#HESTIA Lighting
twojewnetrza · 1 year
Jak ważne jest odpowiednie oświetlenie w naszych wnętrzach? Sprawdź, co oferuje marka HESTIA Lighting!
Jak ważne jest odpowiednie oświetlenie w naszych wnętrzach? Można z łatwością zauważyć jak kojarzone jest ono z wygodą, relaksem i estetyką. Przy budowaniu przytulnego miejsca dla nas lub naszych gości ważne jest, abyśmy dopilnowali każdego szczegółu. Dodatkowe oświetlenie to jeden z nich, który wpłynie na komfortowe i przyjemne odczucia. Jakiego rodzaju oświetlenia szukasz? Jeśli szukasz oświetlenia oraz mebli do aranżacji swoich wnętrz, nic nie może Cię lepiej oprzeć niż lampa stołowa o prostym, nowoczesnym wyglądzie. Firma HESTIA Lighting jest autorem tej wyjątkowej lampy, która swoim użytkownikom zapewnia wszystko to, czego potrzebują. Lampa stołowa HESTIA Lighting to prosta, lecz stylowa konstrukcja, która została wykonana z metalu. Dzięki takim materiałom jak aluminium i stali, jest bardzo wytrzymała i odporna na zarysowania. Oświetlenie tej lampy jest wyjątkowe, ponieważ jest ono wyposażone w energooszczędne diody LED, które pozwalają cieszyć się długotrwałym użytkowaniem bez konieczności wymiany żarówek. HESTIA Lighting to firma rodzinna, która działa na rynku oświetlenia od ponad 7 lat. Specjalizuje się ona w produkcji lamp stołowych, podłogowych i wiszących, a także akcesoriów do wystroju wnętrz, takich jak lustra, zasłony itp. Wszystkie produkty wykonane są z wysokiej jakości materiałów, które gwarantują trwałość. Firma skupia się na jakości, bezpieczeństwie i designie, tworząc wyjątkowe produkty, które szczycą się pięknem, jakością i funkcjonalnością. Niezwykła harmonia i wyważone proporcje są czymś, co wyróżnia produkty tej marki. HESTIA Lighting nieustannie wzbogaca swoją ofertę o nowe produkty, które są dostosowane do potrzeb jego klientów. Linia oświetlenia jest stale udoskonalana i rozszerzana o nowe, innowacyjne produkty, które łączą praktyczność, wygodę i styl. W ofercie znajdują się zarówno lampy wiszące, ścienne, stołowe jak i podłogowe. Każda z nich charakteryzuje się oryginalnym i wyrafinowanym designem, a także wysoką jakością wykonania. Dzięki temu możesz cieszyć się pięknem i komfortem w Twoim mieszkaniu. Lampy i oświetlenie od HESTIA Lighting są stworzone z myślą o wszystkich tych, którzy cenią sobie wygodę, jakość i niepowtarzalny wygląd. Zamontowanie lampy HESTIA Lighting w Twoim domu sprawi, że stanie się on miejscem, w którym chciałbyś spędzać jak najwięcej czasu. Tworzone przez markę lampy i oświetlenie są zawsze doskonale wyważone i idealnie wpasowują się w przestrzeń. Przy wyborze mebli i oświetlenia do swojego mieszkania, warto rozważyć produkty tej marki.
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olympianbutch · 11 months
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I am so incredibly charmed by the makeshift altar I fixed on my desk 🫶🏻😭
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hanzajesthanza · 15 days
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happyk44 · 1 year
PJO: we need to recognize the value of the minor gods. The Olympians are important, sure, but the minor gods do a lot of work in maintaining and assisting the pantheon, have their own kids and deserve to be seen and valued just as much
HoO: Back at it again with Olympian-only nonsense!
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caduschka · 6 months
So I've been wondering and I'd really appreciate some other thoughts on that matter.
Are COTT Hera and Zeus only married or also related?
Hera never makes any reference to Cronus as her father or vice versa. I know it's probably done so that they don't have to confirm anything either way. But I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
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old-school-maidden · 3 months
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Original board on Landing
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hyac1nths-sunshin3 · 22 days
Hearth and home
Hestia came home, Apollo smiles on
The warmth of the sun as you venture
The coziness provided when you're home
Roe deer and piglets curl up tight
Watching and guarding a gentle heart
The hearth of the soul, the sun of the life
Plated in gold, a reformed heart on fire
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lovenpeace-pkmn · 3 months
Unfortunately Hestia may now believe that N can turn the sun on and off.
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diaryofaphilosopher · 8 months
“In [...] houses or apartments, the television and computer now stand in for the hearth of antiquity. The Hellenists taught us that the household in classical Greece was watched over by two deities: Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, at the shadowy, feminine centre of the house; and the outward-looking Hermes, god of the threshold, protector of exchanges and of the men who monopolized them. Today the television and computer have replaced the hearth. Hermes has taken Hestia’s place.”
— Marc Augé, Non-Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity.
Follow Diary of a Philosopher for more quotes!
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clare-with-no-i · 2 years
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PJO / half-blood AU | jily ficlet by clarewithnoi 
for @thegobletofweasleys​ Jily Week 2022! love this prompt!
James Potter really has no manner of luck at all, which he explains to his girlfriend as they duck-and-cover behind a collection of empty bins in a London alleyway. It comes out a bit whinier than he meant it to. In front of him, the ground explodes.
“You see?” He rolls backward and then gestures, flailingly, to the new crater in the cobblestones.  A meter to the right would’ve blown a hole in his favorite pub. “I’m cursed, or something! Look at how close that was!”
Lily rolls her eyes. She’s braiding her hair back with something thin and golden. It reminds him of Ariadne’s string, ever-bright, the tether through the labyrinth. When he asked her about it on their first date, she simply smiled coyly at the reference, green eyes crystalline and gleaming. Everything about her shines. She’s holding a thin kopis between her teeth, celestial bronze.
Gods, he thinks, completely inappropriately and a little dangerously, you’re so pretty.
A low, earth-shaking howl pulls him back to the present.
Right. The Hellhound.
The thing currently interrupting his very meticulously planned date-night.
“I’ll take right flank,” Lily calls from behind her stack of wooden crates. “Will you cover me?”
Bit of a stupid question, that. James would run blind into Asphodel if she wanted him to.
But, in the interest of clear mid-battle communication, he affirms, “’Course I will,” before reaching into the back pocket of his trousers to close his fingers around the small Ray Bans case he knows will be inside. He sees Lily nod out of the corner of his eye.
“Brilliant,” she breathes, and he watches through peripheral vision as she rolls her shoulders the way she always does before a fight, like she’s unknotting the fibres of her muscles, coiling them in preparation. Shaking off one version of herself to mould into another.
Really, he thinks again, really pretty.
Eyes refocusing on the Hellhound—which is, at the moment, dragging one massive paw through crackling pavement, making James wince, because some unlucky civil servant is going to have to deal with that tomorrow—James opens his specs case and feels it shift and morph in his palm, growing, rematerializing in a half-second. Two porcelain horns connected by a taut string. In the center, a golden inscription, carved divine and pristine: S. O. A.
Son of Apollo.
Dad’s always had a bit of a flare for the dramatic.
He draws the bowstring of his arcus and watches an arrow shimmer into existence between his fingers.  It notches soundlessly.  At his back, the weight of a leather corytus quiver lands against his white button-down. It’s probably going to leave a substantial sweat-stain in the July heat, but that’s just another occupational hazard, James supposes. He leans back onto one knee, foot tucked behind him as the other leg plants in front, and takes aim. The muscles of his back shift and stretch. Familiar, well-trained.
A quick verse flits through his mind as one eye closes.
Father Apollo, I pray to You, all-seeing guardian God, be gracious to me and protect me. Let this arrow fly true. Let me protect her and myself.
“Ready when you are!” he calls.
Lily takes a deep breath and crouches, preparing to charge. She whispers something he can’t hear—behind her, nearly grabbing his attention, an oil lantern springs to life and bathes the alley in an orange-warm glow, and James watches as Lily’s lips still before rising into a pleased smile, her eyes alight.
Hestia is never really too far away, and never one to withhold a blessing.
“After this,” Lily says loudly enough that he can hear, and the Hellhound’s ears perk, its red-eyed gaze shifting toward her immediately, “let’s get a kebab and call it a night, yeah?”
James lets loose his first arrow. It flies straight and gorgeous, a spear of gold in the blue night. It catches the hound’s left paw and the beast yowls, shaking the ground. It whips its head back toward him.
He takes a second to send Lily a grin. Her mother’s lantern-glow casts her into shining relief, and a flash of light off of the dagger in her hands slants across the corner of his specs.
“I’d say you’ve got yourself a deal, beautiful,” he says.
She’s still smiling, red hair braided like a Huntress and a goddess, when she lunges.
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spirit-whump · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Thor (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Nyctophobia, Childhood Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Protective Thor (Marvel), Original Character-centric, Panic Attacks Series: Part 8 of whumptober2023 Summary:
She’d woken up on the floor of the cockpit and found herself bound, on a vessel she didn’t know how to control, in the middle of space in territory she didn’t recognize, with three strange men who were all much bigger and much stronger than she was. Trying to fight them off was simply not an option.
So she didn’t try. Not at first. Not until one of them finally realized she was awake and dragged her down to storage and she found herself being pushed towards a small metal cage in a pitch black room.
Hestia didn’t realize she had dug her heels into the ground until the man had to get in front of her to pull her into the room. Into the room with no windows, no lights, just pitch black darkness.
 whumptober2023 no. 11: “All the lights going dark and my hope’s destroyed.” | captivity
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sending a thousand thank-yous and hugs to the absolutely amazing and wonderful @rainbowratsstuff!!! this is one of my favorite Hestia pieces ever, and i fully recommend commissioning her if you're able to!
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mariagreenwoodart · 3 months
Here are all of my fortnite OCs (that I've drawn digitally)
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Image 1: Fauna
Image 2: Hestia
Images 3 & 4: Gemma
Image 5: Amelia
Image 6: Echo
Reblog if you want to know more about a specific character 😊
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sweeethinny · 2 years
WIP Game
thank yooou @theresthesnitch <3
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
one word one fic ²
wildflower 17
you will be my enemy until i say otherwise - and i will never say
ginny solo
hestia girly girl
bachelor party
James was made
hestia has sex
no pressure, and if I haven't tagged you and want to, feel free!
@startanewdream @starlingflight @gryffindorhealerer @secretkeeper13 @ginisbetterthanfirewhiskey @pottermum @constancezin @magic-girl-in-a-muggle-world @mppmaraudergirl @tumbledfreckles @clare-with-no-i @clarensjoy @celtics534
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You know, considering my genuine suprise at enjoying night vale as a whole and my respons etc my friends play, I think it's probably best if I put this episode off until tomorrow morning. I am not good at dealing with scary stories and mom probably doesn't want me raising the electric any higher
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sntoot · 2 years
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every day i practice drawing to make sure emet selch looks as disgruntled and displeased as possible. also to make sure hythlodaeus is as pretty as can be
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