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lettucesilver · 2 years ago
Some lasso fill-ins of @somerandomdudelmao's Apocalyptic Series !! Lots more under cut !! (Click for better quality !!)
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Art by: @somerandomdudelmao Colors by: @lettucesilver (me !!)
W/O Text bubble
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Zoom ins
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Overlay with original lineart
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W/O Donnie + text bubble
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Zoom ins (just Leo)
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uselessbiscuitsoul · 8 months ago
I Put Sound Village Characters into a HeadCanon Generator
and these are the first Headcanons that came up for each character
Tayuya cracks her knuckles very loudly
Sakon watched the Sonic movie; Ukon believes in Santa
Kidomaru has a deck of YuGiOh cards under his bed
Jirobo is awful with technology and doesn't know how to use a smartphone
Kimimaro sings in the shower
Kabuto is in your house
Kin hacks her stats in evry video game she plays
Zaku reads ao3
Dosu can't sit in a chair properly
Karin's favourite colour is Pink
Suigetsu is very good at walking in platform heels
Juugo is a very good singer
Guren roleplays on discord
Yukimaru knows fnaf lore
Orochimaru likes board games, but no-one else wants to play with him
Mitsuki has a diary that they write in with glittery gel pen
Log almost drank the lethal dosage of caffeine once
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iaminpainfr · 5 months ago
Is it just me, or do I prefer the more sarcastic, rude, and not perfect darlings?
Like I know that the ideal darling is a short, submissive and weak one, but I'm kinda tired of seeing that shit.
Even when they fall into Stockholm Syndrome after the yandere literally unalives the darlings' frickin FAMILY, PET EVEN???
And the way darling is always like 5'0 feet or smth 💀
We need to make changes, people.
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cat-mentality · 1 year ago
More of my favorite silly qsmp headcanons that have zero evidence in canon
The Spanish version:
Willy has creeper dna and he can communicate with them
He however has literally declared the whole species his mortal enemies, and the feeling is mutual
For some reason turtles really like Willy, Tallulah's turtles once staged a break just to hang out in his base (Philza was not pleased)
Vegetta and Rubius fought once and Rubius cursed him to be a werewolf, it was supposed to be temporary but Rubius legitimately forgot about it and Vegetta kinda of likes it now
Vegetta as a result will sometimes howl at the moon and he is like, weirdly, into smells, especially Foolish's for some reason
No one really questions it even if Maximus is the only one who knows he is a werewolf
Maximus is one of the only humans in the Island so he just takes the weirdness on strike, nothing fazes him
Maximus doesn't won a single matching pair of socks and its on purpose
He also owns more sunglasses than he does furniture
Roier is a spider hybrid and he can climb walls like one, he uses that power to scare the living shit out of people
He doesn't do it to Rivers anymore because one time her first response was to set him on fire and then yell at him while he was burning
One time he also took her makeup without asking and she chased him around with a ax
Mariana recorded the whole thing
As a payback Roier stole his glasses and Mariana had to walk around the Island seeing jack shit, he ended up groping so many people by mistake that he legitimately buried himself into the sand until Luzu made him some new glasses
Arin will sometimes hang out inside of people's machines just for fun (He is the one that taught Pierre's machines to swear)
Arin and the codes are enemies with benefits (Luzu refuses to acknowledge this)
Pol pulls out the "old man" card literally every time something mildly inconveniences him or when he wants someone to do something for him
Roier and Quackity always end up getting falling for it
One time Willy and Vegetta blew up a part of his studio and he dead ass pulled their ears and made them redo the whole thing
No one has gathered the courage to ask Pol what he is, but let's just say that when he says old, he means old
He and Abueloier are childhood friends
The reason Missa takes so long to come back every time he leaves is because he has the worst sense of direction ever, he has inadvertently managed to map out the whole Island when he just wanted to find a river.
The mobs just kinda stopped attacking him at some point because it genuinely made them feel bad, they will try when he is with someone else and some token attempts from time to time but mostly they just ignore him
Quackity will say the most absurd things about the Island with a very straight face and he always end up tricking at least one poor soul in believing his bullshit
Quackity can speak to ducks and they have very long and deep philosophical conversations about the meaning of life and the mysteries of the universe
Luzu one time found him while he and the ducks are discussing the dangers of capitalism and he just backed away very slowly
German got lost trying to walk around the Island and he still haven't found his way back, on a good note he has been adopted by the slimes because they like his shirt
Rivers can talk to chickens and they obey her orders, Mariana was once chased down by an army of chickens and he still doesn't know how that happened
Luzu can literally sleep anywhere, he once feels asleep in a bush of thorns
Roier however can only fall asleep in the best sheets with the most luxurious mattress, but he sleeps like the dead, Quackity likes to play a game called "how many random objects can i stack in Roier before he wakes up"
Roier still doesn't know who does that
Missa doesn't know that he can be really fucking scary when he approaches someone in the darkness and he has hurt his feelings many times when people screamed when he wanted to say "hi"
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gayfraggle · 11 months ago
bunch of jjba doodles
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rou-luxe · 11 months ago
It could be a fistfight, they could drink tea together, or they could wreak havoc upon everyone. Who knows.
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lazaruswaves · 1 year ago
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i was listening to music and my brain was like Hey. the timekeeper is kinda like monika ain't they
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individual pieces under the cut
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rukkako · 9 months ago
Dead By Daylight and The Magnus Archives - A match made in the fog? Part 1.
Hi! I'm a huge TMA nerd and a DBD lore enthusiast and I'm here to rant about both of those things! See, I was watching this video ranking all the killers by aesthetics and when the video reached the Blight my brain immediately went "oh my god he is SO The Corruption" and that's when the idea for this post was born! I'm gonna try (emphasis on the trying aspect lol) to assign each DBD Killer up to two Fears from TMA (you know, main fear and "touched by" fear). I'm gonna take into account their lore first and foremost, and any context that can be derived by their teachable perks, abilities, animations or whatever other aspect of their design I can pull from. I'll use the killer images from the DBD wiki and the Fear Tarot Cards made by Grace Holsten, also taken from the wiki. This is part 1 because Tumblr only lets you add 30 images to a post and there are. 36 killers currently. so yeah. Sounds straightforward, right? Well, come with me and you might just find out it's... not as simple as it may look. Starting with...
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Our first subject is the Trapper. Originally I was just gonna adscribe him to the Hunt (because of how he plays, placing bear traps on the floor and waiting for the survivors to step on them) but upon further examination of his backstory I came to the conclusion that he is probably touched by The Slaughter as well. Quoting from his lore entry: "When Archie MacMillan finally snapped, Evan became his enforcer in what would become known as the worst mass murder in modern history. They never proved that Evan lead over a hundred men into those dark tunnels before detonating the explosives and sealing them to their fate." That's The Slaughter. The fear of sudden, unexpected, unmitigated violence. I will say that in this case, these two fears are interchangeable in their importance with regards to The Trapper- you could see him as an agent of The Hunt touched by The Slaughter as much as you could see him as an agent of The Slaughter touched by The Hunt. But I think it's undeniable that he has a connection with both of those entities.
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I think this one is very straightforward. Philip was made an unknowing executioner by his boss. He embodied death without even knowing. He was death when he was crushing people, ignorant to his own actions, and he embodied death when we lost it, purposefully killing his boss in the same crusher he'd been killing people with all that time. As a nice little detail, I consider his power, the ability to "cloak" and become invisible at will a great reflection of The End- because sometimes, death is unpredictable, impossible to see coming, and that, too, contributes to it's fear.
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Hey! It's Trapper's Fear-bro! I will admit it's kinda frustrating to have to repeat fears but we're gonna have to get used to it, because it's going to happen a lot due to the nature of the game. They are all violent hunters, so... Hunt and Slaughter will come up again. I have to say, I was reeeeeally close to giving him The Flesh due to his deformity, but it's just not that relevant for him- not as much as his murderous and violent tendencies are, at least. If it's any consolation with regards to his similarity to Trapper, the reversed order IS intentional- he is much more The Slaughter than he is The Hunt. There sadly isn't much to Hillbilly, so I don't have much to say- I think this designation is perfect for him.
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Whew! I had a lot of trouble classifying our dear nurse. Her lore doesn't really hint at any specific fear! ... That is, until you look a bit deeper. Our dear Sally Smithson here, after being made a widow, ended up working nights at Crotus Prenn Asylum, where she murdered up to 30 patients. Now, that very obviously makes her an agent of The End- but why the Spiral? Well, I didn't remember this at first, but thanks to the wonderful help of my partner I realized a couple of very important facts: The Spiral is not only linked with lies, but also with madness- and more importantly, after The Watcher's Crown, one of the many spiral domains turned out to be, you guessed it: an asylum. I consider this enough evidence to link The Nurse with The End and The Spiral.
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Our first license! yay! Mikey over here- I think the designation is pretty evident. Eye and Hunt combine in this killer to create the very definition of a Stalker: a hunter that observes, learns, gathers information about his prey, and only when it's finally prepared to attack, it does. His perks also draw a strong connection to The Hunt! With "Play with your food" and "Save the best for last" being incredibly hunt-coded. As a fun little fact, I was gonna adscribe him to The Stranger- I believe the lack of knowledge towards his identity and history, his behavior and, above all else, his masked face also mark him as a potential representative of the Stranger- as according to what Gerry Keay said, the stranger is "That kind of creeping sense that something's not right. That guy you saw that might be following you, might mean you harm."- however, after some consideration, I reached the conclusion that not enough aspects of the character represent The Stranger as much as they do The Eye and The Hunt. So, Eye/Hunt he stays. Maybe this will change with other masked killers in the future...?
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We come across our first "embodiment" killer- I call them "embodiments" because I consider them the best representation of the fear available in the killer cast of DBD. I believe The Hag deserves the title of Embodiment of The Flesh because of both her looks and her behavior. As described by the Wiki: "Twisted and torn in unspeakable ways, with greyish dead skin stretched out over her emaciated body. Her arm is a horrid overgrown deformity capable of slashing through both flesh and bone alike." The Hag is a deformed cannibal, her body and flesh transformed by what she had to go through. Not only that- The Hag is a cannibal by necessity, eating flesh in order to keep her body together, and I believe all of this ties her strongly to The Flesh.
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The Doctor, when you strip him down to his basics, is about one thing and one thing only: Information. He was attuned to psychology since childhood, he started working in techniques to extract information from subjects, he worked for the CIA in Lery's doing exactly that, subjecting spies and other people to what he called "interrogation", but most described as "deadly torture". This man is what The Eye looks like at it's worst- it's thirst and hunger for information, with a dark and violent twist. And just because of that he reaches the title of Embodiment of The Eye. Who'd be better for the position than a man willing to go to any lengths just to extract information from subjects...?
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It's all in the name, folks. Tumblr Sexywoman extraordinaire has one objective in her life: to serve the Hunt. She lives to hunt. Extracted from her in-game bio: "Still a child, she knew just enough about life in the frozen forest to survive. She followed her instincts and became one with the wild. She got older and stronger and practised her hunt. As she grew into a dangerous predator, her humanity became a half-remembered dream.
She widened her territory and lived off her hunts. She worked her way up through squirrels, hares, mink and foxes. Eventually she grew tired of them and hunted more dangerous animals like wolves and bears. When unsuspecting travellers came through her woods, she discovered her new favourite prey: humans. Unlucky souls who strayed into her territory were slaughtered like any other animal." Nothing else to add, your honor.
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There isn't much to say here, honestly. I think it's pretty clear. Following in The Hag's footsteps, I will say I could adscribe him being touched by The Lonely, but I didn't do it for Billy, who probably deserved it more, so I won't do it for Bubba. Loneliness themes aren't really that present in his narrative.
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Freddy! Feddy. The Nightmare presents a certain variety: of course, he as many others can't escape the Hunt denomination- it was added here with purpose, however, specifically after reading this excerpt from his Bio: "Freddy stalked the boy through the school's halls. He took his time, savouring every moment of the hunt. This was what he enjoyed the most, the smell of their sweat in the air, the ragged gasps of their terrified breath. They were his to toy with.". However, I think his primary fear being The Dark is much more deserved- he is after all the Dream Demon, lurking in the dark corners inside your dreams. I believe no other killer deserves the association with The Dark more than Freddy.
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My dear Piggy, she's one of my favorites in this game, which is why I'm a little disappointed that I have to adscribe her to the Hunt/Slaughter dichotomy yet again- sadly, most of the more traditional slasher killers in DBD will adhere to The Hunt, The Slaughter, and usually both. Originally I was considering placing her with The Web since she orchestrates some of the jigsaw trials, however upon further examination of her lore and actions I cannot take such a path- she was merely an assistant to John Kramer, and while her gameplay COULD point to it, I find that I disagree with the notion. She recieves the classic Hunt/Slaughter classification. This is the end of part 1! Because I'm tired and can't fit any more lol. Will do part 2 soon. I hope you like the analysis so far!!! Anyone is free to add anything they want in the comments, correct me if you think any of these killers belongs to a different entity! Thanks for reading, and see you in the next part. <3
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help-me-or-kelp-me · 4 months ago
For a while I've wanted to do a comic inspired by @/turtleboyofficial and @/ask-azelf-nuzlocke where Terapagos wakes up on its own, assumes human form, escapes from Area Zero, and basically takes the place of the protag, with... interesting results. (Specifically during the DLC.)
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lunagame · 2 years ago
Ok yk what??? I'm gonna just gonna tell you a story called Ryan game!
Cuz I can!!!
(Mutant busters <Luna game> AU)
(⚠warning...⚠ BAD GRAMMAR, BAD STORYTELLING, MENTIONS OF BLOOD/DEATH AND SOME SWEARING!!! I'm gonna ruin you people's childhood... 😈😈😈)
Ryan was trying to get some fresh air or smth, he saw brutux there
Brutux:"Oh hey Ryan sorry I can't really talk right now because I'm looking for my books!"
Ryan: uh... How did you lost them???
brutux: idk, its probably here somewhere!
Ryan: I pretty sure you'll find all of them eventually!
*walks around and see vegan-su there*
Vegan: oh hey Ryan
Ryan: oh hey, have you any chances to see a book anywhere???
Vegan: A book??? Was it from brutux?
Ryan: uh yes-
Vegan: figured, cuz I did found a book laying on the ground somewhere, I already have it! You should probably give it to him right away.
Ryan: thanks!
*walks to brutux*
Ryan: found one of your books!
Brutux: thanks! But there's more that is missing...
Ryan: oh!...
Brutux: do you think you can gather the other ones???
Ryan: sure! How much books left???
Brutux: 50-
Ryan: ARE YOU KIDDING ME- 💀🔫 sorry, ill find it!
Brutux: thanks!!!
*Ryan looks for 49 books, but the last book looked awfully strange... It looked really dark and shadowy and it looked very cursed... It kinda frightened Ryan...*
*then he walks up to brutux*
Brutux: thanks for finding my books!!! OH THAT REMINDS ME!!! your brother is looking for you, you should probably go to him to see what's he's up to!
Ryan: o- ok...
vegan: hey Ryan sheriff is look for yo~.... NEVERMIND, pretty sure brutux told you!
*then he sees his brother, the one who wears a star and has a ginger hair... AH WHO AM I KIDDING YOU KNOW WHO IM TALKING ABT!!! ITS SHERIFF OBVIOUSLY!!! but let's see what he needs, but something weird just happened when Ryan just went up to him...*
Sheriff: so I was thinking... We should have a brother and me time, since we haven't hang out in a very long time!!!!
Sheriff: uh... Bro???
Ryan: *stares at him*...
Sheriff: Ryan??? Bro... Are you ok???
("Kill him... Kill him.... KILL HIM NOW!!!")
Ryan: i- I'm so sorry little brother...
Sheriff: *gasp and screaming in pain*
(cuts and blood starting to pop out)
Ryan: *gasp into tears*
Sheriff: b-bu-but why???... *fells*
Ryan: no... WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!... *screaming, and gasping into tears*
After a little while he couldn't slept for a while and started to have... Nightmares...
Sheriff: ;%:*;*:";*:TH!$ !$NT ØV3R BR∅TH3R;":*;;*;"
(This is from like Luna game 0, Luna game 0 was a prequel to Luna game 1, so ill probably make a 1st part of Ryan game story since this is kinda like a pilot yk??? Lmao! 😭💀🔫)
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ink-the-artist · 9 months ago
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bluismie · 2 years ago
“Even the sinners dream”
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clefadrylcorner · 2 years ago
Obsessed with lovers and piners calling the object of their affections their best friend. Like yessss blur the lines between platonic and romantic love. show how important they are to you in a multifaceted way. Cover up your feelings with another kind of love that is just as true. One type of love does not negate the other and but tragedy can rip both out from under you single handedly, and it will hurt so much more that way. Losing a friend and a lover. Gaining both and not needing any labels for what they are. Using labels but having it be so much more than a title. Were they friends before they were lovers? Or were they lovers whose friendship grew inside of their love? Unclear! Who cares!
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piratespencil · 1 year ago
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This is so funny to me. Reducing them down to their simplest attributes. Turning them into symbols.
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aipurjopa · 4 months ago
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ALL OF THEM (that I’ve drawn so far) *insert me crying*
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Some design stuff relies on my own theories… mainly Squiddo and Ash being teamed alongside Mapicc being forced to join the invis mafia
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redemptionarcc · 1 month ago
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I don’t have any more finished digital drawings, so enjoy some things from my sketchbook for now :3
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