#Habitable Planets
familythings · 1 month
Discovery of Habitable Exoplanets in Proximity to Earth: A New Star System Unveiled
Astronomers have recently made an exhilarating discovery of a new star system that potentially harbor planets capable of sustaining life. This finding has ignited great enthusiasm within the scientific community, given the possibility of identifying extraterrestrial life. The newly discovered system is situated remarkably close to Earth, providing an excellent opportunity for extensive…
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jesterkilljoy · 9 months
not all life can be carbon based karen
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jcmarchi · 9 months
A New Way to Characterize Habitable Planets - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-new-way-to-characterize-habitable-planets-technology-org/
A New Way to Characterize Habitable Planets - Technology Org
For decades, science fiction authors have imagined scenarios in which life thrives on the harsh surfaces of Mars or our Moon, or in the oceans below the icy surfaces of Saturn’s moon Enceladus and Jupiter’s moon Europa. But the study of habitability—the conditions required to support and sustain life—is not just confined to the pages of fiction.
As more planetary bodies in our solar system and beyond are investigated for their potential to host conditions favorable to life, researchers are debating how to characterize habitability.
Dramatic plumes spray water ice and vapor from many locations along the famed “tiger stripes” near the south pole of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The tiger stripes are four prominent, approximately 84-mile- (135-kilometer-) long fractures that cross the moon’s south polar terrain. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
While many studies have focused on the information obtained by orbiting spacecraft or telescopes that provide snapshot views of ocean worlds and exoplanets, a new paper emphasizes the importance of investigating complex geophysical factors that can be used to predict the long-term maintenance of life. These factors include how energy and nutrients flow throughout the planet.
“Time is a crucial factor in characterizing habitability,” says Mark Simons, John W. and Herberta M. Miles Professor of Geophysics at Caltech. “You need time for evolution to happen. To be habitable for a millisecond or a year is not enough. But if habitable conditions are sustained for a million years, or a billion…? Understanding a planet’s habitability takes a nuanced perspective that requires astrobiologists and geophysicists to talk to each other.”
This perspective paper, which appears in the journal Nature Astronomy, is a collaboration between Caltech scientists on the Pasadena campus and at JPL, which Caltech manages for NASA, along with colleagues representing a variety of fields.
The study emphasizes new directions for future missions to measure habitability on other worlds, using Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus as a primary example. Enceladus is covered in ice with a salty ocean beneath. In the last decade, NASA’s Cassini mission acquired chemical measurements of plumes of water vapor and ice grains jetting out from fissures at Enceladus’s south pole, discovering the presence of elements like carbon and nitrogen that could be conducive to life as we know it.
These geochemical properties are sufficient to describe the moon’s “instantaneous” habitability. However, to truly characterize Enceladus’s long-term habitability, the paper emphasizes that future planetary missions must study geophysical properties that indicate how long the ocean has been there, and how heat and nutrients flow between the core, the interior ocean, and the surface. These processes create important geophysical signatures that can be observed, as they affect features such as the topography and thickness of Enceladus’s ice crust.
This larger framework for studying habitability is not limited to the study of Enceladus. It applies to all planets and moons where researchers search for the conditions necessary for life.
“This paper is about the importance of including geophysical capabilities in future missions to the ocean worlds, as currently being planned for the Europa Clipper mission targeting Jupiter’s moon Europa,” says Steven Vance, a JPL scientist and deputy manager for the Lab’s planetary science section, as well as a co-author of the paper.
Written by Lori Dajose
Source: Caltech
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maya-1b · 1 year
MAYA 1b:
The Planet
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The planet that the aliens in this project inhabit is an Uncapped Cryoplanet, it could be understood as an inversion of Earth, a Capped Aquaplanet ie ice on its poles and oceans in the middle
Therefore an Uncapped Cryoplanet has ice along it's equator and frost free oceans & "jungles" at the poles
Such an arrangement is a result of mainly 3 things:
Obliquity: Beyond 54° of axial tilt, the poles receive greater solar input than the equators, Maya 1b has an axial tilt of 70°, such a extreme tilt leads to the formation of permanent ice sheets around the equator
Rotation Rate: The planets rotates slightly faster than Earth (average day around ~ 20 hrs) , which causes a more oblong shape, with higher elevations at the equator and the poles closer to the crust
Continents: The continental arrangement is such that multiple long mountain chains exist along the equator further leading to ice formation
All these things combined together give rise to the odd arrangement of this world
The planet also has much higher eccentricity than Earth, which gives it a more elliptical orbit, that combined with the high axial tilt leads to some extreme seasonal variation across the year
Given the geography of Maya 1b, sophont groups from both Perissopodithera & Artiopodithera evolved separately and independent of one another, each pole is it's own unique biosphere, for long, each pole wasn't even aware of the other's existence and the unique life that it hosted but that would change soon when two brothers venture out from the North Pole to the South, changing the course of history and initiating contact between the two biospheres & their inhabitants......for better or worse
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kalmiaclown · 1 month
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Been a long time since I've just DOODLED bs. Felt good to get outta my system :]
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orangerosebush · 7 months
Artemis will disassemble and clean a fountain pen with the same level of intensity as Butler disassembling and cleaning one of his guns.
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hanbeanz · 1 year
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Bonus: Hanbin getting caught watching Zhanghao whining 😂
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I’m trying to write a “quick” reference doc of in-universe common knowledge for the players in my ttrpg campaign but every time I sit down to edit, it expands by another 200 words. The section on orbital dynamics is now almost a full page. There should not be a section on orbital dynamics. Why do I have chronic terminal writer brain. H e l p
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trasho-pando2011 · 4 months
I played smile for me again and I gave dr habit the tooth lily this time. yippee
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black-lake · 2 years
self care based on your chart
I talked about the signs and houses connection to body parts and many of you requested this post. These are ways to do your self-care using your chart, the signs, and planetary placements and aspects. The same concept can be applied using simple self-love practices in other areas of life too.
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I recommend you look at your transits chart or solar return as well to better know the best self-care practices at the time. You can base your general self-care on your natal chart but the transits can tell you the best times to take action or avoid taking action on something significant. 
Look for the planets placements and their aspects, mainly if in the angular houses or make many significant aspects. Like I mentioned before I got so much dental work done when saturn was in the 10th, conjunct my mc and opposite north node, it was expensive but I was able to afford it.
You can also consider the degrees if you're feeling extra, in your natal chart and your solar return. Degrees can be associated with signs, so they can be simply linked to the areas they rule.
Planets rule things related to body parts like diseases or accidents and influence certain parts of the body depending on the aspects they make. Also two planets can influence the same body parts.
Aries/1st house - head, face, brain, eyes 
— Prone to headaches so get quality sleep, wash your hair often, and do wash your makeup, nothing heavy on the head. Exercise and workout in general helps release any pent-up energy or stress. Take good care of your eyes, sunglasses, eye drops, natural eye products/makeup. Keep your brain healthy. Foods and supplements that regulate your energy levels. Head massages, soft pillows, facemasks, frequent haircuts, breathing exercises, get enough brain oxygen. Fast thinkers and can have racing thoughts, so journaling, running, meditating can help. Release anger in healthy ways.
Taurus/2nd house - neck, ears, throat, thyroid 
— The senses can be heightened so make sure your environment is comfortable, the temperature, the sounds, scents, fabrics, the food, arrange it like it's a visions board. Coffee, tea, warm soups, breads and oats, and warm herbal drinks that work for you. Can cling to that one thing they like, so do change your diet from time to time to get different nutrient. Renew your clothes, make your space cozy. Neck massages, aromatherapy, and body relaxation methods. Singing or writing, chill playlists, comfy places and peaceful walks. Cooking your own food can be therapeutic and healing for you. 
Gemini/3rd house - arms, hands, lungs, shoulders 
— Tend to be anxious and restless, since it also rules the nervous system and is ruled by mercury, so the mind is central. Can't stress it enough, but writing,  journaling, speaking just getting your thoughts out. Since the mind is always active, look for ways to release that mental energy. Cardio, pilates, fast sports, board games, socialising. Can have fast metabolism and lean long body parts so accustom your diet and exercise based on that. Massage your shoulders, read a book, and do stretch regularly. Honestly..  joke around, taking all those thoughts seriously is no good. DO YO NAILLS 💅
Cancer/4th house - chest, breast, stomach, womb 
— Ruled by the moon, get a healthy outlet for your emotions, accept your emotions, write, speak up, cry when you need, watch something funny, your comfort show, make yourself laugh. Check your hormones regularly, find a good diet for stomach health, whole grains and high-fiber foods, take your digestive supplements. Do yoga, stomach exercises, breathing exercises. Drink lots of water. Choose your friends wisely, find people you trust. Make your bedroom comfy, invest in a quality bed, get yourself comfy clothes. Cooking your own food is again a self love thing to do, baking, homey places, nature and quiet places. Get you a furr baby.  
Leo/5th house - heart, spine, spinal column, upper back 
— Ruled by the sun, go out more and get your vitamin d. Choose heart-healthy foods, leafy greens and soluble fiber foods and supplements. Check your heart health and blood pressure. Do exercises that work for both your heart, your upper back and shoulders, aerobic exercises, fun sports and activities. You can be generous to everyone but be generous to yourself too, buy yourself gifts, spoil yourself. Do a full hair and skin routine, find a hobby, watch shows that inspire you, make your inner child happy. Embrace you emotions, your skills, pursue your passions, be expressive and go out for adventures.
Virgo/6th house - abdomen, digestive system, intestines, spleen
— Listen to your body and keep adjusting your diet and routine to fit your needs. Your body can be just as picky, so be mindful of the food you consume, of any allergies or foods that are hard to digest. Get your digestive supplements and enzymes, do your research. Choose gut-healthy foods and the best times to eat for you. Go for a nature walk, exercise to release any pent-up stress, cardio or pilates. Get indoors plants or plant them yourself. Spend time with pets. Make your own natural medicine that works for you, even if as simple as tea. Read a book, journal to organize your thoughts, keep your space clean. Reward yourself and acknowledge your efforts and progress. 
Libra/7th house - kidneys, lower back, bladder, buttocks
— Find a way to maintain a balanced lifestyle that works for you. Add a variety of nutrients to your diet, foods for healthy kidneys to make that skin glow, antioxidant foods and supplements. Keep your kidneys and bladder healthy. Lower body and buttocks exercises, strength training, dancing, going out for walks. Decorate and beautify your own place, try new recipes, go for a picnic. How you feel is more important than how you look, make yourself feel pretty, do a skincare routine, create a vision board, romanticize your life. Be the person you want to love and identify your own opinions from those of others, yours matter. 
Scorpio/8th house - genitals, colon, urethra, reproductive system
— With all those transformative energies, change what you consume to fulfill your changed needs, feeding your body and mind the proper nutrients. Maintain healthy reproductive organs and balanced hormones, do your check ups. Maintain healthy guts, fiber and antioxidant rich foods, high vitamin drinks, herbal medicine can be beneficial too. Lower body and muscle exercises, stretch regularly, breath and meditate to calm your mind. Invest in quality skincare and unscented hygiene products. Journal, write your reflections, your progress and goals, positive affirmations, light your great scented candles and watch a funny show. 
Sagittarius/9th house - thighs, hips, liver, legs
— Go out and wander around, exploring new places, foods, and random things will light you up, you know it. Find a diet that works for your energy levels, protein rich foods and shakes, citrus and greens, simple nutritious meals. Watch out for any leg injuries. Go out for running, do leg exercises, muscle building, any outdoors sports. Write a bucket list, update your wishes list, go for mini solo adventures, speak to the locals when you travel, learn new words, find authentic travel souvenirs. Listen to a podcast or watch a documentary, keep a positive outlook on your future, positive environment and self-talk.
Capricorn/10th house - bones, joints, knees, skin, hair
— Can get caught up in doing or not doing things, so allow yourself to both be active and rest when you need. Find foods and supplements that are good for bone strength and joint health, calcium and magnesium rich foods, going out and getting your vitamin d is good for both your skin and bones. Going for morning runs, muscle building workouts, chiropractic-approved exercises and stretches, any leg sports. Invest in skincare and dental care. Write down things like goals, tasks list, and self development notes. Watch things that motivate you and light you up, acknowledge how far you’ve come.
Aquarius/11th house - ankles, calfs, achilles, circulatory system 
— Can be very future focused, so do protect your hopes and find an outlet to express them but enjoy the present as it is. Add water-rich foods to your diet, foods that help the blood flow like fatty fish, avocados and other circulation boosters or supplements. Exercises that improve circulation like jogging, cycling, cardio, dancing, swimming. Find ways to express your ideas of the world and fantasies, music can put you in that creative energy, meditation, talking to a friend. Take a long bath, light some candles, write down your ideas, your hopes and dreams, your thoughts and what you're grateful for. 
Pisces/12th house - feet, toes, pineal gland, lymphatic system 
— Can also be spacey and future focused so any self expression activities can help that energy flow. Choose foods that help maintain your body fluid balance, water-rich foods, leafy veggies, omega 3 rich foods, and supplements that boost lymphatic drainage. Avoid foods that drain your lymphatic system. Find hobbies that light you up, listen to music, paint, be creative. Nature walks, swimming, cardio, cycling, dancing. Taking frequent baths and soaking your feet in soap and epsom salt water can release stress from the feet area, grounding activities, reflecting, journaling and writing down your hopes and thoughts.
Sun - heart, head, spine, spinal cord, eyes — can influence vitality, heart function, headaches, fever, eyesight.. etc
Moon - stomach, breast, lungs, blood circulation, body fluids — can influence colds, blood flow, dehydration, stomach issues.
Mercury - nervous system, ears, mouth, skin — can influence ear problems, mental illness, restlessness, breathing issues.
Venus - face, cheeks, throat, bladder, skin —  can influence skin issues, bladder infections, throat issues, carbs and sugar balance. 
Mars - chest, muscles, blood, genitals — can influence accidents, wounds, muscles weakness, energy levels, genital diseases.
Jupiter - liver, kidneys, pancreas, thighs — can influence cholesterol issues, fatty liver, toxins overload, diabetes, kidneys issues.
Saturn - bones, teeth, hair, legs, joints, knees — can influence knee or joint problems, dental problems, wisdom teeth, bone diseases, hair loss.
Note that these are just suggestions that I hope remind you and inspire you to listen to your body and take good care of it, discern, do your research and take only what works for you. much love 🫶
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Riot Kings, page 173
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soosoosoup · 3 months
Do you have more headcanons about your critter trolls?
There's not much to it really, I just give them animal habits that I find cute lol.
Well first off they do make animal-like sounds. Purrs when content, in love, sometimes when a they're in pain. Growl when angry. Trollings make really high pitched squeaking sounds to voice a want/need.
They're more fluffy!!! Have a more condensed tuft on fur on their chests bc why not. When frightened, hair and fur puff out to appear bigger. Give baps on the head when upset (not serious) like a cat lol.
Scruffing I feel like is done more by older siblings or relatives that aren't the parents. Parents still predominatly use their hair. But they can scruff if their hands and hair are full. It's seen as a little childish (not in negative way), since it's big sibs that usually scruff (bc it's fun)!
Nests, love to sleep in a pile of blankets and pillows. Naps are a great way to bond w/ loved ones. A pretty special step for a new couple to take. Grooming too is important, reserved for parent & child, or between partners.
That’s all I can think of :)
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t0talbra1nd3ath · 1 year
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HABIT as the “planet of the bass” guy💀💀 drawing this gave me permanent brain damage, so i hope someone likes it😭
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mindblowingscience · 9 months
Imagine you're a farmer searching for eggs in the chicken coop—but instead of a chicken egg, you find an ostrich egg, much larger than anything a chicken could lay. That's a little how our team of astronomers felt when we discovered a massive planet, more than 13 times heavier than Earth, around a cool, dim red star, nine times less massive than Earth's sun, earlier this year. The smaller star, called an M star, is not only smaller than the sun in Earth's solar system, but it's 100 times less luminous. Such a star should not have the necessary amount of material in its planet-forming disk to birth such a massive planet. Over the past decade, our team designed and built a new instrument at Penn State capable of detecting the light from these dim, cool stars at wavelengths beyond the sensitivity of the human eye—in the near-infrared—where such cool stars emit most of their light.
Continue Reading.
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mokeonn · 6 months
Before I go to sleep I leave you all with this piece of advice: sometimes you don't actually have to answer big political questions, sometimes you can just say "I am not smart enough to know that, I just know the small things I do to help." Like you can often times completely avoid making a fool of yourself if you just say you don't know.
#simon says#to explain here and not in a reblog:#sometimes when you try to explain big picture solutions you're gonna sound dumb#you might not have done enough research#you might not have a rebuttal to a counter argument#you might not be articulate enough to explain why you think this#sometimes you gotta take a step back and give the simple solution. the one man solution#you do what you can to fight against the problem#you talk to people to help spread awareness and how to fight the bad problem#and you vote and invite others to vote for bigger steps towards solving the problem#like you can talk about theory and how you believe we need to do a huge drastic thing to solve and issue#but people will disagree and argue til you're blue in the face#they'll poke and prod until you mess up or lose your temper and use it against you#and you'll feel dumb and they'll learn nothing#sometimes the best thing to do is step away from the big picture and just say 'idk what the solution is I just know the things I can do“#sometimes you gotta admit you're not a scientist/expert and you can't answer that#i used this while talking with my Dad tonight#he brought up our climate crisis and space travel as a possible solution#and I said I think that's just addressing the symptom and not the cause and we need to care for our Earth now#and he asked me what solutions I think would fix it#and knowing my incredibly smart Dad who is articulate and ready to throw rebuttles at a moments notice to play devils advocate#and my past experience in struggling in this topic with him before#i just told him I didn't know. all i knew is the little things I can and do do to help#and that hopefully by spreading the word and habits and encouraging others to vote for those bigger solutions I could help make a change#but all I really could do is the little things I have control over#and the topic became much less stressful about the little things we have control over#like planting native plants and recycling and adopting habits that are healthier to our planet#which was 100% more preferable to if I tried to give a big solution. because I would reveal i didn't have all the knowledge needed to argue#and my articulation would make me sound like a stupid kid who only thinks they know what's best#so yeah I basically suggest that if you dont wanna feel like shit after debating someone just step away from the big picture for a moment
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YouTube used to have motivating fitness videos.... How do I find them??
I need something to watch at work to help myself. 😩
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