semiotomatics · 10 months
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blookmallow · 3 years
ok FINALLY heres the last. pile of stuff from deltarune sdgjgfg
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oh my GOD im so glad they’re ok and apparently got back into my pocket again somehow 
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rouxls thou art an absoluteth liar 
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god i wish that were me 
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thanks ralsei for your wisdom 
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i hate this thing but also the fact that i was given no say in whether to take it or not and it’s Here Now And There’s Not A Goddamn Thing I Can Do About It probably means kris either wanted it or wanted it to spite me or both and either way, well played, good for them lmfao 
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ive been waiting the entire chapter for this 
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gaslight gatekeep girldad
anyway i cant BELIEVE she isn’t actually lancer’s mom. maybe she is and is just being a brat about it but it doesn’t seem like it. why does she look SO MUCH like him and his dad. lancer acts like he takes after her already. like why would she NOT be his mom, toby, answer me this 
though i did see someone’s theory somewhere that queen divorced lancer’s dad before lancer was. born. or. made. or whatever he is and wherever he came from. and she keeps, to this day, taking things in the divorce, long after the divorce. she took the kid in the divorce years after said divorce and it’s not even her kid sdgsdg
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i definitely love that her immediate response to seeing lancer was just “alright ive just decided: im your mother now” 
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what the fuck is this about i need to KNOW 
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noelle’s dad just delivering an absolute one hit KO on his daughter here 
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i was so fucking hype about napstablook i didnt even notice all the prisoners are the dogs from the walk up to snowdin fsdjgdsg
imprisoned for dog crimes 
i dont remember what happened here that caused them all to get loose but i didnt get a chance to interact with them. oops. next time 
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i wont. for you, my beloved 
i really like that somehow in this bizarre alternate world where even bratty and catty aren’t friends... somehow... napstablook still inexplicably became besties with undyne anyway 
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mixed messages here 
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deputy napstablook...................
napstablook and undyne buddy cop comedy when 
i missed the shots of it apparently but thank you toby for allowing us a small scrap of alphyne as well
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well, well, WELL, if it isn’t sans undertale 
he won’t sell you anything unless you put it in a basket and the baskets are stacked so high its impossible to get them. this is a terrible store. i missed you so much 
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napstablook back... alphyne hints... sans running a ridiculous store again... soriel flirting... nature is healing 
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asgore oh my fucking god NO 
i wonder why they divorced in this universe though since the whole. thing with the. y’know. human sacrifice. didn’t happen, presumably 
i guess that probably means they were fundamentally noncompatible in some other respect even outside of that context/were never meant to be even in an alternate life 
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proud of you buddy but also deeply terrified of whatever’s going on behind the counter there 
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[slumps sadly against the door] please, i know you’re in there
I’m right out here for you, just let me iiiinnnnnn 
my heart hurts im so worried about mettaton
like. presumably if he never met alphys. and. won’t come out. he’s probably still a ghost and never got his dream body. so he’s just hiding in there. please... honey darling sweetie gravy let me help you let me hold you 
he said something like “show me something entertaining tomorrow” so im hoping with my entire heart that means we’ll be able to do something for him in the next chapter 
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im still really scared but toriel is still an icon
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o K A Y 
does this mean the next dark world is going to be made from toriel’s house. chariel is going to be a character now im calling it right here 
anyway uh i have no fucking idea what’s going on still but this chapter was really good and even better than the last one and im finally like, proper invested in this
what is HAPPENING though like. its becoming pretty clear that the player is the Soul and is controlling kris, a separate being entirely, against their will. that’s why when they rip it out we can no longer control them or see where they go or what they do. but it clearly hurts them severely to tear it out and they can barely survive without it. and if we can assume kris was the one who slashed toriel’s tires... why?? that doesn’t make sense as something they would break our control over them to do
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rythmcale · 4 years
I dont remember my dreams but i remembered this one.
ok this is going to be disjointed, grammatically incorect, and the writting itself will probably bother some people cause my writting style? is trash.. i think. i had a wild cohesive dream last night and i HAVE to share omfg. i dont often remember my dreams.. if ever. I just started antidepressants like.. a couple weeks ago.  the day before this dream, i was working on my friends car (01 ford taurus limited) trying to replace the front complete struts (fuck those struts omg) been at it for more than a few hours. shit just was not going well. finally got one strut out after a shitload of hammering but the new strut just wont go in and i said fuck this car im taking a break. went inside and joing my already in motion dnd session that we are at level 20 now. were in the last part of hell, beating the shit out of a rockshasha (idk how to spoell it) pentagram on the floor. blood pooling into it. we beat him then get an image of th partys home town being waylayed by an army of demons, devils, monsters of all kinds. we plane shift back, and get told that a rift opened up and they just started pouring out just a few moments after we left to deal with the rockshasha. game ends, and i join my friends with some apex legends for a few hours. my head starts to hurt like a MOTHER and i bow out. i watch some youtube on my couch so the tv is further away from my eyes than the monitor but headache doesnt do away. its one of those headaches that feel like your brain is getting stabbed and it was on my left temple and behind my eye at the same time... i dont get headaches often. so i say fuck it, i take four pills of off brand ibuprofyn, and two off brand pill of acetamitaphin. eat a banana, can of cambells chuncky corn chowder soup and go to bed.
this is the dream i rememebr having after having the most restful sleep i can rememebr having i n a long while.
ok so i remembr three parts of it maybe more. first thing i remember is that it was dark and stormy night (cliche i know just.. just hang on) panning through an apartment you hear thuds and a scream or two. sounds like fighting. after panning through a tossed apartment you finally get to the bedroom where a woman lay exaushted on the bed, room is trashed. (no this is not erotica hang on) man is haunched, twitching somewhat in the shadows of the room. pan to the woman on th bed, its a beaten and bloody blonde.. (for some reason my head went brittney spears idk why) and shes laying there kind of laughing.. chuckling and finally says, i wont let you have your way as the guy lunges for her she takkes a bottle and breaks it over his head. broken sharp bottle in her hand she glances at it as the guy staggers backk some,he growls.  as he begins to lurch forward again lighting strikes and for a flash you see mangled, rotting flesh. eyes white, teeth missing, just horrible to look at, and groaning sniffing the air. presumibly for her. with the last bit of her strength she take the bottle to her throat amiling and crying that she both got away from this thing and sad that she has to die to do it.
im in a funeral home in what i normally wear, jeans, leather jackket, t shirt, bandanna, long hair. (it my dream of course im in it, just put yourself where i put me, im, mine, etc etc) Im standding therre waiting to go in and the same woman comes up beside me. Shes in kind of a black.. or whitish sun dress, depending how the light hist is.. or doesnt? with one of those hat that have a large... brim? (i dont know the word right now, those hat you see woman wear to the beach that offer a shit load of shade) around it. i rmember us chatting a bit and she finally looks at me. immediatly im struck with shock cause she looks like who we are going to the funeral for. I say "holy shit you like just like her" she says "oh yeah shes my twin, the only difference between our features is that i have one eye thats yellow". i then take notice of her eyes and finally ee that one ofo them is indeed yellow. but its not exactly?? its that thing that happens around the pupil that looks yellow and kind of spikey. idk what is called but it covered most of her iris. i told her this, ahs smiled and said "well thank you i never knew that" and walked inside. as i walked inside i saw everyone was well dressed and now im in a black suite and tie, hair pulled back. it was a large church with cielings that i could only imagine how high they were.
im in an attic type place. (presummably the area above the church??) im walking around lookks like the belfry from the first batman movie with michel keaton and jackk nicolson.. they arent there. its dark out, lights kind of peering through the cracks in the roof and slits of the wood. panning through the attic i see a particularly large crack in the wood. just big enough to look through. So i do. i see the guy who played glennn in the walking dead (i cant remember the actors name right now) standing there witha shotgun in hand and ak slung over him. looks like he did in walking dead (only thing ive seen that actor in so far -shrugs-) kind of decked out with grenades, a bullet belt, cargo pants, couple of boot knifes. hes talkingf to someone casually i cant make out what they are saying. suddenly he turns around in shock and yells run as he sharts fireing. can see everything inside the area now. its a long hallway.. ish? type area. looks the same as where i was. you see some creatures coming towards "glenn" and he stops grins and all of a sudden on ether side of the hallway is row after row of automatice guns. and they just start PUMPING they things full of bullets.. like they dont even stnad for more than a few seconds. after that he promptly runs to the side off where i cant see him anymore.
now im standing next to him and the woman from the start of this is in front of us, he hands me a knife. we both go in, shes jerking around but still as beautiful as ever, smiling and saying "you still think that will finish me do you, bwhahahah" you know that anime haha laugh that women do with the back of their hand to their mouth. me and "glenn" go in, with glenn warning of her dragons breath. and suddenly i have her in a choke hold and shes squrming. im trying to twist and break her neck, it just wont happen. shes smiling and i can see red creeping up her throat, smoke coming out of her nose and mouth, eye glowing red, keeps trying to grab my arm with her hands to get me to let go, shes held down by.. something idk. finally i say fuck this, i take the knife to go for her neckk and saw at her neck, its like rubber, the knife wont cut and suddenly theres wood covering it.. wind wipping around us. im sawing at the wood like my life depends on it. then i get pushed back as earth starts to form around her leggs and she gets lifted up on this mound. wood covering the top part of her and her arms. shes still laughing until shes not and is now panicked. im confusedas fuck cause i didnt do anything. th earth hardens into metal. so much pressure that the earth and rock turned to metal. the wood covering the top ortion of her, her arms become limbs of the tree and it grows from the top of her head and fully blooms in an instant then petrifies. her contorted screamingf face like a knot in the tree. "glenn" walks up next to me just as beaten and bloody as i am. somehow we are both standing. "glenn" asks "is it finally over?" and i say " it might.. for a while. but not forever" camera pans out as we both slump to our knees finally breathing and you se a cathedral that the funeral was in on a hude mound of earth and the city, landscape, everything is ether over grown or crumbling like in the game the last of us.
for some reason i think this would a wild ride as a movie or book or well written at all.. fuck
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tobacconist · 5 years
dream no 1 -
i had a large jar of mercury (the metal) which i was playing with. cant remember exactly what i was doing, or why, but i remember sitting in my garden with a huge jar of it, mixing it with water and other stuff. i feel like i was going to drink it or something. in the dream, i felt like i was about 7 or 8 years old, i used to play with random stuff and do ‘experiments’ or ‘make potions’ when i was a kid, and that is what it felt like. part way through i realised ‘holy shit, mercury is incredibly poisonous and bad for the enviroment’ i spilled some of it on my hand and started freaking out, not only because ‘holy shit im going to have mercury poisoning’ but also because ‘holy shit i have a huge heavy container of mercury that i had no idea how to dispose of’. i started crying, and ran to my mum shouting ‘im so sorry ive done something bad please help’ she walked out fairly nonchalantly in her dressing gown with an atmosphere of ‘ah great, what the fuck has he done this time’  i led her out into the garden to the tap and showed it to her. i was freaking out and panicking trying to tell her where i spilled it on my hand, and where it had spilled in the garden. i was saying ‘we need to find A LOT of sulphur to neutralise it’  there was a big bathtub, in it a washing up basin, and in that the jar of mercury. nonchalantly, she filled the bathtub with more water, then lifted it up with one hand and jus tipped it onto the garden. then i started freaking out more like ‘holy shit! why did you do that!?? our garden is going to be contaminated forever now!’  she didnt really seem to care. i spent the rest of the dream walking around and panicking. the place on my hand where i spilled it started to tingle and feel heavy. i felt so ashamed of what i had done and wished i could just turn back time and stop it from happening. then i woke up, and felt incredibly relieved that none of it actually happened.
dream no 2 - 
i cant remember how this one started, but i was arriving home with my dog from a walk. he didnt have his lead on for some reason.  just as i was going through the door, i noticed a man with a little girl (presumably his daughter) also walking up the steps to my front door. i started to panic, because my dog doesnt really like strangers, and i didnt want him to start barking at them or bite them. i quickly grabbed his collar, and pulled him into the living room, and waited for my mum to talk to the guy and see what he wanted. as i sat there, i noticed a large group of people also standing on the kinda balcony in front of my living room, facing the window, but it didnt seem like they could see me.  i felt anxious, and also annoyed that so many people would decide to come to my house all at once, like, thats jus what i (and my dog) need right now. there were atleast 9 people there, cant remember many of their faces, but i remember a few young women with short hair.  suddenly, they all started moving singefile towards the door. then one guy saw me through the window, and did a ‘wanker’ sign at me. i made the gesture back at him, miming as if i had a massive cock.  he looked like, 2010-era goth. long hair, but no beard. wearing a metallica or iron maiden t shirt. looked kinda like a manly woman. then he was in the room with me. i was annoyed at him, but i was trying to be cool. he kept taunting me by saying stupid shit, and i started being more and more passive agressive to him.  i cant remember what happened next, but i remember he was runnin round me room acting like a fucking idiot, and i had had enough at this point. i told him to get the fuck out of my house, but he kept laughing and running around some more. i tried to run at him and punch him in the face, but in typical dream fashion he dodged at the last moment and laughed at me. i tried again, and the same happened. i was getting ready to do it again, when he bumped into one of the speakers by the tv in the living room and fell over. i ran up to him, and kicked him square in the nuts as hard as i could. he made some kind of dumb comment or lame pun that i cant remember now; and then i woke up.
dream no 3 -
hmmm now this is the weirdest one. not even sure how much i want to put down in words. suffice it to say, in this dream i had a buttplug in my ass, and whenever i squeezed my butthole, it would feel good. eventually i started ejaculating uncontrollably. like, 6 or 7 ‘pumps’ of thick ropes of spunk. around pump number 5 i realised i was dreaming and started waking up, and when i did, lo and behold i had spunked in real life also, all inside ma pants; though not as much. very strange because i have almost never gotten wet dreams in the past, even when i was younger. apart from this time, id say its probably only happened once before that i can remember when i was ~13. also strange because i had jerked off before i went to bed also, so i didnt know i even had any juice left.
all of these dreams took place during the day, because i am a nocturnal animal. dream no 1 i think i woke about 12/1pm; dream no 2 probably about 4pm, and dream no 3 mere moments ago at about 6pm.
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