lacroixqueen · 1 month
knee deep in the passenger seat of the honda odyssey (18+, deadpool x reader)
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Summary: you and wade are on a ~secret undercover mission~ in a honda odyssey and smut ensues obviously
Pairing: annoying deadpool x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Tags/Warnings: car smut, dubcon, noncon, rough, stakeout
Fun Fact: first car I learned to drive in was a honda odyssey
You were stationed just on the outskirts of a busy beach boardwalk on a hot summer day. For some godforsaken reason, your boss decided to pair you up with none other than Wade himself on a stakeout mission. Your target was supposed to be the leader of a major corporate crime ring out on vacation with his family. The only description was that he was 5’6, looked like an average father, and was wearing a Hawaiian print shirt. 
That being said, you were fully prepared for being here all fucking day. 
Wade also brought up the brilliant idea of renting out a blue Honda Odyssey so that it will “look more believable” and “help us blend in” with the “American middle class”. 
Also, this entire mission, he has been unable to keep his eyes or hands off of you. It was annoying, really. He was so goddamn needy.
You were perched on the backseat, elbows placed on top of the armrest so you could peer out the window with your binoculars. 
Deadpool was laying on his side on the car floor, happily munching on a bag of snacks he stole from the convenience store earlier.
“If you are going to be here, can you at least help keep watch,” you said, unphased as he continued to crunch loudly on the concerningly neon yellow chips.
“And miss out on this view? No thank you!” he replied, wit as sharp as ever. He giggled pervertedly to himself as he admired how the bright yellow sundress you had on accentuated the curve of your waist and the arch of your back. And how the sunlight poured through the window just right so he could see the contour of your hips and thighs perfectly. He liked the way it glinted off your long hair that cascaded over your neck and shoulders like water. He could watch you forever like this. You were like a Renaissance painting to him. 
“You know, I don’t understand why you even agreed to come in the first place,” you mused to yourself. “Like, are you really that bored? Don’t you have anything better to do besides pestering me.”
“And miss out on an opportunity to spend the entire day with Y/N?” he chuckled. “You underestimate my priorities. Besides, being an absolute menace to you and people in general is one of my life’s greatest joys! It’s like snorting cocaine off a drag queen’s ass for the first time in a gay bar. You just can’t get enough of it. Only.. it’s better. And more sustainable!”
“You are unbelievable,” you scoffed. “Also, I highly doubt you are cool enough to do that.”
“You don’t know everything about my life,” he bantered back. “Besides, when was the last time you ever went out?”
“I go out!”
“No you don’t.”
“Or.. I have an even better idea. I can take you out,” he suggested, embellishing his request by blowing you a kiss and breaking out the jazz hands.  
“In your wildest dreams, Wade,” you muttered, sitting down on the back seat and cleaning the lenses of your binoculars.
He saw this as a challenge to move closer to you, kneeling at your feet like he was your lap dog. “Aw come on Y/N, don’t be like this,” he begged, placing his gloved hands on top of your knees, gently massaging the sides of your legs with his thumbs. “I know you like it when I give you attention.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. “Don’t flatter yourself, Wade. I’m just here for the job. Nothing more, nothing less. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to-”
“Oh, but you are not excused,” Wade cooed, softly prying your legs open so you were beginning to spread apart, much to your dismay. “You see, wearing a sundress on a hot summer day, and on a beach boardwalk nonetheless, is easily the sluttiest thing someone can do.”
“You aren’t exactly the one to slutshame me,” you snapped back. “Aren’t you the one sleeping with a different person every night and then forgetting their name the next morning?”
“That’s not true, I’m a virgin!” Deadpool protested as he dipped his head underneath the hem of your skirt. “I’ve never given myself to anyone before.”
“If you’re going to lie, at least make it convincing,” you said. “H-hey what are you even doing down there?”
You could feel his leather-covered fingers slyly dancing over the fabric of your panties. 
“Oooh, I like this one a lot!” he beamed, tugging at the lacy waistband of your underwear. “Yellow stripes! And those cute little bows too. Y/N, you’ve really outdone yourself this time. Where did you even get something like this? Victoria’s Secret? No, too bougie. Target? Oh, I know I know. Shein.”
“Can you please stop?!” you exclaimed, trying to push him away, but he was holding onto your thighs with an iron grip. “We are working right now and in public for God’s sake. I always knew you were indecent but this is genuinely taking it to another level.”
He narrowed his eyes. “So it is Shein.”
You decided to ignore the accusation. 
“Relax, Y/N,” he whispered, pressing his index finger onto the outline of your clit and rubbing over it in teasingly aching circles. “No one can see us. We are parked far enough away. Also, who would even suspect anyone is getting laid in a Honda Odyssey? And if they do, I’ll just tell them I was doing your annual pap smear out of the goodness of my heart. Or better yet, just let them watch! I mean, it’s a boardwalk for crying out loud. People are here to be entertained!”
“You are ridiculous,” you sighed, ultimately giving him the upper hand without even realizing it. You leaned back into the headrest, trying not to overthink even though your mind was beginning to race. 
You felt him pry your panties to the side, and squeeze onto the sides of your labia between his index and middle finger. The smooth sensation of his leather glove running over you was enough to elicit a soft cry from your lips. This only encouraged him more. 
You whined as he slowly spread your labia apart with his two fingers, causing you to stretch and twitch. You could feel yourself losing, giving in to him. It was a part of yourself that you were not necessarily proud of, but knew would eventually fold to his antics. 
“Why are you so tight..” he mused to himself, retracting and then spreading his fingers, over and over again to entice you. “Like this has got to be a world record. I doubt I could even fit a needle in there.”
“Wade!” you cried. “If you’re going to go through with this, can you at the very least shut the fuck up for just once in your life?”
“Aww, she’s being so mean,” he cooed, ignoring you altogether. “Wouldn’t you agree? She’s being such a bad girl.”
“Yes, she’s being just awful!” he said in a high-pitched voice, contorting your pussy as if to pretend it was talking back. “You should really teach her a lesson for acting this way.”
“Ugh, thank you so much for always having my back,” he replied. “See? Even she agrees that you are being unreasonable!”
You were beside yourself at this point, forfeiting the battle and just gazing fondly out the window, allowing the sun to shine over your face. 
He poked his head out from underneath your dress just in time to catch this moment. 
“You know, you really are very pretty Y/N,” he commented. “Like, as in, I could absolutely see you on the cover of a magazine or a movie poster. Something classy. But not too much where it feels overdone, like those car commercials where the models are spraying themselves with a water hose. Just. Demure, you know?”
“Just shut the fuck up and eat me out already,” you replied, visibly annoyed at this point. 
Wade obediently dove back under your skirt, lifting up the bottom of his mask and blowing hot air gently onto your clit. He planted a soft kiss over the top of it, ensuring that both of his lips fully engulfed your most sensitive part. He smirked to himself when he noticed your legs instinctively resting themselves over his shoulders. 
You sighed as you felt his tongue flicker mischievously over your warm petals, his thumbs rubbing the divots of your inner thighs like they knew exactly what they were doing. He kissed every part of you so carefully and thoughtfully, as if he wanted to make sure you felt taken care of. His gentleness pleasantly surprised you, as you were unsure he was even capable of being so delicate. 
You felt one of the straps of your sundress slowly beginning to slide off, as you lightly placed your hand on top of his head, encouraging him to go even harder. You tossed your head back when he pierced your hole with his hot tongue, softly saying his name over and over again in affirmation. 
He liked to tease you, occasionally slowing down for an extended period of time, only for you to say “Keep going! Why did you stop?” He particularly enjoyed watching you blush and become so frazzled you couldn’t even form a proper sentence while he went down on you. But he liked seeing you get exasperated and worked up when he purposefully paused even more. He loved to elicit every type of emotion from you with his tongue. It made him feel like he had power over you.
Next thing you know, he had you pushed up against the car seat, with your dress rolled up to your waist, pounding into you for what felt like hours. He liked to use the seatbelt to wrap around your neck, choking you enough so you could barely catch your breath. 
“W-Wade,” you stammered, wet pussy dripping all over the Honda Odyssey as he continued to ram relentlessly into you. From an outsider’s perspective, the vehicle was shaking very suspiciously. “We should.. probably.. get back to the mission..”
“And miss out on the big finale?” he asked, his hand gripping onto the curve of your waist. “Now why exactly would I do that?”
“B-because i-if we don’t, I.. we, the target..” you sighed, unable to string together a coherent thought because he was so damn rough you could hardly think. 
You yelped as he smacked your ass with enough rigor to shake the backseat. 
“Something that always bothered me about you, Y/N, is that you are always so worried about the stupid shit,” he muttered, sliding his hand over your backside to prepare to spank you one more time. “You never.” Slap. “Fucking.” Smack. “Listen.” 
“So when I tell you that you need to relax..” he continued, one of his hands reaching over and gripping the back of your neck. “You are going to relax. Okay?”
“Y-yes sir,” you stammered, gripping onto the shoulder rest of the back seat for dear life, as he began to increase his speed and intensity again. 
“That’s a good girl,” he said, smiling to himself. “Isn’t that right?” He tilted his head to the side as if to strike up a casual conversation with your pussy. “She’s being such a good girl, huh?”
He proceeded to mimic choking and sputtering noises. 
“That’s okay, I know you have your mouth full,” he responded, trying not to laugh too hard at his own joke. 
As he was about to push in even deeper, the walkie talkie in the front seat suddenly went off. 
“Hey, is anyone even there?” the voice called out. “We’ve been paging you for hours. I’ve got eyes on the target right now. Six o’ clock. Don’t fuck this up. Over.”
You both froze mid-motion, looking towards the front of the car and then once back at each other. Without needing to exchange a word, you both sprung back into action. Wade tossed you your panties and you quickly pushed your dress straps back on over your shoulders. You managed to crawl your way over to the front, since your legs were hardly functioning at this point. Sluggishly, you picked up the walkie talkie and brought it up to your mouth. 
“Heard,” you said wearily.
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heaven-s-black-box · 9 days
Notes- Shorter S/O Neuvillette & more
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Recovery date: September 11th, 2024
Description: heyy can i get headcanons of the genshin boys being taller by the gn reader by a head? For the characters can i get neuvillette, diluc, al haitham, xiao and anyone else u wanna write! Feel free to delete if ur not comfortable with this, and have a nice day! <3
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. I added Ganyu, Layla, and Lumine. I was going to add Furina but it was getting too long. Heights taken from the gamer, also a head's height difference is about a foot.
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Neuvillette- 5’11”
A head’s difference is nothing, he’s used to looking at Melusines
Plus he’s almost 6 foot
He has to look down at most people
I feel like, as a dragon, he’s a bit protective of everyone smaller than him
Just in a pack kind of way where he’s looking out for the young/weak
Not to mention to him you are young, assuming you’re mortal
Not a very physically affectionate person, so doesn’t do things like use you as a chin rest
Does, however, enjoy you tucking into his side
He is starved for touch and affection, simple physicality makes him happy
I also feel like he tries to make himself smaller outside of court
Assure him you like his height and remind him to straighten up
Oo, leans down to listen to you! Tap his shoulder and he’ll lean close so you can whisper in his ear
Surprise him by jumping/getting on your toes/climbing up to kiss him and he will short circuit
Quickly starts keeping things you need on lower shelves, again he shares an office with Melusines he’s used to it
Overall, the height difference isn’t a big deal to him
Diluc- 5’10”
Also just shy of 6 foot, but most people in Mondstadt are tall and children avoid him
So he’s not really used to looking down (Jean wears heels and is 5’6”, he doesn’t have to look down much)
Likes the domesticity of seeing you in his clothes, no matter how they fit
Maybe sleeves are too long, or your torso is short and shirts fit you like dresses
Affection doesn’t come naturally to him, but once he warms up to it he will rest his chin on your head
Between his height and strength picking you up is easy and he surprises himself with how much he likes it
Keeps finding excuses to do it, like helping you over a puddle or down the steps
More than happy to lean down for whatever reason, be it so you can feed him something or whisper something
His favorite reason is surprise kisses though, but his all time favorite surprise kisses are when you yank him by the lapels of his jacket
If you live together he will try and keep your things on slightly lower shelves, but also you aren’t usually getting things the maids are
Overall, enjoys the height difference
Al Haitham- 5’11”
Once more, almost 6 foot
He, however, does not like looking down at people because it hurts his neck
Regularly complain about this to you
I’m torn between him teasing you and not wanting to put the effort in to that
I think if you start bickering, your height is on the table for teasing
Like if you’re ignoring each other, he’ll walk into you and claim he “couldn’t see you down there”
However, if you live together or even if you just stay over frequently, will leave things on lower shelves and gets a step stool
Leans on you saying he’s tired
Spends most of his time sitting/lounging so I don’t think his height is really a big deal
Definitely makes you work for his affection though, you will need to pull up a stool/kick him in the knees to get kisses
Can also easily pick you up if he thinks you’re taking too long to get somewhere
Overall, notices the height difference but doesn’t really comment on it
Xiao- 5’2”
Isn’t used to looking down at people who aren’t children
Seriously, very rarely does he meet people shorter than him
However, that doesn’t mean he’s super excited you’re shorter than him, he’s kind of indifferent
He will happily get things for you that you can’t reach though
Like Neuvillette, he likes to make himself seem smaller
Though in his case it’s for comfort, he likes curling into you once you get to that point
Also starved for touch and affection, but also traumatized from losing all his friends
So curling into you gives him all kinds of assurance
When you wave for him to bend down, it sometimes takes him a minute
Already short circuits with affection, but your head naturally resting on his shoulder during hugs really breaks him
You just fit together so well
He has a stool so he can reach high shelves, so when he forgets to leave your stuff on lower shelves it’s not too big a deal
Overall, give him a bit to get used to being the tall one but otherwise indifferent
Ganyu- 5’1”
Her heels probably have her standing at about 5’2”
So she’s used to looking up at people, most of the adepti are really tall and even Keqing is slightly taller than her
Definitely likes being able to let you hide behind her, she likes protecting you
Like Xiao, she isn’t used to being the tall one, but she gets really flustered and apologetic when you ask her to leave things on lower shelves
Pretend like you what to whisper something and kiss her when she leans down
She’ll get flustered then ask “what did you want to tell me?”
Being able to pick you up makes her feel extra strong, so sometimes if you want to get something high up she’ll just lift you
Look, we know she’s strong but we all played her character quest
Also likes when you lay on her/she’s the big spoon
I feel like being one of the shortest adepti weighs on her, so she totally understands if you’re self-conscious about your height
But she loves you, doesn’t matter if you’re shorter or taller than her
Also, she may be taller than you but if you kabedon/ flirt with her with any level of confidence she will shrink in on herself in embarrassment
Overall, loves the height difference 
Layla- 5’2”
Like Xiao and Ganyu, a little shorter than the world average so she kind of has to look up at most people
Not significantly, but she’s not used to looking down
She also doesn’t talk to people often, and when she does she’s sitting
In fact she’ll probably be seated for most of your conversations, so stand over her and fluster her
Will lean into you while you walk
Has also fallen asleep with her chin on your head or leaning over so her chin is on your shoulder
The sudden weight has probably nearly toppled you a few times
Likes to lay on you, her head on your chest
I feel like she naturally curls in on herself a lot, just from exhaustion and maybe a bit of self-consciousness
Would love to let you lean on her but she’s not sure she could keep you up right
Keeps things on low shelves anyways, sometimes standing on a stool seems like a really bad idea
Overall, the height difference doesn’t really affect your relationship
Lumine- 5’2”
Look, Aether is 2 inches taller, she never heard the end of it once she stopped growing
Another member of the, pretty much everyone is taller than me club
Her heels add maybe a half inch, they look pretty small
Loves being the taller one
Need help getting something from the top shelf? She’s on it, even if she has to get a stool
You asked her to get it, she knows you could use the stool but you’ve already asked her
Can’t see something? Want to get on her shoulders? Up you go
Likes being the big spoon/letting you lay on her because she’s terrified you’ll disappear
Seriously, she’s lost so many people on her journey so far
Uses you as an arm/head rest when you’re standing around
Will make lighthearted remarks about your height if you don’t mind
Stuff like “I could probably sneak you in in my bag”, usually it’s stuff Aether has said to her at some point
Kiss her bare shoulders, it makes her jump and she loves them
Overall, will only tease you about your height if you’re okay with it
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x0xomady · 5 months
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sex, drugs, etc.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
summary: it’s 1980 and harry styles is the biggest rockstar around. life is full of drugs, music, and girls. that is until he meets his flower.
warnings: drugs abuse, smut, cursing, pet names, degradation, alcohol. 18+
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
show today. show tomorrow. shows everyday.
that’s all life is. one big fucking show.
sure this is the life i wanted. i have all the drugs i could need, sex every night, and better yet i’m making music i love.
it’s just all so damn tiring.
i haven’t been able to sleep for more than 4 hours in months. there’s always another girl and another line i’m chasing.
here we go…
i grab my red electric guitar and walk out on stage. immediately the stadium erupts in chants and cheers. but i don’t care.
there’s girls flashing me, people jumping around, my band mates playing loudly. everything is overwhelming as hell.
the show goes by quickly. i zone in and before i know it we’re walking off stage.
i probably have dissociation problems or something but… it’s like when i’m on stage… i’m not even there mentally.
i’m not anywhere mentally. i’m always in my head
when the band started a few years ago it was so different. everything was so exciting and new. i was so into it at every who no matter what. now i’m lucky if im not absolutely wasted on stage.
i walk down the halls of the backstage completely out of it. there’s people slapping me on the back, handing me shit, and girls asking for a hookup.
i should probably say yes to one of them.
my thoughts are starting to get out of hand when i feel another, smaller, body run into mine.
“oh! i’m so so so sorry!” the small girl stumbles back and blushes brightly at me.
i’m about to cuss her out and glare, when i notice how cute she is. this girl couldn’t be taller than 5’6, she was wearing a little pink frilly skirt and a white tank top.
however, i’ve seen this before. slutty girls going around dressing all innocent and sweet so that guys will be into them. i have experienced my fair share of fake innocent girls.
“where you heading flower?” i smirk down at the girl. she was looking up at me nervously. a faint blush was painting her cheeks and neck. cute.
“o-oh! you’re harry from the band?” she asked with a worried look on her face. i watched her manicured fingers clutch the little notebook she was holding tightly.
“that’s me. who might you be?”
“i’m y/n! i was hired to interview you- and uh-” she stuttered as i leaned down a little to hear her better. “i would really like the chance to talk to you… if right now doesn’t work- i can find another time!”
fucking media girl. should’ve known. i would usually flip them off and walk away, but i’ve never met one this attractive. i couldn’t help the way my eyes wandered from her fluttery doe eyes down to her lips. she was wearing sparkly lipgloss and i just wanted to have a taste.
“now is fine.” i nod at her and smirk while watching her eyes widen and a small smile spread across her lips.
“oh that’s great thank you!” she had a sweet little smile on her lips that was tempting me.
i nod and start walking to my dressing room. i can hear her little kitten heels tapping lightly behind me.
we walk into my dressing room. there is a black couch in the middle and a rack of clothes on the side. i have a bottle of whiskey on the table and some pill bottles that my band mates must have left there.
i turn back towards y/n and see her nervous little eyes search around the room. she follows me so obediently it’s adorable.
“sit flower” i nod and her to sit on the couch. hesitantly she sits down on the black leather couch. she clutches her notebook closely and looks up at me nervously with those big doe eyes.
“s-so… harry… um can i start by asking you a few questions?” y/n asks. poor thing. she was so nervous. i can see the little pink splotches across her smooth skin.
“ask away pretty girl”
she clears her throat and sits up looking at me. “so… what’s your favorite song of the album, and why is it your favorite?”
“i like ‘kiwi’ a lot” i shrug and allow my eyes to wander her delicate little body.
“kiwi? i love that song!” she smiles sweetly and writes down in her little pink notebook.
i smirk and nod. “thanks flower. i’m glad someone so sweet looking like you likes such a dirty song.”
y/n instantly blushes but tries to brush it off as if it was nothing. she sits up a little more and looks back up at me. “o-okay. and what is you play guitar correct?”
“right. i play guitar, piano, and bass.” i nod at her and lean back against the couch.
“wow three? that’s so impressive.” she smiles sweetly at me. fuck. “and what’s your favorite of those three?”
“electric guitar probably.” i shrug and take a swig out of my whiskey bottle. she writes down in her little notebook and continues asking questions.
for the next 10 minutes y/n asks me about my music interests, inspirations, and other typical interviewer questions.
if i’m being completely honest my answers were total bullshit. i was so caught up in staring at her that i was just kind of saying whatever came to mind.
y/n has the most gorgeous little face i’ve ever seen. her lips looked fucking delicious. i just wanted to-
“harry? are you alright?” i snap out of my daydream when i hear her sweet little voice asking me a question.
no. i want to fuck you.
“yeah i’m fine. what was the question?” i ask looking back up at her fluttery eyelashes and big eyes.
“oh i was just asking how your dating life is on tour. it must be hard to connect with someone if you are constantly traveling to different cities.”
“my dating life hm? it’s just fine.” i shrug and lean forward resting on my arms on my knees.
“so do you have a girlfriend at the moment?” aww she is so naive. her little purple pen writing down every word i say as she looks at me with interest.
“i don’t no. but i do have a pretty little interviewer sitting in front of me” i smirk and lean forward towards her.
y/n’s eyes instantly widen and her face turns a light pink. she looks absolutely speechless at my comment.
“o-oh. uh” she stutters and looks at me nervously.
“hm? you like it when i compliment you flower?” i smile and look at her in the eyes.
“harry- ”
“yes pretty girl?”
“what are you- ”
“i’m just trying to talk to you. is that okay?” i smile innocently.
“yeah…” i see a small smile tug on the corners of her glossy lips.
“good come here.” i sigh and lean back against the couch. my hand makes a motion telling her to walk over to me.
y/n looks hesitant at first but she nervously walks over to me and stands a few feet in front of me.
i reach my hands up and grab her hips gently. she blushes wildly and stands there unsure.
“what in the world is a delicate little thing like you doing at a place like this?” i say while my eyes drag down her body. that white tank top was doing nothing to hide her body from me.
“i- im just here for an interview- ” she stutters out and gasps quietly when i pull her so she’s standing in between my legs.
“that’s it? just an interview? you don’t want anything else flower?” i smirk.
she nods hesitantly and stands there as i squeeze her hips gently.
“mm but i could give you so much more. don’t ya want something?” i say looking up at her.
“j-just an interview” she nods and looks at me nervously.
i nod and trail my hands from her hips to her slender waist. “so can i have something from you?”
“what do you want from me?” she asks unsure.
“i want a kiss”
y/ns face drops slightly and her eyes widen. “y-you want a kiss from me?!”
“course i do.” i shrug and continue leaning back while admiring her. “come on flower… just give me one kiss.”
y/n takes a deep breath before leaning forward and giving me a cute little peck. she pulls away quickly blushing brightly and looking flustered as ever.
i smile and put a hand on her head bringing her back to kiss me again. i deepen the kiss, wrapping y/n closer to me and slowly pulling her onto my lap.
y/n let’s out a little gasp of shock when i pull her so she’s straddling my lap. her hands grip my shoulder for support as i wrap an arm around her waist.
“such soft pretty lips.” i mumble and push my thumb against her lips softly. “can i do something for you flower?”
y/n nods quietly and watches me carefully as i grab her hips again.
as soon as i get the confirmation i pick her up and lay her on her back against the couch. y/n lets an adorable little sigh leave her lips as i kneel in between her legs.
i lean forward so i’m hovering over her. y/n puts her hands in my hair and pulls my head down to kiss her again. i moan against her lips and adjust my arm so im holding her hip and jaw tightly.
y/n moans softly as i kiss down her jaw and along her neck. “h-harry”
“yeah?” i smirk and kiss her collar bone softly. goosebumps fill her skin as my kisses make their way from her jaw to collarbones.
“i-i need you to” she hesitates and looks at me nervously.
“hm? what is it you need pretty girl?” i smile knowing damn well what she wants from me. “i can’t read your mind y/n… gonna need you to tell me what you want.”
she breathes a little heavier and blushes from the eye contact i make with her while kissing her chest and collarbone. “i want you…”
that’s it
“yeah? need me? well if you want me that bad then who am i to deny such a gorgeous girl.”
i waste no time in reconnecting our lips while pushing my hand down to her little skirt. y/n moans softly against my lips as i rub her waist gently and kiss her one last time.
“gonna let me take this cute little skirt off?” i smirk and kiss her neck again.
“yes… please harry…” she whines softly as i suck a little mark on her neck.
“oh if you insist flower.” i say grinning against her neck. my hands desperately tug down her flouncy skirt. i shove it down her legs and throw it to the side. underneath is a cute little pair of pink panties. my mouth instantly waters at the sight.
y/n blushes wildly and closes her legs nervously.
“oh nuh uh. none of that.” i tut and grab both of her knees pulling her legs apart. i can see the sweet little outline of her lips underneath that pink lace and it makes my knees weeek.
y/n laid there nervously as the intimidating rockstar stared at her most delicate parts with a hungry gaze.
“fucking need you flower…” i moan and lean my head against her knee. “gonna let me?”
y/n hesitated for a moment but then nodded eagerly as i leaned against her thigh.
i smirk and kiss her thigh. the kisses lean from her knee down to that sweet little pink lace. continuing to keep eye contact with the media girl underneath me, i pressed a gentle kiss to her clit. the lacy material did nothing to shield the feeling on her little button throbbing for me.
immediately i kiss her in that spot again but a little harder. y/n tries to close her legs again out of sensitivity but my hands hold her thighs apart.
after a few more kisses to that dainty little fabric, i hook my fingers in the waist band and tug the pink lace down to her ankles.
i look to y/n for consent once more i wait until she nods. as soon as i see that nod im on her. my fingers spread her apart as i press kisses along her slit and puffy little clit.
y/n gasps and moans softly as her legs squeeze my head tightly.
my fingers run along her slit as i wrap my lips around her throbbing button. i wait until she’s dripping before i nudge my first finger into her hole.
“damn it flower. you’re so fucking tight how is this possible?” i groan and pump my middle finger in and out of her pussy slowly.
“please harry- need more!” y/n moans desperately and tightens her legs around harry’s curly head.
as soon as i hear those pretty whines leave her mouth i add my second finger to her wet cunt.
y/n’s orgasm doesn’t take long to arrive. after a few minutes of sucking against her clit and pumping her full of my fingers she starts clenching hard.
“how’s it this tight? fucking he’ll flower” i groan against her and continue sucking harshly.
with the stimulations from my mouth and hand i feel her clench tightly and cum around my head.
i smirk up at her and get up from my spot between her legs.
y/n whines from the loss of stimulation between her legs which just makes my grin grow even more.
“aww poor baby. want me to fuck you?” she nods and wraps her legs around my hips. “and her i thought you were an innocent little flower. guess i was wrong”
she moans softly as i grab my cock and press the head against her clit. i look up at her as i run the head from the tip to the bottom of her weepy hole.
“harry please” she whines and pushes her hips against mine.
without warning i start easing the head past her entrance. “fucking hell- tightest pussy i’ve ever felt.” i moan and push my hips to the hilt. the feeling of her squeezing me is euphoric as i reconnect our lips.
“move please harry- please move” y/n moans and presses her hips up to mine.
i grab her hips and start moving in and out of her hard. my hand down snakes down her soft skin until i reach her little button.
“cmon flower i want you to give me another one.” i moan into her neck as i thrust up into her cunt quickly.
y/n moans desperately and fucks her hips up against mine as i thrust quickly.
i grab her hips roughly and flip her onto her stomach. y/n pushes her hips up to mine. “yes! please harry more!” she moans pathetically as i slam my way back into her tight cunt.
“so fucking dirty.” i groan as i snap my hips into hers. “here i thought you were some innocent little media girl.” i smirk and thrust against her hard.
“g-gonna cum!” she moans into the couch pillow as i rub her clit quickly.
“yeah? good girl. cum for me.” i thrust into her one more time before she tightens like a vice around me.
“fucking milking me aren’t you? fuck.” i groan and pull out. my hand wraps around my cock and i tug it quickly using her juices. my release hits me quickly as my cum paints her soft thighs.
the two of us sit there panting for a minute before i wipe my forehead and look back up at her.
“still got that little journal of yours?”
“yeah.” she nods and hands me the pink note book and purple pen.
i smirk and write my phone number on the first page.
“Call me flower”
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
love my rockstar bf
-xoxo ⋆⭒˚.⋆
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m4ctavish · 2 years
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ghost — short stack.
pairing : simon “ghost” riley/gn! reader
desc : everyone needs someone to lean on, and in this case, ghost leans on his partners head.
simon “ghost” riley :
simon himself is incredibly tall, standing at about 6’4” flat footed. fucking mountain of a man
i’m assuming “short/small” in this instance is about 5” to 5’5/5’6”, so that makes for a pretty intimidating height difference. say you’re about 5’0”, that’d put you at about elbow height with him. 5’5” would put you at maybe shoulder level— still short enough for him to look down at you
genuinely, height doesn’t make a difference to him other than when the two of you are conversing or anything of that sort, he has to look down and you have to look up.
usually prefers to keep a hand on your shoulder rather than leaning an arm on your head but that’s not to say he hasn’t done it before.
just because you’re short (and/or dainty) doesn’t meant that you can’t show him what for. you ever seen a 6’4” man being chastised by his short stack of a partner? what a sight to be hold. rest easy knowing that soap would not let him live it down. (“damn Lt. , that was rough.” “that’s enough.”)
while i did say that height makes no difference to him, i’m sure he’d give you some snark about your height, talking about how his neck hurts from constantly looking down. just be sure to give him some right back— fight fire with fire, y’know? (“think i’ve got a kink in my neck.” “yeah, whys that?” “probably from constantly searching for you on the ground.” “shove it, riley.”)
if you need help getting something from a shelf or ledge you can’t reach, he’ll grab it for you without saying anything. if he’s feeling particularly annoying, he may just hold it out of your reach. (“having some trouble?”)
forehead kisses— either that or he kisses the top of your head. (probably wouldn’t happen very often but it’s special any time they do.) say he’s leaving for a bit and you don’t know when you’ll see him next, he’ll pull you close and press a kiss to the top of your head before mumbling a quiet “love ya.”
we’ve seen a few times that ghost owns a few jackets and/or sweaters, so if you’re looking for an oversized sweater or jacket to wear, he’s your man. he likes seeing you in his clothes, whether it’s one of his shirts, jackets, pullovers, etc. (“jacket looks oddly familiar.” “you think so?” “thief.”)
y’know what’d be hilarious? is you and ghost having one of those mock sparring sessions, mostly just testing out new techniques, breaking in some new gear and you just absolutely knocking him on his ass.
i also can’t help but imagine him holding his s/o out under the arms like a wet cat or something LMFAO
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 6 months
Love your writing dude! I'm trying to become the absolute hairiest jock out there, can you help me out? I wanna be FURRY
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It took some time but I scoured the earth and finally landed on a body that I think you’ll really enjoy. He’s a jock by all means. Sweaty. Cocky. Muscles from head to toe. And hair covering the majority of his body in a thick pelt of curly darkness. With a snap of my fingers your flung from the mortal realm into the spiritual one. Left floating in the ether. Until you sr spilled quickly to a musky. Smelt bedroom. One that smells of cum and bo. You hear grunting and your vision becomes clear right when who I are flying directly into the hairy back of the man sitting on the bed. “Wooahhh bro!” You exclaim and your hands race to your throat. You can’t believe how deep your voice in. You look down and see nothing but roided muscle covered in hair. Your were so warm you were dripping sweat. You could feel it running down the hairy mass that you now controlled. You stagger to stand and your gut sits out in front of you. You pecs literally in your face. You couldn’t believe the amount of mass on this body and you could be standing more than 5’6”! It was hard to love with how heavy this body was and you sit back on the bed. Kicking your feet up to see them for the first time and see they are covered in hair just like the rest of your. You flex your arms in the mirror and see a massive bicep curl next to your head. “Bro I’m fucking huge!” You scream already leaking another building load from between your legs. And I’ve even made it so you’re in control of this body now. Permanently. And the real man who owned it is. Is now a subconscious inner thought. You may hear him from time to time speaking to you. But eventually that will die out as his essence ceases to exist. Enjoy being a body muscle hairy man.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Born for Greatness 5
Find the series masterlist 
In which Logan makes his grand entrance (and there is a lot less bloodshed than most of you seem prepped for). Some discussions are had. 
Side note: JTF2 is a Canadian special forces unit. Also, I’m thinking of writing a side chapter that is just Logan and the 141 pack. Thoughts? 
Warnings: Swearing, Logan is a jerk, Price needs a warning label, world building, shifter behavior, pack cuddles. 
Word count: 2.2k
Eventual John Price x f!reader
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The plane landed back in England and you leaned back a bit, watching the pack. Soap was glued to one side of you, Gaz napping on your other side. Price was watching all three of you, something undeniably soft in his gaze. 
You hadn't forgotten about Logan, but you hadn't expected him to find you so bloody fast. 
You got to put your things down in your room, at least, before Price was knocking on your door, expression thunderous. 
"Who did you tell about this base?" He asked in a low snarl. 
"No one," you snapped, frowning. "Signed too damn many NDAs to tell anyone." 
"Then why do you have a visitor at the gate?" 
You froze. "Oh hell," you breathed. "That bastard!" You stepped around Price and took off towards the gate, barely paying attention as the pack all gathered behind you. 
Sure enough, Logan stood on the other side of the gate, smirking, all 5’6” of him in jeans and a flannel, duffel bag dropped at his side. But his hair was a little shorter than the last time you’d seen him, and his beard was nicely trimmed. 
“I told you not to come,” you growled, ignoring the gate guard and striding straight up to Logan. 
“Good to see you too, kid.” His smirk widened as he looked past you. “That them?”
You finally turned to find the pack had followed you and had settled into a loose cluster behind you. You hissed out a breath. 
“It doesn’t matter because you are going home.”
“Aw, but I came all the way out here just for you, kid.” Logan’s grin reached shit-eating proportions. 
“You are not supposed to be here,” you growled, narrowing your eyes at Logan. “And I don’t just mean because I told you not to.”
“Been here once before.” Logan shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. “Seen him before, too.” He nodded to Ghost. When you turned to look, Ghost returned the nod. 
“...What?” You felt like he’d pulled a rug from under you. 
“Few years back,” Logan said, tipping his head as he looked up at the bigger shifter. “You lot needed help finding someone.”
“Right.” Ghost huffed what might have been a laugh. “Good to see you again.” 
“When was this?” You frowned a little as you looked at Logan. 
“You were down south,” he said, scratching his chin slowly. “The pack in Ohio, I think it was.” 
“And you worked together?” Price looked at Ghost to confirm. 
“Joint op with JTF2,” Ghost confirmed with a solid nod. 
Soap whistled lowly. “Now that’s not easy to get into,” he said, looking at Logan with new respect. 
“Mmhm.” Logan grinned. “Now, you gonna invite me onto base, or we gonna shoot the shit out here?” 
You hung your head with a low groan before you looked back at Price. It was his call, his territory. 
Price clenched his jaw briefly but nodded. “Be welcome on my territory.” 
“Gonna introduce me?” Logan drawled, one finger hooking through your belt loop before you could escape.
You looked up at the sky for a moment. Looked like rain. You wouldn’t mind a good soak right then. “Logan, that is Alpha Price, Ghost you apparently know, and those two are Soap and Gaz. This is Logan, the longest-running pain in my ass.” 
“Say, you wouldn’t happen to be her wolverine friend, would you?” Gaz stepped closer, eyes bright with curiosity.
“Talkin’ about me, kid?” Logan smirked, looking far too amused. 
“I hate you,” you grumbled, hunching your shoulders. “I’m gonna go find something tall to throw myself off of now.”
“Good luck, have fun.” 
You gave up, jogging ahead to catch up to Price as the other three hung back with Logan. “I swear I didn’t ask him to come here, or tell him where I even was.”
“I know,” Price murmured soothingly. One hand touched yours. “If he’s JTF2, he’s got his own resources.”
“He’s quasi-retired. Which I’m sure is why he was able to drop everything and fly out here.” You rubbed a hand over your face. You should never have called him. 
“Hey.” Price’s hand fit warm over the back of your neck. “You’re fine. Don’t stress about it.”
You sighed, some of the tension running out of your shoulders. “Yeah, alright.” You drew in a deep breath. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”
Price shrugged, his thumb gently smoothing over the back of your neck. “Today’s an off day since we just got back. I’ll probably be working on paperwork, but they’re free to do whatever they want.”
“Right.” You pursed your lips. You could find places to hide on base and be out of the way. “I’ll stop bothering you, then.”
“Not bothering me.” He glanced at you, eyes dark, hand squeezing the back of your neck lightly. “Stop worrying.”
“It is literally my job to worry.” 
“Then maybe you need a day off.” He stopped outside one of the buildings, hand shifting just a little lower to squeeze again. Your eyes slid half-closed in pleasure, and his lips quirked. “You know where my office is?”
“Nope.” You blinked slowly at him.
“Ask one of them. I’ll be there all day if you need anything.” He ducked his head a little to meet your eyes for a moment before he released you and walked away. 
You blinked after him and then turned to find four shifters all watching you curiously. You warmed and flapped your hands at them. “Shoo, you hooligans. Go cause chaos somewhere else.” And you promptly fled. 
You ended up on top of the barracks (and briefly told yourself to talk to someone about this habit of going high places when in distress). The sky was still threatening rain, but so far activity on the base hadn’t ceased. 
Soft swearing made you finally look away from the view, spotting Logan climbing up onto the roof. He shot a mistrustful look at the sky before he walked over and sat next to you.
“So what?” you asked, looking back out over the base.
“You like them.” He nudged you, just once. 
You blew out a sigh. You could try to lie, or deflect. But it wouldn’t work for long. Logan knew all your tells. “I do.” 
“So make it work.”
“It’s not that simple.” 
“It’s never that simple.” Logan snorted. “Doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”
You glowered at him and then gave up, sighing and looking away again. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. Besides, I have no idea how they feel.”
“Don’t you?” Logan looped his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side. “Or are you just ignoring signals?”
“Stop being so damn perceptive,” you growled. 
“Well, no snowbanks to throw you into here,” Logan rumbled. “This is my next best bet.”
You groaned. “You’re a menace.”
“And you’re stubborn, makes us even.” 
The first fat drop of rain landed right on top of your head, followed immediately by one landing on your nose. 
“Aw, fuck,” Logan grumbled. “Weather here is still shit.” 
You snorted, getting to your feet. “You live in Canada.”
“You have snow at least half the year!”
“Snow is easy. This is just wet.” Logan motioned you to go down first, keeping a close eye on you. You got down to the ground with no issues and moved out of the way so Logan could get down too, grimacing at the pull of wet clothes. It had gone from threatening to downpour in less than a minute. 
“Did they give you a room yet?” you asked, jogging to the door to the barracks and heading inside.
“Nah, mentioned something about it.” Logan shrugged, unconcerned, following you. 
“Guess we’re going back to mine, then.” You led the way, unlocking the door and letting him in first. Not that there was much to see. 
“You don’t travel with any pictures?” He frowned a little, gaze darting around the room. 
“No. Usually I try to give my full attention to the pack I’m working with.” You pulled out a clean top and dry sweatpants. “Besides, I talk to people almost every day.”
Logan grumbled, displeased, but changed as well. His duffel bag had been left in your room, although you weren’t sure if it was a joke, an easy place to put it temporarily, or because someone had assumed something about the nature of your relationship. 
With the both of you in dry clothes, you debated what else to do now. You hadn’t exactly come equipped to entertain, after all. 
A knock on your door made you blink, but you pulled it open to see Soap and Gaz. 
“Movie day?” Gaz asked with a hopeful smile. 
“Alright,” you agreed. “You okay if he tags along? He gets bored on his own.” You jerked a thumb back over your shoulder at Logan. 
“Watch it, kid,” he grumbled without any heat. 
“Sure.” Soap grinned. “More the merrier. I’ll drag LT in later.”
You snorted softly but followed Gaz to the rec room. Soap and Gaz immediately ensconced you between them on the couch, and Logan chuckled as he settled in a chair. 
“You two are menaces,” you said without heat, letting Gaz spread a blanket over the three of you. But you forced yourself to look at them a little more closely, to actually note how they behaved and their body language. While neither of them really fussed, they both paid attention to you, and to have you squished between them like this? This was a definite sign of favor, of acceptance, only enhanced by how relaxed they both were with you. 
Almost reflexively, you wanted to pull away, to hide. To protect yourself from the inevitable hurt. But you forced yourself to pause, to breathe through it. You relaxed back into the couch, breathing slowly. 
Soap made a pleased noise and cuddled in closer to you. Touch was important to pack, and cuddle times like this, or even sleeping together in a pile, was not unusual. But it also was another sign that he wanted you here.
Maybe even for longer than just this job. 
You met Logan’s eyes across the room, knowing you were showing your internal struggle. He just smiled a little, almost the softest expression you’d ever seen on his face, and very intentionally closed his eyes. One of the biggest signs of trust from a shifter. 
You swallowed hard and relaxed between Gaz and Soap, warm and comfortable and comforted. 
Sometime after the first movie, Ghost settled in the room. In a chair, of course, away from the pile of you on the couch. Gaz freed himself enough to start texting someone rapidly, glancing at you a few times. 
“What are you planning?” you asked him quietly, eyes narrowing a little.
“Nothing,” he immediately protested. “Well. Nothing bad.” He met your gaze for a long moment before he looked back at his phone. You blinked, startled. He… Had he just…? No. No way. 
His little noise of triumph distracted you, and he hopped to his feet. 
“Back in a mo,” he said before darting out of the room. 
“You have any idea what he’s planning?” you asked Soap, taking the chance to get up and bring back water for everyone. Ghost blinked when you set his down in front of him, apparently surprised.
“Not really.” Soap grinned and took his, watching you go back for snacks. “Ye ken we can get our own, aye?”
“Oh hush. You’re always hungry.” You threw a protein bar at his head. 
“You’re not wrong about that.”
You jumped at Price’s voice behind you, in the doorway. You turned to find a very amused Price standing there, a smug-looking Gaz behind him. 
“You’re a menace,” you grumbled without heat. “Giving up on the paperwork for the day?”
“Something like that.” He glanced around the room before refocusing on you. 
You tossed Ghost a snack and chucked one at Logan too before you dropped a few more on the table in front of the couch and sat back down. Soap plastered himself to your side again, looking smug. 
“Are we finishing this movie or starting something else?” you asked, giving everyone time to settle down. 
But you were surprised when Price dropped down next to you instead of Gaz. He leaned back into the couch, big and warm, his arm draped across the back of the couch. You swallowed hard, trying to focus on the screen even as a playful bout of bantering went straight over your head. 
You hadn’t spent a lot of time with Price, and him being this close was… distracting. More than you had accounted for. Especially since he was relaxed, at ease. This close, that lovely rumbling laugh could be felt and heard. 
This was dangerous. You needed to go, needed to get out before you got in too deep–
Logan caught your eye across the room, holding your gaze. You stilled. He breathed in deliberately slowly, not looking away, almost forcing you to follow along until the urge to flee vanished. Then he blinked and looked away. 
“Alright there?” Price asked quietly, though you were well aware everyone in the room could hear him. 
“Yeah.” Your lips quirked into something close to a smile as you leaned back and just a little bit into him, already steadier. “I’m good.” 
Nobody but you noticed the smug smirk on Logan’s face.
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ratwife77 · 2 months
Height Headcanons
The Outsiders
(These are all during the book)
Pony- solid 5’5- I honestly forgot how his height is described minus being taller than Johnny.. so I think he’d be just average ish for his age
Soda- 5’9 is average ish so.. he’s what girls expect? He’s standard? But he does give a shorter vibe which is why he’s not taller
Darry- 6’2 do I need to explain?
Two-Bit: 5’11 he’s just lanky I can’t see him as being short
Dallas- 5’10 I feel like he’s sort of lean but not too tall, just above average.. intimidating presence but not a wall like Darry and not quite Two-Bit’s height
Steve- 5’7 he should be shorter but I think he should at least be taller than Pony.. give him that
Johnny- 5’4 he would have had some more growing to do, but he’d always be below average
Tim- 5’11 intimidating, sort of lean but more wall-like than Dallas.
Curly- 5’6 he has more growing to do, but not a lot.. he is pissed about his height ngl
Angela- 5’2 I don’t think she’d be above average
Cherry- 5’5 I think she’d be taller because she’d wear heels often but this is her actual height
Marcia- 5’7 she gives either short or tall vibes but I don’t like huge height differences for ships.. I’m sorry but I do ship Marbit on the side and 4 inches is enough..
Bob- 6’0 I think it’s important for the story- he needs to really look over both Johnny and Ponyboy, but I also want Darry to be a greater presence (to those against him anyway) so that’s why he’s shorter than him.
Randy- 5’11, similar build to Two-Bit, lanky
Sylvia- 5’9 no question.. just trust me I know she told me
Evie- 5’1 someone had to be my height okay
Sandy- 5’4 she, like Soda, is good looking so I think she should be about average so she’s perceived as the standard
Tex (please let there be someone who cares about Tex lol)
Tex- 5’6 I imagine him to have a sturdy, decent build like Pony, but be a little taller, maybe just a little muscular- he’s not in peak form but he’s well off
Mason- he was in basketball.. 6’1.. he’s slim but lean and able to kick butt
Johnny- 5’7, him and Tex are of similar build.. if they grew up together and are still friends, I’d like to represent them growing together metaphorically and literally
Jamie- 5’6 1/2, she’s gotta be taller than Tex I feel it in my bones.. but her brother is taller than her
Cole- 6’2 built like a brick wall- I want him to be taller than Mason because it’s kind of who he wants to be, literally looking up to him(at least I think, I don’t remember everything)
Robert- tbh I forgot who he was mostly.. I’m so sorry but I think he’d be 5’10
Pop- 5’10 this has a purpose. Mason is quite literally growing past him, resenting him for not living his other son, while during most of the book, Tex is stuck looking up to him
Lem.. nobody likes you but here- 5’9 just your average absolute slimeball (nobody likes Pop either I just forgot to put that because I got off on a ramble about symbolism through height..)
Mrs. Johnson- 5’7 (with heels nobody knows her real height), kind of an adult that is helpful to Tex so she’s taller than him.. you get what I’m saying, sort of like Pop
I had to look on the wiki to remember everyone, hopefully that’s everyone who’s important
Rumble Fish (I have a bad memory.. hopefully all the details are right)
Motorcycle Boy- everything hinges on his height, because everyone looks up to him. 6’3 final height (taller than Darry.. more separate from his world.. away from others.. you get it)
Rusty James- he grows to be as tall as Motorcycle Boy, emphasizing his ‘becoming’ him.. but during the book- main events anyway, he’s 5’7, tall for his age
Steve- 5’3 he’s short, sort of removed from Rusty, different
Patty- 5’5
Smokey- sort of under the radar and clever, so I’ll put him at 5’5 ‘under’ Rusty.. hopefully that makes sense
Biff- 5’11
B.J.- he’s probably like 5’6, above Smokey because he’s loyal, not low to the ground like a snake (I’m not making fun of short people I am one it’s just for metaphorical purposes)
Mr. James- sort of different like Motorcycle Boy, keeps up better than Rusty James if I remember correctly.. 5’10, closer to him
Mrs. James- idk I don’t remember but let’s say 5’4
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Just noticed the error with Mrs. James- please ignore the pictured height for her
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nightcolorz · 3 months
okay i swear last from me tonight and no spoilers for show but i need armand happiness can we have some book armand / devils minion headcanons. literally about anything- their relationship, what they like to do, post canon, general armandisms that make me love him So Much?
don’t worry about bothering me I love when u interact with me <33 ok so I have a rlly cringe post canon devils minion head canon that I have been wanting to talk about but it’s rlly cringe and self indulgent 😭💔 but tbh, about as cringe as anything in late book canon so 🤷 I hope u enjoy and it makes u feel better, it’s my go to comfort headcanon
so I think Anne rices canon introduction of “through Science™️ vampires can conceive children with the help of DNA 🧬 , but they will come out as genetic clones, literally like identical twins but they r ur child, and lestat has a canon clone son” is a stroke of unhinged world building genius that is greatly underutilized by the fandom! I also think the vampire chronicles fandom is rlly missing out on some cringe fandom trademarks (like fandom ocs, ridiculous aus, stuff like that) bcus of the lawsuit thing probably. So anyway, I made the change I want to see in the world, and I have a genetic clone fan child oc 🙏. inspired by Armand’s canonically paternal personality and nurturing tendencies and soft spot for children, I like to think that way way post canon (around modern day) Armand and Daniel decide to Start A Family, and go through the process lestat did of conceiving a clone child with a surrogate (through armands dna), and they have a son (clone of Armand) named Ivan (after Armand’s father, I’m sappy) ! 🥰🥰 . It’s so silly I know, but I think having the opportunity to raise a human child and getting to give him and watch him live the mortal life he constantly envies and hoped to be able to provide Benji and Sybelle (before it was stripped from them) would be like, rlly good for Armand, and definitely I could see him in later canon wanting to pursue having a child with Daniel bcus of this unresolved grief. The clone layer, as ridiculous as it is, adds another dimension of sappy bcus not only will Armand get to live out the catharsis of giving a human child the fulfilled human life he never got, he will also get to see *himself*, or an almost too literal embodiment of his inner child, get to experience what he never did, and live that happy and safe childhood that Armand was deprived of. I think watching his son who looks just like him grow up and become a man while Armand is eternally frozen as a teen would be hard for him, but still healing and important.
So in my heart, post canon Armand and Daniel have their shit together enough to healthily (tho imperfectly) raise their clone son Ivan, who lives and dies a mortal. Ivan is the most spoiled child to ever live and he has a lavish playroom that is practically a house, fifty iPads, probably like ten ponies, etc etc. I imagine since he shares so much of Armand’s dna he strongly carry’s a lot of his traits, such as autism and strong hyper fixations. And I like to think he’s a little bit of a brat like Armand was as a child🙏 especially since his other dad Daniel does little to discourage those tendencies 😭. Ivan is a screen addict, a model train addict, and a Wolf Kid. He grows up to be the freakiest, strangest, long haired big bearded 5’6 ginger man at the gay bar. As a toddler Armand dresses him like a tiny fancy little man bcus he won’t have any son of his committing any fashion crimes, but unfortunately for Armand Ivan takes after Dad-niel in the fashion department and by the time he’s able to dress himself he wears wolf themed t-shirts and cargo shorts everyday 💔💔
Daniel is rlly naturally good with kids which is incredibly sexy and romantic to Armand. He’s the fun dad 💀 Armand is a little too strict and a little to over protective bcus of how trauma based I imagine his parenting would be, and daniels laid back, comfy and understanding energy helps level that out. When he’s a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious emo phase and Armand and Daniel have to spend all of their energy desperately trying to ensure Ivan doesn’t tap into his addiction gene or his strong susceptibility to inheriting his father’s personality disorders 💀. He is very doted on and very loved, he is given more care and attention than any other child would be capable of receiving 😭. Armand is convinced he’s a child genius and will definitely cure cancer and become a world leader, so he tends to parade him around like his prized possession that everyone needs to know is incredibly special during Vampire Family reunions or whatever goes on post canon. ivan is not allowed to interact with Most vampires, except for Uncle Louis, who finds it emotionally difficult to be around children 😭 and Uncle Lestat (only under careful supervision of Uncle Louis), who loves throwing Ivan around like a ragdoll and telling him embarrassing facts about Armand 💀
I hope u like this lol, thank u for the ask!!! <33 u r always welcome to ask me for headcanons or ask for my thoughts, that is my favorite thing. Anyways, for those who r invested, here’s my Ivan art
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aanhedoniaaa · 1 year
Tbp boys with an S/O who is Taller Than them
the entire time while writing this, thirsty by AJR was stuck in my mind, help.
Finney Blake
is fine with it, he’s honestly a little used to it because he’s shorter than a lot of dudes in his grade / in school
when he needs help reaching for something he will NOT ask for your help
well, he will but only give you subtle hints
like he’ll reach for it and go “oh man, i can’t reach this” then shrug or just give you a quick stare and then say “geez i sure wish i was taller”
and you’ll help him, like the good partner you are <3
hes probably 5’2 ik he is, hes bursting with 5’2 vibes
Robin Arellano
well it’s a little love hate thing with you being taller than him, he loves how you can grab things for him, intimidate people if you wanted, i’m guessing hes about 5’3 or 5’4
CONSTANTLY trying to look taller / your height, like he’ll stand up on his tippy toes and go “wow look i’m finally your height”
ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS looking for an opportunity to fight you, not really fighting but yk? play fighting, he loves that shit, even if you weren’t taller he’d still do that with his partner in general
Vance Hopper
OH GOD, HIS EGO IS SO BIG DUDE, he’ll hate it at first, always making remarks (they’re not rude, don’t worry, he’s not heartless) “you’re not so tough cuz of your height, i could beat you up in a minute”
he could not. he is 5’7 or 5’6, you can’t convince me otherwise
when he’s finally used to it and not just…edgy about it, he’s fine with it.
will tell people “yeah? well, my partner is mad tall, they can fuck you up”
Bruce Yamada
he’s cool with it, he loves you for who you are, weight, height, and overall appearance doesn’t matter, he loves you.
is not ashamed to ask you to help for things, even if he can access them perfectly fine.
i feel like he’s 5’9 or 5’8 somewhere around there, i know he’s not too short though
he’s already a big hugger, you being taller will just make him want to hug you even more, idk i just feel that way, ATTACK HUGS.
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mellybellypines · 9 days
Omg hi! I’m JJ and this is like my first time on tumblr and I love it so much already. I absolutely love gravity falls and was wondering if someone would help me draw my oc! (I am terrible at art) her name is Magnolia Elizabeth Elsher-Pines ! Let me tell you a bit about her :)) (I’ll add inspo photos)
Magnolia is in her 60s, 5’6”, female, with emerald green eyes, freckles, beautiful long wavy light brown hair with curtain bangs, on the curvier side, a tiny scar on her left eyebrow, and wears cutesy glasses so she can see. She graduated from Stanford University with her Doctorate in Neurosurgery and her masters in psychology. (What I hope to do with my life in the future.🤞🏻)
About her:
She’s a very smart, shy, caring, loving, understanding, and gentle person but when it comes to her family she is very protective. She made a name for herself in the neurosurgery community and is one of the best neurosurgeons in the country. She adores all fabric, string, and painting crafts. She listens to smooth jazz that reminds her of ford. She’s also very active. She runs every morning on the beach to keep her body healthy.
Growing up she was very shy. She didn’t have many friends and was picked on because all she cared about was psychology. She met Stanley and Stanford pines when they were in elementary school together when they were 7 or 8. In middle school she developed a crush on Stanford because of his wits, his personality, and his crazy good looks. In high school around 10th grade she told Ford and they started dating and have been since. They had 3 kids together at the ages of 26 and 29. 2 twin boys Maxwell Filbrick Pines (oldest by 5 min), Samuel Lee Pines (2nd oldest), and their daughter Maddison Evangeline Pines (youngest by 3 years). Magnolia was pregnant with Maddison when Ford got stuck in the portal. She moved the kids back to her and Ford’s home town, Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey. She raised them knowing their father. She’d tell them nonstop that he loves them dearly. For 30 years she waited for Stanford to come back. Never even glanced at another man never spoke to another man she was absolutely smitten for Ford. When she heard the news that Stanford was back, she rushed back to gravity falls desperate to hold him again. They’ve been in deep love since and Ford did in fact cry when her and the kids came back to him.
I’d absolutely love if someone could help me with this OC! I’m on my hands and knees begging.
*edit* : I didn’t make this clear when I made this post. I will most definitely pay for people’s art. I’m obsessed with art and would never ever make an artist spend time on me without paying them a reasonable amount for their time.
Here’s some pics I pulled from Pinterest that fit her vibe:
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we need more ethan!spiderman au omg
okay so i wasn’t sure if you wanted like a blurb/fic (if you do just send like a prompt or something) but i’ll give headcanons! (a mix of ethan and reader centered hc)
- i’m gonna say the reason ethan had landry instead of bailey for his last name is cause his mom died in childbirth so his dad gave ethan her last name. the last piece of her. (why i made that so sad? idk?)
- the bailey-landry family moved from california to new york two years after the mom’s death. bailey wanted a new start for him and the kids. so that’s where you join this tale. you meet ethan in 7th grade, partners in p.e. for a game.
“they’re gonna pummel you.” a mindless comment when your game partner stood beside you. ethan’s eyes widened and looked down at himself, “what? why?” his voice cracked on why and it added to your comment, “you’re built like a stick. but i’ll protect you.” he fell in love that day.
- so you know that scene in ITSV were miles said “i think i hit puberty” cause of his growth spurt. yeah so i would say ethan was definitely scrawny and probably 5’6 (let’s say he got bit in 10th grade, late bloomer) so the next day after he got bit suddenly he’s 6’2 with abs and muscles
“woah, when the hell did this happen?” his dad asks when ethan joins him and quinn at breakfast. ethan just mumbles, “puberty?” and bailey laughs, “more like steroids” and quinn just quirks her brows chewing her food in silence.
- i’m gonna give him the tobey powers, so his webs shoot from his wrist naturally (i know still gross, but i don’t think he’s super science smart)
imagine he’s just in his room and then sneezed into his elbow and BAM, web on the wall. he’s still and then, “what the fuck?!”
- when you saw ethan at school after the weekend, it’s was like your jaw cartoon dropped to the floor. you almost mistook him for someone else cause your mind is like that’s not your ethan. but then he walked up to you and said your name and you just said, “what the fuck happened over a two day weekend?”
- now i’m gonna say it isn’t until senior year of hs that two things happen. 1. you realize these certain feelings and thoughts about ethan that aren’t going away and you’re not mad about it. 2. you find out he’s spider-man.
1. sitting across from him at the library where the both of you are working on homework. you groan to yourself and rub your face. you look at ethan who has his eyes focused on his work, one earbud playing music while the other dangle from his shirt. his curls look more defined that day and his biceps are tight against the striped polo, it feels like your eyes can’t move away. he looks up from his paper and smiles sweetly before it morphed to concern, “you okay?” voice softer due to the rules. and for some reason your heart stuttered and it was like the air was sucked from your lungs. “yeah,” was all you could say.
2. i feel it would be the cliché finding out your friend is a superhero (think green lantern 2011) spider-man saves you from something, wrong time wrong place. he’s extra gentle with you, a little touchy, asking if your okay if you got hurt in anyway. and he practically sighs when you say your untouched from harm. your eyes catch the few ticks you notice from ethan and you think nothing at first, but when he talks and says certain words, your mind confirms it for you. ethan landry is spider-man. so you go to his house later that day and retell him the events (even though he was there) and hearing him say almost the exact same words made you blurt out, “why didn’t you tell me you’re spider-man?” and ethan freezes and tries to stutter through any answer to throw you off. “so if i look in your closet or draws i won’t find a red and blue webbed costume?” “…no”
- you help ethan with excuses when needed. skipping class? he’s at the dentist. missing a shift at the job you both work at? try and copy his voice over the shitty call. bailey asking where he is at 10:30pm? fell asleep at your place.
- ethan unofficial makes you the guy in the chair (girl in the chair? copilot?) you were really reluctant about it. he’d have you call to the police anonymously to report a tied up bad guy. you’d help stitch his outfit back together when it gets cut (you’d try teaching him and when he’d do something wrong you either grab it from his hands or put yours over his just to ‘flirt’ with him). also wash blood from the outfit (you’d cry silently to yourself in the bathroom while ethan stayed in your room to lay down. you hated when there was too much red mixed with the water. you don’t like seeing him hurt, and if you express this he’d say ‘i’m fine. i have superhealing’ and you resist punching his bicep).
- when the big bads start showing up (sinister six) and ethan was getting tossed like a bag of rice or sand, he would basically crawl to your house and and the both of you do this repetitive routine. then crawl into your bed, blanket tight and thrown over your bodies, you’d cling to each other. tucking yourself into ethan’s chest with your fist tight in his shirt, his chin digging into your head with his arms over your shoulders, his palms rubbing your back.
“ethan?” voice muffled. he hummed, the vibration tickling your cheek. “are you gonna be okay?” sounding like a scared child. his up and down rubbing continued, “of course. i can handle myself.” you knew he was saying it for your sake. “but these people, ethan. their different from street level thugs and muggers. they have powers and high tech.” “and they have weaknesses just like everybody else. spider-man always wins the day.” and then he pressed his lips to your head. and it wasn’t a peck, it was those lingering kisses where the giver is trying to pour ever ounce of love they have for the reciver.
- you have notifications for updates on spider-man. even listening to the news. the news! who watches/listens to the news?
- ethan leaves you random notes through out the day. some with a -el (holy shit my initials?) or sometimes not signed to pretend you have a secret admirer so he could be bold and blatantly compliment you (you know his hand writing, but at least this gives you some hints that he like likes you)
- you guys practically flirt when ethan approaches as spider-man in public. (the mask gives him extra confidence and you have a slight kink for the mask🫢)
- bailey hates spider-man and quinn likes him. so ethan just sits awkwardly whenever they bring up his alter-ego. trying to stay neutral if they look to him for an answer.
- if you go out and drink hard (very rare) ethan is watching your location like a hawk! texting every now and again (not trying to come off as clingy or whatever. just a worried friend) always happy to pick you up and take you home (he gives you piggyback rides and you rest your chin on his shoulder slowly falling asleep)
a/n: honestly would love to do more hc if anyone wants. but also if you do want more spider-man!ethan send a prompt to my inbox!
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agaypanic · 4 months
ethan morgan with a short reader hc???? (gn or fem pls!)
Ethan Morgan With a Short Reader Headcanons
Request Something!
I think Ethan would love having a short s/o
He’s the shortest guy in the group 
I headcanon somewhere ranging from 5’6 to 5’8
Yea that feels right
But anyway, both of you being short makes you fit together so well
You were used to the boys towering over you all the time. Rory may have been just a few inches taller than you, but his tendency to float or fly made him seem larger. And Benny had always been a lanky giant.
But Ethan was the perfect height, at least in your opinion. He was the shortest boy in the group but was still a few inches taller than you, which you liked. You didn’t have to crane your neck to look at him, and he never had to bend down to hug or kiss you.
“Aw, you guys are like little dolls or something.” Benny teased as you and Ethan met with the group, hand in hand.
You looked at each other, both confused and slightly amused. “We’re not that small, Benny.”
“I don’t know.” Rory egged on. “I think Debbie Dazzle was bigger than you guys.” The blonde sighed, starting to look reminiscent. “I miss Debbie Dazzle.”
Everyone stared at Rory, but you were the one to speak. “You miss the doll that was brought to life, and then tried to suck out all of our energy and turn us into dolls so she could stay alive?”
“What can I say? I like complicated women.”
Sharing clothes with Ethan works out well
Bc even tho he’s scrawny, most of his clothes seem pretty loose
But half the time, his shirts are a bit long, so since you’d be shorter than him, you might still drown in his clothes a bit
Still comfy tho
“Damn.” You muttered, going through your backpack before looking up at Ethan. “I think I forgot my pajamas.”
“Wanna borrow some of my stuff?” He asked, already moving towards his closet. You nodded, and soon, your boyfriend tossed you a shirt and some basketball shorts before leaving his room to let you get changed.
After changing and setting your old clothes by your bag, you looked into the mirror by Ethan’s bed and laughed. You were somewhat drowning in the fabric of his shirt, and his shorts ended at your knees. As you bounded down the stairs to the living room, you wondered how you’d look if Ethan was as tall as Rory or Benny.
Hearing your nearing footsteps, Ethan looked away from the TV and grinned at the sight of you. Even though you’ve worn his clothes before, a blush always appeared on his cheeks. “Comfy?”
“Very.” You responded before settling down next to him on the couch and accepting the remote that he was handing to you.
You know how sometimes with short reader headcanons, the character reaches for stuff on high shelves for the reader?
Or purposefully puts stuff up there?
Ethan kind of does that.. But since he’s only a few inches taller than you, his help isn’t very effective sometimes
Ethan kept waving his hand around and lifting onto his toes, trying to reach the top shelf of a bookcase. You and your friends were at a mall, and you practically dragged your boyfriend to the bookstore to grab some books for your TBR list. You found a book that you’d been wanting for ages, but it was on the highest shelf.
You had already attempted to grab it a few times, and now it was Ethan’s turn. 
“Babe, should we just go get someone?” You asked, watching him struggle.
“No, I’m almost there.” He said adamantly, but you both knew he wasn’t.
Suddenly, there was someone laughing behind you. You and Ethan turned around to see an amused Benny.
“Need help?” He asked before sipping the smoothie he had gotten from the food court.
“Shut up.”
“Yes, please.”
Benny walked up to stand between you and Ethan. He raised his hand, grabbing the book you were after with extreme ease and handing it to you. “By the way, we’re gonna go to Applebee’s for lunch in, like, an hour.” Then he walked away, presumably to the comic section. 
Happy that you now had the book you wanted, you took Ethan’s hand and walked through other sections. 
“I almost had it,” Ethan grumbled, but you both knew better.
“I know, baby.”
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fitgirlfemdom · 17 days
The story you made about the pathetic NEET gooner who let himself go is literally me.
It did start small. I was coming off of a high in regards to everything, super promising schooling and I made it into a fairly prestigious lab in college where I still work. But from freshman to senior year, while my schoolwork has been fine, I’ve pretty much watched myself fall from extremely sociable, charming all the way to monstrous fatty sneaking out of my dorm room (which is more of a league of legends/weed/feedist porn dungeon) to pick up my 3rd ubereats of the night while girls look at me judgingly.
And literally the best part is that I glance back up at them, wearing my oversized sweater that’s getting tighter and tighter, and I can’t help but feel so good. It’s amazing when I get into the elevator with rowdy college girls and all they have to make conversation with me is the fact that I’m holding a bag that obviously contains a shit ton of fast food.
I have, seldomly, gotten into the elevator at my dorm with fat girls who appear to be in my boat with regards to overeating ubereats. When that happens, it’s like two people who desperately want out but understand that each other poses no harm in judgment.
In this way, I’ve gained around 90 pounds in 3 years (most of it was in 1 year, so I could easily push it to 150 pounds overall), making me 5’6, 220 pounds.
I have also dabbled in the whole cock rating fetish. I once requested a rating from a super muscular Onlyfans acc where I gave a before pic (for physique) and an after pic.. The next few nights, I downed so much heavy cream and melted ice cream that I had to call off work.
I love the Berserk theme btw. Farnese is by far my fav character.
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Oh yeah I love Farnese too! Such a great personality :D
I also wouldn't consider you a NEET, judging by how you're literally in college and that cancels out the first two letters. I see a lot of people, especially on tiktok and twitter, conflating "NEET" with "terminally online nerd." For fetish purposes, though, they look the same, and smell the same, so I guess I can let it slide.
a little bit of rambling:
I think the reason I'm so attracted to fat degenerate nerd losers is not just because they're a lot easier to please, but they also know exactly what they want and where they stand. It's the same with girls--I'm much more interested in chubby, awkward, dyed-hair nerd girls than the girls that called me a bulldyke in high school.
"High-value" men and women in my age group (or whatever they like calling themselves) have no interests beyond vague terms like "traveling" or "doggos" or whatever else I've seen on Hinge. The women are also extremely hesitant about actually getting with women (bicurious) while the men just expect you to worship the ground they walk on, for no reason. I dated a 4.0 gpa gymbro and it was exhausting how insecure, manipulative, and immature he was. no self-awareness at all, just pure narcissism. It's incredibly self-deprecating to worship someone that doesn't impress you.
I've also dated a chubby nerd, and while he wasn't a very good boyfriend, he knew what he liked, and he worshipped me in the bedroom. Our sex life was the reason I stayed.
This is all to say, yeah, those girls are going to be judging you and thinking they'd rather swallow glass than kiss you. they won't be happy, though, with their physically active partners. bodies truly do not represent how good someone can fuck, or love, really. i know this is all a fetish, and it IS hot to have a food-waste-filled goon cave, but outside of all this, you will be loved, and you seem really cool. even tho casca is better.
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Hi! I'd like to make a request :) could you write something about celebrating New Year or something like that? Thanks :)
Heyyy, thank you for my first ask hehe 🫶🏿hope you like it x (Also I attached a link to the dress in the text, it’s the second pic in the tweet, so so pretty!)
“Babe you’ve been in bathroom for over an hour, are you sewing your dress or something? It’s already past 10!” You hear your boyfriend yell from behind the door, you can practically hear his stomp him foot and his pretty lips turn up in a pout.
“I’m almost done Kyks, I promise.” You’re rummaging around your make up drawer, trying to find your favourite brown lip liner and gloss. One of these days, you’re going to organise this space for real, you probably spent more time trying to find make up than actually putting it on. You quickly do your lip combo, pull two braids out of your pony tail to frame your face and check yourself out once more in the mirror before leaving the bathroom. Grabbing your bag off the bed you shared, you make your way down the steps of the apartment, your boyfriend mumbling to himself and fiddling with his watch as he waits for you.
“Bébe, calme-toi (Baby calm down), I’m here.”
“About ti-“ He stops mid sentence, his eyes growing wide once they land on you.
“Merde,” He whispers, stepping closer to you.
You’re wearing an original from the Thierry Mugler 1999 Spring/Summer collection, a long white piece with big orange, blue and purple flowers adorning the dress. The material is light and airy, it almost feels like you were wearing nothing at all which makes it a bit tricky because you’re barely 5’6 and clearly the model back in 1999 was much taller because the dress is a little longer on you so you’d have to remember to lift it when walking or you’re very likely to end up on your ass. The Rene Caovilla gold butterfly lace up heels on your feet gave you a little bit extra height, so you reckon you should be okay. Your hair is up so all of your face visible, you know your make up looks especially great tonight too.
“You like?” You grin, your arms instinctively wrapping around his neck as he holds onto your waist.
“Mmm.” He barely replies before bringing his lips down to meet yours. The kiss is a lot fiercer than you expect it to be, Kylian’s mouth almost bruising yours. His hand travels to your ass, clutching it through the dress as he breaks the kiss to pepper them across your jaw instead. You moan a little when you feel his teeth nip at the sensitive part on your neck, his tongue reaching out to sooth it afterwards.
“Kylian, what happened to being late?” You say breathlessly as his mouth works wonders on your neck.
“If you can make us late, so can I.” He moves back up to capture your lips again and you lean into him, losing yourself in the kiss as your leg lifts off its own accord to wrap around his leg. But when you feel Kylian’s hand swipe across your ass and onto your thigh, inching upwards, you pull your yourself back from the kiss, before it travels any further. Kylian leans forward for another kiss and you place your hand on chest, to push him away.
“Ky, I didn’t look this good just for you to ruin it before anyone else has seen me?”
“I can’t help myself, you look incredible mon amour.”
He leans towards you again, his lips hovering above your ear.
“I’ll be quick.” He whispers, kissing your earlobe. He knows that’s one of your most sensitive spots that turns you to instant mush.
Sneaky bastard.
“And we’ll be late, cmon, we have two hours left of the year. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll let you start of 2023 by taking the dress off me when we get back.” You wink, already by the door. “Keep your hands to yourself at the party, Mbappe.”
“Mbappe? I must be in trouble.” He laughs, shutting the door behind him before you ride the elevator down to your town car.
The party is great, the atmosphere is lively and everyone looks gorgeous. Almost all of the PSG team and associates are there, and it’s been a wonderful night. You’d danced with the other WAGs while the men are at the bar, chatting and doing goodness knows what else, but now it is nearing midnight, about 30 minutes to go. Kylian searches for you in the crowd, but you’re no where to be found on the dance floor. He spots Hakimi with his wife and walks over to them, waving to them to get their attention.
“Have you seen Y/N?” He yells over the music.
“I think she went to the bathroom a few minutes ago.” Hiba replies, and he thanks them before heading in your direction. He’s about to climb the steps when he sees you at the top.
“Baby!” You shout, breaking out in a grin, excitedly running down the stairs to meet him, when it happens all too fast. The heel on your left sandal catches onto the back of the too long Mugler dress and trips you, sending you tumbling down. You land awkwardly on your ankle, hitting your head on the corner of one of the steps.
“Y/N!” The scream that leaves Kylian is horrifying as he crouches over you, face in his hands. “Shit, SHIT, Y/N, your head, you’re bleeding.”
You reach up to touch your forehead and surely enough, there’s a little bit of blood on your fingers when you bring them back down, but nothing alarming. Your head throbs a little bit and there’s a shooting pain in your ankle, but other than that, you feel relatively okay. You wince trying to stand back up, and you decide it’s better to just stay seated. Everyone is crowded around you, wondering if you’re okay.
“Ky, I’m okay.”
“Your head Y/N, I need to call an ambulance.”
“Kylian, I do not need an ambulance. Don’t be so dramatic.” But it’s too late, he’s already on the phone requesting one as soon as possible. Someone hands you a hand towel hold it to your forehead to try and stop the bleeding.
“Babe, can you stand? You know what, never mind.” Before you know it, you’re swept off your feet, Kylian lifting you from the floor, carrying you bridal style through the building.
“Oh my god, Kylian put me down! Ky this is so embarrassing I can walk!” Everyone watches on as he pushes his way through the crowd, whispering amongst themselves and gasping as you pass them.
“God, Y/N! Are you okay?? Dude what happened??” Hakimi rushes over to Kylian, worried when he sees you in his arms.
“Hakimi tell your boyfriend to put me down. I tripped and he’s acting like someone pushed me off a cliff, I’m fine!”
“She fell down the stairs, I’m taking her to the emergency room, I’ll see you guys later, happy new year.” Kylian says quickly in one breath, before rushing the both of you out of the main door into the open air.
“Kylian, you’re ridiculous, I’m fine, please put me down.”
“Y/N your head is bleeding, you hit it pretty hard. And not to mention your ankle. No, we’re going to the hospital.”
“You’re so fucking dramatic.” You roll your eyes, but you stop fighting in his arms because you realise it’s pointless, he isn’t going to put you down until the ambulance arrives so you’re finally glad when it does and he sets you down on the stretcher while a paramedic looks at you.
“The cut is pretty deep ma’am, and you may need a cast for that ankle, it’s not an immediate emergency, but we’ll drive you down to the hospital and get you fully checked out to be on the safe side. Don’t want you walking too much on that ankle, could make it worse.”
“Can I ride in with you?” Kylian asks, his hand never leaving yours. “I didn’t bring my car with me tonight.”
“Of course, Mr Mbappe.”
“No, Kylian, you can stay, enjoy the party, I’ll call my sister to pick me up later.” You feel awful for ruining the evening for him. He’d been looking forward to this all week, especially after how hard he’s been working the past month with the team to secure their lead at the top of the league table.
“And leave you alone just before the new year? Absolutely fucking not.” He steps into the back of the ambulance as the paramedic closes the door and starts to drive toward the hospital.
“I’m sorry.” You croak, your voice breaking, tears forming in your eyes, partly because of how guilty you feel and also because the adrenaline has now worn off and the throbbing in your head and shooting pain in your ankle are now in competition to see which can make you cry the most.
“For what mon amour,” His eyes are so tender and worried as they scan your face it makes you cry even more.
“Ruining your night, making you leave the party because I’m stupid and clumsy. This is isn’t how you wanted to enter the new year. In the back of an ambulance away from all the fun and your friends and-“
“With you. Y/N we could’ve ended this night drenched in horse shit in a barn and I still wouldn’t care because I’d be with you.” You hear the radio from the front of the van as the countdown into 2023 begins.
10, 9, 8,
“I don’t deserve you.” You pout, and he leans forward to kiss you lightly.
7, 6, 5,
“I don’t deserve you either. So in that way, we’re perfect for each other. And look, when you change into a hospital gown, I’ll be there to take the dress off. So technically, I still win, and get to start 2023 exactly how I wanted to.” He smiles, and you’re hurting now, but for a completely different reason. Your heart tugs, you were so in love with this man in front of you. There’s absolutely no one else in the world for you but him.
4, 3, 2,
“I love you Ky, so so much.”
The sound of fireworks going off all over the city ring out, the sky lighting up in all sort of shapes and colours as he dips down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
“I love you mon amour, happy new year.”
Hope everyone has a great Christmas xo my present to you, a gif of this stupidly sexy man in a tux 😩
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litrumi · 2 months
“Just a Hangout Sesh” (DayNap Unannounced AU Short Story)
*This little short story IS based on an AU I literally have somewhat planned but am not yet ready to release out into the wild. It’s a work in progress so all things are subject to change anyway. Regardless…
The only details you need FOR NOW: Dogday and Catnap are in their early 20s. They live in a big city. Dogday’s working at a bakery. Catnap is a gang leader. Dogday is about 5’6” (167 cm), Catnap is 6’4” (193 cm).
This short story’s being told from Catnap’s perspective, but the main AU story is most likely gonna be told through Dogday’s. If I ever get around to this.
Related music/track for reading: Danganronpa V3 - Becoming Friends
Another slow day, another reason to see him.
I think to myself as I walk down the pavement. The sounds of the running engines of cars and buses, driving on by, fills the streets. It’s morning, after all. People have places to be.
I look up to the sky for a moment in all of its smoggy, city glory. Smells like urban life alright…
Step after step, I find myself in front of a quaint but clean shop. Its colors are so vibrant and pink that it almost looks like it’s lit up and bright, but that’s just because it’s surrounded by other drab apartment buildings and the like.
I blink at the sign up top, reading “Pick-A-Treat”. A local bakery that’s been here for a couple years by now. I never really paid attention to it until recently. But I suppose that’s how it goes when someone you’re interested in suddenly starts working there.
A small thought crosses my mind, but I quickly dismiss it after remembering how he yelled at me for even bringing in a cigarette to the shop. I hadn’t even lit it yet and he still got on my case the second he realized I was holding one. That aggressive and yet non-threatening, scolding tone… I can’t help but chuckle to myself when I think back on it.
I brush the moment aside and open the door, stepping in. I’m immediately affronted by a warm atmosphere and aromatically relaxed by the scent of fresh baked goods.
“Welcome!” I hear the familiar voice say as the door closes and rings the bell atop it that signals a new visitor entering the premises.
I look in the direction of the counter and see him. That shorty. The busy pup, with a pink apron over the front of his light pink work shirt and sporting a small, pink chef’s hat on his head, is fixing up the display shelves and making sure everything is in its proper place. Geez, so much pink with this place… At least he has dark black pants.
Finally, he turns to me, and his bright, welcoming smile… changes to that of a quick realization and an expression that wants to sigh with disappointment. “Oh, it’s just you…” He looks at me with a tinge of annoyance.
“Thanks for the warm welcome,” I reply with a smile of my own. I walk over to the small seating area they have against the wall for customers who either are waiting for their order or may want to enjoy their little treat here in the meantime.
“Do you really have to sit? I just cleaned those seats before we opened for the day,” he tells me, unamused.
“I get tired just like anyone else, Shortbread,” I smirk. “I could use a break from walking over here. Besides, I’m not dirty. I showered just this morning,” I say as I fix up the collar of my black, leather jacket and rest my hands in my black jeans pockets.
Completely ignoring what I said, and only focusing on the nickname I used, he gets angry. “Don’t call me that,” the dog pouts in reference to the jab I took at him. “Also stop referring to my height! I’ve still got time to grow! And if I grow an extra foot, I’ll be taller than you!”
Yeah, by two inches… I think to myself.
“Forget about that, I’m older than you!” He retorts.
By a month… I think again.
“Anyway, what do you want, thug?” He scoffs.
“I’m here to see you,” I smile. “Isn’t that obvious?”
He blinks at me, not swayed by my flirting. “Well, hello. You can see me,” he waves. “Now can you leave? What if a patron comes by and gets intimidated by your… edginess,” he motions to me.
“I won’t be a bother to anyone,” I answer confidently. “I’ll sit here quietly and mind my own business.”
“Really?” He asks, unsure. “You won’t bother anyone?”
“Anyone but you, Biscuits,” I wink.
He glares with his hands on his hips. “…I’m two steps away from the sharp and blunt kitchen utensils. Watch yourself, Mugshot.”
I put my hands up in the air, with a smug grin. “Guilty as charged. I surrender,” I laugh. What a cute nickname he’s picked out for me. After teasing him for the millionth time, I look around the shop and notice something. He’s the only one working right now, huh? “Hey, Dogday, where’s your boss and shy co-worker?”
“Huh? Oh,” he realizes that I’ve noticed him working all alone. “They’re running some emergency errands,” he says while kneading some dough. “Picky’s got a lot of other things she needs to take care of today, and Crafty, well…” Dogday rubs the back of his head. “She could use the day off.” He’s immediately thinking about the fact that the poor unicorn is having trouble with finishing up other things in her life that require her to speak up for herself. There’s always the chance she’s caught herself up in a whirlwind of things she can’t say no to, as well. “Anyway, it is what it is,” the pup says.
“You’re really going to handle the shop today, all by yourself?” I wonder.
“Heh,” he just chuckles. He tightens his apron and feels challenged. “What? You think I don’t have what it takes? Oh, Catnap…” he clicks his tongue and wags his finger. “I could run this place with my eyes closed!” He announces proudly.
I eye him, up and down. “Bold statement, coming from you,” I remark. Three, two, one…
He sees how I glanced at him and his face heats up. “I- I’ll show you, you good for nothing delinquent! Just sit back and watch this canine run the whole show! Flawlessly!” He gets fired up.
There we go. Much better. I didn’t even have to convince him to let me stay.
Sooner rather than later, customers do come in eventually. Dogday’s demeanor switches up instantaneously to a cheery and enthusiastic worker with a principle for customer satisfaction. That part of him seems very effortless and easy to do. Maybe he just takes all work given to him seriously… I begin to wonder.
With me, he’d certainly rather shout at me or ignore me. But he’s pretty professional and upbeat when he’s not talking to me. I like that about him… Not many have what it takes to yell at the leader of the number one gang in the city.
But I guess he should know by now that I wouldn’t let anyone other than him act this way around me. I relax back more into the chair and rest the back of my head against my arms, behind me. I could never be mad at him… Not after what he did. I owe him that much.
When the most recent customer leaves and we have a moment to chat again, Dogday wipes some sweat from his forehead and relaxes a bit. As soon as I see him ready to take a small break, I decide to flip the switch back to playful mode.
“So nice to every customer in here…” I sigh as if I’m sad. “Everyone but me…”
He looks at me with slight irritation. “Tell me, when was the last time you bought anything here?”
“You gave me those tasty cookies just the other day!”
“For free!” He crosses his arms. “Just so you would shut up about wanting to try some of our baked treats!”
I hum and muse on the argument. “Aww,” I tease. “You do care. I didn’t know they were free,” I grin.
“I’m ready to change my mind about that,” his eyebrow twitches.
“Sure, I can arrange some quick cash,” I comply. “Just let me go find some money for ya and I’ll be back in five minutes,” I tell him.
“No blood money!” He scolds me. “I’m not letting you pay us with your filthy, gang obtained riches! Work hard and earn it the right way!”
I let out a sigh. “Alright, fine,” I concede. “Then I’ll pay ya back in a couple of weeks or something.” A stickler for the rules…
“Thank you,” he nods, satisfied with the terms of the agreement.
“Who baked them, anyway?” I decide to ask.
But once I ask that question, his behavior changes a little bit. He looks off to the ground, then to the side, before looking back at me with a shy but trying to look tough expression. A little redness is ever so present on his cheeks. “…Someone here at the bakery, obviously…” Was all he said on the matter.
Someone, huh? I feel a little warmth in my chest.
“Anyway, you almost done? I’ve been waiting for hours now,” I inform him.
“Huh?” He looks confused. “Actually… wait a sec, you really have been here for a while. What gives? Do you need something?” He begins to tidy up some of the supplies around him.
“Duh,” I roll my eyes. “I’m waiting for your shift to be over.” I then put on a charming smile for him. “We’re going on a date when you’re done.”
The room is silent for all of three seconds.
The dog takes in the information and then suddenly it was like a steaming kettle set off. “A- A date?!” He spouts out, flabbergasted. “What date?! W- Who said anything about a date?!”
I look around and see that no one else is here. “I did, about five seconds ago,” I point to myself.
“B- But who agreed to that?!?! I certainly didn’t!” He’s super red in the face now.
I put a finger to my chin for a moment and ponder. “Hmm… Oh,” I remember. “Must’ve forgot to tell you yesterday, my bad,” I grin.
“How convenient!” He groans, sweating bullets.
I smirk, enjoying the spectacle he’s putting on.
“Seriously, a date…” the pup begins to quietly talk to himself to sort out the situation. “Of all the…” He huffs under his breath.
Why is it so much fun to mess with him?
“Well?” I shrug. “We gonna go on that date after your shift or do you wanna go on it tomorrow?”
“Why are those my only two options?!” He sighs.
He turns his back to me and seems like he’s thinking really hard about it. He’s mulling it over so much that I just look at him, feeling pleased and entertained a little. But really… I’m kind of happy that he’s genuinely thinking so hard about this.
Eventually, he turns back around, takes a deep breath, and looks at me seriously. “Ugh… Fine. We can hangout after I finish work, but that’s all! We’re just hanging out!” He tacks on that disclaimer, flustered. “And please don’t do anything that’ll draw attention to us.”
I salute to him with a stupid look on my face. “Whatever you say, Shortstack.”
Immediately, he throws an oven mitt at me. “I’ll make you part of the next recipe, Thugzilla! Don’t patronize me!”
What a feisty pup…
No wonder he’s so cute. I feel my heartbeat quicken a little.
Time goes by, and more customers come in, get their orders, and leave. All I can do is stare at the clock on the wall, listen to its ticking noises, and watch Dogday work out of the corner of my eye.
What exactly should we do? I start to consider. There’s really nowhere we can’t go. No one has enough of a lack of brain cells to say no to me. But that’s not the real issue, I guess. What… does he like? I know what I like, but I honestly don’t know that much more about him. And if we just do the things I want, there’s no way he’d enjoy it.
Running through a million different things in my head, I can’t really pick anything in particular.
I glance over to him and see that he’s not busy chatting with any customers again. “Say, what kind of things do you like?” I ask him outright.
He stops what he’s doing to look at me. “Huh? What… I like?” He rests his head in the palm of his hand and looks up at the ceiling. “Kind of a tough question, but let me think…” His eyes just wander around as they please.
As I watch him turn the wheels in his head, I try to think how someone as normal as him might feel.
“Well, I guess I don’t mind the occasional stroll in the park or… a movie or… stargazing and stuff…” He answers.
“Those are your favorite things?” I question.
“No, not my… favorite, per se,” he rubs the back of his head. “To be honest, I just don’t have a favorite anything. I’m pretty okay with whatever.” He nods.
“Whatever, huh?” I repeat. “So… you wanna go start a fight with the other local territories and get back some stuff they stole from random people?”
He gives me a deadpan expression and doesn’t bother saying a single word.
“I’m just kidding,” I chuckle. “Well, if it’s totally up to me then…” I adjust my position in the chair and face him fully. “The train station.”
“What?” He curiously asks.
“The train station. Let’s just sit at the train platform and stick around until the sun sets,” it was an easy answer for me all along.
“That’s… the big plan you have for us hanging out?” He crosses his arms.
“C’mon, it’ll be a calm and peaceful time. Just watching the train pull up and leave with people. And when the train leaves, you get to see nothing but some nice open background scenery. Pretty cool stuff, if you ask me,” I tell him.
“You’re not suggesting this because of what I think you mean, right…?” He wonders, a little sadly.
“And if I am?” I reply.
He looks at me with a little unease and worry. He then looks down at the ground for a moment. “You don’t… need to keep thinking about that moment, you know? It’s not that big of a deal, really…”
“It was and still is a big deal to me,” I state. “I hear you loud and clear. But the truth is, it’s more important than you think. So do this little thing for me, ‘kay?” I smile. “I just want to spend some time with you.”
He’s silent because he just doesn’t know how to process it all. He’s not mad or upset at anything, but I can tell he’s a little taken back by remembering that moment. Our first time meeting. Something like that was just a passing moment to him, but for me, it was so much more.
“A- Alright,” he doesn’t put up a fuss. He just agrees and holds his arm.
I can tell that he feels a little tense. The atmosphere did drop a bit there, after all. But I feel a small weight lift off my shoulders from being able to tell him that much. I’m glad you’re here, Dogday…
“Now enough mush,” I interrupt to bring back the regular mood. “Can I get some more cookies or what?”
He looks up at me and quickly gets back to his old self. “Depends,” he starts. “Where’s the payment for the last batch?”
“I’ll take an advance on the cookies and you’ll see the money in a few weeks,” I slyly reply.
“Not how it works…” The dog sighs.
The routine continues on with me teasing him and him getting annoyed at my presence. But finally, his work day begins to come to a close. He cleans up and checks that everything is as it should be. I just stay out of the way, since I know he’d appreciate that.
“Hey, I just need a few minutes when we leave,” he tells me. “I just wanna run home, change, and then we can go. Won’t take long.”
“Oh?” I raise an eyebrow. “Do I finally get to see the inside of your apartment?” I cheekily ask.
He’s totally done with me at this point. “Absolutely not,” he says with his teeth gritted.
“Fair enough,” I laugh.
Somebody stop him. He’s too adorable.
With that, we leave the bakery as he turns off the lights and remembers to lock up the shop.
I tell him that I’ll wait right here while he goes and pampers himself up for the date. Being the good guy that he is, I can still tell he’s restraining himself from using a rude gesture as he sprints off to get ready.
Now I’m left here waiting, with just me and my thoughts.
I find myself looking up at the still smoggy skies again.
Things are turning out better than I thought…
But I know it’s not because of anything special that I’m doing.
That’s just what it’s like having someone like him by your side. Hard to believe he moved here only about a month ago, now. I can only be thankful that I ever ran into him in the first place.
In fact, it’s nothing short of a miracle…
A miracle… for us both.
I just know it.
I needed some practice to get out of this writing funk I’m in. Being sick for a month sure drains motivation. So honestly I definitely had to use this.
Still, I was actually thinking that this could potentially be a two parter. I did “somewhat” feel like writing the other half of this or basically the actual “hanging out” portion too, but I dunno. Just gonna be a moment of intrigue. We’ll see.
Anyway, it also was a little preview of some other AU stuff I got in the brain. That’s all!
Take careeee!
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Halloween Party Swap:
The Halloween party between all the cool kids was just a few days away, and the winner of the costume party would supposedly get to bang Christine, she was the baddest bitch on campus, 5’6, D sized tits, the type of girl who had access to “mommies and daddy’s” money, everyone knew she had a lot of work done but that didn’t change from how fucking hot she was
How ever I didn’t really have a costume picked out… one of my buddies told me about this magic spell that could swap people’s bodies, reason he told me is cause he was gonna swap with this Chinese student who had a thick accent, and just go full stereotype and wear one of those straw hats the rice farmers use to wear in Asia, while also carrying around a rice cooker, asking people if they wanted rice
A few other people were running with this idea and so a lot of people already knew that not everyone is gonna be who they seem, so if they enter the contest they just gotta tell their real names
Now don’t get me wrong, my friend had a pretty good and pretty hilarious idea, it would really be hard to top that, but I think I could manage
I met up with the biggest nerd on campus, Davis, and told him about the party, he told me he already knew but also knew he wasn’t invited
“Bro if you help me with my costume, I’ll get you in, I promise” I said trying to convince him to come
“Ok, ya cool, I’d love to go to a party, what’s your costume” Davis said excitedly
“Um well you see Davis… I was hoping you could be my costume” I said continuing to explain the situation to him
He didn’t seem to buy it at first
“ so your telling me, you wanna swap bodies with me, dress extra nerdy, just to win some contest to fuck a chick?… quit fucking with me, everyone knows it’s not possible to swap bodies, and that magic doesn’t exist. grow up.” He said walking away
I continued to walk behind him and ask”come on bro, some of my other friends have already done it, why not, I mean you’d get to be me for a couple days”
“You know what?” He said stopping and turning around
If you want my body and can somehow use magic to swap us, sure I’d love to be you Brad ” he said turning around and continuing to his next class
“You won’t regret it” I yelled
Later that night before bed I starting looking at the spell online that my friend sent me, underneath it in some of the smallest font a computer can make, was a list of side effects
I had to zoom in just to see them, only thing that stuck out is if both individuals cum inside their bodies, the swap becomes permanent…
Now typically I would just, not jerk off in Davis’s body, but I’ve herd the stories, and apparently bro is a premature cummer, I’m talking like, just looking at too hot of a bitch could make him cum
So I did the only logical thing someone in my shoes would do, I went into my girlfriend’s drawer (well, she’s not really my girlfriend, but like a long term fling), and grabbed a chastity lock that my girl likes to use on me when she’s feeling extra kinky that night, and locked my cock in it and hid the key
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It was a tight fit while soft and absolutely hurt while hard but I guess that’s the price he’ll have to pay if he wants to be me for a couple days
I proceeded to do the spell and nothing happened
I texted my friend who already did it with that Asian guy and asked what was up. He told me it takes effect while we’re sleeping, he then asked who I’d be swapping with, when I told him, he was a bit upset but proud of my idea “ dam bro, that’s a good one, I wish I would have thought about that”
So I decided I guess I should go to sleep, no better way to kill time right haha? I just wanna win this competition so bad so I can fuck Christine
The next day I woke up in a dorm that looked nothing like mine, all my posters of nude girls were gone (which I typically take down when I have girls over) and my posters of cars and shit
I instantly thought and new that it had to worked I got up feeling extremely boney and rushed to a mirror, the face that greeted me was this
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Now typically someone that’s a hot certified fuck boi like myself would be upset they got swapped into a nerds body, but I was ecstatic. I mean ya I was ugly as shit and these braces looked fuck, man who in college still wears braces haha .
But man, I’m so gonna win this competition I said, getting dressed in a rush, not bothering to check out my crappy body.
I proceeded to go to the customs store and by a stereotype nerd costume to add to the “costume” I’m wearing now… white shirt with a pocket calculator, and pants held up by suspenders
As I was checking out at the register I started getting texts from my old body
“Hey um bro, I woke up in your body, I can’t believe it worked, this is crazy, but um, what’s this thing on my cock and how do I get it off, it kinda hurts my dick bro”
I smirked at the texts, I knew he’d want out of my chastity lock
“It’s a chastity lock, keeps you from pleasuring yourself, and you don’t… that’s the price you gotta pay if you want to be me” I replied putting my phone away and walking home with the costume in a bag
When I got home I had numerous texts from Davis, BEGGING me to get it unlocked
“ Brad come on dude, this hurts really bad and since I can’t jerk it, all I can do is keep staring and or adjusting it so it don’t hurt as much, doesn’t really help much but…”
“Brad, help me out here”
I decided to reply back and let him know why I can’t unlock it
“Look Davis, it’s there for a reason, If we both cum, we’re stuck like this and can’t swap back, and I’ve herd the stories about how just a girl talking to you can make you cum, so I’m not risking you jerking off in my body, and then me having a accident or something in yours… plus I’ve hidden the key so don’t think about trying to unlock it, that stays on untill we swap back, got it?”
“Ya got it, you’ve hidden the key so it stays on” he replied back
After that, I didn’t hear from David for the rest of the day…
Truthfully I’ve been holding in the urge to piss and shit all day, so once I got back to David’s dorm, I couldn’t take it anymore and rushed to the bathroom
As I’m blowin it up I have my eyes resting in my arms trying not to look at his junk but I caught a glimpse and had to look
“ no fucking way” I said as I removed an arm and took a look
“It’s so small it doesn’t even hang haha, this thing is pathetic, maybe like an inch soft, it kinda curls into itself” I said as I got done with natures call
“ I wonder how big it is hard” I thought to myself as imagined naked chicks
I watched as it grew to a pathetic 3 and a half inches
“Dam I would hate to be this guy haha” I said as I gave it a quick tug
That was a mistake, I almost blew it right there
“Jesus Christ, that was close, the rumors really undersold him, he’s not a premature cumer, he’s extremely premature” I said getting up making sure to be as careful as possible to not make myself cum.
The night of the Halloween party came and I went, fully dressed in my nerd costume, suspenders and all
There was a lot of hot chicks around and at some point in the night they announced via the DJ that costume swaps that involved swapping we’re not gonna be counted in this years contest
“Man this is stupid” I said angrily walking to start getting drinks, that was probably the worst decision of the night because after an hour of drinking, I saw my body walk in, in this skeleton costume, now I shouldn’t be mad cause I did say I’d get him into the party, but what had me upset was the skeleton costume had an extra bone. My dick, he must have gotten out of the chastity lock somehow? Maybe he found the key?
I won’t lie, I was already hard from looking at all the hot chicks that I can’t fuck, mainly due to the rules of the swap, and due to how none of them wanna fuck this nerd…
But when I saw my body walk in, in that costume, displaying my dick though a costume I was gonna originally wear, and knowing I was disqualified myself from the contest, I let lose.
I got absolutely trashed, the last thing I remember before blacking out was Davis coming up to me an making small talk
“Hey bro, I herd they’re not counting swapped costumes this year” he said looking down at me
“Ya” I said looking up from my cup “so ima just drink my problems away and swap us back tomorrow night… I see you don’t have that chastity lock on anymore”
“Ya, I found the lock but I decided I’d need a costume and found this in your room, I’m guessing this was your original idea” he said giving his dick a quick pull.
“Ya” I said looking back down at my cup
Davis lightly slapped my arm and said “ aye don’t worry tho, I haven’t cummed yet, kinda hard staying erect for this costume all night haha”
“That’s good” I said, and then blacked out
I woke up in the middle of the night still drunk as fuck and couldn’t think straight
I saw Christine kissing my old body on the couch and got hard immediately
I rolled over to face them and whipped my dick our starting to slowly massage it
“Oh fuck ya, I always knew I’d end up with her” I said
“Christine looked over and without saying a word smacked my body to look this way”
Davis told her “it’s fine, he’s probably sexless and just living out some sick fantasy in his head, I mean maybe we should help him, how about instead of fucking tonight, we can just match him, and you can give me a hand job, and we can call it even if you want”
“Ok” she said putting back on her sexy face and proceeding to start giving Davis a hand job in my body
“Oh fuck this is so hot, a handjob from Christine, it feels so go-O-OD I said to myself cumming in my hand and falling asleep, not aware that I’m not actually me anymore and was just watching from Davis’s real body, not some out of body experience where I watch from the 3rd person
I awoke the next day with my pants down and my hand feeling Crusty,
“Ew, what happened last night?” I said to myself
I looked around and saw my body still on the couch, no longer with a boner, “Jesus how long did he hold that thing” I thought to myself
I reached over and threw a pillow at Davis’s head, waking him up
“ I’m up” he said frantically shooting upright
“Hey what happened last night” I said looking confused “why are my pants down”
“Oh you got drunk as fuck last night and jerked off last night on the couch” he said with a smile
“Oh shit did I? Well good save bro, I owe you one, I think ima get dressed and go home, we should be back to our normal selves tomorrow” I said getting up
“ I don’t think that’ll happen” Davis said standing up
“Woah woah why not?” I said looking concerned
He pointed down at his dick and I could see a white stain
“Did I mention you jerked off to Christine making out with me, and then proceeded to give me a handjob when she saw you jerking to us?” He said with a smile on his face
“How was it, was it worth the cumming” he said seeming excited at me slowly piecing things together
“I-I-don’t remember, you just let her jerk you off bro? Did you finish? Please tell me no”
“ dam that’s ashame, you seemed so satisfied after you lasted way longer than I typically do, you lasted about 2 minutes, there wasn’t a lot of cum at all but, hey, it still happened” he said smirking
“And I won’t say I did cum, but I also won’t say I didn’t, I think the stain in your costume answers that question pretty well hahahaha” he said laughing with the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen
“ man, sorry you couldn’t help yourself last night but neither could I, I mean it’s not all bad tho, I get to stay as a bonafide fuck boi, this couldn’t have ended better for me” he said turning and walking out the door, leaving me to ponder what exactly went wrong last night tripping me in his nerdy body
#Edit I know this is a little out of season but I’ve been saving this story for awhile and just find it too hot not to post, hope tumblr don’t block it, if so it’ll have to wait till my patreon
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