hivepixels · 2 months
from this
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??? unknown timeskip ???
to THIS?!?!???
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starry-bi-sky · 6 months
honestly your dpxdc clone au gives me life, its adorable as all hell and im a sucker for found family but with that being said, its so freaking hysterical to me that Danny is going full feral liminal menace at Wes any time hes near and Wes himself is still 100% into it the freak (affectionate) and thats not even pointing out the paralles it could possible create since danny and dames gives massive parallels to dick and damian and dick does have a thing for redheads.
yeesSSSSS! I was planning on hoarding this to myself but i can't not reply. and i'll be able to find this again with the clone^2 tag so win WIN. i'm so glad you are as delighted by this as me. It's so hilarious to me that Danny just becomes a complete freak whenever he spots Wes, and I'm the one who wrote it into existence. Like- like i don't know how to explain my vision in words but like, its like Danny sees Wes and immediately goes 'what can I do to make his day worse'. And then he goes and does it.
(honorary read more because i talk a lot)
He's relatively normal around his friends too, which makes him going full-fledged unhinged around Wes even funnier to me. Like, Danny will spout weird shit sometimes to Sam and Tucker, but usually its prefaced with him talking about patrol or there would be context before he said anything. With Wes? Though?? he will just. say anything, completely unprompted. Slings an arm around his shoulder like they've been buddies since primary school and then spits out a weird new fun fact he learned about the bodily anatomy while researching his latest cold case. All vaguely-threatening but utterly insane things to say as way to start a conversation.
And sometimes its not even that, he'll walk up to Wes and ask him if he saw the latest daytime fight between Phantom and Skulker. And then he'll say "yeah i missed it myself but I saw clips of it being posted online" and then watch Wes mentally explode him with his mind. or he'll disparage Phantom for having such a young partner with him, "Can you believe he'd let a kid fight ghosts with him? I'd never let my brother ghosthunt with me if I was Phantom."
All of this with such a deceptive look on his face but the most delighted, shit-eating gleam in his eyes. Wes is chewing glass and he wants to yell that he does let his brother fight ghosts with him. Also you told him yourself that nothing would've stopped your demonic (Wes' words) little brother from joining you.
Damian gets in on the fuckery occasionally, but since he's not around often with Wes about, it doesn't happen nearly as often as it does between Wes and Danny. Sam and Tucker know he's screwing with him too, and both of them are a little wary about him being careless with his secret id. But he's been doing this since he was 14-ish and it hasn't backfired yet. So. They're not actively stopping him.
Danny walks back to his lunch table after terrorizing Wes and Tucker just asks him what he said, because Wes was about as red as a tomato when he walked away. Danny offhandedly sighs and innocently says he tried to have a conversation about Phantom with him. Wes didn't seem to like it all that much. Weird.
And yes, yes. Wes is totally into it and is slightly enraged about this fact, because not even he knows why he's into it. The freak (affectionate). Danny gives him this troublemaker smirk, and i did say smirk, and Wes doesn't know whether or not if he wants to smack him or kiss him. Or both. Like, yeah, pine, white boy, pine.
(And this is a dramatized image but I'm also highly entertained by the idea that Wes keeps getting routine dirty looks from various peers because they, too, have a crush on Fenton. Except Fenton doesn't talk to anyone else unless its his friends and sometimes Valerie, and Weston, the guy who keeps accusing him of being the local vigilante, is somehow routinely having conversations with him?? And BLOWING IT?? Like everyone else thinks he's fumbling so bad, and yet fenton keeps tALKING to him.)
And yes!! i'm always so pleased whenever someone brings up the parallels D+D have to Dick and Damian, because that was lowkey my intention when I was making the solo clone damian au. Although it was supposed to be more implied since I don't really know much about Damian and Dick other than they're very close and Dick was Damian's Batman for a year. And then of course the very smaller parallel (??) 'what if' between Bruce and Damian and D+D in clone^2 considering who they are both clones of.
And man this just makes me want to talk about when batfam meet D+D because I just want them to see D+D be so brotherly towards each other. Like I want them to see Bby Dames wearing his goofy fun fact shirts and stealing Danny's hoodies/flannels/etc and blatantly lying about it when Danny asks. Only for Danny to then throw him over his shoulder like Tadashi from BH3 and jump around.
And also. I do not know what Damian Wayne's (DW as I'll call him) stance on being called "Dami" is - the general consensus I've seen is that its usually used as a playful nickname in order to get a rise out of him, and he doesn't really like it.
But baby Dames being called that freely, and often, and its sometimes used to get a rise out of him but thats typically what nicknames do. Its used as easily as his full name is with the same amount of affection. And its like his main go-to nickname. "Dami" and "Dames" with the occasional "Bud/Buddy", "Squirt", "Little man", etc. Not once is he ever called 'demon-spawn'
(which i know is a fanon nickname but its a relatively popular nickname)
but yeah, uhhh. i think thats all of my thoughts on the matter. for now lmAO
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morgana-ren · 1 year
Hi i had an idea that popped into my head, because I (vaguley) remember that the game talks about a sacrifice in the forest lake someone did (me thinks its the church who sac'd someone) and they may have became the ivory wraith.
So you think the town is cursed, maybe something that amplifies lust or 'sins' because of it?
Oh, something is definitely wrong with the town. Something dastardly and dark happened and is currently happening, though I'm not sure of the extent that the lore goes into it.
The Ivory Wraith actually has a very interesting backstory, if you manage to get them to show you.
To make it quick, it seems like they were some kind of priest or priestess for an early facet of the Faith in ancient times, and they along with others of their ward were kidnapped by some dark, esoteric order and sacrificed in some blasphemous ritual involving monsters and tentacles and some heinous offences to God or whatever.
I don't know if their spirit was corrupted or perhaps consumed by some eldritch lord, but either way, the Ivory Wraith is trapped beneath the ruins of the lake, able to wander the town, seemingly only caring for two things: Its own rare offspring, which it can impregnate the player with, and the lovely ivory necklace that dangles gracefully from its pale neck.
Now lets take a look at the faith.
On the outside, it seems relatively benign, seemingly modeled after modern day Catholicism. Strict and unforgiving, to be sure, but basically just a mirrored image of what we know the more stern sects of Christianity to be.
But take a deeper look. The prayer room, where devout priests are known to go into fits of hysterics and speak in tongues, hallucinating for hours on end as the prayer becomes so intense and somehow, virginity stays intact even after the most defiling of carnal acts. The dark ritual that can take place to an unsuspecting and unconscious player should they pass out at the lake. The fact even the priests and nuns aren't immune to your charms, and will often try to have their way with you against your will and you are expected to be fine with it.
The fact that the church will whore you out against your will if your purity is weighed and found wanting during your chastity exam.
These are the good guys.
Now the town itself, something is very, very blatantly wrong.
On the outside, it's a seemingly normal little town. A little costal paradise that is surprisingly self-sufficient for a small-town community. A lovely little haven cut off from the rest of the world--
For a reason.
It's meta-implied that this town is wrong, and it knows that it's wrong. The people in charge make an active effort to keep their affairs secret from the outside world. There's this lovely facade of a normal society, but the rotting, seedy underbelly is the world's worst kept secret.
If you tell any outsiders what is happening, they don't believe you. It sounds so absurd and so outlandish that they just outright think you're a mentally unwell, attention seeking person. The 'innocence' and 'awareness' bar allude to the fact that people who don't indulge themselves in the darker parts of life in the town are purposefully kept in the dark, so much so that it just flies right over their heads, or they just accept what is happening as normal.
Sirris, for example. They very much love their child. Do you think they would ever raise their child here if they had any true idea of how bad things are here? Chances are that they think this is just life, or they're so kept in the dark about the truth of it that they don't understand what they're subjecting Syndey to.
The people who are unofficially in charge of the town, such as Remy, Quinn, Bailey, and to an extent, Leighton, all have a direct hand in the worst aspects of it. The underground brothel, the underground farm, the asylum, etc.
Every person that heads one of these awful facilities also just so happens to be the only person in charge of such affairs. Harper and the hospital, Remy and his farm, Leighton and his school, Bailey and his orphanage, and so on.
There's a titload of supernatural references here that certainly come into play. The moors, Blackwolf, all the hallucinogens that run rampant, the tentacles, the blood moon-- it all fits together somehow.
We don't have all the pieces quite yet, and your character is gaslit and made to feel crazy if they start to put them together.
Something very, very wrong is happening, and it all fits hand in hand somehow.
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fishareglorious · 5 months
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if there’s one thing bluepoch is apparently fond of, it is running things or people over with vehicles. I’d like to see a manus guy get run over by a tuk tuk, not going to lie. can we ask for vertin hitting arcana with a car
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this. this is such a silly gimmick to do
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Let the girl run a manus disciple over, Matilda.
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Hysterical scene with Shamane and Kanjira. Also, god, look at the size differences between everyone here. Granted, two of them are actual children, but like, Shamane is apparently 6’6.
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The mental image of Kumar on the ceiling like a fucking lizard is sending me
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hi. hello. you are far... grayer than we last knew you, huh.
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A silly callback to an offhanded statement. We could’ve had Kumar the cow farmer in a kinder world, i suppose.
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damn bitch you live like this?
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ah... her boss fight having such calming music just. i dunno. the juxtaposition of kumar’s plans slipping from her hands and the calm music is. ah. drives i guess the hopelessness home? i’m not good at putting things into words.
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a moment. of calm, i suppose.
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spoiling myself does give me the merit of the buildup of horror of knowing what will come to this. sigh.
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KAALAA BAUNAA. oh god you poor woman oh no oh no she's gonna be in the same place where her close friend and mentor figure kills herself. oh nooo.
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Hurtign me. That gunshot pierced through my emotions.
man. i finally got around to finishing this event, and did it pack a punch to the face.
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prof-ramses · 3 months
Here are some (mostly Mammon centric) thoughts I came up with when I probably should have been doing work for class:
Working off of some of my previous ideas, I really like the idea of Mammon and Bee previously having some sort acrobatic act together in the same vein as my idea Ozzie and Mam were once a comedy duo.
I like to interpret that a lot of Mam’s business ventures, while primarily rooted in greed, have a sense of sentimentality to them. Loo Loo Land for example is a blatant cash grab and pet project of Mam, but it’s also his (kinda weird & messed up) way of showing his respect for Lucifer (not to mention it was a place he and his niece made a lot of fun memories). Building off of this, his idea for making the Robo Fizz’s fully functional pleasure toys is him taking the advice from Ozzie that “sex sells” and running with it (Ozzie probably kicked himself when he realized this). I also like to think he has other business ventures that homage the other Sins, like a fast food chain that has a menu containing a lot of food Bee is/was fond of.
Also building off of the previous bullet, if Mammon ever finds out what really caused Loo Loo Land to burn down, he would personally March up to Pride and deal with I.M.P. Not to mention “taking care of” Blitzo would also be a way to indirectly get back at Fizz.
I can’t help but feel part of Octavia’s apprehension towards Mammon when he starts dating Stella stems from him being the creator of the Fizzarolli robots and maybe some level of coulrophobia given Mammon is basically the premier clown of Hell. I think it would be neat if he actually managed to help get over some of her fear as they start getting closer as father and stepdaughter, perhaps even through their shared distaste for the robotic clowns, even if it is for different reasons.
For the life of me, I cannot get the idea of the male Sins at one point or another growing facial hair. Like, just the mental image of Luci with a full beard and Mam with a Gomez Addams style mustache haunts me. Granted, I also feel like they probably look back on this period and laugh about given how it just doesn’t mesh with their aesthetics.
I know I’ve commented on what I think Mammon looks like under his hat, but the reoccurring joke of him never being bare headed gives me life. Him never being seen without his trademark jester’s cap is hysterical to me. Morning, noon, and night; rain, sleet, or snow, he’s always wearing it. The only exception being when he bathes… then he wears a shower cap.
Just this:
The Sins (minus Luci) are standing outside of the Hazbin Hotel, planning on giving their niece a surprise visit.
Leviathan: Oh it’s going to be so nice to see Charlotte again. (To himself) I don’t get why she always has to go see her father, it’s not like it takes THAT long to visit Envy. Asmodeus: (Chuckles) You said it Levi. After all this time, I bet her face is gonna light up the second she sees her favorite uncle. Satan: Mammon? Asmodeus: Wha-NO! ME! (The others look amongst themselves before erupting into a chorus of laughter) Belphagor: *Click-Click-Click* That Does Not Sound Right. Asmodeus: Oh, Ha-ha-ha… Fuck you guys, we’ll see who’s her favorite. (Charlie walks out to greet her guests and face IMMEDIATELY lights up) (She squees and proceeds to charge at Ozzie… only to run past him and tackle/hug Mammon) Charlie: Uncle Mammon! Mammon: (Hugs her back) Charlie! Little Dingo! It’s so good to see you! How’ve you been? (Mammon proceeds to flip Ozzie off behind Charlie’s back) (Ozzie seethes as the other Sins stifle another round of laughter)
Hope you enjoy these, I’m probably going to be pretty inactive for a while.
Thanks for more goodies!
That's a pretty neat idea, also, reminds me of my idea for Levi's role in the troupe is an escapist/stuntman, since his slimy serpent body makes him very adept at it.
Aww. This actually reminds me of my own idea for a fic of Mam consulting Via while brainstorming ideas for the rebuilt Loo Loo Land to give it some more actual identity. Since that would make the parallel with the original LLL being tied to Mammon's relationship with Charlie and the new one being tied to his relationship with Octavia. I generally like the idea of Via inspiring Mammon to express his authentic self a bit more.
I think he'd also go after Wally, since I have the headcanon that Wally just snuck in and used a spare cart for his own torches, since if he actually worked there, he would have to split it with the park.
YESSS! Via's reaction to learning Stella and Mammon were dating at all must've been something else. I'm honestly surprised I don't see more people exploring coulrophobia as a character trait for Via. I'm also a sucker for Octavia-Mammon bonding ideas, they're always so cute!
I actually have a dilemma about this, on one hand, Luci looking like he has an exact wig of his hair glued to his face after neglecting himself in favor of his duck making is a great visual, but I also find the thought of Luci being naturally baby-faced really funny.
I think Mam would sleep without his hat, but he would still only take it off after getting in and locking the door so any passing house staff don't see him without it. It's not even that he's insecure, he's just that committed to the bit/brand. Very few have lived after seeing his gently electrified locks, speaking of which, I like to think that, like his webs, his hair produces a soft static tingle to the touch.
Yes, just so much yes.
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pandalexoxo · 5 months
i can’t stop imaging myself being transported into tokyo revengers. though, personally, i believe it would be bitter sweet.
i’d love to imagine meeting takemichi, and confiding in him that i know about his power, that, i too, have a secret. i would tell him that i’m not even from this universe. he thinks time leaping 12 years is weird? try telling him you’re from another reality (basically) where he’s an anime.
to sum up my thoughts (i wrote 13 paragraphs before deleting it bc this is suppose to just be a ramble lmfao, maybe i’m uploading it later and get your guys inputs) i just feel like i would try to be the sunshine guard dog protector, y’know? not necessarily swoop in to save takemichi (tho, i’d definitely swoop in to beat some characters asses just bc i have a personal vendetta) because damn! look at how badass and hot takemichi is, whenever he fights?! (that ass. thiccimichi 😩😼)
now, here’s where my heart aches and my brain fries from overthinking. do i tell takemichi that i watched the anime (read the manga too) and know who will die in the end? do i tell him that i know of the anime but haven’t seen it or read the manga?
so, we know that in chapter 275 of the manga (probably season 5 in the anime if we’re lucky) takemichi ends up dying by mikey’s hand, a blade through his chest (heart? stomach? idk i haven’t read the manga in a few months. i sobbed hysterically over his death and refused to open the manga back up. that was until chapter 276 came out, how foolish of me to believe takemichi wouldn’t stand back up like he always does. what a true mc)
funny enough, by using mikey’s hand, he’s able to time travel him and mikey, not just 12 years, but back to when they were kids (i think they were 8 or somewhere around there). thus they are able to help each other create their perfect ending.
though… this “perfect ending” can’t happen unless the characters who died stay dead. shinichiro, baji, emma, izana, draken. with these deaths, mikey indulges in his “dark impulses” and thus the kanto manji gang and toman gen 2 end up fighting to lead to takemichi’s death and end with the perfect book closing page.
it’s unfortunate. it makes me tear up, sob, want to throw up (maybe throw myself out the window) but everything needs to happen. not only the deaths but takemichi’s mental health diminishing needs to happen to. this (others teaching him how to fight and his visions) helps takemichi in the last battle to dodge, punch and get close to mikey.
though, how easily takemichi forgives?! boy just smiles off his pain and forgives others, especially in the final chapter??? he just has his beautiful dopey smile on his face when mikey recognized him and then they ride off into the sunset to save their future??? hell. no. i need everyone to put their fists up, stand in a line, and eat my fucking fist.
i need a takemichi villain arc series. would someone be willing to make that for me? what do you want? a cookie? therapy? a hug? emotional and mental stability? no mommy and daddy issues? (i can’t provide the last two unfortunately, still trying to figure that shit out myself lmfaooo. though, my dms are always open. i love chatting with people and sharing dark humor. muah!)
then again, this is why i whole heartedly admire takemichi. he may not be physically strong like the others but as mikey says, he’s incredibly mentally strong. he gets back up. he stays standing. he’s determined and won’t fall until he wins. he’s too kind. i love him so much guys you don’t understandddd. hina, please share, fuck i am on my knees, foaming at the mouth and barking.
ugh :( it’s okay michi. you get your perfect future, though, are you truly happy and at peace? just keep smiling, okay? anywhooo, you know, i could treat you better anyway! xoxo 😼🕺😽
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apphiarothowrites · 8 months
Hehehe Back on my bullshit
My Marco Cora bullshit to be exact
Here’s the plan
Marco is an ER doctor, Cora is.. well hes Cora and trips to the er is a frequent occurrence
So basically, Marco is working a double shift and he wanders in to the waiting room for the minute break he has plopping down beside a tall blonde who has a sleeping kid in his lap. Marco just closes his eyes for maybe- maybe 10 seconds when he feels a tiny hand tugging at his scrubs.
He looks down to the kid looking serious (or as serious as a kid can look)
“Hey are you a doctor.”
Marco blinks as the tinny applause erupts form the ancient tv.
“Cora-san needs help.”
Now that statement doesn’t get marcos attention, but the fucking stab wound in the guys arm the kid points out sure as hell does.
The presumed ‘Cora-san’ is hauled into a bed asap. The taller blonde muttering about ‘not wanting to be a bother.’ While the smaller blonde chugs an expresso before suturing the other up.
By the next day marco is convinced it was all some hallucination brought on by chronic stress
Two days later he is proved wrong as the giant of a man now wearing a flamingo pattern shirt and khakis awkwardly waves from the plastic chairs, his leg in a pink cast.
The third time Marco stops believing the other man is a hallucination (he’s still iffy on the tiny shadow that seems to follow the giant around, lecturing him about medical studies)
The fourth time he genuinely worries that it’s a domestic abuse case (it’s not, he’s just that clumsy the shadow stoutly assures him)
The fifth he gets a name Corazon
“Two bruised ribs, a fractured skull and mild burns on both hands.”
“Oh that’s better than usual.” Cora turns to Law, grinning with abandon “see I’m getting better!”
Marco raises a brow “at what?”
Law doesn’t even look up from his textbook already radiating disappointment “using the stairs.”
“He’s joking!” Cora waves his hands frantically “I can use the stairs just fine! Actually I was using the bbq!”
Marco can’t help it, he howls with laughter
Later that night after Law had been tucked into bed with a good story of infectious diseases and how they spread. Corazon laid in his own room staring at the ceiling.
A lazy thought of Marco floated into his brain, eyes crinkled as he gasped for air. His whole body shaking from laughing.
“Oh dear” he whispers to the empty space.
“So I’m your favourite patient right?”
“No your my worst patient.”
oh my GOD this is good
marco hardcore worried for a bit there that Cora's legit in an abusive relationship but the kid keeps telling him "no, he really is just that clumsy, he's a goddamn disaster"
and marco still doesn't get it until he sees it for himself-Cora somehow manages to set a chair in the waiting room on fire despite having no lighter or cigarettes on him at the time (right before he trips over the flaming chair and it causes a huge Incident)
The BBQ comment sends him into hysterics because 1-cora's way too fucking tall to conceivably use any kind of grill comfortably (bent way over so he can do anything) and 2-marco's riding 3 hours of sleep on a 26 hour shift and boosting half a gallon of coffee and 2 energy drinks, man is Barely Alive but goddamn that's the funniest mental image he's ever had
takes them weeks to get over themselves and marco has to be the one to ask him out, Cora asks him "I'm your favorite patient right" on the first date and Marco
"No, you're my worst-my favorite patient is my father" and the two bond over having adoptive dads
this is too damn cute and somft for me afihujnkefdas
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Sae not being able to buy a round for the gang has me cracking up. What *is* the legal drinking age in Gondor? Does she passive-aggressively hand the money to Dagoras (or someone so visibly old nobody's asking questions) while maintaining eye contact with the bartender? Does she tell him she did shots with several lords of Gondor before the siege? Say she's been able to drink in Bree for a year and a half? this concept is hysterical
adkfjgadjkgadfjkga YEAH you get it!!!! this is why the idea sparks so much joy because like. it's hilarious to me lmao.
i imagine the legal drinking age in gondor is roughly between 20-22 because i imagine that's when either 1) apprenticeships finish up and allow you to get your own job/you finish training in the navy/army/what-have-you so you're seen as Adult or 2)✨that's what they did in numenor✨ or smthn like that.
she'd probably do the old person & eye contact because that's just. an exceedingly funny mental image for me.
(or like. bribe her brother(s) to give the guy the money, that's also funny lol but they're not Old)
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kinkandkreep · 3 months
Another Doramai Blurb (this time featuring angst because the brainrot never stops 🫠)
Doramai angst! Doramai angst!
I had started working on this concept as a full story to post on my ao3 (which is GoddessLegendary if anyone was interested) but as I've decided to focus on other pursuits for now, I will instead be sharing the general idea as a blurb here.
So basically, we boutta combine essentially all of my favorite tropes and themes into one story, and feature one of my favorite ships at the center of it.
Draken has developed Hanahaki disease.
No one knows, and if someone were to discover this, they would be incredibly confused because he and Mikey are married, and seem to be more in love than they ever have been.
At least, that's the image they maintain.
The truth is, Mikey has been cheating on Draken with some random guy (or make it one of the cast for extra angst) for upwards of 6 months, and for as much as Ken can tell, has subsequently fallen out of love with him.
That's the only explanation for the red and yellow carnations, aloe and honeysuckle that erupts from his lungs with every coughing fit, each petal stained with the dull crimson of blood.
Ken's not sure Mikey knows he's fallen out of love with him though- the little blonde probably thinks it's just fun and games; a little excitement to liven up his increasingly mundane life.
As his condition worsens, it becomes difficult for Ken to hide his ailment, so he confides in Mitsuya, who, upon hearing of Manjiro's infidelity, has to be physically restrained from going and starting a fight.
Long story short, Takashi's eventually able to convince Ken to get the surgery to remove the roots which have taken up residence in his lungs before they kill him. (In my au, the surgery doesn't remove the memory entirely of the other person, just any and all romantic feelings for them. Depending on how deep the feelings were initially and the constitution of the sufferer, it is possible for those feelings to return.)
When Manjiro finds out about the whole situation, it's far too late.
Ken's had the surgery, and his romantic feelings for Mikey have entirely disappeared.
Now, this is where things take a turn.
Manjiro, having realized the error of his ways, had broken things off with whoever he was having his affair with, and had decided to turn a new leaf and devote himself entirely to Ken.
But now, Ken is explaining to him that he's fallen out of love and is serving him divorce papers.
Mitsuya being present for the exchange doesn't help, and Manjiro, in his desperation, assumes Ken had also been cheating on him with Takashi as retaliation for his cheating.
He becomes hysterical, desperately trying, and ultimately failing, to convince Ken to give them another chance. Ken then explains the situation of his Hanahaki, and Manjiro is driven to shocked and guilt stricken tears.
Anyway, time passes, and Ken and Takashi begin to pursue each other, whereas Manjiro is left to stew in his own increasing darkness, bitterness and envy.
As you probably could have expected if you know anything about my writing, this takes a yandere turn.
Mikey was always obsessed with Draken, and through some convoluted mental gymnastics, he convinced himself that Ken was too good for him, and would eventually step out on him once he became bored and/or overwhelmed with Mikey.
So, he stepped out first, and simply got caught up.
But now that's he taken a step back and lost Ken, he realizes how stupid and immature that train of thought was, and is.
Now he's desperate to get Ken back, by any means necessary.
Cue the stalking/manipulation/potential murder.
And hey, if you're feelin' particularly wild, you could even fashion this into an ABO au somehow.
Anywho, das what I got fa y'all this time round. Hope y'all enjoyed! And feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or my askbox. 👋🏾
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kaylor · 1 year
how do swifties sit there and say taylor had no part in the fact that the miss americana documentary was marketed as a political awakening and her finding her voice in politics as if she didn't sit there and cry about being "on the right side of history" and being "muzzled"… she has been VERY involved in the process of crafting her public image, persona, and brand for nearly twenty years like ? 😭
swifties are very selective in what they take as Canon at any given time. when it serves their purpose or upholds their idea of Taylor Swift. rather than see her date someone unsavoury who's giving her bad pr and think oh she's a messy bitch who doesn't currently care about the issues that this has raised, they claim she's heartbroken and hysterical and not thinking straight. rather than acknowledging her "political awakening" documentary was in hindsight a terrible idea because there was no (public) follow through, they claim she never intended for it to be seen as a political documentary and that people shouldn't expect more of her, y'know despite it being marketed as exactly that and explicitly saying she wanted to be seen as doing more. they claim she's the music industry and then take away her agency as soon as she does anything that sucks, it's her label's fault, it's her boyfriend's fault, it's because of her mum or dad, blah blah blah. it's not surprising (even though it was a little tasteless and out of touch**) her only statement about the breakup was saying she's a grown woman who knows what she's doing. when your fans chat shit about your mental state for something as normal as a rebound with a guy you have history with, then it seems very natural to lash out about that.
** i say this even though i don't for one second believe she sees "everything". her tiktok fyp is just as much an algorithm as everyone else's and it's very likely she only sees the positive stuff, or content from the same handful of sycophants over and over again. idk i don't know how tiktok works but i do know it pushes content from white people more than it does for poc so statistically would she see anything about racism on her fyp? you decide
anyway all this to say, like a month late because i'm lazy about replying to messages, yeah 💯
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You are a demigod in Camp Half-Blood and...well. You kind of have a thing for one of the Apollo kids. It's kind of an open secret by now, pretty much everyone knows. And. Well. You think that maybe, just maybe, they might even like you.....back?
(It can't all have been in your imagination can it? The lingering touches, the stares, the fucking tension. Plus you are pretty sure the Hermes Cabin has already started taking bets on when the two of you will get together, so that must be a pretty good sign too? Right?)
Most of the time it's awesome crushing on an Apollo Kid. Their tan is nothing less than perfect and whenever they bask in the sun (which is pretty much always) they seem to glow from the inside. No one can say that you don't have good taste. The fact that most of them are blessed with a voice worthy of the muses certainly doesn't hurt. And the poetry.....what can you say? You've always been a bit of a romantic at heart.
There are just three huge downsides on being (maybe? almost?) together with an Apollo camper, too. The balance must be restored in some way, you suppose.
You once overheard someone calling a big battle the "perfect breeding ground" and well. It's not like you can disagree, even if you weren't a fan of the mental image it summoned. Nothing like a very dangerous and potentially deadly battle to bring people together!
This one had been in the middle of the night, unannounced. You'd barely had time to wish good luck to your siblings amidst the preparations, let alone confess your feelings while the adrenaline was high. And afterwards...well.
The gash had been big, and ugly. Cutting you open from your hips almost up to your chin. You swear you had seen your intestines fall out of your body, though that could've also been a hallucination. That's it, you'd thought, slightly hysterical, this is how I die.
But, somehow, you hadn't. You'd woken up to Will Solace (the head medic himself? What an honor.) shining a bright light into your eyes while simultaneously tending to five other patients.
First downside: the entire Apollo cabin had been busy. Incredibly so. While other couples were getting together or celebrating being alive, Apollo kids were either working at the infirmary or sleeping. You weren't even sure whether they took the time to eat (which would honestly be quite hypocritical). You'd been too injured to be of any help in there, pretty much stuck in bed even after your release, so the classic post-battle-confession had pretty much been a bust.
Or so you'd thought, until Chiron had announced that the campfire would be taking place as normal. Surely the post-battle-confession could be delayed a few days if the parties were either unconscious most of the time or terribly overworked? You had dared to put your hopes up, except....
You sigh. Second big downside. Even without the sun, even with skin a fraction too pale, even with bruises under their eyes - they still look undeniably beautiful as they prepare the instruments with the rest of their cabin. Apollo Cabin, leading the sing-along as always. Someone should really talk to Chiron about overworking the Apollo kids.
Suddenly you notice the ever-present buzzing that results when combining children, ADHD and sugar die down (at least somewhat). You look up, half dreading another prophecy, but instead the sight that presents itself is even more surprising: William "I-don't-sing" Solace standing at the front of the band. The guy that refuses to play any instrument that isn't the kazoo. The guy that, if confronted with the fact that people found the voice he used for his hymns comforting, blamed it on the blood loss. That guy was standing in the position normally occupied by the main singer. (That should've been your first warning, really.)
He exchanges nod with them (*your* Apollo camper, you'd almost thought, and no you are not blushing shut up), so subtle you wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't already been staring (sue you. or rather, sue them: it should be illegal be this pretty)
"First of all, I'm happy to report that we had no casualties this battle!" , Solace's voice echoes throughout camp, and not for the first time you wonder whether this is an Apollo ability or simply camp magic. Cheering from the campers: everyone already knew it, but it's always reassuring to have it confirmed by the head medic. The ear-splitting whistling that follows when the campers refuse to shut up on the other hand is definitely a gift from his dad (you try to remind yourself through the headache that this ability has saved your life at least once. It is not pure evil, no matter how badly it may seem so at the moment)
"AND ONE OF MY SIBLINGS", Will Solace screams over the sounds of pain when he realizes those will not die down anytime soon, "WROTE A SONG FOR A VERY SPECIAL SOMEONE WE'D LIKE TO PRESENT! SO LISTEN, DON'T FORGET YOU DEPEND ON ME TO PATCH Y'ALL UP WHENEVER YA GET HURT, AND ENJOY!" . That last part sounds like a command, the 'or else' very strongly implied. The manic smile on his face paired with the aforementioned groans of pain make for a rather disconcerting image. Not that anyone would dare tell that to the person everyone depends upon to patch them up whenever they get hurt.
(You swear that Solace looked at you, during this second announcement, and your heart skips a beat. It proceeds to skip several more when he steps back and *they* take up his place. You would maybe be worried about it if you weren't so busy trying not to blush. Judging by the heat in your ears, you are not very successful)
(Who allowed them to be so fucking beautiful. Gods. Hades and Apollo and the entire Olympus. Maybe you should make some sacrifices for Apollo at breakfast tomorrow)
This time you know it's not just wishful thinking when they look right at you. Impossibly, your smile widens even further.
"This one is called: 'Intestines on the floor'".
You feel your smile freeze on your face.
Before you can question any further (maybe it is somewhat metaphorical?), the rest of their siblings start playing. A ballad: catchy and fierce and yet gentle at the same time. You feel some people looking at you and dear gods, your entire head must be a tomato by now.
It should be perfect. A scene right out of your dreams. The type of story you'll be proud to share when someone asks how you got together. The type that will make the person who asked jealous when you recount it.
"Skin cut open
Like a jacket of meat
Intestines all over the floor-"
You don't even have it in you to be surprised when you catch Solace giving them a huge thumbs up from the sidelines. Truly, you should have suspected something as soon as Will Solace got involved. The guy is a bit of a freak, even among demigods. Head medic benefits, you suppose: nobody complains about the dude that has saved your life at least once. Sometimes you wonder if he is even aware of it. Because surely this must be some sort of joke? But a quick glance immediately makes you disregard that idea: they are all undeniably genuine. (It's sort of adorable. In a very grotesque kind of way)
Third big downside, you suppose.
When everything is over (the refrain was repeated at least ten times, per multiple requests), all you can do is nod in a daze. At least you have confirmation they like you back?
You can't even be mad at your fellow campers for singing the horrifyingly graphic song about the traumatic injuries that almost cost you your life the next day. It really is a legit bop. Fuck.
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@thetelekineticfrog hope you like this lil thing that was inspired by your comments?
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harry-sussex · 1 year
Awww your harry... just...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But seriously, feeling really sorry for him. He is just too paranoid to be laugh at... He needs to face the reality
I genuinely feel so sorry for him. This isn’t funny. This is devastating for a human being - to experience and to watch. The image that comes to mind is him desperately trying to claw his way out of some kind of dungeon in his brain until his fingers bleed. He’s panicked, hysterical, desperate - this isn’t funny. His testimonies don’t match what he’s said previously and yet I have no doubt that he’d pass a polygraph after every single statement that comes out of his mouth - he’s so far gone that he absolutely believes every word he’s saying, I’m absolutely sure of it. He needs help - intensive, targeted help prescribed by the best of the best. Daily therapy. Inpatient, outpatient, whatever the professionals think is best to break him out of this crippling state he’s in. I’m not a doctor, but someone has to do something - can’t everyone see that this man is suffering? That he’s absolutely crippled by his own mind? That he’s stuck in that mental dungeon he can’t claw his way out of no matter what he does or says? He’s clearly in so much pain - doesn’t matter if what he’s saying is true or not. He needs help, guys. He’s going to give himself an ulcer or an aneurysm (or worse) if he continues to live this way. Imagine how tense he must be all the time? How fast and hard his heart must beat? How little he sleeps? How often he has panic attacks - head pounding, heart slamming right out of his chest, jaw clenched, unable to breathe, sweating, completely shackled by his own paranoia? How anguished he is? How lonely? He’s so clearly not okay. It’s heartbreaking. Nobody deserves this kind of pain.
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queen-scribbles · 6 months
#THEM!!!!#gosh I love them so much#god where do I even START#qyzen! I'm so happy to see qyzen get some love he's such an underappreciated companion and you really nailed his voice 💚#endrali straight up nopeing off of the entire planet because she was too horny#arcann seeing her leave and immediately assuming he'd done something wrong 😭😭 (laura bailey voice) can I hug him?#the combat! I always love how you write fights you do it so welllllll#the TENSION in that last conversation!#it felt like the *slightest* slip in self-control from either of them would have them making out right there in the hall#let them smoooooch#but more than that: LET 👏 ENDRALI 👏 FUCK 👏 she is gonna combust if she doesn't let off some of that steam soon#(qora is patting endrali on the shoulder in sympathy. 'could be worse. at least your bond doesn't have you sharing dreams with him.')
@haledamage I love them so much too, way WAY more than I expected when I first went "idk, Endrali's single I ~guess~ I could have her romance Arcann...?" played myself big time there😂 I was so happy getting to give Qyzen some love, he deserves it, and he was really, really fun to write. His speech pattern is so neat.
(Arcann's knee-jerk reaction to her leaving without him being "Clearly I did something wrong" is going on my list of writing things I'm proudest of for the year ngl[sorry, dude]. There's at least a couple points in the Sacrifice trailer where he and Thexan look to Valkorian for affirmation and Valkorion just turns away, so I felt it made sense and a habit he's learning to undo)
I have had this idea swimming around in my head for ages, but wanted to write the things leading up to the Unmasked Regret convo in chronological order(even if I have written stuff that skips to after they're together :3). I just find it hysterical, that my sweet, perky lil blueberry had such an X-rated dream about the guy she had to run away nope off the whole-ass planet to feel safe. We're definitely at the point where they both have Feelings for the other, and both are burying them very very deep bc they're so sure they aren't reciprocated, so why mess up what they have? and THIS is the thing that makes Endrali realize even if it's awkward and she's convinced he doesn't Like Her Like That(how she's missed the heart eyes GOD ONLY KNOWS), she has to at least tell him she Like-likes him, "I think I'm falling in love with you" etc etc and just deal with the fallout if it's not mutual. But then things get super busy for a couple weeks and then IOKATH, so she doesn't get a chance. And fun fact! Arcann planned to say something in that same interim and chickened out and then ofc she almost dies, which is what finally makes him give her the armor + confess. :3
SO yeah, next piece for them should cover the Unmasked Regret talk and there will be smooching, I promise. Less sure on the timeline for the Let Endrali Fuck part, but she's one of the pushier muses in that regard, so we shall see.
I love writing combat, I think I've mentioned that one or two(hundred) times? :P And I guess loving it so much means I write it more so it's one of the things I've really honed(thank you <333).
(And I love the mental image of Qora--So. Much. Taller--giving Endrali sympathy pats and Endrali pulling a 'You've Got a Point" face🤣🤣🤣)
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hungergamesheadcanons · 7 months
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Listen we're pretending Shrek exists in The Hunger Games universe ok? A slightly different rendition of the ointment after the mist.
"Finnick!" Katniss yelped, "Your face!"
The District 4 Victor-turned-tribute looked up at her in confusion, before recoiling himself. "What about your face?!"
They simultaneously looked down at their hands, watching the tips of their fingers turn green even as the blisters practically fell away, before looking up at each other.
"You look shrektacular," Finnick ended up quipping, a small smile pulling at the edge of his mouth.
"Shrektacular?" Katniss asked in confusion.
"You've never seen it? Add it to your list if you get out of here, that movie is awesome."
She just rolled her eyes, squeezing more of the ointment onto her hands and gesturing for him to turn around. "Come on, let's get the rest of them. Not used to being green, huh?"
"Katniss, Katniss, feeling me up already? With your husband asleep?" He tutted playfully, but did as he was told.
"Careful or I'll draw a dick on your back."
"You wouldn't."
"Watch me."
The two of them were giggling by now, one of Finnick's hands coming up to grab hers as she started tracing the image on his back. It didn't matter that the ointment wasn't on that particular finger, the mental image caused the two of them to just collapse into hysterics.
Briefly, Katniss wondered if this level of joy and silliness had ever been seen in The Hunger Games before. It felt alien, in this arena where everything was out to kill them, to be laughing over something as simple as drawing dicks.
"Fine," she relented, "I won't draw a dick."
The silence was pregnant between them, before she smirked, "I can give you a rocking set of tits though if you want."
Finnick snorted, actually snorted, sending the two of them off into loud fits of laughter. Once he started, he couldn't seem to stop, until both of them were wheezing. Their skin had been steadily turning greener, and once Katniss was covered, it was time to wake Peeta.
"Wait, wait, let's do something to wake him up!"
"Like what?" She asked, already excited.
"I dunno, something stupid."
"Hmm... Let's just stick our faces right in front of him?"
"Oh he's gonna freak. Let's do it."
They positioned themselves in front of him, far enough that they wouldn't get punched, but close enough to be recognisable. After a little poking and prodding, they managed to get him awake enough for -
The two green kids fell to pieces, raucous laughter causing several birds to flutter away. Katniss didn't even care that they could be alerting enemies to their position, or that surely her family and the Capitol were watching this moment of levity surrounded by death and despair. Peeta watched the two of them, tongue tucked into his cheek even as he tried to suppress a grin.
"Geez, thanks guys." He muttered, "great wakeup call there, not terrifying at all in the arena."
"Hey!" Finnick gasped out between snorts, "At least she didn't draw a dick on you!"
"I didn't draw a dick on you Finnick!" Katniss cackled, "I promise!"
"Lies and slander!"
Peeta shook his head, standing up. "So is that ointment available? I assume there is a reason why you're green."
Katniss went to hand him the tube, before she paused, a wicked grin on her face. "Peeeeetaaaaa~" She sing-songed, and her husband took one look at her before running towards the beach.
Katniss set off after him, Finnick only a second behind as he grabbed their stuff. There was a rustling behind him, but he didn't care to check what it was, too busy cackling as Katniss tackled Peeta to the floor.
"Katniss, wait!" The blonde was giggling, before spitting out a load of sand. "Blech! Oh that is nasty!"
"Hey Finnick!" She yelled, "Any suggestions?"
Finnick laughed as she manhandled the top of Peeta's wetsuit off, exposing some of the boils that had slipped through the garment along with pale skin.
"Oh I am so drawing Shrek on his back!"
"You draw Shrek, I'll draw the dicks."
In the madness, they failed to notice a silver parachute tinkling down. When they were done, and would finally open it, they would be greeted with warm bread from District 4, alongside 3 different portions of a hearty soup, and a note that said 'glad you're having fun - H'.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year
I was going through my playlist today and there’s a song that reminds me SO MUCH of HG! Levi, and it’s his pov too
The song is: sweet dreams TN - by The last shadow puppets
It’s so good and the lyrics felt like levi’s thoughts n monologues
tell me what you think!
Hii ~ What's in your heart lately? How are you feeling? What do I think? Well, first of all, I adore that my readers recommend songs that remind them of Holy Ground! The mere idea that some was going on through their day, listening to something and thinking of Holy Ground for me it’s simply amazing. It brightens up my day!
I must admit that I didn’t know the song but indeed it does remind me of Levi A LOT. The vibes overall, I think I said it on ch.15 Delicate (aka Levi’s pov chapter) on the authors notes. I played “Do I Wanna Know” by Arctic Monkeys in the background while writing that chapter. Even if the title was a Taylor’s song… that type of music just screams LEVI for me. “R u mine?” “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” “I Wanna Be Yours” all those give me 24 years old Levi vibes, you know? and this song that you recommend to me is just perfect too.
Those sort of “though, rebel, slightly depressed guy in love” vibes haha I just love it. To highlight quotes from it that I like it:
It's like everyone's a dick without you baby
Ain't I fallen in love?
And I just don't recognize this fool that you
Have made me,
No explanation needed, just Levi being Levi.
I particularly like the “And all my pals will tell me that I'm crazy” because we talk a lot about this with a friend from here who also reads HG, that Farlan would be going nuts if he was alive with Levi’s crush. My best mental image is Levi fallin on his back on the bed, stupid smile on his face that only someone in love can have while daydreaming about it. Farlan, looking at him in disbelief, saying “Are you perhaps short of a marble?! She’s some hysterical spoiled princess whose ex is our boss and whose cousin/sibling/whatever is some important rich figure that will KILL us the second they find out you CHERRY POPPED THEIR GIRL!”
Meanwhile Levi “... she’s gonna be the mother of my children, i’ve made my mind about it,”
Farlan “OH FUCK ME.”
Anyways, lovely song. I adore it. Yes, indeed Levi and YN should fuck in her powder room and break a mirror in the process. Thank you so much for this! Have a lovely day! Lots of love!
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catboygirling · 2 years
top 5 ace attorney cases (i feel like most people probably have similar lists but still)
I actually have no idea what the general consensus on best cases are! so maybe I'll have some scalding takes in here, who knows.
so, in no particular order:
Farewell, My Turnabout - I feel like I could easily put the final cases from all three trilogy games on this list, but that's boring. so let's just stick with my personal favorite of the three. poor Phoenix just doesn't catch a break with this one. Maya is KIDNAPPED and Franziska GETS SHOT and Miles ISN'T DEAD?? HUH?? Matt Engarde is an excellent villain, he sort of lands right in the sweet spot of "definitely 100% evil but is having So Much Fun." this man gets accused of murder by his own attorney and dramatically sweeps away his bangs and pulls out a glass of chocolate milk. (I don't know what it actually is. probably not chocolate milk but that's the first thing I saw it as.) and while Miles and Franziska don't actually interact much in the second game, I am Constantly thinking about that scene they have at the airport. excellent glimpse into their dynamic, excellent setup for their face-off in Bridge to the Turnabout.
The Stolen Turnabout - is this one one of my favorites because Ron DeLite is super lame and I enjoy that in male characters? maybe. Desirée learning he's an Actual Criminal and continuing to support him anyway is amazing. malewife/girlboss kind of dynamic. the case initially being about a theft and not a murder is a nice change of pace, and also enforces the fact that jesus christ, Phoenix and Maya can't do anything fun together without a murder being involved, even in the one case where they didn't even know anyone died.
The Grand Turnabout - gonna be honest, I'm putting this one here almost entirely because of the logic chess segment with Sebastian. and Sebastian in general. he's a soaking wet kitten I found in a cardboard box, I really like him. all the logic chess sequences are about balancing emotion and information-gathering, but this one really emphasizes it. (also, sorry Sebastian, I did pick that option to call you worthless right at the start and laughed hysterically about the instant game-over.) but there's good outside of that, too! the image of the prosecutor, defense attorney, AND the judge all trying to stall a case at the same time is a really funny mental image. and the mastermind twist was SO GOOD. did not see it coming at all, and taking down Keyes was super satisfying. oh, and the bit where you logic chess Sebastian spawned the phrase "I'm gonna milk this kitten" among my friends, which we use as shorthand for "this guy is so lame and pathetic and sad, I/someone in the narrative should comfort them," so. that's pretty cool.
Turnabout Reminiscence - the Investigations games have REALLY good character interactions, and this one is one of my favorites for that. Franziska and Miles getting into silly arguments about vending machine swiss rolls is the greatest thing I've ever seen. also, special shoutout to that part where Miles has to deduce that noise from the TV could've been heard through the window and you have to like. first establish that scents can travel through the air. I'm so sorry sweetie but my logic button was leaps ahead of yours on that one.
Turnabout Reclaimed - okay, I'm fairly confident that this one is a Take. how many people have even played the dlc? this one immediately gets points for the insane premise of "Phoenix Wright defends an orca." it's so silly, but in a very Ace Attorney(tm) way. see also: Blackquill just taking the case to see how much of a disaster it'll be, Pearl cameo! and HERMAN CRAB. most underrated character in the series. he's such a good witness. he doesn't even lie about anything, which by ace attorney standards, is extremely rare! says his piece, you cross-examine him one time, and he just goes home. and he doesn't believe in romantic feelings, which. neither do I, dude. experiencing aro solidarity in the aa5 dlc case that no one talks about. only complaint is the rapping pirate. fuck that guy.
oh, and Turnabout Storyteller gets a shoutout. the case itself is fun (although very tension-killing, considering we're taking a break from Phoenix literally fighting for his life to watch Athena fight for a noodle stand), but I mostly want to mention that one part where Blackquill breaks his usual animations and Grabs you. that part made me scream laugh and I have a gif of it saved on my phone forever.
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