#HC: Owain
fademirrored · 1 year
minor headcanons: critters: alpha world state
Caje Cousland:
The mabari: His name is Squirrel. He is the most quintessential mabari that ever was a mabari. He's a sort of earthy brown with black points and usually goes paintless, but has the Kaddis of the Trickster warpaint when Caje knows they're going into something big. Caje loves Squirrel dearly, but one gets the sense that if Squirrel hadn't imprinted on him, Caje would not have any animals.
The horse: After Awakening, when Caje has well and truly taken up his role as Anora's husband, he has a horse. He's an Akhel-Teke palomino gelding named Valerian. He's very pretty and very impressive, which is his primary purpose. Caje's relationship with Valerian is neutral, politely. Valerian is very well trained and tolerates Caje, who doesn't really spare him a thought when he's not in the saddle. Most of Valerian's care is left to stable hands, unless Caje's on the road and has no spare hands to care for his horse for him.
Cyrus Hawke:
The mabari: His name is Decker. He's only about 9 months old at the start of the Blight, so he does live to see the Chantry Boom, but at that point he is geriatric enough that Cyrus has taken to leaving him home to be babied by Sandal more often than not. Early on, though, he goes with Cyrus everywhere except the privy. He's got coloration similar to a rottweiler and he's a big mush. You could hand him an egg and he would carry it without cracking it.
Owain Trevelyan:
The hart: Early on, before they've even had to leave Haven, Owain and his party find a small herd of horses and harts in the Hinterlands. No one is sure if they were deliberately released or if they escaped during all the fighting, but regardless, there's no way to figure out where they came from and they're clearly not wild, so the Inquisition claims them. Among them is a wild hart. Owain calls dibs and names him Moo. I'm going to be blunt: he is a megaloceros with less-stupid antlers. He is a draft horse-sized elk, with stereotypical elk coloration. With a bit of a pot belly, because Owain's never had a pet before and he loves Moo immensely, even if he bellows like a congested trumpet.
Aneirin Trevelyan:
The dracolisk: While Aneirin initially uses whatever horse is free from the stables, he does eventually acquire his own dedicated steed. She is a sharp-tail dracolisk named Ozone. She's predominantly a sort of muted olive-y green with almost leopard-like spots, but dark red-brown points on her face, legs, and tail. As far as Aneirin is concerned, she is the goodest girl who has never done anything wrong in her life, and for him, that is true. He gets to feed her an appropriate amount of treats every day and still keep all of his fingers. He can ride her without getting thrown and she'll even stop on a dime precisely when he asks. If Nye is not at Skyhold, however, stable hands draw straws to see who has to deal with her, because when Nye is not around, Ozone considers herself valid to eat fingers.
The falcon: Nye had a falcon as a teenager in Ostwick, and Owain gifts him a new one after the events of Inquisition to try to get himself back into Nye's good graces after a terrible and prolonged falling out. It doesn't work, but Nye does like the bird. She's a grey falcon named Swifty, and she likes Nye about as much as can be expected, which mostly means she comes back during a hunt and only tries to eat his ears and fingers a little bit.
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sieglinde-freud · 11 months
funniest reading of inigo fire emblem is demi aroace whos never felt attraction in his life and he just has no fucking idea. hes only been going after women bc he legitimately thinks thats what women want as a true feminist (and bc mommy said so) and really does think that thinking women are pretty is equal to attraction so when he actually does feel something at some point in his life it hits him like a bullet train five times over
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fore-seer · 10 months
i don’t really ship owain with anyone in either game he’s in but he’s such a good dad to ophelia that i can’t imagine him not having her, and i had the idea yesterday that it’s severa he approaches about wanting a kid bc after their time in fateslandia with inigo the three of them are bonded for life anyway and she’s the only one he trusts with something like that
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gotta ask, whats your favourite bizarre headcanon that has zero or maybe even negative canon backing/basis. mine is that ophelia is the result of a magic accident and only has odin's genetics
I’m trying so hard to think of what would count as bizarre. I have so many AUs and so many of them are joke-y, lol.
OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED my hc that Owain once propositioned Gerome purely and only because he thinks Inigo would hate that they got action before he did and he was pissed at Inigo at the time.
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threehousing · 8 months
in honor of me finishing awakening. do you have any hcs on who's the oldest and the youngest kid 👁️👁️ (i don't remember if we've discussed this already) morgan is obviously certified baby but is cynthia older than owain. does severa get to call inigo a child. discuss
okay okay. I'm gonna do this by age when they get sent back maybe?? Obviously their ages get all messed by afterwards because some of them are there longer than others (cough Laurent cough)
I can sooooo be persuaded differently on these tho. persuade me.
Lucina <- canonically the oldest, BUT if I had my way I'd have her not be? I think it'd be fun if there was a kid or two older than her.
Inigo <- not that much younger than Luci, maybe a month or two?
Noire <- again, not much younger than Inigo
Yarne <- bigger gap I think, maybe a year?
Gerome <- month or two younger than Yarne
Kjelle <- few months younger than Gerome
Brady <- year young maybe
Owain <- a few months younger.
Cynthia <- JUST younger than Owain. Haunts her every day.
Nah <- closer in age to morgan
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dolceminerva97 · 4 months
teniendo en cuenta que, dijiste hace poquito que ya no consideraban a Escocia y a Gales como hermanos de Inglaterra.
En el au humano (no el de charlie) en el que Agustina y Arthur se casan, Arthur sería hijo único? O tendría algún vínculo con ellos?
Por otro lado, Extraño muchísimo el au de Charlie ¿Hay algún hc o dato que quieras tirar de él en la actualidad? 😢
En el AU humano, Owain (Gales) sería el hermano mayor de Arthur, por parte de un matrimonio anterior de su madre, y se llevarían 10 años, no tuvieron una relación cercana. Con Escocia no sé, no he pensado para él un rol en ese AU, tal vez fuese un pariente lejano o un compañero de colegio de Arthur con el que se cagarían a trompadas en el patio de la escuela (tendrían la misma edad kjjj).
Ay me da ternura que les gusten mis delirios místicos con el au del bb Charlie sjjasj al día de hoy tendría casi cinco años y me gusta imaginar que además del fútbol, le fascinan los dinosaurios. Eso le encanta a Tina porque tiene mucho para mostrarle sobre dinosaurios argentinos! Además, tiene un talento innato para la percusión, así que Arthur le regaló un miniset de batería para que empiece a practicar desde pequeño y tanto él como Tina lo ayudan y lo acompañan tocando la guitarra a veces 🤑 es una buen método para que practique concentración, coordinación y que descargue toda su energía ahaha
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laslow · 1 year
deep dive character sheet
stolen from: ree + all of toa! tagging: the lovely lass reading this, of course!
NAME: Laslow
height: 170.18 cm / 5'7
strength ★★★☆☆ (he's lean instead of built yfm)
dexterity ★★★★★ (a dancer after all!!)
health ★★★☆☆ (i like to think he's more susceptible to things like allergies/colds bc of growing up in a literal wasteland rip)
energy ★★★★☆ (fluctuates depending on circumstances like if he's gotten enough sleep/if he's sick)
beauty ★★★★★ (i mean look at him bro roguish good looks isn't just a line and no i'm not biased on this at allllll)
style ★★★☆☆ (he tries!)
hygiene ★★★★★ 
perception ★★★★☆ (he's not half as stupid as he appears, especially when the situation calls for it. he knows when to shut up and be serious.)
communication ★★★★☆ (heart on his sleeve and all that)
persuasion ★★☆☆☆ (technically two and a half stars bc while he can't get beyond a first date, he does get one and he can generally coax a smile out of those he's close to)
mediation ★★★☆☆ (he tries he really really does but sometimes the nonchalant attitude has the opposite effect)
literacy ★★★☆☆ (def not a regular at the library but he'll occasionally stop by. also, he does enjoy reading about both famous dancers + swordmasters)
creativity ★★★★★
cooking ★☆☆☆☆ (dirt soup a la inigo, anyone?)
tech savvy ★★☆☆☆ (he can learn but it's a huge learning curve)
combat ★★★★☆ (explained this before once but basically: incredibly talented swordsman made even more so after his arrival in Fatesland. The magic wore off once he left but his base talent remained.)
survival ★★★☆☆
stealth ★★★☆☆ (moves lightly on his feet in general but can be stealthy when needed)
street smarts ★★★★☆ (he's managed to keep his pretty face intact so far!)
seduction ★★★☆☆ (HE SUCCEEDS OCCASIONALLY [thank u for the quote Sain] plus Laslow does get a paired ending)
luck ★★★★☆ (now I'm no stat expert but his base luck at the start of Fates is 14 and can grow up to 60%. Plus, he relies on a healthy amount of luck to get him out of dates gone awry.)
handling animals ★★★☆☆ (dogs are his favorite animal of all time ever)
pacifying children ★★★★★ (my personal hc is that inigo/laslow always wanted a little sibling so he therefore has a soft spot for kids and is a pro at making them giggle)
intelligence ★★★☆☆ (again, not as stupid as he has everyone believe and his emotional intelligence grows the older he gets)
happiness ★★★☆☆ (docking off one star because he does canonically fall into depressive episodes when he gets rejected + there's the whole childhood trauma thing oops)
spirituality ★★☆☆☆ (he believes in Lady Fate more than Naga or even Nohr's Dusk Dragon; having met both of them, he's not the biggest fan of either tbqh)
confidence ★★★★★ (full 5 stars for what he projects but like a three for how he actually feels)
humor ★★★★★ (does not matter if they are laughing at him or with him--point is they are laughing)
anxiety ★★★☆☆(gets better as he's older but it never fully goes away)
patience ★★★☆☆
passion ★★★★★ (one of his crit lines is literally "i'm a man of passion!")
nice         ☆★☆☆☆ mean (only truly sarcastic to owain. sorry pal. fully capable of being a snide little jerk but that's VERY rare)
brave       ☆★☆☆☆ cowardly (has to fight against his fear quite a lot but he will always say he's brave first and foremost)
pacifist   ☆☆☆★☆ violent (i have mANY thoughts about this but shall leave this here for now)
thoughtful ☆☆★☆☆ impulsive (finds a good middle ground at the ripe old age of 22)
agreeable ☆☆★☆☆ contrary (depends on the situation really!)
idealistic   ★☆☆☆☆ pragmatic (head full of rainbows and sunshine etc etc)
frugal        ☆☆☆☆★ big spender (lazzy needs money saving courses fr)
extrovert   ☆☆★☆☆ introvert (i say ambivert solely because he does require time to recharge. [read: sneaking off to go dance])
collected   ☆☆☆★☆ wild (i lean more towards wild because he does like going to a tavern/enjoying a good party but he's not boisterous by any means)
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
charisma ★★★★★ (he wormed his way into his friends [and eventual beloved's] heart SOMEHOW)
empathy ★★★★☆ (another one of those things that grows with age)
generosity ★★★★☆ (when it really comes down to it, if you needed the shirt off his back, he'd hand it over)
wealth ★☆☆☆☆ (if he'd stop buying tea and flowers and trinkets and sweets all the time--)
honest  ☆☆★☆☆ deceptive (he had to be deceptive during his days in Nohr though he leans towards honesty)
leader   ☆☆☆★☆ follower (followed lucina's orders without question and became a retainer in Nohr. Now, how well he listens to some orders....)
polite    ☆☆★☆☆  rude (errs towards manners but he's fairly casual in how he refers to others due to how he grew up)
political ☆☆☆★☆ indifferent (he has a pretty good sense of right and wrong and isn't afraid to stand up to those who are wrong. doesn't matter his own political beliefs [and politicking in general gives him a headache.])
higher power ★★☆☆☆ (same as spirituality above!)
fate/destiny ★★★★★ (Lady Fate this, Lady Fate that, listened to ex-girlfriend constantly saying "I challenge my fate!" So Fate is something he believes in wholeheartedly, as well as it being something you can change.)
magic ★★★★★ (he has no talent for it but he works alongside it constantly)
soulmates ★★★★★ (yeah.)
good and evil ★★★★☆ (i'd say without a doubt but he does have a conversation with Owain about the merits of killing others without stopping to think about it once in awhile.)
luck ★★★★☆ (again, see above)
family ★★★★★ (either blood related or found, he knows he would not survive one day without them)
friends ★★★★★ (again, he'd never survive a day without them)
love ★★★★★ (his entire reason for living)
home ★★★☆☆ (he broke time to fight for some version of his home to exist; he has accepted the home he knew no longer exists)
health ★★★☆☆ (takes care of himself best he can! will run into the rain/snow without enough warm clothing if given the chance. idiot.)
praise ★★★★★ (the validation eases his anxiety)
justice ★★★★☆ (docking off one star because he was a mercenary upon going back in time to a non-apocalyptic Ylisse. Having money for food meant more than always being just though he did have lines he would not cross.)
truth ★★★☆☆ (again, will lie for necessity or intentionally be vague but prefers the truth)
power ★☆☆☆☆ (physically he likes being strong but in terms of holding power he holds no desire)
fame ★★★☆☆ ("I won't rest until every woman in the realm swoons upon hearing my name!" [i'm paraphrasing there but. again. idiot.])
wealth ★★☆☆☆ (he's used to not owning much at ALL though he would absolutely want to provide for his family.)
others' opinions ★★☆☆☆ (his friends have no qualms telling him exactly how himself he is and he's fairly self aware but really he wants to make others happy and if his antics provide that, then so be it.)
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veenvss · 8 months
night court
the family , 4/7
3 , day 5 , spring
The courts have always fascinated me but while reading and looking at the map I always thought that the worldbuilding was too rushed or too simplistic. So, I have decided to reimagine the courts in a way that makes more sense to me.
In an incredibly unpopular opinion, I don't like Rhys. He's a cool character but I just don't like how every action of his gets justified. He's just very icky to me. But alas, he's the High Lord of the Night Court, which is the next court alphabetically.
Now Rhys is a Welsh name and it's pronounced reece no matter what anyone says you ignorant -- and I, for one, am a big supporter on Welsh being taught in schools, so I'm going to be patriotic to the 1/8th of my blood which is Welsh.
GRUFFUDD GLYNDWR- "prince" I definitely took most of this name from Owain Glyndwr but it's not my fault that modern Welsh names are just "Evan Blevins". He's a violent man and a ruthless ruler. He slaughtered all of his human slaves out of the pettiness of being 'undermined' by the war. He was abusive to his wife and kids and treated them worse than his violent criminals. Many people held a secret celebration once the news of his death spread across the court.
ELUNED GLYNDWR- "idol" Unfortunately, due to her youth and her husband's influence, her "barbaric" native Illyrian name has been lost to the wind. The day she was married to the day she was murdered she was known as Eluned. Despite the constant aggression in her life, she was an incredibly sweet woman and cared deeply about children. She was often heard saying that everything she does is for her children. Although she would be devastated that her daughter was murdered, she would be glad knowing that she was there to hopefully grant some peace as she went.
FFION GLYNDWR- "foxglove" This is a newly created Welsh name but this is a fictional world. Ffion was a little foxglove. She looked so sweet and innocent but had a vicious temper. She demanded attention from many, and often received it. Despite that, she was a sweetheart. She loved to spend time with her mother and enjoyed sewing her own little dresses for her toys. Undoubtedly she was terrified when they got ambushed by that river, but as the last thing she felt was her mother's warm hand grasped around her, it made everything slightly better.
Canonically, Mor is Rhys' cousin so I'm going to include a short list for CoN.
Although Rhys is a Welsh name, Mor is Irish, and in Irish mythology, Morrigan was a goddess. Rhysand states that he grew up in Velaris so I'm gonna go out on a ridiculous hc here and state that due to the cultural differences, the names are different as well. This would work better if NC was Scottish based but unfortunately not and we have to make do with what we've got.
PADRAIG MOCHAIN- "nobleman" SEARLAIT MOCHAIN- "army" FAOLAN MOCHAIN- "little wolf" little note: i am just picking and choosing names by how i like the sound of them from a random naming website so a lot of these might be inaccurate and possibly (?) offensive (?) cause I am choosing not thinking of historical backgrounds (?) pls tell me if i am, because i genuinely don't mean to be.
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hi! I was wondering if i could request some Owain/Odin fluff hcs with a gender neutral reader? Thanks in advance 😊
OKAY I sort of wanted to have fun and write some more for fates/awakening so I had to take a bait and make it in as many parts as I can!
It kinda screwed me over... Cuz I didn't want to repeat myself hah-
Dating Owain/Odin
Reader here is gender neutral
Ever since his crush on you he did everything imaginable to impress you and he was the ultimate dork about it.
Be it on the battlefield or outside of it, he'd do anything to get you to entertain you. Talking to you was natural, but also his way of talking made his interest in you not so obvious at first.
His sword hand is aching for battle... But his regular hand is aching to hold yours! To put it simply: he adores small gestures of affection.
Although he likes to go grand with everything else, sometimes all he really needs is to hug you for a moment.
As his lover you'd get a LOT of different titles and ways he'd call you. His odd version petnames if you will.
And if for any reason such petnames would make you feel embarrassed, he'd only think of even more praising nicknames he can call you.
Still, love is but filled with trials and choices to be made... In the end he has to achieve a perfect balance. As a chosen one it's hard indeed so it's good that he has someone like you to support him. You had to leave your realm, and together you had to support one another.
Odin- continuation
His love for you would go through any obstacle. And honestly having you come along with him and leaving everything behind did strengthen your bond like nothing else.
Honestly if you didn't join him he'd feel like half of him was missing. Then again he wasn't sure if he'd leave without you to begin with.
Sometimes however he felt a bit guilty. Dragging you over to this realm with him and as often as he asks how do you feel about it he still just isn't sure if you're not saying it's okay so he's more at peace.
In the end, those were just some temporary moments of doubt. So it wasn't a bigger issue, but still one worth resolving.
Some of the things- like his petnames for example- stayed the same. But he didn't feel the need to constantly impress you.
Although he wasn't any less happy about you taking note of his achievements. That still very much made him happy. It's just that he actively wasn't trying to make you pay all of your attention to him.
Odin- but you didn't date earlier
After you left your realm you went your separate ways. It was a long time since you've seen each other.
But when you met once again, you recognized him immediately. No matter how much he had changed... Which was a little to begin with.
He never lost his spirit and was weird as ever. Which was so amazing about him now that you think about it. It was quite nostalgic to see him again.
He also helped you feel less homesick. Honestly you had no idea how comforting it was to talk to him.
So your feelings were developing slowly but surely... And honestly you weren't against it. Turns out: he wasn't either.
Because as soon as he realized his feelings for you, he wasn't hesitant to try for your love. So to find out you felt the same was quite the relief.
He would never let you feel lonely. Even when you were close friends he'd act the same way. Even if he has his duties as a royal retainer, he still has a lot of time he can use to spend with you.
Odin- without you knowing him previously
His mind was focused. His heart was burdened by his choice of leaving his home, but being with you made him feel like the only place he truly belongs in is your arms.
It wasn't like he was hiding his true identity from you at any point after the two of you started dating. But since Odin is well... Odin, you couldn't really take his words about not belonging to this world too seriously.
Still he speaks no lie when he announces his love to you- that's something you're completely sure of.
His way of saying it is like no other! He's using his own language, he's creative and does everything to be blessed with the sight of your smile.
And although he's often just so cool... He's extremely adorable and awkward even at times when you misunderstand his words. So sometimes it's quite tempting to pretend to not know any better...
~Mod Bernadetta
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feifheadcanons · 2 years
HC: Owain has freckles (but Odin does not)
Owain always found his freckles a bit...silly? Juvenile? But as Odin, he kind of misses looking the mirror and seeing a hint of his childhood there. Good times to look back on before the Fell Dragon.
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felikatze · 1 year
Sorry I'm a stranger being Not Normal about Grima, which is a reawakened thing in me, and you Understand.
I keep thinking about the Divine Dragon blood Forneus somehow got. And how I can only square with it somehow being Naga's given Grima's power levels and power SET. He's basically opposite-Naga.
I'm going feral over this idea and how no wonder Naga's Like That because eventually she had to realize and tbh I'm surprised she's not sitting there sipping wine to deal with this constantly.
But also the comedic idea of a short AU fic where Naga just scruffs baby Grima after Forneus dies like a feral kitten is funny to me.
AU where Duma still destroys Thabes but he brings back baby grima to placate Dragon King Naga. Tiki just got a really weird sibling.
this is gonna be a specific comparison for my loh besties but this is such a laphlaes situation. mad wizard stole his dna and a couple years later he suddenly has two children. one of them is a chuuni to put owain to shame and the other one is a teen girl in her rebellious phase who hates his guts. this is tiki and grima to naga.
my favorite hc is that grima is Like That because he's made from divine and earth dragons (which is the hc used in out of the labyrinth! yay!). this mixture is Not Good to produce a functional being not prone to dragon madness. FE dragon madness / degeneration is such a fun concept and grima gets the full brunt of it. predispositioned ot fits of madness.
I feel like Naga can deal with a lot of things because she's just peaced out of the physical realm of being. which raises the question of how FP grima managed to kill her, if she has no physical form.
Imo Naga used to be Way Less Chill then she is these days, back when dragons ruled the earth and she was divine god-king. As evident from how she banished duma and mila for destroying thabes after a Dragon War, and gave the two another falchion to kill themselves with, just in case. Can't go insane if you're a ghost, i guess.
NEVER apologize for being insane about grima to me because it measn I get to be insane about grima too. i still have some asks from the last round of people being so normal abt grima in my inbox i ran out of steam to answer, ahahaha....
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fademirrored · 1 year
minor headcanons: weaponry
Caje uses a longsword and a very well reinforced round shield that doubles as a weapon just as much as a defense
Cyrus uses a staff with a long blade on one end and a jasper (dragon's blood, specifically) orb on the other end
Owain uses a staff with a blue crystal spike on one end, framed by a pair of spikes, and a serrated, single-edged blade on the other end. eventually, he also uses a spirit blade
on the field, Aneirin uses a horse bow with a 60-pound draw weight, combined with explosives as necessary. if he's being set up somewhere to act as a sniper, he uses a war bow with a 180-pound draw weight, also combined with explosives as necessary
Darrick uses a short sword and an alarming hunting blade that may as well be a short sword
Rigel switches between short swords, a chain knife, and gas grenades/flasks as the situation demands
Oleander uses a hook sword and a sickle
Temry uses short bow initially, but switches to a crossbow pretty early on. they resort to a boot knife when cornered
Madry uses a short staff with a short, stabbing spike on one end and a large, sharpened hook on the other end. it is used as a melee weapon as often as it's used as a magical aid
Petrichor uses a montante
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sieglinde-freud · 7 months
Tumblr media
rly in love with the awakening textures+ mod for giving all the kids unique tactician/grandmaster colors bc oh my god…. owain with his own tactician robes im gonna be sick thats my baby boy 🥹
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I just came across your hcs for Grima interacting with Morgan and I was wondering if you had any for Severa, Inigo, and Owain as Grima's children.
Sure, I have some thoughts! These of course assume an AU where Grima and their kids are on the same side, but you can decide for yourself whether that's because Grima was swayed away from the apocalypse or because Grima convinced their kids to do evil with them.
One time I played a sorcerers-only run of Awakening and discovered that while Cordelia can become a sorcerer, she nevertheless is REALLY BAD at it due to having a terrible growth rate in magic. When I recruited Severa, she was like... immediately better than her mother, even as an unpromoted dark mage. And so I imagine that Grima would really encourage her development in this area, because it puts her far outside her mother's shadow. With Grima as her parent, she could presumably excel in any class, but I think she'd make a great dark knight, using both swords and magic like Grima did as a tactician. Training together fosters a close relationship between them, and Severa's protective streak comes out in full force should anything threaten Grima. Grima's very proud of her strength! And oh, how they'd spoil her for her devotion... Girl gets EVERYTHING she asks for because Grima will go to any lengths for anyone who stays by their side.
Grima knows all about performances... Giving the world what (Grima thinks) it wants is Grima's whole thing. Naturally, they teach Inigo how to pick up on subtle cues, how to read the underlying meaning of other people's words and actions, how to play on the audience's expectations and use them to his own advantage. Now, Inigo is fully prepared to go forth and... no, no, not another tea invitation, damn it! (Grima does NOT approve of the girl obsession. The ungrateful worms don't even like Inigo??? Why is he wasting his time, effort, and talent on these lowly insects???)
Oh, you KNOW Grima gives Owain very serious speeches about fell power and despair and ruin and darkness and whatnot. And then Owain goes around excitedly parroting Grima's every word. If the Brand of the Defile is visible on him like the Brand of the Exalt is, he will literally never shut up about it. He has the blood of the gods in him! He is the scion of destruction! This power is his destiny! And Grima... Well, Grima never thought anyone would be so excited to be related to the fell dragon. Frankly, it seems to them more like a curse than anything... But Owain's unabashed joy in imitating Grima touches something in their empty heart. They do, however, dread the day the world's judgment sinks its claws into Owain, lest he come to hate his power... and Grima themself... the same way Grima does.
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Any headcanons for where each of the 2nd Gen awakening kids’ brands would manifest if they had Chrom or Robin for a Dad?
For some reason, this feels familiar and I thought I maybe I had an ask like it somewhere, but I can't find it. In that case, I'll go ahead and answer this like it's the first time (as it may be)!
Owain: I typically HC him as having the Brand in the crook of his elbow, iirc.
Inigo: canonically has it in his left eye with Lucina as his sister (which I really, really like. I love eye symbols).
Severa: Her tongue would be funny. She'd have to stick it out at people to prove she's a princess. She'd do this all the time to show off or just to be rude because she's gotten in the habit of it.
Cynthia: On one of her ankles! Which she would constantly be rolling or that would be the foot she's constantly tripping over. She'd have many speeches wondering if her mark is a symbol of good luck or bad luck.
Laurent: The back of his hand, similar to Robin's mark of Grima. He examines it every time he has to reach for a beaker or something. What makes a mark like this manifest? Could it ever scar over from a mistake? He wonders.
Brady: On the back of his knuckles, spread across several fingers. Like the way you'd draw a tattoo on your knuckles with a marker. He has to make a fist for all parts of the mark to come together. This makes him look like he's being threatening when he's really trying to show off.
Gerome: Middle of his forehead is funny. A mysterious looking young man, total opposite of Emmeryn physically, and they share themark in the same place. With the vibe that Naga herself gave him a kissy in the middle of his forehead. This is partially why he wears the mask.
Noire: Back of her neck. She can't look at it to give herself power and strength, so she has to use Tharja's talismans instead.
Nah: Perhaps the Mark manifests on the side of her tail only when shes in dragon form and doesn't exist in her normal form?
Yarne: On his chest, right over his heart. However, it typically cannot be seen due to an abundance of hair. Some people would consider this as a sign to take courage, but he feels embarrassed that it's there when he's so cowardly.
Kjelle: In the middle of her shoulder blades. This is also partly why she wears such thick armor, besides wanting to imitate Sully. She takes the mark as a reminder to never allow an enemy to stab her in the back.
Morgan: Mark of Naga on one palm and Mark of Grima on the other
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threehousing · 1 year
storm. storm what's your favorite non-chrobin pair in awakening (it's lon'qu and lissa isn't it <3) and what are they like as parents and partners 👁️👁️
(i ask bc i love the different dynamics that one could derive from all the pairings. currently side-eyeing virion and tharja. hc that virion doesn't even know he has a daughter and the guilt when he learns about her and tharja's treatment of her is immense)
it's lon'qu and lissa 😔 i've been Seen and Percieved 😘
(btw i am SOOOOO about that virion and tharja hc 👀 possibly my fave option i've heard for those two actually?? oh my god?? the juiciness??? the drama??? holding noire so gentle :( )
(okay EDIT upon finding this: oh my god WAIT coming back to this -- is this the origin of virion!noire?? is this the origin of highschoolau geromenoire half siblings)
listen. listen lon'qu and lissa and parents makes me so so so soft. Like, owain deeeeeefinitely got his personality from both his parents but like. amped up to 11. Lissa's love of a prank? Owain's commitment to the bit. Lon'qu's dramatic reactions? Owain's entire theatre-kid deal.
also i feel like, given everything that happened in the other timeline, owain took it upon himself to be the comedy relief, you know? So he dialled his natural tendency towards being a lil dramatic and loud right up.
Anyway. So Lon'qu taught Owain was taught how to use a sword, hence why they're both swordmasters. Lon'qu really does not Get his son's whole persona thing, but I think Owain isn't quite so over the top around his parents -- at least in the game timeline. He tones it down around them because, unlike in his original time, he doesn't feel like he has to make them laugh the same as he used to. Doomed-timeline Lon'qu definitely laughed at his son's antics, but game-timeline Lon'qu is mostly just confused by them, at first. He doesn't have the history or understanding behind it. All the same, once they get to know each other, Lon'qu does start to get it. He becomes increasingly like doomed-timeline Lon'qu (and doesn't that just cause so many confusing emotions for Owain). He's a lil emotionally stunted, but having a son brings it out of him a bit.
Lissa was actually the parent that Owain knew for longer, so it's weirder for him. The Lissa in the game-timeline is very different to the mother that he knew, so he feels a bit awkward at first. Also.... Owain being a dark mage in Fates... I know Lissa's a cleric BUT hc that she's the one who taght him magic. (He can also use an axe bc she taught him, but he's not as good with it. He prefers swords. They're more elegant and he thinks they look cooler.)
Also lastly... lon'qu x lissa relationship dynamics... she's just the right amount of pushy for him -- she gets him out of his comfort zone in a good way, challenges him. He keeps her steady. She soothes his anxieties and he soothes hers. They meet equally in the middle. Insert something upsetting about Lissa losing the firmest presence in her life when Emm died. Something upsetting about how Chrom couldn't be there for her, because he was caught up in his own shit, so Lissa had Maribelle and, suddenly, Lon'qu.
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