whereserpentswalk · 10 months
Imagine you're from one of humanity's far off colonies in the far future. When your colony first formed people used artifical wombs as an alternative to traditional breeding to bolster numbers, to the point where it became normalized and nobody wanted to go back to sexuak reproduction once the population got back to normal.
As time went on people started being altered to be born sterile, and slowly people started seeing genitals and libido as useless, and started removing them, and then requesting children be born without them. By the time you were born nobody has had sex in your solar system in centuries, everyone has a completely androgynous body, and a mind incapable of sexual attraction.
You never think of bodies as gendered, even though you likely think of yourself as male or female. And nothing ever seems sexual to you. You've cuddled with your freinds, been naked in public, touched people's bodies, and none of it has ever been sexual to you. You and your girlfriend sleep in separate beds, and the most you'll ever do is cuddle eachother. This is just how the world is.
Eventually you interact with humans from another system, and they seem so alien. They hide their bodies in strange ways, have boundaries you don't understand, and have strange concepts about gender and families. They seem to think you're odd as well.
When you become one of the few people from your home city to go off system for a job you find that people interact with you strangely. They always say that they're so sorry for you, that they think it's tragic you've been forced to live the way that you do, or how awful it is that your civilization has robbed "important parts of humanity" from you. You don't understand why reproduction methods are so important to these people. When they try to show you you don't really understand, even if you're happy to learn about your new freinds' cultures. You wish you could just cuddle with people here without it meaning anything though.
You return to your home planet confused. You're not sure if you could explain it all to anyone other then yourself.
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sangbum60090 · 7 months
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The Course of Empire (1833–1836) by Thomas Cole and the ending credits of Attack on Titan
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maiyren · 2 months
Civilization is a made up construct by this society, which is continued by children born into it living on by that very envision.
So never assume that there is a right or wrong way to live your life.
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whatcha-thinkin · 6 months
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ratedasresistance · 5 months
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In the wake of students in the west being arrested and forcibly cleared from their campuses for standing up for Palestine.
I wrote a speech to show solidarity for all of those people who have taken it upon themselves to organize a peaceful encampment movement
But I’m also calling for them to make use of armed resistance against those who sacrifice their conscience and lives to uphold systems of oppression steered by the elites and state representatives who support and benefit from our oppression through white supremacist patriarchal and capitalist systems.
Even though the ones that uphold them don’t always stand a chance to actually benefit from keeping the wheels of oppression churning. You have to understand and remember that the elites and state representatives are defenseless that’s why they need the police force to enforce the status quo and commandeer the military industrial complex against us. For we are viewed as the lowly class of peasantry worthy ranks that snap into obedience. Yet we are the danger that they need to be protected from but it is rather us that need to be protected from the danger that they pose to our rights, freedom, human civilization, the various species in the animal kingdom and most importantly Mother Earth.
So it is our job to remove the safeguards around their blood stained mansions in order to render their power obsolete. So we do not aim at them for that is a waste of our time but rather aim at those who they trust to defend their interest.
I will share this very speech that I’ll perform in my video and I'll upload it on every social media platform and I hope that it will pick up some steam so help me get it to go #viral so that people will see it and perform it in distinct and creative ways while keeping the very essence of the overall message.
Cuz it never stands to be diluted or dialed back to be more consumer friendly, I want to hear the rage in your voices, wrinkles on your faces and the pain in your bodies because you feel for the students who are being held to the ground and deprived of a considerable amount of oxygen during their arrest. CHANNEL THEIR PAIN & THOSE OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE EVERYWHERE ESPECIALLY THOSE IN THE GAZA STRIP, RAFAH AND THE WEST BANK!
Cuz WE are being Wronged or Fucked too in every sense of the word whether we’re aware of it or not as our tax dollars go into funding a genocide instead of helping the American & Canadian people thrive and we’re even letting our conscience die by listening to cowardly voices from western media establishments.
So Here’s the actual speech:
You’re going to stand right here and say that you have a warrant from Turtle Island turned into the Most United States demanding for our arrest!?
Are you asking us to obey?
And pray at their behest?
It’s okay. Cuz we will not erupt in protest!
For we do not beg!
It is our rite of passage
To complete the most noble quest
So what is ours shall be taken!
And we shall not be shaken by your stern stare
We will only prevail in times of despair
Say it for the ones at the back who are too blind to oppression! Free free free Palestine! Free Congo and Free Sudan!
Say it for the ones at the front who are too scared to fall! Free free free Palestine! Free Congo and Free Sudan!
Cuz everything and those everywhere long for liberation all at once!
This is the golden ages ripe with the opportunity for progress
So we have to rise to pass the litmus test
For we grow complict in our own undoing through the violence in our silence
As others not deserving of hell fell into the heavens
While we hid in our nest
Only in the moments that we'll seek to rest our heads on our cozy beds
We shall be so harshly and rudely awakened
By the reality that we will forever be oppressed
Unless we keep the faith in our every breath
For we cannot stand to lose in the slightest
As we cannot tell those who will come next that we tried our best
Cuz they deserve the heavens and the earth
Free from those who wish to make it their conquest
And take them as their new subjects
Again we shall not be shaken!
We shall come for each and every one of your colonial nations!
And reduce them into our shrines of liberation!
So beware and behave or you shall be tamed by the wrath of our rage.
And we shall make a feast out of your faces if you even dare.
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glamurai56 · 1 month
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Hostile Power Takeover? Learnings on Urban & Domestic Warfare II, “Equipment”:
Let’s say they are more technologically advanced & half robot/half machine or full machine, so seemingly unkillable.
This creates a new type of paradigm when it comes to fighting. Every entity, every bird, human being, insect, etc is a vessel.
So, if you are able to create your own computer chips with your own soldiers consciousness & you are losing to a hostile power, you’d be able to subdue a vessel, for example a bird, & take out the hostile powers microchip to replace with your own. This way you wouldn’t have to build an entire body. This allows a less technologically advanced society to just take the vessels the hostile power has already built & “rewire” their people’s consciousness into an already built body.
If the hostile power has for example 100 soldiers consciousness that are doing horrific things like switching into different bodies and raping people, if they do not have any bodies to switch into then you can stop the behavior with this strategy & you wouldn’t have to overcome the immediate obstacle of figuring out who did it when everyone can switch around.
All processes that build something require resources, time, & logistics. Killing one of these soldiers then leaving bodies would allow someone to come back later, pick the body up, repair the wound, & then reuse the body.
It’s very very important to remember that this method is also used to “free people”. If one of them goes to jail & then gets stabbed and dies, a hostile enemy would be able to get their equipment & soldier back out of jail.
This also raises up questions on the practice of “cruelty”. We have legal penalties against harming & maiming dead, but at the same time this type of practice in this type of war may be the closest way to permanently destroy deadly vessels because it would force a hostile power to use more resources to repair it.
This also means If you could reengineer the technology then you could take your people out of regular human bodies & put them inside built “super bodies”. This means you could have people that look like people to protect your population , but with endless protective modifications. As long as you build it & have people on your software, they shouldn’t be able to switch that consciousness around. That would require that body to have been captured and rewired or “hacked” by the hostile power in order for them to have the capability to do so.
These are some examples of the major differences between how we usually fight war & how a war with a technologically advanced society would potentially change everything. It is important to remember that survival is ultimately about adaptation & sometimes impossible challenges are just ones we haven’t looked at through a different perspective.
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dyingroses · 2 months
I'm just saying why use rocks and fire for weapons when you can use them to make pretty trinkets and yummy food :D
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exceptionalquotes · 2 months
We are Civilized Monkeys with HUGH EGO.
Ego is a Tool, if you know how to use your emotion, it can make you acheive to the absolute top in life.
If you dont know how to control your emotion, Ego can destroy you.
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klinefelterrible · 3 months
I was in a National Museum in Edinburgh and let me tell you that the most important and costly progress humans ever made was for killing stuff either for eating or for not being killed. The only other reason was reaching the fucking skies with the pyramids or that fucking Apollo missions
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fae-berry · 2 years
i hate capitalism but not for like normal reasons i hate it for ‘i just handed a man two small metal discs and in exchange he gave be a bag of chips’ like what the fuck even is that!!!!! we’re primates on a mud ball floating in nothing and this is what we’re doing??!?!
i think i get why people study ancient cultures now.
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whereserpentswalk · 10 days
Human space has always been large. Generations ago when ftl was first invented humans used it to create far off colonies, but then those colonies created colonies, and so on and so fourth, until nobody even knew where human space ends.
You were on an exploratory mission, and your ship ended up flung way further and faster out into the universe than you thought you could go, and ended up way past what you wanted to explore. You were lucky to still be in human space, but the culture was entirely unknown.
The first system you went to was filled with humans wearing hoods and masks, and clothing that covered their entire bodies. When they met you they made you wear the same clothing as them, and you quickly learned that in the local cluster of planets any skin being shown was completely taboo, even the smallest inch on any part of the body. The closest they had to revealing clothing were tighter fitting garments, and more humanoid masks. They started helping you repair your ship, but it would take a few years.
And while you were there it seemed strange at first. You felt sad for the mask wearers, knowing that people would never know the appearance of their closest freinds, their siblings, their parents. Even eating was strange, being done with the same privacy as a shower would be on your planet. It felt as if the masked people had lost some element of humanity.
As time went on, and as you got used to wearing their clothing it stopped feeling that way though. You had close freinds on those planets now, and you found it weird to want to see their faces, it would be weird to, perhaps it was better with them choosing how they looked. And soon the idea of someone having an exposed face seemed weird, at least it was when you left. Part of you wished they hadn't fixed your ship, you had a life there. But they did, and you left.
When you got to your ship again you spent months avoiding pirates and androids before getting to your next safe planet. When you got there the people looked strange, most of them had prosthetic body parts, many of them looking so cut up that they didnt even look human. You learned that it was the custom there in those local systems, to slowly remove body parts as people aged, until they completely lacked biological forms, and were purely mechanical beings.
The custom was horrifying to you for your first few weeks there. And you knew it would be awhile since your ship needed fuel. People celebrated their first amputation, discarded limbs would be preserved like baby teeth, and it was all so casual a mutilation. You knew a young woman there who would talk so cheerfully about how they were going to remove the bottom part of her face, and how excited she was. You couldn't bare to look at anyone.
But as months became years, and you had a job as a professor of far off cultures, you began to understand. Not agree but understand. They could live forever, and never be disabled by old age. Children could visit their great great grandparents. And soon the amputations that disgusted you became commonplace enough to ignore. You even agreed to have a broken arm replaced, as so few doctors knew how to mend one. But you left, and you wept as you left, for all the people you'd never see again.
It took you awhile to find a habitable planet again. You were lonely for a time. And when you found one again it was like a drowning person finding water. The people in the new planet you found looked strange, they were hairless and androgynous, many of them either underweight or chubby, or somehow both, and all with a softness to them. Pretty soon you found out that their civilization reproduced using machines, and removed their children's testicles or ovaries as soon as possible, never letting them go through puberty.
Even having seen many worlds these people disturbed you. Their bodies were so broken looking, being so obviously incomplete to you. They thought of you as an oddity but they didn't even know what was taken from them. None of them had or desired sex, their genitals remaining childlike and useless, and because of that they were naïve to any hint of sexuality, they'd shadow publicly, and it was normal for friends to kiss and cuddle naked. It felt as if they had lost so much of what made someone human, and like you had no way of telling them.
But as time went on it too became normal. Even though you told yourself it wasn't. Sex seemed weird and useless when nobody had it, and bodies seemed normal when they were the only kind around. You thought they were missing something at first but they just weren't, they were as human as you, they could still live full lives. And in time it was all ok. After spending years there you ended up with a wife there, and though you never were allowed to have sex you loved eachother. But you eventually left, you had to, even though your wife wept as you said goodbye, it was in your nature to leave after years as it was in their nature to castrate children.
You've come to your next planet now, and they seemed to be serving human flesh alongside all the normal meats like pig and cow. It's disturbing to your right now but your sure it'll all be normal in time. Everything is normal in time.
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theversevoyager · 1 day
In post-apocalypse, a choice must be made, Consequences immense, Fate of mankind at stake, A decision lies in the balance. This is the summary of your work so far: You have created a 100-word science fiction poem that highlights a significant decision with serious consequences and focuses on post-apocalyptic landscapes and the fight for human civilization.
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onlycringepost · 15 days
new rabbithole: language isolates
u mean to tell me there are 'isolated' languages out there completely unrelated to the languages in the region they are in? how the hell did they get there???
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sag-dab-sar · 19 days
The Progression of Human Civilization...
...is a lie we repeated until we believed it true. And cling to it regardless of any new evidence.
I already knew many of these things yet I still believed the liner storyline of human history for hunter gatherings-> farming -> complex civilization. The article put the knowledge together for me to view the story of our past and rise to civilization in a completely differently way.
This 3 step process was extracted from the ideas of from Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the 1700s, that many academics grabbed onto and ran with
The really odd thing about these endless evocations of Rousseau’s innocent State of Nature and the fall from grace, is that Rousseau himself never claimed the State of Nature really happened. It was all a thought-experiment. In his Discourse on the Origin and the Foundation of Inequality Among Mankind (1754), where most of the story we’ve been telling (and retelling) originates, he wrote:
… the researches, in which we may engage on this occasion, are not to be taken for historical truths, but merely as hypothetical and conditional reasonings, fitter to illustrate the nature of things, than to show their true origin.
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rhythmicreverie · 24 days
In the desolate wasteland, one stood, A guardian of life, against all odds. Through radiation and ruin, they fought, To save what remained of humanity sought. In post-apocalyptic landscapes, they thrived, Their sacrifices, a beacon alive. For the greater good, they'd stand firm, And protect the last vestige of human charm.
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