czv-hops-kalos-arc · 1 year
[Insert two pictures: one of Elio on the bottom and the upper statue of the Altar of the Sunne. The second picture is of Elio in the fore ground with an open smile and a thumbs up; Hop is turned away in the background on his hands and knees...lookin like he's not having a good time.] ☀️Ayy we made it!! what was that? 3 hours? not bad!
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gingersnipe · 2 years
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i drew my party’s dwarf barbarian a few months ago! his name is Shrimp Güdfellow and Barovia has NOT been kind to him. still need to draw an updated version… poor guy has lost a lot of things, including both his eyes, but he HAS gained some stuff like an eldritch god cheering him on, a level in warlock, and an unceasing desire for vengeance!!
(yes it’s my fault he’s gone through so much, i love DMing)
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ellstersmash · 7 months
some suggestions for relatively quiet, choose-your-own-stimulation-level hobbies that aren't "sitting in empty silence for hours on end"
going for walks, hiking
gardening (outdoor, indoor, bonsai care)
puzzles (jigsaw, word, brainteasers like sudoku, etc.)
writing (fiction, poetry, song lyrics, journaling)
reading (too cool for regular books? try comic books or magazines)
drawing, doodling, coloring
mobile games or video games
crafts like knitting, crochet, or embroidery
practicing yoga or martial arts forms
assembling lego or no-glue model kits
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garadinervi · 7 months
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Lawrence Weiner, February 10, 1942 / 2024
(image: © M HKA)
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long-hair-rocks · 1 year
Madlena 💉
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masonscig · 1 year
heyy, explaining what i said about the N romance, sorry in advance for the long rant:
i played for the first time w my usual detective in a relationship with nate and thought the pacing and timing of everything was pretty weird. i think the 2 main things people were excited for were the love confession and the first intimate scene, and both of them felt very off to me. like, the detective can say they're in love with them very early, during the combat/ressearch scene, and they don't say it back LMAO... and to me that wouldn't necessarily be an issue if the reasons they couldn't say it were explored, but they're not and there's an option to go down on them/have them go down on you immediately after 😀 like right there on the grass! so obviously that's pretty odd and ooc in itself but there's ALSO the date scene in which they bang the detective on the pool table and leave right after bc they got a call from A to join them on patrol?!?!??
they do end up confessing their feelings in the end and it's cute or whatever but everything just feels kinda weightless. N was always constructed as a very intense and romantic character so idk what happened. i think this whole book suffered bc of the insane amount of branching and it's very evident in this romance, the scenes feel really choppy.
i ended up replaying it without being in a relationship and it was sooo much smoother, only having the option to confess in the end after they do makes a lot more sense and those s3x scenes should just have been saved for other books, period. i did really like the other routes, especially A's, but to me this one was a miss. at least the mc can opt out of everything and wait for the next book lmao
HIIII IM GLAD YOU SENT ME THIS <3 sorry i didn't get to it yesterday! and don't apologize for it being long i loved reading it !!!
god i knew that mc could say "i love you" and n could not say it back – and about the pool scene – and the later confession from n – but like. i didn't have a clear picture of the route itself, and it's coming together and ... not looking so good imo LMAO
what's crazy to me, is that mis/hka created SUCH a good opportunity for conflict in the n route, what with mc saying i love you and n not saying it back – as soon as i heard from a friend you could do that, i was FLOORED and i was so sure that n's route was going to be a favorite. and yet, she completely flubbed it by not giving consequences to decisions. i wonder why she gives players the options to do things that should cause conflict if she won't follow through with it?
part of me thinks it's because of the insane branching, like you said, but also i think that as much as she might try to write varying paths for the n romance, it doesn't turn out that way because she favors a certain type of mc and that's evident in every route i think? like of course there's no way to account for every mc out there – it's not on her if our specific oc doesn't quite fit in the story – however, if you're advertising certain aspects of n's romance like their secretiveness, their intenseness, their guilt, their struggle with humanity, etc etc, and how that would alter a romantic route, then you can't expect every player choosing him for that to just. be okay with random i love you confessions and mid sex scenes that are completely out of place both with the plot of b3 and the timeline of mc's relationship with n?
sorry i'm jumping all around the place (im so bad about that with answering asks LMAO) – but you picked the exact right phrasing: it's weightless. it just doesn't feel like the n romance we were promised from book 1, book 2, the asks, patreon, etc. i don't know what went wrong :/
and dude YES, i was so convinced that mis/hka was going to have each ro's first sex scene be in a different book to add more flavor to each route – and i figured this was going to be f's chance to shine LMAO and that she'd save n's scene for the next book! i thought so much of this book was going to be romantic without sex, but... god was i wrong. i honestly would've preferred zero sex on any of the routes because it just doesn't fit (i could've even justified n engaging in sex with the mc to like. distract them from saying "i love you")
sorry for the essay from me KMDFMKDFKM you've given me so much to think about !! ty again for the ask !!! <333
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soysaucevictim · 1 year
Okay. Gdi, brain.
I'm kind of meh about SP at this pt, for a lot of reasons I don't want to get into. But just had image of Remus aping Stan or Kyle yelling at HKA!Roman, "Oh, my God! You killed Virgil, you bastard!"
But nah, this story is more seriously tragic and don't want that kinda bathos introduced here.
Let's just say it's canon!TL Remus saying that shit.
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machazer · 9 months
Background: WrocLove [Wrocław ♠️]
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deerdeardarling · 2 years
Me trying to explain & make sense of all the made up pokemon lore/aus/headcanons I have in my head to. Litteraly anyone.
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1eos · 1 year
WHY is his ass not in jail yet omggggggggg hurry it uppppp. anyways LETS GO VIRGO SEASON START OF [REDACTED]'S JAIL SENTENCE
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czv-hops-kalos-arc · 10 months
[Incorrect quote]
Hop; training chosen powers: I'M TIRED OF THIS GRANDPA!
Calem; who let him not do anything for a week due to depression: WELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD!!
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ladyoftheweald · 1 year
•°☆A dedicated post for my chosens; past and present.☆°•
•°☆Due to the meriade of posts going by about Chosens and beings discovering them. I dedicate this post to my chosens; both of the past and present☆°•
•°☆I have only had two chosens within my time on earth; and that may be why I feel so connected to them. They both held a part of me, a part I believe none could have held better☆°•
•°☆Tarax; my first chosen. Oh, how I miss him dearly. He was diligent, faithful, and above all brave; he would stand up to any danger without fear in order to protect those he held true to. I remember how hard he worked once he and Lance were crowned. He listened to all of his people with open heart and mind, and I do believe he and Lance secured a long age of peace. How I do wish I could have seen his reign in full, for him to have been celebrated for all his worth.☆°•
•°☆And my current chosen; Hop. I have never felt more connected to a human in my years. He is smart, kind, and I know he hold true loyalty to his region. Even if he does not remember, he is like my own kin. Perhaps that is due to seeing him during his younger years, those memories of which I hold ever close to me. But seeing him again, when the catalyst was due. Oh how it felt to be with my star again! Even afterwards when he proved himself to be able to capture I knew there could have been no other. When I've seen his bright eyes I can see Tarax within them; and I hope after his return from his 'venture in Kalos I will be able to see myself in them. And although I can feel a mist of uncertainty; I know he will return victorious, and we will be together again.☆°•
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baeshijima · 2 years
SOPHIEEEEEE I just wanna drop in to say hi ily okay i hope u have a good day wojdksnskwjd (im so sorry fo everything, mostly for disappearing, but im glad that ure still here, i rlly do, ty for being so sweet to me 2 years ago when im still active here i rlly appreciate u <333 i will make my comeback next year but i just wanna say hi to u first in advance <333)
- Hikari aka Riri 💖💖💖
RIRI OMGDHKJASA HELLO HI MWAH ILYT I HOPE UR DOING OKAY AS WELL????!?!?!?!? and pls dw about disappearing i totally understand 😭 we all have our own lives to deal with and thats the top priority !!! i hope everything goes well for u next year and ill be here waiting for ur grand comeback <3333
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Bia Davou, Serial Structures, (ink, graph paper), 1978 [M HKA Ensembles, Antwerp. © Bia Davou Estate / National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), Athens]
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long-hair-rocks · 1 year
Madlena 💉
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masonscig · 1 year
different anon from the 'writer rant' one but it did bring up a topic i find fascinating in fandoms like this re: copaganda and the like. prefacing this by saying that i in no way support cops or think this is a realistic way of portraying them. with that in mind, i feel like there's this common hang up in series like twc where the MC is some sort of law enforcement equivalent - whether its an actual cop or some ancient/medieval/future/alternate universe equivalent - people get frustrated when you aren't able to rebel against that enough. and this isn't just a twc thing either, i've seen the same kind of points made for all kinds of IF games. and like, i get the desire to and how most people would make their OC's decent enough people to recognize that kind of corruption for what it is, but if you're signing on to be a character that by default is in a law enforcement/adjacent position, and has some sense of pride in it, i'm not sure how the author is expected to properly account for that perspective that completely opposes all that.
like, in twc the MC almost always willingly signs on to the force, and even in the 'do it or go to jail' origin they still take pride in being able to help people now despite the circumstances of them joining up - any option to be extraordinarily wary of the agency or cops in general contradicts that unchangeable part of the MC's backstory and identity. and i get your point about mish/ka making an idealistic utopic version of things, but i don't really know what else is to be expected in a series that's effectively set up to be a supernatural crime romance? i don't want to make it sound like the frustrations/concerns are invalid because they're not at all! but i feel like by now the role law enforcement and the like plays in the detective's life is so established people have to suspend some of their beliefs about it to play a series that's always had a pretty pro-law enforcement concept/theme. idk if that makes any sense but thanks for letting me ramble
hey yeah no problem! my inbox is always open for rambling – i love to read it!
i see what you mean and i agree w you to some degree, but also, like i don't think it's a lot to ask of mis/hka to both be critical of c*ps in the story while also allowing the mc to be critical of them too. my criticism is less that this is c*paganda, because yes, any media that humanizes c*ps functions as that, but regardless of that, there should be some level of scrutiny from mis/hka's end.
the point i'm making is that mis/hka could've made ab*se of power an overarching theme connecting humans and supernaturals alike, by leaning into the idea that "c*ps are corrupt, and so is the agency – no matter if you're human or supernatural, any structure meant to protect the people is going to be corrupt because people naturally ab*se power" but she's not doing that. i highly doubt that she's playing the long con.
she's teasing the idea that the mc can have thoughts about hating their job and their position, can be afraid of supernaturals, can be reluctant to join the agency – so, if mc is allowed to do that, then what's the point? is it leading to anything? is the agency corrupt? are the c*ps corrupt? from mis/hka's asks, she insists that the agency are good people (and by default the c*ps too). so then, 'why even give us this road if it's not leading anywhere?' is my question
like regardless of if she wants us to read this as a utopia, it's not. if mc shoots a du mortain, it's just "more paperwork" – don't really spend too much time thinking about the fact that what mc perceives to be is a human was shot by them. just as example. mc can literally choose in b3 to wipe bobby's brain – a c*p actively silencing a journalist (whoa we haven't seen that anywhere have we!). not to mention the like military grade stun volts that agents can just have and use on people. (also the t*rture.) i could go on forever but you get what i mean
again, i really do get what you're trying to say, but saying "this is c*paganda, what do you expect" and shutting down all discussion about expectations of the series isn't really the best way to approach it imo. you can and should examine media past the surface level thought of "this is c*paganda" – yes, we know that. you should counter with, and here's why! and as for what i expect – nuance. i expect a nuanced approach.
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