#Haikyuu Fukunaga
main-bird · 3 months
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bunch of the kitty cats or tono tries getting used to drawing the nekoma team
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avalaryx · 2 months
the rarepair of rarepairs
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dira333 · 7 months
The way to a (wo)man's heart - Fukunaga x Reader
A/N: Don't ask me how I came up with this. Tagging @fuzztacular for reasons
If you saw the first version - no you don't.
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You anxiously look over your shoulder as you push the apartment door open.
It’s not that you’re not allowed to be here, but it feels anything but okay to enter the apartment of a practical stranger when they’re not home.
The key had been under the doormat, just like Yamamoto had said. But your jacket is not in the Genkan as he had promised.
You curse silently under your breath and slip out of your shoes, racking your brain where Fukunaga could have deposited it. 
You’ve only been over once, on that godforsaken excuse of a date you went with Yamamoto over a month ago. Set up by a mutual friend you’d considered him cute and yourself lucky until his phone chimed in the middle of the two of you waiting for a table. 
“Oh!” He exclaimed, the boyish grin on his face making him look even more attractive, “Fukunaga just invited us over for Dinner! Come on, let’s go!”
He’d ushered you out of the Restaurant before you could fully grasp what was going on. By the time your brain caught on it was too late to back out again, or at least it felt that way.
The kitchen is cluttered with dirty dishes, a laundry basket with dirty clothes deposited on the kitchen table. Your jacket is nowhere to be seen. You don’t want to intrude any more than you have to, but you’re awfully fond of the garment and who knows when you’ll get it back.
Yamamoto’s gone for the week and while there had never been a second date, he’s become something like a friend, albeit a rather unreliable one.
You’re checking the living room when you hear it. Someone’s coughing and it’s the deep, awful sound that comes with being sick.
You freeze, hand halfway under the little Couch.
No response. You get up from the floor and tiptoe over to the only door you’ve never been through. It’s not fully closed and when you push it open, it gets stuck halfway, its path hindered by a jacket lying on the floor. You recognize the fabric immediately. It’s yours.
Another cough pulls your eyes back up. Fukunaga is curled up in bed, blanket on the floor, his face flushed from what you assume is a high fever, hair disheveled and slick with sweat. 
His sight pulls at your heart more than it should.
He’s practically a stranger after all, an unfortunate soul you only met because he didn’t think Yamamoto would bring his date over at the mere offer of Dinner and some games. 
“This is Fukunaga,” Yamamoto introduces you, slipping out of his shoes as he talks, passing the guy before you’re even halfway out of your jacket. “He invited us.”
Fukunaga blinks at you, clearly as confused as you. 
You haven’t forgotten your manners, moving forward to offer your hand in greeting. But your left foot catches on something and you stumble. Fukunaga barely manages to catch you by the shoulders before you go crashing into him.
His eyes are huge and there’s something about his face that makes him look like a kitten.
“We can’t have you falling for me,” he jokes and you can’t help but snort. His humor sets you at ease.
And it’s a nice evening, even if it’s not a date. 
Fukunaga’s Paella has your mouth watering, wishing for a stomach big enough to get a third helping. There’s Inuoka and Shibayama, Kenma and Kuroo, and no one seems to think it weird that you’re there too, sharing their food and demolishing them at Mario Kart. Although, to be fair, you’re only ever going second place. Kenma’s just too good. 
“Fukunaga?” You call out softly, unable to help yourself. “Are you okay?” 
He does not react. On his nightstand, you spot a thermometer and move to grab it. It won’t hurt to check on him. And you’re right. His fever is dangerously high.
With new determination, you return to the kitchen. The cough drops are almost empty but there’s still some ibuprofen. You fill a glass with water and return. 
It’s frightening how little Fukunaga pushes against you when you pull him into a sitting position. He blinks a little but shows no other reaction when you force him to swallow the medicine. Next, you wet a towel and place it on his burning head, your own cheeks heating up when he leans into your touch. 
You resolve to give the medicine half an hour to work its magic. If his fever doesn’t go down in that timeframe, you’ll have to get him to a doctor. You don’t have a car and you don’t want to think about having to drag him out of the apartment either, all approximately 70kg of him.
At first, you don’t dare to leave his side. He’s ghostly pale now and shivering even though you’ve tucked him back in. But sitting there with nothing else to do but letting your eyes wander does nothing good for your heart. It’s when you notice that his mouth is kinda cute, lips curled in like a kitten, that you force yourself to get up.
After all, the kitchen does not clean itself.
“Am I in heaven?” Fukunaga asks when you step back into his room half an hour later. His voice is raspy and he can barely keep his eyes open, but at least he’s awake now.
“Are you calling me an angel?” You ask, still a little surprised by his words. 
He blinks, eyes widening. “You’re not a dream?” He asks, confusion lacing his words. “Am I dead?”
You laugh, can’t help it. 
“No, idiot. But you’ve got a high fever. Let me check your temperature.”
Fukunaga moves, presses his temple against your hand as you move to reach for the thermometer. He’s still warm, though not burning hot. The touch, however, sends a shiver down your own back and you’re still fighting for words when he flops back down.
“What’s the verdict doctor?” He asks. He even tries to wiggle his eyebrows around, though they won’t do what he intends them to do.
“Well, my hands are a little rusty at measuring temperature. Let me check with technology instead.” You clear your throat awkwardly.
“Boo,” he makes and you can’t help but snort, immediately more at ease. He seems to have that effect on you.
“Your temperature went down but it’s still pretty high. And your medicine is almost empty. I’ll go out for a bit and bring back some things for you. Anything else that you need?”
“What’s your favorite food?” Fukunaga asks, eyes focused on the ceiling. You wonder if he’s seeing things like you did when you had high fevers as a child.
“Butter chicken, but that’s not really something you should eat right now.”
He still smacks his lips as if he’s tasting it right now. “Good choice.” And just like that, he closes his eyes and drifts off, not responding to any other question.
Fukunaga’s still sleeping when you get back. 
You change the wet towel before unloading your haul.
Maybe it’s the crinkling of plastic that wakes him or the smell of food, but he blinks sluggishly and his lips stretch into a smile that has your heart racing in a way it shouldn’t. 
“I smell Butter Chicken!” He teases and you look away, too flustered to be able to speak for a second.
You help him sit up in bed, two pillows for support. 
The chicken soup you got him is pushed aside when he spots the dish you got for yourself. 
Five minutes later you’re sharing the bowl, chopsticks fighting over the pieces of chicken. More than once you have mercy on him only for him to hold his chopsticks to your lips, telling you to “open wide” with a silly little grin. 
He falls back into the pillows as soon as the dish is devoured, closing his eyes with a childish pout when you put the soup back into his lap.
“Okay then,” you say with a sigh, “I’ll heat it up later.”
His eyes open again, dark pools of questions.
“You’re staying?” He asks and there’s something hiding in his words that you can’t explain.
“Sure,” you say, looking away in an effort to play it cool, “I don’t have anything to do anyway this weekend.”
Fukunaga sleeps through the day. You wake him up every hour or so to get him to drink some water or eat a few spoonfuls of soup, but otherwise it’s just you and the silence in his apartment. 
It would be easier if he was awake. If he was begging you to stay or giving you good reasons why you can’t leave.
But his fever is going down and his cough has turned less deep, less violent. Still, you leave your apartment after fifteen minutes with a fresh set of clothes and a toothbrush, unable to sit still when you feel like he needs you.
And he does, doesn’t he?
It’s in the way he leans into your touch when you help him up or how he smiles when you count out the drops of medicine for him. 
But when he’s fallen asleep again and there’s nothing but the Silence around you as you wipe the kitchen counter clean, you can’t help but recognise that you might be you who needs him. 
It’s in the way your fingers itch to move through his hair or how your eyes always get caught on his mouth. How your heartbeat stumbles when he smiles lazily or how your cheeks burn when he drops another silly joke.
You don’t sleep well on his pull-out Couch. Every few hours you wake up and listen for his breathing or get up to change the wet towel cooling down his still persistent, though low fever. It’s only around five that exhaustion pulls you under.
“So it’s really you,” Fukunaga’s voice is raspy but loud enough to pull you out of sleep.
You blink up at him, leaning against the doorway to the living room. 
“How are you feeling?” You ask, sitting up quickly. His skin has gotten a bit more color over night but you wonder if he’s hunched over from lack of strength or something else.
“Why did you come over?” Fukunaga asks, ignoring your question. “I thought- Aren’t you dating Yamamoto?”
There’s something in his voice you can’t really place. You slip out of your makeshift bed and rush over, ready to catch him should he fall. The thought wakes a dormant memory.
“Can’t have you falling for me,” you joke and step under his left arm, pushing him up.
Fukunaga makes a sound halfway between a cough and a sob. He averts his eyes but you’re too close already and his body responds just like it has the day before, leaning into you like it’s meant to be.
“I’m not dating Yamamoto,” you tell him, your heart hammering in your throat, “There’s just something about ditching a date to hang out with friends that turned me off.” 
“Even if said friends make an amazing Paella?” Fukunaga asks as you help him move to the Couch to sit down. Your heart thunders on, makes you open your mouth and answer before you can take the words back, swallow them down, and bury them.
“If anything, said Paella would convince me to date said friends instead.” 
His head shoots up, almost knocking into your chin. 
“Really?” He asks, something vulnerable visible in his eyes.
“Really,” you admit before you can back out again.
Fukunaga’s lips turn into that smile you’ll probably never get tired of. 
“Well, they say that the way to a woman’s heart is through the stomach,” he points out and you snort. 
“I’m pretty sure the saying is about a man’s heart.”
“Hmm, maybe, but I could never say no to Butter Chicken anyway.”
You grin down at him. Even though nothing’s been said, everything’s been made clear.
Fukunaga’s stomach grumbles loudly and you snort again. 
“Way to ruin a moment,” you tease and watch him blush. “Breakfast?” You ask and he nods, slinging his arms around your neck as if to pull himself up. 
Instead, he pulls you down and presses his lips to yours. 
It’s only a quick peck, just the softest brush of his lips before he hides his face against the crook of your neck.
“Sorry,” he stammers, “I… I should take you out first, shouldn’t I?”
You can barely hear him over the hammering of your heart, the blood rushing in your ears.
You clear your throat, try your best to focus on what you want to say instead of the weight of his arms around.
“How about you get a quick shower and we go out for coffee? I hear your kitchen makes some decent snacks.”
When your eyes meet his, there’s a twinkle in them that lights a fire in you. 
You could be wrong, but you’re pretty sure you won’t get out of this house soon. Not that you mind...
- - -
“Something to drink?” You ask Lev as you put the diet coke in front of Kenma.
He reluctantly pulls away from his phone to give you an answer. You can’t fault him for that, though. You know how it is to be madly in love.
“Is Yamamoto not coming?” Kuroo asks from the Genkan, putting his shoes away. As usual he’s the last one to arrive, work keeping him busy.
“No, he’s on a date,” you answer first, dipping down to press a kiss onto Shōheis lips as you move past him to get more drinks. Your boyfriend’s focused on the Paella as usual but he breaks his focus just long enough to give you another kiss when you move past him again.
“And he’s not bringing her over? Shocker,” Kuroo jokes, winking at you when move back into the kitchen just so you can lean against Shōhei.
Yamamoto had been the most annoyed when you started dating, predicting that your “awful touchiness” would end soon because all newly formed couples fall out of their honeymoon phase eventually.
So far it’s been two years without his prediction coming true. 
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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kings-highway · 1 year
haikyuu truly has some of the best background/side/support characters like yes if you ask my favourite character Im gonna say Daichi
but also, whenever Fukunaga comes on screen I almost cry with joy. incredible design. incredible character. i love him. he gets less screen time than actual crows.
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hinata-boke · 4 months
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hyping up your kouhai at his part-time job
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jasminebythebay · 7 months
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a long awaited battle 🐦🐈🏐
This piece is now available as a print! https://jasminebythebay.etsy.com/listing/1721771789
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 10 days
Made myself a new banner
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bokutosbabe · 2 months
We've Already Done It In My Head ;)
( kissing with the haikyuu boys )
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a / n — was listening to guilty as sin? by taylor swift and knew i had to write something for my boys
content — haikyuu! boys x GN! reader, some suggestive parts, some characters repeated,
synopsis — just kissing with the haikyuu boys <3
✿.。. “ without ever touching his skin, ” .。.✿
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Always feels like the first time
they're always so giddy to give you a kiss, whether it be a small peck or a full make out session, they are always bouncing up and down in excitement. while they're always the most excited to kiss you, they're also so insanely clumsy about it too.
you couldn't keep count of how many times the two of you had clinked your teeth together, accidentally headbutted each other, and even accidentally bitten each others lips.
maybe it wasn't always the most picture perfect kiss, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.
after all, people do say they wish they could experience their firsts again, and you get that anytime you're around them.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ HINATA SHOYO, shohei fukunaga, YAMAGUCHI TADASHI, asahi azumane, TOBIO KAGEYAMA
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Always turns into a make-out session
if there was one thing that was 100% certain in your life, it was that you could never kiss them in a purely innocent way. you could be in a very - and i mean VERY - public place, and if you want to give them a small peck?
nope, it's turning into a whole pda session. sometimes you don't mind, but other times you're a little embarrassed because of their boldness.
even while you're at a big event, they have to have their hands on you at all times. "you look so good right now." ignore. "wanna kiss you so bad." ignore. "wanna go to the bathroom?" ignore, ignore, ig-freaking-nore!
if the two of you can get through the whole evening without a big display, maybe you'll reward him when you get home ;)
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ ATSUMU MIYA, korai hoshiumi, BOKUTO KOTARO, hinata shoyo
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Always ends up in you getting what you want
it's not nice to manipulate people, especially not by kissing them until they can't tell you no. your boyfriend was a meanie. nothing more and absolutely nothing less.
all you wanted was to watch a rom-com for your weekly movie night, but nooo, they wanted to watch some boring history retelling film. you weren't sure if they really wanted to watch it or if they were only putting it on to piss you off.
so, of course, what else were you supposed to do besides slide yourself onto their lap and start kissing them until you could slip the remote from their hands and into yours.
" i hate you." he grumbled as you switched from the boring documentary to one of your favorite rom-coms of all time.
" no, you love me. " "...sadly."
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ KEI TSUKISHIMA, suna rintaro, OSAMU MIYA, TETSURO KUROO, yaku morisuke
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Always gives the perfect kisses
they're literally a perfect specimen, it's really unfair.
you're sad? they're always there giving you small kisses on your head, forehead, and of course your lips. you're in the mood to just be hateful? he's there rubbing your back and kissing your temple while nodding along to your words.
there is no place in the world where they won't fit in perfectly.
and you're just lucky enough to be part of it.
°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ AKAASHI KEIJI, koshi sugawara, KITA SHINSUKE, toru oikawa, HAJIME IWAZUMI
✿.。. “ how can i be guilty as sin ? ” .。.✿
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thanks for reading!!
likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
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osamiuya · 18 days
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theyre actually so stupid..
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deductivisms · 4 months
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nekoma!! 3/4 of my haikyuu set!
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main-bird · 2 years
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Nekoma Second Years
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airbendertendou · 4 months
trailing off bc you think no one is listening to you only for the quiet one of the group to nudge your foot w theirs ): so you continue talking — quieter this time — and they’re not looking at you but you see a lil quirk of their lips and the occasional head nods when you pause ):
chifuyu, hakkai, kakucho, saiki, aren, asahi, yamaguchi, fukunaga, kenma, semi semi, mori, barbatos, belphie, satan, your fave <3
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kirikeijii · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐧
Haikyuu Characters x Reader
Synopsis: Haikyuu's character reacts to you asking them to do the "doorframe lean"
cw: Multiple(Men) x reader, fluff, not proofread
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When you asked them about it they furrowed their eyebrows. "What is that..?" After you tell them the context of the doorframe lean, they try to do it with you telling them where to put their hands. You couldn't help but smile even if they executed it poorly, they still looked cute. "Did I do it right?" They shyly asked, looking a bit disappointed becsue they felt as awkward as it seemed. You can't help but just nod while giggling to make them feel better.
— Shoyo Hinata, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Yuu Nishinoya, Asahi Azumane, Yuki Shibayama, Sou Inuoka, Shohei Fukunaga, Nobuyaki Kai,
When you asked about it, they seemed reluctant about doing it. It just sounded weird, but when you said you'll tell them what to do, they complied. "Like this..?" Your mouth hung open when they did as you said, even with the face and stuff. You couldn't help but giggle onto your pillow. "Was it wrong?" You shook your head telling them it was absolutely fucking perfect. "Good."
— Tobio Kageyama, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Koushi Sugawara, Daichi Sawamura, Lev Haiba, Kenma Kozume, Morisuke Yaku, Hajime Iwaizumi, Keiji Akaashi, Shinsuke Kita, Aran Ojiro
You didn't even need to ask. They just do it on a daily basis whenever they enter the room to ask you something. "Baby, do you wanna go out for dinner or should we just order?" He asked you. When you looked up at him he was leaning on the door frame with a phone in hand. God, you could eat him for dinner instead. Bonus if they're not wearing a top. "Babe, you okay?" They furrow their eyebrows, looking at you through their lashes. When you confirm that you're okay, He looks at you weirdly and walks away.
— Kei Tsukishima, Taketora Yamamoto, Tetsuro Kuroo, Tooru Oikawa, Bokuto Kotarou, The Miya Twins, Rintarou Suna
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ᯓ★ This was fun HWQHH. Thank you for reading<3 | Masterlist
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sweet1delusi0ns · 2 months
Haikyuu Boys calling you ma’am ──☆*:・゚
Team ! Nekoma
Characters: Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku, fukunaga, inuoka!
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He a freak (jk). He teases, he is also respectful tho! Normally calls you ma’am just to be respectful, rarely does he call you ‘ma’am’ to tease. He is kind of a task rabbit so if you ask him to do something he won’t hesitate to say “yes ma’am!”
“Hey, could you possibly make me some food?” “Yes ma’am, what would you like?” But if for someeee reason he decides to be sassy it basically goes: “your being kinda mean don’t you think?” “No I’m just being honest” “it’s not nice. Be nicer.” “UGHHHH yes ma’am. Whatever you say ma’am.” “Dude.” And then he just laughs at you.
He really wants to make you happy so if he thinks your mad or upset at him he breaks. He is seriously threatened by you when your angry but also just wants to calm you down
“I can’t believe this?!” “W-what?” “Look at this MESS? Did you do this?!” “N-no ma’am” “Then who did.” “Uhm…it was me…just don’t be mad…” “just…clean it up…” “yes maam.”
He was just raised right, kinda… he really does try to be nice, he takes what you say seriously and always wants to respect you. It could be as simple as you teaching him a technique in volleyball that’s ‘easy’
“If you think your going to miss the ball you can just lean to whichever side you need too it’s just a falling risk, you didn’t know that…it’s common sense…” “no ma’am I did NOT know that. But I’d rather miss the ball then fall on my face…”
He is normally the one scolding people but when you came along he finally has someone to scold him, he naturally takes it seriously
“Yaku you can’t be so mean to lev, like I get tough love but if I was him I wouldn’t feel to good about the things you say.” “He need to learn that he actually needs to try!” “And you need to learn that he is trying his best!” “But I-…yes ma’am.” He grumbles reluctantly
He may be quiet but he’s not scared of everything like talking to people and such, but he Is scared of you when your even the slightest bit irritated. He can read emotions well so he can tell when your upset, he tries his best to comfort
“Why…why are you upset?” “Don’t speak” you say angrily “yes ma’am…” he comes back with your favorite food and feeds them to you. After you calm down you speak “you can talk…I was just mad” “I know I’d rather keep quiet when your upset, your kinda scary haha!” he jokes
He’s hype asf, literally just like Hinata. He would call you ma’am because he thinks your wise (his logic is a little backwards)
“I don’t know if I want oranges or apples with my lunch” “have both?” “You are SO wise!” “You say that everytime i say something you didn’t think of-” “yes ma’am I do!”
What’s good y’all! I’m done dying! Anywaysss eat this up while I write more haikyuu, I’m in a haikyuu mood yall I gotta write as much as I can
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gayaest · 2 months
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[Description in Alt-Text]
Nekoma’s team is coming together! All that’s left is Lev and Inuoka! 🏐❤️🐈
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hinata-boke · 1 year
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2nd years
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