croagunk + la croix enthusiast
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25 - they/them- scorpio - entj this is mainly a shitposting account, but i will occasionally post some of my fanfiction and reblog stuff from fandoms im following 
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lacroixqueen · 9 days ago
unfortunately the best advice i can give to everyone bad at fishing in stardew valley is that you just need to get good at fishing in stardew valley
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lacroixqueen · 4 months ago
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2021 | 2024
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lacroixqueen · 4 months ago
made your mark on me, a golden tattoo tattoo artist sevika x reader AU (18+)
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Summary: you are getting your very first tattoo and sevika just so happens to be your tattoo artist. flirting and sexual tension ensue.
Pairing: tattoo artist sevika x reader AU
Word Count: 3357 (she's LONG)
Tags: soft sevika, unresolved tension, useless lesbians, gay panic, tattoo artist, tattoos, tattoo parlor
You shifted around the seat in the waiting room of the tattoo parlor for what felt like the hundredth time in the span of a single minute. For some reason you were a lot less nervous on the way here than you were literally waiting for your tattoo artist to set up the room and look over your art samples. You told yourself that this was something you were going to get done if it was the last thing you did. 
I mean, for God’s sake, it was a brand new year, and you wanted your first tattoo to be something special, to carry meaning that only you will understand. Kind of like a little inside joke. 
Apparently the tattoo artist you selected.. Sevika was it? Was quite well known throughout Zaun for several amazing masterpieces. She was attentive to detail, cared about each and every single one of her customer’s needs, and really wanted to make the best product possible for her clientele. 
You crossed one leg over the other, folding your arms across your chest and heaved out a little sigh. She better damn well be. The waiting list for her business was about three months long. You made sure to do plenty of research before committing to something as permanent as a tattoo. I mean, it will stay on your body for the rest of your life. Perhaps even into your death. 
You shuddered at the thought. Whatever. No matter what, it was far too late to turn back now. You already submitted your deposit, gave the artist the design you had in mind and for crying out loud, you were already here at the goddamn place. So might as well get this over with and try to have as few regrets as possible.
“Y/N?” a low and raspy voice called out from the back of the tattoo parlor. “I’m ready for you. You can come on back now.”
Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. She was ready for you. Okay. What does that even mean? You stood up, dusting off your skirt and took a final big deep breath. 
Just stay calm, you reassured yourself. Everything will be alright in the end. And if it isn’t, heck, maybe there is a surgeon in town who can remove it altogether and you can forget this even happened. Maybe that’s a bit of an overexaggeration. 
You were greeted by what you could only describe as one of the most beautiful women you have ever seen. Sevika was tall. And just by the looks of her right shoulder and arm muscles bulging from underneath her black tank… you could tell she worked out. Like a lot. She was also smoking a thick cigar between her lips, so her already godlike silhouette was wrapped around in a dreamlike haze.
You muttered a little curse under your breath. As if matters couldn’t get possibly worse, your tattoo artist was hot. As in, very very very hot. This was going to be a long afternoon. 
“You can take a seat right here,” she said with confidence, slapping the tattoo bed with a resounding echo. 
“Oh, uh, yes okay,” you stammered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear before hoisting yourself up in a less than dignified fashion.
“Are you nervous, Y/N?” 
Oh no. From the corner of your eye, you could see she was smirking quite noticeably. Her eyes flicked over you just slightly. Shit. Was she checking you out? You didn’t even do your makeup properly today because you had no idea what she even looked like. If you had known earlier that she was this drop dead gorgeous piece perhaps you would have put in a bit more effort. You win some, you lose some, you suppose. 
“J-just a little bit!” you squeaked out. “It’s my first tattoo, so I have no idea what to expect.”
“Well, let me just tell you that you have absolutely nothing to be nervous about, Y/N,” Sevika chuckled as she slid closer to you on her artist chair with your designs in either hand. “If I ever hurt you, you can always tell me to stop and I’ll go slower, okay?”
“Thank you!” Oh god. She smelled so good too.
“Of course. Sooo.. I got to take a look at your ideas last night and I honestly think they are great.” You watched as the thumb of her mechanical hand peeled back a page to glance at the alternate design. 
“Really? You think so?”
“Absolutely. Although I think for this bottom part right here, we might need to make a small color adjustment since there might be some shading issues. And for the top corner here where it gets a little bit more complicated? I think I might do a little bit more dotwork to really flesh out the details. But uh, other than that, the stencil is essentially done.”
“Wow! Then, yes, perfect, let's just keep going then,” you gulped. Your eyes casually glazed over the extensive tattooing Sevika had all over her arm and neck.
“Excellent. So, I’ll just have you lay back and.. you wanted it on your side, right? Just lift up your top for me so I can have easy access to that part.”
“Oh um, sure!” You did as you were told, carefully unbuttoning your sweater and shrugging it off your shoulders. You then laid back, and lifted up your cami to reveal the right aspect of your body. 
“Lovely,” she replied. “And.. may I?” Her mechanical fingertips lightly grazed over the top of your skirt. 
You nodded vigorously. “Of course!” 
With the most gentle touch you have ever felt, Sevika gingerly tugged your skirt down a little bit more so it rested comfortably on the roundest part of your right hip. She did the same with the pink lacy fabric of the thong you had on underneath. You tried to take a small breath as quietly as possible. 
“Cute panties,” she commented almost a bit too nonchalantly before turning her back to you to slip on some latex gloves and ensure her work tray was all in order. 
As if you weren’t already flustered beyond belief, now you might as well have been an uncontrollable mess. “Th-thanks! It’s from um, the store.”
She laughed ever so slightly. “Yeah, I figured as much. Sooo.. for the design. Were you thinking of having it more..” She trailed her gloved fingertip from your pantyline to the top of your chest. “Or more like here?” She ran her other hand over the curve of your waist all the way down to your hip. 
“Uhm.. maybe kind of like.. both? If that makes sense? Like it can sort of spread from..” You gently took her wrist and guided her finger from your belly button all the way to the divot in your waist. “Like that?”
“Hmm.. yes. That should be perfectly fine.” She smirked a bit when you immediately released her arm from your grasp as if you were overstepping a boundary.
Without another word, she quickly sprayed some isopropyl alcohol into a wipe and proceeded to sanitize the area. “This might be a bit cold, I’m sorry babe.”
Babe? Did she just call you babe? Does she call all her clients babe? Or is it a little pet name that she only has reserved for you? 
“I-it’s totally fine!” you yelped. But she was right. It was quite cold. She could tell you were lying through your teeth when your tummy suddenly clenched up. 
“You can’t tense up just yet, doll. I haven’t even gotten the needles out,” she chuckled, lightly slapping your hip. “I need you to loosen up a bit, I don’t want you to be too tight.”
“R-right!” you replied. “Definitely don’t want that.” After a brief pause, you struggled to figure out if there was any sort of double meaning in her words. Or maybe you were just overthinking again. 
She let out another hearty laugh and proceeded to massage in some warm lotions into the side of your body. “Just try to relax, hun.” You did as you were told, closing your eyes and making a futile attempt to count numbers. But she wasn’t making your life any easier with all these pet names. And why did her fingers have to feel so goddamn good simply by rubbing cream into your skin. It felt like it was working some type of dark magic, undulating in soft, round circles and moving rhythmically over your waist. 
You could have melted into her hands right then and there. 
“Okay, and now the stencil. This will feel a little bit wet, alright?”
You nodded your head, biting your lip so you wouldn’t accidentally yelp out. For some odd reason, even though you two just met, you felt very safe with Sevika. Like you could entrust your entire body and soul to her and she wouldn’t hurt any of it even if she was fully capable of doing so. 
She smoothed out the stencil exactly over the part of your stomach and waist that you pointed to. She gently kneaded it into your skin, taking extra caution not to be too rough with you. 
With one smooth motion, she removed the stencil and quickly leaned over you to ensure no detail of her handiwork got disrupted. That no stone was left unturned. 
“Looks… just about.. perfect,” she muttered quietly. You could tell her tone has shifted slightly from the flirtatious one she took on earlier. Suddenly she was laser focused, ensuring that nothing, absolutely nothing would disturb the intricacy of her artwork. 
“Great!” you chirped awkwardly, craning your neck over to see the stencil art. Good god. It looked absolutely breathtaking. Her line work was truly something out of this world. And she really did pay attention to every single request you made in your design. “Wow.”
She looked up, locking your gaze with the utmost intensity. “Yeah.” A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips. She was quite pleased with herself. 
She turned around to power on her tattoo machine. 
“This part is going to hurt just a little bit, okay?” she spun around in her artist chair to check on you.
You nodded your head and exhaled ever so slightly. “Okay.” A giant lump was starting to form in your throat and you could feel yourself getting a bit worked up. 
Sevika immediately held onto your hand and gave it a light squeeze. “If it ever starts hurting, just let me know and I will stop right away.”
“We’ll start with the first line. Take a deep breath and count to three for me, alright princess?” Sevika said as she positioned the tattoo gun at an angle to your skin. 
Oh my god. Princess?! She definitely does not call all her clients that. Alright. Big deep breath. One.. two.. three- 
The searing hot needle pierced into your skin like a knife. 
“Ah~!” you let out a small cry and Sevika immediately stopped midline.
“Too fast?”
“A little bit.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’ll go a lot slower this time.”
You nodded and took in another breath. You felt Sevika’s gloved hand slide over the curve of your waist as she positioned herself to gain a little bit more control over her line. By god did her cologne smell amazing. When she leaned over your body, a few short pieces of her bangs would fall out and just barely graze over your exposed tummy. It was definitely getting a bit difficult for you to concentrate on your breathing and counting. 
Sevika proceeded to carve out the central line of your tattoo design. She worked slowly and methodically, usually in complete silence. But for some reason when she was around you, she felt the urge to keep pushing the envelope and testing your limits. 
“Good girl,” she would coo gently when she noticed your stomach beginning to relax. 
“That’s my good girl..” she would say again when she finished a piece of detailing while you stayed quiet and still. 
You would moan softly every now and then when you felt the needle dig into your skin and Sevika would respond by going just a touch slower and smirking to herself. Secretly, she loved hearing how adorable and helpless her clients sounded when she sank the tattoo needle deep into their skin. Her sadistic nature was one of the primary reasons she decided to go into tattooing as a prime business. 
To have someone completely in her control, at her disposal. To leave a permanent mark on their bodies that would forever remind them of their experience with her. To watch them writhe in pain, or sometimes even pleasure. It was like a drug she simply could not get enough of. 
And you. Something about the way you squirmed was extra fucking enticing and she couldn’t quite put a finger on it.
In fact, she could feel you wriggling ever so slightly even now. “Stay still for me, angel.”
And you would immediately stop. Her voice was soft, but also definitively commanding. She needed to focus. To have you moaning and writhing was too much even for her. Her mind would begin to wander to dangerous places. 
Like how it would feel to start ramming into your cunt right then and there and watching how your sensitive body would react to her thrusts. How irresistible and beckoning your moans would sound as they ricocheted off the walls, encouraging her to pound into you so rough and so hard you just couldn’t take it anymore. How cute you would look clutching onto your sweater for comfort, or holding onto the sides of the tattoo bed for dear life. 
You would be lying if you said you weren’t fantasizing about a million hypothetical scenarios in your head. 
Having Sevika press her bicep over the top of your stomach to hold you still just did something to your psyche that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Your eyes danced over the detailing of her own tattoo. It looked to be very intricate and well-thought out… wait a second. Was that supposed to be Zaun?! 
“Um, I-I like your tattoo!” you chirped meekly. “It’s really beautiful.”
“Thanks baby,” she smirked to herself. “I designed it myself, actually.”
“Do.. you call all your clients that?” you asked out of the curiosity that was beginning to kill you slowly. 
Sevika suddenly paused in the middle of her tattooing to glance over at you.
“Only my favorite ones,” she said with a wink before returning to her work. 
Oh my god. Why does she keep doing that? It’s starting to become unfair. Like she was getting off the high of torturing you and watching your pathetic reactions. And what did she mean by “favorite ones”? So she flirts with all her clients she finds attractive? What does that even mean?!
Every now and then, Sevika would sneak a glimpse over towards you. She loved the way your chain necklace rested so comfortably over the top of your collarbone. Or how plump and kissable your lips looked in the dim lighting of the parlor. Or how your legs were beginning to spread instinctively the closer her tattoo work moved to the top of your skirt. 
Sevika had to fight every last urge in her body to not reach down into your panties and start pleasuring you the way you deserved right then and there on top of that tattoo bed. But she knew she had a job to finish, regardless of how damn adorable you looked and sounded as she drew on the finishing touches of your tattoo. 
“Okay.. almost done,” she said. “You are doing so good, sweetheart.”
You winced a little bit when you felt the needle dig just a bit deeper than usual at the last pattern. Was she trying to tease you back there? Or was that absolutely necessary to finish off the line? Whatever. You tried not to overthink it, even though you have been doing so this entire time. 
“Alright..” Sevika hummed. “Why don’t you step off the bed and take a look in the mirror over there?” 
You did as you were told, hopping off and hobbling over to the full-length mirror across the room. You tilted your head to the side, gently lifting up your cami again to look over the tattoo. Wow. She really did a stunning job. You were a bit surprised, given the fact that she was flirting with you half the time. But holy.. every single piece of line art and dot work flowed so evenly with each other. The design came out exactly the way you had imagined it. 
Sevika gave out a low whistle of approval from behind you. 
You jumped a little bit out of surprise. Sevika had snuck up on you without you even noticing. And god. Just by looking in the mirror she was already towering over you. 
“It’s… beautiful,” you said softly. “It’s exactly what I wanted.”
“That’s wonderful,” Sevika replied. “Now, can you take your cami off for me, Y/N?”
“M-my cami?”
Sevika chuckled and raised up the medical grade bandage she had in her hand. “For this.” 
“Oh. Right. Yes. Absolutely.”
You gently tugged off your shirt and tossed it onto a nearby countertop to reveal a pink lacy bra. Sevika tried not to comment on it but she did in fact take note of how good you looked in it. And how badly she wanted to take it off you right then and there. 
Sevika stepped forward so she placed her thigh between your legs and carefully laid the clear bandage over the top of your tattoo. She gently rubbed it in with her thumb and index finger, making sure to smooth out any uneven edges or creases. She smiled a bit to herself when she felt how hard and fast your heartbeat was pounding against your stomach, or how much warmer your skin felt compared to before. 
“Perfect,” she said, quickly removing her gloves and handing you back your shirt. “So, for this bandage, think of it as like a second layer of skin that offers extra protection. Leave it on for the next few days. Then I would rinse it off with some warm water. Oh and, definitely moisturize.” Her tone shifted from flirtatious to professional and matter-of-fact in what felt like a split second. How did she keep doing that?!
“Y-yes ma’am!” you sputtered out, returning to the tattoo bed to shrug on your sweater and gather your belongings. 
“And the payment is already taken care of since I saw you submitted your deposit in advance, so I believe you are all set,” Sevika said. 
“Great! Um.. thank you Sevika. I was super nervous going into this but you definitely made me feel a whole lot better afterwards.”
“That’s what I’m here for,” she replied, giving you another flirty grin. “Oh, and uh-” The tattoo artist went behind the front counter to dig around a bit until she fished out a slightly bent business card and handed it over to you. “Call me.”
“C-call you?! As in like- Oh my god. I’m.. not sure if I would feel.. I mean, isn’t this kind of fast?”
“I meant to update me on your tattoo healing,” Sevika chuckled. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, princess.”
“Right, right, no yes that makes total and complete sense,” you responded, folding the business card nervously into your palm. “Um.. well I guess I’ll.. call you.”
“Yeah.” She had already followed you to the doorframe and you were standing in the streets of the undercity at this point. “I’ll see you around, alright Y/N?”
“Okay! Yes. Um. Bye! Thank you!” You quickly scurried off into the busy crowds of Zaun, disappearing into the darkness once more. 
You were quite certain that if you didn’t act, that you would barely see Sevika again, save an occasional run-in at the liquor store or maybe a random night at The Last Drop. So you didn’t want to take any chances.
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lacroixqueen · 4 months ago
Waking Up in Sevika’s Apartment After a Night Out
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➼ Yeah…you pretty much blacked out last night.
➼ You promised yourself you wouldn’t drink that much but you got carried away.
➼ You remembered dancing your heart out at the Last Drop (That was before chugging a whole bottle of alcohol).
➼ After that it’s like you skipped a few chapters of your life.
➼ And you might’ve mistaken someone’s apartment for yours…
➼ So after multiple failed attempts of fitting the key into the lock, you resorted to kicking the door open.
➼ Now imagine how freaked out Sevika was when she saw a stranger’s pair of shoes near the doorway. She actually thought she broke into someone else’s home.
➼ After scanning her surroundings Sevika was definitely sure it was her apartment.
➼ She already had her mechanical arm charged up as she made her way toward her bedroom.
➼ But as soon as she pushed the door open, she froze.
➼ There you were, wrapped like a burrito on her bed.
➼ So what exactly happened that night?
➼ The only thing you were aware of the moment you woke up was the extreme headache.
➼ It took you a while to come to the conclusion that this was not your apartment.
➼ You quickly gathered all your stuff, tiptoeing toward the door when your head bumped into something. Well actually… someone.
➼ “L-Look, I’m really sorry I’ve been drinking and I thought this was my apartment and I was too drunk to even think straight so please I didn’t mean to intrude or anything ok? Forget that this ever happened ok?”
➼ You said that in one breath without even looking at the owner of the apartment was.
➼ It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.
➼ “Drink some water first.”
➼ You froze, not sure if you heard what she said correctly. So you slowly lifted your head to only realize who the owner of the apartment was.
➼ “Oh fuc—“
➼ “Come.”
➼ Sevika would drag you into the kitchen to fetch you a glass of water and she’ll make sure to sit you down.
➼ “I can leave after right..?”
➼ “What? You wanna stay?”
➼ You had to admit that you almost shit your pants when you realized you were sleeping on Silco’s right hand woman’s bed the entire night, but honestly at this point — you might as well go back to sleep and get rid of this hangover.
➼ You doubt you could make it back home in this state.
➼ Sevika sighed and pointed at the door to her bedroom, her eyes not leaving you.
➼ “There better not be a second time.”
➼ That was a lie.
➼ There was a second time.
➼ And many more to come.
➼ Because years later, you found yourself eventually moving in with this woman.
➼ And she wasn’t just Silco’s right hand woman —
➼ She was now your wife.
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lacroixqueen · 4 months ago
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lacroixqueen · 5 months ago
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guys this is canon, she literally told me so
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lacroixqueen · 5 months ago
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Gravity Balls
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lacroixqueen · 5 months ago
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- 10th Anniversary Pricefield Commission by @merafera86 & @totallyxtrapped
𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠, 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒, 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑤𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑤𝑒 𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢. Kany García — Para Siempre
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lacroixqueen · 5 months ago
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I want more adventures for them.
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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not sure if i've breathed since watching chappell roan's performance last night
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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How the gentle wind beckons through the leaves as autumn colors fall
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
gender envy
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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Pitfighter Vi brainrot!! 🔥 our little emo 🤧
Prints stickers and more here on my shop!
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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I yelled back! You don't get to yell at me like that!
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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⸻ AMBESSA MEDARDA, Arcane S2 Trailer
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lacroixqueen · 6 months ago
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CHAPPELL ROAN Attends the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards September 11, 2024
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