#Hamas aren't freedom fighters
flowers-and-pollen · 8 months
I'm scared
There was a rocket that exploded above Dalyat El Carmel
They never got this close to here
It's not even a jewish village, it's mostly druze people there
It's getting closer every time
And i'm scared
It's 15 minutes from here
I heard the boom from where i live
The house shook
Israelis don't deserve to die.
Palestenians don't deserve to die.
No one does.
I just want everything to go back to normal
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mylight-png · 2 months
To the girl who stands with "Freedom Fighters"
On Friday, pro-Hamas groups on my campus started an encampment. I, along with a few Chabad peers, decided to stick around to keep an eye on things and be aware of the situation.
In that time, a non-Muslim, non-Arab, non-Palestinian girl approached us, and in the conversation when Hamas were brought up, she said she "stands with freedom fighters".
So this is to the girl who stared me right in the face and said she stands with "freedom fighters".
"Freedom fighters" don't cut off a woman's breast and toss it around like a plaything. "Freedom fighters" don't steal babies from their homes and keep them in dark tunnels for months on end. "Freedom fighters" don't take women hostage to hold them at gunpoint and command them to perform sexual acts. "Freedom fighters" don't gang rape civilians attending a music festival for peace, recording the whole thing with pride. "Freedom fighters" don't parade the naked bodies of their victims along the streets and pass out candy in celebration.
Maybe for you, girl who stands with "freedom fighters", this war is just some fandom to follow. You bought your cheap keffiyeh on Amazon and decided you're a revolutionary. Decided to set up camp illegally on campus and deemed yourself a rebel.
But did you stare at your screen in shock as your heart and hope and trust shattered into twelve hundred bloody pieces, trampled in the dirt? Did you frantically text friends to make sure they were home and safe and alive? Did your hands shake as you realized what was being done to your brothers and sisters?
Did you ever stare at a "missing" poster and miss people you've never met, because they're family all the same? Did you stare at graffiti scratched on a baby's face on the walls of your school's Chabad and realize that this is how little your lives and theirs mean to your peers?
Have you ever read the news and seen a Jewish brother murdered in your home city? Felt your heart drop to see another brother dead, so far from the war and yet somehow never far enough?
No, you haven't. Because you think you're such a rebellious revolutionary, standing in front of me in your keffiyeh, supporting your "freedom fighters".
Because you never had to hear your mother say she used to live on one of the kibbutzim that were attacked and realized that this could have been your future.
Because you have never had to look in the eyes of someone who has lost friends and family to your "freedom fighters" and struggled to find what to say to offer even a shred of comfort.
To you, this war is a trend. A fandom. A quirky little phase.
To so many others, it's a fucking nightmare come to life.
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ebrew · 4 months
If your version of activism involves
-Blaming Israelis for the destruction caused by Hamas
-Blaming Jews Zionists and calling for the death of people who support the Jewish right to self-determination in our ancestral homeland
-Comparing the Magen David to the swastika(?!?)
-Holocaust inversion in general
-"Globalizing the Intifada"
-Calling for the destruction of Israel
-Denying antisemitism when you're called out
-Celebrating the death of Jews during 10/7
-Calling Israel a settler/colonial state and ignoring the history of the Jewish people
-Calling Hamas "freedom fighters" and ignoring what the Palestinians are saying or
-Minimizing and covering up the suffering of Jews since 10/7,
You're not an activist, you're an antisemite.
If someone says that you're being antisemitic and you ignore them, you are complicit in hate. Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to self-determine in our ancestral homeland.
Sorting all of us into "good" or "bad" Jews is not only antisemitic, but also creates a mindset in which Jews have to be complicit in our own tokenization and destruction.
If you don't know about the conflict or aren't completely sure what to think, "I don't know" is a perfectly good answer. Jews aren't afforded the privilege of being ambiguous, but goyim are.
Do some research. Form your own opinions. But make sure that you're not being antisemitic while doing so.
It's not antisemitic to be critical of the current Israeli government, and recognize that there are other options rather than the destruction they're causing. Calling for the destruction of Israel is.
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avi-on-jumblr · 7 months
post 1: did you know that z1onists control the media and the banks and the US government!!!1!!
post 2: just heard the most horrible news from a super reputable [link to tiktok] source.... isnotraelis have been stealing palestinian babies for thousands of years to drink their bl00d....
post 3: did you know the hostages aren't real and don't exist and are zionist propaganda? but also they were treated so well in 5 star hotels by hamas gentlemen <3
post 4: smh why do so many people say we have to condemn hamas theyre literally freedom fighters. look at this nice man from the hamas fighter wing saying he just loves the beach. isn't he sweet?
post 5: omg happy hannukah 🕎 🎄☃️🕎 i love my jewish friends <33 everyone remember that anti-semitism [sic] is bad. good thing nobody is anti-semitic [sic] anymore <3. anyways punch a nazi!!
post 6: i hope all the zio-nazis (who are more evil than regular nazis) die in a fire
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xclowniex · 1 month
The depressing thing about I/P is that it's shocking quite easy to take a stance on the matter without being viciously bigoted as hell, and yet people just swan-dived straight into vicious hatred and cruelty on pretty much the flip of a switch:
Netanyahu's government and Hamas are the main bad guys. The former because he was already a far-right wing crook who was in big trouble prior to all this, and now he's using the war to stay in power and out of jail. He's a genuinely evil man who needs to be in prison, and there are people within Israel trying to hold him accountable. Netanyahu absolutely detests Biden because the latter is less beneficial to him for his own cruel goals (Though justifiably your mileage may vary on Biden's actions and whether they're the right thing to do or not), and Netanyahu would greatly benefit from having Trump in power...which would be the exact opposite of helping Palestine.
Hamas is a terrorist organization being bankrolled by Qatar billionaires and who wouldn't hesitate to use Palestinians as cannon fodder for their goals. They aren't freedom fighters by any stretch of the imagination just because the government opposing them is led by an evil man and his far-right cronies, and regular Palestinians are being oppressed by them.
Both Israeli people and Palestinians have a long and complicated history that hasn't been resolved in centuries, and trying to pretend as outsiders that we somehow know the correct solution (of killing or driving out all of one side) is incredibly arrogant and extremely cruel, and basically turning two very diverse and complex peoples into props for our own ego trips.
Israel's and Hamas' governments have both committed immense atrocities and war crimes, and those involved DO need to be held accountable in order for a proper peaceful solution to exist, but that does NOT make their respective peoples responsible for their actions. So constantly trying to treat all Israeli and Jewish people as being responsible for genocide is stupid and grossly bigoted, especially given that in many other cases, we don't treat other nations who've committed similar crimes and evils the same way.
Likewise, Palestinians aren't people's personal props for their revolutionary fantasies or weirdly para-social guilt complex either; just because people in the West are deep in denial about their own nations' history of horrific mistreatment of minorities doesn't mean they get to turn two entirely different independent countries (with vastly different sociopolitical and racial histories) into a balm to sooth their own guilty consciences.
Like, this is still somewhat of a gross simplification, and feel free to correct me if I missed something, but it's still incredibly disturbing how many people can't seem to do this base level of thinking.
Nah you are so right anon
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jewish people online:
yeah we have to block and report people constantly because they post misinformation, harass us, send death threats, doxx us, send sexual harassment threats, go after our friends, and generally destroy our mental health. there's not really any super well known lists of people to block and report because ever jew has a different threshold of what they can handle seeing and want to see. some people do share information especially about particularly violent people to keep others safe. we'd really like it if more people spoke up about antisemitism but at the very least just leave us alone and fact check things
antizionists anti-israel (totally just the government) anti jewish people:
we've curated a huge list of celebrities and influencers for you to block because they haven't talked about our special cause (palestine) yet! we do not encourage you to make critical decisions about who you're blocking and why and instead we want you to just block every single person who doesn't talk about palestine. no we don't care that a lot of celebrities accounts aren't even controlled by them and are instead accessed mostly by members of their staff. its just common knowledge that the best form of activism is getting mad at famous people! then people look at those people and realize how bad they are -- wait what do you mean?? we're exposing these celebrities to more people and some of those people actually agree with them?? they could even gain support? or even if they lose followers they might have a smaller audience that's more interactive?? no no wait that can't be right. also when people post things without checking for misinformation because they fear losing support or even income it can actually harm palestinians?? because the aid is probably going to hamas instead? wait how is that bad hamas are our freedom fighters!! anyway ugh all this is making my head hurt those (((zionists))) are controlling the media
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via-rant · 3 months
"Do you Condemn Hamas?" No. If those claims actually fucking happened then yes, but no, I don't. They are freedom fighters! In any other situation I would say yes but in this situation, no. They have been going through this since 1948.
"But the mass rape!" Debunked.
"But the Babies!" Debunked!
"What about the hostages?!" Which ones? The Hostages that Israel has killed? The Hostages that aren't coming home because Israel denied them a ceasefire?
"They killed over 1,000 people!!" Israel killed over 30,000 since Oct. 7th!! 30 FUCKING THOUSAND!!! More then 60,000 since 1948!! HALF OF THEM BEING FUCKING CHILDREN!!!! A bunch of them being Israelis themselves!!! At this point if you ask me "Do you Condemn Hamas?" I'm gonna ask "Do you condemn Netanyahu? Do you condemn Genocide Joe? Do you condemn Israel?" Because they're the terrorists you should be fucking worried about! Not freedom fighters who grew up around bombs!!
Go fuck yourself Israel!! And anyone else who supports Israel or is fucking disgustingly "Neutral" about the situation!!! No you're not fighting for piece!! Read a damn history book shitstain!!
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thatdebaterguy · 4 months
More Misinformation
So I've had a debate going on a post about Starbucks losing revenue with this one person who seems convinced they have all the answers, despite their most recent point being entirely factually incorrect.
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I'll repeat what I said in the replies to them. Recordings of civilian deaths doesn't equal genocide, otherwise Hamas would be committing genocide on Israel too, which they aren't. Also by your definition of genocide, Israel would be the victim of genocide. Israel lost 1,139 people in a single day on the day of October 7th, which is a large group of people being murdered for their ethnicity. That wasn't genocide though, that was mass murder and a terrorist attack. The definition of genocide clearly states that there must be intent to wipe out all peoples of a specific ethnicity. Currently, there is more evidence that Hamas is attempting a genocide of the Israeli people due to their obvious and open statements, and slogan, 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free' which calls for the annexation of Israel, which would result in the deaths of more Jews than Palestine has ever lost.
Palestine has taken abnormally high amounts of civilian deaths in comparison to other wars, but there's two key things about that. This isn't a war like any other war, it's been legally ongoing for about 75 years since the Arab nations first began their relentless assaults against Israel, but going on for centuries and centuries before that. Secondly, the responsibility of these civilian deaths can be almost entirely put on Hamas for using their people like human shields to present this idea of indiscriminate killings by Israel, which is false. Israel are targeting Hamas, Hamas are using their people as shields and began this bitter unnecessary war without any justification, and continue to cause their people to die by refusing to lay down arms. They're not brave martyrs or freedom fighters, they're terrorists causing their people to suffer by their own stupid blind hatred and extremism. Palestine needs to be liberated from Hamas, and Israel is the only one taking out this scourge on the people of Palestine. Yes it's brutal, but it's possibly the only way to try and prevent future suffering. Mass death is sad, but comparing it to genocide, the same thing that the Jewish people endured, is frankly an insult to all ethnicities that were victim to genocide.
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slyandthefamilybook · 6 months
The fact that ppl will use "hamas shared food and gave access to doctors" wrt literal hostages but don't follow that train of thought to go "why aren't the civilians they're supposed to be governing being guaranteed access to the same" is wild and really highlights the fact that ppl care more abt like. Stanning their idea of revolution.
Like I'm not even sure how many westerners even get that hamas are literally Gaza's government, and the choices that they've made with that in mind are inexcusable, even if someone's too blinded by jew hatred to care about what they've done to Israelis (even when a number of those victimized aren't even Jewish)
it's insane. it's just insane.
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The people in Gaza are screaming out against Hamas but no one in The West wants to listen to them because it destroys their narrative of "brave freedom fighters revolting against their oppressors". This won't end until people realize it's not Israelis vs. Palestinians, or Jews vs. Muslims or Arabs, or even the IDF vs. Hamas. It's oppressors vs. victims, and Hamas and Likud and the IDF are all oppressors, and Gazans and Kibbutzniks are all the victims
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beau-rebloga-coisas · 4 months
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yea no definitely the IDF is being unjusticed here
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mylight-png · 8 months
I just got a stupid reblog saying that "Hamas doesn't want to kill Jews it wants to get rid of colonialist Zionists" and shit. I've already addressed that, being indigenous to Israel, we literally cannot be colonists there, and the history confirms this. That is not the point of this post, however.
If the antisemites will not take my word for it, maybe they will listen to their beloved "resistance group" Hamas and when they are clear about their goals.
So, with that being said, let's take a look at their founding charter, shall we?
"The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
'The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.' (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem)."
Hmmm. Yes, they definitely only want to get rid of Zionists. For sure. That's why the word "Zionist" was mentioned so many times in this statement of genocidal intent. For sure. (Sarcasm, by the way.)
Let's take a look at another part, hm?
"Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps."
Right yes, their struggle is against the Zionists. Not the Jews. For sure. How could I not have seen this before? (Again, sarcasm. Obviously.)
They also mention Jews in addition to Israelis and Zionists as a group of the people they don't like, as well as Christians, such as here:
"'But the Jews will not be pleased with thee, neither the Christians, until thou follow their religion; say, The direction of Allah is the true direction. And verily if thou follow their desires, after the knowledge which hath been given thee, thou shalt find no patron or protector against Allah.'"
Uh. Who is gonna tell them that Jews do not seek to convert anyone? (They might just be referring to Christians, I'll give them that.) However, they still do very clearly vilify those who do not subscribe to their beliefs, and it almost seems as if they wish to violently convert them. Y'know, with the "thou shalt find no patron or protector against Allah". Just saying.
So yeah. Hamas aren't your "freedom fighter" heroes. They are a terrorist group based in genocidal intent.
If you ignore this and fail to condemn them, maybe you just hate Jews. Just saying.
I feel like I'm being a lot more... Not blunt, but I suppose more sassy? With my tone? If that makes sense? But you know what, I'm so fed up with these people not bothering to read a document that is incredibly easy to find online. How can you support something you know nothing about?
So yeah. Hamas's original founding document says it all.
The Antizionism movement is founded, steeped, and marinated in antisemitism.
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iamnmbr3 · 7 months
Hamas is not Palestine but it is made of Palestinian people (even if the leadership resides in Qatar), it was the Palestinian civilians who delivered the escaped hostage back to Hamas, and it's the Palestinian people who take part in the the terrorist organization.
It's good to acknowledge that Hamas doesn't represent Palestinian people but it also sounds odd to pretend that it's some removed organization that just happens to reside in Gaza.
Yes of course there are Palestinians who support or are members of Hamas just like there are Americans who support Trump or who participated in the January 6th terrorist attack at the Capitol. That doesn't mean the MAGA movement represents all Americans or actually benefits the US. There are also Palestinians who have risked their lives to stand up to Hamas - and Palestinians who have been killed for such resistance.
Hamas's narrative is that they are freedom fighters who represent the Palestinian people. I reject that narrative. They are corrupt and brutal oppressors. They steal money intended to aid their populace and use it for weapons or for luxuries for their corrupt billionaire leaders. Since gaining power following Israel's 2005 withdrawal from Gaza they have inflicted suffering and oppression on the Palestinian people there. They don't stand for freedom or Palestine or Gaza or Islam or any cause despite what they and their supporters claim. They aren't activists or freedom fighters. They are brutal terrorists who rape and torture and murder because they have an insatiable lust for blood.
They are abhorrent as is anyone who supports them.
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trainer-blue · 8 months
there are three terms i see being thrown around in a ton of posts "supporting" palestinians that don't actually apply. if you're someone who calls israel an apartheid colonial state committing genocide and you either actually believe it or have seen those terms often enough to copy them yourself, i encourage you to think a little more deeply about what these words mean:
this term isn't one that you use for just any form or extent of racial discrimination. i have never seen anyone use this term in reference to the united states, and i think everyone reading this can acknowledge that racism is extremely prevalent and systemic here. in fact, i've only ever seen this term used in regards to south africa and israel. if you use it about israel, think about what policies are in place that make it an apartheid state in your view, and then think about whether any other country in the world has comparable ones. if so, why is israel considered apartheid when others aren't? here is some information about the term and why it does not apply. why israel isn't an apartheid state arab political parties and participation in israeli government
colonial state:
to most people, colonization involves taking land from indigenous peoples so that people who are not indigenous to the area / have no ancestral ties to that area can control it instead. colonial settlers could, in theory, return to a country of ancestral origin in which they would be a cultural majority or be safe and not expect to be subject to hate crimes because they are of majority status. one can acknowledge that palestinians have been displaced without it being colonialism. jewish people are indigenous. yes, even the white ones. no, not all jews are white. if any of these claims seem far-fetched to you, or you don't understand how jewish people can be indigenous to israel, i recommend reading these posts: jewish indigeneity from an archeological perspective history of jewish presence in israel
"the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." if israelis-- even the israeli government, which even "zionists" consider right-wing, fucked, and nonrepresentative of their values-- wanted to wipe out palestinians, we would have seen very different actions from them throughout history. one can acknowledge and mourn the loss of innocent palestinian life during wartime without framing it as something it's not. growth of palestinian population rates
"why does it matter what terms we use? isn't it GOOD to exaggerate or use buzzwords to catch people's attention? how else can we make people understand the true plight of palestinians?"
there is no reason to use terms that don't apply, actually. when so many people parrot these terms without understanding whether or not they're accurate:
1. this actual situation gets muddled, leading to people who have done no research of their own jumping to pick sides because they think they’re rallying against "the new nazis." These people may then support Hamas as “freedom fighters,” attack Jewish people around the world, and celebrate the rape, torture, and death of Israeli women and children because they’re “complicit in colonial apartheid genocide” and no longer considered human.
2. you imply that it is impossible to care about or support civilians affected by war if they’re NOT victims of genocide, colonialism, or apartheid states. Why do you need to rely on these terms to feel empathy for palestinians? If you acknowledged that they’ve been displaced by other indigenous people and are being killed in and affected by war, would your fervor for their cause die out? if so, is that a reasonable response to the realization that the real world isn't cut and dry, and not every conflict has a completely evil side and a side that is completely innocent?
3. ACTUAL instances of genocide, apartheid, and colonialism get watered down. I’ve seen people compare this to the Holocaust, calling Jewish people Nazis. Look back at the resource I linked to above. When you compare steady growth of Palestinian populations with the brutal erasure of ⅔ of the jewish population in europe, you are not only overexaggerating current events, but you’re also saying that the holocaust wasn’t all that bad, actually. To weaponize a people’s own genocide against them is. Gross. Especially when recent events have been catalyzed by Hamas beheading and burning babies–rather reminiscent of the Holocaust–and when people continue to deny that the 10/7 attack even took place. Also. rather. Reminiscent of non-jewish refusal to believe accounts of concentration camps.
similarly, when you water down terms like “apartheid” to mean any form of inequality for racial minorities, you deny the realities of apartheid south africa and imply that that’s “pretty much the same” as racism experienced in other countries around the world
hamas calling for jewish (NOT ISRAELI) death
perspective on equating israel to apartheid south africa
thank you for reading. this is not a call to abandon support for palestinians. this is a call to think about the terms you use and the misinformation you've seen.
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art-the-f-up · 7 months
If I came across as snippy or trying to start something, I apologize, I'm barely holding myself together right now. I just saw some of the comments people have made about the situation on your Palestine AU and got frustrated. I want to be sure people have the whole picture, but whenever I try, people shut me down without really listening and blocking me. A guy got my original account deleted for "hate speech" when I posted my story just because they didn't like what I said. That's why I'm staying anon.
The truth is, I have someone over there who's being held in the middle of it all. She went on a school trip a few months ago and was reported missing. My family panicked not knowing what happened, and then a few weeks later all hell broke loose with this war.
My family was furious with Israel, and jumped to the conclusion it was like Russia & Ukraine, but later found out they were trying to take out Hamas, who had taken her and some of her classmates hostage.
No one knows what it's like to have someone over there, and no one seems to try to understand or even care. In their minds, Israel is the big bully and Palestine is the sole victim, but things aren't that black and white. Hell, Israel negotiating for hostage releases is the only reason a couple of her classmates have come home.
Meanwhile, everyone online seems to keep preaching about how Palestine must be free and how they need to stop supporting this war while offering no real alternatives to stopping Hamas, even going so far as to say they are a bunch of freedom fighters who need the support. Sometimes the only options you have are bad ones... But you still have to choose...
I'm not saying what's happening to the innocent people in Palestine isn't a tragedy, or trying to just brush it off, but men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with. I wouldn't wish this on anyone; knowing those monsters have her is a living hell, and not a day goes by that we don't hope and pray that they'll be stopped, just so my sister can come home.
Sorry for rambling, I just really needed that release. I've said my peace, I promise I won't bother you about it again.
Hey, I completely understand your situation. But we have to admit this is a sensitive topic for many. NOT forbidden, just sensitive. You can expect me to listen to what you have to say and even understand your perspective, but you won't find many people like that when it comes to this topic and that is just what the internet is like. Just because I am understanding you doesn't mean other people are, and they each have their own right to being exhausted with justifications of crimes on any side. If there's anything I've learned it's that pointing fingers in an argument is not going to get anyone anywhere. I am someone who has been trying to hear out both israelis and Palestinians because like anyone else, after oct 7 I wanted to get the whole picture, as you say.
But your entire discussion started with being biased instead of trying to show the whole situation. You started with saying "israel is not the bad guy" but also said "Hamas is a terrorist organization" and I want you to really look at the use of words if you want people to see the "entire picture". Otherwise you ARE going to get shut down. The entire point of starting an argument online is that you first have to claim you've tried to study the complexity thoroughly. Chalking it up to Hamas being a terrorist organization and justifying a genocide is not going to cut that.
I am completely against trying to shut down someone's grief no matter how big or small it is. Everything comes down to the fact that we are all human, we all have feelings and every life matters. I can only send my condolences to the family that's going through this first hand. First of all, if you are actually someone who has been so closely impacted by this, trying to show the 'bigger picture' on the other accounts instead of your own is ALREADY a pretty dangerous thing for you to do, let alone to the art account of a local tribal artist in the north of some little country.
Now I really want you to evaluate your situation. Your family is tensed, is grieving, they are beside themselves with worry. Just thinking about it makes me sad and I sincerely hope that everything safely gets resolved for you and hopefully everyone is safe. But can you seriously say that as soon as your family found out "oh, Israel is just trying to eradicate a terrorist organization by blowing up the very place where the hostages could potentially be" they were…. okay with it?
I understand what it's like. I understand and I care. I grew UP on the stories of people going missing, people being blown up, people getting martyred in Palestine. Trust me I understand what you are going through.
I will never try to justify what happened to civilians on oct 7. it is horrible. What happened on oct 7 and what has been happening in Palestine for years makes no one but the innocent suffer at the hands of evil powers. But you cannot, with all due respect, try to say you're showing a 'bigger picture' when you clearly failed to mention the entire history.
Everyone living in Israel knows they are, first and foremost, living in an apartheid state. It is not that difficult for anyone mature enough to see the situation around them and look up and research to come to that conclusion. And many Israelis have. And many have left. Because they knew what living being such a place will entail for them.
And keep in mind I am also NOT in support of trying to make any Israelis leave, who have documented proof of any of their ancestors being from that land and/or don't have second citizenship somewhere else in the world. I hold them to the same level of rights as I do Palestinians.
I don't need to get into overcomplicated finger-pointing and yelling. You can look up Israeli soldiers shooting their own hostages in Gaza despite them shouting in Hebrew and holding up white flags. And the army only apologized because they were identified as Israeli citizens. How does that differentiate the Israeli army from Hamas? I don't need to pull up multiple sources or proof provided by the Israelis themselves. They are already everywhere. What I've heard and what I've seen from October seven, I'm seeing more and more of it being done by the Israeli Army. So we need to be really careful trying to call one side a terrorist, because that will automatically mean calling the other side the same. Which is true. In terms of definitions, what's happening in Gaza is blatant terrorism.
If Palestine was an apartheid state, you would see me speaking out against them. If Palestine was a colonizer apartheid and the people stood up to fight back against a powerful army with resources far more than that of them, you would see me calling them freedom fighters, not terrorists. Because I did happen to read a little bit about the international laws. I do happen to be from a family with a history of armed freedom fighters.
So yes, I am incredibly sorry that this is impacting you mentally, I hope you and you family stays safe and united, but if the impact is making you say biased things, it's better to go offline, take a break from social media, and spend this time trying to pray for your family and spending time with them.
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evilwickedme · 7 months
People who excuse or support Hamas, people who call them freedom fighters, people who deny the 7/10 pogrom... These people aren't just stupid. They're outright evil. It is the height of antisemitic cruelty and I could never forgive anyone for committing such a transgression.
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gingerswagfreckles · 9 months
Hey, sorry to bother with this, but I see that you are a very smart human with a deep understanding and knowledge of things. You have probably seen that the main argument for bombing Gaza among Israeli government and pro-israeli people is "They are bombing outer cities, what choice do we have? What other way is there to defeat hamas and ensure safety?".
So I wanted to ask, what do you and your followers think could be the way to solve this?
Thankyou in advance.
@azhdakha Thank you very much, but I really don't know much more than what I feel like anyone who follows the news does. It's just that people on this website staunchly refuse to do that lol. But I honestly don't know how they can defeat Hamas and ensure safety at this point. I'm just sure that the IDF is doing nothing right now except killing thousands of civilians and ensuring the next generation of terrorists becomes radicalized.
If we could go back in time a few decades, I would say that the total blockade of the Gaza strip was inevitably going to lead to terrorist attacks as the people became more and more desperate. I would say that the aggressive increase in the settlements of the West Bank under Netanyahu was also always going to end with this, because it showed that the Israeli government obviously had no intention of respecting any sort of two state solution. They've also had an apartheid state for decades in which Palestinians literally have to follow completely different oppressive laws and face a different judicial system. That also definitely did not help.
But all of this being the very predictable precursor to increased radicalization and eventually terrorism from the side of an extremely oppressed group doesn't change that we can't go back in time and are in a really bad position now. I don't really see any good ways to resolve this at this point that could end well for the Palestinians, which is part of why I've been so angry at people celebrating these terrorist attacks like they are freedom fighters starting the #revolution. They aren't. This is an extremely lopsided war and I have no idea how anyone can be so blind that they don't see that this is going to end terribly for the Palestinian people (and already is).
I guess the only thing I can say for certain is that there needs to be an immediate ceasefire while someone somewhere figures out a more specific way of dealing with Hamas than indiscriminately bombing an extremely densely populated civilian area. And before that can happen, Netanyahu has to fucking go. His approval rating is at rock bottom for a good reason. This is what he and his hard right religious extremist faction have been driving the region towards for decades with their aggressive settlements of the West Bank and refusing to respect the rights of the Palestinians. So. I really don't know what could be done to realistically de-escalate this situation beyond an immediate ceasefire, but Netanyahu is absolutely not the person who's going to figure it out. That's all I feel confident about.
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