angelmichelangelo · 3 months
gotta respect the fact that none of the 2k3 turtles get any bitches
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bouncybongfairy · 1 year
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A New Type of Fear
Donatello x Fem Reader
Summary: After meeting Donnie online, your relationships starts tettering on the line of casual. You've never seen a picture of him, you start to question his commitment to the relationship.
Word Count: 2k+
Part 2 is now posted! <3
You pack your bag up, putting away your notebooks and untangling your headphones. It was Friday and the entire class was bubbling with excitement for the weekend; You shared that feeling. It had been a really long week. Once the bell rang, everyone ran out so fast that the door was bottlenecking. You didn't bother getting up for a couple moments, knowing you'd have to wait to get out the door, anyway. 
"Thank you, Mrs. Cleverson. Hope you have a good weekend," you said, throwing your backpack over your shoulders.
"Oh Y|N, I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to give you this flier from the teacher's lounge. There is a chess competition this weekend for students K-12. I think you have a really good shot at winning. The prize is 200 dollars cash and a trophy. No harm in trying, right?" She said handing you the paper. 
"Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes on Monday," you said, walking towards the now empty doorway. 
"Good luck!" she called out to you as you walked out.
You put on your coat, it was late November in New York and the cold was intense. You put one of your headphones in and start walking towards the subway. You were excited to get home and tell your friend Donnie about the chess competition. You met on Chess.com as mutuals and your friendship grew from there. One of the main reasons you liked him was because he preferred to talk on the phone rather than text back and forth. Not only that, he was really smart and was extremely good at communicating. He was easy to talk to, it was nice to talk with a guy and not have your feelings shot down or mansplained back to you. 
You've been talking with him for 8 months now, and maybe you were miss reading him but he seemed to be into you. Always getting quiet when you talk about boys flirting with you at your work. Insinuating that he wishes he could have been there for you in a time of need or a bad day. You would try to avoid thinking too deeply about it by telling yourself he was just being friendly. You did have reservations about getting as close as you have with Donnie. You'd never seen a picture of him or talked to him over facetime/video chat. This is obviously a red flag for multiple reasons. He always said he was insecure and didn't like showing his face to people on the internet. That was understandable enough but as time progressed you grew sick of that logic. 
You walked down the concrete stairs, making your way to the subway. It was only a 15 minute ride from the stop closest to your school and your apartment. You pulled your phone out and texted Donnie, letting him know you'll be home in 20 minutes and asking if they could talk on the phone for a bit. He immediately texted you back agreeing. The station wasn't too packed and was filled mostly with other students. You got a text from your mother saying she was going to be working late which was typical. After getting off the subway and walking the 5 minutes home, you throw a couple of frozen hot wings into the oven. 
You get into your bedroom and set your backpack down next to your desk. You grab your chair and plop yourself down before whirling our computer up. You pulled your knees to your chest and opened Discord. You smiled seeing that he tried to call you once already. 
"Hey Donnie," you said once you saw that he was on call. 
"Hi Y|N, how was school?" he asked. 
"Boring, glad it's over," you said. 
"You say that almost everyday," he said. 
"Consistent honesty," you said laughing before continuing, "guess what?" you asked rhetorically. 
"hmm?" He said. 
"There is a Chess competition tomorrow, 200 dollars cash for the winner. Obviously I'm gonna be there but what about you?" you asked, picking at a hangnail.
"I would love to be there and watch you dominate but I can't," he said.
"But why? I know you told me that you value your privacy but.. I don't know. I thought we were starting to get serious and I really want to meet you face to face," you said, trying hard to keep a neutral tone. 
"I know, I do think we're serious. I care about you so much, you know that. My dad is strict and although he allows me to be online we had an agreement that I would remain anonymous," he said. 
"So even when we start dating you're going to be anonymous?" you said, he didn't respond for a while. 
"I guess I didn't realize how serious you were about us. I'll try and talk to my dad and see what he says," Donnie said, sounding rather somber.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be aggressive about it," you said. 
"No it's okay. You're just expressing your emotions about the situation. You have valid points, same as I. I'm gonna try and get permission," he said, he didn't sound mad but more defeated. 
"I'm not mad at you but I gotta go, my brother has been trying to get on the computer for the last 45 minutes. I'll text you?" he asked. 
"Yeah, maybe we can talk again later tonight?" you asked.
"For sure," he said; you spent the next couple hours worried if you had pushed a little too hard. Saying how you felt so bluntly didn't make you feel better the way you thought it would. 
Donatello logged off and turned off the computer. He was completely beside himself, he knew that he was setting you up for disappointment; if his father found out he was on the internet in such a deep way, he would lose his mind. So of course there was no possible way to ask his father to go out for something other than a mission, let alone for a girl. He walked into the living room where his brothers were fighting for the remote. Donnie chuckled to himself, knowing the last time they did this the remote broke. 
The fighting stopped immediately as Splinter walked in holding four pizzas. Everyone including Donnie sat down at the table to eat. It was a long day of training so everyone was pretty hungry. Mikey was going on and on about how 'his girlfriend' aka Ice Spice was dropping a new music video today. Splinter rolled his eyes as he took his first bite of his five cheese pizza. Leo and Raph were telling everyone about a new martial art move they recently mastered. Donnie didn't have much of an appetite, he was beside himself. It was frustrating that things couldn't be simpler, he loved his family but it's hard being cooped up all the time. 
They never talked about anything outside the sewer, martial arts, crime ect. He sometimes imagined them, old and shriveled trying to eat pizza with no teeth. What would they do after Splinter dies? There was so much unknown about the future and now with Y|N it made him think about it so much more. He was worried that once she saw him, she would be scared and run away. It was a type of rejection would break him, especially because he cared so deeply about Y|N. He made up an excuse that he wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. 
You took a hot shower after talking with Donnie, it helped take some of the stiffness out of your body. Honestly, you feel a lot better when you remind yourself that he validated your feelings. Knowing that he understood where you were coming from. You turned the water off and wrapped the soft brown towel around yourself. You walk back to your room and sit on the floor directly in front of your closet door mirror. After plugging in your blow dryer you began the long process of fully drying your entire head. The contest started at 12pm tomorrow so you wanted to make sure your hair was done the night before. 
Donnie told you he wasn't feeling well and that he was going to be early. He said he was going to make an effort to be there but you didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing. Your mom came in and kissed you on the top of your head when she got home from work. This made you feel a bit better. Once you finish your hair, you lay in bed. Scrolling mindlessly until drifting off to sleep. 
The next morning you woke up and immediately started getting ready for the Chess Competition. You really tried not to get your hopes over Donnie coming but, as you did your hair and make-up it was all you could think about. It made you feel stressed knowing that if he did show up, you both would be seeing each other for the first time. You wanted to look good but it did worry that it would make male competitors take you less seriously. After a while you just stopped caring about what other people might think. 
Your mom ended up dropping you off at the competition, it was hosted at your school. You walked into the quad and there were only about 12 other people there. This was a good thing in your case because you knew it would only help your chances of winning. After signing up and getting your name tag, you sat down next to a group of peers who were waiting for the matches to start. None of them were talking, just staring at their phones. You did the same, texting Donnie to ask if he was coming or not. You didn't know what he looked like but you figured if he was one of the people you were sitting with, he would approach you. Especially because he had seen pictures of you. 
Once the first match began you didn't have time to think about Donnie. You were more concerned with the aspect of winning at this point. It wasn't super late but because it was winter the sun was fully set by 4:15. All the competitors had a lunch break towards the end, which you used to call Donnie a couple of times with no answer. It really bothered you that he didn't even reach out to say he couldn't make it. That was not super normal for him, you expected more. 
Those feelings of grief were short lived once you won the competition. You were really happy, excited to tell your mom and Mrs.Cleverson. Once everyone headed out, the high you got from winning began to fade. You had left 7 messages throughout the day and he never responded to any of them. On top of that, your mom was working late so you had to take the subway home. You throw your coat on and make your way outside. It was snowing slightly, which meant it was going to be a long way home. You checked your phone again texting Donnie that you were frustrated about him not being honest.
Immediately after you started your trek, you felt uneasy. There was a guy following you for the past couple blocks. You know he was intentionally stalking because you kept making random turns or crossing the street to head in the opposite direction you were coming from. You cut through an alley thinking you were getting away however another guy was walking towards you from the other end. When you turned around, the original man was blocking your way which caused both men to break out in laughter. You tried to run but one of the men grabbed you by your arm. You were scared out of your mind, trying to think of your next move. 
Suddenly you hear a loud banging sound and feel the ground shake a bit. All three of you look up and see a monster of a man. At least 6 '7 or 6' 8; not only did this person have height but an enormous build, like if a body builder could take as many steroids as they wanted without side effects. The predators immediately ran the other direction, you didn't both look back at them. Your eyes were settled on this person, they weren't moving closer to you. 
"Are you okay?" the mystery person asked. Your brain immediately recognized the voice from the daily phone calls from the past 8 months. 
"Donatello?" You asked, walking closer to him. 
"Yeah, I don't even know what to say. I'm really-" you interrupted him by running up and embracing him in a tight hug. He dropped his staff and wrapped his arms around you, trying not to crush you.
"Thank you for being here," you said crying into his arms, taking in what could have happened if he wasn't there. He ended up making sure you got home safely, as you warned him about the 12 thousand questions you had for him.
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lordfreg · 1 year
💜Pang in the Heart💜
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Donatello Hamato was an interesting man. He was very particular; things had to be done in a certain way, scenarios had to play out in a specific order, or he’d get upset.
But all of that was thrown out the window when he met (Y/N).
What an abrasive statement that was, the clear disgust and anger he had for them was embarrassing, almost. They were so charming it was gross, so pretty it made him hurl. They were absolutely astonishing, yet he almost hated them.
But, after getting to know them, he found himself thinking less of hate and more of adoration.
It was strange; he went from not thinking about them at all, to only thinking about them.
Their laugh, their smile. The way they would hide their face in their hoodie when they got embarrassed. The way the created like it was a part of them; their hands glided so easily over the paper and keyboard, that Donnie watched it like a dance.
They were so amazing in everything they did, he was a little jealous.
No, jealousy isn’t the right word. Envious? No. Adoring? Hmm, maybe.
…Yeah. That was it. He was in love with them. How could he be so stupid? I mean, his symptoms lined up perfectly.
The overwhelming crushing feeling in his chest, like he has being crushed by the Shredder all over again. The thoughts that plagued his mind about them. The sweaty hands as he slowly dragged a finger across their cheek. His flushed face as a stared at them, unconscious.
So peaceful, so helpless.
He could do anything to them, and they would have no idea.
He gave them a tender kiss on the cheek, before leaving their side once more. He looked back at them lovingly, as they grumbled and turned over, before escaping out their unlocked window.
The next day they came over. Date trouble, again. Donnie hated talking to them about that kind of thing. It was so infuriating. How could they not see Donnie loved them?
‘Ignorant,’ Donnie thought, blowing a breath out forcefully as (Y/N) continued ranting about their relationship issues.
“I just have no idea what anyone wants from me!” (Y/N) huffed, flopping on their bean bag. Donnie had made them a small corner in his lab, just for them, decked out in purple.
“Have you tired, oh, I don’t know, talking to this person?” Donnie raised an eyebrow, sitting backwards in his chair.
(Y/N) looked away, “No.”
“That’s what I thought.” Donnie huffed, “Listen, you’re the most beautiful person I know, so if you just gain some confidence, you’ll have everyone!” Donnie cheered.
"You sure?" (Y/N) asked, a slight smile on their face.
"Absolutely," Donnie says, looking at them with this strange little glint in his eyes. "If your looks don't get them, your personality will."
"Awe, thanks, Don!" (Y/N) smiled, "You're a great friend!"
He hated that word. Friend. Tch, was a festering word. He wanted 'boy' to be paired with that word.
"Sure," Donnie said, turning back around with a huge fake smile, "No problem, any time."
He said it like a robot, like he was just going through the motions. His clear disgust for the word, he hid poorly, but it wasn't exactly obvious. He was completely absorbed in thought, completely unaware of the world around him. He did even notice (Y/N) leaving.
After a few hours, he turned around.
"Well, it's finished (Y/N)!" Donnie said proudly, turning around to be faced with an empty room.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" He called, "Huh. They must be back at school. No worries! I have a tracker for this..." He said, turning around and pulling up a program on his computer, showing all the small icons for his family.
(Y/N)'s and April's were at the high school, their little icons flashing. Donnie put a lot more effort into (Y/N)’s icon, making it match their amazing face perfectly.
He smiled as he rested his head on his arms, but staring at their icon wasn’t enough. He needed to see them face to face.
Donnie dragged himself off of his chair and activated his battle shell, grabbing his hoodie for disguise and leaving to the school.
(Y/N) was at their locker, pulling out their notebooks. They shut the locker, to be met with Donnie's stupid grinning face.
“AHH!” (Y/N) shrieked, quickly being hushed by Donnie.
“Shhh!” Donnie said, placing a finger to his mouth.
(Y/N) swatted his hand away from their mouth, which hurt his heart a little, “What are you doing here?!” They whisper shouted, giving him a mean stare.
“I just wanted to see my best friend in the world!” Donnie cheered, smiling widely at them. He had his hoodie on, the Sade over his eyes making him look a lot less friendly then he would have liked.
(Y/N) looked at him with a side frown, crossing their arms over their chest and huffing at him.
“Okay, and maybe I wanted to raid the computer lab,” Donnie admitted, tapping the tips of his fingers together shyly.
(Y/N) rolled their eyes and finished putting their book in their bag. A figure suddenly approached them, coming up behind (Y/N) and pulling them into a tight hug from behind.
(Y/N) smiled, laughing as they hugged back, “James, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at the field house?”
“Yeah, but how could I resist coming to see my adorable (S/O)?” The appointed ‘James’ flirted.
Donnie watched in horror as they had a sweet moment together, carefully watching (Y/N)’s facial expressions, trying to pin down what exactly was going on.
It was horrific, seeing (Y/N) be all cuddly with someone else. Someone who wasn’t Donnie.
In that moment; Donnie didn’t know what he felt. Was it jealousy? It couldn’t have been, Donnie doesn’t get jealous! …Or maybe he did. Maybe, he got so jealous that he could slam James’ head right into the locker. Maybe he could continue smashing the hunk of meat into the locker until it was nothing more than a pile of goop in his hands. Maybe he could squeeze James’ brain into a fine paste in his hands, laughing as he did this.
“Donnie?” (Y/N) asked, concerned, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, why?” Donnie asked cheerfully, immediately snapping out of his fantasies.
“You we’re just spacey the entire time James was here,”
Oh, Donnie hated that name already.
“And I was just going to ask if you have a problem with him, or anything?” (Y/N) said, tilting their head to the side.
“Ah, you know, I do.” Donnie mentally smiled, a sick, twisted smile. He could just plant a small seed of doubt…
“Why? What’s wrong with James?” (Y/N) asked, looking at Donnie with an almost pleading stare.
“Well, he seems like the type to, how do I put this?” Donnie scratched the back of his neck with fake concern, “Cheat on you? Be unfaithful?”
“Donnie, you’re being irrational!” (Y/N) huffed as the bell rang, “We’ll talk about this more later.” They said hurrying off to class.
“Alright,” Donnie smiled wickedly, “See you then~!”
Donnie had plans for tonight; just plant a few fake texts between (Y/N)’s best friend and their boyfriend, and he should be set.
After the big break up, Donnie had prepared for, (Y/N) came over seeking his comfort. Several times, this had happened. (Y/N) starts dating a guy, something happens between them, they break up, back into Donnie’s arms.
Just, how Donnie planned.
Soon, (Y/N) came in crying one day. It wasn’t normal, break up sobs, it was worse. It was horrible. All the boys sat (Y/N) down, calmed them down, and asked what was wrong.
(Y/N) could barely speak, “I-I was at a party, l-last week…”
“And?” Leo urged, trying to show his concern while not forcing them to answer.
“An-And it happened,” They sobbed.
That was the breaking point for Donnie. That was it. The final straw.
“Who?” Donnie asked harshly.
“J-James,” (Y/N) sobbed harder at the name, hugging Raph tightly.
Donnie nodded, walking into his lab.
“Where is he going?” Leo asked, watching him leave.
“(Y/N)’s his best friend, I’m sure this is effecting him just as much,” Raph soothed (Y/N), rubbing their back.
Donnie stayed in his lab for hours; meticulously charting, plotting, planning and graphing his revenge. It would only be 2 more hours before he could go out and do what he wanted, no, needed to do.
Those two hours zipped by like seconds to Donnie, he snuck out of the lair and reached an alley way of Main and 2nd Street, awaiting his victim. No, not a victim. The only victim here was (Y/N), he was a monster. Donnie was the monster hunter.
“And that’s yer total,” Some scrounged up middle aged guy said, handing James a small baggie.
“Thanks,” James said, taking the bag, “See you next month.”
The scrounge left, letting Donnie creep into the alley way, cornering poor little James.
“How about see you never again?” Donnie suggested, making his presence known to James.
James spun around quickly, gasping when he was Donnie.
“What the hell are you?!” He sputtered, “Some kind of lizard man?!”
“Turtle, and no.” Donnie let out a dry chuckle, “I’m your demise.”
“My what?”
“I’m going to kill you,” Donnie said flatly, taking a step closer before his smile worked itself up again, “And I’m going to enjoy every nanosecond of it.”
“What the hell?” James held his fists up, “You wanna fight, punk?”
Donnie laughed, and laughed harder. Before Donnie could even process what his body was doing, he was on top of James, pinning him down. Donnie’s knee was on his back, crushing his spine, and holding his arms behind his back. Donnie grabbed his head, pulling it back roughly.
“Fight? This wasn’t even a scuffle!” Donnie laughed crazily.
“W-What do you want from me?!” James pleaded, “Don’t kill me, please!”
“Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to touch my (Y/N). You hurt them, badly.” Donnie chuckled, “So now I hurt you. The law of equivalent exchange.”
James begged for his life, even starting to cry, but Donnie could care less. He was hellbent on one thing alone; making him hurt.
Donnie couldn’t even feel his arms, they were numb, but he felt every spark of electricity that shot through his nerves.
Donnie could feel the inhuman force that he was using to repeatedly slam James’ face into the concrete of the alleyway, his screams of pain and the splattering of blood going deaf as he continued.
Donnie slammed his head in over, and over, and over again. James’ skull was already broken, his flesh only being held on by a few tendons left. The side that Donnie smashed in was tore up, James’ jaw being broken open by the sheer force that Donnie used.
Donnie laughed as the earth came back into his world, he felt dizzy and lightheaded. Donnie dropped James’ head and picked himself up off of the body, making note of the tears that were still fresh on his face.
Donnie held a hand to his head, noticing his fever. He dragged a hand along the walls of the alleyway, making a streak of crimson blood on the wall.
“Damn, I have to get home,” Donnie thought of his brothers, “But first I have to clean up.”
After he was all tidied up, he took off running, not even bothering with the body. The police would find it, it would be all over the news and no one would know it was Donnie. Open and shut case.
But he couldn't stop thinking about it.
That all happened 4 weeks ago. Where was the body now? Had the authorities just not dealt with it? Why wasn't the news on top of this cold case?
Now this was driving him truly insane. The waiting, the hours ticking by like seconds and the minutes dragging on for months. Time was an obscure concept to the social isolation Donnie subjected himself to.
Donnie rocked himself back and forth, waiting for any headline to pop up on the topic. It couldn't have taken this long for a cold case to come out, right?
He stared blankly at the screen, gripping the flesh of his face, not even caring how his nails dug into the tender meat of his face. Or how he was going numb slowly. Or how he couldn't even remember what day it was or the last time he ate.
He could only survive so long without water, so he growled as he reluctantly got up and left his lab, going to the bathroom.
He didn't speak once to his brothers, ignoring them completely as he soaked in the bathtub. He went back into his lab, skipping the leftover pizza and going back to sitting in hi chair, staring blankly at the computer screen.
He did this for two days until Raph finally called (Y/N), begging them to come as quickly as they could.
"What?! What?!" (Y/N) called, almost slipped down the latter as they rushed into the lair.
"It's nad," Leo said, not even opening with a joke or a pun, "I-I think Donnie's gone insane."
(Y/N) looked at him with a hint of concern, but mostly confusion. "What are you talking about?"
"He's locked himself in his lab for days!" Miley cried, looking on the verge of tears. "He only comes out for water and food."
Raph takes (Y/N) by the shoulder, whispering quietly in their ear, "I hear him screaming at night, and sobbin' loudly. I don't think that's exactly normal."
They looked at Raph completely dumbfounded, "It's not."
They looked back, determined. "I'll talk to him."
"Be careful!" Mikey warned, a fearful expression on his face.
"I will..." They said, walking to the lab, "As careful as I can."
(Y/N) walked into the lab, peaking in to see Donnie sitting in his chair, rocking back and forth.
"H-Hey, Donnie." They said, walking to Donnie, "Are you okay?"
"Ah!" Donnie spun around, a huge, fake smile plastered on his face. It was almost scary.
"Just the person I wanted to see!" He said, embracing them in a hug. "God, I missed you so much."
"Donnie..." They said, hugging him back, a suprise to their tone. The sudden affection scared poor (Y/N). "Donnie, are you okay?" They asked again.
Donnie looked at them, his smile faulting. He pulled away and aggressively slapped a hand to his face, growling.
"Gah, no!" He hissed, "I-I just need your support..." He said in a defeated voice.
"Hey," (Y/N) pulled Donnie's hand away from his face, holding it for a second. "I can do that." They smiled.
Donnie sighed, hugging them once again. His eyes couldn't help but look back at the monitor, knowing that at any moment, it could pop up on his screen.
"Yeah..." Donnie finally said, "I would like that."
Donnie and (Y/N) laird down on his bed, (Y/N) resting peacefully as Donnie stared at the ceiling. His mind was racing.
At any moment, at any moment! His mind would sat over and over.
Suddenly, a ping came from the computer as Donnie shot up quickly, forcing (Y/N) up with him as they were laying on his chest.
Donnie slowly looked over, suddenly and sporadically jumping up out of bed and rushing to the computer.
He immediately put on the report of the body found in the alley way, watching his crime be talked about.
Donnie watched like he was playing the Purple Game all over again. A wide grin was on his face, completely ignoring his friend as they got off the bed and walked towards him.
"Donnie?" They asked, reaching out to touch him, "Are you okay?"
Donnie turned around quickly, almost making (Y/N) jump back in suprise.
"I did that." He said, his smile quivering. "I did that."
He pointed to the screen.
"The body was identified to be James Lastname, reportedly beat to death by an inhuman force..."
"Donnie..." They said, backing up slightly, "You... You didn't do that, you couldn't have."
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He said sincerely, "I killed him, I did it for you. He hurt you, I-I couldn't let him get away with that!"
Each word Donnie took a step closer, reaching out to embrace (Y/N). He looked destroyed by this, utterly miserable. Still, he was smiling and chuckling nervously as he back poor (Y/N) in the wall.
"You..." (Y/N) could barely mutter. "You killed him..." They said, their voice weak and their eyes full of tears.
"I did it because I..." He smiled.
"I love you, (Y/N)."
》remember: your choice cannot be changed.
@yanteetle hope you enjoyed!!
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
So, since not much is said about the many scenarios that can be created regarding the Isekai! TMNT turtle guys, I'll throw out a somewhat incomplete scenario I wrote in a hurry.
"oh, hello! Welcome" I said happily as I watched some new "faces" enter my little coffee shop.
"You four are new around here? I've never seen you guys in town before" I said cocking my head slightly to the side, observing the four figures draped in super baggy clothes.
«Not everyone likes to wear clothes in their size» I reminded myself.
I could tell as one of the four figures shivered slightly at the sound of my voice.
I quickly dismissed that, thinking maybe I was a little nervous about the fact that I told them that so lightly.
"Well, would you like to order something?" I said quickly taking my small notebook from the pocket of my work uniform, ready to write down the orders of the four figures in front of me.
"Uhh..." The tallest and stoutest figure said, a little shyly.
"I'll have a loaded black coffee and also a waffle, please" interrupted another figure, which was on the right side of the tallest figure.
Nodding at what he said, I quickly took note of what he asked.
"Oh oh! I'll have a vanilla coffee, with a Beagle, and some strawberries, please" said another of the four, who was about the same height as the person who had previously spoken to me.
I nodded again, as I wrote his order in my notebook.
"And you? What are you going to order?" I said offering a small smile to the smaller figure of the four.
"One strawberry juice, and two chocolate Donuts, please!" he answered me excitedly as he practically pranced in place the hooded person.
I jotted down his order in my notebook with a small smile at his enthusiasm.
Glancing at the tallest man of the four, I looked at him spectatorially.
"Oh, Uhh, I guess I.... I'm going to order an apple juice and a, uh.... Brownie?.." he said to me uncertainly.
I looked at him with a soft smile, trying to make him feel more comfortable.
Noting their order, I led them to an unoccupied table, which was right next to the large window of my little cafeteria, and told them I would deliver their order shortly.
As I walked in the direction of the cafeteria kitchen, I heard one of them say in a whisper:
"It's a little weird to see this place in detail, the game ultimately doesn't do justice to the beauty of the place."
Oh, how... Interesting were those words.
Once I was in the kitchen, I prepared the orders for those four people, and made my way to their table with their orders on a tray.
"Sorry for the delay, here are your orders guys" I said leaving in front of each of them what they had ordered.
"No... Don't worry about it, and thank you" one of them said a little uncomfortably.
With a nod, I walked away from their table and went to serve other customers.
Minutes later, a boy walked into my coffee shop, the "explorer" , as those of us in town used to call him by way of endearment.
"Hey, “scout”, come looking for another mission?" I said smiling as I approached the boy quietly.
The boy nodded in response, and, after talking a bit, I gave him an errand, or rather, a "mission," as he liked to say.
Once our conversation was over, I went to the table where these four... Particular people, since they had called me.
"Is something wrong?" I ask.
"No, nothing, we just wanted to know? How long has that guy been coming to do these... errands?" the tallest person of the four figures seated around the table asked me shyly.
"Hmm... I think since about... About four weeks ago, why?" I answered truthfully.
"Oh, no reason! We were just curious to know!" I was quickly answered by the smallest person of the four.
With a nod, I went back to my work serving customers and delivering orders.
★~~~~~~~★ ★~~~~~~~★ ★~~~~~~~★
"Huh, four weeks?...how interesting" Donatello said with a somber look on his face as he watched MC attend to the customers in the cafeteria with a smile and deliver orders with the help of two other people who were they coworkers in the cafeteria.
Next to Donatello, Leonardo let out a snort with irritation.
"Do we have any idea of the exact moment in the video game where we are?" asked Raphael as he looked out of the corner of his eye at MC, who was laughing at a joke that had been said by one of the people who was currently serving.
The sound of their laughter made the hearts of all four mutants go pitter-patter, entertained by the front row view they had to be able to watch MC wipe away a tear of laughter as a smile graced his face.
"If I'm not mistaken, we're a little past the middle of the video game, just when the player has to leave town for a while..." Donatello said as he discreetly pressed a few buttons on the device placed on his arm, revealing a hologram.
"You know what that means..." said Leonardo as the four brothers looked at each other seriously.
"MC will already be dead as soon as the player returns" said the four in unison in a very low whisper.
They didn't want any of the "extras" or "people" inside the cafeteria to hear this, as that could generate unnecessary chaos, and could alter the course of history.
They needed to act, and fast.
"You know the plan" Raphael said, as he looked at the other three.
In response, they nodded at his words, the plan was very simple.
Take MC to their universe as soon as possible so as to avoid they death.
They would avoid the death of their favorite character, and incidentally, they could stay with this one, fulfilling their fantasies and the promises they made to themselves if they ever had the chance to be able to be with their beloved in person.
They would kill two birds with one stone.
"I can't wait to take our beloved with us to our universe!" Miguel Angel said excitedly.
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yellowhollyhock · 2 months
10) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
I flip between answering Rise and 1987
Gonna get sappy, fitting for a Leo question anyway--
To me Leonardo represents Hope. Across iterations, he usually experiences a lot of intense trauma at Shredder's hands, sometimes at Splinter's hands, often he feels isolated from his brothers, but the things happening to him don't define the core of what it means to be Leonardo
It's the choosing to do what's right even if he gets no benefit.
It's believing in his team when they have only the very slightest chance of winning
It's inspiring that Hope, the kind that comes from knowing you're at peace with yourself even if everything goes wrong, in his brothers
And I think 87 and Rise capture these qualities in interesting ways that stand out
87 facing his fear of snakes, always being kind to children, seeing the good in Lotus Blossom without trying to change her, making the choices in the Red Sky arc.
Rise hyping his brothers up when they don't seem confident, trusting them to get as they did with Shredder while he helped Splinter trick Big Mama, the way he talks about them to Hueso. The beginning and ending of the Rise movie gets to me so bad
Also maybe another core Leo trait is how attached he is to his siblings and feeling like nothing without them. Again exemplified strongly in these two versions
And I just love the idea of the other Leos learning to take these two more seriously, because they both come across silly (in very different ways ahdhajsha), but you do NOT want to cross them
30) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
hmm...... what if I reject canon instead and Turtles Forever didn't happen? (it's a fun enough watch but it messes up all my future headcanons, besides being so out of character for both 87 and 03)
Actually though I thought of one. Wait I forgot
No no wait yes because, especially since the draft where he gets stuffed has been going around, it's pretty commonly believed/understood that in SAINW, Donny was killed horrifically. And I don't outright reject this, however. I think it's very interesting to play with the idea that he disappeared for a different reason. I mean, for Donatello, the tracker planter guy who always has his duffel bag, to disappear without a trace? There's gotta be more of an explanation than 'Shredder got him,' how did they get him without leaving a trace? With no one knowing what happened when Shredder is the biggest threat on everyone's minds? Plus, kinda playing with ideas from IDW, I like the angst of 1) future Donatello being someone teenage Donatello can't respect and 2) Donatello having different priorities that he can't get his family to listen about while they're focused on Shredder.
He could've gotten stuck in that dimension with Kirby. Renet could have come for help and found only him and he got lost in time. Or he went back to the underground city by himself instead of with his brothers
In my Stitched Together au he runs away. Which is not something I've seen much at all, except in this fic that I absolutely love (I was so excited to find this idea explored). It's such an unlikely thing for him to do and that makes it a very fun space to play in as a writer. How bad did things have to be for Donny to leave? In all that time, why didn't he come back? I have so much of this au in my head and I'm having a very hard time getting it to Outside My Head format 😅
38) Do you generally stick close to canon, or diverge from it?
A lot of my fics are post-canon so I'm technically sticking close to canon (except Turtles Forever), but adding a lot of headcanons lol
I mean the Stitched Together au will technically be canon compliant, but I don't think I can call it sticking close to canon
My biggest canon divergent piece I can think of is one I'm working on where, during their training with the Ninja Tribunal, 03 Raph and Mikey become Aware of the narrative and take issue with Leo and Donny getting treated the way they did in the first four seasons. So they fight the writer. Hey wait a second I'm the writer. I think they're winning guys sjdjakdhhag
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rainnybear · 10 months
INSOMNIA // Disaster Twins Fanfic
Leo is having troubles sleeping and wanders into Donnie's lab.
Ao3 // Wattpad
 Footsteps echoed throughout the lair, the night would have been silent if it weren’t for the sound of pipes dripping, Donnie working in his lab and Leo’s footsteps. The oldest and youngest brothers were sound asleep as well as their dad, leaving only the two middle children awake. Leo pushed the curtain leading to the lab to the side, entering trying to keep quiet. He looked at Donnie’s battleshells as he passed by them and the sounds of Donnie working on something echoed throughout the lab. “Who is it?” Donnie asked, not taking his attention off of his work. Maybe he should’ve made an effort to see who it was incase of an attack considering everyone was asleep and he had his battle shell off but that didn’t even seem to cross his mind. “Leo.” Donnie pulled up his goggles and turned to look at Leo, he was hugging a pillow and wearing his blue pajamas with his sleep mask above his eyes. “Can’t sleep?” Leo shook his head. “Alright, pull a chair over.” It had become a routine that Leo came into Donnie’s room nearly every night being unable to sleep and wanting company, at first Donnie turned him away but he began getting used to it as Leo always sat to watch Donnie work and kept surprisingly quiet other than simple conversation. Leo took a seat and rested his head on the table, still hugging the pillow tightly. “What are you working on?” Donnie pulled his goggles back down over his eyes. 
“I’m working on a piece to upgrade that drill, to make it more useful.” 
“Not just for cool entrances anymore, huh?” 
“It should do much more than that soon.” 
“That’s cool!” 
They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. Usually Leo is the one to break the silence but this time it was none other than the softshell turtle. “Anything in particular keeping you up lately?” “Nah, insomnias a bitch, am I right?” Leo had a dumb smirk on his face which faded as he yawned. “Nothing else?” “Nope!” Donnie looked thoughtfully at Leo before continuing his work. Leo didn’t sleep the night before and it was definitely starting to show. 
“Do you think you’ll fall asleep if I rant about science long enough?” Donnie asked. 
“You think that’ll really be worth the torture? Hmm what kind of science? Elements, biology-” he yawned before he could finish. 
“Well are you here for a conversation or to sleep?” 
“Either works, I just wanted some company.” 
“Might as well try to put you to sleep then, huh? Elements it is, if we talk about biology you’ll just stay awake longer.” 
“Do your worst then, I’m prepared to tune you out.”
“Haha, very funny, Nardo.” Donnie had a small smile on his face as he responded with sarcasm. Donatello ranted as Leo listened, during their nighttime talks, usually Leo would at least attempt to show interest but he passed out in a matter of minutes. Donnie smiled as he realised his brother was finally sleeping. In the morning, he would surely complain about him falling asleep in his lab but they both know he enjoys the company, no matter how much he tries to deny it and he’s just glad Leo’s finally asleep.
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storyteller-wolf · 1 year
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Story #1 - Chapter #1
Party Crashers
Part 2
The party was in full swing, April was playing Apples to Apples with Donnie, Raph, Ella the kitsune, and Ebony the half dryad while Mickey swung from the chandelier, and Leo watched enthusiastically over Donnie’s shoulder when April’s mom got home from the office. Thinking to herself that maybe she or Splinter should stop Mickey, she was moving excitedly to greet her daughter and her friends when her husband wrapped his arm around her waist. She looked at him, and noticed he had a mug of her and April’s favorite homemade wasail with extra cinnamon sticks in his hand. She took it gratefully and sipped. Master Splinter joined them, and they exchanged a welcome nod while they continued to watch the kids. Splinter signaled to Mickey, who sighed and let himself fall to the floor.
“Hey, where is Heidi?” Mrs O’Neil asked.
Splinter answered, “She got held up at work last minute.”
“Oh, darn I was hoping to see her.” She said marnfully.
“Alright my turn,” announced Raph while gently grabbing a card, “hmm…your card is cowardice….. and the challenge is…. to make me laugh!” He declared.
There was a groan from the other players, except Donnie who just growled. Everyone studied their cards intensely.
“What happened to just trying to find a card that matches the main card?” Asked April’s mom.
“Donatello and Leonardo won consistently for a year.” Explained Master Splinter.
“Ah, that makes sense. Who came up with the challenge rule?” asked Mrs O’Neil.
“Ebony, when it was either Donnie or Leo…”
“Donnie!” interrupted everyone, especially Ebs.
“And HA! Beat this Donnie!” Ebs said triumphantly.
“Oh, I will, Ebony, I will,” said Donnie calmly as he set his own card down.
“… who was really getting on her nerves one too many times, so to change that Ebs called a challenge to make it harder.” finished Splinter.
“I am so glad I was able to get this evening off.” Sighed Mrs. O’Neil.
“We’re so excited to have you here Dr. O’Neil!” Answered Leo, coming around to give her a hug.
“Yeah thanks Mom,” April reiterated, coming to her and giving a bigger hug.
Dr. O’Neil hugged them back, and with her husband sat down on the couch to watch how to make cowardice funny for Raph. Mickey dismissed himself to the kitchen, and Dr. O’Neil thought to herself, He is getting bigger. I hope he doesn’t hurt himself, but each time I go to ask him to stop doing something crazy, it’s as if he becomes even lighter; or like he’s floating.
Splinter joined the O’Neils on the couch to get a better look at the game. Dr. O’Neil leaned over to Master Splinter to ask if he knew what Mikey was doing in the kitchen. After checking that no one was listening, Splinter and Mr. O’Niel explained that Mikey made April’s birthday cake and brought it over earlier, and he needed to make one last adjustment. She nodded in understanding and excitement. Mickey’s cooking was not something to miss.
Just when Raph was about to announce the winner of the round, the doorbell rang.
Yes, I have edited this one too hope you like it.
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
uhh so questions, lemme think… hmm do the turtles and co. run into any conflict with the foot clan? because i imagine they wouldn't be too fond of splinter because they thought he was dead and wanted to do experiments on him (speaking of which where did the foot clan get mutagen? is stockgen a thing) and now maybe they want to know more about them since they were still only testing mutagen. speaking of which, do a lot of official characters show up? how are they different from canon? do you have ocs? and judging by how the turtles were able to find casey, how often do they go to the surface? is it a casual thing where they like to explore or is it like in 2012 tmnt where splinter is very cautious about them heading out? how do they feel about humans outside of casey and april? do they get seen sometimes but then most people just are like "some turtle guys walking around just another day in NYC amiright" or do they try very hard not to be seen by people? does casey act different from spending so much time with the turtles? is there any places they like to hang out? how is their home in the sewers, is it like decorated n' stuff? do they all get to have a lot of personal area or is it kind of cramped? what stuff does donatello build, and do they have a version of the turtle van? how do the turtles go about resolving the occasional conflict? i imagine they don't fight as often as they do in some official stuff, but like do they get into silly squabbles often that aren't too serious? and when they are serious, how does everyone act? also, if mikey is similar to the 2018 one, then does he also kind of try to help his family in a lot of stuff when it comes to conflict? when it comes to villains and stuff, what kind of people do they fight against? is it more "we fight when we have to but generally try to avoid it" or is it more "i am going to go on a space adventure to fight the utroms or something WOO!" oh wait this ask is kinda long now. uhh well you don't have to answer everything!!!!! i just saw the post asking for asks and thought oh i like tmnt aus lemme try to ask as many questions as possible. sorry if it's kinda rambly!!! okay have a good day or night
OUGHHHH i love you so much anon thank you thank you thank you
okay so. the footclan originally think they died because. yk. mutagen. but when they find out they mutated (via mikey getting a little too clumsy on a suply run) they decide they need to make more mutagen. that's the first time that the turtles have to fight for the safety of the public. however, some mutagen does in fact get out in the bottled water, and some people are transformed
there will be a couple of canon characters - i've already mentioned usagi, and im adding barry just for kicks as a sheep mutant. and i've got an oc named dusty miller who im adding because i like him.
the turtles weren't supposed to leave the lair as kids, but casey happened to make the insane decision to hide in the sewers from his bullies, which is how he met them. over time they began to sneak out more and more until splinter found out and realized he couldn't stop them anyways, and started to train them more. just to be sure they could defend themselves
casey does end up picking up a couple habits from the turtles, like trying to mimick their sounds, ie growling or chirping. he also forgets he cannot in fact hold his breath for an hour underwater sometimes
they live in an abandoned subways station, and they each have a tent set up where they sleep. it's not super exciting or nice to look at, just like a regular homeless camp, but donnie made a power generator and they have a tv that works pretty well most of the time
donnie works mostly with junk he finds in scrapyards or pulls off of old trains, but when they run into the foot clan, he manages to steal some of their technology, which really helps him. they have a sort of turtle van which is an old volkswagen that they decked out and occasionally drive around town. they call it the shellraiser because i think that's a really funny name actually
they do get in a lot of fights. especially when it comes to donnie. he's really bad at tone and understanding when people are mad at him, so he will overreact and assume everyone hates him, which they don't, which inevitably pisses raph off, which upsets mikey, which upsets leo. mikey does his best to smooth things over by clarifying what people mean to donnie, but it doesn't always work, and that kind of affects mikey in. really negative ways. like he thinks he isn't important if he doesn't help people
the villains are mostly foot clan and some mutants. most of the turtles don't like fighting them, but leo is so obsessed with being a hero that she actively starts picking fights with the villains.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
"Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of obvious bullshit." ( 2k12 Donnie for Raph :'3 )
| muse interaction action
Being taught how best to sneak around, even despite Raph's heavier set. Was a great and useful skill for the mutan turtle, and consider one of Raph favorite hobbies included getting to trouble. Though he liked to say trouble, just more found him than him it. That was a load of crap of course. Seeing how he was currently sneaking his way around the lair now, light on his feet and quick as he moved past Leo and Mikey's bedrooms. Mikey would try to tag along and ask questions after question on what he was up to and where he was going. Waking everyone up. Leo? Well, he would get on Raph's case for breaking curfew. Again.
Splinter Jr., the red banded turtle, thought to himself as he comtuined on his way. Even if he was great at keep quick and moving quickly. There was one issue with trying to sneak out. Everyone in his family also knew how to sneak around. Meaning they could easily notice when someone one was doing as such. Sometimes, he forgot that this was a household of ninjas. As he soon ran into the only other turtle awake right now. Donatello. Raph near jumped out of his shell when he hears Don in their lab as he was passing by. Only to relax the second he set eyes on them.
"Oh hey Don, workin' still uh?" He asks, trying his best not to sound suspicious himself about being up so late. Which Donnie seemed curious about Raphael hummed in thought a moment. "Uh ya know, jus' couldn' sleep an' uhh Leo's always saying that it's best to work ya self when restless? Soo thought, Aye got to the dojo and practiced some of that uh mediation yeah yeah clear my head if I thought." What thoughts?
"Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of obvious bullshit."
Raph rolled his eyes a nd huffed he hated how easily Donnie could call him out "Fine okay 'm sneekin' out what ya gonna narc on me now hmm?" Raph asks. Despite his remark, he still stepped into Don's lab, smiling a bit. Eh, he could appreciate Donatello's strught forwardness when it came to their own snark and sass. Raph made his way to stand beside his brother, throwing an arm around their shoulders, roughly tugging them his way as he gave them a slightly warning gate.
"Tell ya what, Don, you keep ya beak shut, and I'll run by that one compture recycle shop you like. Just I dunno write down what ya want..." He trailed off looking around for some paper as he pushed it over they both know he wouldn't have a cule of Donnie, worte it out. "Better draw what ya need, and I'll snag it for well. I'm out." He offers before letting go of them."Please do me a spold here? I promise I ain't getting into any trouble..maybe that's not the plan, at least I jus'" he rocks on his feet a bit as he crosses his arms over his plastron. "I jus' gonna meet up with Casey for a bit that it I sweat. But I'll be back before anyone wakes up, okay?"
Pushing the piece of paper closer to Don now "sooo just doodle out what ya want and I'll get everything last bit cool?"
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e19 funeralia (w. steve yockey)
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this angle makes her look tinier than usual, just put her in my pocket
CASTIEL We must assemble our most powerful allies to rescue our family and confront the Archangel Michael. Now, he's in an alternate universe so-- ROWENA Ah, the handsome angel is there, isn’t he? Hello tweety pie. CASTIEL Um, hello.
well that made me laugh, how awkward he got. also thanks for the plot quick reference, because with all the stuff included in the recap i get confused. too much stuff i don't care about makes brain go zzz
SAM Rowena, are you at a... party or something? ROWENA I am, but I’m surprised you recognise the sounds of a party, seeing as how you're all work and no play
literally. i know i know, but like we've spent so many hours with them lol and no fun!
CASTIEL You know, she’s right. You never go to parties.
LOL well we're on the same page
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(this from the recap, i don't remember this at all!)
rowena setting someone on fire magically in full view of a crowd is a choice
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CASTIEL Yes. Yeah. This would be something of a Hail Mary. DEAN Hmm. CASTIEL It’s a sports term, like slam dunk or, uh... ball handler. DEAN That’s, uh… Mnh-mnh. No, I don’t think it's a good idea.
ok, but ball handler is a sports term that you could use without it having any double entendre 😞 (obviously can too but) weird choice.
CASTIEL Well, Dean, we don’t have any good ideas. DEAN Okay, just... let’s just not barrel through with that like, uh, you know, like the Donatello thing. CASTIEL We had our disagreement, but we got results. DEAN That don’t make it okay. CASTIEL I hear your concerns, and yes, the angels loathe me, and there’s going to be dangers, but Heaven doesn’t want the world to end any more than we do.
appreciate the reminder that they had a disagreement and donatello's brain got zapped by cas because i definitely forgot.
SAM We don’t know what this is yet. Maybe she had a reason to-- DEAN Doesn’t matter what the reason is. That’s not okay! SAM Okay, I said if Rowena goes bad again I’d deal with it, so I’ll deal with it. DEAN You better. Cas, you wanna try this angel thing, then go for it. Just don’t get dead again.
i mean, in their world there could definitely be a good reason, just wouldn't necessarily expect rowena to have one. dean's being kind of an ass to everyone. though i suppose he did have that little tantrum at the end of the last episode so, ~continuity~
LOL was that a heavenly brownout? mid-series heavenly politics was a guaranteed blanking out on my part but like. i just haven't really cared about the main plot in so long it's all getting kind of blanked out unless it's sam and dean specific
DEAN Yeah, she’s a reaper. She tried to take me into the light. Didn’t work out. JESSICA It really didn’t. And honestly it’s been a little sad watching you go this long without telling Sam about me. SAM Hold on a second. What do you mean "watching?"
obviously the watching is the big creeper factor but also i guess was a little surprised we didn't get a reaction to the dean didn't tell sam something bit
JESSICA Well, after Dean’s little trip to the Veil, Death asked me to keep an eye on you two, in case. DEAN In case of what? JESSICA This, I guess. I don’t ask Death questions. Never goes well. SAM So what, you-- you’ve just been... hovering around us, invisible, like a-- like a baby sitter? JESSICA No, no more like a baby monitor.
or stalker
SAM And-- and you’ve seen, um... JESSICA Oh, everything. DEAN You mean, like, everything everything? JESSICA I’m especially fond of Sam’s impressive… extensive array of hair products. [looks at Dean] Not to mention, the three day old bacon cheeseburger in your room, or the VHS tape hidden under your bed labeled "Sweet Princess Asuka Meets the Tentacles of Ple--"
like teehee gonna allude to a sam has a big dick joke, and out dean's specific kinky porn preference (which didn't we just have this tentacle conversation) - where. i know, this isn't real life, it's some whatever the fuck a reaper is (i thought they were a type of angel but then i feel like a recent episode they said they weren't) and maybe if it's cas who just still seems mostly mystified by humans despite being one for a hot minute, it wouldn't be as creepy. but she's talking like she clearly understands why what she's saying is a huge invasion of privacy and upsetting. and okay she's not on their side, maybe she is tired of being the baby monitor for the dumb humans. but as someone myself who's been monitored against my will in what should be private spaces, that really doesn't sit well with me. i get it's just supposed to be a joke, but no thanks. sigh
JESSICA If just one person dies before their time, a lot of things that were supposed to happen, don’t. The ripple effect from just one early death can affect hundreds of lives. And changing their fates changes even more fates until things just become sincerely unfortunate, and we have to hit the reset button. SAM What does that mean? JESSICA Usually? A mass kill off. Like the Black Plague or a mid-sized war. Something to wipe the board clean. So… your help in avoiding that would be greatly appreciated, by everyone.
sure. combined with the world-destroying-aspirations of au!michael, whatever the fuck is going on with heaven having too few angels, lucifer doing who the fuck can remember, needing to rescue everyone in the au, we also need to do something or ELSE plague/war/extinction event. exhausted
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and the reunion tour continues.... fucking naomi, great. why not
CASTIEL No, no we didn’t, because you stole my memories, and you threatened to "tear me apart," and you made me repeatedly act out Dean Winchester’s murder, and you killed many, many people.
let's hear it for not forgetting/immediately forgiving someone's awful deeds
NAOMI That's right. We're all... Every angel is like a walking, talking battery. [the lights fluctuate again] And that is what happens when we run out of power.
ok. before it was the human souls that were batteries, back in ye olde s6 (i even included morpheus and the coppertop in a recap)
NAOMI Well, then, let me make it divinely simple for you. There are a grand total of nine angels in Heaven, present company included, and one or two on Earth, and... that's all. We are the last men and women and divine waves of light still standing, as it were.
excuse me WHAT. NINE??? listen, ok. you know i have zero religious experience, i've never been to church. however, this song by johnny cash, when the man comes around (a banger, truly) i know it took from the bible and (via wikipedia):
The chorus indicates that these events will be accompanied by trumpets (as in Revelation 8, 9, 11), pipers (Rev. 18:22), and "one hundred million angels singing". The voice of the Lord in Revelation is often likened to the sound of a loud trumpet (Revelation 1:10; 4:1; and 8:13). Revelation 5:11 states that John saw that there are millions of angels in Heaven.
so i'm like, this is my knowledge of just how many angels there are 😂 and we're down to NINE!!!
NAOMI Without him, in time we’ll burn out. Heaven will crumble, and all the souls that have been entrusted to our care will fall back to earth. Picture it, Castiel-- billions upon billions of ghosts unleashed upon the world. All that chaos, all that death.
🙄add it to the list of impending catastrophies ✅ (they need some soul to angel battery converter)
rowena is trying to get crowley back....? hokay
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DEAN Where the hell is my brother?!
never gets old
SAM No. Rowena. I know what you went through and I know how much you lost and I realize how much you want your family back. But don’t do this. This... this... This is not you. Not any more. ROWENA What happened to me, those were my choices. But Fergus never… It wasn’t fair.
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BILLIE You were never going to kill him. There was a time you would've, but not now. I can see that. ROWENA I don’t know what I’m doing
BILLIE Sometimes life is unfair, and sometimes we lose things. And sometimes we make mistakes. And some of these things can never be fixed, no matter how powerful you become. Some things just are, and everyone has to live with that.
what? we're supposed to buy this sudden personality 180?
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ROWENA I fought Death and lost. I feel tired. Weaker. I don’t know if it’s forever. Sam, what have I done? SAM You had a chance to kill me and you didn’t. I’d call that progress. DEAN I’d call that a miracle. [Dean and Rowena exchange looks] SAM You know, what happened with Crowley? That wasn’t your fault. ROWENA He never had a chance. DEAN He made his choices, just like we all do. Look, every one of us has done something that we have to live with, that were trying to make up for. Every one of us. SAM Even without all that extra juice, you’re still the deadliest witch around. ROWENA Flatterer. SAM Yeah, well, we, um... we may need your help. To save our family. To… hell, to save the world. DEAN You wanna be redeemed? This would be a pretty big step. ROWENA And do you think I still can be? DEAN Yeah, I do.
i mean. who cares about character development, let's just slam through this redemption and reconciliation arc in a big showdown in one episode? unless there's some long game, this is just. hard to swallow
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I’d like a TMNT fic about one of your OCs.
IDK what context to give you, but I like reading about other peoples OCs.
Maybe when the OC either first met the turtles (if human/non-family) or when they first went topside (if mutant/family)
Does that make sense? I dunno. OCs for the win.
A/n: I'm super excited to write this. Thank you for requesting
Bold is Jaz pink is april slanted is tanaka and Casey is normal text
Warning:strong language
Summary: My ocs Jaz and Tanaka meet the turtles
Little context to my ocs, Tanaka is a Japanese American and he has been friends with Jaz the crazy guy since daycare. Tanaka has medium black hair 5'7 and wears just causl clothing while Jaz has a Dark green short hair it doesn't go past his ears, 5'4 and is wearing a white shirt with a black vest, with just some black pants and knee high black combat boots and has glasses. And Jaz is 16 while Tanaka is 17
Tanaka and Jaz were with April and Casey. Jaz and Tanaka were there because Casey was babysitting Jaz since he can't be by himself. They didn't even notice the foot clan attacking or the weird ooz April had.
"Jaz what the fuck is that"
Tanaka was looking at his best friend of almost 12 years who was currently playing in a Nintendo looking toy. It was a toy that's basically ring toss but in plastic and water.
"Give me a minute Tanaka Im almost finished"
Tanaka looked up from his friend hearing Casey jump. He looked back at Jaz who was currently holding a Sai.
"Hey I remember that, um what was it called"
Jaz looked up at Tanaka shocked.
"Bro your mom taught us about Japanese culture and common weapons that were used how do you not remember"
"Oh sorry your, Mr. Bleedy but I don't remember things that probly happened when we were 6"
"It was last year, and Mr. Bleedy? Come on"
"Yeah and why did she ask us"
"No I asked her since I wasn't really learning about it and I remembered her telling us about how she studied cultures while she was in college"
While the two friend were talking turtles were popping up.
"Guys get back"
Jaz and Tanaka looked at Casey and was 'protecting' Jaz, Tanaka. And April. Jaz looked over and seen the turtles before a thought came to mind.
"Casey don't be so shell about this"
Everyone went quiet, while Jaz giggles the turtle wearing orange was the only one who laughed.
"I wish your face started bleeding just so you can't talk no more"
Casey panicked and ignored what Jaz said.
"Hey whoa! Get back. [slowly] Do not eat us. We are not food. The people of Earth are not your enemies. Yeah? Yeah."
The one in orange giggled before jumping over to Casey swinging his nunchucks
"We were sent by the Supreme Leader to eat delicious humans and dip them in ranch dressing. I'm just kidding. I'm a vegan. Except for meat and cheese and eggs."
"Guys there my friends"
"April how In the holy guacamole did you become friends with four badass turtles"
"Jaz, be polite"
Jaz looked at Tanaka who was standing like a mom.
"It's a long story"
"Oh. oh they...they're your friends"
"Yeah, their my friends. Tell them"
Jaz was having a stare down with Tanaka before he pushed Tanaka, and looked at the sai then at the turtles.
"Yeah. Donatello over there in the purple, he's a technical genius, who is technically a genius! Raphael over there in the red, he's like a big cuddly teddy bear, if big cuddly teddy bears were incredibly violent. This is Leonardo. He's in the blue. Fearless leader. Silent but deadly. And I'm Michelangelo, sporting my signature orange. I'm a triple threat... Brains, brawn, and obviously a dazzling personality. Ladies like to call me Mikey."
Jaz giggled while Tanaka looked like he was planning his murder.
"This guy is Great"
"Shut up"
Jaz fake gasped as the turtles continued.
"Are you done"
"Sorry we're late, April. You want to walk me through what's going on here?"
While April started to explain what was going on Casey tried to get close but the Raphael and Michelangelo stopped him.
"Is this your sai"
Jaz had gotten pretty one to raph but not super close. Raph was a bit startled.
Raph took the sai from the teen.
"So like what kind of turtle are you guys"
"Um, that's a great question ask Donnie"
Jaz forgot who was Donnie so he just nodded before looking over at Casey.
"You guys have eyes on bebop and rocksteady?"
Jaz then looked at Tanaka not knowing what to do but he was trying to sneak away.
"Hey get your ass back over have, with you soy sauce smelling self"
"I don't smell like soy sauce"
Tanaka stormed over to Jaz.
"Actully I may or may not have soaked your clothes in soy sauce while you were asleep"
Tanaka was flabbergasted as he smelled his clothes only to smell pure soy sauce.
"Let's get back to the lair. Raph, grab Friday the 13th here and follow. If he can help us find Bebop and Rocksteady, he's coming with."
Leonardo than looked over at Tanaka and Jaz
"And those two"
"No, he's not and their staying here with me. Not a chance"
"I'd agree with you, but you're wrong. See, we, too, share a "vested interest."
"I don't know what's going on but I'm down"
"I don't share anything with you guys, and Jaz your dad would kill me if anything Happned to you so no your not going"
"Fellas, fellas... Now, the people of New York need us to set aside our differences and work together. Which begs only one question. Are you two guys like a thing or..."
Mikey pointed at April and Casey then at Jaz and Tanaka.
"Nah Tanaka aromatic ass over here is staying out of romance being lonely and-"
"Jazs pansexual Ass just doesnt get anyone even if he tried"
April and Casey groaned but mikey seemed pleased with Jaz and Tanakas answer.
"Come on, Move it"
Mikey giggled as Jaz jumped into the man hole cover. But Jaz leaned on Tanaka you went before him.
A/n: sorry it's long. I hope you enjoyed
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milkytheholy1 · 4 years
I’ve got a date!
Rise!Donnie X Gender Neutral Reader Oneshot
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Donatello had wanted to tell you for a while, he wanted to confess his admiration for you, his need to be with you, his love for you. He's, of course, tried multiple times to confess to you, but every time something or more usually someone interrupts the delicate atmosphere around you both. The constant disruptions to his carefully devised plans took a toll on him, he was constantly trying to get a moment alone with you, sometimes sounding like a mad man when he'd drag you to his lab as soon as you had stepped foot into the lair.
Donnie dragged his legs to his bed, sitting there with his mask hanging low on his neck. He gazed at his phone flicking through old pictures of you and the guys hanging out together, his thumb stalled on one of the pictures. It was a selfie of you and him cuddled together in Central Park, the autumn leaves falling softly around you and your scarfs were pulled up to your chins. He smiled at the photo, the memory of your hair blowing in the cool breeze and your excitement when he brought you a hot chocolate from one of the street vendors. He remembered thinking, no not thinking...Knowing, that was the day he started falling for you.
He finally lied back in bed staring up at the high ceilings thinking back to the times he's tried confessing to you, all his failed attempts and yet you were somehow still friends with him. Friends. He felt like that was the only thing he'd be to you.
February 2019
Valentine's day was just around the corner and with the constant emphasis from the media of having a partner to celebrate this special day with the boys felt more alone than usual. Sure, they had their friends: April and (Y/N) but it wasn't the same as having a lover. They all took it differently, Mikey would gush about all the creative acts people did to impress their significant others and dream of creating the most heartwarming valentine's day card ever. Raph would sit in the projector room late at night and watch all the crappy romcoms he could find, a box of tissues and chocolate by his side as he blew his nose into the tissue crying his eyes out at the scene in front of him. Leo would constantly make fun of the way people walked around like they'd been shot by cupid himself, gagging at the romantic acts he saw around New York and Raph's movies. And then there was Donnie, he'd sit in his lab coming up with a plan to woo (Y/N) and somehow convey his feelings to them.
He'd never go to his brothers about it they'd only make fun of his over-thinking nature, to everyone else it seemed pretty clear that (Y/N) had a thing for the purple-clad turtle and even when told this by others he pushed it aside and said they were only trying to make him feel better. He had called April on the eve of Valentine's day her gruff voice moaning at him.
"Oooh boy, this better be good, do you know what time it is?"
"I know and I'm sorry but I've been losing my mind and I need your hmm" Donnie mumbled the last bit, looking down at his desk covered with glitter and craft paper he stole from Mikey's room. "What was that?" April asked he could her the snarkiness in her tone, he released a loud sigh "I need your hmmm." April laughed down the phone "Sorry D but I can't hear you, you'll need to say it agai-"
"HELP! I NEED YOUR help," Donnie calmed his voice down afraid he'd wake his brothers and father. "Sure D I'll help you, I'll be over in the morning." He smiled this is why April was his best friend "Thanks April." Her hushed voice came from the other side of the phone "No Problem Donnie, now get some sleep." He yawned in response "Yeah maybe you're right."
"I know."
Valentine's Day
April and Donnie had spent the whole morning decorating the garage for his little confession with (Y/N). Fairy lights littered the walls, while cut-out hearts were pinned randomly around the room, smooth jazz was playing from a speaker in the turtle tank. The pair stood back, hands-on-hips, taking in the sight of the totally transformed garage; now they just had to wait for you to arrive.
A few hours later you came bounding into the lair with valentine's cards for all the turtle brothers, they graciously accepted and thanked you. Donatello was just opening his mouth to ask you to follow him so he could set the plan in motion but someone had beat him to it.
"Hey (Y/N), come to the kitchen we just ordered some fresh pizza!" Mikey yelled from presumably the kitchen, Donnie watched as your form retreated with the others. His anger started to bubble but he sucked in a deep breathe "It's okay, it's fine just a little road hump but it's fine." He whispered to himself following the noise to the kitchen.
As the night went on Donnie had tried multiple times to drag your attention away from the others, he'd call your name multiple times but it only fell on death ears as you and Leo had a dance battle in the arcade. He would try dragging you by your arm only for Raph to pick the both of you up and carry you to the projector room to watch a movie, no matter what he did somehow his brothers always seemed to unintentionally ruin his plans.
April 2019
It had been a few months since his last attempt to confess to you but Donnie was still determined to show you his true feelings. He thought he'd hit jackpot when his three brothers told him they were going out for the night to watch some sports game. Perfect, a chance for you and Donnie to sit in the lair...Alone... The perfect chance to confess to you.
He had invited you over with the claim you were going to have a marathon of Lou Jitsu movies. You arrived bag full of sweet treats, parking your ass on a beanbag chair close to Donnie your eyes widened as you watched the screen. An hour into the movie Donnie thought he'd try a move he saw in one of Raph's romance movies, he yawned really loud stretching his long limbs out and it just so happened that one of his arms settled around your back. Donnie kept his eyes on the screen but kept flicking his attention back to you gauging your reaction. You blushed a little but snuggled into Donatello's side and a small smile on his face.
"AW isn't that adorable." The sudden voice shocked the awkward teens, Donnie's arm flew from your back and slapped to his side. Donnie stood to attention facing the voice, your eyes wide and face blushing red.
"DAD!" Donnie yelled, Splinter hobbled around the couch and planted his ass onto it releasing a sigh "Oh don't mind me kids, I'm just here to watch this Lou Jitsu marathon." He held a smirk as he stroked his whiskers eyeing his son, Donatello started sweating profusely "I-I thought no one was going to be in the lair tonight." He somewhat gritted through his clenched teeth. Splinter threw his arms in the air, hands gesturing to the projector screen "And miss a Lou Jitsu marathon? I don't think so purple."
The rest of the night Donnie made sure there was a small gap between you both while his father snored loudly above them, you kept sneaking glances at Donnie he seemed pretty mad as his long limbs were curled in on himself, his arms crossed over his plastron, a pout gracing his lips.
August 2019
Summer break had just begun meaning you and April could spend more time down in the lair with the turtles. Today you had planned to head to a secluded beach where the guys didn't have to wear thick hoodies and pass out due to heatstroke. Leo, Raph and Mikey made a bee-line for the sea along with April, Splinter had set up shop under an umbrella his snores slightly disrupting the peaceful environment. You had just layed down your towel while Donnie continued to explain to you how the ocean is one of the most dangerous places in the world. Hearing him speak about something that actually interested him was a nice change than just hearing about yoki and mutants. In the time they sat together Donnie couldn't help but think that now was the perfect time to confess to you, he could see his brothers and April in the sea and it seemed they weren't planning on coming to land anytime soon and Splinter was knocked out.
He turned to face you, your eyes stuck in the book you were reading. He lovingly sighs and began to think of what to say. Should I just straight up say I like you? No that's to forward you should build-up to it. How about, I don't want to be friends anymore I'd rather be- no that's awful, ugh why is this soooo harddd. I see you like reading, you should read me someday- ugh now I just sound like Leo. Just keep it simple Donnie, just ask her if she wants to hang out some time like a date. Okay, perfect that's it. Ask her on a date.
"Hey (Y/N) I was wondering if-" He turned to see an empty space beside him where his crush had once resided, looking around panicked he lifted the towel off of the sand and looked below it, of course, they're not under the towel idiot! Examing the dumb-dumbs in the sea his eyes landed on you on top of Leo's shoulders playing chicken with April on Raph's shoulder while Mikey referees.
December 2019
Snow had settled over the rooftops of New York, Christmas songs could be heard playing from the radios of the oncoming traffic, mouthwatering smells coasted through the night air. It was Christmas Eve and the turtles were all wearing festive jumpers that Raph had knitted, sure Mikey's had an extra arm-hole but it was the thought that counts. April and (Y/N) were able to join them for a short while, dancing along to their make-shift Christmas party. April had told the guys about Donnie's attempts to seduce you and all the times he's failed, Leo of course laughed at the pathetic attempts his twin made "I don't get it, why didn't he just tell us what he was planning?" Mikey asked.
Meanwhile, Leo was still laughing in the background lying on his shell, legs kicking in the air. Raph looked over to Leo then back to Mikey "I think he had his reasons." April snapped her fingers trying to get their attention "Guys, listen. We need to help Donnie, it is partially our fault he hasn't been able to confess." A lightbulb appeared over Mikey's head "I got it!" He clicked his fingers and dashed to the opened box of Christmas decorations, after rummaging around for a few minutes he pulled out a withered piece of holly. Leo looked up at him, wiping a tear from his eye "You're going to romance them with a dead plant? Miguel this is your greatest idea yet!"
"It's not just a DEAD PLANT Leon, its mistletoe," Mikey stated matter-of-factly, April's eyes widened "Whatever c'mon we gotta put that thing somewhere, then we lure the both of them under it!" April placed her hand in the middle of their small circle, each turtle placed a hand in too "3, 2, 1, Get D and (Y/N) together!"
"For Donnie's honour!"
April pulled a hand down her face "We should have practised what we were going to say."
With April and Leo
Donnie seemed constantly stressed, for days he would just sit in the lab working away to the obnoxiously loud techno beats. While you were at the lair he'd try to make an effort to seem happy and relaxed but as soon as you'd leave he'd be back to his isolated self. Leo and April strolled into the lab seeing Donnie's hunched over form tinkering on some random piece of tech. Leo stood behind Donnie, pulling his chair out along with his brother, Donnie turned to face Leo with a stern look "I'm not in the mood Leonard."
"Oh c'mon Donnie, we're here to help you~" Leo replied sweetly, Donnie shoved Leo back with his hand on his face "Yeah right, when have you ever tried to actively help me?"
"Gasp! Donnie, I am offended you'd think that of me, your twin brother!" Leo feigned hurt Donnie grumbled under his breath turning back to his work "Stop calling us that!" April watched the brother's interaction from the entrance trying to think of a way to outsmart D. "Hey D, could you come help us with the projector? It kind of stopped working when Raph knocked into it." Donnie released a guttural sigh and dragged himself from his desk. "Oh, so he'll listen to you but not his dear twin brother. Typical." Leo grumbled.
With Raph
Raph stood in the doorway of the projector room looking over at your occupied form, he was freaking out on the inside, he knew you were smart and would easily see through his lies. He lingered there for a minute coming up with an amazing excuse.
"Hey (Y/N), can you follow me and Mikey for a sec?"
"Erm sure, what for?" You asked moving yourself off of the beanbag, Raph started sweating "Er, erm. Because I asked nicely?" You chuckled and shook your shoulders "You got me there." He breathed a sigh of relief that was easier than I thought.
Raph had led you to the kitchen entrance and stood cautiously by the door, Mikey had joined him with a small step ladder under his arms. You laughed a little "Okay guys, what's going on?" The brothers unintentionally looked up towards the ceiling, you followed their gaze and saw a dried holly plant or at least what was left of it.
"Is that-" You were interrupted by the sound of angst. Leo and April came into the kitchen through the other entrance dragging Donnie with them, shoving him into you roughly. The group quickly made their exit while you and Donatello both stared deeply into each other's eyes, Donnie seemed to suddenly realise where he was and pushed away from you coughing awkwardly. "Sorry about my family, I didn't think I'd have to apologise for them now but here we are."
You chuckled lightly and waltzed back up to Donnie placing your hands around his neck, his arms automatically swivelled around your hips your blushes rivalling Raph's mask. "It's okay, they have good intentions." You joked. Donnie looked confused until you pointed up to the dying mistletoe swaying in the airconditioned breeze, Donnie's mouth formed an 'O' shape. You both began to lean in, gradually getting closer you couldn't wait to have the feeling of his lips finally on yours. Just as your lips were about to touch your phone's ringtone blared through the quiet atmosphere, you both separated your heart thumping in your chest.
Quickly answering the call you sent Donnie a 'sorry' look, Donnie stared at you as you wandered around the kitchen talking to your mum a worried look on your face. I can't believe we nearly kissed, I was so close. Stupid technology! "Hey D," You asked, he looked up from the floor a gentle hum leaving his lips a blush still apparent on his cheeks. You looked nervous "I have to go home now, my mum wants me back before it gets too late." Donnie swallowed the lump in his throat and approached you "Th-that's fine, I-I can take you back if you want?" You nodded at him a smile adorning your face "I'd like that, thanks."
Back to the present
Donnie cringed at the memories of all his failed attempts, god he was so dumb not as bad as his brothers but close. Squinting his eyes shut he continued to think about that night, even though the set up by his family failed miserably the fond memory of the walk back brought a blush to his cheeks.
December 2019
Donnie had grabbed Sheldon and held you close to his plastron as he flew to your apartment, you remember blushing madly when he had suddenly swept you off of your feet; he thought your little squeal was adorable. Dropping you off at your bedroom window Donnie hung around for a bit just floating outside the window frame, a dopey look on his face. The moonlight up his figure as he hovered over your window, smiling deeply at you. Sheldon must have been complaining about the weight of the turtle on top of him but overall he didn't seem to mind too much.
It was now or never Donnie thought.
"(Y/N) I've been wanting to tell you, no, trying to tell you something for over a year now," he had started, his eyes boring into your own, a look of want reflecting in them. You slumped your arm on the window sill and gazed back up at him "Go ahead D, I'm all ears."
"Okay, well I-I-" he started to mumble and stutter, Sheldon had clearly had enough of the timid turtle's behaviour over the past year and decided to take the situation into his own rotors. Moving forwards Donnie's lips crashed onto (Y/N)'s. The two stared wide-eyed at each other not sure what to do, but as (Y/N) started to close their eyes and relax into the kiss Donnie too started to get comfortable, he placed his hands on their shoulders to steady himself better while they wrapped theirs around his neck.
Pulling apart the two stared at each other with rosy cheeks, "Well that happened" Donnie stated (Y/N) just chuckled and replied with a soft "Yeah." Donnie scratched his neck out of anxiety as he chose his next words carefully.
"Trust me you would not believe how long I've wanted to do that for" he joked, you held his hand and rubbed your thumb over his palm. You both stared at your intertwined hands as you spoke: "I think I could guess." You smiled warmly at him.
He looked past his shoulder at all the dark, empty streets behind him and sighed "I should be getting back," Donnie turned away from your window, Sheldon wavering slowly. Donnie's eyes widened as he turned back to you quickly remembering something he's been dying to ask you "Oh, by the way, would you like to go out next Saturday?"
"Absolutely" You swooned. "Great it's a date." Sheldon started to fly away taking the pair back to the lair where Donnie would no doubt brag to his brothers about his kiss.
"I've got a date! A date Sheldon! Oh, this is amazing."
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deadlyflan · 3 years
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Figuring out the OCs from an as-yet-unpublished TMNT fanfic. Come meet my AU.
October 1 - Journey - 1,635 words. Donatello. Helen. Rated G.
A formal knock and a nervous voice pulled Donatello from his work in the barn.
“May I come in?” It was one of the girls. Well, probably all of the girls. They didn’t go anywhere without one another even now. The side door on the barn stayed shut. They were legitimately waiting for permission.
“Come on in.” Donatello turned off the propane to his blowtorch. He wouldn’t be shaping sheet metal or piping while the girls were in the barn. A ringing hammer would kill the conversation. He pushed back his goggles and peeled off his homemade workman’s gloves. Stepping around the beginnings of his geothermal heating system, he wiped his brow with the edge of his canvas apron and pulled up in surprise. It was just Helen.
“Helen? Is something wrong?” Donatello snagged his bo staff, ready to take off towards the farm house immediately.
“No.” The turtle woman toyed miserably with the edge of her oversized sweatshirt. “Yes. But no.” Her bald head alternately shook and nodded; the faint striping on her cheeks contorted with her distress.
“Okay.” Donatello spun through a quick assessment. She wasn’t out of breath, so she hadn’t run down to the barn. But she was at the barn alone—Helen and her sisters were never alone. It absolutely terrified them. Some more than others, but still, they had to be line of sight with another sister or there was crying. Speaking of crying, Helen had started sniffling. Okay, something was wrong. “Here, pull up a seat.”
Helen scrubbed her face on her sleeve viscously and slunk over to one of his pair of work stools.
Donatello hopped up on his own and waited for her.
Her boot raised and lowered a few times in confusion and she scowled at the stool.
He realized the problem pretty quickly. “If you spin the seat clockwise, it should lower.”
None of the girls were athletic or even very coordinated. Yet another holdover from being raised in a laboratory: not much in the way of sports education. Add in Helen’s petite frame? She might be five foot in her boots. Maybe.
Still, he wasn’t Michelangelo, to go lifting and moving the girls like they were children. That wouldn’t help them. They were adults. They deserved the respect of equals. Everything was an opportunity to learn and Donatello had always learned best by doing.
Several squeaky revolutions later, Helen had hauled herself up onto the stool. She huffed and picked at the loose bolts on his work bench.
“You came down to the barn by yourself?” Donatello wanted to take the opportunity to praise her—encourage her, anyways. Independence was a horribly difficult thing to learn as a 19 year old. She deserved to celebrate the big steps.
She stared back at him and her beautiful face smushed up like a green tomato. “They were so mean to me!!” She sucked in a huge gulp of air and quickly shook her head. “No. No. They weren’t mean. They weren’t mean. They’re good girls! We’re good—They were—they just didn’t listen to me!” She tried to pull her knees up to her chest, felt the stool wobble and gripped the work table. She hunched over and pulled her sweatshirt down over her knees instead. “Th-They always lis-sten to me!”
Ah. Sister dynamics. Remarkably similar to brother dynamics, but distorted by their lifetime in captivity. Donatello picked his words carefully. “What did they not want to listen about?”
“They didn’t want to take a bath at b-bath time.” Helen’s face read of utter betrayal. The schedule was sacred. “M-Michelamj—My.Kell.Angie. MICHEAL. AN. JELLO,” she staggered through his full name, and somehow still made it sound contemptible. “He said we were going to get dirty in--in--in the kitchen anyways and should bathe afterwards! Even Dinah agreed!” Oh, that must have been a blow to her ego. Dinah never disagreed with the schedule or with Helen.
Donatello bit his lower lip. This was wonderfully low stakes. No one was bleeding. The world wasn’t ending. He knew she didn’t think this was funny. He wasn’t going to laugh at her. She was genuinely upset. Relief was already flooding through him, though, and she was still crying. Terribly unfair of him, really.
She stared at him, waiting for him to agree that Mikey’s plan was obviously madness. “Who w-wants a bunch of d-dirty turtles handling the food?!”
“I’m sure he had everyone wash their hands, Helen.” Donatello fought the corners of his mouth. He would not smile.
“I know! I know! But if we wait to shower, w-we’ll use all the hot water when you all need it for your sh-showers after practice!" She bounced her fist on the work table. "And I-I h-had t-treats for them,” she started strong, but trailed off in a mumble because she wasn’t supposed to be stashing food ‘treats’ for her sisters outside of the kitchen. It brought ants. And mice.
Donatello bit back a sigh and let the ‘treats’ pass. He and his brothers had had food caches all over the place when they were younger and food was harder to come by. It was habit that came with food insecurity and fear for the next meal. Not something that could be undone overnight. Really, Helen had been doing better. Or hiding it better. But trust had to go two ways, so, as far as he knew, she had been doing better.
“So, if I understand correctly, you came down here to the barn, by yourself, because your sisters listened to Michelangelo’s suggestion that they postpone bath time until after they made a mess of themselves and the kitchen?”
Helen nodded and wiped her face on her sleeve again.
“Did you take a bath on your own, then? Since they chose not to bathe right away?”
“No! I don’t want to take a bath alone!! I don’t want to be alone!” She sat up straight, popping her knees back out from under the sweatshirt.
Donatello held up his hands in a gesture of peace. “But you walked down here. By yourself. Alone.” He watched understanding dawn on her features. They smoothed out as her mouth opened and her brows rose. “That was a brave choice.”
Helen blinked at him owlishly, her giant honey-brown eyes, rimmed in red from crying. She sniffed to clear congestion from her nose. “I…?”
“Chose. You chose to come down here on your own.” Donatello let himself smile a little.
“Like how my sisters chose to listen to Michealanjello?” She frowned and pulled her sleeves down over her hands.
Donatello shrugged, but didn’t contradict her.
“This is. This is what April and Master Splinter were talking about, isn’t it?” She almost whispered as she put the pieces together. “Learning to make decisions?” She swallowed thickly. “I thought it was a weird thing to talk about. We answer questions and make decisions all the time. But they meant. … decisions by— or for— or alone. Ourselves.” She considered the revelation with a pensive flick at the bolts on his table. “I … I don’t like it.”
Not what he’d been expecting to hear. “Don’t like it?”
“They chose Michealanjello over me! I don’t like it!” Helen’s light yellow stripes bunched righteously between her brows. She deflated. “I chose you over them, though. I. I left them behind.”
“Hmm. I think it’s not quite that dire, Helen. Mikey’s suggestion was solid. I’ve seen what he kind of a mess he can make in a kitchen. And, for what it’s worth, there would be plenty of time for the hot water to refill before after-practice showers. Though it was nice of you to think of us.” Donatello took a shot in the dark. “I would bet your sisters didn’t know about the treats?”
She wouldn’t make eye contact.
“Right. So they made their best judgement based on what they knew. That isn’t choosing one person over another.” He swiveled a little and eyed the geothermal heater panel to gauge where he had left off. “They probably miss having you up there. Michelangelo too.” Even if she kept getting his name wrong, or maybe because she kept getting his name wrong, his brother adored having Helen around.
“But I’m here. Away from them. By choice.” Helen’s eyes filled up again, but the pending tears were guilty. She’d abandoned them.
Donatello cocked his head to the side. “It can be helpful to get away from siblings sometimes. Vent your feelings a bit. Talk about what’s bothering you. You can always go back when you feel better. I don’t think you chose me over them so much as you chose not to be upset directly at them while you were keyed up. That’s still a good sister thing to do.”
He could see a few places on the metal where he got the angles wrong. He would have to reheat those elements and shape them correctly before he went much further.
Helen sat in silence on the stool for while before sliding off. She closed the distance between them and gripped his forearm just before he could pull on his working glove. Her three fingers squeezed a light staccato pattern on his skin. One of the girls’ silent signals, but Donatello didn’t know this one. The girls rarely used their secret language overtly, and Donatello swallowed with a the sudden knot of implied trust tightening his chest. That had meant something, hadn’t it?
“Thank you.” She let go. “I choose to go back to the house.” Her delicate chin rose with determination and she smiled just enough for her dimples to peek at him. Those dimples were criminally unfair. No wonder Mike put up with her butchering his name.
“Alone?” he asked.
Helen hesitated, but took a deep breath and confidently stated, “Yes.”
After the barn was quiet, he found himself wishing he’d chosen to go with her.
~~~end scene~~~
More about this AU tagged #tmnt chain reaction
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aliaslua · 4 years
Are they?
Leonardo x Reader
Summary: The family it’s starting to question the strange behavior between you and Leo. Michelangelo has a plan to figure everything out.
Category: Fluff
A/N: Thank you once again to the kind nonnie that waited patiently for this! <3 Thank you for the ask, this was really fun to write <3
“What’s wrong with her?” Raph asked impatient after you left suddenly for the third time that week. 
Michelangelo raised his shoulders confused as well. Something was wrong and they all knew it and if nothing was wrong then something was... changed. 
You were always a bit shy, more quiet then loud and very discreet, reserved, but recently your restrainment had shifted into dissipation. It had been a while, maybe three weeks or so, that your visits to the lair started to become more and more scarce and when you came, you spent most of your time quietly blushing while staring at the ground, more than that - all of them realized how giggly you were, and in some days it looked like you were… shining. 
“You're kidding, right?” Donatello raised his brows to the brothers. “You have no idea what's happening?”
“Uuuugh… No.” Mikey said. 
“She’s seeing someone.”
“WHAT” Raph gagged “As in… dating?”
“Why are you whispering? Yes… I think she’s dating someone. Well, she’s certainly spending most of her free time with somebody else and this giggly, shy, nervous behavior it’s exactly how April acted as she was starting to date Casey.”
A brief silence established between then while the idea sinked in. You? Seeing someone? Well, deep down, they all knew that day was coming, you were beautiful, captivating, patient, cheerful… If asked, all three of them would say that anyone would be lucky to have you but the turtles absolutely weren’t ready to deal with all the feelings of having to share you with someone else. What if they weren’t good enough for you? What if they had bad intentions? What if they break your heart? Raphael was deftly ready to kill the next person that made you cry, no questions asked. 
“Hm…” Mikey said suddenly, “...funny you say that.”
“Hm?” Raph looked at him, pulled away from his plains to kill your hypothetical lover
“Well… April only acted like that when Casey was around… But Y/N is like that when she’s HERE… Which means…” He looked at his two brothers gathered around that kitchen table “ONE OF YOU IS A CASEY”
“What?” Raphael couldn’t hide the disdain in his eyes “Whata hell you’re talking about.”
“Well why would she act strange around us if it weren’t one of us, the object of her interest” He said, putting an emphasis in his last far-fetched words. 
That was one of those rare moments when Mikey actually had a point. And a good one. Suddenly, they stared at each other trying to figure out which one of them was your secret lover, the tension started to build as they tried to unveil the truth in silence. 
“IT ISN’T ME.” Mikey yelled
“Stop screaming!” Donnie ordered “It’s not me either.”
“DON’T EVEN LOOK AT ME!” Raph also yelled, ignoring his brothers request “Y/N IS FAMILY TO ME”
“Why are we yelling at each other!?” Donnie sighed, frustrated “This doesn’t make any sense anyway. We have no evidence she’s even dating anyone, even less one of us-”
“Hey guys I am going on patrol…” Leonardo suddenly appeared in the kitchen, sneaking behind everybody else, “Nothing serious it’s just some burglar and… Well, I’ll be back in like an hour or so.”
“It’s day time.” Mikey commented.
“Oh… Uh… Yeah…” Leo gasped briefly “B-but it’s super simple and I feel like going out and… Well I’ll be super careful. See you at dinner, I'll bring pizza.”
He left so quickly none of his brothers had the chance to add anything. The silence that rose in that room was enough to explain anything. 
“You’ve gotta be kiddin me.” Raph couldn’t even hide his jealousy.
You giggled while he held your waist. Hidden on a rooftop far away from civilization and his brothers, you shared a picnic.
“No, Leo!” You laughed again as he got closer and closer, offering that strange delicacy he held with a hashi “It doesn't even look like real food” you added.
The smile on his face was enough to melt everything inside you, “Come on Y/N… It’s so good I swear you gonna like it…” 
You tried to contain your smile but you couldn’t, “Close your eyes.” He ordered, so you did but what came in contact with your mouth wasn’t that strange looking japanese delicacy, but his soft, silky lips. You sighed holding his face closer while deepening the kiss. He was perfect, everything was perfect. He pulled you closer, ceasing any space that was left between you, his body so warm and strong making you feel the heat build between your legs as your tongues danced together in a ritmic fight, the air around you getting ticker. An unwelcoming sound started playing next to you, he broke the kiss breathing hard, grabbed his phone and read the message, giving you a few seconds to recover yourself, recently things were getting serious and you been thinking if you would finally- 
“Y/N…” He said, after responding to the mysterious message (not really… You knew it was one of his brothers and you knew he never ignored them, his dedication to his family was one of the things you loved the most about him) “You know… huh… Everybody is heading to April’s right now…” Was he blushing? “Do you want to… get back at the lair?”
The redness in your face explained well enough how you felt about it. 
You were almost there, walking mindlessly through the sewers. Arms crossed with his, the stroll was slow but you both were anticipating the outcome of that night. It was, after all, your first time all alone at his place. 
“Leo… I was thinking that maybe… We should tell everyone.” You said, finally, trying to end your own anxiety with a distracting subject.
“I know…” He said, opening the Lair’s gate with his digital “I was thinking the same…” He looked at you, lightly holding your face “I love you, Y/N… And I want you to be a part of my life… Of my family.” 
You felt your heart melt and your stomach froze at his declaration. To be a part of his family, his life… That was everything you wanted too. You jumped at him, grabbing his shoulders in a passionate kiss. 
“I love you, Leonardo.” You said, with your eyes slightly watered. 
“Good,” A third voice added, coming from inside the Lair, now with it’s gate opened, you were exposed to a not-so-empty house “Did you bring the Pizza?” Mikey asked, a mischievous smile in his face. 
“I thought you were…” Leo started, his face completely red
“At April’s, you said? Hmm… I thought you were single.” He chuckled, sitting at the couch and turning the video game on “I knew you were a Casey.”
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
For any (or all that you know? 👀) version of Michelangelo:
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
ah yayayay!!
4 other media
Put him in MLP:FIM, he can have a video games cutie mark. I see him being a pegasus. He can have use his nun chucks to redirect tornados. Plus, super speed. And plus plus, baking! Lots of ways for him to have lots of fun in a world like that.
7 something fandom does that I like
It is simply delightful to read about Mikey being an absolute menace. Maybe especially because when I'm writing him I have a hard time coming yo with ideas for what to make him do. It's so fun to see people's creativity! I also love when his sweetheart shows through, he really feels deep and cares lots. And if the same story shows his sweetheart side and makes him create situations I couldn't dream up if I was paid? excellent
12 headcanon
I am not original for this but, genderfluid Mikey!!
21 favorite thing to do when writing, something I don't like
My favorite thing about writing him is how much he's watching and noticing everyone else's emotions. This is such a younger sibling thing. It's different from Leo or Raph worrying about others' feelings; it's like he's watching tv. Not that he's not worried but like. It's like he's the omniscient narrator. I mean he might be wrong sometimes but he's always watching and speculating.
Something I dislike? His brain moves so fast. I have a very Donatello-style choose one thing to focus on and that's my personality now brain, so it's always challenging to write for someone like Mikey who notices so many little things and connects so many different thoughts. Which in the end I guess I also enjoy in that it's very satisfying when I'm done, but the process is difficult
4 other media
oooh I kinda want to see him in like. A Louis L'amour book. Just hanging out being nice to everybody. All the characters comment on his accent. By the end of it they're all talking like him. He can use his grappling hook to confiscate guns and talk to the horses and cattle and dogs and make everyone pizza 😌
7 fandom thing I like
I like in crossovers how everyone always loves him. This is such a true thing. Canon crossovers are wrong there's not a turtle ever to turtle who wouldn't get along with Michelangelo.
12 headcanon
hmm... actually I don't know if I have any. I can see him sometimes being the oldest. I do mean sometimes though,, there are some turtles that have an Age Order and some who are Quadruplets and say what's convenient. But 1987 Michelangelo is the only Mikey I'd see ever being the oldest
21 fave and least fave about writing character
His dialogue is mondo fun to write! Like, majorly good time dude.
as for something I don't like--his dialogue is totally challenging at times amigo!
4 other media
I mean 2012 already put him in so many genres canonically akdjdhaj.
Actually. 2012 Mikey in Snorks. Okay listen it's this cartoon from the 80s, they're undersea creatures the size of smurfs with little snorkels on their heads and flipper feet and they're multi-colored and other than that they're pretty much just humans. The main cast is a group of teenagers who go on various adventures often related to keeping the ocean clean, taking good care of wildlife, or being good citizens of their community, but also just a lot of high school drama and some really random stuff.
They're very silly and I feel like 2012 Mikey would vibe. The fun thing is they can (for some reason) breathe on land, so instead of moving Mikey to there just put the main cast in his room. Him and Tooter would bond instantly. I'm kind of obsessed with this idea now
7 fandom
I don't read a lot of 2012 fics, but pretty similar with 03, I enjoy reading about chaos.
I also love love love when 12 Mikey is shown being protective of his bros. idk if that counts as something 'fandom' does since it's canon, but I do so enjoy fics where that trait is shown.
12 headcanon
Asexual. Remember the ep where he was like 'well I'm never getting a crush it makes you guys act weird' and then fell head over heels for literally the next person he saw? To me (ace lesbian) that reads very much like picking someone to convince yourself you like that way so you don't feel left out. I see him as demiromantic asexual. Unlikely to even come up much in fics but there it is
21 writing
it is more rare for me to write 2012 but I do have some things in the works. I like writing Mikey with Raph. They have a very fun and sweet dynamic. for dislike.. hmm.. it is a challenge balancing his emotional intelligence with his goofy side, I'm not sure why more so with him than the other mikeys? I feel like I always lean too hard one way or the other with him specifically
4 other media
Easy: The Great British Baking Show.
7 fandom
when they give him hand tremors from making that portal in the movie. yessssss
12 headcanon
idk if this is really a headcanon, I feel like it's highly textually supported. But I like to think he really looks up to Leo and tries to act like him
21 writing
it's very fun to write hie explosive he can be! I probably overuse Dr Delicate Touch XD
what I dislike writing... hmm. It can be difficult to write how competitive he is. Very different from how my brain works so it can be hard to tap into
90s movies
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I think this Mikey should be in Friends. I haven't seen a lot of Friends but from what I have I feel like he'd be a fun personality to throw into the mix. Him and Phoebe both thin they're the sane one of the two of them
7 fandom
Love to see incorrect quotes. I haven't seen much of the 90s turtles generally in fandom, but when they make an appearance it's usually either an incorrect quote or a screenshot, both of which are excellent opportunities for Mikey to shine.
12 headcanon
He loves Dinsey princess movies. I mean loves. You can't tell me a guy who randomly starts singing and dancing that often doesn't have a closet full of Disney movies. Musicals as well but he also likes animation. Also Lady and the Tramp and Jungle Book are honorary Disney princess movies to him, in spite of April and his brothers' solid arguments against this. His favorite is Cinderella
21 writing like/dislike
he's kind of low-key for a Mikey, which is both fun and challenging as a writer.
Next Mutation
4 other media
Gummi Bears. They also live underground and try to stay secret. Grammi Gummi cooks really weird combos just like Mikey likes. He and Gusto Gummi would cause very chaos together. Plus there's so much magic elements, which Mikey would find cool because of Venus (and it would also make him extremely homesick). Plus it's a kids' show so they'll have episodes where they learn basic lessons like 'tell the truth' or 'apologize when you're wrong' and Mikey could state the moral on his radio show
7 fandom
allll of the Next Mutation stuff I've read has been you, train, and I gotta say I thoroughly enjoy him and Leo being dorks together 🧡🩵
12 headcanon
He doesn't call Venus 'mutatious babe.' In fact he doesn't call anyone babe
21 writing like/dislike
I haven't written him yet... but it's coming 😈
4 other media
I wanna put this Mikey somewhere nice. Oh I know! Danville, Phineas and Ferb's town. This would be a safe place for him to be out among humans if he wants. He could throw so many parties. And his family can live there too. April could be a den mother (is that what it's called) for Isabella's scout group. Phineas and Ferb and Donnie would borrow parts and blueprints from each other like other neighbors borrow eggs. Leo could shadow Perry! Raph could be a yourh mentor at Kandace's school! And Mikey could work at a pizza place and on the odd occasion when someone comes in like "but you're a turtle?" he'd be like "trust me bro, you're gonna see weirder things than me around here. Just look out the window in 5.. 4.. 3....." And Phineas and Ferb are riding by on hoverboards being chased by a bunch of monkeys.
guys guys guys
"Aren't you a little turtle to be making these pizzas?"
"Yes! Yes I am 😁"
Plus the turtles could also meet Milo Murphy at some point. Michelangelo would be such a good friend to Milo!
7 fandom
Making him and Donnie so close 🧡💜
12 headcanon
I feel like I bring this up all the time, but I'm gonna bring it up again: Mikey knew Raph was the Nightwatcher.
21 writing like/dislike
like: giving him justice. let him yell, let him cry, let him have so much ice cream and pick the movie and get so many hugs
dislike: it actually can be draining to write him because he has so much anger inside that he doesn't know where to put.
4 other media
hmm. again, I want a place where he can comfortably go out whenever he wants. What's a place with a lot of random creaturrrres...
Oh! Monsters Inc! And it could be after the movie so they're collecting laughs! That's his job! aww yis this is perfect
7 fandom
haven't checked out the bayverse fandom much. I like the idea of him and Raph being close, since Raph stood up for him in the second movie (never really got the impression Raph much wanted to be human for his own sake)
12 headcanon
audhd, and also besides self-diagnosing is largely the one to notice his bro's symptoms (Raph depression, Leo and Don both anxiety, idk what else). Even though he doesn't have the language for it, he understands a lot about his and their needs just from observation (it will help them all a lot once they start putting words to it and doing research tho)
21 writing like/dislike
like: he funny 🧡
dislike: sometimes he kinda crude :/
Batman vs tmnt
4 other media
All of it. Let him press. Every button. Every. Button.
hehe the Jetsons
7 fandom
I am getting more and more into Michelangelos where I haven't seen enough art or stories to notice patterns 😅 Love people appreciating or elaborating on his friendship with Alfred
12 headcanon
this Mikey is very close with his Master Splinter 🧡♥️
21 writing
this Mikey is fun because I don't have to think up schemes, just make him touch everything. difficult because there's only one movie of characterization to draw from
okay I am not caught up on IDW by a long shot, and I can't answer most of the questions for him, but
4 other media
put him some place soft. Strawberry Shortcake.
same thing again, but I have one answer
4 other media
Highway to Heaven. Ex-cop goes on the road with a traveling angel. Michelangelo would be a good buffer at times and very funny picking on them both at other times.
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rottmntquotes · 4 years
A Tragic Coincidence
Maybe, if there had been more time, he could have made it. Maybe, if he had taken two more steps, this wouldn’t be happening. Maybe, if that shot had been blocked, tears wouldn’t be falling like they were. Maybe, if he hadn’t frozen in shock, he wouldn’t be standing here on the edge of a five story building, looking down emotionlessly to the exact spot where this goddamn tragedy occurred.
“You should really be at home right now, Dee.” Donatello made no move to acknowledge Raphael’s presence. In less than a few seconds, Raph was standing next to his genius brother, looking up towards the moon. “Though, I gotta admit that it’s a nice night tonight.”
“Yeah, I always did have a tendency to pick the best times to get upset, huh?” Donnie’s question was sarcastic in every sense of the word, and he shifted on his feet, thinking to himself that one wrong step would determine both of their fates. Of course, the Softshell would never jump; his psyche and love for his family were too strong to let him do such a thing. That didn't stop him from thinking of it, however.
“Lemme guess, nightmare?” Raph asked calmly, turning his head to watch for any tense shift in Donnie’s posture. Thankfully, there was none. Only a silent nod. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Not particularly, but knowing you is enough to remind me that I really have no choice.” Donnie sat down midway through his response, Raph following the movement immediately after. “I’m fairly sure you know what it was about, however. The nightmares never change nowadays.”
“Right...” Raph twiddled his thumbs together, the action a bit awkward considering how long his claws had gotten. On any typical day, there would be a loud shout of ‘Hey Raph! Why don’t you go ahead and clip those tiny swords already? You’re gonna kill us, bro!’ and Raph chuckled at the thought. “They really are like tiny swords.”
Donnie hissed at the comment, glaring at Raph with enough malice promise to scare even Draxum. Raph didn’t respond to it, ignoring the act and sighing heavily. It was now clear, Donnie’s reasoning for coming up to this building of all places.
“So, you’re still blaming yourself, hmm?” Raph knew it was best to ask the questions forthright. Avoiding the subject or suggesting things would only make the situation worse. Instead of an answer, Donnie growled, looking back down at the ground. “He isn’t there, Donnie.”
“YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THAT?! I WAS THERE, RAPH!” Donnie stood abruptly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. “I WAS THERE WHEN HE... when he...”
“When he died.” It wasn’t a question. By this point, it had no need to be. Everyone knew what happened to Leo, and while they were still grieving, they were aware of the fact that it was best to accept the truth. “When we buried him. When we watched his coffin be lowered into the ground. When we all cried, begging for him to come back, and knowing that he wouldn’t. When we stood there all goddamn day with false hope.”
Silence was what Raphael earned in reply, and he let his own tears fall. The sight in itself was enough to make Donnie break down, and he threw himself against his elder brother, pleading for any sort of comfort, no matter how weak it made the genius look. Anything to take the pain away, he reasoned, would be good enough.
“I just... if I... oh god, if I hadn’t... if I had just...” Donnie couldn’t bring himself to say any sort of full sentence, all he could do was let out broken phrases, and he hugged Raph tighter with every one. “If I had moved faster... he wouldn’t have... we wouldn’t be... oh, DAMN IT! If I hadn’t just stood there like some sort of idiot, he would still be here! I could have saved him if I hadn’t frozen like that!”
“You were scared, Don. You were shocked, and didn’t know what to do in such a sudden moment. It’s not your fault.”
“YES IT IS!” Donnie pulled away from Raph, his eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying. It was clear that Donatello truly believed what he was saying, and it hurt Raph in every way imaginable that he was unable to figure out why. “Everything that happened that night was because of ME!”
“Donnie, you weren’t the one who pulled that trigger, you weren’t the one who knocked Leo onto the ground, and you sure as hell weren’t the one who finished the job with Leo’s own weapon. No matter what had happened, whether you had moved fast enough or not, someone would have ended up dying. It was a tragic coincidence that it was Leo, and though we all hate that, you did your best to help him regardless, even when you knew it would be too late. Your best was all you could do.”
“Oh yeah? Then how come my best wasn’t good enough?” Donnie’s glare returned, but it wasn’t nearly as threatening as it had been; if anything, it looked like it was coming from a young, terrified child.
Which wasn’t too far from the truth.
“I can’t answer that Donnie, but I can say that it isn’t fair for you to keep blaming yourself.” Raph’s voice was at a near whisper, and he stood up slowly, drawing Donnie into a hug and ignoring the shouts of protest coming from the Softshell. “It’s okay, Donnie. We’re here for you. We always will be. But now it’s time for you to be there for you as well.”
A soft sob rang through the air, and Raph was unsure of whether it was a sign of agreement, or of reluctant acceptance. Either way, Raph took what he could get, and he walked Donnie back to the lair. Granted, they both would be in loads of trouble when they got back home for having gone out so late, but they had a good excuse to get them out of it.
Though it seemed incredibly horrific that their own brother’s death was a reasonable excuse for their recent misbehavior. Even by a villain’s standards.
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