#HTML Studios
Just googling four tutorials to figure out how to post images to ao3… at 3 in the morning…
I wanted to post tonight but it’s way too much fiddling and I need to sleep. And now I know if I open my clip studio art file I will find new things to continue editing. The Yeet method has failed me tonight. But I’m sure I’ll be happy later this week with it.
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someoneisonline · 7 months
Posting this here because it flopped on TikTok, but I made a website on Studio Investigrave (No idea if I'm spelling it right) games for a project I had to do, and I thought I'd share it cause I'm very proud of it.
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julio-codes · 2 years
Welp. Here I am again. Revisiting tumblr after years.
I’m an aspiring programmer these days with really intense imposter syndrome just gnawing at me every step of the way. So let’s see how this goes. Hope I can make some friends on here and I can learn a thing or two from them. And maybe even find a nice community for myself.
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coderbby · 27 days
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Working on a new project about redesigning how I would create a virtual menu/book table for Starbucks. Starting the prototype in Figma! 🥐☕✨
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techdirectarchive · 28 days
Create a web page to visualize the output of BitLocker Script
In this article, we will create Create a web page to visualize the output of BitLocker Script. This sample web page creation assumes you already have your scripts saved. We will be utilizing the Virtual Studio Code which is a  a powerful and versatile code editor. Please see how to ​​​​​Install HTML Web Client for Microsoft RDS, How to Migrate Azure Web Apps, and “RDS client access licenses: How…
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josegremarquez · 2 months
Hojas de Estilo CSS: La Magia Detrás del Diseño Web
¿Qué son las hojas de estilo en cascada (CSS)? CSS es un lenguaje de diseño que se utiliza para dar estilo y formato a las páginas web. Separa la presentación del contenido, lo que facilita la creación de sitios web más consistentes y fáciles de mantener. Historia Breve CSS surgió a mediados de los 90 como una solución para separar el contenido (HTML) de la presentación (CSS). Desde entonces,…
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allclonescript · 2 months
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The Yoga Studio HTML5 Website Template offers a professional, responsive design with essential features like class scheduling, payment integration, and a contact form.
This website template empowers yoga studio owners to create a stunning 👌 website, engage visitors, and establish credibility without frontend coding knowledge.
✅ Registration & login
✅ Responsive-ready
✅ Class schedule
✅ Multimedia section
Visit Now- https://allclonescript.com/product-detail/yoga-studio-html5-template
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stephdoesux · 6 months
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Lake Como Travel HTML, CSS, JS
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baileylockheart · 6 months
does anyone else use vscode for normal writing too? 😭 like I have a little folder of txt documents and I use vscode to write in them :') mine uses a dark mode theme and opendyslexic, so it's generally easier for me to look at for long periods of time, and I have a little bongocat in the bottom, so it's just more fun 😭😭 sometimes I'll also make it an html document PURELY bc it turns the text pink for me 💀
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roboromantic · 10 months
gd watching the Pass the Game Challenge videos and I mean. I get that they're more focused on making a game that Works as opposed to one that's really polished, but it is kinda depressing just how bad the UI tends to be throughout the videos and how unintuitive a lot of the systems can be
not to mention how uh. uncreative some of it can be. like I get that they're under a time limit and are probably trying to stick to stuff they know they can do quickly but Man.
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bearbench · 1 year
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themesnulled · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://themesnulled.us/studio-v1-8-1-software-business-product-it-startup-agency-saas-html/
Studio v1.8.1 - Software, Business, Product, IT Startup, Agency, SaaS Html
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Como cuando tomas nota de todo en el código y te pasan estas cosas de principiante xd.
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tamcode2023 · 2 years
رفع ملفاتك على GitHub باستخدام Visual Studio Code
تريد رفع ملفات مشروعك على GitHub ولكن ليس لديك مهارة الـ Command line, إليك أسهل طريقة للتعامل المباشر بين Visual Studio Code & GitHub. مشكلة عند رفع الملفات على GitHub الكثير من المبرمجين المبتدأين تواجههم صعوبة في رفع ملفات المشروع علي موقع GitHub, وكثيراً ما تحدث أخطاء في الملفات وفي مسارات المجلدات. لا أستطيع استخدام الـ Command line فإذا كنت من مستخدمي Visual Studio Code, فهناك مساحة…
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thenocturnalscholar · 2 years
answering @wizardfigurine ‘s question like this bc unfortunately i cant reply to comments on a sideblog! >:(
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im not an Expert on Computers™️ by any means but id say its mainly just a matter of fucking around and finding out. like find an interpreter that works for u and has the features u want, experiment w/ different syntax and figure out which ones u should familiarise urself with for ur projects. there are also a few forums available where u can talk w other coders and get advice on how to fix ur code :)
again im still only just starting out w/ coding so if anyone with more experience has any advice feel free to rb this w/ advice or comment!
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kerlonsd · 2 years
Visual studio html inspector
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