fallen-starbourne · 9 months
If you saw me leave Philza's castle, no you didn't.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
OMG…I mean WTF is this?! I don’t believe it for a second. Such a private guy would no way be pulling 10 women up to his room so publicly. I mean he was only in Mexico 5 minutes…when did he possible have the time to f*ck all their women?!!
No wonder Lou likes to disappear when he’s not touring. He’s clearly had enough of trolls like this…
I am interested to know though about the comment about him getting into trouble for smoking pot in a hotel room (have we heard anything about this elsewhere?) and what video they claim to have passed on to the media. Have you heard anything about this? What horrible people they seem!
So I saw this last night, and I feel like they meant to post it to wattpad instead??? how silly of them!!
but also… I have so many questions for these losers
1. So it was her, and her friend, but how do they know about 10 other people? Did he put them all in a group chat, say “thnks fr th mmrs” and leave?
2. If you’re seen and he wants you, security will ask you if you wanna go to Louis’ room and “hang out”… ok so are we like 15 yr olds using that language?
3. Where tf is he seeing you anyway? Are you front row and louis points you out mid show and stops singing, tells security IMMEDIATELY, and then after the show finishes they find you and make you wait an hour to go to the hotel?
4. If you’re outside the hotel… again, where tf is he seeing you? From the top floor while smoking a cigarette he’s like “oh yeah bro I want that one” and points at you even though he can barely see you
5. How is he amazing in bed if he’s selfish and doesn’t get you off too? Like… that doesn’t sound enjoyable to me whatsoever, bit confused about that one tbh, which leads me to believe these folks may be too young to have even ever had an orgasm/sex. How does that make you touch the sky? Maybe touch some grass instead besties
6. I have no idea what the weed report incident thing is, and so that part is confusing too
7. Everyone who smokes loves a cigarette after sex, it’s an excellent feeling hahahaha so that’s not unbelievable
8. Then he just… fell asleep. And you and your bestie took videos of louis naked in bed… and his security was nowhere to be found? To check your phone when you leave his hotel room? To make sure you didn’t steal anything? To escort you out? okay that makes sense yeah sweet his security sound really professional
9. So they’ve claimed they’ve sold the video to a media outlet. What do you think is gonna happen when it doesn’t get released? “Oh louis’ team must have paid them off but we still have the video but we’ll never show it” yeah ok sure
10. May I kindly remind everyone, once again, about Raven-Symoné’s chat re NDAs and sexy time. There are occasional, slip ups, sure, but he’s not this fucking stupid I don’t care how stoned or drunk he is
anyway, obviously they’re lost, and they’ve missed out so much detail in their little fanfic that it doesn’t even make sense in the slightest. He was seen going straight to the airport after shows, im positive he isn’t having afternoon delights due to how busy and tight his schedule is (I’ve seen it) and that he isn’t an idiotic teenage boy. it’s just so damn laughable. And I think we should all probably just remember the receipts we’ve gotten (like the Chilean UA acct one about Harry in louis’ hotel) and the difference between that, and this. because it’s strikingly obvious
oh and also he is in a long term relationship with a man. so. that kind of discredits this all anyway.
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livingincolorsagain · 2 years
a’s sambucky master-list 2022:
(or mostly sambucky for the exception of exactly two ficlets which are gonna be added at the very end of this list)
but baby i'm a fool for you
After several attempts at getting back in the dating game, Bucky bites the bullet and asks Sam for dating advice. Chaos ensues.
(Or, Bucky and Sam are dating, and they're the last to find out about it.)
(and to feel in the night) the nearness of you
Bucky stopped and let Sam’s feet touch the ground. “I’d never let you get hurt, sweetheart,” he said, too earnestly, and Sam looked at him, his wet hair sticking to face, his eyes that were as dark now as the midnight sky above them, big and sincere, full of love he never shied away from putting into words.
“I know,” Sam said, because he did. Some things would always remain certain; and like the sun rising and setting everyday, Bucky’s love would always remain real and undeniable.
You're my Calling (Cure my Longing)
Sam turns mid-sentence, gesturing ferociously at Bucky. The couple he’s talking to has big smiles that get bigger as he goes on, turning his back away from Bucky, talking with his whole body.
Bucky frowns and downs the last of his beer, debating if he should go over and join the conversation that’s obviously about him or if he should stay where he is, by the sidelines, watching from far away and–
Then Carlos is passing him and saying, “Congratulations, Bucky. Took y’all long enough,” and Bucky pauses, bewildered into stillness, but Carlos is gone before Bucky has the chance to ask what in the world he’s talking about.
the physical intimacy series:
i replay every embrace (just for a trace of you)
Every touch means something. Means everything.
and you touch me (and i'm like)
They both have their scars.
Some of them are marring their skin, touchable; a physical reminder of things they can never forget.
Others have left no trace.
But every scar has a story, Sam knows, even the ones you can’t touch.
When Riley fell, Sam wasn’t injured.
Like Heaven to Touch
The song ends and another starts. Sam half-turns toward the dancefloor at the first tone, the wine glass forgotten in his hand. He gets a look in his eyes as Frank Sinatra’s voice starts to fill the spacious room.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
Bucky watches him for a moment; the look in his eyes is one of aching longing and wistfulness, as if the music has taken him to a different time and place. The look grows unbearably sad, so without thinking, Bucky asks, “Wanna dance?”
all that we do (we do for love) series:
(favorite choices)
(Bucky, Sam and the long, rocky road to parenthood.)
Baby Talks
Sam was just about done drying himself when he heard the giggles. Just like every other time, his heart bloomed, a love so tremendous and uncontainable filling his chest.
and i play it on repeat (until i fall asleep) co-written with @saryasy
“And for my last question, what’s next for you? Cap, you want to go first?”
Sam’s answer to this question has stayed the same throughout the day. He’s going to keep doing what he does best, fighting the good fight, protecting the people, and giving help to those who need it.
The thing is, all day, no one has asked Bucky what’s next for him. So, even though the way she worded it implied she’s asking Bucky next, Bucky’s completely blindsided when she turns to him and says, “What about you, Sergeant?”
There’s a long pause, Bucky’s mind blanking. He must have stared too long at the interviewer because Sam subtly nudges him.
So, without giving it much thought, Bucky says, “I’m gonna keep doing what I do best, watching Cap’s six and being an unpredictable, unstable human being.”
“That’s quite hot.”
must’ve been a deadly kiss (only love can hurt like this)
Sam imagined wedding planning was already stressful enough without fighting bad guys on a regular basis.
As it was, Sam was Captain America, and he had a job to do.
He also had a very disgruntled fiancé who followed him wherever he went.
romantic stylez (with a z)
“Oh, no.” Sam says, wrapping his arms around Bucky’s and leaning closer to him. “Tonight is very special for us. Y’see, James and I just got engaged and this is where we had our very first date.”
“Yeah,” Bucky picks up. “I’d’ve booked a table but I wasn’t sure he was going to say yes.”
“Aww, baby,” Sam says, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “I was always going to say yes, you only ever had to ask.”
Bucky’s heart stutters in his chest as he meets Sam’s eyes, and he loses himself in the deep brown and the long, curled lashes just a little, only looking away when he hears the lady sighs sappily next to them.
(or, an undercover mission changes everything.)
Rough Surfaces
There was an inherent loneliness to being Captain America.
And it wasn’t like Sam had never been lonely before. He'd been lonely, he’d been alone, and he’d been lonely and alone, but there was something about this, a feeling so old he was surprised he could still feel it; that it still affected him.
That hollow silence that was once filled with the sound of life.
Figaro meowed and Alpine didn’t answer, and for a split second, Sam forgot. He panicked.
Then he remembered, and it weighed him down, an ache so deep it felt engraved into his very being.
And really, it was fine. It wasn’t like he couldn’t do this alone, he could, but.
He didn’t want to.
Mostly, he had started to believe he wouldn’t have to.
one chance, tender, savior (and check out the steering wheel flower arrangement by @elektraking)
you’re distracting
mornings and nights (samstevebucky)
in dreams (samriley)
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greenysoliatre · 1 year
So I hear it's Lesbian Day so allow me to infodump about my Skylander Oc Ship: Portal Master Silvana x Phoebe the Fairy.
🌙 Silvana and Phoebe have known each other around the time Silvana became an apprentice to Eon especially around the time Silvana was in their mid teens, Phoebe would often be exploring and meeting new people and anytime Silvana had free time, they would end up meeting up. 🌙 They share a love for Skystones though Phoebe was pretty talented at and they did share a friendly rivalry as a result. Anytime Silvana is having adventures with the Skylanders, they would gift her new Skystones she probably doesn't have yet. And card games. They both enjoy a battle of wit together. 🌙Phoebe was one of the only people who believed in Silvana and wasn't very afraid of them and even saw them as more than just a Portal Master, even sometimes reminding them of that. It was one of the reasons why Silvana fell head heels in love with her. 🌙Silvana wears a moon shaped crystal which has a lot of light magic to stabilize their dark magic (just to give them some balance). That was made by Phoebe who took the liberty to turn some magic into a crystal. Silvana gave it to Spyro temporally when he was losing control of his dark form during the time they and the Skylanders were building the core of light and when they were in the realm facing Hecktor. 🌙They became a couple after they with Flynn, Tessa, Sharpin and the Skylanders save Cloudbreak Islands from Kaos and his mother. It did take a rather long discussion about starting the relationship since the both of them did have respective duties. 🌙The only way I can sum this up is that they have a secret relationship but they do like it this way. Though Persephone is the only one who knows about them dating since she did help make it happen. It's mainly justified because Silvana is a Portal Master and leader of the Skylanders, mostly because of that and having the responsibility of protecting Skylands put on their shoulders after taking on the mantel during the time the Skylanders had to make a new Core of Light, they couldn't afford to have romantic relationships even though they had crushes before. And Phoebe is a substitute ruler of the fairy kingdom keeping things running smoothly in the Ancient Woods while Persephone helps the Skylanders. 🌙Boy heaven help you if you hurt the moon to Silvana's dark sky as as well as any of the Portal Master's loved ones because you'll either be bound to a mirror for eternity or be trapped in Traptanium and placed somewhere where no one could find you. Because that's what happened to Kaossandra (Kao's Mom) and Count Moneybones respectively. 🌙 Eventually Phoebe does move into the Academy while Persephone goes back to the fairy kingdom in the Ancient Woods and takes a turn helping the Skylanders by giving them magical upgrades when the Doom Raiders strike. Persephone insisted. 🌙 So at most it was a long distance relationship before Phoebe was given Persephone's job to give upgrades, they keep contact through letters. Love letters and letting the other know how they've been ect. 🌙Discreet dates at night, looking at the starry sky like they used to when they were younger.
🌙Silvana ends up spoiling Phoebe with their cooking which they do a heck lot of especially for the Skylanders. Dinner dates also happen discreetly. 🌙 Silvana is known to be overworked and all nighters is their game, Phoebe understands that but reminders to get some rest and sleep is something she does pretty often. They end up falling asleep together in Silvana's office or in their quarters. Good thing Hugo doesn't just let himself into the office.
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breathe2-fr · 5 hours
The Day The Shade Came (pt 3)
(pt 2)
After the battle, dragons were hurried back into the tree's trunk to tend to their wounds. The skydancer mage Winter was exhausted and fell asleep, so it was left to others to care for the injured the old fashioned way. Her mid-battle healing had been mostly emergency care, and infections were still a risk for the remaining injuries. Bandages were made from long strands of thick grass that grew along the pond, and a few dragons flew out in search for medicine. Baerka surveyed the grounds, walking slowly with his nose to the ground. The things had smelled strange to him - distinct in a way he couldn't describe. A foul stench that shouldn't exist, but faint enough that the noses of other dragons may not pick it up. And though Winter had closed his wound in the middle of battle, he could detect the stench on himself where the creature struck him. During the fight, Spelldancer had pulled the dragons who'd stayed in the tree into the Dream Realm. This was mostly hatchlings and those too scared or weak to fight. Only a small number of the population, but now with Spelldancer back in the realm of Windsinger, Baerka could see that this was still no easy feat for his fae partner. "Spelldancer. Are you able to bring everyone to the Dream Realm at once?" Baerka knew the answer, but still needed to ask. "N-no..." She looked disappointed in herself. "It takes a lot out of me to bring even one person. Unless they're asleep. Then it's almost no effort." "So if everyone is asleep, you could do it?" Spelldancer paused, scanning the floor as she thought. "I don't know. And if I can, I'm not sure how to bring them all back afterwards." Baerka nodded and nuzzled her cheek with his. Then continued his patrol of the grounds.
As the wounded were tended to, Gloam started counting heads. Thirteen dragons weren't accounted for - the dragons who'd been pulled into the darkness hadn't returned. Gloam brought this news to Baerka, whose brow furrowed in anguish, but he said nothing as he continued to ponder. Survivors realizing their friends and pairs were gone began to mourn. Some loudly, bawling and crying out; some quietly. But not a single dragon in the willow was left unscarred by the battle. As the day wore on, no words were spoken outside of what had happened. Dragons began speculating what these monsters were but no one could agree. Finally, someone asked, "could this have been... the Shade?" The Shade. They'd all heard the stories of the Eleven and how they defeated the malevolent force - not once, but twice. But the truth was, it was rare to actually have an encounter with it. Most dragons who claimed to see it weren't believed. There was no solid information on what the Shade even was, what it looked like, or how it behaved, as accounts of it varied wildly. Spelldancer looked to Baerka, who continued to stay in his thoughts. If it was the Shade, why would they attack their little pondside lair? Could the shifting hues of the willow tree have drawn it in? But this was the only answer that made any sort of sense. The horrifying darkness, blacking out the entire sky around their home. The amalgalous, ever-shifting shapes of the creatures. The strange whisps of darkness that covered their eyes like silk before the attack began... Excitement began to rise in the room as more dragons settled on the idea. "The Shade! It was the Shade!" "It must have been!" The volume rose as all dragons started feverishly chattering. How could such a small clan fend off The Shade? Were they being targeted by it? What if it came back? The room buzzed as all voices began competing to be heard, until Baerka slammed his paw down and roared - instantly silencing his clan. Baerka paused before he spoke, making sure all eyes were on him. "We do not know it was the Shade. We cannot make assumptions on what we do not know. I know everyone is shaken right now, but that does not mean we give into our fear." A wildclaw interrupted, "then what's the plan, Baerka? You can't expect us to--" "KING Baerka!" cried Gloam, angrily. The interruption surprised the wildclaw, but it seemed to be just what they needed to rethink their words. "King Baerka. If that is the Shade, we were lucky to escape with our lives. If that happens again, we might not survive." Baerka nodded. "I understand that." He turned and looked to Venomous, who lay in the corner. She was still covered in wounds that had been bound in leaf bandages, but she seemed to ignore the pain as she curled protectively around Winter - yet her eyes were locked on the king as she listened. Baerka continued, "I think it best we assume that my own fang and claw are no longer enough to provide safety for our growing clan. And so, any of you who are willing, I will be speaking with shortly to begin the formation of our own guard." Spelldancer stepped forward. "And those of you who need protection... I know who most of you are already. But please, if you ever feel threatened, come to my side. I promise I will protect you." She looked to Baerka before continuing. "And... I think that if this is The Shade, we must inform the Windsinger immediately." The dragons looked to one another. It was almost impossible to get an audience with Windsinger - he was so large and so fast that most dragons were simply too small to be noticed as he weaves through the clouds. How would they accomplish that?
The day slipped into evening. Baerka and Spelldancer spent the time discussing their plans with various dragons. Baerka's guard, which he named the War Party, was established. Baerka would lead his warriors with Venom being second in command. There were four other members, including Winter and a spiral named Paladin who had been born into the clan. Paladin's father was one of the dragons who'd been dragged into the darkness, and he decided to turn his grief into something productive. Though he had little experience in battle, he was ready to learn.
Meanwhile, Spelldancer began to plot out how to get Windsinger's attention. A party of dragons would be sent out to head him off. His movements could be predicted by the currents of the wind themselves, and so it was merely a task of finding the strongest wind streams and waiting. It took only a few days for the deity to circle the planet and he always came home to his own territory - thus he was never gone from the Plateau for more than a week. So surely he would be back within the next few days. The party would have to find the strongest windstream in the region and stay with it as it moved, potentially staying airborne for several days or more in wait.
Spelldancer called over the white pearlcatcher SnowyMorning. As a Wind dragon, she knew he would be capable of handling the intense winds their deity would be coasting. Paladin, a Wind dragon despite looking like a Light dragon, would be accompanying the party as well, and his combat training would start with Baerka after they returned.
Snowy suggested large kites would help with being seen and Spelldancer readily agreed they should be prepared. "There's a field not too far from here," Snowy said, "with some crazy-large wild plants growing. Their leaves are huge! They'd make great kites." He went on and on talking about bamboo supports and how the leaves of the willow tree would make great tails. His excitement brought some relief to Spelldancer, whose anxiety was running wild; she allowed her friend to distract her if only for a moment with kite construction theory.
It was decided preparations would begin the next day. Unfortunately, the night would be their next major hurdle.
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Nowhere to Run--Ch. 50
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Chapter 50
           Jericho leaned against the wall inside the EVP locker room. The Bucks and Kenny were on the sofa against the wall, all three of them looking over at him with looks that mixed confusion and concern.
           “It’s been over a month. Any idea when Kat might want to come in to have a meeting about bringing her back?” Kenny asked.
           He sighed. “Probably not for a while.”
           Matt groaned. “This backstage is falling apart without her. We can’t do this for much longer.”
           “You’re going to have to do it for at least…” Jericho looked up, doing the math quickly in his head. “I don’t know… six months. Maybe seven.”
           Nick’s brow furrowed. “What—” He stopped, grinning. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”
           Jericho smiled back, happiness burning through him. He could feel it turning him inside out. His boys in the Inner Circle knew about Kat’s pregnancy, but they’d been sworn to secrecy as far as everyone else was concerned. It was so strange to him that it made him so happy to tell someone else—to share the news with people who cared about Kat. About him.
           “Not at all,” Jericho replied. “She’s three months. We didn’t even know until a few weeks ago.”
           Nick was the first one up from the sofa. He crossed the room and pulled Jericho into a back-thumping hug. “Congratulations!”
           “Does Tony know?” Matt asked as he got up. “I’m assuming the boys do.”
           He didn’t have to ask who Matt meant by that. “Kat told them about a week after we found out. She wanted to be the one to tell them.”
           Nick made a face. “But she didn’t want to tell us? I’m hurt!”
           “I’ll be sure to relay the message,” he laughed.
           I sat on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water. It was warm and soothed the swelling that had already started in my ankles. My head fell back, eyes closed as I let the sun wash over me. It was mid-afternoon in Jacksonville. Jericho had just left no long before to go to Daily’s Place. I had hours to kill before he would be back with the rest of the Inner Circle in tow.
           The weeks had passed more quickly than I expected they would. Time moved in a lightspeed tempo that made me question what the next few months would bring. I settled my hand on my belly and let my fingers feel for that little bump that had already started to show. It was something new and strange. Something Jericho had been mesmerized with ever since I’d pointed it out to him. So many nights I’d fallen asleep with his head on my chest and his fingers brushing slow circles on my stomach.
           The thought made me smile. He had been indulgent before, but the idea of becoming a father seemed to have changed so much. It was like I barely had to think of wanting something and he had already bought it or done it. There was something beautiful about the way that he seemed to take such wonderful care of me and now of the baby that was on the way.
           My phone rang, and I reached back to grab it from the lounge chair. Nick Jackson’s name showed up on the screen. My heart picked up just a little in my chest as I answered.
           “Hey, Kat,” he said with that happy voice of his. I could imagine him smiling on the other end. “I wanted to say congratulations. Chris just told us.”
           I looked back up at the bright blue sky and sighed. “Of course he did,” I said teasingly. “Seriously, though. Thank you, Nick.”
           “Are you nervous?”
           “Fucking terrified.”
           Nick laughed. “I know the feeling. Matt and I were a mess every time Sam was pregnant.”
           “It’s barely started, and I don’t know what to expect. I’ve read the books and every blog I can find, but I still have no idea where to start. To even think to start.”
           “There’s a lot of moms and dads around here, Kat. All you have to do is ask.”
           Jericho walked down the hall with Santana and Ortiz, talking about the trios tag match they had later that night. Long weeks might have passed since Kat decided that staying with AEW wasn’t the best thing for her, but none of them had gotten used to how it felt to be without her. It had taken far longer than any of them wanted to admit to figure out how to manage themselves again.
           “Even if she wanted to come back, it wouldn’t be for long,” Jericho said as the three of them stopped to let one of the seamstresses by with her rack of gear. “You know that with everything she does that she’d be put on light duty within a few weeks. And you know as well as I do that it would drive her insane.”
           Santana sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’ll do all of lil’ mamí’s work if it means she’s back here. I miss that little firecracker of yours, Chris.”
           He laughed. “I’ll tell her that. But I don’t know if it’ll make her cry or make her happy. She’s been a little… emotional.”
           “I know all about that,” Santana said with a smirk. “When my girl was pregnant with mija, she was up one minute and down the next. Crying. Laughing. Some days… I couldn’t do anything right. I’d look at her the wrong way and she’d either scream at me or break down crying.”
           Jericho nodded and started back down the hall, leading the way. “Is it normal for a woman to be…”
           Santana’s smirk got bigger as he clapped his hand on Jericho’s shoulder. “Oh yeah. If you two weren’t fuckin’ before, you damn well will be now.”
           “Haven’t you seen how exhausted I’ve been lately?” he shot back with a grin.
           “Ata boy,” the younger man teased.
           Jericho laughed before going slightly serious. “And it’s not just that. She’s absolutely beautiful lately. Her hair is so dark and soft. She’s glowing. All the time.”
           Santana nods. “My girl… absolutely gorgeous. I swear, I wouldn’t mind if she was pregnant all the time. Enjoy it, Chris. All of it.”
           I couldn’t stay awake no matter how hard I tried. My eyelids were heavier every second. As much as I wanted to watch the show, I didn’t have the energy. I knew that the Inner circle would want to come over to the hotel afterward. And I knew that once they got there, it would be hours before they would leave. Lately, they’d been staying and hanging out until two or three in the morning. As much as I missed them, it was becoming harder and harder for me to keep up the further along in my pregnancy I got.
           The sound of my ringtone woke me up. I’d fallen asleep on the sofa in our suite, the TV playing the tail end of the show quietly. Jericho’s face lit up the screen. I stifled a yawn as I answered.
           “Hey,” I said, surprised at the thick sound of sleep in my voice.
           “Kat, you sound exhausted.” Jericho’s words were gilded with an edge of worry. I heard shouting and noise in the background. It was easy to make out Sammy’s voice from the cacophony. “I’m not bringing the boys over there tonight. You need to sleep.”
           “Chris, I want—”
           “I know what you want, Katarina,” he cut in. There was an authority in his voice that I rarely heard outside of the Playroom. “But I’m putting my foot down this time. I never thought I’d say this to you. No.”
           For a second, I was legitimately stunned into silence. Ever since that moment in my hotel room all those months ago—when he’d looked me in the eye and told me that I should be taken care of—there hadn’t been a single thing that I’d asked Jericho for that I hadn’t gotten. To be fair, most of my requests revolved around his time and attention, but my brain suddenly shouted that all of that was beside the point.
           “Excuse me?” I sputtered after a moment.
           The sounds in the background of the call seemed to fade a little. He must have walked away from the others. “You heard me, Kat. I said no. You need to rest. I’ll fly the boys down to Tampa this weekend if you want. They can all stay at the house with us, but tonight you need to rest.”
           I sighed and sank into the sofa, simultaneously angry and relieved. As much as the thought of going back to Daily’s Place made my heart race with terror, I hated being in the same town as the rest of the Inner Circle and not being able to see them. I’d spent a year and a half of my life being with them, being responsible for them, taking care of them. It didn’t feel right.
           “Chris, you can’t…”
           “Yes, I can,” he said, a dark thread beneath his voice that made me shiver. “And I am. I said no, and there’s no talking me out of it. They’re not coming back to the room with me. That’s final.”
           I stood up, my heart rushing a little behind my ribs. For a moment, I felt lightheaded and dizzy. Before I could take a breath, I’d plopped right back down on the sofa. I let out an oof of noise and put my hand over my heart. It was racing so hard in my chest.
           “Chris…” I huffed, surprised to find that it was hard to breathe. “Chris…”
           His voice came out worried and tinged with panic. “Kat? Kat!” All the noise in the background faded away. “What’s going on? What is it?”
           “Just got dizzy. That’s all.” I took a few deep breaths, hoping to calm my racing heart. “I’m okay.”
           “I’m coming back. Right now.” I could hear him running down the back hallways of Daily’s Place. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. If you get dizzy again, call 911.”
           I sighed. “It’s nothing. Honestly, I just got dizzy. It’s okay.” But I knew there was no arguing with him. “Be careful. Please?”
           Jericho was in a panic the likes of which he hadn’t felt before. He could imagine a thousand different things that could go wrong. Fear laced through him at the idea that he could walk into their suite and find her on the floor. Passed out. Bleeding. Not breathing. The terror was almost more than he could take.
           Almost there, sweetheart. I’m almost there. His heart was beating so hard in his chest that he was sure he was having a heart attack. It wouldn’t surprise him if he passed out himself and ran the SUV off the road. It felt like the drive between the arena and the hotel tripled in distance. As if he’d never get there.
           The tires squealed as he skidded into a spot in the parking lot of the hotel. He couldn’t catch his breath as he burst through the door and took the stairs three at a time. There was no waiting for the elevator. He was petrified that he was going to be too late. For what, he didn’t know. Jericho felt the vomit crawling up the back of his throat as he practically ran down the hallway to the suite.
           His hand was shaking so hard that it was hard to get the keycard into the door. When he finally did, he expected the worst. He was certain that he was going to find her in the worst of ways.
           Instead, he found her cross-legged on the sofa with a pint of ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other. Jericho sagged against the wall, a breath rushing out of him so fast that his head started spinning.
           She looked up, her hair falling over one shoulder and those eyes bright green and shimmering. A smile slipped over her face when she saw him. “Hi,” she said, something soft in her eyes.
           He felt his heart settle into its normal rhythm. “Jesus Fucking Christ,” he said as he raced across the room, yanked the ice cream from her hand, and pulled her up against his chest. He hugged her as tightly as he could, his lips settled against her forehead. “You scared the ever living shit out of me, Kat.”
           She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her head against his chest. “I’m sorry. It was gone almost as soon as it happened, but you wouldn’t listen. I promise that I’m okay.”
           Jericho cradled her skull in his hand. “The moment we get home, we’re making an appointment with your doctor. Full checkup. For both of you.”
           He heard her sigh. For a moment, he thought she was going to argue. “Yes, Mr. Jericho,” she whispered, a soft sort of teasing in her voice.
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years
Shining Just For You (S.B.)
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Summary: You had never had much luck with boys, coming to the conclusion that you were no one’s type. But you certainly were not Sirius Black’s type. 
Song of the Fic: Mirror Ball by Taylor Swift
I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me
Word Count: 7.1k
Warnings: Insecurity, alcohol use, cursing, mentions of vomit and food
A/n: hello everyone! this is the longest thing i’ve written so i hope you all enjoy it! i really enjoyed writing it!! 
The early December sun danced across the pages of your book as you read, situated by the largest window in the library. It was an early morning on a Saturday as you studied, pouring over your history of magic textbook. You loved the library at this time of day. The golden beams of the post dusk sun filled the room and the hum of silence engulfed you. And there was never anyone around to bother you. 
Except for today of course.
“Hello there Ms. (L/n),” a voice said as the seat across from you became occupied. You rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed with the boy who had graced your presence. 
“Hello, Black,” you said, looking up to meet eyes with Sirius. He leaned back and propped his feet up on the table, sending you one of his signature smirks. You gasped before slapping at his legs. 
“Feet off the table,” you whispered harshly. Sirius let out a chuckle. 
“Only if you come to the quidditch match today,” he stated, making you freeze.
“There’s a quidditch match today?” you asked quietly. You felt incredibly guilty. You had promised your cousin James that you would try to come to at least one of his matches this year since you had missed every match in your sixth year. Sirius scoffed at you.
“Of course there’s a match today. I’m surprised you’ve forgotten since it’s all that James has talked about all week,” he said with a chuckle. You began to gather your things. 
“I’ve learned to tune him out,” you explained, earning a laugh from Sirius. You tried not to let your cheeks heat up too much at the noise, proud that you were able to elicit that kind of response from him. 
“Why are you here anyway?” he asked, gesturing to your pile of books, “It’s a Saturday.” You continue to shove your things into your satchel. 
“I always study on Saturday mornings,” you responded. Sirius sighed. 
“You’re so weird. I can’t believe you’d spend a Saturday studying,” he said. You turned to look at him.
“Some of us actually have to work to get good grades,” you said with a slight hint of defensiveness. Sirius smiled at you. 
“Well some of us prefer to have fun instead of being painfully boring,” he responded with a chuckle. The comment stung but you masked it with a half-hearted laugh. You knew that you and Sirius did not have the same definition of fun, but it still hurt that he would call you boring. You made a move to leave and Sirius followed you. 
“Now, you do know how to get to the quidditch pitch don’t you?” he said teasingly. You shoved his shoulder. 
“Of course I do you prat,” you replied. Sirius threw his hand up in surrender.
“Hey I’m just checking,” he laughed lightly. When you arrive at the common room you turn to head up the girl’s staircase. 
“I’ll save you a seat,” Sirius called after you, causing you to flush darkly.
“Thank you,” you shouted over your shoulder, refusing to face him in case he saw how flustered he made you. Sirius had always had the ability to turn you into a blushing mess ever since the moment you met him. It had been your first year when he stumbled into the compartment you shared with James, asking if he could sit with you. Even at eleven, when his stormy grey eyes met yours, you knew that he’d be all you thought of for years. And as you grew, your feelings for the boy only grew as well. Every moment alone in the common room and as potions partners were ingrained in your mind, replayed every night as you fell asleep. But despite your intense feelings for Sirius, he never seemed to see you as anything more than a friend, continuing to hook up with his string of gorgeous girls. The kind of girls that you wished you looked like when you gazed into your mirror. They were all undeniably beautiful, with gorgeous flowing hair and flawless skin. Their long and nimble fingers grazing his arms when they passed him in the hallways. They were quite the opposite of you, comfortable in their own bodies and confident. They were everything that you wished that you were. 
You had never had much luck with boys, coming to the conclusion that you were no one’s type. But you certainly were not Sirius Black’s type. 
You bustled up the stairs to your room, pushing open the door and dropping your bag by your bed. Lily looked up from her spot by the mirror, her mascara wand frozen mid-air. 
“Oh, you’re back early today,” she said, confusion evident in her brow. You opened your trunk and pulled out a thick Gryffindor jumper, pulling it over your white turtleneck. 
“I’ve decided to go to the match today,” you said, smoothing out your hair. Lily let out a laugh.
“You? Going to quidditch?” she asked with a goofy grin on her face. You shrugged with a small frown. 
“James asked me to go,” you said quietly. Lily narrowed her eyes. 
“James always asks you to go and you haven’t shown up in three years. I’m surprised you even knew there was a match today,” she said, turning back to the mirror to finish her makeup. 
“Sirius found me in the library earlier and reminded me,” you said and you sidled up next to her by the mirror. You grabbed a red silk ribbon and began to pull your hair back. Lily smirked at you in the mirror. 
“Oh now I understand,” she said in a playful tone. You rolled your eyes. “You just want to hang out with your boyfriend,” she continued before capping her mascara. You scoffed.
“Sirius is not my boyfriend! And if anyone is going to the match today to impress a boy it’s you,” you said, causing Lily to cough and blush deeply.
“Oh shut up,” she mumbled. 
“Oh come on Lily I know you’re just going to watch James,” you said with a grin. Lily hid her crimson face with her hair. 
“I just have house spirit,” she rationalized. You leaned back against the dresser and gave her a pointed look as she dropped onto her bed.
“Oh yeah? Then who’s jumper are you wearing right now?” you asked teasingly. Lily’s eyes went wide and she chucked a pillow at you. You just laughed before throwing it back at her and flopping on the bed beside her. The two of you laid in silence for a moment, mulling over your respective harbored feelings for boys with messy black hair. After a moment you spoke, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“Lils?” you asked. 
“Mhm?” she responded, turning her head to look at you. 
“Do you think I’m boring?” you inquired softly. Lily furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Of course not,” she said, “Why would you think that?” You shrugged, playing with a loose thread on the blanket. “Sirius called me boring this morning,” you revealed, sadness creeping into your voice. Lily scoffed.
“He was just teasing, you know how he is,” Lily said, propping herself up on her elbows. “He didn’t mean anything by it.” You frowned and continued to stare at the quilt. Lily hopped off the bed and held out her hand. 
“Now let’s go,” she said with a smile, “Our boys are waiting.”
When you and Lily arrived at the quidditch pitch you are already cold. You rubbed your hands together as you searched the full stands to see if Sirius actually saved you a seat or not. You eventually spotted him among the Gryffindors and you pulled Lily towards him. 
When you arrived you sat down in the empty space next to him, shooting him a small smile.
“You actually came,” he said with a smirk, “Peter and I were taking bets on if you’d actually show or not.” You rolled your eyes.
“Of course I came. You dragged me out of the library for this,” you said. Sirius clutched his chest in mock offense. 
“I did not drag you,” he exclaimed, “you left of your own volition.” You chuckled, shaking your head. 
The match began soon after, the players taking their positions in the sky. You watched as they zoomed back and forth, different colored balls flying in different directions. You only vaguely understood how quidditch worked, learning solely from Jame’s rambles at the breakfast table, but you were completely confused as to what was happening in front of you. Sirius noticed your pinched expression and smiled softly, finding your confusion positively adorable. He nudged you with his shoulder. 
“Do you have any idea what’s happening?” he asked with a raised brow. Your eyes went wide.
“What? Of course I do,” you sputtered causing his smile to widen. 
“Okay, clearly you don’t,” he teased, “what do you need me to explain?”  You ducked your head. 
“What does the little golden ball do?” you asked nervously. Sirius barked out a loud laugh, causing several students to turn your way. Lily shifted beside you. 
“Did you just ask what the snitch means?” she asked. You covered your face with your hands. 
“Forget it,” you grumbled, silently wishing that you had paid more attention to James. If you had actually listened when he explained the game to you multiple times, you wouldn’t be sitting here, embarrassing yourself greatly in front of Sirius. You suddenly wished that you were Lily, who had understood quidditch since the first match she had ever attended. 
“No no it’s okay,” Sirius chuckled, removing your hands from your face. Your hands burned even under your wool mittens from the contact. “Catching the snitch is the only way to end the game,” he explained, “The seekers look for it while the others play, and whichever team catches it gains a hundred and fifty points.”
“A hundred and fifty?” you exclaimed, “Then what’s the point of the rest of the game? Whoever catches the snitch basically wins with all those points.” Sirius shook his head. 
“It’s really hard to catch so sometimes it takes them hours to play. The score gets up to three hundred sometimes, even before the snitch is caught.” You frowned. 
“I guess that kind of makes sense. I still think it’s stupid,” you said. Sirius laughed loudly again.
“You’re so weird,” he said before mussing up your hair. You swatted his hand away and attempted to ignore the burning embarrassment that you felt in your chest. Only about thirty minutes into the match, the Gryffindor seeker caught the snitch and effectively won the game. The stands stood up, roaring in pride. Lily took off towards the pitch, searching for James. You made your way down there as well, hoping to congratulate your cousin. When you found him in the crowd he had an arm around the very flushed Lily whom you raised an eyebrow at. She just rolled her eyes and subtly flicked you off. 
“Congrats Jamie!” you said, raising your hand for a high five. His eyes widened at the sight of you, using his unoccupied arm to pull you into a quick side hug. 
“You actually came!” he cried with a wide smile, “I owe Wormtail two galleons now.” you scoffed indignantly. 
“Yee of little faith,” you said. James laughed and shook his head. 
“Glad Sirius convinced you to come,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You felt heat crawl up your neck. Lily slapped his arm.
“James! Behave,” she said. James smiled at her.
“I’m sorry my Lilyflower, it won’t happen again.” Lily ducked under his arm, causing him to pout. 
“I said not to call me that, Potter,” she said with a glare. But there was a deep affection for the boy shining in her eyes. Sirius came up behind you and patted James on the back.
“Good game mate,” he said with a grin. James threw an arm around his best friend’s shoulder. 
“You might need to convince (Y/n) to come to another match, I think she was good luck.” You ducked your head slightly. 
Before you could respond, a girl came over and snaked her hand around Sirius’s arm. Sirius looked down at Marlene and sent her a smile. You felt your stomach turn in jealousy. Marlene was your roommate and one of your closest friends. But you couldn’t help but be envious of her closeness with Sirius. She was his most consistent hookup, them adopting a friends with benefits type of relationship. Marlene was beautiful with long blonde hair and a slender frame. She wore clothes that you only wished you could someday be confident enough to pull off and had an irresistible air about her. You wanted to be like her more than anything. 
“There’s an afterparty in the common room tonight. You gonna be there?” she asked. You understood the implications of her words and the question that she was really asking him. 
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he said, adopting a slightly flirty tone. Marlene turned to the rest of the group, her bright eyes wide and expectant. 
“Will you guys come too?” she asked, her voice much more innocent than before. Everyone around you nodded. You saw Sirius look at you. 
“What about you, (Y/n),” he asked. You looked up and shrugged. 
“Parties aren’t really my thing,” you replied. In your seven years at school, you had never attended a party, not understanding the appeal of getting drunk and dancing amongst sweaty bodies. Sirius snorted. 
“Don’t know what I expected. Of course, Miss boring won’t be coming,” he said. His tone indicated that his statement was nothing more than a lighthearted jibe but you suddenly felt the burning need to prove him wrong. 
“You know what,” you said with false confidence, “I think I will go.” 
You stood in front of your mirror, tugging at the short skirt that you were wearing. You barely recognized yourself, having let Lily and Marlene dress you up. They had chosen a purple tank top and a black mini skirt. You had to admit that you looked good, but you did not look like yourself. If anything you looked more like Marlene, minus the effortless confidence and all around perfection. But when you thought of how Sirius constantly flirted with her, maybe emulating Marlene wouldn’t be such a bad thing. You gave your reflection one final frown before turning to your friends. Lily was applying a final coat of lipgloss and Marlene was messing with her hair. 
“You guys almost ready?” you asked, wringing your hands nervously. Lily set aside her makeup and walked towards you.
“You look so good!” Lily said, seemingly not noticing your insecurity. You smiled anxiously at her, thanking her softly. Marlene ran her hands through her hair a final time before marching towards you. 
“Let’s go, ladies,” she said with an excited squeal. She grabbed both of your hands and pulled you and Lily out the door. 
When you arrived in the common room the party was already in full swing. Students were dancing together in the middle of the room and cups of firewhiskey mixed with a mystery liquid were being handed out. Marlene was immediately pulled onto the dance floor by a sixth year she had been flirting with and bid you goodbye. You and Lily weaved through the crowd together, searching for familiar faces. 
You spotted the Marauders by the drinks table, each of them holding a cup in their hands. Lily went up to James, initiating a conversation with the boy. You stood by awkwardly, unsure of where to go. Suddenly, Sirius came up next to you, a second cup in his hand. 
“A glass of jungle juice for the lady,” he said with a smirk. You smiled at him and accepted the cup. You wondered if your eyes were playing tricks on you or if Sirius had just looked you up and down. 
“Thank you,” you said before taking a small sip. You immediately scrunched your nose and flinched, not used to the burning sensation in your throat. Sirius laughed from beside you.
“You’ll get used to it,” he said, taking a long sip of his own drink. 
“That was disgusting,” you said before taking another equally excruciating sip. Sirius lowered your cup from your lips, sending you a warning glance. 
“Don’t drink too much too fast or you’ll get absolutely smashed,” he warned, “And you’ll get a killer headache in the morning.” You nodded in understanding. You took a quick glance around the room, spotting James and Lily head to the dance floor. 
“So what does one do at a party?” you asked Sirius, earning a sweet lopsided grin from him. 
“Well, obviously you drink,” he said, raising his cup. “But you also dance, hang out with people, and a lot of people come to find a quick hookup.” 
“Okay got it,” you responded, bopping your head to the music.
“Not that you have to do any of that,” he said, “especially the last one.” Your cheeks flushed at his implication.
“I wasn’t planning on it,” you mumbled, taking a quick sip of your drink. A silence settled over you as you fiddled with the straps of your tank top, still not used to the low cut. Sirius suddenly downed the rest of his drink. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said, “I’m gonna get a refill.” You nodded quickly. While you waited you finished your own drink, becoming more used to the flavor as your head became fuzzier. You waited for Sirius for a while, and it appeared that he wouldn’t be coming back. You made your way to the drink table and Sirius was nowhere to be found. You sighed, assuming that he had left with Marlene or another girl. You refilled your cup and downed it quickly, barely taking a break between sips, and poured a third. You stumbled over to the couch, realizing that the drink was stronger than you thought. As soon as you plopped down on the sofa, Lily was at your side, her cheeks flushed and her clothes slightly rumpled.
“(Y/n)!” she cried, throwing her arms around your neck, “There you are!” You giggled at your friend, her affectionate side coming out full force when she drank. As she burrowed into your neck, you caught a whiff of a familiar cologne. Your eyes widened and you pushed Lily off you. 
“Did you? With James?” you asked, unable to properly articulate the question in your drunken state. Lily giggled. 
“Yes,” she said, “but shh, don’t tell anyone.” Lily pressed her index finger to your mouth, causing you to giggle. 
“That’s gross,” you groaned, attempting to rid yourself of the image of your cousin and best friend in a compromising position. Lily scoffed.
“I can promise you that it was certainly not gross,” she said with a sly smile. You covered your ears. 
“Enough! I don’t want any details,” you cried. Lily laughed uncontrollably, flopping against you. 
“Let’s dance,” she said, pulling you up from the couch. The two of you stumbled onto the dance floor and began to sway to the music. 
“I don’t know how to dance!” you shouted at her. Lily grinned wildly. 
“No one here does! That’s the fun of it!” The two of you jumped to the music and swung around. You felt a pair of large hands touch your hips and you turned to see a boy in your year looking down on you with half-lidded eyes. At the moment you couldn’t remember his name, but you leaned into his touch anyways, moving closer. A flash of guilt came over you when his fingers brushed the bare skin of your stomach but you brushed it away. Why should you feel the need to stay loyal to a boy that you don’t even have? A boy who didn’t even think of you in a romantic sense? 
From across the room, Sirius watched you over Marlene’s shoulder. The girl had pulled him into a conversation and had effectively trapped him in a corner. He hadn’t meant to leave you stranded in the middle of the party. Now he watched as you pressed yourself against a stranger and Sirius gritted his teeth. He looked back down at Marlene who was looking up at him with a seductive expression. He had no intention of sleeping with her tonight, only wanting to spend his time with you. But it seemed that he had blown his chances since you were clearly occupied. So Sirius brushed a strand of hair from Marlene’s face a leaned closer to her.
Lily backed away from you, sending you a not so subtle thumbs-up, before abandoning the dancefloor. You and the boy danced for a while longer before you caught sight of Marlene and Sirius with their faces close together. You frowned slightly before tearing your eyes away, not wanting to subject yourself to that torture. You tried to turn your attention back to the boy who you were pressed against. His advances were getting slightly bolder, his hands traveling slightly farther down your waist. He suddenly flipped you around, tilting your chin towards him with his pointer finger. He started to lean in, but you broke away from his grasp. 
“What are you doing?” you asked, your panic levels rising. 
“Trying to kiss you?” he answered, confused at your reaction. You felt tears slightly burn behind your eyes and you went to push past him. He grabbed you by the wrist. 
“Where are you going? I thought we were having a good time,” he asked, anger edging into his tone. 
“Away from you,” you replied, harsher than you intended. He scoffed before letting go of your wrist. You push through the crowd and out of the common room. 
Sirius watched the whole altercation and peeled Marlene off of him when he saw you flee the party. 
“Sirius?” she asked, confusion in her eyes. 
“I have to go,” he said breathlessly. Marlene shrugged. 
“Alright then. I’ll go find Dorcas,” she said, heading off to find her next hookup. 
Sirius hurried out the portrait hole, attempting to track you down. He found you crumpled in a hallway a small ways away from the fat lady. Your head was in your hands and you cried, the makeup Marlene had meticulously put on you slowly smudging. Sirius slid down next to you and pulled you into a tight hug, setting his chin atop of your head and letting you sob into his shirt. 
“It’s alright,” he said in an attempt to soothe you. You hiccupped. 
“I hate parties,” you cried, your voice muffled by his T-shirt. Sirius couldn’t help but smile slightly at your personality shining through your drunken stupor. 
“I know I know,” he said quietly, rubbing circles into your back. 
After a few minutes of muffled crying, you sat up and wiped your eyes. 
“Feeling better?” Sirius asked, pulling his knees up to his chest. You nodded silently. 
“Why are you out here?” you asked quietly, “I thought you were with Marlene.” Sirius furrowed his eyebrows, not missing the bitterness in your voice. 
“She’s still at the party,” he answered, “I left her to come to help you.” You pouted slightly.
“Why would you leave Marlene?” you asked confusedly, “I’m not worth that, Marlene’s perfect.” Sirius frowned deeply. 
“What are you talking about,” he prodded. You sighed. 
“Marlene is so pretty and perfect. I don’t know why you’d leave her to come see me,” you slurred. Sirius brushed a strand of hair from his face. 
“Because I was worried about you. Besides, you’re more important to me than Marlene,” he answered. Your frown only deepened. 
“But you spend all that time around her. And she’s so beautiful. Merlin,” you put your head in your hands, “I wish I was like her.” Sirius thought his heart would break at your words and forlorn expression. He pulled you back into his chest, stroking your hair. 
“You don’t need to be like Marlene,” he assured you. You struggled to break free from his grasp.
“You don’t understand,” you mumbled. 
“Then explain it to me,” he sighed. You pulled your knees to your chest. 
“Marlene is so beautiful and confident. I just wish that I could be like her. Or even half as pretty as she would be enough,” you peered up at Sirius with teary eyes.
“What are you talking about?” he whispered, “You’re beautiful.” You scoffed. 
“No, I’m not. I’m homely and plain and I’m boring. I’m not enough. Marlene is enough. Lily is enough! I want to be like them,” you said, choking back a sob. Sirius reached out to wipe away your tears. 
“You’re more than enough.”
“But I’m not! I’m not pretty like them. I’m not sure of myself like Marlene. I’m not smart like Lily. For Godric’s sake! That’s why I’m always in the library every weekend. I need to spend my whole life studying to make good marks. No matter how much I try and try it’s never good enough,” you yelled. Sirius was silent, taken aback by your outburst. He had no idea what to say to you to try to get you to understand just how wrong you were. 
“(Y/n),” he pleaded with you to look at him. You lifted your head, your cheeks still flushed from yelling. “You are unbelievable. You’re kind and funny, and astonishingly sweet. Lily and Marlene don’t even hold a candle to you,” he said softly. You looked away. 
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend,” you accused, your words slightly garbled from the alcohol. Sirius looks you deeply in the eyes, his eyes unwavering.
“You are the most beautiful and amazing girl that I have ever seen. And I have thought this since the moment that we first met,” he said. This confession stirred something in your chest. You tried to think of what to say, sorting through your fuzzy and muddled thoughts. You opened your mouth to reply, before promptly leaning over and hurling all over Sirius’s shoes. 
The next morning you woke up with an earth splitting headache. You groaned as you rolled over, spotting the glass of water on your bedside table. You looked down to see that you were still wearing last night’s clothes.
“Good morning sunshine,” Lily said with a smirk, leaning against the dresser in one of James’s jumpers. 
“Quiet please,” you begged, sitting up slowly. Lily chuckled. You looked around the room to see Mary and Alice sleeping soundly in their beds. 
“Where’s Marlene?” you asked, dread settling at the bottom of your stomach, immediately assuming that she was with Sirius. Lily shrugged.
“She never made it back last night.” You swung your legs out of bed and began to get ready for the day, wiping off the old makeup and putting on fresh clothing. 
“She must be with Sirius then,” you said. You saw Lily frown.
“Do you remember anything that happened last night?” she asked. You tried to recall your memories to no avail. 
“The last thing I remember is dancing with you and that guy. Everything is all fuzzy after that,” you confessed, “Why?” 
“Well, that guy made a pass at you so you ran away. Sirius brought you back and put you to bed. I think Marlene was with Dorcas, not Sirius,” she revealed. You frowned, struggling to recall these events. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t remember a thing.
“Oh,” was your only response. 
“Hello there ladies!” James called as you and Lily walked to the table for breakfast. Lily sat next to him and didn’t protest when he put an arm around her waist, and you plopped down and immediately rested your head on the table. 
“Rough night?” Remus asked with a chuckle.
“I am never drinking again,” you replied with a groan. 
“That’s what they all say,” James said, patting you on the back. You sat up, trying to find something to eat that wouldn’t make you throw up. You glance up to see Sirius avoiding your gaze. 
“Hey,” you whispered to him. He looked up at you briefly before turning back to his plate.
“Yeah?” he asked. 
“Do you know what happened when I left the party? I can barely remember a thing from last night,” you asked. Sirius’s shoulders appeared to slump slightly. 
“I went to go find you and then I carried you back to your room,” he said, still not looking at you fully. 
“Oh. So that’s all?” you asked. Sirius smirked.
“That and you threw up on me,” he revealed, making your jaw drop. 
“I did not!” you exclaimed, your hand covering to cover your mouth. Sirius grimaced slightly.
“Unfortunately for me, you did.” Your face burned with embarrassment and you wanted the floor of the Great Hall to swallow you whole. 
Marlene sauntered up to the table eventually, looking far too good for someone who had been out all night. 
“Hello everyone,” she said as she sat, her voice bright and chipper. You attempted to smooth your hair, self-conscious now that the gorgeous girl was sitting next to you. Sirius frowned at your action, now knowing the meaning behind it. 
You were doing homework in the common room when James and his friends surrounded you on the couch. You looked up at them, noting their suspicious behavior and narrowing your eyes at them.
“What are you guys up to?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. James sat down next to you and threw an arm around your shoulder. 
“Well my dear cousin, we need your help with something,” he stated with a sly smile on his face. You crinkled your nose and removed his arm from you.
“Does this something happen to be a prank?” you asked frankly, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. James shrugged. 
“Possibly…” he said. 
“James, how many times must I tell you that I don’t want to be involved in your practical jokes,” you reminded him. James groaned. 
“Come one, (Y/n)! Where’s your sense of adventure?” he asked, exasperated. The memories of Sirius calling you boring bounced around in your mind. You stole a quick glance at him to see him watching you with an unreadable expression. 
“Fine,” you agreed, internally hoping that you wouldn’t come to regret your words. You looked back at Sirius to see him frowning.
You and the Marauders walked through the corridors as James explained the plan. Remus, James, and Peter were going to set up fuses in three classrooms that when lit, would cause paint bombs to explode in each room. You and Sirius were to be lookouts. James, Peter, and Remus disappeared into the classrooms while you and Sirius leaned against the wall. 
“I didn’t expect you to agree to this,” Sirius said, “I didn’t think you liked this kind of thing.” You shrugged and inspected your nails, picking at the skin around them.
“I’m trying to branch out. Trying not to be so boring,” you answered. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows. 
“You’re not boring,” he said in an oddly defensive manner. You widened your eyes. 
“You literally tell me I’m boring all the time,” you replied. Sirius leaned his head back against the wall.
“I’m just joking when I say that. You’re not boring, just responsible,” he said with a frown. You turned your head away and peered down the hallway.
“Can I ask you something?” Sirius asked, turning his body fully towards you.
“Yeah, of course,” you replied. 
“Lily told me that the guy at the party tried to kiss you and that’s why you ran away. How come you didn’t kiss him? You looked pretty into him when you two were dancing,” he asked, barely meeting your eyes. You flushed deeply. 
“I- uh,” you stuttered, “I’ve never kissed anyone before and I didn’t want to do it for the first time when I was drunk and with someone I don’t even know,” you revealed shyly. Sirius cocked his head. 
“What do you mean you’ve never kissed anyone?” he asked. 
“I mean that. No one has ever kissed me,” you repeated, shaking your head slightly. 
“What? How come?” Sirius asked. You shrugged.
“No one’s ever wanted to I guess. I haven’t had the opportunity. No one’s ever liked me like that.”
“That’s bullshit,” he exclaimed. 
“Plenty of guys like you like that!”
“What?” you sputtered.
“Well that guy last night for one,” he explained. 
“Oh he doesn’t count!” you cried out, “He was drunk and it was a party!”
“Ok then, that Ravenclaw from transfiguration, Parker Johnson, Carter Mason had the biggest crush on you in fourth year,” he said, repeatedly listing names. You threw up your hands. 
“What! That’s so not true!” you said with a laugh. Sirius smiled widely at you. 
“Yes, it is! You have guys falling all over you and you don’t even notice.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t believe you. Why have none of them ever said anything? And I feel like I would have noticed if that many people liked me-” your rambling was cut off by Sirius’s lips pressing against yours. Your eyes were wide and when you don’t immediately reciprocate he moved back. 
“What was that for?” you whispered fervently. Sirius cleared his throat. 
“Practice,” he said, “for when one of those blokes has the courage to ask you out.” You gaped at him, unsure of how to react. 
“Thank you?” you said, not being able to come up with another response. 
“What are friends for?” he asked with a shrug, turning to face away from you. With that one word, Sirius Black effectively shattered your heart. Friends. Whatever shimmer of hope that the chaste kiss had given you faded into oblivion, only to be replaced by the empty feeling of sadness. 
The silence between you and Sirius is interrupted when James came barreling down the hall, Remus and Peter not far behind.
“We need to go now!” he shouted, grabbing your hand and pulling you away.
“He kissed you?” Lily practically shouted from her bed. You nodded, putting your head in your hands. 
“Oh my Godric!” Marlene yelled from next to Lily.
“So are you two like a thing now?” Lily asked, a wide smile across her face. 
“No,” you said dejectedly, “He said it was just as friends.” Lily scoffed and shook her head. 
“Men are idiots,” she said, rolling over to lay on her back. Marlene nodded in agreement. 
“How was it?” Marlene asked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“How was what?”
“This kiss, silly!” she exclaimed. You flushed a deep red.
“I’m not sure I have nothing to compare it to,” you said. Marlene promptly stood up and marched to your bed before planting one on you. 
“Marlene!” you sputtered, wiping your mouth with your sleeve. Lily squealed with laughter at your blushing face while Marlene grinned. 
“Come on, how does it compare,” she asked again, “And how was mine? I’ve always wanted to know.” You threw a pillow at her. 
“I am not answering that,” you grumbled, causing Lily and Marlene to dissolve into another fit of giggles. After a moment, when your sad expression doesn’t change, Marlene sat beside you and gave you a hug.
“I’m sorry he’s being such an arse,” she said softly, “I didn’t realize how much you liked him.” You sniffled. 
“Are you mad?” you asked quietly. Marlene frowned.
“Why would I be mad?” she asked. 
“You and Sirius kind of have something going on, don’t you?” you said, lifting your head to look at her. Marlene laughed. 
“I mean I guess, but there are no feelings involved,” she assured you, “It’s just a bit of fun. And I never would have started it if I knew that you liked him.” You hugged her tightly. 
“Thank you Marls,” you said softly, relishing in her warm and comforting touch. 
A week later and you and Sirius hadn’t talked. It appeared that he was ignoring you. You didn’t enjoy the radio silence as it made you feel even more rejected. So when your trip to Hogsmeade came around, you were surprised to see Sirius standing with your friends. He gave you a tight-lipped smile when you joined the group but didn’t speak a word to you. While the ride to the small village was lively and full of chatter, all you could focus on was Sirius’s silence. 
The first stop was Honeydukes. You burrowed your way into the back of the store, searching for candies and trying to escape Sirius’s scorching gaze. You were examining a display of chocolates when you felt a presence appear beside you. You looked up to Sirius next to you. 
“Thought you might like this,” he mumbled, holding out a chocolate frog like an olive branch. You smiled slightly at the gesture. 
“No thank you,” you mumbled, feeling guilty. 
“Oh. Sorry then,” he said, beginning to scoot away.
“Wait!” you cried out too loudly, causing Sirius to stop in his tracks. “Thank you, it was a nice thought. I just don’t like chocolate frogs,” you said shyly. Sirius frowned. 
“But I thought that you loved chocolate. You’re always stealing from Remus’s stash,” he said. You blushed at the thought of him remembering such a small detail. 
“I like chocolate,” you explained, “Just not chocolate frogs.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Sirius said with a chuckle, leaning against a shelf. 
“I have a reason,” you exclaimed, “It’s just kind of stupid.”
“Let’s hear it then,” he said, crossing his arms with a smirk. 
“Don’t laugh,” you warned him, “I don’t like eating chocolate frogs because I feel like I’m killing them.” Sirius began to laugh. 
“You know they’re not actually alive right?” he said in between wheezes.
“You said you wouldn’t laugh!” you whined. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, still chuckling. 
“When they’re wiggling all around it just makes them seem too alive,” you said with a shudder. 
“You’re so weird,” he said. Despite the affection clearly evident in his eyes, you frowned at the comment. “Not in a bad way,” he corrected. He cocked his head. “In an adorable way.” You ducked your head and laughed.
“Oh hush,” you said, playfully slapping his shoulder. You go up to the front to pay for your sweets, Sirius right behind you. You look around the store only to discover that your friends are nowhere to be seen. 
“Where’d everybody go?” you asked Sirius. He frowned. 
“It appears that we have been ditched.”
You pushed open the door, heading out into the cold to find your friends. You shivered involuntarily at the chilly weather, a thin layer of snow gracing the ground. You had borrowed Marlene’s clothing for the trip to Hogsmeade, hoping to elicit some sort of reaction from Sirius. But now you slightly regretted that decision because her clothes were far thinner than yours and you were freezing. 
“Here,” Sirius said as he draped his coat over your shoulders. You smiled and looked away. 
“Thank you,” you said softly. 
“What are you wearing,” he asked, “You know you get cold.” You shrugged, tugging at the thin sweater. 
“It’s Marlene’s,” you explained. Sirius scrunched up his nose. 
“Why are you wearing her clothes? What’s wrong with your clothes?” he asked almost accusatory.
“Nothing is wrong with my clothes, I just wanted to try something new. I like how Marlene dresses,” you said. 
“Do you want to try something different or do you think you need to be like Marlene?” he asked bluntly, crossing his arms. You stopped in your tracks and spun around to face him. 
“Why are you acting like this?” you asked irritatedly. 
“Answer the question,” he said raising his eyebrows. You scoffed. 
“What are you even going on about?” you asked, avoiding his gaze. He had somehow pinpointed the exact reason that you were wearing Marlene’s clothing and you hated it. Sirius sighed and kicked some snow with his toe.
“At the party, when you were drunk, you said some things,” he revealed quietly. You felt your stomach drop. 
“What did I say?” you whispered. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows. 
“You said all these horrible things about yourself, saying that you wished you were like Marlene or Lily,” he answered. You sucked in a breath. 
“I’m sorry you had to hear that,” you mumbled, embarrassment burning in your chest. Sirius took a step closer to you.
“Don’t be sorry. I just didn’t know you felt like that. I’m worried about you, that’s all,” he said. You sighed quietly.
“You don’t need to worry about me,” you said, hoping to end the discussion there. 
“Yes I do, (Y/n),” he said, “because I can see you trying to change all of these things about yourself and you shouldn’t be. You’re not boring and the way you always dress is perfect. You don’t need to change unless you want to for the right reasons. These are not the right reasons.” You sniffled, your eyes burning. 
“Sirius I’m fine, I swear,” you said under your breath. Sirius ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Yes, you are fine. Fine the way you are. So stop trying to change. You’re already perfect,” he said, practically pleading with you. You scoffed.
“You’re just saying this to make me feel better,” you replied. Sirius grabbed your hands. 
“I’m not, I promise. You are the most extraordinary and beautiful person I know. Don’t change for anybody but yourself,” he whispered, his hot breath fanning across your face.
“Sirius…” you breathed. 
“I wish I could get you to see yourself how I see you,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. You search his face, his eyes filled with sincerity. After a short moment of contemplation, you stood on your tiptoes and ghosted a kiss against his lips. Sirius immediately reciprocated, placing a hand tenderly on your waist. The kiss was miles better than your last, his lips sweet and warm and your hands tangled in his hair. When he pulled away, a gentle smile adorning his features, he pressed his forehead against yours. 
“I like you, (Y/n),” he said, “The real you. The you who sits in the library on Saturdays and doesn’t know shit about quidditch and who is afraid of eating chocolate frogs. That’s the you that I want.” His eyes held just as much emotion as his words, making tears prick at the back of your eyes. 
“I can be that,” you whispered. He pressed a kiss to your hairline. 
“I hope someday you can love that version of you as much as I do.”
@bellaacunaa​ @mytreec​ @levylovegood​ @inglourious-imagines​
@durmstrange​ @theweasleysredhair​ @spn-marvel-nerd​
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bureowo · 4 years
skinny love | stray kids headcanons
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skinny love: term used to describe a romantic relationship between two people who are unable to communicate their feelings for each other.
genre: fluff, slight angst bc i can’t escape my roots.
word count: ~2.8k total.
warnings: none.
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› chan looks at you like you hung the moon and the stars in the sky. he stares at you a lot, sometimes you catch him and you both pretend you don’t notice the way you start to blush or how his ears turn red.
› he always smiles when he sees you and asks you about your day because he genuinely wants to know. he loves to hear you talk about anything and everything, and could listen to your voice for hours on end. but as much as he enjoys the chitchat, nothing compares to the deep conversations the two of you share. you trust each other, so much, you tell each other things you wouldn’t even dream of saying aloud otherwise. and chan’s heart swells when he thinks about it, it means the world to him.
› chan can be very charming, and when he’s in a confident mood, he can be so flirty. the compliments are relentless and he smiles at you with a teasing gleam in his eyes. he holds your hands, and if he’s feeling reckless, he might even place his hand on the small of your back, or maybe even your thigh.
› he loves spending time with you. you’ll always remember the first time he invited you over to the studio. you arrived mid-afternoon, thinking you’d only be there for a couple of hours, only to find yourself well past dusk, still sitting besides him. you tried to be mad at him, really, but his bashful smile and the promise of a quick food run quickly tore your resolution to shreds. that night, after a nice, warm meal and a myriad of giggles and murmurs, the two of you fell asleep wrapped up in each other’s embrace, the armrest of the studio’s couch digging uncomfortably into your neck. but just as you’d been about to drift off, you could’ve sworn you heard the faintest whisper of “i love you.”
› minho stares at you great deal as well, but the way he looks at you is much more pensive, his expression hard to read. (but, oh, if only you knew the thoughts that spin through his mind like a whirlwind). he doesn’t blush or make a big deal out of it when you catch him staring, instead he just keeps looking at you, straight into your eyes, as if he can see right through your soul.
› he’s not one to be lowkey, really. he tries to get your attention from across the room, deliberately smirking or even winking at you if you happen to land your sight upon him. minho relishes in making you laugh, it’s like music to his ears. whenever you hang out with the rest of the boys, he tries his hardest to elicit the melodious string of giggles out of your mouth, throwing witty comment after sarcastic joke your way, his gaze focused on you and a smug, complacent grin on his face.
› minho is so soft for you, he’d never admit it out loud but he doesn’t need to, everyone can tell. he’s always much more lenient with you, much gentler, than he is with anyone else. you’re at the forefront of his thoughts at all times and even the slightest shift in your demeanour or the smallest change in your expression makes alarms go off in his head.
› he’s so affectionate in such subtle ways sometimes. you’ll never forget the first time he made your heart flutter. it was such a simple action, truly, he was just trying to get an eyelash off your cheek, but the softness of his thumb as it brushed across your skin and the tender way in which he held your face made you shiver. his face was so close to yours, you could feel his breath fanning over your skin. his body so near to your own, you could feel his chest heaving with  each breath he took. he was so close, and there was nothing you’d wanted more in that moment than to kiss him, kiss him deep and hard, kiss him with everything you had. and he was so close that maybe you could have, and maybe you did.
› changbin radiates a glow so warm and blazing it could even put the sun to shame. he compliments you so much, a slightly lopsided grin permanently etched onto his face whenever he talks to you. and the way he looks at you sometimes, with half-lidded, dreamy eyes. he’s effortlessly charming, and you just can’t help the way he makes you feel, like your heart is going to burst into flames.
› he wouldn’t admit it even if somebody paid him to, but he dresses up extra good when he knows he’s going to see you. the amount of time he spends rummaging through his closet and checking himself out in front of the mirror almost makes him feel embarrassed, but he just truly wants to impress you. he wants to show off in front of you, and if that means having to flex his arms a little and then get flustered when the boys tease him over it, then so be it. because, really, it’s all worth it the second words of praise and flattery begin leaving your mouth.
› changbin wants to know everything about you: the good, the bad and the ugly. he’s always asking things about you, and he tells you a lot about himself in exchange, too. he wants you to know that you can trust him, and that he’ll always be there for you, no matter what. he is so generous and giving, he tries to help you with everything he can, from the small things, like handing you the utensils as he watches you cook, to the more grievous matters.
› he remembers the day he came into your apartment only to find you completely broken, falling apart on your couch. the memory still nicks at his heart, it makes him grimace every time he thinks back to the endless stream of tears flowing down your face. he held onto your shoulders, trying to get you to speak, to just talk to him, tell him what was wrong, though you could do nothing but sob. his mind went haywire, panic quickly filling his entire body, so he did the only think he could think of: he held you. he held you firmly and securely in between his arms, head tucked under his chin. he held you for hours on end, until your tears ceased and you both fell asleep. and then, he held you some more.
› oh, sweet little hyunjin, it’s so obvious he adores you. sometimes, when he’s looking at you, he gets so caught up in your beauty he forgets what he’s doing. and when you smile at him or laugh at one of his jokes? it’s like his brain short-circuits, he messes up his words, stammering and fumbling to get out any sort of wordage. as senseless as it may come out, he always manages to make it sound cute.
› he talks to you a lot, he brings up small details about himself and tells you about the things he likes in hopes that you’ll remember them, and also, as a subtle way to get you speaking about yourself without having to ask you directly. but hyunjin also tells you other things, things about himself he’s never told anyone. he trusts you wholeheartedly, so he lets his walls down and opens up to you.
› he loves spending time with you. he texts you as you’re about to fall asleep, asking if you want to go get food with him. he’ll randomly show up at your doorstep with facemasks and a tub of ice cream, claiming it’s ‘self-care day’. you’ve grown accustomed to having to cancel plans because a spur of the moment adventure with hyunjin sounds that much more enticing.
› hyunjin is very soft and affectionate with you, he holds your hand gently and likes to smooth his fingers over your hair. there’s nothing he enjoys more, however, than cuddling on the sofa with you on a foggy afternoon, with a blanket draped over the both of you and a movie playing quietly on the background. he sighs in contentment a lot, holding you close to him, and he looks at you so fondly. he gets so incredibly shy if anyone catches you, though. like that time chan walked into the living room to find you and hyunjin in the midst of a cuddling session, limbs tangled and blanket almost laying on the floor. chan cleared his throat awkwardly before scurrying off to his room, but by then, hyunjin’s face was already smooshed against your neck. he groaned, wrapping his arms around you a bit tighter as his cheeks turned rosy.
› jisung’s feelings for you are so inconspicuous, sometimes you’re even left wondering if he feels anything for you at all. if he even thinks of you the way you think of him, because your heart has a special place set aside and it has his name written all over it. but, oh, if only you knew what you mean to him; you are a beacon of light shining in the dark, luring him in like a moth to a flame.
› he gives you so much attention, really, he can’t keep his eyes off of you. he smiles whenever you enter the room, face brightening immediately, before greeting you with a soft ‘hi’. jisung always stands by you in crowds, eyes alert and hand attached to your shoulder, as if he’s afraid he’s going to lose you amongst the people. sometimes, you take his hand from your shoulder and hold it, intertwining your fingers with his, afraid you might lose him, too.
› jisung tries so hard to impress you. he wears the type of clothes he knows you like and he does his hair in the styles you’ve complimented him for. he tends to wear your favourite colour quite often, as well, in hopes it’ll catch your eye. jisung just wants you to tell him he looks good, honestly, because he can be rather hesitant at times, insecure even.
› it still makes your guts churn when you recall the tremble in his voice, the night he’d asked you: “am I good enough?”. your hands felt as gelid as the night draught as it brushed across your faces. you weren’t all too clear on what he’d been alluding to, in which way could he possibly deem himself not good enough, but you knew without a shadow of a doubt that jisung was the best person you’d ever come to know. white puffs left your mouth, dissipating into the air above you as you described him from your viewpoint, listing all of the attributes and virtues that compose the essence of what’s truly him, someone who is so good. and the way he looked at you afterwards left you feeling bare in a way you never had before.
› you and felix’s feelings are so palpable and so glaringly reciprocated, everyone around you two is left scratching their heads, wondering how the both of you can be so oblivious. but then again, how could you really know for certain?
› felix is, by nature, quite an affectionate, touchy person. so how are you to deduce that the way he hugs you just a bit too tight, or how his hand rests warmly and comfortably over yours for just a tad too long, or the manner in which he oh-so-gently strokes your back when he can tell you’re nervous, mean anything other than that: touches? and how are you supposed to know that his skin tingles all over every time you as much as graze a finger over it?
› he invites you places, and introduces you to all his friends with an arm thrown over your shoulder, as if he’s trying to show you off. he takes you to restaurants and coffee shops, never the same one twice. “it’s so we can know new places” he always says. and he loves going out for walks through the park with you, he holds your hand whilst smiling toothily, and when you get tired you both sit on the grass and watch the sun go down.
› it’s preposterous, really, how daft you two can be. or maybe you’re both bluffing, pretending neither of you can see the signs. you pondered over this thought one afternoon, felix was animatedly telling you about his day, but you’d only been picking up a few stray words here and there. it’s not like you meant to not give him your full attention, you just couldn’t help but get lost in his features. by the time you realized he stopped talking, you’d been staring at his lips long enough for him to notice. if you’d been a little less enthralled, you would’ve anxiously waited for an awkward chuckle, or perhaps even a teasing remark, but instead he leaned a little closer to you, and your heart skipped a beat.
› seungmin is subtle, like the rays of sunlight shining through the trees on a midspring afternoon: tepid and in view, but not in the fulgent way that leaves you blinded and stunned. he’s sweet and friendly, always talking to you with a big, fond smile on his face. he pays so much attention to you whenever you speak and he’s very responsive, sometimes you can’t help the blush from creeping up your cheeks.
› he tells you things about himself, and you love how excited he gets when you ask him questions about his interests, you can’t help but find the way he rambles on and on, looking at you with starry eyes, utterly adorable. he always tries to sneak in little comments or jokes to make you laugh too, and if he manages it, the broad and full smile adorning his face doesn’t clear out until he’s well and deep into sleep.
› he cares about you a lot. he checks up on you rather regularly, and you’re not quite sure when it started, but ‘hey, have you eaten yet?’ has become his way of greeting you. he just wants to make sure you’re taking proper care of yourself. he sends you texts often, letting you know how he’s doing and what he’s been up to, so you don’t worry too much if you guys haven’t been able to meet for a while. because even if he doesn’t see you, you live in his mind night and day.
› sometimes seungmin get shy, head tilting downwards bashfully. other times, though, he gets gutsy, dauntless. like that day that time stood still. he’d been talking to you merrily, holding your wrists in between his hands and swinging your arms around lightly. your head was buzzing, you felt lighter and lighter with every word seungmin spoke, and before too long, you felt as if the two of you were floating, suspended in mid-air. you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, afraid that if you did, it would all end and you’d both come crashing down. yet when he had finished speaking, his grasp on you lingered, and he gazed at you so longingly. and the two of you stayed like that, defying gravity for just a moment longer.
› jeongin tries to be tenuous, he truly does. he likes to think that his feelings for you are as nebulous and impalpable as the clouds in the sky. though they are more like the rain, washing down upon you and impossible to ignore. he wonders why the boys tease him about you, but that’s only because he can’t see the way his eyes gleam any time he looks at you.
› he’s so friendly and sweet with you, nicer than he is with anyone else. he’s affectionate without even realizing it, he holds your hand to pull you along when he wants you to walk faster, he drapes his arm over your shoulder when he sits besides you, he clings to your arm for balance whenever you make him laugh. he’s so charming, you just can’t help but melt into his touch and become putty in his hands.
› he is so attached to you, honestly. at first, he’d just invite you places every now and again, yet slowly but surely it turned into him showing up at your place and announcing what the two of you would be doing for that particular day. it’s habitual now, for him to text you an address, soliciting your immediate arrival. the boys don’t even question it anymore, it’s fact, a stability, the sun rises every morning, and you’ll go wherever jeongin asks you to with a pep in your step and a smile on your face.
› jeongin delights in playing around with you and teasing you. there’s a moment in particular that you can’t help but replay over and over inside your head. he’d been teasing you unremittingly throughout the entire day, throwing sarcastic after witty comment your way about anything that popped into his mind and, truthfully, he was getting on your nerves. he wasn’t often like this, usually he’d stop after a pout and a bat of the eyelashes, but that day he seemed bolder, adamant. it only took a peculiar remark for you to completely lose it, although not how he expected. you jumped into position, fully ready and willing to fight him to the best of your capabilities. he took every punch and kick, pretending they actually hurt and letting out fake crying noises. not too long after, you both collapsed on the couch, laughing and slightly out of breath, you turned your face towards him only to find him already looking at you. you stared at each other and begun to feel breathless once more, although this time, it was for completely different reasons.
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helen-high-water · 3 years
So.... Tumblr decided to delete that Xiaoven fanfic I wrote,so I'm gonna repost it, hopefully it won't be eaten by the abyss now I'd like to know what you guys think.
Title: a delightful breeze.
The night was quiet, the sky dotted with stars twinkling in a beautiful dance against a black canvas.The silver light of the moon reflected off the waters of Dihua march,and the residents of the wangshu inn all were asleep, except for one particularly peculiar yaksha.
Xiao sat at his usual spot, looking deep in thought, his golden eyes on the night sky,searching for answers.He let out an exasperated sigh,head down from frustration.
A small breeze passed by him,as if brushing his hair comfortingly,and with it came a dark haired bard,white feathery wings on his back,like an angel.Floating right infront of him,the bard smiled cheekily,Xiao returned the smile but his was less cheeky,and more tired.
"Venti,What brings you here?" Asked Xiao.
"Oh just passing by, thought I'd drop by the most beautiful person I know" Replied Venti, grinning in mid-air.
"Still ever the charmer,huh?" Chuckled Xiao.
"Of course!I'd be a terrible bard if I lacked charm!"
Xiao fell into silence,while Venti raised an eyebrow and asked "Is something bothering you?"
"W-what?no ,no I'm fine" Xiao said , unfortunately for him he wasn't the best at hiding his emotions, especially around Venti.
"Darling, it's very clear that something's bothering you, it's written all over your face" Venti frowned slightly, getting closer and closer to him.
Xiao backed away,"it's nothing worth mentioning" he didn't face Venti to try and hide his expression.
"Xiao..." Venti scolded, frowning even more and putting his hands on his hips like a disappointed mother.
He dropped down to the balcony, folding his wings, and approached Xiao,who was still looking away,Venti grabbed his hands,and whispered softly"I know talking about how you feel is hard for you,but it's better than keeping it bottled up,you know?"
They stood there for a bit,he sighed,and thinking to himself he came up with an idea.
"Aha!I know what to do!" He exclaimed, prompting Xiao to look at him with a questioning stare.
He snapped his fingers and a gust of wind carried both of them off the balcony,now in the sky ,Venti's cheeky smile returned,his white wings opened again,with stray feathers here and there, his hand still held Xiao's.
"What are you doing?"Xiao asked , trying to balance himself somehow.
"A change of scenery might help you feel better!" Venti answered ,but Xiao was not as amused as he was.
"Is this truly necessary?" He complained, although he didn't entirely mind the experience,"Yes!" Venti shouted back.
And so Xiao was reluctantly dragged into wherever Venti was taking him,after a while he was starting to get antsy,and by the time they crossed the borders of Liyue his patience was starting to run out.
"How long are we going to be flying?" Xiao nagged ,"a bit longer my dear,but this is fun, don't you think?" Smiled Venti.
"Barbatos" He grumbled,the only time he called Venti by that name was when he was angry.
"Okay okay , I'm going down,we've reached our destination anyway" Venti gave an apologetic smile and slowly lowered them,once his feet touched the ground,Xiao looked around him to find himself in windrise,by the enormous tree of monstadt.
The tree looked as beautiful under the moonlight as it did under the rays of the sun,the shadows of the trees,shrubs and bushes danced as they were moved by the refreshing wind circling the area.
Venti ran to the tree and flew up one of it's huge branches, looking back at Xiao "catch me if you can!" smirking,he jumped from one branch to another going up.
Xiao sighed and started following him,it wasn't hard at all,he could easily catch up to Venti,and he did, grabbing Venti mid-air bridal style.
"Oh my,who might this handsome fellow be?" Venti teased,Xiao's eyes were about to fall out of his eye sockets from how hard he rolled them.
"I'm going to drop you"He threatened jokingly, trying to cover the smile that was forming around his mouth,but failing miserably, honestly if someone had seen the face that he was making,they would've thought he was having a bowl movement, Luckily Venti has gotten used to the wierd faces.
"How cruel!" Said Venti, dramatically putting a hand over his chest,"the betrayal!how can I live with this!"
Xiao promptly dropped the bard,he fell into the top of the tree on a bed of leaves,which does sound very uncomfortable,but it was much more cozy than expected.
"Hey! that was uncalled for!"he protested, wiping off the leaves that covered his face.
"Was it?" Xiao laughed, picking the rest of the leaves that were stuck in Venti's hair,one two three four and much more,how did he even manage to gather that many in his hair?
"Well,Maybe not but still!"
The two of them finally settled down,Venti draped his wings, flapping them to get rid of whatever leaves stuck to them,he crossed his legs and leaned back,while Xiao hugged his and rested his chin on his knees.
The green hills,the rustling of leaves ,the shimmering light of the moon,the crystal flies slowly moving from one place to another, leaving a trail of shiny particles were all very inviting.
Xiao took a deep breath,the air was clear and soothing,like a pleasant song,it seemed as though every problem and every bit of worry simply vanished,even for a moment,but they still came back, haunting, stinging needles,Xiao buried his face between his arms.
"Why did you bring me here?" He wondered, breaking the silence.
"This is my favorite place,I come here whenever I feel down,so I thought I'd bring you here!"Venti answered enthusiastically.
" it's certainly very calming"
"I know, right?"
Xiao went silent yet again,but this time Venti felt that he was about to add more,he stared at Xiao expectantly.
Xiao took a deep breath,and finally said"I guess you're right, avoiding the problem does no good"
"Do you want to talk about it then?"
"I suppose so,yes" added Xiao"It's.....about lord Rex lapis"
"Ugh,what did that block head do?"
"He....didn't do anything"
"Huh?" Venti replied ,brow twisted in confusion.
"Do you know about what happened at the rite of decension?"he inquired .
"Yeah" Venti answered,the traveler had told him some of what transpired in their time in Liyue ,so he had an idea of the events that occurred,even if they didn't,he had asked Zhongli at that point.
"It has to do with that" Xiao added ,voice slightly brittle,"After what happened ,I....I started to think"
"About what?"
"About why lord rex lapis would feel the need to test us like that"
"I understand why he would do it,but part of me feels as Though I wasn't good enough,I wasn't worthy of his trust"he blurted out.
"And I know that thinking this way is a stupid thing to do,I know that" he was frustrated.
"this doesn't stop the voice in my head telling me that if I was better at my duties,then maybe lord rex lapis wouldn't have felt the need to test us,to test me-" he stopped, burying his face in his arms"maybe he wouldn't have left....."
"And that makes me feel worthless,like all I did was for nothing" he added.
Silence seemed to sneak it's way into their little dates every now and then, usually it was a comforting silence,neither felt the need to be constantly talking,but this silence was suffocating for Xiao,face still covered by his arms ,he didn't move, simply waited for whatever Venti was about to say.Xiao heard the sound of a few leaves shuffling,when he looked up Venti had moved near him.
"what you do is important"Venti finally spoke"everyday you make sure the people of Liyue are safe, you're not worthless."He held Xiao's hand.
Xiao seemed somewhat relieved, although there was still something bothering him,Venti caught on to this.
"Do you miss him?" Venti probed.
"Yeah....." He whispered,face turning slightly red from embarrassment.
"Awww darling , don't be embarrassed, it's okay to miss your dad!"whether he was serious or just teasing Xiao remained to be seen.
"He's not my father!" Xiao exclaimed,now red as a tomato,he hid his face in his arms again.
"You know,you could always just visit him"suggested Venti,it seemed he wasn't jesting this time"you know where he is, don't you?"
"I.... don't want to disrespect his wish,he wanted to live as a human"
"Yeah,but that doesn't mean you have to stop talking to him"
"Doesn't it?" Xiao lifted his face, looking into the distance"he's a "human" now,and I'm an Adeptus"
"Think of it this way,You don't have to go as the vigilante yaksha, protector of Liyue ,slayer of demons yada yada" Venti flailed his arms around"you could go as just Xiao"
"Just Xiao....?" He didn't understand what Venti meant,what else was there to him? isn't that what he is?that was his duty,what else is there?
" there is much more to you than that" Venti smiled,this smile wasn't cheeky or sassy or sarcastic,it was a genuine smile,it made Xiao blush ,and he was just getting over being embarrassed.
"Xiao likes almond tofu,he thinks crystal flies are pretty,he likes snow" Venti listed,Xiao on the other hand was getting more and more confused,"he doesn't like meat rolls,he doesn't like crowds of people"
"Xiao is diligent,Xiao is caring,Xiao isn't alone,Xiao is loved,Xiao is-" Venti stopped mid-sentence ,he clasped Xiao's face in his hands and added"Xiao is amazing,and if he doesn't realize that, I'm gonna write a hundred songs to show how wonderful he is!"
The adeptus laughed"please don't do that,I can only handle so much of your singing" he didn't mind Venti singing,in fact he very much enjoyed it,but considering the bard's tendencies,he had to stop him otherwise Venti might have gone through with that.
"W-what if he doesn't want to see me-"
"What if he does?"Venti interjected"You shouldn't make that choice for him"
"If he doesn't,which is very unlikely by the way, it's not going to be the end of the world"the so called tone deaf bard added.
"You'll still have the traveler,the other adepti,and you'll still have me"
Xiao had an epiphany at that moment,it seemed as though his thoughts became clearer,like the fog was lifted.
"So?" Venti asked"what are you going to do now?"
"I guess a visit wouldn't hurt..." Xiao whispered.
The corners of his mouth slowly twisted, revealing an award winning smile,at least according to Venti,the adeptus rarely ever smiled ,but when he genuinely did,it was one of the most beautiful sight the bard had ever seen.
Xiao leaned closer to Venti , planting a kiss on his forehead,the bard was caught so off guard that his wings shot open,his cheeks were painted with a pink hue ,and he had the goofiest smile on his face,the adeptus leaned back and said "Thank you".
"That was a direct attack!" Venti replied"you know what that means!" He promptly tackled Xiao, sending both of them into the leaves, giggling like the idiots they are.
After the laughing died down,Venti set his eyes to Xiao's,and they were locked in a staring contest, although thier eyes were full of nothing but love,"You're welcome" Venti whispered, caressing Xiao's cheek,Xiao returned the gesture by holding his hand.
In that moment, nothing mattered,they were together,they were happy.
The sun was slowly starting to set,the sky was painted a beautifully golden hue,and thus the end of another day for the wangsheng funeral parlor's consultant was marked.
Zhongli was organizing some random books, putting them on the shelf,when he heard footsteps behind him.
"Greetings,how may I help you?" He said, not looking back,he didn't need to,he already knew who it was.
Xiao looked so out of place,he was nervous,he rubbed his neck"I-Im just passing by,I can come another time if you're busy-"
"That won't be necessary, I'm already done with my duties ,so I'm currently free" Zhongli finally turned to face him"would you like some tea then?it won't take long to brew"
"S-sure-" Xiao stuttered, Zhongli slowly approached Xiao,the latter averted his gaze out of embarrassment,once Zhongli was close enough,he extended his hand and patted Xiao's head, smiling"I'm glad you decided to visit" he beamed.
"M-me too" although his eyes were on the ground,Xiao was quite relieved.
Once the tea was made ,the two sat down and talked for hours.
The end.
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jimlingss · 4 years
Kitchen Romance
➜ Words: 11.1k
➜ Genres: 95% Fluff, 5% Angst, Chef!AU
➜ Summary: You come from a long line of matchmakers. Your ancestors' ancestors were matchmakers and it's all because of a special, inborn gift. A gift that allows you to see each person's fated ones above their heads. But it's not so much a gift when one day, your boss walks in with YOU above him.
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The kitchen is in chaos.
The heat swelters in the still air, stifling with the summer warmth that’s forced most people indoors with air conditioning. But here, there’s no such privilege. Not when open fires on frying pans were at every stovetop and grease was splattering everyone like a water fountain show. You feel yourself being roasted alive, a layer of oil sitting on top of your skin, and there’s barely a moment to wipe away the sweat rolling from your hairline.   Your hands are wrinkled as you scrub down the nth dish from the pile that’s stacked above your head, but before you can finish, Taehyung’s desperately calling out for you. You shout back at him that you’re coming and then you’re helping him peel the potatoes.   There’s no room to complain. Especially not when—   “What is this?!”    For a moment, time itself stops.   The pandemonium halts, fire flickering, knives held mid-air. Everyone’s head has swiveled over to the dark-haired man standing at the end of the island. Kim Seokjin holds up a plate of baked salmon with methi prawns. His plump lips are pulled downwards. That’s never a good sign.   “The presentation is sloppy!” he yells and you flinch from the sheer volume of his booming voice. “Are you people blind?! We can’t serve this! It’s an embarrassment! Do it again!”   “Yes, chef!”    Everyone apologizes, including you, and Seokjin huffs, moving out of the kitchen.   Namjoon, sous-chef, shakes his head. “Focus! Dinner service hasn't even begun yet!”   Luckily, everyone’s on edge and meticulous enough with Seokjin walking around and scrutinizing every action that the rest of the night goes off without another hitch. By the end, you’re finishing up on cleaning and washing the dishes.   “Good night, Y/N.” Jihyo waves, bag strap slung on her shoulder.   “See you.” You muster a smile while you keep scrubbing. “Bye.”    “Night,” Yoongi says while Taehyung fixes you a grin. You watch them leave and then focus on completing the rest of your tasks. It’s not long before you’re switching all the lights off and changing from your uniform.    The walk back to your apartment proves to be excruciating. You’re beyond exhausted, lugging your legs along to carry the rest of your body while forcing your eyes to remain open, so you can at least see where you’re going.    When the door opens, you immediately jump into the shower to wash off the grime, nearly falling asleep in the process. By the time you flop onto your bed, your hair is still dripping wet, but as your muscles ease into the mattress, you’re knocked out into a deep slumber.   Rest is merely a blink of time.   The alarm on your phone is blaring before you can dream or feel even remotely refreshed. It’s deafening to your ears and you reach over to shut it off. Finding the sun already up in the sky, you force yourself to sit up, get ready, grab breakfast and eat on your way to work.   “If it’s too hard, you should come home,” the voice on the other side of the line coaxes. “Your dad and I are so worried about you sometimes.”   “I’m fine, mom.” You’re chewing in your cheek, phone sandwiched between your ear and your shoulder as you parade down the block. “Trust me.”   “Have you at least been eating well?”   You glance at the granola bar in hand. “Yeah. Sort of.”   “The city is scary. There’s no shame in coming home, dear. Your grandma misses you a lot. She always asks about you.”   “I’m fine, mom,” you reassure her for the second time. “I really am. And tell grandma—”   Accidentally, your shoulder collides with a businessman’s. Apologies spring from you, but rather than looking at the stranger like you should be, your eyes unintentionally wander above his head. To the cloud of fog. And a woman’s smiling face you see emerge from it.   The man’s brows lift at how you’re staring into space and he moves out of the way.   You’re forced out of your trance and you continue to apologize until he’s completely gone from sight. You damn yourself for not being more careful.   You come from a long line of matchmakers. Your ancestors’ ancestors were matchmakers.    Your mother once told you that back in the day, some peasants in your family couldn’t sew, sell or do any labour, so they begged heavens and out of pity, they were granted a small gift. A gift that’s been passed down to every generation since. While you’re not sure if the story is true or not, what’s certain is that from the moment you were born, you could see a cloud of fog above everyone’s head. It’s like speech bubbles or thought bubbles in comic strips. But instead of words, the fog comes with another person’s face. It’s the one who they’re meant to be with.   Ironically enough, you’ve never seen one above your own head. Though you’ve come to accept that. Romance will never be a major aspect of your life, so you’ve switched gears into focusing on your career and finding fulfillment elsewhere. You also knew early on that you didn’t want to be a matchmaker like the rest of your family.   You want to be a—   “Good morning, chef.”   “Good morning.” Namjoon nods with a smile. “Things weren’t too bad yesterday, but let’s try to be less sloppy for dinner service tonight. Hoseok, what time is the shipment of seafood coming in?”   Namjoon continues going through the daily routine, updating each person on the schedule and the shipments. But it’s not long during the morning meeting in the kitchen that the back door creaking can be heard.    Instantly, everything comes to a halt. Everyone turns themselves and greets the head chef simultaneously.    Seokjin rounds the corner. “We have a lot to do today, people. Tonight’s special is going to be watermelon with smoked salmon mousse—”   You gasp.   Automatically, your hands lift to cover your mouth, yet too late to muffle the loud noise. Your eyes are as large as saucers. Your heart stutters in your chest, nearly giving out.   Instead of the polished brunette woman above Seokjin’s head that was always there, you see someone else. Someone very familiar that you’ve seen in the mirror a thousand times. You.   You’re frozen — palms clammy, knees weak. And everyone’s turned around to stare, even Kim Seokjin himself. His brow is cocked and he eyes you intensely for daring to interrupt him.   “Are you okay?” Jihyo whispers, leaning in and nudging you with her elbow.   You start to breathe again, frantically. Yet no matter how much you gasp for air, you can’t feel the oxygen entering your lungs. But you force yourself to bow your head anyway, retaining an exterior that’s not oozing of sheer panic. “S-S-Sor..ry. I…. have something in my throat.” You clear it and Seokjin sighs, continuing with what he was saying.   The first task is to wash the salad and it’s easy enough, but your eyes continue to wander up to the dark-haired, doe-eyed man from across the kitchen. Black shirt with a white apron around his waist, he emanates intimidation from his god-like looks alone and constant frown.   Your eyes connect and you instantaneously whip yourself around.   You start to sweat when Seokjin beelines to you.   “Do you have an issue with me?”   You shake your head furiously.   “Then focus!” the man spits. “You’re drowning the salad!”   You wince as he slams the faucet down.   This can’t be. This can’t be it. It doesn’t make sense whatsoever.   On your break, you’re crouched over by the bathrooms and much to your dismay, your mom is hysterically laughing at you. “Just because you never saw your match, doesn’t mean you’re alone, Y/N! Poor soul, where did you ever get that idea from? No one can see their own. I didn’t and neither did your aunt or grandma.”   “Why didn’t you tell me that?” The syllables hiss out of you and you spare a glance over your shoulder to make sure no one’s coming.    You’ve come to accept that you would never be romantically involved with anyone. To find out that Seokjin, your boss, is your match out of everyone, it’s taking you for a hysteric spin.   “I thought you already knew!” she exclaims on the other line. “Plus, nothing comes from knowing your own. But who is it? Are you going to bring them home? I would love to know what sort of person is going to end up with my dear daughter. Oh, your grandma will be so excited to hear the news!” “Now’s not the time, mom,” you grieve, palm pressed to your forehead. There’s an overwhelming urge to cry. “I’m never going to end up with him.”   “You can’t change fate, Y/N.”   “Fate changes all the time.”   “Are you okay?” There’s a lower voice behind you and you flinch, turning around to see Hoseok’s alarmed expression.    You stand up, apologizing internally as you hang up on your mom. “Sorry. It...was a family emergency. But everything’s fine.”   “Okay. Well, Namjoon wants you to grab some more flour from the storage room.”   “I’ll be right on it.”    You swiftly return back to work before you risk losing your job any more than you have today. But all the while, you damn yourself. This is the worst thing that could’ve happened.    You ending up with Kim Seokjin, the scary boss that notoriously fires people in your position, is the last thing you wanted to occur. It’s like you’re living in a nightmare where you’re the only one who’s aware of your own dire circumstances and inevitable doom.   //   “Would it be that bad if he fell in love with you?” Hyoyeon eyes you lazily from across the table as she stirs her drink with her straw. She’s one of your oldest friends who happen to live in the city and one of the few who knows about your gift.   “Yes. It would be that bad!” You’re exasperated. You thought she would be up and arms about it like you are. “How could I ever look at my boss like that?!”   “You never know,” Hyoyeon sing-songs much to your chagrin.   “Don’t give me that. How would you like it if your boss fell in love with you?”   “My boss is a Karen going into her sixties.”   “Exactly.”   Her lips pop off her straw, wearing a visage of distaste. “This and that aren’t the same, Y/N. I didn’t think Soobin would be with me and when you told me, I was mad. But look at us now! He’s not half bad.”   “You’re married.”   “Precisely.” She laughs, practically glowing from happiness. “And you know, Seokjin isn’t bad either. He’s like what? Only a few years older than you. Ambitious. Wealthy. Handsome. He did that one photoshoot for that magazine and he was so goddamn handsome. Like holy fuck, I almost got pregnant from just—”   “Alright. I get it.”   “—and he’s like one of the top chefs of the country. Imagine having that kind of food for the rest of your life.”   “That’s not going to happen,” you mumble. If it changed once, it can change again.   The more you think about it, the more assured you become. You’ll do everything in your power to change it.   //   The kitchen has fallen into a lull.    Jihyo, the pantry chef, works on tossing salads while the butcher chef, Yoongi, is filleting fresh tuna. Sauté chef Hoseok is preparing his piccata sauce while you help Taehyung, the entremetier, with ingredients for the soup. Everyone has their designated roles here, most of which are fancier than yours. As a kitchen assistant, if you aren’t helping Taehyung then you’re washing dishes. But everyone needed to start from somewhere, so you aren’t going to complain. Working for Kim Seokjin is a privilege, albeit, he’s fearsome and hard to please.   You clear your throat. “Has...anyone seen that woman lately?”   Taehyung turns his head. “Who?”   “That woman came to the restaurant a few times and was with Chef Kim....”    A petite and dainty physique. Long, dark hair. Her eyes glimmered in the light and her pinked lips pulled softly when she greeted you all. She was poised, oozed of grace, sophistication, money. And she was the one who you saw above Seokjin’s head since you met him. Hell, you saw him above her head, and while you were surprised that in spite of his scariness, he actually had someone, they strangely suited each other well.   They were supposed to be together.    Until recently.   You wonder what happened. What the change was. Why you’re suddenly his match now.   Jihyo turns around, ears perked from the conversation. “Right! I haven’t seen her around lately either! I wondered if something happened.”   “You mean Kim Jisoo?” Yoongi lolls his head to the side and when Taehyung gives a curious expression as to how he knows, he says, “Hoseok and I were sent to her flower shop to pick up an order once.”   “Were they even dating?” Taehyung asks, looking up from where he’s chopping cucumbers.   “They were,” Namjoon pipes up and you look towards him, having expected him to shut down the conversation around the head chef, but he merely smiles. “But I haven’t seen her recently either.”   Jihyo hums. “I wonder if something happened.”   “Maybe they broke up,” Yoongi offers absentmindedly.   “Well, that wouldn’t be surprising.” Taehyung pauses and looks over to you, lifting a brow as if trying to find an ally. “He seems like he can be pretty hard to get along with.” But the opinion isn’t unpopular and there are several snickers throughout the kitchen.   “Seokjin’s just serious about his work,” Hoseok says with a smile. “But they were pretty serious.”   “Really?” You turn to Namjoon directly. It’s not often that you’d be so straightforward, but you want answers. You want explanations. “Did he ever say anything to you? On what could’ve happened?”   He shakes his head and then there’s a loud boom of the backdoor. Your blood runs cold. Everyone’s eyes widen, but there’s no time to react or to take back what he could’ve heard. Seokjin walks in with his eyes narrowed in on you specifically. “If all of you have enough time to talk about my personal life, then you can work twice as hard and twice as fast tonight.”   Everyone holds in their sighs.    With your downcast head, your eyes search the floor. “I’m sorry, chef.”    But the apology falls onto deaf ears.   //   It’s a busy shift.   With your tail caught in between your legs, it’s either a cutting board in front of you with a knife in hand or plates and a rough sponge by the sink. Oil from the fryer nearby splashes onto you, the grease coating bowls staining your apron, the heat sticking your tied back hair to your scalp.    Yet you wish you could do more.    Not just chop bell peppers, finely mince garlic or prepare starches. Not just rinsing bowls to stack into the dishwasher and wash large pots and plates by hand. While you’ve become accustomed to knives, keeping a rapid and constant beat as you slice whatever is in front of you, you wish you could cook. Not just be an accessory to the kitchen. Or an extra member to assist the chefs.    But for now, you count your blessings. Humming to yourself late at night while you finish.   “What are you still doing here?”   The crystal clear voice has you flinching, startled to death and you turn around to see Kim Seokjin in the flesh. White shirt rolled to his elbows, black trousers, expensive Rolex on his wrist that could pay the rest of your student loans with. You gawk at him. Speechless. Scared.   He doesn’t wait for you to find your tongue, dismissing your silence. “Where are the others? They should be cleaning up too. Just because dinner service is over, doesn’t mean they can leave.” He clicks his tongue in annoyance, no longer speaking to you but himself. “I won’t have anyone slacking in my kitchen.”   “I-It’s fine, chef.” Your voice is barely a squeak, but you muster the courage, not wanting them to get yelled at tomorrow. You turn around, quickening up your scrubbing until your nails start to hurt. “I’m supposed to be washing the dishes anyway.”   “It shouldn’t be taking you this long.”   You wonder if he’s scolding you.   It goes silent.   “Finish up and go change,” Seokjin says shortly and you nod. It takes another ten minutes for the task to be completed and then you’re wiping down the counters before heading to the lockers to change out of your apron and uniform.   Usually, you’d come out, turn off all the lights and begin the final trek home. But today, your blood runs cold. Your mouth fills with cotton when you step out. Against your own assumption, the head chef has not in fact left. Instead, Seokjin is leaning against the counter with his coat on, furiously tapping on his phone with his thick brows furrowed like they usually are.   You swallow hard and bow your head as you pass him. “Good night, chef.”   “Wait.”   Immediately, you halt. He pockets his device. “Are you walking?” The absence of an answer is enough of an indication for him. “I’ll drive you. It’s dangerous to walk home at this time of night.”   It isn’t a suggestion. It isn’t an offer either. It’s a command.    And soon, you discover yourself in his expensive Mercedes. The vehicle is black, sleek and you’re afraid of touching the leather seats more than you have to in case you stain it with poverty and have him sue you for damages. Or fire you.    “Turn left,” his fancy navigation system deadpans and it startles you.    Yet Seokjin is undeterred and with one hand on the wheel, he turns at the light, allowing the car to roll smoothly over the pavement. The passing lamp posts’ glow also illuminate his features, his plump lips and the slope of his nose. If Hyoyeon was here she would be salivating at the sight, how his chin is lifted, head slightly cocked. You would be too, if you weren’t so afraid. Kim Seokjin exudes confidence and intimidation, rightfully so too. He’s worlds out of your league.   And as your eyes stray from his profile to focus on the cloud above his head, your smiling expression still emerges.   You don’t understand how someone like you can be with someone like him.   “Is there something on my face?”   His question leaking with annoyance shakes you out of your trance and you tear your eyes away from him frantically to look out the window. “N-No.”   The tense quietness that follows is enough that you want to bang your head against the dashboard and hope you get knocked out to spare you from this awkwardness. Then again, you might just end up with a bruise and his car repair bill which would be even wors—   “You won’t be seeing Jisoo anymore,” Seokjin suddenly says and your head swivels to him. “She decided to cheat on me and that was a deal breaker, so I broke it off.”   “Oh.”   “I didn’t know you were one for gossip, but go ahead and tell the others if you’d like.”   “I..I’m sorry.” Your downcast head faces your lap and you swallow hard. “It’s personal and I shouldn’t have intruded or asked. It was wrong and unprofessional of me for bringing it up.”   “No.” There’s a moment of silence as he looks straight ahead. “It was wrong of me to act the way I did.” You blink wide-eyed and Seokjin parks at the curb. “My reaction was a bit uncalled for — it’s something I’m still working on.”   You stare at him and finally, the man meets your gaze. “You can get out now.”   “O-Oh.” You scramble out the car. “T-Thank you.”   The moment the door shuts, he drives off.   Fate can be changed. It’s rare, but choices influence futures and who someone ends up with can change depending on the actions they take. You just never expected Seokjin’s reason for the change to be so heartbreaking. Even if he stated it factually and his expression never wavered, you could sense it in his voice. The sadness you didn’t know he could possess.   //   “What made you think I would like him?” Jihyo is exasperated as she wipes down the counter and Taehyung grins as he sweeps the floor. “The guy literally kept on going about rock climbing, bungee jumping and skydiving. Do I look like an adrenaline junkie to you, Kim Taehyung?”   “Hey, hey. Yeonjun is nice, okay? I just thought you would be into the rough look.”   “Not at all. This is the last time I’m letting you set me up.”   Yoongi smirks as he passes by. “I’ll take it that your blind date didn’t go well?”   Jihyo glares at him.    Hoseok turns around with an amused smile. “It was your fault with trusting Taehyung with this sort of thing. What kind of guy are you into? Maybe I could set you up with someone better.”   She sighs wistfully. “I don’t even know anymore. I just want someone reliable and half decent.”   In the meanwhile, your eyes flicker up to the cloud above her head. There’s a bright eyed young man there and you smile, unloading the dishwasher as you continue listening to their conversation.    “See? It wasn’t my fault!” Taehyung pipes up to defend himself. “How am I supposed to know what kind of person you’d be into if you don’t know yourself?”   “Oh, so you know?”   “Of course I do!” He scoffs and becomes dreamy as he muses, “I want someone with long hair and dresses fashionably, someone who’s sweet and gentle, like a puppy.”   But based on the person above him, they appear rougher around the edges with shorter hair and a frown. But you let Taehyung have it, not commenting a single word. You’ve learnt from experience that it doesn’t work well if you come out of nowhere and try to involve yourself.    They continue talking about ideals, even Namjoon that pinches in he’s been seeing someone lately — an old friend who he went to school with that he never thought of romantically until recently. You’re having fun just listening in until the question is directed at you.   “Me?” You laugh awkwardly. “I don’t know either. I haven’t really thought about it before.”   “Oh, don’t give me that.” Taehyung nudges you. “Everyone has some idea.”   But you’ve sincerely never considered it before. You always thought you would live in solitude without another companion and even came to terms with it. But things have changed. “I guess….someone kind and considerate. Thoughtful. I don’t care what they do, except that they have to be a good person.”   It might be a generic answer, but as you think about Seokjin, you know you don’t want someone domineering and frightening. Yet from last night, Seokjin didn’t seem so daunting in the car.   “Yeah, I can see that.” Jihyo nods.   “What about Chef Kim?” you ask, eyes glistening in the light, curious beyond belief. “What do you think his ideal is?”   The people around the kitchen hum, speculating over the boss’ preferences. They’re equally intrigued by the question.   “Anyone who won’t shit their pants when he’s around,” Taehyung laughs as he finishes sweeping and pours the grime from the dustpan into the trash.   As Yoongi wraps a bowl, he mindlessly offers, “He seems to like the serious type,”    “What was Jisoo like?” Jihyo asks, tapping her chin with a frown.   “Sophisticated,” Hoseok suggests and you look at him, breathing a sigh of relief. Out of all things, you were definitely not sophisticated. “Gentle.”   “Sweet,” Namjoon says with confidence, having known the man the most after years of working together, “He likes the hard-working and earnest ones who prove themselves to be more than he expects.”   As if summoning the devil himself, Kim Seokjin comes from the back area and walks straight through the kitchen. “Stop slacking,” he states in a monotone and everyone returns to their tasks with a simultaneous ‘yes, chef’.    But as he passes by you, he pauses for a moment. “Everyone needs to leave on time today. If there’s anything that isn’t clean, you need to work together so that it is.”   “Yes, chef,” sounds throughout the kitchen once more.   You know being passive won’t solve anything. You need to actively do something that will repulse him, make it so he’ll vow never to get involved with you. If he makes the decision, fate itself will change and you won’t have to end up together.    The only plausible strategy to repulse you have at the moment is to embody the reverse of what Seokjin’s ideals are. The opposite of what appeals to him — sophisticated, sweet and gentle.   //   It takes you a while to pinpoint what the exact opposite is. But you find it.    Loud. Obnoxious. Aggressive.    You need to be these things in a way that doesn’t get you fired, but just enough that it alters who his match is. Part of you isn't sure you have it in you to be this way, but it’s worth a shot. You’ll do anything to change fate.   “What the hell are you still doing in my kitchen?”   Seokjin is standing meters away, half shrouded in the darkness. Your eyes flicker up at him but you resume dicing the carrots into one inch lengths. Only half the blade is lifted off the wooden cutting board and it descends at a rapid rhythm, rather therapeutic to listen to.   There’s an urge to cower down, but you channel your aggression, pretending it’s Taehyung and not Kim Seokjin — head chef with two Michelin stars — enough money to assassinate you and cover up the crime.   “Everyone went out to have dinner together, but I came back to get a head start on prepping ingredients for tomorrow. I need the practice anyway. Why? Is it a problem?”   The man’s brow is lifted at your upfront behaviour. “Get out. I’ll drive you back.”   “I’m going to finish this first,” you retort without a breath to waste.   Seokjin scoffs and puts down the keys he just grabbed. He sighs exhaustingly and you feel his stare burning into you. It’s hard to ignore it. You even start sweating until he moves towards the fridge, and that’s when you finally steal the chance to peek at him. “Are you going to eat? I can make you something.”   “It’s fine.”   He grabs two eggs, some shredded cabbage, a handful of spinach and a stick of butter. You don’t question it, solely focusing on your task until there’s sizzling on the pan and he leaves the stove to look over you.   “Your technique is poor.”   “What?!” Your voice is loud unintentionally, but you’re wholly shocked. If there was one thing you were proud of, it was your knife skills. You’ve spent countless time on refining it and getting it to meet standards.   “You could go faster,” he deadpans. “Your grip is too tense and you’re holding the knife too high up. You want to hold it at that balance point, so you have the most control over it and the weight is properly distributed.” Seokjin smoothly grabs a knife off the rack and holds it in front of you. You copy him. “It's easier to push the blade through when you're holding it there.”   “Like this?” You begin chopping again and he hums.    Against your will, a smile finds your features. It’s the first time he praised you— well...it’s less of a praise and more of a half-hearted noise of approval, but it still counts.   Seokjin takes the pan from the heat and switches it off. He grabs a fork from the drawer to start eating and you look over, finishing the job. It doesn’t take long for him to notice your blatant ogling. “Do you have an issue?”   You smile at him, stepping forward. “Can I have a bite?”   Seokjin scoffs. But you lean over and he steps aside, allowing you to nab a fork from the drawer to take some. It’s not like you’re particularly hungry, but you’re curious as to what he’s made. It’s been a long time since you’ve had food from the head chef himself and asking him for his dinner might just be off-putting enough that he’ll hate you forever. It wouldn’t be impossible considering he’s so picky. You swear, one mistake is all it takes for him to hold a grudge till the day he dies.   Yet, what you don’t expect is for the scrambled eggs to melt on your tongue. He’s sautéd the spinach, left the cabbage undercooked to add a crunch, and the eggs are fluffy in your mouth, a vivid gold that adds to the haphazard presentation. “This...this is delicious!”   He chews in his cheek. “It’s something I eat when there’s nothing in the fridge.”   You’re amazed. The fact that Kim Seokjin can’t recognize his own ingenuity is painful. “You should add this to the menu.”   He scoffs. “You think I would add scrambled eggs next to the caviar and truffle? I think you forgot this is a fine dining restaurant.”   “It’s fine,” you mumble. “I mean if it tastes good, it tastes good, right, chef?”   A tiny smile fixes at his visage, tugging his plump lip upwards. “You sure have a lot more opinions tonight.”   “Well, I’ve decided to speak my thoughts more,” you hum, scooping up another spoonful of his meal. Your eyes flicker up as you chew with your mouth wide open. “Why? Is it unattractive?”   “It’s interesting,” he says with a smile that’s more visible until he barks, “Hurry up eating so I can drive you home.”   You scoff at him as he walks away and you finish his dinner off.   //   Everyone’s on edge.   “It’s more akin to pretentious artwork without any real flavour than real food,” Hoseok reads from his phone to the entire kitchen. “Head chef, Kim Seokjin, is not far from what his cooking lacks too. A pretentious and egotistical nature, it’s no wonder his personal life is in shambles.”   Your fist tightens. Not only did the published article criticize his dishes, claiming it lost its touch and that he’s lost his roots, but they attacked his personality. His personal life. Going into detail of how his relationship was broken off unexpectedly.    “Oh shit,” Taehyung exhales.   “Was that really posted online for everyone to see?” Jihyo asks in a pitched voice, equally horrified and panicked.   Hoseok nods and before anyone can say anything, the backdoor is heard. Without prompting, everyone swiftly moves to their station, not uttering a single peep. Seokjin comes in, his expression unchanged and he deadpans the usual greeting as he moves past the kitchen.   Your face above his head hasn’t changed. But you know it’s not the time to dwell on it.   For the rest of the shift, Taehyung’s on his best behaviour and neither Jihyo nor Yoongi make snarky comments. It’s come at a cost — the morale is lower than usual. The atmosphere is tense and even Namjoon’s earnest encouragement can’t help.   Out of the corner of your eye, you can’t help but watch Seokjin. He doesn’t make mention to the article, yet by the deep furrow of his brow, you can tell he’s in a grumpy mood. It’s understandable. But you wonder why it seems like he’s less angry and more hurt.   If it were you, you’d be furious. The personal details of your life outed publicly and not only were your skills scrutinized, but your personality too.    Seokjin was cheated on and now chastised. Even if he’s resilient, it’s too much for anyone to take. It doesn’t look like he has friends to rely on either.   “Are you coming, Y/N?” Jihyo asks, turning around as you linger behind her. The restaurant’s lights are turned off, the kitchen long cleaned and your clothes changed into a fresh pair that doesn’t reek of dish soap and fish. But you feel unsettled. Like there’s still one more thing you haven’t finished doing.   “No, it’s alright. I forgot something. You can go right ahead.”   She nods, joining the others and you walk to the back, pushing the doors of the kitchen open.   There’s still a light on and you find Seokjin sitting on a stool by a counter. He looks up at you, visage in a neutral state. Neither a frown nor a smile. “What are you still doing here?”   Your hand tightens on your bag strap and you approach him. “Are you okay?”   Seokjin smiles at you. For the first time, it isn’t mocking — it’s gentle and tinged with sadness. The corner of his plump lips quirk ever so subtly and his arm extends, hand plopping on top of your head before it slides off. “I’m fine. It’s still early enough that I don’t need to drive you. You should go home before the sun completely sets.”   Wordlessly, you begin to walk away.   But then a sharp inhale is stolen through your parted lips. Before you can second guess yourself, you grab Kim Seokjin. Your hand wraps around his wrist and he glares at you.    “We should go out for a drink.” You don’t waver even with the incredulous look on his face. “What’s wrong? Never had a drink with an employee before? It looks like you need one and I’ll only offer once. I’m pretty busy myself, you know.”    It’s aggressive, obnoxious, a bit loud. It’s all the things you suppose he dislikes in a person, yet somehow the two of you have never been closer.   You end up in some hole in the wall, drinking shots of soju that burn its way down your throat. Seokjin sits across from you with an amused smile on his face that’s so irritating you want to slap it off, and you damn yourself for letting it slip your mind that you’re a lightweight.   “Aren’t you hurt, Kim?” The words slightly slur on your tongue. “‘s ridiculous! To criticize your food is one thing, but to criticize your personality and talk about your personal life ‘s just crossing the line!”    His lips pull, his eyes flicker down to the empty bottle beside you. “Yeah. It is.”   “Then why aren’t you mad?!” Your fist pounds the wooden table. “Getting cheated on is sad enough! Why do they gotta rub it in, huh?” His brow lifts, but you continue, “should sue them!”   Seokjin exhales on a sip. “It’s part of the business.”   “No, ’s not!”   “It was my ex who told them anyway. She’s upset that I kicked her out of the apartment.”   “Then that’s more reason to be mad!” You press your face into your hands, angry at how he’s not angry. “How can you be so nice? How can you be so nice and no one knows it?!”   Seokjin smiles to himself.   “This freaking sucks,” you moan.   He sighs at your drunken state and orders water for you. The old lady tottles by with a big smile and you get a chance to see the cloud of fog and the face above her head. “I brought the bean sprouts back,” her husband calls from the entrance at the same time with a grocery bag.   “I’ll be right there.” She places the glass down in front of you. “Here you go.”   Jealousy colours you pink inside. “You met your soulmate,” you exhale at her quietly.   The woman’s eyes twinkle. “That old man? He gives me more headaches than anything. I’d rather this handsome man be my soulmate,” she quips, casting a glance at an embarrassed Seokjin who thanks her for her compliment.   Her husband calls her again and she hurries back.    Seokjin leans forward with a skeptical look. “Are you okay?”   “I’m envious,” you sigh wistfully, looking on at the married couple at the back with your chin rested in your palm. After a moment, you shift towards the man across from you. Seokjin really is handsome. “I come from a long line of matchmakers, you know, and I have this ability.”   He plays along. “What ability?”   “I see the faces of who people are gonna end up with.” You drink the water, cooling your throat, but above the rim of the glass, you recognize his scoff and amusement. The glass slams down on the table in your protest. “It’s true! It’s been like that since I was a baby!”    “Okay, okay. I believe you.”   He clearly doesn’t believe you.   Irritated, you straighten your spine. “A long, long time ago back in High School, I really, really, really liked this guy.”    Seokjin’s brows raise, not sure where you’re going with this. “Alright…?” He nudges the glass of water back to you.    “I knew he wasn’t gonna end up with me, but he asked me out. And like a total idiot, I-I went out with him anyway. Then guess what happened?”   He has no idea.    A thick lump forms in your throat and makes it hard to speak. “He met the girl he‘s supposed to end up with, so I broke it off. They got married a year after high school. So I was right. I was...right.” Tears flood your vision, clouding the dark-haired man in front of you. You forgo the water for the shot Seokjin poured himself and you down it.    You were right. But it hurt.   Seokjin’s voice is soft, though it does little to console you. “So….because of your ‘ability’, you haven’t gone out with anyone else?”   You nod. “I’d be setting myself up for a failure anyway.” Your head lifts and your tired gaze connects with his. “My family wanted me to be a matchmaker like them. But I love, love, love cooking and I wanna be a chef. Like you.”   The corner of his mouth quirks. You’re honest — in a way he wouldn’t have expected from sober you. But he doesn’t mind it whatsoever.   “I know you don’t believe me. But look.” You reach over, tapping him relentlessly on the shoulder and your hand barely comes to cover your mouth as if you’re children exchanging secrets across the table. “See those two women over there? They’re gonna end up together.”   Your whispers are all too loud and Seokjin glares, not sure if you’re hysterical or delusional. Or both.   You turn to the window and he follows your line of sight. At the same time, a couple holding hands passes by and you shake your head. “They don’t end up together.”   “How do you know?”   “I already said! I see it. Above their heads.” Then you turn your head, looking at him. Seokjin’s startled, having not realized that you’ve leaned in so close, that your faces are mere inches away. But before he can shift back, your lip pulls and you murmur, “We’re supposed to end up together.”   His brow raises.   “It was gonna be someone else. Then one day, you came into work and poof! It was my face! Just like that. I almost got a heart attack, you know!” Giggles start to spill out of you. “It was a huge shock cause I always thought I was gonna be alone since I can’t see my own. Well, sometimes fate changes, so it might change again! Don’t worry!”   He exhales, squeezing out the air from his lungs. He stands, grabbing his coat and then tugging your arm up. “You’ve had too much to drink. C’mon. Let’s go.”   “Aye, aye, captain— I mean chef!”   His smile is small, but all too evident. He should smile more, even if it ruins the cold and aloof exterior he’s got going on. It’s cute and makes him look younger. So you express the idea and he chops your head lightly with his hand and gives you a rather gentle ‘shut up’ that has you grinning more.    //   The sunlight burns your vision and there’s a pounding headache at your temples.   There’s an overwhelming urge to pull the covers over your head, but as the slits of your eyes open and you realize there’s a strange floral scent to the sheets, you bolt upwards.   It hurts all the senses in your body, but your eyes register the neat recipe books lined on the shelf, trophies and certificates on the walls, a poster of the planets, a telescope and Kim Seokjin’s family picture by his nightstand. And then you scream.   “Christ. Relax!” He appears at the doorway, eyeing you with his arms crossed. “You were drunk, so I took you home.”   Absentmindedly, you tug the covers up to your chest in spite of still wearing the same clothes from last night. Your dry voice croaks out. “We...we didn’t do anything scandalous did—”   “No!” He shuts the thought down before it runs wild in your head and Seokjin pinches the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t do anything to you, jesus christ, woman! Just get up. There’s a spare toothbrush in the bathroom. I’ll make you some breakfast and a hangover drink.”   You follow his instructions, cleaning yourself up to the best of your abilities with the limited supplies, but it’s surreal to be in Seokjin’s penthouse. It’s clean and organized, like you expected, though a lot more cozy and warm. You didn’t know he traveled so frequently and that he had an interest in astronomy — if there’s anything the telescope and posters tells you.   “Stop snooping,” he calls out from the kitchen, looking up to where you’re investigating his movie collection. You come over with a half-hearted apology and he sets down a bowl of oatmeal and a mysterious concoction in a tall glass. Both taste heavenly, enough to work up your appetite ten folds.   But then he says, “Eat fast. It’s a special day today.”   You’re not sure what he means by it, but you simply nod and nurse your headache.   You remember what you told him last night, how you revealed all your secrets in one long tangent and you cringe at yourself. Seokjin probably thinks you’re a complete nut.   But strangely enough, when you look at the cloud above his head, your face hasn’t changed.   “Why are you staring?”   “I’m not,” you mutter and tear your eyes away, unsuspecting to his smile.   But in spite of how close and upfront you might’ve gotten with Seokjin, he still tells you to walk to work yourself — that it’s close enough and too much of a hassle if he drives you. So you cuss him out as you’re striding down the block as he zooms past you in his expensive vehicle.   You hope he notices your glare from across the kitchen, but if he does, he doesn’t comment.   “Today, we have some special guests for dinner service. A few of my friends will be coming and one of them will be proposing, so let’s make sure we give them a good dinner and memory.”   “Yes, chef.”   The news is exciting and even puts a buzz in the kitchen. “Finally, we’re doing something cool,” Taehyung says to you with a swollen smile. “I love a good proposal story.”   “Always the one watching the proposal, never the one getting proposed to,” Yoongi quips as he brushes past and Hoseok snickers.   “Hey, I’m working on it!”   “I’m surprised Seokjin actually has friends though,” Jihyo comments and right when Yoongi turns to add something, they both pale as Seokjin strides past. He glares at them and is even more frightening in his silence. They immediately apologize and he hums, moving out the kitchen.   You, Hoseok, and Namjoon laugh.   Evening eventually comes and Seokjin temporarily calls a halt to the kitchen in favour of his old friends meeting his staff. It’s unusual to see him in such a good mood, smiling and being sociable. It’s strange in general to see this side of him, but it’s not unwelcome whatsoever.   There’s seven of them, a mix of females and males, and you follow Hoseok’s lead in greeting and shaking their hands. Quickly, you recognize who's going to be proposing to who tonight. It’s not hard to miss considering the man is visibly nervous and the close female by his side keeps glancing at him in worry.   “Are you alright, Jimin?”   “Huh? Yeah.” The blonde with full cheeks and soft features smiles timidly, scratching the back of his neck. He’s dressed too nicely for this to merely be a dinner. “I’m fine. Just not feeling well.”   “Are you sure you don’t want to stop by the clinic?” The short-haired female asks, concern evident in the faint knot between her brows. “There’s one down the street. I can go with you.”   “I’ll keep an eye on him, Yuri,” the man who introduced himself as Jungkook reassures her, “If anything I’ll take him.”   “Jimin’s just excited to try out the food.” Seokjin grins, drawing attention away from his friend. “Rest assured, everyone will feel better after eating and if you get sick tonight, it’s not food poisoning, alright?”   There’s laughter in the group and another says, “You’ve been bragging about your restaurant for so long, I thought you were never going to invite us to eat here.”   “Well, we’re usually booked full house, but it’s a slower season so I thought why not.”   Yet the conversations drown away from your ears as your eyes unintentionally flicker upwards. You don’t mean to — it’s still a habit you’re trying to break. But you feel blood drain from your face as you discern the image that emerges from the fog above Jimin’s head and above Yuri’s.   “Y/N?” Taehyung waves his hand in front of your eyes and you snap out of your trance. “Why are you staring into space? We’re going back.”   “O-Oh. Sorry. I was thinking about something.”   You return to the kitchen, forcing yourself to focus and getting back to your task.    It’s none of your business. You know better than to involve yourself and it’s not like anyone would believe you in the first place. People’s lives have nothing to do with you. You have to turn a blind eye. It’s none of your business, it’s none of your business—   But as you leave to the back area to grab ingredients, you catch the man leaving the bathroom. “Oh, you’re one of Seokjin’s chefs right?” Jimin stops and smiles at you, inhibiting your escape.   You shake your head. “I-I’m only a kitchen assistant.”   “But you’re still part of his staff.” His eyes are rounded and bright. “Is he mean at all? We’ve been trying to squeeze it out of him, but he won’t give us any details. I heard a bit of shouting, so I was curious.”   “Oh, he’s always shouting.” The corner of your mouth quirks and Jimin grins. “He’s a bit mean, but Chef Kim’s just serious about his work and we respect him for it.”   “It seems like you understand him better than I do. Anyway, the soup was amazing. I already told Jin, but I thought I should let you know since you’re the one who brought it out to us.”   “Thank you.” Your eyes travel above his head and then you notice the way he’s fiddling with a box inside his pants pocket. You swallow hard. “Are you proposing tonight?”   Jimin’s head whips up. “How’d you know?”   “Chef Kim let all of us know, so we can make sure it’s a memorable dinner service.”   His expression softens and he bobs his head. Jimin takes out the ring box and studies it carefully. “I am. I hope it wasn’t too obvious. I know she’ll say yes, but I’m still nervous. She’s the love of my life and these things only happen once,.”   “Well….” You give an awkward chuckle. “Sometimes it happens more than once for people.”   “Not for us,” Jimin declares in such self-assurance that it’s uncomfortable. His smile filled with affection doesn’t help either. “She’s the one. I don’t think I’ll love anyone more than her.”   Your pupils flicker up to the cloud above his head that says otherwise. It gnaws at you, mocking you, and you’re uncertain if you can sleep tonight if you don’t say at least something. So you take the leap. “Are….you...sure?”   “What?”   “Never mind.” You turn around, having regretted it the moment it spilled. “Please enjoy dinner!”   “Wait!” The man unexpectedly grabs you out of sheer instinct, halting you in your spot. He searches your face while his own crumples into a frown. “Did Yuri say something to you?”   “No!” you frantically spit before taking a deep breath to calm down. “I’m just….I just….” The philosophy you’ve forced yourself to take collapses at his earnest visage. You were never good at being unattached. “D-Do you think this is a good idea? Are you absolutely sure about this?”   “What’s going on here?” There’s a lower voice, a husky timbre. Seokjin stands at the end of the dark corridor and all traces of his outgoing personality are gone. It’s replaced with the serious demeanour you’re used to. He beckons you. “Can I speak to you for a moment, Y/N?”   Jimin returns back to the table, even more unnerved than before while you’re pulled outside.   You feel small with your back against the brick and Seokjin looming over you. “What the hell are you doing?”   You flinch from his tone.    You’ve never seen him so angry. He isn’t shouting, screaming or imposing. But the irritation seethes out of him, simmering underneath his skin. You swallow hard, downcast eyes searching the gravel. You think about how dark it’s getting with the sun setting over the horizon. “I…”   “Are you seriously trying to talk him out of it?! What gives you the right—”   You snap. There’s no reason he should be upset, no reason you should be treated this way. So with your teeth gritted, you give him the truth that’s hard to hear. The truth that you alone must bear. “They’re not going to end up together!”    “What?”   Seokjin wears the same incredulous look from last night. It’s futile.   Still, your mouth runs off into mumbles, “I can see it above their faces. That woman, Yuri, she’s…..paired with that other man. Jungkook.”   You give up. Waving the white flag. In the silence that follows, you expect Seokjin to fire you, or call the nearest hospital. Either you’re a nut or unsuitable to work in his kitchen. Maybe both.   What you don’t anticipate is his startled expression, horrified as if you just told him there’s a ghost behind him. “How….how’d you know that?” The syllables unusually stutter out of him. It’s not like Seokjin to be inarticulate. “Jungkook hasn’t told anyone he loves her except for me.”   It’s your turn to be surprised. The quietness lingers. Then, he sighs.   “Don’t get involved,” he scolds, gentler than before. At the same moment, there are cheers from inside that leak out — clapping and hollering — you know Jimin’s proposed.   Seokjin turns away, returning to the restaurant floor and you resume your position in the kitchen. Jihyo asks if there’s anything wrong, but you brush her off. For the rest of the night, you concentrate on your job and Seokjin’s friends bid farewell after their stomachs are full from dessert and there’s a diamond on Yuri’s finger.   “Job well done everyone.” Seokjin has a satisfied look when he returns and Namjoon shares a smile with everyone. Clean up finishes soon after, but before you can leave, he calls you specifically. “Y/N, come here.”   Taehyung looks at you with widened eyes, but you don’t utter a word, staying behind. The kitchen filters out and even Yoongi sends a sympathetic look your way before departing. It’s never a good thing to be called back.   You brace yourself. If Seokjin didn’t make a scene firing you earlier than certainly will now. There’s no reason not to — you tried to stop an engagement between his close friends and he probably thinks you’re psychotic.   You stand there in silence for a good minute as he fills out some paperwork. It feels like you’re in the principal’s office. Then, the corner of his mouth moves as he casts a glance at you. “Sometimes you borrow the kitchen to practice, right? You can practice tonight.”   Confusion renders you immobile, filling your mouth with cotton, but you manage a slight nod.   You start to chop vegetables into bowls, dicing and mincing ingredients that will be needed for tomorrow. All the while, Seokjin sits meters away from you with a bunch of papers. Either doing his taxes or filing a report to admit you into the hospital. You’re not sure which one it is.   But halfway through, he pipes up again. “You should make something for the two of us to eat.”   “Yes, chef.” On any other night, you would be bursting with excitement, knowing it was a chance to impress him. But now you wonder if this will be your last chance to cook.    Within minutes, you have a pot on the stove, boiling for ten minutes.   “Sit down,” he commands, motioning to the other stool and you oblige.   Seokjin makes drinks in the meanwhile, asking what you want. When you mumble anything’s fine, he pulls out a few bottles from the back cabinet and starts mixing. You didn’t know he can bartend, but it’s almost expected that Kim Seokjin can do anything at this point.   The atmosphere is terribly awkward, so you exhale from your nose and speak up, “I’m sorry. I...I know I stepped out of line. I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did. I’m really so—”   “I believe you,” Seokjin interjects, gaze meeting yours across the counter. Your breath hitches. “I didn’t believe you at first. About the whole ability thing. But when you told me that Jimin and Yuri won’t make it, I knew there was no other possible way.” He pours the drink into two glasses. “Jungkook and Yuri grew up together. He told me a long time ago he was in love with her and I was sworn to secrecy. No one else knows. Not his brother, his mom, or Jimin.”   He passes it to you and sighs, taking a sip. “But there’s nothing I can do to stop Jimin or to help Jungkook. It’s something they have to figure out on their own.”   You nod, gripping the stem of the glass. “I know.”   There’s a pregnant pause.    You lift your eyes and it connects with Seokjin’s. Instantly, you feel yourself breaking into a sweat at how intense he looks at you. “Is it true then?” he asks in the quaintness of the kitchen, his voice thick and low. “Are we going to end up together?”   “It might change!” The words come out all too frantically in fear he’ll freak out like you did. You know it’s a lot to take in. “Things change all the time. You were supposed to end up with Jisoo, but then, but then things happened so….nothing’s ever certain. It all depends on our actions and choices. I know you don’t like people like me. I don’t have anything to offer you anyway—”   “You need to have more confidence in yourself.”   Your voice dies on your tongue. Seokjin’s staring at you again in a way that makes your palms clammy, so intense that you wonder if he’s scrutinizing your pores. You swallow hard, tearing your own gawking away until you hear sizzling. The two of you turn to where the pot is almost over boiling and you run over, grabbing it off the stove. “I-It’s done.”   He grabs bowls as you set it down and uncover the lid.    “What do we have here?”   You’re embarrassed. It’s nothing like his fine dining dishes, or even his comfort food that somehow tastes like heaven. “It’s just carrot and potato curry stew. It’s actually something my family cooks…..so it’s nothing fancy.”   Seokjin’s spoon dips into the liquid and it’s your turn to watch intently.   He smells it, sips and his expression is kept blank.   You stand. “I can throw it out if you want—!”   “Why are you so jumpy today?” The corner of his plump lips curls. “And why would I want to throw out something so delicious?”   Your heart stutters in your chest and tears fill your vision. He might not fire you after all and on top of that, both your inborn ability and cooking skills have been validated. You feel overwhelmed. Especially when he finishes his first bowl and goes for seconds.    “This is what I’ve been missing in my cooking,” Seokjin murmurs with a tiny smile. “When they said I was missing my roots, I think I know what they mean now. Thank you, Y/N.”   You’re not sure who’s filled with more gratitude.   He smiles and you nod at him earnestly, speechless on what to say.   At the end of the night, Seokjin drives you home in his black Mercedes. A kind of lull fills that car and it isn’t frightening like it usually would be. Rather, it’s comfortable. A little too short lasting. He parks the car at the curb in front of your apartment and you get out.   “Thank you.”   Yet after you shut the door, he rolls down the window and stops you. “Y/N.”   You look at him and he smiles again. A phenomenon that used to be so rare that seems to happen frequently now. “I hope it doesn’t change.”   Kim Seokjin gazes at you, eyes connected across the distance that feels like it’s closing. He never wavers and a lump forms into your throat. “Are we going to end up together?” — Your own words echo in the recesses of your mind— “It might change! Things change all the time.”   But here he is. Going against all your efforts of trying to change fate itself. “I hope it doesn’t change. And I hope you don’t want it to change either.”   Seokjin drives off, leaving you absolutely stunned.   You wonder if he knows what he’s saying. But as you watch his car fade into the distance, somehow you’re not appalled or scared at the idea of being with him anymore.
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The kitchen is an organized pandemonium.   A place where everyone knows exactly what they’re supposed to do and moves in fluid motions by one another, like a busy crosswalk in the downtown area. It’s a kind of silent teamwork and while you’re merely helping Taehyung chop vegetables or washing the accumulated dishes, you know your role is still an important one. You just wish you could a little more.   The moment the back door creaking can be heard, everything comes to a halt. Seokjin rounds the corner as everyone simultaneously greets him. “Good afternoon, chef.”   “Afternoon.” There’s a smile on his features, one that surprises a few and makes the others unsettled. “There’s going to be a special menu item today, so I want that prepared as soon as possible.”   He hands the new recipe to Namjoon who frowns upon the sprawled notes. “Carrot...and potato soup with chickpea crumble?”   “If you need details, ask Y/N,” Seokjin says with a tiny smile. “It’s her recipe.”   At once, everyone turns to you with shocked expressions. It’s one thing for Seokjin to suddenly introduce something new, but to introduce yours, it’s both unprecedented and a privilege.   You stare at him and his smile widens slightly. “I hope you don’t mind.”   “N-Not at all.”   The daily tasks commence, but not without a pat on the back from Yoongi, a congratulations from Jihyo and a smile sent your way by Taehyung. Namjoon and Hoseok ask for your help and it’s the first time you’re not just mincing garlic in the corner or washing a stack of dishes. Pride bursts through you and you look across the kitchen to Kim Seokjin. He scoffs at how big your smile is, feigns a glare and tells you to get back to work.   The rest of the dinner service goes smoothly. Your appetizer gets compliments from several and you couldn’t be any happier, even when everyone’s left and you’re still scrubbing dishes.   There’s a click of a tongue beside you. Seokjin stands with his arms crossed. “You always find ways to make me pay you overtime. Move over.” He rolls up his sleeves and helps you wash the last pots and pans.   “Thank you for today. It was a good surprise.”   He hums and the pair of you finish up before he tells you to unload the dishwasher tomorrow. “Go change and grab your coat. It’s getting late.”   “Are you going to drive me home?”   “No. We’re going to scope out some competition.”   “Competition?”   “We’re going to eat at a restaurant called Dog World,” Seokjin brushes off quickly, but when you continue to blink at him, he sighs and waves you off. “Don’t ask too many questions, alright? This is my excuse for asking you out on a date.”   If you weren’t caught off guard before, you’re wholly stunned speechless now. A deer in headlights. And it makes the older bastard grin widely.   “Don’t worry.” His voice knocks down into a gentler tone. “You can reject me if you want. I don’t want you to be pressured because I’m your boss, even though I don’t think that matters to you. But you should also know I’m not doing this because of what you see.” He gestures above his head, unknowingly batting the cloud of fog you can perceive. “I’m doing this because I want to.”   It sinks into you and your head tilts to your shoulder. “You….want to go out on a date with me?”   The corner of Seokjin’s lip pulls and he diverts his vision elsewhere. You notice how his ears are turning red. “Ever since you sat down with me and told me that getting cheated on was sad enough and that they shouldn’t rub it in.”   There’s silence. The first stretch of it is because you genuinely don’t know what to say to him. But the second stretch that follows is when you realize just how nervous he is and there’s a ruthless urge to keep him on the edge. You make him simmer in fear, a similar kind to the countless ones he’s given you during stressful shifts in the kitchen.   There’s something powerful yet endearing about how Kim Seokjin anticipates your answer.   You never thought he could be this way. He just keeps surprising you.   When you can’t contain it anymore, you burst out laughing.   “I’ll accept on the condition that if you take my recipe permanently, you’ll need to pay me royalties appropriately. Don’t think I won’t take you out to court, Kim.”   Seokjin grins and for the first time, certainty sews into you. You have a feeling fate isn’t going to change and you hope it doesn’t either.
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[Epilogue]   The kitchen is your home.   You’re sure Jin would adamantly argue that the house was perfectly fine to be considered your home, but there’s still a charm to the busy kitchen that has drawn you in since childhood. Even if the heat swelters in the still air and is stifling, even when grease and oil splatter and stains your clothes, the effort in cooking makes the food that comes from it even more delicious.   “What is this?”    All heads turn at your voice and you motion to the plate about to be brought out. “The rice is on the wrong side of the plate! Re-do this, and watch the plating people! I know it’s easy to forget but it’s important to be consistent with the presentation!”   “Yes, chef!”   It’s strenuous and difficult to be here. It took years to get to where you are, but you wouldn’t trade it in for anything. The reward is worth it. You love your job — maybe even more than Jin, and while you’re sure he wouldn’t be surprised, he’d still playfully whine about being casted aside.   The rest of the night goes off without a hitch and once the kitchen is all clean, you switch off the lights and lock the doors. And like magic, the person you’ve been thinking about all day is leaning against the car parked on the curb, arms crossed as he stares out into the starry sky.   “About time. I’ve been waiting for the past twenty minutes.”   You scoff with a smile and discern the cold cloud emitting from his lips each time he exhales.   This is the exact opposite of what you intended to happen. Sometimes you wonder if it was a self-fulfilling prophecy — by knowing he was going to be with you and trying to avoid it, you inadvertently made him closer to you. But whatever the case may be, you’re glad for the outcome.   You close the distance and slap your hands against his frozen cheeks, trying to warm them up. A smile tugs on your features. “Sorry. You’re cold, aren’t you? You should’ve just waited in the car.”   “But I wanted to see you right away,” he mutters, putting his hands on top of yours to keep you there, then he adds, “and it gives me reason to do this.” Seokjin grins and leans in to press a soft kiss against your lips, one that you smile into.   If any of his old kitchen staff or even the current group saw him now, they’d faint with how grossly affectionate he was being. Then again, they might just be used to it considering Jin hasn’t ever paid mind to other people. He’s never been one to opt out of public displays of affection either.   “You know I’ve been thinking lately.”   “About?”   “How hard I tried to get rid of you and how I couldn’t. You’re kind of like a pest.”   Your husband of two years straightens his spine, wholly offended. “Pest?”   Laughter bubbles out of your chest and you press another chaste kiss to his lips before you’re pushing him aside to get into the car. Seokjin chuckles, rounding the vehicle to get into the driver’s seat.   “Are you hungry?”   “Not really.”   “Namjoon and Taehyung want us to go to the opening of their restaurant.”   “Their opening event lasts for three days right? We can always go tomorrow.” You turn to him as he pulls off, driving down the street. “I’m kind of craving your comfort food tonight.”   Jin grins, easily obliging while your eyes flicker up to the cloud of fog above his head. You see yourself smiling as widely as you are now, and you’re thankful you have your ability.
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So for some wholesome dad Wukong contend i have come up with some ideas. When MK skipped breakfast to make some quick deliveries (Pigsy did notic he didn't eat) and when done delivering the noodles a weird bird drops peach flavored granola bar drop from a the sky. When MK spends the night at Flower Fruit Mounted for late night training he fell asleep with a bunch of monkey's cuddling him and with a familiar red cape draped over him. Finally when MK got home from a long day of work he finds his bed had been turned into a blanket and pillow nest. (some blankets and pillows thay dont even belong to him!) (Wukong was just making sure his kid had a good nest to sleep in. And boy thank Budda he did this dose not look like a proper nest to sleep in! Thankfully he came along and fixed it right up) Mk did have a pretty good sleep though.
Mk thinking about how hungry he is but how he needs to deliver the noodles (OH HECK HE’S DELIVERING FOOD THAT’S EVEN WORSE OOF BRO RIP LAKSDMFWAE) and he feels like crying mid-way through the day but he also doesn’t feel like he has the energy to get anything to eat and then a granola bar just... literally drops out of the sky and lands at his feet when he’s about to get back in the cart and he looks up and there’s this weird (familiar) bird flying away and he stares after it for a minute before leaning down and picking up the granola bar (maybe his hands are shaking a little) and he opens it and bites into it and it tastes like peaces and he does cry a little bit there. 
Wukong and Mk training and losing track of time until Pigsy calls and demands to know where he’s at because he’s locking up the shop and Mk isn’t back yet, and it’s getting dark and Pigsy is not okay with him wandering the streets so late at night cause it’s going to take him a while to get home, and Wukong suggests he just sleepover and WOW IF THAT ISN’T THE MOST AMAZING THING MK HAS EVER HEARD (sleepover with his hero/mentor/maybe father figure? HECK TO THE FREAKING YEAH!!!), so you bet he tells Pigsy that’s what he’s doing, and Pigsy grudgingly agrees cause there’s not really anywhere safer than an island surrounded by lava with one of the most powerful beings alive. 
So he ends up staying the night and they eat peaches and maybe some noodles and Wukong had Mk bring over when he’d arrived much earlier in the day and they might binge watch the first season of Monkey King: the animated series, and Wukong leaves for a minute to take their dishes to the kitchen and comes back to see Mk passed out on the couch, curled up with a bunch of monkey’s snuggled with him and curled up on him and they’re all sleeping softly in a warm pile and he smiles just as soft-- 
Mk wakes up warm and safe and in a pile of fluffy fur that belongs to all the little monkey’s and there’s a familiar bright red cape that smells like peaches has been placed overtop all of them acting as a blanket and Mk smiles and smiles and hides his smile under the cape and snuggles with the monkeys, who are also awake, but don’t look like they’re moving from the warmth any time soon either. 
Mk getting home from a long day and finding a surplus of blankets and pillows that he knows he didn’t have before (he has one blanket and one pillow) are all lumped onto his bed in a very purposeful way and he practically jumps into the bed (which smells like peaches and there’s some monkey fur in there too, but he’s had some on his clothes since forever it feels like so it doesn’t bother him) and he’s careful not to mess up the set up, and spends a while just sitting there feeling warm and happy because someone cared enough to do something like this, even if it was a little weird slkdmfaowef 
And it’s the best sleep he’s had in a while. 
(You could say it was the nest, or maybe it was the smell of the peaches, or perhaps the knowledge that people cared and were looking after him. Whatever the case Mk wakes up smiling)
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
So this format is weird as hell for this fic, probably because it was gonna be a one off scenelet and then more happened and I just kinda gave up and let it be weird lmaooo. But I wanted to forewarn since it is goofy to read probably.
Anyway: pre-OFMD Events hinting at Izzy/Ed (literally if they would just Talk. If Izzy would just say how he feels. If Ed would let himself be vulnerable enough to validate how he feels when he helps Izzy out like he does in this fic, and then he could say It too. But I digress). Brief run through from Izzy of his 'schedule' with Ed and Fang and Ivan which is less a schedule and more a vague idea of one because pirates.
Also a heavy storm, an impromptu blanket fort with snuggling, and Izzy maybe needs to stop trying to outdo the stereotype of the 80s business person who literally lives only to work and is gonna burn out if they don't chill tf out for a bit.
Pre-Bonnet, his routine had been simple. Boring some days, but simple.
Sometime between 5-11 AM, wake up Ed. He was usually up by four himself after turning night watch over to Ivan at approximately 3:30 AM, which gave him enough time to quickly bathe and eat whatever hardtack was left out from dinner.
If he was lucky, he had Ed up and moving by 7. Unlucky days he eventually stopped looking at his watch and would just assume they weren't going to get much done.
From whenever he actually got Ed out of bed and ready to about noon was brunch. He would leave Fang and Ivan and Ed to it, because that left an opportunity to dip into his room for a nap. Rarely a long one, but enough to push him to keep moving.
Noon to mid-afternoon varied. Ideally a raid or a stop at a port to sell some of what they had accumulating below deck. More often, Ed would ask to stop at the first seemingly abandoned island to stretch their legs and lay out on the sand.
Which worked fine in the end, really. He didn't fuss about it anymore; the time everyone else spent on the beach was time for him to stay back and eat, maybe catch another fifteen minute nap. Occasionally stare deeply into the woodgrain of the table in the galley and question his life decisions.
From there any semblance of routine got even messier, but he knew the mess well enough to track it. Maybe some rum and target practice with empty bottles on deck, stories and laying out looking at the stars. The most common and romantic stereotypes of their job, but ones he could admit had earned the admiration. There was little else that could enthrall a man like staring straight up at the darkest sky, the only light from the stars twinkling away.
Eventually, but he tried to keep it before midnight as often as possible, he would wake the others and help see them to bed. Ed was always the one to argue for another five minutes, even though he was snuggling against Izzy's grip around his waist, holding him up on the way to his quarters.
Then, once Ed was settled, night watch. With a blanket at his side in case of any rain (it didn't keep him dry, but it kept him warm at least), and his weapons readily at hand. The best nights were calm, but not overly so. No storms or squalls, but enough wind to keep them on course slowly. No other ships in sight, and the odd feeling that they could be the only ones out there would set in. He knew it was false, but it was hard to shake in the dark, barely able to find the never ending horizon as it bled into the blackness of the sea.
A rope around his waist ensured that even if he fell asleep and slipped from the crow's nest, he would be caught and woken up.
And then, the next day some form of it would go all over again.
"There he is," Ed sighed, and clambered up to the crow's nest. Izzy was out cold, shivering as well. But that was the pouring rain and hail that had started coming down hard, waking Ed.
"You're gonna get hit by lightning one of these days," he told Izzy as he roused him enough to come down the ladder. "Don't have to spend the entire night up there. Besides, I told you to come get me to take over if you get tired."
No arguing, but no response at all. Then again, Izzy was never awake enough for it.
This was Ed's usual nightly routine, waking either on his own or by the weather, to go out and check on Izzy. He knew better than to put him in his room, that would only cause a panic for Iz in the morning at wondering how he'd gotten there and who was looking after things in the meantime.
Instead, he'd lean him up against the rail of the deck, and sit with him. As far as he could tell, Izzy never once had woken up enough to register who was with him or what was going on.
He'd only snuggle up to Ed's side, under his arm, the blanket draped over him. Then he'd be out completely again, sleeping deeply.
"We gotta get you a day off, something," Ed murmured, this particular night using another blanket to cover their heads. It was a ramshackle blanket fort, miserably wet, but warm. Truly, in such weather it was hard to keep watch out for anything, but Izzy wouldn't have given up the post if he was awake, so outside they stayed.
"At least you're getting some sleep," Ed yawned and snuggled Izzy closer. "I don't think you do, some days. Gotta knock that shit off, it'll get you killed. Don't think the ship would run well without you."
He didn't like thinking about that. Izzy was gruff and he could be an asshole and fussy. But he knew his job, and did his best. It was rare that they wanted for much of anything, and if they did, Izzy was like a dog with a bone about getting it for them.
"Not really healthy, that," Ed commented, knowing Izzy wasn't hearing a single syllable between the rain and his own light snoring. "The dedication is lovely, don't get me wrong. But you need to work to live, Iz, not the other way around. And I miss having fun with you, like the old days. Just you and me and that shitty little boat we stole. Trying not to sink or run aground or both at once somehow."
The wind howled, thunder crashed, and Ed made an executive decision. In the morning, when Izzy freaked out about no one being out for the rest of the night watch, he'd calm him and remind him they couldn't see anyone else in a bad storm, so no one could see them. Dangerous either way, but they couldn't do anything about it.
Which meant there was no reason not to pull Izzy up with him, and lead him back to his quarters. At his prompting, Izzy woke enough to yank off his sopping clothes and let Ed wrap him in one of the various extra blankets he kept in his room (in his defense, they made so many nice blankets, out of gorgeous fabrics, and if he had the money to buy them for once then why not?)
He ditched his own soaking wet leathers and clothes into a pile with the wet blankets they'd used outside, and helped Izzy onto the threadbare cot he used for his own bed whenever he wasn't sleeping in his chair instead.
"You don't have to rush off right away to working in the morning," Ed said as he sat on the floor near the cot. "Nothing wrong with relaxing. Just spend the morning here, sleep in. I certainly won't kick you out."
Ed smiled, but his heart pounded. There were those thoughts he'd hardly ever addressed, because he figured Izzy would dismiss them, out of duty to the ship or something. Or maybe he just didn't like him like that. And Ed knew he couldn't take hearing that. It was easier to shove them aside and leave Izzy as a friend.
He sighed at the discomfort of the floor and considered the size of the cot. Then, that there was an extra awkwardly and rather dangerously stuffed in the closet in his room.
The noise of freeing it and dragging it over didn't so much as make Izzy flinch.
"You didn't even nap today, did you?" Ed asked him. He shook his head as he sorted out extra pillows and his favourite blanket, and dropped onto the extra cot. "I mean it, Iz. If you can hear me at all, let tomorrow be a day off. We'll stay onboard, and rest and eat and fuck around and that's it. Let yourself take a day."
But Izzy only flopped an arm out from under his blanket, to drop where the edge of the cots met.
Ed gently took that hand in his and squeezed it. "Can't stay sharp enough to make it through a fight if you don't rest. And if you would die that way, all because you ran yourself down looking after us-"
Ed paused. "I'd never forgive myself, Iz. Really."
He left his hand over Izzy's as he tried to fall back asleep, listening to the lashing rain and screaming wind.
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mayraki · 4 years
“mold is good for you” - jj maybank
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not my gif! I don’t know who made it, let me know if it’s yours :)
a lovely anonymous requested: hi! if you’re still taking requests, would you be up for doing one with JJ x Reader? Maybe JJ eating that moldy bread or something and everyone’s like “don’t blame us if you get sick” and he does and the reader feels bad and cares for him anyway?
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“I’m so fucking tired.” Pope said after walking through The Chateau’s door.
Having to work two jobs at a time, the times where you and the Pogues were able to spend the entire day together at the beach and catch some waves were limited over the summer, so when those days came, you tried to take advantage of it and try to do as much stuff as possible. But the consequences were that when the day was over, all you wanted to do was have a nice dinner and go to bed.
Kie let her body rest next to yours on the couch while Pope went to the bathroom and John B with JJ, were looking for something to eat on the kitchen.
“Dude, you have to go grocery shopping.” JJ walked into the living room followed by John B with a bunch of stuff on their hands.
“Well, you can come with me since you practically eat all my food.” He said while putting all the stuff down at the table.
“Of course man.” JJ said. He started to look for something worth of eating and after grabbing some big bag of bread you gave him a disgust expression.
“Are you seriously going to eat that?” You asked him.
“Yeah, that bread had mold on it three days ago.” Pope appeared on the living room and walked towards the coach to sit next to you.
“So what?” He said. “Mold is good for you, it’s like a natural thing.” He started to put peanut butter in it and you shook your head.
“Natural thing?” You asked and JJ nodded.
“Yeah, it can’t be bad for you if it’s natural, can it?” He asked and you stayed silent, trying to understand JJ’s train of thought.
“Dude, don’t eat it.” John B said after finding some cookies to share with the Pogues.
“But I want to eat real food, not cookies.”
“Maybe we can go to The Wreck?” You asked with a sweet smile hoping for Kie to say yes, but she shook her head.
“No can do, the last time I took you guys there my dad told me it had to be the last time.” She said and you sighed.
“Well, my stomach is screaming to me right now to each this, so...” he finished to put peanut butter in the bread.
“Seriously dude, don’t, you’re going to feel really sick tomorrow.” Pope said but JJ shook his head before taking the bread to his mouth.
“Alright, but don’t blame us if you get sick.” Kie said and JJ just shrugged his shoulders.
“I would never.” He said with a mouth full of food.
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“Wake up!!!!!” You heard Pope yell from outside. You opened your eyes and the outside light was hitting your face. You looked around and you noticed you fell asleep at John B’s couch again. Your back started to hurt when you sat down and Pope locked eyes with you once he walked trough the front door.
“Did you fell asleep here again?” He asked and you slowly nodded.
“Yeah, after you and Kie left I got to talking with the guys and I guess I didn’t hold up very long because I can’t remember much of it.” You stretched your back trying to make it hurt less but it was useless, you needed to stop falling asleep on the couch.
“Who’s ready for our second day at the boat?” Kie entered the living room with a huge smile on her face and a couple of bags on her hands.
John B walked into the living room with a sleepy face and yawning. He gave Kie a little smile and then helped her take the bags to the HSM Pogue.
“Hey, Y/n, can you wake up JJ? I’m going to help John B with the boat.” Pope asked you and you nodded before getting up from the couch. A strong pain kicked you on the lower part of your back and you furrowed your eyebrows in pain, but you carried on walking.
“JJ?” You asked after knocking on his door. No response. “JJ?” You asked for the second time. You didn’t want to open his door and find him naked on his bed, after that night he confessed he liked to sleep naked, you’d always check twice before walking to his room. You covered your eyes with one hand while the other one was opening the door. “JJ?”
“Why are you covering your eyes?” You heard JJ ask.
“You’re not naked, are you?” You asked and JJ let out a little laugh.
“C’mon, don’t act like you wouldn’t love to see me naked.” He said and you noticed something different in his voice.
“Are you ok?” You asked.
“To be fucking honest... no.” He said and you uncovered your eyes. He had his messy hair and was laying on his bed with no shirt on, he was covered from toes to his neck with his bed sheet and he was more pale than ever and you noticed he had light purple bags under his eyes.
“JJ, you look like shit.” You said.
“I feel like shit.” He said and you closed his bedroom door. “Don’t tell the Pogues, but I think it was that bread I ate last night.”
“JJ! We told you not to eat it!” You yelled and JJ shush you.
“I don’t want them to see me like this, I can’t deal with their “told you so” and shit.” He said and you sat down next to him on the bed. “I’ve been puking all night.” He said and you gave him a disgust face.
“Lovely.” You said and JJ let out a little laugh.
“I know.” He looked to his window and then he went back to you. “Can you tell them that I won’t be joining you guys today?”
“Sure.” You nodded and got up from the bed to walk towards the door. You walked outside and noticed the Pogues getting the things ready and once you stepped on the dock, everyone turned to you.
“Where’s JJ?” Kie asked and you sighed.
“I can’t... get him to get up. I think it’s better if he stays here today.” You said and everyone just nodded, Pope stepped outside the HSM Pogue and walked closer to you.
“Are you sure he’s ok?” He asked concerned and you nodded.
“Yeah, I... I’m probably going to stay with him.”
“You alright?” He asked.
“My back hurts a lot for sleeping on the couch, I really need a day to just... stay in bed.” Pope nodded but his concern didn’t went away, but he gave your shoulder a little squeeze and a little smile appeared on his face. You did the same and turned around once Pope went back on the boat.
You walked inside The Chateau after hearing the boat getting away and headed to the kitchen to grab a cup of water for JJ. You remembered your mom always insisting about staying hydrated when you were feeling like that.
“What?” JJ asked you once you walked trough the door of his room. “I thought you were going with the Pogues.”
You shook your head. “My back is killing me, I decided to stay here and in the mid time, take care of your baby ass.” You handed him the glass of water wich he took with a big smile.
“I knew deep down you care about me.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, this is the only time I’m going to help you after we specifically told you to not eat that piece of bread.” You said. “You know, you don’t need to hear us because we can be a little bit stupid sometimes, but Pope? He’s the smart one, you always listen to Pope!”
JJ let out a little laugh and let the glass on top of his nightstand after taking a little sip. “We have to make that a rule.”
You nodded with a smile. “Yeah, we do.”
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“Alriiiight..” JJ said while thinking. “Never have I ever been at the back of a police car.”
The both of you took a sip of the glass of water you had in your hands and JJ looked at you surprised. After you made him a soup that your mom taught you for when you feel down, you two couldn’t move; JJ for his sickness and you because your back hurted like hell. So, out of boredom, you decided to play a game of never have I ever.
“What?!” He asked shook and you shrugged your shoulders.
“JJ, there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” You said trying to sound mysterious but a little laugh escaped from your mouth.
“Well, well, well, I have to hear about that story later.”
“You’ll have to get me drunk for me to let go of that story.” You shook your head. “My turn. Never have I ever... cried during a movie.” JJ and you took sips from your cups and you looked at him in shook. “What?! What movie?”
“Everybody cries when the dad dies in the Lion King.” He said and you nodded.
“If you don’t, you don’t have emotions or something.” He let out a little laugh.
“Alright, never have I ever... been so drunk that I kissed more than five people at a party.” You opened your mouth and JJ let out a big laugh.
“That’s no fair! You know that I had that bet with Kie.”
He shrugged his shoulders and then pointed at your cup. “Drink, y/n.”
“Oh, really? Well, never have I ever been an idiot because I ate a piece of bread that was clearly going to make me feel like shit afterwards.” JJ opened his mouth offended and you took out your tongue at him.
“What the hell are we doing? We’re not even going to get drunk with this.” He said and you sighed after letting your back rest on the back of the bed.
“Well, the Pogues are probably going to get back soon. Is a really shitty day and the waves are probably also shitty...” you said and JJ nodded, laying in the bed next to you.
You closed your eyes once the pain in your back appeared again.
“Hey..” JJ called you softly. “Thank you for staying with me.”
You opened your eyes and turned your head to him. You could barely see him since the only light that was on the room was the light coming from the window, and since there was a lot of dark clouds on the sky, it wasn’t much.
“It’s alright. I guess... I could’ve gone with the Pogues because, to be honest, the pain in my back is not that bad, but I felt bad that you were feeling like that. Didn’t want to leave you alone.” You said but then added quickly. “Don’t even a word, Maybank.”
He nodded trying to hide a smile. “I’m just going to enjoy that in silence, then.”
“Well, yeah, you better.” You said and JJ let out a little laugh. A smile appeared on your mouth and you tried to hide it by turning your head to the other side, but it was too late.
“You have a really pretty smile.”
“Oh... I know, but thank you.” You said jokingly and JJ shook his head with a smile on his face.
“Maybe I’ll take you on a date someday...” he said and you quickly turned your head towards him.
“I’ll take you on date, for taking care of me today. I have to do something.” He said and before you could say something about it, he added quickly. “I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Who says that I was going to say no?” You asked and JJ just nodded with a smirk.
“It’s settle, then.”
“Alright. But I hope you don’t look like this on our date.” You jokingly pointed at him and his sick state.
“Look who is talking, I’m going to give you a hair brush for your birthday.” He pointed at your hair and you both laughed at how ridiculous you both looked that night. Even tho you both thought the other one never looked so pretty.
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highladyofprythian · 4 years
Rhys picking Feyre up from univesity drabble
Thus Prythian was split into the seven courts…
When my eyes flutter open, the words in front of me are distorted, on the verge of blurry with my face pressed against the pages. There’s a sharp pain in the back of my neck and my thighs ache from sitting for so long.
Sitting up, I groan as I stretch out my legs, pulling my head to one side to relieve the pain there. Even still, the left side of my face is numb from being pressed against the table’s surface for so long. I scan the library quickly, my Fae ears not picking up the sounds of other students. Odd, considering I only started reading just as the sun went down, the library full of other students. But now, only the soft creek of settling floorboards and my breathing can be heard.
The room is dark, my faelight burnt down to embers, barely enough light to see three feet in front of me, let alone navigate the expansive library. Sighing, I stand up, willing my exhausted magic to fill the faelight again, just enough to guide me and pack my things away.
I pack my book away into the leather rucksack Rhys gifted me last Solstice, along with the charcoal pencils and paper scattered around. Studying, I’ve found, has left me prone to doodling while I concentrate. Little images of flowers, Nyx’s eyes, utterly random shapes. It’s difficult to sit idle, while some ancient wizened Fae drones on in the front of a grand lecture hall about the trade routes between Courts.
The clock chimes in the silence, frightening me so much I jump, pencils clattering to the floor. Grumbling, I bend to retrieve them, but snap back up when I only hear three chimes. Three? But-
Wildly, I whip my head around, determined that other students only left to eat dinner… I couldn’t have been asleep that long. But again, I hear nothing.
I’ve been asleep for hours… oh gods, Nyx.
I tug hard on the bond between Rhys and I, not caring if I wake him from sleep. I need to know if my son is ok.
Good morning, Feyre darling, his voice thick with sleep drawls in my head.
Before I can ask him, he calms my racing thoughts, my shield falling from my panic and lack of proper sleep. The baby is fine, he fell asleep hours ago. As did you, clearly. His dark laughter fills my head, only irritating me further.
You didn’t think to wake me up? I snap at him.
Couldn’t disturb you being so studious, now could I? His tone is amused as he goes on, And besides, I am capable of parenting our child without you.
I soften, melting at the image Rhys sends me of Nyx cradled in his arms, his head resting against Rhys’ bare chest as he bottle feeds him.
I hope you ate too, High Lord. I gripe back, still irritated with him. The stress of the baby’s birth and potential fallout with Autumn has put Rhys on edge, falling back into bad habits of forgetting to eat his meals.
Of course, High Lady. Couldn’t risk falling asleep in my study with the baby home. Infinitely amused, he continues to make fun of me.
If I remember correctly, you were the one to encourage me to attend university. Such is the life of a poor student… I lament, matching his dramatics.
If only because the thought of you sitting in a lecture halls and writing essays does wicked things to me.
What doesn’t? I retort, sending him a rude gesture down the bond. He just laughs, thinking of more creative uses for my hand.
Pig, I say as I finally find my pencil and tie my rucksack together. The faelight follows me as I walk out the grand double doors to the library, illuminating the path ahead.
You love it, his voice and my feet padding along the marble flooring the only sounds to be heard. Truly I somehow managed to sleep through students leaving for dinner, chatting amongst themselves. Even the Fae who do nightly patrolling of the library.
I doubt even the toughest of security guards would want to wake the High Lady, says Rhys. This late at night, I don’t bother putting up my shields, enjoying the simply intimacy of Rhys hearing my thoughts, sharing each moment with me. Even I don’t dare to do that, he continues.
I snort aloud, startling myself. Only when you wake me up creatively… I send him an image of us, him beneath the sheets, my hands gripping the pillow beneath my head.
I don’t think the guards would wake you up quite like that, his mental voice is a little strained. I can see through his eyes that he’s sat up in bed, the sheets pooled around his hips, revealing only a tantalizing shadow but no more.
I follow the path down the winding stairs, the sconces along the stone walls are blown out for the night, the gentle gold of the faelight flickering. The history in these walls is deep, thousand of years of Fae scholars shared this space, writing laws that still preside of Prythian today. Rhysand’s own family, High Lord’s of Night Court past sheltered together, the wards of Velaris being set up as they studied through the night.
And a painting comes to mind, of ancient Fae, gathered in a library of old, heads bent together, scroll after scroll of lore and history being recorded. One day, Rhys himself will stand beside them.
I like to think I’m not stuffy and old yet, darling. His voices brings me back, and I’m greeted by the sight of the university’s large, ornate double doors shut to the elements, no light peeking through the wood.
Yet? Says the five-hundred-year-old with bad knees, I tease as I pull on the large, iron door handle. Amongst the alumni it’s said that the iron handles and sconces were built into the building to ward away evil Fae spirits. However I, and other students have far fonder memories attached. And I’m reminded of my first week here, students rushing past me, completely bare as they ran through the ancient hallways, attempting to touch each piece of iron before their competitors, to then be greeted by a slew of cheers and applause when they completed the course. Even I partook in the spirit of unvieristy, and I’m blushing just thinking about it again.
Shame I wasn’t there, Rhys says, showing me a picture of his own days in the university. A buck-naked Illyiran warrior flouncing down the hallways, outrunning everyone, of course.
I could say the same. Though I don’t think we would’ve studied well together. The heavy doors open to an inky black night, the snow on the ground stark white in contrast.
“Considering your success at reading, I think we would have made exceptionally good study partners.” Rhys’ midnight voice floats through the air, making me jump again.
I huff at him, “You scared me! What are you doing up?” And another more pressing thought, “Who’s minding the baby?” I begin to run towards the river house, though the jog across from the university to the house would take thirty-minutes by foot.
Rhys behind me laughs, and I hear his wings flare wide before he takes me in his arms, pushing off the ground and up, up into the night sky. The air rushes past my face and I revel in the sensation, loving the icy cold against my faelight warmed skin.
Once we find a cruising altitude, Rhys answers me. “Mor is at the house, he’s fast asleep.” His voice caresses my neck and I shiver, though not from the cold. “And I’m here to pick up my star-pupil, lest she fall asleep on herself mid-flight. Again.”
“I had just had a baby! Your baby! And I didn’t fall asleep I simply closed my eyes.”
“And careened straight into a tree.”
I whack my palms against his chest in retaliation, but he’s not wrong. I was only two months post birth and pelvic-reconstruction. I needed to simply pick up something from the market and Rhys was out on business. So, I shifted into my wings and took flight; but that evening Nyx had been up crying and I only managed to sleep for an hour before he was up, happily chatting his baby nonsense about the sun being in the sky once again. I had closed my eyes briefly… and both Rhysand and Azriel still make fun of me. Azriel more so, between fits of chuckling telling me ‘I thought I trained you better than that,’.
I nestle into his arms, sleep clouding my eyes once again, but even after two years, the sight of candle-lit Velaris twinkling against the night sky, cradled betwixt the mountain rages, makes me sigh in wonder, never wanting to close my eyes.
“Sleep, Feyre. You have an early lecture in the morning, wouldn’t want the Professor to catch you drooling on the table.”
I snort weakly, partially asleep once again. “Reminiscing about your own days at university, old man?” His laugh rumbles in his chest, lulling me fully into sleep.
When we land, I wake just enough to kiss Nyx’s little forehead while he sleeps soundly before Rhys picks me up again, places me on our bed and I dream of Rhys after his first war, young by Fae standards, studying the night away in the very same library I slept.  
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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时空中的绘旅人—For All Time—) EVENT! 「书中童话:魔女的冒险」 Fairy-tale within the Book: The Adventures of the Witch Translations (Alkaid’s Route)
夜莺与玫瑰: 星辉灿烂 — The Nightingale and the Rose Chapter 4: Brilliant Starlight [After Story]
“If this is a dream, then this should be my most unforgettable one yet.”
*For All Time Master-list | Alkaid’s Personal Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut!
I'd never thought that the consciousness of the Alkaid of the Modern World would end up here as well...
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Alkaid: (Y/n), just what is this place?
Alkaid: I remember that not too long ago, I was still developing some photos at home, and then… I think I fell asleep.
Alkaid: I dreamt of a long and vague dream and found myself here when I woke up.
After everything in the garden of golden roses had subsided, Alkaid blinked, looking at me in confusion as he asked me a couple of questions.
Alkaid: I still seem to be in a dream, but yet, you look so very real.
Saying so, he reached out, attempting to touch my face, only for his hand to stop mid-air. He was afraid of offending me, even in his dreams.
Alkaid: Tell me, (Y/n). Is this a dream?
I didn't know how to answer him.
The Alkaid standing before me now had the same consciousness as my senior, Alkaid, back in St. Shelter's University.
Is all of this a dream? It should be. But I can't explain how his consciousness found its way here, into this dreamland.
After staying here for a while, I could feel that this dream was beautiful and moving; even more acutely so. This dreamscape was filled with childhood fantasies, the fragrance of roses, and the whispering of nightingales.
It was a dream that made people unwilling to awaken from.
MC: It’s a dream…
Halfway through my words, I looked at him, basking under the moonlight, turning the tables and asking him the questions this time round.
MC: But will you be scared if this is a dream that you can never wake up from, for an eternity?
He pondered for a while. Silence rang out throughout the garden as he thought it through. The nightingales had stopped singing, and I could hear my heartbeat picking up once more, racing under their curious gazes.
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Alkaid: Of course not.
Alkaid: Nothing can terrify me so, other than you not being by my side.
Alkaid's tone was gentle, yet firm with resoluteness.
Alkaid: If you wish to leave, I will do my hardest to find a way out for us; and if you wish to stay, I will stay, together with you…
Alkaid: Only if because it’s you, (Y/n).
Alkaid's words were painfully straightforward, his gentle green eyes fixated on me in all it's seriousness, neither evading or avoiding my own.
This should just be all a dream; so why does the feeling of my heart thumping in my chest feel so real? I was a little afraid that he'd be able to hear my heartbeat, steadily growing ever stronger within the confines of my chest.
The nightingales began to sing again; it was a joyful tune. Maybe I heard this melody in a love song somewhere before…
Taken aback by it, I was stunned for a good while before I remembered that I hadn't yet answered his question.
MC: This is a dream, so we probably won’t be kept here for too long.
Maybe, Alkaid will forget everything that transpired here when he wakes up in the real world.
Alkaid: I probably shouldn’t feel this way, but I do find it a little regretful.
He smiled, raising his head a little to view the vast sky beyond the canopies of the garden.
The stars and the moon hung loftily up in the sky. Between the bright moon and the shining stars above, there seemed to be endless mysteries hidden between their midst.
The nightingales' song lightened up, with one or two fluttering down with their wings, perching onto his shoulder and pecking at his hair.
He glanced at the roses in the garden, stretching out a hand to touch the night dew that trembled upon the golden petals.
Alkaid: This is a beautiful dream. I think that many fantasies can come to life here, be it however naive or unrealistic it may be.
Alkaid: It makes me tempted to stay here a little longer with you. What about you, (Y/n)? Do you feel the same?
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His eyes appeared to contain starlight itself, gleaming gentle and pure.
MC: Of course. I'm of the same mind too; I want to stay here with you for a while longer…
Seeing that I was a little embarrassed at that, Alkaid gave a small smile before averting his gaze elsewhere.
Alkaid: This garden is very beautiful and unique; shall we admire it together?
MC: Sure. I came here earlier than you, so I can bring you around and introduce you to places.
I hurriedly walked two paces in front of him, leading him through the moonlit pathway of the garden.
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Alkaid strolled idly behind me, listening to me as I introduced him to the flowers of the garden and the other small nightingales that I'd come up with names for.
MC: This one's called "Chirpie", and this one's "Xiao'ba"...
The corners of Alkaid's mouth quirked slightly upwards as he listened to my introductions. He couldn't help but to laugh at that.
MC: Are the names I came up with that funny?
I wanted to pretend to be mad about it, but I knew that he'd only see through my pretence.
Alkaid: No, I was just thinking about how interestingly cute you are.
The starry glimmer in his eyes rekindled again, making my heart lurch slightly at the unexpected reminder of it had felt to be pricked by the thorns of the rose's stem.
MC: Alkaid.
Alkaid: Yes?
He replied, concerned. Shaking my head, I smiled at him.
MC: Nothing; just felt like calling you.
My cheeks burned, and I couldn't help but to tear my eyes away from his face and change the subject.
MC: Right, how about you try and see if you're able to summon up your wings?
I recalled that Alkaid, who was The Nightingale, himself, had once called upon his wings; great, big, feathery ones, capable of taking him all the way to the skies.
Alkaid: I have that sort of ability here?
MC: Yup, give it a try. I'll even help you focus—
I reached out towards Alkaid. He gave me a slight smile before pressing his hand to mine.
Warm palms touching, Alkaid slightly wiggled his fingers, looking at me before closing his eyes.
I could feel the magic running through both our bodies.
Soon, pure white particles of light came out from our hands, akin to fireflies. It increased, gathered, and filled the small sky above us both.
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Alkaid: Ngh…
Alkaid's brows furrowed. It appeared that making his own wings erupt from his back caused him pain.
After a while, the wings upon his back suddenly stretched out to its full wingspan; his huge wings encasing us both along with several falling feathers in succession, like feathery snow from the skies.
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MC: You did it!
I thought that maybe he'd like this experience, considering how much time he spent looking up at the skies. Although this was all just a dream, it still felt decidedly real.
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Alkaid opened his eyes, smiling down at me; his wings slowly folded behind him, before retreating back into his body.
Alkaid: I think I can control furling and unfurling my wings now.
His forehead was dripping with sweat, but his smile was genuine.
Alkaid: Thank you for letting me experience such a novel thing, (Y/n). If this is a dream, then this should be my most unforgettable one yet.
After having said that, Alkaid paused for a while before extending his hand towards me once more. Under the moonlight, his magic gathered, condensing into tiny white spots of light upon his fingertips.
Alkaid: (Y/n), how would you like to try flying with me now?
MC: Sure, I’d be glad to.
I nodded, deciding to forgo the fact that I had a magical broomstick, and placed my hand in his.
He held on tightly to my hand, pulling me into his embrace as the wings behind his back flared out once more, leading us out of the garden, weaving through the clouds, and finally, reaching the vast expense of the starry night sky…
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥The Adventures of the Witch✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
Previous Part: (Alkaid Chapter 4) | Next Part: (Epilogue)
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Invisible Load
A/N: This one deals with your heavy past and a very annoying (but tempting) present
T/W: Mentions of abuse
"You're in my space," you huff as Harry, once again, crowds you.
"Well we're trying to fit into frame!" Harry points to the automatic camera just as the flash goes off. "Great, look what you've done."
It's hard to take him seriously when he wears a blonde wig and a fake moustache. You move your elbow in front of him and pose in time for the last picture. The group rushes to the laptop to see it.
It was July 4th weekend and you were invited to your one of your friend's big weekend party she was throwing. You didn't realise a particular English artist would be in attendance. If you knew, you would have come up with at least five solid excuses.
You've worked with Harry professionally in the past, helping write some of his songs. But he had a habit of rubbing you the wrong way, having a counterargument for everything you said or thought just because he was a good looking member of the male species, he thought the world revolved around him.
You go over and look at the photos. They're funny except for the one where Harry and you are glaring at each other.
"I think it's cute," Harry says from behind, directly into your ear and you can't help but flinch. If he notices, he doesn't say, he just continues. "The way the camera caught us flirting like that."
"If this is the way you flirt," you look over at him. "It's no wonder you're single."
That sets Harry off laughing. You make eye contact with your friends and they give you the look like cut the tension and just sleep with him already. You roll your eyes. All your friends were convinced the constant arguing was just sexual tension but you disagreed. You just hated cocky guys like Harry.
The sun beats down on the party late afternoon and everyone crowds in the shade. For someone who was stuck in studios most days and nights, you relished under the sun. You let the cotton dress slip off as you undo the buttons and lay on a lawn chair, your skin warms under the sun.
"What a vision," you hear Harry say, you can feel his eyes on you. Ugh, you hated the way he made you want to cover yourself immediately.
"That would be a compliment coming from anyone but you," you mutter back. You don't realise how close he was because he actually hears you.
"Maybe you can't take a compliment."
You squint against the sun, Harry sits on the chair beside you. He'd also taken off his shirt and mimics the way you lay. Couldn't he leave you alone for a second?
"Maybe you need to give better compliments," you lay back down. You could ignore him.
"This is nice!" Harry says. "It's like we're in our London studio all over again,"
"This isn't nice and I don't miss it," you remember all the bickering and him wanting to change anything you suggested. "You shitted on everything I suggested."
"Because it didn't fit my brand," Harry says simply. You sit up again, leaning on your elbows to stare at him. He was being serious.
"Your brand," you scoff.
"Yeah," Harry finally sits up himself and eyes you. "Mysterious, sexy, yet fun."
"Sounds more like a magician," you say.
"A magician?" Harry swings his legs to the floor. "A magician?!"
You shrug.
"A magician..." he mutters to himself. You smirk, you managed to get under his skin. But you wipe the smile off as soon as he asks, "Well how's your work going?"
You think about how you haven't written a decent thing in months. "Okay."
"What does that mean? You miss me and my magic?"
The way he could take your insults and turn them back into jokes on you irritated you. But you don't show it. You just lay with your eyes closed and respond, "You're the last thing I miss-get that clear. But I haven't really written anything I like recently."
"Writer's block?" Harry asks.
"No, I don't get writer's block. I've been writing for as long as I could remember."
"You've never had writer's block?" Harry didn't believe you and his accusations force you to sit up and face him.
"No, and I don't have it now." You would never admit it but those two words scared you. "I'm just...stuck."
"Well I can help you through 'being stuck'...say, over dinner?" Harry offers.
"How about over my dead body?" You shoot back. You weren't about to spill your heart out to him just to have him argue everything you say and humiliate you.
"Waste of a good body if you ask me," Harry smiles like he knew exactly what his comments were doing.
"Why do I even bother," you glare.
"I heard the best way of getting over being 'stuck' is just relaxing. I know a few ways to help you relax."
"Oh I bet you say that to all the girls." You cross your arms over your body, suddenly conscious of how much of you Harry was eyeing.
"I've got plenty of songs written about me. It's proof I've unstuck them."
"The talent's all theirs Styles, don't take credit."
"I only take credit where I'm owed." Harry shifts from his chair to yours. You use your feet to push him off.
"Harry!" Someone from the pool calls out. "Come here and show Ben the thing you did earlier."
"Duty calls," Harry lifts your hand to his lips but you manage to snatch it away before he could kiss it. You don't admit the thought had sent your heart racing.
Later that night on the beach, your group of friends, plus Harry, watch the fireworks. They move closer to the show going on down the beach but you stay closer to home for now, just taking in the night.
You stare in awe despite seeing them every year, you imagine soaring up to the sky like they did, just to explode in a kaleidoscope of colours. How freeing it seemed. A burst of temporary colours for people's enjoyment, then fading into dark. It was also sort of sad. You wouldn't mind being one of them.
"I thought this was a happy moment," Harry somehow finds his way to you.
"Who said I'm not happy?" You ask, the crackling in the sky above.
Harry turns his camera to you, he'd taken a sneaky photo of you. You never thought of yourself as photogenic but he managed to capture the exact mood you were feeling in the moment. Your head is tilted to the sky, a thoughtful expression on, the can in your hand pressed against your chest, your other hand draped across your waist. The sky above is flecked with colours.
"You've got a good eye but please delete that," you still say. You didn't want your pictures on his phone, who knows what he did with them.
"It's an amazing shot," Harry compliments himself. "And I'm keeping it. It's not like this is the only picture of you on my phone."
"What does that mean?" You try to snatch the phone but he dances away.
"I have loads of you on this," he holds his phone up high. You try to grab his arm to bring it down but he switches arms and begins scrolling.
"You don't have!" You jump for it but he's too tall. "My permission!"
"This isn't the bloody Oscars I don't need a disclosure," Harry laughs as he finds what he's looking for and shows you. It's a photo of you sleeping, a close up of your open mouth. You see red.
"Harry!" You give one final warning before launching at him to grab the phone. He twirls away and dodges your every move. "When did you even take that!"
He's too busy laughing as he runs along the waterline. You'd like to push him into the water to get rid of those photos.
"At the studio, last year," he continues dodging you. "You fell asleep after a late night. I had to! In case I needed blackmail. I also have this!"
He pulls up another and from where you stand it's your face mid-sneeze. The cocky bastard!
"I am going to shove my foot so far up your ass!" You charge at him and he continues running away.
"Didn't take you for the kinky type!" He has to stop as the sandy beach gives way to the forest. He bounces on his feet, his eyes on your approaching figure.
"You're one of the most self-centered, egotistical, pieces of shit I have ever met!" You make a final lunge for him and crash into his body as he stays in place. Although you manage to grab hold of the phone, your loss of balance sends you tumbling back and the phone is flung from your hand into the forest behind him.
The breath leaves your body as it connects with the sand and Harry barely catches himself over you as he falls on top. His hands are on either side of you, your heaving chest touches his everytime you take a breath. Being under him like this made it harder to breathe normally.
"I've dreamnt about this," he grins down at you. You shove him but he's rooted in place. He untangles your legs from his. "Now where is my phone?"
In the fall you forgot you'd accidentally tossed it. You look up wide-eyed and he stares. "Y/N! My phone?"
"I sort of...maybe...accidentally tossed it that way?" You point to the dark shrubbery. He turns and swears. Your heart pumps intensely, the blood rushing to your head as you anticipate his rage. He turns around, his eyebrows drawn and he raises his hands above his head. You flinch and squeeze your eyes shut.
But nothing comes.
"Hey," Harry says softly. You feel the pressure of him leave your torso and you peek one eye open. He's sitting next to you, a look of concern on his face.
You swallow the lump in your throat, mortified as you realise how triggered your response was. You see the pity in his eyes and feel the pinpricks in your own.
"I'll help you look," you mumble, standing up to brush the sand off of you. You didn't want to wait for him to pretend to be nice. You just whip out your phone's flashlight and watch your step.
"Y/N," Harry calls out to you. You hear him approaching, hesitation in every move he makes. "I'm not angry at you. At all."
"That's great," you put on your tough face again—that was the only way people couldn't find out what a broken mess you were inside. "That's not going to help me look for the phone."
"The phone doesn't matter just wait, look at me for a second."
"I have to look for the phone," you repeat, your eyes searching the bushes.
"Y/N," he says sharply. You curse your own reflexes as you flinch again, finally turning to look at Harry with what you hope looks like a death glare. You raise your eyebrow when he just stares. "Sorry I didn't mean to call your name like that. I was just surprised. And...I wasn't going to hurt you or anything."
"Thanks," you dismiss him with an eye roll. You turn back to your search. You were glad the flashlight was pointed to the floor and not your face because you could feel the tears slip down and make trails proving how weak you were. In front of a dick like Harry Styles.
You finally see the glint a little further in and go to it, using the time to wipe your face before returning it to him.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to toss it." You sound distant, even to your own ears.
"I'll delete the pictures," Harry says from behind you as you speed walk down the coast towards your friends.
"Whatever," you say over your shoulder. It didn't even matter anymore.
You wake up early, before anyone was up. It’s not like your racing mind let you really sleep at all.
The cool morning breeze is a welcome feeling on your tired body, and you brew a pot of coffee, the rich smell adding to the morning ambience.
You decide to take your coffee down to the beach but realise a figure swimming in the waters. You recognise Harry's worn out tshirt and shoes on the sand. He doesn't seem to notice you so you settle down and watch the sun slowly make it's way over the horizon.
"Where's mine?" Harry walks up to you after his swim, dripping wet and making sure he splashes you with the droplets from his hair. He lays out the towel he brought and collapses on top of it.
"You could dry your hair instead of dripping all over me," you glare at him. You see the sparkle in his eye—he was going to turn your words into something dirty. But when you make eye contact, he knows you know and that seems to be enough for him. He just grins and holds out his hand, you pass him your cup.
"Holy hell Y/N, this coffee's pure sugar," he hands the cup back. "How the bloody hell do you manage that?"
"That's because it's as sweet as me," you shoot back. "I don't know how you drink yours without it."
"The only way to enjoy a good cup of-"
"Do you want more or not?" You cut him off. He knows what's best for him, cutting his monologue short and accepting the cup. You decide to give over the whole thing and just enjoy the sunrise, surprisingly, Harry stays silent beside you. The two of you watching in silence.
Eventually, you lean back onto the sand and close your eyes, the morning rays kissing you good morning. When you open your eyes, Harry is propped up watching you.
"Do you mind?" You ask, but for once he doesn't look like he's going to bother you. You remember yesterday, cringe, he was probably just taking pity on you again.
"I do actually," he gets off his elbow and sits up. "I do mind."
A minute passes, then another. "Just spit it out!" You finally say. "I'm not taking part in your dramatics."
"Okay," Harry stares right into your soul. "I mind that a wonderful woman like you thought I was going to...to hit her yesterday when I was just showing my exasperation. I mind that someone as strong as you has to put on a brave face like you do.”
Oh my god. He really said that. You were mortified but also, touched. Then the thought creeps in again...he just felt sorry for you.
"Exasperated," you quote. "That's a big word coming from you."
He frowns. "You don't have to make a joke."
"You don't have to worry," you sit up. "I'm perfectly fine. I'm not some pet project you have to pity alright? I flinched! People flinch all the time! Don't read into it."
“Okay I know I push all your buttons," Harry's words come rushing out. "I like to banter with you and tease you and watch you roll your eyes at me or try to come up with a good comeback. But I respect you enough to recognise you probably been through some shite. And I would think you respect me enough not to feed me some BS story.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” you knew how cruel your words sounded but you couldn’t stop. “I don’t have any respect for you! You’ve never given me a good reason to. You are always pushing my buttons and every time I’ve ever worked with you, you’ve just made me feel small and shot down every single one of my ideas. The way I react is none of your damn business, you don’t need to psychoanalye what I’ve been through and I don’t need any of your pity. Even if you mask it as respect or whatever.”
You run out of steam as Harry’s face slams shut. You never wanted to be cruel, it was a toxic cycle to get roped into but all you could do now is just turn back to the house. You’d said more than you meant.
You push around breakfast, claiming a stomach ache and stay in your room for most of the day. Actually, the guilt of what you said eats away at you. You knew what it felt like to be shouted at like that, taunted, and broken down. Maybe your flinch was a reaction from broken relationships. Relationship. But the way Harry treated you, reminded you of someone you knew.
But you knew deep down you couldn’t project your past onto everyone. And that’s the one thought that pulls you out of bed and down to the pool.
“Anyone see Harry?” You ask as you scan the crowd for him.
“I think he’s still in bed. Said he had a killer hangover,” someone lets you know.
You go up to his room and knock lightly but no response. You knock again, try the lock, but still no response. You go back to your room.
You collapse under the weight of the guilt, shame, and misplaced anger. It wasn’t fair, just when you think you moved on, you fall into the same patterns.
Something pushes you to get your notebook and begin writing; page after page you pour out everything you’d been supressing for the last year. Your hand cramps and the ink runs out but you move to your phone and continue the onpour of everything you’ve ever wanted to say. By the end of it, the sun is starting to set, and you smile through the blurry vision and the aching hands. You had so much to work with—you were finally writing again! Now It was time to try Harry.
His room door is ajar when you walk past, maybe he joined the party down on the beach. You grab some of the pizza laying on the kitchen island and make your way down.
Harry stokes the bonfire, talking to a few friends around him. You sit opposite him and just watch as he listens attentively to what someone else is saying, how he throws his head back and laughs. How he wasn’t a bad guy—the villain you painted him out to be in your head. He was just human, and so were you. And...there was something between you two that you were afraid of diving into again so you just let your past take over.
Harry finally looks up and notices you. He hesitates and you tilt your head to the right. He understands.
You walk over away from the light of the bonfire and sit down. Harry joins you a few minutes later in the sand.
“I’ve started writing again,” you say to break the ice.
“That’s good.” Harry doesn’t give much. You take a deep breath, he wasn’t going to make this very easy.
“Yeah...so, Harry, I said some shitty things and I’m really sorry.” You take a deep breath. “I was scared, and projecting my past onto you. And you didn’t deserve that. Even though you’re a a jerk sometimes, you didn’t deserve that.”
He doesn’t say anything for a while. Just staring out at the setting sun glimmering on the water. Finally, he bumps his shoulder into yours and you look at him, curious. But he just smiles, unguarded and unusually kind. “I did sort of deserve it. I give you a hard time so But you don’t deserve whatever happened in your past. And you don’t deserve carrying it around all the time-“
“Tell me about it,” you huff. “My back aches carrying it with me all the time.”
“Let me help,” Harry gets on his knees and pretends to lift something off your back. He struggles, groaning as he leans back with it.
“I should unstrap it from my shoulders first,” you state.
“Oh, duh!” He watches you unstrap the invisible load. Then he stands up and pretends to lift from the bottom. “Some help?” He asks.
You go opposite him and pretend to lift from the bottom. As you two straighten out, you can’t help the grin you give him. “The ocean?” He asks as you suggest: “the ocean?”
The two of you make an exaggerated show of staggering to the shore and tossing it in. He shields his eyes, watching the load drift off to sea.
“How does it feel?” He turns to you. It felt like a whole new world, it was silly but you felt lighter. Just inviting him into your world, made you feel a little less alone.
“Like a fresh start,” you finally say. “I’m letting go.”
“Didn’t I tell you I knew ways to make a girl relax?” He grins. You push him but it’s playful, the smile on your own face never leaves. When his face grows serious, you freeze.
“What?” You ask.
“Can I kiss you?”
You blink, he’s still standing waiting. And you didn’t realise how long you’d been waiting for this. You just nod, your body pumping every ounce of blood straight into your head. When he steps forward, he doesn’t do anything too sudden. He just wraps his arms around you, keeping eye contact, his nose gently bumping against yours. You smile, suddenly wanting to hide, he kisses the corner of your smile before making sure you were okay with it. Then he grabs your face, you close your eyes and let him kiss you. It tastes like wood smoke and pizza and the sea. But most of all, it tasted happy.
“You’re okay?” He asks.
“I am,” you drape your arms around him. “Finally.”
“Is it finally time?” You hear a shout from your friends. It felt like your own private world so you forgot everyone could see you two. But when you turn around everyone is just as excited as you felt.
“Finally no more sexual tension!” One of your friends says.
“We’d all better find some earplugs for tonight.”
“The Y/N and Harry train can finally leave the station.”
“And it’s riding all night long,” the group laughs.
“I think that’s enough,” Harry laughs, leading you back to the group but you’re both thoroughly embarassed, Harry just does a better job at changing the subject.
“I told you so,” my friend winks when you walk to up her.
“You did,” you say as you look out to Harry. He’s talking to someone else but his eyes never leave you.
He finds you later, kisses you without a care to what anybody would say. Then he whispers in your ear, “what do you say about starting the train ahead of schedule?”
The blood rushes to your face but for once you don’t scold him, instead you grab his hand. “We should go while everyone’s distracted.”
As the two you inch towards the house, Harry says, “See what happens when we put our minds together?”
“The way you like it?” You ask. “According to your brand?”
“Yeah, you called me a magician. Now I’ll show you how I make the magic happen.”
You groan at his joke as he runs the rest of the way in, racing to the bedroom. You stumble behind and feel weightless as you collapse into bed and finally give in to everything you ever wanted.
It was liberating.
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