mouseonvenus-main · 21 days
Dreamer (2024 ver.)
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2021 Original below
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hiiemal · 11 months
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AAHHHHHHHHH i don't expect i'll post very much, however
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passionatememes · 9 months
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butch swag or whatever
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bluewonderer · 1 year
get to know your tumblr friends ❤️
Rules: (If I tagged you, please do not feel obligated to do this) tag some (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below! — tagged by @saucepans
Last Song: Banana Boat (Day-O) by Harry Belafonte - Welp. I promised myself I wouldn't lie, so take a good look at me being a dork. (It's on my Liked Songs playlist lmao)
Three Ships: I actually really love gen fic in my current fandom buuuuut also: ZoroxLuffy from One Piece, almost anyonexLuffy (my fandom bicycle 🥰), and OliverxBarry from Flarrowverse because I still love them so much. (But seriously, I don't know how I ended up in such a chokehold by One Piece, but here I am.)
Currently Reading: Slewfoot by Brom on audio. I'm going to finish it today I think and I CANNOT WAIT.
Last Movie: In theaters? One Piece: Film Red (in November 2022 😂). At home, Slumberland on Netflix (I loved Little Nemo when I was growing up!) I don't watch movies much lately.
Craving: Not a day goes by where I don't crave cake with a big ol' glob of rainbow-colored buttercream icing all over it.
I’m Tagging: @lucide-dreamer-dreams because hi! it's been a while! @bestwishesattheendoftheworld @strawhatsoraya @hyperbolicreverie @swordsmans @onepieceloverandwriter @sapphicsimping @late-to-the-fandom and I'm getting self-conscious about pinging people so whoever wants to do this PLEASE do it and tag me!! ❤️
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waruihoshi · 1 year
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xtoyourgravex · 1 year
The dean muse is back my dudes
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savaralyn2 · 4 days
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debonair-pompadork · 19 days
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I’m a normal amount of excited for this announcement (lying)
WE ARE FINALLY GETTING THE LAD LOCALIZED AND IN HD YEEHOO!! Though at the cost of him being named useless whiner…
(Semi-spoilers under the cut)
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I’m VERY excited to see these two again. My wonderful friends 🤲
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sleepyeurypterus · 3 months
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i crawl back into her embrace
warm and sticky and red
the taste of iron tainting
every ragged breath i take
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transphilza · 2 years
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i missed drawing him :(
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sophfandoms53 · 2 months
I’m reading through the DuckTales pitch files and I’m racking my brain rn tryna figure out how Beakley and Webby just straight up didn’t exist for awhile and how June (specifically for some reason) was originally the 4th kid who found out she was related to Scrooge (though it’s not treated like a big twist, sounds like something she just knows) while also still being Daisy’s niece and then this entire character was scrapped but this backstory somehow ended up being Webby’s and Webby ended up being April instead with May and June as her clones I-
It’s a lot LMAO
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sightofsea · 7 months
end of the year reclist
well!! the year is winding down and I read some good stuff on ao3. here are the highlights.
Good Omens:
Ut It Tempus (Or: Muriel's Wet, Wild, and Very Hot Summer Weekend) by Oatmeal Addiction
just recently read this one so it goes on the top of the list!! incredibly funny, great muriel character study, some of the funniest prose out there. it genuinely feels like you're reading a continuation of the book, which is just such a cherry on top of everything this fic has to offer.
a rarer height by @hyruling
this was the first fic I read post series 2 that scratched that itch i get for good go fic. the atmosphere it creates is lovely, like a little blanket to wrap yourself up in. the way it jumps back and forth through time is amazing. the characterization is so good--I'd been waiting for a fic where the way they fight felt natural and HOOOOO boy did this deliver like a swift kick in the nuts. absolutely a post series 2 classic.
puttin' on the ritz by @moonyinpisces
what can I say that hasn't been said already. it's funny it's hot it's glamorous they are so unbelievably stupid for each other it's amazing. I think about it every time I order a drink with a maraschino cherry.
Just Once More by NaroMoreau
TIME LOOP FIC!!!! that's all I can say. what a great character study and what a great means of utilizing time loops for character development. absolutely lovely.
Drinking Buddies and Diaries by dove_dove
on my life this is probably one of my favorites of all time. perfectly imagined series 3. perfectly imagined muriel and crowley shenanigans, perfectly bitchy aziraphale, with a wonderful small study on food symbolism to add to the cherry on top. lovely.
I'm the treasure baby, I'm the prize by stereobone
crowley works at a brothel and hypnotizes men into thinking they're having sex with him so he can therapize about aziraphale to them. that's it. that's the story. it's perfect
come as you are by fruitygoblin
this one made me cry buckets for very personal reasons but also I think it's a very good character study of aziraphale and it also does something lovey stuff with food symbolism.
(Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea by DiscordantWords
I finally read this one after meaning to get to it for years (I love the author's other works) and uh yeah. yeah. great exploration of grief and somehow successfully makes things make sense after whatever all that was.
Old machines by applecrumblecore
I love fucked up middle aged men and I love how this seems like a totally plausible way for them to get together.
Howler Tone by baffledbear
I love fucked up middle aged men and I LOOOOVE fucked up codependent self destructive tendencies displayed through impromptu phone sex. Or whatever.
Red Dwarf:
Learning to Lose by komodobits
listen. technically I read this last year and technically I made myself promise not to put any WIPs on this list. but it started updating again and also this fic was made for me. Its a blades of glory au and it's so deliciously funny and sucks you in so fast. it's crazy. I've pulled all nighters over it. it's literally the two stupidest things I love with all my heart smashed into one. it doesn't get better than this.
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kritterscribbles · 1 month
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I've been meaning to for ages now but I kept getting sidetracked by other things, but it's done now and I'm super happy with it!! A couple design notes just bc I want to set my thoughts down somewhere:
Given that my Shadow is based in/on the canon from Hitoshi Ariga's manga, that's the design I pulled from and based this off of. However, considering Shadow is supposed to be stealth unit, the brighter, cream-colored accents from both the classic!verse and Ariga—while nice—kinda scratched at my brain wrong? So I tried to keep the design, but darken the colors.
Muffler is red because this ref is post-Stardroid Arc. Before that point he still had his blue one, and I like the idea his new red is somewhat of a tribute.
Yes, that is a hip chain. Yes, those are piercings. While I'm not entirely sure when he got each of them, I think he had them by the time of the Stardroid War.
Eye makeup I am also unsure about, but that's only because i need to figure out if it's printed on his skin or it's something that will eventually need to be re-applied.
Extra sketches n stuff under the cut:
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From left to right, top to bottom: Uncolored Kuiperdroid concept, what his body looks like under the armor, A closer look at his piercings, and back engravings I was toying with.
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michaelarkwright · 1 year
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this is how the world duel carnival arc felt like to me
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waruihoshi · 8 days
Bonk :D
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