killuaisaprincess · 1 year
Boyfriend Sweater
G-Gon… thinks he’s cute… r-really?
“R-Really? More than that stupid squirrel?”
He’s not jealous of a dumb animal!
H-He’s not…!
Gon chuckles, and Killua pulls his hands away, pouting.
“Of course! Much, much cuter!"
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
What to Expect When Your Lab Experiment Drinks Formula
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A continuation (Mini fic Ver.) fic of what I made for Rook, HERE
| Synop.: You and your lab partner make a mistake in your potion, one that comes out looking strangely like it's related to you.. |
Characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Floyd Leech, Sebek Zigvolt, (Rook Hunt) x MC
Warnings: Suggestive (Floyd), Angst (Sebek), implied light manipulation (Malleus)
Scroll Farther Alert! There's a narration cut for the second part of each fic after the first portion. Don't miss it! Each ends with fluff. Sebek's is long, fair warning.
You're trying to make a simple transformation potion, aging up a tadpole to a frog, when you add the wrong ingredient, and use one drop too many on the poor tadpole. The result is a child that looks eerily like the two of you...
Azul Ashengrotto
"Holy-- great sevens, Azul, is that a child??"
He holds it up a foot away from him, equally baffled.
"Don't ask me! You're the one who insisted on using the wrong ingredients!"
"You were the one who picked those--"
"WAHHHHHH--" The baby flails its arms and fusses at your petty squabbles.
You turn your attention back to the small creature, looking disoriented from being held so far away from any solid ground.
Azul's watching too, as the child seems to scold you both with an oddly knowing glare that could kill.
You've seen that glare before--
"Azul, am I crazy, or does that thing look like you??"
"Weh." It motions towards you as Azul looks over it.
"Gracious, so it does. And it looks like you too. Look at its' nose and eyes."
You come closer to look, but the baby seems intent on having you hold it, squirming out of Azul's hands.
"Ahem, I believe the little one wants you--"
He pushes the wiggly baby into your arms, taking the moment to reposition his glasses, which had slid down with nervous sweat.
"I'll go talk to professor Crewel, there is undoubtedly something he can do about this."
Malleus Draconia
"Child of man! What is that you're holding?"
"Um... it was supposed to be a frog...."
Malleus takes it from you, holding it cautiously. The little baby he holds has soft black hair, slit-pupiled eyes the same color as yours, and suspiciously familiar shorter horns. It coos at him and motions to his horns with curious, grabby hands.
"Whatever we did, we must have touched it at the same time, Tsunotarou... Because it looks like a mix of both of us."
He puts it on the back of his neck with his arms up to support the chubby infant as it grabs at his horns.
"Hm. It's quite cute, Child of man. We can keep it in Diasomnia if Ramshackle doesn't have the capacity to care for it."
You stare on in disbelief.
"It's... its a frog with a transformation potion... we can't keep it, Malleus!"
He frowns, taking the infant down from his shoulders and cradling the small bundle to his chest.
"The potion had birch seed in it. The transformation is permanent; so I don't see a reason to get rid of it."
Malleus smiles, tickling its chubby cheeks.
"There's no way it's totally permane-- Wait. Didn't you have me add some of those ingredients? Did you know this would happen?"
Malleus is suspiciously silent.
"I'll go ask professor Crewel if there's a reversal." He sighs, handing the baby to you and moping all the way to the desk.
Lilia Vanrouge
"If you wanted a baby, precious, you could've just asked--"
You nearly slap him. So cocky, when there's a baby that looks suspiciously like you and Lilia on the table where a grown frog should be.
"Sevens, Lilia, this is not the time--"
He chuckles.
"In my defense, I told you not to use a sprig of pine."
You splutter, lost for words and flustered. The baby certainly seems to share Lilia's sense of humor, giggling mischievously at your flustered expression.
You pick it up before Lilia can, determined to barge straight into professor Crewel's office if you had to to get an answer on what this thing was.
"Heh, MC, the baby's smiling at you--" Lilia calls from a distance. You look down and find that the baby is indeed wholeheartedly excited that you're paying it attention, reaching its chubby arms up to feel your face and grab your nose.
"Aww.. so cute," You whisper, blowing a stray breath into its face for amusement.
"I heard that!" Lilia shouts from the table. "Don't go getting too attached now. I'm not raising another child, darling."
"Shush! I'm taking it to the professor right now, you have nothing to worry about."
Floyd Leech
Floyd is whirling the baby around in excited twirls.
It's a very cute moment, but you're still baffled at the little creature's existence-- since it very much didn't exist about 10 seconds ago.
"Floyd, I'm pretty sure that's just an oversized tadpole..."
He stops in mock offense, thrusting the baby into your face.
"Does this look like a tadpole to you?? Unless you're suggesting that we both look like tadpoles, in which case, I'm taking offense because this baby looks like us."
He puts it down to play with its tiny legs.
"Look, shrimpy! It's going for a walk--" He pauses to think. "A sky walk!!" And continues to make the little one's legs 'walk'.
While Floyd is busy making baby noises to amuse the child, you're panicking. This potion had birch seed-- an ingredient known to make transformation potions permanent, if you remembered correctly.
"Floyd, c'mon, give it here, we need to take this to profess--"
"NOO we'll keep it!!!" Floyd holds the baby tight to his chest. "It's wayyy too cute!"
You pry the baby from him reluctantly.
"We cannot just keep a child, Floyd, it's not an animal--"
"If you take this one I'm just gonna make another one!!" He cries, moving to grab another tadpole from the tank.
"Well don't take my little sea-star then!!"
You sigh.
"I'm almost 100% sure this is permanent anyway, but neither of us are in a position to care for this baby. We might as well take it to the professors and see if they can do something. We can't just hide the fact that we accidentally made a baby for our final project anyway---"
He mutters something about 'could've made a baby other ways, but it had to be the boring way', but allows you to go with the little one, who coos in your ear.
You hear a clatter.
Sebek Zigvolt
"Human, explain. Explain----"
The baby bites his finger, which apparently was pointing at it too close for its liking.
"Ouch--! What do you think you're doing, little tyke? Do you think that just because you're an infant that you have an excuse to bite a retainer of the great Waka-sama??"
The baby looks blankly at him.
"You can't scold a baby, Sebek." You scoffed, bouncing the child on your hip.
"Fine! But you still have to explain why this child has my hair and eyes and....-- isn't that your nose?" He looks momentarily horrified as he comes to the conclusion you came to minutes earlier.
"For goodness sake Sebek you're shouting right in our baby's ear--"
He's babbling nearly incoherently at this point, and you have to stop the baby from attempting to bite him again out of what you can only assume is annoyance.
"...I would NEVER have a child with a lowly, magicless human, this CANNOT get out---"
Sebek stops talking for a moment, ears ringing.
You, too, are shocked.
"Sebek.. if it's not your child then I have ANOTHER auditory atrocity of a person to avoid on this planet."
"I'm taking it to professor Crewel."
"I think that's wise."
You/ your lab partner take the child to professor Crewel, who determines that it is in fact a permanent transformation, and that biologically the baby is as much yours as any other naturally born to the two of you.
Azul Ashengrotto
"Are... you ok, Azul? You've been staring into space for a... ahem, awhile."
The baby crawls around the the VIP Room of Mostro Lounge, bumping into walls. You suspect it may need glasses.
Surprisingly, the baby seems well-tempered, unless you have the misfortune of holding it the wrong way or otherwise inconveniencing it, to which it seems highly irritated.
However, it was one 'just like your father' comment that sent the already figity Azul into an unresponsive state.
"Was, um.. was that too soon?" You ask tentatively.
"..Yes.. yes, I think it was." He responds distantly.
"Azul, it's gonna be ok. We'll figure it out." You get up from the floor to hold his hand.
He meets your gaze, eyes sharp and calculating.
"Yes, of course we'll be fine, how could we not be? Finances are no issue and we could always hire a babysitter and.... well, it's not that. It's just a lot to take in."
"Today's been wild," You agree softly, gently picking up the baby to put it in his lap. "But I'm here for you."
You lean down to the baby's level.
"We're here for you, little one."
Malleus Draconia
"I still CANNOT believe you knew, Malleus--"
You're still squabbling with him pointlessly, even though the damage is already done. You can honestly say you've well warmed up to the baby, and Malleus seems to be doing worse than you on the details, having apparently very little idea how to care for a child other than playing with it.
"I'm sorry, Child of Man. I didn't know it was permanent," He insists calmly, but you don't quite believe that.
You sigh. He can act clueless as long as he'd like, but the overly exuberant smile on his face while interacting with your child says more than words.
He picked up the baby and put it down on his bed, already having sewn little, special pillows for the baby to sleep comfortably with its horns.
"You better be a good dad, you hear me?" You say, less threatening that you thought it would come out.
He beckons you over to the bed to lay down next to your baby.
"I will, Child of Man, I promise."
Lilia Vanrouge
You knock on his dorm room door, baby on your hip.
"So..um.. bad news, Lilia... it's perman-- Are you having a party?"
He shoos out at least 10 members of Diasomnia.
"I know, dear. Unfortunately I didn't realize what you had done in time to stop you. So I was having a little 'last moments of freedom party'. How sad, and Silver was essentially all grown up now.. Well, what's another 16 years?"
You're speechless. You had kind of forgotten that he was Silver's adoptive father.
"I'm... sorry, Lilia, I should've payed closer attention to the instructions and I screwed up--"
"Hush, it's fine. It's not the end of the world."
He takes the baby from you.
"I already brought in an old cradle and some food for our little one, see?"
He points out an old wooden crib next to his bed.
"Wow... you're.. so prepared, and I haven't even thought about that stuff.."
He smiled at you, nuzzling the baby's cheek a few times simultaneously.
"I'll admit, it got me a little excited. I didn't think an old man like myself would get the chance to raise a child of my own flesh and blood. But never say never, I suppose. You have nothing to worry about, precious. What you don't know, I have already experienced."
"...Thank you for being so understanding, Lilia."
"Of course, dear, after all, we're a family now."
Bonus the one stipulation is that you will not and will not ever share the cooking duties with him. Silver makes you swear by it to avoid his own childhood traumas for his younger siblings.
Floyd Leech
You brace yourself for the inevitable flurry of excitement before knocking on Floyd's door.
"WHERE'S MY LITTLE SEA STARRRRRR~~~~" You hear from the other side of the door before the door flies open. You hand the baby off to Floyd, who's more than ecstatic.
"It's permanent," you sigh, hoping he's listening. "We have to take care of the baby now--"
"WheeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEE" Floyd runs back and forth across the small room with the child, making faces all the while.
"Floyd!" You scold, finally breaking his stride.
"Ehh? I hear you, shrimpy, how can I not? It's ok, I have a plan. We'll love this baby with our whole hearts!"
"...That's the plan?"
"I spent two hours thinking of it, do you like it?"
"That child cannot stay here," A smooth voice cuts in. "This room is much too small for the two of us, let alone a third."
"Oh, hey Jade, didn't see ya come in," Floyd remarks casually. "And obviously I've thought of that. The baby will live in Ramshackle, because there's more space. It just needs some touch ups to be babyproof, is all."
"Touch-ups? It needs a whole remodel."
Floyd grins.
"Got an idea, shrimpy. Transfer to Octavinelle! Then the baby can share a room with you and we'll all be nearby!"
"Oh forget it, I'm asking Crowley to help me improve Ramshackle. Until then, you'll have to deal with the living arrangements." You put your hands on your hips and give Jade a look that means you'll raise hell if he doesn't agree to you and Floyd's half-baked plans.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt, so long as it was temporary."
Floyd's excitement leads to him jumping on you.
"D'ya hear that, Shrimpy? That means you can stay here too. And we'll be one big happy family."
Sebek Zigvolt
"Sebek?" You gently knock on his door, after having been told he'd been doing nothing but pacing around all evening.
"Sebek," you call again, a bit louder.
The door swings open violently.
"What?? Who dare disturb my-- oh. Human." He ushers you into his room swiftly.
"You still have the child? When does it leave?" He asked quickly.
"It doesn't," You said bluntly, putting down the freshly bathed and swaddled bundle onto his bed.
"Don't touch----! Ugh.. Besides... What do you mean, 'it doesn't'? It's leaving, I will not have that thing associated with the Zigvolt name just because of some lowly human's stupid mistakes!"
If you weren't so exhausted, you would be shouting at a decibel rivaling his own.
"Sevens, Sebek, it's permanent, no way around it. I can't go back in time and change this-! You were the one reading off the ingredients anyway, how dare you blame this on me?" You challenge.
"Ah-ahh.. Well, why didn't you check yourself?? Do I need to do everything for you!?" He crossed his arms.
"No, but you do need to do your task, and competently!"
That seemed to shut him up.
"W-whatever. I cannot be a proper retainer to--"
"Fine. Then don't raise the baby at all, I'll take care of it. I never said you had to involved."
"...I.. Human, I didn't say that." His tone seems to soften. You know he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders in his mind but you still find it hard to excuse his poor behavior.
He sits down next to the baby, picking it up at arms length.
"It's cute, just a bit. But I pity it.. it has even less faerie blood than me."
"Is that the heart of this?" You question gently, knowing it's a sore subject.
"Yes, I suppose so.."
"Sebek. Your heritage doesn't define you, and it won't define our child. You are an amazing, devoted person, and you've worked hard to be the person you are, and that's really all that matters. You have no reason to be upset, or worried. We can make this work, I promise. And I promise that I'll there to help you get through this. That is, if you're willing to."
He sighs, taking your hand.
"I fear I am diluting my sullied bloodline more than it already is. The Zigvolt family works with the royal family as their right-hand consults and guards. It's been that way for generations. But who would want a fae so adulterated with human genetics by their side?"
"I don't think that's true. If you really think that's the case, then why is Silver allowed to train as a protector as well? Malleus and Lilia are equally respectful of you both. You don't have to give up your family's title and honor just because of this."
He stiffens, a proud smile on his face.
"You are right, human! I shall not let this get the best of me. I will raise my child to be as dutiful as me!"
You laugh, relieved that he's warming up to the idea of having a family.
You kiss him on the forehead, giving him a hug that encompasses the baby in the middle.
"I'll work hard at being a good father, I swear on it."
-June 30th, 2023
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satorisoup · 2 months
erm hi fwendss ^_^ this is gonna be like… a bit of a question but also a wittle bit of a rant… m’ confused ehehe T^T in tha small font cuz… s’ embarrassing for me… sniffles sosbsbs !!!!
b4 i start here are tha main components of da topic at hand : talks of little space, mentions of toxic ex bf, lots of typing quirks, some selfship stuffs, and wanting to feel more comfortable in my space without makin’ anyone else weirded out… needin’ advice methinks /nf
so like… i didn’t know that it wasn’t necessarily considered “normal” (?) to like… wanna be treated like a child sometimes… ?????????? (՞߹ - ߹՞) n e ways…
i’ve avoided dis topic for shosho long bcuz… i didn’t wanna be viewed differently n’ i didn’t wanna lose any of my cutie mooties or sumthin’ :< … but sometimes i rlllyyy wanna post how m’ feelin at tha moment but i don’t want anyone to be liek… “ lene never posts stuffs like dis” or “ why is lene talkin’ like dis” or “ lene is actin’ weird” yeah…
yeah n’ like… the thing i imagine tha most with my f/o’s is… them holdin’ me & rockin’ me like a baby or something… cuz s’ just so comforting :< n’ i want them to take care of me… and stuffs… and do fun tingsss like !! i wanna watch my favorite cute show wif them and ramble about it while they nod their head and tell me m’ so smart… MWUEHE dis is so embarrassin’. omigoodness…
which dis also might explain why i usually type wif lots of cute little quirks if anyone was wondering abouts dat… right now i’m feeling extra cutesie so m’ usin’ LOTS & LOTSSS ehe !! ^_^ it’s very comfortin’ to me so… yeagahshdb !!! :,>
dis alllll leads to my question… what would this be considered ?? :”0 is this weird… fwieeeeendsss :< i dont know wat to dooo… someone hold my hand or something i might cry T^T
when i was datin’ my ex (bad, yucky guy… nunu…) i do remember feelin’ little (?) at times… n’ wanting to feel comforted in a way that he couldn’t provide mefinks… like. sumtimes id hold two of his fingers wif my hand and he’d shake me off n’ stuffs… or when i wanted him to cuddle or hold me at all, even in a way dat was “normal” he wouldn’t… ehe… n e way… he did lotsa stuff that kinda made me feel wantin’ to be comforted more… but he was the cause of me feeling sad and i didn’t know what ta do… m’ very glad he’s gone :> there was too much pain in dat relationship… i wasnt ever comfy… n e way. i know kou wouldn’t ever dream of doin’ that stuffs to me… but i want to cope like dis… it makes me feel happy T^T
if i started typing more like how its comfortin’ to me… or if its a bit more quirked… would you be mad :< not all da time… but ya… ive always held back on it cuz… i didnt wanna seem weird or nuffin… sigh </3
will probs delete this tomorrow but !! i wanna know what ta do for realsies… this isn’t considered little space right ?? what is little space… :0 cuz if its when you feel younger than you are at times… yeah *nods* i fink. m’ sho sorry is this weird of me… :,< i dont wanna make n e one uncomfortable or something… oki. anyways…. WAHHHHHH !!!!!
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any ways— to distract myself from dis ramble… look at my pwetty kiri (っ⸝⸝⸝ <) i wuv his hair like this shosho much… i just wanna smooch his cheeks :> nomnomnom !! (*ᴗ͈ ̫ ᴗ͈) his teefies… ehe :,> he’s so manly n’ strong… i want him to hold me mwuehe !! :3
sometimes i js wanna post abouts how much i wuv my sweetie pie shoto… n’ how i want him to smooch m’ cheeks ehe… or about kou :< my precious kou… s’ also why in all my selfships my nickname is usually sumfin’ along the lines of “baby”… ehehe ^_^
n’ i really want katsuki to hold me n’ rock me to sleep… s’ that weird ?? it might be out of character but… i like to imagine it mhm mhm :,>
or sumtimes i wanna play wif satoru… n’ be silly while he feeds me sweets n’ calls me his pwetty sweet princess :< andand there would be lotsa cakes !! and strawberries !! m’ favorite !! >//<
n’ i rlly love imagining gettin’ all dolled up in pwetty sundresses n stuffs dat choso likes :> n’ havin’ him hold my hands in his… ehe
ohoh !! and… holding two of sugu’s fingers wif my whole hand… :< n’ makin’ pinky pwomises… ouh… how cute… m’ kicking my feetsiesss !! ^0^
or ume holdin’ me like a princess… n’ lettin’ me watch as he cuts his veggies to make me a snackie… cuz he knows i wuv veggies… mhm :3
m’ sorry… gots a bit distracted thinkin’ bout all the stuffs i’ve wanted to say b4… ehe….. (つω`。) i couldn’t help it !!
anyways, goodnight friends :> if u see dis & i delete it… yeagh… comments or askies r definitely appreciated sniffle :> im supa curious EEEK !! m’ shy excuseee me >//<
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vtoriacore · 1 year
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WAAA IM GLAD U LIKE HIM!!!1 he quite literally skates throughout the lounge’s waiting area with little roller skaties, would probably try to cartwheel onto one
generally his interactions with Azul r either very affectionate or buggy, sometimes he’ll just linger around him or stuff, sort of like a barnacle or parasite that’s clutched on. Other times he’ll try to do things to catch his attention, such as causing chaos in the kitchen or lounge on purpose. When they were kids, I like to think that he used to knock on Zul’s octo pot until he got out or said hi to him :3
for the tweels he follows them around like a little duck waddling after it’s mother,
With Floyd he’s very rough housey!! As in ‘tackle hug at first sight, I will shove you onto the ground and give you the biggest squeeze ever’,,, definitely wrestle together but they’re generally good siblings! Lyn often tries to muck around with him during lounge shifts
With Jade, he mostly asks him to help him with his hand writing or speech, (as I’m a firm believer in the coral sea having a different language n such,,, clicky clicky Mer language makes the brain go yippee). Sometimes he’ll even ask to go hiking with Jade, or hunting for pretty shells.
Onto that!! Lyn will sometimes wander back through the mirror after going for a few hours, completely sopping wet, there is kelp in his hair!!! Sand in his clothes,,, but look he got you a shiny thing!
IAODNAKKDF IM GONNA FUCKING LOSE IT THATS SO CUTE !!! BRO COMES BACK AFTER A DIVE WITH KELP IN HIS HAIR AND THEN YOU PULL OUT A STARCONCH OR SMTH FOR GOOD MEASURE. I'm adopting him by the way he's so precious he's so cute he's so wahhhhhhh crying crying crying he's such a little menace a little gremlin child I love lyn bro !!
AND HELLO HIM AND FLOYD LOW-KEY PLAY FIGHTING? THATS SO CUTE !! i can imagine the chaotic sibling intercations and Azul just being like "just don't break the tables . . . " Knowing he cannot stop them in the lounge and JADE TEACHING HIM MER LANGUAGE YESSSS (I also believe mers have their own diff languages and that they just adopted more commonly spoken human ones for trade reasons and such :3) and him coaxing a shy little azul out of his octopot because he wanted to say hi ??? TEARS IN MY EYES GOD DAMN IT THATS ADORABLE??? ik Azul would only be pretending to feel annoyed but considers lyn like an actual close person to him wahhhhhh !! until he destroys the kitchen maybe ? that'd be so funny. and oh my god esp if he teamed up w floyd to mayhaps cause some chaos ???
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Ooh I know ur probably busy but I was just about to go to sleep and I got an idea. One bed trope with stsg :) I think it would work best with teen stsg, maybe ur all childhood best friends (glad to know I’m not the only one here that’s a sucker for that one :,3) and ur families have all gotten together for a big event and decided to go on a vacation abroad but they’ve booked a separate hotel/apartment room for the three of u to stay in by yourselves!! …and have also failed to mention that it has only one bed. A king sized bed, sure, but still only one. I think it would be a little awkward at first maybe…. Just while ur all getting used to it… and then suddenly it’s late at night, satoru is in his digimon pyjamas and kicking off the sheets because he’s too hot and just clinging to u like a koala <33 hair all tousled and sleepy and big arms and legs just keeping you in an iron grip,, :3 And then sugu on the other side who I feel like would snuggle up against your back and reach an arm across to be able to feel satoru too, just to know the both of you are there and he can keep u guys safe..: SOBSSSS !!! I am an absolute believer that if you were really close to them like. BEST BEST friends close and they both had feelings for u they’d just take any opportunity they could to show their affection for you without exposing that they like you because you know!!! You’re super close, it’s totally normal for best friends to be affectionate and loving with eachother!!! They’re so funny I can’t 😭 like if u say to them “hey we’re kinda affectionate with eachother considering we’re just friends” and they stare at you like ur delusional and r like nonono wdym…. You’re crazy… insane…. It’s totally normal to kiss your besties and hold their hands THEY MAKE ME GIGGLE SO BAD The sillies ever… I love them im gonna bite them :(( — stsg anon !! :3 <33
STSG ANON HAVE I MENTIONED THAT U BRIGHTEN MY DAY SM i was just abt to go to sleep too but i HAD to answer this right away bc it made me feel so soft !!!! T_T perfect timing hehe i will in fact dream abt this <3333
FIRST OF ALLLLLL NEVER HESITATE TO SEND UR THOUGHTS MY WAY PLS i’m not kidding when i say they warm my heart sm!!! u are my number one stsg dealer <333 i’ve been busy lately BUT hopefully it’ll calm down soon hehe so pls dw !!! :33
BUT OKKKKKK LET’S GET INTO THIS stsg anon u always know the way to my heart!!! fellow childhood friends lover….. u understand me….,.,, NO BC THIS WHOLE SCENARIO IS JUST SO PRECIOUS AND SOFT AND I’M SOO :((((( sniffle . one single cuddle pile with them would fix me entirely i think… i just know they all had the best sleep of their lives
and then suddenly it’s late at night, satoru is in his digimon pyjamas and kicking off the sheets because he’s too hot and just clinging to u like a koala <33 hair all tousled and sleepy and big arms and legs just keeping you in an iron grip,, :3
WAHHHHHH I SMILED SO WIDE READING THIS HE’S SOOO CUTE PLS 😭😭😭 THE DIGIMON PYJAMAS ……. canon to me btw AND CLINGING TO U KOALA STYLE :(((( little eepy clingy baby boy. i always adore ur take on them stsg anon they always feel sooo in character… his long limbs just enveloping u 😵‍💫😵‍💫 satoru uses you as his personal plushie so true!!!! i just know he’d refuse to let you leave in the morning sugu literally has to pry his hands off you LMAO he just wants to sleep in and cuddle all day…… 😔😔
And then sugu on the other side who I feel like would snuggle up against your back and reach an arm across to be able to feel satoru too, just to know the both of you are there and he can keep u guys safe..:
AND SUGUUUUUU you know me and my sugu bias stsg anon 😭😭😭 I MELTED INTO A PUDDLE I NEEDDD YOU TO KNOW HOW INSANE UR SUGU THOUGHTS MAKE ME LIKE …… the way he’s such a caretaker :(((( needs to feel you so he knows you’re both safe ….. sighhhh. he’s a big cuddly protective doggy …. i love him……. also i dunno your thoughts on this stsg anon but i personally hc sugu as having insomnia :’3 or just general issues falling/staying asleep!! but i feel like he would be able to sleep well — or at least better — when he has you both in his arms….. :(( he needs his babies close !! you’re his emotional support !!
sigh sigh sigh. can u tell this made me a lil crazy … just the thought of him being your personal back warmer T_T…… caressing toru’s arm… listening to his snores and feeling your breath mellow out… just lying next to you both while you sleep and it almost brings him as much comfort as if he was the one sleeping….. :’3 hhh.
like if u say to them “hey we’re kinda affectionate with eachother considering we’re just friends” and they stare at you like ur delusional and r like nonono wdym…. You’re crazy… insane…. It’s totally normal to kiss your besties and hold their hands
AND THISSSS BUAHSHAGSH CANONNNNN GODDD THEY’RE SO SILLY?????? just casually gaslighting u 😭😭 THEY’RE SPITTING THOUGH nothing cozier than spooning the homies to sleep <333
i deffff agree that they would use their bestie status as an excuse to cuddle up to u btw especially satoru… suguru is a lot more sneaky. i feel like if you were dating someone and they got upset at how close the three of you are sugu is the type to wrap an arm around your waist or play with your hair and just give them this condescending look…. telling them that you’re best friends, of course you’d be close!! maybe they just don’t trust you enough. PHDJDH HE’S SO … scummy ….. but in the sweetest of ways……
ANOTHER BANGER FROM STSG ANON this one made me feel so fuzzy and cozy!!!! i hope you have the coziest snooziest sleep with the sweetest softest dreams 🫂🫂🫂 this made me melt into an actual puddle i’m gonna daydream abt satosugu w the one bed trope all night <333
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If your taking any more requests for the t-word could you do Royality? If not it’s fine! I hope you have an amazing day!
- ✨anon
of course i can!! and awww thank you! that’s so sweet! i hope you are, too 🥺💗
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
by the breadth of a hair, it’s got to be patty-cakes 🥺 he just sounds like he’s having such a good time!! watching him laugh is like watching a baby smile- you can’t help but smile back. it’s so happy and joyful and his giggles are absolutely precious and it’s so so so sweet how much he loves it, he gets so excited and couldn't disguise it if he tried... SAYING THAT, roman’s laughter is also wonderful. loud and happy and unapologetic, but in a dorky kind of way that makes him a lil bit embarrassed but also he’s having too much fun to care
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
honestly, i don’t think they’re super ticklish in any unusual places! but the insides of patton’s thighs are really sensitive, and roman loves to lay on top of his legs, wrap an arm around his knees, and go to town with his free hand squeezing up and down and trying to get to the slightly chubbier part on the inside because it makes patton wheeze with giggles agshgdsfhh. naturally, he has to seek revenge by enlisting the others’ help to hold princey’s arms above his head whilst he goes through all of the silly tickle games (counting his ribs, singing nursery rhymes, etc. etc.) 🤷‍♀️
EDIT: I FORGOT THAT I SAID PATTON HAS TICKLISH ANKLES! another spot roman loves to exploit ahsjghfhgh but this is way more gentle, sometimes patton will crash on the couch for a little mid-afternoon snooze and roman will pull his feet onto his lap and skitter his fingers around his ankles and up the hem of his pants and make him snuffle and squeak and giggle in the half-sleepy state where he’s awake but too tired to really move or bat him away 😭
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
roman! he can reeeeally throw a tantrum when he wants to lmao, but usually it’s only over something trivial because he’s the resident ✨drama queen✨, so patton takes it upon himself to put a smile back on the grumpy prince’s face by wrapping his arms around him and cuddling/tickling/babbling nonsense into his ear until he can’t help but burst into cackles wahhhhhh
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
they are both CONSTANTLY doing this to each other omg their playful energy is seriously the best i love it so much ahshghfghh. roman’s worst spot is his armpits, and patton’s belly is a close second to his thighs, so how could either of them possibly walk by without taking advantage? i can imagine patton being all mischievous and teasy like ‘kiddo, if you wanted me to tickle you, you should have just asked!’ and before roman can even begin to think about defending himself patton has started scribbling under both arms and he’s folded in half with a screech LMAO but then roman won’t even say a word, he’ll just shake a hand against the fleshy part of his stomach and patton will shriek and roman will be like ‘whaaat? it’s so cute! i’m just giving it the attention it deserves!’ and leaves him with a poke to the bellybutton 🥺
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
as dad of the mind palace, it’s patton duty and honour to know everybody’s tickle spots and which to go for in any given situation. i feel like he has a sixth sense for guessing where everybody’s worst spots will be, and it’s yet to fail him ahshshfghh he just knows lmao but also!! i feel like maybe for he and roman specifically, he would invite himself to the imagination one day and see that roman was working on fencing technique (as all proper princes should), and patton can tell he needs a break and so is like ‘wanna duel with me for a little while, kiddo?’ and roman is kinda confused but hey, why not? so he agrees and patton snaps his fingers and suddenly his sword is gone and the ground is covered in pillows and blankets and patton tackles him to the ground and roman realises that he never clarified what kind of duel patton meant, but can barely squeeze a word in edgeways as he tickles him within an inch of his life. then, they cuddle, and THEN, it’s patton’s turn, and they’re left a breathless pile of giggles by the end of it all hehe 😌
6. Who can’t take tickle bites?
PATTONNNN they make him squeal like nothing else, and roman loves it. it’s especially amusing, because he isn’t all that ticklish around his neck/ears, only enough to make him chuckle a little bit, so being able to get patton somewhere he knows he can’t get him back is really satisfying. but he shouldn’t hold his breath, because patton will probably surprise him one day and pin him down and do the same to his ribs and launch him out of orbit with how bad it tickles ahshgdhfjgh 😭😭
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
this could go either way: roman could burst into patton’s room and bounce on his bed and squeeze any bit of skin he can get at under the covers, begging him to come and do something with him, OR patton could slide into roman’s room and settle on the edge of his bed and gently run fingers through his hair and down his back and sides, creeping them slooowly up his ribs before suddenly going superfast like he’s heading for his armpits but stopping just before and making roman scream ‘I’M UP, I’M UP!’
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight?
lmaoooo neither of these two have much of a tolerance built up, they’re usually the ones tormenting poor logan and virgil, but roman’s is MARGINALLY better than patton’s- plus he’s super strong- so he’s often able to turn things around and hold patton down and get a really good spot that has him crying for mercy (which is a feat in itself, since he loves it so much ahshdgh). but generally it’s a 60:40 split- patton can give just as good as he gets and knows exactly how to make roman squeal 👀
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
patton is quite content to just lay there and be tickled without causing that much fuss ahshdjfjgh but roman is deeefinitely a kicker unless you pin him lmao he’s so squirmy!! he’ll twist and wriggle and try to go for the other person’s spots as much as he can because he just can’t. sit. STILL
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
i feel like patton catches onto when roman wants tickles pretty quickly and so will generally give them to him if he wants it (unless he wants to be a teasy nightmare and make him ask for it hehe), which usually results in roman getting him back which is great!! but also sometimes the tickle monster wants tickies too and so patton will occasionally ‘make himself available to be tickled’ (very different to asking for it /s) by stretching his arms up or shoving his feet into roman’s lap or giggling a little too hard at a funny joke/line on a show so roman will give him what he wants ahshdjfjgh (which he always does, because his efforts are genuinely adorable and he couldn’t just NOT reward him) 🥺💗
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erixyin · 4 years
Idk where i saw this but i need to write my own
MLQC Boys React - MC wearing their shirt/tshirt as a dress in public.
Note: have been dating for a while, like 6 months?
A little NSFW but not too bad x
You had stayed over at his for the weekend and now it was Sunday and you had run out of clean none-casual clothes. And you had forgotten to pack any with you or go shopping because you had been very distracted all weekend. By victor without a shirt on wahhhhhh
You rummaged through his closet quickly. Boi was already at work he had a 6am meeting. You dont know how he has the energy to do that. You would literally die if someone said you have to be out of bed before 6am
He looked at his long fancy shirts and you had an idea. You grabbed the one that felt the nicest and that was not the boring grey shirts he usually had. It was a purple silk shirt and it came down to about your knees. MC is so small.
Little did you know that that was literally one of the most expensive shirts he owned...
You sinched it in at the waist with a belt you had worn over the weekend and put on some gold earrings and necklace. You finished the look with black tights and your black doc martens, PRAYING that no one at work would mind that you looked more SMART CASUAL than SMART.
You thought u looked hella cute in the mirror so u went to work at 9am.
You had forgotten you had a meeting with Victor at 11am.
he did a double take when you walked into the room.
He squinted at your “dress” and you could tell he was going through his memory bank of where he had seen it before.
“Is that... new?” He asked eyeing you every so often before glancing back down to your weekly report
“Uh... yeah relatively. Do u like it?” You asked innocently batting your eyes.
“Where’s it from?” He passed you back your report, forgetting to give any negative comments unusually. He thought you looked hella cute but he totally wasn’t going to tell u that.
“I-I can’t remember.” You blushed hiding behind the report a little.
He stood up and leaned against the front of his desk, now towering above you casually. “I thought you had enough clothes, without needing to borrow mind”
Ok. Now you were bright red.
“D-d-do you not like it?” You stammered and then flashed him a cheeky smile, “i can take it off and give it you back”.
Victor’s hear stopped momentarily before going “Dummy” and patting you gently on the head.
You walked out of his office 2 hours later feeling on top of the world. that’s not the only thing you were on top of
Mr CEO was surprisingly in a good mood for the rest of the day and even gave Goldman a small smile. GOLDMAN IS FREAKING OUT.
It had been a last minute decision sleepover... totally innocent absolutely nothing happened what are you talking about.
Lucien had already left for a lecture he was giving at the university. You had promised to meet up with him once he had finished his schedule.
Now you totally COULD simply go back to your apartment and pick out something you’d worn a few times and Lucien had seen you in. OR you could actually conduct an experiment of your own and make Lucien hella blushy - even if boi went a little red it would be a triumph in himself. BOI HAS A BETTER POKER FACE THAN VICTOR HOW
Being a little bit devious you decided to raid Lucien’s closet. BOI LIKES TO BE STYLISH
He has everything coordinated by colour and by season/activity. Jumpers go in the bottom right next to the winter coats and shirts were hung up towards the left for those “casual days”.
Boi doesnt own a tshirt, he only knows smart casual and smart. Loungewear? Sweatpants?? Boi has never heard of em
Most of his clothes were black and white with a tad bit of grey and brown in there but you found at the very back of the wardrobe a white shirt with pink butterflies patterned over it. Masculinity is so fragile, let the man wear pink. He can OWN it.
You decided to go for it and match it with thigh high suede wedges to give yourself a little extra height. You sinched it in with a simple black studded belt and added nude tights. You put your hair up into a “cute messy” bun and popped a pencil in to keep it in place. You paired it with a little black satchel and “natural” makeup with maybe a red lip tint? Lucien likes a red lip and you can’t tell me otherwise
It was about 2pm and you decided to head over to the university. A little spring in your step.
You knew his schedule by now so you knew he’d be in his office round about now. You checked the times 2:30pm. Half an hour before his next and final lecture.
You entered his office, you didnt need to knock anymore. He knew it was you. Students would always giggle LOUDLY outside his office before knocking. Mainly female students and you PRETENDED not to notice.
He could totally tell you noticed and were trying to hide it
You saw him tapping away on his computer, eyes lost in data.
You plopped your bag over the sofa and walked over to his desk. Kinda annoyed he hadn’t noticed you but also kinda excited because of the build up?
He had a light smile on his face, “Hello MC, i was expecting you a little lat-“ he glanced at your outfit. Boi actually halted his sentence. You were delighted.
You saw the tips of his ears turn pink. successs
he gulped and brought a hand up to his face as his eyes looked at your outfit in detail before looking you directly in the eye, a michevious look on his face, “i haven’t seen that shirt in a very long time. Have to say, it looks better on you”. He watched as you leant over the desk resting on your elbows.
“I think the thigh highs are a nice bonus” he said making it very obvious at where he was looking.
“What time is your next lecture again Luci?” You asked sweetly, leaning over to boop his nose gently.
“Actually my last lecture had to cancel due to some strange unforeseen circumstances”, he said typing the email as he spoke.
“Isn’t that lucky?” He chuckled while glancing at the office door
You gave him a brief kiss on the cheek, “very lucky”
He didn’t make it to the 3pm lecture
He had left some of his clothes at yours before heading out on a mission. He’d been gone for a few days but he had called and said he would be home soon. Weekends were usually spent with you waiting for gavin. He had promised he would stop going on big missions now he had something to come home to.
You kinda got bored waiting for him, because he said he’d be home today. You had told Eli that if he came back with a new bandage you were going to kill him and make him sit in a salt bath. Eli knew you weren’t joking.
You decided to pull out one of the many tshirts he had left at yours. It was an old rock n roll band tshirt. You didn’t know them too well but Gavin had liked to listen to their music every now and then. He didn’t wear it that often anymore, it was a bit too tight on him since he had bought it in his college days.
You had washed it already because you sometimes slept in it. You had been binge watching DIY youtube videos all day when you had a great idea. You really liked the look of the cut out ladder look the girl had done in her youtube video so you decided to do the same. You grabbed a pair of scissors and got to work.
You also decided to give the thsirt a little bit of a v-neck but leaving a piece around the neck for that fake choker look. You looked at your handy work and decided you really quite liked it. The back wasn’t too exposed because of the laddered look but you could always wear something underneath like a mesh top.
It came down to just lower than your thigh. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Considering it was the only piece of clothing you had on right now besides your little running shorts, you thought you looked really cute.
You spun around happy when you saw gavin staring at you COMPLETELY RED outside the window.
“Gavin!” You squealed excitedly as you went to open the window and let him in.
The wind blew underneath your dress/tshirt a little to lift it. You quickly pulled it back down.
Bird cop has stopped working
“You look...” Gavin stood in front of you staring at you. You could see there was a new scar on his neck and arm but no bleeding on any of his clothes.
“I’m so glad you’re home!” You wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his scent
He hugged you bag but went even more red - is that even possible??? - when he felt that the back was laddered and an entrance to your bare back.
“Um you look... very cute” he was now imaging you wearing all of his clothes. Boi was beetroot red someone help him.
“I could pair this with some denim shorts and it would be a date night outfit yeah?” You said taking a step back and spinning round for him
MC why u wanna make this precious boi jealous?? XD
He pulled you in for a quick kiss, “no this is just for me. You’re mine. No one else can see you looking this...” he paused as his ears started to go red again, “good”
Safe to say you didnt kill him for discovering he had several bruises across his back. BUT MC U SAID NO BANDAGES OR BLEEDING SO TECHNICALLY ITS FINE
You had woken up super late - like 11am - after gaming and doing other stuff.... all night. Your body still kinda hurt and ached a little... clearly from doing all of that just dance marathon stuff. If you think kiro isn’t a just dance kinda man i will fight you
The bed was more spacious than normal and you didn’t have a cute blonde cuddling up next to you. Odd. You looked over towards the bathroom but the light was off.
God what day was it? You reached over sluggishly to the bedside table and looked at your phone. It was Wednesday but thankfully you were having a week off after finishing a big project with Kiro’s help.
You had worked the hardest with the late nights and the weekends you had sacrificed. Anna and Kiki thought it was best for you to have a little holiday.
You stretched and sat up. You looked around. Kiro’s jeans were gone and phone. Maybe he had gone to the shops?
You honestly couldnt remember if had anything in his schedule today. Even though he was taking a mini holiday himself - you both timed it perfectly - he still had to do interviews here and there to make Savin happy.
You rubbed your eyes. You didn’t remember where you’re clothes from last night were but they were in NO state to wear. Clearly because of all the sweat from just dance AND NOTHING ELSE ;)
You opened Kiro’s walk in wardrobe. You lazily looked for something to just wear so that you could walk round the house, comfortable but not just nude. Kiro’s house was big and Savin had a key
You picked up a signature yellow and white tshirt that Kiro often wore to events and fan signings. It matched his hoodie but it was perfect for the warmer weather.
Boi was only a few inches taller than you so it JUST came to below your butt. You’d have to bend from the knees and not the waist. Unless you want your butt to be on show.
You found some black unused underwear and popped them on. You debated onto weather you could be bothered putting socks on or not. Then you remembered that Kiro had central floor heating so nahhhhhh
You wandered round the house looking for Kiro. Your bare feet making a gentle thudding noise across the marble floor.
You gave up home when you couldnt find him in the games room or living room so you decided to go get yourself a snack.
You walked in and froze as you saw Kiro. In front of a camera. A LIVE camera. And Savin sat just out of frame.
You just remembered that wednesday afternoons were the weekly Kiro livestreams.
Boi instantly caught your eye and then looked at what you were wearing - barely anything
Whatever he was saying before he was silent. Boi was SHOOKETH. He COUGHED LOUDLY and went a bright scarlet red from his neck to his face.
The livestream chat was going mental as they couldnt see you from the camera angle positioned on Kiro’s face. They were wondering what he was getting so worked up about. It was a really good job that the camera could only see from the waist up
“H-hey guys, sorry I’m gonna have to cut the livestream short.” Savin had his head in his hands, “I’m just not..” he stole another glance at you while you were trying to reach the top of the shelf where the cookies were and his tshirt lifted up higher exposing more. “I’m just not feeling too good.” He chuckled bashfully as he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed.
The chat soon filled up with #get better soon kiro as well as #curiouskiro was trending. Some people speculated that Kiro might have a lover. The fan theories went mental.
“I’ll see you guys next week bye!” And the livestream ended. You blushed as you saw Kiro’s gaze and you crunched on your cookies while looking at the floor.
Savin got up to go and leave and sort things out for Kiro online, to make ensure his reputation wasn’t going to fall because of this unexpected situation.
“Thats my tshirt!” He said as he came over to you still red
“Yeah... and?” You mumbled a mouth full of cookies. Thats not the only thing your mouth’s gonna be full of in a minute miss chips - I’m sorry please forgive me i had to XD
“Miss chips is not allowed to look that good” he whined, “i was doing an interview, i was gonna be back in like half an hour and you looked so peaceful-“
You pressed a finger to his lips to shush him, “well we can still go back to bed now...”
Boi picked u up and carried you upstairs, bridal style.
A week later you made your relationship public. At first the fans were a little upset but then soon adored you when you revealed a little of why Kiro was so blushy the previous Wednesday. #blushyboikiro was trending for a MONTH
BONUS: Shaw:
He had to rush off to his exam in the morning after promising to meet up afterwards for breakfast/lunch
This was at 8am. [bitch you aint getting out of bed at 8am on a day off? Beauty sleep is very important]
His exam was three hours long [the pain of uni exams, i get you Shaw i get you] and you woke up at 11:39
You scrambled for your things but the night before outfit was not really brunch appropriate so you settled for something a lil more casual [and devious]
You grabbed one of his favourite tshirts which fell down to your mid thigh, and cut a slit at the bottom and safety pinned it together [ya know for that EDGY look] [i dont know what the kids are up to these days but i saw my friend do it and she’s cool so]
You grabbed ur cropped zip hoodie, put on some thigh high stockings, put on ur black boot heels from last night and you were ready to go. [you also sprayed some perfume on ur neck, wrist and garter while u were at it. LOOK SIS YOU DEVIOUS AND U KNOW THAT SHAW LIKES IT]
You rushed out the door and thankfully the subway wasnt busy and you got there just as the doors opened and the students came plodding out. You stood there with a coffee in your hand and the other one twiddling your hair in an OH so cute way. [you know how to look cute mmkay]
Several students walked out through the doors but you didnt end up seeing him. Darn you for being so short.
So you sat down on the low wall near the university’s fountain. Your little safety pin glistening in the sun and the tshirt putting your garter on show. [we like that casual but i secretly put in loads of effort kinda vibe]
You started scrolling through Moments incase he got out early but the shitty university wifi meant that it wasn’t refreshing. Furthermore the sun was shining in ur eyes so you couldnt really see much even when your phone was on full brightness
Then a tall shadow blocked the sun and you looked up and saw Shaw stood over you with a sleepy but piercing gaze.
“What are you doing wearing my Black Sabbath Tshirt?” He looked you up and down. Boi was clearly shook but he was damned if he was going to let you know this. Even though you already knew this.
“What you don’t like it? How did your exam go?” You said getting up to give him a quick hug. You knew Shaw had expressed he wasn’t a fan of physical affection but he secretly enjoyed the odd hug/hand holding or head scratch from you. Though he would never share this
“You really think you can distract me from your lazy sense of style?” He raised his eyebrows and looked you up and down again. You could see the twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
“Your rebelliousness has rubbed off onto me” [in more ways than one] you gave him a little spin raising your arms a little so that the top of the stockings and garter would come on show.
You could see that his nose went a little red along with the tips of cheeks. He coughed and placed both hands on ur arms firmly. “Let’s go get something to eat.” He swung you around so that you were now walking back to the subway, with his arm round you.
“But this is the way home...?” You started as you turned to look at his face, still walking
“Well we’re skipping straight to dessert” you could see the glint in his eyes and you allowed yourself to be lead.
Now that thsirt was his absolute favourite, especially whenever you decided to surprise him with it after an exam x
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
“Y-You’re really gonna stay on the couch… just-just ‘cause I yelled at you…?”
Killua picks at his nightgown, tears in his eyes.
“No, no, baby-”
Killua cuts him off, hiccuping.
“I-I know I got mad at you ‘cause my favorite ice cream ran out… and-and you couldn’t run to the store and get any… and… I-I blamed you for us running out… and…”
Killua sniffs, and Gon stares with worry.
“Hey, hey-”
Gon tries to comfort Killua, only for Killua to cut him off again.
“I-I know I told you to sleep on the couch, but-but you’re not actually going to, are you? I-I want my Gon…”
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killuaisaprincess · 8 months
polka dot
Gon moves his hand out, catching him, and Killua grips his finger.
“Wow! Careful.”
Gon hums with a concerned smile as Killua glances up, the tips of his ears red as he slowly lets go of Gon’s index finger.
Killua’s wings flap twice in quick succession.
Gon stares with his mouth open, and his face feels warm.
Killua’s so cute…
“You sure do get excited about fashion, don’t you? Almost as excited as you do over chocolate.”
Killua humphs, sticking his nose in the air and folding his arms across his chest.
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
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killuaisaprincess · 8 months
“Eh? That looks cute on you, Killua.”
Gon’s voice draws him out of his reverie, and he squeaks, stumbling back.
He pulls the hood down as far as he can, pouting.
“Y-You can’t just come in here while I’m changing!”
Gon opens his mouth, lifting his hand.
“But you’re already dressed, and we’re both boys-”
A pillow hits him square in the face and then flops to the floor.
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killuaisaprincess · 11 months
Big Blues
“Of course, your knight will beat them all up if they make fun of you.”
Killua stiffens and grips Gon’s shirt with his small fingers.
“Gon, you’ll go to jail…”
Gon hums as if he’s actually thinking about it.
“Yeah! But no one hurts you and gets away with it!”
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killuaisaprincess · 9 months
cinnamon bun
He doesn’t mind when Killua smushes his cute little nose to his chest and gets snot over his tank-top because it’s adorable, and he wants to do anything he can to take away Killua’s worries.
Protect him.
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killuaisaprincess · 9 months
Disinfectant and Band-Aids
“S-Stop making fun of me, idiot Gon!”
Gon shifts Killua so he’s holding him with one arm and carefully slips some of his hair behind his ear.
“I’d never. I just know how worried you get about them, pumpkin. But I promise every kid has to eat dirt at least once.”
Killua sniffs, rubbing his arm under his nose.
“I-I know… it’s just…”
Gon hums and presses a kiss to Killua’s forehead.
Killua’s so sweet.
“I promise I’ll try my best to make sure at least none of the kids in my class are consuming glue!"
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
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