever like this”
“It’s okay” he said laughing, “It’s funny. She did change a lot since I last saw her”
“Prettier, huh?” You blushed hearing the comment of your mum. Really?
“Cheekier” he corrected her, and both of them laugh.
You headed back upstairs and opened your computer to keep on working on that new article that was driving you crazy on a bad way, but were determined to finish today. The door  creaked while you were in the peak of your concentration, typing as fast as you ever did. But you couldn’t get mad when you saw Roscoe walking thought the door and jumping on the bed, where he snuggled to sleep a sweet nap after eating his lunch.
“Dinner’s ready!” You mum pecked her head thought the door to find you still typing. “Still working??”
“I’ll go as soon as I’m done” you said not even lifting your gaze from the keyboard. You heard her mumble an ‘okay’ for answer, but you called her again. “Why did you tell him about Luca??” You asked, this time looking at her.
“He asked about you, he always does” you mum claimed in an obvious tone.  You met Lewis the day your mum met him for the first time too. You went to the job interview with her, you were with her when they told her, almost 7 years ago, that she would be the next performance coach for the one and only Lewis Hamilton. Before that, she worked in the local gym, flying away in the weekends to attend to masterclasses. But not all the weekends, and sometimes she even took you with her. But since she got this job, she wasn’t with you anymore. And yes, okay, you were a grown woman, with your own work, your own principles and values, but you missed her, and you worried about her constantly traveling from one country to another.
“How sweet” you sarcastically smiled. “Close the door when you leave, please. I’ll be there in a minute” your mum did as you said.
Dinner went by without much entertainment. Your mum and Lewis talked about the plans for the next day, you thought abut the article, and that was it. They were still talking about nutrients and vitamins when you decided to go to bed.
“Night mum” you said hugging her close to your body, as you always did when you got the chance. Except now it was a shorter interaction, kinda uncomfortable, as Lewis was sitting next to her in the sofa, reading the article shown in the laptop.
“Night Lewis” 
“Night” he said so fast it sounded like if he only pronounced the vowel.
Back in your room, the laptop was still on the table, the article still far from finish. You stared at it, biting your nail unsure on what to do. You didn’t fancy writing it now, but you wanted to finish it so badly.
“Should I finish it, Roscoey?” You asked to the sleepy dog on your bed, like if he was going to  give you the answer. What he didn’t want for sure was to be disturbed on his sleep, so you decided to sit on the chair and start typing anything that came to your mind instead of laying on the bed next to him. 
You didn’t know how much time went by since you started to write, but your eyes felt so heavy, as if they were going to close at any moment without warning. It was definitely time to change and go to bed.  
You got up, stretching your arms behind your back letting out some groans at how good it felt. Then you headed to the bathroom to do your skin care routine, thinking at how you laughed about Lewis’s creams and oils, but you did have too many as well. 
Just when you were taking your sweatshirt off,  you heard the door opening again, not even minding it because it would probably be your dear mother. Turns out it wasn’t.
“What the hell are you doing??” You gasped not even caring to wake up whoever was already sleeping. Lewis stood there, by the door, with a look as shocked as yours.
“Are you performing a striptease dance for my dog??” He asked with that smirk you hated so much.
“What the hell, Lewis!” You yelled taking the pjs shirt to cover your body and your face, that surely was as red a damn tomato ‘Okay relax now, you were wearing a bra, it’s the same as wearing a bikini, right?’ You thought trying to calm your nerves. “What are you doing here? What do you want?”
“My dog” he pointed at Roscoe, who was watching the interaction with open eyes as if he was a gossip old woman. “He snores too much at night, won’t let you sleep” he started walking towards the bed.
“No!” You stood in front of him, not letting him walk any further. “It was his decision to sleep here, leave him alone!”
“Well okay” he laughed walking towards the door. He was already walking towards the door as you walked closely behind him to close the door. just when he was about to leave, he turned around leaving your faces way too close for your liking “but you’ve been warned” he claimed before walking to his room.
“Idiot” you mumbled under your breath.
Well, you got no sleep that night. That dog was loud. How could a sound so loud come out of a small dog like him?? It will always be a mystery.
Second part here!! 😄😄
TAGLIST: @sad-fridge2323​ (send me a message if you want to be added!!) 
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tearsandice · 7 years
Would anyone's like it if I posted Yuri on ice x Hamilton parodies I wrote/ am writing?
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Best way to emotionally exhaust yourself: 
1. put all your musicals in one playlist
2. press shuffle
3. die
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