skelekins · 1 year
herror glorror glirror glitter hotch - chachacha horch-HORCH hitch glotch >:| blitch blootch glood glid blerror - too close blorrer bludder bloor
>:o glaxe d-sfdsljfsf glixe - jfc erraxe axor
current name
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sandeewithtwoe · 1 month
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More doodles again
Ink belongs to comyet/myebi
Fresh belongs to loverofpiggies
Cross belongs to Jakei95
Ccino belongs to black-nyanko
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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corvussnakee · 3 months
Decided to throw this quick sketch together of Rotten's Shattered Dream.
I decided to make the tree, guardian, emotion- ough twins- like- insect based n'such. So, what better way to represent an inky goopy tentacle beast?
A fuckin spider that's what.
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The outfit was inspired by Crona from Soul eater. I liked the long ass dress like outfit they wore and said 'Ight Bet'
I've also already started calling this version of Shattered, 'Dreamcatcher' for the sole reason that I think this silly lad would make dreamcatchers in his spare time.
There's also been some religious imagery sneaking in with like- His main room where he's set up his 'Office/Study' area is like the Sanctuary of a church. Dude built his like- castle/mansion type home usin a church as a base lol.
He may look like a sad lil dude but he would not hesitate to have one of his 'children' (Spiders) crawl all up in your business and take control of you.
Okay so, small blurb. Dreamcatcher!Shattered has the ability to produce spiders out of his body. These spiders he refers to as 'his children'. If these spiders manage to get into your body they will quickly overflood your system with toxic positivity. Making you extremely dazed and euphoric. Your soul will then float in front of your chest and there will be a spider symbol on the front. This shows others you're under the influence of Dreamcatcher!Shattered. He can command you to do sorta... Anything.
The only way to get free is to have one of Nighty's butterflies get into your system and chase out the toxic positivity, via flooding your system with negativity.
Both are painful processes but like... Ehh, you get to be free?...
Oh, and Dreamcatcher!Dream's sludge covers his mouth. He's got a Glamrock Chica/Red Guy situation goin on underneath it.
Some extra stand alones.
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So ya, silly sketch.
I think og Shattered!Dream belongs to @zu-is-here ? (please let me know if I'm wrong!!)
Shattered!Dream actually belongs to @.galacii / @.galacii-gallery [@.shattereddreamsau]
[Thank uuu Zu for telling me!!! (❁´◡`❁)]
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onerudegentleman · 1 year
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when I’m in a who’s the biggest loser competition and my opponents are these guys
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fl00mie · 2 months
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ok so, finally came with a full idea of this character:D an error version of ink. i'll be listing some facts and clarifications about him to prevent any kind of confusion, just under the cut!
i wanted to write his entire backstory on here but it ended up being a little too much longer than i expected so maybe i'll make a comic about it- or no (wheheh). but basically everything started when he also tore his soul but appeared in the anti-void instead of a normal void that would eventually become his doodle sphere
now, his design choices
he's wearing the first ever clothes he used in His Story comic
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his eyes colors were chosen thanks to their inverts, those specific magenta and blue are the opposites of green and yellow, the first colors he experienced in his original story
the marks on his body are white to represent the meaning of the few white garments in his original design: "The white layer underneath says how he attempts to hide who he is, but his emptiness sometimes shines through."
his "tattoos" are no longer illegible when he turns into an error, they become common binary codes (the font used for these is Note This, ink's official font)
the red (magenta) eye is on the right side to somehow symbolize the blood his "scar" would cause
there is no yellow on his clothes to show how secretive he is, as he constantly hides half his face in his scarf
personality traits and extra facts!
as said before he is someone incredibly reserved, mostly because while being in his 5 senses he is afraid of his self without his doses of paints and tries to not attract attention
nonetheless, he likes being around people, he would probably travel across universes to hang out hidden in crowded places
the "specific situations" mentioned on the first part of the sheet refer, for the most part, to self-defense. but there may be other situations where he simply creates stuff that people ask for from time to time
compared to his original counterpart, he will take much longer to drain as he'll rarely use his powers
if he talks for too much time he'll glitch for an instant and forget everything he was saying. that is one of the reason he doesn't enjoy talking so much
when he's in the doodle sphere he often has momentary traumatic hallucinations, so he tries to leave that place as quickly as possible
these previously mentioned hallucinations also happen in panic situations or as a sign that the ingested paints are no longer effective
okie dokie i think that's all for now<3 if anything comes to my mind later or anytime i'll try to post it or smth! hope you like it🫶
ink sans by @/comyet
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silly-comics · 7 months
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Very rushed Im sorry. Anyways, best not to piss of Dust after just gaining some exp
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r3db3ans · 1 month
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take all of this :)
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soaked-ghost · 15 days
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baby goo nightmare trying to figure out who he is
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he looks like a kicked puppy
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starunethesharky · 2 months
Dust is feeling cute today lmao.
Also I can’t draw hands so just imagine they are drawn really good 💀
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puckpocketed · 25 days
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12/06/2024 - Macklin Celebrini in Boston University Cinematography Reel 23-24, by Bernie Perisie
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emo-rabies444 · 2 months
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I drew thiz over da weekend… </3
Horror staring vacantly into da distance… like me! Cuz I’m in pain :’3
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inyoureyes-415 · 27 days
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August 17, 2024
Location: Chinatown, San Francisco, California
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elizakai · 3 months
killer eating a sandwich
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oldshowbiz · 9 months
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The San Francisco Landmarks that flash across the screen during the opening credits on The Streets of San Francisco.
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leafwateraddict · 6 months
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Sludgy boy… heres Corruptmare for my dreamtale rewrite. His origins and motivation are still in the works but basically he’s… very hungry.
Full image ↓↓
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catofoldstones · 7 months
The Ashford Theory and my patience running thin
Welcome, welcome my guys, gals and non-binary pals, to another scream into the void that the Ashford theory is, in fact, very jonsa
On to the arguments!
1. The suitor has to have the correct last name, not family, look at Joffrey Baratheon, you stupid jonsa
Hypothesis - the suitor has to have the corresponding name, not family, and because Jon is a Snow he’s out of the running. The other prong is fAegon who is actually a Blackfyre and not Targeryen, who can also be the suitor.
Thesis - Joffrey is the only other suitor to have a different name. Joffrey and Jon have also been set up as foils from the start of AGOT. Joffrey is a bastard masquerading as the rightful king and Jon is the rightful king (thrice crowned) masquerading as a bastard. It makes sense that they are the only two suitors to have the wrong name as this establishes them as inverses in another way. The last suitor being the foil of the horrible first suitor thereby showing character growth, and plot progression and resolution? Count me in.
As for Young Griff being a Blackfyre, here’s a meta or two, maybe even an argument, for him being the real Aegon VI Targaryen but take my personal fav evidences of Tyrion figuring out that Young Griff is Aegon VI Targaryen and then, Varys literally telling a dying Kevan Lannister about the true Targaryen prince and why would you lie to a dying man? How does that serve your purpose?
This is literally grrm telling us who Young Griff actually is, though this does not count him I out of the contenders, it reduces the weight of him being the fifth suitor, due to story arcs and well, his doomed fate.
Conclusion - While Aegon VI is a strong contender, there is much, much more literary weight and nuance with Jon being the Targaryen suitor.
2. Lady Ashford was not crowned the Queen of Love and Beauty by any champion!!! Take that jonsas
Hypothesis - tQoLaB is a title analogous to a betrothal/love interest
Thesis - there have been no allusions to the title of tQoLaB while trying to foreshadow a relationship, except for a really, really bad one (r + l) that plunged the whole realm into a civil war and we should not take that as a good sign
Conclusion - we’re grasping at straws here besties
3. Dunk disrupted the Ashford Tourney, therefore Sxndxr will disrupt Sansa’s prospects and other things
Hypothesis - Dunk & Sxndxr are are analogous and since there was no conclusion to the Tourney we can safely assume that it’s sxnsxn foreshadowing
Thesis - Brienne is the Dunk asoiaf corollary, not Sxndxr. Brienne is theorized to be Dunk’s descendant. She even has her shield painted like Dunk’s, apart from their striking character parallels and being a true foil to all the other knights in the story. Mr. Gravedigger is just tall :/
“Your door reminded me of an old shield I once saw in my father’s armory.”
Brienne II, AFFC
Brienne has Dunk’s shield in her family home possibly because she’s a descendant of Dunk but then goes ahead and gets her shield painted exactly like this one
“[The painted shield] was more a picture than a proper coat of arms, and the sight of it took her back through the long years, to the cool dark of her father’s armory. She remembered how she’d run her fingertips across the cracked and fading paint, over the green leaves of the tree, and along the path of the falling star.”
Brienne II, AFFC
Secondly, just because the tourney did not have a (satisfactory) conclusion does not mean that the tourney did not exist to serve a purpose. I doubt grrm would likely give out his whole story as early as 1998.
Conclusion - BRIENSA 4eva!!!!!
4. Valarr Targaryen died of a sickness and Aegon VI is doomed to die and is connected to a sickness, are you looking at the nerves popping out of my thick, brainy skull
Thesis - the fifth suitor is 100% Aegon and there’s no one else
Hypothesis - there is a Targaryen.. currently dead.. in the books… (thnk u @istumpysk for ur galaxy brain). The plague in the story serves to connects Aegon more to Dany than to a northern girl he doesn’t know about and might not like since she’s a Stark and his mother is Elia Martell.
Conclusion - jonsa
5. This is all a coincidence & u jonsas are reaching as always
Hypothesis - though george is known to tie every deep end, every crack theory, even farfetched ones that the readers have not caught, this one thing completely skipped his notice because exceptions are always there
Thesis - yes, because this is acotar & not asoiaf and he’s not grrm, i am
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