luzlylovely · 3 months
it's no secret that i love luz but i genuinely think his characterization is so beautiful. on first watch of the series, he's a breath of fresh air for the audience and the men with his humor. he provides relief and a sense of normalcy and a bit of sanity. upon more rewatches, you get to pay attention more to how much MORE he carries emotional weight, though. he takes care of lip when he's sick, he hoards cigarettes to hand them out at christmas, he keeps tab occupied while everyone is beating chucks shooter, he stops the dike impersonation when lip tells him it does more harm than good. he's a funny guy, but he knows that it takes more than jokes to keep morale up and keep his friends alive and that's so smart and beautiful and to do all that while grappling with his own grief and trauma is just...
anyways, george luz is my favorite and i just think he's neat.
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balladofthe101st · 3 months
stop asking yourself what you should be doing with your life and start asking what would you do without george luz
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ok i’m a little late to the party but happy belated george luz day! if yall didnt know george is the character i relate to most in bob. ✨he’s just a little traumatized boi who copes with humor✨
to celebrate here are a few random pics!
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cinnamonrollsledge · 20 days
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BAND OF BROTHERS: EPISODE ONE + my favorite closeup shots
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whollyjoly · 3 months
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@luztoyeweek 2024 day 1 - i'll be seeing you by billie holliday
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pookielious · 4 months
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Easy Company veterans at HBO Band of Brothers premier in Normandy (2001 ?)
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a-gassy-antelope · 4 months
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blood-mocha-latte · 10 months
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 months
Hilo! Can you do the easy boys with an extra ticklish reader?????
Easy co. dating an extra ticklish s/o!
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a/n: Hi! Thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoy lovely! 💗
genre: romance; fluff
warnings: sorry guys i used the word tickle like a 100 times in this, there’s a little suggestion!
description: The men of easy co. reacting to you (their s/o) being extra ticklish!
Taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla @mstiemountainhop (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB masterlist
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Dick Winters: He thinks it’s adorable. The first time he tickled you he probably wouldn’t even have meant to do it on purpose, like maybe his finger brushed beside your arm and you immediately started to laugh hysterically. He would think something was wrong with you until you told him lmao. He’ll keep it in mind though next time you try to tickle him.
Lewis Nixon: “Oh come on! You can’t run away now!” He’d figure out how ticklish you were when he decided it would be nice to give you a sweet kiss on your neck. Then he would completely take advantage of the fact that you are extremely ticklish there and start kissing the same spot over and over again.
Carwood Lipton: He would discover all of this when he was trying to be a gentleman to you and give you a nice foot massage after a long day on your feet. The moment he puts his hands on the back of your sole you would be in a giggling fit. He would sit there and look confused, waiting for some sort of joke. Once you told him, he would find it cute and laugh it off with you.
Joe Toye: When you tell him that you get ticklish very easily, he isn’t quite sure what to think of it at first. When he wraps his arms around your waist and sees you break into immediate laughter, he gets it then, and he finds it to be the cutest thing ever. He’ll tickle you over and over again just to hear that pretty laugh of yours.
Joe Liebgott: “Oh come on honey, you’re really that ticklish, huh? I guess I’ll have to keep that in mind for later then.” He honestly doesn’t believe you when you tell him how ticklish you were at first, but like nix, he’d try to be smooth and kiss your neck, and have you in a giggling fit in return. “Oh doll, it can’t be too bad, i’m just tryin’ to give ya’ some lovin’ that’s all.”
Bill Guarnere: I feel like this fucker here is going to make it into somethins sexual when it’s really not lmao. Like once he knows that you’re super ticklish, he's going to purposefully tickle you until you're begging for him to stop, and once you’re doing that he’s already in the mood to do something else iykyk. Better to just not tell him at all LOLL.
George Luz: When you tell him you can be extra ticklish at times he is taking that to his advantage 100%. If you guys are in the middle of some play fight and he knows you’re winning, he's gonna start tickling you, same for anything else you could be beating him at. Whenever he just wants to hear your laugh his immediate thought is to tickle you and it makes him feel SO happy
Eugene Roe: Now he wants to get into a million tickle battles with you. The sweetest thing about it is if he was hugging you or touching somewhere where you were ticklish he would ask if you were okay and if he needed to move his hand to make you comfortable. ( because he knows how frustrating that must get at times and he’d hate to accidentally hurt you.)
Bull Randleman: He doesn’t have much of a reaction when you tell him other than thinking that it’s a cute niche trait of yours. I think he wouldn’t really tickle you unless he was having a horrible day and just really needed to hear you laugh. Kinda like Bull, he'd be wary of touching one of your tickle spots and accidentally irritate that spot since you’re sensitive there.
Floyd Talbert: He’s similar to luz when you tell him that, he’s going to take it to his advantage and use it against you anytime he needs the upper hand (in a very playful way of course.) He’s also kinda like Bill too in the same way that he likes hearing you beg lol. Whenever you’re feeling sad, be ready to be tickled by him until you feel better haha.
Skip Muck: Oh gosh, once you tell him that you’re very ticklish he’s now going to tickle you every time you get some exciting news, need some cheering up, want some physical touch from him, literally anything possible, he just needs a reason to tickle you. He loves making sure your and his relationship is very lightweight and happy, and that's the best way to do it.
Don Malarkey: Honestly tickling you is his way of flirting with you before you guys ever got into an established romantic relationship. Once you guys are in that relationship he’ll still do it in a flirty way loll. He also really finds it as a form of intimacy, it's his way of being close to you, and seeing you smile always feels nice too.
Babe Heffron: “No way! Me too!” This is completely fanon but I have this idea in my head that he would also be extremely ticklish too. Like you and him would be trying to cuddle and both end up fighting for y’all’s lives because you guys are accidentally tickling each other. It’s also his biggest weapon against you so beware lol.
Shifty Powers: He would be the perfect partner for a very ticklish person because he knows when it's appropriate and not appropriate to do it. He knows that being tickled after a while can hurt, so if and when he is tickling you he won’t do it for too long. As long as you are laughing and having a good time then he’s good with it.
Frank Perconte: He’s the type of guy that likes to sneak up on you and tickle that spot on your neck when you’re focusing on something. He loves fucking with you like that. He knows that tickling you is your biggest weakness so he will use it against you anytime he needs the upper hand (Like floyd lmao.)
Ronald Speirs: You would tell him that you’re ticklish, but the horrible thing is, this man couldn’t be able to tickle someone correctly even if his life depended on it. The thing is, whenever he tries to tickle you he ends up digging his fingertips into you which just makes you hurt in the end. He gets an A for effort though.
Johnny Martin: He probably won’t tickle you a whole lot, mostly because he’s not always the most playful, but if you had started tickling him first he would definitely be there to finish it and win at the unspoken tickle war lol. He would be the guy to swear he’s just not ticklish but once you get to that one spot on his side, it’s game over for him.
Skinny Sisk: He’s just like Luz, he’s going to take full advantage of the fact that you’re super ticklish, he loves loves LOVES being playful with you so tickling is always a go-to for him. He also does it when he just really wants to be close to you but doesn’t know how to express that to you. His favorite spot to tickle you is gotta be that spot under your armpit.
Chuck Grant: He thinks it’s super adorable that you get so ticklish so easily. The only thing is, like Speirs, he isn’t very good at tickling at all LOL. He does this one thing that is so cute and it's called, “Hand tickling” which is just caressing your hand in a very fast way lmao. Not a very good tickler but he gets an A+ for creativity and effort.
David Webster: He doesn’t like tickling you a whole lot for a number of reasons, one because too much of it can stimulate seizures, brain aneurysm, and eventually death. (He’s just a tad bit dramatic lol.) And if he does tickle you it’s probably because you started it first. I could definitely see him doing it a lot by accident though.
Buck Compton: He’s like Skip in this scenario. Now just because you told him that you get ticklish very easily, he is going to go out of his way to try and tickle you almost 24/7. Like almost every other night before you and him go to bed, he’s giving himself some corny ass name like “The Tickle Monster” lmao.
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Thank you for your cute request!! If you enjoyed, please make sure to like or reblog!! I love you all! <333
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dontirrigateme · 3 months
Happy George Luz Day
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T/4 George Luz, 17 Jun 1921 - 15 Oct 1998
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bloodstainedsaint · 9 months
thank you thank you thank yooou!! And I don’t mind waiting for good stuff 🤷‍♀️
Okay so my idea kinda was in episode 7 when George and Lipton is in the same foxhole. So they get “hit” by the dud but the reader is so scared something actually happened to George, so she is running towards their foxhole and George is screaming for her to stay put cuz he’s okay and then she gets hit….or almost…I mean something tragic. I wanna bawl my eyes out.
And of course…feel free to not do it, if you think it sucks🧡 Love your stuff and have a good day !
louder than bombs (george luz x reader)
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word count: 1800+
warnings: blood, gore, death, angst (w happy ending), bff! roe, mutual pining, i hint at both renée x roe AND baberoe
notes: used some hcs from this (shameless self-plug), and happy new year to all! i hope that 2024 is your year :)
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
Despite Lieutenant Dike’s request not to (like you'd listen to a coward like him anyway, even if he did have a good point), you and Eugene were sharing a foxhole — one a few meters behind where Skip, Penk, Don, and Luz were standing around in a circle, joking and laughing.
Taking your eyes off the man in question — you'd been staring at him from afar for too long, anyway — you turned to Eugene with a befuddled expression. “What do you mean, ‘You and Luz?’”
He took one look at your face and chuckled around the cigarette in his mouth. “It can mean whatever you want it to mean.”
“You say that as if we’re together or something, Gene,” you scoffed and held yourself tighter for warmth.
“Practically. Seen yourself lately? You blush and smile whenever he talks to you.”
Spluttering in response, you could feel your ears going red. “Well, Bayou, what if I’m blushing because it's zero degrees out here? And what if he’s just a funny guy in general?”
Eugene glanced over to the group of men, and, as if on cue, they were cracking up at George’s impression of the chickenshit lieutenant. “He’s a good match for you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, I'm so glad you approve,” you said, rolling your eyes at your friend. “Gonna read our wedding rites now?”
He put out his cigarette. “He makes you laugh. We could all use some of that.”
You inspected the faraway look in Eugene’s eyes, and you knew he was right. The fatal accident with the goddamned Luger that killed Hoobler recently, the barrage earlier today that sent both Joe Toye and Bill home with missing right legs, the overall misery of this frozen hell. You’d all seen your fair share of blood and open flesh; the company needed the beam of light that was George Luz.
Watching Luz as he was pulled aside by Lipton, you exhaled, nodded, and huddled a little closer to Eugene. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right.” After a few quiet, thoughtful moments, a small smile creeped back up on your face when you thought of something to bring up the mood again.
“You never heard me teasing you about Renée,” you muttered beneath your breath, loud enough for him to hear and correct you on because you had teased him about the Belgian nurse. Before he could, you pushed on, your grin growing, “Hey, what about you and Babe, huh?”
Now it was his turn to turn to you shocked. Your snickering was interrupted by the roaring, deafening sound of a bombardment shredding trees around you.
“Shit!” you cursed, the night sky lighting up with fireworks of yellow and white. Snow and dirt erupted from the ground like spurts of lava from a volcano. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard bellows of “Incoming!” and other indistinct cries.
Turning to the man next to you, you shouted above the din, “Eugene, you alright?”
“Fine,” he shouted back as he clutched his helmet tight to his head. “You?”
“Fine,” you echoed with a nod, though maybe your head had moved on its own with the shaking ground beneath you. You strained your ears to single out cries for a medic; you didn't catch any, and you weren't sure if that was because no one had gotten hurt yet or because they were dead within an instant.
You peeped over the edge of your foxhole. In the flashes of light, you could make out amongst the silhouette of wrecked trees George hurriedly crawling on the ground towards a foxhole with two soldiers in it, yelling for him to come on. If your hearing wasn't failing you, you recognized their voices as Skip and Penk.
“What d’ya see?” Eugene poked his head out of the foxhole.
Your voice was strangled in your throat as you helplessly watched George inch his way toward cover. “I—” you started, before a shell directly hit the two men in the middle of their calls. Frantically, you backed into your foxhole. “Skip and Penk, they’re…”
“What?” Eugene shouted, and you realized you had only murmured it.
“Muck and Penkala got hit!” you cried. The look you gave Eugene told him that there would be no saving them.
You got back up to peek over your foxhole and saw that Luz had vanished. Your heart sank in your chest, right down to the pits of your stomach.
Before your mind could register what was going on, your feet lifted you up and out of the foxhole. You could faintly hear Eugene yelling at you to come back, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing? You hit the ground at the same time a shell did just meters away from you, showering you in debris. Yet, you felt distant from the thought of danger or bodily harm, your raw instinct on overdrive; the only thing that was running through your mind as you dashed through the devastated forest was if George was okay.
Eyes flitting around, you caught a glimpse of him getting into a foxhole with Lip. As waves of relief washed over you, you jumped into a foxhole a distance behind them. A shell impacted nearby and swept the fallen trees acting as their cover towards you. You pulled your knees close to your chest and covered your head, staying like that as the barrage kept up.
Then, for just a second, it was silent. Closing your eyes, you caught your breath. A whistling sound ceased the brief respite, and you peered over just in time to see smoke coming from George and Lipton’s foxhole. Your mind disconnected itself from your body once again; it felt like you were moving in slow motion as your feet took you to them. That smoke clouded your senses, your thoughts — all you could see and hear were the vivid memories of Hoobler’s wound gushing blood and his dull eyes closing shut for the last time; you treating Bill’s still twitching leg while Toye’s shredded one was being bandaged by Eugene only feet away; and Muck and Penkala’s foxhole going up in a spray of dirt and a show of light, abruptly cutting off their shouting.
What were you going to see when you arrived at their foxhole? Bloodstained snow? Mangled limbs? Ruined corpses? Even the thought made you want to sob.
Your heart thundered in your ear, louder than any bombs or artillery the Germans could send at you, but you could vaguely discern George’s voice in your trance.
“Damn it, am I yelling medic? Stay right fucking there, (Y/N)!”
Right as you were shaken out of your own head, your eyes focusing on the two unharmed men as they yelled for you to stay put, a shell hit a tree hardly an arm’s length away from you. The burst launched you backwards, lodging shrapnel into your face and all over your body.
You let your eyes flutter closed as the screaming started.
“(Y/N)!” George bawled, witnessing the last shell of the bombardment blast the tree right next to you.
“George, get down!” Lip pushed George down into the foxhole from where he'd been peeking over to helplessly watch your unsteady advance.
George couldn't get the image of you shielding yourself at the last second out of his head. He broke free from Lipton and crawled out of his foxhole to your unmoving figure, relieved to find that you were still breathing out clouds of vapor, albeit unevenly. Your right cheek was cut and bleeding, as well as your arms, legs, torso — hell, was there anywhere you weren’t bleeding from?
He cradled your head to his, whispering that it's gonna be alright and you’re gonna be just dandy, (Y/N), even though he didn't believe those words himself. He lifted his head from yours and yelled for a medic with a hoarse voice, already scratched up from having to shout over the booming to tell Lipton that Muck and Penkala got hit.
George then realized that he had gotten extremely lucky that day; Muck and Penkala had been shelled just before he reached their foxhole, and the shell that had landed next to him and Lipton was a dud. Staring down at your bloodied form, he darkly concluded that maybe he wasn't lucky — maybe he just brought bad luck to everyone else.
Eugene seemed to materialize out of thin air at the panicked calls for a doctor and kneeled over you, ordering, “Set ‘em down, set ‘em down!” George laid you down on the icy ground, and he saw that your eyes were open now, darting around at your surroundings. You looked frightened and pained, yet when your eyes finally settled on him, you seemed somewhat at ease.
“Jesus, what did I tell you, (Y/N)?” Eugene reprimanded, but the concern in his voice was evident. He began picking out the shrapnel from your flesh, and you wailed out in agony. Ripping open a sulfa packet with his teeth, he then shook the powder onto your countless wounds.
In the back of his mind, George knew that your pained whimpers would haunt him forever if you didn't pull through, acting as the price of his "good luck".
“Told me to come back, Genie,” you smiled mirthlessly, which quickly became a wince with the gash in your cheek. The white medic band around your arm was stained the same color as the red cross on it.
Lipton was out of the foxhole at this point and assisting Eugene with bandaging your injuries. “You’ll be fine, alright? Just hang in there.”
George registered that he had only been staring, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. He intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your clammy hand, to which you weakly squeezed back.
Grimacing while he injected you with morphine, Eugene said to Lipton, “They’re bleeding bad, Sarge; we gotta get ‘em back to an aid station.”
George’s voice sounded far off from himself. “I’ll radio for a jeep.” As he did so, his hand still clutching yours, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the excruciation on your face. For some reason, he felt guilty.
Though it felt like years to him, the jeep arrived shortly, and the three of them carried you to the stretcher on the hood of the vehicle and gingerly placed you upon it.
Gazing down upon you on that stretcher, your face streaked with crimson, your hair matted with dried blood, George wanted to say, “I still find you beautiful, Bloody Mary," but for what felt like first time in his life, the words weren't there and the wiseass comment just refused to come out right.
What came tumbling out of his lips instead was, “I love you.”
Pausing, Lipton and Eugene exchanged a knowing look and watched with bated breath. Meanwhile, George wanted to smack himself for letting the adrenaline coursing through his veins get to him; this was definitely not what you wanted to hear — rejecting him should be the least of your worries right now.
To his utter disbelief, you smiled, in spite of yourself and the grim circumstances. “I love you too, George.”
Once his brain wrapped around the fact that you needed him as much as he needed you, he implored, "Come back to me, alright?” He gently caressed your cheek, his voice sounding different to himself with the undertone of desperation. “I—I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
You placed a feeble hand over his and turned to press a kiss to it. “I'm counting on it.”
The driver finally grew tired of the delay and urged them to get moving. George stepped away as Eugene hopped in the jeep’s shotgun seat to escort you back to the aid station.
Lighting a cigarette with trembling hands, George watched the jeep dissipate into the blanket of night.
Eugene let things sink in for a while; you were grateful for the time to rest as the morphine kicked in. When you arrived, though, you were awake enough to hear him ask again, a rare smirk hidden in his voice:
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop, @joetoyesbrassknuckles101, @samwinchesterslostshoe, @fxxiva
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ronsenthal · 3 months
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George Luz x Reader
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Summary: It became quite clear after all the hell you went through together from Camp Toccoa to Berchtesgaden that George Luz was something else. 
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A/N: Hello there! Dear @ithinkabouttzu, I am so happy I can finally say that I am your summer gift exchanger from the @hbowardaily summer exchange event!!!I was so excited when I learned this because I’ve been a fan of your works for quite some time so I tried to make something nice for you in return. I really hope you like it!
The endless days of chatting and the countless late hours in the night of comfortable silence between you two filled your heart with joy and hope.
With the whole weight of the world on your shoulders you felt like you didn’t have the strength to keep going, but that’s when he showed up to help you ease all the pain, to help you handle it. It was always him.
Of course now it was really easier to even begin to put into words, it was almost like all the pain and the fear you went through the whole damn war blocked your eyes so it took you some time away from the boys to realise how much you did miss them. Your hands were trembling when you reached this cream white envelope in the pile of mail that came in earlier, it has this fancy calligraphy on the front and a tiny little wax seal on top, it was an invitation addressed to everyone from Easy Company to come at the Nixon’s house for a reunion, the first one since “the split”. 
You counted the days and hours to see all the guys together, to hear their stories, to see their faces and hug the hell out of them. 
When the day came you woke up really excited, got into your fav dress and headed to the party, well, at least you expected it was indeed a party given it was Lewis Nixon as the host. After you reached the address you had to blink like ten times before your eyes adjusted to the scene. The bastard came up with a whole amusement park for everyone. 
As you took your steps towards the host you saw a bunch of familiar faces, some different ones. The war changed everyone but the post-war added some civilian clothes, different hairs and even beards.
“Hey kiddo I thought you were not coming? You never replied to my letter!!!” Nixon said with a smile on his face and a big bottle of whiskey in one hand.
“I wanted to surprise you, asshole” You said with a cheeky smile on your face and rushed to hug him tight. 
“It’s so good to see you too” he said, rubbing your back while you stayed there holding each other. 
“Where are the rest of the gang?” you asked looking around “Ronald came in? And what about Dick?” 
“I was looking for the headhead myself, he is probably having another ice cream or something. Ron sent his apologies and couldn’t make it, he was busy with some fancy army thing he said he couldn’t talk about or he would have to kill me” Nix said while rolling his eyes which made you laugh out loud.
You had so much to catch up, you looked around and saw Lipton quietly having a beer with Martin and Bull, Liebgott arguing with Webster just like the old times. At this point Nixon and Winters were just walking around like those couples in old romance books but your eyes were scanning all the faces, your heart ready to skip a beat at any moment. 
When you saw his face it was like the world got warmer, his smile sent you back in time and forward into the future and the sound of his laugh was like the most beautiful symphony to your ears. Your feet had their own mind and when you realised they were leading you to him. 
He suddenly saw you too and got up and left poor Buck talking to a tree as he started to walk towards you. 
“Hey you showed up! I was starting to worry because Nix said…” you cut him as you wrapped your arms around his torso to give George the biggest hug ever. 
The familiar smell and the way his chest went up and down had some weird calming power over your body, felt like home. But after some time you let him go just to get a hold on his arms as you two walked around and just chatted about life.
You laughed so hard when you saw Shifty walking with this huge teddy bear he got from the balloon shooting game stall and George watched your eyes glowing so he took you by the hand and dragged you to the stall. 
Poor boy was dejected after he failed almost all his 5 shots and got you only a small plush duck. It didn’t matter, the small duck meant so much to you because it came from him!
It was starting to get dark and everyone was quite drunk already when Dick called up for some announcements. He made a beautiful speech about how he was happy and proud to see everybody. It was getting too emotional when Lewis cut him off and invited everybody for the barbecue dinner he arranged. The scene was so familiar, everyone holding up a plate in a long line waiting to get some food. Martin called you both to share a table and chat a bit more.
“So how is everything back home? Anyone we should worry about and talk to?” Martin asked you with his protective tone and suddenly you felt like everyone was watching you? 
“No! No one and if there was someone you guys would be the first to know” you replied trying your best not to blush or look at George, but sometimes you felt like he could read your mind and see your heart like no one else, in that moment he covered your hand with his. 
The subject then naturally changed but his hand stayed in place for everyone to see, but the guys didn’t seem to notice even when he started to rub circles at the back of your hand. That was it, the final straw.
“Georgie, can I talk to you for a second? In private?” you said biting your lip, your heart beating faster and faster.
“Of course sweetheart” he said fastly taking the cigarette out of his mouth and putting it out in the ashtray on the table. He got up and waited for you to take his hand so you could lead the way.
The eyes of all the boys followed you with confused looks as you nervously went out dragging an even more confused George behind you.
“Is everything okay?” This time there was no confusion on his face, instead it was fear.
“No it’s not okay” You said with a trembling voice “This was a big big mistake” you continued pointing at everything around. 
“I don’t understand, what is wrong?” He sounded exasperated, curious and scared. 
“Forget it please, it’s stupid let’s go back the guys are waiting for us” 
“No I’m not going anywhere else until you tell me what is wrong, because THERE IS something wrong” he said holding your hand once more. 
This sent some kind of electricity as his fingers touched you and you froze in place. He took a step forward and you closed your eyes, shaking your head rapidly. 
“You don’t understand George, do you?”
“What is wrong? Did I say something wrong? Please tell me, you’re scaring the shit out of me sweetheart. Talk to me!” tears started to roll down your cheek and you closed your eyes even harder. 
“That’s the problem, you are the problem, you are my friend George! My fucking best friend”
“And what is wrong with that? I don’t understand it please….”
“You fucking idiot” you said wiping away the tears with the tip of your fingers “I love you!”.
You finally let out the words that were stuck in your throat for so long, eight letters that were fighting so hard to be free, that were constantly tormenting you floating around your brain and growing inside your heart, fighting to survive. 
You quietly let all the tears flow when you felt his arms wrapping your body, as always it worked its magic and calmed you down. It was almost like you could finally breathe again.
“Well now we have a problem” he said with a huge smile on his lips.
“What? Of course we have a big fucking problem George! Didn’t you just hear what I said?” you looked really confused now. 
“Yes, yes we will get there sweetie” he said laughing “But first we will have to endure the endless shit show the guys are gonna pull out the moment they learn that we are a couple, because sweetheart… I don’t even know how to say it but I love you back”
He gave you a quick kiss on your lips and started to drag you back to the table with a cheeky smile and a little wink, just for you.
And of course he was right, there were applauses, screams and whistles when you two finally emerged holding hands.
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Taglist: @mads-weasley, @footprintsinthesxnd, @sweetxvanixlla, @xxluckystrike, @malarkgirlypop, @lostloveletters, @next-autopsy, @ewipandora, @executethyself35, @easycompany123, @whollyjoly
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balladofthe101st · 3 months
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George and Buck "winning" two packs of smokes from Babe and Joe | 4x10: Replacements
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thicccqueyoongimin · 7 months
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HAPPY VALUZTINES DAY! (awful pun, sorry)
our favorite george luz on a pink background for V day, drawn for my cute friend @1waveshortofashipwreck
thanks for the idea emily!
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lovelyd0gg · 2 months
hiiiiiii beautiful, how are you feeling? Your HCs are very entertaining, so I have an idea.
How would the boys treat you if you were the only girl in the company and they were in love with you? THANK YOU!!!!!😘
Hey gorgeous, I just woke up (MORNING PERSON FRRR) I'm so happy you find them interesting<3 Of course I'd love to do that hc. Enjoy it<3
Warnings: Flirting, eyeing you up and down.
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Bull Randleman.
•He was part of the E company so all of them were men, but to be honest, he didn't really care which gender came to the army.
•But one day, Winters brought E company for a quick little meeting for a new recruit and when he saw you, oh boy.
•Some of the other men in E company were already eyeing you up and down and some whispering some catcalls to their pals.
•But Bull was a gentleman and didn't do that.
•When you all were at a bar you noticed some men in E company and Bull were throwing darts at a board
•You asked if you could join and he just smiled and nodded.
•You were really good at the game so when you hit the board really close to the bullseye, a couple of men who weren't even playing started watching.
•Bull knew that you weren't a woman someone could easily mess with. So he was proud of you and knew you were gonna fit in (despite the constant catcalling🙄)
•He counted the points and gave you back the darts.
•"Shit, Y/N. You got more points than the others."
•When the other men had their jaws on the ground Bull smiled at their reactions.
•Who knew such a small woman like you could first join the army and second, beat EVERYONE in darts (honestly-- girlboss)
•Needless to say, Bull thought you were quite pretty and he knew you would fit right in. Hopefully you'd go with the paratroopers like him.
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Eugene Roe.
•He felt a little confused when you weren't a nurse, you were a soldier, and the only female soldier in E company.
•Let's just say his head tilted at least 5 times when Winters explained to the company that you were a new recruit.
•Eugene felt disgusted that some of the men were whispering catcalls and whispering some dirty things about you, he felt that you weren't gonna last long here mentally.
•But boy was he wrong.
•Already 1 day in, he heard commotion at the darts are and he noticed you scored the highest than all of them.
•He was impressed.
•He looked down at your little frame and smiled.
•You weren't just adorable, honey.
•Later, you and him were having a chat on why you both were here and what you're gonna do when you go back home, so just a normal chat between you two.
•You both managed to get some flirting in the conversation which made you realize that both you and Eugene, weren't good at receiving flirts from each other.
•The whole time you both blushed and stuttered whenever the other said something flirty.
•You swore you could've heard him say "Mon dieu" (my god) when you flirted with him.
•But girl, you have him around your finger so don't worry about him looking at any other girls.
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George Luz.
•Unfortunately, he was part of the people who were catcalling you in whispers.
•But he was also the first to shout a catcall to you in the bar.
•You rolled your eyes and ignored him because this isn't the first time someone catcalled you.
•Well a couple days go by and Luz and you got on the same page, he was flirting with you at times but it wasn't anything serious.
•He cracked a ton of jokes with you and you both became friends!
•He was also a little confused as to why you weren't a nurse like the other women at the infirmary.
•Oh well! You're a soldier instead of a nurse, so you couldn't do anything about it! Plus, George wasn't complaining at all😏
•He had you more to himself and he was happy with that.
•I think it's safe to say, he toned down on the catcalls, since you also told him to flirt face to face and not be a wuss.
•"Whatever you say, gorgeous."
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Bill Guarnere.
•He saw you enter the barracks with a straight back and chin up, you had an emotionless expression and at first, to him, you didn't look exciting.
•But wait... Is that what he thinks it is?! BOOBS!
•When he was looking st you head to toe, he noticed your chest was more puff than the men in E company.
•So that immediately clicked his brain and he out two and two together and immediately knew you were a woman.
•Crazy right? He had to use his last two braincells for this very hard 'gender mystery'.
•When everyone was at the bar. He noticed you were at the darts board and he looked at the board of darts with his jaw open.
•"What the hell? How the fuck--?!"
•The man was too stunned to speak.
•But he noticed your ecstatic expression and immediately tthought he could beat your highest score.
•"She ain't that special. I could probably beat her."
•He didn't 😄
•But you two did chat the rest of the time, getting to know each other and stuff like that.
•So I think despite all of that, he found you a little cute. (He would never admit it though 🤭)
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Lewis Nixon.
•He didn't really mind but he did wonder why Winters would choose you to join E company or the army in general.
•As soon as you walked in, he was sizing you up, almost like he'd start a fight with you or something (smh💀💀)
•But when he got a closer look at you, he thought you'd fit in the company easily.
•He was at the bar and as usual, DRINKING!
•He heard loud gasps and "WADDAFUC" around the darts 'play area' as he called it.
•He rolled his eyes and walked over. He saw the place the darts were in and his jaw dropped.
•"Waddafuc indeed Luz!"
•He was impressed to say the least.
•You and him chatted for a while and he couldn't stop looking at your eyes for some reason.
•You asked him why he was looking at your eyes and he responded with.
•"They're gonna make me hypnotized."
•So that was something--.
•But let's just say he was... What's the word? "In love with you."
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Ronald Speirs.
•He wasn't happy.
•The army is for men and men only, and the women were for the infirmary where they could be a nurse.
•So seeing you, a female wanting to be a soldier, was actual DISBELIEF.
•But, he did take a couple more glances at you here and there and started to think that maybe he was a little too harsh on the thoughts of you and maybe he should see what you are like.
•So when he heard shouting and commotion at the board he saw you and you scored the highest.
•He'd be lying if he said he wasn't impressed.
•Then you and him had a conversation of what happened when you both had to leave for the army and your story made him intrigued.
•Well he was more intrigued by your lips moving..
•But girl, it's hard to get a guy like him in love with you. So BE HAPPY.
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Joseph Liebgott.
•Like George, he was also whispering some flirts and jokes to his friends.
•You definitely weren't ugly (YOU'RE STUNNING IRL<3) but he didn't know it you were his type.
•But he decided he didn't want to be a douchebag so he gave you a chance to fit in today.
•He saw you scored the highest points at the darts board and he laughed and smiled.
•He hit you on the back as a "good job!" Type of thing.
•Maybe you were gonna fit in after all!
•You and him then took some drinks and talked the whole night about what you wanna do in the future and where you wanna go and see.
•He was actually interested by your stories and the plans for the future!
•He did flirt with you, like a lot. But it was harmless flirting! It didn't make you uncomfortable anyway.
•He definitely found you beautiful too, you were definitely his type in the end.
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whollyjoly · 2 months
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@luztoyeweek 2024 day 2 - francis forever by mitski
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