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nuttygoateemiracle · 2 years ago
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pixelfireplace · 1 year ago
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source: GCMC:ゲームCMコレクター on YouTube
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erial-c · 9 months ago
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byruit · 9 months ago
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Sony HitBit HB-101 (1984)
The HB-101 is part of the MSX standard, a unified home computer architecture developed by Microsoft and ASCII Corporation.
- CPU: Zilog Z80, running at 3.58 MHz
- RAM: 64 KB
- Video: Video Display Processor (VDP) with a maximum resolution of 256 x 192 pixels, supporting up to 16 colors
- Sound: Programmable Sound Generator (PSG) for audio
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formlab · 1 year ago
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Sony HB-101 "HITBIT MEZZO", 1984
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saintberceuse · 5 months ago
The other branding of Hazbin Hotel is "a criticism of Christianity," but other than the concept of Heaven/Angels/Saints vs Hell/Demons/Sinners what is there?
There's some mention of the Seven Deadly sins and demonology (which isn't even fully canon or observed in Christianity), but it's more in HB.
Vivziepop herself says her questioning of the Bible is what inspired this show. Which makes the whole thing with "Lucifer isn't actually bad, he was creative and had hope for humanity - the other angels didn't like that" funny. Lucifer fell because he wouldn't bow down to humans like the other angels did. This isn't critical thinking, it's a complete re-write au like Cruella is to 101 Dalmatians or Maleficent to Sleeping Beauty. But of course she pats herself on the back for it.
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unproductive-peanut · 1 year ago
My Favorite Things from Helluva Boss S1E1 
The teacher's math curtains are so cute  
The cheater (Martha) learned her lesson and started cheating at home rather than at other people's places  
Martha taking over the dead teacher’s class and teaching “How to deal with Trauma 101” 
Blitzø’s panic buttons, how often do these things happen that they deserve their own button? (Peep the Stolas button 👀) 
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M&M’s first scene brings up so many questions about the timeline
The pictures above Loona  
the small rough sketch of what I am convinced is Sir Pentious makes more sense if HB is after HH  
Everyone talks about the 4th wall break in the spring break episode, but the original break is “and this guy definitely watches” 
Loona doesn't say anything bad about the mom
Blitzø is so badass for catching the arrow like that and Moxxie did technically hit the target  
The imp Mona Lisa  
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Fire truck is No 420 and the graffiti says blaze it  
“Now let’s go lick some ass” 
The cannibal signs: the spine lamp, pelvic wallpaper, the two mounted heads, the hand hanging out of the fridge, bone mirrors 
These people are def cannibals, they must have been shaking in their boots when they had all that media attention on them 
The similar but opposite outfits of the teacher and Martha  
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The wheelchair and urn with a dinner plate  
“A new hole scatter” 
“Bless this mess” carved in the skin  
I wonder if the guy on the table is the same guy she was cheating with earlier 
Horse sighting!  
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chaifootsteps · 1 year ago
So I wanted to point out something. Characters like Bojack aren't meant to be seen as "at least I'm not him." Or even relatable. You're suppose to hate him, you're suppose to see and acknowledge the shit he does. It's like with Rick and Morty, you're not suppose to like Rick he's a piece of shit and yes he comes from trauma, just like Beatrice, but he's still a piece of shit. Yes he loves his grandson a lot and wants the structure of family, but he's still a POS.
I think that's the issue with HB, Vivzie wants a dollar store rip off of Bojack. But, Blitz is not the Bojack, he's a dude who's in his early 30's. I wouldn't even call Stolas the BJ or Rick, he's just a fucking predator who wears a crown. Viv is doing an ass job at portraying a complex character. So far, the one person he "redeemed" himself with, he probably didn't even hate him to begin with and was just hurt and wanted to make amends.
To make a complex character that's meant to be hated, or even meant to be flawed, you've first got to acknowledge that they did anything wrong to begin with. It's Writing 101, certainly Writing BoJack 101, and Viv can't even get that right.
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lemmaeof · 1 year ago
what is your favourite computer and why?
I love a bunch of different computers, but I think one of my all-time favorites has gotta be Sony’s MSX HitBit HB-101. It’s just an absolutely gorgeous machine, especially in the candy apple red color scheme it had in Japan. Here’s a picture of the one I own!
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preparfa-2025-hayoohi · 1 day ago
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Février 2025
Dessin d'imagination au crayon HB sur papier. Je voulais essayer de dessiner quelques personnages dans un environnement avec une perspective plus extrême. Pour cela, j'ai utilisé une perspective à un point de fuite, qui était situé en haut du dessin afin de donner l'impression que la "caméra" se trouvait au bas des très hautes cheminées.
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pazaryerigundem · 4 months ago
Yeni Fiat 600 Türkiye’de
Yeni Fiat 600 Türkiye’de
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FIAT’ın B segmentine dönüşünü simgeleyen iddialı modeli 600, elektrikli ve hibrit motor seçenekleri ile Türkiye’de satışa sunuldu.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – FIAT’ın, B-SUV segmentindeki iddialı modeli yeni Fiat 600 Türkiye’de satışa sunuldu.  Tam elektrikli ve hibrit motor seçenekleriyle piyasaya sunulan Fiat 600, estetik özellikler ve konforlu bir sürüş deneyimi açısından B segmentinde-Hatchback ve SUV dünyalarının en iyi özelliklerini bir araya getiriyor. Şehir ve doğa tutkunları için ideal bir çözüm olan FIAT 600, markanın İtalyan tarzını ve sürdürülebilirlik değerlerini mükemmel bir şekilde yansıtıyor.
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Gerçekleştirilen basın toplantısında konuşan FIAT Marka Direktörü Altan Aytaç; “Yeniliklerle başladığımız 2024 yılını, markamızın ikonik modeli 600’ü pazara sunarak kapatmaya hazırlanıyoruz. Bu yıl Mart ayında, Fiat Topolino’yu tüketiciyle buluşturduk. Temmuz’da ise Türkiye otomotiv pazarının en çok tercih edilen SUV modellerinden Egea Cross, yeni bir özelliğe daha kavuştu. Traction+ çekiş sistemi Egea Cross’un tüm versiyonlarında standart donanım olarak sunduk. Böylelikle otomobil ürün gamımız daha da zenginleşti” dedi.
Türkiye pazarında FIAT markasının hibrit motorlu ürünlerinin satışına 500 ve Panda ile başladıklarına da değinen Aytaç, ardından markanın Türk tüketicisi tarafından çok sevilen Egea Hybrid’in piyasaya sunulduğunu hatırlattı. 2023 yılında ise tamamen elektrikli Fiat 500; 2024’te ise Topolino ve şimdi 600 ile elektrifikasyon yolculuğunu sürdürdüklerine değindi.  
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Toplantıdaki konuşmasında Türkiye Toplam Otomotiv Pazarı’nı da değerlendiren Aytaç, FIAT markasının son 5 yılda üst üste toplam pazarın lideri olan ilk marka olduğunu hatırlattı. Aytaç ayrıca “Türkiye otomobil ve hafif ticari araç toplam pazarı, 2024 yılı Ocak-Eylül döneminde 849.892 adet olarak gerçekleşti. FIAT markası olarak ilk 9 ayda yaklaşık 101 bin adet satış rakamına eriştik. Yılı toplam pazarda lider olarak kapatmayı ve 2025 yılında da markamızın liderliğini sürdürmesini hedefliyoruz. FIAT, farklı uygulama ve hizmetlerle de otomotiv sektörüne öncülük ediyor. FIAT, bir otomotiv markası olmasının yanında; hayata dair çözümler sunan ve müşterisinin yanında olan bir marka. Ürünlerimiz ve teknolojiyi yaygın olarak pazara sunmaya devam ediyoruz. Fiat 600’de de sunduğumuz bağlanabilirlik teknolojimizle bu alandaki öncülüğümüzü sürdürüyoruz.” dedi”
Aytaç; “FIAT’ın 1955-1970 yılları arasında 5 milyon adet üretilerek en çok tercih edilen aile otomobillerinden biri olan 600’ün ikonik tasarımından izler taşıyan Yeni 600’ün, elektrikli ve hibrit motor seçeneklerinin Türkiye otomobil pazarında beğeni toplayacağına inanıyorum. FIAT’ın B segmentine dönüşünü simgeleyen 600, keyifli bir sürüş deneyiminin kapılarını açıyor. Fiat 600, B-HB ve B-SUV dünyalarının kompakt ve aynı zamanda yerden yüksek sürüş dinamiklerini bir araya getiriyor.” diyerek sözlerine son verdi.
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Yeni Fiat 600e, adını orijinal 600’den alıyor ve havalı İtalyan tarzına sadık bir görünüm sergiliyor. Otomobilin iç ve dış tasarımı, İtalyan güzelliğini ve İtalyanca’da “Tatlı Hayat” anlamına gelen Dolce Vita’ya atıfta bulunan felsefesini mükemmel bir şekilde yansıtıyor. Kısacası, Yeni Fiat 600e İtalyan DNA’sını en iyi şekilde bünyesinde barındırıyor. 5 kapılı gövdesiyle yeni Fiat 600, 5 koltuğu ve 15 litrelik iç hacmiyle etkileyici bir iç mekan sunuyor. 385 litrelik oldukça kullanışlı bagajıyla geniş bir taşıma alanı sunarken, kullanıcılarının kişisel eşyalarını, örtü ve esnek bardak tutuculara sahip akıllı merkezi konsolda, koltuk ceplerinde ve ön depolama alanlarında saklayabilmelerine de olanak sağlıyor. Eksiksiz bir konfor deneyimi için sürücü koltuğu, elektrikli koltuk ayarı ve sırt masajı işleviyle donatılıyor.
Fiat 600, tasarım mirasını paylaştığı Fiat 500e ile karşılaştırıldığında, daha keskin hatları olan bir yüze, hem önde hem de yanlarda krom 600 imzasına ve yenilenen LED aydınlatma kimliğine sahip. Parlak siyah detaylar, krom vurgular ve arka aydınlatmalardaki parlak yüzeyler dış hatları vurguluyor.
  FIAT 600’ün her iki versiyonu, yakınlık sensörlü anahtarsız giriş sayesinde, otomobilin kapı ya da bagajının açık unutulma olasılığını ortadan kalkıyor. FIAT 600’de ayrıca 360° park sensörleri ve dinamik kılavuz çizgilerine sahip 180° geri görüş kamerası, park manevralarını destekliyor.
FIAT 600, konfor ve bağlanabilirlik açısından yolculukları çok daha keyifli hale getirecek özelliklerle de donatılıyor. Eller serbest elektrikli bagaj kapağı, otomatik klima, karanlık ve yağmur sensörü bunlardan bazıları. Ayrıca navigasyon, kablosuz CarPlay ve Android Auto işlevleriyle 10,25 inçlik bilgi-eğlence ekranı, 6 hoparlörlü bir ses sistemi ve 7 inçlik dijital gösterge ekranı otomobilin fonksiyonel ve konfor özelliklerini tamamlıyor.
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Yeni Fiat 600e çok yönlü kullanım özellikleri dışında uzun menziliyle de dikkat çekiyor. 54 kWsa kapasiteli lityum-iyon bataryasıyla, WLTP ortalama çevrimde 400 km’ye ve WLTP şehir içi çevrimde 591 km’ye varan menzil sunuyor. Bu da yeni Fiat 600e’yi hem şehir içi hem de hafta sonu seyahatleri için ideal yol arkadaşı yapıyor. 100 kW hızlı şarj sistemi ile donatılan 600e’ye yüzde 80 şarj için yarım saatten daha kısa bir süre yeterli oluyor. Mod 3 şarj kablosu ile 11 kW şarjı destekleyen model, evde duvar tipi şarj istasyonunda veya halka açık şarj istasyonlarında 6 saatten daha kısa sürede tam şarj sağlıyor. 600e’nin 115 kW gücündeki elektrik motoru 0-100 km/s hızlanmasını 9 saniyede tamamlıyor. Sürüş gereksinimine uyarlamak üzere eko, normal ve spor olmak üzere üç farklı sürüş modunda kullanım tercih edilebiliyor.
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FIAT, hibrit otomobiller segmentinde artan müşteri talebine akıllı ve kullanıcı dostu bir çözüm olarak Yeni 600 Hybrid’i, sunuyor. Gelişmiş hibrit teknolojisi ile donatılan 600 Hybrid’in Mild-Hybrid (MHEV) motoru, otomatik şanzımanlı bir içten yanmalı motora kıyasla daha düşük yakıt tüketimi, yüzde 15’e kadar daha düşük CO2 emisyonu ve gelişmiş sürüş dinamikleri sağlıyor.
Yeni Fiat 600 Hybrid’in konfor ve performansı garanti eden MHEV motoru, ileri teknolojisi sayesinde gerçek bir hibrit deneyimi sunuyor. Araç, sadece 30 km/s’den düşük hızlarda şehir içinde seyahat ederken değil, daha yüksek hızlarda ve aynı zamanda yokuş aşağı inişte ya da otoyolda gaz pedalı bırakıldığında akıcı ve elektrikli bir sürüş deneyimi sunuyor.
Yeni FIAT 600 Hybrid, içten yanmalı motor ile elektrik motoru arasında sessiz ve verimli bir geçiş sağlayan sistemler sayesinde sorunsuz bir sürüş ve yolculuk deneyimi sunuyor. 600 Hybrid’in başarılı sürüş performansı, 136 bg’ye kadar güç üretebilen 3 silindirli 1,2 litrelik içten yanmalı motor, 48 Volt Li-ion batarya ve çift kavramalı e-DCT6 şanzıman arasındaki sinerjiye dayanıyor.
Hibrit motorun “ekstra” elektrik gücü düşük devirlerde ve kalkış sırasında esnekliği artırarak sürücüye şeffaf ve hızlı geçişlerle sessiz bir kalkış ve hızlı tepki olanağı sağlıyor. Ayrıca bu teknoloji, araç yavaşlarken enerjinin geri kazanılmasına olanak tanıyor. Normal sürüş koşullarında motor, yakıt tüketimini optimize etmek ve otomatik şanzımanlı bir içten yanmalı bir motora kıyasla CO2 emisyonlarında yüzde 15’e kadar tasarruf sağlayacak şekilde tasarlandı.
Çevre dostu hibrit motoruyla 0’dan 100’e 8,5 saniyede çıkabilen Yeni Fiat 600 Hybrid’in anlık tork dağıtım özelliği sayesinde, içten yanmalı motorun performansı, yeniden çalıştırma esnasında seri bir şekilde destekleniyor ve performans optimize edilerek “turbolag” etkisi azaltılırken gaz pedalına anında tepki verilmesi sağlanıyor. Benzer şekilde, motor sadece elektrikli modda başlatıldığında, güç gereksinimine yardımcı olmak için içten yanmalı motor devreye giriyor.
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Yeni Fiat 600e günlük hayatı kolaylaştıran ileri teknolojiye sahip güvenlik ve sürüş destek özellikleriyle donatılıyor. Seviye 2 otonom sürüş destek sistemleri ile güvenliğine de katkı sağlıyor. Uyarlanabilir Hız Sabitleme sistemi (ACC), öndeki aracın hızına göre yavaşlama veya hızlanma sunarken, Akıllı Hız Yardımcısı, hız sınırlamalarını okuyor ve uygulanmasını öneriyor. Kör Nokta Asistanı, kör noktaları izliyor ve yan aynadaki uyarı ışıklarıyla herhangi bir engele karşı uyarıyor. Ayrıca Start&Stop, Elektrikli Park Freni, bisikletlileri ve yayaları algılayan Otomatik Acil Durum Freni ve Sürücü Yorgunluk Algılama gibi işlevler de sürücüyü destekliyor.
600e, renk terapisi sunan ilk kompakt otomobil unvanını da taşıyor. Kullanıcılar hem ortam ışığı hem de radyo ambiyansı için 8 farklı renk seçebiliyor. Toplam 64 farklı renk kombinasyonunu mümkün kılan 600e, böylece yolcularına benzersiz bir renk deneyimi yaşatıyor. Yeni Fiat 600e ayrıca maksimum konfor ve seçkin bir ortam için turkuaz vurgulu FIAT monogramlı fildişi deri koltuklar ve 3 kademeli ısıtma özelliği sunuyor.
FIAT’ın otomobil ve sürücüyü birbirine bağlayan teknolojisi Connect Fiat 600’de de kullanıma sunuluyor. 600 kullanıcıları, Connect mobil uygulaması üzerinden araç kapı kilit durumu ile el freni durumlarını, park lokasyonlarını uzaktan görebiliyor şarj ve yakıt seviyelerini anlık olarak takip edebiliyor. 600 kullanıcıları ayrıca, bakım randevularını hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde yine Connect aracılığıyla planlayabiliyor.
Kullanıcılar araçlarının olası bir çekilme anında Connect’ten bildirim alıyor. Ayrıca araç seyir halindeyken devreye giren Kaza Kara Nokta bildirimi ile riskli bölgelere yaklaşıldığında daha dikkatli ve güvenli bir sürüş için Connect tarafından uyarılıyor. Olası bir kaza anında ise alınan çarpışma verisinin anında FIAT Müşteri İlgi Merkezine ulaşmasıyla kullanıcı aranıyor. Gerekli durumlarda acil yol yardımı alabilmeleri sağlanırken; yanıt alınamayan durumlarda ise ambulans yönlendirmesi yapılıyor.
FIAT, 600e hayat kolaylaştıran ve ayrıcalıklı bir hizmeti daha devreye alıyor.
FIAT E-Plus, Watt DC şarj istasyonlarında şarj bitmesi durumunda ücretsiz mobil şarj hizmeti, yüzde 5 indirim, yazlık bölgelere yüzde 50 indirimli transfer imkanı ve ücretsiz vale hizmeti, bu paketin öne çıkan avantajları arasında yer alıyor. Ayrıca, duvar tipi şarj ürünlerinde yüzde 10, lastik satışında yüzde 15 indirim ve ücretsiz lastik depolama hizmeti de kullanıcıların hizmetine sunuluyor.  
Yeni Fiat 600’ün 600e La Prima 1.389.900 Bin TL’den; kasım ayından itibaren satışa sunulacak olan 600 Hybrid Urban ise 1.489.900 bin TL’den başlayan fiyatlarla 23 Ekim 2024 tarihinden itibaren FIAT showroom’larından ve markanın online satış kanalı online.fiat.com.tr üzerinden satın alınabilecek.
BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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indranilpractice1 · 4 months ago
Blogpost #6
For my third animatic I decided to work on the prompt ‘Echoes’. This is a completely new idea and was not included in the previous blogposts so I will write a small gist for it here.
The main character scrolls through shortform content on his mobile phone and sees a video of a person screaming into a pan and closing its lid and being able to hear an echo of his voice after reopening its lid. This intrigues the protagonist and he proceeds to do the same but does not hear a voice back. he does it once more and no avail and then smacks the pan onto the kitchen slab and hears an intense scream coming from the pan.
For this idea I wanted the style to be more sketch-like using a HB pencil/brush for the linework. I wanted to explore this idea since I feel like my other two animatics aren't explorative in terms of animation style and seem to belong to a similar universe. I looked for some references in Youtube.com to find some clues and films with a similar animation style.
Evaluation of the film:
The short film is based on a true story and, in a comedic way, discusses the struggles of a common man and his access to public bathrooms, while the larger narrative addresses how the city’s officials focus more on certain development factors, like flyovers, while turning a blind eye to a very apparent sanitation problem occurring throughout the city. One can easily tell that the environment is a rather underdeveloped area, as the citizens do not have bathrooms of their own and have to resort to using public ones (shown in the massive crowd around the public toilet). The radio host also provides a platform for the common man to ask questions of government officials via phone call, and when asked about the lack of public toilets, the caller is promptly ignored. The film has been created using both 2D and 3D animation techniques. I believe most of the camera work and backgrounds are 3D objects with a 2D illustration or image on the surface. The character animation seems to be in 2D and has a very sketch-like style, where the line art often overlaps, with a chalky overlay on the characters.
In terms of achieving their goals, I feel they have captured the conversations and environments very well, reflecting what might be daily occurrences in a poorly developed area. This is also greatly aided by the voice acting, language, and actions of the characters. For someone like me, who can more or less understand the dialect, it sounds great, but I’m not sure it would have the same effect on someone reading the subtitles. Perhaps there could be more inclusion of text in the environments, since many people here would have small shops and services. The backgrounds seem a little vague at times, but that might have been done to focus mainly on the characters. I could be completely wrong in saying this, as I do not have firsthand experience of what a Mumbai slum looks like, but I believe the addition of some repair or tailor shops, maybe some food shops, would have enriched the environment. Finally, the animation style of the characters seems similar to that of the Disney film "101 Dalmatians," with the sketch-like line art and overlapping lines. Here is a small clip from the movie, where Pongo talks about Roger, and we can see the sketch-like animation style clearly on Roger. It also has similarities to Disney’s "Robin Hood," and here are some screencaps from the movie, too.
Troyvasanth Rajeshthakare (2012). Good Morning Mumbai! [online] YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTxJ6nekr_A [Accessed 21 Oct. 2024].
Pongo judges other dogs - 101 Dalmatians. (2013). YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulsjuiFO2J0.
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mercuriale · 9 months ago
Reclaiming hardware Pt. 1: Wii U
Been a while since i last sat down and wrote out a post.
In the last 12 or so months I have been installing custom firmware on some older gaming devices i own but have fallen out of use. I had experimented with CFW on my WIi U maybe about 2 years ago with Tiramisu. A year later i scored a second-hand Vita, and just this last week I've been giving the CFW treatment to my 3DS, as well as updating my Wii U to the Aroma environment, and reviving an old R4 DS flashcart.
I have a few core beliefs with this kind of practice.
If you own a piece of hardware you can do what you want with it.
If a game is not made available to purchase legally or easily, at a reasonable price, it is ethically fine to pirate it.
Nintendo in particular can absolutely take the hit. After all, they're barely being kept afloat by one guy they cruelly saddled with millions in damages.
This post is a brief recount of my experiences modding, and i hope that by describing the problems and solutions i found along the way, I can help others.
Here are my experiences so far, per hardware.
Pt. 1: Wii U
I have a mega soft spot for the Wii U. It walked so the Switch could run, and being able to play full console game on the gamepad while someone else can watch TV in the same room is a really great aspect. The library is also absolutely killer; Bayonetta 2, Super Mario 3D World, Wonderful 101, Xenoblade Chronicles X, on top of the entire Wii library make this a fantastic box to mod. Compared to the effort needed to put in, you can end up with a console that can play the entire Wii U, Wii, and Gamecube libraries, plus Retroarch and other emulators for most older consoles.
I originally had Tiramisu installed but have upgraded to Aroma. I followed the wiiu.hacks.guide guide but sometimes these guides tend to gloss over details in the process that i would say are important.
What the guide doesn't explain, conceptually, is the concept of an environment, and the difference between Tiramisu (old) and Aroma (new, beta). I'll try to do so in layman's terms here.
Tiramisu is the previous established CFW Environment, and all side-loaded homebrew apps need to be launched through the Homebrew Launcher, which gets launched in-place of the Mii Maker app, and installed by other homebrew apps like WUPInstaller.
Aroma is a new Environment, and it enables apps to be added to the native Wii U Menu rather than having to use the HB Launcher. It also simplifies sideloading apps by establishing a new filetype, the .wuhb file. These can be copied to the sd:\wiiu\apps folder on the SD card, rather than using an installer app.
Upgrading from Tiramisu to Aroma is actually very simple. If you already had Tiramisu, all that you need to do is download the Aroma files from the official site and unzip them to the root of the SD card, merging them together into one sd:\wiiu folder. Then perform the exploit as described in the guide. You only need the .zip files in the Base and Aroma headings on the page, the additional plugins and modules are optional and you can come back to those later.
When performing the browser exploit, you have to hold the B button. Yes, keep holding. it takes approximately 1 minute, and you'll be on a white screen if all is going correctly. keep holding until the screen changes to white text on black, and asks you to choose your payload. run nanddumper and do your due diligence.
When you run the browser exploit the second time you have to hold X instead of B this time, and it will start the environment loader. Pick Aroma. At this point you can press Y and it will highlight it yellow, making it your preferred. A bright yellow warning will get thrown up on the screen regarding blocking updates. It looks scary but if you read it carefully, youll see that you can block system updates by pressing X. Press it.
the step regarding the PayloadLoader app can be skipped in my instance, as i had already set it up to run on boot automatically.
If you want to change environments with the above config (i.e. to tiramisu instead to run Retroarch), you need to hold X on boot. I wish this could be displayed briefly on boot, like with a PC to access the BIOS. This is very easy to forget when you have over 12 months between boots! I should also add that by "boot" i mean when the Wii U Menu is loading. if you start the console with the GamePad and have quick start enabled, you need to hold X right after you choose Wii U Menu in the bottom right corner.
Another handy file to have is sigpatches in the wiiu\environments\aroma\modules\setup folder.
There exists an app to download games directly. I already have a good physical Wii U Catalog, but you can install NUSspli to download games directly. Officially my advice is to only download games you already own. However, Wii U games are difficult to find for obvious reasons, especially niche cult games that aren't the usual Wii fodder for kids like Bayonetta 2 or Xenoblade Chronicles X. If you want to buy physical in any condition you'll pay an arm and a leg, if you can find anything decent at all. At time of writing neither of the above games are available on any other platform. By cross-referencing these facts with my beliefs mentioned above, you may be able to draw a conclusion for yourself. Forewarning, downloads are a bit on the slow side, and you have to have the app open the entire time. luckily for you, you can just switch over to your tv and watch something like i did, while keeping an eye on your gamepad.
Don't run the Health and Safety Information app once you've booted up your Wii U. if you've configured your PayloadLoader to automatically start on boot, its done. If you run it again, you'll be told off for running the EnvironmentLoader twice, and you'll need to hard power off your console and gamepad, which i've had to do more times than i'm wliling to admit.
I'll end this guide by confessing: I spent a lot of money in this era on this console. I don't regret it; I was living comfortably and could afford to at the time. It was fun to completely tune out what was happening for other consoles, and live in relative bliss with PC ports and the quality output for the Nintendo range at the time. It was fun to be hopeful and optimistic for the Wii U when so many others had already written it off completely.
Looking back now, the games lineup now that all is said and done is really quite fantastic; there looms an unfortunate shadow over it all though; many of the Wii U's best games have been rereleased for the Switch, having been expanded and improved even further, most notably Smash and Mario Kart 8, but the wii U versions are still great. It has the only Tekken game to appear on an Nintendo console. Bayonetta 2 and XCX are still wholly exclusive. Theres lots to like here. My hope and optimism were, to me, repaid in kind.
Thats about all I have so far for this thing. I plan to wade into the murky waters of gamecube games in the future, so i may yet write about my trials in that area. In the meantime, I'm having plenty of fun playing WarioLand 4 on a deliciously large screen.
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skunky2 · 9 months ago
For the cartoon ask game: all of them? Except for favorite Netflix cartoon because I already know that's The Cuphead Show, unless you want to list a second favorite one.
❤️ Ultimate Favorite Animated Series
The Cuphead Show (Shocker I know xD)
👶 Favorite Cartoons From Childhood
Care Bears, 80's MLP cartoon, Little Bear, Dragon Tales, Sawga, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Bright, Pound Puppies, Tiny Toons, Animanics.
🏁 Favorite Cartoon Network Shows
We Bare Bears, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi, Ed Edd'n Eddy, Billy and Mandy, Powerpuff Girls, Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Gumball
🟠 Favorite Nicktoons
Already answered
🐭 Favorite Disney Cartoons
Gravity Falls, Lilo and Stitch, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, Kiff, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Amphibia, and 101 Dalmatian Street
🎥 Favorite Animated Films
Lilo and Stitch, Bambi, The Lion King, 101 Dalmatians, Over The Hedge, How To Train Your Dragon, The Last Unicorn, Inside Out, The Unico movies, Migration, and tons more
🦉 Favorite Adult Swim Show
Aqua Teen and Smiling Friends also some of Robot Chicken
✒️ Favorite Classic Cartoon
Looney Tunes anything by Tex Avery and various works by HB
⭐ Comfort Cartoon
As of late The Cuphead Show, My Little Pony FIM, Hello Kitty's Super Cute Adventures, Puffy Ami Yumi, We Baby Bears.
🎎 Favorite Anime
Pokemon, Digimon, Pretty much any Sanrio anime, and I recently just got into the Pretty Cure series.
Thanks for the Ask!!!
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masonshmason · 1 year ago
All of this, and HB is a far more episodic show and I am okay with things being cleared up in a dedicated episode instead of stretched out beyond the point of "but will they make up THIS episode, the last episode of the entire damn show???" because that is Moffat Writing 101 and you never go Full Moffat.
It's Helluva Boss, not Dragon Ball Z.
HOT TAKE on the episode 6 conflict
I see posts about how Blitz and Fizz making up was too rushed and how Fizz shouldn't have forgiven Blitz because he "made him lose his limbs and burn alive" etc. and. Like, don't get me wrong, valid points, but.
1. It's been 15 years
2. It's been confirmed to have been an accident
3. It was obvious Blitz still feels guilty and super bad about it (those lines from Brandon Rogers were just *chefs kiss*)
Like, I think the main reason why Fizz was upset with Blitz in the first place was because he thought what was done to him was on purpose and maliciously. But after seeing Blitz in distress and actually apologising for it, that was cleared up. Maybe if Fizz's life wasn't good he would hold more resentment but like he said, he's doing pretty well overall and makes the most out of his situation. And he isn't alone, that's very important!! He managed to move past his trauma enough to be able to have a healthy relationship with Ozzie who "understands him". The same cannot be said about Blitz who is pretty much alone in his suffering.
I'm not saying that if someone fucked you over you need to forgive them if the person is super pitiful, but if that's the one thing that keeps you both from moving past the trauma and deciding to close that chapter? Maybe it's for the best. It's been 15 years, yo. And the conflict was based largely on a misunderstanding. Yeah maybe it was underwhelming that the feud that's been presented from the beginning of the series could have been solved by one single conversation, but that's kind of life.
Personally I have a shit ton of conflicts that could be solved if me and the other person just sat down and heard eachother out, but it's just not happening. It's realistic. Just because you technically CAN solve the problem by talking doesnt mean you will actually talk. Both people need to be in the right headspace.
So I think based on all the facts we got it's not surprising Blitz and Fizz made up. This doesn't mean they will be besties or anything, but it's a start. They can let go of the resentment and steess and guilt over the broken relationship and start moving forwards. It was incredibly mature of Fizz, and hopefully it's gonna help Blitz get more in touch with his feelings and maybe get a bit of courage in trying to keep others in his life (*cough cough* Stolas *cough cough*)
I'm prepared to get mixed feedback on this and if you disagree thats fine! Let's have a convo if you're up for it, I don't have that many people in my life who I can discuss HB with :D
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zinouillezetruenoodle · 1 year ago
Post n°101:
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Dessins d'observation de ma camarade de classe et de mon professeur d'histoire au crayon graphite pendant 10 minutes.
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Dessin d'observation de deux chaises de classe au crayon graphite (15 minutes).
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Dessin d'observation des chaussures de mon amie, au Bic et au crayon HB (5 minutes).
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Travail de volume réalisé à partir du modèle d'un oreiller (chaque posing a pris moins d'1 minute).
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