#Hacky the hacker
laurencin-draws · 2 years
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[blows a kiss to the sky] for my cringefail super hackers
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interrogatormentors · 21 days
does it feel funny when lil asteroids bonk the ship? I'd get spooked, tho i imagine you've got shields or some shit for tht sorta thing. ...i guess that begs the question, what sorta shit on the ship does give ya a spook?
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agaiin iidk iif thii2 a 2hiip or not KK keep2 playiing ornamental fii2h iin a grandoii2e courtyard pond wiith me and won't 2ay but when ii wa2 a 2hiip you're riight on the 2hiield a22e22ment. hone2tly ii'll be real wiith you 2ometiime2 you can pa22 through a whole a2teroiid belt and not even notiice you’re iin one bc the graviitatiional pull keepiing them all orderly and 2hiit ii2 a2 weak a2 a rubber band.
iif 2hiit got diire though and we got caught iin liike the aftermath of a moon 2hatteriing event or ju2t bad meteor 2warm2 we were 2uppo2ed two lower 2peed and raii2e the 2hiield2 two max. ii liiked two raii2e bla2t 2hiield2 two half 2o they could roll over the top of the 2hiip and off. keep the 2hiield2 on full and the whole a2teroiid wiill be repul2ed and cau2e wiide2pread damage not two mentiion iit can raii2e the tiime iit take2 two get two your de2tiinatiion exponentiionally. iin order for the half-2hiield2 method two work you have two be goiing max 2peed and iit 2cared the fuck out of my crew. had two hack an override 2o the captaiin couldn't 2low me eiither. iit'2 why my 2hiip got renamed the 2tar2kiimmer.
a2 for what actually 2pook2 me the mo2t? nothiing. my wor2t fear wa2 goiing iinto the helm.
ii can tell me what 2cared me there. they don't want p2iion2 two be able two u2e theiir power2 iin the helm bc that take2 away preciiou2 battery liife 2o all the voiice2 went 2iilent. you don't eat you don't 2leep iit'2 nothiing but you and the 2ound of water. 2o ii 2tarted hackiing the iimperiial network for fun. ii diid iit a lot a2 a wiiggler and iit'2 ju2t a bunch of garbage code and 2hiitty poetry hone2tly. after ii 2tarted doiing that ii 2tarted heariing the doomed agaiin ii think. all they 2aiid wa2 a chant of biinary one2 and zeroe2. ba2iic biinary 2hiit you know?? ii ran that thiing through my own 2y2tem and iit turned up an a2cii iimage of liike a bu2ted up vii2ual repre2entatiion of an audiio wave form.
2o ii'm pii22ed the fuck off but ii'm the be2t fuckiing hacker on or off alterniia 2o ii'm goiing two force my 2y2tem two recogniize the a2cii iimage a2 2omethiing ii can 2tiill lii2ten two 2o ii can try and drown out the fuckiing nothiing biinary. helm2men'2 pan2 are advanced fuckiing computer2 and ii've never met a 2y2tem ii couldn't hack. turn2 out ii'm really good at hackiing my2elf and 2uddenly bla2tiing iin my fuckiing aural caviitiie2 ii2 the 2ound of a trollian fuckiing 2cream. and iit 2ound2 liike a wiiggler mourniing a dead lu2u2. an ab2olutely fuckiing mii2erable and griieviing and horriifiied corp2e party waiil. the kiind of 2cream you hear when a troll watchiing theiir moiiraiil gettiing devoured aliive nubfiir2t by rabiid cholerbear2. and iit'2 2creamiing iin my own voiice but liike way older.
pretty fuckiing 2tupiid riight? ii'm pretty above that 2hiit 2cariing me now.
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princess-draws · 3 months
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When they took the powerful red gem from Happily Ever After. As when it transfers the energy into The Hacker thinking about being a powerful borg but instead he transformed into a monstrous dragon
What have we done?
Hacker: Hehehe Buzz, Delete where is that gem?
Buzz: Right here, Boss!
Delete: Jazz has got it!
Jazz: Here it is, Hackie Just for you
Hacker: At last. This gem is finally mine! *he then takes the gem from Jazz’s hand* Now I shall take over cyberspace for sure
Delete: Are you sure about this boss?
Hacker: Of course I am sure you robotic duncebucket! With this gem I will be unstoppable and now time for a test! *he rubs the hem until it glows red and the energy transfer into him* Oh yes! I can feel it! I can feel the energy into me *chuckles*
Jazz: Did it work?
Then couple of minutes nothing happened
Buzz: I don’t think it’s working boss!
Delete: Are you sure you got the right gem, sis?
Jazz: Sure I did. I got what he asked for
Hacker: You duncebuckets! You got me the wrong gem! Go fetch me the right one now! *growls*
He growls and his eyes turn gold two droids and the girl were shocked
Buzz: Sis, what did you do to the boss?
Delete: Hey boss…. You got a tail
Hacker: What? *looks behind and grows a tail of a dragon* Rosaheart, what type of gem is this?!
Jazz: Uh oh… this isn’t a power gem, this is a dragon gem once you rub gem you will have a dragon form. This is not good!
Delete: Is there another way to change the boss back?
Jazz: I don’t think so
Buzz: Dede, can we go now? I’m getting scared
Hacker: *grows horns and begins to change form*
Delete: Good idea!
They both run away as Hacker‘s Dragon transformation is complete and they all hide in the forest
Jazz: We gonna change hacker back into his normal self otherwise he’s gonna do something bad
Delete: But how are you gonna do that?!
Jazz: The Cybersquads will help us how to reverse it
Buzz: You still have that necklace thingy?
Jazz: Sure do. Let’s go to the Control Central and contract Motherboard *uses her amulet to transform into a dragoness*
Buzz and Delete both hopped on and Jazz flies up soaring to the sky and flies to Control Central
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fantasblog · 2 years
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Acrylic,raven (afterdeath) x blueprint (inkberry accident shipchild)!!!
-his left eye has different expressions
-his personality is actually unknown
-his magic is unknown
His backstory:
He was born by blueprints puddles magic and raven's magic
Funfact about acrylic:
-he is addicted to an frogs
-he sometimes creative and mischievous
-he has frog-shifter pet named "paintskrull" (he/they)
-he likes videogames,watching anime,read manga,being photograph,hot wings (hifs fav food) and orange/strawberry juice.
-he hates rude people when he hate it and he hates spiders when he still hates spiders or he is afraid of spiders.
-his fav color is red.
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Meet Daiger, degde (dustfell) x raider (errornight/errormare)!!
Info about her:
-her personality is actually mix of their parents
-she is actually child's boss
-she likes bugs,bananas,she playing with siblings
-she dislike rude people and glitches "when she was panic"
Her backstory:
She was born by degde's knife and radier's codes
That why she was born.
Her age: 8-14 year old
She has 2 tentacles but has 4 twin knifes on her tentacles.
-her baby form is pink but round is Light pink.
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Meet Frank Stein "stein",Rubi (Scifresh) x økse (horrordust)!!
Info about him:
-he is mad scientist
-always covered in chemical splashes
-loves making expermients
His age: 8-16
-he loves sciences and watching blood/gore movies.
He has his own creation dog named zip.
He hates eating meat and his creation dog went away or he got missing ,when he still searching about his dog.
He listened to music
He sometimes weirder (???)
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meet Ebug,Erros (redlust) x debug (errornight)!!!
Info about ebug:
He has glitch on his body.
He is actually jerk and tomboy.
He likes dogs or animals and videogames on his phone.
His age is 12-16 year old
-he is actually gamer or Hacker!
He hates when someone get hacker of him and snakes
His backstory
He was born by soul bonding with his parents.
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Meet Kirby (her name is after Kirby games),rem (errordream) x deneb (outersci)!!!!
Info about kirby:
-she has hephaphobic
-very kind and friendly
-she loves games and astronomy
-how to floats she knows!
-she had nintendo switch because she play animal crossing new horizons and amongs us
-she's actually shy girl
-sometimes she build tiny robots
-she has puppet kermit the frog
Her age: 8-16
-she has a tiny robot creation named hacky (she has code program)
SHe and lioko has sister-brother relationship.
Her backstory:
She was born by rem's codes and deneb's magic that why she was born.
-her baby form is actually bright green.
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Meet starburst "pixel" and pandora "dora", klez "malware" (errorfresh) x neirum (horrorberry)!!! (They aren't twins but they're old and young brother relationship)
Info about starburst:
-he loves pixel games,games with Kirby.
-he can't hug with her sister when he has haphephobic.
-chocolate snack and tacos are his fav food
-he has 4 tounges
-he is confused child
-he has Anti void powers and his own strings
His parasite.
Info about pandora "dora":
Very kind but bit of mad (???)
-she loves sweets and her own robot-axe
-she hates annoying his own brother.
-she likes footbal and bears
-not glitches
-she has mental shutdown like his father "neirum"
She is two year older than starburst "pixel"
-not parasite
Starburst and pandora's backstory:
-Starburst was born by klez's strings At his piece and neirum's magic
-pandora was born by soul bonding with their parents.
Light-x,acrylic,daiger,stein,ebug,kirby,starburst and pandora belong to me
Lioko (half-brother or half-sister relationship)by @groovygladiatorsheep (sorry u ping and I hope you like it qwq)
Degde,rubi,erros,debug,rem,rauch and neirum belongs to @lucasino-a (sorry u ping and I hope you liked it qwq)
Stellar (ravenprint) belongs to @julliahantzee-blog
Bluebird (ravenprint) belongs to @drawingerror / erroredartist (???)
Raven (afterdeath) belongs to @echoiarts (sorry u ping and I hope you liked it qwq)
Blueprint,raider,økse,deneb and klez belong to @pepper-mint (sorry u ping and I hope you like it qwq)
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nehakumariblog · 1 year
How to Recover If Your Facebook Account Is Hacked? Easy Steps
In today's digital age, social media platforms like Facebook have become an integral part of our lives. We use them to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and even conduct business. However, the convenience of social media also comes with security risks, and one of the most common problems users face is having their Facebook account hacked. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, it's essential to act quickly to recover your account and secure your personal information.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the steps to recover your hacked Facebook account, protect your data, and prevent future breaches.
1. Recognize the Signs of a Hacked Facebook Account
The first step in recovering your hacked Facebook account is to recognize the signs of a compromise. Common indications include:
Unauthorized login notifications: Facebook sends notifications when someone logs into your account from an unfamiliar device or location.
Unusual activity: Strange posts, messages, or friend requests that you didn't initiate.
Changed password or email address: If you can't log in because your password or email address has been changed without your consent, it's a strong indicator of hacking.
Locked out of your account: If you're unable to access your account due to suspicious activity, your account may have been compromised.
2. Immediate Actions to Take
Upon suspecting or confirming a hack, take the following immediate actions:
Change your password: If you can still access your account, change your password immediately. Make it strong by using a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols.
Log out of other devices: Go to Facebook's Security Settings and log out of all devices to prevent the hacker from continuing to access your account.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Set up 2FA to add an extra layer of security. This usually involves receiving a code on your mobile device that you'll need to enter when logging in.
Check your email account: Ensure that your email account associated with Facebook is secure. Change its password and enable 2FA if you haven't already.
3. Report the Hacked Account to Facebook
To report your hacked account to Facebook, follow these steps:
Go to the Facebook Help Center.
Navigate to the "Security and Login" section.
Click on "I think my account was hacked or someone is using it without my permission."
Follow the on-screen instructions to secure your account and recover it.
4. Recovering Your Hacked Account
Facebook provides a dedicated recovery process for hacked accounts. Follow these steps to recover your account:
Visit the Facebook Account Recovery page.
Enter your email address, phone number, or Facebook username associated with your account.
Follow the instructions to verify your identity. You may be asked to provide a photo ID or answer security questions.
Facebook will guide you through the account recovery process, allowing you to reset your password and secure your account.
5. Check for Unauthorized Activity
Once you regain access to your account, review your activity log for any unauthorized actions, such as posts, messages, or friend requests. Remove any malicious content and unfriend or block suspicious accounts.
6. Strengthen Your Account Security
To prevent future hacks and secure your Facebook account:
Regularly update your password: Change your password at least every six months, and use a unique combination of characters for each platform.
Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): Ensure that 2FA is enabled to provide an extra layer of protection.
Review app permissions: Periodically check which apps have access to your Facebook account and remove any unnecessary ones.
Be cautious with emails and messages: Avoid clicking on suspicious links or providing personal information in response to unsolicited messages.
Educate yourself: Stay informed about common hacking techniques and scams to protect yourself better.
6. Monitor Your Account
Continuously monitor your Facebook account for any unusual activity. Facebook offers features like login alerts, which notify you of any login attempts from unrecognized devices or locations. Stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity promptly.
7. Protect Your Personal Information
Remember that hackers target personal information. Limit the amount of personal data you share on your profile, such as your phone number, address, and birthdate. Adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your posts and personal information.
Recovering a hacked Facebook account can be a stressful experience, but by taking swift and informed action, you can regain control of your profile and protect your data. Follow the steps outlined in this comprehensive guide, and remember to prioritize account security by regularly updating your password, enabling two-factor authentication, and staying vigilant against potential threats. With these precautions in place, you can enjoy the benefits of social media while keeping your personal information safe from hackers.
For More Information - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-recover-your-facebook-account-hacked-neha-kumari
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smilepilled · 4 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 【 ⠀TERM LIST⠀ 】
【⛰️】 Names :⠀ Hackielle,⠀Hackie / Hacky,⠀Hacker,⠀Hack,⠀Marcela,⠀Marcy / Marci,⠀Marcie / Marcye,⠀Marcyi / Marciy,⠀Marcyie / Marciye,⠀Chloricke / Chlorecki,⠀Chlori,⠀Chlo,⠀Ricke,⠀Riri,⠀Ivorynne,⠀Ivoryn,⠀Ivory,⠀Ivo / Ivy,⠀Traozuk,⠀Traube,⠀Zuk,⠀Bugge / Buhgge,⠀Buggy / Buhggy,⠀Buge / Buhge,⠀Bug / Buhg,⠀Guria / Gyuhria . 【🦢】
all of my names! faves here are some i'd prefer that no one takes, unless of course they're common (ivy/ivo, bug/buge); most of these were given to me by friends, as nicknames of course (nothing is closed!!). i would suggest towards " marcela " being used on serious occasions! :3c
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【🌿】 Pronouns :⠀ They/Them,⠀It/Its,⠀Che'/Che'r,⠀Bug/Buhgs,⠀She/Her,⠀Pip/Pihp,⠀Vy/Viye,⠀Pwu/Pwah,⠀Zie/Zeir,⠀Sie/Ihr(e),⠀Si/Ir*,⠀Shie/Hiere*,⠀Sy/Hyr*,⠀Shy/Hyr*,⠀Shi/Hir*,⠀Ly/Liet,⠀She/Shem*,⠀Mia/Miao,⠀Chu/Kisse,⠀Vyi/Vine,⠀Flor/Fhaun,⠀Fwu/Fwah,⠀Pod/Thro,⠀Pyo/Phoct,⠀Thi/Thom,⠀Schy/Szyre,⠀Dae/Daehr,⠀Scy/Ensce,⠀Lae/Laeh,⠀Aeh/Aeir,⠀Hy/Hym-Hyr,⠀Hx/Hxm-Hxr,⠀Hy/Hym-Hyr,⠀Hye/Hyim-Hyir,⠀Ela/Dela 🇧🇷,⠀Ila/Dila 🇧🇷,⠀Elu/Delu 🇧🇷,⠀Ilu/Dilu 🇧🇷,⠀Ely/Dely 🇧🇷,⠀Ily/Dily 🇧🇷,⠀Ile/Dile 🇧🇷,⠀Essa/Aquela 🇧🇷,⠀Isse/Equile 🇧🇷 . 【🦷】
*⠀—⠀directly (personally) associated with my intersexing, please only use 'em on me if intersex or close.⠀only shi/hir is exclusive-ish, to my knowledge.⠀or maybe not (LINK) !
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【🌵】 Titles :⠀ One with a sheepish grin,⠀It who frolics frantically,⠀That bringer of giggles,⠀The girl with a weird stare,⠀A bug that squeaks,⠀Sie who must serve all,⠀The one person who constantly trenches,⠀Vy that cries out praise,⠀Pod who brings little things,⠀Scy who mourns,⠀That critter constantly giggling,⠀The gxrl grieving in stereo,⠀The Princess Protector,⠀The Hollow Knight,⠀One with a miserable fate,⠀The sacrifice,⠀Zie who hums a tune,⠀Shi who breaks a barrier per day,⠀Mia who bites and yelps,⠀One that puts all above the self,⠀Fwu who seeks to nurture,⠀That blog with a silly vibe,⠀Chu who sends kissies,⠀Pip who pops a question,⠀Flor who contains wonder,⠀The curious critter,⠀Schy who cares too much,⠀One with a bleeding faith,⠀The little soldier,⠀Dae who seeks truth,⠀Hy in a torturous cycle,⠀The one person who will hype you/someone up,⠀Aeh who seeks peace,⠀Pyo who brings a trinket,⠀The one with a harsh future,⠀Si who likes pancakes,⠀The little bug,⠀Pwu who cannot contain pwaihs excitement,⠀One with a sore back,⠀Vyi who snickers,⠀That one mutual that goes insane always,⠀Hye who gives hyirs all,⠀Che' with too much love,⠀That sparkling hope,⠀One who struggles,⠀The new years child, That girl thang . 【🕊】
holy moly! so many things... these are all obviously optional and just for fun, they're here because i think its a nice thing. anyways, all of these are in-testing, and some are more personal than others. you can use whichever pronouns for them, i just used random ones from my list! :3c this list is not extensive, and you can find all of these silly things on my pronouns dot cc (LINK)!
[Exclamation mark emoji, KEY: Favourites (bold), testing (slash-through), used-to (italic).]
❕️⠀KEY :⠀faves (bold),⠀testing (slash-through),⠀used‐to (italic) .
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disco-machine · 8 months
nintendo virus wii-u computer game tv gameshow JEPORADY alex trebek tv! wii u tv! nintendo tv! nintendo. nintendo pokemon. game. game tv. gameshow. rainbow! whell of fortune. wheel of firtune. .cloud virus! computer . wii computer. IONTERNET! AAAHHHHH. double internet. internet wioi-u MIIVERSE. internet computer. wiiverse hacker BAN computer BAN HACK HACKER hack internet. HACKERMAN. STOP IT. hackiing. hacker. hackerman. ha- YOU BETTER CUT IT OUT. yugioh BOOOOOO.
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cybersecurityhacker · 2 years
Snapchat hacker for hire
Nowadays the Fast using social media is Snapchat and all the people in the world or on Snapchat only because it is entirely private the message will be deleted once the user opens and close the chat so we have the best hackers to hack Snapchat also because everyone thinks that once it disappears the message it won't be recovered but we can help you to check the messages on Snapchat also If your spouse or your friend or your girlfriend who is using that and the human nature is to know what they are talking their and etc, so we are here to help you with that byhire a hackerfrom our website.
#hire a hacker #hacker for hire #rent a hacker #cybersecurityhacker.net
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lomoshield · 2 years
Pixel gun 3d pc hack no survey
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IF YOU CAN’T DOWNLOAD THE HACK PLEASE CLICK ON THIS VIDEO TO SOLVE THE ISSUE! ™› Download All Of These Apks, Files In Order To Do This Hack All Files, Apks (100% Safe No Viruses!) ♛ ™¢ Open The Description To The Apks, Files To Do This Pixel Gun 3d Hack! ♢ Pixel Gun 3D Hack 17.1.3 (Unlimited Coins & Gems, Level 65, All Guns Unlocked) –ºMake sure to leave a like, subscribe, and hit that little bell! ) –ºMy Discord Channel: discord.gg/cRWSShA
–º Android Tutorial (Everything In The Game, No-Root): iOS Tutorial (Everything In The Game, No Jail-Break): If You Want To Get The Latest Pixel Gun 3D Hack/iOS Account, Please Go To My Site ( ) And Look At The List For The Latest Update, Or You Can Click The Few First Links In The Description!! ) –º Person who made the Android Account: Person who made the Android Account: Person who made the Android Account: Person who made the iOS Account: ANDROID / IOS TUTORIAL'S LISTED BELOW: –✪nzFX: IF YOU GUYS WANT TO HAVE A CHANCE TO PLAY WITH ME/BE IN A VIDEO OR EVEN HELP ME WITH A VIDEO/ACCOUNT OR EVEN TO CHAT/TALK WITH ME, PLEASE JOIN MY DISCORD :) П’¥There will be 100 winners! To enter, you must click the link above! Follow the instructions to enter, good luck!💥 –º Android & iOS Account: Check the newest video (Click Here To Get An Account!) Use code "Exxotik" for 15% off all EWinRacing products!ĮWinRacing (US): EWinRacing (EU): Pixel Gun 3D Hack 17.2.0 (Unlimited Coins & Gems, Level 65, All Guns Unlocked) HOW TO RECORD YOUR iOS SCREEN! (NEW 2020) Hope you guys enjoyed! Liking, favoriting, and subscribing helps a ton! :DĮnjoyed the video? Make sure to smash that "like" button, comment, favorite, and subscribe for more PG3D videos! Heck, even put this video in a playlist if you so desire! The next video, whether it'll be a new review, a glitch tutorial, random commentary, or just some random PG3D video, will usually be out a few days after the previous video! I'm talking a literal aimbot gun, a gun with see-through-walls ability, and it just makes you feel like a hacker! This is the craziest weapon ever, and I hope you guys enjoyed some of my best gameplay ever in the background! †’ guys! Welcome back to another Pixel Gun 3D video! Today's video is super special because I got to use the MOST POWERFUL WEAPON in Pixel Gun 3D in the newest update! This weapon is the Neutron Pulsator, and it's absolutely INSANE. The MOST EXPENSIVE ACCOUNT in Pixel Gun 3D!
"The HACKER'S WEAPON of Pixel Gun 3D - Pixel Gun 3D Aimbot Hack Gun! The BEST WEAPON in Pixel Gun 3D Pixel Gun 3D Hack iOS Android Mod APK/Mod Menu Hack Aimbot God Mode - Pixel Gun 3D Neutron Pulsator Review Gameplay - Hack New Update Level 65"
How To Hack Pixel Gun 3D 17.1.3 Android-IOS 2020 - PG3D Mod Apk 17.1.3 (Unlocked Guns Gems) No Root jak wgrać hacki do pixel gun 3d po polsku –¶ LINK DO PIXEL GUN 3D HACK: ▶ LINK DO PIXEL GUN 3D APK: I FOUND a NEW Pixel Gun 3D UNLIMITED GEMS & COINS CHEAT that is WORKING!!!? (UNLIMITED GEMS & COINS)
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tsundere-selfship · 3 years
I had a stupid idea
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POV You got Operator Sickness
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laurencin-draws · 2 years
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a patron requested nemissa this month and that’s part of why i finally finished soul hackers! so... thank you!
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todd--chavez · 5 years
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cumdumpstiel · 7 years
man i know it's 1 in the afternoon but i just woke up and it's too early for this shit
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dooffan · 2 years
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I love how Hacker is trying to act all  "innocent" in this picture. You're not fooling anyone, Hackie. XD
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All of the Accounts that I should probably Mention :)
Nightmare: @nm-says-mitochondria-rights
Dream: @dreamvonlichtjr
Error: @error-coffee-addict
Blue: @bluetytofficial
Cross: @its-about-cross-its-about-power
Ink: @ink-says-fuck-everything
Other :D
Finch: @captain-finch-official-blog
Hacker: @hackie-but-family-friendly
Bobby: @bobby-isnotachild
Ani: @gremlinanigautier
Sacrificial Arc 1 & 2 (Ink being @ink-says-fuck-everything)
Mike Corruption Arc (OOC kinda @dreamvonlichtjr)
The Cross Pride Knight Arc (#Knight Arc @its-about-cross-its-about-power)
Dream is a Princess According to Grandma Arc (dreaminadressdreaminadress—)
Demontle Arc (Demontle Redemption Arc..?)
Woop Goes Bloo’s Legs Arc (Hacker and Dream fight and Blue is being threatened)
Negative The Arc Flower (Sweammare Romance, Swapscreen Makeout, and Crink is dead // DRAMATIC MUST WATCH)
Greatest to Least (Tier List) // we uncover all of the followings, will update every week to see changes in tier >:)
1. Dream (79)
2. Blue: (71)
3. Ink (67)
4. Nightmare (64)
5. Cross (59)
6: Error (56)
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max1461 · 3 years
Associate Me Baybey
I associate you with kwarrtz for some reason, maybe just similar vibes? Also yvfu. I think because you all do the computer. Hacky hacky a;lkdsjf;las kdjfllaksdjfl;a (that was me "hacker typing" in imitation of your ilk).
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